New Windows build - Apache 2.2.3

2006-08-02 Thread hunter

The error(s) that I am getting are not caused by the defines.

I still get the error I indicated in my first email.

Creating library .\Release\mod_unique_id.lib and object
 nmake -nologo -f mod_usertrack.mak   CFG=mod_usertrack -
Win32 Release RECURSE=0
 rc.exe /l 0x409 /foDebug/mod_usertrack.res /i
../../include /i ../../srclib/apr/include /i \asf
-build\build-2.2.3\build\win32 /d _DEBUG /d /d LONG_NAME=usertrack_module for Apache
..\..\build\win32\httpd.rc fatal error RC1109: error creating
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'rc.exe' : return code '0x1'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

Notice that it is trying to build debug during a release build.

I fixed the makefile and it continued until it got a similar error
with htpasswd.mak. I fixed this makefile and it failed in
with this error message.

D:\build\httpd-2.2.3(copy docs\conf\extra\
t   0.y   awk -f script.awk docs/conf/extra/
c:\apache   1c:\apache\conf\extra\h
ttpd-vhosts.conf.default )
  1 file(s) copied.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'for' : return code '0x1'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

I still need help with the last error, I don't understand what the
makefile is doing - the build is complete and it is editing the confs.
But I am looking at to see if I can figure it out.

Chris Lewis

P.S.I sent the fixed makefiles as attachments but the mail server must
have ignore my message. So I am resending this note without the

Re: New Windows build - Apache 2.2.3

2006-07-31 Thread hunter

On 7/31/06, Steffen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I understand now and I missed the script.

I have reports that all now is building fine with VC2005-IDE with the
Windows source after executing the script.



- Original Message -
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 23:25
Subject: Re: New Windows build - Apache 2.2.3

 Steffen wrote:
 At AL there are reports that also with VC2005-IDE the 2.2.3 Windows
 source gives issues.

 Is it an idea to revert back to the 2.2.2 method ? there we had no
 reports like this.

 Nope - the old version required awk to -build- the sources.  Now, awk
 is only needed to customize the .conf scripts, and in it's absense, well
 do it yourself by hand.  awk's no longer required.

 The solution as mentioned several times is a custom-build step to invoke
 rc.exe, where none of the versions of visualstudio will corrupt the cmd.

 Indeed the unix source builds fine with VC2005  IDE.

 So does the windows bundle; grab - and in the
 httpd-2.2.3 tree, just invoke

 perl -2005

 This won't be necessary in 2.2.4 - wouldn't have been in 2.2.3 if this
 security issue hadn't popped up.


The error(s) that I am getting are not caused by the defines.

I still get the error I indicated in my first email.

 Creating library .\Release\mod_unique_id.lib and object
  nmake -nologo -f mod_usertrack.mak   CFG=mod_usertrack -
Win32 Release RECURSE=0
  rc.exe /l 0x409 /foDebug/mod_usertrack.res /i
../../include /i ../../srclib/apr/include /i \asf
-build\build-2.2.3\build\win32 /d _DEBUG /d /d LONG_NAME=usertrack_module for Apache
..\..\build\win32\httpd.rc fatal error RC1109: error creating
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'rc.exe' : return code '0x1'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

Notice that it is trying to build debug during a release build.

I fixed the makefile and it continued until it got a similar error
with htpasswd.mak. I fixed this makefile and it failed in
with this error message.

D:\build\httpd-2.2.3(copy docs\conf\extra\
t   0.y   awk -f script.awk docs/conf/extra/
c:\apache   1c:\apache\conf\extra\h
ttpd-vhosts.conf.default )
   1 file(s) copied.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'for' : return code '0x1'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

I have attached the fixed makefiles.

I still need help with the last error, I don't understand what the
makefile is doing - the build is complete and it is editing the confs.
But I am looking at to see if I can figure it out.

Chris Lewis
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Based on mod_usertrack.dsp
!IF $(CFG) == 
CFG=mod_usertrack - Win32 Release
!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to mod_usertrack - Win32 

!IF $(CFG) != mod_usertrack - Win32 Release  $(CFG) != mod_usertrack - 
Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE Invalid configuration $(CFG) specified.
!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f mod_usertrack.mak CFG=mod_usertrack - Win32 Release
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
!MESSAGE mod_usertrack - Win32 Release (based on Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link 
!MESSAGE mod_usertrack - Win32 Debug (based on Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link 
!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.

!IF $(OS) == Windows_NT

!IF  $(CFG) == mod_usertrack - Win32 Release

# Begin Custom Macros
# End Custom Macros

!IF $(RECURSE) == 0



ALL : libhttpd - Win32 Release libaprutil - Win32 Release libapr - Win32 
Release $(OUTDIR)\


!IF $(RECURSE) == 1
CLEAN :libapr - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN libaprutil - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN 
libhttpd - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(INTDIR)\mod_usertrack.obj
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(INTDIR)\mod_usertrack.res
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(INTDIR)\mod_usertrack_src.idb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(INTDIR)\mod_usertrack_src.pdb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(OUTDIR)\mod_usertrack.exp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(OUTDIR)\mod_usertrack.lib
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(OUTDIR)\mod_usertrack.pdb

if not exist $(OUTDIR)/$(NULL) mkdir $(OUTDIR)

CPP_PROJ=/nologo /MD /W3 /Zi /O2 /Oy- /I ../../include /I 
../../srclib/apr/include /I ../../srclib/apr-util/include /D NDEBUG /D 
WIN32 /D 

New Windows build - Apache 2.2.3

2006-07-30 Thread hunter

I am getting an error while building Apache 2.2.3 for Windows...

  Creating library .\Release\mod_unique_id.lib and object
   nmake -nologo -f mod_usertrack.mak   CFG=mod_usertrack -
Win32 Release RECURSE=0
   rc.exe /l 0x409 /foDebug/mod_usertrack.res /i
../../include /i ../../srclib/apr/include /i \asf
-build\build-2.2.3\build\win32 /d _DEBUG /d /d LONG_NAME=usertrack_module for Apache
..\..\build\win32\httpd.rc fatal error RC1109: error creating
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'rc.exe' : return code '0x1'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

Any suggestions...

Chris Lewis

Re: New Windows build - Apache 2.2.3

2006-07-30 Thread hunter

On 7/30/06, Jorge Schrauwen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ah using visual studio 2005?
Try using the unix source instead... wrowe posted a notice about this.

On 7/30/06, hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am getting an error while building Apache 2.2.3 for Windows...

Creating library .\Release\mod_unique_id.lib and object
 nmake -nologo -f mod_usertrack.mak   CFG=mod_usertrack -
 Win32 Release RECURSE=0
 rc.exe /l 0x409 /foDebug/mod_usertrack.res /i
 ../../include /i ../../srclib/apr/include /i \asf
 -build\build-2.2.3\build\win32 /d _DEBUG /d /d LONG_NAME=usertrack_module for Apache
 ..\..\build\win32\httpd.rc fatal error RC1109: error creating
 NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'rc.exe' : return code '0x1'
 NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'
 NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\MSVC7\Vc7\bin\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

 Any suggestions...

 Chris Lewis


I may not be correct but I understood Bill's email to say that the
problem affected those who compile with the IDE, while I compile from
the command line.

I tried compiling with SDK 2003 R2 (newer complier) but that made no

Trying to compile with unix source results with an immediate failure
to find srclib due to forward slashes that are not recognized by

I think there is something wrong with mod_usertrack.mak - notice the /d _DEBUG.

I have tried to fix the makefile but I have still not fixed it.

Chris Lewis

Re: It's that time of the year again

2006-04-17 Thread Rian A Hunter

Quoting Ian Holsman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

ideas so far (half joking):
- mod_ircd
- implementing a UDP protocol
- a caching module implement CML (cache-meta-language)
- a SEDA type MPM

I think a SoC project that profiles Apache (and finds out where we fall short)
so that we are able to compete with other lightweight HTTP servers popping up
these days would be a good endeavor for any CS student.

This seems to be more viable for our threaded MPMs. For the prefork 
MPM, maybe a

goal for 10,000 connections might be impractical.

I haven't done any benchmarks myself, I've just read results so anyone correct
me if I'm wrong.


Listen directive, port specification

2006-04-05 Thread Rian Hunter


So the Listen directive now takes an optional protocol argument. In  
the documentation it states that if the protocol isn't specified then  
if the port number is 443, it is set to https otherwise http.

This seems like a good idea. What about if the port number is 25,  
personally I want this to automatically set the protocol to smtp.  
Sort of like our own /etc/services. I can of course see this turning  
into default protocol specifiers for multiple port numbers so I  
anticipate some type of config file similar to MIMEMagic in the future.

But for now, where is the code that set's the protocol to https if  
the port number is 443? I don't see it in the Listen directive handler.

Also is there a preferred way for a protocol module to accept a  
connection? Right now I have a directive SmtpProtocol that dictates  
whether mod_smtpd accepts a connection on a server_rec. There is also  
ap_get_server_protocol(server_rec *s) that returns the protocol based  
on the Listen directive. The second way is similar to the way  
handlers are selected.


Re: prefork mpm in linux: ap_process_connection isn't called on connection

2006-04-03 Thread Rian Hunter

On Mar 31, 2006, at 6:42 AM, Jeff Trawick wrote:

On 3/28/06, Rian A Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On the httpd trunk in prefork.c ap_process_connection isn't called  
there is data on the new connection (instead of just when a client  

Is there a kernel accept filter enabled?

No, it is a default clean install. Are you suggesting that for me to  
get the behavior I want that there should be one enabled?


prefork mpm in linux: ap_process_connection isn't called on connection

2006-03-28 Thread Rian A Hunter
Hey All,

On the httpd trunk in prefork.c ap_process_connection isn't called until
there is data on the new connection (instead of just when a client connects).
I don't know if this is the intended behavior but from what I can see this is
because the poll descriptor is set to poll on POLL_IN, in apr_poll.h:

#define APR_POLLIN0x001 /** Can read without blocking */

On a new connection event there is no guarantee to be able to read without
blocking, so I think the intended behavior is to stop blocking only when there
is data on the new connection.

For the HTTP protocol either behavior works, for other protocols
ap_process_connection should be called immediately when a client connects (for
instance SMTP, where it is mandatory for the server to send data first).
Actually this is indeed what happens in BSD variants.

I don't intend to post a bug without a fix but currently there is no
APR_POLLCONNECTION (or something similar) in apr. What should be done?


APR resolver?

2006-03-28 Thread Rian A Hunter
While implementing the message bounce in mod_smtpd I ran into a snag. I need to
get mx records for host names!! There seems to be no portable DNS resolver
library/interface. For UNIX there is at least res_search() and dn_expand()
except on BSD this is in the standard library and in linux you need -lresolv.

I know there is apr_sockaddr_info_get but this doesn't handle getting mx records
(or other DNS record types). Should a resolver API be added to APR. Actually I
think yes and I think I'm going to implement this. Any objections?


mod_smtpd documentation location

2006-03-13 Thread Rian Hunter

Hi Everyone,

I have written up some preliminary documentation (not done yet) that  
describes how to write a module for mod_smtpd. It is based on the  
format of the manualpage dtd used in the Apache Documentation  
Project. I'm also planning on writing a modulesynopsis document for  
users of mod_smtpd.

Where should these files go? Should I add a doc subdirectory to  
mod_smtpd or what? I want it to be easily build-able and available  
online, etc.


Re: [mod_smtpd] patch need for the SIZE extension

2006-02-09 Thread Rian Hunter

On Feb 8, 2006, at 11:22 PM, Brian J. France wrote:

On Feb 8, 2006, at 9:28 PM, Rian Hunter wrote:

On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Brian J. France wrote:
+1, I like the idea of the storing the setting in the per  
connection instance.  Leaving the default in the core and copying  
it to an per connection struct would allow modules to tweak the  
setting per connection.

One other addition to the smtpd_session_rec I would like to see  
would be something like r-notes or r-subprocess_env.  Some way  
for modules to set flags that would change the behavior of  
another module.  As an example I might want to add a new modules  
that changes the max data size based on either connection ip or  
mail from address.  This module would want to set a flag telling  
the size module to not show the numerical size limit in the ehlo  
response as it might change based on the the mail from address.

Something like r-notes does exist, check scr-session_config.

session_config is a ap_conf_vector_t, which I think is more like r- 
per_dir_config or r-request_config.

r-notes and r-subprocess_env is a apr_table_t.

+1, I see what you mean.


Re: [mod_smtpd] patch need for the SIZE extension

2006-02-08 Thread Rian Hunter

On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Brian J. France wrote:
+1, I like the idea of the storing the setting in the per  
connection instance.  Leaving the default in the core and copying  
it to an per connection struct would allow modules to tweak the  
setting per connection.

One other addition to the smtpd_session_rec I would like to see  
would be something like r-notes or r-subprocess_env.  Some way  
for modules to set flags that would change the behavior of another  
module.  As an example I might want to add a new modules that  
changes the max data size based on either connection ip or mail  
from address.  This module would want to set a flag telling the  
size module to not show the numerical size limit in the ehlo  
response as it might change based on the the mail from address.

Something like r-notes does exist, check scr-session_config.

+1, if I understand you currently.  Changing scr-should_disconnect  
to scr-allows_commands which is a bit-field of what commands that  
are allowed.  Then smtp_protocol.c handles denying command instead  
of having a module hook every command and doing it, right?

Yeah exactly right!


Re: [mod_smtpd] patch need for the SIZE extension

2006-02-07 Thread Rian Hunter

On Feb 7, 2006, at 8:15 PM, Brian J. France wrote:

Hi Rian,

  Before I started converting my other modules to the new code I  
figured I would start with writing a new module to handle the SIZE  
extension.  I needed to apply the following patch (link below) to  
the mod_smtpd code to get access at the max data size.

+0, Well this is an interesting point. The max data size should be  
settable and gettable from extending modules. In a way max_data is a  
lot like the list of extensions: should it be set on every connection  
or upon server initialization (ie should it's scope be per connection  
or per mod_smtpd instance). I chose that the list of extensions might  
want to be per-connection since modules may not want to offer all  
clients all extensions, just the same way modules may want to enforce  
different max_data sizes for different clients. Where do you think  
these variables belong?

One thing I do know is that max_data doesn't belong in mod_smtpd's  
configuration structure and rather either in some other per  
mod_smtpd instance structure accessible to extending modules or just  
in scr (the per connection structure). Right? I think that would be  
cleaner and more modular. We should talk about this some more before  
I apply this patch.

  I hooked the mail from hook, check for a valid SIZE in  
mail_parameters and check to make sure it is not over the limit.   
If it is over the limit I can use smtpd_respond_oneline to send the  
552 message exceeds fixed maximum message size line back to the  
client, but what should the function return to make it force a QUIT  
or REST command as anything but SMTPD_DONE sends more stuff to the  

Should I just return SMTPD_DONE and set scr-should_disconnect?   
Could we tweak it to support two different settings, one would only  
allow QUIT only and the other would allow QUIT and REST (to start  

+1, Since quit and rset are both handled by mod_smtpd there should  
probably be another variable called scr-only_quit_or_rset, also  
because I think there are other times when the client should only  
issue a quit or rset. More discussion follows though:

My basic design strategy has been that mod_smtpd should do as little  
as possible or what will be practical to a large amount of extending  
modules. If mod_smtpd sets a variable in a structure it should use  
it. If an extending module sets a variable in a structure it should  
use it. Having an only_quit_or_rset variable in the scr structure  
with mod_smtpd consciously checking for it, but never changing the  
value itself sort of violates that strategy. That doesn't mean I'm  
against it because like I already mentioned I think a lot of modules  
will need this sort of thing.

Have you thought about hooking into all the commands, and then  
sending a 503 Only QUIT and RSET from your SIZE module until a rset  
is received?

I only added the scr-should_disconnect logic since it's what should  
happen when a simple module wants to SMTPD_DENY some connections. I  
didn't want every module that wanted to implement connection policy  
to have to deal with being hooked into all the commands, and just be  
able to return SMTPD_DENY.

The scr-should_disconnect situation I just explained (where I didn't  
want every modules to have to deal with hooking all the commands for  
a redundant task) could be applied to any potential module that wants  
to disallow any of the built in commands with instead a bit-field  
that specifies which mod_smtpd core commands are currently allowed. I  
think I like this idea the best, what do you think?

Rian Hunter

Re: svn commit: r374754 - in /httpd/site/trunk: docs/ docs/mod_smtpd/ docs/modules/ xdocs/ xdocs/mod_smtpd/ xdocs/modules/

2006-02-03 Thread Rian Hunter

On Feb 3, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Paul Querna wrote:

Garrett Rooney wrote:

+ttmod_smtpd/tt started it's life as a 2005 Google Summer  
of Code project
+taken on by strongRian Hunter/strong and strongJem  
Berkes/strong with
+mentors strongNick Kew/strong and strongPaul Querna/ 
strong. It continues
+its life being developed and maintained by Rian Hunter with  
help from the httpd


Ok, now we're seeing this both in the mod_mbox and mod_smtpd web
pages.  This is supposed to be a community project, ASF projects  

have lead developers, and they don't generally go out of their way to
assign credit like this, that's normally kept to the CHANGES file and
the svn commit logs.  Putting this sort of thing on the web pages
seems quite inappropriate to me.


It is perhaps notable that it was _started_ as a SoC project, but  
the rest of it can most likely be nuked.  We do have some similar  
language under too.


+1 I used mod_mbox as the model for the mod_smtpd page. Excuse my  


Bouncing messages in mod_smtpd

2006-02-01 Thread Rian Hunter


January has brought in some great improvements to mod_smtpd. If you  
compare the code now to the code six months ago you'll see that it is  
very clean and very workable now, not that it wasn't before it's just  
that now some distinctions have been made that makes thinking about  
extending mod_smtpd a lot easier. I expect plugin writers to bring up  
some points where mod_smtpd will have to be extended, and those  
extensions will happen when the time is right.

Anyway, I'm facing one issue. When an SMTP envelope has more than one  
recipient and the queue plugins are only able to queue some of them  
mod_smtpd has the responsibility to bounce the unqueued messages back  
to the sender. Of course in a proper set up this shouldn't happen  
because mod_smtpd won't give a 250 Ok response to the RCPT  
command if it doesn't support the recipient, but there might be cases  
where a plugin is unable to queue for other unexpected reasons.

mod_smtpd needs a bouncing mechanism! I need some help with this  
because I am not sure how to approach this. Should I implement an  
entire SMTP client in mod_smtpd to bounce messages? Should I relegate  
this responsibility to a sendmail command or what platform specific  
mailer there is? Are there other options?

I want to dedicate the rest of this week to writing some drafts of  
documentation and a website for mod_smtpd, so if someone would like  
to volunteer to mess with bouncing that would be a great help! The  
code to look at is in 
smtp_protocol.c, the function is smtpd_bounce_unqueued 
(smtpd_session_rec *). Thanks!!

Rian Hunter

Re: Bouncing messages in mod_smtpd

2006-02-01 Thread Rian Hunter

On Feb 1, 2006, at 7:51 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

Well, we already have a small SMTP implementation in the SMTP queue
module, that could be made somewhat more generic and used for this
sort of thing.

Yeah I was thinking about that! I'm just so fearful of code-bloat and  
possibly maintaining an SMTP client but I may just end up doing that.

Rian Hunter

Re: Best Available Version?

2006-01-30 Thread Rian Hunter

On Jan 10, 2006, at 11:57 PM, Paul Querna wrote:

Rian Hunter wrote:
This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix  
release, and represents the best available version of Apache HTTP  
That string is currently under the Apache 2.0.55 Released  
section of With the release of Apache  
2.2.0, is this still correct?

No, its not. Feel free to commit a fix.


I don't think I have commit access to the site repository. Here's a  
patch anyway.

Rian Hunter

Description: Binary data

Header Handling in mod_smtpd

2006-01-17 Thread Rian Hunter


I just wanted to poll dev on how mod_smtpd should handle mail headers  
after receiving the data command.

Currently mod_smtpd parsers headers if there are any, then when that  
is done sends the body to the message buffering loop. A message  
usually looks like this:

From: Rian Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Testing.

Hi this is the body of the message.

mod_smtpd saves:

---begin body---

Hi this is the body of the message.

when normal mail clients usually show the body like this:

---begin body---
Hi This is the body of the message.

Does it seem like a good idea to save the extra line-break as the  
beginning of the body or remove it before letting the plugins deal  
with the body. Keep in mind that the reason it is like this now is to  
keep the loop simple so it can also handle header-less messages (the  
parser eats the bad data). Thanks!

Rian Hunter

Best Available Version?

2006-01-09 Thread Rian Hunter
This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix  
release, and represents the best available version of Apache HTTP  

That string is currently under the Apache 2.0.55 Released section  
of With the release of Apache 2.2.0, is  
this still correct?

Rian Hunter

Re: mod_smtpd changes

2006-01-05 Thread Rian Hunter
On Sat, 2005-12-31 at 13:47, Brian J. France wrote:
 On Dec 31, 2005, at 1:23 PM, Rian Hunter wrote:
  Any comments, ideas and criticisms are highly welcomed! Thanks!
 Any changes on how recipients and queue/deliver is handled?
 I started implementing my proposal from a while back and got stuck on  
 how to handle errors.  If a transaction has multiple valid recipients  
 and each one is handle by different queue modules, but only one of  
 queue modules returned a failed, is the whole thing a failure or  
 should the other messages be delivered and what should be returned  
 for a status for the DATA command?
 I am thinking that if all recipients are valid and can be handle by a  
 queue module then DATA will always return OK/200 what ever success  
 is.  If a queue module then finds an error happens while trying to  
 really deliver the message, a bounce need to be generated.  This  
 means we should have a common way to generate a bounce message  
 instead of having every module come up with its own.

I've been thinking about this a lot and what tradeoff's to make in
regard to handling the envelope. I think the main envelope of mod_smtpd
will only support one recipient (= each queue module will handle one
recipient at a time).

What I was thinking is to make smtpd_run_queue a RUN_FIRST hook, so it
will stop whenever a module returns SMTPD_ACCEPT (more about this
below). A default queue will be installed that is inserted absolutely
last, where if it is called it will bounce the message (because all the
rest SMTPD_DECLINED). But this doesn't work in a setting where one
address can be handled by multiple modules, so instead smtpd_run_queue
would be a RUN_ALL hook and modules will set a flag in the envelope
structure if the message was delivered correctly, then mod_smtpd checks
if it was or wasnt' then sends a bounce message for the addresses that

How should a queue module know if it should a certain recipient address?
There are two options:

* Have each queue module maintain its own list or criteria for which it
will queue a message.

* Let mod_smtpd be notified what queue modules should handle which
recipient addresses. Then it sets in each recipients envelope structure
a user defined string for a queue handler. Each queue module checks
the queue handler string to see if it handles that envelope. This is not
the best either because it only allows for one queuer per recipient.

The first option follows the needs of mod_smtpd but at the same time I
really like the idea of a standardized of way of specifying which
modules get what addresses. This simplifies configuration, eliminates
code bloat and uses less cpu cycles. I'm still thinking about the best
way to implement something like that.

Rian Hunter

mod_smtpd changes

2005-12-31 Thread Rian Hunter

I'm planning on revamping mod_smtpd and resolving some problems with it
that kind of put it at a dead-lock because of many unelegant solutions
to a hard problem.

First I plan on removing all the unnecessary hook code, and adjust
mod_smtpd to use regular (apr?) hooks. That will really simplify things
and increase build portability.

Also I want to fix the folder hierarchy and put all the src in one
folder and the Makefiles in others, so it isn't so UNIX-centric.

There are some parts where it's hard for mod_smtpd to conform to the way
httpd does input filters, I'm going to iron that out.

Also the envelope abstraction needs some working on so it can extended
by other plugins and other miscellaneous things.

Basically I want to get mod_smtpd to a stated where it is comfortable
for plugin writers to develop for and sysadmins to use. Practicality is
goal #1, whereas before it was extensibility.

Any comments, ideas and criticisms are highly welcomed! Thanks!

Rian Hunter

Re: autotools woe

2005-12-29 Thread Rian Hunter

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 10:05, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
 Can you do :
 cd /var/db/pkg
 ls -ld gnu-*

Nothing in there starts with gnu-

 env | grep -i path

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 10:05, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
 Can you do :
 cd /var/db/pkg
 ls -ld gnu-*

nothing in there s

 env | grep -i path

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 10:05, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
 Can you do :
 cd /var/db/pkg
 ls -ld gnu-*

nothing in there s

 env | grep -i path




Re: mod_smtpd_access_dbd code review, mod_smtpd_auth plan

2005-09-20 Thread Rian Hunter

On Sep 14, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Brian J. France wrote:

I ported this from mod_dbi_pool to mod_dbd, but I haven't had time  
to go back in and clean up the code.  I liked the layout when it  
was using mod_dbi_pool, but I just hacked it up to convert it to  
mod_dbd.  Since I haven't had the time to clean it up so I figured  
I would get some comments on it to make sure I am going in the  
right direction.

I have a another trip next week and I plan on using the time to  
clean it up and also start working on the mod_smtpd_auth* modules.

My plan right now is to build a skeleton mod_smtpd_auth module that  
will handle plain, login, cram-md5 (and possibly digest-md5).   
mod_smtpd_auth will define two hooks for other auth modules, one  
that takes username and password for authorizing and one for which  
methods it enables.

mod_smtpd_auth_pwd will enable plain and login because it only has  
the encrypted password

mod_smtpd_auth_dbd will enable all auth methods


Brian I will review your modules (including mod_smtpd_load, which i  
think should now be named mod_smtpd_connect_load) very soon for  
incorporation into the modules tree.

Rian Hunter

Re: svn commit: r232338 [1/2] - in /httpd/mod_smtpd/trunk: ./ README configure mod_smtpd.h smtp.h smtp_core.c smtp_protocol.c

2005-09-18 Thread Rian Hunter

On Sep 17, 2005, at 9:50 PM, Paul Querna wrote:

Sorry for bring this up so late
[ snip ]

Why are these APR Optional Functions?

Why can't they be AP_DECLARE_HOOK's?


I decided that they should be optional because after talking to some  
people I was under the impression that only modules included in the  
core httpd distribution should use AP_DECLARE_HOOK and all others  
should be optional hooks because they might not always be loaded.

If this is not the case, this should change soon.

Re: svn commit: r289845 - in /httpd/mod_smtpd/trunk/modules/queue: ./ mod_smtpd_queue_postfix/ mod_smtpd_queue_postfix/mod_smtpd_queue_postfix.c

2005-09-18 Thread Rian Hunter

On Sep 17, 2005, at 8:35 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:


+static int cleanup_socket;

This global worries me.  How will it behave in a multithreaded MPM?


Right, I'll fix that up.

Re: mod_smtpd and old versions of apache2

2005-09-18 Thread Rian Hunter

On Sep 17, 2005, at 1:27 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

So I'm playing around with mod_smtpd_queue_smtp, a module that has
mod_smtpd queue messages by forwarding them on to another smtp
server, and I ran into a little snag.

It appears that in older versions of apache2 (2.0.53 in this case)
conn-input_filters-ctx is NULL when smtpd_create_conn_rec gets
called.  This results in a crash when mod_smtpd tries to poke around
in there looking for the client socket, so it can set a big-ass
timeout on it.

Is it even necessary to do this?  Making the timeout conditional on
the context being non-null seems to fix the problem, and things seem
to work ok, but I have to wonder why it's needed in the first place...


Thanks for bringing this up. The timeout setting code is an archaism  
from when mod_smtpd used the ap_rgetline functions for I/O.  
ap_rgetline relied on a timeout set by one of the filters in  
http_filters.c to set a timeout, but since those filters weren't used  
i had to do it manually in mod_smtpd but now it has it's own I/O  
functions so it doesn't need to set this.


to the users of mod_smtpd

2005-09-09 Thread Rian Hunter


To Plugin Writers:

Mod_smtpd is pretty heavily input filters based now. There were some  
sneaky bugs in the code that I got rid of (the ability to type a  
single '.' and not terminate the message) and some major cleanups in  
the data handler code. The biggest changes are that now there is a  
filter that translates a single '.' into an EOS bucket, and an '..'  
into an '.'. Also header parsing now goes into a filter too. This is  
all pretty sweet stuff.

To Users:
Stay tuned for a postfix plugin and an auto-built modules directory.

Mod_smtpd has been written as high-level as possible so as not to  
reinvent the wheel and deal with io security issues. Regardless it is  
in dire need of a code/security audit. Does anyone know of any  
protocol-level security tests or topics to keep in mind that can be  
used to robustify mod_smtpd.

The autobuild system still currently does not check for libapreq2 (a  
necessity of one of the filters). Since I hate Autoconf and Makefiles  
I've been punting this, even though it's high priority. Patches anyone?

Mod_smtpd is also in dire need of documentation and probably its own  
website, both are coming soon.

Rian Hunter

Re: mod_smtpd module review

2005-08-31 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 30, 2005, at 11:19 AM, Brian J. France wrote:

This past week I have finished up a few modules and ready for review.

  This module allows rejecting connection (temporarily) based on  
server load
  It is not very cross platform (any os with getloadavg), but I am  
sure we

  can work on that.

I have finished mod_smtpd_access_dbi, but after talking with Paul  
on IRC
I need to convert it to use mod_dbd instead of mod_dbi_pool.   
Working on that
now and will post another message when done.  I could build a tar  
ball of this
module if anybody is interested as the the flow will not change,  
just how the

db connection is handled.

This module is similar to sendmails access file.  It allows
checking of the ip/hostname/from/to items via a database to see if
things should be rejected.  It uses mod_dbi_pool and libdbi.
Thanks to Paul for mod_dbi_pool and code examples from  

This is great!

A few things I have found while writing these modules. How about  
changing smtpd_return_data from this:

typedef struct smtpd_return_data {
apr_pool_t *p;
/* list of messages */
apr_array_header_t *msgs;
} smtpd_return_data;

to something like this:

typedef struct smtpd_return_data {
apr_pool_t *p;
int code;
/* list of messages */
apr_array_header_t *user_msgs;
apr_array_header_t *log_msgs;
} smtpd_return_data;

While doing the mod_smtpd_load module I found when I want to deny a  
connection I can set what message the user will get, but I also  
want to log a different message instead of the default Connection  
Denied (current I log my own and the default gets logged).  Of  
course this might be another thread of how and what do we plan on  

IMO I think that logging twice is fine. mod_smtpd logs Connection  
Denied because a server admin may want to know what connections are  
getting denied for debugging and etc. and I feel its absolutely  
necessary, same with the MAIL command. If your module wants to log  
extra information, I think that's OK.

Maybe for clarity all mod_smtpd's logs can be prefixed with  
mod_smtpd: and other modules can follow suit.

I would also like to set the error code, because looking over  
rfc0821 I think it should return 452 or may be that needs to be a  
default for smtpd_run_connect soft errors (552 for hard errors).   
Should we allow the module to set the error code?

Error codes can be sent with SMTPD_DONE. Otherwise error codes won't  
change in the next fifty years for things like SMTPD_DENY and  
friends. I'll look into changing those specific codes. Most of the  
error codes I got from Postfix and Qpsmtpd but of course they aren't  

In mod_smtpd_access_dbi I found it strange that I get a string that  
looks like this:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of  
[EMAIL PROTECTED].  For the mail/rcpt hooks should we send a struct  
that has the full line sent, the data from the full line and the  
parsed email address?  I have some code that duplicates the string  
and then remove spaces and  from the beginning and  from the end,  
but that seems like it should be done before my function is  
called.  Another problem I can see is when we get into things like  
the size options:


Do we want every module to have to parse the email address  
(removing  ) and the SIZE?

This is a very good point. Honestly I'm not really sure since I'm not  
experienced with writing a plugin based architecture, but I'm almost  
positive that most people will say that mod_smtpd should parse the  
email address and options along with it. When I first wrote mod_smtpd  
I figured I'd pass the un-parsed string after from: verbatim to let  
the modules decide what to do with it. Maybe to allow some crazy  
things. Either way, having mod_smtpd parse sounds like the right idea  
so how about this hook for mail:

smtp_run_mail(smtp_conn_rec *, smtp_return_data *, char  
*parsed_address, apr_array_header_t *options);

The options won't be stored as name-value pairs: more like an array  
of strings like SIZE=5. Does that sound good?

Rian Hunter

mod_smtpd filter support

2005-08-29 Thread Rian A Hunter

I just checked in support for input filters and header parsing in mod_smtpd.
This currently means little since there is no documentation on how to use
mod_smtpd or many example plugins. In the next few days (once I receive power)
I will have a couple of example plugins checked in (regular expression vrfy,
postfix queuer) and some minor documentation (maybe a tutorial + tutorial

mod_smtpd now also depends on libapreq2 for rfc822 header parsing (configure
does not yet check if this is installed, patches welcome!!).

This mostly means that mod_smtpd is very close to completion. I expect some
bug-fixes and I plan on adding a one-recipient/one-transaction feature and a
message body reading abstraction, but other than that it seems to be in its
final working state. Features include:

- Hooks on every important SMTP event, with pre-done logic to handle denies and
- DATA command input filter support per transaction.
- RFC822 Header parsing via libapreq2
- Exported IO functions.

Have Fun!

Re: mod_smtpd overhaul

2005-08-23 Thread Rian Hunter
On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 11:04, Brian J. France wrote:
 Is there a way to add more options to the EHLO response (an example)?

Sure. Extensions are registered on a per-connection basis. Ideally you
would register an SMTP extension at the connect hook like so:


smtpd_retcode default_connect(smtpd_conn_rec *scr,
  smtpd_return_data *out) {
smtpd_register_extension(scr, MY EXTENSION);
return SMTPD_OK;

register_hooks() {
APR_OPTIONAL_HOOK(smtpd, connect,
  default_connect, NULL, NULL,


You do it at connect so when the user gives ehlo, the server can respond
with the list of all the extensions supported by the various modules. 

There will be more documentation/example code for mod_smtpd very soon.

mod_smtpd hook system

2005-08-23 Thread Rian Hunter
I've changed the hook system for mod_smtpd a little to allow more
flexibility and module cooperation. Basically it works like this now:
When a hook is called smtpd_run_*, each registered hook is called until
one returns something other than SMTPD_DECLINED or SMTPD_OK. If all the
hooks return SMTPD_DECLINED, then the call to smtpd_run_* returns
SMTPD_DECLINED. If all hooks return SMTPD_DECLINED but one or more
return SMTPD_OK, then the call to smtpd_run_* returns SMTPD_OK.

This is different from the conventional run all hook we have where the
call to smtpd_run_* returns SMTPD_OK even if it was declined by all the
hooks. This is also different from a run first hook, where calling
hooks stop as soon as one returns something other than declined.

The purpose of this change was to allow the call to smtpd_run_queue to
call all the hooks even if one already accepted it with SMTPD_OK (so
other modules can process other recipients), and to know that at least
one accepted the message. If they all returned SMTPD_DECLINED then tell
the client that the message was not queued. Of course the other
SMTPD_DENY* return codes still apply.

This required a new run implementor macro that I've dubbed
APR_IMPLEMENT_OPTIONAL_HOOK_RUN_ALL_MOD and defined in smtpd.h, but
would something like this make it into the APR release? It seems silly
and hackish within smtpd.h. Also should a

Re: mod_smtpd overhaul

2005-08-23 Thread Rian Hunter
On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 11:04, Brian J. France wrote:
 On Aug 23, 2005, at 12:18 AM, Jem Berkes wrote:
  I noticed a couple posts about examples, there is now one as I have
  committed all the RBL stuff I wrote. See:
  This hooks into mod_smtpd in two places and returns various data (e.g. 
  the client IP is blacklisted then mod_smtpd is told to deny mail). I 
  it serves as a good example, it seems to work quite nicely to give
  mod_smtpd all the DNSBL/RHSBL features in a modular fashion.
 Now that we have the means to start writing modules for smtpd should we 
 create a modules directory?  Something like:
   mod_smtpd_rbl : RBL (DNSBL/RHSBL) support to mod_smtpd
   mod_smtp_access_db : Add sendmail access.db type support
   mod_smtp_access_dbi : Add sendmail access.db type support via SQL
   or should this be a skeleton auth modules that needs plugins:
   mod_smtpd_auth : supports plain, login, cram_md5, digest_md5
   mod_smtpd_auth_pwd : add /etc/passwd auth support for plain and login
   mod_smtpd_auth_db : add db auth support for all auth
   mod_smtpd_auth_dbi : add SQL auth support for all auth
   mod_smtpd_load : Allow temp error if load to high on the server

+1, Jem since you have checked in the first plugin for mod_smtpd would
you mind creating a directory structure similar to this if it seems fine
to you?

mod_smtpd overhaul

2005-08-22 Thread Rian Hunter

I just have committed mod_smtpd with changes that free it from
request_rec. There are now two major structures in mod_smtpd:
smtpd_conn_rec, and smtpd_trans_rec. These are distinguished by how
often these get cleared.

Also mod_smtpd no longer uses the ap_getline and ap_rprintf functions
for I/O. There are three new functions for I/O called smtpd_getline,
smtpd_respond_oneline and smtpd_respond_multiline. This should allow the
use of filters in mod_smtpd although I may have implemented this wrong.
Comments are requested.

For the data command I still call ap_get_brigade with AP_MODE_GETLINE,
just because SMTP is a line oriented protocol was there any explicit
reason you wanted it to be called with AP_MODE_READBYTES?

You can check it out from

mod_smtpd overhaul

2005-08-22 Thread Rian Hunter

I just have committed mod_smtpd with changes that free it from
request_rec. There are now two major structures in mod_smtpd:
smtpd_conn_rec, and smtpd_trans_rec. These are distinguished by how
often these get cleared.

Also mod_smtpd no longer uses the ap_getline and ap_rprintf functions
for I/O. There are three new functions for I/O called smtpd_getline,
smtpd_respond_oneline and smtpd_respond_multiline. This should allow the
use of filters in mod_smtpd although I may have implemented this wrong.
Comments are requested.

For the data command I still call ap_get_brigade with AP_MODE_GETLINE,
just because SMTP is a line oriented protocol was there any explicit
reason you wanted it to be called with AP_MODE_READBYTES?

You can check it out from

Re: mod_smtpd overhaul

2005-08-22 Thread Rian Hunter
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 23:17, Brian J. France wrote:
 Trying to build build a smtpd module, but having a problem.  I added a 
 line like this:
smtpd_hook_connect( smtpd_access_dbi_connect, NULL, NULL, 
 in the register_hooks function, but when I load the module I get 
 undefined function _smtpd_hook_connect.
 Is this the right way or is there an example module I could compare 

Actually no, you should use:

APR_OPTIONAL_HOOK(smtpd, connect, smtpd_access_dbi_connect, NULL, NULL,

Since it's an optional hook. Thanks.

Re: svn commit: r235759 - in /httpd/mod_smtpd/trunk: mod_smtpd.h smtp.h smtp_core.c smtp_protocol.c

2005-08-22 Thread Rian Hunter
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 23:37, Garrett Rooney wrote:
  Modified: httpd/mod_smtpd/trunk/mod_smtpd.h
  --- httpd/mod_smtpd/trunk/mod_smtpd.h (original)
  +++ httpd/mod_smtpd/trunk/mod_smtpd.h Mon Aug 22 10:22:27 2005
  @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
  -  } smtpd_request_state;
  +  } smtpd_trans_state;
 typedef enum {
  @@ -72,78 +72,90 @@
 typedef struct smtpd_return_data {
   apr_pool_t *p;
  -char *msg;
  +/* list of messages
  +   null terminated */
  +char **msgs;
 Why is this a char **?  It seems kind of error prone to require the 
 module programmer to allocate and manage that array correctly, this 
 feels like another case where an APR array would potentially simplify 

Good point. I'll do this. Originally there was a reason why I didn't
want it to be a APR array, but that reason doesn't apply anymore.

 } smtpd_return_data;
  -  typedef struct smtpd_request_rec {
  +  typedef struct smtpd_trans_rec {
   apr_pool_t *p;
  -conn_rec *c;
  -server_rec *s;
  -/* spooled data file pointer */
  -apr_file_t *tfp;
   /* where are we in the current transaction */
  -smtpd_request_state state_vector;
  +smtpd_trans_state state_vector;
 Out of curiosity, why is this called a state_vector, there's only one 
 element, so it doesn't feel much like a vector to me (at least not in 
 the std::vector sense of the word from c++).

Well this is another thing from old code. Originally the state was a bit
vector, but now it's just incremental values so the name should
certainly change.

  +smtpd_getline(smtpd_conn_rec *scr, char *data, apr_size_t dlen)
  +  apr_status_t rc;
  +  apr_bucket *e;
  +  const char *str;
  +  char *pos, *last_char = data;
  +  apr_size_t len, bytes_handled = 0;
  +  while (1) {
  +rc = ap_get_brigade(scr-c-input_filters, scr-bb_in, AP_MODE_GETLINE,
  +   APR_BLOCK_READ, 0);
  +if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) return rc;
 Putting the body of the if statement on the same line as the if is kind 
 of sketchy IMO.  In particular it means that when you're single stepping 
 through the code in a debugger it's impossible to easily tell if the 
 statement is true or not based on the fact that you stepped onto that line.
 Also, APR_SUCCESS is defined to be zero, so you can write that in less 
 characters by saying:
 if (rc)
return rc;
 Although that's just a style thing.

I'll make a seperate change for this.

  +while(!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(scr-bb_in)) {
  +  e = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(scr-bb_in);
  +  rc = apr_bucket_read(e, str, len, APR_BLOCK_READ);
  +  if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) return rc;  
  +  apr_bucket_delete(e);
  +  if (len == 0) continue;
  +  /* Would this overrun our buffer?  If so, we'll die. */
  +  if (dlen  bytes_handled + len) {
  +   if (data) {
  + /* ensure this string is NUL terminated */
  + if (bytes_handled  0) {
  +   data[bytes_handled-1] = '\0';
  + }
  + else {
  +   data[0] = '\0';
  + }
  +   }
  +   return APR_ENOSPC;
  +  }
 The indentation in this section seems kind of screwed up.  Speaking of 
 indentation, none of the mod_smtpd code follows the httpd style 
 guidelines, if that's going to eventually change it might be good to get 
 it out of the way sooner rather than later, as those kind of changes 
 tend to obscure the revision history of the code.  See for details about the style 

I'll make a completely independent commit for style problems.

  -  apr_socket_t *csd=((core_net_rec *)r-input_filters-ctx)-client_socket;
  +  //  r-request_config  = ap_create_request_config(r-pool);
 C++ style comment.  This will break some C compilers.  Plus, it's an 
 example of leaving old code commented out in a function, which is a bad 
 habit to get into.  If the code has a reason to be there, at least leave 
 a comment as to why, if not, just kill it.
  -  r = smtpd_create_request(c);
  -  ap_update_child_status(r-connection-sbh, SERVER_BUSY_KEEPALIVE, r);
  +  scr = smtpd_create_conn_rec(c);
  +  //  ap_update_child_status(scr-c-sbh, SERVER_BUSY_KEEPALIVE, r);
 Another case of that...

I left that code in there just in case others knew how to change emulate
the same behavior. It was more like a note, but I should have definitely
commented on why it was there.


Thanks a lot! In the future I'll be a lot more careful about code I

Re: Supporting RBL in mod_smtpd

2005-08-19 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 19, 2005, at 9:58 AM, Brian J. France wrote:

On Aug 18, 2005, at 6:22 PM, Rian Hunter wrote:

Don't do this just yet, mod_smtpd is changing completely!  
completely = structures/io. I should commit my changes very soon  
so you can start working on this.

Any ETA on this?  I will be on a 4 hour flight on Monday and was  
going to download svn head to play with and try to start building  
some modules.

Hopefully later today I should have this completely done and checked in.

Re: Supporting RBL in mod_smtpd

2005-08-18 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 18, 2005, at 7:11 PM, Jem Berkes wrote:

Here is my current plan for introducing the RBL support in  
mod_smtpd, using

the existing mod_dnsbl_lookup which I posted earlier. This way of
accomplishing the RBL support should not require any code  
modification to
mod_smtpd itself. Nick and Rian, let me know if I should be going  

this a different way?

I thought the most modular fashion would be to create a  
mod_smtpd_rbl that

registers the following mod_smtpd hooks:
smtpd_run_connect (might deny service to connecting IP, per  

smtpd_run_mail (might deny service to this envelope domain, per loc)


These would query whitelists and blacklists, whatever is available.

I don't mind whipping up this bridging mod_smtpd_rbl module, but if it
seems excessive to introduce a new module for this purpose then the  
way of doing this would be to add the RBL supporting code into  


Don't do this just yet, mod_smtpd is changing completely! completely  
= structures/io. I should commit my changes very soon so you can  
start working on this.

Either way it's done, RBLs are still not required and  
mod_dnsbl_lookup does
not have to be present for mod_smtpd to function normally. However,  
a new bridging module has the advantage of leaving mod_smtpd code  
alone and

taking advantage of the hooks interface.


Re: [PATCH] use arrays in smtpd_request_rec

2005-08-16 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 15, 2005, at 10:05 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

Joe Schaefer wrote:

Garrett Rooney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Index: smtp_protocol.c
--- smtp_protocol.c(revision 232680)
+++ smtp_protocol.c(working copy)


+for (i = 0; i  sr-extensions-nelts; ++i) {
+  ap_rprintf(r, %d-%s\r\n, 250, ((char **)sr-extensions- 


That should be elts, shouldn't it?

Yes indeed, it should.  One of the problems with data structures  
that require casting in order to access what you've stored in  
them...  The version that Rian committed is slightly different, but  
still has the same problem.  I'd post a patch, but it's probably  
faster to fix it by hand than it is to detach a patch from an email  
and apply it.

Over in Subversion-land we have a couple of macros defined for  
dealing with apr arrays, they make it rather difficult to make this  
kind of mistake, and I'd love to see them in the main APR release,  
but the last time it was brought up I believe someone objected to  
their inclusion...


Fixed. I didn't even catch this because I don't test mod_smtpd with a  
plugin that registers extensions. Things like this beckon some kind  
of test suite module. Someone can get to this after mod_smtpd is redone.


Re: New mod_smtpd release

2005-08-16 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 16, 2005, at 6:37 AM, Nick Kew wrote:

Spooling and dealing with multiple recipients are things I'd like to
think about now.  ISTR posting about this before: I think each  

needs a separate request processing cycle, because each recipient may
have completely different processing rules.  Do you think we can deal
with that by creating a new suprequest for each recipient?  If so,
we'll need to allow filter hooks both before and after subrequesting,
and pass each one the spooled input data.

I've thought about this and it has sort of been an avoided topic but  
I think the current plan is that in smtpd_run_queue (the hook where  
modules should queue or deliver the message) each registered hook  
will be called with the recipient list and access to the message  
until one of them returns something other than SMTPD_DECLINED or  
SMTPD_OK (unlike smtpd_run_rcpt, which will stop when a module  
returns SMTPD_OK).

For instance let's say you have a mail message with two recipients:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you want each to be dealt  
with by different modules because one is a local address and one  
should be relayed. The modules are mod_smtpd_queue_local and  
mod_smtpd_queue_relay.  Both of the modules have some means of  
configuration which lets them know what email addresses they accept.  
When smtpd_run_queue is called on them, they only accept the email  
addresses they are configured for and ignore the rest. Of course if  
not one module returns SMTPD_OK then we respond with some sort of 4**  
error saying that we don't have a queue-er. When a server admin is  
configuring the accepted email addresses for each module he should be  
sure the their respective lists are mutually exclusive else he'll get  
the same addresses being handled by two modules which is probably bad  

This design seems to satisfy the modularity that I was expecting from  
mod_smtpd. Disabling local delivery or relay can be as simple as not  
loading a module in a server config. Maybe mod_smtpd can even specify  
a convention for email address acceptance lists like:

SmtpAcceptList my_list1 mysql://foo
SmtpAcceptList my_list2 regex:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

LocalQueueAccept my_list1
RelayQueueAccept my_list2

and mod_smtpd_queue_{local,relay} both know that they accept mail  
from my_list1 and my_list2 repectively.

The problem with this design is that you have repetitious string  
comparisons for each hook on smtp_run_queue. This is not a big  
problem except for when the recipient list is long (~40 recipients)  
and you have maybe three modules handling mail queuing. My short term  
solution is that each module remove mail addresses from the recipient  
list that they handled, so the list grows shorter as each queue hook  
is called (this also solves the problem of email addresses handled  
twice). Another short term fix for this is having mod_smtpd hash the  
recipient list (md5?) as another list passed so comparisons and  
lookups are quicker. I think this problem is a trade-off though for  
our modularity.

Either way, lacking header parsing in mod_smtpd is being   
impractically pedant since probably 99% of SMTP transfers involve   
messages in the RFC 2822/MIME formats. Although I think that  
maybe  there will be a plugin that wants data from the DATA  
command  verbatim. I still feel this needs some thought.

Agreed.  Maybe a hook for DATA could deal with pathological cases,  

normal header/body handling the default?  But I haven't thought it
through: I wasn't even aware of the notion of smtp-without-RFC(2)822.

I figure we'll have an input filter registered and if the data  
doesn't look like RFC-(2)822, then it passes it on verbatim.


Re: New mod_smtpd release

2005-08-16 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 16, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Nick Kew wrote:

Rian Hunter wrote:


I think I should have looked harder before replying ... looks
like you've done more than I realised.  I guess what I was
asking about slots easily in to data_post ?

Which question exactly?

Re: New mod_smtpd release

2005-08-15 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 15, 2005, at 10:22 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

Jem Berkes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well there's also another problem. RFC 2821 (SMTP) doesn't define a
particular message format for SMTP (in wide use there the RFC 822  
MIME message formats). I don't think that mod_smtpd should assume  
a  RFC
822 or MIME message format since its strictly a SMTP module,   
that's why

I agree with this

Now I'm confused; 2821 S-2.3.1 defines SMTP content as headers +  

What am I overlooking?

2821 s-2.3.1 says:

If the content conforms to other
contemporary standards, the headers form a collection of field/value
pairs structured as in the message format specification [32]; the
body, if structured, is defined according to MIME [12].

Personally I interpret this to mean that the content may not conform  
to other contemporary standards although I do doubt the existence  
of non-RFC 2822 header formats.

I still think header parsing should be in another module.  Of course
this module is free to register itself as an mod_smtpd  filter  
and do
what it needs to do, but it shouldn't be part of the  main  

If you put in into a separate module, that means there will be no  
which can expect the headers to be in r-headers_in.  So every hook  
needs them will need to parse it themselves, which seems absolutely  

Furthermore it is a requirement (MUST) for a 2821 compliant server
to implement loop detection.  That means at least one hook will  

care about the Received: headers, for every smtp transaction.  Why you
wouldn't want to provide an API for hook authors to use for inspecting
headers, seems like a very spartan choice,  which IMO is counter to  

spirit of httpd.

Well not exactly. A module that parses headers can register itself as  
an input_filter for mod_smtpd. It can parse the headers and the  
headers can be accessed by a get_smtpd_headers(request_rec*) function  
or similar exported by the parsing module, and modules that rely on  
this module will know about that API. This module can even be  
included with the default mod_smptd package. Do you agree that this  
is possible?

The module that implements loop detection could rely on that module  
and also be included with the defautl mod_smtpd package.

Either way, lacking header parsing in mod_smtpd is being  
impractically pedant since probably 99% of SMTP transfers involve  
messages in the RFC 2822/MIME formats. Although I think that maybe  
there will be a plugin that wants data from the DATA command  
verbatim. I still feel this needs some thought.


Re: [PATCH] use arrays in smtpd_request_rec (was Re: smtpd_request_rec questions)

2005-08-15 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 14, 2005, at 11:08 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

Rian Hunter wrote:

This patch looks good but I have some questions. You seem to use  
the  returned pointers from apr_array_push without checking if  
they are  NULL. Even in apr_array_push, apr_palloc is used without  
checking for  NULL even though apr_palloc can definitely return NULL.
Because of that, I'm not sure whether or not you don't check for  
NULL  on purpose. Could you explain? Thanks.

Well, it depends on what your general attitude towards checking for  
errors in memory allocation.  In many projects it's generally  
considered to be the kind of error you can't effectively recover  
from anyway, so cluttering up the code with if (foo == NULL) checks  
is kind of pointless, you're likely to have been killed by a kernel  
OOM checker before that can do anything useful, or you could be on  
an OS that doesn't even return NULL (memory overcommit), so the  
checks are pointless anyway.  The only way to be safe is to make  
sure that algorithmicly your program can't allocate unbounded  
amounts of memory, then tune your box and app so that this kind of  
problem doesn't happen in practice.

APR generally doesn't bother checking for this kind of error for  
just this reason, same with Subversion and if I'm not mistaken  
Apache HTTPD itself.


Thanks for this information! After looking at code in httpd it seems  
this is the case. I'll change the mod_smtpd code to reflect this  


Re: New mod_smtpd release

2005-08-14 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 14, 2005, at 1:22 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:


+  Virtual hosts a'la mod_ftpd don't work.

It does work like this:
Listen 80
Listen 25

NameVirtualHost *:80
NameVirtualHost *:25

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot htdocs

VirtualHost *:25
ServerName localhost
SmtpProtocol On


+  smtp_process_connection_internal should take a smtp_proto_rec  
+  (which is what the current smtp_request_rec struct should be  
renamed to).

I can easily rename smtpd_request_rec but I don't think I should pass  
it to smtpd_process_connection internal only because the hooks take a  
request_rec*. They need request_rec to use filters (even though i  
don't currently enable convenient use of filters yet).

Unless I add a member to smtpd_proto_rec that is a pointer to the  
related request_rec (solely so filters can work) and use  
smtpd_proto_rec as the main structure.

+  The request i/o is driven around ap_rgetline, when it really
+  should be using input filters.

I have to look a little more into this.

+  Link against libapreq2 so we can use its header and multipart  
+  apreq's header parser would help in implementing rfc2821 loop- 

+  and in providing the header collection as r-headers_in for data
+  hooks to examine.

Ideally header parsing should be done in an mod_smtpd plugin not in  


Re: mod_smtpd compile problem

2005-08-14 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 14, 2005, at 2:05 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

So I'm having a little trouble getting mod_smtpd to compile, once I  
fixed up the configure script to find apxs and apache correctly, I  
end up with the following error:

$ make
/usr/bin/apxs2 -Wc,-Wall  -o -c smtp_core.c  
/usr/bin/libtool --silent --mode=compile gcc -prefer-pic -pipe -I/ 
usr/include/xmltok -I/usr/include/openssl -Wall -O2 - 
-I/usr/include/xmltok -I/usr/include/openssl -Wall -O2 -pthread -I/ 
usr/include/apache2  -I/usr/include/apr-0   -I/usr/include/apr-0 -I/ 
usr/include -Wall  -c -o smtp_core.lo smtp_core.c  touch  

smtp_core.c: In function `register_hooks':
smtp_core.c:348: error: `default_queue' undeclared (first use in  
this function)
smtp_core.c:348: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported  
only once

smtp_core.c:348: error: for each function it appears in.)
smtp_core.c:349: error: `default_rcpt' undeclared (first use in  
this function)

apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
make: *** [] Error 1

Sorry I removed one part of code and not the other.

Re: smtpd_request_rec questions

2005-08-14 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 14, 2005, at 4:21 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

I was just looking at the smtpd_request_rec in mod_smtpd, and I had  
a few questions.

It seems that extensions and rcpt info is being stored in an  
apr_hash_t, but it's only being keyed by integer.  If you're only  
going to use ints as keys, it seems like an apr_array_header_t  
would be more appropriate.  Also, while the extensions has is  
specifically allocating its keys, the rcpt_to hash is reusing the  
r_index variable each time, so if more than one entry is added  
things aren't going to work, since that location in memory is  
having its value changed after its been used as a key.

Anyway, I'd be happy to produce patches to either switch to an  
array or fix the key issue in the rcpt_to section, depending on  
which way we want to go.  Personally, I'd prefer the array version  


Ah I didn't even realize the key allocation, I'll fix that. Thanks!

The reason I don't use an apr_array_t or similar is that I thought  
that the number of elements in that type has to be fixed and can't be  
automatically extended and allocated on the fly, If I'm wrong I can  
change these structures to use apr_array_t (or you can send in a  
patch if you like).


Re: New mod_smtpd release

2005-08-14 Thread Rian Hunter

On Aug 14, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

Rian Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Aug 14, 2005, at 1:22 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

+  smtp_process_connection_internal should take a smtp_proto_rec
+  argument (which is what the current smtp_request_rec struct
+  should be  renamed to).

I can easily rename smtpd_request_rec but I don't think I should pass
it to smtpd_process_connection internal only because the hooks take a

The hooks can still take a request_rec, but IMO the protocol's
state management shouldn't be done from a request_rec.  I'd
still like to see one request correspond to one MAIL FROM/RCPT TO/DATA
sequence, so that whenever the state gets reset, the whole request_rec
pool gets cleaned up.

This make sense. smtpd_request_rec does what you say. After looking  
at smtp_core.c it seems that request_rec isn't really something  
needed for mod_smtpd (and really never was). After figuring out the  
input filters situation, i'll probably do away with request_rec  
(since it isn't needed for connection-level filters) and just stick  
to smtpd_proto_rec. Any objections?

They need request_rec to use filters (even though i
don't currently enable convenient use of filters yet).

The request_rec slot can be NULL for connection-level filters.
But I'd create a request_rec sometime before I added an smtp protocol
filter, which would just do the .-decoding, similar to how
http_in deals with TE.

Yeah I agree.

Ideally header parsing should be done in an mod_smtpd plugin not in

I respectfully disagree, because I'd like different hooks to have  
state information available to them through the request_rec.  In  
I'd like to see the smtp filtering API match httpd, by first  
parsing the

headers, but passing the rest of the data through r-input_filters,
with smtp_in translating the final . line into an EOS bucket.

Well there's also another problem. RFC 2821 (SMTP) doesn't define a  
particular message format for SMTP (in wide use there the RFC 822 and  
MIME message formats). I don't think that mod_smtpd should assume a  
RFC 822 or MIME message format since its strictly a SMTP module,  
that's why I still think header parsing should be in another module.  
Of course this module is free to register itself as an mod_smtpd  
filter and do what it needs to do, but it shouldn't be part of the  
main mod_smtpd. The modules that will specifically rely on this  
header parsing module will know how to obtain the header information  
using the conventions specified by that parsing module.


Re: [PATCH] use arrays in smtpd_request_rec (was Re: smtpd_request_rec questions)

2005-08-14 Thread Rian Hunter
This patch looks good but I have some questions. You seem to use the  
returned pointers from apr_array_push without checking if they are  
NULL. Even in apr_array_push, apr_palloc is used without checking for  
NULL even though apr_palloc can definitely return NULL.

Because of that, I'm not sure whether or not you don't check for NULL  
on purpose. Could you explain? Thanks.


On Aug 14, 2005, at 8:52 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

Garrett Rooney wrote:

Rian Hunter wrote:

Ah I didn't even realize the key allocation, I'll fix that. Thanks!

The reason I don't use an apr_array_t or similar is that I  
thought  that the number of elements in that type has to be fixed  
and can't be  automatically extended and allocated on the fly, If  
I'm wrong I can  change these structures to use apr_array_t (or  
you can send in a  patch if you like).

APR arrays are variable length, you use apr_array_push and  
apr_array_pop to add and remove entries.  I'll throw together the  
patch sometime today.

And here's the patch.  This is totally untested, since I haven't  
yet gotten around to making mod_smtpd do anything other than  
compile yet, but it's pretty simple and should give you an idea of  
what I meant.


* mod_smtpd.h
   smtpd_request_rec::r_index): removed.
   smtpd_request_rec::rcpt_to): change from a hash to an array.

* smtp_core.c
  (smtpd_register_extension): push the extension onto the array.
  (smtpd_clear_request_rec): allocate the new arrays.

* smtp_protocol.c
  (helo): remove ext and ext_next variables, iterate over the array
   instead of doing backflips to iterate over the hash.
  (rcpt): remove new_elt variable, just push the rcpt address onto
   the array.
Index: mod_smtpd.h
--- mod_smtpd.h(revision 232680)
+++ mod_smtpd.h(working copy)
@@ -90,16 +90,13 @@
 // by default smtp
 smtpd_protocol_type extended;

-// current max index of the extension hash
-int e_index;
-apr_hash_t *extensions;
+apr_array_header_t *extensions;

 // string of who this mail is from
 char *mail_from;
-// current max index of the rcpt_to hash
-int r_index;
-apr_hash_t *rcpt_to;

+apr_array_header_t *rcpt_to;
 // hostname we were helo'd with
 char *helo;
   } smtpd_request_rec;
Index: smtp_protocol.c
--- smtp_protocol.c(revision 232680)
+++ smtp_protocol.c(working copy)
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@

   int i = 0, retval = 0;
-  char *ext = NULL, *ext_next;
   smtpd_request_rec *sr = smtpd_get_request_rec(r);

   if (buffer[0] == '\0') {
@@ -161,21 +160,13 @@

   // print out extension
-  ext = apr_hash_get(sr-extensions, i, sizeof(i));
   retval = 250;

-  if (ext) {
+  if (sr-extensions-nelts) {
 ap_rprintf(r, %d-%s\r\n, 250, sr-helo);
-while (1) {
-  i++;
-  if ((ext_next = apr_hash_get(sr-extensions, i, sizeof(i {
-ap_rprintf(r, %d-%s\r\n, 250, ext);
-  } else {
-ap_rprintf(r, %d %s\r\n, 250, ext);
-  }
-  ext = ext_next;
+for (i = 0; i  sr-extensions-nelts; ++i) {
+  ap_rprintf(r, %d-%s\r\n, 250, ((char **)sr-extensions- 

   } else {
 ap_rprintf(r, %d %s\r\n, 250, sr-helo);
@@ -344,7 +335,6 @@
   char *loc;
   char *allocated_string;
   int retval = 0;
-  int *new_elt;

   // need mail first
   if ((sr-state_vector != SMTPD_STATE_GOT_MAIL) 
@@ -413,19 +403,8 @@
   // add a recipient

   if ((allocated_string = apr_pstrdup(sr-p, loc))) {
-new_elt = apr_palloc(sr-p, sizeof(int));
+(*((char **)apr_array_push(sr-rcpt_to))) = allocated_string;

-if (!new_elt) {
-  ap_rprintf(r, %d %s\r\n, 421, Error: Internal);
-  // out of memory close connection
-  retval = 0;
-  goto end;
-*new_elt = sr-r_index;
-apr_hash_set(sr-rcpt_to, new_elt,
- sizeof(*new_elt), allocated_string);
 sr-state_vector = SMTPD_STATE_GOT_RCPT;

 ap_rprintf(r, %d %s\r\n, 250, Ok);
Index: smtp_core.c
--- smtp_core.c(revision 232680)
+++ smtp_core.c(working copy)
@@ -127,11 +127,7 @@
 smtpd_register_extension(smtpd_request_rec *sr, const char *line)
-  int *cur = apr_palloc(sr-p, sizeof(int));
-  *cur = sr-e_index;
-  apr_hash_set(sr-extensions, cur, sizeof(*cur), line);
-  (sr-e_index)++;
+  (*((char **)apr_array_push(sr-extensions))) = apr_pstrdup(sr- 
p, line);


 // how to reset the transaction
@@ -154,10 +150,8 @@
   sr-state_vector = SMTPD_STATE_GOT_NOTHING;
   sr-tfp = NULL;
   sr-extended = SMTPD_PROTOCOL_SMTP;
-  sr-e_index = 0;
-  sr-extensions = apr_hash_make(sr-p);
-  sr-r_index = 0;
-  sr-rcpt_to = apr_hash_make(sr-p);
+  sr-extensions = apr_array_make(sr-p

New mod_smtpd release

2005-08-12 Thread Rian Hunter


I've checked in mod_smtpd 0.9 and its API should be completely frozen  
by now. This version of mod_smtpd is heavily based on Qpsmtpd, so the  
same extensibility you expect from Qpsmtpd can be achieved with this  
version of mod_smtpd. I haven't written any documentation yet but  
here is a quick run-down of how to use it:

In your httpd.conf, make sure you have SmtpProtocol On, if you are  
setting up a virtualhost make sure the virtualHost container has the  
ServerName directive (duh).

This version of mod_smtpd is callback based, very similar to Qpsmtpd.  
Here is a list of all the hooks you can register:


You can register a hook to one of these by calling:

APR_OPTIONAL_HOOK(smtpd, /* hook name */ vrfy, /* function address */  
default_vrfy, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);

In your register hooks function. Each hook you register should return  
smtpd_retcode, to see what retcodes make sense for each callback you  
should look at smtp_protocol.c until I write better documentation. To  
see what argument each different type of hook takes look at smtp_core.c.

The code is very small and simple and shouldn't be too hard to figure  
out if you're familiar with apache modules. Currently it works with  
httpd 2.0 and up.

You can checkout this code out from:

Have Fun!

httpd 2.1 and ap_hook_create_request()

2005-07-24 Thread Rian Hunter
While working on mod_smtpd and verifying it works with current httpd  
I had a problem getting the ap_rgetline function to properly work  
without calling ap_run_create_request(). I figured the root of this  
problem was that core.c registers a net time filter that sets a  
default timeout on the socket in its create_request hook. It isn't an  
issue to call ap_run_create_request similar to how its done in  
http_core.c the only problem is that the create_request hook  
registered in http_core.c adds filters irrelevant to mod_smtpd  
(namely http_header_filter).

My temporary solution to this problem is to call  
apr_socket_timeout_set() on the socket in r-input_filters-ctx- 
client_socket manually without calling ap_run_create_request().  
This seems a little dirty to me, but I'm not completely sure.

Is a call to ap_run_create_request() relevant for a module like  
mod_smtpd, or is my temporary solution to ignore it correct enough?  
If calling ap_run_create_request should be necessary for a module  
like mod_smtpd, then other modules shouldn't register filters on the  
request_rec without checking if its the appropriate protocol/request.


Re: Initial mod_smtpd code.

2005-07-20 Thread Rian Hunter

On Jul 19, 2005, at 7:39 PM, Jorge Schrauwen wrote:

Wouldn't something like

ServerAlias internal_dev
ErrorLog logs/error.log
TransferLog logs/access.log
SMTP On # like with mod_dav (dav on)

so reusing existing command, then this main an user of

lets call him

that the following addresse point to the same.

this seems to be more logical to me.

Personally I think this is too much reuse of configuration in a  
context that may not make sense to a user or admin. Either way, conf  
like that is irrelevant to core mod_smtpd.


Re: Initial mod_smtpd code.

2005-07-19 Thread Rian Hunter
Nifty! I had some compilation problems involving regex, so in the  
attached patch I use ap_regex.h and change some defines. Hope this  
doesn't break anything.

that was a good idea, ap_regex.h was implictly getting included for me.

The other bug I partially fixed was, strstr in smtp_protocol.c only  
does exact matches so uppercase commands like MAIL FROM would fail.  
I added support for the upper case, but this needs to be improved  
still because mixed case doesn't work. Is there an APR function  
like stristr?

agh i forgot about an upper case FROM: or TO:.  
process_smtp_connection_internal() already lowercases the actual  
command, but not the rest of the params. Either MAIL from: or RCPT  
to: would work, but not FROM or TO. Anyway, stristr can be easily  
hacked by calling strstr with two lowercased strings.

The overall structure and the approach you took is very nice, easy  
to understand. I would recommend adding a hook immediately upon the  
client connection, because an external module (maybe for DNSBLs, or  
some rate limiting control) might not even want us to return a  
greeting at all -- i.e. close with 554 Service unavailable right  

Hmm. That sounds like a good idea, maybe there already is a hook  
defined that could deal with this, I'll look into it.

But I like what you have, would be happy to keep working around  
this design.

Thanks! Do you now have svn access? After I apply your patches I'll  
see about checking this in so more of us can deal with this code. It  
sucks that most are busy with ApacheCon right now.


Re: Initial mod_smtpd code.

2005-07-19 Thread Rian Hunter

On Jul 19, 2005, at 6:51 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
the problem i found when i did my poc is when there is in the  
different destination email. It's difficult here to keep the  

It would be nice to keep a conf file like

or SmtpRelay host


Yes.  I think there is a logical difficulty here.   

is run before process_smtp_connection_internal, and the design doesn't
allow for multiple recipients to be processed differently.

My own feeling was that multiple recipients require a request each.
Maybe we could get that in your design by creating a subrequest
for each RCPT TO?

This is possible but I'm not sure what the advantage is. Would you  
mind setting up a hypothetical situation where this is necessary? I  
figure that ultimately the handler will be responsible for dealing  
with each rcpt to differently.

Early on I wanted configuration possibility similar to:
Listen 21
VirtualHost *:21
# mod_smtpd conf
  SmtpProtocol On
SetHandler unix-module

# mod_smtpd_unix
Relay On

# mod_smtpd_easyfilter
# matches against email in MAIL TO: smtp command
RegexMailTo /$/
SetHandler maildir-module

# mod_smtpd_maildir conf
MaildirBase /usr/local/virtual
MailboxLimit 50M

# Simple spam filter using mod_smtpd_easyfilter
# Default handler does nothing with mail message
RegexHeader Subject /cialis/
SetHandler none

In the case of this httpd.conf embedded filtering mechanism, I  
figured the handlers could be changed based on the certain RegExs  
right before ap_run_handler() was called. Maybe ap_run_fixups() could  
be called, and my hypothetical mod_smtpd_easyfilter would have a  
fixups hook where it accomplished something similar to this  
situation. Although after thinking about it I realize now that  
mod_smtpd_easyfilter couldn't set different handlers for different  
rcpt tos. Is this what you meant?

I think this requires some more thought considering different smtp  
connections and server requirements. The main drawback to sub- 
requesting each rcpt to is that we have two different handlers trying  
to read data from the socket. Is this problem solved by spooling the  
data, and letting the two separate requests read from the spool bucket?


Initial mod_smtpd code.

2005-07-17 Thread Rian Hunter


This is my first attempt at writing an experimental version of  
mod_smtpd. I don't yet have svn access yet so this code can be  
downloaded from

This implementation shows my vision for mod_smtpd and it isn't  
perfect, so please test/look at the code and think about where its  
method of extensibility works and doesn't work. This implementation  
is different from Jem's view of hooks for each smtp command (i do  
something similar but not so drastic as hooks for each smtp command,  
i have a apr_hash_t with function pointers for each different smtp  

Jem/Paul/Nick: I'm especially interested in what you think about the  
design I've laid out in this implementation.


Re: Questions from a newbie

2005-07-03 Thread Rian Hunter

Jem Berkes wrote:
For example, for SMTP support we are contemplating the protocol unit 
(mod_smtpd) passing on mail to a module that specifically delivers mail. 
How do those two entities communicate with each other? A 
mod_smtp_deliver would get a potentially large chunk of data (const 
char* ?) from mod_smtpd and deliver the mail via procmail, etc. This is 
a loose binding by the way since all received mails do not necessarily 
have to be delivered.

I was thinking of calling the handlers, and letting the handlers read 
from the input_filters list in the request_rec, check out the 
ap_rgetline function. Does this sound like a bad idea to you? any 
security issues? The other solution (letting mod_smtpd read the whole 
thing into a buffer and then passing the buffer) seems way too memory 
hungry for me.


mod_smtpd design.

2005-07-01 Thread Rian Hunter


Currently there are two approaches we are looking at for mod_smtpd. We 
can use the existing request_rec structure, and store smtp specific data 
in a structure stucture in the r-request conf vector. With this we can 
reuse some of the existing core hooks that make sense (handler, 
create_request) while also adding some new ones for smtp (envelope, 
called after all necessary commands have been sent). The downside is 
that a lot of the request_rec members are extraneous for smtp.

The other approach is to use a custom smtp_request_rec structure for an 
smtp session. This has the advantage/disadvantage of defining new hooks 
only necessary for smtp, but the disadvantage is that currently in httpd 
2.x filters that alter content data require a valid request_rec. It 
would be possible to pass a bogus request_rec with the filters set to 
ap_add_*_filter*() (or ap_run_insert_filter() so we let reuse core's 
handle the Set(Out|In)putFilter directive), except that seems a little 
hackish to me.

Currently a session specific smtp data structure will have the fields:
(string) (he|eh)lo argument
(string) mail from argument
(string) rctp to argument

a module specific data structure wlil have the fields
(table) supported smtp extensions (could be extended by other modules 
with ap_run_post_config())

(bool) smtp enabled?
(string) server identifier (mod_smtpd by default)

Since filters are something of great importance to mod_smtpd, i'm 
leaning toward keeping request_rec, and storing session specific data in 
r-request_conf, although I am very open to doing away with request_rec 
completely and definining new hooks (which also means adding new handler 
directives, eg. SetSmtpHandler). Anyone have any thoughts and additional 

Here is a list of hooks i was thinking that mod_smtpd should call:

ap_hook_auth_checker /* maybe this one after helo, mail from, rcpt
to but before data */
ap_hook_create_request   /* after the request_rec has been created */
ap_hook_fixups   /* right before calling handler */
ap_hook_handler  /* called to handle request or session */
ap_hook_insert_filter/* right before calling handler */

either ap_hook_auth_checker or a new hook we'll define for smtp 
(tentatively called envelope). that's still up in the air. If we go 
with the discarding request_rec design, basically we'll still call these 
logical hooks.

Are there any complications I've overlooked? Any criticism or comments 
are very welcome!!


more mod_smtpd stuff [was Summer of Code]

2005-07-01 Thread Rian Hunter

Jem Berkes wrote:

To address one of the points brought up on IRC, if there is actually a
non-experimental target for this software any time soon it would make
more sense to support the 2.0 server as I think few production servers
would be running 2.1?  I'm just speaking from what I saw, that is,
among my colleagues I do not know anyone who has tried Apache 2.1 yet.
 Many are still stuck at 1.3, but those people suck anyway :)

I think that deciding between 2.1 and 2.0 isn't a big deal since we can 
have source compatibility between them. You do make a good point when 
you mention all the poeple who still use 1.3. I think we should support 
2.0, although (i'm not trying to sound negative) I'm pretty sure that 
most of the people that will be using mod_smtpd will be people writing 
specialized smtp setups (and running the latest httpd anyway) and not 
people who run production mail servers, even though mod_smtpd will be 
powerful enough to be a production mail server i just think sys admins 
are more stubborn about changing their mail server setup than the web 
server setup.


Re: mod_smtpd design.

2005-07-01 Thread Rian Hunter

Ben Laurie wrote:
Another approach still would require a fairly large change to the core 
and many modules, but it strikes me as a better option...

struct http_data {

struct smtp_data {

struct request_rec {
. /* common stuff */
struct http_data *http;
struct smtp_data *smtp;

If there was going to be a large change to core, request_rec and friends 
how about:

struct request_rec {
/* common stuff */
char *protocol_name; // different from r-protocol,
 // but maybe doesn't have to be
struct ap_conf_vector_t *request_config;

The request_config vector would store all the protocol specific data. 
Protocol_name would be so modules new what they were dealing with. To 
retrieve protocol specific data define this in each protocol module:

smtpd_request_rec *get_smtpd_request(request_rec *r) {
return ap_get_module_config(r-request_config, MODULE_NAME);

Then in handler modules:

type misc_smtp_handler(request_rec *r) {
smtpd_request_rec *smtp_data;

if (strncmp(http, r-protocol_name, 4)) {
// decline to handle, this module doesn't handle
// http requests.
//then get smtpd specific data
smtp_data = get_smtpd_request(r);

// do some handlin'

The advantage to this approach is a less bulky (but more all 
encompassing) request_rec with support for an arbitrary amount of 
protocols and protocol specific data.


Re: mod_smtpd design.

2005-07-01 Thread Rian A Hunter
Quoting Garrett Rooney [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Rian Hunter wrote:
  type misc_smtp_handler(request_rec *r) {
  smtpd_request_rec *smtp_data;
  if (strncmp(http, r-protocol_name, 4)) {
  // decline to handle, this module doesn't handle
  // http requests.
  //then get smtpd specific data
  smtp_data = get_smtpd_request(r);
  // do some handlin'
  The advantage to this approach is a less bulky (but more all 
  encompassing) request_rec with support for an arbitrary amount of 
  protocols and protocol specific data.
 Rather than inserting dozens of strcmps all throught the processing, I'd 
 prefer to store an int identifying the protocol, and just have a simple 
 compare.  No reason to burn CPU on the strcmp if we don't have to.

The reason I suggested a strcmp is that it gives freedom to module developers to
set and implement any protocol they like. Doing integer comparisons would
require us to maintain a list of official integer-protocol mappings, but
there may be other ways to approach it without having that constraint. Maybe we
can use the official iana port description list to specifiy protocols like 80
means http, 25 means smtp, 143 means imap etc.

Re: mod_smtpd project planning

2005-06-30 Thread Rian Hunter

Paul A Houle wrote:

Jem Berkes wrote:

Hi all, I'm another student working on mod_smtpd

Been running httpd 2.x since it appeared, but am new to development.

   What does mod_smtpd do?  Is it a sendmail replacer or does it let 
people request content via smtp or what?

It's a SMTP protocol frontend for httpd. It will have the power to be a 
sendmail replacer or to supply content via SMTP because it will delegate 
most of the actual handling to other modules. All the details haven't 
been worked out yet, but it will make use of the Apache 2.x filters and 
handlers. For Instance:

[core] - [mod_smtpd] - [mod_insert_special_use_mail_handler]

a setup like that could be used, but let's say you want to filter out 
junk mail. Use an input filter!

[core] - [mod_smtpd] - [mod_junk_mail_filter] - [mod_other_thing]

No rewrite! The handler can be anything and the possibilities are 
endless (just like in httpd). As a proof of concept we will probably 
write or reuse a basic delivery module.

Another upside to this is that lets say you want to implement a new 
proprietary feature for SMTP (like a content supplier). Your modules 
just has to register which extensions it supports (for a response to the 
ehlo command), and you don't have to worry about the details of writing 
a new SMTP server when most of the tedious work has already been taken 
care of.
