Re: Quick OSCON debrief

2018-07-20 Thread Kay Schenk
Thanks for this wonderful and wonderfully entertaining summary and some
great ideas.

-- Kay

Sent from MzK's phone.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018, 08:47 Daniel Ruggeri  wrote:

> Hi, all;
>Here is a completely unstructured list of thoughts/notes from OSCON
> before I hop on the plane home.
> - HUGE thanks to Filip, Pono and Myrle for (wo)manning the booth. We had
> someone there pretty much at all times. This was a Very Good Thing(tm)
> because the traffic was relatively constant. Thank you, thank you, THANK
> YOU!!!
> - Set up was straight forward. The tables were the right height, but the
> table cloth was significantly wider than the provided table. Filip took
> care of it with the ole military fold/tuck bed making maneuver since
> druggeri's tape attempt was a complete failure (but a cute effort
> none-the-less). The table cloth took a direct hit from a coffee spill, so I
> am taking it home and will see if we can return it its former glory before
> sending it to Virtual for storage.
> - The roller banners and remaining flyers were sent to Tom @virtual for
> storage. I will update wiki doco on where this stuff is.
> - The caps on the top bar of the roller banners are finicky. If they fall
> off (as they are wont to do during tear down handling), the full length of
> the banner will pull itself inside the aluminum housing thus rendering the
> whole thing useful only as a blunt weapon and/or trip hazard. The noise
> will announce to all around that your day just became a little bit
> crappier. Field repairs were performed with a philips screwdriver I was
> able to track down. I suggest we gorilla glue those suckers on there.
> - I could have done a much better job of procuring and bringing swag. Half
> the stickers were completely wiped out in the first 20 minutes of the expo
> hall being open. It wasn't all bad, actually, because we were about as
> equivalently stocked as the other non for profits in the row. This will
> turn into a "default booth load out" Wiki article or equivalent to prevent
> the problem in the future.
> - Pono brought a handful of project stickers on day two to augment the
> swag collection. Several of them survived the expo hall onslaught, but we
> are effectively depleted of swag from this event + GOTO and have nearly no
> leftovers worth mentioning.
> - Our booth was directly across from the NSA's booth so, for once, we were
> able to watch them while they watched us. Joking aside, I was able to pitch
> the idea to one of their engineers of pushing his personal project through
> the incubator because it was a very, very interesting idea and I would
> personally love to see it grow.
> - We had tons of booth visitors. Everyone from folks saying, "Thanks for
> what you do!" to, "What is an Apache and how can I?" stopped by. One
> visitor that was particularly interesting was a man seeking advice for
> creating his own software foundation in support of his project. We begged
> him not to put himself through that, and he seemed possibly interested in
> the software going through the incubator, but only time will tell.
> - Filip was our "booth babe". After discussion, it was determined this is
> an inside joke and not a CoC violation.
> - Pono and druggeri invented the clever idea of adding a request to the
> site verification tool for each project to have a
> file to make the job of assembling the
> logo banners easier and to fix the few white space overlaps. It would also
> be handy to add color/personalization to project info in p.a.o
> - The Tomcat project should be renamed Waldo. We searched and searched for
> it's logo in the logo banner but couldn't find it.
> - Pono and druggeri invented the idea of having a
> URL that will redirect people to a random project site for discovery and
> browsing (like Wikipedia's random article button or reddit's rand subreddit
> link)
> - druggeri was able to shake hands and say thanks to a few sponsors (even
> posing for a selfie with one). Follow-up with Zaheda at AWS is needed.
> All in all, this was a good event. I am glad we could participate since
> the non-for-profit booths did not come at a cost other than volunteer time
> this year.
> --
> Daniel Ruggeri

Re: IBM's first Index dev conf in San Francisco

2018-03-04 Thread Kay Schenk

On 02/22/2018 04:45 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:


I've been invited to attend the first inaugural IBM's developer
conference here in SF:

I must say I liked it very much and one thing that jumped at
me was how OS community friendly it was. Basically a lot
of talks were on Linux Foundation and ASF projects.

Which brings me to this suggestion: I think it would be a great
place for an "adjacent ASF event" (or at least a much higher
exposure of ASF at Keynotes, etc. the same way LF was given
this type of exposure).

What do you all think? I can probably reach out to Todd Moore
if this suggestion makes sense. That said, if anyone here (like
Sam for example) have a more direct line of sight into IBM's
dev-rel organization -- that may help as well.


Thanks for this notice. More exposure for the ASF at general open-source 
type meet-ups is a good thing. However, I have mixed feelings about 
"reaching out" to suggest an "adjacent ASF event" in this case. In my 
opinion, it might be better for  the ASF to be involved in this event in 
the future by contributing to whatever tracks are proposed.

It would certainly be nice to be informed about this event on this list 
in the future, however, so the ASF could contribute in a timely fashion. 
i used to get notices from IBM Developerworks but I haven't received 
anything in quite some time. Maybe time to re-subscribe. :/

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Re: Rethinking email (was Re: A plead from a chair with an overloaded mailbox.)

2017-10-23 Thread Kay Schenk
On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 5:18 AM, Harbs  wrote:

> To me, subject tags are a partial (slightly annoying) solution to the
> problem. If there’s no better solution, then I suppose it could make things
> better, but it would likely require a lot of retraining of folks. I wonder
> how realistic that is.
> > ...while preserving the ubiquity of email which is *very* important in
> the
> > Apache model, IMO.

​Yes. Email is fine.

> To be clear, I was not suggesting removing support for email clients. I
> was rather suggesting *additional* tools which could be used to improve the
> experience.

​Unless these tools could somehow "merge" with the email experience, I am
not in favor of this.

I do agree that the amount of email can be very overwhelming at times, but
we have archive tools AND the Pony mail at is a good way
to NOT directly subscribe while still being able to respond as you want and
are able.​

> > On Oct 20, 2017, at 11:50 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Harbs  wrote:
> >> ...I’m wondering if it makes sense to take a step back and rethink
> email and communication.
> >> This feels like part of a bigger challenge...
> >
> > One of my favorite ways to make sense of busy mailing lists is to
> > require subject line [tags] for everything.
> >
> > Rich Bowen recently pointed me to  OpenStack dev list which does
> > exactly that,
> June/thread.html
> >
> > This paves the way for improved mail clients or plugins which can make
> > good use of that, without requiring complicated new tools and while
> > preserving the ubiquity of email which is *very* important in the
> > Apache model, IMO.
> >
> > One thing that remains is the need for people to quote in a sane way,
> > spending a big more energy on their side to save the energy of lots of
> > people reading the result. I understand some email clients are
> > terrible at that but I'm not sure if it's a valid excuse for our
> > frequent top-quoted messes.
> >
> > -Bertrand
> >
> > -
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> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


"Only the truth will save you now."
 -- Ensei Tankado, "Digital Fortress"

Re: Profile photos and ASF values

2017-02-01 Thread Kay Schenk

On 01/31/2017 04:14 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

As Ted pointed out, it is an ancient symbol found in most Far East
mythology and the Hindu religion. "Out here" you will find it quite often,
on shops, temples and business cards. It doesn't "carry weight" unless it
comes in black on white, with the Nazi proportions of widths. The Nazi one
was also at an angle.

We all know that in this instance, there is no malignant intent, and should
not require any action.

And we have not had any case of "red and black" and "something needs to be
said" as far as I know.

But the 'solution' is relatively simple; ASF is a non-political
organization, and expression of political views (such as showing political
allegiance, berating political figures, commenting on political activity,
and so on) is not acceptable, regardless if that is a hate organization
like the Nazis or more moderate political statements that many may agree
with, say recent elections in the world or outbreaks of war. We should not
be involved, I think we are even obliged by Law to not be involved.


Not only is "expression of political views" not a good idea, it might 
also jeopardize the 501c3 status of the ASF. See:

...maybe even if the swastika is not used on any ASF pages.

So, yes, there is a concern.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Andrew Palumbo  wrote:

I am pretty new around here and don't know if this is a more private room
for ASF members .. but my .02:  of it is in red and black, then something
needs to be said.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

 Original message 
From: Ted Dunning 
Date: 01/31/2017 3:50 PM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Re: Profile photos and ASF values

Yeah... I twitched when I saw that.

My suspicion is that this is being used in the ancient, pre-nazi sense.

It is hard to believe that somebody is ignorant of the impact it must have
on some readers.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 3:47 PM, Christopher  wrote:

Hi all,

It is surprising to me that a certain individual participant in ASF


seems to be using a swastika as their Google profile photo. The impact of
this is that ASF users which use GMail to interact with the mailing


are presented with this swastika whenever reading or interacting with ASF
forums using GMail.

To be clear, this symbol can have alternate meanings, and it may not be
intentionally being used as Nazi symbol. Additionally, even if this
individual holds to certain ideologies which may be antithetical to ASF
community inclusive values, they may act entirely professional and in
accordance with ASF code of conduct on Apache forums. So, I don't want to
imply that the profile photo is indicative of their ASF interactions...


may be an entirely separate thing.

My main inquiry here is to question whether or not there is a concern,
because the use of such profile photos may actually have consequences of
deterring potential new committers, because Apache may be indicted by

Is there something we wish to do about this? Is it a non-issue? I really
don't know. All I know, is my gut tells me that I'm bothered when I see


(I use GMail). But, I don't want to overreact, or start a witch hunt. I'm
genuinely curious if this is something we want to address at all.

If the profile photo is used on ASF infrastructure (JIRA, affiliated as a
member of the Apache org on GitHub, etc.), then I think we probably do


to address it in the Code of Conduct. However, unrelated services like
Google profile photos... that may not be something we want to address,
because the web mail client users use is not related to ASF services


if it were know for user that it impacted ASF community by deterring
potential new community members).

In any case, I don't raise this issue to demean the individual whose
profile photo came to my attention... this is not an attack on them.


this is not a witch hunt.



"Trust, but verify."
  -- Ronald Reagan

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Re: Xenophobia in the light of President-Elect Trump

2016-12-29 Thread Kay Schenk

On 12/29/2016 07:25 AM, Shane Curcuru wrote:

Gavin Mabie wrote on 12/29/16 8:20 AM:

Hi Community

Should the community come out clearly rejecting the Trump xenophobic
policies? Given the fact that community members comprise all cultures,
religions and geographies?


The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit that serves the public good by providing
permissively licensed software and education and mentoring to the
communities that create that software.  As such, there are both legal
limits, as well as practical limits on what sorts of politically-related
statements the ASF as a formal organization can or will make in the
political sphere.

In particular, the ASF focuses on what we do best: providing core
software development services and mentoring to our existing communities.

So while I imagine many individual list subscribers would agree with
you, I do not expect to see any formal political statements here.  In
general, I personally find them off-topic for this list, other than how
specific and actual events are affecting our existing communities.

I am very happy to see the great work on the diversity survey and other
efforts to make both ComDev and many Apache projects welcoming to all
productive contributors, no matter their circumstances or backgrounds.

The ASF has a "Code of Conduct" page which contains a good, concise 
"Diversity" section in my opinion. I don't feel an explicit statement 
against Trump's or any other political leader's policies is needed at 
this point. But perhaps the Diversity section might include more 
explanation regarding upholding and respecting diversity stated in the 
Code of Conduct page in the face of political unease.



"During times of Universal Deceit, telling
 the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
-- George Orwell

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Re: Red Hat Request for Apache High Resolution Logos

2016-07-22 Thread Kay Schenk
Apache OpenOffice has had many problems with entities just "using" our
logos without permission. We have instructions for what folks should do
in the page we have on Trademarks.

It is possible to "steal" a png rendering without much effort but the
svgs are stored in a rather obscure svn area. When a logo use is
requested, and we provide these once the request is approved. It would
be great if such an area were established on a foundation-wide basis
accessible by PMC members.

On 07/22/2016 05:59 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
> Hi all,
> Maybe it is a good idea to have the projects provide their logos to one of
> our ASF offices. I can imagine that requests from outside agencies often
> happen, and having 1 single shared source for marketing purposes etc. would
> alleviate the need to search the various projects.
> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> OFBiz based solutions & services
> OFBiz Extensions Marketplace
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Nicole,
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Nicole Bostock 
>> wrote:
>>> ...We're looking
>>> to develop a graphic about the open source community and need the
>> following
>>> vector or high resolution logos...
>> Being a very distributed and federated organization, the ASF doesn't
>> have a central place where we can collect those logos, you'll need to
>> contact each individual project unfortunately, unless people from
>> these projects chime in here.
>> I have tweeted your request at
>> which might
>> help...or not.
>> describes how to use ASF logos
>> in general.
>> -Bertrand
>> -
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Re: Hipchat Room for Apache Women?

2016-06-13 Thread Kay Schenk

On 06/13/2016 06:17 AM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

On 6/13/2016 4:45 AM, Sharan Foga wrote:

Hi Everyone

I discovered Hipchat last week (well I knew Infra were using it!) but
found it to be quite a nice informal online environment.

I was wondering whether this could be a good way to bring together
our existing community of women so that they can get to know each
other and generally just hangout. The rooms can be public or private,
plus there is one to one chat.

What do people think?

I object to a chat room for Apache women just as strongly as I would
object to one for Apache men, and will not join it. I would be happy to
join a chat room for discussing Apache women's issues, provided both men
and women who are interested in the subject are made welcome.

My particular brand of feminism supports treating men and women equally,
and minimizing facilities and clubs that are only for men or only for


I'm share Patricia's views on this. I don't think a separate chat room 
solely for woman is in keeping with the "Apache Way".



"Time spent with cats is never wasted."
   -- Sigmund Freud

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Re: Encouraging Diversity - Update 1

2016-06-09 Thread Kay Schenk

On 06/08/2016 05:09 AM, Sharan Foga wrote:

Hi Everyone

Thanks very much for the feedback. I think this topic has a lot of
dimensions and it depends how far we want to go with it, and simple is
always a good place to start.

I'm still in the process of gathering feedback, from IT Womens Groups,
Female Students and Developers to try to understand how and where we
could communicate to them and promote the ASF as welcoming place to be.

This is probably the *best* idea. Initial outreach and getting on board 
with specific details in the new Help Wanted area are what is needed in 
my opinion. The ASF has SO many projects! We need to do what we can to 
ensure that desires to participate in open source by women, by anyone 
really, is tailored to the individual's skills to produce a successful 

(As an example one idea that came in from the Pyladies group is that
each of our projects that use python could write an article or blog post
about themselves. Pyladies could then use that article or blog post as a
way to promote the ASF project to their members...)


On the existing statistics side, I'm currently working with Sally to put
forward a proposal for draft survey that we could use to survey our
members or committers. As you say we wont know how representative it
would be but we would have some concrete figures that we could use as a
base. I think that with this survey proposal we are trying to do
something new and as well as the statistics, another main purpose is to
see if this process of collecting information works and if it does, then
could it be something that any of our projects could repeat if they
wanted to.

I'll continue to work on this and post any updates.


On 31/05/16 17:59, William A Rowe Jr wrote:

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Ted Dunning 


One possible explanation of an under-representation problem (assuming we
have one ... you point out rightly that we should measure first) is that
*other* factors have given the impression that open source
communities are

I'm not sure 'unfriendly' is the label we are most worried about. We've
from a number of female ASF members that their gender has not had a very
significant impact on their personal participation. YMMV, and
obviously we
had heard of other very serious issues, not that these reflected as
much on
the organization, but behavior of individuals in conjunction with the

The under-representation issue -is- rooted in the origin story and
of the foundation. I don't claim (I doubt anyone would) that the
of some 40 all-male Foundation Members (after the inception - through the
year 1 members nominations) had any malice, or ill intent, or even
This reflected that in these first 3 projects of the foundation, the
were overwhelmingly male, and nominations were based on their

These were very small communities and reflected those who reached out
to mailing lists with specific needs and concerns about these few
They engaged, and eventually contributed back to those projects in some
not-so-small measure. The fact that they were largely fraternal (both
and socially speaking, and was the tone of the mailing lists) and had
small sample size* of those hackers who were working in only a few
technology spaces suggests this result is not surprising, and doesn't
active exclusion.

Rolling forward to today, we now cover a large number of technology
with around 200 different projects, and enjoy the contributions of many
thousands of contributors. Some 400+ of these contributors are recognized
as foundation members. We can break down our challenges in a couple of

1. Is the foundation membership representative of the committers as a

Since this is a tough nut to crack, let's look at simpler questions...

2. Are there some projects underrepresented by the foundation membership?

3. Are there some projects with a much more diverse contributor base than

4. Of the more diverse projects, what are the social and technological
that those communities are doing right (or what did they simply
into for a more appealing space to a more diverse group of

5. What are the obstacles to including more contributors on the committer
lists and PMC rosters of our projects?

6. What are the obstacles to identifying the committer/PMC members of
underrepresented projects to the foundation membership for inclusion?

Few of these questions really speak to gender bias per se, and have been
active concerns of many members over the past 17 years. I think exploring
all of these questions with additional data collection about diversity
geographic, etc) is always a worthwhile pursuit.





"Time spent with cats is never 

Re: Encouraging More Women to Participate on Apache Projects?

2016-05-24 Thread Kay Schenk
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 1:34 PM, Rich Bowen  wrote:

> On 05/20/2016 03:02 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:
> > Will the board consider it, is an appropriate question here?
> >
> Community development activities have been delegated to the ComDev PMC.
> There's no reason for the board to consider it.
​Pardon my ignorance. I had NO idea that community development was
associated with an actual project complete with a PMC until I saw this

​ There's no mention or link to it from the ASF home page from the
Community section, for example. It might be helpful to have some additional
information about the importance of "community" stated there with links to
the Comdev website:,

> > Best regards,
> >
> > Pierre Smits
> >
> > OFBiz based solutions & services
> >
> > OFBiz Extensions Marketplace
> >
> >
> > On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 7:25 PM, Ross Gardler <
> > wrote:
> >
> >> My point is that the Members *are* the foundation. The board are 9 the
> >> Members are 550+
> >>
> >> Ross
> >>
> >>> -Original Message-
> >>> From: [] On Behalf Of Greg
> >>> Chase
> >>> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:20 AM
> >>> To:
> >>> Subject: Re: Encouraging More Women to Participate on Apache Projects?
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Ross Gardler
> >>> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
>  The board can consider it or the members can do it.
> >>>
> >>> Outreach is only meaningful at the individual and project level, yes.
> >>>
> >>> Measurement, in aggregate, is something the Foundation could do if it
> >> wants
> >>> to make this a central issue.
> >>>
> >>> I don't think I'd even want to drill down the census by project level,
> >> however.
> >>> That would not be beneficial.  Only providing aggregate numbers to
> remind
> >>> people of the importance and benefit of diversity, and stimulate more
> of
> >> the
> >>> meaningful individual and project outreach.
> >>
> >
> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon


"Time spent with cats is never wasted."
-- Sigmund Freud

please ignore, wrong list! Re: How to commit changes to 410 branch?

2015-07-09 Thread Kay Schenk

On 07/09/2015 12:41 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
 It seems we are still using the 410 branch for the 4.1.2 release. There
 have been quite a number of changes to trunk since the 4.1.1 release
 that I feel ALL these should be incorporated into 4.1.2.
 How do we get the changes from trunk into the 410 branch easily?
 It seems we could use --
 svn copy my changes
 and do a commit on changes
 once this is done?
 If not, how do we do this without actually making the 410 branch local?
 Wouldn't it be easier just to tag when we're ready to do the release
 instead of all this back porting?
 We can all sleep easy at night knowing that
  somewhere at any given time,
  the Foo Fighters are out there fighting Foo.
   -- David Letterman



We can all sleep easy at night knowing that
 somewhere at any given time,
 the Foo Fighters are out there fighting Foo.
  -- David Letterman

How to commit changes to 410 branch?

2015-07-09 Thread Kay Schenk
It seems we are still using the 410 branch for the 4.1.2 release. There
have been quite a number of changes to trunk since the 4.1.1 release
that I feel ALL these should be incorporated into 4.1.2.

How do we get the changes from trunk into the 410 branch easily?

It seems we could use --
svn copy my changes

and do a commit on changes
once this is done?

If not, how do we do this without actually making the 410 branch local?

Wouldn't it be easier just to tag when we're ready to do the release
instead of all this back porting?


We can all sleep easy at night knowing that
 somewhere at any given time,
 the Foo Fighters are out there fighting Foo.
  -- David Letterman

Re: ApacheConNA 2015 slides

2015-05-07 Thread Kay Schenk
On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Andrea Pescetti

 On 19/04/2015 Mattmann, Chris A (3980) wrote:

 Thanks Andrea. I don’t see them there yet, so maybe they are
 still delayed. Do you know how I can check if they are delayed,
 or if I simply uploaded them wrong?

 For the ACEU14 site (which seems to be the same system) I checked that it
 was working by: re-editing my session; finding the attached file; the file
 is presented as a link that one can publicly access, so one can check that
 the upload was successful. I don't remember if there was a checkbox to make
 the file publicly visible.

 But it also happened automatically that the slides appeared on the Slides
 page, which for ACNA15 would be
 and it seems this hasn't been populated yet.


Would it be possible to put a link to the slides site above on the
ApacheCon site -- ?



“What is the point of being alive if you don't
 at least  try to do something remarkable?”
   -- John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

Re: gtk requirements for builds?

2015-03-23 Thread Kay Schenk
sorry for this post -- wrong dev list

On 03/22/2015 02:04 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
 GTK is enabled by default for our builds.
 I don't see this listed as a build requirement for either Windows or
 Mac, however. So, should this build flag be changed to non-enabled
 generally and only enabled for Linux?


“What is the point of being alive if you don't
 at least  try to do something remarkable?”
   -- John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

gtk requirements for builds?

2015-03-22 Thread Kay Schenk
GTK is enabled by default for our builds.

I don't see this listed as a build requirement for either Windows or
Mac, however. So, should this build flag be changed to non-enabled
generally and only enabled for Linux?


“What is the point of being alive if you don't
 at least  try to do something remarkable?”
   -- John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

status of ooo-extras?

2015-03-03 Thread Kay Schenk
Do we have any further information on moving ooo-extras (backups of
external libraries) or any extras to SourceForge and what form this
might take? Latest discussion --

We've updated at least 2 libraries already and more will likely be needed.

In the absence of a decision on this, should we just use URL1 for these
and not include a URL2 at all?

As I mentioned previously, I'm still been computing MD5 on the new ones
and putting them in /ext_sources.


An old horse for a long, hard road,
 a young pony for a quick ride.
 -- Texas Bix Bender

recent BZ changes -- some custom fields missing?

2015-02-19 Thread Kay Schenk
We had an update to our BZ instance about a month ago. In all honesty, I
didn't give the update a thorough review.

Now, I see that our Release Blocker button, and Request Review button
seem to be missing.

Can someone else confirm this? or is it just my situation. Thanks.

An old horse for a long, hard road,
 a young pony for a quick ride.
 -- Texas Bix Bender

Re: Oaths and Anthems (was Re: A maturity model for Apache projects)

2015-02-01 Thread Kay Schenk
VERY good! :)

On 01/16/2015 09:51 AM, Alex Harui wrote:
 I think Bertrand’s document is coming along nicely.
 This is half serious and half for fun, but while it will be great to have
 a maturity model and top-level authoritative documents on the Apache Way,
 to me, what would also help is a way to make important things memorizable.
  I sure hope I don’t have to memorize every word of Bertrand’s document
 and only use it as a reference.
 As I mentioned on one of these threads, the Boy Scouts (and Girl Scouts)
 have oaths and “laws” that you have to memorize to be officially accepted
 into their communities.  IMO, these very short “documents try to cement
 certain keywords in your head so that you at least realize that certain
 topics are important to that organization.  It isn’t out to be detailed in
 any way.  That’s what these other documents are for.
 So, I offer below some oaths, “laws of Apache” and even an anthem derived
 mostly by culling words from Bertrand’s document.  I left out anything
 from Bertrand’s document like quality and security that I felt folks
 should already be practicing in their day job or in other open source
 organizations.  I wanted the fewest words so that it could be more easily
 memorized and cement in your head the things that make Apache different
 from your day job and other open source groups.
 Hope you like it.
 The Committer Oath
 I, _, promise to properly record the licensing and copyright of
 any code I commit, treat all committers equally, use the mailing list for
 communicating with others, only veto code with technical explanations,
 help users, fix bugs, and represent myself and not my employer in my
 The PMC Member Oath (assumes you’ve memorized the Committer Oath already).
 I, _, promise to ensure the correct licensing and copyright of the
 content of releases, treat all PMC members and committers equally, seek
 consensus before voting, identify others whose meritorious actions deserve
 inclusion as committers or PMC members, and use the private mailing list
 only for discussions about people,
 - The Laws of Apache -
 Apache Releases:
 -Are free
 -Are PGP-signed
 -Approved by majority vote
 -Do not contain compiled code.
 -Contain scripts to compile any source that needs compilation.
 -Contain correct LICENSE and NOTICE files
 Apache Source Code:
 -Is recorded in SVN or Git.
 -Is not on GitHub (that’s a copy).
 -Is available to the public
 -Contains correct headers
 -Is licensed under an approved license
 -Does not depend on external code under certain licenses.
 Apache Binary Packages:
 -make the Release Manager liable
 -contain LICENSE and NOTICE
 The Apache Anthem (to the tune of “My Country Tis of Thee” or “God Save
 the Queen”)
 A-pach-e code for free
 Source zip and tar.gz
 Signed PGP.
 License and Copyright
 NOTICE files in sight.
 3 plus-1 vote majority
 No binary
 Please get those headers right
 Plus how to build it right
 Check dependencies
 Source in Subversion tree
 Or Git Repositry
 On servers in Apa-a-che
 Legal history


An old horse for a long, hard road,
 a young pony for a quick ride.
 -- Texas Bix Bender

[CODE] keyboard shortcut definitions?

2015-01-22 Thread Kay Schenk
Does anyone know where I can find information on where actual keyboard
shortcut definitions -- the actual escape sequences -- are defined for
use in OpenOffice. I found an old thread on where the menus are defined
-- the *.xcu files -- but the not the actual ascii sequence assignments.


There's a bit of magic in everything,
  and some loss to even things out.
-- Lou Reed

Re: A maturity model for Apache projects

2015-01-15 Thread Kay Schenk
On 01/15/2015 02:47 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
 ...QO30 - do we really want individual projects to have / advertise
 their own ways to take security reports?...
 We do not want that, agreed, but as I want the model to be usable by
 non-Apache projects as well I'm trying to focus on the core principles
 in the model, and leave the Apache specifics to footnotes.
 I have added a footnote to QU30 that points to as the default, does that work for
 Sling for example has which is a
 bit more Sling-specific and also points to

LC20 needs a lot more expansion. There are so many open source licenses.
Depending on the complexity of the given ASF project, it's a challenge
to evaluate LC20.


There's a bit of magic in everything,
  and some loss to even things out.
-- Lou Reed

Re: Content tracks at ApacheCon Austin

2014-11-24 Thread Kay Schenk
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 2:05 AM, Rob Vesse wrote:

 Kay -

 Generally any interested Apache committer can ask to be added to the
 reviewers group for ApacheCon events in the Linux Foundation CFP system.

 You simply need to drop an email here/to Rich offering to help.  If you've
 done reviewing for the previous two LF organised events then in principal
 you should already be on the authorised reviewers list.

OK...I actually have reviewed for the last two ApacheCons. I tried to look
at what had been submitted so far about a month ago, and nothing seemed
available to me. I am on the OpenOffice PMC. I'll see what I need to  do.

 Rich -

 In the CFP system if you want to filter reviews by events there are two
 ApacheCon North America entries with no easy way to tell which refers to
 this years event and which is next years.  Can we get the LF folks to add
 the year to those event titles in the CFP system to make the two events
 actually distinguishable?


 On 24/11/2014 00:30, Kay Schenk wrote:

 On 11/22/2014 09:16 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
  The CFP for ApacheCon Austin closes on February 1st, so we have just
  over 2 months to get our content solicited for that event. I need your
  At ApacheCon EU this week, I spoke with a number of project PMCs. I
  requested that they attempt to put together what they feel would be a
  good track - ie., a list of topics that they feel would need to be
  covered in order for their project to be properly represented - and then
  attempt to solicit *those* talks from their user/dev community.
  This has a few benefits over the standard what do you want to talk
  about? CFP process. One, you end up with the talks that represent a
  full coverage of a project, without big holes. And it's a great way to
  encourage new speakers who are having trouble deciding what they might
  speak about.
  I believe I'll be getting tracks from:
  * Cloudstack
  * OFBiz
  * OpenOffice
  * Mesos
  * httpd
  I would ask that you make this request of your project PMC, those of you
  who have a project (or more) that you are active on. Or find the person
  who should own this.
  In the coming days, I'd like to build a list of people that are
  interested in making ApacheCon Austin happen, and in particular helping
  get PMCs more involved in the process. If that's you, please speak up.
  Question: Do you think we need a dedicated mailing list for this, or
  should we continue to do this on dev@community? (I'm open to either
  but if folks feel strongly one way or the other, we should do that.)
 I think this list is fine for general contact from PMC representatives
 (yet to be determined).
 My question/concern at this point is what has been submitted so far? I
 don't think anyone but a few can review submissions before the closing
 date. It would help some PMCs to know what's been submitted up to this
 point. This is not an undesirable change, but different than what's been
 done in the past that's for sure.
 One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
  to a dancing star.
  -- Friedrich Nietzsche


One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
 to a dancing star.
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: Code of conduct

2014-11-18 Thread Kay Schenk

On 11/18/2014 09:46 AM, Roberto Galoppini wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Christopher wrote:
 At first glance, a big +1. This is one of the better Code of Conduct
 policies that I've seen.

 Christopher L Tubbs II

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:

 As many of you are no doubt aware, we have had on our website, for at
 least 8 years, and, I think probably much longer, Code of conduct,
 soon! Long enough, in fact, that I had completely forgotten about it.

 It was brought to my attention this morning, and I decided, unilaterally,
 that it was appropriate for me to JFDI, and that I'd ask for forgiveness
 rather than permission.

 I have stolen, wholesale, the code of conduct of the CouchDB project [1]
 which has discussed this extensively, and borrowed heavily from other
 communities that have discussed it extensively. So this isn't original
 content, but, rather, standing on the shoulders of giants.

 I honestly can't figure out why we didn't just do this years ago, other
 than expecting that someone else would.

 So, without further ado:

 Patches welcome.

 I'd like a section like the following (Debian Code of Conduct) to be added:
 Serious or persistent offenders will be temporarily or permanently
 banned from communicating through Debian's systems. Complaints should be
 made (in private) to the administrators of the Debian communication
 forum in question. To find contact information for these administrators,
 please see [the page on Debian's organizational
 In absence of such a notice people might not understand what happen if
 they do not play by the rules.

Super that we now have an ASF-wide policy on this!

and +1 on Roberto's suggestion.


 I've also asked Noah Slater, who was very instrumental in crafting that
 document, to speak up here, so that:

 * Patches to one document will propagate to the other, where appropriate
 * ComDev can have a boilerplate document that we can recommend that ASF
 projects that don't have such a code, can adopt

 Please do speak up if you have any objections to my taking this
 without discussion. But we've been discussing it, on and off, for many,
 many years.


 Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon



One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
 to a dancing star.
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: Apache Extras PoC

2014-11-15 Thread Kay Schenk

On 11/14/2014 02:05 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
 Kay Schenk wrote:
 Two questions --
 Are we ready to go ahead with these changes to /main/external_deps.lst --
 No we aren't! Roberto sent us a proof of concept, but he wrote that even
 the URL will change, so it is definitely not OK to change the location
 for Extras from Google Code to SourceForge yet.
 On the other hand, I just tried to create a new download at
 (i.e., I tried to add the updated fonts package recently discussed on
 the OpenOffice dev list) and I confirm I can't add it. So the current
 service at Google Code cannot be used any longer to add new packages,
 which means that an alternative must be found (this has been known for
 months, but now this is really preventing us from getting things done).
 and since this is mirroring, I'm assuming we still put changes in our
 local  svn tree and SF will grab them from there. Correct?
 The (remote or local) SVN tree has nothing to do with this. OpenOffice
 Extras is a section of Apache Extras which in turn is part of Google
 Code, and files to be mirrored are those at the link above.

OK. Given Roberto's comments from this thread --

When we mirrored that apparently someone was using oooextras. Now it's free
to use, so we can easily replace

Also our engineering team is finalizing few changes, hope to be able to
share a brand new Apache Extras landing page very soon.


and I saw that --

this contained our extras (a mirror of it), I thought we might be
ready. But I do see that the newly proposed name --

is not ready.

I don't know what the other projects are using Apache Extras for or how
they have things setup -- real repository or mirror. It does seem that
perhaps AOO only needs a mirror, and not an actual repository.

 Apache Extras in itself is foundation-wide, but only a few projects so
 far have expressed concerns about the policy change that is making it
 useless for OpenOffice in future.


One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
 to a dancing star.
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: Apache Extras PoC

2014-11-14 Thread Kay Schenk
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Andrea Pescetti

 On 29/10/2014 Roberto Galoppini wrote:

 Here we go, the new lookfeel based on some of your earlier feedback:

 This is much improved, thanks Roberto! The landing page is now much

 Some of the comments on the inner pages still apply, but maybe if it would
 be possible to remove the Code tab from the individual projects?

 Or, on the contrary, using the Code function instead of the File
 function for the file repository? (Here we should really check what other
 projects do; for OpenOffice, Extras is just a file repository). It seems
 that a look and feel like
 could be better for our case than something like
 (which assumes, more or less, that those files are actually releases;
 but they aren't and this has a number of unintended consequences).


Two questions --

Are we ready to go ahead with these changes to /main/external_deps.lst --

-- Andrea's earlier post --
 I can say I managed to build OpenOffice trunk by replacing (and I'm not
suggesting that anyone commits this, it is just a proof of concept!)


-URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
+URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)/download
in external_deps.lst after deleting all third-party packages. So the
archive seems complete and working.

-- end Andrea --

and since this is mirroring, I'm assuming we still put changes in our
local  svn tree and SF will grab them from there. Correct?


One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
 to a dancing star.
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: more prominence for ASF activities?

2014-07-25 Thread Kay Schenk
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 1:30 AM, Pierre Smits

 I agree. The only link on the front page (homepage) of that
 comes in the neighbourhood of events is the conferences link. And this goes
 to a page that is shows a lot of information links, but not the events
 themselves. This page should be showing an overview of upcoming events
 (including conferences).

 And I would say that the first upcoming (and rated as most important) event
 should have a nice image on the front page to click directly to that event.


 Pierre Smits

 Services  Solutions for Cloud-
 Based Manufacturing, Professional
 Services and Retail  Trade

I will happily submit a patch to add an Events tab after Get Involved
at the top and for time being link it to the ApacheCon site. Whoever has
karma will need to make it so. I don't know how many events ASF
participates in aside from ApacheCon but if any of them are well known, for
example OSCON,  I would think they deserve a mention. I, personally, do not
keep up with this, but I'm sure someone does. So, I would propose an
Events page to keep tract of some of these.  ApacheCon would, of
course, be one very important event.

 On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

  Some of us just received a nice little summary from Melissa on the ASF's
  activities at OSCON -- kudos to everyone on all this!
  However, on looking at the ASF main home page,,
  events of any kind are not easily found. I'm wondering if a prominent
  Events tab might be in order.
  To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
 -- George MacDonald


To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
   -- George MacDonald

more prominence for ASF activities?

2014-07-24 Thread Kay Schenk
Some of us just received a nice little summary from Melissa on the ASF's
activities at OSCON -- kudos to everyone on all this!

However, on looking at the ASF main home page,,
events of any kind are not easily found. I'm wondering if a prominent
Events tab might be in order.


To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
   -- George MacDonald

Re: ApacheCon EU: What I need help with

2014-06-30 Thread Kay Schenk

On 06/30/2014 09:11 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
 I need to call on all you find people who have offered help with
 ApacheCon. I didn't get anything done on it this weekend, and I don't
 want to be holding anybody up. These are the things that I can use help
 * Reviewing talks - if you're willing, please sign on to the CFP system
 - and start rating talks. If you don't have authorization to get to that
 interface, please tell me and C. Craig Ross to
 get that fixed.
 * Sorting into tracks/categories.  All of the talks are in a Google Doc
 I need help dividing them up into tracks/topics/projects so that when we
 have the ratings, it'll be easy to identify which ones to select and how
 to divide them up. Please a) create a tab for what you think a topic
 should be, b) COPY (not move) the record from ALL TALKS to that tab,
 and c) highlight the entry on the ALL TALKS tab in a different color to
 indicate that it has been categorized.

I did this to some categories and color coded the tabs as well. Please
feel free to change colors if you find them TOO BRIGHT! :)

 * If you are familiar with Budapest, help us with the content for
 * If your project is planning to participate in the hackathon, put some
 ideas at to get attendees
 excited about our on-site activities.
 * If your company is interested in sponsoring the event, but doesn't
 know how, please email me and Angela Brown
 Thanks so much for any way that you can help, be it minutes our hours.


To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
   -- George MacDonald

Re: Apache@ OSCON question

2014-06-20 Thread Kay Schenk

On 06/20/2014 10:29 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
 Kay Schenk wrote:
 OK, I'll ask  about this. I think OpenOffice does have some popular items
 that have been used at other events.
 It's out of stock and needs redesign. But we could at least redesign the
 pins, that used to be quite popular. We have updated leaflet and roll-up
 designs, that we can share if anyone is going to print them (or have
 them printed) for OSCON.

OK. OSCON is only about a month out. So, if we decided to bring
anything, it would likely have to be from what we have available now. But...

 ... I have a question of Melissa. If anyone from OpenOffice attended to
help at the booth, would they need to pay an exhibitor registration fee?
Given the current state of of the OSCON conf site, I have no way of
determining what this amount might be.


What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
 Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
-- attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Fwd: RE: Apache@ OSCON question

2014-06-20 Thread Kay Schenk
-- Forwarded message --
From: Kay Schenk
Date: Jun 20, 2014 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: Apache@ OSCON question

Thanks Dennis. I didn't even think to look at JUST the expo hall fee. So,
this will help in seeing if we have interests from volunteers.

At any rate, Andrea and I can coordinate on getting the pins to Melissa.
On Jun 20, 2014 5:13 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton

 Historically, Expo Hall passes are free.  OSCON charges a $25 fee that
 should be pre-registered for.  My sense of this is that it is simply meant
 to discourage walk-ins that are not in the target audience of the
 conference and the expo sponsors.  The info is in the last entry at

 This, by the way, is enough to get to the rooms where there are meetings,
 such as the ASF Board, other birds-of-feather activities that are
 peripheral to the conference.  There are usually some meeting rooms
 available at the Oregon Convention Center, but they may all be booked by
 now.  The time I visited OSCON looking to meet-up with Apache folk a couple
 of years ago, I don't recall having to do anything special at registration.
  I certainly didn't register for the conference itself.

  - Dennis

 -Original Message-
 From: Melissa Warnkin []
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 12:40
 Subject: Re: Apache@ OSCON question

 Hi Kay, Hi Andrea!!

 You are correct - OSCON officially kicks off in one month!! WooHoo!!

 I can make room on the table for pins.  When you refer to leaflet and
 roll-up designs, what is that and how much real estate would they take up?
 I cannot confirm that I can accommodate those items without first knowing
 how much room they would take.  I know you can understand and appreciate

 At this time, I cannot confirm whether or not I will be able to provide
 complimentary expo hall passes; however, I do have an email out to my
 contact, but he has not responded as of yet.  There is a discount code for
 20% off by entering this code at registration:  IHEARTASF.

 Please let me know about the leaflet and roll-ups so I can determine if I
 can accommodate those items.

 Thank you so much,

  From: Kay Schenk
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: Apache@ OSCON question

 On 06/20/2014 10:29 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
  Kay Schenk wrote:
  OK, I'll ask  about this. I think OpenOffice does have some popular
  that have been used at other events.
  It's out of stock and needs redesign. But we could at least redesign the
  pins, that used to be quite popular. We have updated leaflet and roll-up
  designs, that we can share if anyone is going to print them (or have
  them printed) for OSCON.

 OK. OSCON is only about a month out. So, if we decided to bring
 anything, it would likely have to be from what we have available now.

 ... I have a question of Melissa. If anyone from OpenOffice attended to
 help at the booth, would they need to pay an exhibitor registration fee?
 Given the current state of of the OSCON conf site, I have no way of
 determining what this amount might be.


 What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
 Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
 -- attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Re: ApacheCon Community track

2014-02-14 Thread Kay Schenk

On 02/14/2014 06:03 AM, Marcel Offermans wrote:

On 14 Feb 2014, at 14:39 pm, Rich Bowen wrote:

On 02/13/2014 06:28 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:26 AM, jan i wrote:

Especially for the community track a panel discussion, with a short
introduction from each panel member could be a lot more lively and thereby
giving for us all.

The community track is all about our communities, so why not do some of the
talks in that form.

but thats just my personal opinion.

My strong +1 to that -- a panel with a cool moderator is worth a couple
of presos in my book ;-)

Do you have a specific topic or question that a panel could address? Needs to be 
something that there's actually some room for debate, so that it's not a bunch of 
me too.

A couple of questions come to mind, based on discussions on our mailing lists:

1) Communities at Apache are free to choose either Subversion or Git as their 
version control system. Git and more recently, Github integration, has been a 
hot topic. This warrants a few questions to panel members, such as how have you 
setup your workflow as far as working on bugfixes, codechanges and accepting 
patches goes?

2) Apache is all about source releases. This is what we vote on and make 
available on our distribution server and mirrors. At the same time, a lot of 
projects also provide convenience binaries to many different channels. Quite a 
few projects, inside and out of Apache, are adoption fast release cycles, where 
it's not uncommon to have a weekly release. What's your take on this and how 
could Apache facilitate such a process better?

3) If you were approached by a community that was currently working outside of 
Apache and they would ask you what the benefits are of bringing their project 
to Apache, what would be your response? Also, where could such a community get 
more information about Apache and the incubator?

I'm sure these questions will trigger some responses, controversy or other 
questions. :)

Greetings, Marcel

Marcel, all great topics! :)


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: ApacheCon CFP: Assistance needed

2014-02-13 Thread Kay Schenk
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:

 On 02/12/2014 08:08 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:

  I'm going through the reviewed talks and marking things as yes and no
 in based on their average score. I would
 appreciate if someone would go through the CFP site and mark a line in
 way if that speaker indicated that they need funding.

 I'm sure I'll need more assistance as I get through this step, but that
 would save me a lot of time if someone could take on that task. Thanks.

 Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

  I added a new column Needs Funding?. This should make things clearer.
 With the assumption that any talk, etc.  not marked as yes here means

 I'm not seeing it. You added it where?

well on this...

I don't see it now either. I didn't see a way to explicitly save, but 

 Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: ApacheCon CFP: Assistance needed

2014-02-13 Thread Kay Schenk
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Melissa Warnkin missywarn...@yahoo.comwrote:

 It's a google doc, so the changes should have been saved immediately, no?

Well in an ideal world, yes...I 

  From: Kay Schenk
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:27 PM
 Subject: Re: ApacheCon CFP: Assistance needed

 On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:

  On 02/12/2014 08:08 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:
   I'm going through the reviewed talks and marking things as yes and
  in based on their average score. I would
  appreciate if someone would go through the CFP site and mark a line in
  way if that speaker indicated that they need funding.
  I'm sure I'll need more assistance as I get through this step, but that
  would save me a lot of time if someone could take on that task. Thanks.
  Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon
   I added a new column Needs Funding?. This should make things
  With the assumption that any talk, etc.  not marked as yes here means
  I'm not seeing it. You added it where?

 well on this...

 I don't see it now either. I didn't see a way to explicitly save, but 

  Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon



 Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
-- James Mason


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: ApacheCon status and proceeding forward

2014-02-13 Thread Kay Schenk
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:

 On 02/12/2014 11:57 AM, Jan Willem Janssen wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 I'm a bit confused as to what the current status is on the track
 selection for ApacheCon NA. I've seen the proposed track list, but
 what do we do with the content of those tracks? And what about the
 proposals that still are not categorized, is that already definitive
 or still in a volatile state?

 Right now there are several sources of data:

 1) The CFP system itself is where folks are rating talks.

 2) is list of all talks broken into topics
 which will hopefully become the tracks. Next to each one is Yes/No/Maybe
 based on the rating given in the CFP system, #1, above. I have now gone
 through everything in the CFP system and noted their accept status in this
 spreadsheet. Note that a lot are still Maybe indicating that they either
 have no ratings at all, or came out as average on the accept scale.

 3) is days and proposed tracks each day. Now
 that I'm done with #2, I'm moving on to #3, taking the completed tracks and
 populating the actual schedule in #3. From here, we'll have to either add
 or remove talks to make the final schedule.

 So, everything is still volatile, and I still need a lot of help.

 Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

Tell us what we can do to help.


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: ApacheCon CFP: Assistance needed

2014-02-12 Thread Kay Schenk
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:

 I'm going through the reviewed talks and marking things as yes and no
 in based on their average score. I would
 appreciate if someone would go through the CFP site and mark a line in some
 way if that speaker indicated that they need funding.

 I'm sure I'll need more assistance as I get through this step, but that
 would save me a lot of time if someone could take on that task. Thanks.

 Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

I added a new column Needs Funding?. This should make things clearer.
With the assumption that any talk, etc.  not marked as yes here means


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: ApacheCon proposed tracks

2014-02-10 Thread Kay Schenk
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:

 On 02/10/2014 01:54 PM, jan i wrote:

 On 10 February 2014 18:10, Rich Bowen wrote:

 These are the proposed ApacheCon tracks. Each track can hold SIX talks,
 and some tracks have more than one day in them. So this should give us a
 better idea of where we need to cull talks, and how many. This will give
 a clear way to go to PMCs and say here's 15 talks, pick 12.

  I am not quite sure how that would work. as an example it seems that
 AOO is
 grouped together with other projects (which is fine by me), so one track
 have more PMC groups. My quess is if you tell a PMC here's 15 talks, pick
 12, they will quite naturally pick talks about their own project. For
 tracks with more than 1 PMC (project) involved, I think the first question
 should be Please consider if you can group or remove some of the talks
 about your project.

 Most of the content is or should be grouped in a track by project or
 track. So if we say here's 15, pick 12 it will already all be about their
 project. Mixed tracks we'll hopefully be able to select based on ratings.


 Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

What is layed out here -- organized by days -- looks good to me.


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

A couple of questions on ApacheCon, Denver reviews...

2014-01-29 Thread Kay Schenk
As I am quite new to this process, a few questions --

The closing date for submissions is Feb 1, and it seems notifications will
be sent out by Feb 14. So, what is the due date for completion of reviews?

There are a few submissions -- aside from some standard ASF presentations
-- that are somewhat generic and don't directly apply to a specific Apache
project. So -- who will be reviewing these? Or should anybody that
volunteered for reviewing, review them?

Can more than one reviewer rate a submission and perhaps change the
decision of a previous reviewer? Just curious about this. But it might be
advantageous in some situations to get input from multiple reviewers.

ok, that's it for now...

Kay Schenk, Apache OpenOffice

Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason