(deb-cat) Control remot amb VNC: Alçada de la imatge

2023-06-28 Thread Narcis Garcia

Bona tarda,

Des de fa temps que utilitzo el protocol VNC per a accedir* remotament a 
escriptoris, i quasi sempre veig l'anomalia de què les dimensions de 
l'àrea d'imatge no estan bé:

Si el servidor té una imatge de 1024x768 a mi se m'obre una parcela de 
(m'invento) 1000x1000 dins la finestra, de manera que a sota queda un 
marge de color negre o que sembla un mirall de la part superior.
No només és molest visualment, sinó que he descobert que això també 
ocupa ample de banda.

I avui se m'ha fet impossible amb una parcela de 1360x25000 o semblant, 
perquè el refresc es fa impossible i es talla la connexió.
He provat amb el paràmetre -geometry tant a servidor (x11vnc) com a 
client (xtightvncviewer), sense cap efecte.

Algú sap com es gestiona aquesta anomalia?


servidor$ x11vnc -connect HostVisitant
client$ xtightvncviewer -listen


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

[SOLVED] Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2023-02-25 Thread piorunz

On 07/09/2022 09:41, piorunz wrote:

and the there's anydesk, with conditions just as nomachine.


[1] https://www.nomachine.com/

Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another, as for WAN
access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
solution for my simple remote access. I'd rather fix VNC server I have
right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.

Hi all,

Just to let you know, I finally settled for commercial software - 
RealVNC Connect account. Registered to anonymous details, this account 
allows for up to three VNC servers within one account to be available 
for free, with optional cloud access as well, protected by password and 
2FA. I don't need to resort to SSH tunnel any more, but I still can if I 
disable cloud access and tunnel a port through SSH instead.
And what a difference has it been! It's so much more efficient than 
x11vnc I was using for last three years, I am very patient, I know haha. 
Before, I had anywhere from 1 fps to 10 fps on a good day, recently 
x11vnc was bugging even more and manipulating any window would slow it 
down from typical 10 fps to 0.5 fps. Restarting, tweaking options, even 
using all default options would not help, its just not mature enough and 
has many bugs. This is all on gigabit LAN connection.

RealVNC server, for a change, is full 30 or 60 fps, I can't even tell, 
but watching a video (just for experiment purposes) is possible where 
previously it was a slideshow mess.
I only ever used remote access to my home server, I never knew that 
nouveau-powered old Nvidia card, Xfce desktop, and the rest of the 
system, is actually so responsive! Everything is so smooth and well 
again, like I would sit in the front of it. Aside from cpu microcode, 
RealVNC Server is the only proprietary package on this machine. 
Compromise which I decided I had to do to regain control of my Debian 

Thanks for for participating in this thread!

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org/

Re: VNC on debian 11 can't get it working on fress install

2022-10-15 Thread Michael Williams
Hi Mark,

I had a similar issue. I changed the ~/.vnc/xstartup file to be:


# Make sure that the SESSION_MANAGER environment variable is not set.


# Launch Xfce in the foreground.


and the "exited too early" problem went away.

Hope this helps!

VNC on debian 11 can't get it working on fress install

2022-09-30 Thread Mark Tyfish
Hello all,
I am struggling getting VNC to behave on a fresh install.
I followed these instructions:

~ This command works and brings up a vnc server I can log into:

vncserver -xstartup startxfce4 &

~ Here is the start of the logfile of a successful 
start:mark@debian:~/.vnc$ cat debian\:5901.log
Xvnc TigerVNC 1.11.0 - built 2022-01-26 17:59Copyright (C) 1999-2020 TigerVNC 
Team and many others (see README.rst)See https://www.tigervnc.org for 
information on TigerVNC.Underlying X server release 12011000, The X.Org 

Fri Sep 30 20:21:56 2022 vncext:      VNC extension running! vncext:      
Listening for VNC connections on local interface(s), port 5901 vncext:      
created VNC server for screen 03NI3X0 New Xtigervnc server 'debian:1 (mark)' on 
port 5901 for display :1.3NI3X0 Use xtigervncviewer -SecurityTypes VncAuth 
-passwd /home/mark/.vnc/passwd :1 to connect to the VNC 
server./usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1gpg-agent: a 
gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one
(xfwm4:4458): xfwm4-WARNING **: 20:21:57.417: Unsupported GL renderer (llvmpipe 
(LLVM 11.0.1, 256 bits)).
** (xfce4-power-manager:4492): WARNING **: 20:21:57.987: Failed to get name 
owner: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get 
owner of name 'org.xfce.PowerManager': no such name

** (xfce4-power-manager:4492): WARNING **: 20:21:57.988: Failed to get name 
owner: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get 
owner of name 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement': no such name
Xfce power manager is not runningXlib:  extension "DPMS" missing on display 
(xfce4-power-manager:4492): xfce4-power-manager-WARNING **: 20:21:57.991: 
Monitor is not DPMS capable~ log continues

~ This command does not work:mark@debian:~/.vnc$ vncserver
New Xtigervnc server 'debian:1 (mark)' on port 5901 for display :1.Use 
xtigervncviewer -SecurityTypes VncAuth -passwd /home/mark/.vnc/passwd :1 to 
connect to the VNC server.

======= tail /home/mark/.vnc/debian:5901.log 
===xrdb: No such file or directoryxrdb: can't open file 
Session startup via '/home/mark/.vnc/xstartup' cleanly exited too early (< 3 
Maybe try something simple first, e.g.,        tigervncserver -xstartup 
/usr/bin/xtermThe X session cleanly exited!Killing Xtigervnc process ID 4806... 
~ This is the log I get:mark@debian:~/.vnc$ cat debian\:5901.log
Xvnc TigerVNC 1.11.0 - built 2022-01-26 17:59Copyright (C) 1999-2020 TigerVNC 
Team and many others (see README.rst)See https://www.tigervnc.org for 
information on TigerVNC.Underlying X server release 12011000, The X.Org 

Fri Sep 30 20:32:01 2022 vncext:      VNC extension running! vncext:      
Listening for VNC connections on local interface(s), port 5901 vncext:      
created VNC server for screen 03NI3X0 New Xtigervnc server 'debian:1 (mark)' on 
port 5901 for display :1.3NI3X0 Use xtigervncviewer -SecurityTypes VncAuth 
-passwd /home/mark/.vnc/passwd :1 to connect to the VNC server.xrdb: No such 
file or directoryxrdb: can't open file '/.Xresources'/usr/bin/startxfce4: X 
server already running on display :1 ComparingUpdateTracker: 0 pixels in / 0 
pixels out ComparingUpdateTracker: (1:-nan ratio)xrdb: Connection refusedxrdb: 
Can't open display ':1'Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection 
refusedxfce4-session: Cannot open display: .Type 'xfce4-session --help' for 
Any ideas?  thanks

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-09 Thread Chuck Zmudzinski
On 9/7/22 10:11 PM, David wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Sept 2022 at 11:44, Chuck Zmudzinski  wrote:
> > On 9/7/22 7:45 PM, David wrote:
> > > On Thu, 8 Sept 2022 at 02:49, Chuck Zmudzinski  
> > > wrote:
> > > > On 9/7/2022 12:13 PM, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> > >
> > > > > I use the tigervnc-standalone-server which is in the Debian packages
> > > > > archives. I use it only on a trusted LAN network so I don't need an
> > > > > encrypted vnc connection either, and I can access it remotely from the
> > > > > Internet by connecting to the LAN using a VPN (I use strongswan/IKEv2
> > > > > for the VPN server). The main configuration files are at ~/.vnc, and
> > > > > there are tools to configure it such as vncpasswd. The most important
> > > > > configuration file is ~/.vnc/xstartup, where you launch your DE or
> > > > > window manager of your choice.
> > >
> > > > > You can launch the server from a terminal logged in as an ordinary 
> > > > > user
> > > > > and the server runs as an ordinary user in the background so after you
> > > > > start the server in a terminal you can exit that terminal session.
> > >
> > > > Actually, you *should* exit that terminal session, especially if it is
> > > > a terminal window running in the same kind of session (gnome, lxde, etc)
> > > > and as the same user that you plan to run in the VNC server. This is
> > > > another limitation of the tigervnc-standalone-server: it does not 
> > > > connect
> > > > to an already running X11 session but instead launches a new session as
> > > > an ordinary user as specified in ~/.vnc/xstartup.
> > >
> > > > I have found that if I try to run two sessions as the same user, one 
> > > > over
> > > > VNC and one on the local desktop, it does not work too well, at least
> > > > with the current version of gnome, probably because there is not good
> > > > enough separation of the various user processes that gnome starts for
> > > > each user session.
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Regarding your final sentence, I wonder if installing dbus-x11 instead of
> > > dbus-user-session would improve that situation.
> > >
> > > Because of what I read in the 'Description' in the output of
> > > 'apt show dbus-user-session'.
> > >
> >
> > I have both dbus-user-session and dbus-x11 installed:
> >
> > chuckz@debian:~$ dpkg-query -l dbus*
> > Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> > | 
> > Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
> > |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
> > ||/ NameVersion  Architecture Description
> > +++-===---=
> > ii  dbus1.12.20-2amd64simple interprocess 
> > messaging system (daemon and utilities)
> > un  dbus-bin  (no description 
> > available)
> > un  dbus-daemon   (no description 
> > available)
> > un  dbus-session-bus  (no description 
> > available)
> > un  dbus-session-bus-common   (no description 
> > available)
> > un  dbus-system-bus   (no description 
> > available)
> > un  dbus-system-bus-common(no description 
> > available)
> > ii  dbus-user-session   1.12.20-2amd64simple interprocess 
> > messaging system (systemd --user integration)
> > ii  dbus-x111.12.20-2amd64simple interprocess 
> > messaging system (X11 deps)
> >
> > I don't know how systemd handles the case when one user has two gnome 
> > sessions running at the same time or if it is possible to make it behave 
> > better in that case. I also don't know if installing dbus-session-bus or 
> > dbus-system-bus might help. If anyone has any tips to improve the way it 
> > runs in that case, I could try them out.
> The 'Description' to which I referred you says:
>   To retain dbus' traditional session semantics, in which login sessions
>   are artificially isolated from each other, remove this package and install
>   dbus-x11 instead
> Note: "remove this package".

I just tried my system with the dbus-user-session package removed, and it still 
does not run two gnome sessions of the same user very well. After removing the 
dbus-user-session package with the dbus-x11 package still installed, I started 
the tigervnc server which started a gnome user session, and then when I logged 
into another gnome session on the local display as the same user, the session 
on the local display started normally but in the process of starting the 
session on the local display the tigervnc server died. So I avoid running two 
gnome sessions as the same user at the same time on the same machine, and I 
don't think the feature of running two sessions at the same time as the same 
user on the same machine is a feature that is needed all that much, it is just 
a curiosity for me.

Best regards,


Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread David
On Thu, 8 Sept 2022 at 11:44, Chuck Zmudzinski  wrote:
> On 9/7/22 7:45 PM, David wrote:
> > On Thu, 8 Sept 2022 at 02:49, Chuck Zmudzinski  
> > wrote:
> > > On 9/7/2022 12:13 PM, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> >
> > > > I use the tigervnc-standalone-server which is in the Debian packages
> > > > archives. I use it only on a trusted LAN network so I don't need an
> > > > encrypted vnc connection either, and I can access it remotely from the
> > > > Internet by connecting to the LAN using a VPN (I use strongswan/IKEv2
> > > > for the VPN server). The main configuration files are at ~/.vnc, and
> > > > there are tools to configure it such as vncpasswd. The most important
> > > > configuration file is ~/.vnc/xstartup, where you launch your DE or
> > > > window manager of your choice.
> >
> > > > You can launch the server from a terminal logged in as an ordinary user
> > > > and the server runs as an ordinary user in the background so after you
> > > > start the server in a terminal you can exit that terminal session.
> >
> > > Actually, you *should* exit that terminal session, especially if it is
> > > a terminal window running in the same kind of session (gnome, lxde, etc)
> > > and as the same user that you plan to run in the VNC server. This is
> > > another limitation of the tigervnc-standalone-server: it does not connect
> > > to an already running X11 session but instead launches a new session as
> > > an ordinary user as specified in ~/.vnc/xstartup.
> >
> > > I have found that if I try to run two sessions as the same user, one over
> > > VNC and one on the local desktop, it does not work too well, at least
> > > with the current version of gnome, probably because there is not good
> > > enough separation of the various user processes that gnome starts for
> > > each user session.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Regarding your final sentence, I wonder if installing dbus-x11 instead of
> > dbus-user-session would improve that situation.
> >
> > Because of what I read in the 'Description' in the output of
> > 'apt show dbus-user-session'.
> >
> I have both dbus-user-session and dbus-x11 installed:
> chuckz@debian:~$ dpkg-query -l dbus*
> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
> |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
> ||/ NameVersion  Architecture Description
> +++-===---=
> ii  dbus1.12.20-2amd64simple interprocess 
> messaging system (daemon and utilities)
> un  dbus-bin  (no description 
> available)
> un  dbus-daemon   (no description 
> available)
> un  dbus-session-bus  (no description 
> available)
> un  dbus-session-bus-common   (no description 
> available)
> un  dbus-system-bus   (no description 
> available)
> un  dbus-system-bus-common(no description 
> available)
> ii  dbus-user-session   1.12.20-2amd64simple interprocess 
> messaging system (systemd --user integration)
> ii  dbus-x111.12.20-2amd64simple interprocess 
> messaging system (X11 deps)
> I don't know how systemd handles the case when one user has two gnome 
> sessions running at the same time or if it is possible to make it behave 
> better in that case. I also don't know if installing dbus-session-bus or 
> dbus-system-bus might help. If anyone has any tips to improve the way it runs 
> in that case, I could try them out.

The 'Description' to which I referred you says:
  To retain dbus' traditional session semantics, in which login sessions
  are artificially isolated from each other, remove this package and install
  dbus-x11 instead

Note: "remove this package".

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Chuck Zmudzinski
On 9/7/22 7:45 PM, David wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Sept 2022 at 02:49, Chuck Zmudzinski  wrote:
> > On 9/7/2022 12:13 PM, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> > > I use the tigervnc-standalone-server which is in the Debian packages
> > > archives. I use it only on a trusted LAN network so I don't need an
> > > encrypted vnc connection either, and I can access it remotely from the
> > > Internet by connecting to the LAN using a VPN (I use strongswan/IKEv2
> > > for the VPN server). The main configuration files are at ~/.vnc, and
> > > there are tools to configure it such as vncpasswd. The most important
> > > configuration file is ~/.vnc/xstartup, where you launch your DE or
> > > window manager of your choice.
> > > You can launch the server from a terminal logged in as an ordinary user
> > > and the server runs as an ordinary user in the background so after you
> > > start the server in a terminal you can exit that terminal session.
> > Actually, you *should* exit that terminal session, especially if it is
> > a terminal window running in the same kind of session (gnome, lxde, etc)
> > and as the same user that you plan to run in the VNC server. This is
> > another limitation of the tigervnc-standalone-server: it does not connect
> > to an already running X11 session but instead launches a new session as
> > an ordinary user as specified in ~/.vnc/xstartup.
> > I have found that if I try to run two sessions as the same user, one over
> > VNC and one on the local desktop, it does not work too well, at least
> > with the current version of gnome, probably because there is not good
> > enough separation of the various user processes that gnome starts for
> > each user session.
> Hi,
> Regarding your final sentence, I wonder if installing dbus-x11 instead of
> dbus-user-session would improve that situation.
> Because of what I read in the 'Description' in the output of
> 'apt show dbus-user-session'.

I have both dbus-user-session and dbus-x11 installed:

chuckz@debian:~$ dpkg-query -l dbus*
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name    Version  Architecture Description
ii  dbus    1.12.20-2    amd64    simple interprocess 
messaging system (daemon and utilities)
un  dbus-bin          (no description available)
un  dbus-daemon       (no description available)
un  dbus-session-bus          (no description available)
un  dbus-session-bus-common       (no description available)
un  dbus-system-bus       (no description available)
un  dbus-system-bus-common        (no description available)
ii  dbus-user-session   1.12.20-2    amd64    simple interprocess 
messaging system (systemd --user integration)
ii  dbus-x11    1.12.20-2    amd64    simple interprocess 
messaging system (X11 deps)

I don't know how systemd handles the case when one user has two gnome sessions 
running at the same time or if it is possible to make it behave better in that 
case. I also don't know if installing dbus-session-bus or dbus-system-bus might 
help. If anyone has any tips to improve the way it runs in that case, I could 
try them out.

Best regards,


Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread David
On Thu, 8 Sept 2022 at 02:49, Chuck Zmudzinski  wrote:
> On 9/7/2022 12:13 PM, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:

> > I use the tigervnc-standalone-server which is in the Debian packages
> > archives. I use it only on a trusted LAN network so I don't need an
> > encrypted vnc connection either, and I can access it remotely from the
> > Internet by connecting to the LAN using a VPN (I use strongswan/IKEv2
> > for the VPN server). The main configuration files are at ~/.vnc, and
> > there are tools to configure it such as vncpasswd. The most important
> > configuration file is ~/.vnc/xstartup, where you launch your DE or
> > window manager of your choice.

> > You can launch the server from a terminal logged in as an ordinary user
> > and the server runs as an ordinary user in the background so after you
> > start the server in a terminal you can exit that terminal session.

> Actually, you *should* exit that terminal session, especially if it is
> a terminal window running in the same kind of session (gnome, lxde, etc)
> and as the same user that you plan to run in the VNC server. This is
> another limitation of the tigervnc-standalone-server: it does not connect
> to an already running X11 session but instead launches a new session as
> an ordinary user as specified in ~/.vnc/xstartup.

> I have found that if I try to run two sessions as the same user, one over
> VNC and one on the local desktop, it does not work too well, at least
> with the current version of gnome, probably because there is not good
> enough separation of the various user processes that gnome starts for
> each user session.


Regarding your final sentence, I wonder if installing dbus-x11 instead of
dbus-user-session would improve that situation.

Because of what I read in the 'Description' in the output of
'apt show dbus-user-session'.

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Chuck Zmudzinski
On 9/7/2022 12:13 PM, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> On 9/7/2022 4:41 AM, piorunz wrote:
> > On 07/09/2022 05:58, notoneofmyseeds wrote:
> > > On 07.09.22 06:19, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
> > >
> > >>>
> > >> I've switched to NoMachine [1] a long time ago.
> > >> It has all features I need, which are multi-platform and cross-OS
> > >> support, public key authentication, reliable file transfer between
> > >> hosts, and completely free no strings attached license for personal use.
> > >
> > > and the there's anydesk, with conditions just as nomachine.
> > >
> > > anydesk.com
> > >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> [1] https://www.nomachine.com/
> >
> > Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
> > I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another, as for WAN
> > access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
> > need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
> > solution for my simple remote access. I'd rather fix VNC server I have
> > right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
> > VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.
> >
> > --
> > With kindest regards, Piotr.
> >
> > ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
> > ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
> > ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org/
> > ⠈⠳⣄
> >
> I use the tigervnc-standalone-server which is in the Debian packages 
> archives. I use it only on a trusted LAN network so I don't need an encrypted 
> vnc connection either, and I can access it remotely from the Internet by 
> connecting to the LAN using a VPN (I use strongswan/IKEv2 for the VPN 
> server). The main configuration files are at ~/.vnc, and there are tools to 
> configure it such as vncpasswd. The most important configuration file is 
> ~/.vnc/xstartup, where you launch your DE or window manager of your choice.
> You can launch the server from a terminal logged in as an ordinary user and 
> the server runs as an ordinary user in the background so after you start the 
> server in a terminal you can exit that terminal session. 

Actually, you *should* exit that terminal session, especially if it is a 
terminal window running in the same kind of session (gnome, lxde, etc) and as 
the same user that you plan to run in the VNC server. This is another 
limitation of the tigervnc-standalone-server: it does not connect to an already 
running X11 session but instead launches a new session as an ordinary user as 
specified in ~/.vnc/xstartup. I have found that if I try to run two sessions as 
the same user, one over VNC and one on the local desktop, it does not work too 
well, at least with the current version of gnome, probably because there is not 
good enough separation of the various user processes that gnome starts for each 
user session. So when I use the tigervnc standalone VNC session, I log out of 
the session on the local desktop for the user that is running the VNC server, 
and if I am going to use the local desktop session as the same user that is 
using the VNC server, I kill the VNC server first, so there
will not be two gnome sessions running as the same user.
> With the vnc port (usually 5901) open in the firewall, you can connect to the 
> server and start your apps, and once you have apps running, it will keep them 
> running in the session until you kill the server. I use it with gnome-session 
> with Xorg (I tried wayland session a while back and Xorg seemed more stable), 
> and it works adequately for my needs on stable, testing, and sid. It works 
> with both VNC viewers I have tried: RealVNC on Windows, and tigervnc-viewer 
> on Debian.
> There is one slight annoyance that I live with: With the gnome-session 
> desktop, there are some apps and settings that will require me to enter my 
> password when I first use that setting or app, such as setting up a color 
> profile, using the keyring, and starting the Brave browser. This could 
> probably be fixed with appropriate commands in the ~/.vnc/xstartup file, but 
> I have not tried debugging it and I just enter the password when asked by the 
> gnome desktop and after the first time for each app or setting it won't ask 
> again until I kill the server and restart it.
> Best regards,
> Chuck

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Chuck Zmudzinski
On 9/7/2022 4:41 AM, piorunz wrote:
> On 07/09/2022 05:58, notoneofmyseeds wrote:
> > On 07.09.22 06:19, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >> I've switched to NoMachine [1] a long time ago.
> >> It has all features I need, which are multi-platform and cross-OS
> >> support, public key authentication, reliable file transfer between
> >> hosts, and completely free no strings attached license for personal use.
> >
> > and the there's anydesk, with conditions just as nomachine.
> >
> > anydesk.com
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> [1] https://www.nomachine.com/
> Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
> I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another, as for WAN
> access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
> need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
> solution for my simple remote access. I'd rather fix VNC server I have
> right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
> VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.
> --
> With kindest regards, Piotr.
> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org/
> ⠈⠳⣄

I use the tigervnc-standalone-server which is in the Debian packages archives. 
I use it only on a trusted LAN network so I don't need an encrypted vnc 
connection either, and I can access it remotely from the Internet by connecting 
to the LAN using a VPN (I use strongswan/IKEv2 for the VPN server). The main 
configuration files are at ~/.vnc, and there are tools to configure it such as 
vncpasswd. The most important configuration file is ~/.vnc/xstartup, where you 
launch your DE or window manager of your choice.

You can launch the server from a terminal logged in as an ordinary user and the 
server runs as an ordinary user in the background so after you start the server 
in a terminal you can exit that terminal session. With the vnc port (usually 
5901) open in the firewall, you can connect to the server and start your apps, 
and once you have apps running, it will keep them running in the session until 
you kill the server. I use it with gnome-session with Xorg (I tried wayland 
session a while back and Xorg seemed more stable), and it works adequately for 
my needs on stable, testing, and sid. It works with both VNC viewers I have 
tried: RealVNC on Windows, and tigervnc-viewer on Debian.

There is one slight annoyance that I live with: With the gnome-session desktop, 
there are some apps and settings that will require me to enter my password when 
I first use that setting or app, such as setting up a color profile, using the 
keyring, and starting the Brave browser. This could probably be fixed with 
appropriate commands in the ~/.vnc/xstartup file, but I have not tried 
debugging it and I just enter the password when asked by the gnome desktop and 
after the first time for each app or setting it won't ask again until I kill 
the server and restart it.

Best regards,


Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Dashamir Hoxha
On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 5:24 PM Alexander V. Makartsev 

> >>> [1] https://www.nomachine.com/
> >
> > Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
> > I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another,
> NoMachine does exactly that.

It seems to be very nice and easy (user friendly).
The only downside is that it does not seem to be open source.


Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 07.09.2022 13:41, piorunz wrote:

On 07/09/2022 05:58, notoneofmyseeds wrote:

On 07.09.22 06:19, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

I've switched to NoMachine [1] a long time ago.
It has all features I need, which are multi-platform and cross-OS
support, public key authentication, reliable file transfer between
hosts, and completely free no strings attached license for personal 

and the there's anydesk, with conditions just as nomachine.


[1] https://www.nomachine.com/

Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another,

NoMachine does exactly that.

as for WAN
access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
solution for my simple remote access. 
NoMachine is not external service like anydesk or teamviewer. Doesn't 
nag you about license or anything.
It is a completely self-hosted solution and doesn't require Internet 
access to work. You setup your own SSH keys and\or passwords, ports, 
settings, etc.
For me at home NoMachine provides a physical-like-access experience to 
all my Linux and Windows hosts and IMO was a major step forward from 
slow, ancient and insecure VNC.

I'd rather fix VNC server I have
right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.

I was in search for a VNC replacement once too. Good luck.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Dashamir Hoxha
On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 10:41 AM piorunz  wrote:

> Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
> I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another, as for WAN
> access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
> need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
> solution for my simple remote access. I'd rather fix VNC server I have
> right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
> VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.

I remember trying TigerVNC, which seems to have a better performance
compared to x11vnc:

Xpra may also be very good, but I have never tried it in a scenario like

xrdp might also work, but seems to be a bit tricky:

x2go may also be a very good solution, as already mentioned.


Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread Stanislav Vlasov
ср, 7 сент. 2022 г. в 13:41, piorunz :
> > anydesk.com
> >> [1] https://www.nomachine.com/
> Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
> I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another, as for WAN
> access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
> need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
> solution for my simple remote access. I'd rather fix VNC server I have
> right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
> VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.

You can try x2go as opensource child of nomachine, if DE in
compatibility list (https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:de-compat)
Work over ssh, can and do screen compression, forward sound (was try
only in browser), printers (from local to remote) and partially
clipboard (may be not partially, my instance outdated).
May use LAN with excellent image quality and edge modem with very low
bandwidth with low fps and jpeg aliases on image.
I'm use it on remote desktop server, so have no info on connecting to
normal session, but theirs wiki contain page

Some colleagues use SPICE protocol, but i have no experience with it.


Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-07 Thread piorunz

On 07/09/2022 05:58, notoneofmyseeds wrote:

On 07.09.22 06:19, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

I've switched to NoMachine [1] a long time ago.
It has all features I need, which are multi-platform and cross-OS
support, public key authentication, reliable file transfer between
hosts, and completely free no strings attached license for personal use.

and the there's anydesk, with conditions just as nomachine.


[1] https://www.nomachine.com/

Thanks for your replies guys. These solutions are overkill to my needs,
I just need reliable LAN access from one machine to another, as for WAN
access I already have ssh tunnel which tunnels all traffic I want if
need be. So, I don't think I need external, commercial, not open source
solution for my simple remote access. I'd rather fix VNC server I have
right now, or switch to different VNC server. Anyone has experience with
VNC, or similar LAN protocols, which work? Thanks in advance.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org/

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-06 Thread notoneofmyseeds

On 07.09.22 06:19, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

I've switched to NoMachine [1] a long time ago.
It has all features I need, which are multi-platform and cross-OS
support, public key authentication, reliable file transfer between
hosts, and completely free no strings attached license for personal use.

and the there's anydesk, with conditions just as nomachine.


[1] https://www.nomachine.com/

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-06 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 07.09.2022 01:49, piorunz wrote:

Hi all,

Any suggestions welcome!

I've switched to NoMachine [1] a long time ago.
It has all features I need, which are multi-platform and cross-OS 
support, public key authentication, reliable file transfer between 
hosts, and completely free no strings attached license for personal use.

[1] https://www.nomachine.com/

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org

Re: Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-06 Thread piorunz

I thought of one more thing:
This could be remote client causing this. I almost exclusively use KRDC
client to log into this VNC server, so maybe something is there which
cause this. But I am willing to change a VNC server rather than debug a
client - simply because a server should never crash.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org/

Currently on x11vnc, looking for reliable VNC solution?

2022-09-06 Thread piorunz

Hi all,

For years, out of inertia, I have been using x11vnc in a screen session
to provide remote desktop access to my local home server. So simply
speaking I see my logged in X session, with my desktop and running
programs, and I can manage it remotely from another machine.

my x11vnc in screen is as follows:
x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -shared -forever -loop -noipv6 -repeat
-timeout 60 -ncache_cr -noxfixes -find

This works all year round, but for last couple of months (or more?) its
randomly dropping the connection and I have to start over. This is some
bug in x11vnc, because otherwise server's reliability is excellent, and
all other services are working very well. When it drops, screen session
caught XIO error:
06/09/2022 21:31:50 deleted 60 tile_row polling images.

And it just starts over because is has -repeat option. It happens every
few minutes, very frequently when I am typing, and almost not at all
when I am doing nothing apart from having remote session fired up.

I'd like to finally fix it (anyone knows what's wrong?), or replace
x11vnc with something else. Preferably some systemd service. And I want
full desktop access to my machine, I know that some other remote clients
are logging me in as a new user or something, with empty desktop, that's
not what I want.

Clean Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) x86_64 with x11vnc package
installed. Xorg and LXQt as desktop environment, on NVIDIA GeForce GT
710 on nouveau driver. Everything is stable apart from this issue.

Any suggestions welcome!

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://www.debian.org/

Re: Desktop environment and VNC

2022-04-24 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 07:49:08 -0400
Greg Wooledge  wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 08:57:36AM +0200, Julius Hamilton wrote:
> > There are many VNC servers that can be installed from apt, but you also
> > need a desktop environment, which can be installed from tasksel.
> > 
> > I see in tasksel that I already have Debian Desktop Environment and GNOME
> > installed.
> > 
> > I am pretty sure my VNC server is running and fine as it is except a DE is
> > not running so that’s why I can’t connect.
> > 
> > Is it enough to launch the DE, open a new screen with Screen, then launch
> > the VNC?
> There are two kinds of VNC servers.
> The first kind runs a VNC session which is totally independent of what's
> running on the physical display (if anything).
> The second kind runs inside an existing X11 session, and replicates that
> X11 session as a VNC session.  I only know of *one* VNC server which does
> this, and its name is "x11vnc".

IIUC, TigerVNC can do this as well:


Getting it to work properly, though, may not be trivial.


Re: Desktop environment and VNC

2022-04-22 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 08:57:36AM +0200, Julius Hamilton wrote:
> There are many VNC servers that can be installed from apt, but you also
> need a desktop environment, which can be installed from tasksel.
> I see in tasksel that I already have Debian Desktop Environment and GNOME
> installed.
> I am pretty sure my VNC server is running and fine as it is except a DE is
> not running so that’s why I can’t connect.
> Is it enough to launch the DE, open a new screen with Screen, then launch
> the VNC?

There are two kinds of VNC servers.

The first kind runs a VNC session which is totally independent of what's
running on the physical display (if anything).

The second kind runs inside an existing X11 session, and replicates that
X11 session as a VNC session.  I only know of *one* VNC server which does
this, and its name is "x11vnc".

> Does the VNC depend on the DE having been launched first?

Only the second kind (x11vnc) does.

> Or do I have to launch the DE from the VNC’s xstartup file?

For everything else, yeah.  That's how it would normally be done.

With most VNC servers, you get a command called "vncserver" which is a
symlink to whatever the real command is.  And to start a VNC session as
yourself, you would login, and then run something like:

  vncserver :1

This would attempt to start a VNC session on the :1 display.  Obviously,
if something is already using :1 this will fail.  You'd need to use :2
or whatever, in that case.

Each VNC session is accessible by a separate TCP port, which is some
constant plus the display number.  The VNC client software should give
you some way to select which port/session you want to connect to,
usually with :1 or :2 or whatever display number as the indicator.

For more details, see the documentation for whichever VNC server package
you choose to try.

Oh, one last thing: you may not want to run a full-blown desktop
environment as your VNC session.  I mean, you *can*, but it's probably
overkill, and some of the fancy features may not work right.  You
may want to install a traditional window manager and use that for your
VNC session(s) instead.  But it's totally up to you, as we don't know
what your specific needs are.

(I've got some end users at work who use VNC sessions for working from
home on a specific task.  I installed fvwm and configured a basic menu
and a VNC session startup script for them to use.  They all adapted to
it quite well.)

Desktop environment and VNC

2022-04-22 Thread Julius Hamilton

I am having some difficulty connecting to Debian 11 Bullseye via VNC.

I am trying to understand the situation comprehensively.

There are many VNC servers that can be installed from apt, but you also
need a desktop environment, which can be installed from tasksel.

I see in tasksel that I already have Debian Desktop Environment and GNOME

I am pretty sure my VNC server is running and fine as it is except a DE is
not running so that’s why I can’t connect.

Is it enough to launch the DE, open a new screen with Screen, then launch
the VNC?

Does the VNC depend on the DE having been launched first?

Or do I have to launch the DE from the VNC’s xstartup file?

One thing I am also struggling with is finding the launch commands for the
DEs I install with tasksel; they don’t seem to correspond to their names.
I.e., I know I installed gnome, but don’t know the command to launch it. Is
there an easy way to scan your system for DE launch commands?

I think “systemctl start gdm3” might do it.

So is the most smooth and straightforward way to get VNC going putting that
in my .vnc/xstartup file? Is that it or is there anything else to be sure
to do?

Thanks very much,

Re: QEMU/KVM doesn't open new window - Access only via vnc viewer

2022-04-06 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Thu, 31 Mar 2022 15:42:43 +0100
schrieb Gareth Evans :

>A different invocation method, but does this help, or give a clue to something 

The link was the path to the solution. For gtk output in a newly created
window I had to install the package "qemu-system-gui".

Thanks a lot for your reply and have a nice day.


Re: QEMU/KVM doesn't open new window - Access only via vnc viewer

2022-03-31 Thread Gareth Evans

> On 31 Mar 2022, at 09:44, Dieter Rohlfing  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just about to install Debian11/Bullseye on a host. There are several
> VMs running under QEMU/KVM to set up.
> With Debian9/Stretch I created a new VM via command line:
> /usr/bin/kvm -drive
> file=/qemu/win-70/win-70.jessie.raw,if=virtio,media=disk,cache=none,format=raw
> -name Win-70 -vga std -m 3072 -enable-kvm -rtc base=localtime -boot order=c
> As a result QEMU/KVM opened a new window with the output of the VM.
> With Debian11/Bullseye QEMU/KVM doesn't open a new window, but a message
> appears, telling me to access the output via a vnc viewer. With the vnc
> viewer I can see this output: the VM started correctly.
> How can I get back the output of the VM in a window (like in Debian9)?
> My researches in the internet delivered no results. I always found
> statements like "open a window with the option '-vga std'". Is this no
> more valid for Debian11?
> Dieter

A different invocation method, but does this help, or give a clue to something 


Re: QEMU/KVM doesn't open new window - Access only via vnc viewer

2022-03-31 Thread Christian Britz
Hello Dieter,

unfortunately I have no answer for this specific problem, but I can
strongly recommend the virt-manager solution which utilizes qemu (and
kvm if available).


On 2022-03-31 10:44 UTC+0200, Dieter Rohlfing wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just about to install Debian11/Bullseye on a host. There are several
> VMs running under QEMU/KVM to set up.
> With Debian9/Stretch I created a new VM via command line:
> /usr/bin/kvm -drive
> file=/qemu/win-70/win-70.jessie.raw,if=virtio,media=disk,cache=none,format=raw
> -name Win-70 -vga std -m 3072 -enable-kvm -rtc base=localtime -boot order=c
> As a result QEMU/KVM opened a new window with the output of the VM.
> With Debian11/Bullseye QEMU/KVM doesn't open a new window, but a message
> appears, telling me to access the output via a vnc viewer. With the vnc
> viewer I can see this output: the VM started correctly.
> How can I get back the output of the VM in a window (like in Debian9)?
> My researches in the internet delivered no results. I always found
> statements like "open a window with the option '-vga std'". Is this no
> more valid for Debian11?
> Dieter


QEMU/KVM doesn't open new window - Access only via vnc viewer

2022-03-31 Thread Dieter Rohlfing

I'm just about to install Debian11/Bullseye on a host. There are several
VMs running under QEMU/KVM to set up.

With Debian9/Stretch I created a new VM via command line:

/usr/bin/kvm -drive
-name Win-70 -vga std -m 3072 -enable-kvm -rtc base=localtime -boot order=c

As a result QEMU/KVM opened a new window with the output of the VM.

With Debian11/Bullseye QEMU/KVM doesn't open a new window, but a message
appears, telling me to access the output via a vnc viewer. With the vnc
viewer I can see this output: the VM started correctly.

How can I get back the output of the VM in a window (like in Debian9)?

My researches in the internet delivered no results. I always found
statements like "open a window with the option '-vga std'". Is this no
more valid for Debian11?


Re: GUI browser in VNC

2021-10-20 Thread Chuck Zmudzinski

On 10/20/2021 4:01 PM, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:

On 10/20/2021 4:06 AM, Julius Hamilton wrote:


I’d like to run a desktop in VNC and open GUI browsers like Firefox 
in it.

I succeeded in setting up the VNC server but after installing 
Firefox, Chromium and Chrome I find they don’t open when I launch them.

Is this because I am root user?

Is it just because you should always run browsers as non-root?

Thanks very much,

I use the tigervnc-standalone-server package for VNC access. It allows
a VNC server to be run as a normal user. It works fine with firefox on
my system.

Set up the VNC password and the xstartup script in the $HOME/.vnc
configuration directory. The package provides tools such as vncpasswd
to help set it up, and you can set the xstartup script to start any
installed desktop environment. I have used it with gnome, lxde, and
lxqt and it works fine. I don't think the package provides encrypted
connections, though,

Actually, looking at the man pages for tigervncserver, there are
options to provide encrypted connections using X509 certs or
TLS. This would also presumably require the VNC viewer
to support X509 or TLS security, but I have not tried it.

After installing and configuring it, start the server as an ordinary 

$ vncserver -geometry 1024x768

You can adjust the geometry as desired and connect to it from any
VNC viewer.

Also, as normal (non-root) user, you stop it with:
$ vncserver -kill :1



Re: GUI browser in VNC

2021-10-20 Thread Chuck Zmudzinski

On 10/20/2021 4:06 AM, Julius Hamilton wrote:


I’d like to run a desktop in VNC and open GUI browsers like Firefox in it.

I succeeded in setting up the VNC server but after installing Firefox, 
Chromium and Chrome I find they don’t open when I launch them.

Is this because I am root user?

Is it just because you should always run browsers as non-root?

Thanks very much,

I use the tigervnc-standalone-server package for VNC access. It allows
a VNC server to be run as a normal user. It works fine with firefox on
my system.

Set up the VNC password and the xstartup script in the $HOME/.vnc
configuration directory. The package provides tools such as vncpasswd
to help set it up, and you can set the xstartup script to start any
installed desktop environment. I have used it with gnome, lxde, and
lxqt and it works fine. I don't think the package provides encrypted
connections, though, so I only use it on a trusted private network
or with a VPN that provides security and encryption.

After installing and configuring it, start the server as an ordinary user:

$ vncserver -geometry 1024x768

You can adjust the geometry as desired and connect to it from any
VNC viewer.

I also use Xen and Xen's built-in VNC server also works fine with
firefox in my experience - Xen's built-in VNC server allows access
to Debian running in Xen unprivileged domains from any VNC
viewer, but that is probably a niche use case.



Re: GUI browser in VNC

2021-10-20 Thread Anssi Saari
Julius Hamilton  writes:

> Hey,
> I’d like to run a desktop in VNC and open GUI browsers like Firefox in it.
> I succeeded in setting up the VNC server but after installing Firefox, 
> Chromium and Chrome I find they don’t open when I launch them.
> Is this because I am root user?

Possibly. Is it too hard to try that out? Can you run any GUI app like
xterm or xclock for example?

Re: GUI browser in VNC

2021-10-20 Thread Hans
Am Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2021, 10:06:27 CEST schrieb Julius Hamilton:
Could be an environment problem. Try to open a shell, then start firefox or 
chrome from the commandline. Maybe then you might see, why it does not start.

If the other system is a linux system, you can also connect with ssh and start 
gui applications.

Note, you must use the tag -X with ssh, like

ssh -X -l myusername host_or_IP

Good luck!


> Hey,
> I’d like to run a desktop in VNC and open GUI browsers like Firefox in it.
> I succeeded in setting up the VNC server but after installing Firefox,
> Chromium and Chrome I find they don’t open when I launch them.
> Is this because I am root user?
> Is it just because you should always run browsers as non-root?
> Thanks very much,
> Julius

GUI browser in VNC

2021-10-20 Thread Julius Hamilton

I’d like to run a desktop in VNC and open GUI browsers like Firefox in it.

I succeeded in setting up the VNC server but after installing Firefox,
Chromium and Chrome I find they don’t open when I launch them.

Is this because I am root user?

Is it just because you should always run browsers as non-root?

Thanks very much,

libvirt vnc clavier français sur VM debian : problème

2021-03-28 Thread roger . tarani
Sur une debian virtualisée avec libvirt, le clavier qwerty persiste ! 

Je ne peux pas utiliser setxkbmap puisque c'est une console linux. La commande 
n'est d'ailleurs pas disponible. 

Qemu/KVM installé. 
1 VM créée, debian10. 

$ cat /etc/default/keyboard 

$ cat /etc/default/locale 
# File generated by update-locale 

Tandis que sur une debian non virtualisée : 
/etc/default/keyboard : idem 
$ cat /etc/default/locale 
# File generated by update-locale 

Bon... on va déjà les mettre en accord... 
Mais... pas accès à _ etc. 

# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard 
# service keyboard-setup restart 

Toujours pas... 
Différents autres essais... 
Je tourne en rond et je vois les forums bien remplis à ce sujet. 

Testé sur ubuntu : même problème 

Avez-vous une solution pour configurer locale et keyboard d'une VM ? 

Re: graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-31 Thread Linux-Fan

Yvan Masson writes:


I glanced over /etc/vnc.conf and it seems communication can be easily  
secured with self-signed X509 certificate: this might be simpler to setup  
than SSH tunneling, especially with a Windows client. Has someone already  
tried that? Anyway, I will let you know.

I do not have any personal experience with the X509 certificates in the case  
of VNC. From my experience, TLS is more difficult to configure than SSH,  
mostly because of (1) the necessity for a PKI and (2) time-based certificate  
expiration by default. The other point is the more difficult process of  
generating all the necessary files (host certificate). The manpage for  
`vnc.conf` seems to indicate that this is automated for the VNC usage to  
some extent -- possibly worth trying :)

My cheatsheet for openssl commands to prepare all the necessary TLS keys  
(for stunnel, but VNC may be similar) is here:


At a glance, the `vnc.conf` manpage does not hint towards private-key-based  
client authentication, whereas SSH private key files serve this purpose.

The new SSH client on Windows is straight-forward to configure:  
Just store the id_rsa file and configure the Windows equivalent of "chmod  
600" for it. Afterwards, use command `ssh` (or optionally

%USERPROFILE%/.ssh/config) as you would on Linux.



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Re: graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-31 Thread Yvan Masson

Le 30/12/2020 à 23:46, Linux-Fan a écrit :

Yvan Masson writes:


What I did not understand from your answers (sorry maybe I missed 
something) is how to start the graphical session automatically when 
the container starts, so that the software can be started and 
listening on the network, and then later someone can attach to this 
session with VNC/RDP/X2GO. It seems your script Linux-Fan starts a VNC 
server, but does it start a session in it?

I did not mention it explicitly, because with the VNC server I am using 
(`tightvncserver`) does this automatically.

The trick most important steps are as follows:

* Prepare a configuration for the session of interest to start, I have 

   lines in my "Dockerfile" (i.e. image preparation stage):

 echo \$vncStartup = \"exec /usr/bin/icewm\" > $HOME/.vncrc; \
 printf "%s\n\n%s\n" "#!/bin/sh -e" "/usr/bin/megasync &" \
     > /etc/X11/icewm/startup; \

   This way, it configures `icewm` to be the window manager to use and
   uses IceWM's autorun facility to start my program of interest 

* In the container's startup script, run the VNC server.

 /usr/bin/vncserver -geometry 1024x768 :0

   This will start `icewm` (as configured in `.vncrc`) which (by 

   in `/etc/X11/icewm/startup`) runs `megasync`.

   See also: vncserver(1) --

* To automatically start the container upon OS boot, I use Docker's
   `--restart=unless-stopped`. This will be different for LXC of course!

* For the gory details of setting passwords, making the right files
   executable or resuming from "crashed" sesions (i.e. delete temp files)
   check the respective source codes:


Thanks for the detailed explanations, this looks perfect! The command 
`vncserver` was exactly what I could not find with xrdp and x2go. 
Unfortunately I do not have time to test this solution today.

I glanced over /etc/vnc.conf and it seems communication can be easily 
secured with self-signed X509 certificate: this might be simpler to 
setup than SSH tunneling, especially with a Windows client. Has someone 
already tried that? Anyway, I will let you know.


Re: graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-30 Thread Linux-Fan

Yvan Masson writes:


What I did not understand from your answers (sorry maybe I missed something)  
is how to start the graphical session automatically when the container  
starts, so that the software can be started and listening on the network,  
and then later someone can attach to this session with VNC/RDP/X2GO. It  
seems your script Linux-Fan starts a VNC server, but does it start a session  
in it?

I did not mention it explicitly, because with the VNC server I am using  
(`tightvncserver`) does this automatically.

The trick most important steps are as follows:

* Prepare a configuration for the session of interest to start, I have these
  lines in my "Dockerfile" (i.e. image preparation stage):

echo \$vncStartup = \"exec /usr/bin/icewm\" > $HOME/.vncrc; \
printf "%s\n\n%s\n" "#!/bin/sh -e" "/usr/bin/megasync &" \
> /etc/X11/icewm/startup; \

  This way, it configures `icewm` to be the window manager to use and
  uses IceWM's autorun facility to start my program of interest (`megasync`).

* In the container's startup script, run the VNC server.

/usr/bin/vncserver -geometry 1024x768 :0

  This will start `icewm` (as configured in `.vncrc`) which (by configuration
  in `/etc/X11/icewm/startup`) runs `megasync`.

  See also: vncserver(1) --

* To automatically start the container upon OS boot, I use Docker's
  `--restart=unless-stopped`. This will be different for LXC of course!

* For the gory details of setting passwords, making the right files
  executable or resuming from "crashed" sesions (i.e. delete temp files)
  check the respective source codes:




Description: PGP signature

Re: graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-30 Thread Yvan Masson

Le 30/12/2020 à 00:11, Linux-Fan a écrit :

Yvan Masson writes:

Hi list,

I need to run a graphical software called Noethys that also listens on 
some TCP port. It:

1. needs to be reachable from the network during work hours
2. needs to be accessible remotely a few times per day, mainly by a 
Windows workstation on the LAN


I am facing the following difficulties/questions:
- running a normal X11 server in a container does not work because it 
would need to access some special files in /dev/, so it needs extra 
setup in the container and this scares me a bit

I tried that unsuccessfully a few times, too. My take: Containers are 
not for virtualizing graphics. I use VMs or even more lightweight things 
like `firejail` or `chroot` for "normal X11 server" purposes.

- however, after installing xrdp and x2go servers in the container, I 
can successfully connect remotely with these respective protocols 
without any particular setup. I would really like to find a way to 
automatically start a X11 session at boot in same way xrdp or x2go do 
it (I would then stick with this protocol)

VNC in containers works for me :) It does pretty much work as you 
described, i.e. starting the things automatically. I currently use a 
script [1], but had I known before that systemd supports containers, I 
would have possibly chosen to run it inside the container for service 
management (avoids writing one's own logic to detect stopped services 

Has someone already done something similar? What would be your advice?

Yes, see [1]. I did it in Docker (i.e. not LXC) and it seems to work 
just fine. Some ideas:

* Make sure to consider software upgrades for the containers. I do some 
   of peridoic unattended-upgrades _inside_ the container [2], but "best 

   would suggest to re-create the containers all of the time (to have them
   mostly stateless, that is).

* Consider encrypting your VNC/X11 traffic. SSH was already suggested in 

   thread and is newly officially available for Windows clients, too!

[1] https://github.com/m7a/lo-megasync/blob/master/megasync_ctrl.sh

[2] https://masysma.lima-city.de/32/trivial_automatic_update.xhtml




Thanks for your answers!

I did a few tests, it is indeed not straightforward to run X11 in a LXC 
container… Indeed, applying security updates in the container is mandatory.

What I did not understand from your answers (sorry maybe I missed 
something) is how to start the graphical session automatically when the 
container starts, so that the software can be started and listening on 
the network, and then later someone can attach to this session with 
VNC/RDP/X2GO. It seems your script Linux-Fan starts a VNC server, but 
does it start a session in it?

Re: graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-29 Thread Linux-Fan

Yvan Masson writes:

Hi list,

I need to run a graphical software called Noethys that also listens on some  
TCP port. It:

1. needs to be reachable from the network during work hours
2. needs to be accessible remotely a few times per day, mainly by a Windows  
workstation on the LAN


I am facing the following difficulties/questions:
- running a normal X11 server in a container does not work because it would  
need to access some special files in /dev/, so it needs extra setup in the  
container and this scares me a bit

I tried that unsuccessfully a few times, too. My take: Containers are not  
for virtualizing graphics. I use VMs or even more lightweight things like  
`firejail` or `chroot` for "normal X11 server" purposes.

- however, after installing xrdp and x2go servers in the container, I can  
successfully connect remotely with these respective protocols without any  
particular setup. I would really like to find a way to automatically start a  
X11 session at boot in same way xrdp or x2go do it (I would then stick with  
this protocol)

VNC in containers works for me :) It does pretty much work as you described,  
i.e. starting the things automatically. I currently use a script [1], but  
had I known before that systemd supports containers, I would have possibly  
chosen to run it inside the container for service management (avoids writing  
one's own logic to detect stopped services etc.).

Has someone already done something similar? What would be your advice?

Yes, see [1]. I did it in Docker (i.e. not LXC) and it seems to work just  
fine. Some ideas:

* Make sure to consider software upgrades for the containers. I do some sort
  of peridoic unattended-upgrades _inside_ the container [2], but "best 
  would suggest to re-create the containers all of the time (to have them
  mostly stateless, that is).

* Consider encrypting your VNC/X11 traffic. SSH was already suggested in the
  thread and is newly officially available for Windows clients, too!

[1] https://github.com/m7a/lo-megasync/blob/master/megasync_ctrl.sh

[2] https://masysma.lima-city.de/32/trivial_automatic_update.xhtml




Description: PGP signature

Re: graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-29 Thread Georgi Naplatanov
On 12/29/20 10:56 PM, Yvan Masson wrote:
> Hi list,
> I need to run a graphical software called Noethys that also listens on
> some TCP port. It:
> 1. needs to be reachable from the network during work hours
> 2. needs to be accessible remotely a few times per day, mainly by a
> Windows workstation on the LAN
> I will run this software on a server, preferably in a LXC system
> container or in last resort in a QEMU/KVM VM (because LXC is lighter on
> resources and easier to snapshot/backup. The server will automatically
> boot the morning and shutdown the evening.
> Because of 1., the graphical session in the container and the software
> must start automatically. Then, because of 2., this session must be
> reachable by something like VNC/RDP/X2GO.
> I am facing the following difficulties/questions:
> - running a normal X11 server in a container does not work because it
> would need to access some special files in /dev/, so it needs extra
> setup in the container and this scares me a bit
> - however, after installing xrdp and x2go servers in the container, I
> can successfully connect remotely with these respective protocols
> without any particular setup. I would really like to find a way to
> automatically start a X11 session at boot in same way xrdp or x2go do it
> (I would then stick with this protocol)
> Has someone already done something similar? What would be your advice?

Hi Yvan,

you can install whatever you want in the container and openssh-server in

>From remote Linux machine you can log in into the container and start
the application and it will appear on the remote machine.

You have to log in from the remote machine with something like this:

$ ssh -X youruser@the_ip_on_the_machine_with_the_container&

In this way you'll be able to work with the application from remote
machine and application's data will stay on the machine with the container.

I'm not sure that this is exactly what you want but it's some kind of idea.

Kind regards

graphical session in LXC automatically started at boot and reachable via VNC/RDP/X2GO

2020-12-29 Thread Yvan Masson

Hi list,

I need to run a graphical software called Noethys that also listens on 
some TCP port. It:

1. needs to be reachable from the network during work hours
2. needs to be accessible remotely a few times per day, mainly by a 
Windows workstation on the LAN

I will run this software on a server, preferably in a LXC system 
container or in last resort in a QEMU/KVM VM (because LXC is lighter on 
resources and easier to snapshot/backup. The server will automatically 
boot the morning and shutdown the evening.

Because of 1., the graphical session in the container and the software 
must start automatically. Then, because of 2., this session must be 
reachable by something like VNC/RDP/X2GO.

I am facing the following difficulties/questions:
- running a normal X11 server in a container does not work because it 
would need to access some special files in /dev/, so it needs extra 
setup in the container and this scares me a bit
- however, after installing xrdp and x2go servers in the container, I 
can successfully connect remotely with these respective protocols 
without any particular setup. I would really like to find a way to 
automatically start a X11 session at boot in same way xrdp or x2go do it 
(I would then stick with this protocol)

Has someone already done something similar? What would be your advice?


Re: Problemas con el VNC

2020-11-26 Thread JavierDebian

El 26/11/20 a las 14:10, Yair De la cruz escribió:
On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 1:28 PM JavierDebian 

El 13/9/20 a las 09:57, Yair de la Cruz escribió:
 > Buenos dias Estimada Comunidad Debian en Idioma Castellano,
 > Tengo un pequeño PC que mi hermano dejo cuando tuvo que migrar
del pais
 > ( Vivo en Venezuela ) al ver al PC en un rincon y todo lleno de
 > quise darle un poco de vida, he instale Debian 10 Buster netinst.
 > A principio me dio un poco de dificultad  ya que la version debian
 > netinst es muy basica, no trae lo controladores de algunos
componentes o
 > algunas tarjetas de RED, bueno me las ingenie y lo deje medianamente
 > funcional,
 > Lo deje como server para que me descargara archivos torrens, como
 > peliculas, musica, etc.
 > Me conecto a el via vncserver.
 > Problema: Luego que cambie de Router inalambrico, no me he podido
 > conectar via VNC, cuando ingreso via SSH, observo el siguiente log:
 > user:~$ cat .vnc/elisur\:1.log
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.9
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 TightVNC Group
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 1999 AT Laboratories Cambridge
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 All Rights Reserved.
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 See http://www.tightvnc.com/
<http://www.tightvnc.com/> for information on TightVNC
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Desktop name 'X' (elisur:1)
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8,
3.7t, 3.8t
 > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
 > xrdb: No such file or directory
 > xrdb: can't open file '.Xresource'
 > /usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1
 > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1".
 > gpg-agent[509]: ATENCIÓN: "--write-env-file" es una opción
obsoleta - no
 > tiene efecto
 > gpg-agent: ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro
 > (xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.435:
 > returned no PID in the variables
 > (xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.464:
 > xfsm_manager_load_session: Something wrong with
 > /home/elisur1/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-elisur:1, Does it exist?
 > Permissions issue?
 > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
 > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
 > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
 > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.339: The display does not
 > support the XRender extension.
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
 > support the XRandr extension.
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
 > support the XComposite extension.
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
 > support the XDamage extension.
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
 > support the XFixes extension.
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: Compositing manager
 > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
 > ** (light-locker:530): ERROR **: 08:49:11.525: Environment variable
 > XDG_SESSION_PATH not set. Is LightDM running?
 > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.087: No RANDR
 > extension found in display :1.0. Display settings won't be applied.
 > Xlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":1.0".
 > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: XI is
not present.
 > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to
 > initialize the Xkb extension.
 > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to
 > initialize the Accessibility extension.
 > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-WARNING **: 08:49:12.408: Failed
to get
 > the _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS property.
 > xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.811: Unsupported keyboard modifier
 > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:13.816: Cannot find visual
 > on screen 0
 > xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.902: Unsupported keyboard modifier
 > No se si a alguno se le a presentado este

Re: Problemas con el VNC

2020-11-26 Thread Yair De la cruz
Buenas tardes,

Gracias por el feedback, un consulta Javier,

El procedimiento que me envias en el link, lo puede hacer en Ubuntu server?

Quedo atento a sus comentarios.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 1:28 PM JavierDebian 

> El 13/9/20 a las 09:57, Yair de la Cruz escribió:
> > Buenos dias Estimada Comunidad Debian en Idioma Castellano,
> >
> > Tengo un pequeño PC que mi hermano dejo cuando tuvo que migrar del pais
> > ( Vivo en Venezuela ) al ver al PC en un rincon y todo lleno de polvo,
> > quise darle un poco de vida, he instale Debian 10 Buster netinst.
> >
> > A principio me dio un poco de dificultad  ya que la version debian
> > netinst es muy basica, no trae lo controladores de algunos componentes o
> > algunas tarjetas de RED, bueno me las ingenie y lo deje medianamente
> > funcional,
> >
> > Lo deje como server para que me descargara archivos torrens, como
> > peliculas, musica, etc.
> >
> > Me conecto a el via vncserver.
> >
> > Problema: Luego que cambie de Router inalambrico, no me he podido
> > conectar via VNC, cuando ingreso via SSH, observo el siguiente log:
> >
> > user:~$ cat .vnc/elisur\:1.log
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.9
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 TightVNC Group
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 1999 AT Laboratories Cambridge
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 All Rights Reserved.
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 See http://www.tightvnc.com/ for information on
> TightVNC
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Desktop name 'X' (elisur:1)
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7t, 3.8t
> > 13/09/20 08:49:07 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
> > xrdb: No such file or directory
> > xrdb: can't open file '.Xresource'
> > /usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1
> > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1".
> > gpg-agent[509]: ATENCIÓN: "--write-env-file" es una opción obsoleta - no
> > tiene efecto
> > gpg-agent: ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro
> >
> > (xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.435: gpg-agent
> > returned no PID in the variables
> >
> > (xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.464:
> > xfsm_manager_load_session: Something wrong with
> > /home/elisur1/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-elisur:1, Does it exist?
> > Permissions issue?
> > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.339: The display does not
> > support the XRender extension.
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
> > support the XRandr extension.
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
> > support the XComposite extension.
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
> > support the XDamage extension.
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not
> > support the XFixes extension.
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: Compositing manager
> disabled.
> > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> >
> > ** (light-locker:530): ERROR **: 08:49:11.525: Environment variable
> > XDG_SESSION_PATH not set. Is LightDM running?
> >
> > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.087: No RANDR
> > extension found in display :1.0. Display settings won't be applied.
> > Xlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":1.0".
> >
> > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: XI is not
> present.
> >
> > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to
> > initialize the Xkb extension.
> >
> > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to
> > initialize the Accessibility extension.
> >
> > (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-WARNING **: 08:49:12.408: Failed to get
> > the _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS property.
> > xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.811: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'
> >
> > (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:13.816: Cannot find visual format
> > on screen 0
> > xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.902: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'
> >
> > No se si a alguno se le a presentado este inconveniente, si es asi y le
> > dieron solucion por favor darme una mano, ya he intentado en google
> > buscar solucion pero no he dado con la respuesta.
> >
> > Quedo atento a sus comentarios.
> >
> > Saludo.
> >
> ¿Para qué VNC?
> ¿Una sola máquina como servidor de descarga de torrent?
> Te recomiendo acceder por ssh; openssh usa menos recursos.
> Y como "servidor de descarga", transmission
> https://wiki.debian.org/es/BitTorrent/Transmission-daemon

Re: vnc is making my cry

2020-11-15 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 at 00:32, Thomas Anderson
> I have read through the log file
> xrdb: No such file or directory
> xrdb: can't open file '/home/username/.Xresources'

check if this file still exists/permissions

> /usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1
> I am running Gnome on both desktops. Ah! That's why the other one worked
> in the past -- I was not running Gnome on it. But, that doesn't bring me
> closer to a solution other than not running Gnome on the two machines,
> which I would rather not do, they are robust enough to run Gnome.
> Any advice help or encouragement would be appreciated.
> Neo

vnc is making my cry

2020-11-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
I have had vnc working in the past, then as of the past week or so, it
has stopped working.

I have spent many hours going in circles i feel. No matter what I try
the result is the same.

Basically, a black-white pixelated screen with a X curser (that I can
move), and that is about it.

I won't hypothesis with what I have been able to discern - as obviously,
it has not worked.

i have two different Debian 10 boxes, what I would like to access via
VNC so i don't need to attach KVM.

They have absolutely WORKED in the past, and I haven't meddled with them
in a way that would cause them

to break. I don't recall doing any updates (which normally I am slow to
do). So that adds to my perplexity.

They both have TightVNC installed, and the identical xstartup vnc file:


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources

startxfce4 &

They both have rw+x access to them. I can start the vncserver from the
command prompt just fine (normal users, without sudo), and even connect,
tried with sudo and with the actual root!

to both machines, but then just the aforementioned screens. I have tried
tunneling in via SSH, same result.

I have tried connecting from two different clients (running vnc
connect), one Mac OS and one Windows 10. All same result.

I have tried various xstartup files I have searched around online that
seemed like they might help, but nothing.

I have read through the log file

xrdb: No such file or directory

xrdb: can't open file '/home/username/.Xresources'

/usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1

I am running Gnome on both desktops. Ah! That's why the other one worked
in the past -- I was not running Gnome on it. But, that doesn't bring me
closer to a solution other than not running Gnome on the two machines,
which I would rather not do, they are robust enough to run Gnome.

Any advice help or encouragement would be appreciated.


Re: Problemas con el VNC

2020-09-14 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva

asi a lo pronto parece que tienes problemas de configuracion: el teclado,
el monitor, de permisos.

Por lo que dices (bajar archivos) lo que quieres es usar un cliente torrent.

Hasta donde yo he probado, mas bien poco, Linux y las wifis no se terminan
de llevar bien. Es un problema de drivers. Eso si, cuando he usado red
cableada y se suponia que tenia que funcionar, sin problemas.

Un saludo

Re: Problemas con el VNC

2020-09-13 Thread JavierDebian

El 13/9/20 a las 09:57, Yair de la Cruz escribió:

Buenos dias Estimada Comunidad Debian en Idioma Castellano,

Tengo un pequeño PC que mi hermano dejo cuando tuvo que migrar del pais 
( Vivo en Venezuela ) al ver al PC en un rincon y todo lleno de polvo, 
quise darle un poco de vida, he instale Debian 10 Buster netinst.

A principio me dio un poco de dificultad  ya que la version debian 
netinst es muy basica, no trae lo controladores de algunos componentes o 
algunas tarjetas de RED, bueno me las ingenie y lo deje medianamente 

Lo deje como server para que me descargara archivos torrens, como 
peliculas, musica, etc.

Me conecto a el via vncserver.

Problema: Luego que cambie de Router inalambrico, no me he podido 
conectar via VNC, cuando ingreso via SSH, observo el siguiente log:

user:~$ cat .vnc/elisur\:1.log
13/09/20 08:49:07 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.9
13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 TightVNC Group
13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 1999 AT Laboratories Cambridge
13/09/20 08:49:07 All Rights Reserved.
13/09/20 08:49:07 See http://www.tightvnc.com/ for information on TightVNC
13/09/20 08:49:07 Desktop name 'X' (elisur:1)
13/09/20 08:49:07 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7t, 3.8t
13/09/20 08:49:07 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
xrdb: No such file or directory
xrdb: can't open file '.Xresource'
/usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1".
gpg-agent[509]: ATENCIÓN: "--write-env-file" es una opción obsoleta - no 
tiene efecto

gpg-agent: ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro

(xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.435: gpg-agent 
returned no PID in the variables

(xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.464: 
xfsm_manager_load_session: Something wrong with 
/home/elisur1/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-elisur:1, Does it exist? 
Permissions issue?

Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.339: The display does not 
support the XRender extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not 
support the XRandr extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not 
support the XComposite extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not 
support the XDamage extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not 
support the XFixes extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: Compositing manager disabled.
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".

** (light-locker:530): ERROR **: 08:49:11.525: Environment variable 
XDG_SESSION_PATH not set. Is LightDM running?

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.087: No RANDR 
extension found in display :1.0. Display settings won't be applied.

Xlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":1.0".

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: XI is not present.

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to 
initialize the Xkb extension.

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to 
initialize the Accessibility extension.

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-WARNING **: 08:49:12.408: Failed to get 

xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.811: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:13.816: Cannot find visual format 
on screen 0

xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.902: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'

No se si a alguno se le a presentado este inconveniente, si es asi y le 
dieron solucion por favor darme una mano, ya he intentado en google 
buscar solucion pero no he dado con la respuesta.

Quedo atento a sus comentarios.


¿Para qué VNC?
¿Una sola máquina como servidor de descarga de torrent?
Te recomiendo acceder por ssh; openssh usa menos recursos.
Y como "servidor de descarga", transmission



Re: Problemas con el VNC

2020-09-13 Thread remgasis remgasis

Independiente del log, revisa que el puerto 5901 puedas escucharlo desde tu
cliente. Igual, antes de eso examina con netstat -putana en el server que
esté open 5901, aunque en el log aparece que está listening, por las dudas.
Puedes usar Nmap o hping para esa tarea, o el cliente Telnet 5901.

Pasa los resultados del scan desde el cliente.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2020, 10:48 AM Yair de la Cruz 

> Buenos dias Estimada Comunidad Debian en Idioma Castellano,
> Tengo un pequeño PC que mi hermano dejo cuando tuvo que migrar del pais (
> Vivo en Venezuela ) al ver al PC en un rincon y todo lleno de polvo, quise
> darle un poco de vida, he instale Debian 10 Buster netinst.
> A principio me dio un poco de dificultad  ya que la version debian netinst
> es muy basica, no trae lo controladores de algunos componentes o algunas
> tarjetas de RED, bueno me las ingenie y lo deje medianamente funcional,
> Lo deje como server para que me descargara archivos torrens, como
> peliculas, musica, etc.
> Me conecto a el via vncserver.
> Problema: Luego que cambie de Router inalambrico, no me he podido conectar
> via VNC, cuando ingreso via SSH, observo el siguiente log:
> user:~$ cat .vnc/elisur\:1.log
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.9
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 TightVNC Group
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 1999 AT Laboratories Cambridge
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 All Rights Reserved.
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 See http://www.tightvnc.com/ for information on TightVNC
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 Desktop name 'X' (elisur:1)
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7t, 3.8t
> 13/09/20 08:49:07 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
> xrdb: No such file or directory
> xrdb: can't open file '.Xresource'
> /usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1".
> gpg-agent[509]: ATENCIÓN: "--write-env-file" es una opción obsoleta - no
> tiene efecto
> gpg-agent: ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro
> (xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.435: gpg-agent
> returned no PID in the variables
> (xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.464:
> xfsm_manager_load_session: Something wrong with
> /home/elisur1/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-elisur:1, Does it exist?
> Permissions issue?
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.339: The display does not support
> the XRender extension.
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support
> the XRandr extension.
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support
> the XComposite extension.
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support
> the XDamage extension.
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support
> the XFixes extension.
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: Compositing manager disabled.
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
> ** (light-locker:530): ERROR **: 08:49:11.525: Environment variable
> XDG_SESSION_PATH not set. Is LightDM running?
> (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.087: No RANDR
> extension found in display :1.0. Display settings won't be applied.
> Xlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":1.0".
> (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: XI is not
> present.
> (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to
> initialize the Xkb extension.
> (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to
> initialize the Accessibility extension.
> (xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-WARNING **: 08:49:12.408: Failed to get the
> xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.811: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'
> (xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:13.816: Cannot find visual format on
> screen 0
> xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.902: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'
> No se si a alguno se le a presentado este inconveniente, si es asi y le
> dieron solucion por favor darme una mano, ya he intentado en google buscar
> solucion pero no he dado con la respuesta.
> Quedo atento a sus comentarios.
> Saludo.

Problemas con el VNC

2020-09-13 Thread Yair de la Cruz
Buenos dias Estimada Comunidad Debian en Idioma Castellano,

Tengo un pequeño PC que mi hermano dejo cuando tuvo que migrar del pais ( Vivo 
en Venezuela ) al ver al PC en un rincon y todo lleno de polvo, quise darle un 
poco de vida, he instale Debian 10 Buster netinst.

A principio me dio un poco de dificultad  ya que la version debian netinst es 
muy basica, no trae lo controladores de algunos componentes o algunas tarjetas 
de RED, bueno me las ingenie y lo deje medianamente funcional,

Lo deje como server para que me descargara archivos torrens, como peliculas, 
musica, etc.

Me conecto a el via vncserver.

Problema: Luego que cambie de Router inalambrico, no me he podido conectar via 
VNC, cuando ingreso via SSH, observo el siguiente log:

user:~$ cat .vnc/elisur\:1.log
13/09/20 08:49:07 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.9
13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 TightVNC Group
13/09/20 08:49:07 Copyright (C) 1999 AT Laboratories Cambridge
13/09/20 08:49:07 All Rights Reserved.
13/09/20 08:49:07 See http://www.tightvnc.com/ for information on TightVNC
13/09/20 08:49:07 Desktop name 'X' (elisur:1)
13/09/20 08:49:07 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7t, 3.8t
13/09/20 08:49:07 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
xrdb: No such file or directory
xrdb: can't open file '.Xresource'
/usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1".
gpg-agent[509]: ATENCIÓN: "--write-env-file" es una opción obsoleta - no tiene 
gpg-agent: ya hay un agente gpg ejecutándose - no se inicia otro

(xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.435: gpg-agent returned 
no PID in the variables

(xfce4-session:499): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 08:49:10.464: 
xfsm_manager_load_session: Something wrong with 
/home/elisur1/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-elisur:1, Does it exist? 
Permissions issue?
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.339: The display does not support the 
XRender extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support the 
XRandr extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support the 
XComposite extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support the 
XDamage extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: The display does not support the 
XFixes extension.

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:11.340: Compositing manager disabled.
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0".

** (light-locker:530): ERROR **: 08:49:11.525: Environment variable 
XDG_SESSION_PATH not set. Is LightDM running?

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.087: No RANDR extension 
found in display :1.0. Display settings won't be applied.
Xlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":1.0".

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: XI is not present.

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to initialize 
the Xkb extension.

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-CRITICAL **: 08:49:12.096: Failed to initialize 
the Accessibility extension.

(xfsettingsd:526): xfsettingsd-WARNING **: 08:49:12.408: Failed to get the 
xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.811: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'

(xfwm4:513): xfwm4-WARNING **: 08:49:13.816: Cannot find visual format on 
screen 0
xfwm4-Message: 08:49:13.902: Unsupported keyboard modifier 'Tab'

No se si a alguno se le a presentado este inconveniente, si es asi y le dieron 
solucion por favor darme una mano, ya he intentado en google buscar solucion 
pero no he dado con la respuesta.

Quedo atento a sus comentarios.


Re: How to debug a vnc issue in Debian 10?

2020-05-12 Thread Yuwen Dai
Le mer. 13 mai 2020 à 09:40, Yuwen Dai  a écrit :

> Dear all,
> I setup a vnc server in Debian 10 and connect to the server by using vnc
> client,   the desktop shows, but I cannot launch any application.  There's
> no error message.   It looks like a privilege issue.  This is what I did:
> I found the applications do run,  but show up on the desktop of the host
> that vncserver runs!  Do you have any advice on what happened?
> Best regards,

How to debug a vnc issue in Debian 10?

2020-05-12 Thread Yuwen Dai
Dear all,

I setup a vnc server in Debian 10 and connect to the server by using vnc
client,   the desktop shows, but I cannot launch any application.  There's
no error message.   It looks like a privilege issue.  This is what I did:

sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies gnome-icon-theme tightvncserver -y
create my ./vnc/xstartup like this:

#! /bin/sh
exec /usr/bin/xfce4-session &

then run
 vncserver :1   -localhost no -verbose

in the client host, run
vncviewer :1

Are there any log files I can view to the debug this issue?   Thanks in

Best regards,

Re: vnc 64bit-32bitor Buster to Bullseye

2019-10-07 Thread Reco

On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 03:01:43PM -0500, Dennis Wicks wrote:
> Using tightvncserver on the 32-bit side and xtightvncviewer on the
> 64-bit side I have managed to get a connection, but no desktop
> manager. The viewer shows me a window but it is just gray, actually
> very small black and white spots.

You're supposed to edit .vnc/xstartup on tightvncserver side before
starting tightvncserver.

> How do I get xfce started on that session?

Something like this should do it (.vnc/xstartup):


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey

> Better yet, how can I connect to the existing session on :0?

Forget about tightvncserver, it cannot do that. Use:

apt install x11vnc

x11vnc -display :0 -auth 


vnc 64bit-32bitor Buster to Bullseye

2019-10-07 Thread Dennis Wicks


I have a vanilla 64-bit install of Buster which claims to be 
Debian 10.1. I am trying to vnc from there to my old 32-bit 
machine which is running Bullseye (don't know what it claims 
to be).

Using tightvncserver on the 32-bit side and xtightvncviewer 
on the 64-bit side I have managed to get a connection, but 
no desktop manager. The viewer shows me a window but it is 
just gray, actually very small black and white spots.

How do I get xfce started on that session? Better yet, how 
can I connect to the existing session on :0? I can't seem to 
hook up to that. Strangely, when I connect to a Windows 
machine it seems to do exactly that!

Any assistance greatly appreciated!

Many TIA!

RE: gnome 3 vnc

2017-09-27 Thread Zoltán Herman
Download x11vnc source from github and compile, change x11vnc binaries with
the compiled version.

2017. szept. 27. 16:27 ezt írta ( <j...@bluemarble.net>):

> x11vnc does work to let me connect to my running session, but it crashes a
> lot.
> Is it possible to launch a gnome-session from tiger vnc server, as a
> second gnome session running on the same machine?
> *From:* Alexander V. Makartsev [mailto:avbe...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 27, 2017 6:40 AM
> *To:* debian-user@lists.debian.org
> *Subject:* Re: gnome 3 vnc
> Yes. Package you need is "x11vnc". Be sure to connect to it using ssh
> tunnel with private\public keys for security.
> Good guide: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/
> On 27.09.2017 08:49, j...@bluemarble.net wrote:
> Is there a way to launch a gnome 3 session in VNC while I'm still logged
> in on my console at home?
> I have an HTPC that I want to leave logged in all the time, but I want to
> be able to access it remotely. I'd like to use gnome 3 in both places. But
> if a gnome-session already exists, I can't find a way to launch a second
> one; it just crashes.
> Debian 9.1 Stretch 64-bit
> Thanks.

RE: gnome 3 vnc

2017-09-27 Thread john
x11vnc does work to let me connect to my running session, but it crashes a lot.


Is it possible to launch a gnome-session from tiger vnc server, as a second 
gnome session running on the same machine?


From: Alexander V. Makartsev [mailto:avbe...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 6:40 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: gnome 3 vnc


Yes. Package you need is "x11vnc". Be sure to connect to it using ssh tunnel 
with private\public keys for security.
Good guide: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/

On 27.09.2017 08:49, j...@bluemarble.net <mailto:j...@bluemarble.net>  wrote:

Is there a way to launch a gnome 3 session in VNC while I'm still logged
in on my console at home?
I have an HTPC that I want to leave logged in all the time, but I want to
be able to access it remotely. I'd like to use gnome 3 in both places. But
if a gnome-session already exists, I can't find a way to launch a second
one; it just crashes.
Debian 9.1 Stretch 64-bit


Re: gnome 3 vnc

2017-09-27 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev
Yes. Package you need is "x11vnc". Be sure to connect to it using ssh
tunnel with private\public keys for security.
Good guide: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/

On 27.09.2017 08:49, j...@bluemarble.net wrote:
> Is there a way to launch a gnome 3 session in VNC while I'm still logged
> in on my console at home?
> I have an HTPC that I want to leave logged in all the time, but I want to
> be able to access it remotely. I'd like to use gnome 3 in both places. But
> if a gnome-session already exists, I can't find a way to launch a second
> one; it just crashes.
> Debian 9.1 Stretch 64-bit
> Thanks.

gnome 3 vnc

2017-09-26 Thread john
Is there a way to launch a gnome 3 session in VNC while I'm still logged
in on my console at home?

I have an HTPC that I want to leave logged in all the time, but I want to
be able to access it remotely. I'd like to use gnome 3 in both places. But
if a gnome-session already exists, I can't find a way to launch a second
one; it just crashes.

Debian 9.1 Stretch 64-bit


odd screen corruption in VNC

2017-09-14 Thread Glenn Holmer
Setting up VNC, both machines running Debian Stretch with MATE (no VMs
involved). Using tightvncserver, and xtightvncviewer as well as vinagre
as client. In both cases I see some corruption of the upper MATE panel
with red circles containing a number or letter. Anyone have any idea
what this is from? The remote desktop appears to function normally in
every way I've tested.

Here's a screenshot:


Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

Re: Does KDE desktop environment work with Stretch VNC server?

2017-08-26 Thread Zoltán Herman
My system has a vnc server that I downloaded from github. I installed the
debian package and replaced with compiled vnc.

2017. aug. 26. 9:36 ezt írta ("Niclas Arndt" <niclas_ar...@hotmail.com>):

> Hi,
> OpenSUSE 42.1 had a problem with running a VNC server on the KDE desktop
> environment. It forced me to use XFCE, which is ok although I prefer KDE.
> Now I am installing Debian Stretch and rather than risk having to redo the
> installation, I thought I should ask if you know whether KDE VNC server
> works on Stretch.
> Grateful for your input.
> /Niclas

Does KDE desktop environment work with Stretch VNC server?

2017-08-26 Thread Niclas Arndt

OpenSUSE 42.1 had a problem with running a VNC server on the KDE desktop 
environment. It forced me to use XFCE, which is ok although I prefer KDE.

Now I am installing Debian Stretch and rather than risk having to redo the 
installation, I thought I should ask if you know whether KDE VNC server works 
on Stretch.

Grateful for your input.


Raspbian et wireshark sont fâchés avec les couleurs en VNC

2016-09-13 Thread Alain Rpnpif

HS ? euh non puisque la lecture se fait sous Debian ;)

Donc sur une Raspberry Pi à jour des paquets Jessie, j'ai un serveur
Il me permet de lancer Wireshark à distance sur la Raspberry Pi.
Malheureusement j'obtiens des couleurs médiocres et seulement pour
Wireshark. Je n'ai rien remarqué sur les autres logiciels de Raspbian.

Par exemple, Wireshark démarre avec une couleur de fond noire.
La liste des interfaces sur sa page d'accueil est invisible
(probablement la police n'est pas affichée, couleur ?). Mais le reste
des textes est bon.

Par contre quand j'enlève le lancement automatique de xsession dans
xstartup de .vnc/ et que je le remplace par wireshark seul, tout est
parfait, sauf que je n'ai plus accès aux autres logiciels en VNC
puisque le gestionnaire de fenêtres n'est pas lancé (openbox je crois).

Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée pour réparer ça ?

Alain Rpnpif

Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-25 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 14:01:36 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez

> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 13:29, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com>
> escribió:


>>> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
>>> x11vnc -display :0
>>> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
>>> el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
>>> pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
>>> inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
>>> correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.
>>> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
>>> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
>> (...)
>> Quizá te falte configurar la autentificación, sigue estos pasos:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#x11vnc
> ya probe lo siguiente:
> use x11vnc -storepasswd para que me generara la clave.
> por el ssh ejecuto:
> x11vnc -auth guess -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth
> /home/terashop/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5900 -shared
> tambien probe agregandole -display :0

Entiendo que el servidor gráfico ya está ejecutándose. Si es así quizá 
tengas pasar además de "-display" el parámetro "-xauth" cuya ruta 
dependerá del entorno gráfico que uses (en GNOME debe de andar por "/var/

> en ambos casos obtuve el mismo resultado: cuando trato de conectarme
> efectivamente me pide la clave, me dibuja la pantalla del tamaño de mi
> resolucion, y paff! se cierra inmediatamente.
> :/

No estaría de más que revisaras los registros del equipo por si te dieran 
alguna pista.



Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-25 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 23 de abril de 2016, 15:01, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez<
billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:

> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 13:29, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
> > El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 12:39:32 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
> > escribió:
> >
> >> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com>
> >> escribió:
> >
> > (...)
> >
> >>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
> >>>
> >>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
> >>>
> >>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
> >>>
> >>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te
> >>> permite ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
> >>>
> >>>
> >> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
> >>
> >> x11vnc -display :0
> >>
> >> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0 el
> >> programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y pongo
> >> la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero inmediatamente se
> >> cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de correr en la maquina
> >> remota, este no lanza ningun error.
> >>
> >> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
> >> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
> >
> > (...)
> >
> > Quizá te falte configurar la autentificación, sigue estos pasos:
> >
> > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#x11vnc
> >
> > Saludos,
> >
> > --
> > Camaleón
> >
> ya probe lo siguiente:
> use x11vnc -storepasswd para que me generara la clave.
> por el ssh ejecuto:
> x11vnc -auth guess -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth
> /home/terashop/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5900 -shared
> tambien probe agregandole -display :0
> en ambos casos obtuve el mismo resultado: cuando trato de conectarme
> efectivamente me pide la clave, me dibuja la pantalla del tamaño de mi
> resolucion, y paff! se cierra inmediatamente.
> :/
lo que yo hago normalmente es

instalo toda la set de vnc server y cliente en el remoto

luego hago

ssh -x usuario@server

y en el remoto luego


Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 13:29, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 12:39:32 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
> escribió:
>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com>
>> escribió:
> (...)
>>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te
>>> permite ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
>> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
>> x11vnc -display :0
>> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0 el
>> programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y pongo
>> la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero inmediatamente se
>> cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de correr en la maquina
>> remota, este no lanza ningun error.
>> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
>> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
> (...)
> Quizá te falte configurar la autentificación, sigue estos pasos:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#x11vnc
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

ya probe lo siguiente:

use x11vnc -storepasswd para que me generara la clave.

por el ssh ejecuto:

x11vnc -auth guess -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth
/home/terashop/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5900 -shared

tambien probe agregandole -display :0

en ambos casos obtuve el mismo resultado: cuando trato de conectarme
efectivamente me pide la clave, me dibuja la pantalla del tamaño de mi
resolucion, y paff! se cierra inmediatamente.


Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 12:39:32 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez

> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com>
> escribió:


>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te
>> permite ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
> x11vnc -display :0
> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0 el
> programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y pongo
> la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero inmediatamente se
> cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de correr en la maquina
> remota, este no lanza ningun error.
> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.


Quizá te falte configurar la autentificación, sigue estos pasos:




Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 13:21, fernando sainz
<fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 19:15, fernando sainz
> <fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 19:11, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>> <billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 12:58, fernando sainz
>>> <fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 18:39, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>>>> <billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
>>>>>>> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
>>>>>>> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
>>>>>>> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
>>>>>> Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:
>>>>>> 1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para
>>>>>> aceptar peticiones
>>>>>> 2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos
>>>>>>> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
>>>>>>> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
>>>>>> En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no
>>>>>> recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.
>>>>>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>>>>>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>>>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>>>>>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite
>>>>>> ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
>>>>>> Saludos,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Camaleón
>>>>> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
>>>>> x11vnc -display :0
>>>>> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
>>>>> el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
>>>>> pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
>>>>> inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
>>>>> correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.
>>>>> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
>>>>> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
>>>>> No se si me faltara alguna otra cosa. Descarto la idea de Teamviewer
>>>>> porque el equipo remoto es un thinkclient, y tan solo tiene 2G de
>>>>> espacio, y la idea es que el usuario no tenga contacto con ninguna
>>>>> aplicacion local de linux. Tan solo se conecta remotamente a windows
>>>>> server.
>>>> http://linux.die.net/man/1/x11vnc
>>>> By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will
>>>> exit as soon as the client disconnects. See -shared and -forever below
>>>> to override these protections. See the FAQ for details how to tunnel
>>>> the VNC connection through an encrypted channel such as ssh(1). In
>>>> brief:
>>>> ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
>>>> S2.
>>> aun poniendolo de la siguiente manera: x11vnc -display :0 -shared -forever
>>> igualmente me saca inmediatamente entro. La diferencia es que x11vnc
>>> no se me cierra.
>> Creo recordar que por seguridad el tcp esta bloqueado en x11.
>> Prueba con el tunel ssh como pone en la página de manual que te puse.
>> S2.
> Perdona, se me fue la pinza, lo del tcp no es en este caso.
> Tendrás que ver como te autentificas en el vnc.
> S2.

no uso ningun tipo de autentificacion o por lo menos no me la pide

Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 19:15, fernando sainz
<fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 19:11, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
> <billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 12:58, fernando sainz
>> <fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 18:39, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>>> <billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
>>>>>> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
>>>>>> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
>>>>>> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
>>>>> Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:
>>>>> 1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para
>>>>> aceptar peticiones
>>>>> 2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos
>>>>>> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
>>>>>> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
>>>>> En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no
>>>>> recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.
>>>>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>>>>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>>>>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite
>>>>> ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
>>>>> Saludos,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Camaleón
>>>> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
>>>> x11vnc -display :0
>>>> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
>>>> el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
>>>> pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
>>>> inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
>>>> correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.
>>>> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
>>>> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
>>>> No se si me faltara alguna otra cosa. Descarto la idea de Teamviewer
>>>> porque el equipo remoto es un thinkclient, y tan solo tiene 2G de
>>>> espacio, y la idea es que el usuario no tenga contacto con ninguna
>>>> aplicacion local de linux. Tan solo se conecta remotamente a windows
>>>> server.
>>> http://linux.die.net/man/1/x11vnc
>>> By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will
>>> exit as soon as the client disconnects. See -shared and -forever below
>>> to override these protections. See the FAQ for details how to tunnel
>>> the VNC connection through an encrypted channel such as ssh(1). In
>>> brief:
>>> ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
>>> S2.
>> aun poniendolo de la siguiente manera: x11vnc -display :0 -shared -forever
>> igualmente me saca inmediatamente entro. La diferencia es que x11vnc
>> no se me cierra.
> Creo recordar que por seguridad el tcp esta bloqueado en x11.
> Prueba con el tunel ssh como pone en la página de manual que te puse.
> S2.

Perdona, se me fue la pinza, lo del tcp no es en este caso.

Tendrás que ver como te autentificas en el vnc.


Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 19:11, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
<billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 12:58, fernando sainz
> <fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 18:39, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>> <billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
>>>>> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
>>>>> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
>>>>> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
>>>> Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:
>>>> 1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para
>>>> aceptar peticiones
>>>> 2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos
>>>>> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
>>>>> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
>>>> En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no
>>>> recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.
>>>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>>>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>>>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite
>>>> ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
>>>> Saludos,
>>>> --
>>>> Camaleón
>>> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
>>> x11vnc -display :0
>>> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
>>> el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
>>> pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
>>> inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
>>> correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.
>>> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
>>> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
>>> No se si me faltara alguna otra cosa. Descarto la idea de Teamviewer
>>> porque el equipo remoto es un thinkclient, y tan solo tiene 2G de
>>> espacio, y la idea es que el usuario no tenga contacto con ninguna
>>> aplicacion local de linux. Tan solo se conecta remotamente a windows
>>> server.
>> http://linux.die.net/man/1/x11vnc
>> By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will
>> exit as soon as the client disconnects. See -shared and -forever below
>> to override these protections. See the FAQ for details how to tunnel
>> the VNC connection through an encrypted channel such as ssh(1). In
>> brief:
>> ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
>> S2.
> aun poniendolo de la siguiente manera: x11vnc -display :0 -shared -forever
> igualmente me saca inmediatamente entro. La diferencia es que x11vnc
> no se me cierra.

Creo recordar que por seguridad el tcp esta bloqueado en x11.

Prueba con el tunel ssh como pone en la página de manual que te puse.


Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 12:58, fernando sainz
<fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 18:39, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
> <billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>>> escribió:
>>>> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
>>>> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
>>>> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
>>>> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
>>> Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:
>>> 1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para
>>> aceptar peticiones
>>> 2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos
>>>> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
>>>> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
>>> En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no
>>> recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.
>>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite
>>> ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
>>> Saludos,
>>> --
>>> Camaleón
>> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
>> x11vnc -display :0
>> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
>> el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
>> pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
>> inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
>> correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.
>> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
>> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
>> No se si me faltara alguna otra cosa. Descarto la idea de Teamviewer
>> porque el equipo remoto es un thinkclient, y tan solo tiene 2G de
>> espacio, y la idea es que el usuario no tenga contacto con ninguna
>> aplicacion local de linux. Tan solo se conecta remotamente a windows
>> server.
> http://linux.die.net/man/1/x11vnc
> By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will
> exit as soon as the client disconnects. See -shared and -forever below
> to override these protections. See the FAQ for details how to tunnel
> the VNC connection through an encrypted channel such as ssh(1). In
> brief:
> ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
> S2.

aun poniendolo de la siguiente manera: x11vnc -display :0 -shared -forever
igualmente me saca inmediatamente entro. La diferencia es que x11vnc
no se me cierra.

Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 18:39, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
<billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
>> escribió:
>>> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
>>> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
>>> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
>>> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
>> Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:
>> 1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para
>> aceptar peticiones
>> 2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos
>>> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
>>> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
>> En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no
>> recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.
>>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
>> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
>> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite
>> ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
>> Saludos,
>> --
>> Camaleón
> He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:
> x11vnc -display :0
> asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
> el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
> pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
> inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
> correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.
> El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
> xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.
> No se si me faltara alguna otra cosa. Descarto la idea de Teamviewer
> porque el equipo remoto es un thinkclient, y tan solo tiene 2G de
> espacio, y la idea es que el usuario no tenga contacto con ninguna
> aplicacion local de linux. Tan solo se conecta remotamente a windows
> server.


By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will
exit as soon as the client disconnects. See -shared and -forever below
to override these protections. See the FAQ for details how to tunnel
the VNC connection through an encrypted channel such as ssh(1). In

ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'


Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 11:36, Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
> escribió:
>> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
>> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
>> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
>> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
> Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:
> 1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para
> aceptar peticiones
> 2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos
>> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
>> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
> En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no
> recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.
>> Que me sugieren en mi caso?
> Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
> Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite
> ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

He probado con el x11vnc al ejecutarlo de la siguiente forma por ssh:

x11vnc -display :0

asumiendo que el usuario se esncuentra trabajando graficamente en :0
el programa corre y cuando corro el cliente vnc en mi computadora y
pongo la ip (uso remmina) entonces detecta la conexion pero
inmediatamente se cierra, el programa x11vnc inmediatamente deja de
correr en la maquina remota, este no lanza ningun error.

El equipo remoto tiene una instalacion minima de debian: solo tiene
xorg, lightdm, rdesktop, openssh-server y x11vnc.

No se si me faltara alguna otra cosa. Descarto la idea de Teamviewer
porque el equipo remoto es un thinkclient, y tan solo tiene 2G de
espacio, y la idea es que el usuario no tenga contacto con ninguna
aplicacion local de linux. Tan solo se conecta remotamente a windows

Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:37:17 -0400, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez

> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr el
> vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control de la
> sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare usando un
> cliente vnc desde mi equipo)

Para conectarte vía ssh tienes que tener cuenta:

1/ Equipo cliente con servidor ssh ejecutándose y configurado para 
aceptar peticiones

2/ Cortafuegos con los puertos requeridos abiertos

> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?

En windows TeamViewer es una joyita pero en Linux necesita Wine si mal no 
recuerdo lo cual no me termina de convencer.

> Que me sugieren en mi caso?

Pues tener configuradas en el cliente alguna de estas opciones:


Para un caso esporádico y rápido, ssh con sesión gráfica (-X) te permite 
ejecutar aplicaciones en remoto.



Re: lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread fernando sainz
El día 23 de abril de 2016, 16:37, Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
<billy.yef...@gmail.com> escribió:
> Saludos amigos de la lista. Me surge la siguiente inquietud:
> como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr
> el vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control
> de la sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare
> usando un cliente vnc desde mi equipo)
> Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
> equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?
> Que me sugieren en mi caso?

Si necesitas interactuar con un display real de una máquina, el :0
tendrás que usar un servidor vnc que soporte esa opción, creo que
x11vnc lo hace.

Una busqueda en google, me ha dado esto por ejemplo:

Si solo necesitas ejecutar aplicaciones gráficas con cualquier
vncserver te vale o simplemente con ssh -X


lavantar servidor vnc por ssh

2016-04-23 Thread Billy Yeffry Fernández Rodríguez
Saludos amigos de la lista. Me surge la siguiente inquietud:

como puedo conectarme via ssh a un equipo remoto para ya luego correr
el vnc server en la maquina remota y de esta manera tomar el control
de la sesion X del usuario de esa maquina (claro, yo me conectare
usando un cliente vnc desde mi equipo)

Que hacen ustedes en estos casos cuando tienen que dar soporte a un
equipo remoto y tienen que tomar control de la sesion grafica?

Que me sugieren en mi caso?

Re: How to VNC to active screen on remote system.

2016-03-10 Thread John L. Cunningham
On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 11:50:09AM -0600, Dennis Wicks wrote:
> What is the program that will connect to the current session on the remote
> system? I have used it before but I can't remember what it was.

In Gnome, I usually use Vinagre.  In other DEs, I use ssvnc.


Re: How to VNC to active screen on remote system.

2016-02-24 Thread Frederic Marchal
On Wednesday 24 February 2016 12:12:54 Javier Vasquez wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Dennis Wicks <w...@mgssub.com> 
> > ...
> > What is the program that will connect to the current session on the 
> > system? I have used it before but I can't remember what it was.
> Are you looking for x11vnc [1][2] on the host you want to see?  If so,
> tigervnc and others can be the vnc xlients...

And the exact command to run is

x11vnc -display :0

Run it as the user with the open X11 session. Type the command in a ssh 
session for instance.

x11vnc exits when the last vnc client is closed.


Re: How to VNC to active screen on remote system.

2016-02-24 Thread Javier Vasquez
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Dennis Wicks <w...@mgssub.com> wrote:
> ...
> What is the program that will connect to the current session on the remote
> system? I have used it before but I can't remember what it was.

Are you looking for x11vnc [1][2] on the host you want to see?  If so,
tigervnc and others can be the vnc xlients...


[1]  http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc
[2]  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X11vnc

How to VNC to active screen on remote system.

2016-02-24 Thread Dennis Wicks

I wish I could remember all of this stuff!

What is the program that will connect to the current session 
on the remote system? I have used it before but I can't 
remember what it was.

Many TIA!

Raspbian vnc server autostart

2016-01-11 Thread Bernard Lee
Dear Debian,
I'm Bernard.I have a little problem with my raspberry pi 2 running Raspbian
Hope you can help me.I don't know how to set my pi turn on the vnc server
when boot.
I don't  know  how  to  set the bootconfig.txt. please tell me how to
fix it when you reply.i'm
from Hong Kong.
Lee Tsz Wo Bernard

Re: Raspbian vnc server autostart

2016-01-11 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Mon, 2016-01-11 at 18:12 +0800, Bernard Lee wrote:
> Dear Debian,
> I'm Bernard.I have a little problem with my raspberry pi 2 running
> Raspbian
> Jessie.
> Hope you can help me.I don't know how to set my pi turn on the vnc
> server
> when boot.
> I don't  know  how  to  set the bootconfig.txt. please tell me how to
> fix it when you reply.i'm
> from Hong Kong.
> Yours,
> Lee Tsz Wo Bernard

This should help:

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-19 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Thanks for help :)

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Seeker  wrote:

> On 9/18/2015 10:59 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
>> can you please also advice any client for windows. right now the only
>> platform i have is Windows to access the machine. and Remmina does not work
>> for Windows.
>> Any suggestion please?
>> Thanks,
>> Yousuf
>> RealVNC or UltraVNC if you want security that is built in.
> TightVNC is another option, but doesn't have the level of security built
> in that you would want
> if you are connecting over the internet.
> If you can't get the Windows clients to play well with the security in the
> Linux servers, then you
> could use SSH to create a secure connection, then go over the SSH
> connection to connect the client
> to the server. If you google 'ssh tunnel' there are lots of 'HOW TO' links.
> If you don't have any objections to using stuff that requires a Google
> account, you could try using
> Chrome Remote Desktop.
> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-remote-desktop/gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp
>  I tried it when it was first released only long enough to see it work
> between my phone as the client
> and a computer running Windows with Google Chrome as the server. At that
> time it wasn't working
> for me on my Linux desktop using Chromium, so could still be an issue
> using it with Chromium. It
> allows you to set up a permanent connection for yourself, may be an issue
> if you want to allow other
> people to connect without you having to be there to generate a code.
> Later, Seeker

Gray screen vnc viewer (Debian 8.3)

2015-09-19 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan

I am having gray screen issue no matter what setting i put in my xstartup

when ever i connect the client it shows me something gray screen i can not
see anything in the log i dont know what is going on. it never happend to
me before.
no xstartup config is working in this.

any suggestion would be highly appreciated.

# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:


# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources

xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &

#x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop"
#gnome-session &

gnome-session --session=gnome-classic &


Re: Gray screen vnc viewer (Debian 8.3)

2015-09-19 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Just sharing: i am no longer using default vino server. i am using
vnc4server and also tightvncserver both shows the same result.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 10:41 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sir...@gmail.com>

> All,
> I am having gray screen issue no matter what setting i put in my xstartup
> file.
> when ever i connect the client it shows me something gray screen i can not
> see anything in the log i dont know what is going on. it never happend to
> me before.
> no xstartup config is working in this.
> any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
> #!/bin/sh
> # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
> # exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
> [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
> [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
> xsetroot -solid grey
> vncconfig -iconic &
> #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP
> Desktop" &
> #gnome-session &
> gnome-session --session=gnome-classic &
> Thanks,
> Yousuf

Re: Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-18 Thread Reco

On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 09:44:38 +0500
Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using  Debian  8.2. i enable screen sharing but when i try to connect
> client side shows me this message
> unable to connect VNC server using your chosen security setting. Either
> upgrade the VNC server to more recent version from realVNC or select weaker
> level of encryption.

This message is half-true. You don't need to upgrade VNC server, you
need to upgrade to VNC client that supports TLS-over-VNC. Or to disable
VNC encryption altogether.

The problem is - about the only client that seems to support that
cryptic 'VNC security type 18' seems to be Remmina.

So - you need to connect from the Windows client - you need to have an
insecure configuration on server side. Presumably - it's done like this:

gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false


Re: Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-18 Thread Reco

Please do not top-post.
Please do not CC me. I'm subscribed to the list.

On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 22:59:49 +0500
Muhammad Yousuf Khan  wrote:

> Thanks for help. when i am running the command that you have mentioned it
> is giving me an error please the result below.
> root@nas:/home/ykhan# gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
> (process:1744): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot
> autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY.

And the message says what's wrong by itself.
You're supposed to run 'gsettings' by *user*, not *root*.
And you're supposed to run 'gsettings' from the X session.

> can you please also advice any client for windows. right now the only
> platform i have is Windows to access the machine. and Remmina does not work
> for Windows.
> Any suggestion please?

Sorry, I cannot help you there. I stopped using Windows 10 years ago
and I can only suggest you to do the same.


Re: Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-18 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Thanks for help. when i am running the command that you have mentioned it
is giving me an error please the result below.

root@nas:/home/ykhan# gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

(process:1744): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot
autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY.

can you please also advice any client for windows. right now the only
platform i have is Windows to access the machine. and Remmina does not work
for Windows.

Any suggestion please?


On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Reco <recovery...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> On Fri, 18 Sep 2015 09:44:38 +0500
> Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am using  Debian  8.2. i enable screen sharing but when i try to
> connect
> > client side shows me this message
> >
> > unable to connect VNC server using your chosen security setting. Either
> > upgrade the VNC server to more recent version from realVNC or select
> weaker
> > level of encryption.
> This message is half-true. You don't need to upgrade VNC server, you
> need to upgrade to VNC client that supports TLS-over-VNC. Or to disable
> VNC encryption altogether.
> The problem is - about the only client that seems to support that
> cryptic 'VNC security type 18' seems to be Remmina.
> So - you need to connect from the Windows client - you need to have an
> insecure configuration on server side. Presumably - it's done like this:
> gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
> Reco

Re: Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-18 Thread Seeker

On 9/18/2015 10:59 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

can you please also advice any client for windows. right now the only 
platform i have is Windows to access the machine. and Remmina does not 
work for Windows.

Any suggestion please?


RealVNC or UltraVNC if you want security that is built in.

TightVNC is another option, but doesn't have the level of security built 
in that you would want

if you are connecting over the internet.

If you can't get the Windows clients to play well with the security in 
the Linux servers, then you
could use SSH to create a secure connection, then go over the SSH 
connection to connect the client

to the server. If you google 'ssh tunnel' there are lots of 'HOW TO' links.

If you don't have any objections to using stuff that requires a Google 
account, you could try using

Chrome Remote Desktop.


 I tried it when it was first released only long enough to see it work 
between my phone as the client
and a computer running Windows with Google Chrome as the server. At that 
time it wasn't working
for me on my Linux desktop using Chromium, so could still be an issue 
using it with Chromium. It
allows you to set up a permanent connection for yourself, may be an 
issue if you want to allow other

people to connect without you having to be there to generate a code.

Later, Seeker

Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
I am using  Debian  8.2. i enable screen sharing but when i try to connect
client side shows me this message

unable to connect VNC server using your chosen security setting. Either
upgrade the VNC server to more recent version from realVNC or select weaker
level of encryption

and i see this on server /var/log/messages.
 [IPv4] Got connection from client
Sep 18 00:35:24 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:24 AM   other
Sep 18 00:35:24 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:24 AM
Sep 18 00:35:24 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:24 AM Client
Protocol Version 3.7
Sep 18 00:35:24 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:24 AM Advertising
security type 18
Sep 18 00:35:26 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:26 AM Client gone
Sep 18 00:35:26 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:26 AM Statistics:
Sep 18 00:35:26 nas gnome-session[1547]: 18/09/2015 12:35:26 AM
framebuffer updates 0, rectangles 0, bytes 0

Any help will be highly appreciated.



Re: Gnome 3 VNC server issue

2015-07-04 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2015-07-03, Rob Nieuwenhuizen ra.nieuwenhui...@gmail.com wrote:
 When try to enable my vnc server on Debian Jessie:

 I have to unmanage my network interfaces from /etc/network/interfaces

 The only way to start remote desktop on my internal interface is to
 let the gnome network manager control my interface.

 This is unwanted behavior as i use my system als server and want to
 manage my interfaces by config file rather then using the graphical
 network manager.

  - start vnc server without network interfaces - show the interfaces
  managed by the /etc/network/interfaces

You could ignore GNOME's built-in desktop sharing and use a package like
vnc4server instead.



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Gnome 3 VNC server issue

2015-07-03 Thread Rob Nieuwenhuizen
When try to enable my vnc server on Debian Jessie:

I have to unmanage my network interfaces from /etc/network/interfaces

The only way to start remote desktop on my internal interface is to let the 
gnome network manager control my interface.

This is unwanted behavior as i use my system als server and want to manage my 
interfaces by config file rather then using the graphical network manager.

 - start vnc server without network interfaces
 - show the interfaces managed by the /etc/network/interfaces

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Re: Howto add a vnc URL handler to Icedove?

2014-11-05 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 01 November 2014 13:51:16 Jape Person wrote:
 You (Scott) help a lot of people here. I wish someone would help you!

Sadly, perhaps no-one knows the answer. :-(

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Re: Howto add a vnc URL handler to Icedove?

2014-11-05 Thread Alexis

Scott Ferguson writes:

 1. while the link displays as show above, in the HTML (subset used in
 email) it's actually a mailto link...

 2. I've tried adding to Icedove about:config:-
 ;a new string value of network.protocol-handler.app.vnc with the value
 $processingScript %U
 ;a new boolean value network.protocol-handler.expose.vnc with the
 value true
 But I suspect they'll never be called as Icedove treats the link as mailto

Well, what about changing how 'mailto' URIs are handled? You could
specify that 'mailto' URIs should be handled by a script. That script
can examine the URI and, if it begins with the scheme name 'vnc', does
the setup you require, but would otherwise calls the default 'mailto'
handler. Might that do what you need?

(i've set up Iceweasel to call a script for 'mailto' links, so that i
can click on them and have a template email message open in Emacs, which
i can then edit and send.)


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Re: Howto add a vnc URL handler to Icedove?

2014-11-01 Thread Jape Person

On 10/29/2014 01:38 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

I want to make things easier for people accepting remote desktop
invitations from Krfb.

Ideal scenario:-

1. Create a reverse ssh tunnel to middle (an internet accessible
server) from the users computer. e.g. port 1234 to port 1235
middle has port forwarding enabled e.g. port 1234 to port 1236, and
the reverse ssh tunnel creation is automated (KMenu entry for Krfb
modified to call a script, that starts the reverse ssh tunnel before
calling Krfb).

2. The user then sends an (encrypted) email invitation from Krfb[*1]
to the support - and waits for support to connect (which then requires
the user to allow support access).

3. support then opens the email in Icedove, clicks on the link[*2],
Icedove uses a script to handle the link, which then processes[*3] the
link before calling krdc (or tightvnc) - which then gives support
remote access to the users desktop.

Ideal outcome:-

Quick and easy remote desktop support even when both the user and
support are behind NAT firewalls.

[*1] Krfb is set to use port 1235
[*2] e.g. vnc://invitation:cpcz-...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:

There /appears/ to be two problems which I'd like suggestions on how to

1. while the link displays as show above, in the HTML (subset used in
email) it's actually a mailto link...

2. I've tried adding to Icedove about:config:-
;a new string value of network.protocol-handler.app.vnc with the value
$processingScript %U
;a new boolean value network.protocol-handler.expose.vnc with the
value true

But I suspect they'll never be called as Icedove treats the link as mailto

Google yields nothing, nor does the Mozilla developer documentation, and
the same question has previously been posted to Mozilla forums,
carefully described, by someone else - but has never received an answer.
So I ask the question here, knowing that there are some informed list
readers who might have useful suggestions.

Kind regards

No, don't get your hopes up. I ain't gonna be helpful. I'm just 
expressing my disappointment that no one has responded to this message. 
Information on how to do this would be very helpful to me.

You (Scott) help a lot of people here. I wish someone would help you! 
(and me)



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Howto add a vnc URL handler to Icedove?

2014-10-28 Thread Scott Ferguson
I want to make things easier for people accepting remote desktop
invitations from Krfb.

Ideal scenario:-

1. Create a reverse ssh tunnel to middle (an internet accessible
server) from the users computer. e.g. port 1234 to port 1235
middle has port forwarding enabled e.g. port 1234 to port 1236, and
the reverse ssh tunnel creation is automated (KMenu entry for Krfb
modified to call a script, that starts the reverse ssh tunnel before
calling Krfb).

2. The user then sends an (encrypted) email invitation from Krfb[*1]
to the support - and waits for support to connect (which then requires
the user to allow support access).

3. support then opens the email in Icedove, clicks on the link[*2],
Icedove uses a script to handle the link, which then processes[*3] the
link before calling krdc (or tightvnc) - which then gives support
remote access to the users desktop.

Ideal outcome:-

Quick and easy remote desktop support even when both the user and
support are behind NAT firewalls.

[*1] Krfb is set to use port 1235
[*2] e.g. vnc://invitation:cpcz-...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:

There /appears/ to be two problems which I'd like suggestions on how to

1. while the link displays as show above, in the HTML (subset used in
email) it's actually a mailto link...

2. I've tried adding to Icedove about:config:-
;a new string value of network.protocol-handler.app.vnc with the value
$processingScript %U
;a new boolean value network.protocol-handler.expose.vnc with the
value true

But I suspect they'll never be called as Icedove treats the link as mailto

Google yields nothing, nor does the Mozilla developer documentation, and
the same question has previously been posted to Mozilla forums,
carefully described, by someone else - but has never received an answer.
So I ask the question here, knowing that there are some informed list
readers who might have useful suggestions.

Kind regards

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you
know for sure that just ain’t so.”

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Re: conexión remota vnc, xserver, rdp

2014-02-05 Thread trujo
El lun, 03-02-2014 a las 14:28 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:38:12 +0100, trujo escribió:
  He instalado debian sobre un android.
 No es necesario que mandes dos veces el mismo mensaje, el primero llego ;-

Perdona por el ruido pero tengo un problema con el servidor de correo
del trabajo que me corta siempre que respondo a la lista, lo curioso es
que cuando abro un hilo nuevo no, pero cuando respondo si, lo que me da
una incertidumbre, por lo que intento contestar por el correo de gmail,
pero si se me olvida cambiarlo sale por el servidor del trabajo, de hay
mi problema personal y pido disculpas por el ruido.

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conexión remota vnc, xserver, rdp

2014-02-03 Thread trujo
He instalado debian sobre un android.
La configuración por defecto es levantar una sesión con vnc-server para
conectarse despues.
He probado a usar un servidor X para redirigir las salidas y lanzar el
metacity sobre el + lxde.
Tengo probado (en otra maquina) el uso de RDP para abrir sesión en
¿Alguien sabe algo sobre cual de los sistemas es mas óptimo?
En principio, para ejecutar una aplicación sola creo que seria servidor
X y la aplicación en cuestión (las que mas uso son viking y libre
office), pero es mas engorroso pues no he sido capaz de automatizar el
arranque encadenado de las 2 aplicaciones android necesarias (sigo

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Re: conexión remota vnc, xserver, rdp

2014-02-03 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:38:12 +0100, trujo escribió:

 He instalado debian sobre un android.


No es necesario que mandes dos veces el mismo mensaje, el primero llego ;-




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Re: conexión remota vnc, xserver, rdp

2014-01-31 Thread Haylem Candelario Bauzá del INOR
Si te refieres a correr cualquier Linux en un android, ya hay una 
aplicacion que te lo hace que se llama Linux on android.

Usa el mismo kernel del movil para reconocer todos los dispositivos de 

Si dominas los Bits, dominas el mundo

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conexión remota vnc, xserver, rdp

2014-01-30 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

He instalado debian sobre un android.
La configuración por defecto es levantar una sesión con vnc-server para
conectarse despues.
He probado a usar un servidor X para redirigir las salidas y lanzar el
metacity sobre el + lxde.
Tengo probado (en otra maquina) el uso de RDP para abrir sesión en
¿Alguien sabe algo sobre cual de los sistemas es mas óptimo?
En principio, para ejecutar una aplicación sola creo que seria servidor
X y la aplicación en cuestión (las que mas uso son viking y libre
office), pero es mas engorroso pues no he sido capaz de automatizar el
arranque encadenado de las 2 aplicaciones android necesarias (sigo

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Re: conexión remota vnc, xserver, rdp

2014-01-30 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:54:55 +0100, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 He instalado debian sobre un android.
   un dispositivo, entiendo :-?

 La configuración por defecto es levantar una sesión con vnc-server para
 conectarse despues.
 He probado a usar un servidor X para redirigir las salidas y lanzar el
 metacity sobre el + lxde.
 Tengo probado (en otra maquina) el uso de RDP para abrir sesión en
 ¿Alguien sabe algo sobre cual de los sistemas es mas óptimo?

Grosso modo, rdp y vnc son más rápidos que tirar de xserver.

 En principio, para ejecutar una aplicación sola creo que seria servidor
 X y la aplicación en cuestión (las que mas uso son viking y libre
 office), pero es mas engorroso pues no he sido capaz de automatizar el
 arranque encadenado de las 2 aplicaciones android necesarias (sigo

Mira a ver si puedes ganar algo de fluidez comprimiendo los datos (ssh -
XC). Eso sí, para rdp y vnc necesitas añadir una capa de seguridad 
adicional si el cliente/servidor no la integra.



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Re: message formatting [was Wheezy/XFCE/VNC}

2013-11-22 Thread Andre Majorel
On 2013-11-20 17:45 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 02:26:21PM +0100, Andre Majorel wrote:

  An attribution wouldn't have hurt but it's plain to see that Jon
  was replying to Emilio's message, not Ron's. Or don't mailers
  show threads any more ?
 Mutt, the one I use, does; but I don't keep *all* the messages
 in a thread. I must have deleted the message that Jonathan
 referred to at some stage. I think this adds more credence to
 the point that providing context and attribution would
 certainly help avoid conversations like this one.

Agreed with your conclusion but I'll add one of my own :
deleting mail has a cost. :-

A possible alternative is flagging. F to mark the important
posts, /~F and n to find them, l~F to hide the others.

André Majorel http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/
bugs.debian.org, food for your spambots.

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Re: message formatting [was Wheezy/XFCE/VNC}

2013-11-19 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 05:07:52PM +, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:52:44 +
 Ron Leach ronle...@tesco.net wrote:
 Hello Ron,
 Jonathan, thank you for the note.  I've rechecked.
 I think Jonathan was directing his comments to Emilio, not you.   It's
 difficult to know for sure as he didn't use a name, or quote some of the
 offending message.

It was hard to take seriously exactly for that reason.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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