Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-23 Thread Chris Bayly
 d == dman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

d Ok, that's cool.  Now run IE on Windows on a client behind your
d firewall.  Surf to a site running IIS and Nimbda.  You've got
d Nimda.  Lotta goog the firewall did there.

Actually, snort[1] and or ACiD grabs those and flags them...   A firewall
isn't always just a packet filter, although it's a strong base.

Chris Bayly

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-22 Thread David Smead

I didn't mean to leave you defending firewalls on my behalf.  You've done
a good job!

After 40 years designing electronic circuits and programming computers,
some of which have been in mission critical applications like nuclear
subs, I've met many of the personalities which occupy those professions.
Some are rocks -- rocks don't learn much -- usually argue both sides of an
issue unknowingly, and spare no names for those who don't submit to their
logic. Others listen carefully, ask good questions and offer good advice.

Noah doesn't believe in firewalls.  Running secure servers directly off
the Internet is good, (better?) and besides firewalls don't do you any
good.  As proof of this, Noah quotes an instance of an NT server being
cracked via port 80 and that machine subsequently infected other machines
on its network.

The only proof I see here is the fact that the system design was
inadequate. A good design deals with failures in hardware or software with
minimal disruption of services, so rather than conclude that firewalls are
no good, let's look at the system design some more.  We'll say something
later about using machines in public space which have a history of

Servers in the DMZ should not be serving up anything that isn't
permissable as public information.  They should have no content on them
which would be a liability if exposed to the public.  Servers in the DMZ
should not be allowed to initiate any connections -- except
surreptitiously. No server in the DMZ should listen to or accept any input
from other servers in the DMZ (shared applications aside).

So, your boss insists you run an insecure OS in the DMZ.  You know it will
be cracked before long, but it's pretty much contained with the
constraints stated above.  Provided the other servers are secure, as Noah
claims they can be, then all you have is a single failed server in the
DMZ, which all the other servers know has been compromised because it's
breaking the rules and trying to initiate contact.

Are the connections all severed and the system effectively disconnected?
No, servers in a trusted zone, connected to the DMZ via a firewall can
initiate connections to servers in the DMZ.  Obviously that should be done
using encryption.

Trusted servers, polling servers in the DMZ, is a bottleneck and,
depending on latency, may leave critical data on the DMZ servers long
enough to be cracked.  This is where we resort to surreptitious
communications.  One of the obvious things a server might do, when it is
processing on-line transactions, is to print them.  But printer isn't
listening on the other end, a trusted computer is.  To a cracker, what's
going out on the printer port looks pretty normal - transaction data.
Besides normal transactions going out the printer port, a regular time
tick is printed. Does a cracker dare turn off the printer?  Not likely.
Will a cracker wonder what some of those strange numbers are that get
printed? Maybe.  Will they figure out that those numbers are an encrypted
message which represents a spread spectrum shifted checksum of running
processes?  Not nearly as fast as the trusted listener will know that
something has gone wrong with the DMZ machine.

Besides providing that `ping' which the trusted server needs to hear on a
regular basis, the ping can also indicate that the trusted server needs to
initiate a connection and get/put some information.

I'll repeat, as near as memory allows me, that there are two kinds of
computers hooked to the Internet, those which have been cracked and those
that will be. Running a broad range of services on those Internet
connected machines only means they will be cracked sooner than later. I'm
aware that this is a `ridiculous' statement, so no further flames are

Once again, I repeat that security will be better with a firewall, running
a minimal chunk of code.  Those machines which allow connections to be
made from the Internet should be in a DMZ -- including both web servers
and mail servers. Servers in a DMZ should not be able to talk to one
another unless they are sharing a common application.  Data collected on
the DMZ servers, which must not become public information, should be
quickly pulled off those servers by a trusted machine which initiates the
connection via a secure channel.

There are many ways to surreptitiously monitor servers in the DMZ to
detect their failures and/or compromises, the printer port being just one
of them. Operating an OS in the DMZ, which has a history of exploits, may
be a political necessity, but as a system designer, it's your job to
contain that expected exploit as quickly as possible - a trusted machine
can pull the power plug a lot faster than rousting the sys admin out of
bed to do it. Complaining that firewalls are little more than a false
sense of security doesn't do much to address the requirements of the
system or provide a design to meet those requirements.

As a consultant who spent more months than I 

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-22 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
 You would firewall an ISP's network???  I would switch providers
 immediately if my ISP ever did such a thing.

No, I would firewall the internal servers off from both the outside
world and the customers, opening only the ports each needed to access.

You're thinking this means putting a firewall between the modems and

 As I've said previously today, I am responsible for the security of a
 high-profile network (i.e. constantly being scanned and/or actively
 attacked) with hundreds of users and *no firewall*.

And I am responsible for the security of a segment of FedEx's network.
It doesn't get much more high-profile than that.  I don't have hundreds
of users; I have hundreds of SERVERS.  The security of these boxes
affects not only 200,000 FedEx employees, but millions of customers,
including all FedEx invoices.  Now, can we stop comparing dicks, and go
back to the argument? :-)

BTW, I'm not by any means suggesting the firewall relieves any
responsibility for internal security.  The biggest problem we have is
exactly the one you've suggested; some segment of the network that is
controlled by another team leaves something open that they shouldn't, a
customer-facing box gets infected with something, and that starts
pounding servers.  Sometimes it affects servers I don't control, but
that my servers rely on, and thus I get angry what are you going to do
about this questions from management, that I have to answer with I'm
going to go to lunch, and update you when they update me.

Nine times out of ten, it's the Windows people.  I will not give
specific examples, but let's just say the color red and the letter N
have been involved.  :-)

However, the firewall does allow us to do things that are absolutely
necessary on a network this large, and containing this many
mission-critical legacy systems; use insecure protocols without exposing
them to the network, and without the people who control the
internet-facing routers being in the loop for every software
installation on every box in the entire network.  We're too large for
everything to be coordinated at that level.

Our having a firewall helps you too; if some idiot were to,
hypothetically, allow his servers to become infected with Code Red, our
firewall would hypothetically keep his box from being able to scan the
Internet for new hosts to infect, thereby causing that traffic to,
instead of overloading other networks, overload our own.
Hypothetically.  :-)

Also, when you hear the word firewall, you may be assuming that means
a seperate server that is called the firewall.  Remember that using
ipchains or iptables to secure a specific server is implementing a
firewall on that server.  The very act of securing your specific UNIX
systems quite likely involves implementing dozens of firewalls.  When
somebody sets their routers to block outbound martian packets to prevent
IP spoofing, they're implementing a firewall.

When you, as you said, block specific ports, that's a firewall with a
default allow policy.

We have lots of firewalls, blocking lots of things from lots of other
things.  I wish we had more, blocking more things, but I am a
medium-sized fish in a damn huge pond.

On-topic:  a firewall is a useful component of securing a Debian box, or
a Debian-based network.  A box running Debian can be used to build a
particularly effective firewall.  To say that a firewall isn't useful
because it doesn't prevent EVERYTHING, is the same as saying that
keeping your root password a secret isn't useful because it doesn't
prevent EVERYTHING, or that seatbelts are useless because you can still
die in a car accident.  Firewalls are useful.  For the uninitiated, they
are necessary, even if only a per-box firewall, simply because you may
not know HOW to secure every port on your box, and a default-deny
firewall puts you in a less insecure position, requiring deliberate
action to become less secure, as opposed to deliberate action to become
more secure.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-22 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  ben quotation:
 other guy--and i'm saying this for his benefit even more than yours--is 
 placing way too much faith in an idea that's all too close to the catholic's 
 belief in the rhythm method.

This is the last thing I'm going to say on this.  Quoting Practical
Unix and Internet Security, page 637:

Firewalls are powerful tools, but they should never be used INSTEAD of
other security measures.  They should only be used IN ADDITION to such

If you don't believe that, fine; but shit-can the ad-hominem attacks
based on your lack of knowledge and experience on the subject.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-22 Thread dman
On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 07:30:06AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
| On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 09:28:17AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
|  250 server Hello []
|  250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
|  550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator
|  if you are relaying, I do not see how.
|  If someone can relay through you they should be able to telnet to your smtp
|  port and send mail out like I just tried.
| thanks. i did similar tests at (specifically,
| ) and they
| found some instaces where my setup didn't retch at certain
| questionable email syntaxes:
| here are the ones marked 'potential vulnerability'... Output
| from Anti-Relay Tests:
|   Spam-Lart v0.3.2
|   220 server ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Fri, 19 Apr 2002 08:58:34 -0500 
|   rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|   250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
|   syntactically correct 
|   ** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **
| but i bet that'll look for use '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ON

It depends on your site's entire configuration.  An old version of my
exim-spamassassin config is vulnerable to this sort of spoofing.  The
problem with that config was only the local part was passed back to
exim, and that local part looks like a complete address.  I just
tested this particular potential vulnerability and received an unkown
local-part bounce.  That's good.  It's better if you reject it at
RCPT time, but ok as long as you don't deliver at all.

| right. my exim.conf includes
|   rbl_domains =
|   rbl_reject_recipients = false
|   rbl_warn_header = true
|   host_accept_relay = localhost : :
|   # commented-out:
|   # percent_hack_domains=*
| what sanity checks does that miss?

There are lots more sanity checks that exim can perform.  I don't have
an up-to-date exim 3 config anymore (if I have one at all).  I've been
using version 4.01 for a while now.

There is a site (ORBD?) that allows you to enter your IP address and
it will run a barage of relay tests against it and report the results
to the email address you specify.  It actually tries to send a message
and then waits for your host to relay it to their spamtrap address.
(obviously, if you reject at RCPT time it won't need to wait at all
because you won't have accepted responsibility for the message)
There's some other site you can telnet to and it will test the ip you
connected from.  I don't recall those hostnames right now, though, and
I don't think I wrote them down anywhere.



The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?

I the Lord search the heart
and examine the mind,
to reward a man according to his conduct,
according to what his deeds deserve.

Jeremiah 17:9-10

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-21 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
 So what are you suggesting, then?  This was Will's mail server we're
 talking about.  First you say it needs to be behind the firewall or else
 it's doomed to be cracked, then you say it needs to be in the DMZ.

A DMZ is still behind the firewall.  A DMZ is it's own little isolated
corner where all traffic to the Internet goes through the firewall, and
all traffic to the LAN goes through the firewall.  That way, if the
server is cracked, it still can't get to anything except on the ports
that are trusted.

This enables you to use insecure protocols behind your firewall, yet
still have net-facing services such as email, with a higher degree of
confidence that a security bug in the net-facing box won't compromise
your entire network.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-21 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  will trillich quotation:
 thanks. i did similar tests at (specifically, ) and they
 found some instaces where my setup didn't retch at certain
 questionable email syntaxes:

Don't use them.  The true test is if your system actually relays
messages, not whether it rejects the attempt before receipt.

There are other sites that will test these same vulnerabilities, but
only flag on them if a test email actually gets through.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-21 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 02:11:05AM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
 A DMZ is still behind the firewall.  A DMZ is it's own little isolated
 corner where all traffic to the Internet goes through the firewall, and
 all traffic to the LAN goes through the firewall.  That way, if the
 server is cracked, it still can't get to anything except on the ports
 that are trusted.

I just don't see how that gets you anything at all if only the trusted
ports have any services listening on them.  I have seen personally a
WinNT box, behind a firewall, with only port 80 visible to the world get
cracked.  Not only was it cracked, but it was then used as a launch pad
for an attack on another box that was also in the DMZ.  All that was
with only port 80 open.

Besides that, this has strayed very far from the statement that
originally started the conversation.  The original claim by David Smead
was that putting a host on the network is a recipe for certain disaster,
which I claim is utter nonsense.

Basically, my approach is to assume that all ports on all hosts are
visible to the world.  To me, this as a fundamental fact of networking.
With this in mind, construct a secure network infrastructure.  It can
certainly be done; I live in that world every day and have never felt a
desire to have a firewall in front of my network.

I realize there are other philosophies on network security, I just
happen to disagree with them.  8^)


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-21 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
 I just don't see how that gets you anything at all if only the trusted
 ports have any services listening on them.  I have seen personally a
 WinNT box, behind a firewall, with only port 80 visible to the world get
 cracked.  Not only was it cracked, but it was then used as a launch pad
 for an attack on another box that was also in the DMZ.  All that was
 with only port 80 open.

Ok, I don't see why this has not been sufficient in some circumstances
translates to not getting you anything at all.

Every security tool ever used fails this test you seem to be using.

 Basically, my approach is to assume that all ports on all hosts are
 visible to the world.  To me, this as a fundamental fact of networking.

That probably works on a small network.  Try it with several thousand
servers and 200,000 users, not counting internet customers.  Or try it
with an ISP, where you can't control the configuration on ANY of the
users' computers.

I've worked in both situations.  Firewalls are a godsend.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-21 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 02:51:51AM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
 That probably works on a small network.  Try it with several thousand
 servers and 200,000 users, not counting internet customers.  Or try it
 with an ISP, where you can't control the configuration on ANY of the
 users' computers.

You would firewall an ISP's network???  I would switch providers
immediately if my ISP ever did such a thing.  (note that I have no
problem with them filtering specific ports for a limited time if they're
causing specific damage.)

As I've said previously today, I am responsible for the security of a
high-profile network (i.e. constantly being scanned and/or actively
attacked) with hundreds of users and *no firewall*.  Security issues are
few and far between, and not a single box under my direct control has
ever been cracked.  Users are welcome to put whatever they want on the
network, but they're dealt with quickly if they present a security


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Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-21 Thread ben
On Sunday 21 April 2002 12:05 am, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 02:51:51AM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
  That probably works on a small network.  Try it with several thousand
  servers and 200,000 users, not counting internet customers.  Or try it
  with an ISP, where you can't control the configuration on ANY of the
  users' computers.

 You would firewall an ISP's network???  I would switch providers
 immediately if my ISP ever did such a thing.  (note that I have no
 problem with them filtering specific ports for a limited time if they're
 causing specific damage.)

 As I've said previously today, I am responsible for the security of a
 high-profile network (i.e. constantly being scanned and/or actively
 attacked) with hundreds of users and *no firewall*.  Security issues are
 few and far between, and not a single box under my direct control has
 ever been cracked.  Users are welcome to put whatever they want on the
 network, but they're dealt with quickly if they present a security


noah, let it go. you're right--if that's what you've been wating to hear. the 
other guy--and i'm saying this for his benefit even more than yours--is 
placing way too much faith in an idea that's all too close to the catholic's 
belief in the rhythm method.

shawn, the only way out of the argument is to set up a challenge, and that 
setup would, for integrity, have to be verifiable by a trusted third party. 
in any case, the proof would require more resources than this list should be 
called on to provide. however, if you do get it together, please let us all 
in on the deal.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:29:51AM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
 * dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020419 09:10]:
 Well, there may be other issues on the table here. Will's original
 question was can I tell if I've been hacked? His exim setup could be
 sound, but it's definitely feasible that a rootkit could install a mail
 relay listening on another port and sending out a ton of spam
 unbeknownst to ps and top. Are your hub lights blinking, Will?

yep. lots.

when i first set up ipCop ( i got about 18mb of
logfile in one afternoon from the default firewall logging rules
(via ipchains on potato):

Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21723 F=0x T=1 (#8)
Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21731 F=0x T= 1 (#8)
Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21743 F=0x T=1 (#8)
Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21747 F=0x T= 1 (#8)
Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21753 F=0x T=1 (#8)

hundreds upon thousands of those, from the moment the firewall
(ipcop v0.1.1) came up. to keep from sucking up all available
space, i deleted the final (reject-and-log) rule of the incoming

is all this activity from a goofy setup by my isp?  is it
something i'm doing?  surely this much probing must mean

 If that rootkit was installed by somebody exploiting a samba which
 should have been blocked from The Outside, this could potentially have
 been prevented if a packet filter was installed to allow incoming
 connections only to tcp/25.

no samba -- never had it, never will. (considered it at home, but
figured out a better way.)

I use Debian/GNU Linux version 2.2;
Linux server 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i586 unknown
A freshly-installed X window display system by default boots
into GUI, instead of having you log in at the text console.
This is because of xdm or gdm or kdm. To avoid this and
boot into console mode instead:
update-rc.d -f xdm remove
This will remove all system startup links in /etc/init.d for
xdm. You can still get X up and running via startx but it
won't intervene in your login process.

Also see ...

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 09:28:17AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 250 server Hello []
 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator
 if you are relaying, I do not see how.
 If someone can relay through you they should be able to telnet to your smtp
 port and send mail out like I just tried.

thanks. i did similar tests at (specifically, ) and they
found some instaces where my setup didn't retch at certain
questionable email syntaxes:

here are the ones marked 'potential vulnerability'... Output
from Anti-Relay Tests:

Spam-Lart v0.3.2
220 server ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Fri, 19 Apr 2002 08:58:34 -0500 

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

but i bet that'll look for use '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ON
MY SERVER. here's a result from a test i did:

  unknown local-part in domain

  unknown local-part [EMAIL PROTECTED] in domain

and i suspect the same would apply for all the rest of these

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] 
syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] 
syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] 
syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] 
syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

syntactically correct 
** FAILURE / Potentital Vulnerability **

rcpt to: [EMAIL 

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread David Smead
Below is some information that may be of interest.  One thing you should
note is the port number being used on the IP numbers.

I don't know the format of the log entry, so I'm guessing that an entry
has a source and destination IP.

I would think from that with the IP for that
you shouldn't be seeing those packets.  But it looks like you're on a
cable and only the ISP knows what IPs are out there on that particular

-   start of probe --

   Domain Name: DONTUTHINK.COM
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Name Server: NS.SERENSOFT.COM
   Name Server: NS1.ZONEEDIT.COM
   Name Server: NS5.ZONEEDIT.COM
   Updated Date: 05-nov-2001

Getting host by address

   Domain Name: MCAST.NET
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Name Server: NS.ISI.EDU
   Name Server: VENERA.ISI.EDU
   Name Server: NS.SGI.COM
   Updated Date: 05-nov-2001

Getting host by address
Name = (

   Domain Name: SIGECOM.NET
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Name Server: DNS1.SIGECOM.COM
   Name Server: DNS2.SIGECOM.COM
   Updated Date: 05-dec-2001

Getting host by address
Name = (

Getting host by address
Name = (

Getting host by address
Name = (

getting host by name
Name = (

getting host by name
Name = (

-   end of probe---


David Smead

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, will trillich wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:29:51AM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
  * dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020419 09:10]:
  Well, there may be other issues on the table here. Will's original
  question was can I tell if I've been hacked? His exim setup could be
  sound, but it's definitely feasible that a rootkit could install a mail
  relay listening on another port and sending out a ton of spam
  unbeknownst to ps and top. Are your hub lights blinking, Will?

 yep. lots.

 when i first set up ipCop ( i got about 18mb of
 logfile in one afternoon from the default firewall logging rules
 (via ipchains on potato):

 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21723 F=0x T=1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21731 F=0x T= 1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21743 F=0x T=1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21747 F=0x T= 1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21753 F=0x T=1 (#8)

 hundreds upon thousands of those, from the moment the firewall
 (ipcop v0.1.1) came up. to keep from sucking up all available
 space, i deleted the final (reject-and-log) rule of the incoming

 is all this activity from a goofy setup by my isp?  is it
 something i'm doing?  surely this much probing must mean

  If that rootkit was installed by somebody exploiting a samba which
  should have been blocked from The Outside, this could potentially have
  been prevented if a packet filter was installed to allow incoming
  connections only to tcp/25.

 no samba -- never had it, never will. (considered it at home, but
 figured out a better way.)

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread Michael D. Schleif

will trillich wrote:

[ snip ]

 when i first set up ipCop ( i got about 18mb of
 logfile in one afternoon from the default firewall logging rules
 (via ipchains on potato):
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21723 F=0x T=1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21731 F=0x T= 1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21743 F=0x T=1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21747 F=0x T= 1 (#8)
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21753 F=0x T=1 (#8)
 hundreds upon thousands of those, from the moment the firewall
 (ipcop v0.1.1) came up. to keep from sucking up all available
 space, i deleted the final (reject-and-log) rule of the incoming

[ snip ]

Look here:

Notice, protocol 89:

``89   OSPFIGP   OSPFIGP   [RFC1583,JTM4]''

This is router jabber and, although it is impinging on your bandwidth,
is otherwise harmless and safe to be ignored.

This in no way comments on anything else you are experiencing . . .


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread Jamin W . Collins
On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 07:43:18 -0500
will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when i first set up ipCop ( i got about 18mb of
 logfile in one afternoon from the default firewall logging rules
 (via ipchains on potato):
 Apr  2 12:18:41 troll kernel: Packet log: input - eth1 PROTO=89 L=64 S=0x00 I=21723 F=0x T=1 (#8)

Well, let's disect a bit of that entry.  The PROTO=89 means that the
packet you got was using OSPFIGP (Open Shortest Path First IGP).  Next,
IIRC, the is the source portion of the packet.  This
appears to be part of  The (or destination)
is the part that I'm more interested in.  This is part of  I
too have recently seen a lot of these messages.  From what I understand,
unless you are using multicast, you can safely block these.  I've added
rules to my firewalls to silently drop the entire multicast range for now  Since they are explictly dropped, they never reach my
logging chain (I wouldn't suggest running a firewall without one).

 is all this activity from a goofy setup by my isp?  is it
 something i'm doing?  surely this much probing must mean

From the limited understanding I have of multicast, I believe this to be
normal operation.  The idea as I understood it was that with Multicast one
transmission could be received by anyone interested, thus making
broadcasting much more possible.

Jamin W. Collins

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 09:00:15PM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
  Noah (and I) didn't say a firewall was useless, just that discussing
  firewalls when the problem is a (potential) mail relay is wholly
 Noah did say that.  You, to the best of my knowledge, didn't.

Yes, I certainly did say as much, and in this case I do believe it would
be useless.  Putting a mail server behind a (network based) firewall is
quite dangerous.  Especially if you have other insecure hosts behind
that firewall that you think are safe.  The idea of a remote exploit in
an MTA is hardly novel, and if your mail server gets cracked, then there
are likely to be a lot of other vulnerable hosts behind the firewall
that suddenly become attackable.

Now, I don't declare firewalls to be flat out *bad*, though I do know
some very experience network admins that do.  They can have their uses.
I am not of the school that a firewall should block all traffic except a
few specific ports.  If I need to protect a certain dangerous service, I
will filter that port at the network border, but otherwise I do not
filter any traffic.  An example of when I would do such a thing is
during the recent SNMP vulnerability problem.  In a large heterogeneous
network, not all vendors will fix their SNMP implementations in a timely
manner, so it's best to filter the port at the border until I'm
reasonably confident that the systems are no longer vulnerable.  I am a
firm believer in network availability and flexibility, and that approach
has served me well for years.  (I am responsible for several machines on
a high-profile open network.  We do not rely on network-based firewalls
for security.)

 Apologies to Noah for calling him a troll.

No problem.  I'm sure I've been called worse.  Plus, this sort of debate
is always interesting.


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-20 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:42:06PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
 That's why you run those services in a DMZ.

So what are you suggesting, then?  This was Will's mail server we're
talking about.  First you say it needs to be behind the firewall or else
it's doomed to be cracked, then you say it needs to be in the DMZ.


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:57:45PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 debian-users: i've got what may be a nasty situation about to
 happen. any pointers welcome...
 just got a 'heads up' from an ally at my isp that someone's
 reported as a spammer. i'm running debian
   Exim version 3.12 #1 built 03-Jan-2002 02:45:13
   Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1999

First thing is confirm nature of complaint by talking to ISP.

I suspect some open relay issue.

EXIM or any MTA can be used as open relay if it is not configured right.
But configuration can be tricky.

One simple thing to do will be deny all SMTP connection from outside by
netfilter (using ipmasq package and few example script).

I used to do this for my LAN and exim.  So I get external mail only by
fetch mail from ISP pop server.

 how can i be sure that i've not been cracked and am unbeknownst
 to me broadcasting/relaying email for others? surely there's
 something better than just 'sniffit' and waiting for something
 to happen...

 the only 'advertising' i've ever done for is
 the .sig at the bottom of my emails, as you see below. i do not
 spam, never had, never will.
 does 'presumed innocent' operate on the mentality of the average
 isp? i'm getting the impression it does NOT...
 ideas? help!
 (hopefully i'll still be able to get email tomorrow...)

It is issue with sending mail.  Anyway, just close outgoing SMTP port
for now and see what happens.
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +
 Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D
 See User's Guide:
 See Debian reference:
 Debian reference Project at:
 I welcome your constructive criticisms and corrections.

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread David Smead
That's why you run those services in a DMZ.


David Smead

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Noah Meyerhans wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 08:05:31PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
  Are you operating behind a firewall. There are only two kinds of systems
  operating without firewalls - those that are hacked and those that will be

 HA!  That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard on this list.  The
 only thing a firewall is good for is to provide you with a false sense
 of security.  If you want to be able to run services like web or mail
 servers, you by definition must start punching holes in your firewall.
 The instant you do that, you expose the soft underbelly of your
 supposedly safe network.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:42:06PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
 That's why you run those services in a DMZ.

And what do you do when a security vulnerability arises in your firewall
implementation?  Or when an attacker is able to hijack a web browsing
session by one of your internal users?

The idea that firewalls are the panacea of network security is very
dangerous.  No network should be trusted, and firewalling off your
little subnet is not going to change that.

It's been said many times before: the only secure computer is one that's
not plugged in.


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread David Smead

The more programs running on a computer, the less secure it is.  A
firewall can run a mimimal system - see the LEAF project with deep Debian
roots.  If you run a firewall running out of RAM then not only will it be
minimal, but no trojans can live beyond a reboot.

Of course no computer is invincible, but the idea behind firewalls is
valid and is as secure as the implementers have the time and knowledge to
stay one step ahead of the crackers.

I'll let you tell me how a browser session of an internal user is hijacked
and then we'll discuss the missing rule in the firewall.

I didn't claim that firewalls are a panacea, or a network can be trusted.
I will tell you that sendmail and the general issue of mail handling has
been and will continue to be a security issue.  You can avoid some of
these problems by letting your ISP gather your mail which you later
retrieve with what ever program you want.


David Smead

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Noah Meyerhans wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:42:06PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
  That's why you run those services in a DMZ.

 And what do you do when a security vulnerability arises in your firewall
 implementation?  Or when an attacker is able to hijack a web browsing
 session by one of your internal users?

 The idea that firewalls are the panacea of network security is very
 dangerous.  No network should be trusted, and firewalling off your
 little subnet is not going to change that.

 It's been said many times before: the only secure computer is one that's
 not plugged in.


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread dman
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:16:50PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
| Noah,
| The more programs running on a computer, the less secure it is.  A
| firewall can run a mimimal system - see the LEAF project with deep Debian
| roots.  If you run a firewall running out of RAM then not only will it be
| minimal, but no trojans can live beyond a reboot.

Ok, that's cool.  Now run IE on Windows on a client behind your
firewall.  Surf to a site running IIS and Nimbda.  You've got Nimda.
Lotta goog the firewall did there.

| I'll let you tell me how a browser session of an internal user is hijacked
| and then we'll discuss the missing rule in the firewall.

The missing rule is that you let out requests destined for TCP port
80.  (or 8080 or wherever that IIS server happens to be listening)
Or, maybe the problem is the (insecure) IE client.



640K ought to be enough for anybody -Bill Gates, 1981

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread David Smead
The first mistake is running Windows.

The second mistake is not putting Windows machines all on their own
subnet with a firewall between it and the `good' machines on the Linux

Aynone who can secure Windows itself with a firewall product has a ready
and steady market!


David Smead

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, dman wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:16:50PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
 | Noah,
 | The more programs running on a computer, the less secure it is.  A
 | firewall can run a mimimal system - see the LEAF project with deep Debian
 | roots.  If you run a firewall running out of RAM then not only will it be
 | minimal, but no trojans can live beyond a reboot.

 Ok, that's cool.  Now run IE on Windows on a client behind your
 firewall.  Surf to a site running IIS and Nimbda.  You've got Nimda.
 Lotta goog the firewall did there.

 | I'll let you tell me how a browser session of an internal user is hijacked
 | and then we'll discuss the missing rule in the firewall.

 The missing rule is that you let out requests destined for TCP port
 80.  (or 8080 or wherever that IIS server happens to be listening)
 Or, maybe the problem is the (insecure) IE client.


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Apr 18, 2002, Osamu Aoki ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:57:45PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
  debian-users: i've got what may be a nasty situation about to
  happen. any pointers welcome...
  just got a 'heads up' from an ally at my isp that someone's
  reported as a spammer. i'm running debian
  Exim version 3.12 #1 built 03-Jan-2002 02:45:13
  Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1999
 First thing is confirm nature of complaint by talking to ISP.

Ditto.  Specifically, headers or IPs in question.

 I suspect some open relay issue.

I suspect spoofed headers.  Very easy to do, and many tools don't handle
spoofed domains well.  I report *to* them, but make clear in my response
message that this is an either-or case.  Your ISP may not be
distinguishing this here.

 EXIM or any MTA can be used as open relay if it is not configured
 right.  But configuration can be tricky.

With exim it's fairly straightforward.  Look for the value of:

#relay_domains = /etc/exim/exim.conf.

  how can i be sure that i've not been cracked and am unbeknownst
  to me broadcasting/relaying email for others? surely there's
  something better than just 'sniffit' and waiting for something
  to happen...

apt-get install chkrootkit

...not bulletproof, but good for common stuff.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What Part of Gestalt don't you understand?
   Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Patrick Kirk
On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 03:57, will trillich wrote:
 debian-users: i've got what may be a nasty situation about to
 happen. any pointers welcome...

 does 'presumed innocent' operate on the mentality of the average
 isp? i'm getting the impression it does NOT...
 ideas? help!
 (hopefully i'll still be able to get email tomorrow...)

Hi Will,

port 25 is still open but I wasn't able to relay.  

telnet to  It will automatically
connect to your machine's port 25 and run a variety
of tests to see if your machine is configured
as an open relay.

a better open relay test ...

rest of um

These links and tips were given to me by Alvin Oga and Jeremy Gaddis
couple of weeks ago.


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firewall limitations (was Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?)

2002-04-19 Thread dman
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 11:11:37PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
| The first mistake is running Windows.


| The second mistake is not putting Windows machines all on their own
| subnet with a firewall between it and the `good' machines on the Linux
| subnet.

It makes no difference.  The windows machine still gets hosed.  The
only way to prevent that from happening is to 
a)  disconnect the windows machine
b)  use a firewall that does the _same thing_

If your firewall is going to behave like a severed cable, you might as
well just sever the cable and make it easier on yourself.

| Aynone who can secure Windows itself with a firewall product has a ready
| and steady market!

Firewalls are a good thing to protect against private services and
services you didn't know were running, but they can't prevent you from
becoming an open relay (or anything else) for services you do allow.
Firewalls are a way of reducing network connectivity, ideally without
destroying it altogether.  I'm not saying you shouldn't use a
firewall, just be aware of the limits of its capabilities.



...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user' as
meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver.
--Daniel Pead

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:16:50PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
 I will tell you that sendmail and the general issue of mail handling has
 been and will continue to be a security issue.

What does sendmail have to do with this?  From Will's original post:

Exim version 3.12 #1 built 03-Jan-2002 02:45:13
Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1999

Exim's history isn't nearly so sordid as sendmail's and, as Debian's
default MTA, I suspect that the security team has given it extra-
special attention as well.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
 HA!  That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard on this list.


 only thing a firewall is good for is to provide you with a false sense
 of security.

A firewall is a useful tool for securing a network.  If you don't know
enough about security to know that, you shouldn't be pontificating on
the subject in a public list.  Like any other tool, it is neither
necessary nor sufficient in and of itself.

 If you want to be able to run services like web or mail
 servers, you by definition must start punching holes in your firewall.

And, of course, opening a single hole in a firewall makes it completely
useless.  NOT.  Go away, troll.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
 And what do you do when a security vulnerability arises in your firewall

The same thing you do when that happens with any other component of your
network; fix it, have plans in place to recover from it, and have
monitoring in place to detect it as quickly as your budget allows.

 Or when an attacker is able to hijack a web browsing
 session by one of your internal users?

See above.

 The idea that firewalls are the panacea of network security is very

The idea that anybody who says a firewall is a useful tool automatically
thinks it's a panacea is a straw man you created.

 No network should be trusted, and firewalling off your
 little subnet is not going to change that.

I don't see you putting your root password in your .signature.  I mean,
after all, if it's that black and white (either security is useless, or
you disconnect from the network), then you shouldn't mind doing that.

 It's been said many times before: the only secure computer is one that's
 not plugged in.

Yes, it has; but there's usually a few hundred more pages in the book
after that, or the meeting continues and goes on to doing some useful

Leave security to the professionals; or even to the amateurs.  Just
leave it to somebody that recognizes that it has value, OK?

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread dman
On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:22:56AM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
| begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
|  HA!  That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard on this list.
| ridiculous.
|  The
|  only thing a firewall is good for is to provide you with a false sense
|  of security.
| A firewall is a useful tool for securing a network.  If you don't know
| enough about security to know that, you shouldn't be pontificating on
| the subject in a public list.  Like any other tool, it is neither
| necessary nor sufficient in and of itself.
|  If you want to be able to run services like web or mail
|  servers, you by definition must start punching holes in your firewall.
| And, of course, opening a single hole in a firewall makes it completely
| useless.  NOT.  Go away, troll.

Noah isn't a troll.  He absolutely right here -- if you run a mail
server, no firewall will prevent you from becoming an open relay.
The only firewall that will prevent your mail server from being an
open relay is one which disconnects the mail server from the rest of
the world (and prevents you from getting any mail at all).  If you are
to run a mail server you have to open TCP port 25.  Once you've done
that, your firewall doesn't help you on port 25 and you must then look
to other means for securing that part of your system/network.

Noah (and I) didn't say a firewall was useless, just that discussing
firewalls when the problem is a (potential) mail relay is wholly



Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
250 server Hello []
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator

if you are relaying, I do not see how.

If someone can relay through you they should be able to telnet to your smtp
port and send mail out like I just tried.

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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Vineet Kumar
* dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020419 09:10]:
 On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:22:56AM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
 | begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
 |  HA!  That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard on this list.
 | ridiculous.


 |  The
 |  only thing a firewall is good for is to provide you with a false sense
 |  of security.
 | A firewall is a useful tool for securing a network.  If you don't know
 | enough about security to know that, you shouldn't be pontificating on
 | the subject in a public list.  Like any other tool, it is neither
 | necessary nor sufficient in and of itself.

Well said.

 |  If you want to be able to run services like web or mail
 |  servers, you by definition must start punching holes in your firewall.
 | And, of course, opening a single hole in a firewall makes it completely
 | useless.  NOT.  Go away, troll.
 Noah isn't a troll.  He absolutely right here -- if you run a mail
 server, no firewall will prevent you from becoming an open relay.
 The only firewall that will prevent your mail server from being an
 open relay is one which disconnects the mail server from the rest of
 the world (and prevents you from getting any mail at all).  If you are
 to run a mail server you have to open TCP port 25.  Once you've done
 that, your firewall doesn't help you on port 25 and you must then look
 to other means for securing that part of your system/network.
 Noah (and I) didn't say a firewall was useless, just that discussing
 firewalls when the problem is a (potential) mail relay is wholly

Well, there may be other issues on the table here. Will's original
question was can I tell if I've been hacked? His exim setup could be
sound, but it's definitely feasible that a rootkit could install a mail
relay listening on another port and sending out a ton of spam
unbeknownst to ps and top. Are your hub lights blinking, Will?

If that rootkit was installed by somebody exploiting a samba which
should have been blocked from The Outside, this could potentially have
been prevented if a packet filter was installed to allow incoming
connections only to tcp/25.

Also, I'm pretty sure Noah did say the firewall was useless - that the
only thing it's good for is a false sense of security. 'Troll' may be a
bit strong, but then, so was his remark about the usefulness of

Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
Please see

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-19 Thread Shawn McMahon
begin  dman quotation:
 Noah (and I) didn't say a firewall was useless, just that discussing
 firewalls when the problem is a (potential) mail relay is wholly

Noah did say that.  You, to the best of my knowledge, didn't.

The original poster was concerned of a number of things, including the
possibility that he'd been hacked.  The response that triggered Noah was
one opining that if the person didn't have a firewall, he should assume
he HAS been hacked.

A little broad of a brush, perhaps, since it is possible to secure a
system such that a firewall adds nothing (one would hope, for instance,
that one's firewall is that secure), but I think we can conclude that
any user who makes it clear in his post that he doesn't even know where
his MTA's logfiles are kept probably would benefit from a firewall.

As long as he doesn't assume firewall == secure, of course.

Apologies to Noah for calling him a troll.

Shawn McMahon| McMahon's Laws of Linux support:   | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

Description: PGP signature

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-18 Thread David Smead
Are you operating behind a firewall. There are only two kinds of systems
operating without firewalls - those that are hacked and those that will be


David Smead

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, will trillich wrote:

 debian-users: i've got what may be a nasty situation about to
 happen. any pointers welcome...

 just got a 'heads up' from an ally at my isp that someone's
 reported as a spammer. i'm running debian

   Exim version 3.12 #1 built 03-Jan-2002 02:45:13
   Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1999

 how can i be sure that i've not been cracked and am unbeknownst
 to me broadcasting/relaying email for others? surely there's
 something better than just 'sniffit' and waiting for something
 to happen...

 the only 'advertising' i've ever done for is
 the .sig at the bottom of my emails, as you see below. i do not
 spam, never had, never will.

 does 'presumed innocent' operate on the mentality of the average
 isp? i'm getting the impression it does NOT...

 ideas? help!

 (hopefully i'll still be able to get email tomorrow...)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-18 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 08:05:31PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
 Are you operating behind a firewall. There are only two kinds of systems
 operating without firewalls - those that are hacked and those that will be

HA!  That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard on this list.  The
only thing a firewall is good for is to provide you with a false sense
of security.  If you want to be able to run services like web or mail
servers, you by definition must start punching holes in your firewall.
The instant you do that, you expose the soft underbelly of your
supposedly safe network.


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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

2002-04-18 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:57:45PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 just got a 'heads up' from an ally at my isp that someone's
 reported as a spammer. i'm running debian

You really need to find out the nature of the complaint.  Did the person
claim that spam was delivered via your machine?  Did they provide
message headers to back up that claim?  If so, then the first place to
check is your mail logs.  Or were they just claiming that some email
address at your domain was spamming?  If that's the case, then it's
probably a case of forged headers and there's nothing you can do about
it.  The vast majority of spam I get comes of Asia yet claims to be from
an address or similar.


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