Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-12 Thread Alba Ferri
Yo trabajo con Icinga2.
Cuando llegué al departamento de monitoring, estaban justo empezando la
migracion de nagios a icinga2 y se habian decidido x este último en
particular por las funcionalidades de cluster, distributed-load y high

El mayor problema que tenían con nagios era q cada server q se monitorizaba
se tenia q dar de alta en un nagios y era ese servidor nagios quien se
encargaba de monitorizarlo.

Cuando empezaron a tener problemas de rendimiento (latencias de 300sg para
los checks), se añadió un segundo (y luego un tercer) servidor nagios y
tenias q ser tu quien los distribuyera en uno u otro...

Ahora mismo, con Icinga2, todos los servers q monitorizamos, estan dados de
alta en el master de configutacion (unos 1300 con 22000 servicios) y los
chequeos se reparten equitativamente entre los 4 satelites.

X ej. Server1 tiene 10 servicios y 3 los monitoriza el satelite1, otros 2
el sat2, 3 mas el sat3 y resto sat4...

Si en algun momento necesitasemos mas satelites, tan solo se agregaria esa
maquina y se haria el reparto de checks entre mas.

No se si con Nagios4 tb se puede hacer...creo q no.

Y el rendimiento a nivel recursos en masters y satelites es muy muy bueno!

Supongo q para entornos con.pocas maquinas, nagios ok, pero cuando hablamos
de mas de 200, hay q buscar otra cosa...

@Pablo, echaré un vistazo a shinken, no lo conozco.

Un placer poder hablar de monitorizacion en español!


El 11 nov. 2016 21:12, "Pablo Daniel Estigarribia Davyt" <>

> Hola,
> Estoy trabajando con nagios4, tengo implementado esos permisos con roles
> ansible que puedes encontrarlos en:
>  (acá
> encontrás los roles que estoy preparando, ya en uso en producción desde
> hace mucho pero todavía trabajando en automatizar test con travisci o
> circleci y en actualizar readmes).
> Sobre icigna2 y los fork de nagios me gustaría agregar http://www.shinken-
> Personalmente solo estoy trabajando con nagios4, thruk (web interface),
> pnp4nagios y todo lo que ves en esos roles que están en el repositorio git.
> Pero viendo lo que ofrece shinken y lo que ofrece icigna2, aún no me decido
> pero creo que shinken tiene algunas características mucho más interesantes
> que icigna y nagios; en algún momento pienso empezar a crear un rol y
> empezar a evaluar uno y otro antes de moverme de "fork".
> Todos estos comentarios son OT, pero quería responder porque es algo que
> me interesa.
> Saludos,
> Pablo.
> El vie., 11 nov. 2016 a las 17:04, Erick Ocrospoma (<>)
> escribió:
>> 2016-11-09 13:56 GMT-05:00 Debian Forever <>:
>> Gracias a todos por las respuestas y ayuda.
>> Voy a probarlo y comento resultados en cuanto pueda.
>> Había encontrado esto en el cual preguntaban si se podía ver como solo
>> lectura de todos los host o de algunos específicamente:
>> possible-to-create-view-only-users-and-let-them-view-only-speci
>> Pensé que no se podría al hacer autenticación usando htpasswd.
>> Tengo poca experiencia con Nagios. He montado este por ser popular y
>> tener buenas referencias. Los que habéis montado Icinga 2, realmente
>> merece la pena más que Nagios? Si no recuerdo mal leí que era un fork
>> y, al menos la versión una ya hace bastante tiempo, era muy similar a
>> Nagios. Pero he navegado un poco por su web y parece que le han metido
>> un gran lavado de cara a Icinga 2... Soportando un montón de plugins y
>> compatible con bastantes entornos, tales como Grafana... Muy
>> interesante...
>> Tenéis buenas referencias?
>> ​Icinga es un fork de Nagios. Sin embargo Icinga2 ha sido "modernizado"
>> (
>> ​e​
>> n lo visual y en su arquitectura), Nagios aun sigue en el mundo de hace
>> 10 anios atras.
>> ​
>> Gracias amigos por la ayuda.
>> 2016-11-09 17:52 GMT+01:00 Abraham Rico <>:
>> > Yo también te recomendaría hacer eso con Icinga 2
>> >
>> > El 09/11/2016, a las 9:26 a.m., Alba Ferri <>
>> escribió:
>> >
>> > Hola!
>> >
>> > En nagios no lo se, pero en Icinga2 que es con lo que trabajo, puedes
>> crear
>> > usuarios y darles permisos para que vean grupos de hosts, o services.
>> > Seguro que Nagios 4 también juega con este tipo de variables y
>> asignaciones.
>> >
>> > Googleando un poco...
>> > https://soeasytomakeitwo

Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-11 Thread Pablo Daniel Estigarribia Davyt
Estoy trabajando con nagios4, tengo implementado esos permisos con roles
ansible que puedes encontrarlos en:  (acá
encontrás los roles que estoy preparando, ya en uso en producción desde
hace mucho pero todavía trabajando en automatizar test con travisci o
circleci y en actualizar readmes).

Sobre icigna2 y los fork de nagios me gustaría agregar

Personalmente solo estoy trabajando con nagios4, thruk (web interface),
pnp4nagios y todo lo que ves en esos roles que están en el repositorio git.
Pero viendo lo que ofrece shinken y lo que ofrece icigna2, aún no me decido
pero creo que shinken tiene algunas características mucho más interesantes
que icigna y nagios; en algún momento pienso empezar a crear un rol y
empezar a evaluar uno y otro antes de moverme de "fork".

Todos estos comentarios son OT, pero quería responder porque es algo que me


El vie., 11 nov. 2016 a las 17:04, Erick Ocrospoma (<>)

> 2016-11-09 13:56 GMT-05:00 Debian Forever <>:
> Gracias a todos por las respuestas y ayuda.
> Voy a probarlo y comento resultados en cuanto pueda.
> Había encontrado esto en el cual preguntaban si se podía ver como solo
> lectura de todos los host o de algunos específicamente:
> Pensé que no se podría al hacer autenticación usando htpasswd.
> Tengo poca experiencia con Nagios. He montado este por ser popular y
> tener buenas referencias. Los que habéis montado Icinga 2, realmente
> merece la pena más que Nagios? Si no recuerdo mal leí que era un fork
> y, al menos la versión una ya hace bastante tiempo, era muy similar a
> Nagios. Pero he navegado un poco por su web y parece que le han metido
> un gran lavado de cara a Icinga 2... Soportando un montón de plugins y
> compatible con bastantes entornos, tales como Grafana... Muy
> interesante...
> Tenéis buenas referencias?
> ​Icinga es un fork de Nagios. Sin embargo Icinga2 ha sido "modernizado"
> (
> ​e​
> n lo visual y en su arquitectura), Nagios aun sigue en el mundo de hace
> 10 anios atras.
> ​
> Gracias amigos por la ayuda.
> 2016-11-09 17:52 GMT+01:00 Abraham Rico <>:
> > Yo también te recomendaría hacer eso con Icinga 2
> >
> > El 09/11/2016, a las 9:26 a.m., Alba Ferri <>
> escribió:
> >
> > Hola!
> >
> > En nagios no lo se, pero en Icinga2 que es con lo que trabajo, puedes
> crear
> > usuarios y darles permisos para que vean grupos de hosts, o services.
> > Seguro que Nagios 4 también juega con este tipo de variables y
> asignaciones.
> >
> > Googleando un poco...
> >
> >
> > Slds.
> >
> > El 9 de noviembre de 2016, 16:12, Pablo JIMÉNEZ <>
> > escribió:
> >>
> >> On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:11PM +0100, Debian Forever wrote:
> >> > Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.
> >> >
> >> > Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
> >> > fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
> >> > sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
> >> > las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
> >> > usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
> >> > otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
> >> > servicios de ese host.
> >> >
> >> > No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
> >> > dado unos cuantos voltios a google.
> >> >
> >> > Gracias por adelantado.
> >>
> >> Hola:
> >>
> >> El primer resultado que entrega Google, al buscar por "Nagios User
> >> Profiles":
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Hasta donde tengo entendido, Icinga también permite lo que necesitas.
> >>
> >> Saludos.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Pablo Jiménez
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> Erick.
> ---
> IRC :   zerick
> Blog:
> About :
> Linux User ID :  549567

Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-11 Thread Erick Ocrospoma
2016-11-09 13:56 GMT-05:00 Debian Forever <>:

> Gracias a todos por las respuestas y ayuda.
> Voy a probarlo y comento resultados en cuanto pueda.
> Había encontrado esto en el cual preguntaban si se podía ver como solo
> lectura de todos los host o de algunos específicamente:
> possible-to-create-view-only-users-and-let-them-view-only-speci
> Pensé que no se podría al hacer autenticación usando htpasswd.
> Tengo poca experiencia con Nagios. He montado este por ser popular y
> tener buenas referencias. Los que habéis montado Icinga 2, realmente
> merece la pena más que Nagios? Si no recuerdo mal leí que era un fork
> y, al menos la versión una ya hace bastante tiempo, era muy similar a
> Nagios. Pero he navegado un poco por su web y parece que le han metido
> un gran lavado de cara a Icinga 2... Soportando un montón de plugins y
> compatible con bastantes entornos, tales como Grafana... Muy
> interesante...
> Tenéis buenas referencias?

​Icinga es un fork de Nagios. Sin embargo Icinga2 ha sido "modernizado"
n lo visual y en su arquitectura), Nagios aun sigue en el mundo de hace 10
anios atras.

> Gracias amigos por la ayuda.
> 2016-11-09 17:52 GMT+01:00 Abraham Rico <>:
> > Yo también te recomendaría hacer eso con Icinga 2
> >
> > El 09/11/2016, a las 9:26 a.m., Alba Ferri <>
> escribió:
> >
> > Hola!
> >
> > En nagios no lo se, pero en Icinga2 que es con lo que trabajo, puedes
> crear
> > usuarios y darles permisos para que vean grupos de hosts, o services.
> > Seguro que Nagios 4 también juega con este tipo de variables y
> asignaciones.
> >
> > Googleando un poco...
> >
> an-user-access-to-nagios-web-interface/
> >
> > Slds.
> >
> > El 9 de noviembre de 2016, 16:12, Pablo JIMÉNEZ <>
> > escribió:
> >>
> >> On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:11PM +0100, Debian Forever wrote:
> >> > Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.
> >> >
> >> > Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
> >> > fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
> >> > sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
> >> > las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
> >> > usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
> >> > otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
> >> > servicios de ese host.
> >> >
> >> > No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
> >> > dado unos cuantos voltios a google.
> >> >
> >> > Gracias por adelantado.
> >>
> >> Hola:
> >>
> >> El primer resultado que entrega Google, al buscar por "Nagios User
> >> Profiles":
> >>
> >>
> >>
> view-specific-host-and-services/
> >>
> >> Hasta donde tengo entendido, Icinga también permite lo que necesitas.
> >>
> >> Saludos.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Pablo Jiménez
> >>
> >
> >



IRC :   zerick
About :
Linux User ID :  549567

Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-09 Thread Debian Forever
Gracias a todos por las respuestas y ayuda.

Voy a probarlo y comento resultados en cuanto pueda.

Había encontrado esto en el cual preguntaban si se podía ver como solo
lectura de todos los host o de algunos específicamente:

Pensé que no se podría al hacer autenticación usando htpasswd.

Tengo poca experiencia con Nagios. He montado este por ser popular y
tener buenas referencias. Los que habéis montado Icinga 2, realmente
merece la pena más que Nagios? Si no recuerdo mal leí que era un fork
y, al menos la versión una ya hace bastante tiempo, era muy similar a
Nagios. Pero he navegado un poco por su web y parece que le han metido
un gran lavado de cara a Icinga 2... Soportando un montón de plugins y
compatible con bastantes entornos, tales como Grafana... Muy

Tenéis buenas referencias?

Gracias amigos por la ayuda.

2016-11-09 17:52 GMT+01:00 Abraham Rico <>:
> Yo también te recomendaría hacer eso con Icinga 2
> El 09/11/2016, a las 9:26 a.m., Alba Ferri <> escribió:
> Hola!
> En nagios no lo se, pero en Icinga2 que es con lo que trabajo, puedes crear
> usuarios y darles permisos para que vean grupos de hosts, o services.
> Seguro que Nagios 4 también juega con este tipo de variables y asignaciones.
> Googleando un poco...
> Slds.
> El 9 de noviembre de 2016, 16:12, Pablo JIMÉNEZ <>
> escribió:
>> On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:11PM +0100, Debian Forever wrote:
>> > Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.
>> >
>> > Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
>> > fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
>> > sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
>> > las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
>> > usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
>> > otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
>> > servicios de ese host.
>> >
>> > No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
>> > dado unos cuantos voltios a google.
>> >
>> > Gracias por adelantado.
>> Hola:
>> El primer resultado que entrega Google, al buscar por "Nagios User
>> Profiles":
>> Hasta donde tengo entendido, Icinga también permite lo que necesitas.
>> Saludos.
>> --
>> Pablo Jiménez

Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-09 Thread Abraham Rico
Yo también te recomendaría hacer eso con Icinga 2 
> El 09/11/2016, a las 9:26 a.m., Alba Ferri <> escribió:
> Hola!
> En nagios no lo se, pero en Icinga2 que es con lo que trabajo, puedes crear 
> usuarios y darles permisos para que vean grupos de hosts, o services.
> Seguro que Nagios 4 también juega con este tipo de variables y asignaciones.
> Googleando un poco...
> <>
> Slds.
> El 9 de noviembre de 2016, 16:12, Pablo JIMÉNEZ < 
> <>> escribió:
> On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:11PM +0100, Debian Forever wrote:
> > Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.
> >
> > Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
> > fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
> > sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
> > las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
> > usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
> > otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
> > servicios de ese host.
> >
> > No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
> > dado unos cuantos voltios a google.
> >
> > Gracias por adelantado.
> Hola:
> El primer resultado que entrega Google, al buscar por "Nagios User
> Profiles":
> <>
> Hasta donde tengo entendido, Icinga también permite lo que necesitas.
> Saludos.
> --
> Pablo Jiménez

Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-09 Thread Alba Ferri

En nagios no lo se, pero en Icinga2 que es con lo que trabajo, puedes crear
usuarios y darles permisos para que vean grupos de hosts, o services.
Seguro que Nagios 4 también juega con este tipo de variables y asignaciones.

Googleando un poco...


El 9 de noviembre de 2016, 16:12, Pablo JIMÉNEZ <>

> On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:11PM +0100, Debian Forever wrote:
> > Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.
> >
> > Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
> > fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
> > sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
> > las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
> > usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
> > otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
> > servicios de ese host.
> >
> > No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
> > dado unos cuantos voltios a google.
> >
> > Gracias por adelantado.
> Hola:
> El primer resultado que entrega Google, al buscar por "Nagios User
> Profiles":
> view-specific-host-and-services/
> Hasta donde tengo entendido, Icinga también permite lo que necesitas.
> Saludos.
> --
> Pablo Jiménez

Re: Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-09 Thread Pablo JIMÉNEZ
On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:11PM +0100, Debian Forever wrote:
> Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.
> Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
> fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
> sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
> las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
> usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
> otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
> servicios de ese host.
> No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
> dado unos cuantos voltios a google.
> Gracias por adelantado.


El primer resultado que entrega Google, al buscar por "Nagios User 

Hasta donde tengo entendido, Icinga también permite lo que necesitas.


Pablo Jiménez

Nagios CGI Web interface

2016-11-09 Thread Debian Forever
Hola listeros buen dia, qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis bien.

Tengo una pequeña duda que me surge en la instalación desde las
fuentes de un Nagios 4 en debian. El caso es que lo que quiero, que no
sé si se puede, es tener diferentes usuarios a la hora de entrar en
las alertas via web de Nagios, quiero tener por ejemplo 2 usuarios, un
usuario que pueda ver todos los host y servicios de Nagios via web y
otro usuario que solo pueda ver un host y sus correspondientes
servicios de ese host.

No sé si esto es posible ya que, antes de preguntaros a vosotrs, le he
dado unos cuantos voltios a google.

Gracias por adelantado.

Re: Web interface om users aan te maken

2016-04-07 Thread mj

Hoi Paul,

Wij hebben altijd LAM gebruikt, voordat we overstapten op samba4/AD met 

Maar LAM is wel ldap-centriek, en daar vroeg je niet specifiek naar, dat 
realiseer ik me.


On 04/07/2016 02:01 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:


Ik ben op zoek naar een simpel webinterface om users aan te maken en lid
te maken van groepen. Ook moet te zien zijn welke user lid is van welke

Het zou heel mooi zijn als het interface op de achtergrond scripts
aanroept, die ik kan aanpassen. Omdat ik daarin LDAP commando's kan
geven, lijkt het me niet perse nodig dat het interface LDAP kan.

Mocht dit er niet zijn, dan ben ik eventueel ook geïnteresseerd in
mensen die dit voor me zouden willen maken. En het liefst ook in Debian

Met vriendelijke groet,
Paul van der Vlis.

Re: Web interface om users aan te maken

2016-04-07 Thread VinceW

Met vriendelijke groet,

V.G. (Vince) Willems

View my profile  06
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Hallo Paul,

Misschien is Webmin[1] iets voor je.

Webmin is beschikbaar als debian package.

van de webmin website:
"Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS,
file sharing and much more."

een uitgebreidere documentatie is beschikbaar in de wiki [2]

[1] website webmin:
[2] wiki:
Vince Willems

On 04/07/2016 02:01 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hallo,
> Ik ben op zoek naar een simpel webinterface om users aan te maken en lid
> te maken van groepen. Ook moet te zien zijn welke user lid is van welke
> groep.
> Het zou heel mooi zijn als het interface op de achtergrond scripts
> aanroept, die ik kan aanpassen. Omdat ik daarin LDAP commando's kan
> geven, lijkt het me niet perse nodig dat het interface LDAP kan.
> Mocht dit er niet zijn, dan ben ik eventueel ook geïnteresseerd in
> mensen die dit voor me zouden willen maken. En het liefst ook in Debian
> packagen.
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Paul van der Vlis.

Web interface om users aan te maken

2016-04-07 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Ik ben op zoek naar een simpel webinterface om users aan te maken en lid
te maken van groepen. Ook moet te zien zijn welke user lid is van welke

Het zou heel mooi zijn als het interface op de achtergrond scripts
aanroept, die ik kan aanpassen. Omdat ik daarin LDAP commando's kan
geven, lijkt het me niet perse nodig dat het interface LDAP kan.

Mocht dit er niet zijn, dan ben ik eventueel ook geïnteresseerd in
mensen die dit voor me zouden willen maken. En het liefst ook in Debian

Met vriendelijke groet,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

transmission-daemon web interface, needed fonts for upload and download chars ??

2013-12-08 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Started downloading wikipedia-en for full offline (icluding images,
~100GiB), as seen on slashdot recently (and see the homepage, and using transmission-daemon
bittorrent client to download the torrents.

When I log in to my transmission-daemon web page, the status of each
download looks something like this:

Downloading from 1 of 15 peers - darr; 377 kB/s uarr; 0 kB/s

Notice the darr; for example.

I am using iceweasel on sid as client for viewing my transmission
status/admin page, and tunneling through to my server which is doing
the download and running wheezy (and transmission-daemon of course).

Is there some special symbol font or something I need to install?


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Re: transmission-daemon web interface, needed fonts for upload and download chars ??

2013-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 dec 13, 22:09:49, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Started downloading wikipedia-en for full offline (icluding images,
 ~100GiB), as seen on slashdot recently (and see the homepage, and using transmission-daemon
 bittorrent client to download the torrents.
 When I log in to my transmission-daemon web page, the status of each
 download looks something like this:
 Downloading from 1 of 15 peers - darr; 377 kB/s uarr; 0 kB/s
 Notice the darr; for example.
 I am using iceweasel on sid as client for viewing my transmission
 status/admin page, and tunneling through to my server which is doing
 the download and running wheezy (and transmission-daemon of course).
 Is there some special symbol font or something I need to install?

Kind regards,
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Re: transmission-daemon web interface, needed fonts for upload and download chars ??

2013-12-08 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 12/8/13, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 08 dec 13, 22:09:49, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 When I log in to my transmission-daemon web page, the status of each
 download looks something like this:

 Downloading from 1 of 15 peers - darr; 377 kB/s uarr; 0 kB/s

 Is there some special symbol font or something I need to install?

Applied. Fixed. Thanks.

Any idea what ought be my expectation for a normal trickle-down of
this into debian-stable (ie, just by waiting for the devs)?

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Re: transmission-daemon web interface, needed fonts for upload and download chars ??

2013-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 dec 13, 23:23:36, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Any idea what ought be my expectation for a normal trickle-down of
 this into debian-stable (ie, just by waiting for the devs)?

Since this is a minor issue the chances are very small. Even if the 
version in stable has a serious bug or a security issue the policy when 
fixing such bugs is to keep the changes at a minimum to minimize risks 
of regressions.

If you're lucky and the new features are worth it somebody might 
backport the version from testing though, so you would get this bug 
fixed as a side effect. Speaking of which, you might be interested in 
doing the backport yourself.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Can't login into phpldapadmin web interface

2013-01-19 Thread Csanyi Pal

I just installed slapd, ldap-utils and phpldapadmin on to my Debian
GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy) system.

I run
sudo slaptest -v
config file testing succeeded

However, I can't run say the command:
sudo ldapmodify
SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started
Please enter your password: I enter here the password that I give when I
installed slapd
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credentials (49)
additional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database

When I'm trying to login on my phpldapadmin web interface:

I enter here the password that I give when I
installed slapd

I get error messages:
Unable to connect to LDAP server My LDAP Server
Hiba: Invalid credentials (49) for user
error   Failed to Authenticate to server
Invalid Username or Password.

Well, installing and the configuration of the LDAP for a new user isn't
so easy. 

What is the problem here and how can I solve it?

Regards from Pal

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any good xen web interface?

2012-06-26 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis

i want to know if there's an active open source xen web interface that
is easy to use that includes:

- VM creation, editing  anything related
- storage management
- cluster configuration (optional)


Umarzuki Mochlis

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Mailscanner's quarantine web interface.

2009-03-27 Thread Marc Aymerich

Is there any web interface for mailscanners quarantine?, I want the
users to be able to check/release their quarantine mails, I know
mailwatch can release quarantine mail, by this is done by the admin.

Another solution would be to move infected mails to a quarantine
folder in users home, but I have no idea on how to achieve this.



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Controlling mplayer via web interface

2007-01-02 Thread Sebastian Helms

I am using debian sarge (3.1_r2) with a 2.6.19 kernel from On this, I run a selfcompiled DirectFB 1.0.0-rc2 with
MPlayer SVN rev. 21804.

Playing all kinds of videos works quite well, watching them via the
dual head tv-out of my Matrox G450 is just fine.

Because my PC doesn't have a monitor or keyboard attached, I want to
control the mplayer via a web interface as follows:

A perl program runs in the background and starts up mplayer in a
pipe. Accepting telnet connections, it can forward given commands
via the pipe to mplayer.

Before my update vom woody 3.0, this worked well. Now, when I start
the perl program, the mplayer seems getting a SIGHUP from a process
which I can't identify (PID is new, uid is mine).

Running mplayer with the same arguments (as root or as me) works

The perl script is located at

Anyone here with ideas? I thought I knew perl basically, but it
seems not basically enough ..



Every man dies.
Not every man really lives.

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Re: Controlling mplayer via web interface

2007-01-02 Thread Sebastian Helms

* I wrote on Jan 02, 2007:

 The perl script is located at

I overlooked the perl features of my webspace server... 

new URL is



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Re: Web interface to view iptables logs

2006-09-13 Thread Kim Christensen
* Alejandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-09-12 16:51:43 -0300]:

 Dear all, I have a Debian with iptables. At this moment, iptables logs
 are put in syslog.
 I want a package that let me see the iptables logs in a web interface,
 using either syslog or ulog, in order to analize the firewall behaviour.
 Can you tell me how I can do this  What package/tarball can I
 download and use ??

I'm using the technique described here on a couple of my servers and it
works like a charm:

Yeah, it's the gentoo wiki but the idea sure works cross-distro :-)

Kim Christensen
I am Jack's broken heart.

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Web interface to view iptables logs

2006-09-12 Thread Alejandro
Dear all, I have a Debian with iptables. At this moment, iptables logs
are put in syslog.
I want a package that let me see the iptables logs in a web interface,
using either syslog or ulog, in order to analize the firewall behaviour.

Can you tell me how I can do this  What package/tarball can I
download and use ???

Thanks a lot,


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Re: CUPS web interface unaccessible

2006-05-23 Thread Paul Dwerryhouse
On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 02:52:34PM -0700, Ali Jawad wrote:
Whenever I try to access CUPS webinterface I get the error resource
unaccessible...although...apache is running fine ..and the ports are

CUPS doesn't use apache, it uses cupsd.  What does netstat show you?

$ netstat -lnt | grep 631
tcp0  0* LISTEN 

Are you trying to connect to it from a different machine? By default, it
only binds to the loopback address, which will make it inaccessible from
outside. This can be altered in /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf.



Paul Dwerryhouse| PGP Key ID: 0x6B91B584

Using Linux's ethernet bridge support:

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Re: CUPS web interface unaccessible

2006-05-23 Thread Magnus Therning
On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 03:33:44PM -0700, Robert Kopp wrote:

--- Ali Jawad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whenever I try to access CUPS webinterface I get the
 error resource
 unaccessible...although...apache is running fine
 ..and the ports are open
CUPS uses a different daemon. It might not be enabled
by default--I don't remember.

CUPS has its own daemon for the web configuration part. Point your web
browser to localhost:631. If that doesn't work then you need to
configure your CUPS server to allow web configuration. You can use
netstat to see what ports are open:

 # netstat -ltap

The CUPS web site has good documentation for all of this and more:


Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
by patent law on written works.


Description: PGP signature

CUPS web interface unaccessible

2006-05-22 Thread Ali Jawad
Whenever I try to access CUPS webinterface I get the error resource
unaccessible...although...apache is running fine ..and the ports are

Re: CUPS web interface unaccessible

2006-05-22 Thread Robert Kopp

--- Ali Jawad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whenever I try to access CUPS webinterface I get the
 error resource
 unaccessible...although...apache is running fine
 ..and the ports are open
CUPS uses a different daemon. It might not be enabled
by default--I don't remember.

Robert Tim Kopp

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Re: Graphisches/Web- Interface fuer Mailing-Listen gesucht

2004-06-17 Thread Heiko Schlittermann
Du suchst mailman.


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Re: Graphisches/Web- Interface fuer Mailing-Listen gesucht

2004-06-17 Thread Heiko Heil
Hallo Ralf,

* Ralf Deifel [EMAIL PROTECTED] [17.06.2004 11:46]:
 ich suche fuer einen Kunden eine Moeglichkeit die aktuell eingetragenen
 Benutzer einer oder mehrere Mailing-Listen anzuzeigen und optional, kein
 Feature das sein muss, diese zu administrieren (entfernen und hinzufuegen
 von Usern, mehr nicht).

Schau' Dir mal mailman[1] an.

Gruß Heiko


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Graphisches/Web- Interface fuer Mailing-Listen gesucht

2004-06-17 Thread Ralf Deifel

ich suche fuer einen Kunden eine Moeglichkeit die aktuell eingetragenen
Benutzer einer oder mehrere Mailing-Listen anzuzeigen und optional, kein
Feature das sein muss, diese zu administrieren (entfernen und hinzufuegen
von Usern, mehr nicht). Das sollte natuerlich uebers Web funktionieren.

Da die Listen neu aufgesetzt wuerden waere es egal welche Software die
Listen verwaltet, ob Majordomo oder was anderes ist egal.

Kennt jemand sowas und hat Erfahrung damit? Bislang haben wir die Listen
direkt, also via Senmail-config und aliases verwaltet, da fuer majordomo zu
komplex. Nun aber werden die Listen vereinfacht um mehr Transparenz zu
erhalten, da diverse Karteileichen im alten System immer zu Problemen
gefuehrt haben.

Fuer jeden Tip dankbar,

Read ya,


Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

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mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Graphisches/Web- Interface fuer Mailing-Listen gesucht

2004-06-17 Thread Christian Schmidt
Hallo Ralf,

Ralf Deifel, 17.06.2004 (d.m.y):

 ich suche fuer einen Kunden eine Moeglichkeit die aktuell eingetragenen
 Benutzer einer oder mehrere Mailing-Listen anzuzeigen und optional, kein
 Feature das sein muss, diese zu administrieren (entfernen und hinzufuegen
 von Usern, mehr nicht). Das sollte natuerlich uebers Web funktionieren.

Du suchst die Software mailman aus dem GNU-Regal.

Einmal im Monat ist meine Frau freundlich zu mir.
Sie sagt dann Herr und Sie zu mir.
Her mit dem Geld; sieh zu, daß du mehr verdienst

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Re: Graphisches/Web- Interface fuer Mailing-Listen gesucht

2004-06-17 Thread Ralf Deifel

danke Heiko und Heiko :-)

Heiko Heil [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 Schau' Dir mal mailman[1] an.

 Gruß Heiko

Ich schaus mir mal an :-)

Read ya,


Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

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Re: A web interface for apt-get upgrade

2003-11-26 Thread Randy Orrison
Mark Roach wrote:
On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 01:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a few machines running woody, each running slightly different
package sets. Now to upgrade them I have to ssh into each of them and
do the update/upgrade cycle. I do not want to put this in cron.
how about putting:
apt-get update -qq  \
apt-get upgrade -s | grep ^Inst | mail -e -s hostname [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in cron?
Look into the package cron-apt.  It basically does
apt-get update  \
 apt-get --download-only --yes dist-upgrade
and emails the results to whatever address you want.
Also the following lines in /etc/apt/apt.conf are useful:
  // always list packages to be upgraded
  APT::Get::Show-Upgraded true;
This still leaves you with having to ssh into each machine and run 
apt-get dist-upgrade manually, but it will tell you when it needs to be 
done, and the packages will already be downloaded ready to install.


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Re: A web interface for apt-get upgrade

2003-11-25 Thread Mark Roach
On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 01:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a few machines running woody, each running slightly different
 package sets. Now to upgrade them I have to ssh into each of them and
 do the update/upgrade cycle. I do not want to put this in cron. Now is
 their an application which can show in a neat web interface a list of
 all machines and if the machine is updated or the list of packages to
 be updated.
 If such a package is not existing any tips on writing it? Does apt can
 send the list of files to be updated in an xml (?) format to another

how about putting:
apt-get update -qq  \
apt-get upgrade -s | grep ^Inst | mail -e -s hostname [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in cron? It's not web-based, but seems pretty easy to me. You could, of
course run apache and instead of piping to mail output to
/var/www/updates.txt, mail seems simpler to me though.
Mark Roach

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A web interface for apt-get upgrade

2003-11-20 Thread rajkumars

I have a few machines running woody, each running slightly different package sets. Now 
to upgrade them I have to ssh into each of them and do the update/upgrade cycle. I do 
not want to put this in cron. Now is their an application which can show in a neat web 
interface a list of all machines and if the machine is updated or the list of packages 
to be updated.

If such a package is not existing any tips on writing it? Does apt can send the list 
of files to be updated in an xml (?) format to another server? 


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Re: Debian Woody Sendmail/IPOPD question (web interface)

2003-10-28 Thread griffisb

 Date: 2003/10/28 Tue PM 12:08:27 EST
 Subject: Debian Woody Sendmail/IPOPD question
 Hey all,
I am running Debian Stable and trying to set up a sendmail/ipopd server. The box 
 itself is configured, and I can sussesfully send and receive e-mail from the server 
 using mutt. 

   Next question: while I prefer people to use POP/SMTP clients to cut down on volume 
on the server itself - is there a VERY SIMPLE web interface that works with Sendmail 
and is part of the Debian Stable package set?

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Re: Debian Woody Sendmail/IPOPD question (web interface)

2003-10-28 Thread John Patrick Dough

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: 2003/10/28 Tue PM 12:08:27 EST
  Subject: Debian Woody Sendmail/IPOPD question
  Hey all,
 I am running Debian Stable and trying to set up
 a sendmail/ipopd server. The box itself is
 configured, and I can sussesfully send and receive
 e-mail from the server using mutt. 
Next question: while I prefer people to use
 POP/SMTP clients to cut down on volume on the server
 itself - is there a VERY SIMPLE web interface that
 works with Sendmail and is part of the Debian Stable
 package set?

Try Squirrelmail ( I use it in
unstable but it should be available in stable too.


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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Travis Crump
Paul Johnson wrote:
On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 02:40:44AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah. reportbug isn't bad, but it requires a mail server (or a mail account).

Well, considering so many other things require an MTA (cron, anacron,
at, most MUAs), and exim is part of the base system, why don't you
have one properly configured and installed?
Because there is a bug in exim... ;)[hypothetically]

Description: PGP signature

Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Alex Malinovich
On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 00:38, Paul Johnson wrote:
 You want obscure?  Go look at Microsoft's BTS.

Microsoft HAS a BTS?! Where?! (Or do they call it a feature tracking
system? :)
Alex Malinovich
Support Free Software, delete your Windows partition TODAY!
Encrypted mail preferred. You can get my public key from any of the keyservers. Key ID: A6D24837

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread aradorlinux
El Sat, 2 Aug 2003 22:38:03 -0700 Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Well, considering so many other things require an MTA (cron, anacron,
 at, most MUAs), and exim is part of the base system, why don't you
 have one properly configured and installed?

Because i don't need to do it. The sylpheed package allows
me to live whitout it, i've 3 mail accounts not 3000 (if people like to waste
their time configuring exim for 3 accounts is their option).
Even more, it's been uninstalled, so I'm free of exim security bugs.

And well, i wonder what people will do when they find a bug in exim.

 No, because then we'll get people who really don't have enough
 expertise to file a usable bug report reporting bugs.  See also:

So close the bugs. reportbug doesn't stop people from doing that.

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread aradorlinux
El Sun, 3 Aug 2003 04:42:49 +0100 Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 It's on the wishlist


 No, this is vanishingly unlikely.

Sure, i don't say i like bugzilla; but currently it allows doing some things
the BTS can't do. 

Thanks for the job you're doing at the BTS!

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Paul Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 04:06:23AM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 00:38, Paul Johnson wrote:
  You want obscure?  Go look at Microsoft's BTS.
 Microsoft HAS a BTS?! Where?! (Or do they call it a feature tracking
 system? :)

Program dies horrably, program sends data back to Microsoft.  No
public list of known bugs, even though we all know they have the data.

- -- 
 .''`. Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Colin Watson
On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 04:44:19PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 El Sun, 3 Aug 2003 04:42:49 +0100 Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi?:
  No, this is vanishingly unlikely.
 Sure, i don't say i like bugzilla; but currently it allows doing some things
 the BTS can't do. 

However, it would require an awful lot of customization to provide the
interfaces and facilities currently provided by debbugs. We've put a lot
of effort over the years into giving debbugs the features that Debian
needs, and while Bugzilla may have some features we lack it also lacks
some features we have. (To name but a few: good mail submission and
control interfaces designed for people who use mail a lot, like most
Debian developers; integration with other Debian systems like the
archive maintenance software; non-bizarre handling of merged bugs;
non-trivial experience of it on the existing BTS maintenance team. :-))

Upending the bug tracking system to install it and configure it
appropriately would be an insane amount of busy-work which is probably
better spent in improving the system we've got.

 Thanks for the job you're doing at the BTS!

You're welcome.



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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Greg Folkert
On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 05:06, Alex Malinovich wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 00:38, Paul Johnson wrote:
  You want obscure?  Go look at Microsoft's BTS.
 Microsoft HAS a BTS?! Where?! (Or do they call it a feature tracking
 system? :)

Yeah, it's called Feature Enhancement Request/Reporting System. As we
all know, MicroShizzle is never satisfied with a small feature
accidentally being discovered... ALWAYS has to be a BLOCKBUSTER.


Bleed me! My memory is fried with your pork!

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
 Yeah. reportbug isn't bad, but it requires a mail server (or a mail account).
 Web interface should be an option, at least IMHO.

The problem with a web interface is that it does not let the debian
developer respond to the bug subbmiter. If you file a bug and cannot be
contacted with requests for clarification, more information, or possible
fixes for the bug, you're not upholding your end of the bargain and risk
having your bug report closed out of hand when the maintainer cannot
reproduce it.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Joey Hess
Travis Crump wrote:
 Because there is a bug in exim... ;)[hypothetically]

If you have a bug in your MTA, there are a number of free web-based
email systems out there you can file your bug report from, and receive
emails from the package maintainer at. They all suck of course, but this
is really your best option if you don't have some other system to send
mail from.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-03 Thread Anil Gupte
Hi all!  I am newbie to Linux, and decide to throw my lot in with Debian.  I
always learned by asking questions, so I hope you won't mind newbie
questions here.  Otherwise let me know if there is any other list I should
go to.

Anil Gupte

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web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Diego Calleja Garca
AFAIK, the bug database doesn't have a web interface to submit bugs
(which would be cool)

Is there any plan to extend the bug tracking system?

What about migrating it to something like bugzilla?
( has it and seems to work pretty well)

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Alex Malinovich
On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 16:05, Diego Calleja Garca wrote:
 AFAIK, the bug database doesn't have a web interface to submit bugs
 (which would be cool)
 Is there any plan to extend the bug tracking system?
 What about migrating it to something like bugzilla?
 ( has it and seems to work pretty well)

Personally I find reportbug plenty easy enough. Though for a web
interface, I'd think it would be quite easy to write a web front-end for
reportbug. Then again, it would be about as easy to write a web
front-end from scratch as well. :)

As for bugzilla, I for one would be opposed to it. I actually think that
bugzilla is a bit TOO full-featured for its own good. I like to go by
the KISS principle. (Keep It Simple, Stupid :)

Alex Malinovich
Support Free Software, delete your Windows partition TODAY!
Encrypted mail preferred. You can get my public key from any of the keyservers. Key ID: A6D24837

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Jamin W. Collins
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 05:48:45PM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:

 Personally I find reportbug plenty easy enough. Though for a web
 interface, I'd think it would be quite easy to write a web front-end
 for reportbug. Then again, it would be about as easy to write a web
 front-end from scratch as well. :)

Both would lack the dependancy gathering that reportbug has.  Granted
this dependancy gathering is only done if the system that reportbug is
run on actually has the package to which a bug is being reported
installed, but it's still a very nice feature.

 As for bugzilla, I for one would be opposed to it. I actually think
 that bugzilla is a bit TOO full-featured for its own good. I like to
 go by the KISS principle. (Keep It Simple, Stupid :)

I avoid any BTS based on bugzilla if at all possible.  They seem to have
taken the include everything approach and as a result over optioned
their BTS by quite a ways.

Jamin W. Collins

Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question. - Neo

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread aradorlinux
El 02 Aug 2003 17:48:45 -0500 Alex Malinovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Personally I find reportbug plenty easy enough. Though for a web
 interface, I'd think it would be quite easy to write a web front-end for
 reportbug. Then again, it would be about as easy to write a web
 front-end from scratch as well. :)

Yeah. reportbug isn't bad, but it requires a mail server (or a mail account).
Web interface should be an option, at least IMHO.

I like the KISS principle, too (bugzilla is full featured, no doubt in that)
but it has some nice things ie: new bugs reported today (if the debian system
can do this i don't know how to do it due to the bad interface)

also, bugzilla makes contributions easier: It's damn easy to read the bugs
reported to day, and try to fix one if you're not a developer. Much easier
than sending requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The current system is good, but it's a bit obscure and at least it needs
a bit of work to be usable for everybody.

I think this is important because isn't allowing to use the full potential
of all the users - I want to help to fix simple bugs, or add comments, or
experiences or - and that means faster stabilizations, etc.

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread aradorlinux
El Sun, 3 Aug 2003 02:40:44 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

[I'm also the [EMAIL PROTECTED] guy; BTW. Trying to avoid antispam systems for
my ISP]

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Marc Wilson
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 11:05:12PM +0200, Diego Calleja García wrote:
 AFAIK, the bug database doesn't have a web interface to submit bugs
 (which would be cool)


 Is there any plan to extend the bug tracking system?

More than likely, in useful ways.
 What about migrating it to something like bugzilla?
 ( has it and seems to work pretty well)

Well, we now have a bug system that works, why would you want to use junk
like bugzilla?  I'd have to say that at least from a user perspective,
being a person who's filed bugs in both systems, that the Debian way is far

Somehow, Gentoo using something isn't much of a ringing endorsement.

 Marc Wilson | There's nothing very mysterious about you, except
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | that nobody really knows your origin, purpose,
 | or destination.

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Colin Watson
On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 11:05:12PM +0200, Diego Calleja Garc?a wrote:
 AFAIK, the bug database doesn't have a web interface to submit bugs
 (which would be cool)
 Is there any plan to extend the bug tracking system?

It's on the wishlist, but pretty much at the bottom of our priority
list. Use reportbug.

 What about migrating it to something like bugzilla?

No, this is vanishingly unlikely.


Colin Watson (Debian BTS administrator)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Paul Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 11:05:12PM +0200, Diego Calleja Garc?a wrote:
 AFAIK, the bug database doesn't have a web interface to submit bugs
 (which would be cool)
 Is there any plan to extend the bug tracking system?

No, because reportbug exists for a reason.

- -- 
 .''`. Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
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Re: web interface to submit bugs

2003-08-02 Thread Paul Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 02:40:44AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah. reportbug isn't bad, but it requires a mail server (or a mail account).

Well, considering so many other things require an MTA (cron, anacron,
at, most MUAs), and exim is part of the base system, why don't you
have one properly configured and installed?

 Web interface should be an option, at least IMHO.

No, because then we'll get people who really don't have enough
expertise to file a usable bug report reporting bugs.  See also:

 also, bugzilla makes contributions easier: It's damn easy to read the bugs
 reported to day, and try to fix one if you're not a developer. Much easier
 than sending requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not really.  The only intuitive interface is the nipple.  Everything
after that is learned.

 The current system is good, but it's a bit obscure and at least it needs
 a bit of work to be usable for everybody.

You want obscure?  Go look at Microsoft's BTS.

- -- 
 .''`. Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread Lance Peterson
Does anyone know of some good resources I can read to learn how to create
a simple web interface that will allow me to change settings in configuration
files on my Debian system?

I checked out Webmin, but I would like to write my own simple interface
specifically for my needs.  Any help or referrals to info would be appreciated
since I don't even know where to begin

Lance Peterson

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Re: Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread dman
On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 10:54:12AM -0500, Lance Peterson wrote:
| Does anyone know of some good resources I can read to learn how to create
| a simple web interface that will allow me to change settings in configuration
| files on my Debian system?

If you generalize from a web interface to a remote interface then
ssh is the best.  When you ssh into your box it is just as if you are
sitting at the console.  You can then use vim or whatever your
favorite tools are to do anything with your system.  As long as you
have an X server running on your client box you can even run all X

Just a suggestion ...


Re: Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread Lance Peterson
I use and love ssh.  But that's not what I'm wanting to accomplish. 
Still need to figure out how to write a simple web interface like Webmin,
but on a MUCH smaller scale.  There has to be a how to update config
files using a browser document somewhere...I sure haven't found it.

 dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 10:54:12AM -0500, Lance Peterson wrote:
 | Does anyone know of some good resources I can read to learn how to
 | a simple web interface that will allow me to change settings in 
 | files on my Debian system?
 If you generalize from a web interface to a remote interface then
 ssh is the best.  When you ssh into your box it is just as if you are
 sitting at the console.  You can then use vim or whatever your
 favorite tools are to do anything with your system.  As long as you
 have an X server running on your client box you can even run all X
 Just a suggestion ...
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Re: Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 11:59:28AM -0500, Lance Peterson wrote:
 I use and love ssh.  But that's not what I'm wanting to accomplish. 
 Still need to figure out how to write a simple web interface like Webmin,
 but on a MUCH smaller scale.  There has to be a how to update config
 files using a browser document somewhere...I sure haven't found it.

Given the range of variation in config file formats (never mind the
contents), I doubt that any such document exists.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
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Re: Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
Try Webmin.  (Web Administration)

 Lance Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/15/01 10:54AM 
Does anyone know of some good resources I can read to learn how to create
a simple web interface that will allow me to change settings in configuration
files on my Debian system?

I checked out Webmin, but I would like to write my own simple interface
specifically for my needs.  Any help or referrals to info would be appreciated
since I don't even know where to begin

Lance Peterson

FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
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Re: Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread Alan Shutko
Lance Hoffmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I checked out Webmin, but I would like to write my own simple
 interface specifically for my needs.  Any help or referrals to info
 would be appreciated since I don't even know where to begin

First, learn CGI, JSP, or similar technologies

Alan Shutko [EMAIL PROTECTED] - In a variety of flavors!
If God had intended Man to Walk, He would have given him Feet.

Re: Ceating Web interface for Debian?

2001-08-15 Thread stevencooper
On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 05:49:41PM -0400, Alan Shutko wrote:
 Lance Hoffmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 First, learn CGI, JSP, or similar technologies

I would also consider using Python with mod_python, assuming you have
an Apache server.  Python is a great languange for munging text config
files.  And also performs CGI-like services well.



  \_O  \_O  \_O
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Web interface for spice

2000-08-30 Thread Suresh Kumar. R
Dear fellow debians,

Kindly excuse me if this posting was completely in a wrong list. 

A group of students of my university is interested developing a web
interface for the berkeley spice program which has been ported to 
linux by someone. The advantage of having such an interface is that
it would help everybody with a browser to use the linux version of spice
which is all powerful with no limitations  of number of devices unlike
the popular microsim spice eval versions which work under MS. The 
professional versions of spice with no model limitations costs  huge money.

We would like to know whether you have done some work in this area/you 
know of someone who have done something in this area.

Thanking you,

With regards,

Suresh Kumar.R,   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Electronics  Communication
College of Engineering, Trivandrum - 695 016, INDIA
Phone: (O) 91 471 414634/418379, (R) 91 471 443496

- End forwarded message -

Suresh Kumar.R,   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Electronics  Communication
College of Engineering, Trivandrum - 695 016, INDIA
Phone: (O) 91 471 414634/418379, (R) 91 471 443496

Re: Web interface to packages

2000-07-28 Thread jbardin
Christian Pernegger wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Why are there only i386 packages for download on Debians web site?

 I do not have, say, an Alpha but nevertheless it struck me as strange
 that a search result from leads
 only to i386 downloads.

 Is there anything I overlooked?


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They have the other packaes availble they might have it auto redired toth
architecture of the pc hat your brosweing the site from.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -uniting the linux gaming community
fn:Jon Bardin

Web interface to packages

2000-07-27 Thread Christian Pernegger
Hash: SHA1

Why are there only i386 packages for download on Debians web site?

I do not have, say, an Alpha but nevertheless it struck me as strange
that a search result from leads
only to i386 downloads.

Is there anything I overlooked?


Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


ipacsum web interface

2000-05-22 Thread runner
Hi !

I got the job to write a script or program for monitoring the sum of 
downloaded amount of data through our leased line. There's a very 
good tool for this the ipacsum. It has the starttime and endtime 
options but it lacks the web interface. Or not ? Anybody knows 
about or written a script to display the sum of logs depend on the 
start and endtime ? The situation is that our boss wants to 
examine the generalized traffic on the network from his web 
browser. And I ought to write a script to display this on a web 
interface. So, is there a yet written web interface for ipacsum like 
mtr has ? If not what to do ? I just started to study Perl so I'm not 
an expert guy about it. My problems are: the authentication (not so 
important right now), how to pass the given parameters from the 
browser to the ipacsum on the server and howto write back the 
data onto the browser (if I redirect the output to a file and write the 
lines back onto a generalized page using print function until EOF 
works?) Thanks in advance,

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web interface to doing minor admin stuff

1999-04-23 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello List !
  does anyone know of a nice cgi/perl/whatever that u can use as a web
interface that allows you to do minor admin stuff like adding ftp/email only
users to ur system thru a netscape session ?
  writing shell scripts are out of the question since the guy who'll be
doing this is n routers away from me and telnet sessions are lagged by 5
seconds (u hit a character and ull have to wait 5-10 secs b4 it appears on
ur screen)...

web interface

1998-03-10 Thread Paul McDermott
hello everybody, I was wondering if anyone new of a good web interface for
the postgres database project.  It does not look like Debian has one.  Any
one have any ideas.

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Re: web interface

1998-03-10 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

 hello everybody, I was wondering if anyone new of a good web interface for
 the postgres database project.  It does not look like Debian has one.  Any
 one have any ideas.

php3 is a good one. version 3.0b6 is in hamm now. the pgsql module is in a
separate package called php3-pgsql.

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Re: web interface

1998-03-10 Thread Carlo U. Segre
On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

 hello everybody, I was wondering if anyone new of a good web interface for
 the postgres database project.  It does not look like Debian has one.  Any
 one have any ideas.

There is a commercial package that I have used for our departmental web
page (  It is called Portable Publishing and it is
written by a company called Outlook Technologies (  I do
not know the current cost.

I looked at other options and did not find them too useful, one which has 
a Debian package is PHP.  




Carlo U. Segre
Associate Professor of Physics
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL 60616
Voice:(312) 567-3498
FAX:  (312) 567-3494

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