Re: [dev] Please make an installer for OOo 2.0

2005-11-03 Thread Brian Raymond
The hack to extract all RPMs should be able to work for you but I wanted to
point this out because it's saved me a few times I really needed root.

Do you have sudo access?
If so try sudo -s, if that's blocked try sudo /bin/bash (or whatever your
shell is) if that is also blocked you can always drop your own shell in your
home dir and run it. If sudo access is really locked down it might not work
on the boxes you mention but it's useful to know for those times it will.

- Brian

On 11/3/05 4:56 AM, Feve Feve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please make an installer for OOo 2.0
 The linux rpm:s or Solaris pkg:s will not do.
 At my office i'm allowed to install on our application server but i'm not
 allowd to have root access.
 The consequence... i cannot install OOo 2.0

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Re: [dev] Additions to the Mac dmg download (X11 fix and Spotlight)

2005-10-27 Thread Brian Raymond

On 10/27/05 6:27 AM, Stephan Schaefer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Daniel Aleksandersen wrote:
 Regular users don't need this window. Therefor I wrote a little
 AppleScript witch disables the black window and I though that this was
 something that a lot of other Mac-users could use too!
 Therefor I suggest that the dmg download of 2.0 includes
 this little app of mine witch disables the black window. It's just a
 little something that you'll have to run once and that's it.
 The AppleScript is as simple as the one you see below, but could be a
 really useful tool to include in the download for a better user
 experience for first time users.
 do shell script perl -p -e 's/xterm /# xterm /'
 /private/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc  ~/.xinitrc
 This could be compiled to a little app.
 You're right, the xterm window might be annoying, but potentially
 overwriting an existing .xinitrc in the user's home must be avoided.
 Additionally, you must tell the user what you're doing and providing a
 way to revert it - doing automatic changes to the system will definitely
 trigger discussions. As it was the case for the automatic font
 conversion that people don't like.
I want to backup that opinion as well. Especially since some people, like
myself have .xinitrc startup a couple of xterms along with a few other
things when X11 starts. That is a configuration with X11 and an application
install definitely shouldn't touch it automatically, the most I would do is
point to the utility in the distribution, potentially prompt if you want the
installer to run it.
 Another little thing that could really improve the whole OpenOffice
 experience for Mac users would be to include the NeoLight Spotlight
 indexer (
 ) with the download.
 This makes sense, but only if it can be put into CVS in order to have it
 automatically packed whenever an installation set is built. Everything
 that has to be manually packed will definitely get lost over time. So
 license issues have to be checked first.
 The last improvement suggestion would be to compress and wrap up the
 whole dmg a little neater and have some instructions there too. A
 suggestion below.
 This looks very professional, but brings up another important issue that
 is not fixed yet: string localization for the Mac launch application and
 custom packaging process. How did the strings find their way into your
 image ? The OOo localization process must be used here - hard coded
 strings in some scripts are not an option.
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Re: [dev] Restricting portions of config to admins only?

2005-05-06 Thread Brian Raymond
On 4/5/05 8:38 AM, Joerg Barfurth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can restrict access to individual settings by providing a
 configuration data (.xcu) file and using the protection attributes
 (oor:finalized and oor:mandatory) in that file to mark individual
 settings or entire subtrees as protected from further (e.g. user)
 If you deploy your component with its configuration data as a shared UNO
 package, this data is imported into the basic OOo installation structure
 and should generally end up in a file that is not user-writable.
 You can't currently manipulate the access control attributes via the
 API. Manipulating protected data via the administrative API should leave
 the protection in place.

It's been a few weeks but I wanted to catch up on this again.

Can you expand on what you are referring to when you state protected
attributes can be modified via the administrative API? I'm adding the
configuration data via an .xcu file now so I'm going to experiment with the
finalized/mandatory settings. I need to provide an administrative UI to
allow edits by admins however I'm not clear on how I can separate the two.


- Brian

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Re: [dev] Save as PDF?

2005-04-05 Thread Brian Raymond
You have some similar options on WIndows if you wrap things together into a
plugin. There are a number of libraries out there that would give you the
pieces to need to put this functionality together much easier then pulling
OOo's code apart to adapt it for Mozilla.

A related note, I've printed to PDF in Firefox on OSX (native) and Windows ( ) for some time now.

- Brian

On 4/5/05 12:49 PM, Ryan Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And on windows?
 On Apr 5, 2005 9:45 AM, Daniel Carrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are just interested in Linux, you are much better off writing a
 plugin that prints to postscript and then runs 'ps2pdf'. No need to
 reinvent the wheel. Especially when it's a big and complicated wheel.
 On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 08:11:01AM -0700, Ryan Singer wrote:
 There is some interest in making a save as pdf feature in future
 versions of
 Mozilla on the PC and on linux, and one of my friends at the mozilla
 foundation was wondering if he could talk to a OOo developer about where
 start with that. Any of you interested in helping? Just reply to me
 and I'll forward you along.
 Ryan Singer
 Daniel Carrera | I don't want it perfect,
 Join OOoAuthors today! | I want it Tuesday. |

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[dev] Restricting portions of config to admins only?

2005-03-29 Thread Brian Raymond
I wanted to see if anyone had any input on this. I've seen some good data on
how to make a custom schema for configuration data for my component but no
way to restrict access to it.

I'm implementing some custom configuration properties for my component that
should only be changed by administrators. At the file level this could be
enforced if the configuration was managed as separate files outside of OOo
but if I extend the standard configuration through the API and store my own
settings I haven't seen anything on how I could restrict access.

Does anyone know how I can restrict access within the API or if a file on
disk could be isolated and protected at the file system level?

- Brian

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[dev] Adding Menu command to File menu Creating toolbar dropdowns.

2005-03-27 Thread Brian Raymond
These are a couple of tough ones I haven't been able to crack. I've tried to
do both as an Addon.xcu through a component and directly through BASIC (as
prototype, ending in Java) but I haven't had any luck.

I'm trying to add a command programmatically on startup with a Job addon to
the File menu. I've tried a number of different things all without any
luck so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I can create my own menus
and toolbar icons without problems but haven't figured any hack to get
things into the existing menus.

I also want to create a toolbar which contains a list of dropdown items like
the Apply style dropdown or similar but from a configuration file. I
imagine given that I want to it to be dynamic with a job addon at each run I
can't use an xcu file to do it but I haven't figured out how to do it from
BASIC or java either.

I'd appreciate any help anyone could offer..

- Brian

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[dev] URL Dispatching from Component.

2005-03-25 Thread Brian Raymond
I've looked at a number of examples that dispatch URLs into Ooo but I seem
to be missing a piece I need to do what I want to do. I have a feeling I'm
missing some interface relationships.

I have a component which is a protocol handler that currently has an
XComponentContext so I can get a number of interfaces from that however all
of the examples which is a XURLTransformer to dispatch a URL back use a
xmultiServiceFactory and I've tried a few things but can't seem to get what
I need.

My goal is to call the Digital Signature slot to bring up the dialog.

Can anyone pass along a pointer or two?

- Brian

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Re: [dev] URL Dispatching from Component.

2005-03-25 Thread Brian Raymond
I spent some more time with the developer docs and realized why I was so

It was a stupid thing on my part but I was crossing up the terms remote and
local as they applied to the factories. I was thinking Local was OOo itself
and remote was my component, I needed to reverse that and things started

- Brian

On 3/25/05 7:02 AM, Brian Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've looked at a number of examples that dispatch URLs into Ooo but I seem
 to be missing a piece I need to do what I want to do. I have a feeling I'm
 missing some interface relationships.
 I have a component which is a protocol handler that currently has an
 XComponentContext so I can get a number of interfaces from that however all
 of the examples which is a XURLTransformer to dispatch a URL back use a
 xmultiServiceFactory and I've tried a few things but can't seem to get what
 I need.
 My goal is to call the Digital Signature slot to bring up the dialog.
 Can anyone pass along a pointer or two?
 - Brian
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Re: [dev] OOo 2.0 Netbeans Templates?

2005-03-21 Thread Brian Raymond

Thanks for the help, I'll keep an eye out for those.

In the meantime I got my script working. It turns out it should have been
working all along but I had a single line of white space in the manifest.xml
I have Ant dynamically build. Unopkg.exe would succeed in adding the
package to Ooo but wouldn't actually register anything I had inside which is
why I thought I had to be doing something wrong.

I think that's a bug in unopkg and was going to submit it when I sat down at
my workstation again.
This is my first UNO component so it's a learning curve for me but I'm
having some fun. Currently I'm trying to figure out how to call slots from
my java component. Initially I'm just focusing on calling uno:About but my
goal is to spawn the Digital Signature dialog.

- Brian

On 3/21/05 2:33 AM, Jürgen Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Raymond,
 a closer IDE (NetBeans, Eclipse integrstion) is still on our todo list.
 The SDK contains two ant build scripts (scripting framework examples)
 which of course will probably change in the future but they still work
 and can be used as a start point. More ant scripts will be prepared asap
 and i will provide them as a separate download on and
 in future versions of the SDK.
 I can nevertheless provide an ant script for a UNO component example if
 necessary. But normally i would like to change and extend it to make it
 more general that it can be proper used a template.
 Raymond, Brian C. CONTR J9C887 wrote:
 I noticed in the developer's guide for 2.0 a mention of templates like there
 were in the 1.1 SDK. They aren't currently included in the SDK so I wanted to
 check to see if anyone has anything they are currently using that might be a
 I'm most interested in the Ant build script because the process has changed
 some with the xml manifest and such.
 - Brian
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