Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-12-02 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 02/12/14 00:52, lee wrote:

snipped WoW

 Whatever ...  You should have snipped your own posts to begin with.
 Anyway, you didn't contribute anthing to what the OP said, and I don't
 find this part of the discussion worthwhile at all.
Then why are you persisting with it?

Tony van der Hoff  |
Ariège, France |

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-12-02 Thread berenger . morel

Le 28.11.2014 15:32, Rusi Mody a écrit :

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
each others'
toes across OSes.

Well... if configuration files are not both upward and downward 
compatible between different versions, which could be both major, minor, 
Ubuntuesque or googlesque (yes, I do think that Ubuntu and 
chrome/firefox version schemes are stupid) I do not see where is the 
After all, why, in the first time, do you need on the same computer 
different versions of the same software, if not for testing/development 
purposes? And in those purposes, you probably know how to change the 
default directory, right? On correct softwares, there is a command-line 
option for that, like -c, --config, or sometimes -C.

No issue for me here but...

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

Here, you know, you could be smarter. XDG directories are defined by 
environment variables. So, why not using, for example, in you .profile, 
something like this:

$cat ~/.profile

case $( grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release |cut -f2 -d'' ) in
Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid)
echo hey, I have no idea what distro this is?

But, of course, it won't work with, for example, vim, bash, and plenty 
of softwares which... DO NOT respect XDG things. Oh, and I used 
/etc/os-release, which is not always present because... it's a part of 
XDG, AFAIK. But, you can do this by grepping/sedding in some mount on 
labels or whatever trick you want to identify the system on which you 
actually are.

This is clean, and efficient. Far better that what you could achieve 
*without* XDG.

Yes, I like xdg, between other reasons because it does not impose 
things: good softwares (for example, i3) allows the user to choose, if 
he want or not to use XDG.

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-12-02 Thread berenger . morel

Le 27.11.2014 03:04, Serge a écrit :
Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there 
that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think 
standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden 
in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and 
that this is wrong. They start searching how to fix this, find 

basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, 

If only rogues can put their configuration files in a subdirectory of a 
common directory, then every application is a rogue, since all 
applications put their configuration files in the $HOME directory or any 
of it's subdirectories.

The point is that, applications using $HOME instead of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME 
does not only put their configuration there, but all their files. So, 
thanks to those ones, you will have things like: .bashrc, .bash_history, 
.dmenu_cache, .prxAEIHar (try to guess what's this file? I myself have 
no idea... reading it, it seems it's related to xosview?) etc.
Ok, now, you only want to save your configuration files. Which ones 
will you take? Or, for a reason you want to use an application which is 
not installed on your system, but in a remote file system that you can't 
access everytime. If this application puts everything in $HOME, then 
you'll have useless things on your local machine, but if it uses XDG 
directories, you can mount/bind/whatever the distant directory to a 
point in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

Another nice thing:
Imagine I use several softwares which are not pieces of an existing 
monolithic DE.
Imagine I would like to write an application to manage configuration of 
those applications I am using.
I will probably have to use the strategy design pattern[1] because 
configuration formats will differ (key=value in INI-style way, 
xml-erk-style format...) and have plug-ins to manage those formats, but 
there are quite common ways, easy to parse, like good ol' INI (like 
gftp, but you'll probably find many others lying around on your own 
computer), or ugly (my opinion) XML.
Ok, so, we sometimes have common formats, which might be used by 
several applications I use. So, maybe we could find some which shares 
common features? Like, for example, binding a shorcut to open a file 
(pretty common, right?) or move your character in an FPS game?
For this, I could ask my plug-ins to extract, in all configuration 
files of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, everything which looks like being able to 
open a file (some regexes on the key's name should do the work in many 
cases), and refer the folder's name which contains the files to identify 
which software uses it.
Then, I could ask the user if he want to define a new shortcut for some 
specified set of applications (or to all? Why not?).
Ok, then, now, the user can have a way to configure everything on his 
computer, without those applications having been written to be integrate 
in any DE. Of course, DEs can use it too, but, I made the choice to not 
use such things, because I think that there is too much bloat.

This would be harder, by far, if every application just puts things, 
sometimes in $HOME/.application, or $HOME/.application.conf, or 
$HOME/.application/config or $HOME/.application/application.config (not 
to speak about those nasty rc files!).

Last but not least, it means that one could write a library to manage 
configuration files, which could be reused, because things goes in some 
predefined places, in a predefined order. No need to learn that 
.bash_profile is read before .profile... oh, sorry, bash does not uses 
XDG dirs.

So, I can see advantages. Several ones.

I'll try to find the problems now: the application have to be made 
correctly enough to not trust the content of an environment variable, 
because it may try to trick the software, for buffer overflows, code 
injections, or less dangerous things like behavior changing depending on 
the moment, if the application re-read the environment variable.

That's all I can find.

They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG 

Well... honestly, I would not follow FHS blindlessly, obviously. 
Because, well... it does not works on Microsoft Windows, first, which is 
a widely used system, and I prefer to make things portable (so I would 
use a different mechanism on windows than on Debian to read default 
configuration files) plus, FHS is not followed in the same way 
everywhere: in *BSD, I think the softwares you will install through the 
package manager will not go into /usr/bin, but in /usr/local/bin. On 
some linux distro, it may go in /opt. How could I know? Even UNIX-style 
OSes disagree!
About other XDG standards, well... I do not have to use dbus stuff to 
know what directory I should use to store my specific user's 
configuration, right?

they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more 

Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-12-01 Thread lee
Scott Ferguson writes:

 On 29 November 2014 at 07:05, lee wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:


 On 22/11/14 20:50, lee wrote:


 you have *totally* missed the OPs point.

 BTW, since you assume that no systemd takeover

 Hyperbole much?


 the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device

What you consider exaggerated and what not is your opinion.

 what has been the outcome of the GR to support multiple
 init systems?

 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
 The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

 Huh?  Does that mean that the users are left to deal themselves with the
 problems that could arise from this?

 Other than that, the OP has a good point.  I found that every time
 something is related to the freedesktop stuff,

 Freedesktop just provides hosting. Substitute Sourceforge for
 Freedesktop and see how well your theory flies. is open source / open discussion software projects
 working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System
 desktops. The most famous X desktops are GNOME and KDE, but developers
 working on any Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate.[1]

 How does that demonstrate that the systemd project is not hosted by

Why would that be relevant?

 Did your lips get sore or did you not quote the very next paragraph
 for other reasons?


 Software hosts any on-topic software projects/quote


  it's not understandable

 at all because the documentation utterly sucks or doesn't even exist.
 It's an entirely dead end.

 Do we really need or want that?  If we need it, what for?  If we want
 it, wouldn't we be much better off using Windows?

 Please replace we with I - it gives the misleading impression you
 speak for the vast majority when you only speak for yourself.

 Please learn to read and to understand what you're reading, and you may
 find that I was asking questions.

 You could learn a lot about yourself by eating your own dog food.

 To draw a map for you, try replacing
 we with users.

 Save your crayons. I'm a Debian user. I wouldn't be better off using
 Windows. You speak only for your self, not everybody (or even a
 significant majority) and it would be presumptuous to believe
 otherwise don't you think?

Then why are you so persistently trying to say that I would be speaking
for anyone?

 Note that opposition to *the choice* of using systemd 'probably'
 constitutes less than 1% of users. Noise, repetition, and FUD doesn't:-
 ;increase that percentage
 ;give you credibility
 ;justify your bullying
 and works against those that have genuine problems with systemd.

 And why do you mention this here?

 To provide constructive advice on how to get along with a
 *community*. Not in the expectation that everyone cares. Community
 includes all sorts, including minorities that many don't want to

And what's your point?


 The appropriate, polite way to deal with things you don't like - is
 speak *once* and state your case fully when you do. It's healthy to
 express concerns - it's unhealthy, to all, when you flood forums with
 them. The means justifies the ends - and bullying doesn't end well.

 snipped example of how not to act

Whatever ...  You should have snipped your own posts to begin with.

Anyway, you didn't contribute anthing to what the OP said, and I don't
find this part of the discussion worthwhile at all.

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, November 27, 2014 8:00:05 AM UTC+5:30, Serge wrote:
 2014/11/16 Peter Nieman wrote:
  Has anyone ever wondered where all these funny directories like ~/.cache,
  ~/.config, ~/.local or even ~/Desktop (with a capital D) came from that
  appeared in Debian after upgrading to - was it Lenny? Here's an answer:
 People often misunderstand what XDG standards were created for.
 Imagine that you're writing some graphical application in those old days
 before XDG standards appeared. And you want to put a link to it to the main
 menu of your DE/WM. Where would you put it? ~/.gnome2/vfolders/applications?
 ~/.kde/share/applnk? Maybe .icewm/menu? Or all of them? What if you want
 to autostart it on login? ~/.kde/Autostart? ~/.kde/share/autostart?
 The problem arises when MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT apps need SAME files.
 So they came together and created XDG standard. It looks like:
   system-wide autostart files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/
   user-specific overrides go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/
   based on the desktop base directory specification.
   .menu files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/
   .desktop files are placed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/
   user overrides go to $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/ and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/menus
   according to the desktop base directory specification.
 and so on.
 The Base Directory Specification itself is just html page to reference,
 a base for other XDG specifications, that's why it's called base.
 As its original author said [1]:
  XDG Base Directory spec is intended for use by other specification.
  For example the XDG Menu specification and Autostart specification
  refer to the XDG Base Directory specification instead of reinventing
  their own filesystem locations / hierarchy.
 It just gives the meaning to directories, used by *other XDG standards*,
 which brought peace and clarity to the mess of desktop environments.
 Those XDG standards were created by X Desktop Group only to define
 unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop environments,
 not for some rogue applications to hide their own private files.
 Each of files placed in those directories is extensively documented
 by other XDG standards.
 Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there files,
 that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about
 standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files
 in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and think
 that this is wrong. They start searching how to fix this, find xdg
 basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
 ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, .cache...
 They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG standards,
 they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more work to find and
 migrate settings of selected application to another machine, they just
 don't want to see dotfiles.
 But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it
 to reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory.

I have a question along these lines:

Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
centrally administered.

Nowadays one person uses many machines
1. Simply multiple hardware
2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage

Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
idea to map the One-me -- Many OSes to 
One /home -- Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on 
sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these 
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on 
each others' 
toes across OSes.

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
I do this on my own machine.  The visible stuff I used to keep in my home
directory is now in a separate partition mounted on ~/Desktop.
I've noticed just one downside: cd no longer takes me to a useful place.
So I have an alias called cdd that takes me to Desktop and I'm trying to
remember to use it, and I've changed .bash_aliases to cd there as well, so
shells start in Desktop rather than the real home directory.

Other than that, I like this arrangement just fine.  My OSes can all share
the Desktop and have their own /home and ~/ directories.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:

 On Thursday, November 27, 2014 8:00:05 AM UTC+5:30, Serge wrote:
  2014/11/16 Peter Nieman wrote:
   Has anyone ever wondered where all these funny directories like
   ~/.config, ~/.local or even ~/Desktop (with a capital D) came from that
   appeared in Debian after upgrading to - was it Lenny? Here's an answer:
  People often misunderstand what XDG standards were created for.
  Imagine that you're writing some graphical application in those old days
  before XDG standards appeared. And you want to put a link to it to the
  menu of your DE/WM. Where would you put it?
  ~/.kde/share/applnk? Maybe .icewm/menu? Or all of them? What if you want
  to autostart it on login? ~/.kde/Autostart? ~/.kde/share/autostart?
  The problem arises when MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT apps need SAME files.
  So they came together and created XDG standard. It looks like:
system-wide autostart files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/
user-specific overrides go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/
based on the desktop base directory specification.
.menu files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/
.desktop files are placed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/
user overrides go to $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/ and
according to the desktop base directory specification.
  and so on.
  The Base Directory Specification itself is just html page to reference,
  a base for other XDG specifications, that's why it's called base.
  As its original author said [1]:
   XDG Base Directory spec is intended for use by other specification.
   For example the XDG Menu specification and Autostart specification
   refer to the XDG Base Directory specification instead of reinventing
   their own filesystem locations / hierarchy.
  It just gives the meaning to directories, used by *other XDG standards*,
  which brought peace and clarity to the mess of desktop environments.
  Those XDG standards were created by X Desktop Group only to define
  unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop environments,
  not for some rogue applications to hide their own private files.
  Each of files placed in those directories is extensively documented
  by other XDG standards.
  Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there files,
  that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about
  standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden
  in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and
  that this is wrong. They start searching how to fix this, find xdg
  basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
  ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, .cache...
  They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG
  they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more work to find
  migrate settings of selected application to another machine, they just
  don't want to see dotfiles.
  But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it
  to reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory.

 I have a question along these lines:

 Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
 centrally administered.

 Nowadays one person uses many machines
 1. Simply multiple hardware
 2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
 3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage

 Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
 idea to map the One-me -- Many OSes to
 One /home -- Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on
 sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)

 However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
 dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
 each others'
 toes across OSes.

 One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
 1. Have one real My-home partition
 2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
 each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

 I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
 any downsides

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-28 Thread lee
Scott Ferguson writes:

 Please don't top post.

 On 22/11/14 20:50, lee wrote:
 you have *totally* missed the OPs point.
 BTW, since you assume that no systemd takeover

 Hyperbole much?


 what has been the outcome of the GR to support multiple
 init systems?

 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
 The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

Huh?  Does that mean that the users are left to deal themselves with the
problems that could arise from this?

 Other than that, the OP has a good point.  I found that every time
 something is related to the freedesktop stuff,

 Freedesktop just provides hosting. Substitute Sourceforge for
 Freedesktop and see how well your theory flies. is open source / open discussion software projects
working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System
desktops. The most famous X desktops are GNOME and KDE, but developers
working on any Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate.[1]


  it's not understandable
 at all because the documentation utterly sucks or doesn't even exist.
 It's an entirely dead end.
 Do we really need or want that?  If we need it, what for?  If we want
 it, wouldn't we be much better off using Windows?

 Please replace we with I - it gives the misleading impression you
 speak for the vast majority when you only speak for yourself.

Please learn to read and to understand what you're reading, and you may
find that I was asking questions.  To draw a map for you, try replacing
we with users.

 Note that opposition to *the choice* of using systemd 'probably'
 constitutes less than 1% of users. Noise, repitition, and FUD doesn't:-
 ;increase that percentage
 ;give you credibility
 ;justify your bullying
 and works against those that have genuine problems with systemd.

And why do you mention this here?  Did you read the OPs post?

 The appropriate, polite way to deal with things you don't like - is
 speak *once* and state your case fully when you do. It's healthy to
 express concerns - it's unhealthy, to all, when you flood forums with
 them. The means justifies the ends - and bullying doesn't end well.

And you are the one to define for everyone what is to be considered as

 I want to know what's going on with my computer.  Freedesktop stuff
 prevents that.

 Clearly it's not a project's choice of hosting that prevents your lack
 of knowledge.

How is this relevant?

Nobody understands udev rules, 

 Again - you're incorrect, and speaking for yourself.

Show me ten Debian users who understand them.

 *I* am not the only person who understands udev rules - far from it.
 (small hint: I read the man files - my lips didn't even get sore!)

 and I'm not happy that

 Noted, many, many times - that you behave like a bad child.

Lol, are you really that stupid?

 Can we Debian Users have the list back now please?
 Feel free to continue your campaign on Debian Abusers - it'd be more
 appropriate. Don't you think.

I don't know what you're referring to.

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-28 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 29 November 2014 at 07:05, lee wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:


 On 22/11/14 20:50, lee wrote:


 you have *totally* missed the OPs point.

 BTW, since you assume that no systemd takeover

 Hyperbole much?


the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device

 what has been the outcome of the GR to support multiple
 init systems?

 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
 The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

 Huh?  Does that mean that the users are left to deal themselves with the
 problems that could arise from this?

 Other than that, the OP has a good point.  I found that every time
 something is related to the freedesktop stuff,

 Freedesktop just provides hosting. Substitute Sourceforge for
 Freedesktop and see how well your theory flies. is open source / open discussion software projects
 working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System
 desktops. The most famous X desktops are GNOME and KDE, but developers
 working on any Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate.[1]

How does that demonstrate that the systemd project is not hosted by

Did your lips get sore or did you not quote the very next paragraph
for other reasons?

Software hosts any on-topic software projects/quote


  it's not understandable

 at all because the documentation utterly sucks or doesn't even exist.
 It's an entirely dead end.

 Do we really need or want that?  If we need it, what for?  If we want
 it, wouldn't we be much better off using Windows?

 Please replace we with I - it gives the misleading impression you
 speak for the vast majority when you only speak for yourself.

 Please learn to read and to understand what you're reading, and you may
 find that I was asking questions.

You could learn a lot about yourself by eating your own dog food.

 To draw a map for you, try replacing
 we with users.

Save your crayons. I'm a Debian user. I wouldn't be better off using
Windows. You speak only for your self, not everybody (or even a
significant majority) and it would be presumptuous to believe
otherwise don't you think?

 Note that opposition to *the choice* of using systemd 'probably'
 constitutes less than 1% of users. Noise, repetition, and FUD doesn't:-
 ;increase that percentage
 ;give you credibility
 ;justify your bullying
 and works against those that have genuine problems with systemd.

 And why do you mention this here?

To provide constructive advice on how to get along with a
*community*. Not in the expectation that everyone cares. Community
includes all sorts, including minorities that many don't want to


 The appropriate, polite way to deal with things you don't like - is
 speak *once* and state your case fully when you do. It's healthy to
 express concerns - it's unhealthy, to all, when you flood forums with
 them. The means justifies the ends - and bullying doesn't end well.

snipped example of how not to act

Kind regards

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-28 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 7:37 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 29 November 2014 at 07:05, lee wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:
 Other than that, the OP has a good point.  I found that every time
 something is related to the freedesktop stuff,

 Freedesktop just provides hosting. Substitute Sourceforge for
 Freedesktop and see how well your theory flies. is open source / open discussion software projects
 working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System
 desktops. The most famous X desktops are GNOME and KDE, but developers
 working on any Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate.[1]

 How does that demonstrate that the systemd project is not hosted by

 Did your lips get sore or did you not quote the very next paragraph
 for other reasons?

 Software hosts any on-topic software projects/quote


Well, as long as we are going to look for things to quote on their
front page, let's quote the whole front page:


Welcome to is open source / open discussion software projects
working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System
desktops. The most famous X desktops are GNOME and KDE, but developers
working on any Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate. is building a base platform for desktop software on
Linux and UNIX. The elements of this platform have become the backend
for higher-level application-visible APIs such as Qt, GTK+, XUL, VCL,
WINE, GNOME, and KDE. The base platform is both software and

Software hosts any on-topic software projects. If you have a
project that fits into our mission and needs hosting, please make a
request using our bugzilla. Mailing lists about freedesktop software
are hosted here.

Standards is not a formal standards organization, though some
see a need for one that covers some of the areas we are working on.
For Linux operating system standards, look at the Linux Standard Base
project. The X.Org Foundation and the IETF are other groups that do
formal standards. The Free Standards Group is one group that publishes
de jure standards for free software; is loosely
affiliated with the FSG.

Unlike a standards organization, is a collaboration
zone where ideas and code are tossed around, and de facto
specifications are encouraged. The primary entry to these discussions
is the xdg mailing list.

Getting Involved

You can get involved in a number of ways. See the MissionStatement for
our principle activities. See GettingInvolved for concrete suggestions
on how you can contribute. See AccountRequests for information on how
to obtain commit access to a project. See NewProject for how to start
a new project.

Contacting freedesktop

If you have any comments or questions about this site please send a
message to the xdg list.


The servers are generously hosted by Portland State
University. Intel, HP and Google have sponsored the servers themselves
and Collabora are sponsoring sysadmin time.

This wiki is undergoing conversion. If you have a fd.o shell account,
you can help!

Last edited Fri 17 May 2013 10:20:57 PM PDT



I have sometimes confused myself by going to when I
meant to go to But I don't think that could be the
cause of the confusion.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well.

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread seeker5528

On 11/28/2014 6:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:

I have a question along these lines:

Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
centrally administered.

Nowadays one person uses many machines
1. Simply multiple hardware
2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage

Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
idea to map the One-me -- Many OSes to
One /home -- Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on
sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
each others'
toes across OSes.

XDG is not relevant to that.

Database formats change. Software that use databases change formatting 
of information they store.

 Configuration options/formats change.

Software developers usually only plan for the upgrading of these things. 
If they do  plan for downgrades

 it would normally only be for rare special circumstances.

The Debian packaging system lets you downgrade packages, but there is a 
disclaimer for the same reason.

Allowing older versions of software access to newer databases, 
configuration files, etc... can get ugly.

Allowing older and newer the same increases the risk.

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

Depends on what you consider a down side.

Chrome and Firefox have solutions for bookmarks...

Assuming you don't just use webmail, and your email provider supports 
it, there is imap for email.

Pictures, music, etc... can all be kept on another partition, creating 
symlinks in your home directory
within each installation in place of the real Documents, Pictures, 
etc... that would normally be there.

As root you can do something like:

|groupadd sharedusers -g 2000

:to create a group in each installation:

|chown -R :sharedusers /location/of/shared/directory

:in one of the installations to change the group ownership of the 
directory where you put your pictures,

documents, etc... note the ':' before the group name.

To change group permissions on the shared files/directories you can do 
something like:

chmod -R g+rwX

:note capital X, execute/search only if the file is a directory or 
already has execute permission for some user.

Later, Seeker

Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-27 Thread Mart van de Wege
Buntunub writes:

 Wow, its Lawyer time!  Or so one would think reading through this thread.

 Is this what the Debian community has devolved to? Quibbling over
 technicalities of the Debian Constitution? Sure gives a lot of weight to Mr.
 Hess's departing words. That document has turned into a poison pill for this

 If we want to talk about Systemd, then talk about Systemd - its technical
 merits vs. it's cons, etc.. Leave the Lawyering to the Lawyers.

Sorry, no can do. Whenever a resolution by a project is taken with less
than consensus, and the losing party is determined to make an ass out of
themselves by being a very vocal obstructive minority, you will get
lawyering if you have *any* rules at all.

The problem is that some persons decided to use the Constitution in a
toxic manner, not the Constitution itself. This is not a unique problem
to Debian, and short of just shooting all opposition essentially


We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes.
--- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-27 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 02:55:49PM -0700, Buntunub wrote:
 Is this what the Debian community has devolved to?

Sadly, debian-user has long failed to represent the Debian community at-large,
and things are only getting worse.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-27 Thread Joel Rees
On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 02:55:49PM -0700, Buntunub wrote:
 Is this what the Debian community has devolved to?

 Sadly, debian-user has long failed to represent the Debian community at-large,
 and things are only getting worse.

Statistically speaking, we can't help but have a biased sample unless
the ordinary user decides to take an interest in the problems others
have. Without that interest, they don't participate here, and that's
the reason the sample is biased.

But it would even help reduce the arguing if the ordinary user would
just take an interest in writing code.

Historically speaking, though, I don't think it's getting worse.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-26 Thread Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Le lundi, 24 novembre 2014, 08.02:44 Marty a écrit :
 On 11/24/2014 02:14 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
  Le dimanche, 23 novembre 2014, 18.09:58 Marty a écrit :
  Did I miss something?
  Option 1: init policy stands *won by default* [1]
  Option 2: change init policy *LOST*
  Option 3: ask nicely to follow init policy *lost*
  Option 4: policy stands, no statement needed *WON*
  Option 5: null option, further discussion *won by default*
  [1] depending on bug status of package dependence on PID 1, so
  this is the real issue
  Iff you're using the same option numbers as those on the ballot,
  that's a totally wrong reading of the GR results, IMHO.
  Option 4 won all pairwise duels against all other options, and as
  such, is the winning option. All other options besides 5 (FD) won
  their pairwise duels against FD. Saying that Option 1 (…) won by
  default is factually wrong. It's summary was not init policy
  stands either.
 This is only my interpretation as an armchair observer, also in the US
 called Monday morning quarterback.
 It was a policy vote.

No; absolutely not; it was a General Resolution. Debian doesn't have 
policy votes (the Debian Policy updating process is based on consensus 
evaluation through Policy amendments seconding, see the debian-policy 

 The only results that matter are their effect on Debian Policy,
 right? The rest is academic.

That's IMHO a completely biased way to look at this GR and its results: 
especially when one message carried by the winning option is we should 
not use GRs to set technical policy.

I invite you to go read Russ Allbery's interpretation for a good reading 
of the results.

 The vote invoked a clause in the TC init decision to allow modifying
 or overturning the policy set by the TC init decision

Wrong: only some options on the ballot did invoke that clause, the 
winning option didn't, for example.

 Option 1 only restates or clarifies the existing init policy, 9.11,
 which is designed to preserve init system choices and prevent the kind
 of problems posed by systemd:

9.11 is not designed to preserve init system choices, at all. It was 
designed to preserve a Debian archive working with the default init at 
the time, nothing more. Putting some was designed to prevent problems 
posed by systemd in this Policy chapter's intentions, at the very 
least, misleading.

 (…) so Option 1 was a non-controversial interpretation of Debian
 Policy (as I read the -vote discussion). 

I don't _at_all_ read the -vote discussion that way. Option 1 was 
considered highly problematic because (amongst other problems) it was 
creating a _new_ technical requirement through GR.

 Option 1 therefore wins by default, especially if the (apparent)
 consensus about init coupling being a bug is affirmed in practice.

I don't understand how you can reach this conclusion. Option 1 was the 
least preferred amongst non-FD options.


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-26 Thread The Wanderer
On 11/26/2014 at 08:50 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

 Le lundi, 24 novembre 2014, 08.02:44 Marty a écrit :
 On 11/24/2014 02:14 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

 The vote invoked a clause in the TC init decision to allow
 modifying or overturning the policy set by the TC init decision
 Wrong: only some options on the ballot did invoke that clause, the
 winning option didn't, for example.

But without the options which did, would there have been any point in
the vote's taking place at all?

I think this one was a fair characterization of the GR proposal, and
thus the vote on it, as a whole.

 Option 1 only restates or clarifies the existing init policy,
 9.11, which is designed to preserve init system choices and prevent
 the kind of problems posed by systemd:
 9.11 is not designed to preserve init system choices, at all. It was
 designed to preserve a Debian archive working with the default init
 at the time, nothing more.

While this may be true...

 Putting some was designed to prevent problems posed by systemd in
 this Policy chapter's intentions, at the very least, misleading.

...this is, itself, misleading.

He did not say that the policy was designed to prevent problems posed
by systemd.

He said the policy was designed to prevent the kind of problems posed
by systemd - or, to paraphrase, that A: it was designed to prevent
problems of a certain kind, and B: systemd poses problems of that kind.

Whether or not he's wrong about what the policy was designed to do, to
assert that he's asserting that the policy was designed to oppose
systemd (which is the sense I infer from your comment) would simply be
putting words in his mouth.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-26 Thread Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Le mercredi, 26 novembre 2014, 09.21:00 The Wanderer a écrit :
 On 11/26/2014 at 08:50 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
  Le lundi, 24 novembre 2014, 08.02:44 Marty a écrit :
  On 11/24/2014 02:14 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
  The vote invoked a clause in the TC init decision to allow
  modifying or overturning the policy set by the TC init decision
  Wrong: only some options on the ballot did invoke that clause, the
  winning option didn't, for example.
 But without the options which did, would there have been any point in
 the vote's taking place at all?

That's kind of what the winning option said: no, there was no point in 
having the vote in the first place, our existing procedures are working 
just fine. (+ we don't want to be setting Technical Policy through 

  Option 1 only restates or clarifies the existing init policy,
  9.11, which is designed to preserve init system choices and prevent
  the kind of problems posed by systemd:
  9.11 is not designed to preserve init system choices, at all. It was
  designed to preserve a Debian archive working with the default init
  at the time, nothing more.
 While this may be true...
  Putting some was designed to prevent problems posed by systemd in
  this Policy chapter's intentions, at the very least, misleading.
 ...this is, itself, misleading.

Indeed, sorry for the copy-paste typo.

I'm saying that §9.11 was not designed for anything else than ensuring 
that the Debian archive would keep working with the default init system 
of the time, nothing more. Reading between its lines to try convincing 
readers that it was designed to preserve init system choices and 
prevent the kind of problems posed by systemd is dishonest, IMHO. Feel 
free to go ask the policy editors if you disagree.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-26 Thread Buntunub
Wow, its Lawyer time!  Or so one would think reading through this thread.

Is this what the Debian community has devolved to? Quibbling over
technicalities of the Debian Constitution? Sure gives a lot of weight to Mr.
Hess's departing words. That document has turned into a poison pill for this

If we want to talk about Systemd, then talk about Systemd - its technical
merits vs. it's cons, etc.. Leave the Lawyering to the Lawyers.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Debian User mailing list archive at

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XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-26 Thread Serge
2014/11/16 Peter Nieman wrote:
 Has anyone ever wondered where all these funny directories like ~/.cache,
 ~/.config, ~/.local or even ~/Desktop (with a capital D) came from that
 appeared in Debian after upgrading to - was it Lenny? Here's an answer:

People often misunderstand what XDG standards were created for.

Imagine that you're writing some graphical application in those old days
before XDG standards appeared. And you want to put a link to it to the main
menu of your DE/WM. Where would you put it? ~/.gnome2/vfolders/applications?
~/.kde/share/applnk? Maybe .icewm/menu? Or all of them? What if you want
to autostart it on login? ~/.kde/Autostart? ~/.kde/share/autostart?

The problem arises when MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT apps need SAME files.
So they came together and created XDG standard. It looks like:
  system-wide autostart files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/
  user-specific overrides go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/
  based on the desktop base directory specification.
  .menu files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/
  .desktop files are placed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/
  user overrides go to $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/ and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/menus
  according to the desktop base directory specification.
and so on.

The Base Directory Specification itself is just html page to reference,
a base for other XDG specifications, that's why it's called base.
As its original author said [1]:
 XDG Base Directory spec is intended for use by other specification.
 For example the XDG Menu specification and Autostart specification
 refer to the XDG Base Directory specification instead of reinventing
 their own filesystem locations / hierarchy.
It just gives the meaning to directories, used by *other XDG standards*,
which brought peace and clarity to the mess of desktop environments.

Those XDG standards were created by X Desktop Group only to define
unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop environments,
not for some rogue applications to hide their own private files.
Each of files placed in those directories is extensively documented
by other XDG standards.

Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there files,
that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about
standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files
in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and think
that this is wrong. They start searching how to fix this, find xdg
basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, .cache...
They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG standards,
they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more work to find and
migrate settings of selected application to another machine, they just
don't want to see dotfiles.

But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it
to reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory.


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-26 Thread Marty

On 11/26/2014 10:02 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

I'm saying that §9.11 was not designed for anything else than ensuring
that the Debian archive would keep working with the default init system
of the time, nothing more.

Except for its actual purpose, ensuring a choice of Alternate init

  Reading between its lines to try convincing

readers that it was designed to preserve init system choices

That's what alternate means. You can choose.


prevent the kind of problems posed by systemd

systemd has raised all these problems.

  is dishonest, IMHO. Feel

free to go ask the policy editors if you disagree.

No need, the policy is clear.



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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-26 Thread seeker5528

On 11/26/2014 6:04 PM, Serge wrote:
Those XDG standards were created by X Desktop Group only to define 
unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop 
environments, not for some rogue applications to hide their own 
private files. Each of files placed in those directories is 
extensively documented by other XDG standards. Later some people 
started to abuse those directories and put there files, that never 
supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about standards 
or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files in 
their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and 
think that this is wrong. They start searching how to fix this, 
find xdg basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname 
files, to ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, 
.local, .cache... They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS 
or other XDG standards, they don't care about people who have to do 
2-4 times more work to find and migrate settings of selected 
application to another machine, they just don't want to see dotfiles. 
But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it to 
reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory. [1] 

 Are you saying you think it's a bad thing that .config files got moved 
in to a .config directory instead of multiple other locations?

The /etc/xdg location would be for the defaults, not the user specific 
stuff. Looking at /etc/xdg it does appear it could be used more.

It's not 2010 anymore so specs are adhered to better than they were when was posted, at 
least for the user specific stuff, .config, .local, etc

Later, Seeker

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-24 Thread Marty

On 11/24/2014 02:14 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

Le dimanche, 23 novembre 2014, 18.09:58 Marty a écrit :

Did I miss something?


Option 1: init policy stands *won by default* [1]
Option 2: change init policy *LOST*
Option 3: ask nicely to follow init policy *lost*
Option 4: policy stands, no statement needed *WON*
Option 5: null option, further discussion *won by default*

[1] depending on bug status of package dependence on PID 1, so maybe
this is the real issue

Iff you're using the same option numbers as those on the ballot, that's
a totally wrong reading of the GR results, IMHO.

Option 4 won all pairwise duels against all other options, and as such,
is the winning option. All other options besides 5 (FD) won their
pairwise duels against FD. Saying that Option 1 (…) won by default is
factually wrong. It's summary was not init policy stands either.


This is only my interpretation as an armchair observer, also in the US
called Monday morning quarterback.

It was a policy vote. The only results that matter are their effect
on Debian Policy, right? The rest is academic.

The vote invoked a clause in the TC init decision to allow modifying or
overturning the policy set by the TC init decision, in anticipation of
confusion or disagreement over its effect.

Option 1 only restates or clarifies the existing init policy, 9.11,
which is designed to preserve init system choices and prevent the kind
of problems posed by systemd:

However, any package integrating with other init systems must also be
backwards-compatible with sysvinit ...

So that leaves only the PID 1 question (hence my footnote). Note,
however, that there is no reasonable way to claim that any package that
only works with systemd as PID 1 could be regarded as backwards
compatible with sysvinit, so Option 1 was a non-controversial
interpretation of Debian Policy (as I read the -vote discussion).
The only (or main) issue was only that it should be put to a vote,
or at least put to a vote in this way, hence Option 4 was included.

Option 4 states that the policy is fine and no restatement about PID 1
is needed. It does not say Option 1 is the wrong interpretation of
policy. Only Option 2 overturns policy, by negating Option 1. Option 4
indirectly negates Option 2 and does not say anything about any other

Option 1 therefore wins by default, especially if the (apparent)
consensus about init coupling being a bug is affirmed in practice.
The project seems to be saying that the issue should be resolved case
by case and not be subject to a blanket rule, which seems reasonable
to me. The vote also explains why the GR was rejected the first time

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 24 nov 14, 08:02:44, Marty wrote:
 It was a policy vote. The only results that matter are their effect
 on Debian Policy, right? The rest is academic.
 The vote invoked a clause in the TC init decision to allow modifying or
 overturning the policy set by the TC init decision, in anticipation of
 confusion or disagreement over its effect.
 Option 1 only restates or clarifies the existing init policy, 9.11,
 which is designed to preserve init system choices and prevent the kind
 of problems posed by systemd:
 However, any package integrating with other init systems must also be
 backwards-compatible with sysvinit ...
I think you're missing a perhaps crucial point: the Debian Policy has 
not been updated yet to account for systemd being default, it still 
assumes sysvinit as default.

See #591791, fixed in Policy, uploaded on 18 Sep 2012.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-24 Thread Marty

On 11/24/2014 04:16 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Lu, 24 nov 14, 08:02:44, Marty wrote:

It was a policy vote. The only results that matter are their effect
on Debian Policy, right? The rest is academic.

The vote invoked a clause in the TC init decision to allow modifying or
overturning the policy set by the TC init decision, in anticipation of
confusion or disagreement over its effect.

Option 1 only restates or clarifies the existing init policy, 9.11,
which is designed to preserve init system choices and prevent the kind
of problems posed by systemd:

However, any package integrating with other init systems must also be
backwards-compatible with sysvinit ...

I think you're missing a perhaps crucial point: the Debian Policy has
not been updated yet to account for systemd being default, it still
assumes sysvinit as default.

See #591791, fixed in Policy, uploaded on 18 Sep 2012.

Kind regards,

I read a good bit of it.  he first thing I notice is that it didn't
take 9 months to update the policy. Maybe I missed your point.

It looks like a successful application of policy that reinforces my
interpretation, this message in particular:

Just to be sure I rechecked 9.11, and it doesn't mention default init,
so why would it be changed? What system besides sysvinit could provide
backwards compatibility to serve the purpose of 9.11?

In the TC discussion of bug #727708 there is talk (on the pro-systemd
side) of hoping to change the policy changing in the future, after
Jessie, but it was clearly not the issue under debate.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Curt
On 2014-11-22, Scott Ferguson wrote:

 What next?
 Shall we debate gravity or other pointless exercises[*1] (unless the
 Debian User list has become a school for aspiring sophists)?

I've always been against gravity and am amazed it ever got off
the ground.

Who's Sophie?

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/11/14 22:13, Curt wrote:
 On 2014-11-22, Scott Ferguson wrote:

 What next?
 Shall we debate gravity or other pointless exercises[*1] (unless the
 Debian User list has become a school for aspiring sophists)?

 I've always been against gravity and am amazed it ever got off
 the ground.

I debate that!

This is one of many  problems with the human constitution.

Do you understand the Constitution?
No one does - am I right or am I right? I'm right (you're left - you
pinko, orangey. Don't take that the wrong way...)

Constitution is a woody word. So is Defenestration. Denialists say
that causation is not consumption - but I say where's the evidence?.
[Obscure Wheezy pun]

 Who's Sophie?

My *server* has always worked just fine without her, and lot's of people
say she works for the NSE.

I've heard she abuses small animals - but it all fairness I wanna extend
the opportunity for her to provide conclusive evidence that it ain't so.

Note: We sent a letter to Sophie (I asked my secretary to write one as I
speak - indicated by head nod) - but she hasn't responded. Make of
*that* what you will (you social progressive type would - tell me I'm
not wrong)

Makes sense to me, let's ask an average salt of the earth[*1] reader

[returning you now to the regular Debian User list]

[*1 mmmhmm Salted earth - good thingy.

Your sensationally, Glenn Beck (channelling Duane Gish via Shirley McLaine)

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 10:47:51PM +0100, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:43:01 +1100
 Scott Ferguson wrote:
  On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
   On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
   Scott Ferguson wrote:
   It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
   The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.
   Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...
  Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
  acknowledge the view of Debian.
  The Constitution might need to be rewritten, to support your POW. While
 Debian always have been a meritocracy, the constitution have its load of
 weasel words, that implies the opposite. 

weasel words ??

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Curt
On 2014-11-23, Chris Bannister wrote:

 weasel words ??

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Marty

On 11/22/2014 06:43 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...

Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
acknowledge the view of Debian.

Did I miss something?

Option 1: init policy stands *won by default* [1]
Option 2: change init policy *LOST*
Option 3: ask nicely to follow init policy *lost*
Option 4: policy stands, no statement needed *WON*
Option 5: null option, further discussion *won by default*

[1] depending on bug status of package dependence on PID 1, so maybe
this is the real issue

The good new is there's an explanation for those that can't read:-



Kind regards

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Miles Fidelman

Marty wrote:

On 11/22/2014 06:43 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian 

Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...

Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
acknowledge the view of Debian.

Did I miss something?

Option 1: init policy stands *won by default* [1]
Option 2: change init policy *LOST*
Option 3: ask nicely to follow init policy *lost*
Option 4: policy stands, no statement needed *WON*
Option 5: null option, further discussion *won by default*

[1] depending on bug status of package dependence on PID 1, so maybe
this is the real issue

Well... maybe a commitment on the part of the debootstrap maintainers to 
apply  test the existing contributed patch that fixes but #668001, 
sometime real soon after Jessie is released would go a LONG way to 
putting a lot of these issues to rest.

That way, it would be straightforward to preseed a sysvinit based 
install, and maybe everything will just work, or at least we'd have a 
basis for starting to work through the bugs associated with a clean 
sysvinit install that doesn't involve rolling your own version of a 
patched installer.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Ric Moore

On 11/23/2014 11:16 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 10:47:51PM +0100, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:

On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:43:01 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...

Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
acknowledge the view of Debian.

  The Constitution might need to be rewritten, to support your POW. While
Debian always have been a meritocracy, the constitution have its load of
weasel words, that implies the opposite.

weasel words ??

That's French for words of a weasel. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Marty

On 11/23/2014 06:48 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Marty wrote:

On 11/22/2014 06:43 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian

Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...

Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
acknowledge the view of Debian.

Did I miss something?

Option 1: init policy stands *won by default* [1]
Option 2: change init policy *LOST*
Option 3: ask nicely to follow init policy *lost*
Option 4: policy stands, no statement needed *WON*
Option 5: null option, further discussion *won by default*

[1] depending on bug status of package dependence on PID 1, so maybe
this is the real issue

Well... maybe a commitment on the part of the debootstrap maintainers to
apply  test the existing contributed patch that fixes but #668001,
sometime real soon after Jessie is released would go a LONG way to
putting a lot of these issues to rest.

That way, it would be straightforward to preseed a sysvinit based
install, and maybe everything will just work, or at least we'd have a
basis for starting to work through the bugs associated with a clean
sysvinit install that doesn't involve rolling your own version of a
patched installer.

Miles Fidelman

Or just use a testing version of the installer, and then there's the
Jessie-ignore wild card, which was agreed to be liberally applied
because none nobody wants to play lawyer. In the end I guess the issue
is put to rest if policy is allowed to stand through Jessie+1 freeze,
and overturning takes two thirds majority if I understand correctly.

As things stand multi-init support looks good and the best way for
systemd opponents to be their own worst enemy is to buy into the
notion that their side has lost.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-23 Thread Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Le dimanche, 23 novembre 2014, 18.09:58 Marty a écrit :
 Did I miss something?

 Option 1: init policy stands *won by default* [1]
 Option 2: change init policy *LOST*
 Option 3: ask nicely to follow init policy *lost*
 Option 4: policy stands, no statement needed *WON*
 Option 5: null option, further discussion *won by default*
 [1] depending on bug status of package dependence on PID 1, so maybe
 this is the real issue

Iff you're using the same option numbers as those on the ballot, that's 
a totally wrong reading of the GR results, IMHO.

Option 4 won all pairwise duels against all other options, and as such, 
is the winning option. All other options besides 5 (FD) won their 
pairwise duels against FD. Saying that Option 1 (…) won by default is 
factually wrong. It's summary was not init policy stands either.


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread lee


you have *totally* missed the OPs point.

BTW, since you assume that no systemd takeover will happen (despite it
already has), what has been the outcome of the GR to support multiple
init systems?

Other than that, the OP has a good point.  I found that every time
something is related to the freedesktop stuff, it's not understandable
at all because the documentation utterly sucks or doesn't even exist.
It's an entirely dead end.

Do we really need or want that?  If we need it, what for?  If we want
it, wouldn't we be much better off using Windows?

I want to know what's going on with my computer.  Freedesktop stuff
prevents that.  Nobody understands udev rules, and I'm not happy that
installing emacs-nox (on a server) pulls in dbus.

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud writes:

 Le dimanche, 16 novembre 2014, 16.36:42 Peter Nieman a écrit :
 Preventing the systemd takeover is certainly important, but it won't
 be enough to reverse the trend, I fear.

 None of the talking on debian-user about meta, conceptual or 
 generic systemd issues will allow a systemd takeover in Debian; 


 The Debian Technical Committee was asked to resolve a dispute of 
 overlapping jurisdictions by deciding (in agreement with the Debian 
 Constitution) which init system would be default for the Jessie release. 
 It decided to put 'systemd' on the ballot and the outcome of the vote 
 was 'systemd'. The TC included a possibility to override this decision 
 with an exceptional '1:1' majority requirement. The Developers' body 
 which could have overriden this decision, hasn't done so, at all (a GR 
 to do so was not even proposed). That decision of the Debian TC is 
 therefore 'in force' for the whole Debian project.

 You might very well be unhappy with this situation, the way the decision 
 was taken, the way it wasn't challenged by the DDs, the fact that no 
 conditions were posed to systemd maintainers, or anything else, that's 
 totally fine. Please just be aware that repeating your unhappiness ad 
 nauseam will not change that fact.

 In fact, I'm quite sure that the 'meta' discussions about systemd on 
 debian-user are seriously annoying to a lot of subscribers and to a lot 
 of developers too. This, because what should be done now is not 
 arguying endlessly, but making Jessie the best Debian release ever 
 (given the TC decision) through making Jessie work as best as possible 
 with systemd as init, through making Jessie work as best as possible 
 with sysvinit as init and doing _actual testing_ of Debian Jessie, in 
 real use-cases. Screaming and whining about supposed issues with Jessie 
 without testing it is unproductive, noisy and unfair to the developers.

 You might not have noticed, but making points on debian-user against 
 systemd-in-general or systemd-as-adopted-by-Debian is not making a case 
 for a systemd-less Debian (much the contrary), it is not either making a 
 case for a revert of the TC decision (much the contrary). The only way 
 to make a case for a systemd-less Debian is to _do_it_ !

 In general, debian-user is not the right venue for complaints about 
 Debian decisions; the continuation of the debian-user hijack by these 
 discussions is a disgrace to this list; please stop. Seriously.


Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
Please don't top post.

On 22/11/14 20:50, lee wrote:
 you have *totally* missed the OPs point.
 BTW, since you assume that no systemd takeover

Hyperbole much?

 will happen (despite it
 already has), 

 what has been the outcome of the GR to support multiple
 init systems?

It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

 Other than that, the OP has a good point.  I found that every time
 something is related to the freedesktop stuff,

Freedesktop just provides hosting. Substitute Sourceforge for
Freedesktop and see how well your theory flies.

  it's not understandable
 at all because the documentation utterly sucks or doesn't even exist.
 It's an entirely dead end.
 Do we really need or want that?  If we need it, what for?  If we want
 it, wouldn't we be much better off using Windows?

Please replace we with I - it gives the misleading impression you
speak for the vast majority when you only speak for yourself.
Note that opposition to *the choice* of using systemd 'probably'
constitutes less than 1% of users. Noise, repitition, and FUD doesn't:-
;increase that percentage
;give you credibility
;justify your bullying
and works against those that have genuine problems with systemd.

The appropriate, polite way to deal with things you don't like - is
speak *once* and state your case fully when you do. It's healthy to
express concerns - it's unhealthy, to all, when you flood forums with
them. The means justifies the ends - and bullying doesn't end well.

 I want to know what's going on with my computer.  Freedesktop stuff
 prevents that.

Clearly it's not a project's choice of hosting that prevents your lack
of knowledge.

Nobody understands udev rules, 

Again - you're incorrect, and speaking for yourself.

*I* am not the only person who understands udev rules - far from it.
(small hint: I read the man files - my lips didn't even get sore!)

 and I'm not happy that

Noted, many, many times - that you behave like a bad child.

Can we Debian Users have the list back now please?
Feel free to continue your campaign on Debian Abusers - it'd be more
appropriate. Don't you think.


idealist zealots - those that would burn the planet to save their backyard

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Ron
On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
 The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...
  Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want
 and deserve to get it good and hard.
  --H.L. Mencken

   -- --

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Miles Fidelman

flame resistant underwear on

Scott Ferguson wrote:

It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

This whole bit about developers are not being forced to do what they 
don't want and developers will work it out themselves is starting to 
get on my nerves...

1. Debian developers, for the most part, are not real developers in 
any imaginable sense of the word -- they're packagers, which bears 
precious little resemblance to software development.  A few are serious 
integrators - worrying about the overall integrity of Debian as a 
system.  A small few actually develop real code, unique to Debian - 
notably the installer and apt (one less with the departure of Joey Hess 
- a serious loss to the project).  By and large, the real heavy lifting 
for any distro is done by real developers  all those kernel and 
upstream folks that the Debian Developers package.

2. What real developers have to say:

Upstream software vendors are fully dependent on downstream 
distributions to package their stuff. It's the downstream distribution 
that decides on schedules, packaging details, and how to handle support. 
Often upstream vendors want much faster release cycles then the 
downstream distributions follow.
(Lennart Poettering,

Chef to Debian: Please stop packaging us
I don't care about distros

3. And some good comments found while researching alternate packaging 
Thread: Guix: A New Package Manager  GNU Distribution
This is a problem that should be solved by getting all the distro devs 
in a room and not letting them out until they find a proper solution to 
the problem.

You'd have better luck herding cats.
Cats are difficult felines sometimes, but they end learning how to live 
at the same place. Those developers are like doing the same to a bunch 
of religious fanaticals, they'll end killing each other.

But distribution developers are full of massively developed egos, 
fanaticism and hidden commercial interests.

Although not half as much as distro *fans*


Please replace we with I - it gives the misleading impression you
speak for the vast majority when you only speak for yourself.
Note that opposition to *the choice* of using systemd 'probably'
constitutes less than 1% of users. Noise, repitition, and FUD doesn't:-
;increase that percentage
;give you credibility
;justify your bullying
and works against those that have genuine problems with systemd.

The appropriate, polite way to deal with things you don't like - is
speak *once* and state your case fully when you do. It's healthy to
express concerns - it's unhealthy, to all, when you flood forums with
them. The means justifies the ends - and bullying doesn't end well.

see above.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
 Scott Ferguson wrote:
 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
 The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.
 Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...

Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
acknowledge the view of Debian.

The good new is there's an explanation for those that can't read:-


Kind regards

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Ron
On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:43:01 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

  It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
  The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.  
  Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...  
 Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
 acknowledge the view of Debian.

No, simply refuse to acknowledge _your_ view of Debian.
   Les lois de notre pays permettent aux romanciers
 de proposer en exemple tous les crimes de leurs personages,
 mais non point le détail de leurs voluptés, tant le massacre
 est aux yeux du législateur un moindre péché que le plaisir.
  -- Pierre Louÿs

   -- --

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
Dear sockpuppet - I'm surprised you're still around, I heard your bridge
fell on you. [saddened]

On 22/11/14 23:22, Gregory Smith wrote:
 Social progressives won. 

And that's a bad thing? I'm guessing you'd prefer social regressives
(the anti-social) won.

 On 11/22/14, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
 Scott Ferguson wrote:

 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
 The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.

 Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...

 Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
 acknowledge the view of Debian.

 The good new is there's an explanation for those that can't read:-


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Martin Read

On 22/11/14 09:50, lee wrote:

Nobody understands udev rules,

Challenge accepted.

*looks at /etc/udev/rules.d* *looks at /lib/udev/rules.d*

I'm honestly baffled that someone who is capable of comfortably using 
emacs thinks these files are incomprehensible. They appear to be written 
in a domain-specific declarative language with a fairly straightforward 

*runs man 7 udev*

Yup. Pretty straightforward. Some highly-commented example files would 
be *nice*, but I don't see anything particularly intimidating in there.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Miles Fidelman

Martin Read wrote:

On 22/11/14 09:50, lee wrote:

Nobody understands udev rules,

Challenge accepted.

*looks at /etc/udev/rules.d* *looks at /lib/udev/rules.d*

I'm honestly baffled that someone who is capable of comfortably using 
emacs thinks these files are incomprehensible. They appear to be 
written in a domain-specific declarative language with a fairly 
straightforward syntax.

*runs man 7 udev*

Yup. Pretty straightforward. Some highly-commented example files would 
be *nice*, but I don't see anything particularly intimidating in there.

They are pretty cryptic, compared to say, /etc/udev/interfaces.  And 
complicated by the fact that one rarely has to look at udev rules, 
except in first setting up a system, or at zero-dark-thirty, when 
something breaks.

I offer the all-nighter I pulled after installing a new ethernet 
controller, and finding that our web server wasn't talking to the net - 
complicated by the fact that it was one of a pair of
of servers configured for hot-spare failover, with virtual hosts set to 
listen on statically configured IP addresses.  Diagnosing and fixing the 
problem involved:
- realizing there was a problem in the first place (system fails over, 
replace board on non-functioning system, seems to come backup, it's now 
the backup machine, subtle problem only discovered when reconfiguring 
active/backup configuration at a later date)
- having to drive to the data center, and spend a good part of the night 
- identifying udev as the problem (admittedly, udev was new at the time 
- having come in with the latest Debian release)
- figuring out that udev had set up different addressing for the new 
board (it had swapped places with the board on our SAN network)
- in the process, having to learn enough about udev, and untangle the 
gaggle of specific udev files on the systems and how they interact

- identifying that the solution was to write a persistent udev rule
- figuring out how to write it, and and where to put it (and then 
testing and debugging it - again complicated by the fact that it was one 
of a pair of failover machines -- can't really test a static IP address 
without taking BOTH machines off the air)
- documenting it all and putting the information in a place where we'll 
remember to include the persistent rule when we (re)build systems in the 

- all in the middle of the night (luckily, support lists are global)

Yes... a lot more complicated than /etc/network/interfaces and ifup/ipdown.

Its been years, but I still shudder when I think about it.  And when I 
consider that similar changes, and subtle effects, almost certainly lurk 
in systemd and all the functions that its absorbed (systemd-), I really 

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Buntunub
I understand your reasons for thinking Systemd is bad for Debian. I do, and I
also agree with some of them. However, Debian is composed of a diverse group
of people who have every viewpoint under the sun from Systemd is the bane of
Linux, to Systemd is the best thing to ever happen to Linux. No matter where
you fall in that spectrum though, there is one common denominator, and that
is that we all use and love Debian. Let's start from there.

Making Systemd default in Jessie I believe runs against the Debian
philosophy of conservative approach and release when ready. While I
personally disagree with Systemd, I have no problems with it being a part of
the Debian family of supported apps. I do feel it is very unwise though to
make it the default in Debian because of its monolithic nature and because
of the dependency chain problems, which right now at least, make it
difficult to run an alternative init system, which limits user choice.

This mailing list is about Debian users. Let's stick to talking about issues
affecting Debian users. This is my take, and why I oppose the decision to
make Systemd the default in the next stable release. I certainly have no
qualms about including Systemd in the next stable release, and I actually
encourage it, so that people will have time to play with it and come to know
and possibly even fall in love with it. I seriously do not understand why
this needs to be rushed.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 22 November 2014 16:03:54 Buntunub wrote:
 certainly have no qualms about including Systemd in the next stable
 release, and I actually encourage it, so that people will have time to play
 with it and come to know and possibly even fall in love with it. I
 seriously do not understand why this needs to be rushed.

Systemd is available in the current stable, (see below) and people have had 
time to play and fall in love with it (or not).  So in how many Stable 
versions of Linux are you saying that it should be available, before those 
who wish to do so will have had long enough to play with it?


lisi@Tux-II:~$ aptitude show systemd
Package: systemd
New: yes
State: not installed
Version: 44-11+deb7u4
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Maintainer: Tollef Fog Heen
Architecture: amd64
Uncompressed Size: 3,777 k
Depends: libacl1 (= 2.2.51-8), libaudit0 (= 1.7.13), libc6 (= 2.11), 
libcap2 (=
 2.10), libcryptsetup4 (= 2:1.4), libdbus-1-3 (= 1.1.1), libkmod2 
(= 5~),
 liblzma5 (= 5.1.1alpha+20120614), libpam0g (=, 
libselinux1 (=
 2.0.65), libsystemd-daemon0 (= 31), libsystemd-id128-0 (= 38),
 libsystemd-journal0 (= 38), libsystemd-login0 (= 38), libudev0 (= 
 libwrap0 (= 7.6-4~), util-linux (= 2.19.1-2), initscripts (= 
PreDepends: dpkg (=
Recommends: libpam-systemd
Suggests: systemd-gui, python, python-dbus, python-cairo
Conflicts: klogd, klogd, systemd
Breaks: lsb-base ( 4.1+Debian4), lsb-base ( 4.1+Debian4), lvm2 ( 
2.02.84-1), lvm2 (
Description: system and service manager
 systemd is a replacement for sysvinit.  It is dependency-based and able to 
read the LSB
 init script headers in addition to parsing rcN.d links as hints.

 It also provides process supervision using cgroups and the ability to not 
only depend on
 other init script being started, but also availability of a given mount point 
or dbus

lisi@Tux-II:~$ cat /etc/debian_version

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Joel Rees
2014/11/23 2:57 Lisi Reisz

 On Saturday 22 November 2014 16:03:54 Buntunub wrote:
  certainly have no qualms about including Systemd in the next stable
  release, and I actually encourage it, so that people will have time to
  with it and come to know and possibly even fall in love with it. I
  seriously do not understand why this needs to be rushed.

 Systemd is available in the current stable, (see below) and people have
 time to play and fall in love with it (or not).  So in how many Stable
 versions of Linux are you saying that it should be available, before those
 who wish to do so will have had long enough to play with it?

Well, that is precisely the question.

How many distros are there?

How many different ways have people tried to figure out to do things,
leaving their results in insufficiently commented code, here and there, all
over the source code tree, in different repositories all over the world?

How many different algorithms is systemd going to have to fit itself nicely
to, before it quits breaking _existing_ infrastructure?

What do you think Miles should have done to avoid that all-nighter? (Yes,
his example was udev, not systemd, but the problem of hidden things
breaking is the same.)

Well, the truth about that last question is (Sorry, Miles), you can't avoid
those. But overly optimistic thinking on his part doesn't excuse overly
optimistic thinking on anyone else's part.

And that's the reason I keep saying systemd deserved a parallel, internal

It works for me! does not mean It works for you!

(Not picking on you, Lisi, you just asked the right question at the right

Joel Rees

Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Buntunub
Lisi Reisz wrote
 Systemd is available in the current stable, (see below) and people have
 time to play and fall in love with it (or not).  So in how many Stable 
 versions of Linux are you saying that it should be available, before those 
 who wish to do so will have had long enough to play with it?

I know it was a tech preview in Wheezy. It was not communicated to
Debianland in general (to my knowledge), that this was seriously being
considered as the init system/service manager for Jessie. It should have
been. This is what needs to happen for Jessie, and then well take a look at
it for Jessie+1.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Anders Wegge Keller
On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:43:01 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

 On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
  On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100
  Scott Ferguson wrote:
  It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't want.
  The winner was developers will work it out themselves i.e. Debian won.
  Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...
 Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse to
 acknowledge the view of Debian.

 The Constitution might need to be rewritten, to support your POW. While
Debian always have been a meritocracy, the constitution have its load of
weasel words, that implies the opposite. 

 A lose-lose situation, in my point of view.


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Miles Fidelman

Joel Rees wrote:

2014/11/23 2:57 Lisi Reisz

 On Saturday 22 November 2014 16:03:54 Buntunub wrote:
  certainly have no qualms about including Systemd in the next stable
  release, and I actually encourage it, so that people will have 
time to play

  with it and come to know and possibly even fall in love with it. I
  seriously do not understand why this needs to be rushed.

 Systemd is available in the current stable, (see below) and people 
have had

 time to play and fall in love with it (or not).  So in how many Stable
 versions of Linux are you saying that it should be available, before 

 who wish to do so will have had long enough to play with it?

Well, that is precisely the question.

How many distros are there?

How many different ways have people tried to figure out to do things, 
leaving their results in insufficiently commented code, here and 
there, all over the source code tree, in different repositories all 
over the world?

How many different algorithms is systemd going to have to fit itself 
nicely to, before it quits breaking _existing_ infrastructure?

What do you think Miles should have done to avoid that all-nighter? 
(Yes, his example was udev, not systemd, but the problem of hidden 
things breaking is the same.)

Well, the truth about that last question is (Sorry, Miles), you can't 
avoid those. But overly optimistic thinking on his part doesn't excuse 
overly optimistic thinking on anyone else's part.

Well yes, Murphy's Law always applies, and usually strikes at 
zero-dark-thirty -- but one can try to limit one's available attack 
surface :-)


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
In an effort to keep a ration discussion from sliding into a pointless

On 23/11/14 02:07, Martin Read wrote:
 On 22/11/14 09:50, lee wrote:
 Nobody understands udev rules,
 Challenge accepted.
 *looks at /etc/udev/rules.d* *looks at /lib/udev/rules.d*
 I'm honestly baffled that someone who is capable of comfortably using
 emacs thinks these files are incomprehensible. They appear to be written
 in a domain-specific declarative language with a fairly straightforward

And easily copied and customised to suit individual needs. Pick any
period of *Linux* (!=UNIX) history and it's always been difficult
(requires effort and time to learn[*1]). Part of the problem some of us
that have been using it for a long time suffer from - is that we've long
forgotten what it was like to learn to ride a bike, so it can appear
that anything new is relatively harder to learn in comparison.

 *runs man 7 udev*
 Yup. Pretty straightforward. Some highly-commented example files would
 be *nice*, but I don't see anything particularly intimidating in there.
Agreed[*2] - but that won't faze the la la la I can't hear you crowd
with their pitchforks and fickle sticks from lugging the goal posts of
*nobody* understands udev rules in their blind idealistic Gish
Gallop[*3] drown out the truth campaign (sigh).[*4]

FWIW I've previously posted a simple, step-by-step guide on how to write
udev rules to this list - that actually has been used by a 12 year-old
to write her own custom udev rule. If one of the Veteran UNIX
Administrators can't do it - all that says is that there's a wide range
of skill levels that constitute administrator (facepalm).

[*1]As does anything build upon the knowledge of previous generations -
we live in an era where no one person knows everything required to make
something as simple as a pencil. Which IMO is not a good reason to
revert to using only things that can be build from a cup of spit and two
[*2] is useful, on my
long list of things-to-do (that I'll probably never get around to
doing) is to propose (reportbug) that be added to the udev docs in the
debian package.
[*4]Picturing hunchback trolls infiltating the peasants surrounding the
castle of change (and chanting here we go, here we go). Apropos of
which I'm old enough to remember the devfs wars (now 'that' was a real
war you whipper-snappers!). :)

Kind regards


None so blind as those that will not see ~ John Heywood

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/11/14 03:03, Buntunub wrote:
 I understand your reasons for thinking Systemd is bad for Debian. I do, and I
 also agree with some of them. However, Debian is composed of a diverse group
 of people who have every viewpoint under the sun from Systemd is the bane of
 Linux, to Systemd is the best thing to ever happen to Linux. No matter where
 you fall in that spectrum though, there is one common denominator, and that
 is that we all use and love Debian. Let's start from there.
 Making Systemd default in Jessie I believe runs against the Debian
 philosophy of conservative approach and release when ready. While I
 personally disagree with Systemd, I have no problems with it being a part of
 the Debian family of supported apps. I do feel it is very unwise though to
 make it the default in Debian because of its monolithic nature and because
 of the dependency chain problems, which right now at least, make it
 difficult to run an alternative init system, which limits user choice.
 This mailing list is about Debian users. Let's stick to talking about issues
 affecting Debian users. This is my take, and why I oppose the decision to
 make Systemd the default in the next stable release. I certainly have no
 qualms about including Systemd in the next stable release, and I actually
 encourage it, so that people will have time to play with it and come to know
 and possibly even fall in love with it. I seriously do not understand why
 this needs to be rushed.

Thank you for your, considerate, rational, polite, intelligent, and
constructive post - which demonstrates what I regard as the Debian way
(a diverse, co-operative, non-hive mind).

Kind regards

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-22 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 23/11/14 08:47, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:43:01 +1100 Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 22/11/14 22:14, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 21:46:19 +1100 Scott Ferguson wrote:
 It lost. Developers are not being forced to do what they don't
 want. The winner was developers will work it out themselves
 i.e. Debian won.
 Another reading being The Developpers won, Debian lost...
 Only reads that way if you have trouble reading - or simple refuse
 to acknowledge the view of Debian.
 The Constitution might need to be rewritten, to support your POW.
 While Debian always have been a meritocracy, the constitution have
 its load of weasel words, that implies the opposite.

[confused] Where did I say *anything* about the Debian Constitution.

 A lose-lose situation, in my point of view.

Point of view is an apt description (no debian packaging pun intended).
What 'you' see depends not only on where you stand, but also what you
can stand and understand. Which explains by those with an
over-investment in an emotional opinion read into things words and
references that do *not* exist in the original material.

That's not to say I disagree with your assessment with the Debian
Constitution - only that it's not remotely relevant to my comments.
Please don't shift the focus, I assume your intentions are best, but -
it's disingenuous, divisive, and does you no credit. Please retain focus.

I don't see how endless meta-semantic pedantics by
Monday-footballers has to do with a vote by Debian developers.

What next?
Shall we debate gravity or other pointless exercises[*1] (unless the
Debian User list has become a school for aspiring sophists)?

[*1] Context is everything - and this *is* the Debian User list.

Kind regards

By the time you're thirty you have the face you deserve ~ GBS
By the time you're thirty you hold the opinions you deserver

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 12:29:45PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 OdyX writes:
  ...please stop.  Seriously.
 Please stop ranting about the ranting.  Seriously.  It's just as
 distracting and irritating as the rants themselves.  Just filter the
 rant threads and those who post them.  I'd filter all subjects
 containing the string [Ss]ystemd but there may be things about it that
 I need to see. 

Exactly! and there's the trouble. Separating the 'wheat from the chaff' is
the issue we'll probably be facing when Jessie is actually released. :(

A repeat performance is going to get boring very quickly.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-16 Thread Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
Le dimanche, 16 novembre 2014, 16.36:42 Peter Nieman a écrit :
 Preventing the systemd takeover is certainly important, but it won't
 be enough to reverse the trend, I fear.

None of the talking on debian-user about meta, conceptual or 
generic systemd issues will allow a systemd takeover in Debian; 


The Debian Technical Committee was asked to resolve a dispute of 
overlapping jurisdictions by deciding (in agreement with the Debian 
Constitution) which init system would be default for the Jessie release. 
It decided to put 'systemd' on the ballot and the outcome of the vote 
was 'systemd'. The TC included a possibility to override this decision 
with an exceptional '1:1' majority requirement. The Developers' body 
which could have overriden this decision, hasn't done so, at all (a GR 
to do so was not even proposed). That decision of the Debian TC is 
therefore 'in force' for the whole Debian project.

You might very well be unhappy with this situation, the way the decision 
was taken, the way it wasn't challenged by the DDs, the fact that no 
conditions were posed to systemd maintainers, or anything else, that's 
totally fine. Please just be aware that repeating your unhappiness ad 
nauseam will not change that fact.

In fact, I'm quite sure that the 'meta' discussions about systemd on 
debian-user are seriously annoying to a lot of subscribers and to a lot 
of developers too. This, because what should be done now is not 
arguying endlessly, but making Jessie the best Debian release ever 
(given the TC decision) through making Jessie work as best as possible 
with systemd as init, through making Jessie work as best as possible 
with sysvinit as init and doing _actual testing_ of Debian Jessie, in 
real use-cases. Screaming and whining about supposed issues with Jessie 
without testing it is unproductive, noisy and unfair to the developers.

You might not have noticed, but making points on debian-user against 
systemd-in-general or systemd-as-adopted-by-Debian is not making a case 
for a systemd-less Debian (much the contrary), it is not either making a 
case for a revert of the TC decision (much the contrary). The only way 
to make a case for a systemd-less Debian is to _do_it_ !

In general, debian-user is not the right venue for complaints about 
Debian decisions; the continuation of the debian-user hijack by these 
discussions is a disgrace to this list; please stop. Seriously.


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-16 Thread John Hasler
OdyX writes:
 ...please stop.  Seriously.

Please stop ranting about the ranting.  Seriously.  It's just as
distracting and irritating as the rants themselves.  Just filter the
rant threads and those who post them.  I'd filter all subjects
containing the string [Ss]ystemd but there may be things about it that
I need to see. 
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-16 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 11/16/2014 12:33 PM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
 In general, debian-user is not the right venue for complaints about 
 Debian decisions; the continuation of the debian-user hijack by these 
 discussions is a disgrace to this list; please stop. Seriously.

Your continued rants against a topic which obviously is of interest to
many Debian users (and therefore on-topic for this list) are a disgrace
to this list.  Please stop.  Seriously.


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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-16 Thread Keith Peter
On 16/11/2014, Peter Nieman wrote:


 It's the domination of the desktop environment ideology that's the
 problem. Many users came to Linux and Debian years ago because they were
 fed up with Microsoft. And now the same ideology infiltrates their
 Linux, whether they chose to install a desktop environment or not.

Just try a window manager on top of X, quite a different approach, and
one that minimises distractions in my opinion.

I use IceWM because it is easy to configure. A few applications (surf,
xfe, pmount, mpg123, xpdf, OpenOffice installed from tar.gz,
r-base/r-devel, gnuplot, texlive) and I'm working fine and listening
to the music on my phone through a better sound system. Init agnostic
(use of the apt-get option --no-install-recommends ensures that),
fast, impressive. You can learn systemd or stay with sysvinit. I might
even try upstart for lutz.

Jessie is a good place to be.

Keith Burnett

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-16 Thread Peter Nieman

On 16/11/14 18:33, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

You might very well be unhappy with this situation, the way the decision
was taken, the way it wasn't challenged by the DDs, the fact that no
conditions were posed to systemd maintainers, or anything else, that's
totally fine. Please just be aware that repeating your unhappiness ad
nauseam will not change that fact.

In fact, I'm quite sure that the 'meta' discussions about systemd on
debian-user are seriously annoying to a lot of subscribers and to a lot
of developers too. This, because what should be done now is not
arguying endlessly, but making Jessie the best Debian release ever
(given the TC decision) through making Jessie work as best as possible
with systemd as init, through making Jessie work as best as possible
with sysvinit as init and doing _actual testing_ of Debian Jessie, in
real use-cases. Screaming and whining about supposed issues with Jessie
without testing it is unproductive, noisy and unfair to the developers.

You might not have noticed, but making points on debian-user against
systemd-in-general or systemd-as-adopted-by-Debian is not making a case
for a systemd-less Debian (much the contrary), it is not either making a
case for a revert of the TC decision (much the contrary). The only way
to make a case for a systemd-less Debian is to _do_it_ !

In general, debian-user is not the right venue for complaints about
Debian decisions; the continuation of the debian-user hijack by these
discussions is a disgrace to this list; please stop. Seriously.

My aim was to invite people to think about where Debian is heading, and 
my message was obviously addressed to people who are able and willing to 
do so.

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Re: Why focus on systemd?

2014-11-16 Thread Peter Nieman

On 16/11/14 21:42, Keith Peter wrote:

On 16/11/2014, Peter Nieman wrote:


It's the domination of the desktop environment ideology that's the
problem. Many users came to Linux and Debian years ago because they were
fed up with Microsoft. And now the same ideology infiltrates their
Linux, whether they chose to install a desktop environment or not.

Just try a window manager on top of X, quite a different approach, and
one that minimises distractions in my opinion.

That's what I'm using. And my point is that I'm subjected to the 
decisions of the Gnome and KDE people regardless.

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