[DUG] Access Violation

2011-08-14 Thread Marshland Engineering
Not sure where to go with this.

I'm sending 3 bytes of data  at 38400 baud every 500 ms. If I speed up the rate 
to every 250 ms I get   

Access Violation at address 004934CA in Mmodule Dyno.exe' Write address 


if SerialPortNG.NextClusterSize = 0 then begin
   for i:=1 to length(sRaw) do
  try iData[i]:= byte(sRaw[i])

I don't know what I'm looking for. 

Thanks Wallace
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Re: [DUG] HEX to decimal

2011-08-07 Thread Marshland Engineering
I finally got it working. The number of stop bits was wrong, that's why the 
first character was always correct and the rest incorrect.

Final code

  if SerialPortNG.NextClusterSize = 0 then begin
   for i:=1 to length(sRaw) do
   iData[i]:= byte(sRaw[i]);

Thanks Wallace

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Re: [DUG] HEX to decimal

2011-08-04 Thread Marshland Engineering

Been there done that 

edit2.text := IntToStr(StrToInt('$' + sRaw));

Result  '[' is not a valid integer. 

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Re: [DUG] Delphi Digest, Vol 94, Issue 7

2011-08-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
I still have something wrong

I sending
and a terminal program reads BC correctly

My Delphi code is as below but something is wrong with the second character.

if SerialPortNG.NextClusterSize = 0 then begin
   for i:=1 to length(sRaw) do begin
   iValue:= ORD(sRaw[i]);
   sData:=sData+IntToStr(iValue)+'  ';

66  232
66  232
66  232

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Re: [DUG] HEX to decimal

2011-08-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
Adding more characters


I get

66  40  84  250
66  40  84  250 

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Re: [DUG] HEX to decimal

2011-08-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
What version of Delphi are you using? Could the string be returned as a
Unicode string? or is it an AnsiString?I'm using Ver 6

Apparently ORD works with 1 for the first character and not 0 just to be 
confusing !!!

PS Using 0 returns a blank.

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[DUG] HEX to decimal

2011-08-03 Thread Marshland Engineering
I cannot get the decimal equivalent of the number sent from my micro in Delphi 

I am running and ATmega (micro) and it sends out a hex number corresponding to 
an A to D conversion. It is 8 bit. 

I'm using SerialNG to read the data with 

procedure TfDyno.SerialPortNGRxClusterEvent(Sender: TObject);
if SerialPortNG.NextClusterSize = 0 then begin

In the text box I get the ASCII character displayed eg [  {  9   *   {   }  % 

How do I get the Decimal equivalent to display. Should be in the range 0-65534.

I've spent many hours trying so far !!!

Cheers Wallace ___
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[DUG] mxarray.dcu not found.

2011-06-20 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have installed Delphi 6 and Absolute database on a slightly older machine. (3 

When I opened a working project, it has an error, mxarray.dcu could not be 

I uninstalled and reinstalled Delphi and Absolute and same thing.

I started and new project, complied, no error, added a database, table, dbgrid 
and the error came back.

I  have Delphi4 on the same machine but it works fine with a similar project. 

Any suggestions?

Alternatively how do I convert my 6 project to 4 - I get invalid stream format.

Thanks Wallace___
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[DUG] RE Data validation.

2011-06-05 Thread Marshland Engineering
After a bit of experimenting, it seems that the OnValidate is triggered once 
you leave the dbEdit box and it is before the Post is committed. This means 
that you get a message directly after the box you have just entered the data 
This words great for data validation across many forms, but, it tells you the 
error, however it does not does not return you the box you have just left. Is 
there a way to put the cursor back to the dbEdit box if an error is encountered 

Along a similar line, is there a way to find where the cursor is within a 
string in and edit box ?

Thanks Wallace

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Re: [DUG] Validate data entry

2011-06-02 Thread Marshland Engineering
Form inheritance or Frames to cut 
down on the number of different entry points.

The program is set of sequences for machining. A DBGrid displays the operations.

On double clicking the DBGrid operation, opens a form with the relevant data 
and the graphics is displayed.  
The data entry points are placed on the graphic at the point of interest. So 
each entry form is completely different. 

The machining steps are 

Thread, Rough Turn, Plunge cut, Face etc and all can be internal as well.

However for example - each form has a Depth Of Cut that has a range of 0.02 
-2.5 mm. 

My thoughts  

-Create a new DB aware component that has a maximum and minimum range and use 
it on each form. Not ideal as I have to ensure consistency between all forms. 

-If I use OnValidate in the DM, when is this event triggered? On Post ?
If so then I could have several errors occurring at the same time when the data 
validated, which error belongs to which field ? 

If I use OnValidate - when I append a record, will it run all the OnValidate 
procedures at once ?

It looks like I may have to split the operation into to parts - check that the 
data entered is in the correct format (Form Property) and another to check it 
is in the right range (Database Property)

PS Why Delphi didn't have a DBEditNumeric or EditNumeric  component I'll never 

Thanks Chaps. 

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[DUG] Validate data entry

2011-06-01 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm entering quite a lot of data from different forms into a single database. I 
need to validate the data on each entry point on each form. 

If I use a OnKeyPress, I can write a routine to get what I want, but I would 
like to use the routine directly off the field in the DataModule and not on 
each form. 
In the DM, the OnValidate only checks the data when it is about to be written 
which is too late. 

The main problems are numbers in the incorrect format ie 2 decimal points, or 
multiple signs etc. A maximum and minimum range would be a real bonus.

How do I do this ?

Thanks Wallace

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Re: [DUG] Validate data entry

2011-06-01 Thread Marshland Engineering
Thanks for the reply. 

Write a procedure for the validation routine in the DataModule. Then
call it from the OnKeyPress event in each form.

I have about 20 forms and 10 -20 entry points on each form, so the OnKeyEvent 
looks like the long way round. The database is only 20 fields long but each 
form shows a particular set of graphic for the action so the user enters the 
data in the correct fields.  

What I would like is to attach the validation to the data field in the DM. That 
way I can also specify a range for the entry which will be common to all forms.

Thanks Wallace.


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Re: [DUG] Mapped drives

2011-04-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
Hi Chaps 

Sorry I made a slight mistake. The remote PC's all connect correctly. It is the 
server that has the hiccup. 
I'm using absolute database and I get 

dbTT:Database file p:\TTabs\TT.abs does not exist. 

Once I view P: with windows explorer, the package works fine.

P: is set to reconnected at logon. 

Thanks Wallace

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[DUG] Mapped drives

2011-04-02 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm mapping my data to a P: drive across a windows XP network. Whenever I start 
one of my networked PC's and I open my app for the first time, I get a drive 

If I open windows explorer and view the drives before I open the Delphi app, 
the app finds the data. It is almost like Delphi does not wake up the XP 
mapping when the program is first run. Any suggestions ?

Thanks Wallace.

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Re: [DUG] Contents of Delphi digest...

2011-03-13 Thread Marshland Engineering
Just wondering if there is a Tutorial on how to trim replies?

I think highlighting the text and deleting works ?

The last reply I read had 2 lines of new data and about 200 of repeated data.

Cheers Wallace

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Re: [DUG] Christchurch Members

2011-02-24 Thread Marshland Engineering
We are in Belfast and have no quake damage (a few things fell over)

If any needs assistance, showers, flushing toilet, roof, camping ground, 
electricity etc etc, give me a call

Cheers Wallace 704 Marshland Road 3237449.

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Re: [DUG] Delphi Starter Edition

2011-01-31 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have to say that the starter kit is on my list to purchase. 

It has more than I want right now and if I want more the potential is there.

A Cut Down Version wont make me decide to buy a fully fledged version, because 
Id have no experience seeing if it does what I think it should. A time period 
suitable enough for me to determine if the product is valuable to me.. After 
that time period, I'd either expect to pay a fair price, or to stop using it.. 

This could still be an option with the full version, but as sure as hell, I'll 
test out the standard version first. If  I'm developing in one package, it will 
take me more than month to fully evaluate an alternative, unless someone wants 
to pay my salary while I trial it.

Cheers Wallace

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[DUG] Inserting a picture

2011-01-23 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm trying to insert a picture into a BLOB field, I found this on the web but I 
get an error Undefined TBlobField. 

   if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then begin

Not sure what to do ?

If anyone has read the The Winner Bible, I'm making a package that should help 
with your quest to go forward. 
There is 4 sections in the program, Appointments, To Do, Projects and 
Meditation. I can now use this to help organise my way forward. Where I'm going 
and what I need to do in one place. 

'Formula 1 Neuroscientist Dr Spackman explains, with fascinating examples taken 
from real life, the tools he developed to transform the performance of world 
class athletes and corporate executives.'

I'm putting a group together in ChCh that will meet once a week to go through a 
chapter at a time from The Winners Bible over breakfast. Anyone interested, let 
me know.   

Cheers Wallace___
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[DUG] Tcalender

2011-01-22 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm trying to use TCalender and I want to change the day's color if I have an 
appointment on that day. I'm linking this to an appointment database.   Any 
suggestions ?

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Re: [DUG] Variabels stored

2011-01-20 Thread Marshland Engineering
Thanks for all the replies. I'll go through them all and see if I can get my 
head around them.

I have to say that after a few months of programming in Dos/DbaseIII/Clipper, I 
hardly ever went back to the manuals and wrote a lot of varied and complex 
programs.  (One being the management an integrated Golfing estate of 2000 
members.  Estate Access control, Green fees, Subs, all the accounts , Pro Shop 
sales and Handy Capping) 

Today however, without the internet and chaps like you, I would never have got 
Delphi off the ground. I think my programming to research is 10% to 90% 
respectively with Delphi. Is it because have an advanced view of what I'm 
trying to do from all the years of programming and so I'm running before I can 
walk ?  Not sure. Could also be my age HeHe. 

Anyone here in ChCh would like to offer a bit of training for me ? Still got to 
get my head around classes.

Cheers Wallace

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[DUG] Arc Solved

2011-01-19 Thread Marshland Engineering
The problem came in with the interpreation

DELPHI The arc traverses the perimeter of an ellipse that is bounded by the 
points (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2). The arc is drawn following the perimeter of the 
ellipse, counterclockwise, from the starting point to the ending point.

Is the arc or the ellipse bounded by (X1Y1)  (X2Y2)? 

It is actually the ellipse.

The solution is quite simple.  (With the help of Jolyon - Thanks )

 if (dm.tblOper['CW']=False) then  begin
   else begin
xStart:=DM.tblOperX3.AsFloat;  //Swop start and end 

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[DUG] Variabels stored

2011-01-19 Thread Marshland Engineering
Is there a way to store variables so I can use them from one procedure to 

I have been currently storing them in hidden edit.text boxes on the form but 
there must be a better way. 

Cheers Wallace___
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[DUG] Arc's

2011-01-18 Thread Marshland Engineering
Is there an easy way of drawing an arc ?  I have center, start and end 
co-ordinates as XY. 

From what I can see, I need to look at least 16 combinations to work out the 
perimeter size depending in which quadrant the start and ends are in.  

procedure Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);

Use Arc to draw an elliptically curved line with the current Pen. The arc 
traverses the perimeter of an ellipse that is bounded by the points (X1,Y1) and 
(X2,Y2). The arc is drawn following the perimeter of the ellipse, 
counterclockwise, from the starting point to the ending point. The starting 
point is defined by the intersection of the ellipse and a line defined by the 
center of the ellipse and (X3,Y3). The ending point is defined by the 
intersection of the ellipse and a line defined by the center of the ellipse and 
(X4, Y4).___
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[DUG] Query grid column details

2011-01-10 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have an sql query. I have two db Grids on my form, one from the table and the 
other a query from the same table with conditions. 

The dbgApp is a standard db grid and the dbgQApp is a query on the table App. 
It all works correctly until I modify the query columns properties. 

If I use the Column editor or a line of code, I get an empty query grid. 

procedure TfDiary.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
   dm.qApp.SQL.Text:='Select ID,Dat,DOW,Type,Summary,Status,DatComp from App 
Order by 2';
   dbgQApp.Columns[0].Visible:=False;  // Hides the whole table.  Incorrect 
   dbgApp.Columns[0].Visible:=False; // Hides the first Column. Correct

Is there an order in which this has to be done for it to work correctly?

Thanks Wallace ___
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Re: [DUG] Company closing

2010-11-29 Thread Marshland Engineering
After completing Engineering at UNI, I felt that I had learned the skills to 
solve problems and I agree with 

I'm firmly of the belief that for a good developer the toolset being 
used is irrelevant.   (I however found OO quite difficult to get into. )

The problem with software packages is that you are dealing with other peoples 
interpretation of how things should work. For you to write a good app, you 
almost need to get into the developers head to understand his thinking before 
you can do your own. 

This is often what companies pay for when they employ you, both your skillset 
in what they are trying to achieve and your knowledge of the software on how to 
achieve this. Bearing in mind, sometimes you don't have to be the best, you 
just know a bit more than your boss or interviewer.

I never forget when arriving here in  NZ 11 years ago, I applied for a job at 
Jade through an employment agency.  I had 13 years of commercial programming 
experience with 5 staff. I did not get past the first interview as I did not 
know Jade. Later I was speaking to a lecturer in computing  and his comment 
was, 6 months on Jade training and I would have been away.  13 year of 
practical experience takes 13 years to learn.

The question you have to ask yourself is, do I want to be doing this for the 
next xxx years or more accurately, with the skills I have, or would like to 
acquire,  who is going to pay me to use them?

Anyway I now make a living making things all day long. Oh what fun. 

Cheers Wallace

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[DUG] Delphi 4 and 6 on the same computer

2010-11-11 Thread Marshland Engineering
Do you know if I can run 4 and 6 on the same computer. 

I need to 'upgrade' my projects. 

I did try it on an old computer but the mouse almost froze going over the open 
form. Elsewhere the mouse worked fine. 

Cheers Wallace

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[DUG] Video Editing

2010-11-10 Thread Marshland Engineering
As with most packages, as they develop they we get more and more of goodies we 
don't want.

I have 50 hours of video taken over 10 years which I would like to store on my 

They vary from 8mm video, DVD's  MOV and AVI's.

I have tried 8 or so different programs all with some success but non really 
doing what I want.  (I have just spent another 10 hours today trying to get 
things to work. There is just no standards. My Kodak camera records MOV at 
29.006 fps. Google search does not even bring up this standard. )  

It seems the all the packages are geared around taking a current set of video 
sequences and making one DVD with transitions, chapters etc etc. None really 
work with a storage of filing system, like you use with photos.  

What I see needed is something that can store all my video in directories 
eg 2005-07 
and have thumbnail access to each file. 

As there are so many formats around, I'm wondering if all originals should be 
converted to a universal format for storage. 

Has anyone experimented with video and Delphi before?

Thanks Wallace 


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Re: [DUG] Delphi Specials

2010-10-21 Thread Marshland Engineering
As a user of both Delphi 5 and D2007, you would have to be nuts to want to work 
in D5 if you spend any time programming.   It works, and quite well, but D2007 
and later are so much nicer, and faster to do stuff.If you value your time 
and are programming for anything returning money then its worth it.
End Quote

I spend possibly 200 hours a year writing specialised software for my work. 

Now it may take me 30 hours longer with an old version, but you forget  that it 
takes 30+ hours to learn the new bits and bugs every time I upgrade so I'm no 
better off. Of course I'm also several hundred dollars richer if not 1000s. 

All I have to say is Solidworks is the Delphi equivalent in CAD/CAM but I 
finding more and more people that I know are now using Alibre at 1/10 the 
price. Once someone has chosen Alibre over Solidworks, they will probably never 
make the change to SW in the future as the cost of change/relearn a new 
package/convert the data is just too high. 

If I'm not mistaken, my first Borland product was TurboPascal at $49. I 
remained loyal to Borland for 20 or so years in my previous programming 
occupation due to a $49 package.  

Cheers Wallace

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Re: [DUG] Delphi Specials

2010-10-21 Thread Marshland Engineering
A bit of hot topic !!

I would like to get an upgrade to keep current, but I only want the hamburger 
please. I also don't want an EXE that 5 times as big for the same program and 
complies in 3 times the time.   

I have two sets of neighbours with young kids.  How do I get them to start 
programming with a Delphi product ?

I like the trees example, if you don't plant now, there will be none left in 
the future.  

PS I still use Excel 97 because it loads in less than a second on most of my 8 
computers/laptops that I use which connected to various machines around the 

Cheers Wallace

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[DUG] Delphi Specials

2010-10-20 Thread Marshland Engineering
I keep seeing all these specials, but for the 2-3 programs I write a year, 
Delphi 4 does the trick. 

It looks like  Embarcadero keeps itself going with existing customers (which 
over time will diminish) with upgrades.

Now if I was starting out from fresh, would I spend  $3499 when there is a 
wealth of free programs out there?

TurboCAD and Alibre for example both have an entry level packages of less than 
$100 to get you started.  

Is there something like this happening in the future for Delphi? 

Cheers Wallace

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Re: [DUG] Reading data from a USB

2010-08-12 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm working with and Arduino Freeduino board and when the USB board is 
connected, it adds a Com5 port. My existing software (serialNG) reads Comm5 and 
all the data transfer just works. Something easy for a change. 

Thanks Wallace. ___
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[DUG] Reading data from a USB

2010-08-11 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm working with a data logger and currently get my data from it through an 
RS232 port. 
Anyone used the USB for retrieving data and if so how ? ___
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[DUG] IntToBin

2010-06-21 Thread Marshland Engineering
Hi Chaps 

I found this on the web and it works but I don't understand how ? 

Can anyone explain it ?

function IntToBin ( value:Integer; digits: integer ): string;
result := StringOfChar ( '0', digits ) ;
while value  0 do begin
  if ( value and 1 ) = 1 then
result [ digits ] := '1';
  dec ( digits ) ;
  value := value shr 1;

Thanks Wallace

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[DUG] XP Parallel Port software.

2010-06-07 Thread Marshland Engineering
I found this page over the weekend and it works well.


Nice graphics, free and simple.

Cheers Wallace___
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[DUG] LPT Porgramming

2010-06-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have quite a number of cordless tools and two way radios. I want to use the 
parallel port to control my hardware to make a battery reconditioner. NiCd and 

I'm looking for an easy programming solution. 

Should I stick to Windows98 and have direct access to LPT1:
or XP and add in the required patches?

I'm using Delphi 4

Cheers Wallace.

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[DUG] DXF Delphi

2010-03-20 Thread Marshland Engineering
Has anyone used a DXF viewer in Delphi ?  I need to view a DXF file and then be 
able to click on items and retreive the coordinates into my Delphi Code. 

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[DUG] Run Function called from a database field's data.

2010-03-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have 9 function routines that are used by several forms.

I have a database with 9 records that has specific data for each function. 

If I select record 4 for example, how do I run a function where it's name is 
within the database field called FUNC. 

tbl.Oper.feildbyname['Func'].AsString has 'Circle' or 'Square' as its data 

Now I need to run a function like Circle(Data) or Square(Data) when selecting 
the relevant record. 

Thanks Wallace___
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[DUG] Color in RichEdit

2010-02-09 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have 9 quite a complicated hex to human readable routines.

I'm trying to improve the readability of the data by colors.

How can I imbed color commands in a concatenated string 'before' I add the line 
of data to the RichEdit component?



Poly Tool 1-89 RT CCW X1 -20.00-A9 Y1 17.00-81 X2 17.00-A1 Y2 17.00-81 X3 
17.00-A1 Y3 -17.00-91 X4 -20.00-B1 Y4 -17.00-F9 Z Rapid 2.00-D9 Z End -18.00-40 
XY Feed 200.66 Z Feed-200.66-12 XXX 0.00-41 XXX 0.00-10 XXX 16.00-7F

I'm hoping to change the -XX to another color which would make it much easier 
to read.

I can do this within the richedit box, but it's messy and any time I change the 
decode code, I'll have to change the color routines. as well.

Much easier to decode and change color at the same time.

Thanks Wallace

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[DUG] Tables

2010-02-04 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm using Absolute database for my Delphi database applications. For what I 
see, it works much like MS access.

I randomly get file locked when editing data . 

To be honest I have not really got my head around editing and posting.

I have several DBGrids showing the same table in several forms, Jobs by 
account, Jobs by date etc. 
From a previous reply from this group, I have added a unique number to the Job 
table. That way I can use the same editing Form for the data independent from 
which grid it came from. 

How can I ensure that whenever I'm in the editing routine, the record I'm 
working on, is in edit mode. 

Do I put the table in edit mode when I leave the main form and go into the 
editing form,
Do I put it in the editing form with OnShow
Which record in which table do I put into edit mode, the one pointing from the 
DBgrid (Eg Jobs by Account) or the one I found in the source Jobs table from 
the unique reference?

Thanks Wallace 

03 3237449  
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[DUG] Silly mood.

2010-02-01 Thread Marshland Engineering
While we are in a silly mood, why don't programmers answer personnel problems 
on line.

Dear John 
I was busy typing away at the computer, doing the family monthly accounts. 
Something that takes me hours each month. The all of a sudden out the blue, I 
get  a blue screen and nothing works anymore. I restarted the computer, but 

I walked down to the bottom of the garden to the shed where my husband was 
tinkering on some project or other and there I found him, shagging the 
neighbours 20 old daughter. He saw me and said,'You've finally caught me after 
6 months of pleasure', then  got up and walked off.   

What do you suggest I do ?

Dear Sam

I need to know what operating system you are using, when was the last update 
and what wordprcessor you have. The fact that the computer does not reboot, 
means that it could be a hardware fault. Do any of the Screen or CPU lights 
come on. 

Thanks John. 

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[DUG] Checksums

2010-01-21 Thread Marshland Engineering
Does anyone know about checksums ?

I'm reverse engineering some CNC code and I can't seem to find out how it works.


Note the format seems to be 8 digits and 2 code, so 99  B9  F9  D9  40  F4 are 
function codes. The 8 digits are the numeric values. 

These are 2 lines of code. I think the last 2 non zero digits are the 
checksums, 4F and 27.

This is a drill command and the only differences between commands is ones feed 
is 100 and the other 200. I think this is reflected in 27 and 4F before the 7F. 
The is common to all CNC commands. 

What is interesting is the Checksum for the first line is 4F with a feed of 27 
and the second is 27 with a feed of 47. By this I take it they are using ones 
compliment checksum routines. 

Any ideas ?

(Bring out those Commodore 64 programmers.)

Cheers Wallace
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[DUG] User Group

2010-01-20 Thread Marshland Engineering
Hi All

I am a member and read the submissions, but from what I have seen, most of you 
have been programming in Delphi for may years and often your questions are 
specific to certain area's so not everyone can reply. 

I'm a Delphi newbee and program for 'hobby'. I tend to use the Delphi Page 
Forum for my 'simple' questions. 

All I can say is that the reason I got out of programming for a living is 
highlighted by most of your questions. E.g. 'I'm running 2010 and xxx doesn't 
work.' I always found it hard to recoup the time spent on 'bug' costs from 
customers. . 

I still wonder whether a whole simpler system would be better overall. If it 
worked, I suppose MS or others would never sell any upgrades ??

PS I still have some ex-customers running Clipper Dos programs I wrote 25 years 

Cheers Wallace 

Now running a CNC machine shop. 

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[DUG] Setting tabs on a printer

2009-12-07 Thread Marshland Engineering
I can't send a tab setting to the printer 
The routine works with a memo but fPrn.Handle gives and error.
Something to do with fPrn and system.text   

procedure TfMain.puExpListClick(Sender: TObject);
   fPrn: system.text;
   TabArray : array[0..4] of integer;
   TabArray[0] := 350;// div DialogUnitsX;  //Tab Positions
   TabArray[1] := 380; //div DialogUnitsX;
 with Printer.Canvas do begin
Font.Name := 'Courier New';
Font.size := 14;
SendMessage(fPrn,EM_SETTABSTOPS,2,LongInt(@TabArray)) ; // This 
line does not work
SendMessage(fPrn.Handle,EM_SETTABSTOPS,2,LongInt(@TabArray)) ; 
//This gives an error.
// SendMessage(memo.Handle,EM_SETTABSTOPS,2,LongInt(@TabArray)) ; 
//This works on the memo.
 begin  // Heading
with Printer.Canvas do begin
   Font.size := 12;
   WriteLn(fPrn,' '+dm.tblData['Desc']+#13+#10);
   Font.Size := 10;


WriteLn(fPrn,'  '+dm.tblExpJob.FieldByName('Date').AsString
+'  '+dm.tblExpJob.FieldByName('Desc').AsString
+'  '+#9+dm.tblExpJob.FieldByName('Person').AsString)  // Trying to 
format the Person on TAB
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[DUG] Editing date from two tables

2009-12-06 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have a table called tblJob. 

I have two dbgrids displaying the data from tblJobs, tblJobByCustomer and 

I have an editing Form for changing the data using dbEditBox's. 

How can I use the same Form for editing both tables ? It's like I need to set 
the form property to the relevant DataSource rather than each dbEditBox,

and how do I find the data record in tblJobByDay when looking at 
tblJobByCustomer. They are actually the same data as stored in tblJob

Thanks Wallace. ___
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Re: [DUG] Program screen video capture

2009-08-21 Thread Marshland Engineering
One I found quiet good is Capturewiz


Cheers Wallace___
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[DUG] Just for the odd job.

2009-07-15 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have been using Delphi 4 for the few projects I have. 

Embarcadero Technologies are a offering 2 for 1 purchase.

Why is Delphi 2009 - Professional Upgrade and Delphi 2007 for Win32 R2 
Professional Upgrade both the same price.

Is it worth the upgrade.

From what I understand  2007 and 2009 makes bigger exes and are they is 
compatible with Ver 4 software.
I have quite a few third party ver 4 components installed on my system.

Thanks Wallace


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[DUG] Serial port data capture

2009-07-08 Thread Marshland Engineering
Hi have used SerialNG very successfully to send data to a CNC lathe. 

Free and some great examples.


Cheers Wallace___
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Re: [DUG] Delphi Developers wanted

2009-06-29 Thread Marshland Engineering
I can still remember Fortran and punch cards. Seems absurd in today's 
standards. How they got to the moon with punchcards, I'll never know. 

I'm wondering how many programmers are dyslexic? (Who ever decided to use the 
word Dyslexia for Dyslexic people should be shot) 

I do think that we seem to see things in organised systems or try to make 
everything fit into systems. Whether we are that way inclined or not or we have 
created our own sub systems to overcome our dyslexia, I'm not sure.

Cheers Wallace

13 years of Commercial software and now much happier with CNC machining. 

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[DUG] DBCombo/DBLookup Combo

2009-02-19 Thread Marshland Engineering
I had problems with the source data being changed when I used a lookup. I 
created a manual lookup table and found the same problem. Looks like the record 
pointers got mixed up when using 2 tables. I fixed the source file over 20 
times but I could not duplicate the key strokes that created the problem. 
(Delphi 4) 

I posted a problem with creating dBase3 files a few days ago and the end result 
is that field names are not created correctly. (I used Dbase as I had 15 year 
of programming experience with them and Excel can read them directly) 

Delphi appears to create and integer type field instead of real numbers when 
using the following:

  if dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Datatype=ftFloat then
 Add(trim(copy(dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Name,8,10)), ftFloat, 0, False);

I have just downloaded Absolute database and so far things have worked 

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[DUG] Create new table from existing one.

2009-02-17 Thread Marshland Engineering
I am using Dbase tables and when I create a new table from and existing one, 
the real number fields are being created as equivalent to integers. I was using 
TDBF from Sourceforge, so I reverted back to Delphi's own tables and I have 
exactly the same problem.

Using the Database desktop with the newly created file, all the real numeric 
fields have field names but incorrectly shown with no length. 
 Does Dbase have to have a certain numeric field length to work ?  
Probably not, because making the file manually, as below, should have then 

Both options below make no difference.

   tblSave := TTable.Create(Application);
   with tblSave do begin
  TableName := fFiles.eDir.text+'\'+fFiles.eFile.text+'.dbf';

=  FieldDefs.Assign(dm.tblOper.FieldDefs);  // Automatically assign 

=  with FieldDefs do begin  // Manually Assign
 for i := 0 to (dm.tblOper.FieldCount -1) do Begin
if dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Datatype=ftString then
 Add(trim(copy(dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Name,8,10)), ftString, 30, 
if dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Datatype=ftSmallint then
 Add(trim(copy(dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Name,8,10)), ftSmallint, 0, 
if dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Datatype=ftMemo then
 Add(trim(copy(dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Name,8,10)), ftMemo, 0, False);
if dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Datatype=ftFloat then
 Add(trim(copy(dm.tblOper.Fields[i].Name,8,10)), ftFloat, 0, False);

Look like the only way I can get a new file with the same structure is to use a 
dos copy, open the file and delete all the records.

Any other suggestions ?

Thanks Wallace

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[DUG] To post or not to post.

2009-02-14 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm having problems with editing and posting records.

Sometimes when I edit a field, I get 'Not in edit mode'

Is this logic correct ?

I have two files.

Senario 1

I remain on a single record for this operation

Is this correct when I call a new form ?

Using the OnCreate event of the new form, I put the file into Edit mode.
I perform several operations and

OnClose do a Post.

It seems to work fine the first time, but when I call the form a second 
time, I get 'not in edit mode.'

Senario 2

When I'm on the new form, I select data from a 2nd file to update the first.
The data is added or retreived from several records in the second file. Do I 
need to execute Edit and Post each time I move to or from each record?

When do I use Post and when RecordUpdate?


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[DUG] Chart Software

2009-01-19 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm looking for simple chart software. I need to plot up to 6 straight line 
graphs and be able to print. 
I've tried ChartFX, but there is very little information around on how to use 
it. I can't find out how to add data to it. I also see there have been quite a 
few issues with it as well. 

Running Delphi 4

Thanks Wallace___
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[DUG] Floating Point Overflow

2009-01-19 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have tried this program 3 times now with the same results.

I have a few calls from and Analog to Digital Data unit using their ActiveX 
Controls but once I add a graph (ChartFX) and close Delphi4, when I reopen the 
project I get

Error Creating form :Floating Point Overflow 

I can run the program, all is there but I cannot get to view the main form. F12 
does nothing.  Any Suggestions ?

I have since reloaded Delphi and reinstalled the ActiveX control but no 
difference !!!.

Thanks Wallace

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[DUG] Dragover

2009-01-08 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm back with my graphics. Graphics32 seems a bit complex for me at the moment.

I found Dragover. This looks like it will do my trick. 

I'm drawing  lines on the screen by incrementing it's length to give a feeling 
of movement. 

The problem is when the screen is full or a line is overtracing an existing 
line, it's hard to see where I am on the screen. 

If I could move an object or cross etc  at the current draw position, it would 
solve my problem. 

Dragover information is a bit thin on the web. Has anyone any code that I could 
look at that uses Dragover.?

Thanks Wallace___
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[DUG] Layers with draw or paint

2009-01-05 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm trying to simulate a CNC machine. I have the graphics derived from my 
CNC code working but would now like to add a tool shape. How do I float a 
shape over a canvas. What I think I need is  layers where image on the top 
floats over the bottom image.

The other option is record the screen image before the tool, move the tool 
over the recorded area and then replace when moved passed.

Any suggestions ?

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[DUG] Bookmark

2008-12-16 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have a strange problem. I have a dbgrid and am moving records up and down 
with buttons. (Delphi4)

The routine works 

If I uncomment the bookmark, it displays wrong figures in the seq and seq2 
columns on the record I was moving.

If I move a line and close the application, reopen it,  the figures are 
correct. It seem that only the display is incorrect when moving.

SEQ   SEQ2   Desc
20  20Tool Select
25  25Coolant on
30  30Feed Rate

If I move Coolant on down I get 

20  20Tool Select
30  30Coolant on
25  25Feed Rate
30  30   Coolant on

Close the application and reopen

20  20Tool Select
25  25Feed Rate
30  30Coolant on

If I comment out the Bookmark, it works correctly but leaves me at the bottom 
of the list. 

procedure OperSort(sBM: String);
   iSeq : Integer;
   with dm.tblOper do begin
  IndexName := 'OPERSEQ2';   // Swop to this new sort order
  First;   // go to the top
  iSeq:=5;   // first record is 5
  while not Eof do begin
 dm.tblOper['SEQ']:= iSeq;   // increase each recod by 5
  IndexName := 'OPERSEQ';// set back to the original order
  while not Eof do begin
 dm.tblOper['SEQ2']:= dm.tblOper['SEQ'];  // Update secondary index. 
  //  BookMark:=sBM;

procedure TfMain.bMainDownClick(Sender: TObject);
  iSeq: Integer;
  sBookMark :String;
   iSeq:=dm.tblOper.FieldByName('SEQ').AsInteger;  //get the current sequence 
   with dm.tblOper do begin
  iSeq:=iSeq+6; // Increase by 6
  edit;// tbl seq numbers are 
multiple of 5's
  dm.tblOper['SEQ2']:= iSeq;
  sBookMark:= BookMark; // Position Cursor at current record.
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Re: [DUG] Printing extened Character set.

2008-12-05 Thread Marshland Engineering
I'm tying to print '═ ' or  #205 on a laser printer. It prints out some other 
character. I have tried setting the Character set to PC-8 with #27+'(27U'  but 
it prints a box and (27U'. Any Suggestions. PS If I print to PDF I get the same 
as the laser.  
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Re: [DUG] Database sequence sort

2008-12-05 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have a dbGrid on the screen with about 20 operations. I need to use an up or 
down button to change the sequence of operations. I can't work out a routine 
that will perform the function. ___
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[DUG] Dbase File Data Update

2008-10-26 Thread Marshland Engineering
I am trying to increase a value in a dbaseIII file. When I press the Inc 
button, the referenced dbEdit field increases with each click. 

However on exiting the program, the tblData['Jobno']  does not reflect the new 

From data module.


procedure TForm1.bIncClick(Sender: TObject);

var iCurrJobno:integer; 

iCurrJobno:= iCurrJobno+1;
dm.tblData['Jobno'] := iCurrJobno;

There are probably other ways of doing this, but I would like to know why this 
does not work. 

Thanks Wallace___
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[DUG] Where am I in a file (dbf)

2008-10-22 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have two files. The second file is linked to the first. I'm trying to check 
if I am on a valid record when I open the second file. If I'm on a valid 
record, I return the correct record number with recno.  If not I get 21474836. 
Where does this number come from?  The problem is that if I try and read an 
invalid record I get Invalid variant type conversion. Is there a better way 
to find out if I am on a valid record?

Thanks Wallace___
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[DUG] Dbase III

2007-05-14 Thread Marshland Engineering
I have 3 problems. 

1 If I modify a dBase III file using a Table, dBase III will no longer read the 
2 If I insert a record, it always appends the record.
3 If I display the recno, the deleted records appear to still be there but not 
shown so the recno are not sequential. In dBase, there used to be a pack to get 
rid if these records. 

Thanks Wallace
(Quite new to Delphi)

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[DUG] Serial Comms

2007-04-20 Thread Marshland Engineering
I see there are a number of Comms programs on the web on offer. Any suggestions 
on which one to use? I need to send Text down one of the serial ports. It will 
need to work with XP.

Thanks for the help, I have the memo file working. 

Thanks Wallace 

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[DUG] Memo files Lines

2007-04-19 Thread Marshland Engineering
Hi I'm just starting with Delphi. 

I need to read a text file (G-Code for CNC) and write a conversion process to a 
produce a different text file format.  

I can read the file into a memo but I need to know how many lines I have read 
to process it. I can count them if there is an end of file marker. 

Thanks Wallace ___
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