Re: Article

2008-03-13 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Jim Cushing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> P.S. By "rather poor designs features" of Struts 1, I refer primarily
>  to choice of making Actions singletons, which required a separate
>  ActionForm bean. As I've read the history of Struts 1, WebWork, and
>  Struts 2, much of it written by the members of this list, I see that
>  they've acknowledge the drawbacks of that approach and have learned
>  from it. By no means did I mean to disparage the Struts 1 team. The
>  nature of software is that it gets better with time as we refine our
>  designs.
>  That said, it's interesting that the Spring MVC team decided not to
>  learn from, and instead repeat, this mistake.

It's useful to remember that decisions like this (for any framework)
were not made in a vacuum.  Instead, they were influenced by the
technology available at the time.  In the case at hand, Struts 1 was
designed in the days when JDK 1.1 was the predominant platform, and
object creation/GC was so expensive that anyone who profligately
creates lots of objects per request (the way that many modern
frameworks do it) would have been considered patently insane :-).
After that point, and especially for a framework that achieved the
popularity that Struts 1 did, backwards compatibility for existing
applications became a pretty strong motivation not to change something
this fundamental lightly.  Note, for example, that servlets are
*still* singletons, even ten years later.

Craig McClanahan

>  On Mar 13, 2008, at 12:33 PM, Jim Cushing wrote:
>  > I'm but a humble Struts 2 user (and a Spring MVC critic), so forgive
>  > me for lurking on this list (it's a great way for me to follow the
>  > progress). I posted two comments to that blog (search for "jimothy")
>  > that I think sum up Spring MVC vs. Struts 2 from a mindshare
>  > perspective. I'd be interested to hear how those in the thick of
>  > Struts 2 development feel about this.
>  >
>  > On Mar 12, 2008, at 11:41 AM, James Mitchell wrote:
>  >
>  >> Interesting read...
>  >>
>  >> 
>  >>
>  >> --
>  >> James Mitchell
>  >>
>  >> -
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Re: [s2] Proposal: Rest Plugin

2007-10-23 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 10/21/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/22/07, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 10/21/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > [...]
> > > Which reminds me, this plugin is targeted towards HTML-based web apps
> > > that want to expose their information in machine-readable ways (XML
> > > and JSON),
> >
> >
> > I presume you mean DOM-based apps; some of us don't use HTML any more. ;-)
> HTML = text format that you want to manually generate using jsp,
> velocity, or freemarker

What happens when different clients want different representations?
This is one of the places where Rails does a pretty nice job, using
the respond_to method to let the controller choose which
representation to produce, based on some combination of (a) what did
the client ask for (via a content type header or a format suffix on
the URL), and (b) what representations are available in the app.

On the other hand, when combined with a plugin like
make_resourceful[1] , a Rails controller supporting simple things like
CRUD operations, with multiple representations, can be incredibly
concise.  (Rails lets you define multiple related actions in a single
controller, so this is all in one class.)  The domain of interest in
this example is the posts on a blog system.

  class PostController << ApplicationController
make_resourceful do
  actions :all
  publish :xml, :json, :yaml,
attributes => [ :id, :title, :body,
 { :comments => [ :id, :author, :body  ]  }

That's the whole controller (without make_resourceful it'd be about
100 lines of code) ... but it allows you to select any of XML, JSON,
or YAML (a text format for hierarchical data commonly used in Rails
config files, but not restricted to Ruby).  Adding HTML as an output
option is one more entry on the publish line (plus writing the
corresponding views in your favorite template language).  And this
controller automatically maps *all* of the following (think of them as
context relative) URLs to the specified controller actions, which
perform the specified tasks:

  # POST /posts -- create a new post and return status 201 plus a
Location header with the
  # appropriate URL to access the newly created post instance
  def create ... end

  # DELETE /posts/xxx -- delete the post row with key xxx
  def delete ... end

  # GET /posts/xxx/edit -- create an HTML entry form for the post with
key xxx; the
  # resulting PUT will call the update() action.  Only used for HTML
  # (in earlier edge rails, this was ";edit" instead of "/edit")
  def edit ... end

  # GET /posts -- return an HTML table or a data structure in the
requested format
  def index ...  end

  # GET /posts/new -- create an HTML entry form for a new post
instance; the resulting
  # POST will trigger the create() action.  Only used for HTML representation
  # (prior to edge rails, this was ";new" instead of "/new")
  def new ... end

  # GET /posts/xxx -- return HTML details or data representation of
post with key xxx
  def show ... end

  # PUT /posts/xxx -- update the post row with key xxx from parameters
in this request
  def update ... end

Several notes are important to understand if you're not familiar with
Rails REST support:

* With make_resourceful, you don't actually write the above methods at
all -- they
  are generated at runtime.  The source code above is what the
developer writes (plus any
  HTML views).  Can you write a complete CRUD web service with
Struts2, supporting
  multiple representations, in nine lines of code (minus HTML views)?

* Without make_resourceful, there's a Rails generator that will
actually generate all
  this code -- but you end up with ~100 lines per controller, with a
pattern that is repeated
  in every controller with only a few details being different.  That's
not optimal, which is
  why a plugin like this got created.  It won't be part of Rails 2.0
core (the Rails core
  developers have a similar allergy to a bloated core that the Struts2
developers have),
  but it's readily available.

* You can add additional actions that are related, and this is not
uncommon for special
  purpose requests that don't strictly conform to CRUD operations but
share the same
  requirements for data acquisition.

* For index and show, the client requests the representation they
want, either via an
  accept header specifying the content type, or adding ".xml",
".json", or ".yml" to the URL.

* A client of a RESTful web service will never need the "edit" or
"new" actions ... it will
  simply interact directly with "update" or "create" appropriately.

* The Rails helper methods for form based HTML input have workarounds
for the fact
  that browsers do not actually know how to do a PUT or DELETE (except
in an Ajax
  callback).  This kind of thing could easily be implemented in the
server side view
  representation, but it'll be specific to whatever templat

Re: Has the WebWork rebranding to Struts2 been a failure?

2007-06-23 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/23/07, Martin Gilday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The stats that Ted posted suggest that I have nothing
to worry about anyway.  Maybe we are just not as vocal about it.  I'm
assuming those stats only include direct downloads and not the central
Maven repo where many people may be pulling it from?

Not only is it just direct downloads ... it is just direct downloads
from Apache's server only, and does not include downloads from any of
the mirrors (which is where well behaved folks *should* be getting
their downloads).  Or, obviously, from the Maven repositories.

As recently as three weeks ago, I was talking to some people who have
whole consultancies still built around Struts 1, for old and new
projects, that are doing just fine, thank you.  You can sneer all you
want about how Struts 1 doesn't "measure up" to your 2007
sensibilities ... but it's still very widely popular six years after
version 1.0 was released :-).

Craig McClanahan

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Re: s1 - 1.x "Future" Issues

2007-02-19 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 2/19/07, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The purpose of the Road Map is to assign issues to a release. Since "Future"
is not a version or a release -- but just a grouping of issues for the
"future" -- it has little use, and the way we use it tells me we're using
the Road Map wrongly. Now, I believe that's the case, but I am not going to
fight this issue too strongly because it is not critical to anything. I'll
go back and look at the archives, but there's nothing wrong with
re-examining past decisions. I haven't seen other JIRA projects slating
things into a "Future" version -- and probably because it's not a version.


For what it's worth, we're using a "TBD" version identifier in Shale
for the same concept that "Future" seems intended for in Struts ... to
track things that are real issues (either bugs or RFEs), but for which
no one has yet stepped up and said "I want to deal with this for a
particular release".  This is different from "Unscheduled" (the
default state when a new issue is created), because it has to be
looked at and assigned, instead of being closed as "Will Not Fix" or
"Not A Problem" immediately.

An issue tracking system should (IMHO) be useful for more than just
roadmaps and release notes.  Let's say you hear from an enthusiastic
user who wants to contribute to the project, but doesn't have a
specific idea on where to start.  Where do you send him or her to get
some ideas?  For Shale, I've got a simple answer[1].  Wouldn't Struts
like to have the same ability?



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Re: Struts Release Process (again) (was [VOTE] Struts 2.0.5 Quality)

2007-02-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 2/6/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alexandru Popescu wrote:
> I see two clear stages:
> - a product that is ready from developers point of view
> - a product that gets its users acceptance
> An OSS project can take the same approach or not, and this is up to
> its management. However, I feel that a project that would like to be
> widely used cannot be labeled as released version without the user
> acceptance.
> I understand Don's concern about how these steps should be managed,
> but I think this is not a very complex process:
> - developer's ready version: beta
> - (after a scheduled period during which only fixes go in if
> necessary): GA.
I would love it if we actually did this.  Unfortunately, we don't do the
second step, which is to have a scheduled period that allows fixes to go
in if necessary.  What we actually do is freeze the code in a test
build, and put that through an undetermined period after which it may be
reassessed.  If any problems are found after the build, the whole
process starts again.  What this results in is a project that very, very
rarely releases a GA release because issues are always found after the
test build.  If you don't believe me, look how often we put GA releases
out with Struts 1 and that was with a code base that rarely saw any
significant development/features.  Imagine how long it would take us to
get out a release on a very active project...

That is definitely one of the lessons to be learned from the Struts
1.xexperience.  Here's how we're applying that lesson in Shale land.
recent 1.0.4 release is the first one we felt had a snowball's chance at
being voted GA quality, so as soon as we cut that release we also branched
(SHALE_1_0_X), with the rule that only bugfixes (including non-invasive
bugfixes backported from the trunk) would be committed here.  The trunk was
then opened for further "new feature" development (as well as bugfixes).
Right now, it is tentatively labelled as "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT", but that could
easily become 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT if we wanted to do major
non-backwards-compatible changes.

The net effect is that Struts could:

* Create a branch totally focused on stabilization and bugfixes ... the only
 is to create a GA-quality branch based on the current feature set.  If
2.0.5 does not
 cut the mustard, just fix the reported bugs and try again (weeks instead
of years later).

* Avoid slowing down new feature development ... it continues on the trunk.

* If 2.05 (say) got voted GA but a security vulnerability or critical bug
were later
 discovered, an updated version could be turned around VERY quickly on the
 branch.  Just fix the bad problems and release it.  You don't have to
worry about
 stabilizing all the new features that might have been added on the trunk,
 they won't be present on the branch.  (The MyFaces folks are currently
 the same price we paid in 1.x, because they are intermixing new features
 bugfixes on the trunk -- hopefully they will learn the same lesson.)

Branches are our friends.  The fact that we didn't leverage them is the
biggest thing we did wrong in Struts 1.x development, IMHO.  I hope that the
Struts 2 process can improve based on lessons learned from that experience.



Re: Struts Release Process (again) (was [VOTE] Struts 2.0.5 Quality)

2007-02-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 2/6/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, two comments here.  First, how many beta releases do we need
before it is time for a GA?  I think we've been at beta quality since
2.0.1 and, yes, it has been helpful to weed out issues, but now with
several large applications running Struts 2 and no significant issues in
JIRA, I think we are ready for GA.

The second is a general comment about this new release process.  I think
you are right that we'll have to agree to disagree here, cause I've
always disliked this idea of doing a release then voting on it later.
If we are taking that backwards-looking approach even farther and
basically automatically giving releases a "beta" label until some
undetermined future date when we vote again, then I really must object.

I can understand the value of a test build and vote a few days after to
ensure that the release process went off smoothly and all the important
bits are in there.  I may not particularly like it, but I agree it is
necessary.  What I find disturbing is that we would make a habit of
waiting till weeks/months after the fact to label it GA.  If the release
is built, we test it and find nothing wrong, I think we should label it
GA and move on.  If bugs are found after the fact, then let's roll
another release.  I'm concerned that the backwards-looking way of
thinking will result in a project that very rarely gets anything out to
its users.  I think open source projects work best when they release
early and often, even if they may find bugs in it later on.  And before
the comment is made that test builds or even beta releases _are_
following the release early/often pattern, it certainly isn't true for
what I'd argue that is the majority of developers who can't touch a
product without the GA label.

I really hope we can find a productive balance between the need for
stability and need to keep the project moving at a healthy pace.  Let's
not fall into the Struts 1 trap of being overly conservative, but
instead get out quality releases quickly and often.

Isn't a feature of the current release practice that you could vote a
particular x.y.z release as "beta" now, but later hold another vote to
upgrade it to GA status later (i.e. without requiring another release)?
Don's success with it is great ... but that is only one data point.  Having
10-50 people report back success would seem to mean it's time to go back and
give that release a better report card.



Ted Husted wrote:

> We might have to agree to disagree. I believe a beta vote is warranted
> when someone believes the code is ready for testing outside of the
> development group. Personally, I am not in favor of passing a set of
> bits straight to GA without a beta cycle, especially when a release
> series hasn't seen a GA release yet. The term "General Availability"
> should mean that we feel it is ready for us by the general public, not
> just that we were able to use it ourselves. Of course, other PMC
> members may have different viewpoints.
> Remember, voting beta now is not the final disposition. It simply
> means that we can announce the release to the user list and encourage
> wider testing. If the reports come back joyful, then we can decide to
> apply the GA stamp.
> In the meantime, we can continue to roll new releases. I'd be happy to
> run one every week or two, so long as there is something to put into
> the notes :)
> -Ted.
> On 2/6/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I disagree; you shouldn't vote beta just because you haven't ran the
>> code in production.  A beta vote should be reserved for the case where
>> you don't believe the quality is at the level of a GA release, and
>> should be specific issues you can point to that you feel need to be
>> resolved first.  If you have downloaded the release, ran it through
>> whatever tests you deem appropriate, and it passes with flying colors,
>> then a GA vote is warranted.
>> Don
>> Ted Husted wrote:
>> > Beta is also an option :)
>> >
>> > On 2/6/07, Ian Roughley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> +0 for GA.  I have some testing code that looks good, but no
>> production
>> >> code that has been converted.
>> >>
>> >> /Ian
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Re: [VOTE] Tiles PMC Chair

2006-12-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 12/2/06, David H. DeWolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[X] Greg Reddin (greddin)


Re: [VOTE] Tiles TLP

2006-12-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 12/2/06, David H. DeWolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[X] +1  = Yes, let's ask the board to establish the Tiles TLP


Re: [tiles2] Tiles TLP and Dimensions incubation

2006-12-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 12/1/06, Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want you to know that I have contacted the original developer (and
copyright owner) of Dimensions, and he said that he is available for the
code donation.
So my question is: should we process Dimensions incubation after Tiles
has estabilished as a TLP, or should we do it at the same time?

Let me know your thoughts.

I suspect the most expeditious path is to process the two items separately.
The existing Tiles code can simply be transferred to a new TLP, because it's
all clearly Apache code.  The Dimensions code is going to have to go through
the Incubator -- even though its likely that this can go very quickly, there
is no reason to mess up the progress of the Tiles TLP proposal by trying to
do them together.

Thank you




2006-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 11/30/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/30/06, Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David H. DeWolf ha scritto:
> > 2) Decide on a PMC Chair
> >- who is interested?
> As I can see from this question, then you probably you're not interested
> :-) Or are you?

I'd like to see Greg or David as Tiles PMC Chair.

+1 on either.

(It doesn't have to be forever... I noticed in the board meeting

minutes that one project is changing chairs every 1-2 years, which
might be something to consider.)

Craig or Martin, can you comment on what's actually involved and how
much time it takes?

Current Board policy is that new TLPs report once a month for the first
three months, then quarterly thereafter.  You can see the range of reports
that different TLPs provide in the public board meeting minutes.  In
practice, it doesn't take long -- it's not like release notes that need to
track every little detail.  The Board primarily wants to hear about the
community aspects, and any issues that the TLP wants to bring to the Board's

The two things I know of are sending board reports (monthly for a

while, then quarterly), and requesting accounts and granting karma for
new committers.  Anything else?

As Ted mentions, any PMC member can do the account requests.  Karma grants (
i.e. adjusting the SVN permissions) is currently a PMC chair function (it's
editing and checking in a config file, so no big effort involved), but
that's probably negotiable.

Also, as with Ted, I'm also a PMC chair already so it'd be best to have
someone else be the chair here.  But, of course, I'll definitely help out as





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Re: [PROPOSAL] Updated Tiles Graduation Proposal

2006-11-28 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 11/28/06, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since we've failed to build consensus, I've published a versioned
> snapshot that will have to suffice for 2.0.2 and I will begin to
> drive the effort for TLP :( - it's not my preference but it will
> have to work.

Hang on, slow down just a bit :-)  Before we jump off the TLP cliff
let's make sure we know all the options and have consensus from
everybody involved.

As a historical note, the ASF Board really doesn't like "umbrella" projects,
and has actively encouraged the "graduation mania" we've seen out of Jakarta
over the last couple of years.

Here's the viable choices as I see them:

1)  Jakarta Web Components Subproject - What components will make up
this list?  Who all needs to be involved in the discussion?
2)  Apache Web Components TLP - What components will make up this
list?  Who needs to be involved in the discussion?  What's the
process to proceed?
3) Apache Tiles TLP - Seems we could do this here and now and submit
a proposal to the board.  Who else should we bring into the discussion?

I'd be happy to be involved in #3 ... either #1 or #2 seems like a built in
scenario for wishy washy boundary discussions, plus scope creep.  For
example, how do you define "web component" in such a way that Struts itself
would not qualify?  If that were OK, how do you decide when a web component
should itself graduate?

Writing code is much more fun than writing umbrella project charter
documents :-).


Options that have been discussed and rejected:

1)  Struts subproject - Struts does not need to become an umbrella.
2)  Jakarta Commons component - Tiles is more of a framework than
most of the components under commons.  Several people have voiced
their objection to this approach.
3)  Struts2 Tiles Plugin - Removes the "standalone" nature of Tiles.

So... of the three viable options, let's discuss and decide where to
go from here.


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Re: [s2] Message resources from database

2006-11-21 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 11/21/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is "JPAMailreaderDao" part of this


or is it a Shale thing?

The mailreader-jpa[1] "shale thing" :-) is actually independent of Shale, in
the same way that mailreader-dao has been independent of Struts.  The
contents are a persistence.xml file and the corresponding JPA entity
classes.   It's perfectly reasonable to consider using it in a Struts
example, if you want.




Re: svn commit: r472338 - in /struts/maven/trunk/struts2-archetype-starter/src/main/resources: META-INF/archetype.xml archetype-resources/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/decorators/main.ftl archetype-resource

2006-11-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 11/8/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does this need a servlet mapping?

I don't think so. It just expose the servlet instance itself such
that  ServletConfig etc.  could be obtained . This  I think is  needed
when  using a jsp taglib in freemarker

You're correct ... a servlet mapping is not required, if all you are after
is the "load on startup" behavior of the container calling init() at startup
time, but you do not want this servlet to process any requests.  With the
current generation servlet APIs, you'd more likely do this sort of thing in
a ServletContextListener, but I imagine this design predates that.



Re: [Struts-Faces] possible Bug in FormRenderer

2006-10-28 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 10/26/06, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


two things.

a) is this the right place to ask questions on Struts-Faces, or where ?

It's the right place for dev type questions ... the Struts User list for
user type questions :-).

if so b)

the demos of struts faces show a "portal" which uses links (done w/
JSF-components) to navigate to a tiles pages, which finally contains a
 based formular. that is the key... ActionForm/Action on the
java side and JSF comp.s on the page side.

Every thing works. A form-submit sends a req. to the action

So far so good...

When I am converting one of my own apps w/ struts-faces I'd like to
stay with  for linking to form pages (that are using
). But ...

In other words, you want to use the Struts  tag in a form
surrounded by the JSF  component?  That's very likely not going to
work reliably.  You should stick to one technology or the other for all of
your view tier tags on any particular page -- either the Struts HTML tags or
the appropriate JSF component tags.  You are only scratching the surface of
a lot of problems that will show up trying to mix them.


since that is a GET request the form renders html like

(only when using GET / html:link)

so ... a submit causes a 404. Not wondering :)

When I use firebug to change the action attr value to
/blub/tilesMasterLayout.faces every thing works. Action is called.

The action() method in FormRenderer returns in the wrong szenario a .do
I think it is not to bad to check agains a struts pattern in that URL
and replace that .do
(if needed) with the jsf pattern (like .faces or add /faces/)

I think this is valid, because the form renders already fine, which
ensures you are inside the FacesContext ...

If you all agree, I'd like to provide the patch for that.


Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: [S2] Spring 2 for Struts 2?

2006-10-14 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 10/14/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/13/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since the reports are that Spring 2 works just fine with Struts 2, why
> don't we bite the bullet and update our dependencies?

Other than a shiny new version number, what will this buy us? I don't have
any objections per se, but we should have good reasons for changing our

A major functional reason is that Spring 2 finally understands about scopes,
making it *much* easier to integrate with web frameworks.   But the point
earlier in this thread about making sure S2 still works with Spring 1.x is
still well taken.


Martin Cooper



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Re: [tiles2] Tiles "controllers" (WAS: Re: [tiles2] Some words about proposed changes)

2006-10-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 10/6/06, Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Greg Reddin ha scritto:
> Here's what I envision for the controller:  I don't think it would
> really be used to change the destination of the response.  I don't see
> the controller as being analogous to a Struts action even though it
> could be used in that way.  If I wanted the controller to be used as a
> "controller" in the MVC sense of the word (IOW to select a
> destination) I'd want it to return something like actions do in
> Struts, WebWork, and JSF.  I've always used the controller like a JSP
> tag.  I use it to implement code that needs to reside in the view
> layer (or code that needs to be called from the view layer) and as a
> way to keep from writing scriptlet code in my JSPs.

Uh I see, I think it's time to resurrect controllers (I think it's
needed only in the TLD). Now what about their name?
Possible names could be:
* Controller for the class (or maybe TilesController) - controllerClass
and controllerUrl for tag attributes
* ViewPreparer (or TilesPreparer) for the class - preparerClass and
preparerUrl and for the tag attribute (thanks Nathan!);
* TilesPreprocessor - preprocessorClass, preprocessorUrl (this is what I

Two similar concepts in other places might provide fodder for names:

* In WW/Sttruts2 the corresponding concept is the Preparable
 interface ... it might be nice to use the same name if the concept
 applies directly.  If that might be too confusing, then Preparer
 would likely be better (although it is a bit awkward to pronounce).

* In Shale, the corresponding concept is the prerender() method
 of the ViewController interface.  That name was chosen to set
 the connotation that "get the data I'm going to need to render this view"
 is what code should actually go here.


Re: [tiles2] Some words about proposed changes

2006-10-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 10/5/06, Nathan Bubna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think "controllers" should stay, but the name should be changed.
Call them ViewPreparers or something...

I would agree.  The useful thing you can do here is prepare the data needed
to do the subsquent rendering.  It is called *after* the controller has
already dispatched and chosen which view to render.


On 10/5/06, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Oct 5, 2006, at 9:53 AM, Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> >>* The controllers were added to allows stand alone use of tiles to
> >>  be able to do some kind of computation associated to the tiles.
> >>  When used with Struts, there is a redundancy (with the use of
> >>  actions), but when used alone, the controller mechanism is very
> >>  useful to separate view rendering from controller business
> >
> > The problem with Tiles controllers is that the controller is not
> > able to
> > choose between different destination pages. It misses an important
> > part
> > of a controller: the dispatcher.
> > But using a normal url as a template (or tile :-) ) it can do both
> > calling the model and dispatching. If you download the latest version
> > from SVN, there is a test with a simple servlet that includes a (fixed
> > for the moment) JSP page.
> > And I think that including a Controller in a View layer technology is
> > not a good idea.
> Here's what I envision for the controller:  I don't think it would
> really be used to change the destination of the response.  I don't
> see the controller as being analogous to a Struts action even though
> it could be used in that way.  If I wanted the controller to be used
> as a "controller" in the MVC sense of the word (IOW to select a
> destination) I'd want it to return something like actions do in
> Struts, WebWork, and JSF.  I've always used the controller like a JSP
> tag.  I use it to implement code that needs to reside in the view
> layer (or code that needs to be called from the view layer) and as a
> way to keep from writing scriptlet code in my JSPs.
> It just so happens that the controller API gives you indirect access
> to the request and response objects so you could use them to include
> or forward or write directly to the response and all the other stuff
> you can do there.  But I'd not recommend the controller be used in
> this way.  I would use the controller to manipulate the TilesContext
> and the JSP contexts, but not to actually "do anything" with regards
> to changing the destination.
> In today's world if I was writing a Struts app with Tiles I would try
> to use JSTL, EL, custom tags, (or in JSF, action listeners, etc). to
> do things I did in the past with controllers.  But I can still see
> circumstances where I might want a controller instead.
> Think about this:  Tiles can be used for page composition outside of
> any MVC framework.  In that sense it's kind of like a portlet
> container.  (In fact I think that's how Cedric envisioned it before
> JSR-168 came about).  So you can compose pages out of JSP fragments
> and populate each fragment with a controller that is executed before
> the fragment is processed and included.  I actually have written a
> couple of small webapps that use Tiles in this way and see it as a
> powerful feature.
> I think we should retain the controller for Tiles definitions (not
> sure about the insert tag).  I also think we should document the fact
> that you can get yourself into all kinds of trouble by making
> improper use of the request and response APIs from within the
> controller.
> Thoughts?
> Greg
> -
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Re: Rollover scope for Struts 1.3.x

2006-09-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 9/15/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/15/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 9/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > In Shale, the closest analog to this is Dialog scope, and we're
> > the
> > > concept of a scope instance per window/frame, independent of what
> > > window/frame is actually doing.
> >
> > I believe this requires usage of Javascript? So you would have
> > listeners when a window is created and closed, right? I want to have a
> > solution that works without Javascript.
> Currently this doesn't take any JavaScript  ... but note the code I'm
> talking about here is currently in the Shale sandbox if you want to look
> further at it.  It will get merged back into the main codebase later.
> The basic idea is we rely on the fact that JSF saves and restores the
> component state for us, so it uses a PhaseListener to store away the
> conversation id as part of the component tree (when the page is
> and restore the corresponding state (when the subsequent postback
> In our case, it just exposes the "dialog context" for the conversation
> the current view as a request scope attribute ... I don't personally see
> use case for registering listeners on that conversation, but I suppose
> could be done.

Does the above mean that the server does not get notified when a
window is closed? So the session (or wherever the dialog context is
stored) is not cleaned up immediately when a window is closed?

That is correct at the moment.  Notification on window close would require
javascript, right?

Do you

have to use timer for removing unneeded dialog contexts? Or have you
opted for something else?

We don't have a timer at the moment, but that's a good idea.

How do you bind an ID to a window? Of course you can stick it into a

link, but what if I open a link that is not intended for a new window,
with "open in a new window" command from a browser? I will not get a
window ID, right?

There's three different ways that a window can receive a dialog id:

* JSF navigation result that begins with a particular prefix

* Programmatic call in an event handler (analogous to an Action.execute()
 method in Struts)

* Special request parameter on the URL that says "please assign me
 a new dialog id for dialog x".

If none of the above occurs, the new window will not be associated with any
dialog id.

The third alternative was specifically designed for popups -- the theory is
that you'd manufacture the URL that will be used to create the window to
include the appropriate dialog name.  This approach also allows an
additional cability that you can associate the dialog context of the popup
window with the dialog context of the parent window that created it.  This
lets you use JSF expressions to pull data out of the main window and into
the popup (at the start of the dialog) and push updated data back at the end
-- even if the user has more than one window open running the "main" dialog.

Cookies... I have to look again at how cookies work, but I always

thought that all cookies are shared by all browser windows, so I
cannot have one cookie assigned to one window, and another cookie
assigned to another window.

You're right ... that's not going to be a useful option.

I should check the source code, but I would appreciate a high-level

two-liner before digging in :-)

The best overview is on the website[1], but the basic idea is that dialogs
are modelled as a state machine composed of intermixed view states (a JSF
page that is displayed and then returns a String outcome from the postback
call to the action method), action states (JSF method expression call to an
arbitrary method, that returns a String), or subdialogs.  Transitions
between states are driven by the the logical outcome strings.

As I mentioned, the code inside shale-core today doesn't do all of this
stuff.  The "shale-dialog2" module in the sandbox is an abstraction of the
programmatic interface to the facilities described above, with two
implementations on different state machines ... one that is effectively
equivalent to the legacy code currently in shale-core, and another that uses
Commons SCXML under the covers.

(Although this stuff is agnostic about the state machine to be used, it is
*not* agnostic about whether JSF is there ... the functionality that drives
everything is a custom JSF phase listener and navigation handler




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Re: Rollover scope for Struts 1.3.x

2006-09-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 9/15/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Shale, the closest analog to this is Dialog scope, and we're building
> concept of a scope instance per window/frame, independent of what that
> window/frame is actually doing.

I believe this requires usage of Javascript? So you would have
listeners when a window is created and closed, right? I want to have a
solution that works without Javascript.

Currently this doesn't take any JavaScript  ... but note the code I'm
talking about here is currently in the Shale sandbox if you want to look
further at it.  It will get merged back into the main codebase later.

The basic idea is we rely on the fact that JSF saves and restores the
component state for us, so it uses a PhaseListener to store away the
conversation id as part of the component tree (when the page is rendered),
and restore the corresponding state (when the subsequent postback occurs).
In our case, it just exposes the "dialog context" for the conversation on
the current view as a request scope attribute ... I don't personally see a
use case for registering listeners on that conversation, but I suppose it
could be done.

If you don't have JSF doing the save/restore component tree stuff, you'd
likely have to store the conversation id in some other way (cookie, hidden
variable, URL parameter), but you could still accomplish the same thing
without any client side JavaScript.




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Re: Rollover scope for Struts 1.3.x

2006-09-14 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 9/14/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anyone wants to share their thoughts on rollover scope?

I was thinking on using Stripes approach, but I don't like to mange
URLs. Also, Stripes uses a timer to remove unused rollover scopes,
this does not seem very straightforward to me, from a user's point of
view. A user opens two windows then bam! in two minutes their content
is gone.

Rollover is an OK term for this ... consider also something like
"carryover".  I agree that two minutes is a bit short, but I could see some
benefit in having *some* sort of a timeout be possible.

So I decided to go with the simplest implementation possible. It does

not allow to open several windows with the same-typed actionform, but
it is easy to understand and it works predictably.

This seems like the kind of thing that works predictably from the POV of a
developer, but not so much from the POV of a user.  "What do you mean, I
can't have two windows open on the same page, but looking at different data
-- but it works when I have two windows on different pages?".

In Shale, the closest analog to this is Dialog scope, and we're building the
concept of a scope instance per window/frame, independent of what that
window/frame is actually doing.  We get the benefit that JSF is already
saving state information per view, so there's no need for the page author to
explicitly reference an identifier per window ... but the same concept could
be simulated pretty easily with a special "view identifier" tag that mapped
to a particular instance of rollover scope state information.



Re: [Fwd: [jira] Updated: (STR-2864) Add actionId attribute to action mapping]

2006-08-25 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/25/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From the comments on the issue, it looks like Craig has some
> reservations about this idea.  You might want to add a comment to the
> issue linking to the relevant mailing list thread(s) from November
> '05.  Craig commented on the issue itself, but Martin must have
> answered on the mailing list.  Have their concerns been addressed?
I will add that to the bug report. Yes, those concerns have been
addressed because the approach is different then the original idea.
> (The patch itself has some noise, reordering import statements.
> Consider committing that separately so it doesn't distract from the
> actual changes.)
Sorry about the re-ordering. I didn't think that would matter because
imports come and go as I tried different things. But I guess it does
matter. Commits are on a whole file basis, right? So I would have to fix
those ordering before committing?

FWIW, my concerns about this have become less important in the last ten
months, due to the fact that I'm focused on Shale now much more than
Struts.  It's the active committers on Struts you really need to be
concerned with.

That being said, I agree with Wendy's advice that "cosmetic" changes (such
as reordering imports) should be segregated into individual commits.
Besides the fact that they will almost never engenender discussion (so "just
do it" makes sense as a personal policy), it also makes the review of
potentially controversial functional changes much easier, because you don't
get distracted by all the cosmetic-change details.



Re: [s2] Action ! Method syntax (was Freemarker transform name)

2006-08-25 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/25/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's interesting that no one says DispatchAction in 1.x is a security
flaw... doesn't that give you exactly the same thing just with a
different call semantic?  I guess we should quick drop Dispatch-type
Actions for everyones' safety!! ;) LOL

The security concern isn't actually around the action execution methods
themselves -- as has been pointed out, the whole *purpose* of these methods
is to be called by mapping from a URL.  Instead, it's around other public
methods (perhaps on non-action classes) that happen to have the same
parameter signature as your action methods, which enables calls to methods
that were not intended to be actions.  You can indeed shoot yourself in the
foot in this manner even with DispatchAction if you are not careful,
although the potential for mischief is somewhat smaller because you can't
necessarily point at any arbitrary bean ... only the ones your actions are
mapped to.

I'm quite interested in how this gets resolved, because Shale Remoting has a
similar sort of vulnerabiilty (you can map to arbitrary methods for invoking
it's notion of an action), and it gets dinged for this being a security
vulnerability as well.  I'd like to resolve it in a manner that is
conceptually similar to what Struts does, if feasible.


Re: 1.3.x: Action Aliasing

2006-08-23 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/23/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ted Husted wrote:
> Use "action-id" then. The point is that moniker "alias" is going to
> cause confusion, since it already means something entirely different
> within the Struts 2 community.
Right now attributes are squarely mapped to properties. Java does not
allow dashes in a property name, so what is a workaround?

One way to deal with this would be to provide your own BeanInfo class that
defined a property named "action-id"  with the getter and setter methods
that you want to use.  That way, the JavaBeans introspection logic would use
your setter method, instead of not recognizing this as a property.  But
that's likely to be too painful for this kind of use.

The other approach, if you're using something like Digester (which is true
at least for S1) to parse the config file, is to define an explicit rule
that calls the right setter if there is an attribute with a specified name.


Re: Test

2006-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan



On 8/22/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a test. Can anyone read this?

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Re: JIRA - Closing Releases

2006-08-19 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/19/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am pleased to announce that Struts 0.5 in JIRA has been released :)

Sniff, sniff, ... we're *so* proud :-).

And they say those Struts developers never actually get around to releasing
things :-).

hehe. Everything looks good! I will release the other versions now up to

1.3.4 so our JIRA roadmap looks up to date.

Thanks Paul.




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Re: Reg Struts-Shale

2006-08-03 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/3/06, Jeevan Kumar Kade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  Is there is major differeence between Struts-Shale framework and
JSF.  Please, categorize and differentiate on this.

Shale has moved to its own top level Apache project with its own mailing
lists[1] ... this would be a good question for the user list there.  But, in
short, Shale is a framework that extends JSF and adds additional
functionality and ease of use.  The basic features are listed on the Shale
web site[2].

 Thanks in Advance

  Jeevan Kumar



Re: [s2] Sping WebFlow Integration

2006-07-26 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/26/06, Alexandru Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is SWF? I might have missed this acro :-[.

SWF == Spring Web Flow



Re: Distribution Directories

2006-07-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/16/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Otherwise, it's tagged, rolled, and uploaded.

+1 on the 1.3.5 bits.  A couple of notes below that I don't consider fatal
to the release:

* The "all" release (currently 40mb) is not really scalable to
 large numbers of sample apps, due to the duplication of
 dependency jars across the apps.  It might be worth considering
 a different release strategy for sample apps for 2.x, but that is
 not really relevant here.

* The "#1" struts-faces example app has embedded the storyboard
 stuff for the standard Struts mail reader app, which should really
 be updated for the differences with JSF (or simply deleted for now)

* The JAR files in the "lib" directory of the "all" distribution do not
 include the "X-*" source and target extension settings that are typical
 for recent Jakarta Commons releases (although "Build-Jdk" conveys
 some of that information).



Re: Proposed Board Report

2006-07-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/16/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Did you mean to send this to the Shale dev@, Craig?

Yep ... sorry for the noise :-)


On 7/17/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As part of our transition to an Apache top level project (TLP), we are
> obligated to submit a report to the ASF Board every month for the first
> three months, then quarterly thereafter.  Here's what I am proposing to
> for July, which needs to be forwarded in a couple days.  (I'll also
create a
> "pmc" subdirectory in the repository to archive these things, since
there is
> nothing non-public we need to worry about).  Comments?
> Apache Shale Board Report for July 2006
> ===
> Overview
> Per the Apache Board resolution at the June 2006 meeting, Apache Shale
> created as a top level project.  This is the first of the "every month
> the
> first three months" status reports to the Board on activities within the
> project.
> All of the initial root and infrastructure requests have been
completed.  We
> are still de-tangling a few loose ends (wiki and JIRA instance shared
> the
> Struts project), but these are not considered to be urgent.
> PMC and Committer Changes
> -
> None.
> Current Development Activities
> --
> As the creation of Shale as a TLP was coming to fruition, we had nearly
> completed a migration to a Maven2 based build environment.  This work
> been substantially completed, and Shale is now completely M2 based for
> build infrastructure.  Nightly builds are still currently hosted on my
> (Craig's) home desktop, but steps are underway to migrate this to a
> Continuum
> instance on Apache infrastructure.
> We have initiated a contest to pick an official logo for the Apache
> project -- details are at <
>.  The
> entries so far have ranged from humorous to compelling ... it will be
> interesting
> to pick a final winner.
> Current release activities are focused on a 1.0.3 release, which is
> likely
> to be considered "beta" quality (due to dependence on unreleased
> plus some outstanding bugs), but which has been requested by some
> users to avoid their need to depend on snapshots.
> Submitted by,
> Craig McClanahan

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Proposed Board Report

2006-07-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

As part of our transition to an Apache top level project (TLP), we are
obligated to submit a report to the ASF Board every month for the first
three months, then quarterly thereafter.  Here's what I am proposing to send
for July, which needs to be forwarded in a couple days.  (I'll also create a
"pmc" subdirectory in the repository to archive these things, since there is
nothing non-public we need to worry about).  Comments?


Apache Shale Board Report for July 2006


Per the Apache Board resolution at the June 2006 meeting, Apache Shale was
created as a top level project.  This is the first of the "every month for
first three months" status reports to the Board on activities within the

All of the initial root and infrastructure requests have been completed.  We
are still de-tangling a few loose ends (wiki and JIRA instance shared with
Struts project), but these are not considered to be urgent.

PMC and Committer Changes


Current Development Activities

As the creation of Shale as a TLP was coming to fruition, we had nearly
completed a migration to a Maven2 based build environment.  This work has
been substantially completed, and Shale is now completely M2 based for its
build infrastructure.  Nightly builds are still currently hosted on my
(Craig's) home desktop, but steps are underway to migrate this to a
instance on Apache infrastructure.

We have initiated a contest to pick an official logo for the Apache Shale
project -- details are at <>.  The
entries so far have ranged from humorous to compelling ... it will be
to pick a final winner.

Current release activities are focused on a 1.0.3 release, which is still
to be considered "beta" quality (due to dependence on unreleased components,
plus some outstanding bugs), but which has been requested by some downstream
users to avoid their need to depend on snapshots.

Submitted by,
Craig McClanahan

Re: Distribution Directories

2006-07-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/16/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/16/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't guarantee that it's universal, but this *has* matterred for me
in a
> couple of cases ... particularly in trying to do builds of things like
> MyFaces that have POMs pointing at a Maven repository on
.  I
> get timeouts on the Maven dependency downloads from this hostname, while
> they work fine from

There is a redirect in place from to  Do you only have
trouble when you're behind a proxy?

Previously, it was failing either with or without a proxy.  Just tried it
again, though, and it's working now ... so it might have been a transient

I'd recommend that we at least get
> the names correct in our own POMs before posting the release.

The Struts 1 parent pom does use in the
/, so it should be fine for downloads.

I was talking about deployment, where scp'ing something to
/www/ or /www/ is one and the same.
That () is defined in the struts-master pom,
and can be  fixed next time around in v4.

That also affects where Maven looks for dependencies, if you are *using*
Struts 1.3.5, right?  But as long as it doesn't mess anything up, I agree it
can wait for v4.




Re: Distribution Directories

2006-07-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/16/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/16/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Both / and
> / are pointed to the same
> place (

Just to avoid confusion:  right now on minotaur, /www/
is symlinked to /www/ .

We should switch everything over to people.a.o eventually, but for the
moment it doesn't matter.

I can't guarantee that it's universal, but this *has* matterred for me in a
couple of cases ... particularly in trying to do builds of things like
MyFaces that have POMs pointing at a Maven repository on  I
get timeouts on the Maven dependency downloads from this hostname, while
they work fine from  I'd recommend that we at least get
the names correct in our own POMs before posting the release.




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Re: Would like to remove Ant build from Struts 2

2006-07-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/10/06, Jason Carreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

+1 for this

I'm surprised Maven can't build a source distribution with a bundled
standard ant build with maven dependency ant task calls. I'd think this
would be a common need.

A lot of Jakarta Commons projects deal with this sort of thing by having a
developer run "mvn ant:ant" to create a build.xml that (in theory at least)
replicates the functionality of the current Maven build environment, and
then check that in.  It seems to work fairly well on simple single module
projects like your typical Commons library ... but I've never tried it in
something as complicated as our build systems.


The one case I wouldn't mind seeing an Ant build is
> in the source distribution.
> Many times, I'm downloading source distros, and
>  have to make some change, but
> 'm on a network where I don't have connectivity to
> the outside world.  If we
> could make a source distro that was completely
> self-contained, complete with an
> Ant build, I'd be fine with that.
> Don
Posted via Jive Forums

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[ANNOUNCE][SHALE] Apache Shale Top Level Project Is Now Up And Running

2006-07-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

You might have seen the recent announcement that Apache Shale, originally
developed as part of the Apache Struts project, has been approved as an
Apache top level project of its own.  This message is an announcement that
the project resources are now completely set up (thanks to the prompt
attention of the Apache infrastructure team), and ready for use:

Project Web Site:

Project Wiki Site:

Mailing List Information / Subscription / Archive Links:

Nightly Builds:

On the web site, you will notice that there is, as of yet, no logo for the
project.  In fact, we would really like two images -- one for the web site
logo, and a "Powered By Shale" logo that can optionally be included by web
applications built with Shale.  As someone who can barely draw a rectangle
with straight lines, this seems like the perfect opportunity to get the
community involved in a design ... so we're going to have a logo contest.
Read about it on our wiki page, and submit your creative ideas there:

then, join the Shale User mailing list and root for your favorites.

Craig McClanahan

Re: Sharing code between versions (was [jira] Created: (STR-2898) Rename Struts Action 1 to Struts 1)

2006-07-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/6/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd be fine with a "shared" module, as long as releases could be quicker
easier.  As I've previously mentioned, Struts releases are really a pain
due to
lack of committer support and a broken release process, and I certainly
want to put a roadblock in the path of a stable Struts 2.0 release.

For one or two shared classes, I'd agree with Don that it's not worth the
pain.  If you anticipate 20+ shared classes, it starts to get more
interesting (but still a bunch of work).



Craig McClanahan wrote:

> On 7/5/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Good question.  Here are the options of the top of my head:
>>   - Jakarta Commons project
>>   - Put it in Struts 1.x, since Struts 2 will probably have 1 has a dep
>> for
>> migration code
>>   - Create new Struts Commons
>>   - Just have two copies of the code
> FWIW, the MyFaces folks have gone through the same sort of discussion
> recently, trying to decide whether/how to share code between the JSF
> implementation and the component classes.  The hardest part of the whole
> thing is actually synchronizing releases of the helper classes, since
> framework versions would have dependencies on the common stuff.  They
> up with a variation of the third approach -- a "shared" module in the
> MyFaces repository that both things could depend on.
> Craig
> To be honest, I lean towards the last option, unless the code is large
>> enough to
>> warrant the first.  For example, Struts 1 has WildcardHelper, but so
>> XWork
>> 2.0 (used by Struts 2) and it all came from Cocoon.  Cocoon recently
>> rewrote the
>> class, so I'll need to bring over the changes into those two new
>> projects.
>> Sure, that is a bit of work, but not in comparison to starting a new
>> project
>> just for that class.
>> Don
>> Paul Benedict wrote:
>> > A thought occured to me today. If we ever want to share code between
>> struts 1 and struts 2c (ie: locale resolution), having the
>> org.apache.struts package structure being the neutral place makes
>> with action (1.x) and action2 (2.x) being specific implementations.
>> >
>> > Well, not that the renaming is done, I think we have no normal way of
>> sharing code across packages. Thoughts?
>> >
>> > -- Paul
>> >
>> > Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 7/1/06, Don Brown
>> (JIRA)  wrote:
>> >> Rename Struts Action 1 to Struts 1
>> >
>> > If we are using "struts1" and "struts2" for the repository folders
>> > (which is fine with me), why are we using "1.x" and "2.0" for the
>> > website folders?
>> >
>> > *
>> > *
>> >
>> > In the view of "convention over configuration", I feel we we should
>> > work toward using a consistent set of conventions across tools. If
>> > there is not a technical reason why we need to use symbols, I'd like
>> > to use "struts1" and "struts2" for the website folders.
>> >
>> > -Ted.
>> >
>> > -
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>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -
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>> -
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Re: Sharing code between versions (was [jira] Created: (STR-2898) Rename Struts Action 1 to Struts 1)

2006-07-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 7/5/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good question.  Here are the options of the top of my head:
  - Jakarta Commons project
  - Put it in Struts 1.x, since Struts 2 will probably have 1 has a dep
migration code
  - Create new Struts Commons
  - Just have two copies of the code

FWIW, the MyFaces folks have gone through the same sort of discussion
recently, trying to decide whether/how to share code between the JSF
implementation and the component classes.  The hardest part of the whole
thing is actually synchronizing releases of the helper classes, since both
framework versions would have dependencies on the common stuff.  They ended
up with a variation of the third approach -- a "shared" module in the
MyFaces repository that both things could depend on.


To be honest, I lean towards the last option, unless the code is large

enough to
warrant the first.  For example, Struts 1 has WildcardHelper, but so does
2.0 (used by Struts 2) and it all came from Cocoon.  Cocoon recently
rewrote the
class, so I'll need to bring over the changes into those two new projects.
Sure, that is a bit of work, but not in comparison to starting a new
just for that class.


Paul Benedict wrote:
> A thought occured to me today. If we ever want to share code between
struts 1 and struts 2c (ie: locale resolution), having the
org.apache.struts package structure being the neutral place makes sense,
with action (1.x) and action2 (2.x) being specific implementations.
> Well, not that the renaming is done, I think we have no normal way of
sharing code across packages. Thoughts?
> -- Paul
> Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 7/1/06, Don Brown
(JIRA)  wrote:
>> Rename Struts Action 1 to Struts 1
> If we are using "struts1" and "struts2" for the repository folders
> (which is fine with me), why are we using "1.x" and "2.0" for the
> website folders?
> *
> *
> In the view of "convention over configuration", I feel we we should
> work toward using a consistent set of conventions across tools. If
> there is not a technical reason why we need to use symbols, I'd like
> to use "struts1" and "struts2" for the website folders.
> -Ted.
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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[shale] Genericizing Cargo-Based Integration Tests

2006-06-29 Thread Craig McClanahan

The CargoTestSetup class that you added to the test framework (was this
Wendy's first commit of Java code?  :-) nicely leverages the fact that Cargo
will figure out which container to use based on system properties
(specifically "").  However, the way that this class is
being used in Tomcat5xWelcomeTestCase in the shale-blank application is
definitely not container-agnostic, because it presumes to use Tomcat 5.x.
I'd like to write our tests so that they dynamically adapt to whatever Cargo
Container the user has selected in their ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

So, the question is, does the following strategy make sense?

* Set up default cargo properties in the POM for a particular application
(defauting to "tomcat5x" makes sense).

* Allow the user to override these by setting up their favorite container in
~/.m2/settings.xml (presumes
 that user settings override POM settings)

* Change the shale-blank tests to not bother trying to pass through any
Tomcat specific properties --
 instead, they should assume that all the required "cargo.*" propertes have
been set up by the
 surrounding environment already.

If this works out, it will make sense to replicate this model in the other
apps that have integration tests, as well as into the archetype(s) for new


Re: [PROPOSAL] Rename Struts Action as Struts

2006-06-28 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/28/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/28/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ted Husted wrote:
> > Though, there's no reason why we couldn't use
> >
> >>   repos/asf/struts/struts1
> >>   repos/asf/struts/struts2
> >
> > Or
> >
> >>   repos/asf/struts/framework
> >>   repos/asf/struts/framework2
> I like struts1/struts2.

Yep, I do too. It's simple and straighforward - the best way to minimise
confusion and make it obvious what goes where.


If we're not going to go with "codename" identifiers (although I'm
personally partial to that ... all the Creator releases have had
shark-themed names :-), then struts1/struts2 makes a lot of sense.  The
"generational" theme resonates, and encourages the correct amount of
forethought before making substantively backwards incompatible changes.


Martin Cooper


Re: Live DTDs

2006-06-26 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/26/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, if this became a Maven 2 plugin, would anyone have a problem with
us adding it to the nightly build?

+1 from me if the necessary stuff is available in Maven repositories.


James Mitchell


On Jun 26, 2006, at 12:32 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> On 6/25/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sounds like something we could run nightly from the zone.
> Yes, it could ... but if we care about it, this really needs to be
> part of
> the standard build process somehow.
> Personally, I find the existing DTDs themselves (which are *very*
> thoroughly
> commented) to be quite readable on their own, and they are already
> available  both online and as  part of the build -- so having the
> indexed
> version is a nice-to-have, not a mission critical feature, IMHO.
> --
>> James Mitchell
> Craig
> On Jun 26, 2006, at 12:19 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:
>> > On 6/25/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Didn't you say you didn't want to support the live dtd? My
>> >> browsers can never show a DTD, it seems; they try always parse it
>> >> as XML which fails of course. So that's why I recommend a plain-
>> >> text version of it online.
>> >
>> > No, I said that currently I'm the only one who has volunteered
>> to keep
>> > the LiveDTD docs updated.  If someone else will help, then I'd feel
>> > more comfortable about making those links more prominent on the
>> > website.  It's not hard, but it is outside of the Maven 2 website
>> > build.
>> >
>> > Having a plain text version under s.a.o/struts-action is fine,
>> it just
>> > needs to happen at build time, not as something that gets
>> checked into
>> > svn.  Try binding an execution of the antrun plugin in action/
>> pom.xml,
>> > that's the only thing I've found that will copy files in a Maven
>> > build.  There should be an example in the webapp poms, I know we
>> copy
>> > the source into the webapps with antrun.
>> >
>> > Another option is switching to DTD Doc, which is Java so it
>> shouldn't
>> > be too hard to write a m2 plugin for it.  That looks like it
>> requires
>> > modifications to the source DTDs, though.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Wendy
>> >
>> >
>> -
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>> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >
>> -
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Re: Live DTDs

2006-06-25 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/25/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds like something we could run nightly from the zone.

Yes, it could ... but if we care about it, this really needs to be part of
the standard build process somehow.

Personally, I find the existing DTDs themselves (which are *very* thoroughly
commented) to be quite readable on their own, and they are already
available  both online and as  part of the build -- so having the indexed
version is a nice-to-have, not a mission critical feature, IMHO.


James Mitchell


On Jun 26, 2006, at 12:19 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

> On 6/25/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Didn't you say you didn't want to support the live dtd? My
>> browsers can never show a DTD, it seems; they try always parse it
>> as XML which fails of course. So that's why I recommend a plain-
>> text version of it online.
> No, I said that currently I'm the only one who has volunteered to keep
> the LiveDTD docs updated.  If someone else will help, then I'd feel
> more comfortable about making those links more prominent on the
> website.  It's not hard, but it is outside of the Maven 2 website
> build.
> Having a plain text version under s.a.o/struts-action is fine, it just
> needs to happen at build time, not as something that gets checked into
> svn.  Try binding an execution of the antrun plugin in action/pom.xml,
> that's the only thing I've found that will copy files in a Maven
> build.  There should be an example in the webapp poms, I know we copy
> the source into the webapps with antrun.
> Another option is switching to DTD Doc, which is Java so it shouldn't
> be too hard to write a m2 plugin for it.  That looks like it requires
> modifications to the source DTDs, though.
> --
> Wendy
> -
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Re: Does Struts really need two frameworks? (long)

2006-06-21 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/21/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm suggesting something bigger: Struts 2.0.  This release will come with
Shale, Tags, and maybe Action 1.x for legacy reasons.  We would continue
develop SAF2, Shale, and Tags, but the world would just need to see Struts
  Its documentation will tie the projects together and provide coherent
on how to write a simple application (using Action 2 and either Action 2
tags or
JSF) to when to use what library where.  This release would be the
for users wanting to use the latest "Struts" has to offer.  It goes back
Struts' roots as a single solution for web development needs.

Would you anticipate the bundling would just be "the latest and greatest
released version of each piece" or some sort of coordinated simultaneous
releases?  The latter doesn't sound feasible, given our track record with
getting things out quickly even by themselves :-).



Ted Husted wrote:

> On 6/21/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And this is why Shale needs to continue, and I'd argue, continue to
>> exist as
>> part of the larger Struts community, and a step further, under a
>> larger "Struts
>> 2.0" product.  I think despite providing multiple alternatives and
>> solutions,
>> there is a common narrative we can weave to create a unified Struts
>> project.
> So, in addition to including the Action 1.3 JARs in the SAF 2.0
> release, essentially, you are suggesting that we also include the
> Shale 1.x JARs in the same distribution, so that anyone obtaining SAF2
> can use Action 1, Action 2, and/or Shale 1?
> -Ted.
> -
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Re: Does Struts really need two frameworks? (long)

2006-06-21 Thread Craig McClanahan

Comments interspersed.

On 6/21/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Craig, thanks for your honesty and candor.  I know this is a delicate
topic, and I appreciate you approaching the topic openly.

LIkewise ... I may have sounded a bit grumpy in my response, but I don't
ascribe any malicious intent to your proposal.

A couple of clarifications:

  1. I'm not proposing Shale _ever_ depend on Action 2, only that they
should work well together.  In fact, I mean to start including Shale in
Action 2's web examples.

In principle, that should work already for some things like ViewController,
(but, if I read the current navigation handler right, you're not delegating
so the "dialog" facility of Shale will not operate correctly at the
moment).  Proof is in the pudding of course, by actually writing such a
sample app.

 2. In a "pure JSF" environment, don't you think there is value in

using an Action 2 controller to handle things like JSON/XML remote
services?  I'm finding more and more my Struts Actions return JSON
rather than HTML.  This is how I see us working together even if you
don't use Action 2's JSF support.

Two separate thoughts on this:

* Technically, having an Action2 type handler for these things is certainly
 feasible, but not required.  Shale Remoting does the same sorts of things
 for resource access, and supports dynamically mapping dynamic requests
 to an arbitrary method on a managed bean (i.e. it gets instantiated on
 and dependency injected), using standard JSF facilities, already.  And it
 takes zero configuration if you like the default mapping algorithm.
 xwork interceptor chains around the call to the dynamic handler methods
 be an easy add-on to this, for those who like that approach to providing
 services to the handler.)

* Philosophically, a framework built around JSF should encourage the
 to use facilities that are already there, so he or she will not need to
 new concepts.  That's why Shale does things like using method
 binding expressions to configure actions in the dialog subsystem ...
 an asynchronous callback is done exactly the same as binding a submit
 button to an action method (execute() in action framework terminology).
 Nothing new to learn.  Leverages the managed beans facility exactly the
 same way.  Easily usable by a JSF component itself that wants to
 AJAX behavior or by client side JavaScript provided by the application.

 3. Overlap areas like navigation, validation, messages, etc., are only

waiting on attention to be resolved.  When using the Action 2
navigation, it is my intention that the default configuration removes
overlap as much as possible.  You'd use Action 2 navigation rather than
the NavigationHandler.  Validations could be defined in the page or
could automatically be created from existing Action 2 validations (XML
or annotations), similarly to how Seam creates validations from
annotations.  Messages integration is easily resolved by creating a
backing bean that provides messages using Action 2 apis.  I fully
believe it is possible to merge Action 2 and JSF into a web application
in a seamless manner.

There is a lot of space for implementing common frameworks we can share for
doing things like validation -- for example, at JavaOne we talked a bit
about a "Commons Validator 2.0" that could derive validation rules from
annotations.  But, at the end of the day, you still need different
mechanisms to embed the particular annotations into the UI toolkit you're
using (the UI tags in SAF, or the component tags in JSF).

For navigation, "you'd use Action 2 navigation rather than navigation
handler" means that you're giving up on the tools around for JSF navigation,
and forcing a beginner that is reading a JSF book to ignore that chapter and
learn something different.  We'll want to look at how the existing SAF2
navigation handler can delegate for scenarios where the developer wants to
use JSF navigation for some namespaces.

It's definitely possible to merge Action 2 and JSF in an application --
you've already done that.  That's a tremendous benefit for the migration use
cases, or those that just want to sprinkle some components without
migrating.  For a new application, though, I don't care for the result,
because it adds complexity (over pure JSF based solutions), and requires
deveopers to deal with additional concepts and configuration files, without
enough  corresonding benefits to make it worth it (IMHO, of course).

I guess what I'm saying is you could view this "overlap" in a negative

or positive light.  I think the Struts project should put forth a
"preferred" approach, used in our quickstarts and tutorials.  However,
that doesn't mean that we should force developers into our way of
thinking.  Having options isn't necessarily bad.

At this point, I really don't see a valid either/or framework approach

  - If your application needs to be built by tool-dependent programm

Re: Does Struts really need two frameworks? (long)

2006-06-21 Thread Craig McClanahan
y feasible to do better on "migrate to JSF' than "migrate to SAF2"
for current Struts 1.x users).  You won't hear any whining about the
fundamentals from me of SAF2 -- although I reserve the right to comment on
the details :-)

But, for new developers, I prefer to think of action-oriented frameworks as
"been there, done that".  The understanding of O-O concepts, and the
willingness to code things in configuration files (I *hope* you guys are
thinking about annotations for things like Preparable :-) you need to really
leverage all the cool stuff that SAF2 includes is far too limiting for my
vision of what Java as a platform needs to do in the future.  I want to
focus on attracting a much larger audience of developers who are *not* O-O
professionals, whose idea of "code reuse" is cut-n-paste, and who might
actually prefer to use tools (SAF2's fundamental architecture is pretty much
untoolable, even if someone were motivated to spend the effort to build
tooling around it).  For the O-O bigots around this mailing list, I can take
comfort in the fact that the audience I'm interested in is *many times* the
size of the audience that will actually appreciate the technical elegance in

Or, if you want it all in one sentence:  for new developers, I would much
prefer to compete with SAF2 than to cooperate with it.

If that means a (hopefully amicable) divorce, then so be it.  SAF2 is a much
better (technical) approach to the problems that Struts 1.x targeted, but
the world has moved beyond those problems.  I'm no longer interested in
playing on that particular playground.

Craig McClanahan

On 6/20/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As Shale and Action zero in on their first GA release, I don't think it is
late to ask the question, "Does Struts really need two frameworks?"  We
been putting out the message, "two frameworks, one community", for almost
a year
now, but I still sense a lot of confusion and even rejection from the
community.  The problem is for our whole history, Struts was a single
what you went to if you wanted to structure your web application according
Model2 principles.  Our attempts to turn Struts into an umbrella project,
feel, have failed.

Struts Action 2 is seen, by some, as a simple rebranding of WebWork 2, and
to be
honest, it really is at this stage.  Struts Shale is seen as non-sequitur,

milking the Struts brand name.  While these opinions are most extremely
expressed by our more radical members, they are also held to some degree
by some
very smart, sensible people [1].

From a Struts committer perspective, Wendy made a good point to me the
day saying that Struts lacks the single purpose or vision of most Open
projects.  Despite our recent attempts to find common ground, Shale and
are still positioned as competing frameworks with no overlap.  This
leads to conflicts that suck the joy out of Open Source development.

Recently, Struts Action 2 unified the programming models of action-based
component-based development by allowing the developer to adopt an
approach for an application, yet use JSF components and abilities where
  We have always said the desired end state would be to return Struts into
unified framework, and I think we should jump on this chance now.

I propose Struts return to its roots as a unified framework through
building on
  three libraries to make JSF and pure Servlet/JSP development
easier.  Namely,
I propose the Struts project to be the following subprojects, each with
own release cycle:

  - Framework: Struts 2
  - Libraries: Struts Action, Shale and Struts Tags

Struts would be the single framework the world would see.  It would
support for Action-based, JSF-based, and hybrid applications.  Its
would promote the Struts Action controller as the preferred entry point,
even if
only to be used for AJAX services.  Its JSF library, Struts Shale,
could be used with a regular FacesServlet.  JSF components and Struts Tags
be equals when describing how to tackle the View of an application.

Struts Action would be the core library driving Struts 2, replace Struts
This library would be everything now known as Struts Action 2, but without
UI components.  We would aim for a solid Action-based library independent
of the
view, much like Action 1.x.  When we talked about what an Action JSR would
like, this would be it.

Struts Shale would be repositioned as a library, which I think is a better
  A framework to me is a comprehensive, one-stop-shop solution to create
application.  A library is a collection of independent features that can
be used
in piecemeal.  Therefore, I think a library is a better definition for
collection of JSF extensions.  While Struts Action would definitely
Shale, it would continue to be

Re: Continnum Is Up

2006-06-19 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/19/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Done.  Password set to cryptic default and will be mailed to your
privately.  What address would you to receive it on?

Yep.  Thanks.


James Mitchell


On Jun 20, 2006, at 12:54 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> Cool ... if you guys want to set me up as a user no the zone
> machine as well
> (preferably with user id "craigmcc") I can help out directly as well.

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Re: [all] Struts Nightly builds [was Re: Continnum Is Up]

2006-06-19 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/19/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wonderful timing, I was just about to start a new thread wrt getting
the nightlies back online.  And so I'll move my thoughts here.

So, with the mini hackathon out of the way, and our new buddy
MrStruts taking care of the continuous integration for us (ok, he
isn't doing much right now, but he is there and ready to roll), I'd
like to turn at least some of my attention to getting the nightlies
back online.  Sorry if this was already discussed/decided on a
different thread, I'm behind on every list I am currently subscribed
to, except [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I plan to have MrStruts do full nightly builds using a similar
nightly script to the one I was using for many months with the Maven
1 built nightlies.  I'm in the process (as I type this) of creating
the necessary build scripts to produce nightly artifacts of Struts
Action 1 (1.2.x and 1.3.x), Struts Action 2, and Shale.

Currently, we publish the nightlies here:

...and I see Craig has begun publishing Shale nightlies to this spot:

So, on that note, I'll begin publishing Action 1 and 2 nightlies in a
(almost) similar fashion.

Craig, I've already zapped the 'maven' directory, can we:
1. remove the extra directory 'maven2' and just have p.a.o/builds/
struts/shale (requires you to change your scp script)?
2. rm -fr 'nightly' from the same dir?

Not a problem ... I'll switch for tonight's build.  Indeed, I hadn't
announced the destination until we had a chance to coordinate across the
various builds.  I published my shell script from before this change in an
earlier response to Wendy's questions ... it's four simple substitutions.

So, (high level) we would have:   (eventually)

...and each directory (Maven 2 built) would have a directory for the
particular module, which would have the current jar, war, or zip, and
6 days prior.

How does this sound?

Sounds good, but I've got some additional thoughts that I would like to see
us implement consistently.

* In addition to publishing artifacts in this directory, I'm also updating
 the snapshots for all the poms and jars.  That way, people who like
 to live dangerously :-) and have dependencies on the HEAD code
 effectively get daily updates, without having to manually check out
 the sources and rebuild them.

* I succumbed to my historical habits :-) and produced both .zip and
 .tar.gz versions of the artifacts.  I'd be open to publishing only in zip
 format since it's pretty universal, and we don't particularly care about
 file permissions in what we publish (i.e. no executables to worry

* I'm really happy with the way that the assemblies constructed by the
 Shale build scripts (both for the framework itself, and for each
 sample app) are themselves buildable if you have Maven2 installed.
 This kind of thing will encourage others to get on the bandwagon (listen
 to me, the latecomer :-), even if they don't want to try to download and
 build the framework itself from Subversion.  I'd like to see this approach
 implemented consistently across our artifacts.

* I'm not so happy with the lukewarm support Maven2 currently offers for
 integration testing.  Wendy got inspired by some comments on the user
 mailling list for Maven, though, and created a nice workaround in the
 poms for the Shale sample apps.  If you do something like:

   mvn install -Pitest

 then you can run the system integration tests built into the same project,
 rather than having to set up a parallel project for those tests.  Shale's
 integration tests happen to be built with HtmlUnit, but it should be
 feasible to use Canoo or whatever else you like.  We're also leveraging
 the Cargo plugin to even start and stop your favorite container for you.


Wendy wrote:

> That was a few days ago. :)

Yes, I know, I never got back to this.  Sorry, it's been a heck of a
month this week ;)  My questions would have been about the POM
changes that Sean eluded to during our mini hackathon.  I could be
wrong, but I thought he said there would be an issue with something
we needed and it not being published yet and that may or may not have
stemmed from a private conversation you may or may not have had over
IM.  Sorry, the details are still a little cloudy.  Forget about it
for now, I'm sure if it's a problem we'll know as soon as we begin
adding more projects to Continuum.

James Mitchell

On Jun 19, 2006, at 9:20 PM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

> On 6/14/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes.  There is a wiki page for this as well.
>> It's a work in pro

Re: Continnum Is Up

2006-06-19 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/19/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/14/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes.  There is a wiki page for this as well.
> It's a work in progress, and I'm about to head out, but I'd like to
> ask Wendy a few questions wrt pom, parent-pom, snapshot vs. released,
> etc, etc.
> Back in a bit.

That was a few days ago. :)

Craig, are you ready to get Shale set up on Continuum?

I am.  Shale's trunk is now the Maven2 build, as you are well aware :-), so
it should be ready to go.

 I assume you'd

like to get out of the nightly builds business, and have them run from
the zone.

That would be great.  I've also cut-n-pasted below the shell script I'm
currently experimenting with ... it updates the snapshot repository as well
as posting all the nightly build artifacts (the output is piped to a
date-stamped HTML page):

# buildShaleNightlyMaven -- Shale Nightly Builds (with Maven)

# Setup

export BUILD_HOME=/home/craigmcc/Build
export CLASSPATH=.
export TSTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d`

echo \
echo \
echo \Shale Nightly Build \(with Maven\) For $TSTAMP\
echo \
echo \
echo \Shale Nightly Build \(with Maven\) For $TSTAMP\

# Update From Subversion Repository

echo \Update From Subversion Repository\
cd $BUILD_HOME/struts/current/shale
echo \
svn update
echo \

# Build and Deploy Framework Artifaces

echo \Build and Deploy Framework Artifacts\
cd $BUILD_HOME/struts/current/shale
echo \
mvn clean site install deploy

cd shale-apps
mvn deploy -N
cd ..

cd shale-dist
mvn assembly:assembly
scp target/assembly/out/shale-framework-*.tar.gz \
scp target/assembly/out/shale-framework-*.zip \
cd ..

echo \

# Build and Deploy Sample Application Artifacts

echo \Build and Deploy Sample Application Artifacts\
cd $BUILD_HOME/struts/current/shale/shale-apps

export APPS="shale-blank shale-clay-usecases shale-mailreader"
export APPS="$APPS shale-sql-browser shale-usecases"

for APP in $APPS; do

 cd $APP
 echo \Processing sample application $APP\
 echo \

 mvn clean install deploy assembly:assembly
 scp target/$APP-*.tar.gz \
 scp target/$APP-*.zip \

 echo \
 cd ..


# Finish Up

echo \Job Completed\
echo \
echo \

In another thread, I think Sean mentioned it's ready to start adding things.

Cool ... if you guys want to set me up as a user no the zone machine as well
(preferably with user id "craigmcc") I can help out directly as well.

I started to update the Shale site yesterday, but I need to know where

the nightly builds/snapshots are going to be so I can link to them.

As you can see from the script above, I started putting them in
"/www/", figuring we could do
parallel updates for "action" into
"/www/" and so on.




Re: [Shale][PROPOSAL] Cut over to Maven2 based source tree

2006-06-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/16/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/16/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I think It's now to the point where I'd like to make
> this the trunk, and get back to fixing bugs and implementing RFEs.  What
> ye?  If there's no objections, my plan is to copy the current trunk to a
> "pre-maven" branch as is, then copy the "mvn_reorg" to the regular
> I'd like to do this by tomorrow (Saturday June 17) evening, Pacific
time, so
> we can start addressing the backlog of issues.

+1 on the general idea, but I would just:

  svn mv shale/trunk  shale/tags/SHALE_PRE_MAVEN2
  svn mv shale/branches/mvn_reorg shale/trunk

(Done remotely, as no one is likely to have all the tags and branches
checked out.)

That's pretty much what I had in mind, except
"shale/branches/SHALE_PRE_MAVEN2".  The thinking was that we might still
have to update the website out of the old tree, until all the wrinkles are
ironed out in the new tree.

As for "branches" versus "tags", that is basically just a convention anyway
... Subversion treats them identically.

I don't think we need either a branch for the pre-Maven code (just a

tag) or to keep a copy of what is now mvn_reorg in branches.  Maybe
there were some implied "deletes" in your original plan. :)

Agree that we don't need to keep any separate copy of the "mvn_reorg"




Re: [action2] action2 snapshot build

2006-06-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/16/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/16/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm somewhat a noob in training by Wendy and Sean :-), but here's my
> > thoughts.
> You are just being humble Craig. :-)

About Maven (which I see I neglected to mention :-), I'm still learning
along with everyone else.

Thx for the info Craig.
> > Snapshots are updated only when a developer (or perhaps some nightly
> script)
> > executes "mvn deploy".
> I am wondering would it be possible to have some nightly script that
> runs "mvn deploy" automatically. That way one could just grab the latest jar
> that passed the test succesfully for testing purposes.

That would be a good idea.  I thought about doing that for Shale once we
switch the Maven build over to the trunk ... let me see if I can set up to
do the SAF2 (and maybe even SAF1?) builds with deployment of the snapshots
every night.

While looking into this, I noticed that the pom.xml for action2 still has
two references to that need to be switched to  Mind if I go ahead and change them?



Just like opensymphony's xwork nightly build at

> - Original Message 
> From: Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List <>; tm jee <
> Sent: Friday, 16 June, 2006 3:15:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [action2] action2 snapshot build
> I'm somewhat a noob in training by Wendy and Sean :-), but here's my
> thoughts.
> On 6/15/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Got some questions :-
> > 1] When is action2's snapshot in maven repository updated? Is it on a
> > daily basis?
> Snapshots are updated only when a developer (or perhaps some nightly
> script)
> executes "mvn deploy".
> 2] In Continuum, is it posible for user to download a particular
> successful
> > build, say for example build 15 of action2?
> Need a Continuum guru to answer that one.
> 3] If a user wants to get a copy of action2 snapshot, but doesn't have
> maven
> > installed, is there a website where he could download the jar from?
> The repository itself is just a website full of static files, so it
> would be
> possible to figure out the correct URLs for the snapshot JARs and
> publish
> those.  For Shale, in addition to publishing the snapshot JARs
> themselves,
> we've got an assembly goal that includes all the dependency JARs in the
> Shale framework snapshot (see "shale-dist/src/main/assembly/dist.xml" in
> the
> "mvn_reorg" branch, soon to be moved to the Shale trunk), and I'd
> imagine
> the action2 snapshots would want to do the same thing, so it's a matter
> of
> pointing at one particular directory to download one particular file
> from.
> Another option (I haven't tried this, but I've seen simpler projects
> like
> Commons libraries use it) would be to generate an Ant build.xml file
> that is
> (theoretically) equivalent to what Maven would do for you:
> mvn ant:ant
> Several of the commons projects periodically generate such a build.xmland
> check it in to Subversion, providing a convenient mechanism for Ant
> based
> customers to build the snapshot from source.
> But, I've become an M2 convert, so I'm not planning to do this for Shale
> unless users ask for it :-).
> Thanks in advance.
> >
> > rgds
> >
> >
> >
> Craig

[Shale][PROPOSAL] Cut over to Maven2 based source tree

2006-06-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

As you undoubtedly know if you receive the Struts SVN commit messages :-),
we've been busily setting up a Maven2 based build environment for Shale, to
replace the original Ant based environment.  This work has been done on a
branch ("mvn_reorg").  I think It's now to the point where I'd like to make
this the trunk, and get back to fixing bugs and implementing RFEs.  What say
ye?  If there's no objections, my plan is to copy the current trunk to a
"pre-maven" branch as is, then copy the "mvn_reorg" to the regular trunk.
I'd like to do this by tomorrow (Saturday June 17) evening, Pacific time, so
we can start addressing the backlog of issues.

NOTE - there are known issues with the website pages that the Maven2 build
process creates.  We need to fix those too, but I don't think that should
hold up making this the trunk for future Shale builds.



Re: [action2] action2 snapshot build

2006-06-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/16/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm somewhat a noob in training by Wendy and Sean :-), but here's my
> thoughts.
You are just being humble Craig. :-)

About Maven (which I see I neglected to mention :-), I'm still learning
along with everyone else.

Thx for the info Craig.

> Snapshots are updated only when a developer (or perhaps some nightly
> executes "mvn deploy".

I am wondering would it be possible to have some nightly script that runs
"mvn deploy" automatically. That way one could just grab the latest jar that
passed the test succesfully for testing purposes.

That would be a good idea.  I thought about doing that for Shale once we
switch the Maven build over to the trunk ... let me see if I can set up to
do the SAF2 (and maybe even SAF1?) builds with deployment of the snapshots
every night.


Just like opensymphony's xwork nightly build at

- Original Message 
From: Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Developers List ; tm jee <
Sent: Friday, 16 June, 2006 3:15:18 PM
Subject: Re: [action2] action2 snapshot build

I'm somewhat a noob in training by Wendy and Sean :-), but here's my

On 6/15/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Got some questions :-
> 1] When is action2's snapshot in maven repository updated? Is it on a
> daily basis?

Snapshots are updated only when a developer (or perhaps some nightly
executes "mvn deploy".

2] In Continuum, is it posible for user to download a particular
> build, say for example build 15 of action2?

Need a Continuum guru to answer that one.

3] If a user wants to get a copy of action2 snapshot, but doesn't have
> installed, is there a website where he could download the jar from?

The repository itself is just a website full of static files, so it would
possible to figure out the correct URLs for the snapshot JARs and publish
those.  For Shale, in addition to publishing the snapshot JARs themselves,
we've got an assembly goal that includes all the dependency JARs in the
Shale framework snapshot (see "shale-dist/src/main/assembly/dist.xml" in
"mvn_reorg" branch, soon to be moved to the Shale trunk), and I'd imagine
the action2 snapshots would want to do the same thing, so it's a matter of
pointing at one particular directory to download one particular file from.

Another option (I haven't tried this, but I've seen simpler projects like
Commons libraries use it) would be to generate an Ant build.xml file that
(theoretically) equivalent to what Maven would do for you:

mvn ant:ant

Several of the commons projects periodically generate such a build.xml and
check it in to Subversion, providing a convenient mechanism for Ant based
customers to build the snapshot from source.

But, I've become an M2 convert, so I'm not planning to do this for Shale
unless users ask for it :-).

Thanks in advance.
> rgds

Re: [action2] action2 snapshot build

2006-06-16 Thread Craig McClanahan

I'm somewhat a noob in training by Wendy and Sean :-), but here's my

On 6/15/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys,

Got some questions :-
1] When is action2's snapshot in maven repository updated? Is it on a
daily basis?

Snapshots are updated only when a developer (or perhaps some nightly script)
executes "mvn deploy".

2] In Continuum, is it posible for user to download a particular successful

build, say for example build 15 of action2?

Need a Continuum guru to answer that one.

3] If a user wants to get a copy of action2 snapshot, but doesn't have maven

installed, is there a website where he could download the jar from?

The repository itself is just a website full of static files, so it would be
possible to figure out the correct URLs for the snapshot JARs and publish
those.  For Shale, in addition to publishing the snapshot JARs themselves,
we've got an assembly goal that includes all the dependency JARs in the
Shale framework snapshot (see "shale-dist/src/main/assembly/dist.xml" in the
"mvn_reorg" branch, soon to be moved to the Shale trunk), and I'd imagine
the action2 snapshots would want to do the same thing, so it's a matter of
pointing at one particular directory to download one particular file from.

Another option (I haven't tried this, but I've seen simpler projects like
Commons libraries use it) would be to generate an Ant build.xml file that is
(theoretically) equivalent to what Maven would do for you:

   mvn ant:ant

Several of the commons projects periodically generate such a build.xml and
check it in to Subversion, providing a convenient mechanism for Ant based
customers to build the snapshot from source.

But, I've become an M2 convert, so I'm not planning to do this for Shale
unless users ask for it :-).

Thanks in advance.



Re: [shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I knew I'd seen this somewhere.  In settings.xml, lets try
> / and /.
> *

That seems worthwhile playing with.  I presume these are Unix-format

Hmm ... from my experiements it now gets the directory settings right (775)
but not the file settings (I wanted 664 but it does 644).  This is when I
tried "mvn deploy -N" in the shale-apps subdirectory.


Re: [shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Further info ... it didn't get the shale-parent POM correct
either.  Maybe
> it is something specific to deploying things with a  setting
> "pom".

Are you still talking about permissions, or is there something wrong
with the content?

Sorry ... it is still the permissions.  They were set to 622 instead of 662
on the shale-parent POM, which was uploaded as part of my deploy of the
overall framework.

I knew I'd seen this somewhere.  In settings.xml, lets try

/ and /.


That seems worthwhile playing with.  I presume these are Unix-format

Thanks for picking this up and finishing it.  And to James and Sean

and Gary (and anyone else I've forgotten) for all the help.

Definitely a team effort.





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Re: [shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That did it.  Thanks.
> Except for the file permissions... when you have a minute, can you log
> in and fix them?


And if anyone knows how to convince it to set the group writeable bit
> when you scp files up, I'd love to know.
> (Yes, my umask is set to 002.  That doesn't help-- it only masks off
> the world writeable bit, it doesn't add the group writeable bit.)

That's strange ... mine is too.  And it did the right thing on deploying
everything in the framework space.  Maven deploy plugin bug?

Further info ... it didn't get the shale-parent POM correct either.  Maybe
it is something specific to deploying things with a  setting of


By the way, you've got a least one set of permissions to change as well ...


> Wendy


Re: [shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That did it.  Thanks.

Except for the file permissions... when you have a minute, can you log
in and fix them?


And if anyone knows how to convince it to set the group writeable bit

when you scp files up, I'd love to know.

(Yes, my umask is set to 002.  That doesn't help-- it only masks off
the world writeable bit, it doesn't add the group writeable bit.)

That's strange ... mine is too.  And it did the right thing on deploying
everything in the framework space.  Maven deploy plugin bug?

By the way, you've got a least one set of permissions to change as well ...




Re: [shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I deployed the framework JARs  (and shale-parent POM) ... but it's still
> missing the shale-apps-parent POM.  Can I deploy just that without
> the applications themseves?  That would work, but seems wasteful of
space on
> the server.

mvn deploy -N


That did it.  Thanks.



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Re: [shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> An interesting question is how we make it possible to do step 4 (build
> sample apps from source) without doing step 2 (build the framework from
> source).  I presume that means we'd need to publish the "shale-parent"
> "shale-apps-parent" POMs as snapshots, since a side effect of Step 2
> be to install the poms in your local repository.  I know we'd need to
> publish the parent POMs as part of a normal release, but is that also
the an
> acceptable process for snapshots?


Yes, and  'mvn deploy' will do it.  Since the version numbers have

-SNAPSHOT, Maven will choose the
/ (inherited from
struts-parent) and publish the artifacts there.  (It should be, it might need to be
changed from cvs.a.o.)

It's already set correctly.

Then 'step 4' will work (without having done 'step 2') by retrieving

the artifacts from a /, one of which has the
same snapshot repo URL.

I deployed the framework JARs  (and shale-parent POM) ... but it's still
missing the shale-apps-parent POM.  Can I deploy just that without deploying
the applications themseves?  That would work, but seems wasteful of space on
the server.





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[shale] Maven Reorganization Status and a request for help

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

Thanks to incredible support from Wendy, James, Gary, et. al., it looks like
we've got a viable organization of the repository for Shale in the
"mvn_reorg" branch.  There's work to be done yet on the generated website,
but the basic architecture seems sound.  But there is one more thing I'd
like to do before we move this over to the trunk ... have some more people
download and validate the artifacts that the build process creates.  To that
end, I have uploaded snapshots to my home directory on URLs in the footnotes), and would like to ask
for some volunteers to
perform the following tests (plus any others that strike your fancy).

An interesting question is how we make it possible to do step 4 (build the
sample apps from source) without doing step 2 (build the framework from
source).  I presume that means we'd need to publish the "shale-parent" and
"shale-apps-parent" POMs as snapshots, since a side effect of Step 2 would
be to install the poms in your local repository.  I know we'd need to
publish the parent POMs as part of a normal release, but is that also the an
acceptable process for snapshots?

(1) Download and unpack the framework artifact[1]:

Can I get to the Shale jar files (and all their dependencies) in the "lib"

Are any dependencies missing (probably have to use these to build an app to
check that)?  (NOTE - building shale-designtime.jar is currently commented
out because it needs a bit more work before the code actually runs

Can I examine the source code for the various framework modules (shale-clay,
shale-core, shale-designtime, shale-dist, shale-remoting, shale-spring,
shale-test, shale-tiger, shale-tiles)?

Can I open the "docs/index.html" page and see the framework web site?
(There will be lots of broken links and stuff inside, so don't worry too
much about those at the moment)

(2) Rebuild framework artifact from the sources:

Assuming you have Maven 2.0.4 installed, you should be able to reproduce the
artifact (in an environment where there are no previously installed Shale
artifacts in your Maven2 repository) by executing:
* cd 
* mvn clean site
* cd shale-dst
* mvn assembly:assembly

(3) Download and unpack the sample applications[2][3][4][5][6]:

For each sampe app, you should be able to:
* Download the artifact and unpack it
* Examine the source code for that particular sample in the "src' directory
* Examine the sample app website in the "site" subdirectory (again, expect
broken stuff, but I'm primarily interested in the packaging at this point).
* Deploy the web application in the "dist" directory on Tomcat 5.5 or
 with no deployment errors (I haven't validated that all the functionality
is still
 correct yet, so I'd be interested in any problems you encounter there

(4) Rebuild sample applications from sources:

For each sample app, you should be able to reproduce it (assuming you've
done Step 2 above ... see earlier discussion) by executing:
* cd shale-x
* mvn clean site assembly:assembly

Thanks for your help in debugging the Maven2 builds for Shale!




Re: [shale] framework questions

2006-06-15 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/15/06, stephan opitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


shale has a lot of new features:

View Controller: Backing bean for JSP with predefined events
Validations: Client- and service-side validations
JNDI: JSP access to properties in web.xml
Dialog Manager: Web wizards (workflows) driven by XML configuration files
Application Manager: An application-level controller to intercept all
HTTP requests
AJAX: A server-side service for AJAX support
Spring, Tiles, and Clay framework integration and reusable views
Test: Mock objects and base classes for JUnit-based tests

1. is the clay framework completely new developed?

Clay was pretty much an original effort, primarily developed by Gary
vanMatre, but you could also say it was inspired by the Facelets project at, plus the way that Tapestry encourages users to develop pages with
static HTML and separate component definitions.

2. is it possible to rebuilt the power of shale with existing

frameworks (using the base jsf)?

Yes, but an important part of Shale's power (and simplicity) comes from the
fact that it presumes JSF is present, and uses JSF's controller
architecture.  The typical approach to integrating JSF into existing
frameworks has been to use JSF's visual components, but not try to use its
controller.  IMHO, this leaves you with a more complicated application
architecture, wth redundant implementations of basic features like
navigation, validation, and conversion.

On the other hand, you might also take a look at how Struts Action Framework
2 (the upcoming work to merge in the WebWork framework and create a next
generation action oriented framework) attempts to meld the SAF/WW and JSF
controller capabilities together.  Very powerful, but (for at least some use
cases), pretty complex.



Re: svn commit: r414249 - /struts/action2/trunk/core/src/main/java/org/apache/struts/action2/components/

2006-06-14 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/14/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That makes sense too.  I guess the big draw for everything a JIRA ticket
is it
is easier to create the release notes.  If you are just fixing a typo,
probably wouldn't go in the release notes anyways.

That's exactly the standard I like to use to decide whether to file an issue
or not.  In general, fixing typos or improving Javadocs doesn't really rise
to that level of attention.  On the other hand, I'd prefer that pretty much
all changes to the actual code would be documented by an issue (unless,
perhaps, you are just fixing something you broke in a previous checkin
against an issue :-).



Sean Schofield wrote:

> Going back to my point about overkill.  If you have a complicated
> problem that cannot be summarized in a sentence or two, yes, then
> definitely a JIRA issue is in order.  But if its a bug that was not
> reported by anyone and it was introduced in the current release cycle
> (say a tweak to a Maven POM) putting the info in JIRA is overkill.
> The *first* place I check when I want to understand a file change is
> the SVN logs.  If there is a JIRA ref there then I go to JIRA.
> Usually the one line comment is sufficent for me to understand why the
> change was made.
> Again, if its in reference to a bug that has already been reported
> obviously you use JIRA.  Also for any kind of major change (even if
> introduced in the current cycle) then JIRA is also appropriate.
> Sean
> On 6/14/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We have a ticket up for the current round of documentation updates
>> [WW-1340]  so you can use that.
>> -Ted.
>> On 6/14/06, tm jee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Okie dokie. Thx for the reminder.
>> >
>> > Do we need to create a jira issue even if its just changing some
>> javadoc, like typo or snippet id is wrongly assigned etc.?
>> >
>> > regards.
>> >
>> > - Original Message 
>> > From: Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > To:
>> > Sent: Thursday, 15 June, 2006 1:16:48 AM
>> > Subject: Re: svn commit: r414249 -
>> >
>> > Don't forget to associate a JIRA ticket with each commit to make it
>> easier to
>> > track changes in a release... :)
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Don
>> >
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > > Author: tmjee
>> > > Date: Wed Jun 14 06:48:08 2006
>> > > New Revision: 414249
>> > >
>> > > URL:
>> > > Log:
>> > > - added javadoc & snippet to reflect the fact that if JSP template
>> > >   being used, it should resides in the webapp not the classpath as
>> JSP
>> > > is not capable of being picked up from classpath unlike Freemarker
>> > > Velocity
>> > >
>> > >  see
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Modified:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Modified:
>> > > URL:
>> > >
>> > > ---
>> (original)
>> > > +++
>> Wed Jun 14 06:48:08 2006
>> > > @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
>> > >   *
>> > >   *
>> > >   * @a2.tag name="component" tld-body-content="JSP"
>> tld-tag-class="org.apache.struts.action2.views.jsp.ui.ComponentTag"
>> > >   * description="Render a custom ui widget"
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> > -
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> HTH, Ted.
>> *
>> -
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Re: [shale] Maven 2 profile activation

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to reduce redundancy by removing the javax.servlet:servlet-apiand
javax.servlet:jsp-api dependencies inside the subordinate modules, since
they are declared in shale-parent ... but that causes compile errors
indicating that no API classes are getting added to the classpath.
Shouldn't the subordinate POMs be inheriting this dependency from

Never mind ...  in the parent POM is essentially
templates for picking version numbers ... it doesn't behave the same as
 at the top level.

Should we think about declaring  in the shale-parent POM
instead, for the stuff that is guaranteed to be common (servlet-api,
jsp-api, etc.)?  (It would still have to be legal, for example, for a
particular webapp to declare dependency on Servlet 2.5 even if the parent
says use 2.4.)


Gary, can you make sure you've updated everything, or try this with a

> fresh checkout, and let us know if it still happens?  I think you have
> an updated shale-test pom, but an old shale-parent pom.

Indeed, you'd have to execute "mvn clean install" from the parent
directory to insure that the new parent POM gets installed first.

> Wendy


Re: [shale] Maven 2 profile activation

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/12/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/12/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I had to wack my m2 shale repos and then rebuild all of the
> > libraries.  That was the was the ticket.  I'm having trouble building
> > shale-test.  Is anyone seeing this error?
> >
> >
> > [INFO] [compiler:compile]
> > Compiling 34 source files to
> > [INFO]
> >

> > [INFO]
> >

> > [INFO] Compilation failure
> >
> >
> >[53,7] org.apache.shale.test.mock.MockServletContextis
> > not abst
> > ract and does not override abstract method getContextPath() in
> > javax.servlet.Ser
> > vletContext
> Hmm ... getContextPath() was added to the Servlet API in 2.4, so you'd
> an error like this if you compiled against the 2.4 version of the
API.  We
> don't explicitly specify a version in the test framework's POM, so for
> (and I'd guess for Wendy too) it's picking up a 2.3 version of the
> API.

Off by one?  I think the getContextPath() method was added in Servlet
2.5, and both of us are correctly compiling against 2.4.

Yep ... it was indeed added in 2.5.

Since Shale as a whole depends on Servlet 2.4, I'm going to go through all
> the POMs and make sure we're explicit about the version number ... and
> clean up any problems that this causes (including this one).  Look for a
> commit later this evening.

The  section of the shale-parent pom controls
the version number, and it has 2.4.  It does not need to be specified
in each pom.

The only way I can reproduce this error is to add
2.5 to the servlet-api dependency in

I'm trying to reduce redundancy by removing the javax.servlet:servlet-apiand
javax.servlet:jsp-api dependencies inside the subordinate modules, since
they are declared in shale-parent ... but that causes compile errors
indicating that no API classes are getting added to the classpath.
Shouldn't the subordinate POMs be inheriting this dependency from

Gary, can you make sure you've updated everything, or try this with a

fresh checkout, and let us know if it still happens?  I think you have
an updated shale-test pom, but an old shale-parent pom.

Indeed, you'd have to execute "mvn clean install" from the parent directory
to insure that the new parent POM gets installed first.




Re: [shale] Maven 2 profile activation

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had to wack my m2 shale repos and then rebuild all of the
libraries.  That was the was the ticket.  I'm having trouble building
shale-test.  Is anyone seeing this error?

[INFO] [compiler:compile]
Compiling 34 source files to c:\shale2\mvn_reorg\shale-test\target\classes


[INFO] Compilation failure

c:\shale2\mvn_reorg\shale-test\src\main\java\org\apache\shale\test\mock\MockServ[53,7] org.apache.shale.test.mock.MockServletContext is
not abst
ract and does not override abstract method getContextPath() in

Hmm ... getContextPath() was added to the Servlet API in 2.4, so you'd get
an error like this if you compiled against the 2.4 version of the API.  We
don't explicitly specify a version in the test framework's POM, so for me
(and I'd guess for Wendy too) it's picking up a 2.3 version of the servlet

Since Shale as a whole depends on Servlet 2.4, I'm going to go through all
the POMs and make sure we're explicit about the version number ... and also
clean up any problems that this causes (including this one).  Look for a
commit later this evening.


-- Original message --

From: "Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 6/12/06, Gary VanMatre wrote:
> >
> > I was looking at the shale-usecaes build under the mvn_reorg branch
and it
> > looks like the war is bring everything but the kitchen sink as a
> > dependency. The WEB-INF/lib contains the RI, myfaces, freemarker,
> > ant, and a couple versions of velocity.
> >
> > It it picking this up from cargo or parent project dependencies?
> Did you do a clean recently? A bunch of stuff has changed, and that'll
> the only way to get good results, including just MyFaces (if you do "mvn
> clean install") and just the RI (if you do "mvn -Djsf=ri clean
> There was also a ton of stuff being inherited from the Spring 1.2.2 POMs
> updating the dependency to 1.2.5 cleared up a lot of that.
> Gary
> Craig
> -- Original message --
> > From: "Craig McClanahan"
> >
> > > On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > We now have the MyFaces profile is active if the 'jsf' property
> > not
> > > > > set. The JSF RI profile is activated with -Djsf=ri on the
> > > > > line.
> > > >
> > > > Note that this is -D for a system property (not -P for a profile
> > >
> > >
> > > D'oh ... not enough coffee to tell the difference between a "D" and
> > "P".
> > >
> > > > Using -Pmyfaces and -Pjsfri still works. Profiles can always be
> > > > > activated by their ids.
> > > >
> > > > But this part isn't true -- you'll end up with *both* MyFaces and
> > > > RI if you do 'mvn -Pjsfri'.
> > > >
> > > > I'll add properties to the other profiles tonight, and we'll
switch to
> > > > only using -D to avoid confusion.
> > >
> > >
> > > That makes sense.
> > >
> > > --
> > > > Wendy
> > >
> > >
> > > Craig
> >

Re: [Shale] Nightly Builds Resumed

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/12/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For maximum user benefit, it's nice to ship sample apps "ready to run",
> all their dependent jars included.  But with four apps already, that
> mean lots of jar files duplicated -- which would really bloat an
> download.  For the Ant based builds, I took the tack of creating several
> kinds of artifacts:
> * A zip of the framework itself (library jars, sources, javadocs)
> * A zip  of the dependencies (which Maven will eliminate the need for

I think 'jars without dependencies' is possible.  Asking for the
dependencies, but not the jar they came from, might be more difficult.
Could the second one be a library distribution of Shale +

Right now we're creating the framework distro with all the Shale jars + the
dependencies ... that seems like the most convenient packaging for a
non-Maven user, and the size is currently just over 9mb, which shouldn't be
any big deal.  (Interestingly, the Shale part of that is < 400k ... it's
nice to not have to implement everything JSF already provides :-).  So I
don't really see a need for a separate dependencies-only distro.

* A war file for each example (ideally with a buildable source module
>   and javadocs for the application classes included inside).

It's usually WEB-INF/src for the sources, but I haven't seen Javadocs
in a .war file.  WEB-INF/apidocs?  (There's an example of copying the
sources in Struts Action, probably in apps/pom.xml.)

The other way we could do this would be build a "src/main/assembly"
directory for each webapp, and package sources/javadocs/war file  with the
POM in the expected place (top level directory).  It's marginally more
complicated for someone to have to extract the WAR, but the project would
look like an out-of-the-box Maven module.





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Re: svn commit: r413781 - /struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/shale-dist/src/assemble/dist.xml

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Author: craigmcc
> Date: Mon Jun 12 18:40:30 2006
> New Revision: 413781
> URL:
> Log:
> Add filesets for the rest of the top-level framework modules (but
> comment out the one for shale-designtime ... I still need to do cleanup
> work on that module).  Issue -- it copies all the sources, but the only
> shale-*.jar included is the one for core.  Also, add an Apache license
> at the top of the assembly configuration file.

Thanks. :)  To make it pick up the rest of the jars, add them as
 in pom.xml.  Only shale-core is listed right now.

Thanks ... noticed they were missing from the pom.xml right after this
commit ... see the next one.





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Re: [Shale] Nightly Builds Resumed

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


James and I are going to attempt to setup the Shale continuum server
on Wednesday.  Should we try to setup the publishing of Shale
nightlies as well?

That would be awesome!  But I wouldn't bother setting up the Ant based
builds, though; the focus should be on getting the Maven based things to
work.  A wrinkle is you might have to be a bit adaptable on the assembly
stuff, as we're not quite done creating that.  And, that actually raises a
question about what MyFaces is doing on the topic of sample applications (as
well as to solicit advice from other folks here as well).

For maximum user benefit, it's nice to ship sample apps "ready to run", with
all their dependent jars included.  But with four apps already, that would
mean lots of jar files duplicated -- which would really bloat an all-in-one
download.  For the Ant based builds, I took the tack of creating several
kinds of artifacts:

* A zip of the framework itself (library jars, sources, javadocs)

* A zip  of the dependencies (which Maven will eliminate the need for

* A war file for each example (ideally with a buildable source module
 and javadocs for the application classes included inside).

What do you think of this kind of strategy for Maven based builds as well?



Re: [shale] Maven 2 profile activation

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was looking at the shale-usecaes build under the mvn_reorg branch and it
looks like the war is bring everything but the kitchen sink as a
dependency.  The WEB-INF/lib contains the RI, myfaces, freemarker, struts,
ant, and a couple versions of velocity.

It it picking this up from cargo or parent project dependencies?

Did you do a clean recently?  A bunch of stuff has changed, and that'll be
the only way to get  good results, including just MyFaces (if you do "mvn
clean install") and just the RI (if you do "mvn -Djsf=ri clean install").
There was also a ton of stuff being inherited from the Spring 1.2.2 POMs ...
updating the dependency to 1.2.5 cleared up a lot of that.



-- Original message --

From: "Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> >
> > On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> >
> > > We now have the MyFaces profile is active if the 'jsf' property is
> > > set. The JSF RI profile is activated with -Djsf=ri on the command
> > > line.
> >
> > Note that this is -D for a system property (not -P for a profile id).
> D'oh ... not enough coffee to tell the difference between a "D" and a
> > Using -Pmyfaces and -Pjsfri still works. Profiles can always be
> > > activated by their ids.
> >
> > But this part isn't true -- you'll end up with *both* MyFaces and the
> > RI if you do 'mvn -Pjsfri'.
> >
> > I'll add properties to the other profiles tonight, and we'll switch to
> > only using -D to avoid confusion.
> That makes sense.
> --
> > Wendy
> Craig

[Shale] Nightly Builds Resumed

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

For those of you following Shale, you've probably noticed that there have
not been any nightly builds available for the past few weeks.  This was due
to a combination of circumstances, but the primary reason is we've been
focusing on migrating the build environment from Ant-based scripts to use
Maven2 instead.  When completed, it will be *much* easier to build Shale, or
applications based on Shale.

However, in the mean time, I'm pleased to announce that creation of nightly
builds for Shale have been restored.  You can get the 20060612 version from:


* The Shale website currently has a bad link to this page (it points at "").
 That will be fixed soon.  In the mean time, use the link above.

* When the conversion to Maven2 is complete, the organization of the
artifacts published
 as nightly builds (as well as the organization of Shale releases as well)
will be changed.
 Watch here for an announcement of the date that this goes into effect for
the nightly builds.

Craig McClanahan

Re: [shale] Maven 2 profile activation

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We now have the MyFaces profile is active if the 'jsf' property is not
> set.  The JSF RI profile is activated with -Djsf=ri on the command
> line.

Note that this is -D for a system property (not -P for a profile id).

D'oh ... not enough coffee to tell the difference between a "D" and a "P".

Using -Pmyfaces and -Pjsfri still works.  Profiles can always be
> activated by their ids.

But this part isn't true -- you'll end up with *both* MyFaces and the
RI if you do 'mvn -Pjsfri'.

I'll add properties to the other profiles tonight, and we'll switch to
only using -D to avoid confusion.

That makes sense.




Re: [shale] Maven 2 profile activation

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On [EMAIL PROTECTED], Roland Asmann pointed out that a profile can be
activated if a certain property is *not* present.

We now have the MyFaces profile is active if the 'jsf' property is not
set.  The JSF RI profile is activated with -Djsf=ri on the command

Using -Pmyfaces and -Pjsfri still works.  Profiles can always be
activated by their ids.  Be sure to 'mvn clean' when you switch
implementations, or the webapps will have both myfaces and the RI in
WEB-INF/lib.  (I think Maven 2.1 will better handle the concept of
'This jar provides an implementation of xyz specification' during
dependency resolution.)

With defaultGoal=install in the pom, you can now simply execute 'mvn'
from the top of the branch, and it should work.

Cool idea.  So, I tried "mvn clean" then "mvn -Pjsf=ri" from the top of the
branch.  The sample apps are still packaged with the MyFaces API and IMPL
jars (see my comment on SHALE-179).




Re: [shale] download

2006-06-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/12/06, Nagy Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear DevTeam,

We are at arvato systems Hungary, wanted to tryout SHALE framework, but
none of the binary zip file was found in the given access path:

The directory is empty, and we don't know how to get the beta.

Can you help us with a working binary?

At the moment, nightly build creation is disabled because we are in the
midst of converting the process of building Shale from Ant to Maven2.  This
process is nearing completion, at which point we will re-enable creating
nightly builds of Shale.

In the short term, it is necessary to build Shale from sources, as described
on the website[1].



Best wishes,

Tibor Nagy


arvato systems Hungary Kft.

H-1038 Budapest

Ráby Mátyás u. 26.

Telefon: (36-1) 453-4100

Fax: (36-1) 453-4101

Re: Maven 2 website documentation editing

2006-06-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/10/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't forget to add "-Pmyfaces" as well ... the site generation seems to
> want to compile everything again, and  some of the compiles will fail
> without either -Pmyfaces or -Pjsfri being explicity listed (most likely
> Maven issue).

I have a question out on [EMAIL PROTECTED] to see how to get exactly one of
those activated, with a default.

> Mystery:  This runs for me on my Linux desktop, but on my Windows XP
> I get "Required goal not found: site:stage" ... it's as if Maven doesn't
> know that this goal exists.  It is Maven 2.0.4 in both cases.  Do I need
> do something special to make it recognize this?

Old site plugin?  Try -U on the command line to make it update, or
   rm -rf $M2_REPO/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-site-plugin
so it will download again.

The -U switch worked.  Hmm, does that mean Maven treats snapshot plugins
different from snapshot dependencies?

* Even though I used the -DstagingDirectory approach, the javadocs
>   for the modules aren't correctly linked from the website home page.
>   That's probably because those links are done manually.

I don't think it will automatically add links to sub-project Javadoc,
but see below.

> * On the Project Summary page, the description seems to come from
>   the struts parent POM (and I think I've seen this text still in some
> the
>   generated MANIFEST.MF files too).  Can we make it come from the
>   Shale parent instead?

Is there one?  Add a  to the shale-parent pom and it
should override the inherited one.  Keep in mind that the jar plugin
uses  as the Specification-Title.  There's an issue open,
we're arguing that it should use  instead and give us back the
multi-line description.

I'll do that with  for now, but I'm on your side about using
 for the manifest.

* The "Dependencies" and "Dependency Convergence" reports address
>   my earlier question about a hierarchical chain of dependencies,
>   the links on the latter page are all broken.  But it pointed me to a
> version  mismatch problem that's already been fixed.

I think I've seen that mentioned on the Maven user list, there's
probably an issue open.


* The project reports for each module don't seem to be linked into the
> overall site anywhere.  Should they be?

I'm not sure what you mean, can you give an example of what you want it to

Just as one example ... as the site generation was occurring, I saw it
create checkstyle reports for each module.  But I can't seem to find them
anywhere on the generated site. I would imagine we should also be able to
see all the other module-specific reports.

Everything is moving towards aggregation, but not all of it works yet.

As with Maven 1, you can override the default page that gets
generated, so for example in Struts Action we have
src/site/apidocs/index.xml for this:

We'll clearly want an aggregated site, but I'm wondering if focusing on the
assembly stuff might not be more urgent, so we can resurrect the nightly
builds.  Those have a timeout on the server, and I'm getting pinged from a
couple of users that it looks like the project is not progressing since
those are not being generated.





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Re: Maven 2 website documentation editing

2006-06-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

Several notes and a mystery below.

On 6/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can also "stage" the entire site locally with:
>'mvn site:stage'
> It defaults to target/staging, or you can specify
> -DstagingDirectory=/path/to/tempdir

Strange.  The default is to put target/staging under each module,
which isn't any more useful than the separate target/site directories
that 'mvn site' builds.

With -DstagingDirectory=/path/to/tempdir, though, it puts the entire
site together, just as it will be on the server.  So use that. :)

Don't forget to add "-Pmyfaces" as well ... the site generation seems to
want to compile everything again, and  some of the compiles will fail
without either -Pmyfaces or -Pjsfri being explicity listed (most likely a
Maven issue).

Mystery:  This runs for me on my Linux desktop, but on my Windows XP laptop
I get "Required goal not found: site:stage" ... it's as if Maven doesn't
know that this goal exists.  It is Maven 2.0.4 in both cases.  Do I need to
do something special to make it recognize this?


* Can I blame Wendy (who got the site build to work) for the
 many thousands of Checkstyle errors we need to wade through?  :-)
 Nah ... that'd be shooting the messenger.  But it is a good opportunity
 to tweak the rules we're asking it to enforce.

* The JxrReport plugin seemed to fail on every module, looking for
 a pom.xml in the directory above the "mvn_reorg" root.  Shouldn't
 it be obeying the parent declarations in the POMs?

* Even though I used the -DstagingDirectory approach, the javadocs
 for the modules aren't correctly linked from the website home page.
 That's probably because those links are done manually.

* On the Project Summary page, the description seems to come from
 the struts parent POM (and I think I've seen this text still in some of
 generated MANIFEST.MF files too).  Can we make it come from the
 Shale parent instead?

* The "Dependencies" and "Dependency Convergence" reports address
 my earlier question about a hierarchical chain of dependencies, although
 the links on the latter page are all broken.  But it pointed me to a
 mismatch problem that's already been fixed.

* The "Source Repository" page doesn't have any information ... we'll
 want to fill in the appropriate POM stuff for that.

* The project reports for each module don't seem to be linked into the
 site anywhere.  Should they be?




Re: svn commit: r413252 - in /struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/shale-apps: ./ shale-usecases/src/systest/org/apache/shale/usecases/systest/ shale-usecases/src/test/java/org/apache/shale/usecases/systes

2006-06-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Also, need to review the heavy baggage that including shale-spring as a
> dependency (and transitively the dependencies that Spring defines)
> brings to the table.

Spring 1.2.5 looks like the first version that has its dependencies
marked 'optional' in the poms.  I'm having trouble with 'mvn site'
throwing a NPE due to the  in the shale-spring pom.

The easiest thing to do is just change Shale's dependency to a later
version.  We can document that it actually works with 1.2.2+, and
anyone who wants a different version can add it to his own project's

That works for me ... I'll give it a try.




Re: Tracing Maven2 Transitive Dependencies

2006-06-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/10/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You get rid of them by adding a  in the webapp pom marked
> provided or optional.  Maven constructs a dependency graph and uses
> the "closest" definition.

Missed a word there. :)  You _can_ get rid of them this way, though
s are more correct.

Actually, I was thinking of the "provided" approach ... and I can even
rationalize it :-).  Shale requires a JDK 1.4 or later environment, which
includes (among other things) a built-in XML parser.  Therefore, marking
these two dependencies as "provided" would make sense.  Probably in the
shale-parent POM (or possibly the one for apps, since we have control over
the dependency declarations in the core libraries).




Tracing Maven2 Transitive Dependencies

2006-06-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

I'm working on the Maven2 build for the shale-usecases example (on the
mvn_reorg branch).  Currently, the application buids, but it fails on some
XML parsing errors when you deploy it.  In turn, this happens because
xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar and xercesImpl-2.2.1.jar are getting picked up as
dependencies that need to be included in the war.  Now, the challenge is to
identify where they are coming from so they can be excluded.

I've tried Wendy's suggestion of using -X on the mvn execution, which gives
a pretty copious amount of output ... and still doesn't make it clear from
which POM the dependency is actually getting inherited.  Is there some
mechanism in Maven2 that just lists out the dependency tree, so you can
figure stuff like this out easily?


Re: [shale] Maven, Cargo and integration testing

2006-06-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/7/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Shale Blank app is now set up to run its integration tests.

The includes/excludes are working (thanks David!) and we're using the
Cargo Java API to start and stop Tomcat.  (Yesterday's experiment with
the Cargo plugin didn't work out, the inherited config from the
shale-apps parent pom was causing it to try to start Tomcat twice.)

Surefire is bound to the 'test' phase by default, so it runs then with
**/systest/** excluded.

There is an additional execution of Surefire bound to the
integration-test phase, where it runs only the integration tests.

Craig, can you please try 'mvn install -Pmyfaces,itest' from
shale-blank (or above) and let me know if this does what you want?
(You'll either need 'cargo.tomcat5x.home' configured in settings.xml,
or with -D on the command line.)

That works really slick ... thanks!

This app has only one test so it doesn't matter too much, but usually

the code to start and stop the container goes in a TestSetup class.  I
put it directly in the test case to keep things as simple as possible
at first.

I've seen that convention, but have a question for you ... since the unit
tests for webapps built from these examples are going to use the mock
objects in the Shale Test Framework anyway, what would you think of having a
convenience abstract base class in shale-test (probably a subclass of
AbstractHtmlUnitTestCase) that embedded the container startup/shutdown
stuff?  It would likely need some system properties to specify the container
id (default to "tomcat5x") and the WAR to be tested, but this approach would
save having to construct a customized TestSetup class in every webapp




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Re: [SAF2] Tossing an idea around: PDFResult

2006-06-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/6/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/6/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin Cooper wrote:
> > No. FOP = whatever. I consider anything --> PDF to be out of scope /
> > specialised here.
> Ah, ok, gotcha, I understand now :)
> PDF generation is a fairly common thing to do from a webapp though, no?

No, not really. At least, not compared to things like SSO, LDAP
authentication, access control, distributed sessions, persistence, and a
of other things Struts doesn't bake in.

  I know I've had to do it plenty... WW has always been, from what I've
> seen, a framework that tried to have a wider scope than Struts did...
> for example, built-in support for DWR and Dojo, built-in support for
> continuations, integration with Quartz and JasperReports... all of this
> could be argued is out of scope for a web framework, couldn't it?

Sure it could. And I might well argue that way, for some of those

> don't see PDF generation, *assuming it's a somewhat limited capability*,
> to be too specialized.

I do. Sorry, but it's just not in the same league as other much more

I didn't make it clear in my previous comment ... but I totally agree with
Martin that actually *building* an anything->PDF converter as part of Struts
is out of scope.

But that's a different thing from providing a PdfResult interface that has a
strategy pattern plugin to configure an adapter for your favorite PDF
generation tool ... perhaps with an example application that has an
implementation for one particular PDF generation library (i.e. the
implementation itself is a demo, not part of the core of Struts).  That kind
of approach would be perfectly reasonable to me.  As would some eventual
commitment for the Struts project to support some small number of adapters
to particular PDF generation libraries where we had committers willing to
maintain the adapters in response to API changes in the underlying

Frank, does that difference in viewpoint help you see the scoping issue


Martin Cooper


Re: [SAF2] Tossing an idea around: PDFResult

2006-06-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/6/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/6/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin Cooper wrote:
> > I agree that this doesn't sound like something that should happen
> Your saying that in terms of the custom XML wrapper around
> iText/PDFBox/whatever, right?


  I.e., going the FOP direction is a
> different story, right?

No. FOP = whatever. I consider anything --> PDF to be out of scope / too
specialised here.

To be a bit pedantic, I think you mean *building*  an anything->PDF
container is out of scope, not *using* one (or more), right?


Martin Cooper


Re: [shale] Best practice for unit testing Tag class?

2006-06-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/6/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a recommended practice for testing out my JSP Tag classes?
Is this even desirable?  I'm thinking that its nice to verify that
values and value bindings are being set properly.  Maybe we could add
something to shale-test that could combine the mock stuff with a real

I'm still working through the test project so maybe there is an
obvious solution that I have missed ...

Actually, there isn't any support for this in the test framework at the
moment ... that would make a really good enhancement.  We'll probably need
to provide mock objects for all the JSP API stuff, and probably some helpers
that emulate the tag lifecycle alternatives, since it's a little more
complex than the JSF lifecycle.



Re: Maven2 and Functional/Integration Tests

2006-06-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/5/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 06/06/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maven2 needs to support integration testing as a first class notion in
> architecture of what you envision a "project" to be.

It may not have been clear enough, but that's exactly what I meant in
my last email. I thought this is what the wiki page discussed - if you
think something is missing there, let me know.

Somehow I missed the correct issue I was thinking of, MNG-1381, so
I've linked that now instead. I'm just trying to consolidate this. I
can assure you it is the issue you are thinking of - sorry for the
confusion, re-reading I see MNG-591 is a specific use case of
integration testing and not very helpful.

> It's not just webapps
> .. you've got the same sort of issue with EJBs, or web services, or
> that gets deployed in a container.  Unit tests just don't give you the
> confidence you need that the application will actually work.  I've seen
> many cases where all the unit tests on a webapp all pass with flying
> but it throws an HTTP 500 on the welcome page because of a stupid coding
> error in the JSP page that wasnt' tested with the unit tests.

Yes, I'm well aware of that.

> What's needed is a complete additional test environment, with its own
> lifecycle, and its own classpath (i.e. dependencies tagged to this scope
> you only load things like HttpUnit or HtmlUnit here).  If integration
> exist, they should be part of the default "mvn install" processing, just
> like unit tests are, unless it is explicitly disabled.  Don't pretend
> there is only one kind of "test"!!!

Again, what I was getting at. This was discussed at length on the
Maven dev list and is summarised on the wiki page.

> Otherwise, you guys are not being serious about trying to encouraging
> practices in build environments :-(.

Of course we are.

Added some comments on the wiki page.

- Brett


Re: Maven2 and Functional/Integration Tests

2006-06-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/5/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/5/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It *should* still be possible to achieve what you want currently (I
> thought Vincent's chapter discussed that, but I don't might be
> mistaken). It may take some effort, though, and I'm not sure of any
> existing examples. The 'integration-test' phase was meant to be a
> general hook to facilitate this where possible.

The problem I keep running into is that there is only one
/, and there is no
// in the model.  If that
existed, it seems like you could get another execution of Surefire
using a second source directory.

That's the key problem, and that's why the "duplicate" closing is going to
neglect what I'm interested in.

Maven2 needs to support integration testing as a first class notion in the
architecture of what you envision a "project" to be.  It's not just webapps
.. you've got the same sort of issue with EJBs, or web services, or anything
that gets deployed in a container.  Unit tests just don't give you the
confidence you need that the application will actually work.  I've seen too
many cases where all the unit tests on a webapp all pass with flying colors,
but it throws an HTTP 500 on the welcome page because of a stupid coding
error in the JSP page that wasnt' tested with the unit tests.

What's needed is a complete additional test environment, with its own
lifecycle, and its own classpath (i.e. dependencies tagged to this scope so
you only load things like HttpUnit or HtmlUnit here).  If integration tests
exist, they should be part of the default "mvn install" processing, just
like unit tests are, unless it is explicitly disabled.  Don't pretend that
there is only one kind of "test"!!!

Otherwise, you guys are not being serious about trying to encouraging best
practices in build environments :-(.


PS:  (I'm going to paste the above comments into the bug report as well, so
Maven folks who aren't subscribed here will see them.)

You're hinting that it's possible, though... what am I missing?


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Re: Maven2 and Functional/Integration Tests

2006-06-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/5/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/5/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I'm reading 'Better Builds With Maven" correctly, it seems that the
> recommended practice for functional or system integration tests for
> (i.e. where you deploy the app to a server and then execute HTTP
> and examine the result) is to build a separate "functional-tests" module
> webapp.  Yuck.  Is that the only way to do it?  I was spoiled in my
> build.xml scripts to be able to run "ant install systest" on a webapp
> and have it deploy my app plus execute the integration tests
> with the tests themselves being in a separate source directory (my
> convention was "src/systest") in the same project.

Although Maven 2.0 has build lifecycle phases for both 'test' and
'integration-test', it doesn't seem to handle doing both of them in
the same module.

Surefire looks at the / to find the test
sources -- there is no , and no way
that I'm aware of to have two executions of Surefire in the same
module that use different source directories.

There's some information on the StrutsMaintenanceMaven wiki page,
including a link to a page on the Maven wiki where integration testing
strategies are being worked out:

For a while it seemed like Vincent was going to be allowed to make
some changes in Maven 2.0, but nothing has happened recently, and one
of the issues linked to from that wiki page is marked 'fix for 2.1.1'.

For Struts Action, all of the integration tests live in
action/integration/apps-it, and the plugin executions are wrapped in a
profile so they don't run unless you use -Pperform-itest.

I agree that having the tests in a separate module isn't ideal, but I
think we'll have to live with it for a while.

BTW, here's the TestSetup class that uses Cargo to start Tomcat and
deploy the apps:

I'll do my part[1] to encourage positive change in this regard.





Maven2 and Functional/Integration Tests

2006-06-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

If I'm reading 'Better Builds With Maven" correctly, it seems that the
recommended practice for functional or system integration tests for webapps
(i.e. where you deploy the app to a server and then execute HTTP requests
and examine the result) is to build a separate "functional-tests" module per
webapp.  Yuck.  Is that the only way to do it?  I was spoiled in my previous
build.xml scripts to be able to run "ant install systest" on a webapp module
and have it deploy my app plus execute the integration tests immediately,
with the tests themselves being in a separate source directory (my
convention was "src/systest") in the same project.



Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-06-03 Thread Craig McClanahan

More updated status on shale-clay:

On 6/3/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

However, the following modules still have unit test failures:

 * shale-clay:  It looks like the component definitions for the standard
JSF components
  are not getting recognized.  Gary, could you take a look at these?

There were some more resources fixes that needed to get added to the runtime
JAR.  That fixed everything except to assertion failures in
ClayAmalgamTestCase, which I have temporarily commented out with FIXME
notes.  These will need to be reviewed more carefully by Gary.  But, with
these two assertions commented out, the Mavenized version of shale-clay
passes all its unit tests.

By the way, Gary, I think you might have the order of arguments incorrect on
your assert calls.  It should be assertEquals("label", "expected value",
"actual value") but it looks like the latter two are reversed, at least in
these two tests.  The order doesn't affect whether the test will pass or
fail, but it does make the resulting exception message more difficult to


Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-06-03 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, so I had some time this morning to help.
> I started looking at the apps to see what I could do to get them up
> to "Maven2" par.  I created a struts-shale-apps-parent (pom.xml under
> apps/) and added it as a module of struts-shale-parent.  I then
> created struts-shale-apps-sql-browser (pom.xml under apps/sql-
> browser) and that almost works fine.
> With respect to 1.4 vs 1.5 for compilation, I'm not sure what all is
> going on with profile/activation inheritance and all, but even with
> this:

Thanks. :)  The 1.5 profile should be automatically activated if
you're compiling with JDK 1.5.  You shouldn't have to put anything on
the command line.  Is that not working?

1.5   <-



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Updated status -- we now can successfully compile all of the following
modules using the new Maven build:

 shale-clay, shale-core, shale-remoting, shale-spring, shale-tiles,
shale-tiger, shale-test

However, the following modules still have unit test failures:

* shale-clay:  It looks like the component definitions for the standard JSF
 are not getting recognized.  Gary, could you take a look at these?

* shale-tiger:  The ant version of the tests builds a mock web application
 structure under "target/test-webapp" that is used to exercise the
configuration loading
 classes.  It doesn't look like we can emulate this by simply copying
resources, because
 it assembles some things out of compiled classes.  Is there a plugin where
we can
 escape out to an actual Ant script when the tests are compiled?  If so, it
would be
 pretty easy to copy just the "test:webapp" target stuff from the original
build.  The POM
 will also need to pass the "basedir" property, if it doesn't already.

I'll be working out the details on the last remaining top-level module
(shale-designtime) late this evening.  In the mean time, I'm going to
comment it out of the parent POM because this module will always require
some special processes at build time, and is not required for anything
else.  That will allow us to start hacking on the Shale sample apps once the
test failure issues above are addressed.


Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/2/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oops... wrong button!

On 6/2/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > +1 for shale-core, shale-test, shale-clay, etc., as directory names
> > matching the artifactIds.
> Done

The list of modules in the parent pom needs to be changed to match.

I'm working on this one ... but it raises two questions.

* I presume we don't have to list the individual applications themseves in
 "shale-parent-pom" file, because things get processed hierarchically?

* When I try a build (like "mvn test intall -Pmyfaces") from within one
 of the subdirectories (like "shale-core"), it tries to download
 struts-shale-parent-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.pom (i.e. the file I'm modifying)
 from ibiblio.  Shouldn't we be installing the local copy of the
 parent POM so it'll pick up all the most recent changes?


Are you suggesting changing the artifact id and then the name of the
> module to match it?  If so +1 from me.

Yes, for all the apps.  I'll do it later (or tomorrow) if no one beats me
to it.


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/2/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/2/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We should rename core-library to shale-core.  It saves a lot on
> maven/continuum headaches if the name of the dir matches the name of
> the artifact.  We did not do this in MyFaces (for some valid reasons)
> but its a definite inconvenience.  I haven't checked the other
> artifacts but that suggestion holds for those as well.

+1 for shale-core, shale-test, shale-clay, etc., as directory names
matching the artifactIds.

+1 as well (convention over configuration strikes again :-).

For the apps, I see a really long artifactId for the sql browser app,

and would rather have it match the name of the war file:

That makes sense.  And the name is also the default for the context path,





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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And with that, I think I'm done for the night.  Thanks for all the help!

Likewise ... and thanks to James as well.




Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry, I meant with Maven 2.  I get a few test failures, even after
> correcting the missing .xml files from test.

So did I.  The tests fail with Maven2, so I looked at tiger/build.xml
to see what might be missing.

In build,xml, the 'test' target depends on 'test:webapp' which
constructs a web application directory structure that I assume the
tests depend on.

Yes, they do ... Tiger needs to be able to parse the faces-config.xml files
defined by the webapp just like the JSF runtime does, so I needed to be able
to simulate a webapp directory structure for that in the unit tests.

Note that the Ant scripts pass a "basedir" system property pointing at where
the deployed webapp directory structure is -- we'll need to do something
equivalent or change the tests to presume where the resources actually end


It might be as simple as arranging that into src/test/resources so it

will be available for the m2 tests.


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Found the one on the Maven website[1] and added the appropriate entries.
> But now, when I try to run "mvn clean test -Pjsfri" the following bad
> happen:
> * There's an obsolete jsf-api artifact on ibiblio --
>   can we specify a priority ordering somehow?

Not that I'm aware of.  But ibiblio only has a pom for 1.1, so it
shouldn't cause a problem if we're using version 1.1_02.  If you mean
the 'invalid pom' warnings, that's because is a Maven 1 repo.

> * It fails to download the jsf-impl (but that could
>   be my proxy not liking https -- investigating.

After I added the  and changed the version number, 'mvn
clean install -Pjsfri' in core-library ran with no problems here.

Me too when I disconnected from my VPN network (and commented out the
appropriate proxy stuff).  I've used https proxies for other things
(including SVN commits to Apache), so it's likely to still be something with
Maven ... but that's an issue that can wait for a night's sleep.





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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Works for me now as well, with your latest patches.  But shouldn't it
> work without the "-Pmyfaces" because it's got  set?

I think so, too. :/  In addition there was some strangeness (discussed
on [EMAIL PROTECTED]) with being able to deacivate an active-by-default
profile.  So I'm not yet sure how that part is going to work.

I would hope they end up with a reasonable policy like "if there is a -P
option on the command line, activate only the profiles specified there;
otherwise activate the active by default profile(s)".


By the way (if you beat me to it), the sql-browser example app also
> JDK 1.5 (an the tiger library).

Shale Tiger isn't building just yet, working on that now...


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are you able to run the tiger tests?
> No.  I got to the part in build.xml where it says "Set up 'web
> application' for unit tests" and decided that maven.test.skip=true
> would do for now. :)
> Craig, can you explain the testing strategy for shale-tiger?

It's supposed to be similar to core-lbrary, in that the src/test directory
will contain a bunch of JUnit tests.  Since the module requires 1.5, the
tests will as well, but other than that it should not be anything special.

OK, that's only half the story ... and the same thing will apply to
"use-cases" (and potentially all of the other webapps when we get there).
There are potentially two sets of tests.

* "src/test" in the original repository contains JUnit unit tests
 that run standalone on the classes in the webapp's src/java

* "src/systest" in the original repository contains JUnit tests,
 but they (a) presume that the webapp has been deployed,
 and (b) use HtmlUnit to exercise the actual application and
 examine the returned HTML pages for correct output.  I think
 of these as system integration tests rather than unit tests,
 but vastly prefer HtmlUnit based tests like this to something
 built with Cactus.  Much simpler.

We don't necessarily have to solve the systest issues tonight, but that'll
probably bear some thought since the same principle would apply to any
webapp in the repository (and, ideally, any user-defined webapp created via
the archetype mechanisms).



Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Also, what's the deal with designtime?  I briefly remember some
discussion on it in this thread and was just wondering what the final
result was.

Will the binaries be made available via Maven repo?  Or do we have to
download creator and manually install the jars locally?

I'm working on the public avaiability of this (we announced at JavaOne that
Creator will be open sourced ... finalizing the planning now, but it's more
likely to be months than weeks or days).  In the mean time, I'll create a
cheat sheet for how to copy the necessary JARs out of a downloaded Creator 2
(or Creator 2 Update 1) install and put them locally into your repository.


James Mitchell


Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you able to run the tiger tests?

No.  I got to the part in build.xml where it says "Set up 'web
application' for unit tests" and decided that maven.test.skip=true
would do for now. :)

Craig, can you explain the testing strategy for shale-tiger?

It's supposed to be similar to core-lbrary, in that the src/test directory
will contain a bunch of JUnit tests.  Since the module requires 1.5, the
tests will as well, but other than that it should not be anything special.




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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks ... I've gotta get my feet wet with this stuff sometime, so now
> like a good opportunity :-).

Here's the 'maven model', the documentation for pom.xml:

There's probably a newer version somewhere, that's the one Google finds.

Found the one on the Maven website[1] and added the appropriate entries.
But now, when I try to run "mvn clean test -Pjsfri" the following bad things

* There's an obsolete jsf-api artifact on ibiblio --
 can we specify a priority ordering somehow?

* It fails to download the jsf-impl (but that could
 be my proxy not liking https -- investigating.

By the way, the version number we want for both api and impl is 1.1_02






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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In addition, I wanted to try this using the JSF RI too, because (in
> everything should still work.  So I tried
> mvn clean install -Pjsfri
> It looks like Maven is trying to download the RI stuff from ibiblio,
> isn't correct ... the necessary files are on the repository (
> How does one go about telling Maven to get the "javax.faces" artifacts
> here instead?

Put this in the shale parent pom, then adjust the version numbers on
the RI dependencies. Maven 1 Repository


Thanks ... I've gotta get my feet wet with this stuff sometime, so now seems
like a good opportunity :-).

Although, it might ultimately make sense to do this in the Struts parent POM
since SAF2 is using JSF as well.  Did we set up profiles the same way
there?  (I'm gonna go ahead and do the Shale parent now, and worry about
that later.)





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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
> > the core tests but we're making progress.
> Core library builds and all the tests pass:
>mvn clean install -Pmyfaces

Works for me now as well, with your latest patches.  But shouldn't it also
work without the "-Pmyfaces" because it's got  set?

In addition, I wanted to try this using the JSF RI too, because (in theory)
everything should still work.  So I tried

   mvn clean install -Pjsfri

It looks like Maven is trying to download the RI stuff from ibiblio, which
isn't correct ... the necessary files are on the repository (

How does one go about telling Maven to get the "javax.faces" artifacts from
here instead?


Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
> the core tests but we're making progress.

Core library builds and all the tests pass:

   mvn clean install -Pmyfaces

Works for me now as well, with your latest patches.  But shouldn't it also
work without the "-Pmyfaces" because it's got  set?

By the way (if you beat me to it), the sql-browser example app also requires
JDK 1.5 (an the tiger library).


It was a combination of a missing 'documentRoot' system property, and

not having all of the non-Java resources in the right place in the jar

The Ant build also copies ->, which isn't in the Maven build yet.


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was --> Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I keep mine here:


That did the trick ... thanks James!


James Mitchell


On Jun 2, 2006, at 12:38 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is this what you need?
> Yes!  Thanks ... but it leads to a stupid newbie question ...
> where's the
> user settings file go?  :-)
> --
>> James Mitchell
> Craig
> On Jun 2, 2006, at 12:31 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:
>> > On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors
>> still in
>> >> > the core tests but we're making progress.
>> >> >
>> >> > One problem seems to be with AbstractJsfTestCase and a null
>> pointer
>> >> > when referencing the servletContext variable from a
>> subclass.  My
>> >> > guess is that there is a missing configuration resource.
>> >> >
>> >> > @Craig:  Any ideas?  Try running mvn -Pmyfaces test and then
>> >> examine
>> >> > the output in target.  All of the necessary resource files
>> >> shoudl be
>> >> > in the classes or test-classes dirs.  If not, then we missed
>> >> > something.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I'll pull the mvn_reorg stuff and check this out.
>> >>
>> >
>> > @Sean/@Wendy:
>> >
>> > Is there any way to teach Maven to use an HTTP proxy when it
>> does it's
>> > dependency downloads, like you can tell Subversion to?  I spend
>> > most of my
>> > time connected to Sun's VPN network, and right now I have to
>> > disconnect from
>> > that to do the Maven stuff -- not fatal, but it's sure a pain.
>> >
>> > Sean
>> >>
>> >>
>> > Craig
>> >
>> > Craig
>> >>
>> >> On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> > > On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> > >
>> >> > > > So I can run svn move foo/bar foo/buzz locally and then
>> >> commit foo?
>> >> > > > This is the same as svn move
>> >> > > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Yes, exactly the same.  The advantage is that you can do
>> multiple
>> >> > > commands locally, preview the results, and then commit all the
>> >> changes
>> >> > > at once.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > There are some limits, occasionally Subversion will complain
>> >> that you
>> >> > > need to commit before executing some command that you're
>> >> trying to do.
>> >> >
>> >> > >  (Which is why that first script is separate.)
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Whatever is easier for you, though, it ends up being the same
>> >> when
>> >> > you're done.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > --
>> >> > > Wendy
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >>
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>> >>
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>> >>
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