Re: [OSM-dev] Kosmtik rendering issues

2015-04-07 Thread Yohan Boniface

We had a similar discussion on the Github issues some days ago:

I was not able to really determine the origin of this difference, but 
the main suspicion is a difference in the used Mapnik. Of course, it can 
also be a bug on Kosmtik ;)

I've create an issue on the Kosmtik side to track any more info one of 
you may have:

I was in a field mission in Jordan, so I was not really active on this 
issue, and I'm sorry for that. I'm back from today, I'm expecting a 
speed week now, but then I'll have a bit more time to dig in if still 

Also, side note, to compare renderings, I suggest this kosmtik plugin:



On 06/04/2015 12:42, Markus Mayr wrote:

This is strange. It looks like some kind of scaling issue. Different
Mapnik-Version? (mine is 2.3.0-pre ) Something like a
negative-retina-tile parameter (somewhere)?

Am 2015-04-06 um 09:59 schrieb nebulon42:

This is what I got: is much sharper.

Am 2015-04-05 um 22:59 schrieb Markus Mayr:

Same here. This screenshot displays my situation:

Am 2015-04-05 um 16:49 schrieb Matthijs Melissen:

On 5 April 2015 at 13:21, nebulon42 wrote:

I started playing around with Kosmtik instead of TileMill. So far
it works
well, but I'm having two issues with the rendering:

* Labels and symbols are cut off at metatile borders. As far as I
there needs to be a metatile buffer. How can I set this in the config

I can confirm this issue, and I don't currently have a solution.

* Compared to my local tiles are more blurry.
What can
cause this? Or did I miss switching to high-res tiles?

This I cannot reproduce. Is everything more blurry, or certain
elements only?

-- Matthijs

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[OSM-dev-fr] Ajouter le Nicaragua dans Osmose?

2013-12-29 Thread Yohan Boniface


Je sais pas si je suis sûr la bonne liste, mais je sais qu'ici je 
trouverai nos deux loulous d'Osmose :)
Des collègues d'HOT actuellement au Nicaragua me demande s'il serait 
possible d'ajouter le pays à Osmose.

Merci d'avance pour eux si c'est possible :)


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Re: [OSM-dev] LeafletJS strange behaviour with OSM layer

2013-09-06 Thread Yohan Boniface

Sounds like the container of your map has changed after its initialization.
Try calling map.invalidateSize() when the container has its definitive size.


On 09/06/2013 08:51 PM, François Lacombe wrote:


I'm currently trying to switch to OSM (from Google Maps) on several
pages  apps of my website.

All is working fine with leafletJS but some of my apps doesn't get all
tiles loaded.
You can find an example here :

Only one row of tiles is loaded at the top of my map frame and I need to
drag down it to see other tiles on my screen.

The div where leaflet is build received this css :
.app-webVRD-gMapsContainer {

Here is the leaflet init JS :
// Conteneur
_MAP =, {

// Couche OSM
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors',
maxZoom: 18,

I'm working on firefox 23.0.1, I get the same on Chrome and IE.

Thank you in advance for any tip about this problem.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

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Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Paratage de DEM ( était Héberger le rendu HOT?)

2013-07-02 Thread Yohan Boniface

On 06/30/2013 08:20 PM, Jérôme Cornet wrote:

Juste quelques questions en vrac:

- Pas tout compris l'objectif: ça serait d'avoir un serveur de DEM utilisable 
plus ou moins par tout le monde?

Je sais pas répondre à la question, mais je sais qu'on a une réunion 
tech IRC demain soir à 19 heures pour discuter notamment de ça ;)

Sinon, en très gros l'idée est surtout de se dire que, vu qu'on est 
plusieurs à avoir besoin de DEM, autant mutualiser nos efforts autant 
que possible, vu ce que c'est coûteux en temps et énergie comme process.

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Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Paratage de DEM ( était Héberger le rendu HOT?)

2013-06-29 Thread Yohan Boniface

On 06/28/2013 07:43 PM, sly (sylvain letuffe) wrote:

On vendredi 28 juin 2013, Christian Quest wrote:

Vous pensez que ça vaudrait le coup de récupérer des DEM locaux ?

Je dirais délicat de répondre :
En terme de résultat final que l'on peut attendre pour l'utilisateur, ça me
semble évident que ça serait génial. Même si ça fait un patchwork de zones
très bien représentées et d'autres plus grossières, je pense que ça serait un
réél plus.

Mais je vois poindre un travail de titan qui consiste à uniformiser les
formats, faire les demandes, fusionner tout çà en un tout utilisable, casse
tête des licences, etc.
Je dirais dur d'estimer le travail nécessaire, même si ça pourrait sans doute
faire des heureux bien au delà d'osm !

C'est clairement un travail de titan.
Mais si:
- on commence par une couverture mondiale correcte en partant d'une des 
sources principales (plutôt ASTER au vu des dernières discussions) sans 
chercher à faire des miracles

- on se met d'accord sur une taille de dalle idéale (1x1, 5x5...)
- chacun y passe un peu de temps en fonction de ses intérêts, genre moi 
sur les zones couvertes par HOT, ou sur les plaines le long des fleuves 
navigables, Sly sur les montagnes, Jérôme sur le Sahara, untel parce 
qu'il a eu un jeu de données aux licences compatibles, etc.

- on se fait un petit repo git avec les scripts utilisés qu'on fait évoluer

alors je me dis que c'est un travail de titan raisonnable et je signe :)

On commence quand? ;)

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Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Paratage de DEM ( était Héberger le rendu HOT?)

2013-06-29 Thread Yohan Boniface

On 06/29/2013 01:59 PM, yvecai wrote:

Quid de la résolution ? ASTER, c'est ~30m, SRTM ~90m, on a cité ici des
extraits à 5m, 

Je dirais, sans éclat, qu'on prend le meilleur dispo quand on bosse sur 
une zone?

Et à part aller sur le terrain, comment choisir un jeu ou l'autre ?

Pas sûr qu'il y ait une stratégie gagnante à tous les coups.
- on importe massivement une première fois en visant une qualité moyenne 
(on fait au mieux dans le cas d'un traitement à l'aveugle)
- zone par zone qui nous intéresse, on se pose les bonnes questions et 
on fait le bon choix en fonction des données et connaissances qu'on a :)

En gros, ce qui peut rendre le chantier acceptable, c'est justement 
qu'on n'attaque pas de front. On pose une base, et on améliore en 
fonction des projets. A priori, sur une zone déterminée, on sera raccord 
sur les objectifs: le plus fidèle et le plus précis, le mieux.

D'ailleurs, vu la galère que ça l'air d'être d'importer ASTER pour le 
monde entier, on peut aussi zapper l'import massif initial.
En gros, on se met d'accord sur les modalités de stockage (taille des 
dalles essentiellement), et on ajoute ce qui nous intéresse. Par exemple 
moi en l'état y a Haiti, l'Afrique de l'Ouest et l'Indonésie qui 
m'intéressent, j'ajoute, et tant pis si le reste du monde est sans 
relief. En parallèle, Sly ajoutera l'Europe qui l'intéresse, et paf tant 
mieux j'en profiterai. Ensuite Yves ajoutera les pays neigeux, et paf 
tout le monde en profite.
L'autre avantage serait qu'on optimiserait le workflow au fur et à 
mesure et sur des volumes modestes. Plutôt que de tout se fader, et de 
se rendre compte ensuite que Ah mince, il faut ajouter -nodata xx 
ou se genre de blague.
Bref: de mon point de vue, ça me semble acceptable de partir d'un DEM à 
trous qu'on améliore petit à petit.

Des avis?

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Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Paratage de DEM ( était Héberger le rendu HOT?)

2013-06-28 Thread Yohan Boniface

On 06/27/2013 03:40 PM, sly (sylvain letuffe) wrote:

Côté calque hillshade, mon idée générale pour l'instant c'est d'utiliser
un .vrt qui référence les tif moulinés, apparemment c'est ce qui se fait.

Je ne travail pas sur le monde mais juste sur l'europe (780°²) et j'ai opté
pour un seul et unique fichier tif (9Go)

N'ayant pas trop fait d'essais avec la solution d'un vrt et d'une grosse
arborescence, je ne saurais dire si c'est mieux ou moins bien. Si ce n'est
sans doute que ma technique ajoute une monstre opération à base de pour produire un fichier titan.

Sur ce point, j'ai eu des précisions d'Andy Allan (Gravitystorm, 
Thunderforest): lui il utilise carrément des dalles de 1x1 (donc des 
dizaines de milliers de fichiers) dans son vrt.
Ce qui me fait dire qu'on doit pouvoir se passer de l'étape du merge dès 
lors qu'on utilise un vrt.

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Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Rendu françafrique

2013-05-22 Thread Yohan Boniface

On 05/21/2013 10:10 PM, Jérôme Cornet wrote:

Je n'ai pas encore rendu publique les feuilles Carto de rendu, mais si
ça vous intéresse je peux vous les communiquer (je mettrais ça sur un github
quand le problème de license sera réglé…)

Moi ça m'intéresse :)



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[josm-dev] zip style using MapCSS

2013-04-15 Thread Yohan Boniface


I'm working (with HOT) to create a new style for JOSM (which goal is to 
fit the Humanitarian Data Model [1] ). One of the needs is to provide 
more icons for POI regarding humanitarian situations.
For this style, I'm using the MapCSS option, because I feel more 
confident with this syntax.
Given that we will have many custom icons, and given that this style 
will mainly be used in humanitarian context with very poor Internet 
connection, the ideal should be to be able to provide a final ZIP, with 
the style and icons, that can be shared with USB key (as well as with an 
URL of course), and easy to install.
The documentation [2] says that this can be done with a XML based style 
I've made a quick test of a zip with my style and icons, and in fact the 
style is read, but the icons are not found.
Maybe I've done something bad, but given this quick failed attempt and 
given the actual documentation, I prefer to ask before going ahead.

- is it possible to use a zip for a MapCSS style including icones?
- if not, is it something that has a chance to be added in a future 
release of JOSM?

Thanks for reading!
Thanks for the good work on JOSM!



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Re: [josm-dev] zip style using MapCSS

2013-04-15 Thread Yohan Boniface

Thanks, PierZen has also pointed me to a working example!


On 04/15/2013 10:09 AM, Dirk Stöcker wrote:

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, Yohan Boniface wrote:

The documentation [2] says that this can be done with a XML based
style only.

Where does it say so?

Since JOSM revision 2289 zip files are supported.

The zip file must contain at least one file with extension *xml*.
Icon names and path are relative to the topmost zip directory.
If there are multiple XML files, a file with style in the name is 
preferred (to allow packaging styles and presets in one archive).

I've made a quick test of a zip with my style and icons, and in fact
the style is read, but the icons are not found.

Wrong path?
Icon names and path are relative to the topmost zip directory.

One example from Wiki including icons:


josm-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Leaflet.EditInOSM

2013-01-28 Thread Yohan Boniface

Hi all,

A short mail to introduce the little plugin Leaflet.EditInOSM [1], which 
add a control in Leaflet with links to edit the current view in JOSM, 
Potlatch or iD.

Demo here:

It's a very simple initial version, and many improvements can be done 
while needs raise, but it should cover the basic use cases.
I've also added it optionally in uMap project, for example:

Test and feedback welcome.
Feel free to contribute.



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[OSM-dev] CartoCC: Carto/TileMill config customizer

2013-01-28 Thread Yohan Boniface

Hi again,

About simple tools I'm working on and can be useful for others, let me 
introduce another one that can be helpful for people working with 

It aims to easily configure a project.mml file. Say for example to 
configure the local connection to a database or the path for some shape 

I'd like to make it a real TileMill plugin in the future, and find a way 
to help a versionned project.mml file workflow (not to pollute commits 
with changes related to the local environment).

Of course it's open source, so fill free to use it, fork it, change it, 
pull request, or what else can happen to open code ;)


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Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] uMap Project: OSM everywhere

2013-01-06 Thread Yohan Boniface

On 01/06/2013 07:21 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

This looks beautiful. Very easy to use, and that's most important. I'm
bookmarking it and looking forward for new releases :)

Thanks! :)

A great feature would be the draw line along road like Google has. I'm
not sure how that could be done without having your own router machine.
Maybe borrowing OSRM-s routing capacity is possible?

Damn, this one is not an easy one, but you're right, coupling with a 
router machine could be really useful.

I flag the idea for future me :) [1]

By the way, the last days, I've added some users suggestions:
- GPX support for batch import
- geolocation control (locate user using HTML5 API)
- jump to location control (smart geocoding using Nominatim)

Plus there is now a German translation and part of an italian one :)

Thanks for tests, help and feedback!


[1] for reference:

Janko Mihelić

2013/1/3 Yohan Boniface


This email for introducing the uMap project.

TL;DR: (demo site).

The goal of the project is to provide an app for easy creation of
slippy maps for *non technical* end user, with POI, polygons, etc.,
and embed/share them all over the Big Internet.

This project comes *without* any hosting service SaaS like: it just
provides the app and will let interested people host (and customize)
their own instances.

It's in alpha state, I'm preparing the 0.1 release.

Here are the already covered features:
- create/edit/delete maps
- choose the tile layers
- add/edit/delete Markers, Polyline, Polygon
- manage categories of POIs, to change icon or colors all at once
- import GeoJSON and KML from a file or an URL
- login/logout
- manage permissions (choose who can edit: only owner, selected
editors or everybody)
- choose icon type
- add pictograms to icons (closed list for now)
- change icon color (from POI itself or for a group of POIs)
- choose the licence of the datas
- manage a caption for the map
- get an iframe to spread the map
- all is i18n compliant

Nice features to add in the future:
- import POIs from XAPI
- upload custom icons
- add download option for getting data in GeoJSON
- better mobile UI
- choose colors from a palette
- ...

About the modules:

* Leaflet-Storage [1]: Leaflet plugin, built on top of Leaflet.Draw
et Leaflet.Hash, handling all the client (JavaScript) part; it
doesn't know nothing about the backend, so one can also create a
Rails, Node or whatever backend
* django-leaflet-storage [2]: Leaflet-Storage backend django
powered; it's an app, so reusable out the uMap project
* uMap [3]: Django project gluing the previous modules, which goal
is only to have a plug'n play solution, with some more CSS than the
default neutral modules

How to help?
- test on and add issues for bugs or enhancements
- add new translations (only French has been done)
- host an (alpha) instance
- code (python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS... or other if one wants to
create his own backend) :)

Thanks in advance for feedback and help,

Happy Open 2013!



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[OSM-dev] uMap Project: OSM everywhere

2013-01-03 Thread Yohan Boniface


This email for introducing the uMap project.

TL;DR: (demo site).

The goal of the project is to provide an app for easy creation of slippy 
maps for *non technical* end user, with POI, polygons, etc., and 
embed/share them all over the Big Internet.

This project comes *without* any hosting service SaaS like: it just 
provides the app and will let interested people host (and customize) 
their own instances.

It's in alpha state, I'm preparing the 0.1 release.

Here are the already covered features:
- create/edit/delete maps
- choose the tile layers
- add/edit/delete Markers, Polyline, Polygon
- manage categories of POIs, to change icon or colors all at once
- import GeoJSON and KML from a file or an URL
- login/logout
- manage permissions (choose who can edit: only owner, selected editors 
or everybody)

- choose icon type
- add pictograms to icons (closed list for now)
- change icon color (from POI itself or for a group of POIs)
- choose the licence of the datas
- manage a caption for the map
- get an iframe to spread the map
- all is i18n compliant

Nice features to add in the future:
- import POIs from XAPI
- upload custom icons
- add download option for getting data in GeoJSON
- better mobile UI
- choose colors from a palette
- ...

About the modules:

* Leaflet-Storage [1]: Leaflet plugin, built on top of Leaflet.Draw et 
Leaflet.Hash, handling all the client (JavaScript) part; it doesn't know 
nothing about the backend, so one can also create a Rails, Node or 
whatever backend
* django-leaflet-storage [2]: Leaflet-Storage backend django powered; 
it's an app, so reusable out the uMap project
* uMap [3]: Django project gluing the previous modules, which goal is 
only to have a plug'n play solution, with some more CSS than the default 
neutral modules

How to help?
- test on and add issues for bugs or enhancements
- add new translations (only French has been done)
- host an (alpha) instance
- code (python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS... or other if one wants to create 
his own backend) :)

Thanks in advance for feedback and help,

Happy Open 2013!



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