[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-02-01 Thread jbertram
Github user jbertram commented on the issue:

@stanlyDoge, yes, I think so.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-30 Thread stanlyDoge
Github user stanlyDoge commented on the issue:

Can I close this PR?


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-22 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

@michaelandrepearce All thoughts and ideas are appreciated :-) I could 
achieve what we need (despite it violates JMS spec) by changing the durable 
flag of a QueueConfig in beforeCreateQueue via reflection to false but 
especially since the durable field is final (which I can still change by 
removing the final flag via reflection first) this feels like a risky operation.

So if I could create the queue that I need programmatically in 
beforeCreateQueue() and the ActiveMQServerImpl would - instead of directly 
executing `queueFactory.createQueueWith(queueConfig);` after the broker plugins 
are called - check if the queue now already exists I would have all the 
flexibility I need.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-22 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

On the note of broker plugin, you do realise you can intercept 
beforeCreateAddress and beforeCreateQueue and a lot of other functions, this 
way you could do what you want without affecting the core broker.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-22 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

As I stated there is already a global flag, if there is an address level 
flag then this should have the exact same behaviour. Also I’m not advocating 
changing the global flag behaviour.

We provided you an option you can achieve what you needed using multicast 
addresses (jms topic).

The plugin idea was just another that meant you don’t need the change and 
don’t affect other users of the broker as the plugin would be your own, if 
you are soo insistent on using but overriding the JMS queue logic in the amqp 
jms client.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-22 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

@michaelandrepearce I cannot modify the durable flag of AMQP messages as 
they are meant to be immutable and it would prevent using features like digital 
signatures AFAIK. What we are looking for - no matter at which level it is 
configured - is a way to opt-out of message persistence for a queues in a 
certain namespace (or even globally) since the SLA/QoS of our service does not 
guarantee message delivery in case of broker failure. But if we receive more 
messages than what can be stored in the heap or receive very large messages we 
would still want/need paging/large messages support to ensure stable operation.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-21 Thread clebertsuconic
Github user clebertsuconic commented on the issue:

-1 for this as well.  The semantics gets blurry and confusing. 

Keep it simple principle broken IMO. 


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-21 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

-1 it having different or custom behaviour, if such flag exists it should 
have the same behaviour as the global just simply at the address level.

If you want custom behaviour or to manipulate the message so it’s durable 
flag is set to false then you could create a custom brokerplugin


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-21 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

@mtaylor In our case a `persistence=false` parameter in the address 
settings that only disables the persistent journal but not large message and 
paging support would work too.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-18 Thread mtaylor
Github user mtaylor commented on the issue:

Sorry guys but I am -1 on this.  I thought the idea of this was to behave 
in a similar way to default-max-consumers, or default-purge-on-no-consumers.  I 
am not happy about overriding the protocol handlers behaviour in this way.  I 
can see value in a default-queue-durability setting, for cases when it's not 
known.  Can the original requirement not be addressed using auto-delete-queues 
and non-durable messages?  If non-durable queues/temps are really required, how 
about a persistence=false address-setting instead?


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-17 Thread clebertsuconic
Github user clebertsuconic commented on the issue:

I could easily rebase this also.. but if you could rebase it later please


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread mtaylor
Github user mtaylor commented on the issue:

Just to be clear here.  I can see a use case for this. I'm +1 on the idea 
but not for overriding specific protocol / API behaviour.   I Just wanted to 
clarify that as it was discussed here.  This is more to do with what the 
default auto create settings are designed for vs any fundamental issue with the 
requirement.   @jostbg It would be good to understand more if your use case.  
How about we have a chat,  IRC #apache-activemq? We can go over your use case 
and discuss if what you want is possible or if we need a new feature. 


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

@mtaylor When I talked about durability in the context of queues I meant 
persistence (writing messages to disk) and not durable subscriptions.
We want to allow clients to create their own queues under a  given 
namespace but we do not want to persist these messages (so they will not 
survive a broker restart). How else if not by declaring these auto-created 
queues as non-durable can we achieve that? Maybe there is some other setting I 
am simply missing here. Then we don't need a flag on auto-created queues to 
specify their durability mode.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread mtaylor
Github user mtaylor commented on the issue:

@jostbg The point is, if you want the broker to create something for you, 
then the broker needs to know what to create.  I used JMS clients as an example 
as they are usually specific about what they want, the same thing can happen in 
other protocols.  In the JMS case the client sends the broker the information 
it needs to create the appropriate queue with some additional bits of info.  
The JMS client doesn't say, hey I want a durable queue with these properties 
(except the CORE client as it's tied to the Artemis implementation).  Instead, 
say the QPID AMQP client says, hey I want a JMS Durable Subscription.  It does 
this by setting some special JMS AMQP properties.  The AMQP protocol handler 
reads these properties and decides how to interpret them.  In some cases these 
get translated to durable queues, in others they are translated to non-durable 
queues.  Artemis has a underlying model that is protocol agnostic, so things 
are translated from API/protocol specifics down to the und
 erlying model.

Coming back to your comments on 

There are two meanings of durable.  Durable in the context of a 
subscription (which is tied to the consumer connection life cycle), and durable 
in the context persistence (tied to the broker life cycle).  The reason you are 
seeing some queues be durable and others not, is because this is how the JMS 
spec is implemented using the underlying Artemis model.  An non-durable 
subscription means that the client only gets messages while it's connected.  If 
the server crashes, the client isn't connected anymore. 
 In this case, the spec says, its fine to lose all the messages.  For this 
reason there's no point creating a durable queue.  In the JMS Queue (ANYCAST) 
scenario we need a durable queue because the messages outlive the subscriber 
connection life cycle.  This is also true for durable subscriptions.

Regarding your comment on misconfiguration, yes you can do that, but you're 
specifically overriding broker behaviour to do something else.  You're welcome 
to do this, but you have to be aware that you are breaking protocol/API 
contracts by doing so.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

@mtaylor What is the difference between saying, "Artemis, create a 
non-durable queue named foo during server start" vs "Artemis create a 
non-durable queue named foo the moment it is first used." 

Why does it not seem to be an issue if I pre-create the non-durable anycast 
queue "foo" to which a JMS client can send a message but when that non-durable 
queue is auto-created the moment a message is send to it you suddenly talk 
about JMS spec violations. In both cases the result is the same, the JMS client 
sends a message to a non-durable queue. The only difference is the point in 
time when the queue is actually created. 

Following your argumentation, Artemis should generally prevent JMS clients 
trying to send a message to a non-persistent queue - no matter if it is 
pre-created or created on first use.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread mtaylor
Github user mtaylor commented on the issue:

A lot of discussion here :).  This should not override what the client 
requests.  There are a couple of ways addresses and queues can be set up in 

The first way is to do what @michaelandrepearce has described.  The client 
is explicit about what it wants.  Typical example is JMS where the spec is very 
specific.  In this case the client passes a description of what it wants to the 
broker.  If the client requests a durable subscription, or similar then the 
broker will try to serve that request.  Providing the client has the correct 
security permissions and address settings it's all good.

The second way is for the broker to decide how to handle things.  This can 
either be configured by being very specific about what resources can exist on 
the broker, for example, locking down all the addresses and pre-creating all 
queues and turning off any create permissions or auto-create settings or it can 
be configured to be open and auto-create things that aren't specified.  This 
setting is for this 2nd case.  With something like AMQP or STOMP the clients 
don't need to be aware of what type of resource they're sending or receiving 
from.  They only require an address to subscribe from or send to.  If the 
address the client asks for does not yet exist, the broker can create it 
automatically.  This is what these auto-create settings are used for.  They 
should not conflict with what clients ask for.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

I am too new to Artemis to implement that properly but I hope @stanlyDoge 
can address your points.
Thanks for your feedback.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

@jostbg as I said I’m not a fan, but if you do want to implement could 
you address the points I raised.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-15 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

So when we pre-define non-durable anycast queues in Artemis and a JMS 
client publishes to that queue or subscribes to it, we are actually already 
violating the JMS spec. Therefore it would no be different if the non-durable 
queue is pre-defined or auto-created.

In our case we do not really care about the JMS spec. We only use the Qpid 
AMQP JMS client because it seems to be the only actually working and easy to 
use AMQP 1.0 client for Java. We tried IBM's mqlight which we didn't get to 
work in our scenario and also it seems to be dead (no development since 2016). 
SwiftMQ has an odd non-OSS license/distribution model. And proton-j is just too 
bare bone without proper documentation.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

JMS Queue is durable by spec.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

I am not trying to annoying or anything, but how is a non-durable queue - 
that is auto created the moment the first client tries to use it (in whatever 
way) - less JMS compliant than a pre-created non-durable queue under the same 


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

@stanlyDoge as said earlier for this PR, if it is to go forwards id like to 

- setting values should be enums, to cater for alternative way round so 
people can make them non-durable or durable - default should be null (which 
keeps todays behaviour)

- it needs really good documentation with some big clear warnings about it. 
Including that setting these would break JMS specs.

- needs cross protocol / client compatibility testing.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

@michaelandrepearce What if the first client does not subscribe to any 
address but only sends an AMQP message to an address (either a queue or topic 
via QPid JMS). Based on what criterias should Artemis decide what to create? 
Currently even if the producer sends a non-durable message, durable queues are 


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

@jostbg from the sounds of that ticket, what you hit was a bug thats been 
fixed, the AMQP client should be able to request a durable or non durable 
queue, and the AMQP JMS client should make this cleanly exposed to end users 
without needing to get into AMQP detail.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

@jostbg there is implications especially for JMS users, basically if a 
client requests a shared subscription, it should not marry up to a durable 
shared subscription or vice versa. 

"There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable 
subscriptions having the same name and clientId (which may be unset). Such 
subscriptions would be completely separate."  

to avoid this due a prefix on the queue to separate the two, so on core 
this is prefixed "non-durable", see code here

   public static SimpleString createQueueNameForSubscription(final boolean 
   final String 
   final String 
subscriptionName) {
  final String queueName;
  if (clientID != null) {
 if (isDurable) {
queueName = ActiveMQDestination.escape(clientID) + SEPARATOR +
 } else {
queueName = "nonDurable" + SEPARATOR +
   ActiveMQDestination.escape(clientID) + SEPARATOR +
  } else {
 if (isDurable) {
queueName = ActiveMQDestination.escape(subscriptionName);
 } else {
queueName = "nonDurable" + SEPARATOR +
  return SimpleString.toSimpleString(queueName);



[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

@jostbg it can, look at the AMQP JMS client, when via JMS  you make a 
shared subscription, or a shared durable subscription. if the 

On the Artemis side look at ProtonServerSenderContext, for how it maps 
this. But it looks at the source's TerminusDurability.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

I also don't see much of a difference if a client tries to send a message 
to a pre-created non-durable queue and but expects the queue to be durable over 
he a message sends to an auto-create address that then creates a non-durable 
queue on the fly while the client expects a durable queue. In both cases the 
client should know in advance what routing/durability properties he can 
use/expect for given address.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

The problem is, that at least when using AMQP the client cannot control if 
a durable or non-durable queue is created. The broker always auto-creates 
durable queues. We discussed that at 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-1582 where the conclusion was it 
may make sense to - instead of hard-code the durable property - extend the 
address settings.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

This is what security settings are for e.g. you can set for address A users 
can only create non-durable queues. If a client try to create a durable queue 
they will get security error. This feature is there today, already.


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-14 Thread jostbg
Github user jostbg commented on the issue:

I created the ARTEMIS issue as a followup to this 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-1582. We actually have the 
use-case that for certain namespaces we want to dictate all properties of 
auto-created addresses/queues on the server-side. So the effective settings 
should not be guessed based on how a particular client tries to subscribes to a 
queue or sends a message to an address but based on a server side 
specification. The same way you can pre-create a queue and define it as 
non-durable. We need auto-created queues under certain namespaces to be 
non-durable no matter what one specific client tries to do. The reason is we 
only run the broker and do not control all the clients used by the different 


[GitHub] activemq-artemis issue #1775: ARTEMIS-1587 Add setting to control the queue ...

2018-01-13 Thread michaelandrepearce
Github user michaelandrepearce commented on the issue:

Why is this needed? If an address is allowed for queues to be auto created, 
the client describes if the queue should be durable or not. e.g. See JMS 
Subscription (which maps onto queue) you create a non durable or durable via 
the client, and it is reflected in the queue it creates.
