Re: Flash peta, iceweasel peta

2009-11-29 Thread Ricard Pradell
Funciona a la perfecció! Gràcies!


2009/11/28 Ernest Adrogué
 28/11/09 @ 14:01 (+0100), thus spake Ricard Pradell:
 No sé ben bé des de quan, però al meu sistema 64 bits Squeeze, les
 pàgines web que porten flash fan que l'iceweasel em peti
 miserablement. Se'n va sense dir adéu i sense cap missatge al
 log/messages que em digui què passa. Tinc instal·lat el plugin
 non-free, aquell que et baixa arxius de la pròpia Adobe. Ja sabem com
 cuida Adobe de Linux, però fins no fa gaire, a pesar de que moltes
 pàgines amb flash no funcionaven massa bé, al menys no m'enviaven el
 iceweasel a pastar fang. Us trobeu amb el mateix?

 Em va passar fa temps. Es veu el plugin conté una instrucció
 que no està suportada per totes les CPUs d'Intel.
 Si és això hauries de veure un missatge que diu instrucció il·legal,
 si executes el firefox des d'una consola, i la solució és aquí:


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Re: Certificació LPI

2009-11-29 Thread xavi
No només no et responc sinó que a més afegeixo un altre interrogant: què
en penseu de les ACTiC que ha tret aquest estiu la Generalitat?



El dg 29 de 11 de 2009 a les 11:10 +0100, en/na Ramon Cuñé va escriure:
 Bon dia,
 he trobat bastants llocs on es parla d'aquesta certificació, i voldria
 saber quina opinió en teniu.
xavi: lorajoler [a]

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Re: Certificació LPI

2009-11-29 Thread Matthias Kaehlcke
bon día,

El Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:10:16AM +0100 Ramon Cuñé ha dit:

 he trobat bastants llocs on es parla d'aquesta certificació, i voldria
 saber quina opinió en teniu.

penso que es interessant si vols una certificació que sigui
independent de la distribució (al contrari de red hat o novell).

per cada nivel de certificació has de aprobar dos examens, que son
de tipus test. trobo que el temari es bastant ample, des de les coses
més bàsiques (ls, cat, ...) fins a la administració avançada dels
serveis més importants.

els examens requereixen preparació, encara que tinguis anys de
experiencia amb linux. n'hi han preguntes molt bàsiques (sobretot al
lpic1), pero també altres que et demanen opcions concretes de comandes
que la majoria de la gent no fa servir diariament (fmt, pr, paste,

em vaig treure el lpic2 al any 2005, des de llavors no segueixo el tema
lpi molt de prop, segurament han canviat algunes coses.

no sé si la certificació es valorat per les empreses, probablement sí,
sobretot si tens els coneixements pero no tens experiencia
professional amb el tema.

per a mi va ser una bona forma per a profunditzar mes en differents
aspectes del sistema i tenir un cert guió en lloc de aprendre una mica
de tot de forma aleatoria ;)

Matthias Kaehlcke
Embedded Linux Developer

Me lo contaron y lo olvidé, lo vi y lo entendí, lo hice y lo aprendí
using free software / Debian GNU/Linux |  : :'  :
`. `'`
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 47D8E5D4  `-

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Re: Certificació LPI

2009-11-29 Thread Sergi Tur Badenas

En/na Ramon Cuñé ha escrit:

Bon dia,

he trobat bastants llocs on es parla d'aquesta certificació, i voldria
saber quina opinió en teniu.

Jo actualment estic preparant un curs per a professors de secundària de 
cicles formatius d'informàtica, per a l'examen 101.

Els materials del curs són lliures i es troben a Internet:

També comentar-vos que hi ha un grup de treball (al qual participo) per 
promocionar aquests certificats a Catalunya [1] i que us convido a 
participar del grup.

Sobre l'opinió... certament, personalment no sóc dels que cregui molt en 
els certificats, però per imatge moltes empreses i institucions (sense 
anar més lluny,els mateixos centres de formació) els hi agraden aquest 
tipus de coses. Per tant crec que està molt bé que existeixi un 
certificació en temes Linux, fet que ajuda als que creuen en aquest 
tipus de coses a creure en Linux també...


Sergi Tur


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Re: Utilisation du debian live-helper

2009-11-29 Thread Pierre Meurisse

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 02:02:26AM +0100, jerome moliere wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,
 je me permets de reinsister mais il m'est impossible de parvenir à générer
 une image usb-hdd avec live-helper (de Lenny ou testing) en architecture
 i386 ou AMD 64...Généralement le build s'interrompt avec une référence non
 trouvé au squashfs-module du noyeau pour AMD 64!!! et Ce même si je précise
 une architecture i386..Autre erreur trouvée aux cours des 10 aines de
 builds effectués : probleme de iniramfs
 Est ce que quelqu'un a pu se générer ses images avec succès ?
 Mon but est de pouvoir me ballader avec un systreme qui boote pârtout avec
 tout le matériel pour travailler et de quoi sauvegarder ce travail
 est ce que vous avez fait la même chose avec sidux ?

Voici mes réglages pour live-helper :

Faire lh_config, puis modifier :

config/chroot : 5
LH_LINUX_PACKAGES=linux-image-2.6 aufs-modules-2.6 squashfs-modules-2.6 
LH_PACKAGES=less locales screen sudo vim partimage parted gparted console-data 
ssh ntfsprogs ntfs-3g lvm2 zip unzip bsdmainutils hexedit hwinfo discover 
pciutils usbutils zsh mc hal iceweasel xpdf sux syslinux exim4 mutt apt-file 
dosfstools gnupg gpart wireless-tools wpasupplicant gnu-fdisk gksu john 
LH_PACKAGES_LISTS=xfce   # (ou standard )

config/binary : 4
LIVE_BINARY_IMAGES=usb-hdd (ou iso)

config/bootstrap : 4

lh_build doit donner une image lenny pour i386

en cas de pb, refaire lh_clean - lh_config - lh_build

Hope this helps

Pierre Meurisse

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haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Grégory Bulot

Je souhaiterais que haproxy laisse en ip source l'ip du visiteur, et
non l'ip de la machine qui héberge haproxy

il semblerait que cela soit l'option 'transparent' qui soit la bonne
candidate mais cela semble ce limiter a x-forward. (1)
J'avoue  avoir la flemme de modifier les configs des mes virtualhosts 
apache pour changer le log, et je sais pas comment mes outils de stats 
vont se comporter (phpmyvisites, piwik, xiti, )

J'utilise la version de lenny d'haproxy : pas une version source
Je n'utilise pas la répartition de charge (je n'ais donc qu'une seul
instance server par backend
J'utilise les acls pour dispatcher sur 2 serveurs en fonction de
certains sous domaine

ma config ressemble à (1), mais je ne saisis pas les nuances subtiles
qu'il pourrait y avoir à mettre les options dans default, frontend (ou
sont mes acls) ou le backend.


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Re: Utilisation du debian live-helper

2009-11-29 Thread jerome moliere

 Voici mes réglages pour live-helper :

 Faire lh_config, puis modifier :

 config/chroot : 5
 LH_LINUX_PACKAGES=linux-image-2.6 aufs-modules-2.6 squashfs-modules-2.6
 LH_PACKAGES=less locales screen sudo vim partimage parted gparted
 console-data ssh ntfsprogs ntfs-3g lvm2 zip unzip bsdmainutils hexedit
 hwinfo discover pciutils usbutils zsh mc hal iceweasel xpdf sux syslinux
 exim4 mutt apt-file dosfstools gnupg gpart wireless-tools wpasupplicant
 gnu-fdisk gksu john network-manager
 LH_PACKAGES_LISTS=xfce   # (ou standard )

 config/binary : 4
 LIVE_BINARY_IMAGES=usb-hdd (ou iso)

 config/bootstrap : 4

 Merci pour cette réponse Pierre ,je vais devoir attendre le week end
prochain pour tester cela...

Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Grégory Bulot a écrit :
 Je souhaiterais que haproxy laisse en ip source l'ip du visiteur, et
 non l'ip de la machine qui héberge haproxy

A moins de faire des choses très sales au niveau de la pile TCP/IP, je
ne pense pas que ce soit possible.

 il semblerait que cela soit l'option 'transparent' qui soit la bonne
 candidate mais cela semble ce limiter a x-forward. (1)

Comme pour squid. Le proxy est transparent pour le client, pas pour le

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Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Antoine Benkemoun a écrit :
 C'est tout à fait possible en fait... Il faut ajouter un module spécifique
 qui te permet de faire la modification à la volée. De mémoire, il s'agit du
 mod tproxy :

C'est bien ce que je disais, à moins de faire des choses très sales au
niveau de la pile TCP/IP.

 2009/11/29 Pascal Hambourg

 Grégory Bulot a écrit :
 Je souhaiterais que haproxy laisse en ip source l'ip du visiteur, et
 non l'ip de la machine qui héberge haproxy

 A moins de faire des choses très sales au niveau de la pile TCP/IP, je
 ne pense pas que ce soit possible.

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Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Antoine Benkemoun
C'est tout à fait possible en fait... Il faut ajouter un module spécifique
qui te permet de faire la modification à la volée. De mémoire, il s'agit du
mod tproxy :

Bonne journée,


2009/11/29 Pascal Hambourg


 Grégory Bulot a écrit :
  Je souhaiterais que haproxy laisse en ip source l'ip du visiteur, et
  non l'ip de la machine qui héberge haproxy

 A moins de faire des choses très sales au niveau de la pile TCP/IP, je
 ne pense pas que ce soit possible.

  il semblerait que cela soit l'option 'transparent' qui soit la bonne
  candidate mais cela semble ce limiter a x-forward. (1)

 Comme pour squid. Le proxy est transparent pour le client, pas pour le

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routage interne selon (sous-) domaine demandé [ était : Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur]

2009-11-29 Thread Grégory Bulot
Suite aux différentes réponses sur haproxy, je formule ma demande
différemment :

sois plusieurs domaines ayant des sous domaine

- :,, (liste non finie)
- :,, (liste
non finie)

- J'ai une seule ip publique (adsl)
- J'ai un routeur (ipcop), avec squid en proxy actif
- dans mon lan j'ai 1 serveur (tank) apache en prod avec des
- dans mon lan j'ai 1 serveur (dozer, en openvz) qui recevra une
partie des sites ci-dessus (dans un premier temps) aussi en virtualhost
apache (je sais pas encore si je bouge un domaine entier, ou seulement
du www, ou boutique ou ...

actuellement haproxy (qui est dans un vps de dozer) répond au besoin
apparent ci-dessus, a part l'ip du client qui est substituée par l'ip de

existe-t-il une solution (clef-en-main-pour-les-gros-fainéants ou

Je souhaiterais mettre de côté le mod-proxy apache dans
les virtualhost concerné : 
proxypass /suiteUrl/
proxypassreverse /suiteUrl/

 parceque !

slowloris, mais pas que !

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Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Gilles Mocellin
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:23:37AM +0100, Grégory Bulot wrote:
 Je souhaiterais que haproxy laisse en ip source l'ip du visiteur, et
 non l'ip de la machine qui héberge haproxy
 il semblerait que cela soit l'option 'transparent' qui soit la bonne
 candidate mais cela semble ce limiter a x-forward. (1)
 J'avoue  avoir la flemme de modifier les configs des mes virtualhosts 
 apache pour changer le log, et je sais pas comment mes outils de stats 
 vont se comporter (phpmyvisites, piwik, xiti, )

Ne serait-ce pas plus simple de faire des stats sur des logs produits
par haproxy ?

J'ai des reverses varnish, ils génèrent des logs compatibles avec les
outils de stats habituels.


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Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Grégory Bulot
Pascal Hambourg à écrit le Sun, 29 Nov
2009 13:40:31 +0100
 Antoine Benkemoun a écrit :
  C'est tout à fait possible en fait... Il faut ajouter un module
  spécifique qui te permet de faire la modification à la volée. De
  mémoire, il s'agit du mod tproxy :
 C'est bien ce que je disais, à moins de faire des choses très sales au
 niveau de la pile TCP/IP.

cela correspond au besoin apparent, mais haproxy est dans un vps openvz,
je n'utiliserais pas cette solution malgré la pertinence fortes aux
éléments que j'avais fournit !

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Re: routage interne selon (sous-) domaine demandé [ était : Re: haproxy : en mode tran sparent pour garder ip visiteur]

2009-11-29 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Grégory Bulot a écrit :

Suite aux différentes réponses sur haproxy, je formule ma demande
différemment :


aptitude install pound


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Re: Pb de routage/DHCP

2009-11-29 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 11:58:47AM +0100,
 Alex Perso wrote 
 a message of 38 lines which said:

 Fait des ping en utilisant les ips (exemple ip des dns de ton fai)
 plutot que les noms.

Et, comme c'est un problème de routage, il faut plutôt utiliser
traceroute que ping.

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Re: Pb de routage/DHCP

2009-11-29 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 11:49:40AM +0100,
 Pierre wrote 
 a message of 72 lines which said:

 Je dois relier un réseau (local) à un réseau (vers routeur opérateur).

Comme indiqué par Alex Perso, ces adresses étant des adresses privées,
il faudra probablement activer la traduction d'adresses sur le routeur

 demande donc s'il s'agit d'un problème DHCP (passerelle?) ou d'un
 problème DNS (Résolution de nom?), ou les deux...

Ni l'un, ni l'autre, c'est un problème de routage IP.

 geo.localIN SOA
 servgeo.geo.local. admg...@geo.local. (

Mauvaise idée d'utiliser .local

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Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur

2009-11-29 Thread Grégory Bulot
Gilles Mocellin à écrit le Sun, 29 Nov 2009
15:12:05 +0100

 Ne serait-ce pas plus simple de faire des stats sur des logs produits
 par haproxy ?

non, pas dans mon cas

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Re: routage interne selon (sous-) domaine demandé [ était : Re: haproxy : en mode transparent pour garder ip visiteur]

2009-11-29 Thread Grégory Bulot
Daniel Huhardeaux à écrit le Sun, 29 Nov 2009
16:53:31 +0100
 Grégory Bulot a écrit :
  Suite aux différentes réponses sur haproxy, je formule ma demande
  différemment :

 aptitude install pound

A la lecture de c'est alléchant !
pourquoi ne pas me l'avoir avant que je pose la question :-D

en lisant visiblement la demande est
sensible pour la gestion des sous domaines, car il y a un paragraphe
dédié, mais l'auteur précise que ce n'est pas le travail de pound, mais
que ce produit en est capable

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2009-11-29 Thread Grégory Bulot
 Daniel Huhardeaux à écrit le Sun, 29 Nov 2009
 16:53:31 +0100

  aptitude install pound

nickel !
ça route sur les 2 serveurs correctement, plus redirection sur serveur
par défaut si pas match sur les deux premiers !

je regarderais pour mettre les logs ailleurs que dans syslog :

pour info la config :


   HeadRequire Host: .**


   HeadRequire Host: .**

# fall back ...
   HeadRequire Host: .*

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Déplacement des quotas

2009-11-29 Thread Frederic MASSOT

Sur un serveur de messagerie, je dois déplacer l'arborescence qui stocke
les mails (répertoire Maildir) d'une partition à une autre. Les comptes
de messagerie sont du type UNIX avec des quotas sur le système de
fichier (fichier quota.user sur ext3fs).

Mon interrogation est : est-ce qu'il suffira que je déplace le fichier
quota.user sur la nouvelle partition et ensuite lancer un quotacheck
pour que les quotas soient correctement affectés sur la nouvelle partition ?

Merci de vos réponses.
|  |
|   |

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clavier français

2009-11-29 Thread claude


Suite à un redémarrage intempestif hier, je viens de m'apercevoir que 
j'ai quelques touches qui ont changées de places, d'autres sont 
introuvables : Debian Sid à jour, je viens d'upgrader kbd et 
console-data (2 mises à jour en 2 jours) mais sans changement notable, 
même après un


Ainsi, les touches [] sont maintenant accessibles par ALTGR+^ et ALTGR+$ 
(comme sur clavier belge), j'ai « par ALTGR+; ou ALTGR+w et plein 
d'autres exotismes avec les combinaisons ALTGR+lettres. Par contre, 
impossible d'avoir les accolades, ce qui est quelque peu gênant (mais je 
n'ai pas testé toutes les touches dans toutes les combinaisons possibles).

mon clavier est défini comme
setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout fr -variant oss_latin9
dans KDE, mais j'ai essayé un peu toutes les variantes possibles (sans 
touches mortes et obsolete) + clavier belge pour voir : nada, cela ne 
semble avoir aucun effet perceptible. Pour mes tests, je me suis 
contenté d'ouvrir à chaque fois un éditeur de texte (refermé à chaque 

Là, je sèche un peu...


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Re: clavier français

2009-11-29 Thread pmd
su -
gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

remplacer la même section
par :

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  kbd
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbModel  pc105
Option  XkbLayout fr
Option  XkbVariantoss
Option  XkbOptionscaps:shiftlock

A moins que je n'ai pas bien compris le problème...

On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 21:54:45 +0100
claude wrote:

 Suite à un redémarrage intempestif hier, je viens de m'apercevoir que 
 j'ai quelques touches qui ont changées de places, d'autres sont 
 introuvables : Debian Sid à jour, je viens d'upgrader kbd et 
 console-data (2 mises à jour en 2 jours) mais sans changement notable, 
 même après un
 Ainsi, les touches [] sont maintenant accessibles par ALTGR+^ et ALTGR+$ 
 (comme sur clavier belge), j'ai « par ALTGR+; ou ALTGR+w et plein 
 d'autres exotismes avec les combinaisons ALTGR+lettres. Par contre, 
 impossible d'avoir les accolades, ce qui est quelque peu gênant (mais je 
 n'ai pas testé toutes les touches dans toutes les combinaisons possibles).
 mon clavier est défini comme
 setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout fr -variant oss_latin9
 dans KDE, mais j'ai essayé un peu toutes les variantes possibles (sans 
 touches mortes et obsolete) + clavier belge pour voir : nada, cela ne 
 semble avoir aucun effet perceptible. Pour mes tests, je me suis 
 contenté d'ouvrir à chaque fois un éditeur de texte (refermé à chaque 
 Là, je sèche un peu...
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 Orange vous informe que cet  e-mail a ete controle par l'anti-virus mail. 
 Aucun virus connu a ce jour par nos services n'a ete detecte.


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Re: clavier français

2009-11-29 Thread Goldy
claude a écrit :
 Suite à un redémarrage intempestif hier, je viens de m'apercevoir que
 j'ai quelques touches qui ont changées de places, d'autres sont
 introuvables : Debian Sid à jour, je viens d'upgrader kbd et
 console-data (2 mises à jour en 2 jours) mais sans changement notable,
 même après un
 Ainsi, les touches [] sont maintenant accessibles par ALTGR+^ et ALTGR+$
 (comme sur clavier belge), j'ai « par ALTGR+; ou ALTGR+w et plein
 d'autres exotismes avec les combinaisons ALTGR+lettres. Par contre,
 impossible d'avoir les accolades, ce qui est quelque peu gênant (mais je
 n'ai pas testé toutes les touches dans toutes les combinaisons possibles).
 mon clavier est défini comme
 setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout fr -variant oss_latin9
 dans KDE, mais j'ai essayé un peu toutes les variantes possibles (sans
 touches mortes et obsolete) + clavier belge pour voir : nada, cela ne
 semble avoir aucun effet perceptible. Pour mes tests, je me suis
 contenté d'ouvrir à chaque fois un éditeur de texte (refermé à chaque
 Là, je sèche un peu...

Probablement ce bug ?

Je n'ai pas fait la mise à jours de console-setup à cause de ça.

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Re: clavier français

2009-11-29 Thread claude

pmd a écrit :

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  kbd
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  XkbRulesxorg
Option  XkbModelpc105
Option  XkbLayout   fr
Option  XkbVariant  oss
Option  XkbOptionscaps:shiftlock

A moins que je n'ai pas bien compris le problème...

Merci, ça marche : l'Option XkbVariant était à fr... Jusque là, ça 
fonctionnait très bien. Dans les changelogs, pourtant rien à propos du 
français (effectivement des bugs signalés sur d'autres langues).

Pas de XkbOptions caps:shiftlock chez moi. C'est pour débrayer le 
verrouilage de majuscules par la touche MAJ ?


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Re: clavier français

2009-11-29 Thread claude

Goldy a écrit :

Probablement ce bug ?

Je n'ai pas fait la mise à jours de console-setup à cause de ça.

Hum, ça ressemble en effet... Mais, mon xorg.conf n'a pas changé depuis 
mai 2009 (j'ai une sauvegarde qui est identique = fr. Bizarre !

Enfin, l'essentiel est que ça remarche :)


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Re: usb-storage problem

2009-11-29 Thread Krzysztof Lew

Dzięki za sugestie, ale jak pisałem, jak ręcznie stworzę plik urządzenia,
np: /dev/sdc, /dec/sdc1 itp itd to spokojnie mogę używać dysku - montować,
zapisywać/odczytywać, stąd poniższe odpowiedzi na pytania

  Masz założony filesystem na tym dysku?

W tej chwili vfat, docel ext3, ale nie w tym problem...

 Jeżeli tak - to jaki - przy NTFS lubią być problemy - jeżeli ntfs,
 doinstaluj sobie pakiet ntfs-3g i korzystaj z niego ;)
j.w. - to nie wpływa

 Sorki za spam, pierwsza wiadomość mi się schowała i podeszłem do tematu
 podstawie tego fragmentu.

 btw. instalowales lennego, czy aktualizowales do lennego?

Można powiedzieć, że i instalowałem i migorwałem, tzn. odpiąłem jeden dysk
z mirrora i za pomocą debootstrap'a zainstalowałem Lenny'ego. W chroot'cie
skofigurowałem to co się dało no i potem uruchomiłem Lennego a pozbyłem
się starego systemu podłączając go do mirror'a w nowym systemie (Lennym).
jednak nie widzę powodu, żeby mogło to wpłynąć na obsługę dysku USB.

 Marek Żabiński

  Być moze doinstalowanie libdevmapper moze tez pomoc o ile go nie ma.
libdevmapper'a - mam zainstalowanego, jednak nie widzę związku z dyskiem
usb. Z software raidem, który mam i owszem :)

Podsumowują problem jeszcze raz:
1. dmesg pisze, że został podłączony dysk

[9.109150] usb-storage: device scan complete
[9.109618] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access WD   2500BEV External
1.75 PQ: 0 ANSI: 4
[9.110106] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0
[9.110980] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] 488397168 512-byte hardware sectors: (250
GB/232 GiB)
[9.111476] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off
[9.111523] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00
[9.111527] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through
[9.112725] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through
[9.112772]  sdc: sdc1
[9.113573] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk

Widać ładnie, że to Western Digital i że ma jedną partycję - sdc1.

2. Problem w tym, że udev (tak myślę) nie tworzy pliku urządzenia - w tym
przypadku /dev/sdc i /dev/sdc1

3. jak ręcznie za pomocą mknod utworzę device'y to spokojnie mogę dysk
montować i używać.

PROBLEM - dlaczego plik urządzenia nie tworzy się automatycznie???

Ostatnio z braku pomysłów zainstalowałem nawet hald, co z obecnego punktu
widzenia (nie pomogło) wydaje mi się głupim pomysłem :)

Próbowałem też użyć coś w stylu:
#udevadm test --force /dev/sdc1
ale jakoś bez sukcesów i dostatecznej wiedzy jak by mi to miało pomóc...

Sparawa tym trudniejsza, że do serwera nie mam fizycznego dostępu, a dysk
USB ma służyć do backupów (tzn. miły Pan, powiedzmy Henio, ma go raz w
tygodniu podłączać do serwera, a ja sobie zrobię backup).

Czekam na sugestie, pomysły.

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Krzysztof Lew

Krzysztof Lew

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Re: Audio de KDE entrecortado

2009-11-29 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El 27 de noviembre de 2009 16:19, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:

 El 27 de noviembre de 2009 13:41, Walter O. Dari wlin...@gmail.comescribió:


 Sylvia Sánchez wrote:

 El jue, 26-11-2009 a las 19:27 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Retiro lo dicho, se sigue entrecortando he probado con
 Amarok, Smplayer y vlc.

 Por ahí digo una barbaridad... pero no tendrá que ver con jackd ?
 Cuando estuve instalando squeeze vi alguna advertencia al respecto.


 ¿Se te ocurrió fijarte si te pasa lo mismo con Gnome?  De ser así el
 problema es de ALSA o algún componente por el estilo, algo directamente
 relacionado con el sonido.  Si no, es el escritorio.


 Estoy usando Xine, cuando estaba en kde-3.5 y con debian i386 no había

Hola, he reinstalado usando el CD1 de kde de las construcciones semanales
y el problema se ha reducido en un 50% pero todavía cuasa gliches en el
para cualquier aplicación.

Re: Audio de KDE entrecortado

2009-11-29 Thread Felix Perez
El día 29 de noviembre de 2009 17:48, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
 El 27 de noviembre de 2009 16:19, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:

 Hola, he reinstalado usando el CD1 de kde de las construcciones semanales
 y el problema se ha reducido en un 50% pero todavía cuasa gliches en el
 para cualquier aplicación.

Puede que este diciendo una burrada, ya que jamas he trabajado con
kde, pero porque no desinstalar todo lo relativo a  pulse audio y
dejar solo ALSA y probar.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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Re: Audio de KDE entrecortado

2009-11-29 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El 29 de noviembre de 2009 16:04, Felix Perez

 El día 29 de noviembre de 2009 17:48, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
  El 27 de noviembre de 2009 16:19, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
  Hola, he reinstalado usando el CD1 de kde de las construcciones semanales
  y el problema se ha reducido en un 50% pero todavía cuasa gliches en el
  para cualquier aplicación.

 Puede que este diciendo una burrada, ya que jamas he trabajado con
 kde, pero porque no desinstalar todo lo relativo a  pulse audio y
 dejar solo ALSA y probar.


 pulse is gone, se fue, finiquitó hace rato además en el cd1 con kde no
pulse instalado.


Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Sylvia Sánchez

Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).

Bueno, nada más, gracias

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Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Javier Marta
El Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:28:02 -0200
Sylvia Sánchez escribió:

 Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
 proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
 montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
 Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
 Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
 toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
 el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
 me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
 Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
 demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).
 Bueno, nada más, gracias
¿Probaste con deborphan?
Los paquetes de los que ningún otro depende, muchas veces se van con apt-get 
Fijate por ahí
Un saludo.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Pedro Insua
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 08:28:02PM -0200, Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
 Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
 proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
 montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
 Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
 Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
 toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
 el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
 me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
 Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
 demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).

 Es muy sencillo, se pone en google, yahoo...etc 'eliminar paquetes
 huerfanos debian'. 

Porqué loitar e matar, se podes amar e sonhar

/ \

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Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El 29 de noviembre de 2009 18:17, Pedro Insua pedroin...@gmail.comescribió:

 On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 08:28:02PM -0200, Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
  Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
  proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
  montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
  Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
  Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
  toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
  el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
  me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
  Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
  demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).

  Es muy sencillo, se pone en google, yahoo...etc 'eliminar paquetes
  huerfanos debian'.

 Porqué loitar e matar, se podes amar e sonhar

Hola, usa apt-get autoremove


Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Julio c...@r

si linda, eso debe funcionarte con (permisos de root obviamnete) apt-get 
philos, linux user 481033

sentir el amor es debilidad, inspirarlo: es fuerza.
josé maría vargas vila.

- Original Message -
From: Sylvia Sánchez
To: Debian List
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 5:28:02 PM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected
Subject: Comando para descartar basura

Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).

Bueno, nada más, gracias

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Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread olafrv

Trata de no mezclar apt-get y aptitude, para eliminar paquetes que ya no 
requieras usa aptitude auto-remove.

Este mensaje ha sido enviado gracias al servicio BlackBerry de Movilnet

-Original Message-
From: Sylvia Sánchez
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:28:02 
To: Debian
Subject: Comando para descartar basura

Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).

Bueno, nada más, gracias

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Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Sylvia Sánchez

El dom, 29-11-2009 a las 18:34 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 El 29 de noviembre de 2009 18:17, Pedro Insua  escribió:
 On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 08:28:02PM -0200, Sylvia Sánchez
  Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un
 montón de
  proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto
 figuran un
  montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no
 se fueron.
  Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
  Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar
 mi sistema de
  toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra
 cosa?  Intenté
  el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no
 sirvió.  No
  me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
  Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero
  demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).

 Hola, usa apt-get autoremove

Ah, bueno, pero ¿no me irá remover cualquier cosa sin preguntar, no?
Y otra cosa:  ¿es apt-get o es aptitude?  


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Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Fernando C. Estrada
On Sun, 2009-11-29 at 20:28 -0200, Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
 Desinstalé varios paquetes y estoy convencida que quedó un montón de
 proquerías sueltas por ahí.  En el cuaderno donde apunto figuran un
 montón de librerías que cuando desinstalé los programas no se fueron.
 Mäs cositas que quedan por ahí, como configuraciones y éso.
 Mi pregunta es   ¿Qué comandos o programa uso para limpiar mi sistema de
 toda esa porquería inútil?  ¿Es con Aptitude o con otra cosa?  Intenté
 el programa gráfico para quitar paquetes huérfanos pero no sirvió.  No
 me señala que tenga paquetes huérfanos.
 Si fueran menos los buscaría y desinstalaría de a uno pero son
 demasiados (alrededor de 100, según el cuaderno).
 Bueno, nada más, gracias

Hola Sylvia

De preferencia utiliza apt-get --purge autoremove para que también
elimines los archivos de configuración en caso que tampoco los vayas a

Después de eso, puedes probar también con deborphan --guess-all y
desintalando los paquetes que aparezcan ahí apt-get purge {paquete}.

Te recomiendo consultar en la documentación el APT HOWTO [1].


Fernando C. Estrada  4096R/C6E0F4B8 2009-11-14
B750 A96F 3A33 2CBA 7871  5BD0 C2FB E9BD C6E0 F4B8

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Re: Comando para descartar basura

2009-11-29 Thread Juan Lavieri

Fernando C. Estrada escribió:

De preferencia utiliza apt-get --purge autoremove para que también


De preferencia aptitude es la herramienta de manejo de paquetes sugerido 
como estándar por los desarrolladores de Debian.


Cualquier operación que altere los paquetes en Debian, resultará en que 
aptitude genere un mensaje que te diga:  Los paquetes siguientes serán 
desinstalados porque no son utilizados.  y luego te genera una lista 
con esos paquetes. 

Si no te aparece es que en realidad están siendo utilizados;  de ser 
así, ningún comando apt-xxx o dpkg -xxx los eliminará salvo que 
explícitamente tu los elimines.

Ya es hora de que nuestros gurúes de la lista tomen conciencia de que en 
Debian, como en otros sistemas, las herramientas cada día mejoran.

Parafraseando a Mafalda, la de Quino,  Es bueno que dejemos de ver el 
futuro por la nuca.


Juan Lavieri

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Re: Problema com grub2

2009-11-29 Thread Sávio M. Ramos
Em Fri, 27 Nov 2009 08:07:50 -0300
Guilherme Rocha escreveu:

 Eu fiz iss, pressionando e na tela do grub e editando manualmente a

Eu pressionei e e editei o arquivo retirando  o termo /boot das
duas linhas que o continha. Digitei Ctrl + x e o sistema ligou
normalmente. Porém, quando liguei noutro dia o problema estava lá de

1) Não sei salvar a edição no editor do grub. Não é Ctrl + x  Ctrl +
s como no Emacs. Na tela aparece que é Emacs like. Como se salva?

2) Na impossibilidade de salvar no editor do Grub como se salva após
ligar a máquina?

3) Na tela do Grub aparece uma terceira opção que funciona mas veio de
não sei de que planeta. Nesta opção é indicado um segundo disco que não
tenho e que aponta na verdade para o disco que tenho. Veja o grub.cfg:

menuentry Debian GNU/Linux (squeeze/sid) (on /dev/sdb2) {
insmod ext2
set root=(hd0,1)
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set e09f5053-2843-44d4-9226-b7db28d4e79e
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.31-1-amd64 root=/dev/sdb2
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.31-1-amd64

Que /dev/sdb2 é esse???

Alguma luz?

Sávio M Ramos
Arquiteto, Rio, RJ
Só uso Linux desde 2000

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RE: Problema com grub2

2009-11-29 Thread Jef Lui

  Eu fiz iss, pressionando e na tela do grub e editando manualmente a
 Eu pressionei e e editei o arquivo retirando  o termo /boot das
 duas linhas que o continha. Digitei Ctrl + x e o sistema ligou
 normalmente. Porém, quando liguei noutro dia o problema estava lá de
 1) Não sei salvar a edição no editor do grub. Não é Ctrl + x  Ctrl +
 s como no Emacs. Na tela aparece que é Emacs like. Como se salva?
 2) Na impossibilidade de salvar no editor do Grub como se salva após
 ligar a máquina?
 3) Na tela do Grub aparece uma terceira opção que funciona mas veio de
 não sei de que planeta. Nesta opção é indicado um segundo disco que não
 tenho e que aponta na verdade para o disco que tenho. Veja o grub.cfg:
 menuentry Debian GNU/Linux (squeeze/sid) (on /dev/sdb2) {
   insmod ext2
   set root=(hd0,1)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set e09f5053-2843-44d4-9226-b7db28d4e79e
   linux /vmlinuz-2.6.31-1-amd64 root=/dev/sdb2
   initrd /initrd.img-2.6.31-1-amd64
 Que /dev/sdb2 é esse???
 Alguma luz?

1 - Não tenho certeza mas essa edição é apenas para ajustar seu boot na hora, 
depois quando subir o sistema fazer a alteração permanente.

2 - Os arquivos para editar a configuração  do grub2, ficam agora em 
/etc/grub.d/ lá um dos arquivos vai conter sua configuração, só editar e 
executar um update-grub2 que ele vai atualizar o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

3 - Sobre essa entrada com o disco fantasma, sugestão: ls -l 
Vão aparecer todos os uuid de seus discos e partições e confere com o que você 
passou acima, para ter certeza que é.


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Re: Nautilus fecha ao clicar em Preferências.

2009-11-29 Thread Flavio Alberto Lopes Soares
Interessante, estou com o mesmo problema, porém a solução abaixo não 
surtiu efeito...

Sucesso a todos
Flávio Alberto Lopes Soares

Lucas Salies Brum wrote:

gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_browser --type 
bool true

Outras confs:
Aplicativos - Sistema - Editor de Configurações
Apps - Nautilus - Preferences

Que bug chato viu :/
Lucas Saliés Brum

2009/11/28 Marcos Antonio

Vou ficar ligado, pois também estou com o mesmo problema...

Marcos Antonio

2009/11/28 Lucas Salies Brum

Pessoal, em uma instalação limpa do Squeeze amd64, está
acontecendo exatamente isso comigo:

 Atualizei o sistema e nada, o que eu faço? 

Lucas Saliés Brum

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teclado não responde (ocasionalmente)

2009-11-29 Thread Rogerio R. Silva

Há um mês o Debian Squeeze em meu notebook está com um comportamento
estranho. Algumas vezes (poucas), após a inicialização, o teclado não
responde e os botões de ligar/desligar não funcionam. Preciso retirar a
bateria para uma nova tentativa.

Como posso diagnosticar onde está o problema de configuração?

Abs. - rogério

Re: Nautilus fecha ao clicar em Preferências.

2009-11-29 Thread Márcio H . Parreiras

É bug, e já é conhecido, temos que aguardar a correção.
Como alternativa dá para ajustar as preferências do nautilus usando o


2009/11/29 Flavio Alberto Lopes Soares

 Interessante, estou com o mesmo problema, porém a solução abaixo não surtiu

 Sucesso a todos
 Flávio Alberto Lopes Soares

 Lucas Salies Brum wrote:

 gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_browser --type
 bool true

 Outras confs:
 Aplicativos - Sistema - Editor de Configurações
 Apps - Nautilus - Preferences

 Que bug chato viu :/
 Lucas Saliés Brum

2009/11/28 Marcos Antonio

Vou ficar ligado, pois também estou com o mesmo problema...

Marcos Antonio

2009/11/28 Lucas Salies Brum

Pessoal, em uma instalação limpa do Squeeze amd64, está
acontecendo exatamente isso comigo:

 Atualizei o sistema e nada, o que eu faço?
Lucas Saliés Brum

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Márcio H. Parreiras

GNU/Linux Professional

Pedro Leopoldo - MG - Brazil

A caixa dizia: Requer MS Windows ou superior, então eu instalei Debian/GNU

The box said: Requires MS Windows or better, then I installed Debian/GNU

Por favor evite enviar-me anexos MS Excel (.xls, .xlsx), MS PowerPoint
(.ppt, .pptx) ou MS Word (.doc, .docx)

Experimente (ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 26300:2006)

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Re: Nautilus fecha ao clicar em Preferências.

2009-11-29 Thread Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Márcio H. Parreiras mhp at writes:

 Olá,É bug, e já é conhecido, temos que aguardar a correção.

Já foi corrigido na versao 2.26.4 e 2.28 a umas 6 semanas ou mais.

So nao sei por que ainda nao apareceu nos repositorios uma versao corrigida.

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Debian e iPod Nano

2009-11-29 Thread Caio Abreu Ferreira

Alguém saberia me dizer se é possível ler e gravar músicas no iPod Nano
através do GNU/Linux Debian? O aplicativo GTKpod ainda consegue trabalhar com
o iPod Nano?


 .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
: :'  :
`. `'`   Debian User
  `- Key fingerprint = 97F8 61AC 605F 8A8B 3BA1  D479 8C9A 52E8 6478 601F 

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Re: Debian e iPod Nano

2009-11-29 Thread André Nunes
Hash: SHA1

Sim, o Gtkpod consegue manipular as músicas no Ipod Nano. Mas melhor
do que isso é instalar o Rockbox e se livrar dessa necessidade de usar
um programa específico para lidar com o Ipod. Se o seu Nano for da
primeira geração, usando o rockbox nele, basta copiar as músicas para
uma pasta como você faria com qualquer pendrive. O melhor de tudo é
que ele reconhece praticamente qualquer formato de audio e você não
vai mais ter que converter nada para que ele toque as suas músicas.

André Nunes Batista
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

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2009/11/29 Caio Abreu Ferreira

        Alguém saberia me dizer se é possível ler e gravar músicas no iPod Nano
 através do GNU/Linux Debian? O aplicativo GTKpod ainda consegue trabalhar com
 o iPod Nano?


  .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
 : :'  :
 `. `'`   Debian User
  `-     Key fingerprint = 97F8 61AC 605F 8A8B 3BA1  D479 8C9A 52E8 6478 601F

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Debian Lenny disk sorunu

2009-11-29 Thread Remzi AKYÜZ

Murat hocam,

lvm hakkında verdiğiniz bilgiler için teşekkürler.

Verdiğiniz bilgilere ilave olarak aşağıdaki linkleride arkadaşlara 
hatırlatmak isterim.

linklerin lvm konusunda temel ve faydalı olmasını umuyorum.


Murat Koç wrote:



Öncelikle kurban bayramınız mubarek olmasını dilerim.

sizin de.

Bir disk dd ile kopyalanmış ise iki diski aynı anda bir sisteme takmanız
iyi olmaz. lvm her iki disktede aynı lvm bilgilire olduğundan problem

yeni diski her hangi bir makeniye ilk kez takıyorsanız
daha sonra
 #vgchange -a y

kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim.

dd ile kopyalanmış disk ile asıl diski aynı makinaya takmanızda sorun olmaz. 

Şöyleki; sallıyorum orjinal disk sda olsun, dd ile kopyalanmış disk ise sdb 
olarak sistemde gözüksün. 

lvm.conf dosyasında 

filter = [ r|/dev/sda | ]

eklerseniz sda exclude edilecektir, dolayısı ile sdb de bulunan volumeları 
rahat rahat sorun olmaksızın kullanabilir olursunuz. 

Volume grouplar üzerinde işlem yaptıktan sonra deactive edip sonrasında yine 
lvm.conf dosyasında bu sefer /dev/sdb diskini exclude ederseniz orjinal 
olanlarla çalışabilirsiniz.

Fakat tabii ki ikisini birden aktif etmeye çalışmamanız daha iyi olacaktır. 
Hoş aslında ikisini de aktif etmeye çalışsanız da bir tanesini 
göremeyeceksiniz sadece, diğerinin ise inconsistent olduğunu belirtecektir.

Aslında yine de çalışabilirsiniz :) 

biraz daha fazla lvm detayına girmek olacaktır ama eğer daha önceden lvm 
backup almış iseniz burada (/etc/lvm/backup/ altında)  eski vg 
konfigurasyonunu kopyalayıp üzerinde düzenleme yaparak sonrasında


ile yeni isimle bunu aktif hale getirebilirsiniz. 

Eğer backup almamış iseniz ise pv olarak kullandığınız partitiondaki ilk 
sektor sonrasındaki 255 sectorde lvm metadatası yazılır. 

Bu da her sektor 512byte olduğundan dolayı size içinde text kısımlarında 
olduğu 128Kb lık bir bilgiyi almanızı sağlar. Bunu şöyle alabilirsiniz. 

Örneğin benim laptopumda /dev/sda7 pv olarak tanımlıdır dolayısı ile 

dd if=/dev/sda7 bs=512 count=255 skip=1 of=/root/sda7_lvm_metadata

dersem bu bana şunu verir.

kallavimakina:~ # ls -alh sda7_lvm_metadata
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 128K Nov 28 18:19 sda7_lvm_metadata

bu dosyanın içindeki binary kısımları görmezden gelirseniz. Şuna benzer bir 
kısım görürsünüz;

kallavimakina:~ # cat sda7_lvm_metadata 
LABELONE��h� LVM2 001621ierLQmPo1UCAK4b62Bw0hMDoY0krT)?�f�x� LVM2 
x[5A%r0N*��rï...@rootvolume {
id = jqjtSu-zB3U-Sh1P-f3C6-6Xix-zICl-LphDTq 
seqno = 1 
flags = []
extent_size = 8192
max_lv = 0
max_pv = 0

physical_volumes {

pv0 {
id = 621ier-LQmP-o1UC-AK4b-62Bw-0hMD-oY0krT
device = /dev/sda7 

status = [ALLOCATABLE]
flags = []  
dev_size = 60789897 
pe_start = 384  
pe_count = 7420 

# Generated by LVM2 version 2.02.45 (2009-03-03): Mon Aug 10 14:44:46 2009

contents = Text Format Volume Group
version = 1  

description = 

creation_host = linux # Linux linux 2.6.31-rc4-1-default #1 SMP 2009-07-29 
16:01:26 +0200 i686
creation_time = 1249904686  # Mon Aug 10 14:44:46 2009  

rootvolume {
id = jqjtSu-zB3U-Sh1P-f3C6-6Xix-zICl-LphDTq
seqno = 2
flags = []   
extent_size = 8192   
max_lv = 0   
max_pv = 0   

physical_volumes {

pv0 {
id = 621ier-LQmP-o1UC-AK4b-62Bw-0hMD-oY0krT
device = /dev/sda7

status = [ALLOCATABLE]
flags = []
dev_size = 60789897
pe_start = 384
pe_count = 7420

logical_volumes {

rootvolume {
id = amGDuQ-37b0-5qcj-kI1X-X3E6-5goz-6dcuuw
flags = []
segment_count = 1

segment1 {
start_extent = 0
extent_count = 7418

type = striped
stripe_count = 

Re: Creating a USB key to install debian

2009-11-29 Thread Mathieu Malaterre
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 - Copy boot.img.gz:
 $ wget
 $ zcat boot.img.gz  /dev/sdb1

 You should copy the imagem to the disk, not to a partition:

 zcat boot.img.gz  /dev/sdb

lol ! That was the key !

 You'll probably need to be root to do that.

It did not work for me as normal user.

 - When command return, check status of disk:
 $ sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb1

 Partition tables also belong to the disk, not to the first partition, so
 you should run cfdisk /dev/sdb.

The next time I mounted the usb key, it properly showed up under
/media/Debian Inst. But again cfdisk believe the partion is corrupted:

FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition begins after end-of-disk

 Press any key to exit cfdisk

This is just for reference so that other people are not surprised.
Even with this error message, I could use this USB Key to at boot time
on a PC.

Thank you very much for catching my mistake !


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Re: Grep on dictionary words

2009-11-29 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 01:22:15AM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
  will get the ones that start with capital alphas. if you want initial
  caps *only* then:
  grep ^[A-Z][a-z]*$
  would match those.
 Thanks. I meant that caps could only be at the beginning of a word,
 not in the middle. Expanding your example, I figured that would be:
 grep ^[A-Z]?[a-z]*$  // note the question mark

That's clearly a false statement. Here's a snippet from 'strings

l$ L
Usage: %s [ignored command line arguments]
  or:  %s OPTION
Exit with a status code indicating failure.
  --help display this help and exit
  --version  output version information and exit
NOTE: your shell may have its own version of %s, which usually
the version described here.  Please refer to your shell's documentation
for details about the options it supports.
Report bugs to %s.
Jim Meyering
GNU coreutils
%s (%s) %s
Written by %s.
Written by %s and %s.
Written by %s, %s, and %s.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Grep on dictionary words

2009-11-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
2009/11/29 Andrew Sackville-West
 On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 01:22:15AM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
  will get the ones that start with capital alphas. if you want initial
  caps *only* then:
  grep ^[A-Z][a-z]*$
  would match those.

 Thanks. I meant that caps could only be at the beginning of a word,
 not in the middle. Expanding your example, I figured that would be:
 grep ^[A-Z]?[a-z]*$  // note the question mark

  grep ^[A-Z][a-z]*$

 that's what this does, I believe...

This means that only words that start with a caps are valid. I need
can start with a caps, but caps can be nowhere else. I got that like
grep ^[A-Za-z][a-z]*$
However I think that there is a better way.

This is a good exercise. I am bettering my regex skills as I learn
what works and what doesn't.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: copying files from home directory on one machine to directory on another machine

2009-11-29 Thread Alex Samad
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 09:28:18AM +0200, Alexander Kaphuk wrote:
 Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 09:42:23PM +0200, Alexander Kaphuk wrote:

 cd myfiles
 rsync -pavz --delete .

can I suggest to look at the S  H options sparse files and hardlinks as
well, can save some transferrin time

 [Copies from the current directory . to the distant directory].
 -pavz - preserves permissions, archive, verbose, will try to compress files 
 in transit if appropriate
 If you don't have rsync, you can use scp -r to recursively copy almost 
 identically - but the nice thing about
 rsync is that it will restart cleanly, deleting partially copied
 files and preserves an internal manifest of which files are up to
 date. If your 100GB is subject to change in mid transfer, rsync
 will copy only the files which have changed and catch up.
 Hope this helps,
 All the best,
 Thanks a lot for your input and the usage examples!
 I've never done anything like that, so I'm open to any suggestions
 and am willing to give every piece of advice I am given a try.

union, n.:
A dues-paying club workers wield to strike management.

Description: Digital signature

Re: copying files from home directory on one machine to directory on another machine

2009-11-29 Thread Dave Witbrodt

Alexander Kaphuk wrote:

Dave Witbrodt wrote:

Alexander Kaphuk wrote:


I'd appreciate somebody pointing me where to look for info on how to 
copy files from a home directory on one machine to a directory on 
another machine via network.

I've got about 100GB of data I need to copy from my desktop running 
ubuntu 9.04 on to a laptop running Debian Squeeze which are both at 
my home.

I'm not even sure how to word it in just a few words so I can google it.

Maybe simplest way is using 'ssh'.  You can also use 'rsync', but if 
you've never used either before then learning about 'ssh' is arguably 
more important than learning 'rsync'.

First read this:

Then read about 'scp' (included with 'ssh'):

Dave W.

That's right. I've never used either tool before. Thanks a lot for the tip!

Sure.  If you're in the mood to learn about every possibility...

You might also consider NFS:  it allows you to mount directories from 
one machine on the other machine.  If the userid's are the same on both 
machines, this would be terribly simple and would allow you set up the 
NFS mount using very few (of its long list of) options.  If the userid's 
don't match, then you can:

   a) mount with root privileges, copy the files, and change ownership
  afterward using 'chown -R'

or b) mount with special NFS options to change the userid (and/or
  groupid) -- I sometimes do this using a directory on my GUI
  desktop, and then file copying automatically results in the
  userid/groupid matching your user on the destination machine

Of course, NFS is not really an option if your source machine (or 
destination) is running Windows.  [In that case, there's always

Samba!  ;-)  ]

Just food for thought,

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Re: copying files from home directory on one machine to directory on another machine

2009-11-29 Thread Nick Douma
Hash: SHA1

Dave Witbrodt wrote:
 Of course, NFS is not really an option if your source machine (or
 destination) is running Windows.  [In that case, there's always
 Samba!  ;-)  ]

Not true. You can install Windows Services for Unix, and use that to
mount NFS shares. Of course, Samba is indeed much simpler to use for

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Re: copying files from home directory on one machine to directory on another machine

2009-11-29 Thread Florian Kriener
On Sunday 29 November 2009 12:23:47 Dave Witbrodt wrote:
  That's right. I've never used either tool before. Thanks a lot for
  the tip!
 Sure.  If you're in the mood to learn about every possibility...
 You might also consider NFS:  [...]

Okay, if every possibility is what you want to learn you cannot miss the 
excellent combination of nc and cpio:

On your target (bob):
% cd targetdir
% nc -l -p 6060 alice | cpio -iv

On your source (alice):
% cp sourcedir
% find -print0 | cpio -ov0 | nc bob 6060

nc is short for netcat, it will listen on bob (-l) on port 6060 (-p 
6060) for alice. The input comes from bob, who is sending the message 
via nc. In short it's like a pipe over the network (unencrypted, use 
cryptcat if your network is not trustworthy). cpio (copy in / copy out) 
does the actual data transfer. On bob the mode is copy in (-i) and on  
alice it's copy out (-o). To see what's being transferred you can use (-
v). Finally, you can use find (-print0 / -0) to pipe the names of files 
to be transferred to cpio.

Have fun ;-)

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Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Michele Lucca
Since yesterday I have this problem: sometimes, after some use, the sytem 
(Debian Squeeze) becomes a little unresponsive to mouse and keyboard (some 
clicks and keystrockes are lost).  It is as if a mute key is always pressed. 

If I switch to console (ctrl-alt-F1), I see a cotinuous series of  
^...@^@^...@. This stop and start if I press capslock.

In recent updates I can't see anything related to this.

Any ideas?  


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Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Dotan Cohen
2009/11/29 Michele Lucca
 Since yesterday I have this problem: sometimes, after some use, the sytem 
 (Debian Squeeze) becomes a little unresponsive to mouse and keyboard (some 
 clicks and keystrockes are lost).  It is as if a mute key is always pressed.

 If I switch to console (ctrl-alt-F1), I see a cotinuous series of 
 �...@^@^...@. This stop and start if I press capslock.

 In recent updates I can't see anything related to this.

 Any ideas?

Can you test with different hardware? Maybe the keyboard is bad (this
would affect the mouse too on ps/2).

Dotan Cohen

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Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Michele Lucca
Can you test with different hardware? Maybe the keyboard is bad (this
would affect the mouse too on ps/2).
Dotan Cohen

I'm on a laptop, and I have no external keyboard to test. I'm trying 
with different distribution (a live ubuntu)  to exclude an hardware
failure. No problem  with it up to now, but even on debian the problem
not always appears.


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Debian on Flash drive

2009-11-29 Thread jkosmer
Are there vendors who sell Debian pre-installed on a flash drive that will work 
on MAC OS X Jaguar? Alternately, is it easy for a first time user to install a 
Debian package on a Flash drive for MAC OS X jaguar?

John Kosmer

Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Michele Lucca skrev:
Since yesterday I have this problem: sometimes, after some use, the sytem (Debian Squeeze) becomes a little unresponsive to mouse and keyboard (some clicks and keystrockes are lost).  It is as if a mute key is always pressed. 

If I switch to console (ctrl-alt-F1), I see a cotinuous series of  
^...@^@^...@. This stop and start if I press capslock.

I would test with xev to see if that can tell you whether the x-server 
receives something from the keyboard, but I have no guess as to the 
cause. My hope would be for xev to tell you that key  is being 
pressed all the time, or something similar.

/ johan

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Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread '-'
On 11/29/09, Michele Lucca wrote:
 Since yesterday I have this problem: sometimes, after some use, the sytem
 (Debian Squeeze) becomes a little unresponsive to mouse and keyboard (some
 clicks and keystrockes are lost).  It is as if a mute key is always

 If I switch to console (ctrl-alt-F1), I see a cotinuous series of  
 This stop and start if I press capslock.

 In recent updates I can't see anything related to this.

 Any ideas?

I have this problem as well, it started yesterday. Running squeeze
with all available updates. It broke my keyboard autorepeat in X, but
worked fine in virtual consoles. Noticed continuous ^...@^@^...@^@ in VCs
after killing X, it even prevented me from logging in on a second VC
for awhile, but that seemed to resolve itself somehow. xev showed
keycode 232 and 233 being continuously pressed and released, which on
my laptop is Fn+Up and Fn+Down, mapped to xf86brightnessup and
xf86brightnessdown. Rebooted and the problem appeared to be gone until
I tried to adjust brightness by using Fn+Down, which caused the
unending key press events to start again. xset has no effect. I'll
boot a LiveCD shortly to see if the problem occurs there. I have my
caps lock key mapped to escape, so I will try remapping back to caps
lock to test if this has any effect.

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Re: live cd/usb projects?

2009-11-29 Thread T o n g
Thanks a lot for the detailed instruction Rob, really appreciate it. 

On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:52:34 -0500, Rob Owens wrote:

 9) With your USB drive inserted and not mounted:
 (replace X with the proper letter for your device) dd if=binary.img

Several questions regarding this step:

- what's the underlying file system does the binary.img have, vfat?
- what bootloader does it use?
- is there any other way to install the content, say copy into a ext3 
- how can I create an .iso file instea?

I know all above questions are of RTFM ones (though scattered all over 
the places), so please ignore me if they bother you.


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: copying files from home directory on one machine to directory on another machine

2009-11-29 Thread Alexander Kaphuk
Wow! Good to know there's an abundance of solutions to a given problem 
that can be explored.

Thanks a lot to all those who have responded to my original email!

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aptitude question

2009-11-29 Thread Neo Anderson
env: debian unstable/ kernel 2.6.31/ dpkg (i386)/ apt 0.7.24 for i386 
compiled on Sep 25 2009 20:05:59

I try to exec `aptitude upgarde` ,but it hangs at the step 

Setting up grub-pc (2009xxx) ...

even if I try to run sudp dkpg --configure -a

it hangs at that step as well.

However, there is no problem if I run `apt-get upgrade`

Everything works fine. 

What may cause this problem? Or is there any log I can check so that I can 
report bug (if it is)?

Many thanks,

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Re: preseed with two hard disks

2009-11-29 Thread Jesús M. Navarro
Hi, Richard:

On Saturday 28 November 2009 23:13:02 Richard Pijnenburg wrote:
 Hi Josep,

 According to the documentation ( can't remember where exactly ) it's stated
 that the preseed system can't handle 2 disks.
 I'm trying to find a decent work around for it but no luck yet.
 All we can do is hope the Debian developers will fix this some day.

I'd say going too complex is on the verge of going outside preseed's scope.  
Given that even if you managed to do that you wouldn't be able 
to post-manage the installation I'd say it would be a better fit using 
preseed up the point of getting a basic running system and then passing 
resposibility to a better suited tool for post-install management, like 
puppet (or forgetting about preseed and push for FAI as your 
install-automation tool).

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Re: live cd/usb projects?

2009-11-29 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 04:45:31PM +, T o n g wrote:
 Thanks a lot for the detailed instruction Rob, really appreciate it. 
 On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:52:34 -0500, Rob Owens wrote:
  9) With your USB drive inserted and not mounted:
  (replace X with the proper letter for your device) dd if=binary.img
 Several questions regarding this step:
 - what's the underlying file system does the binary.img have, vfat?

Or FAT16. It doesn't really matter, though. See --binary-filesystem in

 - what bootloader does it use?

syslinux by default. Grub can also be used, but you'll miss the
interactive menu.

 - is there any other way to install the content, say copy into a ext3 

Look at chroot/ and binary/ under the build directory.

 - how can I create an .iso file instea?

That is actually the default, if you don't use --binary-images usb-hdd

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Michele
Il giorno dom, 29/11/2009 alle 08.27 -0800, '-' ha scritto: 
 I have this problem as well, it started yesterday. Running squeeze
 with all available updates. It broke my keyboard autorepeat in X, but
 worked fine in virtual consoles. Noticed continuous ^...@^@^...@^@ in VCs
 after killing X, it even prevented me from logging in on a second VC
 for awhile, but that seemed to resolve itself somehow. xev showed
 keycode 232 and 233 being continuously pressed and released, which on
 my laptop is Fn+Up and Fn+Down, mapped to xf86brightnessup and
 xf86brightnessdown. Rebooted and the problem appeared to be gone until
 I tried to adjust brightness by using Fn+Down, which caused the
 unending key press events to start again. xset has no effect. I'll
 boot a LiveCD shortly to see if the problem occurs there. I have my
 caps lock key mapped to escape, so I will try remapping back to caps
 lock to test if this has any effect.

I can confirm that setting brightness, which is Fn+Up and Fn+Down in my
laptop as well, is the cause of the problem.  Also to me xev showed
keycode 232 and 233.

Watching recent updates, I sow acpid 1.0.10-3 - 1.0.10-4. 
Restarting  acpid (/etc/init.d/acpid restart)  stops the problem until
brightness is set again.

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Re: live cd/usb projects?

2009-11-29 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 04:45:31PM +, T o n g wrote:
 Thanks a lot for the detailed instruction Rob, really appreciate it. 
 On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:52:34 -0500, Rob Owens wrote:
  9) With your USB drive inserted and not mounted:
  (replace X with the proper letter for your device) dd if=binary.img
 Several questions regarding this step:
 - what's the underlying file system does the binary.img have, vfat?
Yes, it is vfat.  However, I think if your image is over a certain size
it is created using a different filesystem (I can't remember which, and
I can't remember exactly where I read that).

 - what bootloader does it use?
syslinux.  There is an option in lh_config to specify --bootloader
grub or --bootloader yaboot if you want/need to use one of those.

 - is there any other way to install the content, say copy into a ext3 
I think you should be able to mount binary.img as a loopback interface.
You might need to specify -t squashfs in your mount command, and for
that you might need some special squashfs tools.  I think I did this
once, but I don't remember the steps.

If you're concerned about adding packages w/o using -p mylist, you can
add --interactive enabled into the lh_config command.  That'll give
you a shell before the image is created (after you run lh_build).  There you 
can add
repositories, install software, etc.  When you exit the shell, the build
will continue.

 - how can I create an .iso file instea?
Use -b iso instead of -b usb-hdd in the lh_config command.  I'm not
sure if/how persistence would work if you create a live CD.  I've never
tried it.

 I know all above questions are of RTFM ones (though scattered all over 
 the places), so please ignore me if they bother you.
No problem.  There are many conflicting sets of instructions floating
around on wikis, etc.  It took me a long time to get this stuff figured


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Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Michele
I reported  the bug .

I temporary recompiled acpid package without netlink patch

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Re: Squeeze : Keyboard problem as if a key is always pressed

2009-11-29 Thread Tyler Smith
Michele writes:

 Il giorno dom, 29/11/2009 alle 08.27 -0800, '-' ha scritto: 
 I have this problem as well, it started yesterday. Running squeeze
 with all available updates. It broke my keyboard autorepeat in X, but
 worked fine in virtual consoles. Noticed continuous ^...@^@^...@^@ in VCs
 after killing X, it even prevented me from logging in on a second VC
 for awhile, but that seemed to resolve itself somehow. xev showed
 keycode 232 and 233 being continuously pressed and released, which on
 my laptop is Fn+Up and Fn+Down, mapped to xf86brightnessup and
 xf86brightnessdown. Rebooted and the problem appeared to be gone until
 I tried to adjust brightness by using Fn+Down, which caused the
 unending key press events to start again. xset has no effect. I'll
 boot a LiveCD shortly to see if the problem occurs there. I have my
 caps lock key mapped to escape, so I will try remapping back to caps
 lock to test if this has any effect.

 I can confirm that setting brightness, which is Fn+Up and Fn+Down in my
 laptop as well, is the cause of the problem.  Also to me xev showed
 keycode 232 and 233.

 Watching recent updates, I sow acpid 1.0.10-3 - 1.0.10-4. 
 Restarting  acpid (/etc/init.d/acpid restart)  stops the problem until
 brightness is set again.

I have the same problem, only with the xf86Display key, which on my
laptop is Fn F4. /etc/init.d/acpid restart corrects this here too.


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Re: copying files from home directory on one machine to directory on another machine

2009-11-29 Thread Alan Ianson
 Of course, NFS is not really an option if your source machine (or 
 destination) is running Windows.  [In that case, there's always
 Samba!  ;-)

I have seen nfs for windows lately, although I haven't tried it.

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Re: aptitude question

2009-11-29 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Neo Anderson wrote:
env: debian unstable/ kernel 2.6.31/ dpkg (i386)/ apt 0.7.24 for
 i386 compiled on Sep 25 2009 20:05:59

I try to exec `aptitude upgarde` ,but it hangs at the step

Setting up grub-pc (2009xxx) ...

even if I try to run sudp dkpg --configure -a

it hangs at that step as well.

However, there is no problem if I run `apt-get upgrade`

apt-get makes less of an effort to clean up the current package statuses.  
Whether that is good or not is debatable.

What may cause this problem? Or is there any log I can check so that I can
 report bug (if it is)?

One of the {pre,post}{inst,rm} scripts for grub-pc is hanging.  First, 
determine which one, then file a bug.  Next, find out what line in the shell 
script is causing the problem, probably by using set -x at the top of the 
script.  From these, the grub-pc maintainer will probably have to give you 
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: aptitude question

2009-11-29 Thread Tim Tebbit
Neo Anderson wrote:
 env: debian unstable/ kernel 2.6.31/ dpkg (i386)/ apt 0.7.24 for 
 i386 compiled on Sep 25 2009 20:05:59
 I try to exec `aptitude upgarde` ,but it hangs at the step 
 Setting up grub-pc (2009xxx) ...
 even if I try to run sudp dkpg --configure -a
 it hangs at that step as well.
 However, there is no problem if I run `apt-get upgrade`
 Everything works fine. 
 What may cause this problem? Or is there any log I can check so that I can 
 report bug (if it is)?
 Many thanks,

Be warned if you have a separate /boot you will be burned by #558042.
grub-pc is broken at the moment.

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Sound is missing?

2009-11-29 Thread I Rattan

PC is Dell Dimension 5150

Systems is Linux siduxbox 2.6.31-6.slh.1-sidux-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 
10 02:13:47 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

The computer has HDA-Intel sound card, is detected by the software, lsmod
snd_hda_codec_idt  60004  1
snd_hda_intel  27112  0
snd_hda_codec  75388  2 snd_hda_codec_idt,snd_hda_intel
snd_hwdep   7296  1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm73920  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec
snd59684  8 

snd_page_alloc  9092  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm

But mplayer and gxine won't play the sound part).

Any ideas?

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Re: Sound is missing?

2009-11-29 Thread I Rattan

On Sun, 29 Nov 2009, I Rattan wrote:

PC is Dell Dimension 5150

Systems is Linux siduxbox 2.6.31-6.slh.1-sidux-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 10 
02:13:47 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

The computer has HDA-Intel sound card, is detected by the software, lsmod
snd_hda_codec_idt  60004  1
snd_hda_intel  27112  0
snd_hda_codec  75388  2 snd_hda_codec_idt,snd_hda_intel
snd_hwdep   7296  1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm73920  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec
snd59684  8 

snd_page_alloc  9092  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm

But mplayer and gxine won't play the sound part).

Sorry to answer myself, after mixer settings it works.


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2009-11-29 Thread I Rattan

Where does this .so file go for use by iceweasel?
Just downloaded it form Adobe site.


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2009-11-29 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:36:21 -0500, I Rattan wrote:

 Where does this .so file go for use by iceweasel? Just downloaded it
 form Adobe site.

I created a folder named plugins under ~/.mozilla and dropped the 
file in there.



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Suggestions for desktop search application

2009-11-29 Thread Camaleón

I'm looking of a desktop search utility that can to search mainly within 
(inside) documents, mostly pdf and odt files, but not limited to 
these ones (if it also could index Icedove e-mails would be great).

I was using Beagle (not so long time ago) under openSUSE and was pretty 
good for this task but I don't know about any other options available -if 
any- under Debian (Lenny).

Beagle is quite good but it makes use of Mono libraries and I have read 
some disappointments about this (not only regarding Mono license but also 
for making the system to run a bit slow wile indexing and to be some 
resource consuming).

So, what would be your recommendations for this task? Any preferred tools 
for this?




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Re: Flash plugin problem - cant click - amd64 unstable

2009-11-29 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 23:21:44 +, Cameron Hutchison wrote:

 Is anyone else having problems with the flash plugin
 (flashplugin-nonfree) on unstable on a 64-bit platform?

It runs fine (all the fine flashpayer can run) under Lenny.
 On some sites, the flash videos load but the plugin seems to ignore my
 mouse clicks so I can't start the video playing. This does not happen on
 all sites - works ok, but the video on this page:
 does not work. I cannot interact with the player at all. All my clicks
 are ignored. I can right click to get the context menu, but if I select
 Settings... I get a dialog that I cannot interact with.

That site is working here. The play button starts the movie.
 This started happening not so long ago (sometime in the last month I
 guess, but I dont use flash sites much so I dont know exactly).
 I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree but that
 made no difference.

Have you seen any warning message logged in the Iceweasel console error 
once you click in the play button? Maybe your problem comes from browser 
(and javacript), and not from flashplayer plugin itself.



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Re: Suggestions for desktop search application

2009-11-29 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Camaleón skrev:
I'm looking of a desktop search utility that can to search mainly within 
(inside) documents, mostly pdf and odt files, but not limited to 
these ones (if it also could index Icedove e-mails would be great).

I was using Beagle (not so long time ago) under openSUSE and was pretty 
good for this task but I don't know about any other options available -if 
any- under Debian (Lenny).

Beagle is available in debian as well.

I used strigi for a while, but I do not remember why I chose that over 
beagle. Another option also available in debian seems to be doodle, but 
I have never tried that.

/ johan

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2009-11-29 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:36:21 -0500 (EST)
I Rattan wrote:

 Where does this .so file go for use by iceweasel?
 Just downloaded it form Adobe site.

Any reason you're not using the version from the Debian repo?

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Re: Suggestions for desktop search application

2009-11-29 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 21:19:48 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 I'm looking of a desktop search utility that can to search mainly within 
 (inside) documents, mostly pdf and odt files, but not limited to 
 these ones (if it also could index Icedove e-mails would be great).
 I was using Beagle (not so long time ago) under openSUSE and was pretty 
 good for this task but I don't know about any other options available -if 
 any- under Debian (Lenny).
 Beagle is quite good but it makes use of Mono libraries and I have read 
 some disappointments about this (not only regarding Mono license but also 
 for making the system to run a bit slow wile indexing and to be some 
 resource consuming).
 So, what would be your recommendations for this task? Any preferred tools 
 for this?

I've been using recoll for a while and I rather like it.  It's not
flashy, but it works quite well.

Some possibly useful links:

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Re: Suggestions for desktop search application

2009-11-29 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 16:58:27 -0500, Celejar wrote:

 On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 21:19:48 + (UTC) Camaleón wrote:

 I'm looking of a desktop search utility that can to search mainly
 within (inside) documents, mostly pdf and odt files, but not
 limited to these ones (if it also could index Icedove e-mails would be


 I've been using recoll for a while and I rather like it.  It's not
 flashy, but it works quite well.
 Some possibly useful links:

Johan, Celejar, thank you both for your suggestions. *Really* useful :-)

I think, by reviewing the wikipedia links provided (nice link!), I am 
going to give Tracker a chance.

- Tracker 
It seems to be quite similar to Beagle (easy of use and very well Gnome 
integration) but it a has a bit more advantages (C programming -instead 
Mono-, more stable and less resource consuming).

- Strigi + deskbar applet search
It seems to be very light-weight at indexing and also seems to be a 
central point of integration between any desktop search (it has support 
for several systems -linux, unix, solaris, macos, windows...) but I think 
is still evolving and defining its way, so I'd rather prefer to wait a 
year or two before start using it O:-)

- Recoll, by the way, seems to be more kde-centric (qt gui).



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Re: Suggestions for desktop search application

2009-11-29 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:41:59 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:


 - Recoll, by the way, seems to be more kde-centric (qt gui).

I've never noticed any issues using it with my GTK+ / Xfce
environment.  It does bring in several qt libs, but no actual KDE stuff.

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Re: Quick and dirty debian live on USB stick.

2009-11-29 Thread Chris Jones
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 08:59:21PM EST, Rob Owens wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 05:19:56PM -0500, Chris Jones wrote:

  I'm playing with the idea of copying my laptop's debian lenny
  partition to a USB stick that I can take with me when traveling.
  Since I can't be sure I'll have a machine with available space on
  the HDD or be allowed to partition the drive, what I thought was
  that I could have a bootable system on the USB stick and boot into
  it pretty much as I would off of a live CD. 


 I'm not sure that what you're planning won't work, but if I were you
 I'd do it like this:
 Create a live USB system (see my instructions in the live cd/usb
 projects thread).  Install all the same software as your current
 laptop ha.  Then transfer over your data.

What I had in mind was more like a bootable backup. I tried Debian
Live before and it does not do that. 

IIRC, ubuntu has something that does this, but I don't remember the name
right now, and it probably would not work for a debian system.

 Supposedly you can test your USB image using Qemu, although I've never
 done it myself.

I tried qemu when I was trying to get Debian Live to work but all it did
was it went to 100% and stayed there doing nothing. I didn't have the
time to investigate, but I have a feeling you need more RAM than I have
to run a VM under qemu - just to boot one, even.



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Re: Quick and dirty debian live on USB stick.

2009-11-29 Thread Emanoil Kotsev
Rob Owens wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 05:19:56PM -0500, Chris Jones wrote:
 I'm playing with the idea of copying my laptop's debian lenny partition
 to a USB stick that I can take with me when traveling.
 Since I can't be sure I'll have a machine with available space on the
 HDD or be allowed to partition the drive, what I thought was that I
 could have a bootable system on the USB stick and boot into it pretty
 much as I would off of a live CD.
 What I had in mind was as simple as:
 . clone the lenny partition to /dev/sda1
 . install grub to /dev/sda
 . make adjustments to the contents of /dev/sda1
 The trouble is that I don't have a machine that can boot off of a USB
 stick to test ahead of time.
 I'm not sure that what you're planning won't work, but if I were you
 I'd do it like this:
 Create a live USB system (see my instructions in the live cd/usb
 projects thread).  Install all the same software as your current laptop
 ha.  Then transfer over your data.
 Supposedly you can test your USB image using Qemu, although I've never
 done it myself.

Hm, not necessary to install from scratch.

Just copy over to the usb and put in fstab and relevant files (grub,etc) the
disk id instead of /dev/sda (you need udev for this), so you can be sure to
use the same device no matter which id it sd id it gets assigned to.
recreate initrd and possibly hack it. For me I needed to add manually
command for inserting dm-mod and triggering vgscan/vgchange on a crypted
partition with lvm.
After playing a bit I managed it to get a working initrd. It's all mater of
initrd to get it running.

A major issue is that there are different machines on around with different
chipsets cpus etc, so you'll need more generic kernel and drivers ... may
be 386 to be sure it will run on each system, or get some 386, 586 and 686.


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Re: Grep on dictionary words

2009-11-29 Thread Emanoil Kotsev
Dotan Cohen wrote:

 This means that only words that start with a caps are valid. I need
 can start with a caps, but caps can be nowhere else. I got that like
 grep ^[A-Za-z][a-z]*$
 However I think that there is a better way.
 This is a good exercise. I am bettering my regex skills as I learn
 what works and what doesn't.

Ever thought of using perl or python

i.e. libtext-aspell-perl

   Text::Aspell - Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library

   use Text::Aspell;
   my $speller = Text::Aspell-new;

   die unless $speller;

   # Set some options

   # check a word
   print $speller-check( $word )
 ? $word found\n
 : $word not found!\n;

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Re: Flash plugin problem - cant click - amd64 unstable

2009-11-29 Thread Tyler Smith
Cameron Hutchison writes:

 Is anyone else having problems with the flash plugin
 (flashplugin-nonfree) on unstable on a 64-bit platform?

Yes, I'm having the same problem you described (below) on testing on a
32 bit machine. We're not alone, when I tried to trouble shoot this I
found a bunch of forum posts
( ) detailing the

A 'fix' that works for me is to right-click on the flash screen, then
double-left click on the flash button (play, pause, full-screen etc).
This works on Hulu, the only way I can view videos full screen.

Hopefully this will be resolved in the next version of the flash plugin
or gtk, but I don't understand the details.



 On some sites, the flash videos load but the plugin seems to ignore my
 mouse clicks so I can't start the video playing. This does not happen on
 all sites - works ok, but the video on this page:

 does not work. I cannot interact with the player at all. All my clicks
 are ignored. I can right click to get the context menu, but if I select
 Settings... I get a dialog that I cannot interact with.

 This started happening not so long ago (sometime in the last month I
 guess, but I dont use flash sites much so I dont know exactly).

 I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree but that
 made no difference.

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iptables and ports 0, 1

2009-11-29 Thread Tyler Smith

I've got a pretty basic iptables setup for my personal laptop, drop
all input except connections from local host, and allow all outgoing

However, When I check with Shields Up! 

I see that port 0 and 1 are listed as 'closed' instead of 'stealth'
(ie., rejecting requests instead of dropping them). I'm not sure what
I'm doing wrong, since my setup is so basic. Any suggestions?



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Horizontal scroll (synaptics) only works for root?

2009-11-29 Thread Ben Pearre

I have a ThinkPad T61 running the latest Debian unstable.

I have a synaptics touchpad.  I have it set up to send vertical and
horizontal scroll events using xorg.conf, thusly:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  TouchPad
Driver  synaptics
Option  Device/dev/input/mouse0
Option  SendCoreEventstrue
Option  Protocol  auto-dev
Option  Buttons   7
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5
Option  XAxisMapping  6 7
Option  SHMConfig true

Option  LeftEdge  1700
Option  RightEdge 5000
Option  TopEdge   1700
Option  BottomEdge4200
Option  FingerHigh30
Option  FingerLow 25

Option  HorizEdgeScroll   1
Option  HorizScrollDelta  80
Option  VertScrollDelta   120
Option  CircularScrolling true
Option  CircScrollTrigger 3
# CircScrollDelta breaks everything:
# Option  CircScrollDelta   0.001

# Disable using it as a mouse.  Scroll only!
Option  AccelFactor   0
Option  MaxTapTime0
Option  MaxDoubleTapTime  0
Option  ClickTime 0
Option  MaxTapMove0
Option  MinSpeed  0
Option  MaxSpeed  0
Option  EdgeMotionMinSpeed0
Option  EdgeMotionMaxSpeed0
Option  EdgeMotionUseAlways   0
# Option ButtonMapping 1 2 9 10

That works great--as root.  It was working for normal users too, but
no longer.  I believe it may have been around the time of the KDE4
upgrade that it stopped working for normal users.

xev lists vertical (button 4 and 5) scroll events.  If I do startx --
:1 as root either from within X or a console, xev has no problem
seeing oodles of horizontal (button 6 and 7) events.  But for my user
account, xev lists nothing at all when I touch the touchpad in this
way, although all other functionality is there.

I could understand if my user account were running a program that
remapped buttons 6 and 7 to not do anything, but the X events should
still come through, shouldn't they?

I don't know where to begin!  A recursive grep -i HorizScroll in ~
doesn't turn anything up.  ~/.Xmodmap doesn't contain anything that
could possibly interfere--just makes CapsLock another Control key.
I've tried google, I've searched this mailing list, but apparently my
search-fu is weak.

Any pointers as to what could be making the X events disappear would
be greatly appreciated!  It beats doing a bunch of X restarts with
different parts of .kde, .local, .gnome, .gnome2, .gnome2_private, and
who-knows-what-else disabled...

Many thanks for any pointers (haha) you can provide!

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AMD-K6-2 processor for Lenny

2009-11-29 Thread formanlpg
How to configure  compile the kernel for AMD-K6-2 procesor ?

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Re: Quick and dirty debian live on USB stick.

2009-11-29 Thread Chris Jones
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 07:00:55PM EST, Emanoil Kotsev wrote:


 Hm, not necessary to install from scratch.

 Just copy over to the usb and put in fstab and relevant files
 (grub,etc) the disk id instead of /dev/sda (you need udev for this),
 so you can be sure to use the same device no matter which id it sd id
 it gets assigned to.

Good point: UUID= in /etc/fstab and grub.cfg

 recreate initrd and possibly hack it. 

I don't see why at this point, but that's the problem when you cannot
test. I already have a custom initrd and recreating it is not going to
make any difference.

Actually, since I can't get qemu to work, I'm thinking of copying the
system on the USB stick to a DVD and see if I can boot off of that. If
it doesn't it could mean different things, but if it does boot then I'll
know that the USB stick is problably going to do likewise.

 For me I needed to add manually command for inserting dm-mod and
 triggering vgscan/vgchange on a crypted partition with lvm.  After
 playing a bit I managed it to get a working initrd. It's all mater of
 initrd to get it running.

 A major issue is that there are different machines on around with
 different chipsets cpus etc, so you'll need more generic kernel and
 drivers ... may be 386 to be sure it will run on each system, or get
 some 386, 586 and 686.

Good point, although machines that can boot off of a USB device are
likely to be fairly recent and should be happy with a 686 kernel.

Thanks for you comments.


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Re: iptables and ports 0, 1

2009-11-29 Thread Alex Samad
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 08:07:55PM -0500, Tyler Smith wrote:
 I've got a pretty basic iptables setup for my personal laptop, drop
 all input except connections from local host, and allow all outgoing
 However, When I check with Shields Up! 
 I see that port 0 and 1 are listed as 'closed' instead of 'stealth'
 (ie., rejecting requests instead of dropping them). I'm not sure what
 I'm doing wrong, since my setup is so basic. Any suggestions?

closed is good, unless you have something on port 1


Yes, I am mindful that we're all sinners, and I caution those who may try to 
take the speck out of their neighbor's eye when they got a log in their own.

- George W. Bush
Washington, DC
at a Press conference, in response to the question what's your view on 

Description: Digital signature

Re: AMD-K6-2 processor for Lenny

2009-11-29 Thread Stan Hoeppner put forth on 11/29/2009 6:44 PM:
 How to configure  compile the kernel for AMD-K6-2 procesor ?

Simple.  In 'make menuconfig' select K6-II under Processor Type.

And read this if you haven't already:


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Re: On Access Virus Scanner Recommendation

2009-11-29 Thread Holger Rauch

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009, Paul Johnson wrote:

 Holger Rauch wrote:
  I'm thinking about using NOD32 on a Debian system for on access virus
  scanning (i.e. scan a file when it's created or its contents are
  modified in some way).
 Why, when it's so much easier to not allow connections from insecure
 operating systems prone to virus infection to start with?

Because disallowing these connections (unfortunately) is not an option
since Windows clients are used in my company and they too need to be
able to both access and modify files on our file server.

What's even more interesting though is: Which is the right Dazuko
version to choose? There are several of them around.

Kind regards,


Description: Digital signature

Re: Flash plugin problem - cant click - amd64 unstable

2009-11-29 Thread Cameron Hutchison
Cameron Hutchison writes:

Is anyone else having problems with the flash plugin
(flashplugin-nonfree) on unstable on a 64-bit platform?

On some sites, the flash videos load but the plugin seems to ignore my
mouse clicks so I can't start the video playing. This does not happen on
all sites - works ok, but the video on this page:

does not work. I cannot interact with the player at all. All my clicks
are ignored. I can right click to get the context menu, but if I select
Settings... I get a dialog that I cannot interact with.

I forgot to mention that I am using Iceweasel, although that was
probably assumed.

Thanks to the info reported by Kumar, Camaleón and Tyler, I've isolated
the problem to my window manager - fvwm2.

If I start a gnome session with metacity, the flash plugin works
properly. When running with fvwm2, I get the problems described above.

Camaleón's workaround works for me too - that is, right click for the
context menu, then double left-click on the button you want to activate.

Why a left-click seems to go through the window, but a right-click
does not is beyond me. I'll fiddle with my fvwm config and see if I can
make a difference.

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Re: Flash plugin problem - cant click - amd64 unstable

2009-11-29 Thread Cameron Hutchison
Tyler Smith writes:

Cameron Hutchison writes:

 Is anyone else having problems with the flash plugin
 (flashplugin-nonfree) on unstable on a 64-bit platform?

Yes, I'm having the same problem you described (below) on testing on a
32 bit machine. We're not alone, when I tried to trouble shoot this I
found a bunch of forum posts
( ) detailing the

I forgot to read that before my last reply. Seems other's have traced it
back to the WM too.

A 'fix' that works for me is to right-click on the flash screen, then
double-left click on the flash button (play, pause, full-screen etc).
This works on Hulu, the only way I can view videos full screen.

I incorrectly attributed this fix to Camaleón in my last reply. Sorry.

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Unstable, LVM and Grub2: error: you need to load the kernel first

2009-11-29 Thread Johannes Graumann

A recent update of both my home machines running sid pulled in an update of 
grub2. Now both machines are stuck with the grub menu showing up fine, but 
no matter which kernel I choose, I always end up with this error:

error: you need to load the kernel first

Does anyone here have an idea what might be going wrong and how to fix it? 

Thanks for any hints, 

Sincerely, Joh

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Re: Notulen gemeenteraad afluisteren

2009-11-29 Thread Gijs Hillenius

Beluisteren is wat hier bedoeld wordt. Afluisteren is weer wat anders...

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Re: Samba + Exim4+ Ldap op Debian Lenny stable

2009-11-29 Thread Wouter Verhelst
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 09:04:18AM +0100, Tha Docta wrote:
 Ik ben nu een klein maandje bezig met het opzetten van een debian lenny server
 waar LDAP + Samba + Exim4 op moet komen te staan.
 De bedoeling is dat samba en exim4 gekoppeld zijn aan de LDAP server zodat als
 er een gebruiker aangemaakt wordt dat dit maar 1 keer hoeft te gebeuren i.p.v.
 3 en


LDAP is _*géén*_ single sign-on tool. Kerberos is dat wel.

 dat alle gebruikers gegevens op 1 centraal punt opgeslagen en opgehaald

Dat kan LDAP wel.

 Tot nu toe is het mij gelukt om samba te koppelen aan Ldap maar met exim4 heb
 ik minder success omdat er ook gewoon weinig (bruikbaars) over te vinden is.

Exim laat zowat alles toe, maar je moet het zelf implementeren.

 Onderdelen waar vooral weinig over te vinden is:
 - Het .schema bestand dat gekoppeld moet worden in slap.conf
 - Het bijwerken van de bestaande gebruikers zodat daar een mailadres voor
 aangemaakt kan worden.
 - Het bijwerken van de template die gebruikt wordt voor als er een nieuwe
 gebruiker aangemaakt wordt.

Wat ik op een aantal plaatsen gedaan heb:

  driver = redirect
  domains = +local_domains
  cannot_route_message = Unknown user
  data = ${lookup ldap 

Dit doet een lookup van het mailadres in het 'mail' attribute, en
redirect dat naar de gebruiker van wie dat mailadres gezet is.

Je kan het schema uiteraard zo aanpassen als je zelf wilt door het
woordje 'mail' te vervangen door iets anders.

Merk op dat dit ook een 'sub' search doet, en de 'uid' waarde


The biometric identification system at the gates of the CIA headquarters
works because there's a guard with a large gun making sure no one is
trying to fool the system.

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Re: Samba + Exim4+ Ldap op Debian Lenny stable

2009-11-29 Thread Tha Docta
Hoi Wouter,

Ik geloof dat je het een en ander niet goed heb begrepen. Zoals je zelf heb
geciteerd gaat het om het *aanmaken *van de gebruiker
en *niet* het *aanmelden *van de gebruiker. Het is mij ook bekend dat voor
het configureren van Exim4 voor LDAP dat ik daarvoor niet in LDAP
hoef te zijn, hier heeft Martijn mij uitstekend bij geholpen.

Aangezien mijn vragen/problemen zijn opgelost (zie vorig mailtje) beschouw
ik dit onderwerp gesloten om verdere overlast (onnozel gespam) te voorkomen.

Bedankt voor je oplettendheld.



Op 29 november 2009 10:10 schreef Wouter Verhelst het

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 09:04:18AM +0100, Tha Docta wrote:
  Ik ben nu een klein maandje bezig met het opzetten van een debian lenny
  waar LDAP + Samba + Exim4 op moet komen te staan.
  De bedoeling is dat samba en exim4 gekoppeld zijn aan de LDAP server
 zodat als
  er een gebruiker aangemaakt wordt dat dit maar 1 keer hoeft te gebeuren
  3 en


 LDAP is _*géén*_ single sign-on tool. Kerberos is dat wel.

  dat alle gebruikers gegevens op 1 centraal punt opgeslagen en opgehaald

 Dat kan LDAP wel.

  Tot nu toe is het mij gelukt om samba te koppelen aan Ldap maar met exim4
  ik minder success omdat er ook gewoon weinig (bruikbaars) over te vinden

 Exim laat zowat alles toe, maar je moet het zelf implementeren.

  Onderdelen waar vooral weinig over te vinden is:
  - Het .schema bestand dat gekoppeld moet worden in slap.conf
  - Het bijwerken van de bestaande gebruikers zodat daar een mailadres voor
  aangemaakt kan worden.
  - Het bijwerken van de template die gebruikt wordt voor als er een nieuwe
  gebruiker aangemaakt wordt.

 Wat ik op een aantal plaatsen gedaan heb:

  driver = redirect
  domains = +local_domains
  cannot_route_message = Unknown user
  data = ${lookup ldap

 Dit doet een lookup van het mailadres in het 'mail' attribute, en
 redirect dat naar de gebruiker van wie dat mailadres gezet is.

 Je kan het schema uiteraard zo aanpassen als je zelf wilt door het
 woordje 'mail' te vervangen door iets anders.

 Merk op dat dit ook een 'sub' search doet, en de 'uid' waarde


 The biometric identification system at the gates of the CIA headquarters
 works because there's a guard with a large gun making sure no one is
 trying to fool the system.

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