Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Giacomo Pati wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Right. And the simplest and most consistent step to go forward is IMO 
to just use what's already there, providing a nice bridge to a 
rock-solid container used by thousands of people.

If you mean Spring as the rock-solid container used by thousands of 
people than tell me why are you using a Mac while ten-thousands of 
people use a IBM ThinkPad ;-)

A very interesting comparison: Apple is currently moving to Intel CPUs!! 
Why so? Because PowerPC is a dead end for their market, as IBM makes no 
effort to produce good laptop CPUs. So Apple changes the engine, without 
changing what's unique to them.

This is exactly the same for Cocoon: Avalon is dead, and we all agree on 
this. So what's the point of adding dependency injection features to 
Avalon? It's like adding Intel instructions to a PowerPC to prepare 
migration. That's nonsense: you end up with a clumsy solution that 
smells like a DI container but is not, and provides a mix of injection, 
lifecycle interfaces and service lookup. Furthermore, it doesn't really 
encourage people to move away from Avalon as its features are still 
available to all components.

That's what I'm against this change to ECM: just as Apple has setup a 
bridge (Rosetta) to allow PowerPC and Intel code to run on the same 
hardware, let's have this bridge in Cocoon too. Want to use legacy 
components? Use ECM. Want to use dependency injection? Use Spring. Or 
Pico. Or Hivemind. The bridge can host whatever container manager you 
want, even if we should promote only one.

From a user point of view, I'll be happy to see soon PowerBooks as 
powerful as ThinkPads. But there's actually much more to this switch: it 
won't take long before wine is ported to the Mac, so that we can use 
some applications that, like it or not, only exist on Windows. Yes: the 
comfort of the Mac, with is deviant compared to the vast majority of 
PCs out there, but the ability to suck Windoze applications when it 
makes sense.

This is the same with Spring: this is not only a DI container, but a lot 
of additional services to build applications. And also a lot of people 
that know it.

The Cocoon project, in its current state, really doesn't need yet 
another specific extension to its obsolete container architecture, that 
less than an handful of people will understand and be able to maintain. 
We need to move away from Avalon, so let's do it in a way that can bring 
in more people and use an engine that's known outside of cocoon-dev.

I can understand Carsten as we've talked about it recently and we 
share some common reservation about Spring (as Carsten has already 
expressed). Maybe Carsten regrets having written that Spring bridge or 
the motivation to write it was a business or marketing need not a 
conceptual evolution.

I asked Carsten why he doesn't want to use the bridge that _he_ wrote, 
and would love to have his answer. Carsten?

So, after your veto to the change Cartsten has proposed the only way 
for him is to write another bridge that suits his needs. This is what 
I was calling ECM+++.

Admittedly I do not know how this bridging to Spring is done at all 
and I cannot say whether or not a migration from one CM to another 
will be possible to smooth this migration so that one day we can 
deprecate the usage of Avalon components.

Have a look at the spring-app block.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%
 Why not setter injection?
Because I don't need it :) As you have seen in this thread there are
many arguments about a confusing mechanism or hack or whatever. My
opinion is that while constructor injection is a clean approach, setter
injection might really be more confusion.
But as I already said, if someone wants to add setter injection as well,
I'm not against it.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 I asked Carsten why he doesn't want to use the bridge that _he_ wrote, 
 and would love to have his answer. Carsten?
Now all this comparing of the things Apple did with our situation is
missing imho a big difference: Apple decided that their next OS (MacOS
X) should have this and that feature and *then* they thought about a
possible bridge for old stuff. So first they had a plan on what to build
next (without taking old stuff into consideration). Even more important
the bridge is a connection from the new stuff to the old one.

Currently we are discussing the opposite! We say, we have this nice
bridge that allows the user to use anything (Spring, Pico, Hivemind) she
likes and this bridge is a connection from our old stuff (we want to get
rid off btw) to new stuff. So, we don't have a clear plan on what the
new version should be and just leave it to the user. This would be like
if Apple had said, oh, we still use MacOS 9 and provide bridges for
windows, linux and AmigaOS. See the difference?

And this is why I don't want to use the bridge in general. It's the
wrong way. The bridge is nice if you want to use Spring etc. with Cocoon
and want a tighter integration. But with the bridges the core will never
change, it will still be ECM++. And the current bridge has some other
problems, it does not provide access to everything required and I think
it might have a performance problem if used the wrong way.

Now, actually, I wanted to have constructor injection and more
simplifications to make working with the portal block easier. As the
portal block in theory has no real connections to cocoon - it's a set of
components triggered by a generator - I think I'll use a different
approach there, like embedding Spring directly into the generator and
building the whole portal on top of Spring without using anything of
Avalon. Other portal relevant projects are using Spring anyways, so it
might make sense to go into that direction as well. But I fear this
approach will not work for other blocks.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%

Why not setter injection?

Because I don't need it :) As you have seen in this thread there are
many arguments about a confusing mechanism or hack or whatever. My
opinion is that while constructor injection is a clean approach, setter
injection might really be more confusion.
But as I already said, if someone wants to add setter injection as well,
I'm not against it.

Guys, remember the real-blocks container story? Two reasons led to the 
choice of OSGi: there are existing implementations, and it stopped the 
endless discussions about what the container API should be.

We have exactly the same here. why not this or that and I don't need 
it but you can implement it lead nowhere. NIH syndrome at work. 
Cocoon's goal is not about containers, but about components. Cocoon was 
one of the first component-oriented frameworks, but times have changed!

Carsten, what's wrong with the Spring bridge?


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Wow, a long and fun thread ;)

Seem like most want to migrate away from the Avalon interfaces for
component handling and that some (I'm included), in the long term, want
to move away even from ECM++. IMO, with all communities that specializes
on containers, building containers should be outside the scope of
Cocoon. Of course we have to maintain ECM++ for back compability, but
hopefully as an optional block.

So the only remaining questions are where we want to go and how to get
there ;)


Concerning how to get there, using the Spring (or other) bridges. as
Sylvain proposes, for user component handling does part of the job, we
should IMO encourage users to use a bridge rather than ECM++ for new
development. Still the bridge in its current form, AFAICS, doesn't help
migrating the Cocoon core and the blocks to a more modern container.

One (yet unimplemented) feature with the block architecture is that one
can choose block manager at the block level and still exporting
components to other blocks. By using this and spliting the Cocoon core
into smaller blocks, migration to a modern container becomes easier as
we can migrate one block at the time.

Component management at the block level also removes the need to use sub
sitemaps with local component managers for modularization. This means
that we can depricate component containers at the sitemap level and thus
in the long run simplify the architecture and loosen the coupling
between conatiners and the sitemap engine.

We can also migrate to DI gradually within the blocks (and core) by
extending ECM++ with some DI mechanism as Carsten wants, but I agree
with those who fear mixed models. If we go that way, we should have a
clear idea where we want to go.


While we, IMO, shouldn't lock users to a specific container, we need a 
common ground for development of the core and the most important blocks. 
I have to little knowledge about Spring, Pico etc to have any opinion 
yet. But for injection strategy I would prefer setter injection. Citing 

Setter Injection
Familiar JavaBean style interface, natural to many Java developers, and

 easy to use introspection based tools.  Encorages failsafe design so that
 almost all components are optional.  In short, the absense of other
 components cause the bean to work with diminished capacity.  An example
 is the DataSource object from the SQL package.  In fact, that component
 would work out of the box in this type of environment.

Constructor Injection
Very robust design, less familiar to many Java developers, but natural
 enough.  Encourages tight encapsulation and failfast design so that 

 all components are required.  In short, the absense of other components
 can cause the component to crash.  Examples include just about any
 unmodifiable POJO object.

Here it is the failsafe design aspect that I find most important. One 
of the long term goals with the blocks system is to allow for hot 
deployable and updateable blocks. While hot deployabillity no doubt is 
complicated and even might be to complicted for some kinds of blocks, it 
is a very large advantage not least for getting development interactive. 
Also OSGi helps a lot in this area.

Now, in a dynamic environment, the failfast design of constructor 
injection isn't atractive at all anymore, as the assumption that all 
components are constructed once and for all at startup isn't valid 
anymore. Also, the new (and very prommissing) declarative services from 
OSGi R4, supports setter injection but not constructor injection. 
Declarative services is a standardised component container for OSGi 
which is designed with dynamic component creation, update and 
destruction, in mind. IBM have recently donated the reference 
implementation to Eclipse.

As others have noted, we will need to support the use of a sevice 
manager even in the future, dynamic builders like the sitemap engine 
cannot just be injected with all the components they need.

I agree with Carsten that we should migrate towards using thread safe 
components and factories everywhere. This is needed in the OSGi 
environment as the OSGi service architecture assumes singletons and 
factories. This is a separate concern that we can start to work on 
immediatly. As long as we use Avalon interfaces, respecting the 
contracts is however IMO more important than saving a few keystrokes, so 
we shouldn't change defaults.

We also need to rethink configuration for components in blocks. We need 
two levels, one deploy time configuration level, that is on the user 
level and probably is property based, and one wiring level that is 
statically declared within the block and takes care of implementation 
details. OSGi already have a mechanism for this where the declarative 
services configuration is used for the wiring level and the 
configuration service for the deploy time configuration.

   --- o0o ---

Summarizing my 

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Guys, remember the real-blocks container story? Two reasons led to the 
choice of OSGi: there are existing implementations, and it stopped the 
endless discussions about what the container API should be.

We have exactly the same here. why not this or that and I don't 
need it but you can implement it lead nowhere. NIH syndrome at work. 
Cocoon's goal is not about containers, but about components. Cocoon 
was one of the first component-oriented frameworks, but times have 


what's wrong with the Spring bridge?

Nothing, but it currently doesn't help migrating the core and the blocks 
to a modern container. For that we need to make the bridge available at 
the block level, and connect it to inter block component management.


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

 Carsten, what's wrong with the Spring bridge?
See my reply from today.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Guys, remember the real-blocks container story? Two reasons led to the 
 choice of OSGi: there are existing implementations, and it stopped the 
 endless discussions about what the container API should be.
 We have exactly the same here. why not this or that and I don't need 
 it but you can implement it lead nowhere. NIH syndrome at work. 
 Cocoon's goal is not about containers, but about components. Cocoon was 
 one of the first component-oriented frameworks, but times have changed!
Yes, so why not throwing ECM++ away and use an existing container? We
can provide an Avalon compatibility bridge for nearly any existing
container. I don't want to build an own container in Cocoon, but
currently using an existing one for the core has been veto'd several
times, so we have to stick with ECM++. But making this more useful is
also veto'd. Hmm. And as we can't come up with a good solution (being it
using an existing container or improving our own), we simply tell the
users to use whatever they think is right - as we don't know it.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

Le 4 janv. 06, à 12:36, Carsten Ziegeler a écrit :
...Yes, so why not throwing ECM++ away and use an existing container? 

can provide an Avalon compatibility bridge for nearly any existing

I was thinking about this after reading the replies this morning, 
sounds like an ideal solution to move forward: allow existing 
components to run in the Avalon way, yet gradually move to more modern 


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Guys, remember the real-blocks container story? Two reasons led to the 
choice of OSGi: there are existing implementations, and it stopped the 
endless discussions about what the container API should be.

We have exactly the same here. why not this or that and I don't need 
it but you can implement it lead nowhere. NIH syndrome at work. 
Cocoon's goal is not about containers, but about components. Cocoon was 
one of the first component-oriented frameworks, but times have changed!

Yes, so why not throwing ECM++ away and use an existing container? We
can provide an Avalon compatibility bridge for nearly any existing

Incidentally, I had just started to write a implementation of the Avalon 
lifecycle as a Spring BeanFactory when you committed the Spring bridge. 
The current bridge allows Spring to run in an Avalon container, whereas 
what I had started was the other way around, i.e. an Avalon container 
within Spring. Need to dig in my HD although I'm not sure I still have it...

I don't want to build an own container in Cocoon, but
currently using an existing one for the core has been veto'd several
times, so we have to stick with ECM++.

What has been vetoed is turning ECM++ to a DI container, which is not 
Cocoon's goals and allow confusing mixed models to develop components 
(opposed to writing components _either_ the Avalon way _or_ the POJO way).

But making this more useful is
also veto'd. Hmm. And as we can't come up with a good solution (being it
using an existing container or improving our own), we simply tell the
users to use whatever they think is right - as we don't know it.

Uh? I don't follow you here.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:


Summarizing my opinions: Users should be able to use any container.

... but we should have one usable out of the box for users that don't 
want or don't know how to make a choice.

Blocks and a more fine grained modularization of the core gives the 
possiblity to migrate to a new container in steps. We need a common 
strategy for core and important blocks. Setter injection is more 
natural for a dynamic environment. We should start migrating towards 
threadsafes and factories. Two levels of component configuration are 
needed. Building component containers is outside the scope of Cocoon.



Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 12:36:19 +0100
From: Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Guys, remember the real-blocks container story? Two reasons led to the
choice of OSGi: there are existing implementations, and it stopped the
endless discussions about what the container API should be.

We have exactly the same here. why not this or that and I don't need
it but you can implement it lead nowhere. NIH syndrome at work.
Cocoon's goal is not about containers, but about components. Cocoon was
one of the first component-oriented frameworks, but times have changed!

Yes, so why not throwing ECM++ away and use an existing container? We
can provide an Avalon compatibility bridge for nearly any existing

ATM I do see this as a valuable way to go.

- - Declare our legacy Avalon components being the bridged ones
- - Start using an existing container
- - Migrate the legacy stuff over

I don't want to build an own container in Cocoon, but
currently using an existing one for the core has been veto'd several
times, so we have to stick with ECM++. But making this more useful is
also veto'd. Hmm. And as we can't come up with a good solution (being it
using an existing container or improving our own), we simply tell the
users to use whatever they think is right - as we don't know it.

That's a deadlock.

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Ralph Goers
My only fear with this whole discussion is that we are once again going 
to lose focus on finishing 2.2.


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-04 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Sylvain Wallez skrev:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:


Summarizing my opinions: Users should be able to use any container.

... but we should have one usable out of the box for users that don't 
want or don't know how to make a choice.

Absolutely. In the long run I think that the OSGi declarative services 
together with the configuration admin service (and the metatype service 
for strong typing of the configurations) is the way to go. But the 
declarative services is still unproven technology and we have some work 
left to do before we have an OSGi based block system, so it might not be 
a realistic choice yet.

In the mean time I would prefer something that is as leight weight and 
non intrusive as possible.


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On 1/3/06, Upayavira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Reinhard Poetz wrote:
  --- Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
 Yeah, and I really don't understand this - I (and
 others) propose small
 but simple steps to a) improve using Cocoon and b)
 provide a smooth
 migration path.

 So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against
 adding constructor
 injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so
 I can add it for my
 own projects? The change adds only a feature while
 maintaining 100%
  Without having time to understand in depth what you
  guys are talking about, I'd say that we should not
  block any features that don't introduce any backwards
  incompatibilities. If people disagree here, I would be
  very intersted in their reasons ...
  So +1 for your enhancements Carsten!

 Even more - Gianugo makes some valid points about the future. However,
 at this point, we cannot prove that his opinion is correct. So in my
 view, we should be taking multiple paths until one shows up to be the
 clear winner.

It's not so easy. First let me state that I don't have any particular
blocker if all we're talking about is adding constructor injection to
ECM++: whatever goes in the direction of a lighter and
less-Avalon-dependant Cocoon gets my applause. I do have issues,
though, when mixing models. something we're very good at. Keeping both
interface injection and constructor-injection (well, why not setter
injection as well at this point, shouldn't be too hard and, hey, gives
one more choice) and telling users to take their pick isn't going to
work: adding features blindly not because of architectural/design
issues but because it's tiresome to add 5 lines of code and - at the
same time - not considering how users might be confused by the fact
that we're still using Avalon but we're subverting its very principles
is just not going to work.

Careful also about taking multiple paths (and again, this isn't quite
the case of this constructor-injection stuff which gets my +0 as in
it's not my favourite solution but I'm fine with it): removing cruft
later on is hard, and the situation we are in how should prove it:
once you've baked a cake, there is no way to get your flour, butter
and eggs back to bake another one.


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%

I have strong reservations about components using a mixed model (i.e. 
dependency injection + Avalon interfaces), as these components will look 
as semi-POJOs that bring some potential confusion about their lifecycle:

- is the component ready after the constructor has been called?
- what is the call order between setter-based injection and Avalon 
lifecycle interfaces?

- what is the lifestyle of a POJO: thread safe, single threaded?

So although I'm all for a simplification of components and moving away 
from Avalon, I'm strongly against using mixed models.

Now, do we need to make changes to ECM++ at all? Cocoon 2.2 allows the 
integration of other containers such as Spring (Carsten, _you_ wrote 
that!), so we just have to *use* what is already there, using a solid 
existing container rather than a half-baked solution.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Addressing both, Sylvain's and Gianugo's response (at least partially):

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

 It's not so easy. First let me state that I don't have any particular
 blocker if all we're talking about is adding constructor injection to
 ECM++: whatever goes in the direction of a lighter and
 less-Avalon-dependant Cocoon gets my applause. I do have issues,
 though, when mixing models. something we're very good at. Keeping both
 interface injection and constructor-injection (well, why not setter
 injection as well at this point, shouldn't be too hard and, hey, gives
 one more choice) and telling users to take their pick isn't going to
 work: adding features blindly not because of architectural/design
 issues but because it's tiresome to add 5 lines of code and - at the
 same time - not considering how users might be confused by the fact
 that we're still using Avalon but we're subverting its very principles
 is just not going to work.

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 I have strong reservations about components using a mixed model (i.e. 
 dependency injection + Avalon interfaces), as these components will look 
 as semi-POJOs that bring some potential confusion about their lifecycle:
 - is the component ready after the constructor has been called?
 - what is the call order between setter-based injection and Avalon 
 lifecycle interfaces?
 - what is the lifestyle of a POJO: thread safe, single threaded?
 So although I'm all for a simplification of components and moving away 
 from Avalon, I'm strongly against using mixed models.
 Now, do we need to make changes to ECM++ at all? Cocoon 2.2 allows the 
 integration of other containers such as Spring (Carsten, _you_ wrote 
 that!), so we just have to *use* what is already there, using a solid 
 existing container rather than a half-baked solution.
Hmm, so why is ECM++ different from ECM (includes, JMX etc.)? With the
same argument we could just use ECM with the container integrations and
that's it.

Now, I'm only talking about constructor injection, so if you're using it
you have a well defined life-cycle of that component as the constructor
is called before everything else. Mixing constructor injection with
other Avalon interfaces might cause confusion, yes. It's up to the
component writer to decide this and we can come up with nice
documentation telling everyone how to develop components. I would
suggest to either use constructor injectior or the Avalon interfaces but
not both at the same time.
However, there is one exception: the lifestyle. As we can't agree on
making everything thread safe, I think the easiest way is to support
ThreadSafe, Poolable etc. with constructor injection as well - with the
default still being single threaded.
With constructor injection we have a simple container which is able to
serve POJOs while remaining compatible. And we are one step further in a
smooth migration path.
Setter injection is a different thing - I personally don't want to add
it as things imho get too complicated then (but if someone wants to do
it, well, why not).

And finally, Spring is cool and has nice features, but imho it has no
clean separation between a component writer and a component user when it
comes to configuration. In fact (as a teaser :) ), I'm thinking about
writing a new core for Cocoon based on Spring which supports annotations
and the avalon style configuration based on roles and xconf files. It's
not that hard to do, but the question right now is if it's worth it.
This could simply replace ECM++. But as we don't want to build on sand
again, I think this is out of question anyway

Now, seriously, comming back to Gianugo's concern adding features
blindly not because of architectural/design issues but because it's
tiresome to add 5 lines of code...: As I said, these changes make it
imho easier to work with Cocoon and provide a required migration path.
Imho, the best way would be to think about a new architecture/design for
a future Cocoon, build that and provide then migration paths. But the
last months have shown that we have currently no common understanding of
a future Cocoon - everyone has her own vision and plans. And as long as
we are in this situation, we can imho only try to do simple steps
forward and see where we will arrive.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Hmm, so why is ECM++ different from ECM (includes, JMX etc.)? With the
same argument we could just use ECM with the container integrations and
that's it.

Oh yes, sure! And why not going back to the Director interface of the 
good old Cocoon 1.0 times?

Seriously, ECM++ allowed us to add new features that we badly needed 
such as xconf includes, and Spring bridge among others.

Now, I'm only talking about constructor injection, so if you're using it
you have a well defined life-cycle of that component as the constructor
is called before everything else. Mixing constructor injection with
other Avalon interfaces might cause confusion, yes. It's up to the
component writer to decide this and we can come up with nice
documentation telling everyone how to develop components.

Muhuhuhahahahaha! Nice documentation C'mon...

I would suggest to either use constructor injectior or the Avalon interfaces 
but not both at the same time.

Great, I suggest the same by using the Spring bridge.

However, there is one exception: the lifestyle. As we can't agree on making 
everything thread safe, I think the easiest way is to support ThreadSafe, 
Poolable etc. with constructor injection as well - with the default still being 
single threaded.
With constructor injection we have a simple container which is able to serve 
POJOs while remaining compatible. And we are one step further in a smooth 
migration path.

Just use Spring: this is compatible, and allows to move away from Avalon 

Setter injection is a different thing - I personally don't want to add it as 
things imho get too complicated then (but if someone wants to do it, well, why 

And finally, Spring is cool and has nice features, but imho it has no
clean separation between a component writer and a component user when it
comes to configuration. In fact (as a teaser :) ), I'm thinking about
writing a new core for Cocoon based on Spring which supports annotations
and the avalon style configuration based on roles and xconf files. It's
not that hard to do, but the question right now is if it's worth it.
This could simply replace ECM++. But as we don't want to build on sand
again, I think this is out of question anyway

Hmm... Is it April 1st already?

Now, seriously, comming back to Gianugo's concern adding features
blindly not because of architectural/design issues but because it's
tiresome to add 5 lines of code...: As I said, these changes make it
imho easier to work with Cocoon and provide a required migration path.

I disagree: the migration path is to allow writing components *without 
caring about Avalon*. Any mixed model is a complexification as it 
requires to know both models and the interaction betwen them in mixed 
model components. And a nice documentation is not the solution.

Imho, the best way would be to think about a new architecture/design for
a future Cocoon, build that and provide then migration paths. But the
last months have shown that we have currently no common understanding of
a future Cocoon - everyone has her own vision and plans. And as long as
we are in this situation, we can imho only try to do simple steps
forward and see where we will arrive.

Right. And the simplest and most consistent step to go forward is IMO to 
just use what's already there, providing a nice bridge to a rock-solid 
container used by thousands of people.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sorry, but I don't comment on this. Just one (final) question: are you
-1 on the changes?


Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Hmm, so why is ECM++ different from ECM (includes, JMX etc.)? With the
same argument we could just use ECM with the container integrations and
that's it.
 Oh yes, sure! And why not going back to the Director interface of the 
 good old Cocoon 1.0 times?
 Seriously, ECM++ allowed us to add new features that we badly needed 
 such as xconf includes, and Spring bridge among others.
Now, I'm only talking about constructor injection, so if you're using it
you have a well defined life-cycle of that component as the constructor
is called before everything else. Mixing constructor injection with
other Avalon interfaces might cause confusion, yes. It's up to the
component writer to decide this and we can come up with nice
documentation telling everyone how to develop components.
 Muhuhuhahahahaha! Nice documentation C'mon...
I would suggest to either use constructor injectior or the Avalon interfaces 
but not both at the same time.
 Great, I suggest the same by using the Spring bridge.
However, there is one exception: the lifestyle. As we can't agree on making 
everything thread safe, I think the easiest way is to support ThreadSafe, 
Poolable etc. with constructor injection as well - with the default still 
being single threaded.
With constructor injection we have a simple container which is able to serve 
POJOs while remaining compatible. And we are one step further in a smooth 
migration path.
 Just use Spring: this is compatible, and allows to move away from Avalon 
Setter injection is a different thing - I personally don't want to add it as 
things imho get too complicated then (but if someone wants to do it, well, 
why not).

And finally, Spring is cool and has nice features, but imho it has no
clean separation between a component writer and a component user when it
comes to configuration. In fact (as a teaser :) ), I'm thinking about
writing a new core for Cocoon based on Spring which supports annotations
and the avalon style configuration based on roles and xconf files. It's
not that hard to do, but the question right now is if it's worth it.
This could simply replace ECM++. But as we don't want to build on sand
again, I think this is out of question anyway
 Hmm... Is it April 1st already?
Now, seriously, comming back to Gianugo's concern adding features
blindly not because of architectural/design issues but because it's
tiresome to add 5 lines of code...: As I said, these changes make it
imho easier to work with Cocoon and provide a required migration path.
 I disagree: the migration path is to allow writing components *without 
 caring about Avalon*. Any mixed model is a complexification as it 
 requires to know both models and the interaction betwen them in mixed 
 model components. And a nice documentation is not the solution.
Imho, the best way would be to think about a new architecture/design for
a future Cocoon, build that and provide then migration paths. But the
last months have shown that we have currently no common understanding of
a future Cocoon - everyone has her own vision and plans. And as long as
we are in this situation, we can imho only try to do simple steps
forward and see where we will arrive.
 Right. And the simplest and most consistent step to go forward is IMO to 
 just use what's already there, providing a nice bridge to a rock-solid 
 container used by thousands of people.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Sorry, but I don't comment on this. Just one (final) question: are you -1 on 
the changes?

Yes, -1 because:
- the mixed model will bring confusion,
- having yet another Cocoon-specific way of handling components just 
makes the learning curve steeper,
- the number of saved code lines doesn't justify it (how many 
manager.lookup() with all the keystrokes in these mails?),
- we already have a Spring bridge that allows us to have *real* POJOs 
and much more.

Honestly, I fail to understand why you don't want to use that Spring 
bridge that you wrote.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 10:13:33 +0100
From: Sylvain Wallez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
 injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
 own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%

I have strong reservations about components using a mixed model (i.e. 
dependency injection + Avalon interfaces), as these components will look as 
semi-POJOs that bring some potential confusion about their lifecycle:

- is the component ready after the constructor has been called?
- what is the call order between setter-based injection and Avalon lifecycle 

- what is the lifestyle of a POJO: thread safe, single threaded?

So although I'm all for a simplification of components and moving away from 
Avalon, I'm strongly against using mixed models.

Now, do we need to make changes to ECM++ at all? Cocoon 2.2 allows the 
integration of other containers such as Spring (Carsten, _you_ wrote that!), 
so we just have to *use* what is already there, using a solid existing 
container rather than a half-baked solution.

I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's oppinion. I also see users getting 
confused with multiple choices of how to write a component. I'd say in 
this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.

Maybe we need a ECM+++ to still keep our fingers on the container.

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Giacomo Pati wrote:
 I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's oppinion. I also see users getting 
 confused with multiple choices of how to write a component.
I personally don't see a problem *if* we tell them how to do it right.
Perhaps I'm wrong, don't know.

 I'd say in this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.
Ok, I agree that we need a revolution - I guess most of us do - but
where is this revolution? When will it take place? And even more
important, we don't have a common understanding of this revolution
and how it might look like. So it's really hard (if not impossible)
right now to do something that helps getting at this point :(

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Giacomo Pati wrote:
I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's opinion. I also see users getting 
confused with multiple choices of how to write a component. I'd say 
in this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.

Moving to POJOs doesn't need a revolution. We already have the bridge. 
Maybe it needs a bit of polishing, but it is here, waiting to be used.

Maybe we need a ECM+++ to still keep our fingers on the container.

Yes, we need ECM++ to have an hybrid containement model that can host 
Avalon components and POJO components in a POJO container.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 11:49:32 +0100
From: Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

Giacomo Pati wrote:

I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's oppinion. I also see users getting
confused with multiple choices of how to write a component.

I personally don't see a problem *if* we tell them how to do it right.
Perhaps I'm wrong, don't know.

:-) and which one is the right one?

I'd say in this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.

Ok, I agree that we need a revolution - I guess most of us do - but
where is this revolution? When will it take place? And even more
important, we don't have a common understanding of this revolution
and how it might look like. So it's really hard (if not impossible)
right now to do something that helps getting at this point :(

Of course we do not have a common understanding. We have old farts like 
me comfortable with the Avalon way :-) that say I know it well and it 
has worked for years, so why should I change, younger ones familiar 
with Spring but not so with Avalon. We have a friendly community with no 
dictators but probably in this case one would be handy to say we go the 
XYZ way ;-)

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Peter Hunsberger
On 1/3/06, Giacomo Pati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's oppinion. I also see users getting
 confused with multiple choices of how to write a component. I'd say in
 this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.

I really don't get this objection; if I see a class that allows
constructor injection OR can be initialized via some other sequence
I'm going to think gee, that's nice, I can do everything in one shot
instead of having to call the service manager (or whatever) .  All
that's required to make sure that's clear is about 2 lines of Javadoc
on the constructor and if that's missing and someone does try to
initialize the class both ways you can probably make sure it either
blows up or handles things gracefully.

We use constructor injection in some of our code.  It's clean, it's
simple, it's easy to write.  Sometimes we support multiple methods of
initializing the code. It's pretty darn clear what's going on to any
user of the code. As a Cocoon user I really think that any objection
to this proposal based on it might be confusing to users is bogus...

Peter Hunsberger

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Jan 3, 2006, at 9:06 AM, Peter Hunsberger wrote:

On 1/3/06, Giacomo Pati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm with Sylvain's and Gianugo's oppinion. I also see users getting
confused with multiple choices of how to write a component. I'd  
say in

this area we need a revolution instead of an evolution.

I really don't get this objection; if I see a class that allows
constructor injection OR can be initialized via some other sequence
I'm going to think gee, that's nice, I can do everything in one shot
instead of having to call the service manager (or whatever) .  All
that's required to make sure that's clear is about 2 lines of Javadoc
on the constructor and if that's missing and someone does try to
initialize the class both ways you can probably make sure it either
blows up or handles things gracefully.

We use constructor injection in some of our code.  It's clean, it's
simple, it's easy to write.  Sometimes we support multiple methods of
initializing the code. It's pretty darn clear what's going on to any
user of the code. As a Cocoon user I really think that any objection
to this proposal based on it might be confusing to users is bogus...

I agree. This is a minor simplification directed towards developers.  
If they can't figure out when and when not to use this then they need  
to learn. The fact that this buys you very little is a different  
concern. Sometimes we spend a bit more then we should for little  
luxuries, but we're willing to eat bread and water as a result. Just  
make sure Carsten is the one who suffers for this luxury ;)

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%

Why not setter injection?


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-03 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Right. And the simplest and most consistent step to go forward is IMO to just 
use what's already there, providing a nice bridge to a rock-solid container 
used by thousands of people.

If you mean Spring as the rock-solid container used by thousands of 
people than tell me why are you using a Mac while ten-thousands of 
people use a IBM ThinkPad ;-)

I can understand Carsten as we've talked about it recently and we share 
some common reservation about Spring (as Carsten has already expressed). 
Maybe Carsten regrets having written that Spring bridge or the 
motivation to write it was a business or marketing need not a conceptual 

So, after your veto to the change Cartsten has proposed the only way for 
him is to write another bridge that suits his needs. This is what I was 
calling ECM+++.

Admittedly I do not know how this bridging to Spring is done at all and 
I cannot say whether or not a migration from one CM to another will be 
possible to smooth this migration so that one day we can deprecate the 
usage of Avalon components.

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


RE: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Max Pfingsthorn

  What's the contract for the auto-wiring? Just assuming 
 ClassA and ClassB 
  have public static fields called ROLE? Sounds somewhat strange.
 No, the contract would be to search for a component which is 
 using the ClassA as the role name. Actually ClassA and ClassB are two

Hmm, so what do you do about the hints? Often enough, I see 
o.a.c.something.SomeInterface/hint (like o.a.c.caching.Cache/EventAware) in 
cocoon. This wouldn't work with your assumptions of always using FQCNs as 
service names.


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Max Pfingsthorn wrote:
What's the contract for the auto-wiring? Just assuming 

ClassA and ClassB 

have public static fields called ROLE? Sounds somewhat strange.

No, the contract would be to search for a component which is 
using the ClassA as the role name. Actually ClassA and ClassB are two
 Hmm, so what do you do about the hints? Often enough, I see 
 o.a.c.something.SomeInterface/hint (like o.a.c.caching.Cache/EventAware) 
 in cocoon. This wouldn't work with your assumptions of always using FQCNs as 
 service names.
Right. Most times these are dynamic parts, for example pipeline
processing, in this case,
you can still use Serviceable.

But as we can't get any consensus on any changes, I think we should
drop the topic and wait until we have moved away from Avalon completly.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Ralph Goers
That seems to be a catch-22.  How do you move away from Avalon without 
making these kind of changes?

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

But as we can't get any consensus on any changes, I think we should
drop the topic and wait until we have moved away from Avalon completly.



Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On 1/2/06, Ralph Goers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That seems to be a catch-22.  How do you move away from Avalon without
 making these kind of changes?

Honestly, I don't see how anything in the 2.x series could move away
from Avalon. Too much refactoring needed, too many issues on the


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Glen Ezkovich
This thread got me thinking about alternatives to dependency  
injection. The only credible alternative I can think of for Cocoon is  
a Service Locator. One of the things I liked about Avalon was its  
combination of dependency injection and service locator. This  
combination made sense for a general purpose framework.  The drawback  
is that there is a great deal of complexity due to its use of  
interface injection. (probably the real reason Carsten started this  
thread) To simplify this all one need do is remove the interface  
injection. Once the injection is removed each component is  
responsible for constructing its self. The drawback of using a  
service locator is the dependency on the locator itself. Cocoon is a  
coherent framework that provides its own locator so this is a minimal  
stumbling block.

There are two ways we could proceed using a service locator. One  
would be to add a static method to a SeviceManager implementation

public static ServiceManager getServiceManager()

The other would be to use constructor injection

public MyComponent(ServiceManager m)

No reflection, no tricks, no jumping through hoops and a simple  

This also provides a way to move away from Avalon while providing the  
benefits of life-cycle management by allowing a component to request  
its parameters, disposer, etc. by creating other locators. I don't  
believe it would be to difficult to keep backwards compatibility  
using this technique and all future components will be greatly  


Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Dec 30, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Berin Loritsch wrote:

Seriously, I agree that writing less code is good, but not at the  
price of too black magic implying weaker contracts.

Agreed.  To achieve the goal of less code would require major  
overhauls of the entire system.

Yes. I think Cocoon could be greatly simplified knowing what we know  
now. This would be a worthwhile endeavor but not one that should be  
undertaken at the cost of slowing advancement. Remember Netscape.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
 On 1/2/06, Ralph Goers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That seems to be a catch-22.  How do you move away from Avalon without
making these kind of changes?
Good question - I think noone is able to answer that one.

 Honestly, I don't see how anything in the 2.x series could move away
 from Avalon. Too much refactoring needed, too many issues on the
Yeah, and I really don't understand this - I (and others) propose small
but simple steps to a) improve using Cocoon and b) provide a smooth
migration path. But even if these proposals do not include heavy
refactoring and do not come with problems, people are blocking it and
always point to the we need a rewrite. Then if people are suggestion,
let's rewrite, the same people (and others) complain that that is
currently not an option. So in the end we are doomed.

So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

Le 3 janv. 06, à 08:11, Carsten Ziegeler a écrit :

...So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while maintaining 100%

I'm +1 on this change, as you say it maintains compatibility, and it 
can simplify component writing.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Reinhard Poetz

--- Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:

 Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
  On 1/2/06, Ralph Goers
 That seems to be a catch-22.  How do you move away
 from Avalon without
 making these kind of changes?
 Good question - I think noone is able to answer that
  Honestly, I don't see how anything in the 2.x
 series could move away
  from Avalon. Too much refactoring needed, too many
 issues on the
 Yeah, and I really don't understand this - I (and
 others) propose small
 but simple steps to a) improve using Cocoon and b)
 provide a smooth
 migration path. But even if these proposals do not
 include heavy
 refactoring and do not come with problems, people
 are blocking it and
 always point to the we need a rewrite. Then if
 people are suggestion,
 let's rewrite, the same people (and others) complain
 that that is
 currently not an option. So in the end we are
 So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against
 adding constructor
 injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so
 I can add it for my
 own projects? The change adds only a feature while
 maintaining 100%

Without having time to understand in depth what you
guys are talking about, I'd say that we should not
block any features that don't introduce any backwards
incompatibilities. If people disagree here, I would be
very intersted in their reasons ...

So +1 for your enhancements Carsten!


Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2006-01-02 Thread Upayavira
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
 --- Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

On 1/2/06, Ralph Goers


That seems to be a catch-22.  How do you move away

from Avalon without

making these kind of changes?

Good question - I think noone is able to answer that

Honestly, I don't see how anything in the 2.x

series could move away

from Avalon. Too much refactoring needed, too many

issues on the


Yeah, and I really don't understand this - I (and
others) propose small
but simple steps to a) improve using Cocoon and b)
provide a smooth
migration path. But even if these proposals do not
include heavy
refactoring and do not come with problems, people
are blocking it and
always point to the we need a rewrite. Then if
people are suggestion,
let's rewrite, the same people (and others) complain
that that is
currently not an option. So in the end we are

So I'm coming back to my idea, is anyone against
adding constructor
injection to ECM++ or at least make it pluggable so
I can add it for my
own projects? The change adds only a feature while
maintaining 100%
 Without having time to understand in depth what you
 guys are talking about, I'd say that we should not
 block any features that don't introduce any backwards
 incompatibilities. If people disagree here, I would be
 very intersted in their reasons ...
 So +1 for your enhancements Carsten!

Even more - Gianugo makes some valid points about the future. However,
at this point, we cannot prove that his opinion is correct. So in my
view, we should be taking multiple paths until one shows up to be the
clear winner. So, I'd say, Carsten, get on with improving 2.2 to address
the issues people have mentioned, and others, get on with prototyping a
new implementation of Cocoon. If/when that new implementation comes
along, we can see if it can be redone as a refactoring rather than a
rewrite. Until then, let's move on on all fronts. We stand a better
chance of winning that way.


Upayavira, who's been away for a few days and hasn't read the full thread

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-31 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 30.12.2005 19:09, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
  this.m = m;
  compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
  compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
  protected final ClassA compA;
  protected final ClassB compB;

  public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
compA = a;
compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of the
object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.

What's the contract for the auto-wiring? Just assuming ClassA and ClassB 
have public static fields called ROLE? Sounds somewhat strange.


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
 On 30.12.2005 19:09, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
  this.m = m;
  compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
  compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
  protected final ClassA compA;
  protected final ClassB compB;

  public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
compA = a;
compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of the
object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.
 What's the contract for the auto-wiring? Just assuming ClassA and ClassB 
 have public static fields called ROLE? Sounds somewhat strange.
No, the contract would be to search for a component which is registered
using the ClassA as the role name. Actually ClassA and ClassB are two

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
 On Saturday 31 December 2005 02:09, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much magic?):

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
  protected final ClassA component_A;
  protected final ClassB component_B;
 Yipee, yet another thread on a new container architecture. Can't wait to see 
 the hours of debate leading up to no change...

 Honestly guys, I'm starting to think that Cocoon won't manage to do the 
 separation from Avalon, purely due to the number of ways to do it exceeds the 
 number of strong-willed people in the community, and disagreements of what is 
 the best move.
Too true :( And this all is not just about the separation from Avalon.

 Time for me to close the shop, and start with something more exciting.
Sounds like a good plan! If you found something, let me know!

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-31 Thread Leo Sutic
 On 30.12.2005 19:09, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
  Way too much code me thinks. So what about:
  class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
protected final ClassA compA;
protected final ClassB compB;
public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
  compA = a;
  compB = b;

I've tried this (with Jakarta Commons Attributes) and the end result
can be summarized as it is barely worth it in terms of added
complexity and behind-the-scenes magic. Technically it is a huge
success. But the price you pay is that it makes the code that much
more non-standard.

This is also for a closed code base that has a fixed team of a few
developers. For open source, having additional magic would probably be
even more expensive in terms of complexity, initial threshold for
developers, and embeddability.

(Regarding the lower embeddability: This is my main problem with
Commons Logging. It has magic all right - just not the right magic!)

For Cocoon, I'd recommend against it. So what if the code is a little
bit bigger, if it means that it can actually be understood without
knowing a hundred additional, Cocoon-specific contracts up front.


[RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Aren't you tired of implementing a service/dispose combo for each of
your components over and over again? Now, actually, I am. Big time.

If you look at several of our components, they do something like this:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
  this.m = m;
  compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
  compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
  protected final ClassA compA;
  protected final ClassB compB;

  public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
compA = a;
compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of the
object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously. Fiddling
with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard. (I now
that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).

My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much magic?):

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
  protected final ClassA component_A;
  protected final ClassB component_B;
When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed with
component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps using

Now, in the end I really want to write less code :)

Ah and yes I'm talking about 2.2, seriously - I'll come up with a list
of things I think we should remove in 2.2 in the next days :)

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Aren't you tired of implementing a service/dispose combo for each of
your components over and over again? Now, actually, I am. Big time.

If you look at several of our components, they do something like this:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
  this.m = m;
  compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
  compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {

The test m != null is useless, as dispose should never be called 
twice. Removes 2 lines :-)

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
  protected final ClassA compA;
  protected final ClassB compB;

  public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
compA = a;
compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of the
object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

This is a huge change compared to the current behaviour, where no 
interface means not threadsafe and not reusable. IMO, this change can 
only happen if we completely move away from Avalon.

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously. Fiddling
with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard. (I now
that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).

+1 for generalizing the factory pattern. Cocoon spends way too much time 
in checking Avalon's lifecycle interfaces and parsing configuration objects.

My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much magic?):

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
  protected final ClassA component_A;
  protected final ClassB component_B;
When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed with
component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps using

- how do you unit test Cocoon without the container? By subclassing to 
access the protected fields?
- we can't strongly enforce the contract of subclasses by making some 
fields private.
- the naming convention weakens the strong typing of Java. What if you 
write conponent_A? Chasing the NPE won't be easy...

Now, in the end I really want to write less code :)

Use Ruby :-P

Seriously, I agree that writing less code is good, but not at the price 
of too black magic implying weaker contracts.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On 12/30/05, Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aren't you tired of implementing a service/dispose combo for each of
 your components over and over again? Now, actually, I am. Big time.

 Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

 class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
   protected final ClassA compA;
   protected final ClassB compB;

   public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
 compA = a;
 compB = b;

I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of fashion,
sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components with
your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).

 But I think it can even get easier:
 1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
 otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
 apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

Again, until Avalon is around I don't see how a marker interface can
really bug you...

 2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously. Fiddling
 with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
 approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
 rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard. (I now
 that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
 still have to configure pool sizes).

I'm also still not completely sold on factories. Indeed, they work and
they're a brilliant solution, but am I the only one smelling hack and

 My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much magic?):

 class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
   protected final ClassA component_A;
   protected final ClassB component_B;
 When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed with
 component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps using

Yes, that's definitely too much magic. ;-) I'd rather favor an
annotation/attribute based approach rather than reflection hacks...


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Ralph Goers

+ 1 with comments below

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Aren't you tired of implementing a service/dispose combo for each of
your components over and over again? Now, actually, I am. Big time.

If you look at several of our components, they do something like this:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
 this.m = m;
 compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
 compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
 if ( m != null ) {

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
 protected final ClassA compA;
 protected final ClassB compB;

 public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
   compA = a;
   compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of the
object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously. Fiddling
with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard. (I now
that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).

As my current experience is showing misconfigured pooling can be 
disastrous.  However, when it is correct it is pretty fast.  Before 
removing support for pooling lets actually prove that the factory 
approach performs approximately the same as the correctly configured 
pooled approach.  Last time I checked there was exactly one factory 
component - the file generator.  Can you do a quick test to show how 
that performs against the pooled version?

My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much magic?):

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
 protected final ClassA component_A;
 protected final ClassB component_B;
When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed with
component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps using

Now, in the end I really want to write less code :)

Ah and yes I'm talking about 2.2, seriously - I'll come up with a list
of things I think we should remove in 2.2 in the next days :)


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {
 The test m != null is useless, as dispose should never be called 
 twice. Removes 2 lines :-)
No, it is not useless - if some exception happens during the init phase
of a component, the service method() might never be called, there m is
null. Without the null-test in dispose, you get an NPE :(

 Seriously, I agree that writing less code is good, but not at the price 
 of too black magic implying weaker contracts.
Agreed - ok, so a first step would be to implement the constructor
injection then - this is imho a compatible/transparent addition
simplyfing a lot.
Second step would be to use factories where currently pooled components
are used.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Ralph Goers

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

This is a huge change compared to the current behaviour, where no 
interface means not threadsafe and not reusable. IMO, this change can 
only happen if we completely move away from Avalon.

Isn't that the direction we are headed anyway? 

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Ralph Goers

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I'm also still not completely sold on factories. Indeed, they work and
they're a brilliant solution, but am I the only one smelling hack and

I didn't like this when I first saw it either. My thought was to have 
the Generator, etc. be thread safe and have it create an object that was 
passed around to all of its methods which would then be released when 
the pipeline lost track of it.  However, I realized that in the end that 
that is more or less what the current implementation does, but just with 
different names attached to the objects.  The major difference is that 
the setup and generate methods are in the dynamically created object 
instead of in the factory class. But does that really matter?

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
 I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
 consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
 components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of fashion,
 sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
 to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components with
 your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).
Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you emulate
the service() method on construction of the object and then you
emulate the dispose method when destroying the object. Everything our
ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in Fortress and
we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto wiring as
well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again requires to
code more than using a constructor.

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable
 Again, until Avalon is around I don't see how a marker interface can
 really bug you...
It's not the marker interfaces itself - it's just the amount of code I
have to write. For example, the initializable interface is great - in
other component frameworks you have to configure the init methode
somehow which is imho too much work and makes configuration your
application too complicated.

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously. Fiddling
with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard. (I now
that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).
 I'm also still not completely sold on factories. Indeed, they work and
 they're a brilliant solution, but am I the only one smelling hack and
Hmm, don't know :) I don't see a hack/workaround in using factories
instead of using pooled components? If we would use other component
containers we had to do this anyway.

And yes, we have to/want to move away from Avalon - using constructor
injection, removing pooling etc. makes this easier in smaller steps.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Ralph Goers wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

This is a huge change compared to the current behaviour, where no 
interface means not threadsafe and not reusable. IMO, this change can 
only happen if we completely move away from Avalon.

Isn't that the direction we are headed anyway?

Yes, of course. What I say if that while Avalon is there in the system 
with its marker interfaces, we should use them.


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of fashion,
sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components with
your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).

Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you emulate
the service() method on construction of the object and then you
emulate the dispose method when destroying the object. Everything our
ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in Fortress and
we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto wiring as
well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again requires to
code more than using a constructor.

I'm with Gianugo on this one - I'd better have setter injection instead of 
constructor injection.

In *addition* to setter injection, ecm++ could also recognize annotations (if 
running under jdk 1.5).


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 14:21:07 -0500
From: Vadim Gritsenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
  I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
  consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
  components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of fashion,
  sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
  to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components with
  your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).

 Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you emulate
 the service() method on construction of the object and then you
 emulate the dispose method when destroying the object. Everything our
 ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in Fortress and
 we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
 And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto wiring as
 well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again requires to
 code more than using a constructor.

I'm with Gianugo on this one - I'd better have setter injection instead of 
constructor injection.

Actually the problem I see with setter injection is that you normally 
will open up the setter method (make it public) to your 
configurator/instatiator and thus to everybody else. Now, don't tell my 
'you can write some IF satements to prevent that. The reason for a 
change as Carsten stated was 'I want to write less code'.

The constructor injection IMO allows you to make your member variable 
holding the injected objects final as well as checking whether the 
component is correctly constructed (especially if it needs a 
Configuration object) in the constructor itself. So for me constructor 
injection (and only constructor injection, no mixes allowed) is much 
more robust over setter injection and needs less code.

For these issues I'm more in favor of constructor injection (if we have 
the vision to go the pure way) than setter injection.

In *addition* to setter injection, ecm++ could also recognize annotations (if 
running under jdk 1.5).

I do not exclude annotations be it 1.5 annotations or other xdoclet 

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Giacomo Pati wrote:

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
  I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
  consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
  components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of fashion,
  sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
  to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components with
  your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).

 Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you emulate
 the service() method on construction of the object and then you
 emulate the dispose method when destroying the object. Everything our
 ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in Fortress and
 we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
 And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto 
wiring as

 well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again requires to
 code more than using a constructor.

I'm with Gianugo on this one - I'd better have setter injection 
instead of constructor injection.

Actually the problem I see with setter injection is that you normally 
will open up the setter method (make it public) to your 
configurator/instatiator and thus to everybody else.

service() method is already public, so I don't see any departure from existing 

Now, don't tell my 
'you can write some IF satements to prevent that. The reason for a 
change as Carsten stated was 'I want to write less code'.

The constructor injection IMO allows you to make your member variable 
holding the injected objects final as well as checking whether the 
component is correctly constructed

If goal is to write *less* code then this code won't have any checks at all :)

Regardless whether it is constructor or setter injection, checks can be written 
same way anyway, so I don't see this as an argument.

As for final, that's actually and IMHO a downside: currently you can null out 
all component references (and you can do that automatically with setter 
injection! whoo-hooo! yeay!) and be *sure* that even if there are any leaks in 
system, they are minimized. You can also be sure that you will get clear NPE if 
somebody holding  using disposed component, instead of getting undetermined 
behavior. So I'm -1 on final references for all of the above reasons.

(especially if it needs a 
Configuration object) in the constructor itself. So for me constructor 
injection (and only constructor injection, no mixes allowed) is much 
more robust over setter injection and needs less code.

For these issues I'm more in favor of constructor injection (if we have 
the vision to go the pure way) than setter injection.

In *addition* to setter injection, ecm++ could also recognize 
annotations (if running under jdk 1.5).

I do not exclude annotations be it 1.5 annotations or other xdoclet style.

Yep. Xdoclet, though, means pre-processing step - annotations are nicer in this 


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On 12/30/05, Giacomo Pati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
  Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
   Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of fashion,
sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components with
your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).
   Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you emulate
   the service() method on construction of the object and then you
   emulate the dispose method when destroying the object. Everything our
   ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in Fortress and
   we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
   And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto wiring as
   well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again requires to
   code more than using a constructor.
  I'm with Gianugo on this one - I'd better have setter injection instead of
  constructor injection.

 Actually the problem I see with setter injection is that you normally
 will open up the setter method (make it public) to your
 configurator/instatiator and thus to everybody else.

I guess we could waste a near to infinite number of electrons debating
the various IoC types and their downsides, so I won't delve any
further on this (apart from +1ing Vadim's reply to your concerns, exp.
the part about final members). My point is actually a tad different:
like it or not, we are still working with Avalon which is
interface-injection based: bastardizing the model with some clever
hacks won't get us anywhere and will just confuse people. Now, if we
were to completely change the approach, this discussion might have
much more sense, but arguing about it while sticking with Avalon is
moot, IMHO.

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 15:06:34 -0500
From: Vadim Gritsenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

Giacomo Pati wrote:

 Actually the problem I see with setter injection is that you normally will
 open up the setter method (make it public) to your
 configurator/instatiator and thus to everybody else.

service() method is already public, so I don't see any departure from 
existing practice.

With 'the pure way' I mean getting rid of *ALL* Avalon artifacts 
methodologies. This includes the Serviceable/service() stuff.

 Now, don't tell my 'you can write some IF satements to prevent that. The
 reason for a change as Carsten stated was 'I want to write less code'.

 The constructor injection IMO allows you to make your member variable
 holding the injected objects final as well as checking whether the
 component is correctly constructed

If goal is to write *less* code then this code won't have any checks at all 

I a pure setter based system you cannot determine when a component has 
been fully initialized unless you have the initialize() method/Lifecycle 
Carsten was mentioning (to signal the end of 'configuration' to the 
component). With pure constructor injection you'll have that 
again right in the constructor to check completness.

Regardless whether it is constructor or setter injection, checks can be 
written same way anyway, so I don't see this as an argument.

Yes, the checks have to be made anyway, but see above.

As for final, that's actually and IMHO a downside: currently you can null out 
all component references (and you can do that automatically with setter 
injection! whoo-hooo! yeay!) and be *sure* that even if there are any leaks 
in system, they are minimized. You can also be sure that you will get clear 
NPE if somebody holding  using disposed component, instead of getting 
undetermined behavior. So I'm -1 on final references for all of the above 

I don't see the reason to zap out the Logger, Configuration, Context. I 
have to admit that I don't see component injections (as Carsten 
suggested) as we do have too much dynamic in cocoon for many of our 
components as they do not know which one they will depend upon before 
consulting a Configuration or maybe the Context. My vision ATM would be 
some kind of ServiceManager injection instead of multiple Components. 
Of course this leads to looking up the needed services from that 
ServiceManager but I don't see a way around it ATM.

 (especially if it needs a Configuration object) in the constructor itself.
 So for me constructor injection (and only constructor injection, no mixes
 allowed) is much more robust over setter injection and needs less code.

 For these issues I'm more in favor of constructor injection (if we have
 the vision to go the pure way) than setter injection.

  In *addition* to setter injection, ecm++ could also recognize 
  annotations (if running under jdk 1.5).

 I do not exclude annotations be it 1.5 annotations or other xdoclet style.

Yep. Xdoclet, though, means pre-processing step - annotations are nicer in 
this context.

I'm almost sure that Cocoon 2.2 will stay 1.4 compatible for another 
year at least. So an approach with Xdoclet or qdox (see Maven2's 
Mojo's) will be the only way to go ATM.

Anyway, unless we decide to get rid of the Avalon interfaces/Lifecycle 
_completely_ this discussion is useless as Gianugo stated in his reply.

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Giacomo Pati wrote:

I'm almost sure that Cocoon 2.2 will stay 1.4 compatible for another 
year at least. So an approach with Xdoclet or qdox (see Maven2's 
Mojo's) will be the only way to go ATM.

Have a look at

Real JDK 1.5 annotations (and more) with JDK 1.4!

Anyway, unless we decide to get rid of the Avalon interfaces/Lifecycle 
_completely_ this discussion is useless as Gianugo stated in his reply.



Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Berin Loritsch

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

This is a huge change compared to the current behaviour, where no 
interface means not threadsafe and not reusable. IMO, this change can 
only happen if we completely move away from Avalon.

This is not the safe assumption, and can cause unexpected side-effects 
in user's code.  This is not a 2.x change.

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously. Fiddling
with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard. (I now
that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).

+1 for generalizing the factory pattern. Cocoon spends way too much 
time in checking Avalon's lifecycle interfaces and parsing 
configuration objects.

Well, a better pool like the MPool package at D-Haven will help.  MPool 
is the managed pool that will shrink pool sizes at a slower rate, 
removing the need to think about pool sizes in general (i.e. no 
deferring back to factory method).

The big thing about Avalon based components is the startup time due to 
the configuration element parsing, etc.

Now, I will say that getting rid of component pooling will require a 
major overhaul of the Cocoon internals.

My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much 

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
  protected final ClassA component_A;
  protected final ClassB component_B;
When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed with
component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps using

- how do you unit test Cocoon without the container? By subclassing to 
access the protected fields?
- we can't strongly enforce the contract of subclasses by making some 
fields private.
- the naming convention weakens the strong typing of Java. What if you 
write conponent_A? Chasing the NPE won't be easy...

Danger Will Robinson!
In addition to the reasons listed by Sylvain, you are deviating far into 
left field from what the average Java developer is used to.

Now, in the end I really want to write less code :)

Use Ruby :-P

Seriously, I agree that writing less code is good, but not at the 
price of too black magic implying weaker contracts.

Agreed.  To achieve the goal of less code would require major overhauls 
of the entire system.

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Ezkovich Glen

On Dec 30, 2005, at 12:09 PM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Aren't you tired of implementing a service/dispose combo for each of
your components over and over again? Now, actually, I am. Big time.

If you look at several of our components, they do something like this:

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe, Disposable,
Serviceable {
protected ClassA compA;
protected ClassB compB;
protected ServiceManager m;

public void service(ServiceManager m) {
  this.m = m;
  compA = (ClassA)m.lookup(ClassA.ROLE);
  compB = (ClassB)m.lookup(ClassB.ROLE);
public void dispose() {
  if ( m != null ) {

Way too much code me thinks. So what about:

Come on! how many components do you write a day that 10 lines and 184  
characters is too much? Sure less code and fewer interfaces are good  
things in general and I don't mind switching to constructor injection  
but give me a better reason than you want to write less code.

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING, ThreadSafe {
  protected final ClassA compA;
  protected final ClassB compB;

  public MyComponent(ClassA a, ClassB b) {
compA = a;
compB = b;

We could simply add constructor injection: if the implementation does
not provide a default constructor, the available constructor is called
using reflection and the components are injected on construction of  

object - no need to configure something in any xml configuration file.
Implementing this is easy - I did this already years ago for Fortress.

But I think it can even get easier:
1. Let's just assume that every component is ThreadSafe - unless
otherwise stated - no need to declare the interface anymore. I think
apart from the interpreter most components are threadsafe or poolable

I don't like assumptions like this. I see deadlocks in your future.

2. Let's remove support for pooled components - yes, seriously.  

with the pool sizes is really annoying. We have a working factory
approach for sitemap components, so why not simply use it overall? And
rewriting the remaining pooled components shouldn't be that hard.  
(I now

that we are proxying pooled components to simplify the lookup, but you
still have to configure pool sizes).

I make extensive use of the factory pattern and in some instances my  
factories use pools. Just because you use factories does not mean you  
can eliminate pooling. Now if you'd like to implement self monitoring  
pooling that tunes itself I think we'll all be happy.

My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much  

class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
  protected final ClassA component_A;
  protected final ClassB component_B;
When the component is instantiated all instance variables prefixed  
component_ are setup using some injection mechanism - or perhaps  


Now, in the end I really want to write less code :)

sounds lazy to me, but then again I don't want to write any code I  
just want to think of something and have it work. :-)

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to  
worry about answers.

- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Torsten Curdt

On 30.12.2005, at 20:21, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of  

sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components  

your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).

Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you  

the service() method on construction of the object and then you
emulate the dispose method when destroying the object.  
Everything our
ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in  
Fortress and

we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto  
wiring as
well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again  
requires to

code more than using a constructor.

I'm with Gianugo on this one - I'd better have setter injection  
instead of constructor injection.

Maybe this is becoming a bit OT but could you guys give some reasons  

I personally prefer contructor injection over setter injection  
because of
the clear contract. As soon as the object is instantiated it can be  

With setter injection you have to have some weird behind the scenes  



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Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Berin Loritsch

Torsten Curdt wrote:

On 30.12.2005, at 20:21, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I'm definitely not a fan of constructor injection, exp. when we
consider how (way too) often we resorted to inheritance in Cocoon
components. Now, while interface injection is clearly out of  fashion,
sticking with Avalon/Excalibur also means that it would be difficult
to get around the container (e.g., how do you release components  with
your approach? I assume Excalibur still kinda needs that).

Yes, Excalibur still needs it - but it's easy. Bascially, you  

the service() method on construction of the object and then you
emulate the dispose method when destroying the object.  Everything 
ecm++ needs to know is there. As I said, I've done this in  Fortress 

we can use that code in ecm++ as well.
And we could implement setter injection with some kind of auto  
wiring as

well. It's not really that harder. But using setters again  requires to
code more than using a constructor.

I'm with Gianugo on this one - I'd better have setter injection  
instead of constructor injection.

Maybe this is becoming a bit OT but could you guys give some reasons  

I personally prefer contructor injection over setter injection  
because of
the clear contract. As soon as the object is instantiated it can be  

With setter injection you have to have some weird behind the scenes  


Well, personal preferences aside, there are pros and cons in any 
situation.  First, any component that is able to be accessed is fully 
instantiated.  Nothing more needs to be done.  Setter injection vs. 
Constructor injection doesn't change a thing here.  Both styles of code 
encorage different coding conventions.

Setter Injection
Familiar JavaBean style interface, natural to many Java developers, and 
easy to use introspection based tools.  Encorages failsafe design so 
that almost all components are optional.  In short, the absense of other 
components cause the bean to work with diminished capacity.  An example 
is the DataSource object from the SQL package.  In fact, that component 
would work out of the box in this type of environment.

Constructor Injection
Very robust design, less familiar to many Java developers, but natural 
enough.  Encourages tight encapsulation and failfast design so that 
almost all components are required.  In short, the absense of other 
components can cause the component to crash.  Examples include just 
about any unmodifiable POJO object.

Spring is the XML laden container of choice for Setter Injection while 
Pico is the code it yourself container of choice for Constructor Injection.

My personal preference would be for Pico primarily because it is not 
nearly so XML heavy.  Also note that Pico can work with setter injection 
as well as constructor injection.  My Java5 Dojo container works with 
Setter injection out of the box, and can easily be extended for 
constructor injection.  Through the Multi-Dojo wrapper, it could have 
components designed for either style of development work seamlessly with 
each other.  Even if you don't use it, you might take a look at the 
code.  It's pretty straight-forward and a simple design.

Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Saturday 31 December 2005 11:47, Berin Loritsch wrote:
 Also note that Pico can work with setter injection
 as well as constructor injection

So does Spring.


Re: [RT] Simplifying component handling

2005-12-30 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Saturday 31 December 2005 02:09, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 My final idea is to use even more magic (but it might be too much magic?):

 class MyComponent implements SOMETHING {
   protected final ClassA component_A;
   protected final ClassB component_B;

Yipee, yet another thread on a new container architecture. Can't wait to see 
the hours of debate leading up to no change...

Honestly guys, I'm starting to think that Cocoon won't manage to do the 
separation from Avalon, purely due to the number of ways to do it exceeds the 
number of strong-willed people in the community, and disagreements of what is 
the best move.

Time for me to close the shop, and start with something more exciting.

Bye and Good Luck.

Niclas Hedhman