Smartlist vacation, lists gateways

2005-11-02 Thread Chema
Hi there. 

Just came back from vacation to find 500 (and counting) debian-user 
messages on my mailbox.  No big deal, I'll just wipe out everything with 
debian-user as destination. :-P

But in shake of netecology and lazyness, I would like to find out how to 
put my subscription on vacation, which is what I always prefer for high 
volume lists anyway, since I prefer to Google Group such lists.  I had a 
quick try to find out how to do it in a Smartlist before vacation, but 
my only results were: Smartlist uses X-Commands (simple additions to the 
mail headers I supose) to interact with the list-request script, it 
needs an addon to support suspend (vacation), and there's another for 
parsing commands in-message-body.

1.  A quick test (help \n suspend \n end to debian-user-request) 
produced no feedback, so I take in-body commands aren't enabled.  Is 
suspend, and what's the X-command to set it?

2.  Actually, I would prefer not to be subscribed at all, since I read 
the list as news anyway.  But I know all my messages to debian-user went 
to /dev/null or equivalent without any error/moderation warning back, 
until I subscribed my e-mail account.  Is registration really required, 
or is there a bug on the road?

And for extra points:

3.  The only backside of Google Groups, is that I can't post directly 
from there.  What other news (or any other service that eases the 
lurking of such copious information) gateways do you use? (specially 
bidirectional ones).  I seem to recall Gmane used to be able to send to 

Best regards.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: smartlist amb un domini virtual de Postfix

2005-05-08 Thread Pepe
Rotllo previ ací i novetats avall del tot. No vull fer top posting  :)
Pepe wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Hola, gent!
Tinc Postfix funcionant correctament amb un domini local, el de la 
meua adreça de correu, i un parell de dominis virtuals. Els dominis 
virtuals estan definits en una base de dades MySQL.

Tot això funciona. Per si a algú l'interesa, ho vaig fer seguit este 

El problema m'ha vingut a l'intentar donar d'alta unes llistes de 
correu per als dominis virtuals. Al crear la llista amb createlist, 
el programa et dóna dues línies que has de posar al teu /etc/aliases. 

cfrb: |/var/list/.bin/flist cfrb
cfrb-request: |/var/list/.bin/flist cfrb-request
Si ho pose així, s'entén que les adreces són [EMAIL PROTECTED] i 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], que *no* és el que jo vull, posat que és domini local, i la llista ha de ser d'un dels 
virtuals. Si en lloc de cfrb pose [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
newaliases es queixa dient que s'han de posar només noms (sense el 
@...), no noms i dominis (amb el @...).

Si me'n vaig a la taula de forwardings (alias per als dominis 
virtuals) que tinc posada en la BD de correu de MySQL, tampoc 
funciona. La millor aproximació a la solució que he aconseguit és 
afegir registres de l'estil d'este:

Camp destination: |/var/list/.bin/flist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aleshores la petada ve perquè |/var/list/.bin/flist no és un usuari 
de correu del meu domini local. Vaja!

Conclusió: la típica línia que es posa en /etc/aliases no servix per a 
la meua instal·lació de dominis virtuals, perquè Postfix interpreta la 
segona columna com dues adreces independents, no com una tuberia cap a 
un programa del sistema.

Mentre investigue més, a veure si algú em pot aconsellar:
- Em funcionaria si utilitzara algun altre format d'enmagatzemament 
que no fós MySQL?
- No es pot donar d'alta una llista de correu per a un domini 
virtual??? No m'ho puc creure.
- Es tracta d'alguna limitació estranya d'Smartlist?
- Es tracta d'alguna limitació estranya de Postfix?

Moltes gràcies d'avantmà!!
De res, de res   :-)
He trobat una possible solució ací:
Encara que sempble pressumptuós, jo ja ho havia pensat. El que passa és 
que em quedava l'esperança de que hi haguera un mètode més net...

Vaig a provar-ho.
Salutacions a la llista,
Wop! Salutacions. Recupere este tema ara que puc. Òbviament no funciona, 
o és que estic influenciat per la mala marxa del ValènciaCF, no ho sé.

Ací[1] es diu que l'única manera de muntar una llista de correu amb un 
domini virtual és

a) Crear un alias en la taula d'aliasos per als dominis virtuals que 
tinga en el LHS[2] l'adreça de la llista i en el RHS[3] una adreça 

b) En /etc/aliases afegir una línia d'este tipus:
aliasfetaposta: |/var/list/.bin/flist cfrb
[2] Left Hand Side.
[3] Right Hand Side.
Això també ho deia l'enllaç de la resposta que em vaig fer a mi mateix.
Què és el que no funciona? Ací ve el rotllo.
Doncs que algú es torna boig pel camí. Si envie el típic subscribe a 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], el remitent del CONFIRM és 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] El mecanisme de subscripció i 
desubscripció funciona perfectament tant si la gestió es fa utilitzant 
el domini local com el virtual. Una volta passat el tràmit, u pot 
escriure a la llista amb l'adreça del domini virtual. El pitjor és que 
els correus de la llista sempre apareixen com provinents de 

Tot això és molt lleig.
Sabeu si existeix cap manera millor de gestionar una llista de correu 
amb un domini virtual???

Gràcies mil,
José Marcos Chalmés García
pepe AT elcorreu DOT net
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

smartlist amb un domini virtual de Postfix

2005-04-29 Thread Pepe
Hola, gent!
Tinc Postfix funcionant correctament amb un domini local, el de la meua 
adreça de correu, i un parell de dominis virtuals. Els dominis virtuals 
estan definits en una base de dades MySQL.

Tot això funciona. Per si a algú l'interesa, ho vaig fer seguit este 

El problema m'ha vingut a l'intentar donar d'alta unes llistes de correu 
per als dominis virtuals. Al crear la llista amb createlist, el 
programa et dóna dues línies que has de posar al teu /etc/aliases. Exemple:

cfrb: |/var/list/.bin/flist cfrb
cfrb-request: |/var/list/.bin/flist cfrb-request
Si ho pose així, s'entén que les adreces són [EMAIL PROTECTED] i 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], que *no* és el que jo vull, posat que és domini local, i la llista ha de ser d'un dels 
virtuals. Si en lloc de cfrb pose [EMAIL PROTECTED], newaliases 
es queixa dient que s'han de posar només noms (sense el @...), no noms 
i dominis (amb el @...).

Si me'n vaig a la taula de forwardings (alias per als dominis 
virtuals) que tinc posada en la BD de correu de MySQL, tampoc funciona. 
La millor aproximació a la solució que he aconseguit és afegir registres 
de l'estil d'este:

Camp destination: |/var/list/.bin/flist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aleshores la petada ve perquè |/var/list/.bin/flist no és un usuari de 
correu del meu domini local. Vaja!

Conclusió: la típica línia que es posa en /etc/aliases no servix per a 
la meua instal·lació de dominis virtuals, perquè Postfix interpreta la 
segona columna com dues adreces independents, no com una tuberia cap a 
un programa del sistema.

Mentre investigue més, a veure si algú em pot aconsellar:
- Em funcionaria si utilitzara algun altre format d'enmagatzemament que 
no fós MySQL?
- No es pot donar d'alta una llista de correu per a un domini virtual??? 
No m'ho puc creure.
- Es tracta d'alguna limitació estranya d'Smartlist?
- Es tracta d'alguna limitació estranya de Postfix?

Moltes gràcies d'avantmà!!
José Marcos Chalmés García
pepe AT elcorreu DOT net
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

trouble with Smartlist

2004-02-21 Thread Scott Berry
Hi there list,

I am having a permissions problem with smart list.  In the list user I am
unable to use the .bin stuff and also he .etc permission I think is off
too.  Does anyone know what the permissions aresupposed to be for
/var/list/.bin and /var/list/.etc?  Thanks much.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lösung (was: Exim und smartlist)

2003-08-04 Thread Thomas Korber
Thomas Korber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ich möchte eine Mailingliste mit exim und smartlist einrichten.


   seminar: |/var/list/.bin/flist seminar
   seminar-request: |/var/list/.bin/flist seminar-request


 - /etc/fetchmailrc entsprechend angepasst:
   poll protocol pop3 user password geheim is list
   poll protocol pop3 user password 
 geheim is list

Wald, Bäume und so. fetchmail muss natürlich nicht an list, sondern an
seminar bzw. seminar-request ausliefern.

Grüße, |   +++   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Thomas  |Linux User Group Ingolstadt:
PGP-ID: 0x4603A0E3 | A4B3 BA2A DDC8 B771 8084  CD4D BE14 5C3E 4603 A0E3

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Exim und smartlist

2003-08-02 Thread Thomas Korber

Endlich Ferien, endlich Zeit zum Basteln. ;-)

Ich möchte eine Mailingliste mit exim und smartlist einrichten.

Nach der Lektüre von,
file:///usr/share/doc/smartlist/README.exim und
habe ich folgende Änderungen an meiner ganz normalen exim-Konfiguration
(Option 2 von eximconfig) folgende Änderungen vorgenommen:

- user = list auskommentiert
- always_bcc = yes hinzugefügt
- den user list als trusted_user hinzugefügt
- die Mailingliste seminar mittels 
  $ cd /var/list/; ./bin/createlist seminar hinzugefügt
- in /etc/aliases folgendes hinzugefügt:
  listman: thomas
  seminar: |/var/list/.bin/flist seminar
  seminar-request: |/var/list/.bin/flist seminar-request
- die Accounts [EMAIL PROTECTED] und [EMAIL PROTECTED] bei
  meinem Provider angelegt
- /etc/fetchmailrc entsprechend angepasst:
  poll protocol pop3 user password geheim is list
  poll protocol pop3 user password geheim 
is list

Mit meiner E-Mail-Adresse funktioniert das ganze lokal auch:

,[ aus /var/log/exim/mainlog ]
| 2003-08-02 19:20:26 19j03O-0004RY-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=thomas P=local S=1008 
| 2003-08-02 19:20:27 19j03P-0004S5-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=list P=local S=2734
| 2003-08-02 19:20:27 19j03O-0004RY-00 = |/var/list/.bin/flist seminar-request 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] D=system_aliases T=address_pipe

Wenn ich allerdings versuche, per Browser meine GMX-Adresse anzumelden,
passiert folgendes:

,[ aus /var/log/exim/mainlog ]
| 2003-08-02 20:07:08 19j0ma-0005Cr-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost []
| P=esmtp S=1344 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 2003-08-02 20:07:08 19j0ma-0005D3-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=list P=local S=1635 
| 2003-08-02 20:07:08 19j0ma-0005Cr-00 = list [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=procmail 
| 2003-08-02 20:07:08 19j0ma-0005Cr-00 Completed
| 2003-08-02 20:07:17 19j0ma-0005D3-00 = thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=procmail 
| 2003-08-02 20:07:17 19j0ma-0005D3-00 Completed

Ich frage mich, wo seminar in Zeile 2 des logfile-Auszugs abgeblieben
ist. Die Mail landet logischerweise in meiner eigenen Inbox. Hier der
Auszug aus dem Header:

| From: Thomas Korber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: subscribe
| Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Delivery-date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 20:07:08 +0200
| Old-Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 20:05:03 +0200 (MEST)
| X-Authenticated-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| X-Authenticated-IP: []
| X-Flags: 0001
| X-Diagnostic: Non-existent mailinglist

Die Mailingliste existiert aber unter /var/list, lokal funktioniert sie
wie gesagt auch.

Wo ist der Haken an der Sache? Für Hinweise wäre ich dankbar.

Grüße, |   +++   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Thomas  |Linux User Group Ingolstadt:
PGP-ID: 0x4603A0E3 | A4B3 BA2A DDC8 B771 8084  CD4D BE14 5C3E 4603 A0E3

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

smartlist equiv of wwsympa?

2002-02-06 Thread Paul 'Baloo' Johnson
Is there something that allows users to read and post to a single
mailing list ala wwsympa to sympa, but for smartlist instead?


Smartlist Help

2002-01-03 Thread Nick Furman
Hopefully someone out there uses Smartlist for mail list stuff :)

I'm having a problem getting my Smartlist to read my accept file in

I had uncommented the foreign_submit option in rc.custom, and it still
doesn't work for some reason.

Here's a log from my file, if that helps at all.

Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28955]: MAA28955: from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
size=530, class=0, pri=30530, nrcpts=1, msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, []
Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28956]: MAA28955: to=|/var/list/.bin/flist 
customers, delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, stat=Sent
Jan  3 12:04:56 white procmail[28958]: Error while writing to log 
Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28965]: NOQUEUE: Authentication-Warning: Processed from queue /var/spool/listq
Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28965]: MAA28965: Authentication-Warning: list set sender to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using -f
Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28965]: MAA28965: [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=596, 
class=-30, pri=114596, nrcpts=2, msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28965]: MAA28965: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
delay=00:00:00, mailer=local, stat=queued
Jan  3 12:04:56 white sendmail[28965]: MAA28965: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
delay=00:00:00, mailer=local, stat=queued   

The accept list contains nfurman, but not nickfilter, where the mail is
coming from.  The dist list contains nfurman and nnn, and the mail does
reach it's destination.

Any ideas?

Please CC me on the reply.

Thanks in advance,


Re: second try: exim/smartlist

2000-12-05 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 04:54:09AM -0500, Justin Maurer wrote:
 can anyone tell me how to have exim not add a resent-to header on
 each of smartlist's messages? i don't want people on the list to be
 able to see who is on the list.

I don't know what your setup is, but if it's possible to have all
smartlist posts go through a specific exim router/director then you can
use the router/director option headers_remove to weed-out such headers.
Not sure whether they will be added later on anyway, just give it a try.

groetjes, carel

second try: exim/smartlist

2000-12-04 Thread Justin Maurer

hey guys,

can anyone tell me how to have exim not add a resent-to header on
each of smartlist's messages? i don't want people on the list to be
able to see who is on the list.


smartlist exim problem

2000-11-28 Thread Justin Maurer

hey guys,

i have this tiny problem where exim (presumably) is stamping on a
Resent-To: header with the names of everyone on one of my
smartlist-based mailing lists. i searched on the web and found more
people with this problem, but not m^Hany with the solution. if anyone
knows how to disable this feature, please let me know.


smartlist problem...!!

2000-11-21 Thread YoonSuk Cho[EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all
I'm using the smartlist for mail service.
But I found a one problem.The story is below.

1.I send a mail.( -v [EMAIL PROTECTED]) use root privilege.(in fact root)
2.and then mail is vanish.
3.I'm not root the mail is not strange.Why ?

GPG Key fingerprint 
C37A 57CF BBBF 7F01 E4E4  92D5 B4C2 2245 A4C9 E7EF
/./. oOoOo
Funny..Geek Code
oOoOo Version: 3.12 oOoOo
oOoOo GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E- W++ N++ o+ K- w--  oOoOo
oOoOo O- M V- PS+ PE Y-- PGP++ t 5 X- R tv- b+ DI--- D-  oOoOo
oOoOo G++ e++ h* r !y+  oOoOo

Re: smartlist problem...!!

2000-11-21 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 03:54:41AM +0900, YoonSuk Cho[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all
 I'm using the smartlist for mail service.
 But I found a one problem.The story is below.
 1.I send a mail.( -v [EMAIL PROTECTED]) use root privilege.(in fact root)
 2.and then mail is vanish.
 3.I'm not root the mail is not strange.Why ?

Smartlist doesn't like mail from root and treats it as being from a
daemon to keep mail loops from mailbombing your mailing list.  See the
'FROM_DAEMON' macro in 'man procmailrc'.

CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
printf Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n, map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack
'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= C x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; 

Re: SmartList: problem subscribing

2000-09-22 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Wade Parker wrote:

 I'm using Debian 2.2, Exim 3.1, procmail 3.13.1 and SmartList.
 I've installed Smartlist using dselect.  I can create a list.  But I
 cannot get anyone subscribed to the list or if I add an address
 manually, Smartlist will not send out any messages to that person.

There is a line in /etc/exim.conf saying:

# user = list
# Uncomment the above line if you are running smartlist

Have you already done this?

Re: SmartList: problem subscribing

2000-09-22 Thread Wade Parker
Yes, I uncommmented the user = list line.  I even tried adding group
= list.

Nothing seems to work.   I've been working under the assumption that the
problem involves file permissions, ownership, or the piping statement in
/etc/aliases.  flist and the procmail link are owned by root:list. 
flist is set to execute suid.  /usr/bin/procmail is owned by root:mail

I have also added /var/list/.bin to PATH for root and in /etc/profile.

I've tried having flist and the procmail link owned by list:list.  But
that did not work.  I've experimented with piping statements of |
/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname and 
| exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname.  With the first piping
statement I received a message from mail daemon:  exec: exec: No such
file or directory , and with the latter piping statement I received 
'exec command not found for address_pipe transport'.

Each time I finish a line of investigation, I remove the SmartList
package and reinstall from the .deb file, so that the package is reset
to its default configuration and I am not compounding the problem with
my experimentations.

I would appreciate any further suggestions.

Wade Parker

SmartList: problem subscribing

2000-09-21 Thread Wade Parker
I'm using Debian 2.2, Exim 3.1, procmail 3.13.1 and SmartList.

I've installed Smartlist using dselect.  I can create a list.  But I
cannot get anyone subscribed to the list or if I add an address
manually, Smartlist will not send out any messages to that person.

The only changes I've made to the configuration were:

Adding to my /etc/aliases
listname: | /var/list/.bin/flist listname
listname: | /var/list/.bin/flist listname-request

and setting in /var/list/.etc/rc.init

LOGFILE = ../$default/log

When I test with exim -v -bt listname
exim indicates the address is deliverable to the pipe program.

When I send in a subscription, exim's log indicates the message was
delivered to the pipe program.  But there is not entry in
/var/list/listname/dist and there is no log.

I've also tried changing the pipe alias with:
|/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname
the mail-daemon returns the message stating:

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. The following address(es) failed:

  listname[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
generated |/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname:
Child process of address_pipe transport returned 127 from command:

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

-- |/bin/bash exec /var/list/.bin/flist listname --

exec: exec: No such file or directory

I would appreciate any advise or suggests on how to fix this problem or
how to test flist.

Wade Parker

Re: Using verp with Debian's smartlist package

2000-08-08 Thread Shane Wegner
On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 11:40:35PM -0300, Rogerio Brito wrote:
 On Aug 07 2000, Shane Wegner wrote:
  Has anyone successfully gotten this to work?
   Must you use sendmail? Would you be willing to use qmail? If
   so, then qmail supports VERPs outta the box with its fast
   mailing list manager, ezmlm (and its add-on, ezmlm-idx). I'd
   recommend using them for both kick some major arse! :-)

Well unless I am getting some significant features, I'd rather not learn a
whole new mail system.  I use some sendmail features which other mailers may
not have such as login authentication for relaying and TLS encrypted
sessions.  These are even new for sendmail.  Besides, can't it support VERP
using the username+data construct anyway?


Personal website:

qmail (was: Re: Using verp with Debian's smartlist package)

2000-08-08 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Aug 08 2000, Shane Wegner wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 11:40:35PM -0300, Rogerio Brito wrote:
  On Aug 07 2000, Shane Wegner wrote:
   Has anyone successfully gotten this to work?
  Must you use sendmail? Would you be willing to use qmail? If
  so, then qmail supports VERPs outta the box with its fast
  mailing list manager, ezmlm (and its add-on, ezmlm-idx). I'd
  recommend using them for both kick some major arse! :-)
 Well unless I am getting some significant features, I'd rather not learn a
 whole new mail system.  I use some sendmail features which other mailers may
 not have such as login authentication for relaying and TLS encrypted
 sessions.  These are even new for sendmail.  Besides, can't it support VERP
 using the username+data construct anyway?

I'm having some health problems and I can't see what I'm
typing very well. So, please excuse any typos that I make...

Well, what exactly do you need TLS for? For SMTP or for POP or
for both?  Anyway, I can't see any problems with your needs
and qmail (e.g., authentication before relaying). They are
reasonably simple to implement and I guess that if you already
installed sendmail, that you won't have problems experimenting
qmail. You might even setup a guinea pig box to see how it

Let me give you a pointer: go to and search the
(huge) page for the strings you're looking for. And for TLS,
I'd recommend using sslwrap or stunnel. I assume that you
already have a certificate generated for your connections. A
visit to will also be useful, I

I hope this helps.

Great site you have, BTW. :-)

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Using verp with Debian's smartlist package

2000-08-07 Thread Shane Wegner
Hi all,

A while ago, the Debian mailing lists at went to using a
different 'From ' line.  The administrator said at the time that a VERP was
being used.  I am curious as to how a VERP can be implemented using
smartlist with SendMail.  It would have to use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] format
I suppose.

Has anyone successfully gotten this to work?


Personal website:

Re: Using verp with Debian's smartlist package

2000-08-07 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Aug 07 2000, Shane Wegner wrote:
 Has anyone successfully gotten this to work?

Must you use sendmail? Would you be willing to use qmail? If
so, then qmail supports VERPs outta the box with its fast
mailing list manager, ezmlm (and its add-on, ezmlm-idx). I'd
recommend using them for both kick some major arse! :-)

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Smartlist (maybe sendmail) canonicalizing a domain

2000-06-20 Thread Dan Brosemer
Does anyone know why when I send to a list that I have set up using
smartlist at it canonicalizes the To: header to

In my rc.init, I have:

I'd like to have it leave things at, and I don't want to
have as a CNAME to (that seems like a bad
hack, though I think it would work).

Is sendmail doing this or smartlist?  Is there any output I can post that
would be useful?  Something to 'sendmail -bt' maybe?

I'm sorry if this is answered somewhere, but I couldn't find the info I



... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122 section 1.2.2

Description: PGP signature

Re: Urgente+smartlist

2000-06-01 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Sorribes juan escribió:
 Alguien sabe como configurar el smartlint para restringir que cualquiera
 pueda enviar mail a una lista.
 Configuro el accept con la dirección de mail que quiero que solamente pueda
 enviar mail a la lista y dentro del rc.init y rc.custon donde dice
 foreing_submit pongo  =   no (foreing_submit  =  no). Pero igualmente sigue
 aceptado mails de cualquier direccion.

Pues yo lo que tengo es simplemente una línea con foreign_submit
en el rc.custom y funciona bien (rechaza a los que no esten en el
fichero dist). No es necesario escribir = no y atención que es
foreign y no foreing, pero me imagino que esto fue solo un error al
escribir tu mensaje de correo.

A propósito, ¿que MTA usas? yo tuve que usar sendmail porque no logré
poner a funcionar el exim con el smartlist.

Sorribes juan respondió:
 Si  fue solo un error al escribir el  mensaje de correo.
 Te comento que la utilidad que yo le doy es solo para que los usuarios
 reciban unos informes que les envió periódicamente si ellos quieren
 responder lo hacen a otra dirección .
 La idea es que los que están en (dist) no puedan escribirle a todo el grupo.
 El único que puede escribir es la dirección que figura en  el (accept).
 Pero igualmente no funciona ya que cualquiera puede enviar un mail a la
 Tengo instalado sendmail.

 En la línea foreign_submit no le pusiste ningún valor???
 la tienes descomentada ( # )??

Exactamente. Lo único que hize fue descomentarla (quitar el #) como
dicen en los comentarios; no escribí nada adicional (= no) como tu
hiciste, y me funciona perfectamente. De todas formas los que se
subscriban quedarán dentro de la lista de acceso (dist) y podrán
responder enviando mensajes a toda la lista. Lo que quieres hacer
(enviar a varios sin que puedan responder) me parece que no es una lista
sino un alias que puedes configurar de otras formas sin usar smartlist
(procmail, archivo .forward, aliases, etc).

Jaime Villate

Re: Urgente+smartlist

2000-06-01 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Jaime E. Villate wrote:

 A propósito, ¿que MTA usas? yo tuve que usar sendmail porque no logré
 poner a funcionar el exim con el smartlist.

Para que smartlist y exim funcionen bien el uno con el otro hay que 
hacer los siguientes cambios en /etc/exim.conf:

* Añadir una línea que diga

always_bcc = true

El sitio supongo que no importa mucho. Yo la tengo puesta justo después 

* Añadir el usuario list a la lista de usuarios de fiar:

trusted_users = mail:list

* En la sección system_aliases: descomentar la línea que dice

user = list

[ Lo anterior lo he probado en potato, supongo que en slink será parecido ].


2000-05-31 Thread Sorribes juan
Hola  a todos, espero que alguien me pueda ayudar...:)
Alguien sabe como configurar el smartlint para restringir que cualquiera
pueda enviar mail a una lista.
Configuro el accept con la direccin de mail que quiero que solamente pueda
enviar mail a la lista y dentro del rc.init y rc.custon donde dice
foreing_submit pongo  =   no (foreing_submit  =  no). Pero igualmente sigue
aceptado mails de cualquier direccion.

Muchas gracias a todos

 Juan Sorribes
ICQ 14079078

Re: smartlist headers

2000-05-03 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Tue, 2 May 2000, Dan Brosemer wrote:

 On potato, smartlist adds Resent-To: headers which list all the people
 subscribed to the list on every outbound message.
 Can this be removed?

Yes, please read /usr/doc/smartlist/README.exim.

 I tried with the following (and enabled RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_20):
 dev:/var/list/testing# cat rc.local.s20
 # remove headers
 :0 fhw
 | formail -I Resent-To:
 but no luck.  I guess rc.local.s20 is executed before the Resent-To gets

Indeed, since it's exim the one who adds it :-)

In fact, if you want exim not to do that (and you don't follow
README.exim), you would have to actually *provide* a valid Resent-To:
header so that exim does not add one.


solved: smartlist headers

2000-05-03 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 01:11:42PM +0200, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:
 On Tue, 2 May 2000, Dan Brosemer wrote:
 Yes, please read /usr/doc/smartlist/README.exim.

Thanks very much.  Worked like a charm.  I didn't realize it was exim that
was adding the pesky headers.


Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart 
he dreams himself your master.

Description: PGP signature

smartlist headers

2000-05-02 Thread Dan Brosemer
On potato, smartlist adds Resent-To: headers which list all the people
subscribed to the list on every outbound message.

Can this be removed?

I tried with the following (and enabled RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_20):

dev:/var/list/testing# cat rc.local.s20
# remove headers

:0 fhw
| formail -I Resent-To:

but no luck.  I guess rc.local.s20 is executed before the Resent-To gets


Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart 
he dreams himself your master.

Description: PGP signature


1999-06-13 Thread Matt Kopishke
Hi, I am trying to set up a list using smartlist on Slink with sendmail.
I have read the QuickStart, and have followed what it said but I have not
have any succes. I send a letter to the address with subscribe in the
Subject, but get no reply, and don't get an error saying that the
message could not be sent, and I don't seem to get any respones server
side ether.  The only thing I did not do is it said to edit a
/etc/mail/, but this file (and a sendmail.ct) were no where to
be found, so I let it be...



[EMAIL PROTECTED]   MSAD#40 Home Page Seed Savers Project

  | *To see tomorrow's PC, Look at todays Macintosh* | 
  |   * Debian GNU/Linux * |

smartlist and attatchments...

1999-03-11 Thread Evan Van Dyke
I've recently had a small problem with smartlist...  most of the
that I send with attatchments are not send... instead they sit around
in a file called 'request.'  Does anyone know why this is happening
and/or how to fix it??


Evan Van Dyke   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVEElder ResCon at Northwestern

GCS/S d+(-) s:+ a--- C UH+I++LS++V P+ L+++ E W++ N++ 
w-- O- M-- !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X+ R+ tv+ b+++ DI D+ g e h !r

   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

Re: Smartlist not sending to sender

1999-03-08 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Erik Forsberg wrote:

 I'm using smartlist for some small mailinglists on a Debian machine (I
 hope this isn't too offtopic)
 Is there a way to configure smartlist NOT to distribute a message to
 the sender of the message ? I don't want my own postings.

Short answer: no, that I know of.

If you don't want your own postings, you may divert them to /dev/null
using procmail.

(I would not recommend this, I like to receive my own postings, tyis way
I know that they reached the list).


Smartlist not sending to sender

1999-03-06 Thread Erik Forsberg
I'm using smartlist for some small mailinglists on a Debian machine (I hope 
this isn't too offtopic)

Is there a way to configure smartlist NOT to distribute a message to the sender 
of the message ? I don't want my own postings.

I've tried to read the manual, but I didn't find any information on the subject.


Smartlist fails to append usage info to mails...

1999-02-09 Thread Lars Steinke
This is my rc.local.s20 to append unsubscribe information to all

:0 fbw
| cat - helpend.txt

rc.custom calls rc.local.s20 via the following hook:

RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_20  = rc.local.s20 

BUT: smartlist does not append helpend.txt to the messages !!!
What could be the problem here ???

   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Description: PGP signature

[Fwd: Smartlist Setup... Service Unavaliable]

1999-01-07 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Well, I've installed SmartList, but when I send it a test message,
 Sendmail dies with the following errors:
   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 |/var/list/.bin/flist apollo-teamB-request
 (expanded from: apollo-teamB-request)
- Transcript of session follows -
 sh: flist not available for sendmail programs
 554 |/var/list/.bin/flist apollo-teamB-request... Service unavailable
 I'm sure it's just a problem of permissions, but I don't knw where...
 anyone know the rpoblem?
 Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
 DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
 Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
   --Dilbert to Management

Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

help: someone has spammed through smartlist on my debian box

1998-11-20 Thread Chris Evans
/* Please excuse the cross-posting to debian-user and smartlist.  I 
think both are likely to have useful input on this and it feels fairly 
urgent to me! */

I run a few not particularly large Email lists using smartlist under 
Hamm.  I have subscription confirmation on and have been very 
happy with the setup.  I've had problems as the medical school site 
which hosts my box has been abused by spammers (45k 
messages in 24hrs) and had big hassle with the blacklists etc. as 
a result.

Now a spam has gone out on one of my lists last night.  The name 
from which it comes is not on the list nor have I had copies of any 
attempts by this person to join (which I receive as default 
normally).  The header shows s/he has definitely used the list:

Status: U
Received: from (psyctc [])
by (8.8.8+Sun/8.8.8) with ESMTP 
id GAA15491;
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 06:11:39 GMT
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by (8.8.8/8.8.8/Debian/GNU) id 
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 06:07:50 GMT
Resent-Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 06:07:50 GMT
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 98 03:00 ADT
Subject: Over 20 Joined In The Last 5 Days - Join Now  Get In 
near The Top!
Resent-Message-ID: VxzYWD.A.nRF.2cQV2@psyctc
Resent-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive/latest/9
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Unsub: To leave, send text 'unsubscribe' to sign-speak-
X-List-Unsubscribe: mailto:sign-speak-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@body=unsubscribe
X-List-Administrator: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Evans)
X-PMFLAGS: 33554560 0 1 P50480.CNM

The stuff at the top shows something odd with the missing stop in but the psyctc and the IP address are correct. 
The X-List: and other stuff at the bottom is very definitely the stuff 
I've put into the list that it should add to all outgoing post so s/he's 
definitely hacked into the list somehow.

I found one other with the same body to the message but a very 
different header:

Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 
by (8.8.8/8.8.8/Debian/GNU) with 
SMTP id GAA21596
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 20 Nov 1998 
06:01:49 GMT
Received: by (/\oo/\ Smail3.1.29.1 #29.17)
id [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 19 Nov 
98 04:28 ADT
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 98 02:56 ADT
Subject: Over 20 Joined In The Last 5 Days - Join Now  Get In 
near The Top!
X-PMFLAGS: 33554560 0 1 P3D710.CNM

I'm a bit out of my depth here but willing to do anything reasonable 
to minimise the risks of this happening again.  Does anyone 
recognise the probable exploit that was used or have advice about 
how to do more to track down the route used and to block off this 
or other likely exploits?  



Configuración SmartList

1998-11-12 Thread Joaquín Suárez
Hola a todos.

Estoy instalando Smarlist para gestionar una lista de correo y tengo tres
dudas al respecto:

1. Quiero que cuando un miembro de la lista reciba un mensaje de la misma y
quiera responder usando el comando Responder (Reply) de su programa de
correo electrónico, la dirección de respuesta que le salga sea la de la
lista. Esto parece que puede hacerse mediante la línea reply-to del archivo
rc.init. Sin embargo, si el programa de correo electrónico que usa el
usuario de la lista ya está configurado con una dirección de respuesta, la
cosa no funciona. ¿Alguien sabe algo de esto?

2.  ¿Es posible añadir a todos los mensajes que pasen por la lista un
comentario al final? Si es así, ¿cómo?

3. Por omisión, las personas que mandan un mensaje a la lista reciben su
propio mensaje. ¿Se puede hacer que por omisión no los reciban? ¿Cómo?

La única documentación que tengo de SmartList es el Manual v1.45 y la verdad
es que no es muy amplia, sobre todo para alguien que no sabe casi nada de
Linux. Por eso, si mis preguntas son triviales, disculpad.

Agradezco vuestra ayuda. Un saludo

Re: Configuración SmartList

1998-11-12 Thread Carlos Rodrigo

Igual te sería interesante suscribirte a la lista sobre smartlist. Para 
eso tienes que mandar un mensaje a:

poniendo subscribe en el cuerpo del mensaje

Tambien puedes encontrar más información en:

 1. Quiero que cuando un miembro de la lista reciba un mensaje de la 
misma y
 quiera responder usando el comando Responder (Reply) de su programa de
 correo electrónico, la dirección de respuesta que le salga sea la de la
 lista. Esto parece que puede hacerse mediante la línea reply-to del archivo
 rc.init. Sin embargo, si el programa de correo electrónico que usa el
 usuario de la lista ya está configurado con una dirección de respuesta, la
 cosa no funciona. ¿Alguien sabe algo de esto?

Eso no lo entiendo. Qué quiere decir que el programa de correo 
electrónico esté configurado con una dirección de respuesta? El programa 
tiene que contestar al que ha enviado el mensaje. Hay dos posibilidades: 
que para ello use el campo reply-to (si existe) o que use el From. En 
principio tengo idea de que todos los programas decentes usan el reply-to 
si es que está. Y si no, puede que pregunte si se lo manda a todos los 
destinatarios... Pero bueno, en principio la forma de hacerlo es la de 
configurar el reply-to a la lista y ya está. Normalmente la cosa 
funciona. Pero en general hacer eso no es una buena idea.

 2.  ¿Es posible añadir a todos los mensajes que pasen por la lista un
 comentario al final? Si es así, ¿cómo?

Esta es fácil, te copio la respuesta de la página que te dije arriba para 
escribir menos:

Uncomment the line RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_20 = rc.local.s20 from your 
rc.custom file, and add the following to your

  rc.local.s20 file: 

  # Appending a disclaimer to every outgoing mail:

  :0 fbw
  | cat - footer.txt

You will also need to create a file called footer.txt, which contains the 
text to add to the message (this file can be empty though, so you can 
create the files, but only fill them in when you need to add something) 

 3. Por omisión, las personas que mandan un mensaje a la lista reciben su
 propio mensaje. ¿Se puede hacer que por omisión no los reciban? ¿Cómo?

Ésta no la sé.



Re: Configuración SmartList

1998-11-12 Thread Santiago Vila
Hola :-)

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Joaquín Suárez wrote:

 1. Quiero que cuando un miembro de la lista reciba un mensaje de la misma y
 quiera responder usando el comando Responder (Reply) de su programa de
 correo electrónico, la dirección de respuesta que le salga sea la de la
 lista. Esto parece que puede hacerse mediante la línea reply-to del archivo
 rc.init. [...]

Antes de hacer eso, lo mejor sería pensar seriamente en las
consecuencias que podrían derivarse.

En particular, te recomiendo que leas el siguiente artículo:

 3. Por omisión, las personas que mandan un mensaje a la lista reciben su
 propio mensaje. ¿Se puede hacer que por omisión no los reciban? ¿Cómo?

smartlist no está preparado de serie para hacer eso, por lo que no
conozco ningún método para hacerlo (habría que cambiar bastante la forma
en la que se distribuyen los mensajes), pero en cualquier caso tampoco me
parece demasiado práctico.

Cuando yo envío un mensaje a una lista, me gusta recibirlo de la lista,
porque así sé que ha llegado a su destino y no se ha perdido por el

Aún en el caso de que cada usuario particular pudiera cambiar esto a su
antojo después de suscribirse, no creo que fuera una buena idea que por
omisión los usuarios no recibieran sus propios mensajes. [ Me imagino al
encargado de la lista siendo frito a preguntas estilo he mandado un
mensaje, pero no lo he recibido, ¿por qué? ].

 120c9bfafbeb467e73157e76b475400b (a truly random sig)

can't get smartlist working under Debian

1998-09-29 Thread slist
I tried sending this to the smartlist list but have had no response.
Anyone here got smartlist working and can help?



- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Sep 28 18:02:59 1998
Resent-Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 15:24:31 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: can't get smartlist working under Debian
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:17:58 + (GMT)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL39 (25)]
Resent-Message-ID: Ai_M-C.A.f8B.d24D2@campino
X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive/latest/5736
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have installed smartlist and procmail under Debian (Hamm).  I seem to have
made the necessary changes in sendmail.rc and (I think).  

I can use createlist successfully and have put the aliases in /etc/aliases
and run newaliases which counts them in.  Trouble is that if I email the new
list request ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I get nothing back.  Copying
to other accounts on the same machine and elsewhere shows general delivery 
going O.K.

After the line showing that the message was passed to
|/var/list/.bin/flist test  /var/log/mail.log shows a complaint:
Sep 28 13:02:10 psyctc1 procmail[9053]: Error while writing to log

I assume that I've managed to get a permission wrong on a log file that
procmail wants to log its actions to or that I've failed to create
the file.  Trouble is that I can't find any documentation mentioning
logging when procmail is being invoked directly by sendmail.

Can someone help me?  I'm no unix wizard or programmer but I have a
lot of experience of running lists on mailbase and NTmail and I'd like
to transfer to smartlist and Debian but I'm stuck now.  Advice 
gratefully received.


- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: can't get smartlist working under Debian

1998-09-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == slist  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s I assume that I've managed to get a permission wrong on a log file that
s procmail wants to log its actions to or that I've failed to create
s the file.  Trouble is that I can't find any documentation mentioning
s logging when procmail is being invoked directly by sendmail.

Most likely permissions. One of my lists is called users:

ls -ld /var/list/users/
drwxrws--x   4 list list 1024 Jun 19 00:26 /var/list/users/

ls -l /var/list/users/
total 23
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list4 Nov 15  1997 accept - dist
drwxrws---   3 list list 1024 Jan 13  1998 archive
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   19 Nov 15  1997 archive.txt - 
drwxrws---   2 list list 1024 Feb  2  1998 bounces
-rw-rw   1 list list  433 Apr 28 11:30 dist
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   16 Nov 15  1997 help.txt - 
-rw-rw   1 list list 9580 Apr 28 11:30 log
-rw-rw   1 list list  652 Jun 19 00:26 msgid.cache
-rw-rw   1 list list 4537 Nov 15  1997 rc.custom
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   15 Nov 15  1997 rc.init - 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   18 Nov 15  1997 rc.request - 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   17 Nov 15  1997 rc.submit - 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   14 Nov 15  1997 reject - ../.etc/reject
-rw-rw   1 list list   16 Nov 15  1997 subscribe.files
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   21 Nov 15  1997 subscribe.txt - 
-rw-rw   1 list list  178 Apr 28 11:30 tmp.from
-rw-rw   1 list list  315 Apr 28 11:30 tmp.request
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   23 Nov 15  1997 unsubscribe.txt - 

Maybe it is refering to the log file in this directory.


permission (?) problem with smartlist

1998-09-24 Thread slist
I have installed smartlist and procmail for my debian system (hamm on
pentium hardware, running sendmail).  

I am gradually getting apache and Email set up on the machine as it's 
going to move to be hosted by a commercial ISP when I transfer my lists
and WWW services out of the university here.  I think the list manager
I want to use is smartlist (majordomo seems a bit less friendly) but 
I'm failing to install smartlist.

The INSTALL instructions in
refer to an script which doesn't 
seem to exist.  I assume it's actions have been migrated into the
dpkg/dselect installation.  If I'm right then it's not the first time
and, bearing in mind the recent reviews of Linuxes, I'd rate it as 
much the biggest problem for newbies to Debian: you end up not feeling 
you trust
any documentation as it's so often clearly inconsistent with the 
installation you've got.

OOPPS: flame off

I've followed the instructions to create a user slist and then
to use createlist and I've created the new aliases and run newalias.
However, when I email the new list request (list is named test,
very original...) I get the following.

- Forwarded message from Mail Delivery Subsystem -

From sendmail-daemon  Thu Sep 24 15:48:29 1998
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 15:48:29 GMT
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem sendmail-daemon
To: slist
Subject: Returned mail: Cannot open input: Error 0
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated (failure)

The original message was received at Thu, 24 Sep 1998 15:48:28 GMT

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|/var/list/.bin/flist test-request
(expanded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

   - Transcript of session follows -
flist: Can't find .etc in /usr/sbin
550 |/var/list/.bin/flist test-request... Cannot open input: Error 0

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 15:48:28 GMT

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Actual-Recipient: RFC822; |/var/list/.bin/flist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.3.0
Last-Attempt-Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 15:48:29 GMT

-- Start of included mail From:  slist

Return-path:  slist
Subject:  subscribe
Date:  Thu, 24 Sep 1998 15:48:28 + (GMT)

subscribe test

-- End of included mail.

- End of forwarded message from Mail Delivery Subsystem -

It's quite right: there is no .etc in /usr/sbin.  Where am I going wrong?!
What have I done wrong that would have solved this?  Is there something 
I need to do to make sendmail aware of procmail so that the two can use 
and be used by smartlist?!

Sorry in advance if I'm missing the blindingly obvious.  TIA regardless.



SMARTLIST: how to get exact matching?

1998-09-03 Thread Steve Hsieh

Can someone tell me how to configure smartlist to do exact address
matching?  The problem we have is that some usernames are very similar to
each other.  For exmaple, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]  As a
result, when the second user tries to subscribe, smartlist incorrectly
says that the user is already subscribed.

In rc.custom, will increasing match_threshold help?  How much should it be
increased, if so?


smartlist gateway

1998-08-31 Thread crontab

Is there and .deb package to susbcribe/unsubscribe with SmartList?
I'm looking for something like one that is in Debian Support pages.


Re: Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-28 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

   I'm having a problem setting up a mailing list with Smartlist. One
 of the subscribers is being held hostage to an NT system ;-) and for some
 reason it says Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Smartlist doesn't like it and 
 mails. The point is he can't change the Sender line, so I have to change
 Smartlist. The point... how?!?!?

Hi. I this this should work:

In rc.init uncomment the line saying #RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_00= rc.local.s00
and then write a rc.local.s00 file saying something like:

:0 fhw
* ^Sender:.*root@
| formail -I Sender:

(warning: I have not tested this).

However, this would perhaps encourage the bad habit of using the root
account for sending mail. Another thing you could do would be to tell the
NT user not to use the root account for sending mail ;-)

Re: Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 01:42:14PM +0200, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

 However, this would perhaps encourage the bad habit of using the root
 account for sending mail. Another thing you could do would be to tell the
 NT user not to use the root account for sending mail ;-)

I have asked arround, and it's the NT MTA that's setting the Sender field to
Sender: root@. The user swears he's sending the mail from a regular
account using Netscape Mail.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it. Digging into the manual, I found

  SmartList usually does not accept submissions or subscriptions from
  daemons. If you'd like to make an exception for some, you can do this by
  tuning the daemon_bias variable. A sample template can be found in the
  rc.init file. This variable can of course be set in the rc.init, rc.custom
  or rc.local files. Instead of directly specifying a weight and a regexp,
  you can just specify a weight. You'll then have to make sure that the
  variable is set only when mail from your special daemons arrives.

The scary regexp that procmail uses to decide that something is coming from
a daemon (FROM_DAEMON) includes a test to catch Sender:.*root. I want to
keep all the tests but this one. What I can't find now is a reference to
weighting in the procmail manpages. How's the weight suppossed to work?

daemon_bias = 0 Sender:.*root
  What do I put here. A higher number to get the regexp
  recognized as a daemon or a lower number to get it NOT
  recognized as a daemon.

Thanks again,


Re: Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-28 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 keep all the tests but this one. What I can't find now is a reference to
 weighting in the procmail manpages. How's the weight suppossed to work?

procmailsc(5) ?

 c4f9f68ae233d0fe52be4735d04df1bf (a truly random sig)

Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-26 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon

I'm having a problem setting up a mailing list with Smartlist. One
of the subscribers is being held hostage to an NT system ;-) and for some
reason it says Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Smartlist doesn't like it and 
mails. The point is he can't change the Sender line, so I have to change
Smartlist. The point... how?!?!? There's a daemon_bias setting, but I can't
figure out from rc.submit how that works... what does this mean:

* 9876543210^0 something else

it says:

* something
* $$daemon_bias
* something

and daemon_bias is just a number.

Any ideas? TIA,


Using SMARTLIST from bo? Please, READ this.

1998-06-04 Thread Santiago Vila


This message is for users of the Debian smartlist package.

I have detected a little problem which may arise when upgrading smartlist
from bo to hamm. If you are running smartlist_3.10­16 from bo, please read
the following before upgrading to hamm.

The problem is very simple: In bo, when a list was created, the script
/var/list/.bin/createlist used HARDlinks to link some files from the list
directory to the .etc directory.

Well, by design, dpkg does not preserve those hardlinks on upgrades.
Instead, they end up being different files.

For example, if, say foo/rc.request is a hardlink to .etc/rc.request
(created automatically by createlist) and the file .etc/rc.request is
replaced by a newer one by dpkg, then foo/rc.request and .etc/rc.request
will not be hardlinked anymore.

This is not what one might expect. All lists should benefit from
enhancements in the files in .etc.

Therefore it is much better to use symlinks and not hardlinks.

The .bin/createlist in hamm's smartlist already uses symlinks. However,
one may have already lots of created lists with hardlinks to .etc.

I strongly recommend to convert all those hardlinks into symlinks
*before* upgrading to hamm's smartlist.

The preinst script for smartlist_3.10.7-5 (just installed in hamm) will
just warn you about this and will let you to break the process by pressing
Control-C. This way, smartlist will not be upgraded until the user is
aware of the problem and has fixed it.

The following script will do the job. I have tested it and works for
me, but use it at your own risk.


filestosymlink=rc.submit rc.init rc.request help.txt subscribe.txt \
unsubscribe.txt archive.txt reject

cd /var/list
# Note: touching .etc/rc.lock makes incoming mails to be on hold
# temporarily, while we convert hardlinks into symlinks.
# See the smartlist Manual for details.
touch .etc/rc.lock
echo Please wait for 5 seconds.
sleep 5
echo Converting most hardlinks into symlinks...
for a in `ls`; do
  if [ -d $a ]; then
cd $a
if [ -d archive ]; then
  for b in $filestosymlink; do
if [ -f $b ]; then
  inode1=`ls -li ../.etc/$b | awk '{ print $1 }'`
  inode2=`ls -li $b | awk '{ print $1 }'`
  if [ $inode1 = $inode2 ]; then
rm -f $b
ln -s ../.etc/$b
cd ..
rm -f .etc/rc.lock
echo Done.

Sorry for the inconvenience, etc.

p.s. I have uploaded today bo-unstable releases of procmail and smartlist,
for people using 1.3.1 who want Maildir support in procmail or
confirmation of subscriptions in smartlist (remember to transform
hardlinks into symlinks *first*).


Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SmartList Trailer

1998-04-23 Thread Martin Schulze
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 04:21:14PM -0400, Mark Sailer wrote:
 I'm looking to add a trailer to a mail list I'm running.
 I haven't been able to figure out how to add this.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Trailer, you mean like the above?  Just add

# Appending a footer to every outgoing mail:

:0 fbw
| cat - footer.txt

to rc.local.s20 where footer.txt, of course, contains your trailer.

 The other thing I want to add is in the Subject: I want it 
 to read:  [listname] actual_subject

This should work if you add

:0 fhw
| sed 's/Subject: /Subject: [$listname] /'

to rc.submit.

Please note that the first is tested and the second is untested
but just an idea.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have source for!   /

Description: PGP signature

SmartList Trailer

1998-04-21 Thread Mark Sailer
I'm looking to add a trailer to a mail list I'm running.
I haven't been able to figure out how to add this.
The other thing I want to add is in the Subject: I want it 
to read:  [listname] actual_subject
Any ideas??


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1997-07-28 Thread dada
Hi..I installed Smarlist and I create and list called test (as is
explain in Quick Start file).The last step in this process must be
execute newaliases...but when I doing the shell answer me that
command not found...why?

I have intalled Smail and when I don't see newaliases in nowhere.
Where's new aliases?
Is it in Sendmail pakage? (I hate sendmail...too much tricy to me).

bye  and thanks!

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: smartlist

1997-07-28 Thread Scott K. Ellis

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, dada wrote:

 Hi..I installed Smarlist and I create and list called test (as is
 explain in Quick Start file).The last step in this process must be
 execute newaliases...but when I doing the shell answer me that
 command not found...why?
 I have intalled Smail and when I don't see newaliases in nowhere.
 Where's new aliases?
 Is it in Sendmail pakage? (I hate sendmail...too much tricy to me).

smail doesn't require the newaliases command to be run when updating the
alias file.  Just skip the last step.  Technically, the Debian policy for
MTAs requires that the command be provided, even if it is a no-op, but
smail has a bug in that regard.  This has already been reported to the

- -- 
  |   You are never given a wish without also
 Scott K. Ellis   |being given the power to make it true.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |You may have to work for it, however.
  | -- Illusions

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: smartlist question

1997-04-27 Thread Richard Morin
On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Giuseppe Vacanti wrote:

 Anybody who could help?
 FYI, I haven't integrated procmail in the mail delivery system.
 Giuseppe Vacanti

According to the procmail docs, you need the following line in your

local:  return_path, local, from, driver=pipe; user=root,
cmd=/usr/bin/procmail -d $($user$)

and comment out the local line that is there like so:

#local: driver=appendfile, from, local, inet, return_path, unix_from_hack;
#   append_as_user, check_user, file=/var/spool/mail/${lc:strip:user},
#   group=mail, mode=0660, notify_comsat, suffix=\n

Let me know how it goes, I haven't tried smartlist yet, but I'm using
smail and procmail alreadyand I've heard favourable mention of
smartlist on other lists.

Hope this helps!

Rich M

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

smartlist question

1997-04-26 Thread Giuseppe Vacanti

I'm trying to use smartlist (3.10-14).

On the first message I send to the test list testing, I get this error
(through smail):

|- Message log follows: -|
 flist: Couldn't exec ../.bin/procmail
|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 |exec /var/list/.bin/flist testing-request ... failed: transport pipe: 
child  returned status EX_UNAVAILABLE (69)
|- Message text follows: |
[etc etc]

Then if I link /var/list/.bin/procmail to /usr/bin/procmail I get this:

|- Message log follows: -|
 flist: Can't find .etc in 
|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 |exec /var/list/.bin/flist testing-request ... failed: transport pipe: 
child returned status EX_NOINPUT (66)
|- Message text follows: |
[etc etc]

Anybody who could help?

FYI, I haven't integrated procmail in the mail delivery system.


Giuseppe Vacanti

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Please, DON'T upgrade SmartList.

1997-02-23 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

This is a message for all the Debian SmartList users:

I have just received an important bug report about the smartlist package: 
Currently, if you *upgrade* smartlist (from rex to bo, for example), you
may lost all your list aliases in /etc/aliases. This is because
current `postinst' and `postrm' scripts are somewhat buggy.

I'm working on it, so be patient and please don't upgrade your smartlist

[ For Debian 1.3, maybe I will ask you to replace your current
/var/lib/dpkg/info/smartlist.postrm by the new one *before* upgrading,
to avoid this bug. ]

Stay tuned, (and remember that unstable may be unstable).


- -- The current Debian smartlist package maintainer.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to

smartlist and smrsh

1997-01-15 Thread Adam Shand

I am running smartlist.10-10 and sendmail.8.8.4-1 with smrsh support.

I let smartlist setup the default mail list called announce yet when I
tried to send mail to announce-request I got this message:

announce-request... aliased to |exec /var/list/.bin/flist announce-request
|exec /var/list/.bin/flist announce-request... Connecting to prog...
sh: exec not available for sendmail programs
|exec /var/list/.bin/flist announce-request... Service unavailable
/usr/home/larry/dead.letter... Saved message in /usr/home/larry/dead.letter

Now I assume that this is because there isn't a link for exec in
/usr/lib/sm.bin yet I can't find the file exec to include.

To get it working I simply removed the references to exec in /etc/aliases,
put a link in /usr/lib/sm.bin for flist and it seems to be working okay.

Will this get me in trouble?  Is there a way to make it work with the exec
in /etc/aliases?

Thanks in advance,


 Earthlight Communications Limited ---
P.O. Box 5301Adam Shand   (fax) +64 3 477 5463
Dunedin, New ZealandSystems Manager(voice) +64 3 479 0303

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to

Re: smartlist and smrsh

1997-01-15 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Wed, 15 Jan 1997, Adam Shand wrote:

 I am running smartlist.10-10 and sendmail.8.8.4-1 with smrsh support.
 I let smartlist setup the default mail list called announce yet when I
 tried to send mail to announce-request I got this message:
 announce-request... aliased to |exec /var/list/.bin/flist announce-request
 |exec /var/list/.bin/flist announce-request... Connecting to prog...
 sh: exec not available for sendmail programs
 |exec /var/list/.bin/flist announce-request... Service unavailable
 /usr/home/larry/dead.letter... Saved message in /usr/home/larry/dead.letter
 Now I assume that this is because there isn't a link for exec in
 /usr/lib/sm.bin yet I can't find the file exec to include.

exec is a bash builtin: try type exec.
 To get it working I simply removed the references to exec in /etc/aliases,
 put a link in /usr/lib/sm.bin for flist and it seems to be working okay.
 Will this get me in trouble?  Is there a way to make it work with the exec
 in /etc/aliases?

If it works, don't change it :-)

[ Maybe I should have removed the exec from the beginning... ]

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1



TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to

IRCD / SmartList / xfishtank available at

1996-08-04 Thread Christoph Lameter
We got some more packages debianized. Here is the current list of unique debian 
packages at
In this directory you will find new packages that are not
yet in the standard debian distribution.

mgetty-0.99-1   Adds PPP autodetect to mgetty.
ppp-2.2.0fx-1   Adds Remote configuration ability for DNS information
for dialin Win95 and WinNT users.
apache-1.1.1-1  Upgraded Apache Package
verse-0.12  Daily Scripture Verses
xfishtank-2.2   Fishtank for X
ircd-2.8.21-1   IRC Server
smartlist-3.10-1 Mailing List Processor. No Perl much faster than Majordomo.

If anyone could help us getting these packages onto

Also we have set up an IRC Server for the LUG in Los Angeles at We 
would be interested in
building an IRC network with other LUGs.