Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-12-04 Thread Chad '^chewie' Walstrom
I have a correction to the recipe I sent earlier...

On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 03:31:09PM -0600, Chad '^chewie' Walstrom wrote:
> The recipe I use to launch this is:
> MONTH=`date +%Y%m`
> :0:
> {
> :0 Wic
> * test -d list-foo.${MONTH}

Change the above line to:

  * ? test ! -d list-foo.${MONTH}

> | listln list-foo
> :0:
> list-foo/.
> }

Sorry about that.

Chad "^chewie, gunnarr" Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: PGP signature

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-12-04 Thread Chad '^chewie' Walstrom
Here's my setup:


nmh - A set of electronic mail handling programs.
mutt - Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading.
fetchmail-ssl - POP2/3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder (with ssl support)
sendmail - A powerful mail transport agent.
procmail - Versatile e-mail processor.

I like nmh for it's strength on the command line, it's WONDERFUL
regexp matching,  and for it's organization of email messages as
separate files organized under directories.  Mutt is a very nice
ncurses CUI to interface with the mailboxes when I'm too lazy to do it
from the shell and when I want to see articles in a threaded
presentation.  Fetchmail-ssl is essential for grabbing my email from
the number of different SSL enabled IMAP/POP servers.  Procmail, of
course, is great for writing filtering recipes for my email so that
everything gets put into place.

To make this all work together, I've written a small shell script to
create new list directories at the beginning of the month (inspired by
the procmailex(5) man page).

# Folder manager for the ~/Mail folder
# by Chad Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# Move to the Mail directory
builtin cd ~/Mail

# make sure we have a list
[ 0 -eq ${#1} ] && exit 0

# Assign the lists
YEARMONTH=`date +%Y%m`

if [ ! -d ${LIST}.${YEARMONTH} ] ; then
mkdir ${LIST}.${YEARMONTH}

if [ -a ${LIST} ] && [ -L ${LIST} ] ; then
rm ${LIST}
elif [ -a ${LIST} ] ; then
mv ${LIST} ${LIST}.bak

ln -s ${LIST}.${YEARMONTH} ${LIST}
touch ${LIST}/.mh_sequences

The recipe I use to launch this is:

MONTH=`date +%Y%m`

:0 Wic
* test -d list-foo.${MONTH}
| listln list-foo


Additional Tools

abook - A text-based ncurses address book application.
lbdb - The little brother's database for the mutt mail reader
muttzilla - Launch email or news clients from Netscape.
procmail-lib - A library of useful procmail recipes.
junkfilter - A junk-email filtering program for procmail
spamfilter - Filter spam from incoming mail
dotfile-procmail - Dotfile Generator, module for procmail

mh-book - MH & nmh: Email for Users & Programmers online book
sendmail-doc - A powerful mail transport agent.

Chad "^chewie, gunnarr" Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: PGP signature

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-12-04 Thread Adam Shand

oops sorry this was my comment about disconnected mode imap that started
this ... didn't realise it'd been picked up on.

> Well I'm no expert, but I suspect that "disconnected mode" with IMAP
> means that after IMAP has downloaded all the mail headers, it
> disconnects, allowing the user to peruse the mail headers and mark the
> ones (s)he wishes to download, and mark the ones (s)he wishes to
> delete.  Then the user reconnects, and IMAP causes all the downloads
> and deletes to happen quickly.

more or less that's what it means.  i've found imap to be very slow over a
wan link.  it's okay over ethernet but even over my 768k dsl it's slow.

after playing around with the same server using outlook i'm inclined to
blame pine for the slowness.  as fas as i can tell pine doesn't cache any
of the messages locally so every operation requires it to talk to the imap
server, this is so slow that i went back to using fetchmail to download my
mail and just using the imap server for my saved messages.

pine also does all it's imap transactions in the foreground which is
annoying.  it would be nice if when you changed into a folder it showed
you what was there and you could start reading and new message would just
show up as usual, instead you have to wait for it to check and download
all the message headers from that folder blah blah.  

that being said i love pine and have it's keystrokes imbedding in my brain
from so many years of use.  but roles are great in pine, i like the way
it's collections work my only gripes are:

 - no disconnected mode imap
 - no good threading (but you can fake it close enough)
 - crappy mime support (no pgp/mime)

it keeps being almost enough to make me change over but i can't find
anything better.


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-30 Thread Known Human Nick Rusnov
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>it was written:
>I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
>to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?

Although it doesn't pertain directly to your question, I felt like sharing :)

I used to use mh to filter all the messages into a separate folder for
"later viewing". MH (and nmh) provide some great mechanisms for this if you
happen to have a "hosted" email address on some unix box and don't mind
command line stuff (of course procmail is much better for filtering, more 
and lets you use whatever frontend you want, but I digress).

Anywho, the problem with sorting all my list mail into a separate folder was
that I *never* got around to reading any messages in the list and they would
build up into the thousands which I would delete periodicly.

I moved machines but didn't move my folder sorting thing, and noticed that
I read every message now, or at least skim it quickly. This is probably a side
effect of how mh from the command line works.. just a matter of typing next
over and over and over .. (though in actuality I don't use 'next', I use
a little util I wrote called mh-watch[1]).

Anyway. I find it sort of amusing. At least now I have lots to read with ltitle
effort, and I'm actually pleased when I wake up in the morning with 200 messages
to skim through. :)


as always,
Developer - Systems Engineer - Mad System Guru - MOO Sales
he picks up scraps of information/he's adept at adaptation
because for strangers and arrangers/constant change is here to stay

RE: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-30 Thread Kenrick, Chris
Title: RE: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)? writes:

> When I get particularly behind, I just delete a few days (or weeks)
> worth of posts.  Debian Weekly News tends to highlight significant list
> events.

Krzys Majewski writes:
>What's this? Does it say things like, "This week Krzys Majewski posted
>a really stupid question"? Should I be worried? 

Probably not :).  However the guy who wrote to the list wanting to know
about spam tools and then changed his mind[1] managed to make DWN.
I can't recall any other instances though...

- Chris

[1] Yes I know he spammed the list a couple of days after with something
else.  But DWN came out before this happened.

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-30 Thread Krzys Majewski
"Lawrence H. Robins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
> to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?

All my mail is handled by a server at my school. On this server, I run
procmail (via ~/.forward and ~/.procmailrc) to put debian-user mail in
a  debian-user folder. I  read this  folder from  home, with  the Gnus
news-reader, via IMAP. 

Gnus  is  occasionally  hairy  (way too  many
features) but a great medium for reading news/mail. It runs within the
Emacs editor, so everything is a buffer. For example, you can 
have the list of messages  in one buffer, the contents of a message
in  another buffer,  your  reply to  a  third message  in yet  another
buffer,  etc.  The  contents of  a  buffer  can  be displayed  with  a
keystroke, or you can display several buffers at once. 

Since Gnus  treats everything like  a newsgroup, all the  messages are
organized according to subject  ("threaded"). Finally, since Gnus runs
within  Emacs, it  means that  I  can edit  my replies  with the  same
program that I use to read  them (and not some half-baked appendage to
that program,  either). So, less keystrokes to  memorize, one familiar
interface, and so on. 

I try  to read debian-user  a couple  times a week  (more if I  have a
pressing question..).  The messages really  do pile up, and  I'm still
looking for ways deal with  this well. Gnus has  an "expiry" feature
which will hopefully do what I  want, failing that I'll try to write a
procmail recipe to  "rotate" the debian-user folder, so  that it never
contains more than, say, 500 messages. 

Even when  I don't have a question  posted, I do scan  through all the
subject lines.  So, no  filtering or scoring  or whatever. (If  I knew
exactly what I  wanted to read, I wouldn't be  subscribed in the first
place. See also next paragraph.) 

If  I want  to  search for  a  message on  a given  topic,  I use  the search engine,  which seems to more or  less work these


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-30 Thread Krzys Majewski writes:

> When I get particularly behind, I just delete a few days (or weeks)
> worth of posts.  Debian Weekly News tends to highlight significant list
> events.

What's this? Does it say things like, "This week Krzys Majewski posted
a really stupid question"? Should I be worried? 

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-30 Thread Brenda J. Butler
--- Begin Message ---

On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 12:20:41PM +1100, Chris Kenrick wrote:
> Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?
>   >I would assume that if you didn't want to leave the mail on the remote 
>   >server you'd just use fetchmail to download it, although, I *think* 
>   >gnus has it's own software to download the mail if that's what you 
>   >want. 
>   You can still use fetchmail to get the mail even if you _do_ want to leave 
> it
>   on the IMAP server (can't remember the switch offhand).  Although what
>   the original poster _might_ have meant by disconnected mode is that the
>   client only connects to the IMAP server when it wants to do something 
>   (send/check mail), and is disconnected otherwise.  Maybe some clients
>   keep the IMAP session up all the time?

Well I'm no expert, but I suspect that "disconnected mode" with
IMAP means that after IMAP has downloaded all the mail headers, it
disconnects, allowing the user to peruse the mail headers and
mark the ones (s)he wishes to download, and mark the ones (s)he
wishes to delete.  Then the user reconnects, and IMAP causes
all the downloads and deletes to happen quickly.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

--- End Message ---

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-30 Thread Ignasi Tura
I won't say much more that has been said before (actually I wouldn't be 
able to say halfof the comments said, he). But, as an ex-Eudora Light user I'll 
tell you something that perhaps you'll appreciate a lot. When emptying the 
trash (200 messages per day, to say the least) the differences are the 

Eudora: the disk drive song (seven seconds on a PIII?)
Mutt: a SNAP.

Man man man. I still feel quite awkward with Mutt, but I think I'm 
starting a love affair with this program.

On the other hand, I answer the questions I can. As a newbie, there are 
not much, so no trouble at this time.

I delete more than 95% of messages. I keep only the interesting 
messages that I know they would be quite difficult to find using standard 
searching techniques.

I use a lot search engines for this list. I go to 
to do basic search about debian-user. If the thread is enough interesting to 
follow, I follow it copying year, month and day in (The 
reason why I use geocrawler instead of the lists.debian search engine is 
because I'm too lazy to learn how it works :)



Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Brian McGroarty
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 05:55:54PM -0700, Hubert Chan wrote:
> > "Gary" == Gary Hennigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gary> I would assume that if you didn't want to leave the mail on the
> Gary> remote server you'd just use fetchmail to download it, although, I
> Gary> *think* gnus has it's own software to download the mail if that's
> Gary> what you want.
> Yup, gnus has its own stuff to download.  It can read from a local file, a
> remote file (using some hackery described in the info page), for a POP3
> account, and an IMAP account.
> I just use gnus' stuff because I'm too lazy to learn fetchmail.

There's a package 'fetchmailconf' that makes setup pretty braindead

mutt/procmail/fetchmail has been the nicest route for me. There are a
few 10-second procmail walk-throughs, so that's not something to worry
about either.

Take this to set up your procmail rules and I bet you can get
everything set up on the nicer side of 15 minutes.

#! /bin/sh
# debian procmail setup script
# no harm in including lists not subscribed; procmail won't
# make a folder 'til it actually has mail.



AddList() {
echo ":0:" >>$FILENAME
echo "* ^X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" >>$FILENAME
echo "in-l-$1" >>$FILENAME
echo >>$FILENAME

AddList debian-68k
AddList debian-beowulf
AddList debian-boot
AddList debian-bugs-closed
AddList debian-bugs-dist
AddList debian-bugs-forwarded
AddList debian-cd
AddList debian-changes
AddList debian-devel
AddList debian-devel-changes
AddList debian-dpkg
AddList debian-firewall
AddList debian-hurd
AddList debian-isp
AddList debian-jr
AddList debian-laptop
AddList debian-legal
AddList debian-mentors
AddList debian-newmaint-admin
AddList debian-newmaint-discuss
AddList debian-perl
AddList debian-pilot
AddList debian-policy
AddList debian-powerpc
AddList debian-project
AddList debian-qa
AddList debian-release
AddList debian-security
AddList debian-security-announce
AddList debian-sgml
AddList debian-testing
AddList debian-user
AddList debian-vote
AddList debian-www
AddList debian-x
AddList ldp-discuss

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Chris Kenrick
Title: Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?


  >I would assume that if you didn't want to leave the mail 
  on the remote >server you'd just use fetchmail to 
  download it, although, I *think* >gnus has it's own 
  software to download the mail if that's what you >want. 
  You can still use fetchmail to get the mail even if you _do_ 
  want to leave it
  on the IMAP server (can't remember the switch offhand).  
  Although what
  the original poster _might_ have meant by disconnected mode is 
  that the
  client only connects to the IMAP server when it wants to do 
  (send/check mail), and is disconnected otherwise.  Maybe 
  some clients
  keep the IMAP session up all the time?
  - Chris

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Hubert Chan
> "Gary" == Gary Hennigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Gary> I would assume that if you didn't want to leave the mail on the
Gary> remote server you'd just use fetchmail to download it, although, I
Gary> *think* gnus has it's own software to download the mail if that's
Gary> what you want.

Yup, gnus has its own stuff to download.  It can read from a local file, a
remote file (using some hackery described in the info page), for a POP3
account, and an IMAP account.

I just use gnus' stuff because I'm too lazy to learn fetchmail.


 | ---
|  /   --+--
| /   ___|___Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| \   | _|_ |
|__|  |__|__|GCS/M d- s:- a-- C++ UL+() P++ L++ E++ W++ N++ o?
||   K? w--- O++ M- V- PS-- PE+++ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X R- tv+ b+
|  / | \ DI D G e++ h! !r !y
| /  |  \
|| <><--
PGP/GnuPG fingerprint: 6CC5 822D 2E55 494C 81DD  6F2C 6518 54DF 71FD A37F
Key can be found at

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Gary Hennigan
"Hubert Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Adam" == Adam Shand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Adam> does it support disconnected mode imap?  that is my one big remaining
>  Adam> gripe about pine (and as far as i know mutt's imap support is more
>  Adam> primitive then pines still).
> You mean downloading messages from IMAP locally?  Yup.
> Unfortunately, I found that its IMAP support (at least when I tried
> it, a few months back) didn't work that great with non-INBOX
> folders.  I don't know if it was a problem with gnus, or my mail
> provider (, but I assume that if you're downloading
> your messages, you won't really care about IMAP folders.
> But, like the other guy said, it's not for newbies.  Getting it set
> up properly can take a while.  And make sure you read the info file.
> And then read it again, to find out about all the cool features that
> it has.

Yeah, it's not fun to set up.

I guess I'm not clear what Adam meant by "disconnected mode"? I
assumed that he did NOT want to download the mail locally, but wanted
the email to remain on the IMAP server. That's what I assumed in my
previous answer which, again, is that gnus will definately let you
keep your email on the remote IMAP server and let you manipulate
remote folders and move mail around in them and I haven't had any
problems with non-INBOX folders.

I would assume that if you didn't want to leave the mail on the remote
server you'd just use fetchmail to download it, although, I *think*
gnus has it's own software to download the mail if that's what you


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Hubert Chan
> "Adam" == Adam Shand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> (Not for newbies, but...) I read all of my mail in Gnus, the singing,
>> dancing mail- and newsreader for Emacs.  Gnus' view of the world is that
>> everything (including mail groups, mbox files, IMAP folders, ...)  is a
>> newsgroup, and reacts accordingly.

Adam> does it support disconnected mode imap?  that is my one big remaining
Adam> gripe about pine (and as far as i know mutt's imap support is more
Adam> primitive then pines still).

You mean downloading messages from IMAP locally?  Yup.  Unfortunately, I found
that its IMAP support (at least when I tried it, a few months back) didn't work
that great with non-INBOX folders.  I don't know if it was a problem with gnus,
or my mail provider (, but I assume that if you're downloading
your messages, you won't really care about IMAP folders.

But, like the other guy said, it's not for newbies.  Getting it set up properly
can take a while.  And make sure you read the info file.  And then read it
again, to find out about all the cool features that it has.


 | ---
|  /   --+--
| /   ___|___Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| \   | _|_ |
|__|  |__|__|GCS/M d- s:- a-- C++ UL+() P++ L++ E++ W++ N++ o?
||   K? w--- O++ M- V- PS-- PE+++ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X R- tv+ b+
|  / | \ DI D G e++ h! !r !y
| /  |  \
|| <><--
PGP/GnuPG fingerprint: 6CC5 822D 2E55 494C 81DD  6F2C 6518 54DF 71FD A37F
Key can be found at

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Gary Hennigan
"Adam Shand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > (Not for newbies, but...) I read all of my mail in Gnus, the singing,
> > dancing mail- and newsreader for Emacs.  Gnus' view of the world is
> > that everything (including mail groups, mbox files, IMAP folders, ...)
> > is a newsgroup, and reacts accordingly.
> does it support disconnected mode imap?  that is my one big remaining
> gripe about pine (and as far as i know mutt's imap support is more
> primitive then pines still).

Yes, in it's more recent incarnations gnus does support disconnected
IMAP. I believe the version that you can get in Potato has this

If you install gnus take a peek at the nnimap backend documenation.


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Adam Shand

> (Not for newbies, but...) I read all of my mail in Gnus, the singing,
> dancing mail- and newsreader for Emacs.  Gnus' view of the world is
> that everything (including mail groups, mbox files, IMAP folders, ...)
> is a newsgroup, and reacts accordingly.

does it support disconnected mode imap?  that is my one big remaining
gripe about pine (and as far as i know mutt's imap support is more
primitive then pines still).


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread John Hasler
Phillip Deackes writes:
> There is a news app, similar to leafnode, which allows fetching of news
> from multiple servers, and also allows you to create a 'local' newsgroup
> from a mailing list.

mailagent can do the latter as well without requiring any particular news
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:23:53 +0100
Pap Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Could you offer a mail2news gateway for home use? I would like to read
> mailing lists through news client but my ISP doesn't provide this.

There is a news app, similar to leafnode, which allows fetching of news
from multiple servers, and also allows you to create a 'local' newsgroup
from a mailing list. It is faster than leafnode at downloading news too.

The app is Simple News (sn) and is available from

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Chris Gray
> "kmself" == kmself   writes:

kmself> I tend to favor posts by: Ethan Benson (especially when
kmself> he's correcting me), Joey Hess, Sean Perry, and some other
kmself> regulars.  I'll save and come back to threads dealing with
kmself> topics I'm interested in.

kmself> If traffic keeps climbing, I may isolate posts by
kmself> particularly insightful users and/or block posts with:

kmself>   - No subject.  - Content 'unsubscribe' and short length.
kmself> - Anything else I find particularly annoying.

I just got gnus working: it's *very* cool.  It can do all that you are
describing automatically with its scoring mechanism.  Apparently mutt
has scoring as well, but with gnus it's quite easy to use.  Also, it
allows sorting the threads by their score, so I can read posts by my
favorite authors first, while the posts without a subject languish at
the bottom.  

And like the rest of emacs, it is infinitely customizable.  For
example, from the gnus info manual:

   The function in the `gnus-thread-score-function' variable (default
`+') is used for calculating the total score of a thread.  Useful  
functions might be `max', `min', or squared means, or whatever tickles 
your fancy.

I find the fact that you could use a squared mean to calculate which
thread you see first very cool.


P.S.  I *know* a lot of people don't like emacs.  Please don't feel
the urge to tell me about it.  I'm really not all that interested in
having a vi versus emacs flame war.  

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Frederico S. Muñoz
David Z Maze wrote:
> Frank Copeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> FC> On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  LHR> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular
>  LHR> subscribers to this list to deal with the high volume of
>  LHR> messages (>250/day)?
> FC>
> FC> A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
> FC> better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.
> (Not for newbies, but...) I read all of my mail in Gnus, the singing,
> dancing mail- and newsreader for Emacs.  Gnus' view of the world is
> that everything (including mail groups, mbox files, IMAP folders, ...)
> is a newsgroup, and reacts accordingly.

Gnus is great, one fo the best :)

> The big downside of Gnus, of course, is that it's written entirely in
> Emacs-Lisp, and you pretty much need to know elisp moderately well to
> be able to effectively configure it.  It is a very powerful program,
> though; current versions support reading and sending MIME
> out-of-the-box, and good support for encrypted messages is coming up
> in the next version.

Actually the biggest downside for me is that I can't use gpg with it...
yes, I know about mailcrypt, it works very well and all looks great, but
for ppl tha use another charset beside us-ascii AFAIK it doesn't work
because apparently Emacs converts the chars with the high bit set from
escapes into actual chars (or something to that effect :) ) *after* the
message has been signed, and thus the signature will not check.

I hope they fix this soon (if it is fixed please tell me); in the
meantime i'm usign Mutt: I must say that I'm very happy with it so far,
gpg works very well and it also works well with my procmail settings
(BTW, to cope with the Debian lists the script that comes in the
devscripts package is excellent! It creates the folders automatically
and as .forward for sendmail and exim).

So, both rock :)

best regards,

Frederico Serrano Muñoz GNU:

SDF - Public Access Unix Systems -

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread John Hasler
David Z Maze writes:
> The big downside of Gnus, of course, is that it's written entirely in
> Emacs-Lisp, and you pretty much need to know elisp moderately well to be
> able to effectively configure it.

I don't think this is true any more.  The customization menus take care of
most things, and as long as you don't attempt anything unusual the
remainder requires only very simple cookbook elisp copied out of the
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread David Z Maze
Frank Copeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
FC> On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 LHR> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular
 LHR> subscribers to this list to deal with the high volume of
 LHR> messages (>250/day)?
FC> A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
FC> better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.

(Not for newbies, but...) I read all of my mail in Gnus, the singing,
dancing mail- and newsreader for Emacs.  Gnus' view of the world is
that everything (including mail groups, mbox files, IMAP folders, ...)
is a newsgroup, and reacts accordingly.

Gnus has a couple of nice features.  One is automatic expiry: for
selected groups (including all of the high-traffic Debian lists I'm
on), mail sits around for about a week, then automatically gets
deleted.  Another is adaptive scoring: each article gets a score based 
on its author and subject line.  If I read articles with certain words 
in the subject or from a particular author, the score goes up; if I
kill articles off, the score goes down.  This way, for the most part,
stuff I'm interested in filters to the top of the list.

The big downside of Gnus, of course, is that it's written entirely in
Emacs-Lisp, and you pretty much need to know elisp moderately well to
be able to effectively configure it.  It is a very powerful program,
though; current versions support reading and sending MIME
out-of-the-box, and good support for encrypted messages is coming up
in the next version.

"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Frank Copeland
On 29 Nov 00 08:23:53 GMT, Pap Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Frank Copeland wrote:

>> On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> >I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
>> >to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?

>> A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
>> better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.
>> I'm responding to this in a gated newsgroup set up by my ISP, but I
>> could just as easily have set it up myself, and I have done so.

>Could you offer a mail2news gateway for home use? I would like to read
>mailing lists through news client but my ISP doesn't provide this.

I do it all with inn, but that may not be an option in all
circumstances, especially if you can't create arbitrary local email
addresses. The method is:

 1. apt-get install inn2 (inn may be suitable if it includes the
mailpost script, I haven't used it for a while).
 2. create a local *moderated* newsgroup for the list, for example:
  $ /usr/lib/news/bin/ctlinnd newgroup local.lists.debian-user m
 3. create a mail alias for the list and pipe any mail for it through
mailpost, for example (in /etc/aliases):
  debian-user: "|/usr/lib/news/bin/mailpost -a [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 4. add an entry to /etc/news/moderators pointing back to the list, for
 5. subscribe the mail alias for the group to the mailing list.

The trick is in making the newsgroup moderated. The -a option to
mailpost adds an Approved: header to each incoming article so that inn
knows not to send it straight back to the list. Locally posted articles
will lack an Approved: header so they will be mailed to the list
address. It isn't perfect, and I use a slightly modified mailpost
script that strips out some headers that tend to confuse inn if they
appear in incoming articles.

By default, inn will expire (delete) messages after 2 weeks. You can
modify that by editing /etc/news/expire.ctl.

If you can't create arbitrary local email addresses, for example if you
have a dialup connection to an ISP, you will need to do something with
exim .forward files or procmail scripts to identify list mail and pipe
it into mailpost. I have no experience with that so I can't suggest a

If you are already using another news server such as leafnode, you will
have to work out the equivalent setup yourself.


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Colin Watson
"Lawrence H. Robins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
>to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?

I gateway all the debian-* mailing lists I read to local newsgroups,
using a mail-to-news gateway I wrote myself (at the time I found the one
in Debian, newsgate, inadequate; I don't know what pyg is like). At the
moment I think I'd count that gateway still a bit too unreliable for
public use, but technically it's freely available if anyone's

Once in a newsgroup, that means I get automatic expiry of old messages,
good threading in my newsreader (although I know mutt is good at dealing
with this), and can apply killfiles if it ever turns out I need them
(though I try not to do that for debian-*). Normally I simply read the
newest couple of pages of subject lines, and any articles whose subjects
grab my eye. If an article has an unhelpful subject line, I'm likely not
to get round to reading it - simple as that. If threads have been posted
to by a decent number of people, particularly interesting regulars, then
I'll probably notice them and read them. Anything that doesn't catch my
eye just goes by unread and eventually expires; I don't bother filtering

>Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before** downloading
>them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes time in itself?

Personally, I don't bother, as I have a cable modem. :) If your ISP lets
you run things like procmail or exim filters on their mail server, then
you could do this; I'm not sure how you could do it otherwise.

>This message is being written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in
>another OS.  Eudora doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists
>- I hope there is something better in Debian.)

Although personally I prefer newsreaders for mailing lists, that's a lot
of work to set up, and a certain amount of work to keep running
smoothly. My favourite mail client is mutt, and it handles mailing lists
very well.


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Pap Tibor

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Frank Copeland wrote:

> On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
> >to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?
> A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
> better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.
> I'm responding to this in a gated newsgroup set up by my ISP, but I
> could just as easily have set it up myself, and I have done so.

Could you offer a mail2news gateway for home use? I would like to read
mailing lists through news client but my ISP doesn't provide this.



Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Frank Copeland
On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
>to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?

A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.
I'm responding to this in a gated newsgroup set up by my ISP, but I
could just as easily have set it up myself, and I have done so.

>Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
>subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
>the others?

These are standard facilites provided by news clients like slrn and

>Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before** downloading
>them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes time in itself?

If you use fetchmail to collect your mail then I vaguely recall that
something like this is possible. However, I don't use it so I may well
be hallucinating.


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

   Hello Lawrence,

This is a good question. I actually filter the headers, anything to do
with debian-user is put into a special folder. I am using kde and the
latest email client (kmail) has a really nice search feature I'm really

I was a new user, now I'm only a new user. I feel that way all the time
even though I have been using only debian for way over a year now. This
list has shown me some great things about linux I don't think I would 
have ever found any any manual, book or hints & tips manual.

It really is up to you in the end. You might find it too much to deal
with and remove yourself from the list. I really enjoy it though. I have
seen some amazing people talking about amazing things and some day, when I
grow up perhaps will find myself actually knowing what the blazes is going 

I really count on this list for technical help when I'm in a pinch > Like 
when I discovered how powerful 'rm *' was... 

Some days, I just delete it all, while other days I find all sorts of great
tricks and information.

You're right about Eudora. I had several large folders and lost mail a
few times, but the latest copies should work well for you - look in your
help for "filters".

Good luck, and I do hope you find this list helpful and amusing.


On Tuesday 28 November 2000 21:34, Lawrence H. Robins wrote:
> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
> to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?
> Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
> subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
> the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
> downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes
> time in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and
> am not yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being
> written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora
> doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is
> something better in Debian.)
> Lawrence H. Robins


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 01:00:37 -0500
"Brenda J. Butler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:51:17AM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
> > I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent
> (MTA).
> > I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
> > I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
> > folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
> > I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.
> Oh yes I forgot:  debian-user grows very quickly (and I don't
> delete any mail), so once a month I move the folder to a new
> name like "debian-user-mm" and start a new one "debian-user".
> For slower-growing folders (like debian-sparc) I do that
> once a year.  "debian-sparc-"
> Since I have a slow modem, I don't mind downloading all that
> mail and archiving it locally, so I can do quicker searches
> when I need info.
> For other people, perhaps you should just run searches against
> the mail archives on the web.

Well I am surprised and disappointed if debian-users are simply scanning
messages in order to receive help when *they* need it. I like to scan the
list to see if I can offer any help, as well as receiving it. The list
would collapse if it became a on-way street.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread kmself
on Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:34:28AM -0500, Lawrence H. Robins ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers to
> this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?
> Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
> subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
> the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
> downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes time
> in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and am not
> yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being written
> from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora doesn't
> seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is something
> better in Debian.)

Procmail filters -- debian-user goes to its own folder.  This is a must.

Heady use of delete key.  I tend to delete threads for which first post
is a reply -- I figure the post has already largely been answered,
unless the subject is particularly compelling.  

I ignore topics out of my area of interest -- sound and video cards in
particular.  Most new-installation posts, particularly if they've got
replies.  Most anything that has multiple responses.

I tend to favor posts by:  Ethan Benson (especially when he's correcting
me), Joey Hess, Sean Perry, and some other regulars.  I'll save and come
back to threads dealing with topics I'm interested in.

If traffic keeps climbing, I may isolate posts by particularly
insightful users and/or block posts with:

  - No subject.
  - Content 'unsubscribe' and short length.
  - Anything else I find particularly annoying.

When I get particularly behind, I just delete a few days (or weeks)
worth of posts.  Debian Weekly News tends to highlight significant list

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Brenda J. Butler
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:51:17AM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
> I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent (MTA).
> I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
> I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
> folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
> I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.

Oh yes I forgot:  debian-user grows very quickly (and I don't
delete any mail), so once a month I move the folder to a new
name like "debian-user-mm" and start a new one "debian-user".

For slower-growing folders (like debian-sparc) I do that
once a year.  "debian-sparc-"

Since I have a slow modem, I don't mind downloading all that
mail and archiving it locally, so I can do quicker searches
when I need info.

For other people, perhaps you should just run searches against
the mail archives on the web.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Brenda J. Butler

I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent (MTA).
I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.

If your isp supports IMAP protocol, then you can download
just header information about your emails, and you can download
just the email bodies you are interested in and delete the
rest without downloading.

I don't use it and haven't investigated it beyond the above,
so I can't advise you further on which packages work with IMAP.
You would use IMAP protocol instead of POP3 protocol.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-28 Thread Nate Amsden
since i run my own mail servers i have a dedicated account for this
mailing list ..

only downside is when i access it using netscape my From: shows my
normal account which is a pain when people reply..but i need my normal
account to show for my other accounts that i use :/ (and id probably be
happy to ditch netscape if there was a common multiplatform mail client
that supported IMAP4 over SSL)


"Lawrence H. Robins" wrote:
> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
> to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?
> Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
> subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
> the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
> downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes
> time in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and
> am not yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being
> written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora
> doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is
> something better in Debian.)
> Lawrence H. Robins
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ: 75132336

coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-28 Thread Lawrence H. Robins
I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?
Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes
time in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and
am not yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being
written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora
doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is
something better in Debian.)

Lawrence H. Robins