Re: Apache C++ Standard Library and the Attic

2013-07-18 Thread C. Bergström

On 07/18/13 09:03 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

At this month's board meeting, a resolution was passed to move Apache C++ 
Standard Library to the Attic, due to inactivity.

The Attic home page [1] contains some details about its purpose - it is the 
destination for Apache projects that can no longer provide oversight or muster 
votes for a release. It isn't a reflection on the contributors or the codebase, 
and is intended to be non-impacting to users.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments, or if you are 
available to work with the Attic to help with the transition of resources.
This was a stupid decision made by bureaucrats. The project still has 
potential and the lack of vision and belief from the board that those 
interested could actually achieve it - it's flat out disappointing. 
What's it cost the board to actually let it have another chance? There 
are other passionate people like myself who use the software everyday.. 
It's a silent community... This decision came from those who had some 
issue with the project for a long time and wouldn't stop until they had 
their way... I may be wrong and apologies if I am, but the behind the 
scenes information I have points in one direction only.

-1 ASF

Re: Search for new chair

2013-05-29 Thread C. Bergström

On 05/29/13 06:29 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

I am stepping down as Chair of the C++ StdLib PMC.

So the question is: Does this project and community
elect a new Chair, or does it enter the Attic?

I'd be willing to chair if others are supportive

Re: Search for new chair

2013-05-29 Thread C. Bergström

On 05/30/13 03:48 AM, Leandro T. C. Melo wrote:


although I follow this list for a few years, it's actually my first post. I
agree community would be on top, so let's say one would like to contribute
to the project... What would be the greatest motivating factor?
I'd say our target is c++ enthusiasts/professionals, system maintainers 
and compiler engineers

Licensing, portability, quality of codebase, standards conformance and 
hopefully performance (though I don't have benchmarks to substantiate 
this claim right now)

  I mean:
This project has been relatively quiet; There's now libc++, which can
probably better attract developers (specially given its connection with
Based on the commit logs - how much non-Apple/general clang 
contributions does libc++ get? STL hacking isn't the sexiest project to 
contribute to generally..

  - as fair as I know Window/Linux are not complete yet; I guess
STLport is also missing C++11, but I'd assume it's more widely spread than
the STDCXX and with more derivations, then more potential as well.
STLport's last release was 2008 and I'm not sure how much potential 
could be derived from that

 From a more practical side, regarding popularity and consequently an active
community: How much people (and who) are using STDCXX (I couldn't find this
on the page, sorry if it's there somewhere) and in which areas can the
STDCXX be awesome and differentiate from the others. Portability, i18n...
I know of a few companies/projects using stdcxx, but it's probably 
better to leave this as a TODO.

Re: STDCXX-1056 : numpunct fix

2012-09-20 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/21/12 07:39 AM, Liviu Nicoara wrote:

Now, in all honesty, it is not too hard to do that. Once you can satisfactorily 
explain to yourself what is wrong in the program, the creation of a test case 
is trivial. Some multi-threading bugs are insidious and hard to reproduce, but 
even then it's doable by isolating as little a portion of the codebase as 
possible, as a standalone program, and trimming it until the failure becomes 
easily reproducible.
fencepost comment - The results are based on tools and I don't think he 
has a large program which actually triggers the conditions.  (Creating 
one may take quite some time)

Re: [REPORT] Apache C++ Standard Library (stdcxx)

2012-09-13 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/13/12 11:40 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Sep 13, 2012, at 8:43 AM, Jim  wrote:

Is this all about your point of view that even though Apache stdcxx
is designed as a library, esp as a system library, that GPLv2 programs
cannot use and link to it because the FSF says that the ALv2
is incompatible w/ GPLv2? And all this despite the fact that
GPLv2 makes specific accommodations for system libraries...

Is that the actionable item of which you speak? You want the
ASF to verify something in the GPLv2?

FWIW (for completeness) let me state that *every* lawyer I've
spoken to says that since stdcxx is designed *AS* a system
library, and as a *standard* system library, the whole GPLv2
and ALv2 licenses are incompatible argument is completely moot.

The idea that one could not, for example, replace the current stdcxx
library in FreeBSD with Apache stdcxx *because of the GPLv2 and ALv2
license incompatibility* is completely bogus. Since this basic
argument is baseless, the idea that somehow stdcxx needs to be
licensed under something else *because of this* is also bogus.

PS: Even if the stdcxx library was under a commercial license, and/or
 completely proprietary, since it would be a standard, system
 library, GPLv2 applications would *still* be able to link
 to it... The GPL does NOT force system libs to even be
 open source.
We appreciate you telling the choir, but it doesn't help resolve this.  
How to best proceed?  Is legal-discuss the best way to go forward or 
something else?

[System lib exception was of course brought up during the BSD 
discussion, but it was said that system libraries are usually shipped by 
default with the system.  This may not always be the case with STDCXX.]

Re: [REPORT] Apache C++ Standard Library (stdcxx)

2012-09-13 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/13/12 07:43 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
Is that the actionable item of which you speak? You want the ASF to 
verify something in the GPLv2? 
No - We want to discuss the Apache foundation transferring their rights 
granted under the contributor agreement to another open source foundation.

Re: [REPORT] Apache C++ Standard Library (stdcxx)

2012-09-12 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/12/12 05:39 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:


* There was some licensing FUD discussed on the list, mostly to promote
   a rationale for moving the project elsewhere and/or releasing
   stdcxx under a different license. This has (hopefully) been clarified.
You willfully ignore the point and there is a clear need for an 
actionable item here.  Should someone email legal-discuss or what's the 
correct process for this?

Once again - This is not about *my* views, your views or your cousin 
bob's views.  If/when STDCXX ships to a large community of users their 
views may differ - At the very least the FSF has clearly stated their 
views which gives *others* concern.  This point of objection needs to be 
resolved and we appreciate your help in doing so.

Re: New chair and/or attic

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 08/31/12 07:20 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Aug 30, 2012, at 8:00 PM, C. Bergströ  wrote:

While STDCXX is at Apache it will never be BSD licensed.  Solution - move it 
away from Apache foundation and have them transfer some of the additional 
rights they received to allow recipient foundation to relicense.  I thought 
this would be a win for the project and everyone, but for some reason instead 
of opening a discussion to transfer - it's just death grip and pushing to the 

What is wrong with ALv2?
Armchair lawyer discussion on this will never end and I'll try to keep 
this brief..

Apache lawyer views, our lawyer views, your views.. etc (not the problem 

FSF views which probably have some weight across the open source 
community is summed up with this..
Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache 
License to be compatible with GPL version 2

That view seems to have been accepted by the FBSD community - The effect 
is that the large amount of GPLv2 code in ports/elsewhere can't take 
advantage of STDCXX due to it's license.  Please note I'm not arguing if 
this is correct, but just the feedback I've gotten.  I'm not 
interested to fight that.

Open source works like this in my experience : people use it, they love 
it and they contribute back.  To get users we need to solve problems for 
larger communities - Make sense?

Can you help clear this roadblock, yes or no?

Re: STDCXX forks

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 08/31/12 07:40 PM, Liviu Nicoara wrote:

Please correct me if I am wrong.

I have seen two forks on github, one belonging to C. 
Bergstrom/Pathscale and the other to Stefan Teleman.

The first one contains a number of genuine code changes outside the 
Apache repository, but without canonical and meaningful commit 
comments, and without accompanying test cases.

We can help clean this up if it makes a real difference
Some carry what seem to be bug id's from a private bug database. Some 
of the changes, e.g., 84d01405124b8c08bb43fdc3755ada2592449727
iirc we renamed the files because of some problem with cmake - it was 
trying to compile those files instead of treating them like headers.

, fa9a45fb36e45b71ba6b4ae93b50bd6679549420, seem odd.
I forget why we did this tbh - I'll try to get an answer in case it 
comes up again as a question

Are you guys dropping support for any  platforms?
Not intentionally - We are using/testing this on Solaris, FBSD and Linux 
- We may add OSX/Win to that list soon, but I can't promise at this 
point.  For targets we only are able to test x86 and x86_64

NetBSD also has a fork I believe, but not sure if it's public/status

Stefan's seem like a complete git-ification of the whole Apache 
repository but with no changes I could detect.
He has quite a number of patches and forget where those are kept.  I'm 
guessing a lot of his fixes target KDE/Qt apps and the Perennial C++VS 

Re: STDCXX forks

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 08/31/12 08:10 PM, Liviu Nicoara wrote:

NetBSD also has a fork I believe, but not sure if it's public/status

Do you know where that is?

He just posted his bulk patch

There's a small amount of CVS noise and we already have one part on our 
github.  I don't have more information

Re: New committers?

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/ 1/12 01:13 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Aug 31, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Wojciech  wrote:

Jim  writes:

So how are/were they committers??


Chime in - I think we need to clarify what kind of problems we have with
stdcxx being hosted as an Apache project.

The two significant ones (as far as I can understand):

- as I heard from Christopher Bergström that it's hard to push the
  stdcxx to FreeBSD ports repository (I can understand it and that
  sounds pretty bad, if that's the case then the board should consider
  re-licensing as advised; I agree in general it's a hard decision for
  the board, but imagine the project would benefit, IANAL tho)

Not exactly sure why, or how, since there are other ASF projects
in the FreeBSD ports directory... LOTS of others.
Do they come bundled with the compiler and link against every c++ 
application by default?  I suspect that their risk assessment may be 
higher with something that's equivalent to libc on the system.  (btw - 
anecdotal evidence and flippant comments don't help resolve this.  Did 
you even read my previous email explaining this?)

Re: New chair and/or attic

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/ 1/12 01:17 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

The idea that ALv2 projects can't be added to FreeBSD ports is complete and
total hogwash. Pure FUD.
Thanks for the top post and your view...  Can you actually address the 
issue and question?

On Aug 31, 2012, at 8:43 AM, C. Bergströ  wrote:

On 08/31/12 07:20 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Aug 30, 2012, at 8:00 PM, C. Bergströ   wrote:

While STDCXX is at Apache it will never be BSD licensed.  Solution - move it 
away from Apache foundation and have them transfer some of the additional 
rights they received to allow recipient foundation to relicense.  I thought 
this would be a win for the project and everyone, but for some reason instead 
of opening a discussion to transfer - it's just death grip and pushing to the 

What is wrong with ALv2?

Armchair lawyer discussion on this will never end and I'll try to keep this 

Apache lawyer views, our lawyer views, your views.. etc (not the problem here)

FSF views which probably have some weight across the open source community is 
summed up with this..
Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache License to be 
compatible with GPL version 2

That view seems to have been accepted by the FBSD community - The effect is that the 
large amount of GPLv2 code in ports/elsewhere can't take advantage of STDCXX due to it's 
license.  Please note I'm not arguing if this is correct, but just the 
feedback I've gotten.  I'm not interested to fight that.

Open source works like this in my experience : people use it, they love it and 
they contribute back.  To get users we need to solve problems for larger 
communities - Make sense?

Can you help clear this roadblock, yes or no?

Re: New committers?

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/ 1/12 01:35 AM, Stefan Teleman wrote:

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 2:27 PM, C. Bergström  wrote:

stdcxx ends up linking against *EVERY* C++ application if it's used in the
default compiler setup.  (Which is what I was trying to achieve)  That
includes ***GPLv2 software in ports.  Get it?

How exactly is APLv2 different from 2-clause BSD or 3-clause BSD in
this respect? The BSD licenses are just as incompatible with GPLv2 as
APLv2 is.

Our views may be the same, but others are not

from the apache website

Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache 
License to be compatible with GPL version 2

Re: New chair and/or attic

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/ 1/12 01:28 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Your suggestion is that, somehow, one cannot push stdcxx as part
of the FreeBSD ports collection. And that is because it is licensed
under ALv2.

My response is that that suggestion is total hogwash.

That's not an authoritative response - To help resolve this maybe we could

1) Have Apache lawyers say the same thing via a letter to FBSD foundation
2) Please have this link updated and provide a reference to where FSF 
has stated their revised compatibility views about APLv2 + GPLv2

Can you help with either of those?

Re: New chair and/or attic

2012-08-31 Thread C. Bergström

On 09/ 1/12 02:01 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Aug 31, 2012, at 2:41 PM, C. Bergströ  wrote:

On 09/ 1/12 01:28 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Your suggestion is that, somehow, one cannot push stdcxx as part
of the FreeBSD ports collection. And that is because it is licensed
under ALv2.

My response is that that suggestion is total hogwash.

That's not an authoritative response - To help resolve this maybe we could

1) Have Apache lawyers say the same thing via a letter to FBSD foundation
2) Please have this link updated and provide a reference to where FSF has 
stated their revised compatibility views about APLv2 + GPLv2

Ummm... system library

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable 
sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably 
considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and 
its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate 
works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a 
work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms 
of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire 
whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

armchair lawyer response not acceptable - Unless you're an Apache lawyer?

Re: New chair and/or attic

2012-08-30 Thread C. Bergström
I'm sincerely sorry to ask this and I have my own answers, but why 
continue STDCXX when such negativity from Apache is apparent..

Will Apache consider passing along some/all of it's CLA  granted 
rights/additional permissions to another foundation that hosts open 
source projects?

Why not move to libc++?  (Yes I realize the amount of effort involved here)


Re: New chair and/or attic

2012-08-30 Thread C. Bergström

On 08/31/12 03:10 AM, Pavel Heimlich, a.k.a. hajma wrote:

2) Posting the project is dead on a public list certainly doesn't help grow a 

well, it's half year since revival of the project was announced and has
there been any progress/improvements? The state of this is a koma at best.

Just because bureaucrats say jump doesn't mean anything is going to happen.
The facts as I know it
1) Our fork is maintained (continuous bug fixes - which we won't submit 
to Apache now)

2) Stefan is putting in some work (one man army)
3) Wojciech Meyer had put in some work
4) NetBSD has a small amount of patches they could probably push 
upstream (If Jörg has the time)
5) Martin is/was great for feedback in all areas of STL/C++/occasional 
code review

I'm really not sure if to you this would make the project dead or in a 
koma.  The problem as I have said before is there needs to be some 
compelling reason to use STDCXX vs libc++.  Instead of just trying to 
sweep it under the rug - why not find it a new home, put a one line call 
for help on a blog/homepage or etc.  Apache leaders have a huge 
readership, but this koma issue isn't on the general radar.

STDCXX isn't some stupid ass java framework or widget - It's a 
*critical* part of a C++ stack and the cost of leaving it out of the 
attic is negligible - What's the benefit of bringing up these attic 

Re: STDCXX fork

2011-06-26 Thread C. Bergström

 On 06/26/11 10:31 PM, Stefan Teleman wrote:

On 2011/6/26 C. Bergströ  wrote:

Do any of your patches fix these and if so which one(s)?  Do you have
reduced test cases or which test suite?

Yes, the vast majority of the patches are about C++2003 conformance.

C++VS - Perennial C++ Validation Suite (CPPVS)

Yes we do have reduced test cases for the violations, but we cannot
publish them because Perennial CPPVS must be licensed.
PathScale has a Perennial license and feel free to privately email which 
issues the patches specifically fix.


Re: STDCXX fork

2011-06-26 Thread C. Bergström

 On 06/27/11 01:17 AM, Stefan Teleman wrote:

2011/6/26 C. Bergströ

PathScale has a Perennial license and feel free to privately email which
issues the patches specifically fix.

Your false statements are annoying and unnecessary.

Please don't avoid the question as I'm trying to help review your 
changes.  Either publicly or privately email which patch fixes which 
Perennial test.  (If in fact you've ran them at all)

Re: STDCXX fork

2011-06-25 Thread C. Bergström

 On 06/26/11 11:23 AM, Stefan Teleman wrote:

On 2011/6/17 C. Bergströ  wrote:

I hope we can also take a look at the Solaris and Windows patches :)

You can svn co all the stdcxx Solaris patches from here:

The patches can be found in the Solaris/diffs/ directory.
The shell script to apply the patches is Solaris/
The patches are based on the stdcxx 4.2.1 release.

Anonymous svn should work. If it doesn't work for you please let me
know, it only means something is messed up.

Some of the patches are very Solaris and/or Studio C++ specific (the
sunpro.config patches, the GNUmakefile* patches and the patches for
the Standard C Library forwarding header files (cstdio, cstdlib,
cstring, clocale, etc ...).

I will start submitting patches here (at Apache) soon.
The last time we checked the patches they caused some boost regressions 
so please make sure to run the boost test suite.

Our compiler runs on Solaris and which patches are platform, but not 
compiler specific?


Re: STDCXX fork

2011-06-17 Thread C. Bergström

 On 06/17/11 09:54 PM, Wojciech Meyer wrote:

Hi all


1) better cmake build system (Actually this has nothing to do with
Apache or the current build system.)
2) Faster code review, QA and easier contribution process (Only the last
part is slowed down by Apache)
3) Actively maintained (To start just bug fixes, better support for
Win/ARM/Solaris and performance improvements[2].  If we get enough
interest we'll start on C++0x)

We have some armcc porting patches against 5.2.1 (or trunk), would you
be able to try to include them in your big merge? They are basically
build system amendments to cross compile stdcxx with our compiler and
make it work with our run time. Obviously if the build system is going
to change, I would need to spend some time porting them to cmake (hopefully
it will be straight forward), so let me know WDYT.
Anything not build related please send me a pull request on.  We have a 
cross compile build system for our compiler, but I'm not sure how easy 
it will be to pull that out just for STDCXX.  When the engineer who owns 
this code is back from holiday we'll get it sorted out.

I hope we can also take a look at the Solaris and Windows patches :)



2011-06-16 Thread C. Bergström

Hi all

PathScale has been maintaining our internal branch of STDCXX for a while 
now and recently it's gone open source (along with a few other things[1])

Having it hosted at Apache seems to have created some barriers we're 
hoping to resolve.

1) better cmake build system (Actually this has nothing to do with 
Apache or the current build system.)
2) Faster code review, QA and easier contribution process (Only the last 
part is slowed down by Apache)
3) Actively maintained (To start just bug fixes, better support for 
Win/ARM/Solaris and performance improvements[2].  If we get enough 
interest we'll start on C++0x)

Note: The cmake based build system isn't in the tree now and should 
merge mid/late next week.

If you're interested

If you have outstanding patches please clone and send a pull request.  
We're going to work hard to get all the backlog of stuff reviewed and 



[2] There's been a number of reported issues where just swapping out the 
STL between GNU and STDCXX resolves performance issues

Windows 2008 build/test host

2011-01-10 Thread C. Bergström


I've started an amazon ec2 instance for another project inside our 
company today.  If anyone is interested to help set it up a scheduled 
task to run the STDCXX tests let me know.



Re: [PATCH] STDCXX-1051: Stdcxx build process needs to be able to run configuration executable files created by the build system during configuration step on emulators in order to cross compile the li

2010-09-20 Thread C. Bergström

Wojciech Meyer wrote:



We are trying to cross compile stdcxx library. The problem we are facing

is that there is no way of telling stdcxx build system, that we don't

want to run configuration files created by configuration step by build

system directly on a host system (through a shell).


For instance, this command (taken from log):




invoked during configuration process runs natively the executable through

a shell.


However we want to be able to run it on an emulator like this:


path to our emulator UNISTD_DECL


This command will run the UNISTD_DECL through an emulator.


The patch we are proposing, is to introduce a new Makefile variable, 

EXEC_RUNNER, which allows us to do it.


EXEC_RUNNER defaults to /bin/sh -c. so it does not interfere with

the rest of build process (at least on Unix/MSys/Cygwin environment,

pure Win32 platform has completely separate build system).


Patch is against `trunk'.

We have ported stdcxx over to cmake and will likely be cross compiling. 
(mingw and other targets)  When the work is more complete I'll ping you 
for early testing.

Re: [PATCH] STDCXX-1051: Stdcxx build process needs to be able to run configuration executable files created by the build system during configuration step on emulators in order to cross compile the li

2010-09-20 Thread C. Bergström

Wojciech Meyer wrote:

C. Bergström wrote:

We have ported stdcxx over to cmake and will likely be cross compiling. 
(mingw and other targets)  When the work is more complete I'll ping you 
for early testing.




That's a good news. Please do a pull request on ML once it's working.

BTW: We will have some more patches that you might be interested in,
particularly related to `stdcxx vs no-posix stuff', please see this

It would be good to coordinate if you plan some massive changes on
trunk, (the former patch applies to stdcxx-4.2.x line too).
Yeah I'm tracking this list and most of the discussions.. We don't have 
a contributor agreement in place and so I'm not sure how much will get 
pushed to trunk yet.  The cmake stuff is all new and shouldn't conflict 
with anything..  It'll mostly just make it *a lot* easier to build and 
test the project..  cmake + ctest is really awesome..

Re: C++0x support?

2010-06-05 Thread C. Bergström

Martin Sebor wrote:

On 06/04/2010 03:17 PM, C. Bergström wrote:

Martin Sebor wrote:

The biggest but possibly the only reason that occurs to me
is portability. The target platform of libc++ is gcc/clang
on Apple OS X. stdcxx on the other hand has been ported to
dozens of compilers and operating systems and versions,
and is easily portable to new ones (check out the nightly
test matrix:

Maybe integrate with the suse build service to catch platforms that
aren't in the test matrix currently.. I see SLE11 missing from the
matrix and I know that's really important for us and some others..
FreeBSD 8 is broken.. etc

Also is it really nightly?
Generated Thu Aug 27 15:00:33 UTC 2009 ...

It was (or in response to a commit) until Rogue Wave stopped
running the builds a few months ago. We haven't yet found a
replacement infrastructure.

I'll work with you off list and happy if I can help..

I can cover lastest NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenSolaris and various flavors of 
Linux..  (I'm reluctant for Mac and Win64, but tbd)

Re: C++0x support?

2010-06-04 Thread C. Bergström

Stefan Teleman wrote:

2010/6/4 C. Bergström


Portability is interesting to us, but we're also very much interested in
performance.  So previous to the upcoming release we only supported Linux,
but now we're looking to add OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac and possibly
other platforms as we have time to bring them up to production levels.

I am pleased to report that the latest Express version of the Oracle
Studio (nee Sun Studio) Compilers

supports the Apache Standard C++ Library (4.2.1):


Hi Stefan,

Does that mean the suncc team will be helping to improve it?  If neither 
please don't hijack threads.  I removed maybe too much context from the 
email, but it was in reference to C++0x + OpenSolaris.

(imho stdcxx support is a great thing in sun cc and it really should be 
the system default in place of libCrun..)


Re: C++0x support?

2010-06-04 Thread C. Bergström

Stefan Teleman wrote:

2010/6/4 C. Bergström


Hi Stefan,

Does that mean the suncc team will be helping to improve it?  If neither
please don't hijack threads.  I removed maybe too much context from the
email, but it was in reference to C++0x + OpenSolaris.

You should ask the compiler team directly what their plans are. I
cannot speak for them.

My email was in response to your statement about supporting C++0X in
OpenSolaris with the Sun C++ compiler (which you have restated in this

I never said Sun C++ compiler.. I in fact said PathScale.. (see below)

I wonder how you plan on supporting C++0X in OpenSolaris with the Sun
C++ compiler, when this compiler does not currently support *any*
C++0X features, and support for these features will not be available
for quite some time. And the compiler is not open source.

So no, I am not hijacking threads. I am seeking some clarification
with respect to your own statements.

So in case you haven't read the thread

1) PathScale has a port to OpenSolaris
2) We are going to switch to stdcxx
3) We are interested in working on C++0x in stdcxx on the platforms we 

I checked my email and I think you just assumed sun cc..
