How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2011-12-24 Thread Chris Murphy
First post. I stumbled across this subject while performing an unrelated search.

I have found EFI booting Apple hardware is problematic on the two models I've 
tested. I think these are kernel related problems that would need to be sorted 
out to get a full boot and startup to a GUI login. CSM-BIOS boot works OK on 
these models.

Apple hardware tested: 
mbp41 = MacBookPro 4,1 (2008), Nvidia Geforce8600M GT.
mbp82 = MacBookPro 8,2 (2011), Intel HD Graphics 3000 and AMD Radeon HD 6750M.

1. mbp41 booting is inconsistent. Without additional kernel parameters I 
generally end up with one of three results: successful boot to GUI login 
window; hang at nouveau (dmesg points to VBIOS corruption having occurred very 
early during boot); hang when unpacking initramfs (possibly the same 
intermittent corruption of VBIOS, causes corruption when unpacking initramfs).

With 'nomodeset' I usually am able to boot and complete startup except for x. 
So it's a text only situation. But all other function appears reliable.

2. mbp82 booting of kernel and initramfs appears to work 100% of the time. 
However immediately after a GRUB menu item is chosen, GRUB-EFI vanishes and is 
replaced with garbage on the screen. I speculate that in this boot mode, both 
video adapters are active at the same time and are conflicting maybe? In any 
event, I can't see anything. But it is possible to ssh into the computer or 
blindly type commands and they all appear to work.

Also, all EFI testing I've done is without rEFIt as I feel it adds another 
layer of unknowns to the process.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2011-12-24 Thread Chris Murphy
Volume 2

CSM-BIOS boot notes:

Apple hardware tested: 
mbp41 = MacBookPro 4,1 (2008), Nvidia Geforce8600M GT.
mbp82 = MacBookPro 8,2 (2011), Intel HD Graphics 3000 and AMD Radeon HD 6750M.

All notes based on booting with the Apple-EFI option-key startup menu to choose 
how to boot, not rEFIt.

1. After default install using any installation type, and reboot, neither model 
loads GRUB2 (and thus does not boot) by default. Pre or post-install work is 

2. Both models CAN boot and startup Fedora to a GUI login with pre- or 
post-install work.

a.  'nogpt' kernel parameter for Fedora only installs produces a 
bootable system without post-install work.

b.  In dual-boot (Mac OS + Fedora) anaconda isn't creating a hybrid MBR 
post-install, therefore Apple's EFI startup disk menu doesn't see the F16 
installation. Further, creating the hybrid MBR in advance is useless as parted 
wipes out the hybrid MBR in favor of a protective MBR just prior to 
installation. (See 3 below for additional fallout of this behavior.)

c. Triple boot (Mac OS, Fedora, Windows) is possible, but there are 
more ways this won't work, than will work. And more ways that will work, but 
aren't good partition schemes (invitations for data loss) since there really 
isn't such a thing as a safe hybrid MBR + GPT. I have found one or two that I 
think are about as "safe" as they can get, and it means that the user needs to 
install Mac OS, Windows, Fedora, in that order, but located on the disk in 
order: Mac OS, Fedora, Windows.

3. Anaconda +  parted consistently remove pre-existing hybrid MBRs, replacing 
them with protective MBRs. The hybrid MBR will exist in a case where Windows 
has already been installed (using Apple's Bootcamp application). If removed in 
favor of a protective MBR, Windows is no longer bootable. So not only is Fedora 
not bootable, a previously bootable Windows is no longer bootable. This happens 
with either EFI or BIOS mode installs of Fedora.

So either anaconda needs to proceed no further upon discovery of a hybrid MBR, 
or it needs to become pretty good at sorting out hybrid MBR and GPT schemes 
that are "safe".

4. gptsycnc:  I don't think gptsync has such a sophisticated heuristic for 
creating such hybrid MBRs - I regularly see it produce very linear MBRs while 
suggesting huge percentages of the disk are empty. Any MBR only aware tool 
would see these areas as fair game - what I call an invitation for data loss 
and probably not a good idea.

5. If all requirements are met, Apple's startup disk menu (option-key at 
startup chime) will present a single "Windows" disk icon which if selected will 
load GRUB2 and its menu. That "Windows" label is apparently hard coded in 
Apple's EFI for any foreign OS requiring legacy CSM-BIOS booting.

Additional EFI boot notes:

1. By default EFI//EFI/redhat/grub.efi isn't found by Apple's EFI and install a 
choosable option. If it and the .conf are moved to EFI//EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi 
and .conf, both models have an "EFI Boot" labeled disk icon in the option-key 
startup menu. I'm guessing like the "Windows" equivalent, that "EFI Boot" is 

This is being addressed by this:

2. GRUB-EFI (legacy) regularly just hangs are loading the kernel and initramfs, 
on mbp41. I don't have this problem with GRUB2-EFI but I still have other 
problems mentioned in the previous email.

Chris Murphy-- 
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2011-12-25 Thread Chris Murphy
Responding to my own email on various boot behaviors, with some 


EFI boot produces highly variable results between Apple models, while CSM-BIOS 
boot is very consistent between Apple models.

Windows 7 will not boot in UEFI mode on Apple hardware. I have searched 
thoroughly and have found no success stories so far. Even if it has been done, 
it's outside of what normal people are willing or able to do. Yet CSM-BIOS 
booting works fine on all of Apple's hardware for the past 4-5 years. This 
makes some sense, because Microsoft says they explicitly support UEFI 2.x and 
higher only, while Apple's firmware is based on Intel EFI 1.10, not UEFI 2.x.

CSM-BIOS boot is not ideal. But it's also not ideal to support a flakey EFI 
boot scenario that may take a lot of effort for low efficacy.

Also consider Mac users are running into the BIOS-MBR 2.2TB limit on Apple 
hardware. It stands to reason Apple will need to make some modifications to 
their EFI implementation to deal with this eventually. This accommodation of 
Windows (U)EFI requirements may be good for linux, or may be bad for linux. I 
think investing in Apple EFI unknowns is risky.

Further, consider CSM-BIOS has the best chance of supporting Fedora when Apple 
releases new hardware. It may take months or years to support the peculiarities 
of each model's EFI.

So if I were voting, I'd suggest a constrained type of support for CSM-BIOS 
boot, both Fedora only (atypical) and dual boot (typical).

Triple Boot:

This is possible, I've done it with several combinations, but it's non-trivial. 
I question if gptsync is at all appropriate for making sure the resulting 
hybrid MBR and GPT aren't a disaster (more often than not gptsync produces ill 
advised hybrid MBRs, more so than they already are).

The big gotcha with triple boot support, is that the most common situation is 
the existence of Mac OS and Windows, which means there is a hybrid MBR and GPT. 
This means a Fedora installation must make sure both an appropriate MBR and GPT 
are produced not merely so that all three systems to boot as expected, but to 
ensure neither of the previously working systems become unbootable. Today this 
is not the case with Fedora 16. Anaconda+parted blow away such a hybrid MBR in 
favor of GPT only with protective MBR, the result of which is an unbootable 
Windows (Mac OS remains bootable).

Even refusing to install Fedora (or a warning about the consequences) would be 
a much needed improvement here.

A bit about Apple's philosophy:

Apple doesn't sell hardware. They don't sell operating systems. They sell an 
experience that combines both. That's how they see it. The two are inseparable. 

At best they "tolerate" Windows support, and not just any Windows, only Windows 
7 is supported for the better part of a year now. I have zero doubt they'd be 
baffled by the idea anyone would want to run linux on a Mac, and would not care 
one single bit if it could not be done with either EFI or CSM-BOOT modes. 

This is the hallmark company that does not believe users have any right to boot 
an operating system of their choice on any hardware they produce. People who 
buy Apple hardware today cannot even run the most recent previous version of 
Mac OS 10.6.8 (released July 28 2011) - it simply won't boot on their hardware.

I am leery of excessive amounts of effort, which in effect is a kind of turd 
polishing, to deal with Apple's non-standard EFI. I don't like being relegated 
to CSM-BIOS mode booting, but it does work, with well understood limitations.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2011-12-26 Thread Chris Murphy

On Dec 26, 2011, at 5:55 PM, Todd V Orvieto wrote:

> Chris,
>  I got really frustrated with triple boot on Max OS X Lion.  At one point I 
> had it working on snow leopard pretty well.

A possible problem with Lion is not technically with Lion itself. When 10.7 is 
installed, there is an additional partition created called Recovery HD, which 
contains a minimal system for booting a limited environment. Because of this, 
out of the gate you have at least three partitions: sda1, sda2, sda3. You can 
only add one more partition and have parity with a hybrid MBR and I'll bet 
gptsync does this incorrectly. And there are also 2.2TB concerns because of 
course the Windows partition can't go beyond the 2.2TB limit. So how the MBR 
should look in a triple boot, is unique. I've done probably 2-3 dozen installs 
and figured out one that's ideal for less than 2.2TB disks, and one or two that 
are tolerable, but still gross lies, for 2.2TB+ drives.

It also requires giving up on the Windows bootloader and use GRUB2 for 
bootloading both Windows and Fedora.

> My buddy who works for Apple has told me that the installation of refit voids 
> the warranty and they have refused to fix computers under warranty with refit 
> installed.

Well that's completely bogus. I've heard this myth before, I don't know where 
it started. I think some traveling support crew probably were misinformed that 
rEFIt is an EFI firmware replacement, and if it were true that people were 
flashing Apple's firmware with some 3rd party firmware, they'd be able to void 
warranties. But rEFIt is not firmware, it's a set of EFI applications and 
drivers. So whoever says this is completely full of crap and doesn't know what 
they're talking about.

>  I think this is bummer because the Apple hardware is good, it makes no sense 
> why Apple cares.

Apple doesn't care to support foreign OS's.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 2, 2012, at 5:25 PM, David Lehman wrote:
> My understanding is that the so-called "Apple Bootstrap" filesystem
> required for ppc Macs to boot is HFS. That's what anaconda uses for it.
> If we could be using HFS+ instead, fine.

PPC Macs could only boot using HFS+ since Mac OS X 10.0 shipped in 2001 because 
HFS did not support file system permissions, etc. PPC Macs could boot from 
either HFS or HFS+ with previous versions of Mac OS.

680x0 CPU Macs could only boot using HFS.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 2, 2012, at 6:45 PM, John Reiser wrote:

>> Does anyone object [to dropping support for HFS]?
> Plain HFS has no journal, so there are workloads where HFS is faster
> than HFS+ which has a journal.

Mac OS Extended or HFS+ or HFS Plus, does not inherently have a journal. There 
is a separate variant called Journaled HFS+ (acronym appears as HFSJ or jhfs+). 
There is yet another variant called HFSX which is case-sensitive, but also has 
more feature potential than HFSJ.

For nearly nine years Apple's tools have only created HFSJ/jhfs+ by default.

>  Is it economical to cater to such cases?
> Probably not.  However, I do have a PowerPC Mac Mini that runs plain HFS
> and Fedora 10 with ext3.

Are you sure you mean HFS? The original maximum volume size for Mac OS Standard 
(HFS) format, was 2GB. The maximum number of allocation blocks is 65,536. For a 
100GB disk, your allocation block would need to be 1.6MB. Considering Mac OS X 
10.7, today's current Apple operating system, is optimized for 4K allocation 
block sizes, the performance and efficiency of a 1.6MB allocation block would 
be hideous.

HFS is dead. I'm not even finding a partition type GUID for it, it was always 
intended to be used with the APM partitioning scheme (not MDB or GPT).

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 3, 2012, at 6:56 AM, Jim Meyering wrote:

> Matthew Garrett wrote:
>> There's various issues with the hfsplus utilities we ship at the moment,
>> including the fact that fsck.hfsplus crashes on 64-bit. I'd like to
> Glad you're looking at this.  I noticed that recently, too.
> I wanted to use fsck.hfsplus in a test to verify that parted's
> newly-revived FS-resizing code produces something reasonable,
> but fsck.hfsplus itself segfaults.

On the issue of HFSJ resizing, I may have found a major discrepancy between 
reality and Apple's documentation. I'm skeptical that the current resizing code 
is going to work on large disks at all until it's updated to handle a jhdr_size 
of 4096 bytes for disks with a 512 byte sector size. Presently the code 
interprets jhdr_size as the disk's sector size. A difference between the two 
causes resizing to fail. I'm seeing resizing fail with virtual and real disks 
of 2TB or greater in size. I do not know what the failure threshold is in terms 
of volume or disk size, but it appears jhdr_size depends on the size of the 
volume, not the size of the disk sectors, contrary to Apple's documentation.

jhdr_size - The size of the journal header, in bytes. The journal header always 
occupies exactly one sector so that it can be updated atomically. Therefore, 
this value is equal to the sector size (for example, 2048 on many types of 
optical media).

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 3, 2012, at 11:12 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> There is yet another variant called HFSX which is case-sensitive, but also 
> has more feature potential than HFSJ.

Correction, according to the following URL, HFSX can be case sensitive or 

However, I see no way to create a case insensitive HFSX using either command 
line tool diskutil or the GUI Disk Utility.

diskutil listfilesystems
HFS+Mac OS Extended 

Case-sensitive HFS+ Mac OS Extended (Case-sensitive)
  (or) hfsx

Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+   Mac OS Extended (Case-sensitive, Journaled) 
  (or) jhfsx

Journaled HFS+  Mac OS Extended (Journaled) 
  (or) jhfs+

The one unique thing about HFSX appears to be the lack of the HFS Wrapper found 
on HFS+ and HFSJ volumes.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 3, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Jim Meyering wrote:

> Right.  The code explicitly rejects any attempt to resize a partition
> on a disk with sector size != 512.  Due to this confusion with
> jhdr_size, at least for now, I do not plan to change that bit.
> Maybe someone who is motivated and capable will submit a patch,
> once the resizing code is back on parted's master branch.

The most relevant document, TN1150, which I cited, is considered a legacy 
document and was last updated in 2004. I haven't been able to find newer 
documentation. It would seem something has changed with respect to jhdr_size, 
and has not been documented. (I'm not even slightly surprised.)

A separate subject is the lack of read or write support for hfsx. GNU parted 
does distinguish between hfs+ and hfsx, but mount will not mount hfsx volumes, 
journaled or not. There is also the issue of 10.7's Core Storage, Apple's 
logical volume manager. Volumes, encrypted or not, using Core Storage, are 
obscured from linux. I will not be surprised to see Apple move to Core Storage 
based encrypted disks using jhfsx by default in 10.8, assuming they don't come 
up with an entirely new file system by then.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 3, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:

> mount will not mount hfsx volumes, journaled or not.

False. -t hfsplus does work in F16, but is confusing because hfsx != hfs+. In 
any case, journaled fs is read only.
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-04 Thread Chris Murphy
On Feb 3, 2012, at 12:06 PM, John Reiser wrote:

> Examining with gparted and Disk Utility, I see an Apple partition label
> that designates partitions:
>  HFS (not plus)   1 MB  boot
>  HFS+ journalled   25.6 GB  Machintosh HD
>  ext3  10.6 GB  Fedora root
>  swap   1.0 GB
> I believe that the plain HFS boot partition was created during
> Fedora install.  It's now running MacOS 10.4.11 and Fedora 12,
> which are both the latest applicable releases.

I though you meant a user accessible volume being formatted as HFS. 

HFS+ and HFSX volumes must be greater than 32MB, where as HFS supports smaller 
sizes. As for the purpose of the 1MB HFS volume, it may be a Fedora PPC 
convention. I have a PowerPC machine dual booting two versions of Mac OS X, and 
the disk does not have an HFS volume on it. They are jhfs+.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Does anyone still need to create legacy HFS filesystems?

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 6, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
> retro computing? Maintaining access to pre-historic data?

The only suggestion is dropping the ability to *create* HFS volumes using 
hfsplus-tools. Not dropping read support for existing HFS volumes.

> But, no, HFS isn't really dead. Old formats should not be allowed to
> die. I do want to be able to read my old media under emulation
> someday. Apple doesn't care, but I do.

HFS is about as dead as Espiranto. Those who really want to keep it alive need 
to put the effort into keeping it alive. As a long time Mac user, I don't 
expect someone else in the open source community to do this for me, so that I 
can have access to weird ancient junk. Migrating the data forward to new media 
and contemporary volume formats is the only sure way to have access to your 
data. That old media is oxidizing and eventually won't be readable even if you 
have something that understands HFS. I'd migrate it before it's too late.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: GPT and Fedora 17

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 6, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Brian C. Lane wrote:
> In anaconda-17.6 I have reverted the Lenovo blacklist and changed things
> so that pmbr_boot is always set on GPT labeled installs. This should
> ensure that thing boot correctly.

Is this happening only for Lenovo hardware? Or all hardware? I ask because my 
Apple hardware fails to boot any OS including pre-existing Mac OS, if the 
protective MBR (MBR entry 1) has an active (boot) flag set.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

btrfs "scrub" not included in F16?

2012-02-07 Thread Chris Murphy
I'm seeing all sorts of examples using the command "btrfs scrub" yet on all of 
my F16 installs (including current 3.2.3-1) the command:
btrfs scrub start /
ERROR: unknown command 'scrub'
[ . . . ]

Intentionally not included, or user error?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: /usrmove?

2012-02-07 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 7, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Note that this has not actually been implemented in anaconda yet, so if
> you do an anaconda upgrade at this time, it will explode horribly. 

So the instructions here:

Are the expected steps to move from F16 to F17 Alpha TC1? And then by Alpha TC2 
the expectation is that these steps will be performed by anaconda?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Linux Questions Desktop Environment of the Year - interesting result

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 13, 2012, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>  The LQ poll proves it was the latter.

I don't like Gnome 3 either. From the largely outsider perspective and new to 
linux in general, I get the impression Gnome dev is on a mission, of unknown 
origin, and could absolutely care less about any feedback, except large scale 
rejection of Gnome 3.

Nevertheless, the LQ poll can prove nothing. It is unlikely to be a scientific 
sample. And even if it turned out to be one, there is no data to prove it's a 
scientific sample. Fedora DE vs KDE spin download ratio compared to past 
release ratios would be more suggestive of a trend, if it exists.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F16 Alpha GRUB install failure

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 13, 2012, at 9:16 AM, wrote:
> I did Fedora 16 Respin iso install with all latest packages, including
> latest Anaconda package, and still had this issue.
> There were two ntfs partitions (Windows 7 + data partition) and 30 GB
> of free space.
> From 30GB free space I created
> /root # 200 MB, ext4
> /swap # 2.5 GB, swap
> / # 8.0 GB, ext4
> /home # 19 GB, btrfs
> grub2 install fails miserably :(
> Are there any updates regarding this bug?

I think the problem is GRUB2's own install script/app, doesn't do a great job 
of accounting for disks partitioned where the 1st partition comes less than 
35KB after the MBR, and as the core.img is too large it fails to install 
between the MBR and partition 1.

Strangely though, anaconda manages to get it to install without a complaint.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Linux Questions Desktop Environment of the Year - interesting result

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 13, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Genes MailLists wrote:

> On 02/13/2012 03:47 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> Fedora DE vs KDE spin download ratio compared to past release ratios would 
>> be more suggestive of a trend, if it exists.
>  Not necessarily - I always used the standard DVD to install and use
> KDE and frankly never used the KDE spin - not once.

Doesn't matter. The question is whether there is a change in trend. It's 
improbable that KDE adoption is increasing in statistically significant 
numbers, while at the same time KDE spin downloads remain flat, just because 
people can install KDE from the standard DVD installer. If there is a new trend 
developing, downloads and even yum updates would represent much more valuable 
data from which to draw general conclusions than a poll off one forum. The very 
poll's existence, and question structure, will disproportionately draw 
disaffected Gnome users to participate in the poll.

Let's not forget there are KDE affectionados who were not pleased with KDE4.

But in any event, the users almost don't matter when it comes to desktop 
experience. It's which environment has the most development (both for apps that 
run in it, as well as developers for the environment itself). Windows is an 
example of abysmal UI and UX, yet has a huge installed base who are not 
punishing MS over an objectively poor UI design. And long time Mac users have 
been expressing in larger numbers than any other release how irritated they are 
with the incorporation of iOS UI into Mac OS Lion (10.7) - and yet it's one of 
the most successful, by raw numbers, Mac OS upgrades of all time.

So the complaining, the anecdotes of people switching environments, and totally 
non-scientific forum polls, probably means almost exactly zero. What is a valid 
concern for RH though, is whether and when Gnome 3 makes sense on RHEL, and if 
the fallback mode experience is a better and practical default, than the 
standard experience, for the RHEL market.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F16 Alpha GRUB install failure

2012-02-13 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 13, 2012, at 7:10 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Mon, 2012-02-13 at 14:25 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> I think the problem is GRUB2's own install script/app, doesn't do a great 
>> job of accounting for disks partitioned where the 1st partition comes less 
>> than 35KB after the MBR, and as the core.img is too large it fails to 
>> install between the MBR and partition 1.
>> Strangely though, anaconda manages to get it to install without a complaint.
> No, that's clearly not the problem here, because this thread is about
> installing grub to the front of a partition - *not* to the MBR.

The GRUB2 manually doesn't outright say "unsupported" or "not recommended" but 
it does say insertion prior to the 1st partition is what's recommended. I've 
had zero problems with GRUB legacy installing into specific partitions, but 
worse than 50% failure with GRUB2 so I've given up on stuffing it into specific 

> anaconda only calls grub2-install, with appropriate parameters, to
> install grub. It doesn't do anything particularly special or clever.

Well I've got a number of cases on F16 where anaconda's call to grub2-install 
produces a smaller core.img than calling grub2-install directly. I don't have 
an explanation for this, but it's just enough of a difference in size that it 
causes problems with older partitioning schemes that start partition 1 at 
sector 63.

Is anaconda passing --force by default?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17 bootloader error

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 15, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Mike Chambers wrote:

> When trying to do test install against F17Alpha TC2, during partition
> layout, I get error below...
> "you have not created a bootloader stage1 target device"
> I have F16 installed on here, and even reformatted the disks to GPT
> before I installed F16.  So using same partitions as installed like I
> always do should just work.  So hoping this a install issue and not a
> "me" issue LOL.

It looks like you did a custom partitioning, and did not create a BIOS GRUB 
partition, which is what the error is complaining about. That partition is used 
for GPT disks to store GRUB2's core.img rather than stuffing it in unclaimed 

A bug should be filed against this error message IMO, because there is no 
"stage1" for GRUB2. And "target device" is about as redonkulous of a term as 
I've heard in 4 hours - what it's looking for is a partition, let's call it 

> Error...
> Partition Layout...

For future reference, I'd resize these JPEGs, they don't need to be this huge, 
and post them somewhere where they download faster. This was crawling painfully.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17 bootloader error(s)

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 15, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Mike Chambers wrote:

> When trying to do test install against F17Alpha TC2, during partition
> layout, I get error below...
> "you have not created a bootloader stage1 target device"


line 1250
errors.append(_("you have not created a bootloader stage1 "
"target device"))

If this only occurs on GPT disks, which I'm pretty sure is true, then a more 
elucidative message would be:

errors.append(_("You have not specified a BIOS Boot "

The current message is obscure, and consistently results in questions on forums.

For consistency, I suggest the following lines be changed:

line 1165 "You have not defined a root partition (/), "
"You have not specified a root partition (/), "

line 1259 "You have not created a bootable partition."
"You have not specified a bootable partition."

The four "you have not" partition related errors in this script would then read:

"You have not specified a swap partition.  "
"You have not specified a root partition (/), "
"You have not specified a BIOS boot partition "
"You have not specified a bootable partition."

Not sure where the "You have not specified an EFI System partition." is 

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17 bootloader error

2012-02-16 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 16, 2012, at 2:45 AM, Mike Chambers wrote:

> I don't have a BIOS boot partition now on F16 and it had to be GPT when
> I first installed it. So what's the difference and do I *have* to have
> it on F17 because of a change?

The exact same message happens on F16 with GPT disks using the customize 
installation type, if you forget to create a BIOS Boot partition. 

I don't think GRUB2 devs mean for BIOS Boot to be required per se, but I think 
it's a good enough idea for a distribution to require it, because on GPT disks 
there's no obvious safe place for core.img to go, except in its own defined 
partition. grub2-install specifically looks for the BIOS Boot partition type 
GUID, and it only needs to be 1MB (which is also consistent with maintaining 
alignment for 512e and 4Kn disks).

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: systemd system unit files and UsrMove

2012-02-17 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

> Tone down the rhetoric please.

I'm no expert, but I think the UsrMove issue has pushed some people beyond 
anxiety disorder. MDMA or diazepam would probably have a higher efficacy than 
more emails on the subject.

Chris Murphy-- 
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-27 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:08 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

> I don't believe yum has a way to roll back transactions reliably.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-27 Thread Chris Murphy
On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:24:55 -0700,
>  Chris Murphy  wrote:
> Yeah being able to rollback file systems will help in some cases. It
> isn't a complete answer for the case where you are using the machine
> for other things at the time you are doing the updates, since you amy
> want to rollback the updates without rolling back other changes (logfiles
> newly delivered email messages and the like).

It's a very broad rollback implementation. I think an eventual goal for the yum 
plugin, once btrfs is stable, is to make it more flexible. Maybe where /home is 
exempt from rollback.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-27 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:22 PM, drago01 wrote:
> This fixable by taking the system "down" during the update (close all
> apps and services) similar like what windows and os x do.

At least on OS X this behavior depends on what's being updated. Most things are 
updated in place.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-27 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 27, 2012, at 1:56 PM, James Antill wrote:

> On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 12:25 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> It's a very broad rollback implementation. I think an eventual goal for the 
>> yum plugin, once btrfs is stable, is to make it more flexible. Maybe where 
>> /home is exempt from rollback.
> It's already usable with LVM and BtrFS, and you can exclude arbitrary
> mount points.
> However creating mount points in a way that makes it only "rollback"
> those things you want is ... non-trivial.

Pretty sure it works without a dependency on LVM, rather uses btrfs snapshots.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-27 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 11:24 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:08 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>>> I don't believe yum has a way to roll back transactions reliably.
> might want to remember the context of the conversation.
> I don't think you're *seriously* suggesting that hitting ctrl-c while
> using yum should result in a btrfs snapshot restoration, are you?

I'm agreeing with the assertion I quoted, but pointing out there is an option 
to gain rollback functionality. That's all.

I've never used control-c during a yum update. Too me, that seems like "Oh 
hell, I didn't mean to throw that cup of habaneros in my blueberry smoothie! 
Control-c?!" Even if they haven't been blended in yet, the smoothie is 

So no, I was not suggesting automatic rollback. However...

What's the expectation of a user hitting control-c in the middle of a yum 
update anyway? My first inclination is it makes zero sense, like habaneros in a 
smoothie. But if control-c means "stop here" as in "don't push the frappe 
button!" is that really as useful as "go back to start" as in "magically remove 
the habaneros?"

I'd pick a return to a known stable state, rather than being dropped in who 
knows what, where I'm probably going to have to install yum-utils and run 
yum-complete-transaction and who knows what. It'd probably work, that's what 
it's there for. Like picking each habanero and seed out of a blender with a 

Magic sounds better.

Chris Murphy

devel mailing list

UEFI install from USB media

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

2nd sentence reads: Note that you cannot install Fedora on UEFI-based AMD64 and 
Intel 64 systems from a USB flash drive, although you can use a USB flash drive 
to boot the Fedora installer on UEFI-based AMD64 and Intel 64 systems

This appears to say "you cannot install, but you can boot". It's quite 
confusing. I have used livecd-tools to create UEFI bootable LiveCD media on a 
USB stick and also installed it onto an Intel-64 system. So this portion of 
documentation appears to be incorrect. If so, I'll volunteer to file a 
documentation bug - however the bugzilla only has a documentation bug report 
version of "devel" so it's slightly unclear how to file such a doc bug report. 
If it's a bug.

Chris Murphy-- 
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy
On Feb 28, 2012, at 12:19 AM, wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Chris Murphy  
> wrote:
>> What's the expectation of a user hitting control-c in the middle of a yum 
>> update anyway? My first inclination is it makes zero sense, like habaneros 
>> in a smoothie.
> As stated earlier, the expectation is that when yum is still setting
> up update process or downloading repo information, it will stop that
> and quit.
> Only when yum reaches "starting transaction test" or "running
> transaction", it should restrict ctrl-c.

*shrug* OK I'm not going to deny you a feature. I still don't understand why it 
would be started in the first place if you didn't intend to finish it. But 
then, I never use -y either so I kinda know what I'm getting into before I 
confirm with "Y" that I do want to proceed with the update.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Issues with yum

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 28, 2012, at 10:02 AM, John Reiser wrote:

> On 02/28/2012 08:51 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> *shrug* OK I'm not going to deny you a feature. I still don't understand
>> why it would be started in the first place if you didn't intend to finish it.
> The Fedora mirror system doesn't always behave nicely
> (timeouts, bad sync, slow transfer rate, ...)
> I find that SIGINT is appropriate about once per week
> just for downloads.

Well I sure love eating crow. I have in fact hit control-c in the case where a 
slow mirror (like, dial-up modem slow) was even delaying the database update. 
10 minutes later, still no idea if there were any applicable updates available. 
But control-c during that initial database updating for me has always been 
instant kill and drop to a prompt. Retrying, nothing is inconsistent, and I'm 
connected to a  much faster mirror 100% of the time. So at least that instance 
of control-c appears to work.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 28, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Chris Murphy is pretty active testing various things in regards to Mac
> booting, and I've been meaning to get in touch and ask if he's taken a
> look at F17 Alpha.

I just downloaded the LiveCD, installed it in VM so I can use the latest 
livecd-tools to make an EFI bootable USB stick for the Mac hardware I have 
here. Will report back.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 28, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> Yes. I'm mostly working on the netinst isos, and right now if you take 
> that and dd it onto a USB stick, then insert that and hold down alt on 
> boot, you'll get a Mac install.


dd if=Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-netinst.iso of=/dev/rdisk1

I get two additional icons to boot from, both named "EFI Boot". One is an 
orange USB icon, the other is a blue Fedora icon. 

If I choose the blue Fedora icon, I get a GRUB Legacy menu, let it time out. It 
appears to be loading data from the USB stick. After about 45 seconds, the 
computer reboots, and I'm at a Mac OS login window. No text error messages 
indicating why.

I reboot with option key to get the AppleEFI boot menu, choose the orange USB 
"EFI Boot" icon, the same thing happens. 45 seconds, I get a reboot, and I'm at 
a Mac OS login window. No text error messages indicating why.

In Mac OS X 10.7.3, Startup Disk panel, there are no additional boot options 
listed when the USB stick is inserted, yet there are two "ANACONDA" labeled 
volumes mounted.

The hardware is a Macbook Pro 4,1 (2008) model.
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy
Prior attempt, I mentioned at the very bottom of the email, easy to miss, was a 
Macbook Pro 4,1 (2008) model.


Attempt 2 with different hardware: Apple Macbook Pro 8,2 (2011).

Starting with a USB stick produced with the following:

dd if=Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-netinst.iso of=/dev/rdisk1

Inserting the USB stick while Mac OS 10.6.8 is running (I know, older OS on the 
newer hardware, I'm on crack), the Startup Disk panel does not show any 
additional options for booting.

Rebooting, holding option key, I get two additional boot option icons both 
labeled "EFI Boot". One is an orange USB icon. The other is a blue Fedora icon.

When choosing either option, I get the GRUB Legacy menu, it times down to zero, 
I get 7 seconds of USB stick activity, followed by a tone from the laptop I 
have only ever heard when doing firmware updates. Interval is approximately 0.7 
seconds tone, 0.3 seconds silence, three times. Followed by 3 seconds of 
silence. Then repeats. It does not end on its own after 2 minutes, and the 
computer does not reboot. And the keyboard is not functional. I have to hold 
the power button for 5 minutes to force a shutdown.

Again, no text onscreen to indicate what the problem is - it's still at the 
GRUB window during all of this.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy
> Starting with a USB stick produced with the following:
> dd if=Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-netinst.iso of=/dev/rdisk1

I'm not sure if this is expected or not, but I make the following observations 
about the resulting USB stick, which appears to have a bogus GPT according to 
three utilities.

GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.2

Partition table scan:
 MBR: protective
 BSD: not present
 APM: not present
 GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
Warning! Main partition table overlaps the first partition by 48 blocks!
You will need to delete this partition or resize it in another utility.
Disk /dev/disk1: 3915776 sectors, 1.9 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): E2E967A4-B1E8-4D61-9F5D-37F99C3E603E
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 48, last usable sector is 319454
Partitions will be aligned on 4-sector boundaries
Total free space is 1550 sectors (775.0 KiB)

Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
  2   58168   59483   658.0 KiB   0700  卉䡏批楲d灁汰e灁汰
  3   59484   61323   920.0 KiB   AF00  卉䡏批楲d灁汰e灁汰

Similar results but different Name encoding for gdisk on Fedora.

parted on F17

Error: The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be.
This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller.
Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?
Fix/Ignore/Cancel? i  
Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/sdb appears to be used, you can
fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 3596288 blocks) or continue with
the current setting? 
Fix/Ignore? i 
Error: Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition.

Apple's "gpt" program:

cd2:~ chris@ gpt show -l disk2
gpt show: error: bogus map
gpt show: unable to open device 'disk2': No such file or directory
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:

>> Starting with a USB stick produced with the following:
>> dd if=Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-netinst.iso of=/dev/rdisk1
> I'm not sure if this is expected or not, but I make the following 
> observations about the resulting USB stick, which appears to have a bogus GPT 
> according to three utilities.

parted can't fix it.

gdisk then says the GPT is damaged and will not fix/restore the 1st partition 
which contains the bulk of the boot data.

gpt bails entirely.

AFAIK this ISO isn't valid, insofar as the GPT is invalid, but I'm not sure if 
that relates to the booting problems both computers are having.

I'm going to try making an EFI bootable USB stick using the latest livecd-tools 
and the F17-alpha-LiveCD and see where that takes me.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17, Apple, EFI boot, livecd-tools

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy
Following applies to a 2008, Macbook Pro 4,1

Used livecd-tools-17.6-1.fc17 to successfully create an EFI bootable USB stick 
of Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso.

Due to this bug: EFI boot fails on Macs with NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT

I add 'nomodeset' kernel parameter. I know of no work around to get a GUI on 
this hardware. But it does boot kernel and most services.

tty1 hangs at "Started Display Manager"
tty2 is functional, not sure how to get any information on what's up with tty1. 
Normally what I'm used to with EFI boot and nomodeset is X can't actually 
startup, but the rest of the services load, and I end up at a prompt.

Out of 5 boot attempts, I get to a usable tty2 console and can reboot thrice.

Twice, I get a hang right after GRUB loads either the kernel or initrd, the 
GRUB splash screen is present with no text. The machine has hung and I have to 
hold the power button to shut down.

So on this hardware I'd say GRUB is marginally reliable.

At reboot/poweroff time, there's a LOT of extra "garbage" information being 
produced on-screen compared to F16. It goes by quick enough and isn't logged, 
so I'm not sure if it's important. But I do get a reboot, albeit with about a 1 
minute delay over F16.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17, Apple, EFI boot, livecd-tools

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy
Following applies to a 2011, Macbook Pro 8,2

Used livecd-tools-17.6-1.fc17 to successfully create an EFI bootable USB stick 
of Fedora-17-Alpha-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso.

I get to the GRUB menu. Times out and starts to boot. Same result as: EFI boot 
failure to properly initialize graphics on Macs with Intel and AMD graphics

So no improvement so far over F16 on either hardware. But livecd-tools appears 
to work correctly.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17, Apple, EFI boot, livecd-tools

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> I suppose it might be interesting to see if grub2-efi works any
> better...

It's been a year since I've tested it so it needs to be retested. But I do know 
that doesn't fix bug 765954, so the machine is, for me, functionally useless as 
a laptop with just a text console.

>> 5.
>> At reboot/poweroff time, there's a LOT of extra "garbage" information being 
>> produced on-screen compared to F16. It goes by quick enough and isn't 
>> logged, so I'm not sure if it's important. But I do get a reboot, albeit 
>> with about a 1 minute delay over F16.
> I suspect 'yum install plymouth' may help with that.

With rhgb and quiet disabled on F16 and F17, so plymouth is a non-factor. I 
just get a lot (like probably 10+ screenfulls) of repetitive text that scrolls 
by very quickly with F17. This comes after the unmounting of filesystems 
sequence, where as on F16 the computer shuts down. This only happens on actual 
hardware, in VM, I'm not seeing much of a difference.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17, Apple, EFI boot, livecd-tools

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:09 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 23:30 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
>>> I suppose it might be interesting to see if grub2-efi works any
>>> better...
>> It's been a year since I've tested it so it needs to be retested. But I do 
>> know that doesn't fix bug 765954, so the machine is, for me, functionally 
>> useless as a laptop with just a text console.
>>>> 5.
>>>> At reboot/poweroff time, there's a LOT of extra "garbage" information 
>>>> being produced on-screen compared to F16. It goes by quick enough and 
>>>> isn't logged, so I'm not sure if it's important. But I do get a reboot, 
>>>> albeit with about a 1 minute delay over F16.
>>> I suspect 'yum install plymouth' may help with that.
>> With rhgb and quiet disabled on F16 and F17, so plymouth is a non-factor.
> that doesn't actually disable plymouth, it's still involved.

ok i don't get the fedora logo splash at shutdown in any event.

devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:15 AM, drago01 wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Neal Becker  wrote:
>> I think he's got a point

My example is mDNS being blocked in the Firewall by default *and* it requires a 
root password to unblocked it. Completely retarded.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 29, 2012, at 7:08 AM, Nikos Roussos wrote:

> Why not add by default the first user created (right after installation 
> finishes) to administrative group and disable the root account? 

This is, is fact, how Apple has done things circa 1999 with Mac OS X. You can 
'su' to root, you can also 'sudo' but you can't literally login as root either 
in text console or GUI, the account is disabled. And the first user is an 
'admin' by default.

Chris Murphy-- 
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 29, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:

> On Wed, 2012-02-29 at 10:09 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> My example is mDNS being blocked in the Firewall by default *and* it 
>> requires a root password to unblocked it. Completely retarded.
> Except that mDNS is a real security issue (because you can hijack name
> resolution quite easily with it).

Fair enough but then I'd argue mDNS's present method of dealing with hijacking. 
If two clients respond with the same name, it seems that all other clients on 
the network should blacklist both clients rather than trusting the one that 
answers first. Disabling it entirely is the granularity of a large hammer. mDNS 
is still much more useful than not useful, and more useful than statistically 
risky, despite being highly spoofable.

> That said I understand your pain and the realize the current solution is
> not ideal for the casual user. Maybe we should have 2 security profiles
> (lax and strict) that you can choose at install time so that people can
> choose what they like best.

I was under the impression F17 was going to have a different firewall, such 
that mDNS was going to be enabled if a service, such as sshd, was enabled and 
also has an Avahi service listing. Or something like that.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-02 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 1, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-03-01 at 17:43 -0500, Adam Jackson wrote:
>> On Thu, 2012-03-01 at 16:39 -0500, Daniel J Walsh wrote:
>>> I believe Fedora 17 has an add user to admin group checkbox when
>>> adding the initial user, not sure if it is checked on or off by default.
>> Off by default (having just tried it today).
> In case anyone's wondering what that actually does, here's what I can
> figure out.
> What it does directly is to add the user to the 'wheel' group. I'm not
> sure what all the consequences of that are, but there's two I've been
> able to find. The first is that the default /etc/sudoers allows people
> in the wheel group to run any command as root, which is great and all,
> but we don't use sudo for anything at the desktop level, so it really
> only affects people who run sudo from the console.
> The other thing it does, if I'm reading stuff right, is that users in
> the wheel group are considered 'admins' by PolicyKit. That's good. Now
> as to what that means, I'm not 100% sure, but I *think* what it means is
> that for any action which would require a non-admin user to authenticate
> as root, an admin user can authenticate as themselves. i.e. instead of a
> root password dialog, you'd get a your-own-password dialog. I might be
> off base there, though, and if I am I'm sure someone smarter will
> correct me. :)

From my own experience, anything I change in the GUI that requires 
authentication, it is for user 'chris' if that user was added as an admin with 
the checkbox in the create first user steps. If that checkbox is not checked, 
any authentication dialog that appears is for user 'root'.

My interpretation of Torvalds' complaint, is with the mere existence of 
authentication dialogs in the first place, for certain things. Mac OS X has 
always required authentication (from a user with "admin" privileges) for 
changing the Date/Time including time zones, which is an absurdity. In the most 
recent version, it's no longer possible for a non-authenticated user with admin 
privileges (in effect two levels of privileges for the same user with the same 
login and the same password) to install e.g. ICC color profiles to a folder 
making the profiles available to all users. So I'm an admin, and if I want to 
modify a folder, I have to enter my password in a pop-up authentication dialog 
to add/remove ICC profiles. Worse, the individual user folder for these 
profiles is now hidden by default. It's high order insanity.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-02 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 2, 2012, at 10:26 AM, Kevin Wright wrote:
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:18 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 7:08 AM, Nikos Roussos wrote:
>>> Why not add by default the first user created (right after installation 
>>> finishes) to administrative group and disable the root account? 
>> This is, is fact, how Apple has done things circa 1999 with Mac OS X. You 
>> can 'su' to root, you can also 'sudo' but you can't literally login as root 
>> either in text console or GUI, the account is disabled. And the first user 
>> is an 'admin' by default.
> Hi Chris,
> I'm not sure what you mean but "you can't literally login as root either in 
> the text console..." 
> This is confusing to me since I've been using the root account on Mac OS X 
> since 2001. I was working for Apple as a build engineer and all of our builds 
> were performed using the root account. 
> Here's an article that explains how to enable the root account:

I'm not sure why you're confused. The account is disabled, and until it's 
enabled you can't login as root, either using ssh, or entering ">" at the 
loginwindow to get to a text console and trying to login as root there. Once 
the root account is enabled you can.

Chris Murphy-- 
devel mailing list

Re: GPT and Fedora 17

2012-03-02 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 2, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Pádraig Brady wrote:

> Yep as expected F17 alpha is broken in the same way on my laptop.

Your laptop is what hardware? Any install media kernel parameters used? What 
installation type? Can you provide both an fdisk and parted (or gdisk) listing 
of the post-installation disk?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: GPT and Fedora 17

2012-03-02 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 2, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> Model: ATA ST9500420AS (scsi)
> Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
> Partition Table: gpt
> Disk Flags: pmbr_boot
> Number  Start   End SizeFile system  Name  Flags
> 1  1049kB  2097kB  1049kB bios_grub
> 2  2097kB  526MB   524MB   ext4 ext4  boot
> 3  526MB   500GB   500GB  lvm

What happens if you remove the GPT boot flag from sda2?

What happens if you add the GPT legacy_boot flag to sda2?

While I wouldn't recommend supporting such a solution, but I'm curious what 
happens if you use gdisk to create a hybrid MBR, and add only partition 3 
(lvm), set it as bootable instead of the PMBR. GPT fdisk (gdisk) can do this. 
It's now on the F17 LiveCD. Menu 'r' option 'h'.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 3, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
> Here's one part of the principle:
> I. The ONLY reason for re-auth is to prevent trojans/web attacks.
> This implies
> -> Don't ask for re-auth for an action that isn't really potentially harmful 
> (e.g., adding a printer)

Depends. What if what's being added is a remote printer, that's merely a way to 
smuggle documents out of a company? So direct attach printers are probably fair 
game for adding without authentication. The user clearly has physical access to 
both computer and printer, the most applicable security control in this context 
is physical. But to add a non-local IPP printer is possibly a red flag.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-03 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> A complete lockdown to prevent transferring data out of the system is
> a much harder problem (even if you only allow users to run a web
> browser, they may use it to send data to a server).

Yeah, you're right, I can just open a gmail or dropbox account within a web 
browser, upload the data.

I think the distinction is "who is going to have to support the result". If 
it's a home user or small business, they will have to provide support no matter 
what the connection is; and in a many user environment with some kind of IT 
staff, it's potentially a different granularity. In some cases they may have no 
problem with a local printer being attached, or conversely as you point out may 
have no problem with remote printers.

But any printer addition affects the UI and UX, and a potential increase for 
support. Therefore blanket allowance for any user to add any device is probably 
not a good idea. Even if there aren't security risks.

I prefer the first created user defaulting to being an administrator. At least 
on Mac OS (not to suggest it's right, only that I'm most familiar with its 
behavior), the consequences to this are authentication dialogs appear far less 
often. And I'm added to the following groups:


Without additional authentication, as an admin, I can add/modify/remove 
printers, change timezone, make network modifications, make file and device 
sharing modifications, perform software updates, change startup disk. Normal 
users can't change these things.

As admin, I can't make changes to users and groups, or security/privacy related 
changes unless there is additional authentication.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: /etc/default in Fedora

2012-03-05 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 5, 2012, at 3:24 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> But then, we already 'invalidate upstream documentation for Fedora
> users' by renaming all the command-line tools from 'grub-foo' to
> 'grub2-foo'.

Indeed, I lost about 47 brain cells on this issue alone. (By no means is it the 
winner for GRUB induced brain damage.)

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-03-05 Thread Chris Murphy

On Feb 28, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> Yes. I'm mostly working on the netinst isos, and right now if you take 
> that and dd it onto a USB stick, then insert that and hold down alt on 
> boot, you'll get a Mac install.

OK so color me extremely confused. Starting with a zero'd USB stick (no APM, 
GPT or MBR), dd'ing the netinst.iso to the stick, I end up with a stick that 
all tools claims has a GPT, but is a broken GPT (see previous emails on this).

When I burn it to a DVD, diskutil and gdisk claim the partition scheme is APM! 
It's not GPT at all as far as they are concerned. I don't know how this is 
possible...but I've reproduced the results twice.

DVD version behaviors, on a 2008 Macbook Pro:

1.) Upon boot with option key, to get the Apple-EFI boot screen, there are four 
new options. Windows, EFI Boot, EFI Boot, EFI Boot.

a.) When I choose the CD/DVD icon labeled Windows, I get syslinux, and then a 
menu from which I can start Fedora. It produces a text anaconda installer which 
appears to function, although I did not proceed with an installation.

b.) When I choose the CD/DVD icon labeled EFI Boot, I'm dropped to a GRUB 

c.) When I choose the Fedora icon labeled EFI Boot, I'm dropped to a GRUB 

d.) When I choose the last CD/DVD icon labeled EFI Boot, a Mac OS login window 
appears and the computer appears to be booting from the hard drive, not the DVD 
at all.

On a 2011 Macbook Pro, there are only three new boot options when the DVD is 
present with behaviors 1a, 1b, and 1c. (Icon 1d is not presented.)

In any case, only the "Windows" option, which results in a CSM-BIOS mode boot, 
produces a booted system from which Fedora can be installed.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-05 Thread Chris Murphy
passwd keeps complaining "The password fails the dictionary check - it is too 
simplistic" for fake words NOT in the dictionary but otherwise too simple for 
passwd's approval system.

I'm using the F17 alpha LiveCD and I'm just testing. I want a SIMPLE password 
and it won't let me use anything I can remember. I have to write down a temp 
password to do TESTING? This behavior is so completely asinine, it's like I 
have a f'n security mom parenting my password selection. I don't know who 
thinks it's their business to programmatically prevent me from choosing dogcrap 
as a password, but it's really irritating.

Oh and the password is hullop130. Nice thwart of an annoying, USELESS behavior, 

Chris Murphy

devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-05 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 5, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Chuck Anderson wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 08:35:11PM -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> passwd keeps complaining "The password fails the dictionary check -
>> it is too simplistic" for fake words NOT in the dictionary but
>> otherwise too simple for passwd's approval system.
> I think you can just ignore passwd's warning in this case, it doesn't
> stop you from going ahead and using the simple password (unless
> something changed in F17).

Aha. So if I use passwd with liveuser, it says after three tries:
passwd: Have exhausted maximum number of retries for service

And does not change the passwd. But if I su to root, it still complains once, 
but does change the password after the Retype entry.

NEVERTHELESS. It's idiotic babysitting. And stupid that I need root to do this 
mundane task. I wonder how many developer man hours were required for this 

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Torvalds:requiring root password for mundane things is moronic

2012-03-07 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 7, 2012, at 6:29 AM, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> UNIX didn't have these defaults originally; they were added in the
> 90's only after real-world experience has shown that these policies
> are necessary (and they have been pretty much unchanged for the last
> 10-15 years, AFAIK). 

It's a philosophical conversation that's probably out of scope for this list, 
but this amounts to baby sitting stupid people. The first thing such a person 
must accept as true, is that it's necessary to parent morons by second guessing 
their choices. I think that in and of itself is radically moronic. It says it's 
OK for complete strangers to hassle other people about their passwords, not 
even knowing the context.  It's a shake down, and it's how we've arrived at an 
INSANE password paradigm where we routinely can't choose long memorable 
passwords, and are instead often forced to choose short 12-15 character 
passwords that mandate a certain quantity of numerical and special characters. 
They're difficult to remember, ensuring it will be written down, likely in some 
unencrypted file, and actually increases the statistical likelihood of a 

> (and FWIW, regarding the "hullop130" password, a quick grep shows that
> "hullo" is in the dictionary, and cracklib may have additional rules
> or ways to arrive at the password from a different dictionary word).

Ok so in other words, this is a 5 year old baby sitter and is marginally 
competent at the intended task from the outset. I get a time to crack between 
101 seconds and 32000 years. The computer in question is used only for testing. 
The single drive was wiped using the ATA ESE command before I started, so there 
literally is nothing useful on this computer, but setting the password was like 
getting sand in body orifices.

I su'd to root and changed the password to hello, and now I feel much better.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-07 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 7, 2012, at 2:31 PM, drago01 wrote:
> "Assuming you are talking about a desktop system just buy a ssd and
> never worry about I/O ever again."

Well, most of my colleagues and customers with desktop systems have rather 
extreme storage requirements. Individual files multi gigabyte composited image 
files. So an SSD is nice for speed, but cost prohibitive for everything to be 
stored on SSD. What they need is a file system that puts hot files on the SSD 
and cold files on HDD. I think there is btrfs code being worked on to do just 
that. I don't know if it's any more or less difficult to do this on other 

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-07 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Yes, such a feature was submitted[1], but it has never been committed by 
> Chris AFAIK. There is also a OS-agnostic method of this. Seagate XT drives 
> use a small SSD as a cache. Then there is also a Windows method with Intel's 
> SSD Cache using a dedicated SSD as only a cache. Either way gives you a 
> similar result.

I think I'd rather see a portion of the SSD be a discrete device so that the 
system and application scratch/swap can be pointed to it - rather than as 
cache. I'm not sure that this data would always stay hot enough to be assured 
of being in an SSD cache, whereas a discretely defined device would.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-07 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:31 PM, drago01 wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Chris Murphy  wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
>>> Yes, such a feature was submitted[1], but it has never been committed by 
>>> Chris AFAIK. There is also a OS-agnostic method of this. Seagate XT drives 
>>> use a small SSD as a cache. Then there is also a Windows method with 
>>> Intel's SSD Cache using a dedicated SSD as only a cache. Either way gives 
>>> you a similar result.
>> I think I'd rather see a portion of the SSD be a discrete device so that the 
>> system and application scratch/swap can be pointed to it -
> Swap? Really? That is a waste of (expensive) disk space. There is no
> point on having swap on SSD if you have another disk around. You
> wouldn't notice any speed difference if your system starts swapping
> you are in serious trouble (i.e everything crawls) the best fix here
> is to just buy RAM which is *very* cheap now days.

You're probably right that system swapping is a situation to be avoided. But I 
can imagine runaway situations that might be more easily recovered from with 
swap on SSD, just because everything won't come to a complete crawl.

As for application scratch, absolutely SSD should be an option when working on 
very large files. While not a default or routine dependency, one shouldn't have 
to suffer with HDD scratch when SSD scratch could be available. A typical pro 
laptop will max out at 16GB of RAM, and heavy duty Photoshop users can 
occasionally and not unreasonable bust that limit and need scratch.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-07 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:58 PM, drago01 wrote:
> It will come to a complete crawl which was exactly my point, faster
> storage does not really help you in that situation.

Umm, that would seem to be fundamentally broken. I certainly haven't had this 
experience on Mac OS X in cases where it has started producing swap files. Much 
slower, yes. Complete crawl, definitely not. And that's to HDD, not even SDD.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: FAT and HFS/HFS+ file system resizing restored in parted-3.1

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 3, 2012, at 1:27 AM, Jim Meyering wrote:

> FYI, I released parted-3.1 yesterday,
> In addition to pretty many bug fixes,
>This is to announce parted-3.1, a bug fix release that also reintroduces
>a minimal subset of the file system resizing capability that was removed
>in 3.0.  It adds a new, separate library, libparted-fs-resize, that
>provides for resizing of FAT and HFS/HFS+ file systems.

FYI, there is a possible problem resizing certain JHFS+/JHFSX volumes. 
Currently the code fails if the jhdr_header size is something other than sector 
size. When volume size is > 1TiB, depending on the version of Apple's Disk 
Utility used, the jhdr_header size won't be 512 bytes, is instead 4096 bytes. 
Details here:

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Murphy
I'm not sure how useful 'time' is as a benchmark for file copies. But that's 
what I used getting copy time for a folder containing 325 ~7.2MB files (DNGs) 
totaling 2.3G. First I copied the files to tmpfs, and made all copies from that 
to the destination. Destination device and partition is always the same, only 
file system differs. I used default mkfs and mount options. 1st copy is the 
first copy after mounting the newly created file system. Delay between copies 
varied somewhat, between 15-30 seconds.

The one anomaly is the 3rd ext4 copy. Maybe it wasn't quite done writing out 
the 2nd copy? Compared to btrfs and XFS, there was a lot of intermittent disk 
activity well after the copy had finished - over 1 minute. I'm not sure what it 
was doing, but was consistent for all of its copies. Copies were not 
overwrites, but into a separate directory.

btrfs average real21.45s
xfs average real  22.81s
ext4 average real   29.31

Anyway, I only did this because having used btrfs moderately for a while now, 
it doesn't seem as slow as the various benchmarks keep making it out to be. 
This test may be meaningless as I'm not sure if the termination of the cp 
command is an appropriate metric at all. And the actual time between copies 
being variable might also pollute the result. However, except for the 3rd ext4 
copy, there's pretty reasonable consistency.


1st copy to btrfs
sys 0m3.993s

2nd copy to btrfs

sys 0m3.899s

3rd copy to btrfs

sys 0m3.882s

4th copy to btfs

sys 0m5.068s


1st copy to xfs

sys 0m6.877s


2nd copy to xfs

sys 0m6.989s


3rd copy to xfs

sys 0m6.838s


4th copy to xfs

sys 0m6.617s


1st copy to ext4

sys 0m11.510s


2nd copy to ext4

sys 0m12.208s


3rd copy to ext4

sys 0m12.441s


4th copy to ext4

sys 0m11.511s

devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 8, 2012, at 11:43 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-03-08 at 22:19 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> I'm not sure how useful 'time' is as a benchmark for file copies.
> Don't file transfers get cached and return to a console as 'complete'
> long before the data is ever written, sometimes?

Free memory was 7.4G before setting up the 3G tmpfs. And 161K was free after 
the first copy. So caching is applicable. I could maybe make a 6G or 7G tmpfs 
and fill that with files and see what happens. As it was, kswapd0 was extremely 
active, although I don't know why, certainly no swap should have been needed.

Or if there's a way to disabling this caching...

This was 3.3.0-0.rc3.git7.2.fc17.x86_64.

> Some of the above is wonky personal observation and some of it is
> probably cargo culted, but...

In all three cases there was solid disk activity well after cp terminated. 
Timing it consistently isn't as straightforward, but btrfs and XFS were both 
very close at ~14 seconds solid activity after cp terminated, and no subsequent 
activity. ext4 post cp termination was amorphous, and lasted much longer.

I think sustained testing, with a much larger number/size of files, would 
effectively make caching a non-factor in the results so I may give that a try. 
Something like 6-7G's worth of files, and initiate the four copies sequentially 
using &.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 9, 2012, at 12:10 AM, Matthias Runge wrote:

> On 09/03/12 07:43, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> Don't file transfers get cached and return to a console as 'complete'
>> long before the data is ever written, sometimes?
> I've learned a long time ago, if you want to get near real numbers, you
> have
> to write data at least three times larger than memory size to get
> around file system caching. I guess, that's still valid.

OK well if I'm going to use real files, and I don't want disk read performance 
to be a factor in this, I kinda need to put the source files into a ramdisk. So 
if it's 3x of cache, out of 7.4G free, a 6G ramdisk would be at least 3x that 
of what remains for use as cache and should qualify?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: phoronix benchmarks ext4 vs. btrfs

2012-03-09 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 9, 2012, at 12:30 AM, Matthias Runge wrote:
> if your file system places data inefficiently on disk/storage, you want
> to measure this, too. If you're comparing file system speed, I think,
> you should measure the whole thing and be sure to create comparable
> data.

The source files are on a jhfs+ volume. I'm disinterested in disk to disk copy. 
And I'm disinterested in comparing jhfs+ to other file system copies. I'm 
wondering how a system pushing data from memory to disk.

> You can't really control, how your file system cache is filled.
> Although I must say,  measuring a the whole effort a few times
> consecutively provides more reliable numbers (caution: but no
> disk speed measurement).

I can probably control it to some degree if there isn't much free memory left, 
by creating a large ramdisk, that will end up as file system cache.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Feb 28, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> Yes. I'm mostly working on the netinst isos, and right now if you take 
> that and dd it onto a USB stick, then insert that and hold down alt on 
> boot, you'll get a Mac install. Unfortunately, alpha ended up getting 
> built with a grub that dies on any Macs that don't have built-in 
> ethernet, so you may have some problems with that. The alpha kernel also 
> has a bug that seems to trigger on Macs that results in incredible 
> slowness. But other than that! Fixed kernel is in the archive now, and 
> I've just commited a fix for the grub bug.

Fedora-17-Beta-TC1-x86_64-netinst.iso. I'm getting the same problems as with 
alpha ISO.

Burned to DVD
Macbook Pro 4,1 (2008)
Four additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: Windows, EFI Boot, EFI Boot, 
EFI Boot
*2nd EFI Boot option has a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic CD/DVD icon.

Windows=Boots CSM/BIOS mode successfully
EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
*EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
EFI Boot= Boots Mac OS X

Macbook Pro 8,2 (2011)
Three additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: Windows, EFI Boot, EFI Boot
*2nd EFI Boot option has a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic CD/DVD icon.

Windows=Boots CSM/BIOS mode successfully
EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
*EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu

dd to USB stick
Macbook Pro 4,1 (2008)
Three additional USB icon options labeled as: EFI Boot, EFI Boot, EFI Boot
*2nd icon is a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic USB icon.

EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~45 seconds then reboots machine
*EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~45 seconds then reboots machine

Macbook Pro 8,2 (2011)
Three additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: EFI Boot, EFI Boot, EFI Boot
*2nd icon is a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic USB icon.

EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~6 seconds, then beeping, must force 
*EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~6 seconds, then beeping, must force 

Further, upon completion of CSM-BIOS installation, Fedora isn't bootable by 
default because a hybrid MBR hasn't been created, requiring manual post install 
work to make it bootable. Same situation as F16.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 13, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 03:06:31AM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
> Can you type "root" and see what it says, followed by "findiso" and then 
> "root"?

USB stick:
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
 (hd0): Filesystem type is iso9660,  using whole disk

grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
  (fd256): Filesystem type is iso9660, using whole disk

>> EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~45 seconds then reboots machine
> That'll be a kernel bug of some description...
>> EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~6 seconds, then beeping, must 
>> force shutdown.
> This too. Can you try adding "noefi" to the kernel command line for 
> both?

Makes no difference in either case. Same result. This is inserted after 

> CSM boots aren't expected to work in the slightest.

But it does work. All the way to anaconda and installation. It's the EFI 
options that aren't working so far.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Murphy
Detail version of previous post's in-line summary results.

Burned to DVD
Macbook Pro 4,1 (2008)
 Four additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: Windows, EFI Boot, EFI Boot, 
EFI Boot
*2nd EFI Boot option has a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic CD/DVD icon.

1. Windows= Boots fine, all the way to anaconda.

2. EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu.
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
  (fd256): Filesystem type is iso9660, using whole disk

3. *EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
  (fd256): Filesystem type is iso9660, using whole disk

4. EFI Boot= Boots Mac OS X. 

Macbook Pro 8,2 (2011)
Three additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: Windows, EFI Boot, EFI Boot
*2nd EFI Boot option has a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic CD/DVD icon.

1. Windows=Boots CSM/BIOS mode successfully, to anaconda.

2. EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
  (fd256): Filesystem type is iso9660, using whole disk

3. *EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
  (fd256): Filesystem type is iso9660, using whole disk

dd to USB stick
Macbook Pro 4,1 (2008)
 Four additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: Windows, EFI Boot, EFI Boot, 
EFI Boot
*2nd EFI Boot option has a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic CD/DVD icon.

1. EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~45 seconds then reboots machine.
When inserting noefi as kernel parameter, there is no change in behavior. FYI 
I'm inserting it right after ''.

2. *EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
 (hd0): Filesystem type is iso9660,  using whole disk

3. EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~45 seconds then reboots machine
When inserting noefi as kernel parameter, there is no change in behavior.

Macbook Pro 8,2 (2011)
Three additional CD/DVD icon options labeled as: EFI Boot, EFI Boot, EFI Boot
*2nd icon is a custom Fedora logo icon, not generic USB icon.

1. EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~6 seconds, then beeping, must 
force shutdown.
With noefi as kernel parameter, no change in behavior.

2. *EFI Boot= Grub prompt, no menu
grub> root
  (hd0,2,a): Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x0
grub> findiso
grub> root
 (hd0): Filesystem type is iso9660,  using whole disk

3. EFI Boot= Grub menu, loads from stick for ~6 seconds, then beeping, must 
force shutdown.
With noefi as kernel parameter, no change in behavior.
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 13, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> You pointed out that CSM installs don't work - the partition table is 
> entirely inappropriate for them. We're not planning on fixing that.

CSM boot from install media does work. CSM installations don't reboot 
successfully, without manual creation of a hybrid MBR.

While I understand the reluctance to support hybrid MBR, that is how Apple 
supports Windows CSM installations. I don't know which is more difficult, 
squashing the myriad VBIOS bugs with Apple EFI booting, or tolerating hybrid 

Even with successful livecd-iso-to-disk USB stick boots in EFI, both of my test 
computers have outstanding video bugs that translate into no GUI. By 
successful, I mean the kernel, initrd, and services load - except for X and 
gnome/kde. I can ssh in and interact text only.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: How can we make F17 be able to boot on Macs (with or without reFit)

2012-03-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 13, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> Yes, and support for handling and managing hybrid MBRs is difficult. 
> Apple can manage it by simply constraining it to a very simple case. 
> Create more partitions and disk utility stops wanting to be your friend. 
> Trying to handle hybrid media in the larger number of storage cases we 
> have to support is a non-starter.

Perhaps it's unreasonable to try to handle the larger number of storage cases 
with Apple hardware, at least in the short/medium term. Limiting the possible 
cases, it's at least possible to have a functioning system, with a GUI, using 
CSM-BIOS+hybrid MBR.

With a wider set of cases, I have effectively a useless system in all such 
cases with EFI, as I have no graphics with either test hardware. And one of 
them I have neither graphics nor text with built-in display, I can only 
interact via ssh - requiring a 2nd system to do so.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17-alpha: UI unusable

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 15, 2012, at 5:20 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
> Can someone point out what is needed here or do I just file bug reports?

I'd suggest installing something more recent, like F17 Beta TC1.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: F17-alpha: UI unusable

2012-03-15 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 15, 2012, at 5:43 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:

> Ok, I'll give that a try.
> Thanks.

I suggest netinst.iso or livecd, and enable all the repos in anaconda, so that 
your installation is current from the first boot.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

Re: Chromium

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Murphy

On Mar 18, 2012, at 12:01 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:

> Installed from spot's personal repo, seems it don't get on the internet
> at all in F17.  In F16 it worked fine (not sure if same version).
> Any ideas or problems with anyone else?

No. I'm using F17 beta TC1, KDE, x86_64. I have manually added the google yum 
repo. To install I used:

yum install google-chrome-beta

which installed version 18.0.1025.108-127110.
devel mailing list

Re: F17-alpha: UI unusable

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mar 18, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:

> Question then would be, can I do a yum upgrade to go from F16 to F17 or
> F18 if things aren't fixed for F17?

Might work. Not tested. What you're after is preupgrade.
devel mailing list

F17 Beta TC2, No Network Available, fail

2012-03-18 Thread Chris Murphy

It appears with TC2 that Updates and Test Updates repos are enabled by default. 
When the computer or VM do not have an internet connection, the installation 
hangs after disk partitioning/formatting. If the ethernet interface is 
disconnected (no cable) then I get a message:

"No Network Available" Some of your software repositories require networking, 
but there was an error enabling the network on your system.

If I make an network+internet connection, it proceeds, and I see all three repo 
options enabled by default: disk, Test Updates, and Updates.

Surely after having downloaded 2.3G, this is not the intended behavior and is a 
fail. It's acting like a netinst.iso. But I don't see a bug filed against it 
yet. FWIW this is burned to a DVD or assigning the .iso to a VM's CD/DVD device.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

XFS rootfs required?

2012-03-19 Thread Chris Murphy
It's not an option with Fedora-17-Beta-TC2-x86_64-DVD.iso. I don't see anything 
listed in alpha, beta, or final release criteria that requires it, but it's 
been a past option. Summary is that mkfs.xfs isn't present on the DVD media, at 
least for x86_64.

Bug here:

For General Tests, Final release level, I see an XFS test case here:

Chris Murphy

devel mailing list

Re: Summary/Minutes from today's FESCo Meeting (2015-07-01)

2015-07-02 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Stephen Gallagher  wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-07-02 at 10:33 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
>> On Thu, 2015-07-02 at 09:55 +0200, Tomas Hozza wrote:
>> >   * AGREED: Netizen is not approved as spin. We approve the option
>> > to
>> > have netizen as optional suite in anaconda. Please work with
>> > Workstation WG. (+7, 0, -0)  (thozza, 18:48:50)
>> Hi, maybe there was some misunderstanding about the Workstation
>> installer, but we don't allow configuration of package selection.
>> Users
>> are expected to use GNOME Software once the system is up and running.
> There were two combined statements there. The first was that we would
> consider making certain netizen-oriented options available at install
> -time. The second is that we would prefer to see tooling and
> configuration done inside the Workstation, KDE (and other?)
> environments rather than as a separate spin.

The Workstation live installer doesn't have any installation options.
The UI isn't even present in the installer. It's a single payload, all
or nothing. It would have to be done as a group in GNOME Software.

The Workstation network installer has installation options.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Summary/Minutes from today's FESCo Meeting (2015-07-01)

2015-07-07 Thread Chris Murphy
On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 3:18 AM, Tomas Hozza  wrote:
> On 02.07.2015 17:56, Chris Murphy wrote:

>> The Workstation live installer doesn't have any installation options.
>> The UI isn't even present in the installer. It's a single payload, all
>> or nothing. It would have to be done as a group in GNOME Software.
> How is the Live installer different from the network installer? Is it
> just some configuration thing, or are those completely different
> installers? It looked like regular Anaconda last time I installed
> Workstation.

It's Anaconda in both cases, but the hub UI choices and installation
methods are totally different. Netinstall (and DVD for server) the
main hub shows Installation Source and Software Selection. Those
spokes do not exist with Workstation (live media). In the background
anaconda calls rsync for Workstation live installation, not dnf or
rpm, so RPMs aren't actually installed.

> I'm just trying to understand if you don't want to give the user the
> option to choose the installation options from live CD on purpose (due
> to user experience or such) or if there is some real issue?

Well I think the installer is 90x more complicated than it needs to be
for ordinary mortal users as it is. They don't have the familiarity
with the software or knowledge to know what they should avoid. The
very fact things are easily available through exploration causes

So I'd say it's both a real issue that lives are installed using rsync
so to then switch to RPM installation afterward adds complexity to the
software installation process both at the backend as well as
additional UI options. The list of installation options on netinstall
and DVD is, well it's out of control again. There must be over 100
possible installation combinations now.

The advantage of network installation is there's a net reduction in
download usage. With live, the user downloads 1.5GB, about 90% of
which gets overwritten with updates after Fedora is about 3+ months
out the door. Where DVD installations I see as pointless since
everything on it is obsolete in short order.

Note: Every product has a netinstaller, which are in effect all the
same except their default package set selection. Then there are the
primary product medias: Cloud has its images, Server has a DVD,
Workstation has live media. And spins are (all? and entirely) based on
live media.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Hosting End-Of-Life Fedora Base images?

2015-07-20 Thread Chris Murphy
Isn't it true the install media ISOs are available indefinitely? And
if so the security cat is already out of the bag, so that's not a very
good argument. I'd say if we wanted to do something better it would be
an image that's usable for both VM and containers, and would be the
state of that version at the time it went EOL, i.e. it has all
available updates baked into it. And then de-emphasize the original
ISO as the way to run older versions of Fedora.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [HEADS-UP] Please test kdbus in Rawhide!

2015-07-30 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Stephen Gallagher  wrote:
> For folks not keen to jump headfirst into Rawhide, is it expected that
> this should work on Fedora 23 or Fedora 22 if one installs only the
> kernel and systemd packages from Rawhide? That might make people more
> comfortable trying it out (and get you more feedback), if so.

I think this is in systemd 222 which is in Fedora 23, because kdbus is
API stable in systemd 221.


Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

"install devtools" in F22 live boot, device-mapper implosion

2015-07-30 Thread Chris Murphy
User over on users@ list reports booting Fedora 22 Workstation (live
media), and doing:

# dnf install "Developer Tools"


I've reproduced the problem, and the gist is that there's a dm
snapshot that's too small for this task, it gets full quickly, the
file system face plants, and the kernel oopses. No recovery is
possible. Long version [1].

Question 1: Should this work better and be a supported use case?

Question 2: If so how to fix it? Change the configuration for a bigger
snapshot? Or use thin provisioning snapshot? Or overlayfs?

I haven't tested livecd-iso-to-disk --overlay-size-mb option, but I
give it better than even odds that for the baremetal case it will work
and might be a suitable work around. Thoughts?


If a bug should be filed, let me know what to file it against. I have
no idea what's responsible for the configuration of the install
media's live environment itself.

# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 230544/1048576 912

# dnf group install "Development Tools"

## I allow metadata to download. Total metadata downloaded 41MB
(stable branch) and 13MB (updates branch).

# dmsetup status
[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 484016/1048576 1896

So the snapshot is filling up. Continue with download and install of
packages, while continue to check dmsetup status and eventually I get
to this:

[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 691048/1048576 2704
[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 703536/1048576 2752
[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 716320/1048576 2800
[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 716400/1048576 2800
[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot 716464/1048576 2800
[root@localhost ~]# dmsetup status
live-base: 0 12582912 linear
live-osimg-min: 0 12582912 snapshot 3664/3664 24
live-rw: 0 12582912 snapshot Invalid
[root@localhost ~]# dmesg
-bash: /usr/bin/dmesg: Input/output error

Separately I had a journalctl -f running and it captures

[  928.709182] localhost kernel: device-mapper: snapshots:
Invalidating snapshot: Unable to allocate exception.

And then a long pile of ext4 errors.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Is it time to allow Chromium in Fedora?

2015-08-11 Thread Chris Murphy
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Gerald B. Cox  wrote:

Meanwhile, on OS X I was already given notification of Firefox being
updated to 40.0.0 just a bit ago. And while I see Firefox 40.0 in
koji, there are no Bodhi entries for it, so it's not in any repo.

So I don't really buy any of the security arguments of either "no
bundled libraries" or the FF exception to it. The delay appears to be
packaging itself. Mozilla produces an OS X and Windows specific
packages, and they update themselves rather than going through the OS
update system. This doesn't happen on Linux, where it's expected
Firefox gets updated by the distro repo and packaging system. Yet I
see a Linux tar.bz2 for Firefox at so I wonder
why that binary doesn't just run unmodified anywhere and I'm waiting
for 40.0 to show up in Bodhi?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Is it time to allow Chromium in Fedora?

2015-08-11 Thread Chris Murphy
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Josh Stone  wrote:
> On 08/11/2015 12:12 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> Yet I see a Linux tar.bz2 for Firefox at so I
>> wonder why that binary doesn't just run unmodified anywhere and I'm
>> waiting for 40.0 to show up in Bodhi?
> If you don't see the value of distro integration and testing, then by
> all means, go use mozilla's binaries.

I do not see the value in manually checking koji for Firefox updates
and then manually downloading and installing them. That's just not
going to happen by pretty much anybody. I have u-t enabled, I do
testing, this update is not in u-t yet.

If I knew Mozilla's Linux binaries provided its own update mechanism
and notification, yes I would do exactly that. And I'd still ask what
the benefit is of duplicating this effort? It sounds like it's not
actually a benefit, rather it's "because packaging".

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Fedora 23 kernel bug affecting LVM

2015-08-29 Thread Chris Murphy
On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Richard W.M. Jones  wrote:
> I discovered an easily reproducible bug in Rawhide back in June which
> affects LVM:
> This breaks many LVM commands, eg. 'lvmchange -a ..' which is used
> during boot.
> The same bug has now started to affect Fedora 23 because of the
> backporting of the buggy kernel version to F23.
> I think this should be a blocker for the F23 release.  How do I make
> it so?

Determine what release criteria the behavior violates. I'm not
thinking of one off hand, if it's not breaking the installer in some
way, or ability to boot the system. It's a bad bug but that doesn't
necessarily mean it's a blocker.

login, and then click on Propose and fill out the form.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Oops on i686, 4.2.0-0.rc8, was: Summary/Minutes from...

2015-08-30 Thread Chris Murphy
On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Richard W.M. Jones  wrote:

I have i686 hardware (ancient Dell laptop) running
4.2.0-0.rc8.git0.1.fc23.i686 for over 24 hours with some heavy btrfs +
rsync stuff, and no oopses. What would I need to run to try to
reproduce? And is there a meaningful difference this is an fc23
kernel, not fc24?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Bad default error policy causes printing issues and BIG usability issues

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Germano Massullo
> Il 06/12/2014 19:29, ha scritto:
>> Who is responsible for user experience of Fedora desktop? To whom
>> should I point this issue to?
> you could also fill a bugreport against CUPS component in
> I agree with you. I migrated some offices to Fedora and sometimes I
> receive phone calls about printing troubles. When I go personally to
> check what is wrong I often saw a big CUPS queue and the printer in pause

Like I mentioned today in the bug report, I think there's more going
on here. Issue 1 is whether non-admins can create/delete/modify state
of printers (queues);

Issue 2 is more challenging, more information is needed on the various
failures that seem to be more common on Linux than on OS X, both of
which use CUPS. I don't know if there's usually enough information for
CUPS to put a job on hold, rather than the queue. Some logic would
need to be present or you get situations where jobs vanish because the
queue isn't on hold and the printer isn't receiving data for some
reason. There was a period on OS X where something similar happened,
and new jobs printed just silently built-up or just vanished; but this
behavior was replaced quite a long time ago when at print time the
user gets an information dialog that the print queue is currently
stopped, and asks if they want to add the job to the queue rather than
print (because printing is offline). At least that way the user gets
the notification that the print queue is stopped.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: A backup service using fuse, sqlite and btrfs.

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Murphy
I have a better chance of seeding clouds to make rain than read code
to get the answers to these questions, but I tried anyway.

- Is this a versioning system, or is it both a versioning system and a
backup? Backup implies copying data to a separate device.

- If it's a backup, does it depend on the source being Btrfs? Or just
the destination? Or both?

- Do you envision Fedora Server and Fedora Workstation components, to
achieve a sort of turn key + integrated Fedora solution for network

- Does this apply to just user data, or system settings as well, or
the entire installation?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

grub2 wiki page

2015-09-21 Thread Chris Murphy
Can someone double check this before I make the change?

1.  Under "Install the bootloader files" grub2-efi-modules shouldn't
be listed. An unsuspecting user who then uses grub2-install as they
once did on BIOS systems will blow away the signed grubx64.efi file
and boot will fail on Secure Boot enabled systems.

2. Also under "install the bootloader files" it lists the shim
package, but this should be shim-signed in order to include the
shim.efi that's been signed by the Microsoft signing service. The shim
package only contains an unsigned shim.

So the revised commands are:

yum install grub2-efi shim-signed

yum reinstall grub2-efi shim-signed


Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Fedora 23 cloud image (and, for that matter, minimal anything) bloat

2015-09-21 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:37 PM, Matthew Miller
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 03:39:46PM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
>> It's worth pointing out that your griping about grub2 "growth" seems
>> misleading.  The sizes of the grub2 packages did not change between
>> F22 and F23.  What seems to have happened is that the cloud images
>> added the grub2 packages, which weren't there in F22.
> Sorry, yeah -- that griping is not out of context in the Cloud WG where
> I also posted this, but is here. Grub2 has the huge virtue of *It
> Actually Works*, a claim which currently none of the competition can
> make.

For the cloud image, extlinux actually works. The problem pops up with
any image intended for baremetal whre UEFI Secure Boot support is
needed, and right now GRUB2 does and extlinux doesn't, so any "atomic"
image would need GRUB2.

> But *that* said, the current packaging means that grub2 adds 70MB on
> disk — about 12% of the entire cloud image. I'm not saying grub2 is
> evil, just that this is a big portion of the gain and is worth
> attacking in order to reverse it. I talked briefly to Peter Jones and
> he says there's quite a bit which can be done there, if going back to
> extlinux doesn't seem like a viable option.

These are needed on BIOS systems
grub2-tools is 7MiB
grub2 is 3.8MiB

These are needed on UEFI systems
shim-signed is 633KiB
grub2-efi is 837KiB

So, I'm not sure where 70MB is coming from. All four are needed for
the hybrid BIOS+UEFI supported media. So yeah I'd say it can shrink
quite a bit.
Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: grub2 wiki page

2015-09-22 Thread Chris Murphy
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:51 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz  wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-09-21 at 19:20 -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> 2. Also under "install the bootloader files" it lists the shim
>> package, but this should be shim-signed in order to include the
>> shim.efi that's been signed by the Microsoft signing service. The shim
>> package only contains an unsigned shim.
> Incorrect.  The shim *SRPM* produces shim-unsigned, while the
> shim-signed SRPM produces the shim binary package.  I know, extremely
> confusing, but it's shim you want.

OK got it, thanks.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

kernel reports package temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled, mce event logged

2014-08-04 Thread Chris Murphy
Starting with kernel 3.9, I get frequent messages "CPU5: Package temperature 
above threshold, cpu clock throttled" followed by "CPU5: Package 
temperature/speed normal" and occasionally:

kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged
mcelog[581]: Hardware event. This is not a software error.

This happens on three different Mac models, each running OS X and Fedora. They 
all get way hotter, run fans much faster, running Linux than OS X. I've had one 
of those models die inexplicably while it was exceptionally hot, but since it 
can't be booted at all now I can't say whether there's cause-effect or it's 
just coincidence.

Since I'm down to just one Mac at the moment, I'm reluctant to do any further 
baremetal Linux testing until I better understand what these messages mean.   ## my original bug on this 
from over a year ago ## recent bug that has 
different diagnostic info

Chris Murphy

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

making custom kernels easier to build

2014-08-11 Thread Chris Murphy
Since it came up at Flock: if it's possible to incorporate this recent 
experiencing testing Btrfs patches it'd be nice. 

Two patches listed here, one is based on Btrfs integration branch, the other 
based on 3.16.0. I didn't realize the original patch was based on integration 
branch, which is apparently why it kept failing to apply with rpmbuild (and 
hence patch) on kernel-3.16.0-1.fc21.src.rpm. I'm told in this email that git 
am would have sorted this out for me. (?)

Request 1: if there's a more tolerant patch applying method with git that could 
be incorporated, even if it's just a step that converts the patch so that 
rpmbuild/patch will eat it, that would be nice. But if it requires a local git 
clone of upstream's dev branch, then ignore this part because I'm not going to 
do that. I'd sooner ask for a patch that applies onto something I'm actually 
going to build.

Request 2:  patches to just get picked up by dropping them somewhere, like 
rpmbuild/SOURCES/*.patch always get picked up and applied, rather than 
requiring two manually entered entries in kernel.spec per patch.


Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: making custom kernels easier to build

2014-08-11 Thread Chris Murphy

On Aug 11, 2014, at 3:28 PM, Chris Murphy  wrote:

> Since it came up at Flock: if it's possible to incorporate this recent 
> experiencing testing Btrfs patches it'd be nice. 
> Two patches listed here, one is based on Btrfs integration branch, the other 
> based on 3.16.0. I didn't realize the original patch was based on integration 
> branch, which is apparently why it kept failing to apply with rpmbuild (and 
> hence patch) on kernel-3.16.0-1.fc21.src.rpm. I'm told in this email that git 
> am would have sorted this out for me. (?)
> Request 1: if there's a more tolerant patch applying method with git that 
> could be incorporated, even if it's just a step that converts the patch so 
> that rpmbuild/patch will eat it, that would be nice. But if it requires a 
> local git clone of upstream's dev branch, then ignore this part because I'm 
> not going to do that. I'd sooner ask for a patch that applies onto something 
> I'm actually going to build.
> Request 2:  patches to just get picked up by dropping them somewhere, like 
> rpmbuild/SOURCES/*.patch always get picked up and applied, rather than 
> requiring two manually entered entries in kernel.spec per patch.

Request 3: Current instructions call for use of yum, yumdownloader, and 
yum-builddep. Can it be done entirely with dnf? I'm not sure what the dnf 
equivalent is for yumdownloader or yum-builddep.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Systemd boot issue

2014-09-09 Thread Chris Murphy

On Sep 9, 2014, at 7:46 AM, P J P  wrote:

> Is there a way to debug what Systemd is doing after printing above message??

In such a case I always use rd.break to hopefully get a dracut prompt if the 
initramfs is failing. If that doesn't work and you still get a hang, then 
you'll need to read about rd.break= and setting it for a point prior to the 
failure to isolate.

rd.debug will include a huge pile of everything the initramfs is doing, you 
might avoid this until you know whether it's the initramfs or systemd unit or 
service giving a problem.

systemd.log_level=debug will produce quite a bit of systemd debug text.

When I'm impatient I used both debug options at the same time, but it makes 
boot much slower.

If you manage to get to a shell, journalctl -b -l is helpful since it's 
available in very early boot. Another possibility is if you can boot single 
user ( successfully and enable the systemd early debug shell.

Chris Murphy

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Systemd boot issue

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Murphy

On Sep 10, 2014, at 2:28 AM, P J P  wrote:

>   Hi,
>> On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 12:28 PM, poma wrote:
>> dr. acut?
> Can't say for sure. I added "rdshell rd.debug" parameters to the boot command 
> line, again it throws a long list of debug messages from - 
> /lib/ Messages are about trying to setup 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and dhclient(8) configurations it seems. It 
> has snippets like
> for f in '"/$_dir"/*.sh'
> '[' -e //lib/dracut/hooks/cleanup/ ']'
> . //lib/dracut/hooks/cleanup/
> for f in '/tmp/dhclient.*.pid'
> '[' -e '/tmp/dhclient.*.pid ' ']'
> continue
> ...
> /bin/dracut-pre-pivot@29(): exit 0
> systemd-journald[2842]: Received SIGTERM
> systemd-journal (2842) used greatest stack depth: 12920 bytes left
> Note:- Systemd(1)/dracut(8) debug logs are serious information overload. They 
> zoom past through the screen inundating it with thousands of lines, you can 
> not even see them all. What's the point?

Anything that passes by almost certainly worked correctly so you don't need to 
see it. It's where it gets stuck that this level of verbosity can be useful.

> Anyway…any clue?

Well I have no idea what's on the screen at the time of the hang. Maybe a cell 
phone photo would be useful. Or maybe you should use the debug kernel which was 
one of Paul Wouters suggestions. Or you could go out on a limb and see if the 
problem is happening with 3.17rc4 non-debug which is

There are lots of kernels. Unless you really want to do kernel troubleshooting, 
you might just pick a kernel that works.

Chris Murphy

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Systemd boot issue

2014-09-11 Thread Chris Murphy

On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:51 AM, P J P  wrote:

>   Hello Chris,
>> On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 9:15 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> Well I have no idea what's on the screen at the time of the hang. Maybe a 
>> cell phone photo would be useful. Or maybe you should use the debug kernel 
>> which 
>> was one of Paul Wouters suggestions. Or you could go out on a limb and see 
>> if 
>> the problem is happening with 3.17rc4 non-debug which is 
>> There are lots of kernels. Unless you really want to do kernel 
>> troubleshooting, 
>> you might just pick a kernel that works.
>  Yes, I've resorted to 3.15 for now. Will look at 3.16 again later, got a 
> sosreport yesterday by trying 3.16 on a F20 VM.

If you can reproduce this hang in a VM things are much easier to troubleshoot 
by setting up a serial console; and then booting the VM with params: rd.debug 
rdudevdebug systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=console 

That'll be extremely verbose, but at least you can scroll.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Improving the offline updates user experience

2014-09-12 Thread Chris Murphy

On Sep 12, 2014, at 9:47 AM, Richard Hughes  wrote:

> The *only* way to do this
> securely and safely in the system we have now is in a clean pre-boot
> environment,

Mostly clean post-boot environment, with the system we have now?

> What we could do is do updates on shutdown by basically killing
> everything except PID 1, and then restart everything, but even then
> that relies on no systemd or kernel updates being present.

Even if the system is fully rebooted once, after the update is done in a 
post-boot environment, it's half the reboots needed now.

One step up from this would be a way for packages to contain metadata 
indicating they need a reboot after an update; if none require it, then isolate rather than a reboot.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Decision on Fedora Product branding: Fedora $PRODUCT 21 vs Fedora 21 $PRODUCT

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Murphy

On Oct 21, 2014, at 9:36 AM, Matthew Miller  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 08:28:16AM -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> A few specific comments that have been made on the Board ticket (to
>> avoid rehashing them).
>> * "Fedora Server 21" sounds like we've had 21 releases of Fedora Server
>> and we certainly haven't.
>> * Should we start all of the Products at version 1 and say "built on the
>> Fedora 21 platform"?
> My opinion is that since we've decided on a unified lifecycle and
> release process for now, we should reflect that in the names, so:
> Fedora 21 Cloud
> Fedora 21 Server
> Fedora 21 Workstation


Since people have a tendency to shorten, I think we'll see "F21C, F21S, F21W" 
as a result. That's probably better than "FC21" for cloud where it's confused 
with .fc21 in all of our RPMS, and even vernacular people still interchange F20 
and FC20 calling back to Fedora Core days.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Firewalld enable by default in Fedora 22

2015-03-01 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Carlos Morel-Riquelme
> I install F22 workstation today and well firewalld is enable by default. So
> the disable firewall in F21 is out ?

It's enabled by default in Fedora 21 Workstation also. No change.

# firewall-cmd   --list-all
FedoraWorkstation (default, active)
  interfaces: eth0 virbr0
  services: dhcpv6-client mdns samba-client ssh
  ports: 1025-65535/udp 1025-65535/tcp
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: FESCo Meeting Minutes (2015-03-04)

2015-03-05 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Adam Jackson  wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-03-05 at 00:45 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>> Adam Jackson wrote:
>> > * #1412 anaconda password change is causing consternation among the user
>> >   community please review this policy decision  (ajax, 18:24:10)
>> >   * AGREED: FESCo would like anaconda to turn back on the "double-done"
>> > option for Fedora 22.
>> Thanks!
>> > Better solutions should be investigated for F23.  (ajax, 18:43:33)
>> What better solutions? What password I pick should be none of the
>> installer's business.
> False.  It's entirely reasonable for a product to mandate an appropriate
> security policy,

Ajax, when you say things like this, this is what it sounds like "Hey,
nice football you have there. Guess what? I'm gonna TAKE THAT BALL

I consider this an invitation to scrimmage. How serious does a random
person take a game? You don't really know how seriously they take it,
do you? How dirty will they get? Is mud OK? Cuts and scrapes? Elbows
to the face?  This is why there are rules so both parties know how bad
it could get in advance, and know whether the game is worth playing or

There is no actual game here, because it hasn't been played in
something like 30 years. The user has the ball when it comes to their
devices. It's completely ceded, the ship has sailed, no one touches
this in any meaningful way. The most significant change to password
enforcement in this time?

Mobile. No lock even required.

How about websites?  They have a ball sharing program. The rules are
clearly stated in advance. I cede that the site has a lot to lose in
reputation if my account is breached, and even my friends, family, and
the site's customers can be at risk too. So even if I don't like all
the rules, I tacitly accept the ultimate authority, and the higher
password burden. Their system isn't really my device after all is it?

My device? I have the ball. You wanna try and take it away from me?
*grin* I'm not daring you or anything. This wasn't my idea. I really
don't want to fight. But when you say "appropriate" as an adjective, I
hear it as a verb which means to take something away without my
permission. And since this game hasn't, to my knowledge, ever been
played before, what are the rules? How vicious will it get? Are you
really prepared to find out? How well do you take elbows to the face?
I think I can take them pretty well.

Do you not see the escalating can of worms, just by the choice of
language you've selected? It's asking for a fight whether you
recognize it or not, whether you intend it or not. Maybe you're just
confused. Maybe Anaconda thought I really wasn't that attached to the
ball, because they don't get outdoors all that much. But it was all
just a simple misunderstanding. No harm done!

I think Fedora users are more well grounded than their Windows and OS
X counterparts. Apple, Microsoft, Google, they haven't dared to look
the user in the eye and suggest the ball isn't theirs when it comes to
their own device. Bet they've looked into it. If they were to do what
Anaconda just did (and, that's twice now), I'd expect entire new
categories of profanity being invented overnight. I'd expect those
companies would prefer a zombie apocalypse, hindsight being 20/20 and

So. Ajax. I see you looking at my ball.

Now I understand for legacy/historical reasons, the installer sets the
password as a practical matter because there hasn't been a first boot
setup program that does this. That's entirely different from a minimum
password quality enforcement policy. The best we can do in the area of
passwords is make them unnecessary; second best is something like an
OpenSCAP application that can run on any DE that helps the sysadmin
(who by in large is the single user for the system) do a better job
setting strong passwords and disabling risky services, etc.

But right now Fedora is being really dissonant, because we're
suggesting a fight with the user after decades of giving up on that
battle. Really? Why now? Meanwhile, Fedora enables sshd on Server by
default. That's opt out, not opt in. By making sshd disabled by
default it puts in on par with the password: both become opt in, both
states are transparent to the user. You do not get to hand waive about
risky services that are silently enabled by default while blaming the
user (for their password as well as not disabling a service they
didn't know was on in the first place).

OK please stop looking at my ball, you're making me nervous.

We do have serious problems, and we really need a big picture OS
overview for making secure systems the default, and more easily
hardening them further. But right or wrong, i

Re: FESCo Meeting Minutes (2015-03-04)

2015-03-06 Thread Chris Murphy
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Adam Jackson  wrote:

> So this entire thing is about you reading as a verb something clearly
> syntactically an adjective?   I'm not sure how I can respond to that.

Do you acknowledge it's a historical fact that the user password for a
local device has been exclusively user domain? If no, give
counterfactual examples.

You said a product can properly mandate otherwise. Where does the
authority or sanction come from to do this? Just by saying it is so,
and then just by doing it?

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: FESCo Meeting Minutes (2015-03-04)

2015-03-06 Thread Chris Murphy
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Stephen John Smoogen  wrote:

>> Do you acknowledge it's a historical fact that the user password for a
>> local device has been exclusively user domain? If no, give
>> counterfactual examples.
> You need to dial back the dialogue a bit. The original email came across as
> an out of control rant that lost me after the third sentence. If instead of
> trying to win "Flame of the Day" award and being less metaphorical and more
> factual.. it might go a long way to having a conversation versus a man and a
> soap box in a park.

That the metaphor doesn't work for you is fine. However, while you
castigate the method, you ignore the questions seeking out the facts =
that which is not in dispute.

>> You said a product can properly mandate otherwise. Where does the
>> authority or sanction come from to do this? Just by saying it is so,
>> and then just by doing it?
> It is a two way street. You own the device. They make the OS. Each is their
> own 'ball' if I am using your original metaphor appropriately. Each sees the
> other as the field the ball gets played on. If you don't like the field that
> your ball is playing on you are free to ask for something to be changed. If
> it doesn't get changed you can go find another field to play on. And vice
> versa.

Your version is not at all the direction I was going in. But I'll go
along with your version

No other field (OS) asserts any concern for what ball (password) I
bring. Any ball shape and size is accepted. Suddenly, one field's
referee asserts rules that only particular ball sizes and shapes are
allowed. The rules aren't actually specified anywhere, I must show the
ball and the referee either accepts or rejects it on a pass fail
basis. The minimum ball size and acceptable shapes aren't stated in
advance. I merely get binary feedback. By iterating, and making some
assumptions, I can infer the requirement means I can bring a large box
instead of a ball.

And after I pass the referee, I can remove my ball from the box and
use it on the field. Ergo, I'm simply being harassed. I can't take the
referee seriously at all, just appease his demand. Next, the referee
asks for a field wide enforcement of his rule that no one clearly
understands or agrees with; and none of the field managers (product
working groups) even asked for the rule in the first place.

> I am not saying this is the best way to handle things, but when everyone
> seems that the only way to communicate is jumping up and down on a soap box
> claiming the other side is completely in the wrong.. "how to handle things
> better" has long been thrown out.

Fedora has a rather Socratic mechanism for avoiding this. Twice now,
Anaconda hasn't voluntarily submitted to this process on the same
issue of password UI behavior. And therefore a heated debate was
inevitable in my opinion.

Anaconda has made an unasked for and abrupt change without having met
a reasonable burden of proof for the claim this is necessary, again
this is two for two. Then, as now, in over 100 emails, there are no
proponents for the change outside Anaconda. And now, no proponents of
the change by any product working groups.

Leading a present or future conversation on platform security policy
should probably not lead with "we can take your ball away anytime we
want." I estimate it's in the vicinity of distinctly unhelpful for
positively progressing the conversation.

I'm open to suggestions.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

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