Re: / quota.user

1999-11-19 Thread aphro
On 19 Nov 1999, Brian May wrote:

bam ext2? removable? 

ext2 non removable

bam Why do you want the sosuid and nodev options?

i saw a tip on about running users in chroot'd home, and to
prevent devices from being made so they can access tehm i mounted the
filesystem (/users in this case) nodev, and nosuid for well no suid
binaries :) i have scripts that wipe them out daily but not allowing them
in the first place is always handy.

since the chroot stuff didnt work out, and the author of the tip never
replied to my request for help i can take the nodev option out, but would
like to keep the nosuid option.  BUT i can take it off too, its not a huge
deal.  just wanted to know if/why those files appeared to need to be suid.


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Re: / quota.user

1999-11-19 Thread Ethan Benson

On 18/11/99 aphro wrote:

since the chroot stuff didnt work out, and the author of the tip never
replied to my request for help i can take the nodev option out, but would
like to keep the nosuid option.  BUT i can take it off too, its not a huge
deal.  just wanted to know if/why those files appeared to need to be suid.

I was tinkering with quotas on my own box (just for fun :) ) a while 
ago, my /home is mounted nosuid,nodev as well and quotas worked fine, 
the quota.user, are just data files they do not need to be 
suid (and are not)

i think you have a unrelated problem here.

i was using 2.2.12 (or maybe 11) but its a redhat system have not 
tried quotas on debian yet.  (i really have no use for them other 
then for my own amusement)

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: / quota.user

1999-11-18 Thread Brian May
 aphro == aphro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

aphro do these files need to be setuid ?  i have my
aphro homedirectories on a new server mounted on a filesystem
aphro with nosuid,nodev,usrquota,grpquota and it doesnt appear to
aphro like teh spits out an error when trying to set
aphro the quotas.

I think I might be able to help with additional information.

What type of filesystem are you using?

eg is it:

ext2? removable? 

Why do you want the sosuid and nodev options?