Re: [api-dev] New PDF Options being Ignored - ie FirstPagOnLeft, PageLayout, IsSkipEmptyPages

2006-08-31 Thread Sven Jacobi

Kent Gibson wrote:

Has anyone had any success using the New pdf
properties programmatically? 

I can't find much documenation, so I tried to use
XStore and pass in the properies, but they seem to be

I am using 2.0.3+ (build OOD680_m1)

Here is basically what I am doing:

XStorable xStore = ( XStorable )
UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, document
xStore.storeToURL( normaliseFileURL(
file.getAbsolutePath() ), properties );

### Properties 
pdfProperty[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Name = FilterName; 
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Value = writer_pdf_Export; 

pdfProperty[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Name = Overwrite; 
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Value = new Boolean( overwrite );

pdfProperty[ 2 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Name = FirstPageOnLeft; 
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Value = Boolean.TRUE;

pdfProperty[ 3 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 3 ].Name = UseTaggedPDF; 
pdfProperty[ 3 ].Value = new Integer(3);

Filter specific properties are to be placed
within a property sequence called FilterData.
Your code should look as follow:

final PropertyValue aFilterData[] = new ProperyValue[2];
aFilterData[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
aFilterData[ 0 ].Name = FirstPageOnLeft;
aFilterData[ 0 ].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
aFilterData[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
aFilterData[ 1 ].Name = UseTaggedPDF;
aFilterData[ 1 ].Value = new Integer(3);

pdfProperty[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Name = FilterName;
pdfProperty[ 0 ].Value = writer_pdf_Export;

pdfProperty[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Name = Overwrite;
pdfProperty[ 1 ].Value = new Boolean( overwrite );

pdfProperty[ 2 ] = new PropertyValue();
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Name = FilterData;
pdfProperty[ 2 ].Value = aFilterData;

Best regards,

any help would be grand.

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Re: [api-dev] New PDF Options being Ignored - ie FirstPagOnLeft, PageLayout, IsSkipEmptyPages

2006-08-31 Thread Giuseppe Castagno

Hi Kent,

On 8/31/06, Kent Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone had any success using the New pdf
properties programmatically?

I can't find much documenation, so I tried to use
XStore and pass in the properies, but they seem to be

This one:

is the main spec, updated July, 31st, and this attachement to issue 67578,

where I added some documentation not in spec document, especially
filter parameters related to security. These are waiting to be
embedded in more well dressed documentation.

I didn't check your code, but the following basic code fragments is
what I worked with:


Function MkPropVal( Optional cName As String, Optional uValue ) As
Dim oPropertyValue As New
If Not IsMissing( cName ) Then
oPropertyValue.Name = cName
If Not IsMissing( uValue ) Then
oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
MkPropVal() = oPropertyValue
End Function

Sub DoExport
' now export it
oExpOptions = Array(_
MkPropVal( FilterName, writer_pdf_Export ),_
MkPropVal( FilterData,  oExpFilterOptions )_

oDoc = ThisComponent
aURL = oDoc.getLocation()
aURL = aURL + -macro.pdf ' add a pdf file type
' Save the document in the new destination format.
oDoc.storeToURL( aURL, oExpOptions )
end sub

Sub CheckPDFFilterProperties()
' test the filter properties, using the current document as document
' to export
' prepare export filter options, specify only the different from default
' if the options is not specified the application default will be used
' if no filter option is given (e.g. no FilterData property), the last
user setting will be used
' see spec for details
' to test: get the name from the specification (or manual ?)
' from their name build a property array
' check the value of any of them and see in acro reader how they behave
' the following is a test setting
oExpFilterOptions = Array(_
MkPropVal( InitialView, 0 ),_
MkPropVal( PageLayout,  0 ),_
MkPropVal( UseTaggedPDF,  False ),_
MkPropVal( EncryptFile,  True ),_
MkPropVal( DocumentOpenPassword,  open ),_
MkPropVal( RestrictPermissions, True ),_
MkPropVal( PermissionPassword,  permission ),_
MkPropVal( Printing,  24 ),_
MkPropVal( Changes, 4  ),_
MkPropVal( EnableCopyingOfContent,  True ),_
MkPropVal( EnableTextAccessForAccessibilityTools, True  )_
End Sub

Sub Main

'the following four call are for text

End Sub

'/=code end

I think you have to trim it a little, because it's a not very clean code.

Hope it helped,
Kind regards,
Giuseppe Castagno

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