Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-05-27 Thread Mike Castle
On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 4:40 PM Mike Castle  wrote:
> Thanks for all of the commentary so far.
> Once I get something working, I will *try* to remember to follow up
> here with what I've managed to cobble together.

I have done quite a bit of research and experimentation and finally
settled on a solution that seems like it will work for me:

Plain old debian/* control files along with config-package-dev.

Effectively, I've abandoned `equivs` and now just using plain old
`debhelper` with a small wrapper script.

One thing I've learned along the way is that debian/control files can
build multiple .deb files.  But the "control" files that `equivs` uses
are not really the same as regular control files, so need one per
package.  Since I created a hierarchy of packages, I needed several
configs for equivs.  Now, I can use just one, and it is MUCH faster
(about 8 seconds total).

I'm still working on replacing my old equivs stuff, but, I do have
some things I'm installing now.  Essentially my setup looks like this:
Maintainer: Mike Castle 
Source: mrc
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), config-package-dev
Rules-Requires-Root: no
Standards-Version: 4.5.1
Section: metapackages
Priority: optional

Package: mrc-base
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},

Package: mrc-mozilla
Architecture: all
Description: MRC's Mozilla apt configuration
 Lots of files under /etc/apt.
Depends: ${misc:Depends},

Package: mrc-desktop
Architecture: all
Description: MRC's desktop installation
 Graphical stuff.
Depends: ${misc:Depends},

... more meta packages ...

Package: mrc-mars
Architecture: all
Description: MRC's host mars
 Host specific deps.
Provides: ${diverted-files}
Conflicts: ${diverted-files}
Depends: ${misc:Depends},

... most host packages ...

A few other debian control files:
$ find debian/ -type f

$ cat debian/rules
#!/usr/bin/make -f

dh $@ --with=config-package

The files that match .* are the magic.  For example:
$ cat debian/mrc-mozilla.install
files/mozilla/* /

$ find files/mozilla -type f

The etc/apt files come from
and the lintian overrides is:
$ cat files/mozilla/usr/share/lintian/overrides/mrc-mozilla
mrc-mozilla: package-installs-apt-sources
mrc-mozilla: package-installs-apt-preferences

For the host packages, it is slightly more complicated, but not much
once I figured it out.  Again, a basic "copy in everything under this
directory" install file:
$ cat debian/mrc-mars.install
files/mars/* /

which is currently this:
$ find files/mars -type f

Then the interesting bit:
$ cat debian/mrc-mars.displace

This "dispace" file is something that the `config-package` addon takes
care of.  It sets up backing up the existing file name (/etc/hostname)
and symlinks in my version:
$ ls -l /etc/hostname*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 May 27 08:57 /etc/hostname -> hostname.mrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  5 May 27 06:52 /etc/hostname.mrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  6 May 27 07:37 /etc/hostname.mrc-orig

If I purge mrc-mars, then /etc/hostname.mrc-orig is moved back to /etc/hostname.

(The way config-package-dev works is, it takes the first portion of
the package names, in this case "mrc", to identify what file names to

To drive it all, I currently use a simple wrapper script:
$ cat

set -e

work_dir=$(mktemp -d)
find -depth | cpio -pdm ${work_dir}/work
cd ${work_dir}/work
debuild --no-conf --no-sign --lintian-opts --info

rm -rf $OUTPUT
mkdir -p $OUTPUT
cp ${work_dir}/*.deb $OUTPUT

dpkg-scanpackages . > Packages

echo "work_dir was ${work_dir}"

Not the fanciest, but "works for me" (so far).  Essentially it builds
things in /tmp because the debian packaging tool chain always drops
the files into the parent directory and leaves things that *I*
currently do not care about littering my disk.  Also, it drops
intermediate files into the debian/* directory, making it more
difficult to know what needs to go under SCM.  With this approach,
"git status" will be easier to read.

The only drawback so far, over my previous approach of one `equivs`
config per package, is that now, all built debs share the same version
number.  With the individual approach, I could add one package to a
metapackage, and when I do "apt update && apt upgrade", only the
single package (and its new deps) are processed.  Now, 

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-24 Thread Linux-Fan

Mike Castle writes:


Yes, that was me > 10a ago. Transitioning from these scripts to ant allowed  
came with a few improvements:

* I switched all package building to `debuild` in favor of using more
  low-level tools for `raw` packages before.

* I was able to establish some sort of “buld upon new commit” poor man's
  local CI -- I experimented with some fully-fledged systems like Concurse CI
  and GitLab, too, but they were all too much for my local-first

* When resources were required from external locations (e.g. source code
  downloads), that set of scripts did not provide for any automatism in this
  regard. One of my continuous goals is to split between “my settings” and
  some re-downloadable files. It was only achieved partially back then and
  the ant-approach takes it much further :)

Still, in many ways the ant does not do much more than the scripts linked at the  
message above. If you are about to create your own scripts (which is  
probably a better idea than trying to use my scripts anyways :) ) the  
shellscripts may be easier to understand.



Description: PGP signature

Mesh VPN on Debian (Was Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?)

2024-04-21 Thread Andy Smith

On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 04:40:24PM -0700, Mike Castle wrote:
> Like Alex, one of my physical machines is a laptop that is not always
> on the home network.  Though I'm usually connected to *something*.
> I'm still debating whether to bother with a VPN or trying something
> like a tailnet.

For mesh VPN I really like Yggdrasil (packaged in Debian, but widely

It does quite a lot of the things that people use Tailscale for, but
has the advantages of:

- Completely FOSS
- No need to contact a central authority - your nodes all
- Thus no limit on how many nodes you can have for free (though
  Tailscale's limit is very generous)

Like Tailscale it will detect other instances of itself on your LAN
so local traffic remains local (avoid a VPN hairpin) while you still
use the same Yggdrasil IP addresses to talk to things.

Downsides compared to Tailscale are things like:

- Not as polished a product so no hand-holding; you need to read the

- Not available on as many platforms.

  It is a single static Go binary so it's not hard to deploy if you
  can compile it, but I don't know what the story is on things like
  mobile platforms, whereas there's Tailscale apps for everything.

- I don't have personal experience but possibly it's more energy
  intensive than Tailscale which would matter a lot on mobile

There is a good introduction and comparison with some other
solutions here:

I still wouldn't want to automated a config push/pull to a laptop
over a mesh VPN I think, but others have mentioned that you can do
Ansible in a pull mode.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-21 Thread Tim Woodall

On Thu, 18 Apr 2024, Mike Castle wrote:

Now, I would like to expand that into also setting up various config
files that I currently do manually, for example, the `/etc/apt/*`
configs I need to make the above work.  For a single set of files,
manual isn't bad, but as I want to get into setting up LDAP, autofs,
and so on, it is time to explore solutions.  I only have four systems
at the moment (two physical and two virtual), so I don't think I need
something too fancy.

I do this - but it needs a bit of thought as to how you want to do it.

I'm assuming you don't care about debian policy ...

I do one of four things in packages depending on what I want to achieve
and what the package I'm configuring supports.

1.(easiest) - just drop a config file into a conf.d directory. I
use this for maintaining sources.list. Back in the buster days I was
using openssh from backports that supported this as maintaining the
config is so much easier than any of the other ways and so much easier
to fix bugs in your packages - a failing postinst script can be a pain
to resolve.

apt-mirror@aptmirror19:~ (none)$ apt-cache search bookworm-sources
bookworm-sources - Meta-package to pull in list of apt-sources for debian

(I generate these packages automatically from what is available on

FWIW, I also have a dev repo and a fast repo - the dev repo is a clone
where I can test out substantial changes and the fast repo only has a
couple of packages but can rebuild "the world" very quickly when I'm
testing. So I have a number of extra levels of indirection to support

$ apt-cache depends bookworm-sources
  Depends: bookworm-local-sources

That is the normal package that I would install.

apt-mirror@aptmirror19:/mnt/mirror/local/main/o (master)$ apt-cache depends 
  Depends: bookworm-dev-main-sources

That lets me use the dev repo - and thanks to pinning, the packages in
it will replace (even downgrade) packages from local.

Ditto for my fast repo.

2. (next easiest) - add a file in /usr/share/ and then overwrite the
file in /etc by copying in postinst.

3. edit the config file without diverting it using a sed script.

4. divert the config and edit/replace it in the package.

3. and 4. in particular can make upgrades more difficult if/when you
find bugs in the way you're handling diversions and uninstalls.

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-20 Thread Mike Castle

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-20 Thread John Crawley

On 21/04/2024 08:40, Mike Castle wrote:

One thing Linux-Fan mentioned was `config-package-dev`.  In my OP, I
commented about ``slightly old to really old tools'', and that was one
I was thinking of.  It looks like it hasn't been touched in seven
years, and I wasn't sure if it still worked.  But that drive by
comments lends some hope.  Using it would help address Alex's concern
about modifying existing config files.  That debhelper extension is
designed precisely for that situation.  But, its age is pretty much
what inspired me to start this thread.

I've been using config-package-dev for some years now - to add some customized 
configs to existing installed packages - and it still seems to be working 
perfectly. It's just a wrapper on top of dpkg diverts so there's not all that 
much to go wrong.


Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-20 Thread Mike Castle
Thanks for all the suggestions so far.

Like Alex, one of my physical machines is a laptop that is not always
on the home network.  Though I'm usually connected to *something*.
I'm still debating whether to bother with a VPN or trying something
like a tailnet.

Heck, before I adopted Debian and ran my own
"distribution", I used to run $HOME over NFS over WiFi.  Sharing
configs that way would be acceptable for me.  I also used to keep my
configs in CVS and pushed them using rsync-over-ssh-as-root, hence
"current best practices".  :->

Linux-Fan's MDVL stuff looks interesting.  Everything can always be
solved by one more layer of redirection.  :->  I just have to suss out
the Java and Ant stuff to understand the basics.  Personally, I'm a
big fan of NIH-Syndrome (otherwise I wouldn't have run a LFS type
system for ~15 years).  So it is likely I would reinvent what is
happening there.

One thing Linux-Fan mentioned was `config-package-dev`.  In my OP, I
commented about ``slightly old to really old tools'', and that was one
I was thinking of.  It looks like it hasn't been touched in seven
years, and I wasn't sure if it still worked.  But that drive by
comments lends some hope.  Using it would help address Alex's concern
about modifying existing config files.  That debhelper extension is
designed precisely for that situation.  But, its age is pretty much
what inspired me to start this thread.

Interestingly enough, I sent the OP just before I went to a BayLISA
talk about Apple's PKL.  Since I tend to only use whatever comes out
of the Debian repos (my only exceptions being Firefox and an emacs
package the maintainers won't fix for bookworm), I'm unlikely to do
more than look at it,  But, between it and MDVL, I think I'm
definitely going to try to make sure I don't configure myself into a
corner.  :->

Thanks for all of the commentary so far.

Once I get something working, I will *try* to remember to follow up
here with what I've managed to cobble together.


PS: Actually, I used to share $HOME (and /usr) over PLIP, so, it is
probably obvious that FS speed is not always a concern for me.

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-19 Thread Andy Smith

On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 05:05:14PM -0700, Mike Castle wrote:
> Anyway, suggestions based upon actually experience would be appreciated.

As others have mentioned, Ansible can be a good choice for as little
as one machine as long as you don't object to installing Python and
a bunch of Python apps. Probably best to do it in a Python
virtualenv rather than try to use OS packages as it does still
change quite often, but I've found backwards compatibility to be

I used Puppet for quite a few years. It was a nicer, more expressive
and powerful language. It's also a lot faster than Ansible when you
have tens of hosts. It probably does not make sense for only a
couple of hosts though.

I stopped using it because the rate of change (requiring changes to
its server and client on all hosts) was too much for me.

These days I think the original developers consider it "done" and
have moved on, selling the lot to Perforce who I suspect will just
coast along milking the community for what it can. I would not
consider Puppet for a new setup at this time, mainly for that

Chef, never used it but did consider it when wanting to move away
from Puppet. Again probably not make sense for small number of
hosts. Likely has more of a future than Puppet considering Cinc.

We all hear great things about Nix, but I want something that
manages Debian packages, not replaces Debian packages.

Ansible is still viable for me but I fully expect Red Hat to ruin it
one day in search of profit. Which is their right.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-19 Thread Linux-Fan

Mike Castle writes:

For a while now, I've been using `equivs-build` for maintaining a
hierarchy of metapackages to control what is installed on my various
machines.  Generally, I can do `apt install mrc-$(hostname -s)` and
I'm golden.

Now, I would like to expand that into also setting up various config
files that I currently do manually, for example, the `/etc/apt/*`
configs I need to make the above work.  For a single set of files,


My first thought was to simply add a `Files:` section to *.control
files I use for my metapackages.  After all, for configs going into
*.d directories, they are usually easy to just drop in and remove, no
editing in place required.  But, that is when I discovered that all
files under `/etc` are treated specially.



I can confirm from experience that Ansible can indeed scale down to as  
little as the one local machine that it is running from. It has a learning  
curve and at least to me it always felt a little clumsy to learn a YAML  
based scripting language for this purpose, but its a solid choice.

Continuing the package-based approach is what I do because once some wrapper  
around the `debuild` commands was established, it became acceptably easy to  
use. I even maintain my “dotfiles” (not under $HOME but under /etc, but to  
a similar effect) this way:

With `config-package-dev` there are some tricks to even allow changing  
(config) files supplied by other packages.

The disadvantage with the package-based approach is that it is heavily  
distribution-specific and also if you mess anything up, a core component of  
the OS (package management) can become broken - I luckily never broke it to  
the extent that recovery was impossible, but in the beginning ran a  
dedicated test VM to validate all package changes prior to installing them  
on my main system

I have also heard good things about Nix and if I had to start again from  
scratch today, I'd probably invest time into learning that technology. Right  
now I am sufficiently satisfied with the package-based approach to not look  
into it yet.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-19 Thread Alexandre Rossi

> > and so on, it is time to explore solutions.  I only have four systems
> > at the moment (two physical and two virtual), so I don't think I need
> > something too fancy.

I am in the same situation with an extra constraint: some are laptops
and not always connected.

> > My first thought was to simply add a `Files:` section to *.control
> > files I use for my metapackages.  After all, for configs going into
> > *.d directories, they are usually easy to just drop in and remove, no
> > editing in place required.  But, that is when I discovered that all
> > files under `/etc` are treated specially.

The limitation of this is that you cannot modify existing configuration
files, which is required sometimes.

> > Anyway, suggestions based upon actually experience would be appreciated.
> The easy end of single-machine is etckeeper, which just checks
> your /etc (and whatever else you specify) into a local git. The
> high end of single machine is Nix, which has a complete language
> designed to capture the complete configuration of a system (and
> has spawned NixOS, a complete distribution).
> The easy end of multi-machine systems is cdist and itamae. You might be
> quite happy with those, and itamae is reputedly very Chef-like.

I can also mention ansible which is ubiquitous nowadays and is relevant
even for a single machine. I've worked around my laptop deployment
requirement with a wrapper script around ansible-pull and a systemd timer
to regularly pull the conf from a git repository. It works well but
the complete configuration is known to all machines.

The Nix mention is highly relevant, but I did not get the chance to play
with it yet. The big advantage over  ansible and probably many others
is that if you remove a package installation from your configuration,
it will get removed from the host upon configuration deployment. Whereas
with ansible, you must add a explicit uninstallation rule. This is fine
for cloud host deployment where you always start from scratch, but for
physical machines and user laptops, Nix enforces consistency (but then
you need to learn something that is not Debian...).



Re: Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-18 Thread Dan Ritter
Mike Castle wrote: 
> and so on, it is time to explore solutions.  I only have four systems
> at the moment (two physical and two virtual), so I don't think I need
> something too fancy.
> My first thought was to simply add a `Files:` section to *.control
> files I use for my metapackages.  After all, for configs going into
> *.d directories, they are usually easy to just drop in and remove, no
> editing in place required.  But, that is when I discovered that all
> files under `/etc` are treated specially.
> I've found a lot of documentation out there, but, of course, much of
> it is out of date. , for
> example, seems to recommend slightly old to really old tools.  Tools
> like `ansible`, `puppet` and so on seem, at first blush, aimed at
> larger installations than mine.  But maybe other's experience with
> them will show they scale down fine?
> Anyway, suggestions based upon actually experience would be appreciated.

Chef or Puppet are good, but probably not worth the bother for
4-5 systems. Definitely worthwhile for 10+ systems, and scalable
to thousands. is producing a fully open release
of Chef (with the new name, Cinc is not chef). I use Chef at

The easy end of single-machine is etckeeper, which just checks
your /etc (and whatever else you specify) into a local git. The
high end of single machine is Nix, which has a complete language
designed to capture the complete configuration of a system (and
has spawned NixOS, a complete distribution).

The easy end of multi-machine systems is cdist and itamae. You might be
quite happy with those, and itamae is reputedly very Chef-like.


Current best practices for system configuration management?

2024-04-18 Thread Mike Castle
For a while now, I've been using `equivs-build` for maintaining a
hierarchy of metapackages to control what is installed on my various
machines.  Generally, I can do `apt install mrc-$(hostname -s)` and
I'm golden.

Now, I would like to expand that into also setting up various config
files that I currently do manually, for example, the `/etc/apt/*`
configs I need to make the above work.  For a single set of files,
manual isn't bad, but as I want to get into setting up LDAP, autofs,
and so on, it is time to explore solutions.  I only have four systems
at the moment (two physical and two virtual), so I don't think I need
something too fancy.

My first thought was to simply add a `Files:` section to *.control
files I use for my metapackages.  After all, for configs going into
*.d directories, they are usually easy to just drop in and remove, no
editing in place required.  But, that is when I discovered that all
files under `/etc` are treated specially.

I've found a lot of documentation out there, but, of course, much of
it is out of date. , for
example, seems to recommend slightly old to really old tools.  Tools
like `ansible`, `puppet` and so on seem, at first blush, aimed at
larger installations than mine.  But maybe other's experience with
them will show they scale down fine?

Anyway, suggestions based upon actually experience would be appreciated.


Question about Configuration Management covered at

2018-03-05 Thread Gerard Blokdijk
Hi there,

My new book Configuration Management: Standard Requirements is out, get it here:

My goal is to get in front of anyone who will benefit from it. - perhaps you 
will be able to help more people with a link or an article.

I was searching for Configuration Management information and I came across, and had to reach out to you.

My name is Gerard Blokdijk, I've been in many enterprise data center management 
and CxO roles over the past 25 years, and spoken to thousands of people at 
public events and at companies in 23 countries.

And I'm an author.

I have just published my new book called 'Configuration Management: Standard 
Requirements'. Because I feel this is of interest to you, and to establish 
mutual ground, I want to give you the book. 

Something straightforward as 'Configuration Management: Standard Requirements' 
is the Configuration Management guide I wish I had when I needed it; a tool to 
help develop a detailed vision of all areas impacted by a Configuration 
Management implementation, and a useful tool for scoring readiness and 
implementation quality.

It highlights what's important now and in the future for the reader and 
delivers a Configuration Management roadmap to instantly understand and move 
forward in the right direction, based on verifiable data. 

7 Sample Requirements:

1. Is an asset management process(es) in place to inventory and manage this new 
asset (investment) from a property management perspective, to provide 
Configuration Management support, and to monitor system performance?

2. If a customer complains that service levels are below those agreed in the 
sla, apparently due to a number of related hardware incidents, who is 
responsible for ensuring the cause is investigated?

3. Are physical configuration assessments conducted to determine the degree of 
agreement between the current physical configuration and the configuration 
depicted in the facility documentation?

4. What percentage of user PCs and servers are included in a centralized 
software inventory/CMDB (configuration management database); which is populated 
by a software tracking tool?

5. Have the cis and the exact version or revision that constitutes a particular 
baseline (documents, source code, problem reports and change documents) been 

6. How do you do keep current with a continuously changing codeline, and also 
make progress without being distracted by your environment changing out from 
under you?

7. Has the organization established a security configuration management program 
that is consistent with FISMA requirements, OMB policy, and applicable NIST 

The book will be available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all major retailers 
later this month, the full info can be found at
 right now.

You can read and download the PDF version of the book instantly here:

Where you can see this possible, I would appreciate it if you would consider 
linking to
 - This will help more people with finding the book. 

To make it easy you can use the critical criteria above as input and the 
following text (or use any text you like): The Art of Service's Configuration 
Management Standard Requirements Excel Dashboard and accompanying eBook is for 
managers, advisors, consultants, specialists, professionals and anyone 
interested in Configuration Management assessment.

Thanks in advance and if I can assist you with anything else, or return the 
favor, please let me know.

Gerard Blokdijk
Connect with me here:
The Art of Service 

The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology 
(NIST) has included our Cyber Security Self Assessment on their Framework 
Industry Resources list since our Self Assessment is deemed qualified, accurate 
and comprehensive as a Guidance that Incorporates the Framework:

Other recent posts:

configuration management

2011-05-06 Thread shawn wilson
not sure how topical this here - as i'm not looking for anything
debian specific. i'm looking at using some type of configuration
management software. i have never used any of this software before, i
just think i'm outgrowing svn and scp :)

i've found this wiki:
and have been comparing them. i am familiar with perl and mysql.
however, sense i don't think i would want to develop this software, it
shouldn't matter. i do need something that supports linux, bsd (and it
would be cool if i could have my two osx boxes on the system too - but
don't care as much).

i'd prefer the system have some sort of ajax, soap, xml, syslog, or
snmp v3 output (in order of preference - can ya tell how i feel about
snmp?). but, i suppose i can parse and spit out pretty much any output
if need be.

i'm not looking to pay for this (or i'd just shoot up to openview and
call it a day).

btw, if i could take lvm, zfs, and virtualbox snapshots with whatever
software i use, that would be cool too :)

comments? suggestions?

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Re: configuration management

2011-05-06 Thread Brad Alexander
I have used cfengine2 and cfengine3, and I am currently learning puppet.
These are roughly equivalent functionalities, with cfengine being the
grandfather of all of them (circa 1993, iirc). One thing I have found is
your programming preferences could help make the decision for you. cfengine
is vaguely perl-like, while puppet is ruby-based. As I recall, bcfg2 is
python-based. You can get all sorts of opinons on which is better and why
around the internet.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:56 PM, shawn wilson wrote:

 not sure how topical this here - as i'm not looking for anything
 debian specific. i'm looking at using some type of configuration
 management software. i have never used any of this software before, i
 just think i'm outgrowing svn and scp :)

 i've found this wiki:
 and have been comparing them. i am familiar with perl and mysql.
 however, sense i don't think i would want to develop this software, it
 shouldn't matter. i do need something that supports linux, bsd (and it
 would be cool if i could have my two osx boxes on the system too - but
 don't care as much).

 i'd prefer the system have some sort of ajax, soap, xml, syslog, or
 snmp v3 output (in order of preference - can ya tell how i feel about
 snmp?). but, i suppose i can parse and spit out pretty much any output
 if need be.

 i'm not looking to pay for this (or i'd just shoot up to openview and
 call it a day).

 btw, if i could take lvm, zfs, and virtualbox snapshots with whatever
 software i use, that would be cool too :)

 comments? suggestions?

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: configuration management

2011-05-06 Thread Tom Grace

On 07/05/11 00:56, shawn wilson wrote:

i'd prefer the system have some sort of ajax, soap, xml, syslog, or
snmp v3 output (in order of preference - can ya tell how i feel about
snmp?). but, i suppose i can parse and spit out pretty much any output
if need be.

What information are you looking to get from the output of a config run ?
IMHO, if you are using configuration management software the process 
should be kinda as follows:
Have a method of creating consistent base installs (for Debian, probably 

Create clean machine based on that.
Run configuration management tool.

btw, if i could take lvm, zfs, and virtualbox snapshots with whatever
software i use, that would be cool too :)
Again, my opinion, but there should be no need to take snapshots of the 
result of running any config management tool, as the canonical version 
of your boxes can be created using said tool

comments? suggestions?
I'm mostly familiar with Puppet, and use it extensively. Something I've 
found is that your first couple of attempts will probably not be ideal. 
A large part of the config management puzzle is getting your 
abstractions in the right place.
For example, it is fairly easy to copy /etc into file resources in 
Puppet and push them to several machines. Ideally, there should be as 
little machine specific configuration as possible.

Kinda like this:

httpd_config = {
'MPM' = 'prefork',
'StartServers' = '10',
'MinSpareServers' = '15',
'MaxSpareServers' = '25',
'ServerLimit' = '256',
'MaxClients' = '256',
'MaxRequestsPerChild' = '4000',
'Port' = '8000'

and using variables to put those values into config files and overriding 
as appropriate rather than having multiple versions of files.

Hope that gives you a couple of pointers.

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Re: configuration management

2011-05-06 Thread shawn wilson
thanks for the replies. replying to Karl's message so that it goes
into the list archive.

so, my thoughts so far:
wikipedia needs updating on this front.
cdist looks pretty simple - i think i could have it up for what i'm
using in a matter of minutes.
cfengine looks pretty old school and it probably does what it does
very well. it seems to have the best documentation and is probably
most widely used.
puppet seems to have decent documentation as well and doesn't seem
that hard to get started with (think i'll probably start with that).
bcfg2. i just don't know what to think of this. might be cool, it
just doesn't look mature or that it has a niche or anything...

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Karl Vogel wrote:
 On Fri, 6 May 2011 19:56:01 -0400,
 shawn wilson said:

 S i'm looking at using some type of configuration management software. i
 S have never used any of this software before, i just think i'm outgrowing
 S svn and scp :)

   I'd start with the simplest thing that's also close to what you're already
   using, so you spend less time fixing the tool and more time using it.
   Try cdist.

 Karl Vogel                      I don't speak for the USAF or my company

 The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is
 a government program.                                      --R. Reagan

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looking for configuration management tools

2003-03-15 Thread martin f krafft
I administer some 20 servers and it's a pain to keep something
like the various postfix configurations up to par. What I'd love to
do is use CVS, but it stores no permission/user information. There's
cvs-conf, but it's not documented and thus crap.

Do you guys know of better tools to manage a configuration across
multiple servers?

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Keyserver problems?
Get my key here:

Description: PGP signature

Re: looking for configuration management tools

2003-03-15 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach martin f krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.03.15.1956 +0100]:
 Do you guys know of better tools to manage a configuration across
 multiple servers?

cfengine2? i even know the author. are there alternatives?

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Keyserver problems?
Get my key here:

Description: PGP signature

Re: looking for configuration management tools

2003-03-15 Thread Bob Proulx
martin f krafft wrote:
 I administer some 20 servers and it's a pain to keep something
 like the various postfix configurations up to par. What I'd love to
 do is use CVS, but it stores no permission/user information. There's
 cvs-conf, but it's not documented and thus crap.

As opposed to pointing to a particular tool, let me point you toward a
methodology.  This is _the_ paper on the subject.  Give it a read and
then start looking at tools.

Check out the infrastructures archives for past discussions.  Posting
a note there would probably find a useful and well informed


Description: PGP signature

Understanding debconf: The Debian configuration management system

2001-10-15 Thread Chris Fearnley
The Philadelphia Area Debian Society (PADS)


  Understanding debconf: The Debian configuration management system

  Wednesday 17 October 2001, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

  Chris Fearnley, Chief Technology Officer, LinuxForce Inc.

  636 Pine St
  Apartment #3
  Philadelphia, PA


   We will introduce debconf and explain its role in Debian configuration

   Social Dinner


   Please see the web site or the PADS
   mailing list (
   for discussion of a location of the social dinner that will
   probably precede the meeting.  At this time the location has not
   been determined.

Christopher J. Fearnley |   AdminForce Remote, LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   President and CTO   |   Design Science Revolutionary
   Dare to be Naïve -- Bucky Fuller

Re: Configuration management

2000-03-08 Thread Christian Lynbech on satellite
I have been toying with the same idea (putting stuf like /etc) under
CVS control, though I haven't gotten round to become serious about it

My idea towards handling individual machine specifics would be to use
the branch system. If a certain file needed a specific change, branch
off (on that file only) and do it. The trick would be to have a
consistent tag naming scheme that would automate the process in the
other direction. One could then run CVS through some apropriate
scripts that would examine the tag structure and do the right thing.

Christian Lynbech  | Ericsson Telebit A/S   
Fax:   +45 8628 8186   | Fabrikvej 11, DK-8260 Viby J
Phone: +45 8738 2228   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- URL:
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Petonic)

Re: Configuration management

2000-03-08 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Christian Lynbech on satellite wrote:

 I have been toying with the same idea (putting stuf like /etc) under
 CVS control, though I haven't gotten round to become serious about it
 My idea towards handling individual machine specifics would be to use
 the branch system. If a certain file needed a specific change, branch
 off (on that file only) and do it. The trick would be to have a
 consistent tag naming scheme that would automate the process in the
 other direction. One could then run CVS through some apropriate
 scripts that would examine the tag structure and do the right thing.

I'm not sure this would be quite enough.  Typically the
configuration files differ only slightly from one another.  What
I would like is some way of having a way of seperating the local
host configuration from the standard configuration.  Some
packages are already configured this way but most are not.
Cfengine would be one way of addressing this but it essentially
takes over control of the entire configuration process which I
don't care for.

Jean Pierre

Re: Configuration management

2000-03-07 Thread Brian Bartholomew
[I am not on this mailing list.  Please cc: me in replies.]

  * CVS (the remote protocol) doesn't track file permissions,
ownership and symbolic links.

In you'll find a workaround:

#  Purpose:
#   It would be extremely useful to store an entire UNIX under
#   cvs.  However, the only thing cvs promises to restore at
#   checkout is the contents of files, not owners, groups, modes,
#   symlinks, or devices.  Cvsmapfs records this extra information
#   so you can restore it after a checkout, and then deletes
#   non-files and non-dirs so cvs won't choke on them.  It
#   restores empty directories that cvs 'optimized away'.  It
#   deals transparently with funny characters in filenames, and
#   warns you when they might cause cvs or rcs to misbehave.  It
#   puts hard links back, even when they aren't in the same
#   directory.

A member of the League for Programming Freedom (LPF)
Brian Bartholomew - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - - Working Version, 
Cambridge, MA

Re: Configuration management

2000-03-01 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On 28 Feb 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:

 However, I'm not really happy with this way of doing things.  I'd like
 to hear about some other ways.  I've toyed with the idea of using CVS,
 archiving /etc and making a local package.  Slightly related, I'm also
 looking for ways to quickly clone a system.

We're using CVS for just that purpose.  Right now we're source
controlling the full /etc directory for each machine.  We've also
explored just a little the possiblity of sharing configuration
information for different machines using the module facility of cvs.

Overall, I'm pleased with what we have so far.  The big win is we
can track all changes to our configuration, we can audit who changed
what when, and roll back to known good configuration.

The main limitation we've run into are:

  * CVS (the remote protocol) doesn't track file permissions,
ownership and symbolic links.

All of these are important for configuration files.

  * CVS component model is directory based.

To share configuration across machines the configuration files
for a particular package must be isolated in a separate
directory.  Many Debian packages are not organized like this.

  * Machine specific changes are hard to isolated.

Debian packages make this somewhat difficult.  Something like
cfengine can handle this but it doesn't integrate well with CVS.

Hope this helps.

Jean Pierre

Configuration management

2000-02-28 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Hi all,

Up to now, I've been managing my system's configuration in a rather ad
hoc kind of fashion: configuration during installation, fine-tuning it
with with the set-up/configuration utilities that come with a package
(or as a separate package) and roughly document what I did in a normal
ChangeLog file.

However, I'm not really happy with this way of doing things.  I'd like
to hear about some other ways.  I've toyed with the idea of using CVS,
archiving /etc and making a local package.  Slightly related, I'm also
looking for ways to quickly clone a system.

Your suggestions are most welcome.
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development