Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-10-08 Thread James Burke
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Mounir Lamouri  wrote:
> Note that Chrome 46 has a way to work around the white screen while a
> page load using a new property in the Manifest. If a website added to
> the homescreen on Chrome Android has a background_color information, it
> will be used while the page loads. After Chrome gets the first paint
> following a non-empty layout, it will remove that plain colour and
> switch to whatever the page has ready. It allows websites to be
> constructed as websites and not rely on that splashscreen feature that
> might or might not be present (given the UA and the current context) and
> also keep the principle of quick first paint.
> Would using a similar system (ie. background_color from the Manifest)
> help you here?

I am unsure of the needs related to bug 1199674, but on the manifest
background color: if it is a color that is set in the manifest, I find
that marginally more useful than a flash of white before painting.

What if the UI has different start colors? It would be a noticeable
abrupt transition. For email, if no accounts configured, the
background is a light gray. If accounts are configured, the header is
an orange but the bulk of the content area uses a white color.

To me, the use of a solid color, particularly if white, just looks
like the typical browser new tab white loading screen. I am purposely
trying to avoid that in email. I liked that Firefox OS uses the icon
as part of the app launch transition, it felt different than a single
color paint. Go from startup animation with the app icon to meaningful

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Re: "non-missable" events, or multi-promises

2015-09-23 Thread James Burke
On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Zibi Braniecki
> This sort of repeatable-promise, would reduce it to:
> 1) Set the repeatable promise on the target
> Sounds like it would make much easier to write async code without logic for 
> preventing race conditions.
> Is there any other approach to that?

I think it best to just consider promises async program flow: it
completes or errors out. A repeatable promise concept does not seem to
have an analogy with sync program flow (maybe checkpointing a line in
a piece of code and re-winding it to run again?), so I would be more
hesitant to try to fit that into a promise model.

In gaia email, we have an event library[1] that has an
"emitWhenListener" method, so the code that does the emit of the event
can do so via that method, and then when the first event listener
listens for that particular event name, it gets that previously
emitted event. This is only useful if we know there is likely just one
event listener and there may be a race between the emitter and the

There is also a concept of "latest" in the event library:
evt.latest('foo', function(event){}) will be called when there is a
'foo', and if there is an existing one, called right away, and for
future changes to a 'foo'. This approach works well for multiple
listeners that may be dealing with something that could already have
an existing state.

Maybe the conceptual models in that library could be refined, but they
sound related to what you are asking.

For async concepts, gtor[2] might be an interesting read, but I say
that not having fully grokked the fullness of gtor, and perhaps if I
did it would contradict some of the above.


[1] - light on docs, tests might be the
most instructive.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-08-18 Thread James Burke
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Zibi Braniecki
> My concern here is that if we don't, we're basically saying that the right 
> way to write webapps, is to put their content in a template and then inject 
> the template into body when we're done with startup JS.

There are other approaches too, I expect apps that use an mvc layer
with templating (not the template tag), could decide not to use the
 tag approach, just leave the body empty until JS injects
the content.

> That feels like a dirty hack, not sure how accessible it is, and it will 
> literally do nothing in a scenario of any JS error.

With web components, but even with other MVC systems (react or ember
components), or with service workers, we are saying we need app JS to
generate views. When the app gets to handle the views it also needs to
build its own error fallbacks. I think it is just good app practice to
know how to handle errors.

I would not be sure what platform API makes sense to recommend either,
particularly given the performance captures, where it is unclear what
benefit those APIs would provide.

You could say the platform has already provided the API: a template
tag and a way to hopefully avoid extra rendering work (or at least the
annoying initial flash of white) with a transparent background color.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-08-14 Thread James Burke
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 5:17 PM, James Burke  wrote:
> There are three variations mentioned in the README, each with a
> capture "Profile" link:

I did a pass at the "Regular" profile and put the notes here:

and duplicated below for ease of reference.

In short, it seems like an approach like the one used in the test app,
with a transparent background and a template element for the body
content, seemed to avoid any sizable layout or rendering work during
initial page loading and the point where the app JS constructs the

So, seems like we can hold off on any new browser APIs for now, and
use app-level constructs to group changes that might trigger layout
before insertion in the DOM. I welcome other people's inspection of
the profile though. Perhaps I did not capture all the relevant info.

The b2g/gaia code around launching an app has changed since last doing
a profile like this (at least a year ago), so those changes and using
the app approach in the test app seem to be sufficient for now. It
might be nice to reduce some other startup costs but those seem to be
more in the realm of gaia's control.


208030ms is the firstLoadURI marker, so going from that marker as the
start point. Dropping the **208** prefix for the numbers to help make
it easier to see the relative differences.

* **Start**: 030 - firstLoadURI
* **End**: 434 - The JS in startup.js that sets up the view. Layouts
after this point are expected, not part of this test. The goal is to
find savings between firstLoadURI and the startup.js point.


* 034-045 - 11ms: getAppInfo @ AppsService.js:110
* 058-223 - 165ms: epoll_wait on Content row, the GPU row has around
notable 8 notable Composite entries, each around 4ms, some very small
(less than 1ms) Composite entries too. Hypothesis: related to the app
icon zoom in effect when tapping on an app icon from the home screen.
* 239-284 - 45ms: Some script work relatied to user customizations and CSP:
* this.UserCustomizations.observe() @ UserCustomizations.jsm:297
* getCSPBYLocalId() and getAppBYLocalId(), both in AppsService.js
* 297-362 - 65ms: nsInputStreamPump:OnStateStop: some sort of IO?
* 366-389 - 23ms: RunScript related to
BrowserElementChild.prototype._metaChangedHandler @
* 389-433 - some IO work/evaluation of cards-message-list.js, a script
in the page, and 7ms spent in nsStyleSet:FileRules.
* 434: Start of startup.js view work.

A quicker evaluation of the "display none body" and "display none
html" profiles show they do not perform any faster than the "regular"
one, and have a similar shape between the firstLoadURI and the
startup.js work.

Looking at that profile does not seem to indicate sizable wait time
related to layouts or renders before the app JS constructs the view.

There does not seem to be a need for extra APIs in the browser for
controlling layouts or paints using this approach:

* Set the background-color for the body to be transparent.
* The body content consists of a `` element with the initial
content. It can include custom elements, but they are inert given the
`` usage.
* Async load the scripts that will provide the implementation of the
custom elements.
* Once all the elements have been registered, document.importNode the
body template's content, and append to the body.

At this point the content becomes visible, and layouts and reflows
occur. It might be possible to optimize some of that layout work,
although this test is fairly straightforward: some innerHTMLs done in
some custom element createdCallback steps, and no other dynamic JS
work done after that.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-08-11 Thread James Burke
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 1:07 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> I think at this point it would be nice if we reached out to other
> browsers to see if they have any thoughts on this kind of API. James,
> would you be willing to email either or

First, given a suggestion earlier in the thread, I tried an app
experiment and did some captures to make sure we can
identify how much work could be saved, if any, with a new API.

I used this sample app:

There are three variations mentioned in the README, each with a capture "Profile" link:

1) The content in a template tag that is only shown once the view JS is ready.
2) Builds on the first one, but uses a CSS class that has display:
none on the  tag.
3) Builds on the first one, but uses display:none on the  tag.

More details in the README.

The way the app is set up mirrors the general style I can see working
with a custom element-backed view approach for an app, so hopefully
close to a real world test.

It does not include l10n.js localization work, but I was hoping that
could be done on the view after the template importNode but before it
is placed in the document. Maybe the document mutation observeration
that l10n.js does could cause another layout pass, but if no extra
layout gains with these captures can be found, maybe we look at an
approach with the l10n.js where the mutation observers would only be
activated after the initial async view insertion.

I am still very slow at analyzing the profile captures, so I do not
have any conclusions to draw yet. I appreciate it if others more
conversant with those kind of captures could point out things that are
weird in them, if it even makes sense to pursue new APIs at this
point, or if one of the above approaches is enough.

If there are other variations I should try, let me know and I will add them.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-08-04 Thread James Burke
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Bobby Holley  wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 12:10 PM, James Burke  wrote:
>> If the meta tag, or whatever the toggle becomes, is set, then I expect
>> if the page's JS asks for a DOM element's box properties, it will get
>> values like 0 for sizes, since I believe the goal is to avoid the
>> browser doing extra work until the page's JS got everything set up.
>> If that is the case, should there be a promise API for knowing when
>> the first layout and rendering has occurred so that the page's JS can
>> then ask for element box properties to get accurate values?
> We could fire an event if that seems necessary. A Promise API is overkill
> and inconsistent with the way other stuff like this works.

An event implies the page's JS to scan to see if there are any meta
tag toggles in play, to make sure the code did not miss the event.

At some point APIs that are just about one and done async operations,
like DOMContentLoaded and this one, seem to make sense to expose via a
promise API[1] to avoid the "did I miss the one event that ever fires
for this condition, check a property and if not set, bind an event
listener" pattern.

But if an event is better in this case to leverage existing code
paths/idioms, so be it.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-08-04 Thread James Burke
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Bobby Holley  wrote:
> How about a scheme in which there can be N such  elements, and the
> painting only happens when all of them are gone (or some timeout occurs)?
> That solve the common case that Jonas is talking about, and allows
> libraries to insert their own paint blocker into  if they really want
> to block painting? The a nice side-bonus of this scheme is that the
> existence of blockers is clearly visible in the DOM, so that a buggy
> library that leaves a paint blocker active is more noticeable.

If the meta tag, or whatever the toggle becomes, is set, then I expect
if the page's JS asks for a DOM element's box properties, it will get
values like 0 for sizes, since I believe the goal is to avoid the
browser doing extra work until the page's JS got everything set up.

If that is the case, should there be a promise API for knowing when
the first layout and rendering has occurred so that the page's JS can
then ask for element box properties to get accurate values?

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-07-30 Thread James Burke
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Jeff Muizelaar  wrote:
> Can't you just make everything display:none until you're ready to show it?

Just using display: none seems like it will run into the same problem
that prompted bug 863499, where the browser did some render/paints of
a white page, which took time away from the async work completing.

So maybe I should not frame it as just pausing layout? I was hoping it
would also delay render and maybe paints that happen during startup,
so more time is given up front to the async activities.

dev-platform mailing list

Allowing web apps to delay layout/rendering on startup

2015-07-30 Thread James Burke
There are some forces at play in a web app that point to wanting to delay
layout and rendering until a web app gives a signal that it should start:

* ECMAScript modules, and even developer constructed JS module systems
today, rely on async loading of scripts.

* Custom elements need their JS registered with the browser before they are
fully useful.

* Apps can have dependencies on async IDB operations to know what UI to
first show. For instance, if the user does not have a saved account, show
the sign in view instead of the app data view.

* We want fast app startups in B2G/Gaia. Typically we lose
layout/render/paint time while we wait for these async mechanisms to
finish, and the paints are not useful for the user in the meantime.

In addition, there is a possibility that custom elements may take a path of
synchronous construction with no later upgrades, which means the JS for the
custom element needs to be registered before any custom element is used in
the DOM.

A similar case surfaced a while back in the context of B2G, and at the time
I filed bug 863499[2], which focused on a document.mozDelayLoadEvent /
document.mozStopDelayingLoadEvent JS API around controlling the load event

At that time, the concern was about losing times to wasted renders and the
effects on screen shots.

However, I believe the main concern now is getting enough JS and app data
loaded to allow layout to be effective in fewer passes than strictly about
the final render and load event. So maybe the API should be more about
delaying layout than about the load event?

In talking to Wilson Page, he mentioned something like a
document.pauseLayout() document.resumeLayout(), not sure if there are
existing thoughts around that.

If that seemed workable, maybe also a  type of
attribute, so the browser knows as soon as possible to pause its work,
instead of relying on a JS API.

For Gaia apps, we use a CSP policy that does not allow inline scripts, so
the attribute on a tag is more appealing for that reason. A nonced script
might be a workable alternative for the CSP case, if an attribute was too
much of a stretch.

Happy to hear about any suggestions for the general goal,

[1] Service workers help a bit here, but do not help the other aync forces.
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Synchronous clientHeight to transitionend leading to double entry in a function

2015-02-26 Thread James Burke
The details are in:

In the gaia email app, we have come across a case where a clientHeight
check in a function leads to synchronous notification of a transitionend
listener, which then leads to the same function being called and completed
while the first call to the function is still paused on the clientHeight.

Since that function is setting some state on an object, it causes some

If this is expected behavior given spec definitions, it would be
educational to learn more about that, as it does not immediately match my
very possibly naive expectations on how events are triggered from DOM state
changes. I was under the impression the transitionend listener
notifications would have happened during a different turn in the event loop.

dev-platform mailing list

Visibility plan for document.registerElement (custom elements)

2015-01-28 Thread James Burke
Is there a place where I can follow the plan for enabling
document.registerElement for wider web usage? Right now is is only
available behind an about:config setting or if an app is a certified app.

I am just interested in the machinery for document.registerElement/custom
elements to be available, and do not need the full web components story
(for example, do not need HTML Imports).

Reason for asking: we want to try an experimental FxOS email app variant,
but try delivering it through the marketplace. For that, it is best if the
app is privileged instead of certified.

We use some custom elements inside the app, so cannot currently go
privileged. While it would be relatively straightforward for the app to
move away from using document.registerElement, I would prefer to just leave
it as-is if document.registerElement was going to be more widely available
in the FxOS 3.0 timeframe (extra nice if it were to happen in the first
half of this year).


Originally posted on dev-b2g:!topic/

but was informed off-list that dev-platform may be a better place to ask
this question.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Icon fonts in FxOS

2014-06-18 Thread James Burke

On 6/18/14 12:20 PM, Ben Francis wrote:
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 6:59 PM, James Burke <>> wrote:

So, I think we just need to set the expectation for at least
another year or two, that the gaia set of apps will not be able to
be "privileged", because we need them as early beta testers for
features and capabilities we are building out for the mobile web

We said that a year or two ago. There will always be new features to 
test, and with a current total of 34 apps in the gaia/apps directory 
we have no shortage of certified apps to test them out with. The risk 
of inadvertently building another proprietary app platform that isn't 
the web and of crippling the pace of Firefox OS updates because we're 
forcing 34 apps through an arduous certification process they don't 
need (a mistake Android already made for us) seems greater than the 
risk of taking the brave step of making some Gaia apps a step closer 
to being web apps.

The longer that each Gaia app is not a web app, the less credible our 
mantra of "the web is the platform" becomes. If we can't figure out 
how to build our own apps using the web, how can we can expect third 
party app developers to do so?

Maybe we haven't yet figured out all the details of how to put the 
Email app in the Firefox Marketplace, let alone how to make it run 
cross-platform, but if we resign ourselves to the idea that all Gaia 
apps are going to have to be certified for the foreseeable future then 
we're not doing our mission justice IMHO.

It is a matter of degree: at least with Gaia apps we get the use of web 
tech in the construction, just not the network delivery and 
addressability, and by proving out the web APIs in Gaia first, we ensure 
a better dev experience with those APIs later for all.

That is how I would frame the larger picture, in the effort of 
cooperation and moving forward.

For me personally, I would absolutely not put a performance fix that is 
only available for certified apps. See the use of the cookie cache in 
email: it is ugly, but it is standard. Sometimes we need to do the 
uglier things or have less ideal dev experience in the interests of 
working on the common platform, file bugs for the platform, then switch 
to something better when it is properly sorted out, available to all 
apps. For email's cookie cache, I'm hopeful the proper answer will be 
Service Workers.

But, I am not working on that platform code affected by the icon font 
request, so it is easier for me to be harder philosophically in that 
case. I would endorse that harder line though for performance changes 
tied to "certified".

New features only in certified apps is a harder one to sort out. I 
personally want to avoid features that are only available to certified 
apps in email. However, since email depends on /shared, some of that 
choice is out of email's control.

Maybe instead of using "certified" as the marker, we use app signing 
instead, with a list of signatures that are allowed getting pushed as 
part of device flashing, and a dev experience that overrides that, so 
that we do not have to sign for our local dev-debug-deploy cycles.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Icon fonts in FxOS

2014-06-18 Thread James Burke

On 6/18/14 8:25 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Another thing that will likely force us to use certified apps for now
is Web Components. We are only enabling those for certified apps for
now since we want to have freedom to make changes to the spec and the
implementation without worrying about breaking other apps or webpages.

Can the email app work without Web Components?

Either way, I definitely agree that, we should certainly look at
reducing those 150ms. But do people really feel comfortable with
making that the only plan? Can we make that happen for Gecko 34
(September 1st)? At what point do we start working on a backup plan
such as the ones discussed in this thread?

So this is the heart of the matter (at least for email/gaia apps and the 
idea of "privileged"):

"certified" is being used as an implementation pref switch. There will 
always be new things we will want to try, and it helps if Gecko has a 
well-constrained set of web apps to try it out, to work out any issues 
in the Gecko implementation, maybe help give early feedback on specs. We 
need a controlled space that also gets some real world use, but where we 
can hopefully update as the Gecko implementation changes.

I am particularly interested in service workers because I am hopeful it 
will eliminate the need for email's cookie cache that is used for fast 
startup. I expect that will also only be enabled for "certified" apps in 
the beginning.

This comes at a cost: Gaia apps will not be able to do installs/updates 
via the Marketplace, which also makes it hard to use them on Android via 
the web runtime, but the hope is that by having this early testing we 
have better APIs and implementations for the web platform in the long run.

So, I think we just need to set the expectation for at least another 
year or two, that the gaia set of apps will not be able to be 
"privileged", because we need them as early beta testers for features 
and capabilities we are building out for the mobile web platform.

In the short term this creates a bit of an issue for email. The 
"privileged" setting helped with the new CSP policy desires (bug 
1012652) but since email is part of gaia, and email uses some of the 
shared resources, I filed bug 1027185 to switch email back to 
"certified", and we'll have to use another approach for bug 1012652. I 
will confirm the cause of the slowdown for bug 1024005 before switching 
email back to certified.

That should end the "privileged" diversion for this thread.


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Re: Icon fonts in FxOS

2014-06-17 Thread James Burke

On 6/17/14, 10:08 AM, Vivien Nicolas wrote:
That's true. Actually there are many other hacks that depends on the 
fact that application are certified. So even if I would like to have 
more apps as privileged apps just for the principle, it's not that 
simple. And we may need to reconsider the |privileged| status of the 
email app based on some of the use case on some low end devices for now.

So one of the only reason the email app has been made |privileged| is 
for some CSP compliance things, and because it does not needs APIs 
that are certified-only. But we may need to keep it certified for perf 
reasons if needed. It will depends on the impact of icon font there.

I appreciate there are always tradeoffs, but I also want to caution 
against just proceeding because there is an escape value via certified. 
We have a train model, and if it takes another train to avoid 
certified-only, all apps benefit. It is already disconcerting that just 
switching the type value in the manifest from certified to privileged, 
we see a 20ms slowdown[1].

The greater concern is these certified escapes build up, and then taking 
the time to undo them later eats into the next certified escape that is 
wanted, so the gap will continue to grow. A good way to start fighting 
the issue is to stop adding to the pile.

On icon fonts, it would be good to make sure there implemented with 
accessibility in mind. This document[1] talks about that, and mentions a 
Firefox bug[2] about aria-hidden that may need some attention if icon 
fonts are used in buttons.



dev-platform mailing list

Re: Icon fonts in FxOS

2014-06-16 Thread James Burke

On 6/16/14, 12:34 PM, Jet Villegas wrote:

I also propose that we make any required code changes in v2.0 so that 
non-certified apps can't get unrestricted use of the font. All the options 
proposed (#2,3, or 4,) have drawbacks, the common one being that they may be 
overly restrictive.

The Gaia email app has gone privileged instead of certified just 
recently. I expect that most partners will want to deliver the email app 
with the same look and feel as the other apps that may be certified. If 
that means the use of the icon font, we might have some trouble.

In general, I prefer solutions that do not require certified status, as 
I hope more apps for gaia can move to privileged and even be delivered 
through the Marketplace and for Android devices that can use Marketplace 

I can appreciate there are other factors involved, just mentioning a 
general desire to move more to apps out of the certified embrace. For 
email, I will likely look for any alternatives that allow us to stay 
privileged instead of reverting to certified.


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