Re: javax.faces.ViewState hidden field

2006-12-20 Thread Jacob Hookom
JSF 1.2 standardized on the identifier: javax.faces.ViewState, previous 
versions of JSF 1.1 (myfaces and RI) each had their own identifiers 
which caused difficulties for component developers

lightbulb432 wrote:

What is the purpose of the hidden field named javax.faces.ViewState, and how
does it differ from the following hidden fields:
- jsf_view_64
- jsf_tree_64

Also, I noticed some sample HTML outputs from JSF, and they had multiple
javax.faces.ViewState hidden fields throughout the page. I also noticed each
hidden field was on a separate table (i.e. no table had more than one
javax.faces.ViewState), and that each occurrence of the hidden field had
exactly the same value. Finally, I noticed that some tables on the page had
this hidden field and others did not.
Any component has the option of rendering the ViewState, traditionally 
this is done at the start or tail of an h:form's rendered output.  Some 
developers still put in multiple/separate h:forms in a page, forcing the 
ViewState to be rendered within each form/scope.  A common practice is 
to always put a single h:form around all of your content.  This can be 
done easily if you use templating languages like Facelets where all of 
your pages use one parent template that has one h:form around everything.

What determines whether a table has this hidden field or not?
It's up to the components you use for the most part, except the the 
enforced case of h:form.

I was just amazed by the huge inefficiency in having to transfer 3x the
hidden form field data (when each hidden field value is so large as it is)
when they all have the exact same value! Would this be a good case to use
server-side state saving, because the bandwidth not doing so would eat up
would be huge, right?
I'd be surprised what component would be rendering the page state 
multiple times if not multiple h:forms in the page.  Since 
javax.faces.ViewState is now a standard identifier, components with 
JavaScript logic for postback (ala AJAX) could easily pull out the 
ViewState from that one DOM source in the page instead of requiring a 
separate render.  There are outlining issues with repeated 
javax.faces.ViewState nodes in the page and sharing the same identifier 
(DOM no-no), but we can get around this by rendering:

id="javax.faces.ViewState" value=""/>
id="javax.faces.ViewState0" value=""/>
id="javax.faces.ViewState1" value=""/>

javax.faces.ViewState hidden field

2006-12-20 Thread lightbulb432

What is the purpose of the hidden field named javax.faces.ViewState, and how
does it differ from the following hidden fields:
- jsf_view_64
- jsf_tree_64

Also, I noticed some sample HTML outputs from JSF, and they had multiple
javax.faces.ViewState hidden fields throughout the page. I also noticed each
hidden field was on a separate table (i.e. no table had more than one
javax.faces.ViewState), and that each occurrence of the hidden field had
exactly the same value. Finally, I noticed that some tables on the page had
this hidden field and others did not.

What determines whether a table has this hidden field or not?

I was just amazed by the huge inefficiency in having to transfer 3x the
hidden form field data (when each hidden field value is so large as it is)
when they all have the exact same value! Would this be a good case to use
server-side state saving, because the bandwidth not doing so would eat up
would be huge, right?
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Sent from the My Faces - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Reason behind jsf_sequence?

2006-12-20 Thread Jacob Hookom
When a postback occurs, the ViewState is restored from the previous 
request-- in the case of:

The ViewState is serialized and posted back to the server-- so you could 
render a page, come back 5 hours later and click a button, sending the 
state you have stored in the page back to the server for use.

The ViewState is stored on the server, so the page only has a sequence 
number to identify, on postback, which rendered state we should use.

lightbulb432 wrote:

That's a good point. Few follow ups below:

1) Could you please explain what, on a high level, the general algorithm
used by the server would be to see whether the state is part of the same
"sequence" of activities? e.g. if I open up two windows and am doing two
different things at the same time, couldn't potentially the jsf_sequences in
the first window be 1,3,5,7,9... and for the second window be 2,4,6,8,10...?
There is no continuity with ViewState-- nor is there an expectation on 
the 'sequence' of identifiers, it could be any unique number.  
Theoretically, you could store ViewState globally in the application 
scope, handing out identifiers from one, shared sequence number.

So I think there's some confusion with the term 'sequence' here, since 
it should just be 'unique id' or 'primary key'

How would the server generally tell which came from which window using
Because each window would postback the id rendered in that page, telling 
the server which ViewState to associate to process update/action logic.

2) A somewhat related question I have is what is the difference between the
back button problem for client-side and server-side state saving? From what
I've read in articles/posts/books, I get the impression that it's a bigger
problem with server-side than client-side state saving (e.g. even your post
singled out server-side). I know that the state is stored in the actual page
as a hidden field with client-side, but I can't conceptualize how that
solves the problem...after all, if you hit the back button, aren't you
looking at an outdated component tree even with client-side, because that's
what the hidden field has stored?
When you use client-side state saving, you, the client, are always 
passing in the page state you are currently viewing, there's no 
opportunity to become disjoint from the server state because it's all on 
the client.

Original implementations of server-side state did not have any 
uid/sequence associated, so as you hit the back and forward button, 
there was opportunity for disconnect on what version of 'main.faces' you 
were actually working with.  Since server-side state now pases a 
uid/sequence on postback, there's no question as to which version of 
'main.faces' you were currently viewing.

3) You mentioned that jsf_sequence is used with server-side state saving,
but I've noticed it in client-side state-saving's generated HTML as well.
Could you perhaps describe how it would be used with client-side? (Same
reason as for server-side? I'm basically wondering why you singled out
server-side...maybe it'll have something to do with the response to my
question #2...)
jsf_sequence may be used or rendered for other reasons, but i don't 
think it's necessary to supplement client-side statesaving since the 
rendered Base64 string *is* the viewstate and not just some identifier.

-- Jacob

Thanks a lot.

Jacob Hookom wrote:

If it's like the RI, the reasoning is to accommodate the back button issue
with server-side state saving.  It would be wrong to assume/associate a
single state with a page given multiple windows and back button use. 
Using a sequence adds a level of uniqueness to state which is equal to

'page + sequence id'.

I've been noticing in my output a jsf_sequence hidden form field that
increments on what seems to be each request. What's the reason for such an
incrementing hidden field?

Does it have something to do with this "back button issue"? If so, how?

I tried using a debugger but quickly got overwhelmed... :(
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Sent from the My Faces - Dev mailing list archive at



RE: Reason behind jsf_sequence?

2006-12-20 Thread lightbulb432

That's a good point. Few follow ups below:

1) Could you please explain what, on a high level, the general algorithm
used by the server would be to see whether the state is part of the same
"sequence" of activities? e.g. if I open up two windows and am doing two
different things at the same time, couldn't potentially the jsf_sequences in
the first window be 1,3,5,7,9... and for the second window be 2,4,6,8,10...?

How would the server generally tell which came from which window using

2) A somewhat related question I have is what is the difference between the
back button problem for client-side and server-side state saving? From what
I've read in articles/posts/books, I get the impression that it's a bigger
problem with server-side than client-side state saving (e.g. even your post
singled out server-side). I know that the state is stored in the actual page
as a hidden field with client-side, but I can't conceptualize how that
solves the problem...after all, if you hit the back button, aren't you
looking at an outdated component tree even with client-side, because that's
what the hidden field has stored?

3) You mentioned that jsf_sequence is used with server-side state saving,
but I've noticed it in client-side state-saving's generated HTML as well.
Could you perhaps describe how it would be used with client-side? (Same
reason as for server-side? I'm basically wondering why you singled out
server-side...maybe it'll have something to do with the response to my
question #2...)

Thanks a lot.

Jacob Hookom wrote:
> If it's like the RI, the reasoning is to accommodate the back button issue
> with server-side state saving.  It would be wrong to assume/associate a
> single state with a page given multiple windows and back button use. 
> Using a sequence adds a level of uniqueness to state which is equal to
> 'page + sequence id'.
>>I've been noticing in my output a jsf_sequence hidden form field that
>>increments on what seems to be each request. What's the reason for such an
>>incrementing hidden field?
>>Does it have something to do with this "back button issue"? If so, how?
>>I tried using a debugger but quickly got overwhelmed... :(
>>View this message in context: 
>>Sent from the My Faces - Dev mailing list archive at

View this message in context:
Sent from the My Faces - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: IDEA: client-side state manager that restores majority of saved state from initial tree state

2006-12-20 Thread Jacob Hookom
Adam Winer (Oracle ADF), Ed Burns (JSF Co-Spec Lead), and myself talked 
about this in combination with Facelets at JavaOne last year, we 
actually have some numbers generated:
(video, excuse my Minnesota slang)

Facelets currently does have an option to build a tree completely on 
post back as an alternative to StateSaving, some of this (theory) is 
described here:

Some caveats occur with UIInputs default behavior for 
ValueChangeListeners instead of comparing the sent value to the bound 
variable, it instead compares to the last value rendered-- preventing a 
stateless postback from firing ValueChangeEvents.  There are others-- 
but the moral is that any state stored should be an extreme rarity if we 
can assert a consistent component model (everything is a UIComponent). 
JSF's unique approach to View/Model separation only re-enforces the 
perspective of UIComponents as pure mediators for the request (render or 
postback).  JSF's rules around Client Id generation and API methods such 
as findComponent and invokeOnComponent prove that we can do some pretty 
cool things with structual consistency.  I would like to see this 
re-architected for JSF 2.0 such that only sparse usages of a @Stateful 
annotation on a UIComponent's member field is required and viewstate can 
then stay below a few hundred bytes instead of a few hundred kilobytes, 
stateless in most cases unless you have some 'counter' component.

With frameworks such as JMaki, Dojo, YUI-Ext, etc-- we are seeing a 
strong push to componentize within the browser via JavaScript-- well, as 
we talked about in our JavaOne presentation-- there's usually some 
server-side facet to mediate the communication.  Many of these 
frameworks require development of separate endpoints, but if we take 
something like JSF's specific rules for page/clientId negotiation-- then 
we can start to combine/relate these components in a richer fashion on 
the server.  Many solutions such as JMake, Dojo, and GWT try to mediate 
multiple events on the client, resulting in 5 or 6 separate 
request/responses to complete a task on the client (even initial load)-- 
where the Avatar/Ajax4jsf solutions can deliver multiple changes from 
their UIComponent counterparts in a single request/response, while 
keeping within the full JEE stack on the server--

-- Jacob

Thomas Spiegl wrote:

Maybe you can take a look at the Trinidad approach. I think Trinidad
solves state-saving more effective than tomahawk or myfaces does.

On 12/20/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm a fan of client-side state saving.   It solves a lot of issues 
for me.

However, there's no doubt that it requires more bandwidth due to
saving the entire component tree state in a hidden input field.

I wonder how much of this is really necessary.   I'm guessing 90% of
the state saved is simply constant for a given page.The two
examples I can think of where this wouldn't be true would be the
localValue for a UIInput or java code that directly manipulates a

It seems like the state manager could preserve (or recreate) the
original state of the component from the page code, compare that state
with the current state of the component, and then mark it with a
boolean value (didStateChange).

For most components, this would result in a save state size of one
boolean (no more than a char, and could probably even been put into a
bit array if one needed to.

For components whose state did differ from the original state, it
would require one additional boolean value.

This should work for any JSF implementation.

A clever implementation could go a step further and separate the state
saved into "state that rarely differs" and "state that always differs
(UIInput localValue, for instance)" so as to reduce even the 10%

So we'd be trading off network (and html size) bandwidth for
server-side processing (or perhaps memory if you were willing to cache
original page states in the application).

Anyone else have any thoughts on this idea?

Re: MyFaces 1.1.5 Release Status?

2006-12-20 Thread Aneesha Govil

On 12/21/06, Jeff Bischoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem with this is
that, despite lengthening your release cycle, you are still having
trouble with release stability. In order to achieve this stability, you
either need to be willing to branch for extensive testing before a
release (even though it is meanwhile "getting out of date"). Or, you can
take a look at ideas like Paul Spencer's idea for following a Tomcat
style of release.

If you're going to be releasing code that is only a few days or a week
fresh from the trunk, then you're going to need to start releasing
maintenance updates to gradually add to their stability. I'm just a
humble user, but this is my 2 cents...

I would second that. There is no way to apply bug-fix patches without
upgrading to a newer, "not-stable-yet" snapshot nightly build.



Jeff Bischoff
Kenneth L Kurz & Associates, Inc.

Thomas Spiegl wrote:
> tomahawk 1.1.4 branch is quite out of date by now. I'd like to skip
> this one, and start releasing core and tomahawk 1.1.5 asap.
> On 12/18/06, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is yet another release status request.
>> Current open issue with a Fix Version = 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT
>>  > MYFACES-1372 not shown (-> not working)
>> ** Per an 8-Dec-2006 Posting from Mike Kienenberger:
>> MYFACES-1372 not shown (-> not working) is important,
>> but it's been broken for 18 months.   It's not a regression as far as
>> I know.
>>  > MYFACES-1409incorrect behavior after RESTORE_VIEW
>>  > MYFACES-1411Lifecycle phase executions repetitions
>> ** Per an 8-Dec-2006 Posting from Mike Kienenberger:
>> MYFACES-1411 has I.P. issues.
>>  > MYFACES-1506Translated messages in files
>> ** Per an 8-Dec-2006 Posting from Mike Kienenberger:
>> MYFACES-1506 is an improvement.   It can be moved to 1.1.6.  Actually,
>> this is a Tomahawk issue, not a MyFaces one.  Should be moved.  Not
>> sure how interacts with Tomahawk, though.
>> None of the above issue are marked as blockers.  Are any of the
>> blockers to the 1.1.5 release?
>> What is holding up this release?
>> Paul Spencer

[jira] Created: (TOMAHAWK-829) Batch of Java codes and JavaScript files for creating Dynamic Tables [such as changing between different List, and etceteras]

2006-12-20 Thread Ji Kim (JIRA)
Batch of Java codes and JavaScript files for creating Dynamic Tables [such as 
changing between different List, and etceteras]

 Key: TOMAHAWK-829
 Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
  Issue Type: New Feature
 Environment: In my development I have used mainly JDK 1.4 version and 
JSP 1.1 version.  Also I have used the following dtd for facesconfig.xml =>
Reporter: Ji Kim

Hi, my name is Ji [a.k.a. G] and as I strongly desire in joining the Apache 
organization for developmental purpose I wish to contribute some code to the 
apache myfaces's sandbox.  Hopefully I have done everything correctly that I 
was suppose to, but the likelihood is rather small as this is my first attempt 
in contributing code to the Apache organization [one thing that I know that 
will be somewhat faulty is the xdoc].

List of things I have included in this Jira =>
   describes such thing as filesystem of where I hoped to place

   the code in
myfaces_sandbox_changes.patch   [tld patch]
 [faces-config patch]
(3)   which 
contains CLASS + JS Files
(4) which 
contains solely JS Files
which contains one JSP Example
  for the Xdoc
 xdoc containing description of components + tags

[I think that this is wrong and will 
correct itlater]
Java Files [includes JS under SelfManageTableComponet as I

 used AddResource]

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[jira] Commented: (TOMAHAWK-826) Improve outputLabel component to have a different CSS class in case of an error

2006-12-20 Thread Alex Savitsky (JIRA)

Alex Savitsky commented on TOMAHAWK-826:

Is this a sandbox component? I only looked at the released components, so must 
have missed that one.

Still, it's not so clear with the "if" component, either - what kind of 
condition would I put there? It would be something on the lines of "#{empty 
facesContext.messages[targetControlId] ? 'normalStyle' : 'errorStyle'}", but 
where would I get the targetControlId (the Id of control being labeled, that 
is) from, without resorting to "forceId"?

> Improve outputLabel component to have a different CSS class in case of an 
> error
> ---
> Key: TOMAHAWK-826
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>Reporter: Alex Savitsky
>Priority: Minor
> Attachments:
> Currently, the only visual cue for validation errors is to display validation 
> messages using . However, quite often there's a different 
> requirement for error flagging, namely to identify the field labels (e.g., 
> make them red) if the field has an error. This behavior cannot be achieved 
> using available controls, and therefore I propose to enhance an existing 
> Label control with this functionality. All it would have to do is to set a 
> specified CSS class (and/or CSS style) on a label component, if the field 
> referenced with the "for" attribute has an error.

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[jira] Created: (TOMAHAWK-828) Extension Filter incompatibility with the RI

2006-12-20 Thread Werner Punz (JIRA)
Extension Filter incompatibility with the RI

 Key: TOMAHAWK-828
 Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 1.1.1
 Environment: 1.1 RI + tomahawk and sandbox trunk
Reporter: Werner Punz
 Assigned To: Mario Ivankovits

While testing some components for promotion I ran into an issue with the 
extension filter
I am not sure about the root of the problem but the symptoms are like following:

The RI in combination with the sandbox runs into a severe resource loading 
problem at subsequent resource loads, the affected testable component is the 
fisheye component which relies mostly on 
javascript only.

The error issued in the runtime system is:

Error while serving resource: dojo.DojoResourceLoader/dojo.js, message : null
ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: 
socket write error
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(

I assume some bug regarding the combination ri and tomahawk in this case 
because the error is not issued once the ri is replaced by myfaces.

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[jira] Commented: (TOMAHAWK-826) Improve outputLabel component to have a different CSS class in case of an error

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff Bischoff (JIRA)

Jeff Bischoff commented on TOMAHAWK-826:

Not to say that I wouldn't support adding such a feature (I think it might be 
neat), but when you say "This behavior cannot be achieved using available 
controls...", are you sure you can not achieve this effect using the component 
added in TOMAHAWK-165? Of course this and similar approaches would require 
multiple outputLabels for each component, making your proposed solution still 
preferable. :)


> Improve outputLabel component to have a different CSS class in case of an 
> error
> ---
> Key: TOMAHAWK-826
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>Reporter: Alex Savitsky
>Priority: Minor
> Attachments:
> Currently, the only visual cue for validation errors is to display validation 
> messages using . However, quite often there's a different 
> requirement for error flagging, namely to identify the field labels (e.g., 
> make them red) if the field has an error. This behavior cannot be achieved 
> using available controls, and therefore I propose to enhance an existing 
> Label control with this functionality. All it would have to do is to set a 
> specified CSS class (and/or CSS style) on a label component, if the field 
> referenced with the "for" attribute has an error.

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[jira] Commented: (TOMAHAWK-635) JspTilesViewHandlerImpl doesn't work with Portlets

2006-12-20 Thread David Paterson (JIRA)

David Paterson commented on TOMAHAWK-635:

Confirmed identical issue working with Liferay 4.2 and  tomahawkbridge-0.9.

> JspTilesViewHandlerImpl doesn't work with Portlets
> --
> Key: TOMAHAWK-635
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Portlet_Support
>Affects Versions: 1.1.1
> Environment: Windows XP, j2sdk1.4.2_06, JBoss Portal 2.0 + JBoss AS 
> 4.0.2, MyFaces 1.1.1RC3
>Reporter: Aimar Tellitu
> Assigned To: Stan Silvert
> I have a web application that it works with MyFaces and Tiles (using the View 
> Handler org.apache.myfaces.application.jsp.JspTilesViewHandlerImpl.
> I'm trying to make it works as a Portlet. But I have found some problems with 
> JspTilesViewHandlerImpl:
>-getServletMapping can't work because with portlet implementation 
> externalContext.getRequestServletPath() and 
> externalContext.getRequestPathInfo() always return null (see 
> org.apache.myfaces.context.portlet.PortletExternalContextImpl).
>-In many places of this class there are many references to ServletRequest, 
> ServletContext, HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse. This type-casting 
> isn't correct when we're working with portlets.

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[jira] Created: (TOMAHAWK-827) inputHtml

2006-12-20 Thread Gabriel Enriquez (JIRA)

 Key: TOMAHAWK-827
 Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Html Editor
Affects Versions: 1.1.3
 Environment: Using IE 6
Reporter: Gabriel Enriquez
 Fix For: 1.1.3

I am able to display using:

And there is a JS error.

According to this url:
(supposedly last update: last edited 2006-02-17 22:28:26 by MikeKienenberger.)

It has some bugs.

I want to double check if there are still bugs on this  component and should 
try another component like DOJO library.


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[jira] Created: (TOMAHAWK-826) Improve outputLabel component to have a different CSS class in case of an error

2006-12-20 Thread Alex Savitsky (JIRA)
Improve outputLabel component to have a different CSS class in case of an error

 Key: TOMAHAWK-826
 Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
  Issue Type: Improvement
Reporter: Alex Savitsky
Priority: Minor

Currently, the only visual cue for validation errors is to display validation 
messages using . However, quite often there's a different 
requirement for error flagging, namely to identify the field labels (e.g., make 
them red) if the field has an error. This behavior cannot be achieved using 
available controls, and therefore I propose to enhance an existing Label 
control with this functionality. All it would have to do is to set a specified 
CSS class (and/or CSS style) on a label component, if the field referenced with 
the "for" attribute has an error.

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Re: MyFaces 1.1.5 Release Status?

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff Bischoff

Thomas Spiegl wrote:
> tomahawk 1.1.4 branch is quite out of date by now.

Yes, if it were "current" (i.e. the trunk) it wouldn't be "stable". It 
was branched ~2 months ago.

> I'd like to skip
> this one, and start releasing core and tomahawk 1.1.5 asap.

This seems such a common tendency of the myfaces team, to be eager to 
get the new functionality out and released. The problem with this is 
that, despite lengthening your release cycle, you are still having 
trouble with release stability. In order to achieve this stability, you 
either need to be willing to branch for extensive testing before a 
release (even though it is meanwhile "getting out of date"). Or, you can 
take a look at ideas like Paul Spencer's idea for following a Tomcat 
style of release.

If you're going to be releasing code that is only a few days or a week 
fresh from the trunk, then you're going to need to start releasing 
maintenance updates to gradually add to their stability. I'm just a 
humble user, but this is my 2 cents...


Jeff Bischoff
Kenneth L Kurz & Associates, Inc.

Thomas Spiegl wrote:

tomahawk 1.1.4 branch is quite out of date by now. I'd like to skip
this one, and start releasing core and tomahawk 1.1.5 asap.

On 12/18/06, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is yet another release status request.

Current open issue with a Fix Version = 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT
 > MYFACES-1372 not shown (-> not working)
** Per an 8-Dec-2006 Posting from Mike Kienenberger:
MYFACES-1372 not shown (-> not working) is important,
but it's been broken for 18 months.   It's not a regression as far as
I know.

 > MYFACES-1409incorrect behavior after RESTORE_VIEW responseComplete

 > MYFACES-1411Lifecycle phase executions repetitions
** Per an 8-Dec-2006 Posting from Mike Kienenberger:
MYFACES-1411 has I.P. issues.

 > MYFACES-1506Translated messages in files
** Per an 8-Dec-2006 Posting from Mike Kienenberger:
MYFACES-1506 is an improvement.   It can be moved to 1.1.6.  Actually,
this is a Tomahawk issue, not a MyFaces one.  Should be moved.  Not
sure how interacts with Tomahawk, though.

None of the above issue are marked as blockers.  Are any of the actually
blockers to the 1.1.5 release?

What is holding up this release?

Paul Spencer

Re: IDEA: client-side state manager that restores majority of saved state from initial tree state

2006-12-20 Thread Thomas Spiegl

Maybe you can take a look at the Trinidad approach. I think Trinidad
solves state-saving more effective than tomahawk or myfaces does.

On 12/20/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a fan of client-side state saving.   It solves a lot of issues for me.

However, there's no doubt that it requires more bandwidth due to
saving the entire component tree state in a hidden input field.

I wonder how much of this is really necessary.   I'm guessing 90% of
the state saved is simply constant for a given page.The two
examples I can think of where this wouldn't be true would be the
localValue for a UIInput or java code that directly manipulates a

It seems like the state manager could preserve (or recreate) the
original state of the component from the page code, compare that state
with the current state of the component, and then mark it with a
boolean value (didStateChange).

For most components, this would result in a save state size of one
boolean (no more than a char, and could probably even been put into a
bit array if one needed to.

For components whose state did differ from the original state, it
would require one additional boolean value.

This should work for any JSF implementation.

A clever implementation could go a step further and separate the state
saved into "state that rarely differs" and "state that always differs
(UIInput localValue, for instance)" so as to reduce even the 10%

So we'd be trading off network (and html size) bandwidth for
server-side processing (or perhaps memory if you were willing to cache
original page states in the application).

Anyone else have any thoughts on this idea?


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IDEA: client-side state manager that restores majority of saved state from initial tree state

2006-12-20 Thread Mike Kienenberger

I'm a fan of client-side state saving.   It solves a lot of issues for me.

However, there's no doubt that it requires more bandwidth due to
saving the entire component tree state in a hidden input field.

I wonder how much of this is really necessary.   I'm guessing 90% of
the state saved is simply constant for a given page.The two
examples I can think of where this wouldn't be true would be the
localValue for a UIInput or java code that directly manipulates a

It seems like the state manager could preserve (or recreate) the
original state of the component from the page code, compare that state
with the current state of the component, and then mark it with a
boolean value (didStateChange).

For most components, this would result in a save state size of one
boolean (no more than a char, and could probably even been put into a
bit array if one needed to.

For components whose state did differ from the original state, it
would require one additional boolean value.

This should work for any JSF implementation.

A clever implementation could go a step further and separate the state
saved into "state that rarely differs" and "state that always differs
(UIInput localValue, for instance)" so as to reduce even the 10%

So we'd be trading off network (and html size) bandwidth for
server-side processing (or perhaps memory if you were willing to cache
original page states in the application).

Anyone else have any thoughts on this idea?

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Spencer (JIRA)

Paul Spencer commented on MYFACES-1396:

I would like to be create the problem so it can be addressed.  Their are many 
places where the charset can be set, including the browser and MyFaces tags.  
At this point I do not know where the charset is set to UTF8.  

Where/are you seeing UTF8 in any of the pages generated by MyFaces?

Paul Spencer

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1424) Incorrect source repository commands

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1424:

Well, OK, but I guess 99% of interested people are interested in the source 
code of MyFaces, not of its site...

> Incorrect source repository commands
> Key: MYFACES-1424
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: website
>Reporter: Popcorn
>Priority: Critical
> On the website on the page, 
> the source repository commands have the following URL: 
> This doesn't point to the MyFaces source code. 
> It needs to be fixed. I cannot figure out which path I should get source from 
> for the current release.
> For example it says:
> "The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:
> $ svn checkout myfaces"

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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1424) Incorrect source repository commands

2006-12-20 Thread Wendy Smoak (JIRA)

Wendy Smoak commented on MYFACES-1424:

The website is a separate module, so its scm url points to the source code for 
the website itself.

We can add a src/site/apt/source-repository.apt to override the page generated 
by Maven, with links to the pages for the various modules and the instructions 
on how to build it (which I think are on the wiki.)

> Incorrect source repository commands
> Key: MYFACES-1424
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: website
>Reporter: Popcorn
>Priority: Critical
> On the website on the page, 
> the source repository commands have the following URL: 
> This doesn't point to the MyFaces source code. 
> It needs to be fixed. I cannot figure out which path I should get source from 
> for the current release.
> For example it says:
> "The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:
> $ svn checkout myfaces"

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1424) Incorrect source repository commands

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1424:

Uh, sorry.  Seems working, just my SVN build doesn't support SSL.

> Incorrect source repository commands
> Key: MYFACES-1424
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: website
>Reporter: Popcorn
>Priority: Critical
> On the website on the page, 
> the source repository commands have the following URL: 
> This doesn't point to the MyFaces source code. 
> It needs to be fixed. I cannot figure out which path I should get source from 
> for the current release.
> For example it says:
> "The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:
> $ svn checkout myfaces"

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RE: Reason behind jsf_sequence?

2006-12-20 Thread jacob
If it's like the RI, the reasoning is to accommodate the back button issue with 
server-side state saving.  It would be wrong to assume/associate a single state 
with a page given multiple windows and back button use.  Using a sequence adds 
a level of uniqueness to state which is equal to 'page + sequence id'.

>I've been noticing in my output a jsf_sequence hidden form field that
>increments on what seems to be each request. What's the reason for such an
>incrementing hidden field?
>Does it have something to do with this "back button issue"? If so, how?
>I tried using a debugger but quickly got overwhelmed... :(
>View this message in context: 
>Sent from the My Faces - Dev mailing list archive at

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1424) Incorrect source repository commands

2006-12-20 Thread Popcorn (JIRA)

Popcorn commented on MYFACES-1424:

Works for me. What doesn't work?

> Incorrect source repository commands
> Key: MYFACES-1424
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: website
>Reporter: Popcorn
>Priority: Critical
> On the website on the page, 
> the source repository commands have the following URL: 
> This doesn't point to the MyFaces source code. 
> It needs to be fixed. I cannot figure out which path I should get source from 
> for the current release.
> For example it says:
> "The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:
> $ svn checkout myfaces"

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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1396:

And let me clarify why I think browser should have absolutely no saying in the 
a resulting encoding.

Nowadays all browser should be able to handle any encoding just fine, as long 
as it is state in HTML page header.  If a browser fails to handle a particular 
encoding, you should upgrade it, else throw it away.  _Nothing_ I know of can 
reencode pages on the fly, so MyFaces seems to invent a wheel that is 
absolutely unneeded.  In fact you seem to encourage browser behaviour which 
will not work with other server-side solutions, especially if a server just 
contains a number of static HTMLs.  I can also confirm that it works perfectly 
without reencoding in JSP parts of the site.

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Spencer (JIRA)

Paul Spencer commented on MYFACES-1396:

I have used the tcpmon from the Apache Axis project

Paul Spencer

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1396:

1) No.  I'm too tired now to find how to do it.  2) Firefox 2.0.  3) English 

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Spencer (JIRA)

Paul Spencer commented on MYFACES-1396:

Can you verify what you browser is sending, i.e. UTF8 or UTF-8?

What is the borwser?

What is the default language?

Paul Spencer

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1396:

Note from the code, there's nothing like that (I actually grepped all source 

It may get it from the browser, I don't know.  However, in this case it is very 
wrong: 1) at least MyFaces must handle "UTF8" just like "UTF-8"; 2) browser 
must not determine encoding of pages, since it is impossible to reencode pages 
robustly; in particular, inserting HTML entities into unsuspecting JavaScript 
(as in my case) will break things.

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Spencer (JIRA)

Paul Spencer commented on MYFACES-1396:

I have search the source code for "UTF8", but found nothing.  Like you said, 
the charset is being passed into  HtmlResponseWriterImpl,  have you verifed 
that MyFaces is getting the charset "UTF8" from you browser or source code, 
including JSP?

Paul Spencer  

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Resolved: (TOBAGO-224) validation of tree works incorrect

2006-12-20 Thread Volker Weber (JIRA)
 [ ]

Volker Weber resolved TOBAGO-224.

Fix Version/s: 1.0.9
   (was: 1.0.10)
   Resolution: Fixed

> validation of tree works incorrect
> --
> Key: TOBAGO-224
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Tobago
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Reporter: Volker Weber
> Assigned To: Volker Weber
> Fix For: 1.0.9
> in a tree with selection=leafOnly and a selected node is a message generated, 
> but updateModel and invokeApplication are not skipped

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Created: (TOBAGO-224) validation of tree works incorrect

2006-12-20 Thread Volker Weber (JIRA)
validation of tree works incorrect

 Key: TOBAGO-224
 Project: MyFaces Tobago
  Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Volker Weber
 Assigned To: Volker Weber
 Fix For: 1.0.10

in a tree with selection=leafOnly and a selected node is a message generated, 
but updateModel and invokeApplication are not skipped

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Reason behind jsf_sequence?

2006-12-20 Thread lightbulb432

I've been noticing in my output a jsf_sequence hidden form field that
increments on what seems to be each request. What's the reason for such an
incrementing hidden field?

Does it have something to do with this "back button issue"? If so, how?

I tried using a debugger but quickly got overwhelmed... :(
View this message in context:
Sent from the My Faces - Dev mailing list archive at

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1396:

Eh, I meant 
org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.html.HtmlResponseWriterImpl for the 
second list item.  Anyway, that is mentioned in parenthesis.

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1396:

I didn't create a patch since I didn't feel it is a proper fix for upstream 
version.  And now I can't create one since SVN checkout commands on your site 
are broken.

Anyway, let me describe it in more words:
- when instance of 
org.apache.myfaces.shared_tomahawk.renderkit.html.HtmlResponseWriterImpl is 
created (note: shared_tomahawk, not shared_impl!), it is passed "UTF8", without 
hyphen, as `characterEncoding';
- in all (or at least all relevant) cases before, charset is "UTF-8", with 
hyphen, as expected; in particular this is true for 
org.apache.myfaces.shared_tomahawk.renderkit.html.HtmlResponseWriterImpl (note: 
shared_impl, not shared_tomahawk);
- I fixed it by converting "UTF8" string to "UTF-8" in HtmlResponseWriterImpl 
- a proper fix would be find out why charset becomes "UTF8", without hyphen, in 
the first place; ad-hoc fix above could be included too, as a way to make 
HtmlResponseWriterImpl more robust.

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1424) Incorrect source repository commands

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1424:

Is that really so hard to fix?

Popcorn: that command doesn't work either.

> Incorrect source repository commands
> Key: MYFACES-1424
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: website
>Reporter: Popcorn
>Priority: Critical
> On the website on the page, 
> the source repository commands have the following URL: 
> This doesn't point to the MyFaces source code. 
> It needs to be fixed. I cannot figure out which path I should get source from 
> for the current release.
> For example it says:
> "The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:
> $ svn checkout myfaces"

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Spencer (JIRA)

Paul Spencer commented on MYFACES-1396:

Please submit a patch or describe "I just fixed it by converting "UTF8" to 
"UTF-8" in HtmlResponseWriterImpl class.".  I just checked 
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlResponceWriterImpl in the shared 
project.  It has been UTF-8 for a while, so I am not sure what you fixed.

Paul Spencer

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Commented: (MYFACES-1396) Too much escaping

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Pogonyshev (JIRA)

Paul Pogonyshev commented on MYFACES-1396:

I have fixed this locally since we have a release soon and it is not fixed in 
upstream (stable) versions.

I spent 1.5 (!) days debugging stuff.  It all went down to UTF-8 charset 
suddenly spelled as "UTF8" (while it was with hyphen at earlier stages.)  I 
have no idea why the change happened, I just fixed it by converting "UTF8" to 
"UTF-8" in HtmlResponseWriterImpl class.

BTW, you have a really weird package structure.  For some reason, there is a 
shared_tomahawk package, but it seems identical to shared_impl and even not 
present in the sources.  This made my debugging three times longer than it 
could be...

> Too much escaping
> -
> Key: MYFACES-1396
> URL:
> Project: MyFaces Core
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: General
>Reporter: Tomas Fischer
> Assigned To: Martin Marinschek
>Priority: Blocker
> Attachments: test.jsf
> HTMLOutputText (which delegates to HTMLEncoder) escapes not only XML-invalid 
> charactres (like <, >, &), but also german umlauts. This is OK if generating 
> (X)HTML, but not OK if generating XML. However, according to the official 
> documentation to the outputText Tag the german umlauts should not be quoted: 
> If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is 
> "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon 
> syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the 
> component.
> There is an automatic XML detection, but this is broken, as only predefined 
> MIME-types are recognized (application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, text/xml).
> This bug prevents using JSF for generating other content (e.g. SVG, MIME-type 
> image/svg+xml).

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[jira] Created: (TOMAHAWK-825) Locale support for inputDate months

2006-12-20 Thread JIRA
Locale support for inputDate months

 Key: TOMAHAWK-825
 Project: MyFaces Tomahawk
  Issue Type: Improvement
Affects Versions: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT
 Environment: Java EE 1.4, JSF 1.2, Sun Application Server PE9, 
Tomahawk 1.1.5 SNAPSHOT nightly build from november 16th
Reporter: Bjørn Stenfeldt
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: 1.1.3

I am pretty sure this worked in Tomahawk 1.1.3, but I could be wrong...

The drop down with months always display the month names in English. Would be 
great if the names were in their locale names instead. Here is a piece of code 
that display English month names, where I actually wanted Danish names instead.

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Re: MyFaces 1.1.5 Release Status?

2006-12-20 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

AFAICT, we don't yet have a contributor agreement from Nikolay Petrov
for MYFACES-1411.

right! Martin can you contact him, since you are working with him ?


Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: spring conversation start (@manfred)

2006-12-20 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 12/19/06, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By the way, is this similar to (or identical to) your idea for a
> method in Shale's ViewController (SHALE-338)?  If so, I still like the
> ...  just need to see the follow through :-).

:) I am on it, but got "blocked" by other *tasks*

Boy do I know *that* story :-).  Looking forward to the results, whenever
they happen, although we're really close to rolling 1.0.4 now, so it might
have to wait for the next feature release.

Stay tuned



> > Just my $0.02
> >
> > -M
> >
> > On 12/20/06, Werner Punz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Craig McClanahan schrieb:
> > > >
> > > > One of the architectural approaches that MyFaces developers seem
to do
> > > > pretty often, even when they don't have to, is think of everything
> > > > needing a component.  To me, this involves the person building the
> view
> > > > in decisions that really belong to the person working on the
> > > > logic.  Yes, it's often the same person, but where is the
> of
> > > > concerns?
> > > >
> > > That was indeed the concerns of the original scope tag
> > > (I am using it currently btw. it is excellent work)
> > > the original intent was to have a viable replacement for savestate
> > > which would allow quick and dirty scoping with a
> > > a visual/tag approach.
> > >
> > > Mario did this approach and he solved it in an excellent way
> > > and yes, there is a break in separation of concerns and it was
> > > intended by design to ease the development of small applications,
> > >
> > > you basically push the scope control and parts of the transaction
> > > handling into the visual part.
> > >
> > > But the idea was to have a tag like way for those things, and if you
> > > need it differently (which many apps do but many small ones dont)
> > > have other frameworks deal with it.
> > >
> > > Now Mario, now he is moving into the Spring domain with his stuff,
> > > to be covering, let other frameworks do the scope control approach,
> > > as well.
> > >
> > > Btw. The scope tag of Mario is really excellent you should give it a
> > > try, but I agree, separation of concerns is not really there and
> > > be by design principle, but there are other frameworks and solutions
> > > to deal with this.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Matthias Wessendorf
> >
> >
> > further stuff:
> > blog:
> > mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
> >

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: spring conversation start (@manfred)

2006-12-20 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 12/19/06, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just out of curiousity, where did they add "it"?  I don't see any
> to updateActionListener in 1.2.

it is named setPropertyActionListener in the spec and in trinidad

Thanks ... I had not recalled that from when I last did a detailed review of
all the 1.2 changes.  Hmm, between that and , JSF has
a pretty good analog to the "Beans Binding" JSR for Swing (JSR-296) :-), but
only if you're using JSP :-(.  I presume that the alternative view handlers
like Clay and Facelets will deal with that issue on their own.



By the way, is this similar to (or identical to) your idea for a
> method in Shale's ViewController (SHALE-338)?  If so, I still like the
> ...  just need to see the follow through :-).
> Craig
> > Just my $0.02
> >
> > -M
> >
> > On 12/20/06, Werner Punz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Craig McClanahan schrieb:
> > > >
> > > > One of the architectural approaches that MyFaces developers seem
to do
> > > > pretty often, even when they don't have to, is think of everything
> > > > needing a component.  To me, this involves the person building the
> view
> > > > in decisions that really belong to the person working on the
> > > > logic.  Yes, it's often the same person, but where is the
> of
> > > > concerns?
> > > >
> > > That was indeed the concerns of the original scope tag
> > > (I am using it currently btw. it is excellent work)
> > > the original intent was to have a viable replacement for savestate
> > > which would allow quick and dirty scoping with a
> > > a visual/tag approach.
> > >
> > > Mario did this approach and he solved it in an excellent way
> > > and yes, there is a break in separation of concerns and it was
> > > intended by design to ease the development of small applications,
> > >
> > > you basically push the scope control and parts of the transaction
> > > handling into the visual part.
> > >
> > > But the idea was to have a tag like way for those things, and if you
> > > need it differently (which many apps do but many small ones dont)
> > > have other frameworks deal with it.
> > >
> > > Now Mario, now he is moving into the Spring domain with his stuff,
> > > to be covering, let other frameworks do the scope control approach,
> > > as well.
> > >
> > > Btw. The scope tag of Mario is really excellent you should give it a
> > > try, but I agree, separation of concerns is not really there and
> > > be by design principle, but there are other frameworks and solutions
> > > to deal with this.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Matthias Wessendorf
> >
> >
> > further stuff:
> > blog:
> > mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
> >

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com