Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Test de

2012-10-09 Thread Philippe Verdy
La sévérité donnée l'orthographe (par exemple me parait plus limitée
quand ce nom n'est pas réellement mauvais mais ne diffère que par un
accent ou la capitalisation).

Certes on doit donner priorité à la graphie officielle dans la langue
officielle du lieu (mais il peut y en avoir plusieurs selon la langue
dans les zones multilingues admettant les langues régionales ; mais
dans ce cas, ne nom officiel contient souvent les deux noms, et ce
n'est pas une erreur pour name=*, juste pour name:lang=*).

Certaines graphies ne sont pas fausses mais juste alternatives (on
pourrait changer un name=* en alt_name=* pour garder cette autre
graphie non officielle mais fréquente, y compris une dénomination
d'usage locale parfois abrégée).

Les espaces en excès au début ou à la fin d'un champ de nom ne sont
pas des fautes graves (ils viennent généralement d'un copier-coller
depuis une page web), ils pourraient être même corrigés par un bot,
donc leur gravité n'est pas si haute que ça.

La haute sévérité en revanche doit revenir à toutes les erreurs de
géométrie (polygones non fermés ou possédant des intersections avec
leurs enclaves).

Les confusions de rôle entre inner et outer pour les enclaves sont
moins graves (les moteurs d'analyse s'en sortent très bien). De même
les rôles manquants pour les enclaves (pas pour les exclaves). Donc
sévérité moyenne pour ça.

Enfin les autres rôles manquants qui devraient être plutôt outer
sont très peu graves. La correction c'est juste pour unifier le schéma
et permettre ensuite des résolutions de problèmes lorsque le polygone
sera ultérieurement modifié incorrectement (ouverture,
auto-intersection, segments en trop) par quelqu'un d'autre. Donc
sévérité faible pour ça, car dans l'immédiat c'est encore tout à fait
correct et n'empêche pas une bonne interprétation par n'importe quel
outil d'analyse ou de rendu (même chose si le polygone emploie encore
les rôles enclave au lieu de inner aujourd'hui préféré, et
exclave au lieu de outer aujourd'hui préféré).

Priorité faible aussi si la liste des membres d'un polygone n'est pas
ordonnée dans un sens de fermeture des anneaux (il semble que Potlatch
ne fasse pas ce tri quand on scinde un segment en deux ou quand on
fusionne deux segments successif, il ajoute le nouveau segment à la
fin de la liste des membres sans regarder à quel segment précédent ou
suivant il se connecte pour savoir où mettre le nouveau segment dans
la liste ; je trouve que c'est gênant cela ne permet pas de comparer
facilement les diffs d'une version à l'autre pour voir ce qui a été
ajouté ou retiré d'une relation, même si du côté de JOSM on a des
indications par des couleurs dans l'éditeur de conflits).

Le 8 octobre 2012 11:28, Pieren a écrit :
 Interface plus claire puisque la liste des erreurs dépend de la
 sévérité choisie. Mais je suis assez d'accord sur la remarque
 contestant les erreurs appartenant à plusieurs niveaux de sévérité.
 Est-ce un moyen d'admettre que le classement dans tel ou tel niveau de
 sévérité est subjectif ? Il suffirait de l'écrire en intro sur la doc.
 Sinon, petite remarque, il faudrait écrire soit all severities (ou
 1+2+3) au lieu de all severity.


 dev-fr mailing list

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Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Contrôle qualité des axes routiers

2012-10-09 Thread Ista Pouss
Le 7 octobre 2012 19:18, Ab_fab a écrit :

 J'ai créé deux relations :
 une dans le sens 
 l'autre dans le sens 

Je tente ma toute première suggestion d'organisation de la base de données

Vu que, dans Alert-C il n'y a qu'une seule voie (la 10301 si je comprends
bien), ne serait-il pas correct de rassembler ces deux relations dans une
relation composition, les deux relations ayant chacune un rôle dans la
composition : l'aller (ou le + ? ) et le retour (ou le - évidemment).

Je fais référence aux rôles de relation tels qu'ils sont présentés dans le
wiki anglais à ; le wiki
français n'en parle pas, je ne sais pas pourquoi.

Voilà :-)
dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Contrôle qualité des axes routiers

2012-10-09 Thread Fabien
Le 9 octobre 2012 11:55, Philippe Verdy a écrit :
 Pas besoin de deux relations, on a les rôles forward et backward
 pour mentionner le sens pris sur un segment unidirectionnel.

 Le cas se complique toutefois pour les routages (comme certaines
 lignes de bus) qui ont un décrochement en Y et dont une branche est
 prise en aller et retour après demi-tour mais dans un seul sens,
 tandis que dans l'autre sens la même branche du Y n'est pas parcourue.
 Les rôles ne suffisent pas alors car il faudrait pouvoir ajouter le
 même chemin deux fois dans la relation (interdit), ou bien laisser
 l'ordre de parcours des chemins ambigu. Pour ça on est amené à
 distinguer un trajet aller et un trajet retour dans des relations

Pourquoi parler de cas qui ne doivent pas se présenter ? Le routage
des lignes de bus est clairement défini [1] :
 A route is a relation that describes the physical path taken by the vehicles 
 through the infrastructure by a transit service which is known to the public 
 with a particular reference or name. A route should contain an ordered list 
 of all ways used by the service from the starting station to the terminal 
 station. The route also includes details of actual stop_positions (with role 
 'stop') and platforms (with role 'platform'). Each direction and each variant 
 of the service is represented in an own route relation.

Une relation par sens pour la ligne donc il ne peut pas y avoir de
problème de chevauchement de branches. On finit la ligne en englobant
celle-ci dans une route_master [2] et c'est bon.


dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Contrôle qualité des axes routiers

2012-10-09 Thread Ista Pouss
Le 9 octobre 2012 11:55, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

 Pas besoin de deux relations, on a les rôles forward et backward
 pour mentionner le sens pris sur un segment unidirectionnel.

Je ne les vois pas mentionné dans les relations  rennes nantes et inverse ?
Ils semblent équivalent au + et - de FR:10301+ et FR:10301- je pense ?

Quand tu dis segment, est-ce que ce terme est équivalent à l'ensemble de
la relation que ab_fab a mis en
place pour rennes - nantes ?
dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Contrôle qualité des axes routiers

2012-10-09 Thread Ab_fab
J'ai fait ce qui m'a semblé le plus simple, pour aboutir à une relation qui
montre la continuité d'un bout à l'autre, pour  un sens de circulation. En
vue d'une application pour le contrôle qualité, ça me semble plus robuste.

Il y a le cas des routes à 2 x 1 voies, qui peuvent être ponctuellement
séparées en deux chaussées distinctes, surtout en agglomérations. La
problématique risque d'être assez similaire aux relations des lignes de bus.

Pour les tags, on peut tout imaginer. Mais là mon objectif c'était
d'utiliser les mêmes principes que ce que l'on voit dans la proposition
pour un nouveau schéma.
J'ai déjà indiqué des rôles (TMC:Point  TMC:Segment).

S'il faut ajouter backward et forward dans tout ça, ça va devenir
compliqué. Je trouve que les + et les - c'est pas si mal, en pratique.

Le 9 octobre 2012 12:19, Ista Pouss a écrit :

 Le 9 octobre 2012 11:55, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

 Pas besoin de deux relations, on a les rôles forward et backward

 pour mentionner le sens pris sur un segment unidirectionnel.

 Je ne les vois pas mentionné dans les relations  rennes nantes et inverse
 ? Ils semblent équivalent au + et - de FR:10301+ et FR:10301- je pense ?

 Quand tu dis segment, est-ce que ce terme est équivalent à l'ensemble de
 la relation que ab_fab a mis
 en place pour rennes - nantes ?

 dev-fr mailing list

Il n'y a pas de pas perdus
dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Contrôle qualité des axes routiers

2012-10-09 Thread Philippe Verdy
Je voulais surtout dire section car ça peut être une suite de point
formant un seul et même way sur lequel on met des attributs
spécifiques à cette section, mais pas toute la route (donc pas toute
la relation avec ses propres attributs).

Le 9 octobre 2012 12:19, Ista Pouss a écrit :
 Le 9 octobre 2012 11:55, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

 Pas besoin de deux relations, on a les rôles forward et backward

 pour mentionner le sens pris sur un segment unidirectionnel.

 Je ne les vois pas mentionné dans les relations  rennes nantes et inverse ?
 Ils semblent équivalent au + et - de FR:10301+ et FR:10301- je pense ?

 Quand tu dis segment, est-ce que ce terme est équivalent à l'ensemble de
 la relation que ab_fab a mis en place pour rennes - nantes ?

dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] API sur ?

2012-10-09 Thread Jocelyn Jaubert
Le 6 octobre 2012, didier2020 a écrit :
 Le samedi 06 octobre 2012 à 13:15 +0200, didier2020 a écrit :
  Le samedi 06 octobre 2012 à 13:06 +0200, Christian Quest a écrit :
   Y-a-til une API pour interroger
   sur la validité d'une relation ?
 ca marche plus ...

Effectivement, parce qu'il n'y a plus de base adéquate sur osm3.

Du coup, j'ai déplacé le script sur osm8:


dev-fr mailing list

[OSM-dev-fr] Re : Re: API sur ?

2012-10-09 Thread didier2020
cool !

- Mail d'origine -
De: Jocelyn Jaubert
Envoyé: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 22:08:20 +0200 (CEST)
Objet: Re: [OSM-dev-fr] API sur ?

Le 6 octobre 2012, didier2020 a écrit :
 Le samedi 06 octobre 2012 à 13:15 +0200, didier2020 a écrit :
  Le samedi 06 octobre 2012 à 13:06 +0200, Christian Quest a écrit :
   Y-a-til une API pour interroger
   sur la validité d'une relation ?
 ca marche plus ...

Effectivement, parce qu'il n'y a plus de base adéquate sur osm3.

Du coup, j'ai déplacé le script sur osm8:


dev-fr mailing list

--mapeur amateur--

dev-fr mailing list

Re: [Potlatch-dev] [OpenStreetMap] #4599: Icon for medical doctor in potlatch2

2012-10-09 Thread OpenStreetMap
#4599: Icon for medical doctor in potlatch2
  Reporter:  Hno-Zentrum  |  Owner:  potlatch-dev@…
  Type:  defect   | Status:  new
  Priority:  minor|  Milestone:
 Component:  potlatch2|Version:
Resolution:   |   Keywords:

Comment (by Porfino):

 I would highly appreciate this too.
 You can add a battlefield but no doctors.

 There should also be a symbol for psychotherapist/psychiatrist i think.
 But one symbol would be fine for me too.

Ticket URL:
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world

Potlatch-dev mailing list

Re: [Potlatch-dev] [OpenStreetMap] #4599: Icon for medical doctor in potlatch2

2012-10-09 Thread OpenStreetMap
#4599: Icon for medical doctor in potlatch2
  Reporter:  Hno-Zentrum  |  Owner:  potlatch-dev@…
  Type:  defect   | Status:  new
  Priority:  minor|  Milestone:
 Component:  potlatch2|Version:
Resolution:   |   Keywords:

Comment (by andy.hofstedt@…):

 I think that this would be a useful option to inculde location of
 surgeries and clinics on the map.

Ticket URL:
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world

Potlatch-dev mailing list

Re: [Potlatch-dev] [OpenStreetMap] #4599: Icon for medical doctor in potlatch2

2012-10-09 Thread OpenStreetMap
#4599: Icon for medical doctor in potlatch2
  Reporter:  Hno-Zentrum  |  Owner:  potlatch-dev@…
  Type:  defect   | Status:  new
  Priority:  minor|  Milestone:
 Component:  potlatch2|Version:
Resolution:   |   Keywords:
Changes (by andy.hofstedt@…):

 * cc: andy.hofstedt@… (added)

Ticket URL:
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world

Potlatch-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Blank Tiles at z23 and Deeper

2012-10-09 Thread Frederik Ramm

On Tue, 9 Oct 2012 00:21:25 -0400
jpk wrote:
 In any case, I set up my tile server for
 this purpose.  I changed the #define MAX_ZOOM to 30 in mod_tile's
 render_config.h, and set MAXZOOM in renderd.conf to 30.  That's enough
 to get the tile server to serve tiles down to z30 instead of 404'ing.

But the directory structure used to store the metatiles supports only 20
bits for x and y, so i would expect that on z21 and above you'll not be
able to retrieve tiles from your server (or maybe see the same tile
not matter what coordinates you use)... or are you using someting other
than mod_tile?


dev mailing list

Re: [Potlatch-dev] [OpenStreetMap] #4615: Grammar pedantry: show less should arguably be show fewer in the toolbox

2012-10-09 Thread OpenStreetMap
#4615: Grammar pedantry:  show less should arguably be show fewer in the
  Reporter:  SomeoneElse  |  Owner:  potlatch-dev@…
  Type:  defect   | Status:  new
  Priority:  trivial  |  Milestone:
 Component:  potlatch2|Version:
Resolution:   |   Keywords:

Comment (by sdoerr):

 -1: unless you include the word 'tools', I think 'less' is better.

Ticket URL:
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world

Potlatch-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Alex Barth
I'm trying to understand the status of OpenStreetBugs and where development is 

I was trying to follow along at the EWG meeting yesterday. Parsing through the 
wiki [1] now I remain confused. Here are my questions:

- Why are there two sites: and The Wiki says there are but not why [1].
- What is the canonical repository right now? Or is the project essentially 
forked? I find three repositories [2, 3, 4].
- What issue tracker should I look like?
- What's the right site to link point people to? schokokes or The 
message on is really confusing: This page is no longer a 
redirect; the original OpenStreetBugs web page is still available 

I know TomH is working on updating the status on - apologies if I'm jumping the 
gun, I hope my questions are helpful to clarify the situation for anyone who 
wants to get involved in OSMBugs.

[2] Linked from
[3] Linked from wiki ([1]):;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/openstreetbugs
[4] Mercurial repository ([1]) on

Alex Barth
tel (+1) 202 250 3633

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Tom Hughes

On 09/10/12 21:01, Alex Barth wrote:

I'm trying to understand the status of OpenStreetBugs and where development is 

I think you are confusing two (or more) completely different things.

I was trying to follow along at the EWG meeting yesterday. Parsing through the 
wiki [1] now I remain confused. Here are my questions:

- Why are there two sites: and The Wiki says there are but not why [1].
- What is the canonical repository right now? Or is the project essentially 
forked? I find three repositories [2, 3, 4].
- What issue tracker should I look like?
- What's the right site to link point people to? schokokes or The message on is really confusing: This page is no longer a redirect; the 
original OpenStreetBugs web page is still available 

All those are independent third party sites created by individuals and 
are not directly related to core site.

I know TomH is working on updating the status on - apologies if I'm jumping the 
gun, I hope my questions are helpful to clarify the situation for anyone who 
wants to get involved in OSMBugs.

What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug 
reporting system to the main site that records things in the main 
database and is integrated with the API etc.

It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.


Tom Hughes (

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Tom MacWright

 All those are independent third party sites created by individuals and are
 not directly related to core site.

Aren't they using the same database somehow?

 What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug reporting
 system to the main site that records things in the main database and is
 integrated with the API etc.

It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.

Okay, then what is it? :) Is it not open-source at all? I thought that you
were working on a branch of the 'official' OSB project and just needed to
merge/publish that?

So afaik, there is no public core site (even an old development version),
and no public source for OSB (even an old branch).

^ If that's wrong, please correct with URLs and information.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:

 On 09/10/12 21:01, Alex Barth wrote:

  I'm trying to understand the status of OpenStreetBugs and where
 development is happening.

 I think you are confusing two (or more) completely different things.

  I was trying to follow along at the EWG meeting yesterday. Parsing
 through the wiki [1] now I remain confused. Here are my questions:

 - Why are there two sites: and http://openstreetbugs.** The Wiki says
 there are but not why [1].
 - What is the canonical repository right now? Or is the project
 essentially forked? I find three repositories [2, 3, 4].
 - What issue tracker should I look like?
 - What's the right site to link point people to? schokokes or
 The message on is really confusing: This page is no
 longer a redirect; the original OpenStreetBugs web page is still available

 All those are independent third party sites created by individuals and are
 not directly related to core site.

  I know TomH is working on updating the status on**wiki/Top_Ten_Tasks
  apologies if I'm jumping the gun, I hope my questions are helpful to
 clarify the situation for anyone who wants to get involved in OSMBugs.

 What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug reporting
 system to the main site that records things in the main database and is
 integrated with the API etc.

 It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.


 Tom Hughes (

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Tom Hughes

On 09/10/12 21:24, Tom MacWright wrote:

All those are independent third party sites created by individuals
and are not directly related to core site.

Aren't they using the same database somehow?

No idea.

What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug
reporting system to the main site that records things in the main
database and is integrated with the API etc.

It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.

Okay, then what is it? :) Is it not open-source at all? I thought that
you were working on a branch of the 'official' OSB project and just
needed to merge/publish that?

What part of I will take an action to get something pushed out before 
the next meeting did you fail to understand yesterday?

The story is that Kai created something that was literally based on 
taking one of the existing OSB systems and bolting that javascript onto 
the rails code but it didn't produce a something that was very coherent 
with the rest of the site and API so I have been reworking it.

There is a branch out there that you may stumble across but it bears no 
resemblence to the current code.

Now if you want me to get what I have cleaned up and published I should 
probably stop writing emails about it and actually work on it instead...


Tom Hughes (

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Mikel Maron
 What part of I will take an action to get something pushed out before the 
next meeting did you fail to understand yesterday?

This sounds promising, but I fail to understand it fully. Is there someone else 
from the EWG meeting (not TomH, who I don't want to bother) who would like to 
fill us in on these developments with integrating bug tracking into


* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 From: Tom Hughes
To: Tom MacWright 
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?
On 09/10/12 21:24, Tom MacWright wrote:

     All those are independent third party sites created by individuals
     and are not directly related to core site.
 Aren't they using the same database somehow?

No idea.

     What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug
     reporting system to the main site that records things in the main
     database and is integrated with the API etc.
     It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.
 Okay, then what is it? :) Is it not open-source at all? I thought that
 you were working on a branch of the 'official' OSB project and just
 needed to merge/publish that?

What part of I will take an action to get something pushed out before the 
next meeting did you fail to understand yesterday?

The story is that Kai created something that was literally based on taking one 
of the existing OSB systems and bolting that javascript onto the rails code 
but it didn't produce a something that was very coherent with the rest of the 
site and API so I have been reworking it.

There is a branch out there that you may stumble across but it bears no 
resemblence to the current code.

Now if you want me to get what I have cleaned up and published I should 
probably stop writing emails about it and actually work on it instead...


-- Tom Hughes (

dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Matt Amos
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:
 What part of I will take an action to get something pushed out before the
 next meeting did you fail to understand yesterday?

 This sounds promising, but I fail to understand it fully. Is there someone
 else from the EWG meeting (not TomH, who I don't want to bother) who would
 like to fill us in on these developments with integrating bug tracking into

i've just finished putting the minutes up [1] and the relevant extract is:

* ACTION: TomH to push current OSB/notes branch public (which he has
been improving on a local branch)
* (OSB/notes) there are concerns about the UI implementation of the
current branch, but it may be possible to merge the API separately so
that UI development can proceed independently





 * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 From: Tom Hughes
 To: Tom MacWright
 Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 4:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

 On 09/10/12 21:24, Tom MacWright wrote:

All those are independent third party sites created by individuals
and are not directly related to core site.

 Aren't they using the same database somehow?

 No idea.

What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug
reporting system to the main site that records things in the main
database and is integrated with the API etc.

It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.

 Okay, then what is it? :) Is it not open-source at all? I thought that
 you were working on a branch of the 'official' OSB project and just
 needed to merge/publish that?

 What part of I will take an action to get something pushed out before the
 next meeting did you fail to understand yesterday?

 The story is that Kai created something that was literally based on taking
 one of the existing OSB systems and bolting that javascript onto the rails
 code but it didn't produce a something that was very coherent with the rest
 of the site and API so I have been reworking it.

 There is a branch out there that you may stumble across but it bears no
 resemblence to the current code.

 Now if you want me to get what I have cleaned up and published I should
 probably stop writing emails about it and actually work on it instead...


 -- Tom Hughes (

 dev mailing list

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Will the real OpenStreetBugs stand up?

2012-10-09 Thread Kai Krueger

On 10/09/2012 02:31 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 09/10/12 21:24, Tom MacWright wrote:

All those are independent third party sites created by individuals
and are not directly related to core site.

Aren't they using the same database somehow?

No idea.

What we were talking about in the EWG meeting was adding a bug
reporting system to the main site that records things in the main
database and is integrated with the API etc.

It is not directly related to any of the sites you mention.

Okay, then what is it? :) Is it not open-source at all? I thought that
you were working on a branch of the 'official' OSB project and just
needed to merge/publish that?

What part of I will take an action to get something pushed out before
the next meeting did you fail to understand yesterday?

The story is that Kai created something that was literally based on
taking one of the existing OSB systems and bolting that javascript onto
the rails code but it didn't produce a something that was very coherent
with the rest of the site and API so I have been reworking it.

Yes that is more or less correct.

OpenStreetBugs in one form or another has existed for a long time now 
already and has been a great resource to OSM. Imho one of its biggest 
shortcomings however is visability. I.e. too few people people know 
about and use OpenStreetBugs for it to fullfill its full potential. So 
people have been talking about integrating it into the 
project for nearly as long as OSB exists.

However, as too often in OSM, despite everyone seemingly agreeing that 
this should be a priority for some reason no one actually wrote any code 
for it.

I noticed at some point that the original author of OSB actually wrote a 
nicely encapsulated OpenLayers extension [1] to make it really easy for 
people to integrate the client side OSB functionality into new sites 
without having to reinvent the wheel.

Given how easy it was to integrate OSB into a new page, how much people 
talked about the need for integrating this functionality into 
and that no one else had coded something up, I hacked together a proof 
of concept version in a few days in February 2010 and committed it to a 
branch of the rails port [2]. The javascript part was a thin glue layer 
around the existing OpenStreetBugs OpenLayers extension, while the 
backend was a re-implementation of the OSB database in rails.

Since then the backend side has been improved to be more in line with 
the API layout of the rails_port (although the original API remained to 
be compatible with the external OSB), but apart from a few tweeks, the 
javascript code remained the original OpenLayers extension.

The later part is (afaik) what Tom is objecting to and wants to rewrite 
it to be more in line with the rest of the javascript on and 
meet the maintainability standards of the code in rails_port. Also the 
currently publicly committed code on the OpenStreetBugs branch is still 
in rails 2 rather than rails 3.

It is the clean up and improvement of this branch that TomH has 
currently only locally as he hasn't gotten around to finishing it off in 
order to push it back to the public branch. Although quite a bit of the 
cleanup and review he has done on the branch (before the switch to 
rails3) has also already been committed.

So both the rails_port re-implementation and the original OSB code is 
available in public repositories, just that there are some as yet 
unpublished improvements that Tom has said we will try and get around to 
publishing till the next EWG meeting.

With respect to the relation to 
and it is meant to be a replacement for the two 
(which I do think are just two separate front-ends to the same bug 
database). It is supposed to replace them. Back in 2010/2011 when I last 
talked to the author of OSB, he was fine with the idea.

There were also thoughts of migrating/ importing the existing OSB 
database into the rails_port database and pointing the front-end on to use the then new official rails_port database to make sure there wasn't any fragmentation 
of the bugs database.

I presume the authors of OSB would still be fine with this, although I 
don't know if or what plans Tom has for a transition period.

It at least partly depends on if the backend remains compatible with the 
original OSB API making it feasible to migrate the old db and use the 
frontend at as a proxy.

Should e.g. the decision be made that one needs to login to ones OSM 
account in order to submit a bug / note then such a transition would 
obviously not be possible.

I hope this makes it slightly clearer on the relation between the to be 
re-implemented rails_port notes (OSB) branch and the original sites and 
at what stage of development it currently is at.



Re: [OSM-dev] Blank Tiles at z23 and Deeper

2012-10-09 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:21 PM, jpk wrote:
 All tiles at z23 and greater are solid green-ish (#b5d0d0, to be
 exact).  Poking through the mapnik style, I see this color is used as
 the background color for the Map element (osm.xml, line 6).  Changing
 that color changes the color I see for these solid tiles.  I'm not yet
 knowledgeable when it comes to mapnik but in trying to digest the
 style files, nothing struck me as explicitly causing this behavior at
z22.  Additionally, I tried MapQuest's style (found here: and found the same
 thing (except instead of solid #b5d0d0, you get their wavy light-blue
 water texture).  Is this a style issue?  A mapnik issue?  renderd or

Don't the styles for Mapnik have a scale (zoom) range? This makes it
possible to render objects differently depending on the zoom level.

I'm not familiar with the Mapnik styles for the main OSM style or
MapQuest's but it's possible that the style rules defined to work at
z18 may not render any object beyond some higher zoom level leading to
the default background that you're seeing.

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] how to debug rendering issue

2012-10-09 Thread Stephan Knauss


I have a strange rendering issue on my server.

This highway is not rendered:

The other oneway highway next to it is rendered:

On both ways are rendered:

I checked the database and the way is included in planet_osm_line (as 
well as in _roads)

select * from planet_osm_line where osm_id=177905977
oneway=yes, highway=secondary, surface=paved, 


In the log files I see nothing unusual. My rendering is done using 
tirex. Setting debug=1 in mapnik.conf only returns this in the log which 
sounds ok:

Data is imported using 64 bit ID mode osm2pgsql. Postgresql is 9.2.1 
with postgis 2.0.1. Mapnik is 2.1.0. Tirex and the osm mapnik style are 
both up to rev 28793. Style was only modified for a different font, but 
as both highways in the given tile are a secondary, I see no reason why 
only one should render.

What possibilities do I have for debugging into this issue? Can I enable 
more verbosity? What could cause a symptom like this?


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Blank Tiles at z23 and Deeper

2012-10-09 Thread jpk
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:21 PM, jpk wrote:
 All tiles at z23 and greater are solid green-ish (#b5d0d0, to be
 exact).  Poking through the mapnik style, I see this color is used as
 the background color for the Map element (osm.xml, line 6).  Changing
 that color changes the color I see for these solid tiles.  I'm not yet
 knowledgeable when it comes to mapnik but in trying to digest the
 style files, nothing struck me as explicitly causing this behavior at
z22.  Additionally, I tried MapQuest's style (found here: and found the same
 thing (except instead of solid #b5d0d0, you get their wavy light-blue
 water texture).  Is this a style issue?  A mapnik issue?  renderd or

 Don't the styles for Mapnik have a scale (zoom) range? This makes it
 possible to render objects differently depending on the zoom level.

 I'm not familiar with the Mapnik styles for the main OSM style or
 MapQuest's but it's possible that the style rules defined to work at
 z18 may not render any object beyond some higher zoom level leading to
 the default background that you're seeing.

(Oops, didn't reply to the list.)

Yep, they do.  That was my first thought, but there's no min/maxscale
things defined for z18.  From what I gather, everything that renders
at z18 doesn't set a minscale to 18, so tiles for z19 to z22 render
the same stuff as z18 just scaled up (which is fine by me).  I'm not
sure why z23 is the magic number where it breaks.

john p. kiffmeyer

dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Uploading Presets to the JOSM wiki

2012-10-09 Thread Kate Chapman
Hi All,

Sorry if this isn't really a dev question. We have a preset we want to
add here:

The issue is the preset we made has a lot of items and URL links.
Basically each item links to the appropriate wikipage with a
description. This is getting caught in the spam filter.

Is there a way to add the page? Do we just need an account? I tried to
create an account, but the captcha didn't appear and my attempt to
make an account also go stopped as spam.



josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Uploading Presets to the JOSM wiki

2012-10-09 Thread Dirk Stöcker

 Sorry if this isn't really a dev question. We have a preset we want to
 add here:

 The issue is the preset we made has a lot of items and URL links.
 Basically each item links to the appropriate wikipage with a
 description. This is getting caught in the spam filter.

Files attached to Presets page get deleted anyway. Please read the

more carefully.

Either you add a link to a remote hosted file or you create a subpage of
Presets and host the preset there. When making a wiki page, there are some
ways to circumvent the spam check, the two most important:
a) login and fill captcha (gains 30 points)
b) Split the edit into multiple (reduced the impact of external links)

 Is there a way to add the page? Do we just need an account? I tried to
 create an account, but the captcha didn't appear and my attempt to
 make an account also go stopped as spam.

You created an account named wonderchook! There is currently no
indication of successful account except the enter password now.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list