Re: [Development] QtQuick Call for Maintainer

2016-03-09 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 1:56 AM, Frederik Gladhorn
<> wrote:
> We are in the luxury position of having two great candidates.
> I briefly talked to both Robin and Shawn yesterday and one option would be to
> have a shared maintainership. This seems to have worked nicely for Qt
> Networking and dividing the responsibilty will lessen the burden.

I agree they would both be great candidates. I have enjoyed working
with both on Qt Quick in the past. They also have complementary
interests, with Shawn driving key input functionality and Robin
looking at the full stack performance.

Individually or together, +1 from me.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

[Development] QtQuick Call for Maintainer

2016-03-05 Thread Alan Alpert
Hi all,

I have been drawn away from Qt Quick at work the past several months,
for even I do not write back-end services with Qt Quick. Consequently
I have not had time to fulfill the responsibilities of Qt Quick
Maintainership and will have to pass the mantle onto someone new.

Accepting the unfortunate nature of reality means that I must resign
from the QtQuick maintainership position. Accordingly I have removed
my name from the maintainers wiki page. Everyone on gerrit knows I'm
not getting to my reviews anymore, so I can no longer hold a module
maintainer position.

It would be great if someone else could step up and take over, as I
still believe QtQuick is a key component of the premier native GUI
framework. Any volunteers?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML import versions

2015-09-24 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Attila Csipa <> wrote:
> On 9/21/2015 10:51 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
>> I found part of the previous discussion, see my essay from 2012 which
>> explains the versioning system:
> Not a new discussion, indeed :)
>> Now in the next minor version of Qt, say we add a QQmlFlange class to
>> QtQml. A application built against the current version of Qt, but
>> linking to system libraries, will continue to work fine. The name
>> resolution happened at the linker stage and so a new symbol in the
>> shared library doesn't affect the behavior of the compiled binary.
>> "flange" will still be an instance of the local QQmlFlange and you
>> won't hit the name conflict until you try to compile against the new
>> Qt version.
>> Contrast to the example I gave Robin, where the QML name resolution
>> happens at runtime, and you can see why #include is so much
>> safer than import QtQml.
> This is a red herring - given MOC and QObject properties, there is no
> guarantee (other a statistical "we add less properites to C++ classes than
> to QML, so there is less change of namespace overlap"). At best, this would
> indicate differences of defaults, but not versioning enforcement.
> Here's an example:
> QScreen* scr = qApp->screens().at(0);
> qDebug() << scr->property("devicePixelRatio");
> qDebug() << scr->setProperty("devicePixelRatio", 100);
> qDebug() << scr->property("devicePixelRatio");
> On Qt5.3, this gives
> //QVariant(Invalid)
> //false
> //QVariant(int, 100)
> On Qt5.5, this gives
> //QVariant(double, 1)
> //false
> //QVariant(double, 1)
> It's clear that there will be no compile time difference, but given the
> different *runtime* outcomes, the app behavior can be altered completely
> transparently to the developer. That's why it feels that the QML versioning
> *enforcement* is pretty arbitrary, as both C++ and QML can be written in
> both static and dynamic manners. Even if we say that "well Qt on the C++
> side doesn't use properties that often", it doesn't take into account 3rd
> party code, or how much it (doesn't) rely on either QML or C++ properties in
> it's own classes.

The point of versioning isn't to prevent different runtime outcomes,
that's not possible as you have showed. But there's an implicit
compile step when you run a QML file at program startup, and the
versioning system prevents that from failing.

Getting different values is a problem, yes. But those lines still ran,
and you could theoretically use runtime error handling code. If there
suddenly appears a type conflict in a QML file, the compilation stage
*fails* and the QML code never reaches its own "runtime" to experience
the different outcomes (we are in the runtime of the C++ application,
but bailed on compilation of the QML files).

If QML was untyped you could probably let it slide, as different
values at runtime is a much harder problem to solve. But when you can
change the type of a variable in a binding and then the file will
simply fail to compile, that's guaranteed application breaking.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML import versions

2015-09-21 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:36 AM, Hausmann Simon
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree that something "new" needs to be put on the table in order to solve
> this. And "this" expands unfortunately to a few issues at the same time.
> I think that it would be a mistake of "import QtQuick" - without any version
> tag - would always import the latest available
> version on the system. If we look into other development communities with
> package based environments such as Python (pip)
> or Go, then we can see that the approach of automatically always importing
> the latest version is known to cause more headaches
> than do good. Very quickly the users want to be able to _pin_ to a certain
> version and be themselves in control when to "upgrade"
> to newer API.
> I think that we should learn from this and this is why I think generally
> applying a version to the QML APIs is a good thing. I believe that what
> we are missing is the convenience of making the conscious step of changing
> the of QtQuick 2.4 to 2.5 - it is incredibly tedious at this
> point as it requires touching every single file.

I still don't know why people feel they need to do this. Touch the
files that you want
to use new features in, and if the others are importing a different
minor version that's
okay. Then the work is only marginally bigger than the actual new
feature work in your
application. A big point of the QML versioning system is that multiple
imports of the
same module can co-exist happily in the same engine.

> Therefore I think that we should introduce the notion of configuration files
> that apply to an entire project. For QML modules that configuration
> file is the qmldir file, although I'd prefer something different. For
> applications - the primary target audience in this thread - we are lacking a
> central place where we could say that
>  import QtQuick
> should resolve to exactly version 2.4.
> In other words: I think we should allow application developers to use just
> "import QtQuick" in their qml files - without a version. But all that
> should mean is that when the engine encounters a version-less import, it
> should look for the project configuration file to pick the version the
> developer would like to choose.

Since we don't have an existing central place for where to look, I
think this connection isn't obvious in the code (where it should be
easily readable). I like the concept though, maybe it could be "import
QtQuick from Project" or "import QtQuick from ../project.qmldir" to
give a direct link to the program configuration file.

An explicit file link would also help with modules, which presumably
need to package their import versions and use them instead of the
application settings.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML import versions

2015-09-21 Thread Alan Alpert
I found part of the previous discussion, see my essay from 2012 which
explains the versioning system:

It even has an answer for "Why not just use Qt versions?" (but it's a
little out-of-date).

Additional answers to Attila's questions inline below.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Attila Csipa <> wrote:
> On 9/21/2015 6:51 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:36 AM, Hausmann Simon
>> <> wrote:
>>> or Go, then we can see that the approach of automatically always importing
>>> the latest version is known to cause more headaches
>>> than do good. Very quickly the users want to be able to _pin_ to a certain
>>> version and be themselves in control when to "upgrade"
>>> to newer API.
> Let me put it this way. If we trust ourselves enough not to have
> QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(arc, argv, "5.4.0")
> every single .cpp file, why do we think QML absolutely must have
> it? In other words, why is
> #include 
> so much safer than
> import QtQml
> ?

Here's a scenario corresponding to the one I gave Robin as to why QML
needs minor versions.


class QQmlFlange {

flange = new QQmlFlange()

Now in the next minor version of Qt, say we add a QQmlFlange class to
QtQml. A application built against the current version of Qt, but
linking to system libraries, will continue to work fine. The name
resolution happened at the linker stage and so a new symbol in the
shared library doesn't affect the behavior of the compiled binary.
"flange" will still be an instance of the local QQmlFlange and you
won't hit the name conflict until you try to compile against the new
Qt version.

Contrast to the example I gave Robin, where the QML name resolution
happens at runtime, and you can see why #include is so much
safer than import QtQml.

> Finally, no matter how you pin, you will be getting the new
> implementation - is there an example that Qt actually retained a
> different implementation for older imports, not counting QtQuick1 vs
> QtQuick2?

Yes, QtQuick.Window 2.0 is implemented using the QQuickWindow class,
in QtQuick.Window 2.1 we moved it to QQuickWindowImpl. Not an entirely
separate implementation, and the differences are deliberately minor
(because it's a minor version) but if we added a QtQuick.Window 3.0
any time soon we'd keep these two classes around.

If you aren't counting QtQuick 1 vs QtQuick 2 (and presumably aren't
counting Qt.labs.*), you're currently left with no major version bumps
within Qt Essentials modules and so no "older imports" exist at all.

>>> I still don't know why people feel they need to do this. Touch the
>>> files that you want
>>> to use new features in, and if the others are importing a different
>>> minor version that's
>>> okay. Then the work is only marginally bigger than the actual new
>>> feature work in your
>>> application. A big point of the QML versioning system is that multiple
>>> imports of the
>>> same module can co-exist happily in the same engine.
> Because your import will, in practice, match your latest Qt version used
> for development, not the *API level* required. If you touch a property
> that doesn't exist, again, you will be bumping to the latest version,
> not the version that introduced the feature (as there is no simple way
> of figuring out what the "required" version would be). At some point you
> just stop fighting it and say "okay, latest it is" (or go back to
> whatever old Qt you wish to target).

Okay, so you bump to the latest version instead of the strict minimum
required whenever you touch a property that doesn't exist. You still
don't need to update files that aren't using any "new" features.

>>>   import QtQuick
>>> should resolve to exactly version 2.4.
>>> In other words: I think we should allow application developers to use just
>>> "import QtQuick" in their qml files - without a version. But all that
>>> should mean is that when the engine encounters a version-less import, it
>>> should look for the project configuration file to pick the version the
>>> developer would like to choose.
>> Since we don't have an existing central place for where to look, I
>> think this connection isn't obvious in the code (where it should be
>> easily readable). I like the concept though, maybe it could be "import
>> QtQuick from Project" or "import QtQuick from ../project.qmldir" to
>> give a direct link to the program configuration file.
> This is fine - ju

Re: [Development] QML import versions

2015-09-20 Thread Alan Alpert
ent error message: admittedly it might be a less descriptive one -
> you'd get told that the type/property didn't exist, as opposed to module
> version foobar is not available - but this is also the case with C++
> usage now!).
> Or am I missing some other value offered by minor version numbers?

Here is the scenario:

import QtQuick 2

Item {
property bool scrollGestureEnabled: false
MouseArea {
onClicked: console.log(scrollGestureEnabled)

In QtQuick 2.4 that would get the scrollGestureEnabled off of the
Item, in QtQuick 2.5 it resolves to the new MouseArea property. So
code like this will inexplicably break at run time when the system Qt
updates :( .

By using "import QtQuick 2.4" explicitly, that can't happen. That is
the value offered by minor version numbers. It is the mechanism by
which we achieve "Code written for older versions will Just Work on
newer versions".

The QML versioning is different to the C++ versioning because QML is
an interpreted langauge and C++ is not. C++ links to symbols at
compile time meaning that whatever you complied it against pretty much
works (so long as we maintain binary compatibility). QML versioning
aims to give that same behavior with an interpreted language, so that
whatever you developed it against still works out in production
environments with updates, but it needs language level features (the
versioning system) to do it.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML import versions

2015-09-20 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 4:55 AM, Filippo Cucchetto
<> wrote:
> I'm no troll, but i don't see any way to solve this without putting
> something new to the table
> 1) What about extending the a little bit the QML language itself.
> Something like
> import QtQuick as in 5.5
> import QtQuick.Controls as in 5.5
> so a way to specify to import a module at version when a specific Qt version
> was released.
> Obviusly this doesn't disable the option for specifying a particular
> version.
> So this should be fine
> import QtQuick as in 5.5
> import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

Yes, this sort of thing could work (probably use the keyword "from"
instead of "as in", or some other reserved word).

I think last time this was put forward we considered implementing it
with "metamodules" that are just lists so that we could have a
qml/Qt5/qmldir that looks like

QtQuick 2.4 since 5.4
QtQuick 2.5 since 5.5
QtQuick.Particles 2.0 since 5.0

And that would be a file that the mapping comes from and is parsed by
the engine when it sees a "QtQuick from Qt 5.5". It would also be
generic enough so that module bundles other than Qt essentials could
use it.

The pitfall last time was that it's language work no-one has time for :( .

> 2) Another option is automatically use the latest version of a module if the
> version number
> is not specified. So:
> import QtQuick // Automatically imported with the latest version installed
> import QtQuick.Controls // Automatically imported with the latest version
> installed

If you don't break from the name resolution case, you'll break when
the major version updates and things are expected to break. Could work
if you statically link Qt into your application, but if you're using
system libraries you're doomed.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML import versions

2015-09-18 Thread Alan Alpert
>   - rev 3 in QtQuick 2.3
>   - rev 6 in QtQuick 2.6
> Now, mix meta revisions with inheritance and it gets interesting...
> Therefore, I'm throwing in this proposal to
> 1) make all Qt Essentials QML modules follow the Qt version number, and
> 2) revision new properties using the minor version of Qt.
> Then Qt users have some clue what to import and what Qt version their app 
> depends on, and Qt developers can instantly see when certain properties and 
> methods were introduced while browsing the header files.
> Is this something that would be possible to implement already in Qt 5, or is 
> this Qt 6 material? Does someone strongly oppose the idea? How often do we 
> release new major versions of QML modules? I don't see why QML modules 
> couldn't follow the same practices than the rest of Qt follows. Ironically, 
> we've been working on this thing called Qt Quick Controls 2.0... :P

So what's not possible is the conceptual conflict between arbitrary
and semantic version numbers. With QtQml.Particles still at 2.0 in Qt
5.6 you know that it hasn't gained any new features and so your
particles scenes from 5.4 can be easily brought back to 5.2 if needed
for another deployment. With QtQuick at 2.6 you'd need to check you
aren't using any new features. But if QtQuick goes to 2.7 in 5.7 you
can either A) keep importing 2.6 and it works fine B) import 2.7 and
see if you have a name collision with a new feature. Since it didn't
bump the major version, you know all the existing features will keep
working as before (save for bug fixes) but at 3.0 all bets are off.

With the QtQuick module specifically, we probably can match the Qt
version just fine. The development pace of that module follows the
development pace of Qt. But the other modules tend to be developed
slower, leading to the following potential breaches of semantic

-Bumping QtQuick.Particles to 2.7 and raising everyone's hopes that
there was a new feature. Also in the current implementation of QML
versions this would require a code change to QtQuick.Particles
specific for 2.7 (and so another change every minor version...).
Because it requires a change for every valid minor version, if we just
did it for 2.7 then import QtQuick.Particles 2.6 would fail, but
import QtQuick.Particles 2.7 would not.
-Bumping QtQml to 3.0/6.0 at Qt 6 time, even though there probably
will NOT be any breaking changes at the core language elements level.
By saying "yeah, switch to 3.0 and nothing's changed" we've ruined the
semantic meaning of a major version change. In the current
implementation of QML you would need to duplicate all qmlRegister*
calls in order to do this.
-Not being able to bump QtQuick.Window to 3.0 before QtQuick, as Robin
explained. So either we delay development of that module or we have a
"minor" version bump which breaks existing elements (again, ruining
semantic versioning). I think it's technically possible to do that
with the current implementation, but it's a real pain because you'd
have to replace every single type, some with an uncreateable type
saying "not available anymore".

The other thing to consider is that QML versioning is not intended to
keep up with Qt version number *within an application*. So let's
imagine a scenario where every QML module in Qt essentials used the Qt
release version number since the dawn of time. You'd still have code
looking like this inside an application:

import QtQuick 5.5
import QtQuick.Particles 5.3
import QtQml.Models 5.3

It could be running against 6.1, but was developed against 5.6 most
recently. Since they aren't using QtQuick features added in 5.6,
there's no need to change the import, the most recent features they
used from QtQuick came from 5.5. They originally developed it against
5.3, and haven't used anything new from QtQuick.Particles or
QtQml.Models since. This is the sort of thing we'd be seeing if
QtCreator from Qt 5.3 could automatically pick the most recent import
for you when creating a project.

It would be nice to have an easy way to find out which module versions
are in which release. I think qmltypes is a better way of doing that,
because the semantic versioning is both valuable and deeply integrated
into the current system.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [QtCS] QtRemoteObjects Session Summary

2015-06-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Thursday, June 11, 2015 02:21:22 AM Stottlemyer, Brett wrote:
 Hi Alan.  Hi Simon.

 On 6/10/15, 4:23 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 6:52 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
  On Tuesday, June 09, 2015 01:23:29 PM Alan Alpert wrote:
  A brief overview of planned features:
  -Protocol Layer Adapters
  -Investigate merge with QWebChannel (sounds similar, of course no-one
  working on QWebChannel was present to confirm).
  After it is established with those features and solid quality, it
  could be considered to promote it to an add-on module.

 I¹m the one who talked about QtRO (it was named Replicant at the time) at
 last year¹s Contributors Summit and requested the playground.  I
 definitely like the idea of making it an add-on module, but are you
 suggesting it needs protocol layer adapters as a prerequisite?

 The additional QML API piece would be welcome, and I¹m open to see if
 there is benefit to merge/code share with QWebChannel.  I¹ve always been
 resistant to try to make QtRO play nice with other languages, though.  Of
 course that would be fantastic!  No argument there.  But you¹ve already
 mentioned one of the difficulties - exported abstractitemmodels.  That is
 a very Qt specific implementation, with support for QVariant types and
 specific roles.  And concrete signals/slots.  It isn¹t a matter of simply
 passing data to another language (although that is hard enough when it
 comes to all the types Qt supports marshaling for already).  Even if you
 could pass the data to python or java effectively, how would the receiver
 be expected to display the results?

 Very good point. Many of our concepts in Qt map well to concepts in other
 languages - for example signals/slots across threads and go channels. However
 the more complex the concept the harder it becomes to map and that perhaps
 isn't worth the effort. (this just as an observation, not in response to your
 concrete implementation of QtRO :)

  I feel that mistake is made over and over again in many similar
 designs. It is
  perhaps one area where the web development is doing better. It's my
  incorrect?) impression that web services tend to be accessed using more
  explicit code instead of using transparent method calls or property
  The XMLHttpRequest API is one example here, and the promises based
 fetch() API
  makes this even better IMHO.
 This is attempted to be addressed (at least from the QML API) by
 having explicit node objects. It can have error handling and state
 communication (still to be designed), and fall-back mechanisms like
 default values. I agree error handling shouldn't be hidden entirely,
 but I would also say that it's still an area where we want to make
 developer's lives easier with pre-built common-case logic.

 This is how it is currently addressed in C++ as well, although we need to
 expose the errors as signals and enhance this area.

 I feel error handling is something that's really getting better over time in
 programming. I really like thrift's new error handling and I admit I'm also a
 fan of go's put-the-error-in-your-face approach - controversial I admit :).
 But what this shows in my opinion is that particularly robust designs don't
 just _offer_ error handling to the developer, they really place it right in
 front of them when writing and reading code. I feel we haven't done that in
 the design of the Qt APIs, yet.

 We already have the XMLHttpRequest API for distributed systems. The
 point of QRO, as I see it, is something more convenient and more
 pre-made by comparison.

 Indeed.  QtRO makes it trivial to create a Replica of a Qt object in
 another process or on another device.  You interact with the Replica just
 as you would the original object.  It doesn¹t hide errors, but also
 doesn¹t require overhead for nominal/happy-path behavior.

 And this is where I think Qt is best off providing functionality that makes it
 trivial to interact with other processes or devices under the rather likely
 assumption that they are not written in Qt.

 A current or future scenario these days is that you have mobile devices,
 processes on stationary computers, small computers on big industrial machines.
 The software in question may very well be written in Qt and C++, but it's also
 likely that in the same software scenario there's a frontend that's running
 in a web browser using JavaScript. This software may talk to a service,
 which is likely written not in C++ but rather Haskell, Go, Java or perhaps
 NodeJS - running perhaps on some instance in Amazon's cloud. For a variety of
 reasons I suppose, including the availability of efficient green threads or
 simply due to expertise on the job market. And those services then may talk to
 backend services, unlikely to be written with Qt in my opinion.


Re: [Development] Avoid overloading of 'error'

2015-06-16 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 4:50 AM, Sze Howe Koh wrote:

 On 16 June 2015 at 19:28, Kurt Pattyn wrote:
  you can also think of “on” + event, like in: onWindowClosed, 
  onMouseClicked, onBytesReceived, …
  In the same analogy, you could have onErrorOccurred.
  Seems very intuitive to me.
  It depends if you want to react to a state or to the event causing that 

 The QML spec says on + signal, not state:

 You can call connect() on the thing after on:

 The thing after on is also exposed to C++ as a signal; it can be
 passed to QObject::connect() in the SIGNAL() macro.

 So, we need to use signal names (which are past tense verbs).

Yes, these are the same things as the signal names. We don't want to
implement some magical difference for QML which doesn't yet exist.

So if we're migrating (slowly) to errorOccurred() as the standard
signal name (which I still think is more trouble than it's worth) then
classes exposed to QML will migrate (slowly) to onErrorOccurred, and
that's fine. It would be an additional layer of confusion and
implementation to make QML diverge in order to still have onError in
Qt 6.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Avoid overloading of 'error'

2015-06-13 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Lorn Potter wrote:
 On 11/06/2015 12:36 am, Samuel Gaist wrote:

 failed doesn't always mean there was an error with a direct relation.

 I was going to say this, but you beat me to it.
 Also, errored is just wrong, error is also past tense.

I consulted a linguist. She said that if you wanted to use error as a
verb (it's not normally one), errored would be the past tense. But
that it's probably not the best choice of word.

She also said to link to this comic:

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Avoid overloading of 'error'

2015-06-11 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:11 AM, Hausmann Simon wrote:

 I agree about the inconsistency in tense, that is a good argument against 
 although it is similarly unfortunate that the inconsistency in tense is more 
 widespread than

 I'm not sure onErred or onErrored is any better, to be honest. I think it's 
 more likely
 to result in a typo than the most basic form of the word - error - instead of 
 some conjugation.

 In the light of that I think I'd prefer onFailed or onFailure - but I think 
 it would perhaps be
 a mistake to make our existing APIs more inconsistent than necessary. It 
 seems like an
 unfortunate choice, but I think it's better to stick to error() than to have 
 some QML types
 have onError and some have onFailure.

I strongly advocate against replacing onError with onFailure. The
issue as I see it is a conflict between classic (perhaps BASIC
derived?) convention of handlers being on + state noun versus our
convention of on + past tense verb. Failure, Error (and success,
completion etc.) are all the old convention so it's not worth moving
from Error just to another word in the same convention that we're
trying to escape from. I also don't like to conceptually pin error to
failure, because in rare cases you can still have a partial success
despite an error condition.

Since there is this other convention that uses onError a lot (at
least in XMLHttpRequest), I can see how a similar (but past tense)
word would be confusing to many developers. So now we're weighing the
cost of confusing both new and old developers just to make the
refactoring support work better. I'm no longer convinced it's
worthwhile, so I'm with Simon on that it's better to stick to error()
for now. At least for the QML exposed APIs.

 If I break out the thesaurus, then we also have


If we want to sound fancy, we can use an obscure language and then it
can be shorter too: tokFeil . Also solves the problem of looking like
other APIs, as they limited themselves to English.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [QtCS] QtRemoteObjects Session Summary

2015-06-11 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Stottlemyer, Brett (B.S.) wrote:
 Hi Alan.  Hi Simon.

 On 6/10/15, 4:23 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 6:52 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 09, 2015 01:23:29 PM Alan Alpert wrote:
 A brief overview of planned features:
 -Protocol Layer Adapters
 -Investigate merge with QWebChannel (sounds similar, of course no-one
 working on QWebChannel was present to confirm).

 After it is established with those features and solid quality, it
 could be considered to promote it to an add-on module.

 I¹m the one who talked about QtRO (it was named Replicant at the time) at
 last year¹s Contributors Summit and requested the playground.  I
 definitely like the idea of making it an add-on module, but are you
 suggesting it needs protocol layer adapters as a prerequisite?

That was the impression I got from the session. Really it's just that
the developers want it ready before submitting it as an add-on module,
and supporting a second usecase (like QWebChannel) is a strong sign of
that. It sounded like QWebChannel needed the protocol adapters before
they could jump in.

There's a strong argument for making it an add-on module if we have
three separate use-cases served (Ford, BlackBerry, QWebChannel). That
demonstrates at least some level of value beyond a specific use-case.

 The additional QML API piece would be welcome, and I¹m open to see if
 there is benefit to merge/code share with QWebChannel.  I¹ve always been
 resistant to try to make QtRO play nice with other languages, though.  Of
 course that would be fantastic!  No argument there.  But you¹ve already
 mentioned one of the difficulties - exported abstractitemmodels.  That is
 a very Qt specific implementation, with support for QVariant types and
 specific roles.  And concrete signals/slots.  It isn¹t a matter of simply
 passing data to another language (although that is hard enough when it
 comes to all the types Qt supports marshaling for already).  Even if you
 could pass the data to python or java effectively, how would the receiver
 be expected to display the results?

They have their own modules on their side. One of the sessions you
missed included a demo with Meteor.js talking to QML applications
using a somewhat similar approach. It had custom logic that mapped
Meteor's wire protocol into QObject like structures so that QML could
use it. Or at least that's how I assume it worked, given that I have a
similar case myself with a specific node.js server at work (all this
travel and 5.5.0 release and I haven't had a chance to checkout
Attila's code yet). It would *NOT* be a generic Java to C++ level
adapter, it's specific FW (Qt) to specific FW (e.g. Meteor.js)
assuming they have QObject compatible semantics.

 QtRO also supports ³dynamic² objects, where the method, signal and
 property signatures are sent over the wire to allow a dynamic metaobject
 to be created.  IIRC, even protocol buffers need to be compiled on all
 sides, at least in C/C++.  Would this be a feature you would intend to
 support in an adapter?

 Do you have a good way of doing this without either a) duplicating a lot
 of functionality interspersed throughout Qt, or b) adding a tremendous
 burden to QtRO?  Again, I like the idea, I just worry about the
 implementation cost.

Then I'll start working on the implementation, because my idea of it
was that the cost would be low. I'll add you to the change on gerrit
when I have a draft ready.

 The idea with protocol adapters is that currently it only sends
 QDataStream output over the wire. I want to send more accessible
 JSON-RPC (like) data over the wire for working with node, and Attila
 had a demo of getting object data from Meteor (although that was
 custom hacked for demo purposes). Protocol adapters will allow you to
 serialize it in these other forms, and that is the mechanism by which
 we gain compatibility with other languages/frameworks without them
 needing explicit QRO support - We'll talk their language if there
 exists compatible semantics. They'll probably remain separate from the
 transport adapters, but we'll see how the implementation develops.
 I'll start looking into the implementation this month.

 I look forward to seeing what you propose.

 I feel that mistake is made over and over again in many similar
designs. It is
 perhaps one area where the web development is doing better. It's my
 incorrect?) impression that web services tend to be accessed using more
 explicit code instead of using transparent method calls or property
 The XMLHttpRequest API is one example here, and the promises based
fetch() API
 makes this even better IMHO.

This is attempted to be addressed (at least from the QML API) by
having explicit node objects. It can have error handling and state
communication (still to be designed), and fall-back mechanisms like
default values. I agree error

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 QML Revision Check

2015-06-10 Thread Alan Alpert
I have run qmlRevCheck between the 5.4 and 5.5.0 branches, for the
imports in qtdeclarative/src/imports. Results are attached. Results
come from generating and parsing new qmltypes files from each branch,
and comparing them with the qmlRevCheck tool
( is the updated version
to build these days).

I won't have time to properly look through the results until tomorrow,
but there is one key thing to note in the output. qmlplugindump
-builtins will spit out QtQuick types in 5.4, but in 5.5 it's a
separate file (from qmplugindump -nonrelocatable QtQuick 2.5). I
compared the 5.4 file to each of the two 5.5 files separately in the
two output files. But it's a lot of noise, and I'm not quite awake
enough to filter it out right now.

Alan Alpert

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [QtCS] QtRemoteObjects Session Summary

2015-06-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 6:52 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 09, 2015 01:23:29 PM Alan Alpert wrote:
 There was late-scheduled session on QtRemoteObjects at QtCS on
 Saturday. QtRemoteObjects is a playground module for object remoting
 of QObjects, and can be found at .

 A brief overview of the existing features:
 -Exports QObjects remotely, creates a replicant on the client side you
 can interface with
 -Network nodes can serve as a registry to allow lookup by name.
 -Transport Layer Adapters
 -Bjoern is currently working on exporting of QAbstractItemModels

 A brief overview of planned features:
 -Protocol Layer Adapters
 -Investigate merge with QWebChannel (sounds similar, of course no-one
 working on QWebChannel was present to confirm).

 After it is established with those features and solid quality, it
 could be considered to promote it to an add-on module.

 The idea with protocol adapters is that currently it only sends
 QDataStream output over the wire. I want to send more accessible
 JSON-RPC (like) data over the wire for working with node, and Attila
 had a demo of getting object data from Meteor (although that was
 custom hacked for demo purposes). Protocol adapters will allow you to
 serialize it in these other forms, and that is the mechanism by which
 we gain compatibility with other languages/frameworks without them
 needing explicit QRO support - We'll talk their language if there
 exists compatible semantics. They'll probably remain separate from the
 transport adapters, but we'll see how the implementation develops.
 I'll start looking into the implementation this month.

 The question was raised How is this not CORBA?. I'm not that
 familiar with CORBA (just read the wikipedia article today), but my
 suspicion is that we've cut out a lot of the boiler-plate by
 leveraging existing Qt Meta-object information.

 I don't suspect that this is the CORBA criticism. I mean, it's a fair point
 that you often do end up with boiler plate translating type systems, but
 that's mostly a matter of good IDL bindings.

 No, the criticism I would have regarding CORBA or at least the way you may
 quickly end up using it is that it hides something that shouldn't be hidden:

 When working with remote services things _will_ go wrong. There will be
 issues with your connection, there will be issues with the remote side not
 responding (having crashed for example), there will be many such issues. You
 don't see them when developing the system, but during real world deployment
 you run into them, and then it's too late. During development you haven't
 encountered those issues, so your code that calls methods and reads/writes
 properties is written as if it works locally, because it did during your
 testing. Systems like CORBA encourage developers to write code as if the
 method calls were local, completely ignoring the nature of unreliable
 transports and services.

 I feel that mistake is made over and over again in many similar designs. It is
 perhaps one area where the web development is doing better. It's my (perhaps
 incorrect?) impression that web services tend to be accessed using more
 explicit code instead of using transparent method calls or property access.
 The XMLHttpRequest API is one example here, and the promises based fetch() API
 makes this even better IMHO.

This is attempted to be addressed (at least from the QML API) by
having explicit node objects. It can have error handling and state
communication (still to be designed), and fall-back mechanisms like
default values. I agree error handling shouldn't be hidden entirely,
but I would also say that it's still an area where we want to make
developer's lives easier with pre-built common-case logic.

We already have the XMLHttpRequest API for distributed systems. The
point of QRO, as I see it, is something more convenient and more
pre-made by comparison.

 The other aspect that I think is crucial in a distributed system is
 compatibility. This is why systems like thrift and protocol buffers exist:
 They provide type safety (!) and make it really easy to maintain wire
 compatibility. JSON is also okay with this, but it has the huge disadvantage
 that usually json formats are untyped.

Anything you think our transport and protocol layer adapters is
missing in this respect? Even if we first have to write a protocol
layer adapter for each piece of compatibility we want, I imagine we
could eventually hit upon a suitably general (yet performant) protocol
adapter which can become standard.

 In my opinion a system that we promote to Qt developers should learn from
 these mistakes in the past: The API should encourage developers to write
 fault tolerant code (because distributed systems _do_ fail) and it should be
 easy to maintain wire compatibility (just like we do maintain binary

I'll try to remember to add you

Re: [Development] Avoid overloading of 'error'

2015-06-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Hausmann Simon wrote:

 I think renaming the getter to lastError is nice! I however do like error as 
 signal name and it looks good in qml as onError:...

I disagree that it looks good in QML as onError, almost all other
signal handlers are past tense so it is visibly odd. But it's nice to
be so short, so maybe a direct past-tense-ify of onErrored? If you
don't like using error as a verb, we can use a similar (yet shorter)
verb: onErred. Not that I really mind the exact name of the new

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 QML Revision Check

2015-06-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 I have run qmlRevCheck between the 5.4 and 5.5.0 branches, for the
 imports in qtdeclarative/src/imports. Results are attached. Results
 come from generating and parsing new qmltypes files from each branch,
 and comparing them with the qmlRevCheck tool
 ( is the updated version
 to build these days).

 I won't have time to properly look through the results until tomorrow,
 but there is one key thing to note in the output. qmlplugindump
 -builtins will spit out QtQuick types in 5.4, but in 5.5 it's a
 separate file (from qmplugindump -nonrelocatable QtQuick 2.5). I
 compared the 5.4 file to each of the two 5.5 files separately in the
 two output files. But it's a lot of noise, and I'm not quite awake
 enough to filter it out right now.

Okay, the analysis of the qmltypes diff shows the following issues:

1) c07f5b801bd6a94fe862073eb1f1965115a56385 (qtbase) adds a
transitionType property to QAbstractTransition without versioning it.
2) 44ab79012f1662a4efa7c506b6ebc4466c50b3e9 (qtdeclarative) adds
scrollGestureEnabled property to MouseArea without versioning it.

Fixes for these should probably be rushed in to 5.5.0 if we still can,
given they will probably miss the RC. I can help draft those.

3) 40f394ef2e06a6466445e4df54735250939084f0 (qtdeclarative) adds
width/height properties to the Window attached object without
versioning it
4) dad48f0e9cca10528fcaab7ec7d08f678e81b1a9 (qtdeclarative) adds
getDataAsArrayBuffer method to DropEvent without versioning it.

It probably isn't worth rushing the fix in for these, since there's no
real way to collide with new names on attached properties or event
types. Consider yourselves chastised and we'll move on.

5) qmlplugindump is acting up as explained before on the builtins.

I'm inclined to just leave it for 5.5.0. I prefer the new behavior,
but sorting out the differences in the qmltypes file isn't something
to rush through. I advocate splitting QtQuick out into a new qmltypes
file, we can get that done for 5.5.1 or even 5.5.2 so long as it's
ready to check cleanly for 5.5 - 5.6.

Also detected: the new Shortcut type in QtQuick is properly versioned,
hurrah! Well done JP.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] New Qt5.5.0-RC snapshot available

2015-06-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Blasche Alexander wrote:

 I just went through the git log to confirm. There is nothing of
 interest to put in the changelog for QtQuick1 or QtScript (I'd be
 surprised if I found otherwise). Do you really need an empty file

 I'd say yes. It is information for our customers. No file doesn't tell the 
 difference between no difference worthwhile mentioning and we forgot to 
 provide the information.
 Unfotunately our track record would be an indication for the latter.

 I suggest to add a changelog with the usual header and as actual content No 
 changes or sth similar.

I don't think we've done that before. QtScript has had no changelog
since 5.1.1. QtQuick1 has had one changelog (5.3.0, fixed an important
bug it seems) since 5.1.1.

Given the status of those modules, our track record is indicating the
former (at least to me).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 QML Revision Check

2015-06-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 I have run qmlRevCheck between the 5.4 and 5.5.0 branches, for the
 imports in qtdeclarative/src/imports. Results are attached. Results
 come from generating and parsing new qmltypes files from each branch,
 and comparing them with the qmlRevCheck tool
 ( is the updated version
 to build these days).

 I won't have time to properly look through the results until tomorrow,
 but there is one key thing to note in the output. qmlplugindump
 -builtins will spit out QtQuick types in 5.4, but in 5.5 it's a
 separate file (from qmplugindump -nonrelocatable QtQuick 2.5). I
 compared the 5.4 file to each of the two 5.5 files separately in the
 two output files. But it's a lot of noise, and I'm not quite awake
 enough to filter it out right now.

 Okay, the analysis of the qmltypes diff shows the following issues:

 1) c07f5b801bd6a94fe862073eb1f1965115a56385 (qtbase) adds a
 transitionType property to QAbstractTransition without versioning it.
 2) 44ab79012f1662a4efa7c506b6ebc4466c50b3e9 (qtdeclarative) adds
 scrollGestureEnabled property to MouseArea without versioning it.

 Fixes for these should probably be rushed in to 5.5.0 if we still can,
 given they will probably miss the RC. I can help draft those.


These are the necessary changes. If they can't get into 5.5.0 we may
as well just cancel them, the damage will have been done by then.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

[Development] [QtCS] QtRemoteObjects Session Summary

2015-06-09 Thread Alan Alpert
There was late-scheduled session on QtRemoteObjects at QtCS on
Saturday. QtRemoteObjects is a playground module for object remoting
of QObjects, and can be found at .

A brief overview of the existing features:
-Exports QObjects remotely, creates a replicant on the client side you
can interface with
-Network nodes can serve as a registry to allow lookup by name.
-Transport Layer Adapters
-Bjoern is currently working on exporting of QAbstractItemModels

A brief overview of planned features:
-Protocol Layer Adapters
-Investigate merge with QWebChannel (sounds similar, of course no-one
working on QWebChannel was present to confirm).

After it is established with those features and solid quality, it
could be considered to promote it to an add-on module.

The idea with protocol adapters is that currently it only sends
QDataStream output over the wire. I want to send more accessible
JSON-RPC (like) data over the wire for working with node, and Attila
had a demo of getting object data from Meteor (although that was
custom hacked for demo purposes). Protocol adapters will allow you to
serialize it in these other forms, and that is the mechanism by which
we gain compatibility with other languages/frameworks without them
needing explicit QRO support - We'll talk their language if there
exists compatible semantics. They'll probably remain separate from the
transport adapters, but we'll see how the implementation develops.
I'll start looking into the implementation this month.

The question was raised How is this not CORBA?. I'm not that
familiar with CORBA (just read the wikipedia article today), but my
suspicion is that we've cut out a lot of the boiler-plate by
leveraging existing Qt Meta-object information. We have a base case
where we aren't a generic anything to anything layer. We have a very
specific Qt to Qt layer which is far easier to use, and it can be
extended to be Anything to Anything but you'll probably end up doing
as much or more work as CORBA if Qt isn't on either side (side note:
I'm expecting Qt to JS/JSON to be another simplified case by
comparison). The convenience of just being able to hook up objects
remotely in QML - without having to write an extra IDL beforehand (it
comes from moc data) - seems transformative. We may even be able to
write a CORBA protocol adapter that would allow it to interoperate
with CORBA on the other side, although it would probably be a lot of
work that no-one wants and would have worse performance.

I was prototyping my own remote objects in QML until I talked to KDAB
at QtCS - my implementation is nascent and will be silently discarded
in favor of contributing to QtRemoteObjects. But to start the QML API
draft, here's what I had in my separate implementation:

QtObject {
id: testCase
property int test: 1
RemotingServer {
id: server
target: testCase //This object will be remoted
//Note that URL scheme (http here) selects
transport/protocol adapter
url: http://localhost:3071/; //This is the location it is served at
onRunningChanged: console.log(Server running on  + url);
//running property is true iff successfully remoted
RemotingClient {
id: client
url: server.url //This is the location of the remote instance
property int test: 99 //This is a property on the remote
instance we want to listen to. Until the remote connection is made, it
will have a default value of 99

//See below description
objectName: client
promotable: true
//Note it's its own target when not promoted

The objectName and promotable properties combine to support a specific
use-case I was thinking of. If you expose a QObject from C++ to QML
it's usually exposed like
engine.rootContext()-setContextProperty(app, appInstance). If you
use remoting to serve appInstance from another node, you can export
the remote object in the same place (just on the root context) and
leave the UI code unchanged. All you need is a shell around it that
looks like {RemotingClient{promotable:true} MyRealUI {}} when
launching it on the remote host. The way I implemented it so far it
actually checks that property in the root context first, so that you
can have a RemotingClient{} on the local version which just does
nothing and doesn't get in the way (the URL ended up being left unset
in my example, so it didn't even try to start network communications).

Sharing objectName with QObject is primarily a hack for convenience, I
don't like the promotable name so when someone thinks of a better
name we can use something like betterNameName.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtDeclarative.diff

2015-06-09 Thread Alan Alpert
I started working on something that would diff QML API changes a while

It's a little tricky, but it basically is just diffing the
plugins.qmltypes files. After regenerating them and having old full
copies because of the manual editing that occurs sometimes. And you
need to diff the parsed tree because the order of lines changes
sometimes. But I suppose the biggest hurdle to getting that tool in is
that I wanted it to run as an autotest and fail if new symbols appear
which aren't properly versioned (a little more work than just listing

Alan Alpert

On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Liang Qi wrote:
 On 6 June 2015 at 10:52, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:

 On Friday 05 June 2015, Frederik Gladhorn wrote:

 Would there be any way to generate diffs or changes for QML APIs?

 Perhaps a diff for all plugins.qmltypes files? But I guess that not all were
 updated yet.


 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

[Development] [QtCS] QML Runtime Session Summary

2015-06-09 Thread Alan Alpert
The QML runtime session explained the existence and rationale for the
QML runtime (qtdeclarative/tools/qml). The rationale is that it is
more generic than just qmlscene, yet is configurable to have the same
level of convenience for QtQuick (among others). It has a runtime
configuration file which can identfy a partial QtQuick scene and wrap
it in a simple Window, actually part of the sources and bundled via
QRC. The configuration file could be extended for other partial
scenes, such as if Qt3D wants to wrap a simple viewport/canvas around
any Item3D{} partial scene. As it's loaded at runtime, this would not
add any dependencies on Qt3D for the qml binary.

Given the rationale, there was talk of fully replacing qmlscene to
avoid duplicated maintenence. This would require at least
-Fixing all the docs that still point to qmlscene (everywhere)
-Using qml instead of qmlscene in QtCreator
Anything else need to be done before we can deprecate/replace qmlscene?

There is discussion of extending the QML runtime configuration file to
include configuring options. The concept is that you could use this to
have a custom -help if your running your own executable, or that you
could remap the arguments so that qmlscene could be a specially
configured invocation of the QML runtime (while maintaining
compatibility with all CLI arguments).

There were also some questions about whether certain arguments really
belonged there. It might be possible to hide them, maybe even with a
developer configuration file, but others (especially the ones we
didn't implement from qmlviewer) could be implemented via a shell
QML application. An example of such an application might be useful to
add to the examples directory.

A final point about the configuration file, is that we'll need an easy
way to extend it (especially if we use it to customize options in
certain invocations). The idea I have so far (thought up after the
session) is that the configuration file, or individual types in it,
gain a supplemental property. If that is set on the file, then it
will continue the search for configuration files (in the same order as
dfined already) and add their configurations as well. Common case for
that would be a custom config file which wants the built-in as well,
perhaps even built-in + user settings. That still leaves the problem
that wrappers with custom options will need to have a path to a
deployed conf.qml file which has supplemental set on it, so they can
pass that to -f in their #! line.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5

2015-05-09 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On Friday 08 May 2015 16:10:27 Hausmann Simon wrote:

 Compilation wise I agree, it's low effort. But the situation is different in
 Jira IMO.

 Can we declare the module in Deprecated state and keep bug compatibility with
 previous versions? If people are using it to transition from Qt 4, it should
 retain as much of Qt 4's behaviour as possible. That includes buggy behaviour
 that applications have most likely already worked around.

 We should fix only security issues, severe crashes and any issue resulting 
 loading both Qt Quick 1 and 2 into memory.

That's what I thought the status was already, and it seems the right
level of support for the Qt 5 lifetime.,n,z
isn't showing a huge burden, Simon said the issue was just JIRA. So
maybe rename Declarative (QML1/QtQuick1) to Declarative (2010 ed.)
to give the right impression?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] RFC: RAII for property changes

2015-04-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
 On 2015-04-15 10:43, Marc Mutz wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 April 2015 11:49:56 André Somers wrote:
 void MyClass::setFoo(QString value)
PropertyGuard guard(this, foo);  //foo is the name of the Q_PROPERTY

m_foo = value;

 This is an interesting idea, though I don't think I have encountered the
 problems with which you motivate PropertyGuard.

I have, it comes up a lot in objects used as an interface to QML
(where every fooChanged signal will probably trigger binding
re-evaluation or JS blocks). I don't think it's that hard to manage,
but PropertyGuard does look easier and saves some boilerplate code.

 For use in a library, though, I fear the string-based mechanism is too
 inefficient. For use within QtWidgets, say, I'd suggest a mechanism that 
 on the member data directly.

I think it's fine to tie it to the property system, since conceptually
it needs a both a read and a notify on the datum.

For performance, allow passing in a metaproperty index instead of a
property name string. It will still invoke the getter, but they're
rarely that complicated (and when they are, you need to go off the
getter value*).

 FWIW I had the same thought; also, I'm not a fan of needing the
 Q_UNUSED, or using a macro to 'hide' it.

 What about something like this?

   QPropertyGuard g{this};
   g.addProperty(a); // use QObject::property
   g.addProperty(b, m_b); // take value member by reference
   g.addProperty(m_c, cChanged); // ...and also slot address

 It's slightly redundant because declaring the guard and adding a
 property are separate, but there is no unused object, and you can use
 the same guard for multiple properties.

The common case is one property I think, so keep that case to one
line. I'd envision using it in all my basic setters to save code at
the start of a project, and then when the features start to creep in
it's easier to add complexity into the setters.

Still, you could always leave in a convenience constructor or just
wrap it in a macro as before.

* Example of when you need to go off getter value instead of member is
usually sometime like implicit width, where the getter looks like
getWidth() {
if (m_width == -1)
return m_implicitWidth;
return m_width;
In this case, if you have m_width = 80, m_implicitWidth = 80, and call
setWidth(-1), then you actually don't want to emit widthChanged even
though m_width is updated.

That was just an example, not how implicit width actually is
implemented in QtQuick.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Is QML Item design deliberately hindering C++ interaction?

2015-02-03 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Alex Montgomery wrote:
 Is it a design goal of QML/Quick to discourage C++ interaction? I ask
 because every DevDays talk I attend includes some version of the
 phrase any reasonably complex QML application will have C++ doing its
 back-end work, but yet I keep running into QML classes that hide
 important Qt C++ classes / data in their private implementation. I
 honestly am just trying to figure out if the philosophy of Qt Quick is
 to facilitate C++ interaction or discourage it.

 The strangest example of this push-pull is how Qt Quick handles drag
 and drop. If you derive from QQuickItem to handle drags, you get the
 classic Qt C++ API that uses classes like QDragEnterEvent and
 QDropEvent. Awesome. If you instead want to handle drops in QML, you
 get the Frankenstein class DragEvent, known in C++ as
 QQuickDropEvent. This class is a strange mix of C++ only and C++
 hostile. If a drop has urls in its mime, you must use the urllist
 property, which is complete opaque/unusable to QML, so must be handled
 in C++ (See ). However, if
 you want to access the mime type directly and read custom mimetypes in
 C++, you can't, because QQuickDropEvent does not expose (but does keep
 internally) the actual QDropEvent that it encapsulates. So if you want
 to make custom mime data with bytearray-style blobs, you have to rely
 on its invokable function getDataAsString which may or may not
 mangle your binary data. I honestly can't tell. If I do a toLatin1()
 on it, will I get back the exact data in the mime type? I'm skeptical
 at best.

 TLDR: Are QML classes supposed to rely on C++ interactions or are they
 supposed to abstract them out of C++'s reach and force programmers to
 handle events in QML? I really want to know, because the answer right
 now seems to be both and it makes good architecture nearly

The good architecture, which is conveniently supposed to be enforced
by our inflexibility, is for QML to be the front-end/UI layer and C++
to be the back-end/business layer. So abstract data is supposed to be
easy to pass between the two, but UI classes (like QDragEnterEvent)
are not.

The custom Items case goes against this intended split. Custom
QQuickItems is not the C++ interaction that we commonly expect in QML
applications, and having to create your own custom QML items in C++
should be far, far rarer than creating your own custom QWidgets was.
If you are creating custom items you are going to hit some rough spots
due to the UI layer trying to stay contained from the C++ back-end. In
general we prefer to extend the functionality of the QtQuick elements
and the QML language to remove the need for custom QQuickItems.

That said, we still want custom items to be possible and not too hard
- the need is lessened compared to widgets but certainly not gone.
Binary data handling is something that we don't currently support in
QML well, and until we do custom QQuickItems seems like a reasonable
solution. This specific case is just a defect in our handling of drag
and drop (one of the more immature parts of QtQuick, I'll admit). It
should certainly be possible in theory to do custom binary mime data
from a custom QQuickItem, and it sounds like the current
implementation doesn't support that as well as it should.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a break in behavior in QML Text element

2015-02-03 Thread Alan Alpert
/12/opening-a-file-in-qml.html just to 
 be able to read a file.  And I/O should be more agnostic about local and 
 remote resources, as long as the fact that you are doing I/O is explicit 
 rather than unintended.

 Sometimes you want network access to be really easy.  Other times you want to 
 avoid security problems that come from unintentional network or filesystem 
 access.  So we need to make it easy to go either direction, and enforce it 

On this point, I'm hoping that we can make QML more flexible.
Depending on how your configure your QQmlEngine, it could be as locked
down as HTML or as open as native C. Which I currently imagine to be
implemented mainly by import restrictions and easy local file I/O
would go in a separate QtQml.* import (like how creating new windows
goes in a separate QtQuick.Window import). That's the goal, and makes
it easy in both directions, but it does mean local I/O should be
handled differently in order to be consistent down the line. Until
then we need to maintain the current behavior where a custom
QNetworkAccessManager can intelligently deny most requests, routing
through QNAM is why I/O is remote focused right now.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Modifying QQmlFileSelector selector at runtime without Loader or Component

2014-12-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 8:29 PM, wrote:


 I would like to modify the extraSelectors of QQmlFileSelector at runtime
 and have QML load the new QML file from the appropriate selector folder.
 I have gotten this to work by calling setExtraSelectors() from a C++
 object I have exposed to QML and then forcing a re-evaluation of the
 Loader's source property:

 Loader {
  id: myLoader
  source: Qt.resolvedUrl(MyItem.qml)

 Connections {
  target: myCppObject
  onSelectorChanged: myLoader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(MyItem.qml)

 Now, for my use case I really need the ability to achieve the same
 behavior without using Loader or Component. I essentially want something
 like this:

 MyItem { }

 Connections {
  target: myCppObject
  onSelectorChanged: // when selector changes, the MyItem instance
  above is automatically resolved to the MyItem definition in the
  appropriate selector folder.

 How can this be accomplished?

This cannot be accomplished (I actually tried last year). The problem
is that you have an actual instance of MyItem there, and there's no
way to magically map it into another instance. You have to destroy
that instance and bring up a new one - which basically means Loader.

What you probably want is to have certain parts of the instance shift,
but not destroy the whole instance. For that I recommend using QtQuick
States. You can have a base state, and then a list of property changes
to things within the instance in a sub state and use transitions to
animate it. That shifts the parts of the instance that need to,
without destroying the whole thing. Or save state in another object
(such as in a QtObject{} on the Loader) and bind your internal state
to that so that you can use the Loader approach to recreate whole

PS: Moving to qt-interest since you didn't seem to be offering to
develop this feature as a part of Qt.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] bundle support in QML

2014-12-07 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Chris Adams

 Sure.  I think there are advantages to be had from bundling, obviously,
 but those don't really exist right now.  +1 from me.

I'm of the same opinion. Can't defend keeping it, if it's not actually
providing any value right now.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and UUID

2014-08-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 August 2014 01:36:54 Renaud wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am running into issue when I try to use QQuickImageProvider and

 I store my images into mapQString,QPixmap. The key is the uuid
 (stored as QString) from instances of my custom class.

 So, stored keys in the map are like this:
 {22715e73-e6ca-4cca-a77d-fe68746b9f79}, but when my QML component asks
 to the provider, the provider receives this kind of key:

 It can not find any match. Is There a way to prevent the modification
 in QML world ?
 Of course, I can implement some workarounds, such as remove curly
 braces or use other kind of key.  But it will be really painful.

 That's a URL transformation.

 How did the string come from QML world? Did you pass it to a function that
 expects a URL?

Yes, QtQuick image providers look like this in the QML file: Image {
source: image://myimageprovider/key } . The URL gets broken down and
the key gets sent to the appropriate QQuickImageProvider.

The idea is that the key should be something human readable, but if
you need to pass through machine-readable UUIDs then probably just use
the URL decoding functions on it.

See also:,

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt6, Qt7 roadmap?

2014-08-09 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 7:21 AM, charleyb123 . wrote:
 Just a silly question related to the Qt roadmap (I don't want to distract
 this weekend's Qt5.4 freeze-activity):

 Qt6 (and even Qt7) has been mentioned on this list in the past year, and I
 was curious if there were a 30,000-mile-high-view of what might be
 on-deck for consideration.

 A web-search or search doesn't really show much discussion:

 A Jira Road Map report doesn't really show much:

 For example, Qt5 might be summarized something like (I'm sure I'm missing

 *- New modularized-library infrastructure
 *- C++11, function-pointers for signals/slots
 *- QML as solid dev/deploy platform
 *- Balanced focus on both desktop and mobile
 *- Connectivity/Networking improvements
 *- Big investments in OpenGL, Qt3D
 *- Deployment of new Qt Platform Abstraction
 *- Mobile deployment, App-store deployment
 *- New platforms, (e.g., Android, iOS, Win8, WinRT, BB10, ...)
 *- Transition from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine
 *- Start of rework on QtPrinter
 *- etc.

 IMHO, that's a pretty fantastic list (and I'm sure I've missed some).  When
 you throw in tremendous advances in QtCreator, embedded-device and
 Boot-to-Qt support, and work on QBS, and new features like Enginio
 (web/cloud), it speaks a very compelling story.

 Possible future items might be something like:

 *- ?? C++14/17 support (recall that the C++ Standards committee is looking
 at speculative work to support modules and possibly runtime-reflection,
 and I know Thiago has been looking at how that might be relevant to
 *- ?? Qt3D advances
 *- ?? QML packaging/plugins/deployment work
 *- ?? Cross-process signals/slots (pretty please? ;-))
 *- ?? New modules
 *- ??

As Robert mentioned, Qt 6 break would be for breaking current
features, not adding new ones. Odds are it's going to be driven from
the QtQuick/QtQml side, as that's the part with the most stuff we want
to break. So when we want to switch to QtQuick 3 and version 3 of the
QML language, that's when I expect we'll start planning a Qt 6.

We're not there yet, but there are some things in QtQuick which are
already scheduled for QtQuick 3 (when we get around to it). In
particular the Window type needs to be broken out to be a QML-only
wrapper type, based on QQuickItem, instead of exposing QQuickWindow
directly. A bunch of properties also where we might want to change the
default value, but that's just breaking stuff so it depends on how
much of a break we want QtQuick 3 to be. We already know that we want
it to be less of a break than QtQuick 1-2; since we don't expect to
replace SceneGraph that could mean that QtQuick 3 and QtQuick 2
elements could co-exist on the same scene.

It's also expected that the new ModelViews would replace the current
ModelViews in QtQuick 3. Given how we haven't even completed the
research phase of the new ModelViews, you can see that QtQuick 3 is
likely still years away.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] How does QML versioning work?

2014-07-28 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:59 PM, Koehne Kai wrote:
 -Original Message-
 Subject: [Development] How does QML versioning work?

 Hi all,

 We have a very clearly defined policy on what changes are allowed new
 versions of Qt:

 - Patch release: Source  binary compatible bug fixes only
 - Minor release: Source  binary compatible bug fixes and new features
 - Major release: Incompatible changes allowed

 What about QML modules? I couldn't find a similar policy outlined anywhere;
 does one exist?

No separate policy exists. It's the exact same policy for Qt QML APIs
as Qt C++ APIs. At least, it is at the high level described above.

for how this gets implemented in QML versions.

The only difference is that QML modules are using divergent version
numbers to Qt (which was originally something that C++ modules were
going to do as well, but I don't think they are right now). So those
rules need to be applied to the QML module version, not the Qt
version. QML modules all move at different rates and the maintainers
can choose to advance faster or slower than Qt if needed.

Speaking as QtQuick maintainer, we are not moving faster or slower
than Qt for the forseeable future. So since QtQuick is at v2.3 in Qt
v5.3, we'll be at v2.4 in Qt v5.4, under the above Minor release
constraints. Same policy, different numbers, different implementation.

 I'm not sure it's written down anywhere. Anyhow, that's how _I_ understand 
 the policy so far:
 - The major number is bumped for rewritings (e.g. API is removed, or altered).
 - The minor number is bumped for new API.
 - Fixes that do not introduce new API (behavioral changes) do not require a 
 version change.

 Qt Quick modules have to keep the source/binary compatibility promises of Qt, 
 but are otherwise versioned independently.

 That is,
 - All import versions have to be supported until a new Qt major release.
 - Qt minor releases might contain new imports, and new import versions.
 - Qt patch releases might contain new import versions, too [1].
 - Import versions do not need to be bumped in a Qt release.

This is all correct, although I prefer my explanation ;) .



 [1]: There's precedence for this in Qt 4.x times, and actually one of the 
 reasons why a separate scheme for e.g. QtQuick was introduced. Anyhow, it's 
 IMO something best to be avoided.

It is best to be avoided, but there are cases, like in Qt 4.7.4, where
it's the lesser of two evils.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] How to have equivalent of function over-riding in Qml

2014-07-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 8:41 PM, travik wrote:

 Thanks for the very quick reply.
 Thank you for clarifying my understanding of correct derivation in Qml


 Hi In continuation of the previous post - I now got it working to invoke
 the base class / derived class implementations correctly from extenal
 Now the question is: Can I have my derived class, call the base class
 implementation as part of its functionality?
 C++ equivalent would be something like this:
 class Base
   void method1()
 std::cout  Base::method1()..  std::endl;

 class Derived: public Base
   void method1()
 std::cout  Derived::method1()..pre..  std::endl;

 // Derived class uses the base class implementation fully
 // and does something extra on its own.. true case of extending the
 // functionality, if I may say so!

 std::cout  Derived::method1()  std::endl;

 Qml Equivalent would be (to the extent I have figured out)

function method1()

 Derived.qml (in the same folder as Base.qml)
function method1()

 I tried this, it ended up in recursive loop, obviously!!
id: myBase

function method1()

 //  myBase.method1() // --- calls the same method recursively

 //  Base.method1()  // --- this line gives undefined object,


This is not currently possible. I think a mechanism for it was
proposed at QtCS (can't find the notes) but is not yet implemented.

As a workaround, you can do something like the following
QtObject {
property var method1: __method1
function __method1() {}

QtObject {
method1: __method2
function __method2() {__method1();}

Then, in other files where you call method1(), it uses the JS var
(pointing to the function) which had its valued changed in the derived

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

[Development] QtQuick QtCS Sessions

2014-06-14 Thread Alan Alpert
Here are the results and brief summaries of the 3 QtQuick related
sessions, where we came up with some suggested new properties and
types for QtQuick.

Touch and Gestures:

No real solution other than handling Mouse, Touch, and Gestures
(system gestures, no gesture manager). Also looking into new grab
transfer mechanisms in QtQuick, such as a MouseArea.priority property
for automatic transfer.


Proposed new module, QtQmlGui (working title), which exposes non-core
stuff to QML but can be shared between QtQuick and other modules (like
Qt3D). Proposed new types, PolarPositioner, MouseRegion,

Declarative QML:

Proposed new property, deferredLoading, on Item, to solve the less
dynamic uses of Loader. Proposed new element, StateChange, to allow
more declarative state changing. Big solutions of pull bindings and a
pragma strictly-declarative are a lot of work, unlikely to occur soon.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.3 qmltypes update

2014-05-01 Thread Alan Alpert
If your module has QML types, and you provide a qmltypes file, you
still need to update those manually each release.

Until we have an automated tool for this (I started work on one in
5.2, but it doesn't work anymore), a manual inspection of the qmltypes
file diffs can also help identify any QML type revisioning errors (or
accidentally exposed members). I recommend you do this if your module
has QML types.

I've done it for qtdeclarative just now (apologies for being a bit
late in the release process), it resulted in two changes; one for
qtbase and one for qtdeclarative:,84465,84468

Mostly just people forgetting to revision new signals, but one lucky
guy got his code into 5.3 when he clearly wasn't expecting it to make
it until 5.4 ;) . Ideally when we have an automated process for
updating qmltypes, it can do some replacement logic to pick the minor
version for new features instead of people having to guess.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-30 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:32 PM, Rutledge Shawn wrote:

 On 29 Apr 2014, at 7:51 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:

 (3) Document that accessing ids from other .qml files without any interface 
 (just relying on the fact that they are in the context) creates hard to 
 maintain QML code.

 Agreed (honestly, it should already be there, I guess was never

 Again, we have some rough plans for a .pragma strict. Which should ban 

 What exactly do you want to ban and what are the best alternatives?  Without 
 any interface implies there is a right way to share.

Correct answer: Define an interface. Probably best explained via the
attached examples: Bad has no interface defined for the object
reference, Good does.

Runner up: Singletons. When you can't or don't want to pass references
to individual object instances, you can pass it to a shared interface
instance and use that. Which is QML singletons, and is fairly
convenient already (though there are known issues like QTBUG-34418
which can make it less convenient than it should).

Workaround: Shared JS file. Does most of the same stuff as the
singleton (biggest exception: QTBUG-21844 ), and is available in
earlier versions. Should singletons be available, use them instead as
they have the declarative and typed interface benefits.

 In practice I'm often not sure about the scoping rules, so when something 
 that I think should be accessible is not, I'm often not sure if that is a bug 
 but just start looking for another way to do it (which sometimes can be 

If an id is not in file scope, then it's either a bug or an ugly
hidden feature that we keep around for convenience but you aren't
supposed to use ;) .

Alan Alpert
import QtQuick 2.1

MouseArea {
onClicked: anItem.color = blue
import QtQuick 2.1

MouseArea {
property Rectangle target
onClicked: target.color = blue
import QtQuick 2.1

Rectangle {
id: anItem
color: red
width: 200
height: 200
BadUser {
anchors.fill: parent
import QtQuick 2.1

Rectangle {
id: anItem
color: red
width: 200
height: 200
GoodUser {
target: anItem
anchors.fill: parent
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-30 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 6:33 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Wednesday 30. April 2014 15.25.35 Hartmann Thomas wrote:

 the original idea was to get rid of the need to write Java Script to change
 a state (state = newState) and find a declarative way to change states.
 The rest then came naturally.


 While we're on the state property: It's publically accessible through
 setProperty/property. Does anyone know a reason as to why the setState/state
 setters/getters aren't public API in QQuickItem itself? (but

The QString state property and setState/state setters/getters are
public API in my checkout of QQuickItem (release branch).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Hartmann Thomas wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:34 PM, André Pönitz wrote:
 I think at least three modifications are inavoidable: For one, things that
 could be written in a declarative way but which currently are only possible
 using JavaScript, a declarative way should be added. Second, it should be
 stressed in the documentation (including the examples), that using
 inline imperative code is naughty. This can be supported by e.g. the QML
 Designer refusing to operate on such files. People can still do that, but
 would be on their own. And finally, and that's also acting as a proof that
 the first two items actually have been done, the JavaScript dependency
 should be _optional_.

 Can we turn this into action points we _all_ agree on?
 My personal favorites are (In no strict order):

 (1) Identify non declarative parts of Qt Quick and add declarative API (e.g. 
 setting states)

Agreed. This is my personal favorite ;) .

 (2) Document that inline Java Script and mixing declarative and imperative 
 code in one file has its pitfalls in big projects and creates issues for 
 tooling. Explain the difference between pure declarative QML and QMLJS and 
 the impact on tooling.


While I think that mixing declarative and imperative code in one file
has it's advantages in small projects, there should be a clear line
between pure declarative and toolable vs you're on your own. I'd
like to see something like .pragma declarative which defines this
line, such that if you add .pragma declarative un-toolable JS blocks
or bindings become compile errors.

 (3) Document that accessing ids from other .qml files without any interface 
 (just relying on the fact that they are in the context) creates hard to 
 maintain QML code.

Agreed (honestly, it should already be there, I guess was never

Again, we have some rough plans for a .pragma strict. Which should ban this.

 (4) Writing (more) QML(JS) static analyzers that can check/enforce a proper 
 strict mode for QML.

Agreed, see .pragma strict comments. Speaking of which, this idea
has been around for a while:

 (5) Write refactoring tools that help to clean up existing code.

Kinda agree. If we have the two .pragma's mentioned then this is
purely a convenience step (because they can find all cases by using
the .pragmas).

It's probably not worth writing a full refactoring tool that can turn
anything into a .pragma declarative/strict file. Just do what's
convenient to tool and users can do the rest (if they wish).

 (6) Fix/cleanup existing demos and examples.

Agreed. This is probably a good step to do in conjunction with (1), so
as to ensure that the added declarative APIs make sense. In most
cases, the added declarative APIs should make more sense even for the
primitive (non-tool) users and we can verify it here.

 (7) Investigate how we can improve the interplay of QML and C++. Especially 
 in C++/backend heavy projects.

Agreed. Known issues:
Can't find task: More powerful QJSEngine API so that C++
value-type-like objects can be exposed as JS objects when you want
more control at the cost of convenience (in conjunction with above)

But there's probably some additional research to be done too.

 As a second step the actual work has to be done of course.

Yeah, that's always the biggest issue... Every time these discussions
come up there's no major theoretical point of contention. It's just
that the work still hasn't been done and we all like arguing.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-28 Thread Alan Alpert
]. It also feels like API reviews for QML are less rigorous than
 for C++, [5] but that topic is for another day.

Same as in C++, those both depend on the individual reviewer. There's
just less general consensus available for QML, because it's so new, so
I'd recommended adding more reviewers for QML doc/API reviews (and
giving longer for comments before merging) compared to C++ reviews.
But that again depends more on the individual contributor and how big
a rush they feel they're in.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-28 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Bubke Marco wrote:

 Alan Alpert:
 That said, part of the path from becoming a trailblazer to being the
 dominant force ruling the world is IDE and tooling support. We want to
 improve tooling capabilities wherever we can do so (without
 compromising the 'untooled' developer experience - I know they

 Hmm, again a hard code programmer who is writing his code in CLAY
 with his own fingertips. Sometimes he thinks about using this new tool
 Stick but that would be uncool. ;-)

I want Clay, Stick and Pen (a mythical future development, the
likes of which we cannot even imagine!) developers all supported. Just
because I'm set in my ways doesn't mean that I should force them on
others, or be shunned because I'm different. The path of the idealist
is hard, but ultimately rewarding.

 frequently clash, and the direct dev exp. takes precedence IMHO). This
 may require fresh new trailblazing tools, but that's just the nature
 of progress.

 So we waiting that you writing this fresh new trailblazing tools! But maybe
 you like more to stick with your fingers in CLAY. ;-)

I'm happy with my current tool set. My point here was more that we
*may* need to innovate on the visual tools, and not end up with a
clone of Qt Designer. But since I don't use the visual tools, I'm not
the authority here. I just want us to consider that both sides, the
tooling and the tool-ability, are flexible so they may both grow to
meet in the middle (conceptually grow, in terms of implementation
you've obviously grown the QML tooling a lot already).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-28 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:34 PM, André Pönitz wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 11:12:47AM -0700, Alan Alpert wrote:
 Yes, I agree that more rigorous and agreed definitions would be
 helpful. It also takes time, and impedes innovation, so I'm not sure
 if we're quite mature enough to nail down QML just yet. Should be
 soon though, in the next few years.

 To get this straight: After five years of development the Maintainer of
 the Qt Declarative module is neither able nor willing to give a simple
 definition of what QML is.

Able, yes. Willing, no. The totality of the experience can and should
depend on the reader at this stage.

To put it another way, if I just say what QML should be it will be
sufficiently divorced from reality as to be useless. For example,
QtQuick and QML should have a good C++ API, and good tooling which
both supports writing the QML/JS/C++ code faster and visually
designing (in strict mode) components made from all three languages,
while always maintaining a live preview on device. That one sentence
requires years of work to implement, and doesn't even touch upon the
primary goal of QtQuick (that skilled developer-designers can create
custom user experiences efficiently). Note that the primary goal of
QML is to support QtQuick in this endeavor.

Until the ideal world is in sight, it's an expedient method to take a
reasonable current state and iterate on it based on user feedback.
Hopefully when we redo this discussion for Qt 6 and QML V3.0, we'll be
where we can look at the gap to the ideal state and cut it into
manageable chunks. I'm willing to give this a try at the contributor
summit, but I still think we're too far away for that to be more
productive than targeting current user pain points directly.

PS: Despite the near infinite gulf to perfection I still think we're
closer than any other UI Framework ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.3 header diff: QtQuick

2014-04-23 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Tuesday 22. April 2014 16.37.50 Thiago Macieira wrote:
 Em ter 22 abr 2014, às 14:12:46, Thiago Macieira escreveu:

 Looks fine from the C++ side. I have no clue what those Q_REVISION changes
 do to QML.

 I don't think we need them actually, but they won't hurt :)

I don't think there's any way to revision the added RESET signal. But
since it's a bool, code that tried to assign undefined wouldn't have
compiled before anyways.

The Q_REVISIONs look like they're on new signals, in which case they
are actually needed. But this means the changes look fine from the QML
side :) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Changelogs for 5.3.0

2014-04-23 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 Please find attached the raw logs for each of the modules that had any
 [ChangeLog] in the v5.2.1..origin/release range.

 I'm taking responsibility of editing the one for qtbase.

 For all other modules, I'd like someone to reply to this email saying they'll
 be the editor. Otherwise, there will be no changelog for the module at all,
 because I won't do it.

I'll edit qtquick1. First draft at,83982 (and it's just one
item... probably ready to go).

Also qtdeclarative, which I didn't see in the attachments, but running
the script and adding the output to the existing changelog gives
another 'first' draft:,83983

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QScreen API

2014-04-18 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Aleix Pol wrote:
 Yesterday I was trying to figure out a problem I've been having on some code
 that keeps track of screen management changes on my system. After some
 investigation I came to the conclusion that my problem was in Qt [1].

 I'm sending this e-mail to know what's the status on the subject, if this is
 something we'd like to fix or we have to adopt a solution specific for the
 project (actually we already have a libkscreen, that would work). Still the
 current state doesn't look good and we probably want to have it fixed in Qt.

That bug sounds like it's in the xcb platform plugin and should be fixed there.

 Furthermore, we realized that there's some API we're lacking as well, at
 least we'd need to have a QGuiApplication::primaryScreenChanged signal and
 probably a QGuiApplication::screenRemoved signal as well (this way we
 wouldn't have to connect to QObject::destroyed on the screens).

Those signals both make a lot of sense. It also makes it sound like we
might want some sort of Screen manager abstraction in Qt 6, which
could do all this change handling plus be aware of virtual desktops
and stuff.

 TL;DR, what do the maintainers think of the screen management API we have?
 Is anybody working on it? Is it documented anywhere why it was designed this
 way? Am I missing something?

I am not too happy with the screen management API we have. Here's a short rant:

It doesn't work conveniently cross-platform (or reliably across all
platforms). You can technically do most of what you need about
hardware screens, but it's confusing when virtual desktops span
screens (and it sounds like it's missing some APIs for that as well).
I've been looking into QML abstractions to make it easier for QtQuick,
but the QScreen APIs work on so few platforms that I've given up for

The one case where the API does work is when plugging an HDMI output
into a BB10 device. So the mobile/embedded usecase of a completely
separate screen works on one platform, but isn't easy (presumably a
lot of QNX cases would work too, but the embedded world doesn't talk
that much). I don't know whether app developers want to think about
one virtual desktop or multiple physical screens in most cases. Think
about a cross-platform app written for mobile which might just want
another window instead when on desktop. Or a desktop app might want to
use a secondary screen when available on mobile but doesn't care about
the existence of two physical screens on one virtual desktop. These
cases are quite a pain to implement right now, if at all possible (I
haven't tried, but I assume something could be hacked together which
no-one would be proud of).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QWindow::setScreen() and QQuickWindow

2014-04-16 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 6:18 AM, Rafael Roquetto wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 02:47:03PM +0200, Friedemann Kleint wrote:

 actually re-creating the window is a bit wasteful given that the screens
 are part of a larger virtual desktop in most cases. A move() would be
 sufficient. The QWindow/QScreen logic as it is is somehow not well
 suited for virtual desktops in which the screen is determined by the

 I see your point, but in practice, specially in embedded systems, the larger
 virtual desktop premise is not valid. BlackBerry phones have an extra HDMI
 port apart from their own display that behaves idependently. Also, the way I
 came accross this bug was on an embedded system with two independent screens.
 I just wanted to let you know the context.

 So maybe we should go the documentation way?

It's best for now to just add the documentation over changing
behavior. At some point we need to harmonize the multi-screen APIs so
that it works consistently on desktop, embedded and mobile (because
currently it only works right on BlackBerry phones). But I believe
that's scheduled for after we harmonize the multi-window APIs to work
consistently on mobile (i.e. Android).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QWindow::setScreen() and QQuickWindow

2014-04-11 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Rafael Roquetto wrote:

 I have been investigating an interesting bug (using QNX as the platform for
 Qt). Here is a brief summary:

 (all code inside main() and before app.exec())

 QQuickView v;
 v.setScreen(someSecondScreen);; // works as expected


 QQuickView v;;
 v.setScreen(someSecondScreen); // window is never shown

 Is this the expected behavior?

Yes. setScreen expects to destroy the backing window and recreate it,
so it passes onto users the expectation that they will have to reset
all window properties afterwards.

I'm not sure what QQuickView should do, but in the declarative case
where you might have a Window { visible: true; visibility:
Window.FullScreen } it would be expected to reset all the properties
to what's in QML. I doubt it does that yet, and that's a bug ;) .

 The reason this happens is because
 QWindow::setScreen() calls destroy(), which triggers setVisible(false).
 Afterwards, it calls create() but create() never bothers to display the window
 again. In other words, it does

 QWindow::setVisible(true) //coming from show();
 QWindow::setVisible(false) //coming from setScreen() - destroy()

 For some reason beyond my knowledge, QtWidgets do not suffer for this bug,

 QWidget w;
 w.setScreen(secondScreen);; // works!

 QWidget w;;
 w.setScreen(secondScreen); // also works

 I digged a bit inside the QWidget code and it also follows the pattern of
 having setVisible(true) followed by setVisible(false) called, just like in the
 QQuickWindow case. However, something is happening that in spite of that the
 widget is being shown regardlessy.

 Any thoughts? Comments?

Last time I was playing around with multiwindow support (about a year
ago), QNX was the only platform where setScreen worked reliably. So
the strange stuff happening could be related to the platform
implementation, as we have no other platforms to compare it with. It
also makes it hard to determine the correct multi-screen API, when
there's no clear picture of how it would work on the majority of

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML testing

2014-03-04 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Joshua Kolden wrote:
 Sorry, one other thing.  It would also be great if the qml test framework 
 could understand javascript .map files so as to point to the correct source 
 file lines.  

You should file a suggestion on . That
sounds like an interesting feature, which could benefit Qt Creator's
JS debugger as well, but it might be worth waiting until it's
standardized before adding it to QML.

 On Mar 3, 2014, at 3:34 PM, Joshua Kolden wrote:

 I've done a buch of work with TDD and qml now, and built a very nice test 
 framework in coffeescript with before each after each; nice spec style 
 'it has a feature`, signal handling, color coded output the whole bit.

 There are, however, two remaining big frustrations that make continuous 
 testing during development very challenging.  One is the tendency for the 
 test runner to pull focus, for longer running tests it makes it nearly 
 impossible to leave the test system running while coding.  Every time you 
 save a watched file focus is pulled away from the text editor and may or may 
 not ever come back. If one is working in full screen mode on a mac then the 
 entire screen is shifted to a different desktop even if no actually GUI pops 
 up.  Is there any way to keep this from happening?

I'd like to know this too, because there's the same problem with the
QtDeclarative tests. As far as I know, if you're testing window focus
it's just not avoidable.

 The second issue is the hard stop on test failure.  Actually there is even a 
 hard stop if a SignalSpy.wait() doesn't receive it's signal.  It may not be 
 an error for a signal not to fire, so I don't agree with the behavior that 
 SignalSpy.wait() fails hard.  However, even the test conditions shouldn't 
 stop code execution.  It makes it very hard to predictably reset the 
 environment for the next test.  I can't do things like after each test dump 
 the LocalStorage, or prior to each test ask my web service if a test object 
 still exists (wait for signal from XMLHttpRequest) and call the server's 
 delete api if it does, and move on to the test either way.  I'd love to be 
 able to wait for either success or fail signals at the same time so I can 
 jump right to debugging the issue instead of simply getting a uninformative 
 failure because a success signal did not fire, but as it is I can only 
 include SignalSpy.wait if it is exactly the only thing I expect to happen.  
 I can call wait() a
 nd then look at each spy's count, but that makes the test very difficult to 
read, and starts spinning off into absurd complexity in every individual test 
to handle just a few conditional signals.

I think the call wait and check case is what you're expected to do
here. Couldn't you just write your own wrapper over that to prevent
the complexity skyrocketing in your tests?

I haven't seen testing of conditional signals much though, so I could
be misunderstanding how they're being used.

 So I'd like to know if there is any way to alter these two behaviors as it 
 stands now now.  I'm hard pressed to understand a reason to fail hard when a 
 test condition fails, is this deliberate behavior?

Yes, a general premise in QtTest is that test failures are blocking.
If you hit a case where the test fails then the state is presumed to
be invalid and the test case is not continued. The alternative is to
have the possibility of confusing run-on failures. I don't know how
it works with TDD, but at least when you write the tests second then
every test failure should be fixed - so you may as well fix it and
then re-run the tests for the next bit.

 Also, I'd like to ask whoever is working on the QML test case stuff if these 
 are features that could be included in the near future (perhaps even as the 
 default behavior).

If you find a way to change keyboard focus inside the window without
changing the window focus, I would love to see a patch submitted for
that on gerrit. As always, the best chance of seeing it included in
the near future is to submit a patch.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Ameliorate API Reviewing (Was: On the effectiveness of time based releases)

2014-02-25 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Friedemann Kleint wrote:

  - Have an API review board, and for

 A review board would indeed be a good thing to have, not necessarily
 restricted to API reviews only.

 The problem also currently is that reviewers are distracted by a lot of
 mundane things (check for compilation, compiler warnings, check
 indentation style, style issues, check for potential performance issues,
 messages, spelling, functionality smoke testing, checking autotests...),
 potentially over quite a few review rounds.

Actually, my thought about the API review board is that those
reviewers, when pulled in, are looking only at the API. They can
ignore all that other stuff, leaving it for someone else to review,
and just leave their +1 if the API is good. Or a +2 if another
developer already checked the implementation part.

 If there was a review board (supported by more automated testing) making
 sure each change passes all those criteria before a developer gets to
 see it, it would be a lot easier to focus on the API.

One thing's for sure, if we have a review board we need a clear policy
on whether to call them in first or second.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

[Development] Ameliorate API Reviewing (Was: On the effectiveness of time based releases)

2014-02-24 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 Em seg 24 fev 2014, às 19:00:28, Frederik Gladhorn escreveu:
  Some of those features then either caused regressions (... ok,
  that's what betas are for, although it may also be a symptom of poor
  testing in order to get the feature in), or are highly debatable
  from an API / technical point of view (which is even worse, because
  we can't change APIs or behaviour once we release).

 Yes, I feel we haven't reviewed new public API in a sensible way. Any
 suggestions how to make this work? In the Nokia days (and earlier of
 course)  there were long long sessions discussing API and perfecting it. In
 a sense it's really hard to achieve the same over IRC and mail, but maybe
 we should come up with a better way of dealing with this.

 I agree with the rest of what Frederik said, so I'm deleting it and focusing
 on the part above: API reviews.

Yes, that needs work. Which I think is mostly independent of the
branching/releasing discussion (on which, my opinion is that the
release team can decide - if I learned dev/stable/release at their
request I can learn anything ;) ).

 From our release guidelines, alpha means we're releasing something for 
 the functionality will be reviewed. So API reviews done before an Alpha are to
 guarantee minimum alignment with Qt API guidelines. I've done several of those
 and I've seen others do the same, so it seems like we are doing it.

 However, since the point of an Alpha is to gather feedback on the
 functionality and API, it's not frozen in time. There's a lot of opportunity
 left to review it and modify the API. So a second round of comprehensive API
 review on any new things should be done after the alpha.

 Of course, this all depends on the size and complexity of the API. For smaller
 things, there probably won't be any controversy. For bigger things,
 stakeholder input is required even before merging into dev -- that was the
 case, for example, for QFileSelector.

 Finally, note that alpha is not a review of the *implementation*. That's what
 the beta is for. But even if that is done at the beta release, we still need
 to have good implementations. Sloppy code won't be accepted. So why can't we
 do the same for the API?

Unlike code, the problem is less about it being sloppy and more
about it being imperfect. A lot of less-than-perfect code is
accepted because it meets all requirements, and that's fine. I'd like
to aim higher with APIs, where we try to meet all requirements and
also excel at them. That's easiest to do with a concerted
collaborative effort which has become... difficult. With
QFileSelector, I had a hard time nailing down the interested reviewers
and had no opportunity, as I had in Nokia, to trap them in a meeting
room until I saw the understanding exuding from their eyeballs.
Without an in-depth discussion, it's hard to tell if I hit upon the
perfect API (unlikely) or what the weaknesses are in the current
proposed API which keeps people from getting interested. Mailing list
hasn't worked too well, if only because of my inherent tendency to
write long paragraphs. We don't want my Qt APIs to suffer just because
I moonlight as a novelist ;) .

Just brainstorming; here are some ideas on ways we could improve API reviews:

- Have an API review board, and for substantial new APIs (e.g., a
new class) everyone from the review board should comment on the gerrit
patch (even if it's just +1). This wouldn't help in finding the
interested parties, but a well rounded review board would at least
look at the API from several angles. For example, I could be on that
list to review new APIs from a QML perspective.

- Require a combined score of +6 for new APIs on gerrit. That ensures
that at around 3 people have reviewed it,  (either 3 reviewing
thoroughly, or one thoroughly and 5 partially). Could get confusing
because it would be the first time that the numbers interact

- Have IRC meetings (or audio/video conferences) after each minor
version alpha release, giving a further review to all new APIs in that
release and honing it for beta. While the real time chat can be nice,
it does automatically preclude certain timezones so keep that drawback
in mind.

- Amend the commit policy to require real-world examples (not
necessarily as new examples in the qt repo) for all new APIs, so that
no API is added without at least one user-visible usecase being fully
worked through. Depending on how far you take real world, this could
be a lot of work...

Any of these sound good to anyone?

Does anyone have another idea on how to improve API reviews in a
distributed manner?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQuick: Drag pixmap

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Fabien Castan wrote:

 Qt 5.2 adds the possibility to use dragdrop from/to external applications.
 To allows to drag an item from QML to an external application, we can't
 simply set a target item, because we want to see this item ouside of the qml
 In Qt, we could set a pixmap on drag events:

 I don't see something like that in QtQuick (Qt 5.2):

 Is there a solution to do such thing in pure QML?


 While browsing through the code (qquickdrag.cpp) i found these two
 commented lines:
 // TODO: how to handle drag image?
 // drag-setPixmap(iconPixmap);

 Along with that no more function for setPixmap that is exposed to QML.
 That makes me fear that the setPixmap property is not there anymore.

 Odd, since it would be an API break which i can't really imagine from Qt.

 I hope someone else more knowledgeable in this area can chime in?

Use of direct QPixmaps in QML is discouraged, because there's no real
way to manage the memory of the pointer. If there were a QObject or
QJSValue wrapper around QPixmap then a setPixmap could be added,
similar to the setPixmap in QDrag (although not actually accepting a
QPixmap type).

So without a good solution handy, that part has been left for later.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] 2D Graphics Roadmap?

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Steve Gold wrote:
 I'm relatively new to Qt (3-4 months now) and have learned a lot. However,
 I've been experimenting with developing apps with QML/JavaScript and
 Canvas/Context2D but have received suggestions to look at Scene Graph or
 Graphics View, both of which seem to require developing C++ classes. Is this

 QML appears to be a more efficient and productive approach from a
 development point of view but C++ seems to be more powerful and
 expressive. The examples for Graphics View that I've looked at are the
 most extensive while the examples for Scene Graph and Canvas seem more

 As an example, I found Graphics View demos called elasticnodes (moveable
 nodes/arc) and diagramscene (select/place items onto a palette) but nothing
 remotely similar for the other graphics technologies. I've created several
 posts in the forums and even sent one email but haven't received any
 significant responses.

 Before I spend much more time, possibly in the wrong direction, can someone
 address the future of Canvas, Graphics View and Scene Graph with respect to
 Qt and Qt Creator? A comparison would be especially useful.

GraphicsView is a more mature framework, pretty much marked done,
which is why it has the most examples. It's not going anywhere, which
probably also means don't expect big changes in performance or
underlying implementation. SceneGraph is fairly new, and Canvas is
even newer, depends on the level of maturity you prefer to work on.
I'd expect SceneGraph, and probably Canvas too, to mature more over
the life of Qt 5 (both are new in 5.0).

GraphicsView and SceneGraph are both usable via QML or C++. You can
use C++ for complex custom elements, and compose simple ones out of
Rectangles or Images in QML. Note that all the QtQuick elements, even
Canvas, are implemented with SceneGraph, so you can mix and match them
freely. QtQuick 1, primarily available for compatibility reasons, uses

The current recommended approach is to use the new frameworks, build
your app in QML with QtQuick and use Canvas anywhere you need custom
2D rendering (possibly re-writing that element with SG C++ if it's
performance critical).



 BTW, I'm also posting this in the Qt forums

If you linked to that post, I could have easily checked it for possible overlap.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQuick: Drag pixmap

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Fabien Castan wrote:

 Qt 5.2 adds the possibility to use dragdrop from/to external applications.
 To allows to drag an item from QML to an external application, we can't
 simply set a target item, because we want to see this item ouside of the 
 In Qt, we could set a pixmap on drag events:

 I don't see something like that in QtQuick (Qt 5.2):

 Is there a solution to do such thing in pure QML?


 While browsing through the code (qquickdrag.cpp) i found these two
 commented lines:
 // TODO: how to handle drag image?
 // drag-setPixmap(iconPixmap);

 Along with that no more function for setPixmap that is exposed to QML.
 That makes me fear that the setPixmap property is not there anymore.

 Odd, since it would be an API break which i can't really imagine from Qt.

 I hope someone else more knowledgeable in this area can chime in?

 Use of direct QPixmaps in QML is discouraged, because there's no real
 way to manage the memory of the pointer. If there were a QObject or
 QJSValue wrapper around QPixmap then a setPixmap could be added,
 similar to the setPixmap in QDrag (although not actually accepting a
 QPixmap type).

 So without a good solution handy, that part has been left for later.

 Alan, would it be possible to use a Image{...} item as pixmap?
 Yes, right now it's not possible, but just as an idea for a workable

Not really. The Image element contains much more than just the pixmap,
such as positioning and rendering hints, so it's both too heavy and
most of the properties would be lost. We'd ideally like a lightweight
JS wrapper which just takes a URL (possibly one from an image
provider), so long as it can be used declaratively.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] 2D Graphics Roadmap?

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:54 PM, Steve Gold wrote:

 Thank you for your very informative response.

 Please see my comments below.


 -Original Message- From: Alan Alpert
 Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:43 PM
 To: Steve Gold
 Cc: Qt Development Group
 Subject: Re: [Development] 2D Graphics Roadmap?

 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Steve Gold wrote:

 I'm relatively new to Qt (3-4 months now) and have learned a lot. However,
 I've been experimenting with developing apps with QML/JavaScript and
 Canvas/Context2D but have received suggestions to look at Scene Graph or
 Graphics View, both of which seem to require developing C++ classes. Is

 QML appears to be a more efficient and productive approach from a
 development point of view but C++ seems to be more powerful and
 expressive. The examples for Graphics View that I've looked at are the
 most extensive while the examples for Scene Graph and Canvas seem more

 As an example, I found Graphics View demos called elasticnodes (moveable
 nodes/arc) and diagramscene (select/place items onto a palette) but
 remotely similar for the other graphics technologies. I've created several
 posts in the forums and even sent one email but haven't received any
 significant responses.

 Before I spend much more time, possibly in the wrong direction, can
 address the future of Canvas, Graphics View and Scene Graph with respect
 Qt and Qt Creator? A comparison would be especially useful.

 GraphicsView is a more mature framework, pretty much marked done,
 which is why it has the most examples. It's not going anywhere, which
 probably also means don't expect big changes in performance or
 underlying implementation. SceneGraph is fairly new, and Canvas is
 even newer, depends on the level of maturity you prefer to work on.
 I'd expect SceneGraph, and probably Canvas too, to mature more over
 the life of Qt 5 (both are new in 5.0).

 ** Are there any roadmaps for Scene Graph or Canvas that discuss planned
 features or improvements?  Does saying ... probably Canvas too ... mean
 that there is no definitive plan for the enhancement and evolution of

 GraphicsView and SceneGraph are both usable via QML or C++. You can
 use C++ for complex custom elements, and compose simple ones out of
 Rectangles or Images in QML.

 ** Scene Graph looks like it allows the creation of a set of backend C++
 QQuickItem subclasses that can be referenced in QML but there don't appear
 to be many QML Scene Graph types that can be directly used within QML,
 except for ShaderEffect, Gradient and a few others . Creating Scene Graph
 C++ classes also looks to me like they take a lot of time and code to write
 compared to what I would expect from creating QML types. Please correct me
 if I'm wrong.

 Note that all the QtQuick elements, even
 Canvas, are implemented with SceneGraph, so you can mix and match them
 freely. QtQuick 1, primarily available for compatibility reasons, uses

 ** You state ... even Canvas, are implemented with SceneGraph ... but
 context2d.h and context2d.cpp use QPainter
class Context2D : public QObject
. . .
  QPainter m_painter;
  QPainterPath m_path;
. . .
 The post located at states
Qt Quick 2 makes use of a dedicated scene graph based on OpenGL ES 2.0
 or OpenGL 2.0 for its rendering. Using a scene graph for graphics rather
the traditional imperative painting systems (QPainter and similar), means
 the scene to be rendered can be retained between frames and the complete set
of primitives to render is known before rendering starts.
 Can you please clarify this apparent discrepancy?

 The current recommended approach is to use the new frameworks, build
 your app in QML with QtQuick and use Canvas anywhere you need custom
 2D rendering (possibly re-writing that element with SG C++ if it's
 performance critical).

 ** It would be an achievement if Qt enabled users to write QML types for
 Canvas that used Scene Graph under the covers and did not require any
 rewriting in C++.

 ** Will Qt use Scene Graph for 3D graphics? Is anything in this area on the
 horizon for QML?



 BTW, I'm also posting this in the Qt forums

 If you linked to that post, I could have easily checked it for possible

 ** The post is located at

I responded there, it's probably a more appropriate place for the
discussion and I'll stop duplicating it here.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQuick: Drag pixmap

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:32 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Fabien Castan 

 Qt 5.2 adds the possibility to use dragdrop from/to external 
 To allows to drag an item from QML to an external application, we can't
 simply set a target item, because we want to see this item ouside of the 
 In Qt, we could set a pixmap on drag events:

 I don't see something like that in QtQuick (Qt 5.2):

 Is there a solution to do such thing in pure QML?


 While browsing through the code (qquickdrag.cpp) i found these two
 commented lines:
 // TODO: how to handle drag image?
 // drag-setPixmap(iconPixmap);

 Along with that no more function for setPixmap that is exposed to QML.
 That makes me fear that the setPixmap property is not there anymore.

 Odd, since it would be an API break which i can't really imagine from Qt.

 I hope someone else more knowledgeable in this area can chime in?

 Use of direct QPixmaps in QML is discouraged, because there's no real
 way to manage the memory of the pointer. If there were a QObject or
 QJSValue wrapper around QPixmap then a setPixmap could be added,
 similar to the setPixmap in QDrag (although not actually accepting a
 QPixmap type).

 So without a good solution handy, that part has been left for later.

 Alan, would it be possible to use a Image{...} item as pixmap?
 Yes, right now it's not possible, but just as an idea for a workable

 Not really. The Image element contains much more than just the pixmap,
 such as positioning and rendering hints, so it's both too heavy and
 most of the properties would be lost. We'd ideally like a lightweight
 JS wrapper which just takes a URL (possibly one from an image
 provider), so long as it can be used declaratively.

 Ahh, didn't know that.

 So if we continue that idea, would it make sense to re-create the
 Image{} component in two parts? One for representing the actual image
 data, one for representing is's place in the QML app.

 Lets call the one just representing the image data ImageData {}. It
 only knows how to represent a image based from an url or image
 The Image{} component that inherits from ImageData{} and adds whatever
 it needs to be on par with the current Image{} component.

 Would an approach like that make sense?
 just thinking out loud now :)

Thinking out loud, I'd do something more like the Sprite classes.
There's a Sprite{} which encapsulates logical data, a SpriteSequence{}
for playing and transitioning between sprites, and a convenience
AnimatedSprite{} which is like a Sprite that draws itself (with some
rendering options added). So Image{} would stay the same, inherit from
ImageData{} in a conceptual sense, but there would be a more basic
ImageData{} which is used by other elements.

Assuming that there's enough complexity in ImageData to be worth a
QObject type (Sprite has a lot of properties: ) , Otherwise
we should just add a basic type with a (possibly implicit) URL
constructor, as long as it's JS reference counted.

The other thing I'm thinking of is that a C++ API would actually be
useful here. Dropping down to C++ isn't the real problem here, that's
pretty easy to do with QML. Except that you can't take an existing QML
scene and just pass in the pixmap from C++, because it can't go
through QML for the above reference reasons. The most convenient way
then would be to get the QML item reference and pass the pixmap wholly
in C++, but we can't currently add public C++ API to QtQuick elements.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] thoughts about a shared models module, and models in general (was Re: Would a (QML) model aggregator class a welcome addition?)

2014-01-21 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 7:01 AM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 On 01/15/2014 10:48 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
  This approach could also apply to the original suggestion by Alberto,
 in the absence of a separate add on module (which Sean couldn't use
 because of the QtQuick.Controls dependency). Just requires a higher
 bar for code review/quality, but I'm currently leaning in favor of
 extra models convenience classes. It's a decent hold over measure
 since the new model/views have been taking so long.

 That's good to know. :-) I've got a question on the implementation side:
 when writing convenience classes which proxy (part of) the contents of a
 source model (or many), is it fine to code the source model type as a
 If so, what will happen if people try to set QML string lists (or lists
 of objects) as source property for the proxy model? Will the QML engine
 do the wrapping into a QAIM, or will this simply not work? If it doesn't
 work, do we care?

I don't think it matters too much, so if it doesn't work then don't
worry about it. But if you want this to work, you can make the source
for the proxy model work like the views (accepts QQmlInstance models
and can turn numbers, lists and QAIMs into a QQmlDelegate model).

QQmlInstanceModel and QQmlDelegate model are private API, but if
you're going to stick it in QtQml.Models that is not a problem.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] thoughts about a shared models module, and models in general (was Re: Would a (QML) model aggregator class a welcome addition?)

2014-01-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Rutledge Shawn wrote:

 On 10 Dec 2013, at 11:43 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 Hi all!
  For one of my projects, I found the need to merge several models into
 a single model. I wrote a class for it, and I think it's generic enough
 to be useful for other people, and I wonder if it could be put into Qt

 Note that the thing is not complete (especially the implementation),
 it's just in a state where I can use it in my application; it needs a
 bit of more work before being ready for the generic use.
 I'm wondering if I should make this extra effort or not. :-)

 If the answer is yes, should it be added to QtCore or QtDeclarative?
 Right now it's using QQmlListProperty so that the source models can be
 declared inline,

 ModelAggregator {
Model1 { ... }
Model2 { ... }

 but that could be removed and substituted by a simple QList of models if

 This doesn't sound core enough to really benefit from going into
 QtDeclarative (please stop developing for QtQuick 1 :P ; but I know
 you meant qtdeclarative the repo) or QtCore (no QML types can go into
 QtCore, because QtCore cannot depend on QtQml).

 Maybe we should have an add-on repository like qt-qml-extras which
 contains small but useful QML modules. Candidate content being this
 model aggregator, Qt.labs.folderlistmodel, (and I have a couple
 imports at home that I could clean up and contribute too) maybe even
 QtQuick.XmlListModel or Qt.GraphicalEffects?  Some of the add-on level
 imports, like Qt.GraphicalEffects, are large enough for their own
 repo. And some, like QtQuick.XmlListModel, feel core enough to go in
 qtdeclarative as an essential. But there's scope for a lot of small
 but useful QML modules, like ModelAggregator and
 Qt.labs.folderlistmodel, where a shared and non-essential repository
 would make more sense. The alternative is telling each of these little
 modules to get their own github/gitorious/playground repo and then
 we'd have to organize them with something like inqlude...

 Anyone else want a qml-extras repository for collecting small QML imports?

 And should it be qt-labs, playground, or qt (add on, not essential!)?

 I like the idea, but the trouble with models is you typically want to create 
 and populate them from C++, which means you need the collection to be in a 
 library which you can link with.  The QML modules that get installed e.g. 
 under qml/QtQml/Models aren't used that way because everything under qml is 
 meant to be instantiated only from QML.  But it would be nice if these models 
 could be instantiated both ways.  The C++ interface is more urgent IMO, 
 because so far the choices seem to be

 subclass QAbstractItemModel yourself (that requires some overhead, mostly 
 boring code being rewritten each time); use a QStringList (but only for one 
 column and only strings); use a QList of QObjects, which at least is quite 
 flexible (but then each row has all the QObject overhead); or use one of the 
 models that you can only instantiate from QML, and then you will have to 
 write more Javascript to populate it.  I started writing,74986 and then realized I can't 
 link with it.

Like several QtQml and QtQuick classes, you can have types in a module
as well as available in C++. Ideally any C++ public classes relating
to the QtQuick* imports will be in, and ditto for
QtQml.* and We have these two C++ libraries relating to
QML already.

 So this module would have to be installed under lib I suppose?  and then just 
 because it's a separate, optional module, there would be an objection to 
 depending on that module in any Qt essential module, such as Qt Quick 
 Controls.  I want to use such a model for the shortcuts in the 
 next-generation FileDialog (which will be using QtQuick.Controls, and 
 therefore lives in the same git repository now), and we have another 
 potential use case for font families for the font dialog, so it has to be OK 
 for Controls to depend on it, wherever it goes.  The easy solution (and also 
 the one which doesn't encourage reuse) is to put this model in 
 QtQuick.Dialogs.Private because that's where I need it.  If someone else 
 wants it, they can always copy the code.  It's not much code anyway, hardly 
 worth worrying about.  But altogether we could end up with a worthwhile 
 collection of models if various people have various ideas.

 Maybe it should rather be a static library to have one less runtime 
 dependency?  Another advantage would be that a typical application might only 
 need one of the models from the lib, so the memory cost would be lower if the 
 linker was free

Re: [Development] Qt.vector3d() and friends

2014-01-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 5:31 AM, Sebastian Lehmann wrote:

 I'd find it natural if there was something like a QtCore plugin.
 Then, QtQuick and Qt3D (and other stuff) could depend on it; i.e.
 something analogous to the existing Qt modules dependency, but in the
 QML world.

 I already encountered situations in which I wanted to use QtQuick
 stuff without the QtQuick *visual* items: Timer, Component,
 NumberAnimation etc. Why not separating QtQuick in non-visual and
 visual parts?

Repeating Kai a bit...

Timer, Component and others have already undergone this. They are
available in the QtQml import (as well QtQuick, for convenience and
compatibility with QtQuick 1.0) allowing you to use them without a
QGuiApplication. Animations are tied into QtQuick a little deeper
though, and only Timer is available in the QtQml import.

The QtQml import already exists, and provides that core plugin of
types. However it can only depend on QtCore so if Qt3D stuff pulls in
QtGui or needs a QGuiApplication then it has to go in QtQuick (at

 Of course, when importing QtQuick x.y, this should automatically
 resolve the dependency and also import QtCore x.y.

 This indeed seems so naturally to me that I can't believe that nobody
 else has ever thought of that before, so I guess there is a reason why
 it's not organized like that?

We've thought of it (especially for the brief period where there was a
bug, and if you imported QtQuick.Particles without first importing
QtQuick then it would crash :P ), the problem is that this leads to
hidden imports. It's easy to forget you depend on those extra
imports. But the main problem is about the rest of the statement
import QtFoo x.y as Name. A dependency from QtFoo-QtBar is fairly
straight forward, it gets complex when you add the version numbers
(because it will be compatible with any minor versions) and it gets
ugly when you realize that you can't import it in a namespace anymore.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQml maintainer nomination

2014-01-09 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Knoll Lars wrote:

 I'd like to continue on filling gaps in our maintainer list and thus want
 to propose Simon Hausmann as the new maintainer for QtQml. Guess I don't
 need to say a whole lot more about the nomination... ;-)

+1 from me.

Aside from his immense contribution to the engine re-write, he's been
doing a lot of cleanup on the JIRA tasks recently: the gritty,
realistic side of maintainer-ship.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Adding Enginio (qtenginio) to the Qt release

2014-01-06 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Qi Liang wrote:
 What is qt modularization for? We want to have different release cycles for 
 different qt modules.

As I recall, that means we want to be able to have different
release/versioning cycles, but there will still be a regular Qt
release package containing some version of all essential modules (and
compatible with some version of all addon modules) even if some
haven't bumped their version.

 Then +1 for that.

 For offline installer, I suggest, a separate installer for it, but it should 
 based on installed qt directory. It is compatible with 5.2.0 release in this 
 For online installer, every module is an option, then not much difference 

Isn't this the distinction between addon modules and essential
modules? Is Frederik asking for enginio to become a Qt Essential
module? Or am I a little behind in my terminology?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QPA maintainer

2013-12-17 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 3:42 AM, Knoll Lars wrote:

 I’d like to nominate Paul Tvete as the formal maintainer of the QPA
 architecture. He’s the original architect behind it anyway, and I don’t
 think there are many people out there who know it better :)

+1 from me.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] qtest-qml osx

2013-12-16 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Chao Caroline wrote:

 Qt Quick Test is part of Qt (in the qtdeclarative repo). I think the problem
 here is that you are trying to run a test using qmlscene directly.

 QML TestCases should be launched via a C++ harness:

The other alternative is the qmltestrunner utility.

qmlscene is not expected to work, nor planned to, but ideally support
will be added to the new qml utility (such support is not currently in
place but wouldn't be too hard to add).

Alan Alpert

 [] on behalf of
 Joshua Kolden []
 Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:18 PM
 Subject: [Development] qtest-qml osx

 We have a fairly large qml project, and with 5.2 we are trying to switch to
 TDD for all components (c++, js (coffescript), QML).  Qt Creator and
 qmlscene in 5.2 both seem to have the same issue that files are missing:

qmlscene test1.qml
 file:///x/d/qt/testDrivenQML/test1.qml:25 Type TestCase unavailable
 module Qt.test.qtestroot is not installed

 qt-labs/qtest-qml has a merge request under ‘review’ from 2 years ago!!  It
 refers to a problem with OSX installation (OSX is our primary development
 environment).  I have not been able to test this issue on other platforms,
 but noticing that both the merge request and the README install directions
 for qtest-qml are both very dated I thought it might be better just to ask
 here if this is dead, or is it supposed to work in 5.2 / OSX?  Docs for
 TestCase in 5.2 imply that it’ll work the same as any QML Type.

 Also in a separate note, the new Qt Creator crashes consistently when trying
 to create a new qt quick project through the interface.

 Thanks for the hard work!


 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Would a (QML) model aggregator class a welcome addition?

2013-12-10 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 Hi all!
   For one of my projects, I found the need to merge several models into
 a single model. I wrote a class for it, and I think it's generic enough
 to be useful for other people, and I wonder if it could be put into Qt

 Note that the thing is not complete (especially the implementation),
 it's just in a state where I can use it in my application; it needs a
 bit of more work before being ready for the generic use.
 I'm wondering if I should make this extra effort or not. :-)

 If the answer is yes, should it be added to QtCore or QtDeclarative?
 Right now it's using QQmlListProperty so that the source models can be
 declared inline,

 ModelAggregator {
 Model1 { ... }
 Model2 { ... }

 but that could be removed and substituted by a simple QList of models if

This doesn't sound core enough to really benefit from going into
QtDeclarative (please stop developing for QtQuick 1 :P ; but I know
you meant qtdeclarative the repo) or QtCore (no QML types can go into
QtCore, because QtCore cannot depend on QtQml).

Maybe we should have an add-on repository like qt-qml-extras which
contains small but useful QML modules. Candidate content being this
model aggregator, Qt.labs.folderlistmodel, (and I have a couple
imports at home that I could clean up and contribute too) maybe even
QtQuick.XmlListModel or Qt.GraphicalEffects?  Some of the add-on level
imports, like Qt.GraphicalEffects, are large enough for their own
repo. And some, like QtQuick.XmlListModel, feel core enough to go in
qtdeclarative as an essential. But there's scope for a lot of small
but useful QML modules, like ModelAggregator and
Qt.labs.folderlistmodel, where a shared and non-essential repository
would make more sense. The alternative is telling each of these little
modules to get their own github/gitorious/playground repo and then
we'd have to organize them with something like inqlude...

Anyone else want a qml-extras repository for collecting small QML imports?

And should it be qt-labs, playground, or qt (add on, not essential!)?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Namespacing QML context properties

2013-12-09 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 On 12/09/2013 12:54 AM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 What do you mean current context? The problem you seem to be hitting
 is that there is another symbol in the current context that you want
 to avoid, so that it finds a symbol higher up the tree. That would
 mean something like engine.rootContext(), but I don't think that would
 make sense in QML.

 I don't really want the engine.rootContext(), but actually
 engine.contextForObject(this). Please have a look at this example, and
 suppose that I want to use this as a delegate in a ListView, in order to
 provide a different delegate for each element in the list, depending on
 some property in the model:

 Item {
 ListView {
 model: ...
 delegate: loader
 Component {
 id: delegate1
 Rectangle { color: model.color; ... }
 Component {
 id: delegate2
 Text { text: model.text; ... }
 Loader {
 id: loader
 // property variant model: model
 sourceComponent: model.someProperty ? delegate1 : delegate2

 Now, if I don't remove the comment, the actual delegates loaded by the
 Loader (delegate1 and delegate2) won't see the model property; but if
 I uncomment the line, it won't work either, because inside the Loader's
 definition the property named model will obscure the context property
 having the same name.
 How would you solve this (without of course renaming variables or moving
 components around: suppose that I have no control over the listview or
 delegates' code)?

 And another simpler case, this:

 Item {
 ListView {
 model: ...
 delegate: ComboBox {
 text: model.displayName

 And suppose that a certain point the authors of the ComboBox element
 change it by adding a model property to it. That would break the code
 above, because model wouldn't refer anymore to the model injected by
 the ListView, but to the new ComboBox property!
 But if you had a way to select your local context with some prefix, no
 breakage could ever happen:

 Item {
 ListView {
 model: ...
 delegate: ComboBox {
 text: qmlContext.model.displayName

 I hope that the question is now clearer. :-)

Question does seem a bit clearer. But I think the answer is the same -
ListView shouldn't be using context properties anymore. Well, it's
worthwhile for the convenience here but maybe add an attached property
reference as well for those cases needing more precision:

Item {
ListView {
model: 3
delegate: ComboBox {
text: ListView.modelData.displayName //unambiguous*

*not enforced by the language to be unambiguous like Singletons, but
the conflicting case is left as an exercise to the reader ;)

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Namespacing QML context properties

2013-12-08 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 Hi all!
   One of the issues that has most bothered me when developing in QML is
 dealing with the same variable name in item properties and context
 properties. For example:

 // model is a context property
 Loader {
 property variant model: model
 sourceComponent: someComponent

 The code above will not work. And I cannot find a way to make the
 model context property available to the loader source component. For

 See especially the last code snippet there. Notice how the variable name
 had to be changed from index to modelIndex, in order to workaround
 the issue I described above.
 However, renaming properties is not always desirable.

 Are there some tricks I'm not aware of? If not, what about introducing a
 reserved word (maybe qmlContext), and let it refer to the current context?
 So, one could write qmlContext.variableName to avoid ambiguity with
 properties names variableName, and my example above would change like

What do you mean current context? The problem you seem to be hitting
is that there is another symbol in the current context that you want
to avoid, so that it finds a symbol higher up the tree. That would
mean something like engine.rootContext(), but I don't think that would
make sense in QML.

 Loader {
 property variant model: qmlContext.model
 sourceComponent: someComponent


Context properties are there as a light-weight option for applications
- i.e. for cases where you don't mind renaming, or giving long names
like pleaseDontConflictModel. For a reliable API with good naming, you
should be using a singleton API instead of context properties.

The history is that context properties arrived in Qt 4 and singleton
APIs arrived in Qt 5 as a better approach (albeit with some
differences that make automated porting impossible). If we had
singleton APIs to start with, we probably wouldn't have provided
context properties at all. If it weren't for the convenience context
properties offer, I'd recommend all context property usage be migrated
to use singleton APIs. As it is, I only recommend that for all module
APIs (basically, if you used setContextProperty inside
initializeEngine you should probably use singleton APIs now instead).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Can the hidden QML properties please be documented?

2013-12-02 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 1:06 AM, Smith Martin wrote:
 For a QML type in a .qml file, qdoc reports an error if it sees a QML 
 property it thinks should be in the public API for that QML type and there is 
 no \qmlproperty comment immediately preceding that property in the .qml file.

 But for a QML type that is represented by a C++ class, qdoc doesn't know 
 which C++ properties are meant to be be documented as QML properties, so it 
 can't report an error if a C++ property is not documented as a QML property.

 Maybe we should change this policy and tell qdoc to require a \qmlproperty 
 for every C++ property that has a \property ?

If it's been associated with a QML type, yes.

There is the situation of a C++ type with C++ properties which is not
exposed to QML - don't want to document that.

But if we have a \qmltype which \instantiates it, then any C++
properties need to be considered QML properties as well (it helps if
\internal works with \qmlproperty for the ones that are meant to be
hidden ;) ).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Can the hidden QML properties please be documented?

2013-12-01 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 4:25 AM, Mark Gaiser wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Nurmi J-P wrote:

 On 01 Dec 2013, at 00:42, Mark Gaiser wrote:


 Recently i was searching for a way to influence the dragDistance in
 QML. The documentation (i even looked at dev snapshot docs) didn't
 provide any clue, but the code did. Turns out there is a hidden

 drag.threshold (it is underlined in red in QtCreator, but works just fine!).

 Perhaps you're reading Qt 5.1.x docs? MouseArea::drag::threshold is a new 
 property that was added in September. The documentation is there in the 
 latest snapshot:

 For font rendering there is the hidden property:


 Which works just fine, but is nowhere to be found in the Qt documentation.

 QQuickText::renderType was indeed missing from the docs. It has been fixed 
 in Qt 5.2.0:

 J-P Nurmi

 That's awesome!
 It still makes me wonder, how many more are hidden? I hope none :)

I hope so too, as it's usually a doc bug. Feel free to file further
issues like this on .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] isValid() as a property

2013-11-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Tony Van Eerd wrote:

 On Fri, 29 Nov 2013, Tony Van Eerd wrote:

  in the cases I am looking at, if isValid() == false, then all the
  properties are invalid, and return , -1, etc.  It really does mean
  whole object is invalid.
  (except maybe an 'id', in the case of, say, a Battery object - the id
  telling you which battery, and then isValid() saying that battery
  doesn't (currently) exist.)

 Why not use exists, present, active or something like it?

 'present' was in fact my first choice (for battery at least).  But since the 
 behaviour seems to match that of isValid(), why not isValid()? If we could 
 (ie if we didn't care about compatibility), would we rename all the other 
 isValid() functions on existing Qt classes?  If not, what is the difference?

 If there is a difference, and a clear rule when to use isValid() and when not 
 to, I'd be quite happy.  But I want to understand the difference first.

As I understand it, we want to use isValid in all those cases where
the behavior matches exactly - this makes the Qt APIs more memorable
and more guessable (used a previous class with this behavior? Just try
isValid, see if it compiles ;) ).

 But a C++ object
 for a physical object that does not exist... why is it there in the

 Essentially because we don't throw exceptions in constructors.

 BatteryInfo battery(5); // the 5th battery.
 if (battery.exists())

If you start on a QML API, a similar issue occurs. Because there's no
way to handle construction exceptions gracefully, you'd need to be
able to declare an object and then for error handling (which could
mean no backing object could be created) then they bind to a property
like this.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Integration of qt5.git

2013-11-29 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 12:50 PM, André Pönitz wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 05:16:31PM +, Gladhorn Frederik wrote:
 Hello all,

 Since we lose the test runs for all modules at the same time I'd like to
 have a second and new job in Jenkins that runs nightly and builds and
 runs all tests of all modules (according to qt5.git state). This job
 doesn't mean anything for the integration and doesn't block but simply
 sends mail to this list whenever any test fails.  I actually expect it to
 fail regularily since we have quite a few unstable unit tests that every
 once in a while fail. I hope that this approach gives actually more
 visibility to failing auto tests than what we currently have.

Regular emails from a bot broadcast to devel when the break could be
anywhere in qt5.git's submodules... I'm not sure that will be
effective for getting it fixed. Despite the recent marketing blitz,
people only really step up to fix someone else's tests when it's
blocking their integration.

Is it possible to have a more targeted approach, like it emailing the
relevant maintainer(s) instead (or a QA team, if we still have one)?

 Since the main use of qt5.git is to _release_ stuff, its setup and
 policies should cater to exactly that need first. If it works for other
 use cases that's fine, but in no way essential.

I concur. The only time I hear about qt5.git is around release time
and I'd rather not hear about it at all (that is to say, the process
should work so smoothly and well that it never comes up ;) ). Do what
you feel is necessary.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] ChangeLog updated for 5.2.0

2013-11-25 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013 12:49:11, Marc Mutz wrote:
 I have found that significantly more than 50% of commits that touched
 qtbase/src/widgets since v5.1.0 end up in the change log. It could be a
 comment unless a Task-number is also present, in which case the bot could
 -1  the change.

 Your sampling is likely very biased. QtWidgets is in a state that almost every
 change going in is a bugfix to something important.

 That does not translate to other libraries.

Thiago is quite right. Let's look at the other end of the spectrum:
qtdeclarative repo has had around 3016 commits since v5.1.0, and has
about 9 changelog entries. That's around 0.3% of commits. Given that
overriding the sanity bot has been made a deliberately user-unfriendly
experience, I'd rather not add it to ~99% of commits.

The qtdeclarative repo is of course biased to the other extreme. Both
QtQml and QtQuick are in a state that most changes going in are
reworking the internals, and fixing any regressions caused by such
work. It's probably also missing some changelog entries, I still
haven't gone through those 3016 commits yet to check ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] ChangeLog updated for 5.2.0

2013-11-25 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Marc Mutz wrote:
 On Monday, November 25, 2013 06:26:38 PM Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
  On segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013 12:49:11, Marc Mutz wrote:
  I have found that significantly more than 50% of commits that touched
  qtbase/src/widgets since v5.1.0 end up in the change log. It could be a
  comment unless a Task-number is also present, in which case the bot
  could -1  the change.
  Your sampling is likely very biased. QtWidgets is in a state that almost
  every change going in is a bugfix to something important.
  That does not translate to other libraries.

 Thiago is quite right. Let's look at the other end of the spectrum:
 qtdeclarative repo has had around 3016 commits since v5.1.0, and has
 about 9 changelog entries. That's around 0.3% of commits. Given that
 overriding the sanity bot has been made a deliberately user-unfriendly
 experience, I'd rather not add it to ~99% of commits.

 The qtdeclarative repo is of course biased to the other extreme. Both
 QtQml and QtQuick are in a state that most changes going in are
 reworking the internals, and fixing any regressions caused by such
 work. It's probably also missing some changelog entries, I still
 haven't gone through those 3016 commits yet to check ;) .

 And no-one ever will, so we don't know and never will know how much ChangeLog
 entries these should have generated.

 For QtWidgets, we're talking O(256) commits, and it's already exhausting to
 create a changelog ex post facto. For declarative, it looks impossible.

Well, I just did the impossible ;) .

 I don't see a contradiction to what I was proposing: -1 if task-number is
 present, too, otherwise just warn.

-1 is annoying (deliberately, as overriding -1's is supposed to be rare).

I'm happy to have it warn though. That's +0, and a comment along the
lines of ChangeLog: Commit message references a task but does not
include a ChangeLog message. If the task is =P2 and affected previous
versions, please add a ChangeLog entry(I'm not hung up on the
wording, that's just what I'd write).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] ChangeLog updated for 5.2.0

2013-11-25 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013 07:49:03, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013 12:49:11, Marc Mutz wrote:
  I have found that significantly more than 50% of commits that touched
  qtbase/src/widgets since v5.1.0 end up in the change log. It could be a
  comment unless a Task-number is also present, in which case the bot could
  -1  the change.

 Your sampling is likely very biased. QtWidgets is in a state that almost
 every change going in is a bugfix to something important.

 That does not translate to other libraries.

 Stats for QtCore:

  - 510 commits
  - 21 commits had [ChangeLog]
  - I added 37 after my second pass

 That's just 11% of the commits requiring changelogs.

Stats for qtdeclarative (whole repo):

-2944 commits (since v5.1.1, previous number was since v5.1.0 which
was incorrect).
-3 commits had [ChangeLog]*
-I added 25 after my second pass.

That's just 1.1% of the commits requiring changelogs.

Seems to vary a lot by module... or by maintainer. For comparison, my
changelog threshold was =P2 bug affecting a previous version (or
feature) and my manual check was on just the commit logs since v5.1.1
(assisted by my particle-powered tool from the last changelog
discussion ;) ). Another thing to note, about half the commits were
from the v4 branch/repo merge, none of which are changelog eligible.
The continued work on v4 is also a large part of that commit number,
in case you're wondering where all those commits are going.

The * is for some interesting things I noticed. Of the 3 usages, 2 of
them were after Thiago's original email. Which means that if he had
run the script on QtDeclarative as well, he'd have gotten only 1 hit.
2 of them had the wrong module name, and 1 of them was arguably
ineligible (but I'm still following that up). So there's still quite
the manual pass needed, even if [ChangeLog] adoption picks up.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] ChangeLog updated for 5.2.0

2013-11-25 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013 13:21:15, Alan Alpert wrote:
 The * is for some interesting things I noticed. Of the 3 usages, 2 of
 them were after Thiago's original email. Which means that if he had
 run the script on QtDeclarative as well, he'd have gotten only 1 hit.
 2 of them had the wrong module name, and 1 of them was arguably
 ineligible (but I'm still following that up). So there's still quite
 the manual pass needed, even if [ChangeLog] adoption picks up.

 I ran the script on all submodules of qt5.git that produced any listing for
 git rev-list v5.1.1..origin/release. That is: the module had to be tagged
 for 5.1.1. That means the script did not catch modules that are getting the
 first release now.

My apologies, I did not notice. That raises two questions:

1) Should the qtbase changelog contain all changes from essential
modules, or just the ones in the qtbase repository? i.e. should I
merge the qtdeclarative changelog into it once that gets approved.

2) What to do about that one which was integrated? Remove since it's
now duplicated in the qtdeclarative changelog, or fix that it is under
the wrong module?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Nominating Fabian Bumberger for Approver Status

2013-11-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Rafael Roquetto wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 12:48:07PM +0100, Thomas McGuire wrote:

 On Tuesday 19 November 2013 11:41:52 Blasche Alexander wrote:
  I'd like to nominate Fabian Bumberger for approver status in the Qt
  Fabian has been contributing to QtNfc, QtBluetooth, QtLocation and many
  more Blackberry specific topics such as the platform plug-ins. His track
  record can be found under:,owner:fbumberger,n,z,reviewer:fbumberger,n,z
  From my perspective QtBluetooth and QtNfc wouldn't be the same without his
  I am convinced he will make en excellent approver.

 I support this.
 I have worked together with Fabian on the QNX QPA plugin, where he did good

+1 from me. He also makes good QML games to show off all that code ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Javascript exceptions from QML plugin

2013-11-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Pattyn, Kurt wrote:

 is there a way to emit Javascript exceptions from a C++ QML plugin or more 
 general: what is the best way to indicate errors to QML from within a QML 
 The reason I ask, is because I am implementing the W3C WebSocket API (see
 In several circumstances, the standard says to throw javascript exceptions.
 Maybe an elegant solution could be to just expose an exception signal, and 
 use that instead.

JS Exceptions would be nice, at least in this case for spec
compliance. However I don't think you can currently do that in
QJSEngine, another one of those limitations we'd like to fix in the
long term.

For now I recommend having an Error status and an invokable function
to get the error string (or a string property), just like
QQmlComponent. That works well with QML, even though it does diverge
from the WebSocket spec.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 11:17 AM, André Pönitz wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 03:07:41PM -0800, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Richard Moore wrote:
  The idea that QML deprecates ui files is frankly utter rubbish. UI
  files offer many advantages over QML - decent widgets, keyboard
  navigation, stability, faster coding for the common case in non-mobile
  applications (to name just a few of them).

 You've lost me. I thought the set of widgets available in QML was the
 same as in .ui files - all of them.

 Tree views?

Yes. Because in this instance we're talking about using QtWidgets in
QML using something like .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 2:00 AM, Kevin Krammer wrote:
 On Thursday, 2013-11-14, 21:20:25, Topi Mäenpää wrote:

  But that's a long term plan, v4vm isn't even released yet (new in 5.2
  remember) and there's still tons of work to do. Until v4vm is ready to
  take over from QtScript, which will still be a while, I believe the
  recommendation is to keep using QtScript. It's deprecated and done
  because we've reallocated development priorities, but until we've
  finished its replacement it is your best option. Even though it means
  using old or no QML, it sounds like the JS support is more important
  for you.

 I considered the options carefully before switching to Qt5. I talked to
 Digia engineers and they told me the same you are telling now: QtScript
 will be deprecated and definitely not accessible from QML. Therefore, it
 was completely out of question. I don't think building anything serious
 on a deprecated API is a good idea anyway.

 That could have been a miscommunication. What they probably meant was that the
 standard QtQuick module would not have a QML type for QScriptEngine.

 QScriptEngine can certainly be accessed from QML. Sure evaluate is currently
 neither a slot nor a Q_INVOKABLE, but that would easily added and/or worked
 around by a simple subclass or wrapper.

 Remember that any default constructible QObject class can be instantiated by
 QML, its slots, signals, properties and Q_INVOKABLEs becoming available.
 QML is just the glue between object instances, it doesn't care what those
 objects do internally.

I think he's talking about JS integration into QML. It's the difference between
MyObject {
prop: Math.min(,;
MyObject {
prop: Math.min(,;

Sure, you can do the latter. Maybe even query the QQmlContext for
evaluating unrecognized symbols such as Then you start to
reimplement binding logic and you start asking yourself why am I
doing this again?.

So you can use QScriptEngine from QML in 5.2 just like you could use
QScriptEngine in Qt 4.6 (before QML). But you're missing out on a lot
of progress, and you aren't getting the value out of QML anymore,
which is why I'm asking whether you need QML in your application (yes,
every application would benefit from QML but I'm not going to claim
every application *needs* it ;) ).

 Qt is heading to a JavaScript-based future. Widgets are deprecated and
 replaced by QML. In this situation, a good extension interface to the
 JavaScript engine that runs QML is a really important feature.

 I have to disagree with a couple of items here.

 Qt has already had JavaScript based scripting support for ages, so it is not
 heading into using it.  As for JS in QML, any sensibly designed application
 will avoid doing business logic process in the UI. That was already not a good
 idea when using C++, no need to continue bad practise when the new UI
 technology hands you a nice way to correct that.

 I also wouldn't consider widgets to be deprecated, at least not yet. And
 nicely use QML with widgets as the UI elements, it is not replacing one with
 the other either (though you probably meant QtQuick when you wrote QML there).

Yeah, QML doesn't deprecate widgets - it deprecates .ui files because
now you can construct your widget UIs in QML :D . Long ago we
discussed deprecating widgets because Nokia wanted to reallocate those
development resources to QML/QtQuick, but thankfully open governance
swooped in and saved the day.

Assuming you meant QtQuick there: Qt Quick-based development, even
Components IMHO, is expected to take over for future *style* of UIs
(I'd say mobile, but then take a look at Windows 8...). I expect
Classic style UIs will continue to use widgets until Qt 6 at the

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Topi Mäenpää wrote:
 I think the existence of JavaScript context in QML should be considered a
 feature of QML, not of Qt or the application itself.

 Sure, as far as the Qt application is not a QML application. If you run
 the app with qmlscene, the Qt application is a pure QML application.

Ah, well if you're running the app with qmlscene that's not supported
anyways :P . But have a look at the new qml runtime in 5.2.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Topi Mäenpää wrote:
 In Qt4, widgets were still the main UI technology. Nowadays, widgets are
 deprecated. (I'm putting quotes due to the comments to my last post,
 but it is really not hard to see where the development is heading.)
 Prior to QML apps, JavaScript has been a tool to provide scripting
 support for C++ applications, but applications were not based on it.
 Now, the situation has turned around: JavaScript/QML app, C++
 extensions. Therefore, I'm sticking to my statement: a good extension
 interface is an important feature.

We're not quite there with the JS/QML app, C++ extensions story. It's
the direction we're heading, and once we're there the extension
interface becomes a top priority. But it sounds like you're a bit
ahead of us here -  until 5.2 comes out, the only officially supported
route is a C++ app which loads a QML UI. There still are a lot of
important features to work on until I would suggest JS/QML app with
C++ extensions for the majority of app developers (stick to C++ app
with QML UI for now).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Richard Moore wrote:
 On 15 November 2013 19:51, Alan Alpert wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 2:00 AM, Kevin Krammer 
 On Thursday, 2013-11-14, 21:20:25, Topi Mäenpää wrote:

 I also wouldn't consider widgets to be deprecated, at least not yet. And
 nicely use QML with widgets as the UI elements, it is not replacing one with
 the other either (though you probably meant QtQuick when you wrote QML 

 Yeah, QML doesn't deprecate widgets - it deprecates .ui files because
 now you can construct your widget UIs in QML :D . Long ago we
 discussed deprecating widgets because Nokia wanted to reallocate those
 development resources to QML/QtQuick, but thankfully open governance
 swooped in and saved the day.

 The idea that QML deprecates ui files is frankly utter rubbish. UI
 files offer many advantages over QML - decent widgets, keyboard
 navigation, stability, faster coding for the common case in non-mobile
 applications (to name just a few of them).

You've lost me. I thought the set of widgets available in QML was the
same as in .ui files - all of them. I also didn't know that XML had
better keyboard navigation than QML, but maybe that's because I use
vim for both?

The .ui format is an XML based file format, QML is our own language
that's more readable than XML. When I say QML deprecates .ui files, I
mean that the QML-based format is better for defining your Qt GUIs
than the XML-based format and it's what our tools are starting to use.
Irrespective of whether you are using QtWidgets or QtQuick,
irrespective of whether you created it in designer/creator or by hand.

If you meant QtQuick doesn't deprecate QtWidgets, then you're
correct (and we already covered that side more than enough). But
please be more careful with your terminology. QML, at least in Qt 5,
is conceptually distinct from QtQuick even though they make an awesome
pair. .ui files might also be miffed at being mixed up with the
widgets you typically use inside them ;) .

 There's nothing wrong with
 QML, there's also nothing wrong with UI files, they just serve
 different use cases.

QML was originally commissioned to replace .ui files. We over-reached
our mandate for sure, but we haven't lost sight of it ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-15 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Kevin Krammer wrote:
 Quoting your latest post:
  I can understand that you'd like to have the same script engine evaluate
  both types of script, but since the decision was to make an optimized
  version for QML, you can either try to shoehorn your code into that
  limited engine or use what you already have.

 The engine that runs QML implements the ECMAScript standard and it must
 have all the necessary tools for extending JS with C++. Otherwise, it
 could be used to implement neither QML, the extensions QML already has
 added to ECMAScript nor ECMAScript itself. The lack of a public API to
 these features is the only reason I need to do the shoehorning every
 time the engine is changed.

 True. If QJSEngine is defined to be fully ECMA compatible then that is of
 course possible.
 I was primarily working under the impression that while QJSEngine was intended
 to replace QtScriptEngine, the need for V4 made that less likely.

V4VM is intended to be a fully ECMAScript compatible JS engine (I
think it's there already even, for the first release!). The special
needs of QML are either in performance profile, or only in the QML
parts of QML/JS. AFAIK, the plan (no more long-term than when we were
using V8 ;) ) is still for QJSEngine to expose a full ECMAScript
compliant JS engine for application scripting, similar to QtScript but
QML integrated and avoiding running a second JS engine.

  Qt is heading to a JavaScript-based future. Widgets are deprecated and
  replaced by QML. In this situation, a good extension interface to the
  JavaScript engine that runs QML is a really important feature.
  I have to disagree with a couple of items here.
  Qt has already had JavaScript based scripting support for ages, so it is
  not heading into using it.  As for JS in QML, any sensibly designed
  application will avoid doing business logic process in the UI. That was
  already not a good idea when using C++, no need to continue bad practise
  when the new UI technology hands you a nice way to correct that.

 In Qt4, widgets were still the main UI technology. Nowadays, widgets are
 deprecated. (I'm putting quotes due to the comments to my last post,
 but it is really not hard to see where the development is heading.)
 Prior to QML apps, JavaScript has been a tool to provide scripting
 support for C++ applications, but applications were not based on it.
 Now, the situation has turned around: JavaScript/QML app, C++
 extensions. Therefore, I'm sticking to my statement: a good extension
 interface is an important feature.

 We will have to disagree there. I consider the UI to be replacable, as free of
 application logic as possible.
 In that model QML instantiates objects and connects/binds them.

 I understand that there is a different approach, basically creating
 applications like webapps. Do all processing in the UI, only use components
 for visualization and platform integration.

It's more complex than that, because the split between UI logic and
application logic can be hard sometimes, especially when the multiple
UIs aren't exposing the exact same functionality. (Obviously they
expose the same core functionality, but maybe the enterprise edition
has more cowbell?)

The intended approach, for a JS/QML app with C++ extensions, is that
the UI and UI logic are in JS/QML, the application logic is still in
C++, but it's exposed through reusable modules. So some stuff that's
on the edge moves from application logic to ui logic. As an
example, take storing high scores in SameGame. Current model is that
it's application logic (NB, samegame has the app logic in JS) but with
a HighScores module encapsulating that logic, it could move out of
the JS files and start using that module from QML directly as passing
the score to the logic module is UI logic. The advantage here is
that new UIs can bring in modular secondary functionality easily, like
web highscores or time-decay highscores, without needing to touch the
application logic. Sorry I don't have a very clear example/story here,
as I said we're not up to this point for realistically sized apps ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-14 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:01 AM, Topi Mäenpää wrote:
 On 11/14/2013 04:43 PM, Robin Burchell wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Topi Mäenpää 
 Or rather could, if the interface wasn't a moving target.

 If an interface is a moving target, that means that trying to promise
 compatibility for it is generally a bad idea.

 I don't quite get this. Can you elaborate? I was trying to say that the
 stuff I'm trying to do is doable in principle as proven by the couple of
 different implementations made so far. But every new release of Qt makes
 me hold my breath because I know I have used features that aren't
 promised to be available.

 Once something is made public, you're stuck with it. For a very long
 time, and maybe even forever if people get too attached to it. You
 can't go back on that, so you need to be very, very sure you'll be
 happy with it. As evidenced by the v8 to v4vm change, we aren't there
 yet. And once we do expose it, we tie our hands from making future
 changes that might be in our benefit.

 This is true, but also a common excuse. I have seen it being used to
 block quite a few feature requests in many projects. Now, however, we
 already have a pretty good API definition: QScriptEngine already
 provided just about everything that was needed. All those things are
 doable in v8, and I bet also in v4vm. It is just a matter of writing a
 few interface classes that hide the implementation details. That would
 free extension developers from the burden.

Pick the wrong interface classes, like QtScript did, and you suffer in
the long term. That's why we aren't committing to anything more than
the overly basic QJSEngine API just yet.

As I understand it, the long term plan is to extend the QJSEngine APIs
and drop QtScript (and add QtWebEngine). Then for application
scripting purposes you can use QML/JS for QObject integrated scripts
or generic JS and it will work for the cases previously fulfilled by
QtScript (and use QtWebEngine for HTML5/JS scripts). V4 integrates
better with Qt than V8 did, so as an application scripting addition to
the Qt framework it does have better potential (and QtWebEngine will
have access to the platform browser's JS engine if you need something
for big scripts with no or minimal application integration). Ways it
integrates better includes: Faster for jumping in and out of JS,
faster when dealing with Qt types, runs on all platforms Qt does,
potential for better Qt Creator debugging and of course tighter QML
integration. So providing a JS engine for application scripting is
less of an afterthought and more of a second stage once we finish
the QML engine rewrite.

But that's a long term plan, v4vm isn't even released yet (new in 5.2
remember) and there's still tons of work to do. Until v4vm is ready to
take over from QtScript, which will still be a while, I believe the
recommendation is to keep using QtScript. It's deprecated and done
because we've reallocated development priorities, but until we've
finished its replacement it is your best option. Even though it means
using old or no QML, it sounds like the JS support is more important
for you.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-14 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013 17:25:08, Tony Van Eerd wrote:
  But that's a long term plan, v4vm isn't even released yet (new in 5.2
  remember) and there's still tons of work to do. Until v4vm is ready to
  take over from QtScript, which will still be a while, I believe the
  recommendation is to keep using QtScript. It's deprecated and done
  because we've reallocated development priorities, but until we've
  finished its replacement it is your best option. Even though it means
  using old or no QML, it sounds like the JS support is more important
  for you.

 Where do value-types (ie non-QObject, copyable, etc) fit into the plan?

Definitely in the plan. The long-term plan, it's not yet on the radar
for exactly when it might happen. But we've needed it internally a lot
already for good APIs, and so we know it's needed (and we know the
internal APIs aren't good enough yet ;) ). The example I like is how
the particle system can expose individual particles for manipulation
in JS without the insane overhead of creating thousands of extra
QObjects. Since QtQuick.Particles is obviously not a built-in language
feature, it demonstrates that 3rd party modules need this API but alas
we currently only have the private APIs (quite risky to use if you
aren't inside the qtdeclarative repository).

 I find that forcing classes to be QObjects just to make them QML accessible
 really denigrates some API designs. Any advice?

 Value-type classes need adaptation to work in QML. Make them sharable,
 copyable, whatever is needed, then we need to figure out how to make QML
 understand them.

 The metatype system is a start, since it can manage those types' lifetime. I
 think it can even compare them for equality these days.

Using QObjects is certainly the easiest path, and will probably
continue to be the only path for some of the more advanced QML-only
usecases (grouped properties and attached properties come to mind).
But there are cases where it's worth filling out an adapter to avoid
having to subclass QObject, especially since the adapter should have
no per-instance cost. So *long-term* I would expect a public value
type API, which would probably work with straight JS as well as
QML/JS. Unless QObject becomes free per-instance ;) .

PS: One feature on the list for the qml runtime is to just run
straight JS files in v4: . Missed the 5.2
timeframe though.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML and JavaScript extensions

2013-11-14 Thread Alan Alpert
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Topi Mäenpää wrote:
 Pick the wrong interface classes, like QtScript did, and you suffer in
 the long term. That's why we aren't committing to anything more than
 the overly basic QJSEngine API just yet.

 This is true for all new features. Fearing mistakes however means no
 innovation and no progress. But of course all new features need to be
 planned well and priorized. What I'm trying to achieve is to explain why
 this is an important issue and hopefully raise its priority so that it will
 be implemented soon.

Find the JIRA task and vote ;) .

 As I understand it, the long term plan is to extend the QJSEngine APIs
 and drop QtScript (and add QtWebEngine). Then for application
 scripting purposes you can use QML/JS for QObject integrated scripts
 or generic JS and it will work for the cases previously fulfilled by
 QtScript (and use QtWebEngine for HTML5/JS scripts). V4 integrates
 better with Qt than V8 did, so as an application scripting addition to
 the Qt framework it does have better potential (and QtWebEngine will
 have access to the platform browser's JS engine if you need something
 for big scripts with no or minimal application integration). Ways it
 integrates better includes: Faster for jumping in and out of JS,
 faster when dealing with Qt types, runs on all platforms Qt does,
 potential for better Qt Creator debugging and of course tighter QML
 integration. So providing a JS engine for application scripting is
 less of an afterthought and more of a second stage once we finish
 the QML engine rewrite.

 I haven't been following the long term plans closely, but I believe this
 holds true for v4vm. In the current v8 implementation, however, QJSEngine is
 practically useless. It cannot be extended, and it even makes references to
 QML in the source code.

 But that's a long term plan, v4vm isn't even released yet (new in 5.2
 remember) and there's still tons of work to do. Until v4vm is ready to
 take over from QtScript, which will still be a while, I believe the
 recommendation is to keep using QtScript. It's deprecated and done
 because we've reallocated development priorities, but until we've
 finished its replacement it is your best option. Even though it means
 using old or no QML, it sounds like the JS support is more important
 for you.

 I considered the options carefully before switching to Qt5. I talked to
 Digia engineers and they told me the same you are telling now: QtScript will
 be deprecated and definitely not accessible from QML. Therefore, it was
 completely out of question. I don't think building anything serious on a
 deprecated API is a good idea anyway.

 Qt is heading to a JavaScript-based future. Widgets are deprecated and
 replaced by QML. In this situation, a good extension interface to the
 JavaScript engine that runs QML is a really important feature. Otherwise, it
 is difficult to extend the functionality of UI applications. Since Qt is a
 UI toolkit after all, I believe most Qt applications have an UI.

 Anyhow, I understand that your resources are limited and this isn't going to
 be implemented this week. But can I count on v4vm being the script engine
 used for the foreseeable future? If yes, is there an API documentation so
 that I could familiarize myself to the internals? The v8 interface was
 pretty straightforward stuff so I believe porting the code to v4vm isn't a
 huge deal either. But without documentation it'll take a lot longer.

v4vm is better documented than v8 (still not really documented
though), and will probably be in use until Qt 6 (if only because I
expect we'd bump the major version if we switched again :P ). While I
do expect v4vm to be used for the foreseeable future it's still young,
and immature, and that means change. Especially since we have total
control and we need to take advantage of that lack of public API as
much as possible ;) .

But at least the creators are still around, unlike the other engines.
Hopefully they'll add some insight when they wake up, and you can
always ask questions in #qt-v4vm on freenode (CET hours at least).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] the need to add a Task-Number in the release branch ...

2013-11-13 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:38 AM, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 thiago proposed that all changes pushed for release need to come with a
 task-number footer.
 the proposal met moderate approval.
 little surprisingly, thiago seems to be the only person (i noticed) who
 is actually enforcing this rule. and causing a lot of unnecessary churn,

 creating jira tasks just for the sake of being able to reference them in
 the commit messages does not improve the quality of the git history.
 the only purpose of the exercise is convincing the reviewers (and the
 release team who stages the change, and possibly also yourself) that the
 change actually does belong into the release branch.
 as this pertains only to the review/integration process, i think it's
 sufficient if all related activity is limited to the relevant tool:

 so my counter-proposal is this:
 - you don't *need* to create a task just for the sake of it (of course
   you should still do it if it really helps you).
   as an alternative to actually creating and prioritizing a task, you
   can do it as a thought exercise (and possibly mention your priority
   estimate in the commit message).
 - you need to convince the reviewer that the change is necessary to
   start with. you do that in the commit message.
   obviously, you should be doing that *anyway*, but maybe put a bit more
   emphasis on it in release times. and keep it later on. ;)
 - if the urgency of the change is not obvious to the reviewer, they'll
   say that in a comment.
   you may now need to amend the commit message (if some key information
   is missing, e.g., that the change causes incompatibility).
   other than that, the obvious recourse is doing the convincing in
   followup comments. you may even write a comment pre-emptively.

 or to put is a bit concisely, the proposal is to simply pay attention to
 the existing rules consistently instead of creating an entirely
 unnecessary paper trail.

The paper trail is necessary for history and for communicating with
others and what I'm seeing here is that you want to be able to have it
entirely in gerrit (you haven't asked for any relevant content to be
dropped, just moved to review comments). Gerrit is the wrong tool for
that, review comments are not easily searchable. Even git is not
always that great, especially since we tell people that JIRA is where
we track issues and so that's the first place people will look. I'm
fine with the enhanced scrutiny on release branch when theoretically
*all* commits should have a JIRA task associated (even though everyone
agrees that it's not worth bothering with that for most work).

My only problem is that resubmitting the patches can be a problem
(needs to be at a workstation set up for development, then needs to be
re-approved). I'd recommend (and have kind of been doing) that it's
okay to just add the JIRA task number as a comment on gerrit. Then you
don't get the automatic JIRA source integration, but it's easy enough
to put in a comment with the link to the codereview change (mitigating
the 'searchable' problem) or filling out the changes field yourself
(ah, that takes me back ;) ).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.2 header diff

2013-11-11 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 4:59 AM, Heikkinen Jani wrote:
 Hi all,

 What is the situation with reviews  especially potential fixes? Is all
 needed now done and so on can we start merge on Monday morning?,70479 still needs to merge.
It should be ready, and all the dependent changes have already merged,
but it hasn't quite yet.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.2 qmltypes update

2013-11-05 Thread Alan Alpert
Similar to the header diffs, each minor version the .qmltypes files
for QML plugins gets updated and that diff
(,70479) should show
everything that snuck into public QML APIs. I put my comments on
gerrit, it's better for inline review of code diffs. But it raised two

A) Would the ML like to see these? I can start the process for all the
modules which expose QML imports and post them to devel same as
Thiago's header diffs. Eventually the process of updating the APIs
should include updating the qmltypes file in the same commit, but
diffs could still be posted then.

B) It hit a few known issues (QTBUG-30309, QTBUG-33179 and
QTBUG-34602) with the QML versioning. They're mostly low priority, due
to it not having any practical impact on the runtime. But it shows up
in the .qmltypes files, so I'm wondering if we should prioritize them
for more accurate auto-completion?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.2 header diff: QtDeclarative

2013-11-04 Thread Alan Alpert
In case anyone's wondering why a deprecated module had a header
change, it was just a backport of removing a compiler warning (VS2010
specific). No new functionality here.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [Qt-components] Propose new Qt Quick component

2013-11-04 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Alessandro Mommo wrote:
 this is my first post and i don't now if this is the right place.
 However, I would like to propose two items for the Qt Quick Controls module,
 ideal, but not only, for mobile application running on touch devices.
 One is a Spinner like that in the Qt 4.8 qml examples with some enhancement
 in the presentation and in the usability.
 Another is a Combobox, similar to the one already existing but with a
 customizable delegate that, unlike the current one, lets visualize virtually
 any model the user wants as well as a more attractive look. Another thing
 missing in the current one, but available in my implementation, is the
 ability to increase the height of the rows in the ListView, which greatly
 limits its usability on touch devices.
 What should I do to propose the components in such a way as they can be
 taken into consideration for inclusion in future release?

2 things to do.

1) Email the development(cc'd) or qt-interest list. The qt-components
list is defunct and should have been shut down by now. Then you can
see what other people think of the idea.

I like the idea of the touch spinner (which could just be a
touch-variant of the SpinBox). But the customizable delegate combobox
is either already there, hidden behind the Styles API, or so custom
that they may as well write the combobox part as well as the fully
custom delegate.

2) To be even more considered, show some code on gerrit (or github or
similar, if you've already written versions of these components that
you want to share as an example).

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Maintainership of QtNetwork

2013-11-04 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:58 AM, André Pönitz wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 04:25:26PM +, Koehne Kai wrote:

  -Original Message- From:
  [] On
  Behalf Of Richard Moore Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 1:32 PM To: Subject: [Development] Maintainership of
  Hi All,
  As some of you may know, Shane has a new job and therefore has a lot
  less time to spend on QtNetwork. He, Peter and I have discussed how we
  should maintain the module in the future. What we're proposing is that
  Peter and I take over as joint maintainers since neither of us has the
  time to keep on top of things alone. Anyone looking to help out in this
  area should feel free to drop us a mail.

 This isn't a veto or anything, but having two 'equal' maintainers for the
 same area sounds odd to me. I mean, it's perfectly fine that you split up
 the workload, but the point of having a nominal maintainer is to have
 _one_ person to go to, and _one_ person who can decide if there's need
 ... It doesn't mean that the maintainer can't delegate his work though,
 up to the point that whomever he trusts can act as a de-facto decision
 maker, too.

 Well, I am pretty much in the other camp. I see no problem here, neither of
 the setup in general (better bus factor, less chance of overload, something
 that rather should be encouraged...) nor with Rich and Peter in particular.

You're missing the point of having a hierarchy, which is to
deliberately assign clear bottlenecks for responsibility (and they
shouldn't be used that often).  Maintainer isn't that different from
approver, there shouldn't be any more bus factor or overload because
the real work is split between the approvers/contributors in that area
already (PS: Everyone is welcome to fix QtQuick bugs for 5.2 :D ).

 If a contributor want a definite maintainer answer he puts both
 co-maintainers on the reviewer list. Something will happen.

I'd like to limit the set of possible somethings, for a theoretically
simpler structure.

Back from the general to the specific, I'm definitely happy with
Richard and Peter stepping up if Shane no longer has time. It's better
to have too many good maintainers for a module than too few.

Since I think it'll be a long time until we hit a situation where the
designated tie breaker rule will be needed, I'd suggest we vote them
both in first and then tackle the general question of shared
maintainerships separately.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt5 regression with PathView (or I am missing something?)

2013-11-04 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Felipe Crochik wrote:
 I just filled a bug report
 ( but since I am seeing
 other cases where my application crashes due to ASSERT statements on the
 scenegraph\coreapi\qsgbatchrenderer.cpp I started wondering if I am missing

A new Scenegraph renderer was integrated for 5.2, and it's has caused
a few asserts. Thanks for testing the beta, we've squashed a lot of
those already and so you should retry with the RC when it comes out.

 On my bug report you will find two cases (with attached code) and I have
 already found another one.

 I may be wrong about this but it seems that the behavior of PathView on
 QtQuick 2 is different than the one on QtQuick 1 (qt4.8) without any
 apparent obvious reason. I haven't managed to create a way to reproduce but
 it seems that changing the currentIndex by code doesn't actually change the
 currentIndex immediately (maybe just actually changes the value after the

That's just a bug in Qt :) .

As a workaround in most situations, set highlightRangeMode:
PathView.ApplyRange .

 p.s. My application is quite simple, 100% qml/javascript using only plain
 qml components and used to work just fine on Qt 4.8

Technically there is no behavior compatibility guarantee between
QtQuick 1 and QtQuick 2, but we tried to keep the differences short
and document them all here: . If
something's missing on that page, it should be added. Not sure if bugs
qualify though, I'd rather just fix them than amend the docs.

PS: is probably a better list for asking about
bugs and behavior, I recommend using that list next time.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML, Widgets, and setParent

2013-11-04 Thread Alan Alpert
On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 5:06 AM, Kevin Krammer wrote:
 On Saturday, 2013-11-02, 11:25:07, Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:

 On Saturday 02 November 2013, Kevin Krammer wrote:
  On Thursday, 2013-10-31, 20:17:43, Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:
   I've got it running
   for trivial QML files, however as soon as there are child widgets the
   running program aborts.
   The abort is caused by QObject::setParent, which contains this little
   gem: Q_ASSERT(!d-isWidget);
  Hmm. The same code is in Qt4. I think it works for me/us because we are
  building against our distribution's Qt packages which are release builds
  and thus doesn't have the Q_ASSERT.

 No, it works for you because the Qt4 QML code (qqmlvme.cpp) contains special
 code to handle Widgets - in Qt5 it was deactivated to remove the dependency
 on the QtWidget module.

 The Qt4 code does not call setParent if the object is a widget and the parent
 is not, e.g. if the parent is a layout. Still seems to work quite well.

 Maybe it would still work if the Qt5 code did something like this:

 if (!o-isWidgetType)
 QQml_setParent_noEvent(o, parent);

 The code of QObject::setParent itself is absolutely identical (I didn't
 check all the lines of QObjectPrivate::setParent_helper though). Qt4
 contains the same Q_ASSERT.

 Sure, what I was saying is that maybe it works for me because I am using a
 release built Qt4. Q_ASSERT is not part of release build object code.

   I kind of ran out of ideas on how to solve this. Should I consider
   setParent, qqmlvme or the direct use of QWidgets as a bug?
  I agree with Alan on setParent() being in error, the problem is some
  other areas rely on that. E.g. QWidget::parentWidget() does a
  static_cast of parent() to QWidget*

 Upon reading the code of QWidget a bit more I must conclude that this was
 done deliberately (both in Qt4 and Qt5). If widgets are supposed to be able
 to have non-widget parents, then this is one hell of a design bug that can't
 be easily fixed inside a single minor release.

 The thing is that the widgets wouldn't have non-Widget parents, at least not
 in DeclarativeWidgets. The parent is either a widget or, most of the times, a
 layout. The layouts' addWidget methods reparent to their parent widget.

 Therefore one option might be to just not call set parent on widget objects
 and let the list property code deal with reparenting.

I'm surprised this works. There's implicit QObject parenting built
into the language, for example:
QtObject {
 id: foo
 property Widget bar: Widget{}

Will automatically make foo the qobject parent of bar.

I'm not certain, but I think this happens before it gets assigned to
the property which might make any declarative widgets example using
layouts crash in debug builds...

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML, Widgets, and setParent

2013-10-31 Thread Alan Alpert
I'd argue that it's setParent with the bug. It's conceptually valid to
have a QWidget with a QObject parent but no QWidget parent, but it
won't really show up until you try to use them in QML. If you do this
with non-QML QWidgets, then it won't show up on screen so the user
will think they've made an error (but with QML there's an intermediate
state it goes through even in a correct usage case).

QML as a language requires that you can set the QObject::parent on
instances of QML types, so if that QObject assert is valid it means
you can't use widgets in QML without hacks (specifically, that exact
hack you found already which doesn't allow intermingling).

Alan Alpert

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:

 I'm trying to port KDAB's DeclarativeWidgets[1] to Qt5. I've got it running
 for trivial QML files, however as soon as there are child widgets the
 running program aborts.

 The abort is caused by QObject::setParent, which contains this little gem:

 Apart from not understanding why there is a significant difference between
 QObjects and QWidgets in regards to parenting...

 There used to be code that handled this in qqmlvme.cpp[2], but it has been
 disabled by an #if 0 . Apparently to remove dependencies on QtWidgets from

 I kind of ran out of ideas on how to solve this. Should I consider
 setParent, qqmlvme or the direct use of QWidgets as a bug?


 [1] It enables you to create widget based GUIs using QML.

 [2] In 5.2 beta this is line 627 in qqmlvme.cpp. It's Halloween. Go ahead,
 look at scary code! ;-)

 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö ( as approver

2013-10-23 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:45 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013 14:08:28, Martin Smith wrote:
  actually, I think that he shouldn't go through this process since he was
  a Nokia employee before Open Governance was in place, so he should have
  been added before the Open Governance launch. If that was not the case,
  then it was a mistake.

 I think that might apply to everyone on the doc team.

 +1 to Topi.

+1 for Topi, I've liked his work on the qtdeclarative examples and docs.

 Anyone who has been working in those two years probably deserves to be an
 approver with the current rules, without having to resort to the old
 grandfathering. Otherwise, if in those two years someone has not participated
 in the Qt Project, the grandfathering should really not be used.

+1, we have a good process and it seems to be working fine in this case.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Codifying the .qml License Header Exemption

2013-10-21 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 1:37 AM, Mitch Curtis wrote:
 On 09/21/2013 12:15 AM, Alan Alpert wrote:

 A while ago it came up that the rules for license headers in QML files
 isn't clearly defined. Here's my suggestion for how to define it, and if
 the project likes the idea we can get a legal check and then fix up the
 infrastructure to follow (sanity bot and license-check test).

 Current rule is roughly can be skipped in tests. It's that way for a
 reason, QML unit tests necessarily involve lots of trivially simple QML
 files to test just one specific part of the language. We have separate
 tests for comment parsing, we don't need to extend the CI runs with a
 ton of double-checking here ;) .

 Since I'm pretty sure the concept is supposed to be only bothering for
 non-trivial code (because bothering to add headers to trivial code is
 useless, boring, and depressing) adding a size limit would be the
 easiest way to make this automatable. Looking at the file sizes, I
 recommend excluding QML files under tests from requiring a license
 header if they have =15 LoC. If those few lines are really ingenious
 contributors are recommended to add a header anyways and there's nothing
 wrong with adding the headers. But if you don't add a header for such a
 small file in tests (and the reviewer agrees the files are trivial),
 then you don't get blocked.

 Note that the abundance of tiny, trivial QML files is a tests specific
 problem and so I think this exemption should only apply to the tests
 subdir. All doc/example code should still have license headers checked.

 If this sounds good to people, I'll prepare patches to update the
 system. Not patches that add/remove license headers to existing tests.

 For reference, this recent patch got a ton of bogus warnings:,63591
 And this patch is blocked because the current exemption is tests/auto
 when tests/benchmarks is obviously in the same boat (and test manual is
 on the fence, so should be left to human judgement).

 Appendix A: Graphs of data (LoC in .qml files after removing all
 headers) which informed this suggestion:

 QML file size under tests

 Inline image 1
 Same data, zoomed in to see that spike in better res. 15 seems like the
 sweet spot in the data (while still being a fairly trivial amount of
 formatted QML code).
 Inline image 2
 Length of .qml files in the examples sub-tree for comparision (same
 x-axis scale as the 1st graph):
 Inline image 3

 With a 40 line license header, and looking at those graphs, I think
 we're looking at 60kB of license headers on trivial files if we force
 all the =15 LoC test files to have licenses. If nothing else, think of
 the poor people on dialup ;) because that's above the large file
 warning the bot hands out so freely.

 Alan Alpert

 Are you still interested in doing this, Alan?

Yeah, just lost track of it in the travel hullabaloo. Here's the
initial implementation attempt:,68767
(warns at = 20 LoC, since people seemed amenable to a bit above 15).

Alan Alpert.
Development mailing list

[Development] Codifying the .qml License Header Exemption

2013-09-20 Thread Alan Alpert
A while ago it came up that the rules for license headers in QML files
isn't clearly defined. Here's my suggestion for how to define it, and if
the project likes the idea we can get a legal check and then fix up the
infrastructure to follow (sanity bot and license-check test).

Current rule is roughly can be skipped in tests. It's that way for a
reason, QML unit tests necessarily involve lots of trivially simple QML
files to test just one specific part of the language. We have separate
tests for comment parsing, we don't need to extend the CI runs with a ton
of double-checking here ;) .

Since I'm pretty sure the concept is supposed to be only bothering for
non-trivial code (because bothering to add headers to trivial code is
useless, boring, and depressing) adding a size limit would be the easiest
way to make this automatable. Looking at the file sizes, I recommend
excluding QML files under tests from requiring a license header if they
have =15 LoC. If those few lines are really ingenious contributors are
recommended to add a header anyways and there's nothing wrong with adding
the headers. But if you don't add a header for such a small file in tests
(and the reviewer agrees the files are trivial), then you don't get blocked.

Note that the abundance of tiny, trivial QML files is a tests specific
problem and so I think this exemption should only apply to the tests
subdir. All doc/example code should still have license headers checked.

If this sounds good to people, I'll prepare patches to update the system.
Not patches that add/remove license headers to existing tests.

For reference, this recent patch got a ton of bogus warnings:,63591
And this patch is blocked because the current exemption is tests/auto
when tests/benchmarks is obviously in the same boat (and test manual is on
the fence, so should be left to human judgement).

Appendix A: Graphs of data (LoC in .qml files after removing all headers)
which informed this suggestion:

QML file size under tests

[image: Inline image 1]
Same data, zoomed in to see that spike in better res. 15 seems like the
sweet spot in the data (while still being a fairly trivial amount of
formatted QML code).
[image: Inline image 2]
Length of .qml files in the examples sub-tree for comparision (same x-axis
scale as the 1st graph):
[image: Inline image 3]

With a 40 line license header, and looking at those graphs, I think we're
looking at 60kB of license headers on trivial files if we force all the
=15 LoC test files to have licenses. If nothing else, think of the poor
people on dialup ;) because that's above the large file warning the bot
hands out so freely.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQuick ML

2013-08-27 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 12:46 PM, André Pönitz wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 03:48:18PM +0200, Juergen Bocklage-Ryannel wrote:
 On 24.07.13 5:41 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
  Since I can't seem to get them to speak up, I guess they don't care
  that much after all. I'll withdraw the suggestion again.
  See you in six months :P
 Sorry haven't seen this thread. I'm working in several customer projects
 now using purely QML/JS. Some other developers do the C++ parts. When we
 work with customers we have a similar split: Frontend Developers do the
 QML/JS code and Backend Developers do the C++ code. We work with
 frontend developers who don't have a great understanding of C++ and also
 are not interested in it. They are interested into ui elements /
 animations / javascript / concepts / recipies, etc... A mailing list
 where people speak about Qt/C++ mixed with some QML/JS would just
 confuse them.

 Those frontend developers are surely not overly interested in the
 _development of Qt_, more of it's use, for which there's already

 I think there is a great need to have an open forum / mailing list for
 QML/JS users. Not sure if a Qt mailinglist is the right place for
 people, but better than a mixed mailing list.

 Maybe for _users_ of QML and JavaScript. And if so, this should be clear
 in the naming of the list, e.g. by calling it

André is correct that it's a separate issue, but it sounds like one
worth pursuing. +1 from me on the creation of a list to match the C++ (and hybrid
use-case) qt-interest list.

As for forum, it already exists: . But MLs and forums
attract different sorts of people, so I think there's value in having

Personally I think there needs to be greater interaction between
QtQuick developers and QtQuick users. One of Qt's great strengths
before was that the developers were also the target audience, we wrote
the very APIs that we'd want to use (and it worked so well that all
our seasoned experts have left to become full-time Qt users ;) ). But
Qt is C++ and primarily crewed by C++ developers, so this
declarative/scripting thing targets a different audience than
ourselves. I think that means we need to work harder to remain close
to our users and ensure that our APIs truly provide value. So I would
recommend all persons developing QML/QtQuick to join the users ML too,
and that API discussions involve the users list sometimes.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] New JIRA type 'Feature'? (was RE: FW: Proposal for RFC like feature process)

2013-08-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 12:03 AM, Koehne Kai wrote:
 Alright, discussion about a new JIRA type 'Feature' went on at

 with two different ideas:

 1) That we already have too many issue types in JIRA, and adding another one 
 makes things just worse, since the line between different types is blurry 

 2) that a separate 'Feature' type that's can only be created by approvers, 
 and follows stricter standards, is a good thing to let roadmap / important 
 features stand out

 I personally think it's useful, but also think it only makes sense if the 
 type is really used by at least the majority of maintainers ...

 So, I'd like to ask specifically you, the maintainers: Would you use a 
 separate 'Feature' type? This is meant to describe things that typically 
 would show up on a roadmap  release blog, or that you'd want to discuss with 
 stakeholders ...



 -Original Message-
 From: Blasche Alexander
 Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 1:32 PM
 To: Koehne Kai; Koehne Kai; Alan Alpert; Bubke Marco
 Subject: RE: [Development] FW: Proposal for RFC like feature process

 Creating an issue type is very easy. What's not easy is to commonly agree on
 what each type means and to consistently apply them. That's something
 where no admin can help as the community has to agree upon it.

 For what is is worth I am very much in favor of such a feature type.


 Unless a benevolent dictator comes around my experience tells me that
 there won't be an agreement any time soon(10 years of issue tracking inside
 Qt seem to have gotten the better of me).

Alex's argument is entirely correct here (rant esp.). So I'm only in
favor of a new feature type if we can agree on the meaning and then
have a realistic expectation that we'll apply it consistently.

Specific questions I have about the feature type are

A) Do we have a clear distinction between Feature and Suggestion (also
Feature and Task)?
B) Can contributors create Tasks? If not, would using Task again help?
Since it's already there we can start using it while having the
discussion of what it means, call it an advanced feasibility use-case
C) Isn't a roadmap in an open governance project now defined by what
tasks people are working on? So wouldn't in progress state on high
priority suggestions/tasks/bugs be more appropriate as the roadmap?
Why are contributors who are working on such items any different from

I would also not expect stakeholder discussions to be easier or more
fruitful if they could happen in JIRA instead. Which some possibly
should already have done, so my ability to consistently communicate
through JIRA may not be high enough to handle a new issue type ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Enabling -Werror developer builds

2013-08-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 Commit ebfd85a499a4382ace09d443b1f35cd6b1848af6 adds support for -Werror, but
 it hasn't been acted on yet. The commit says:

 This is enabled only for -developer-builds and only for certain
 compiler-version combinations that are in a whitelist.

 It also requires each library, plugin or tool to declare whether it is
 supposedly clean of warnings. When most targets are clean, we can
 consider inverting.

 So, expanding:
 1) -Werror is opt-in for regular builds (pass -warnings-are-errors to
 configure), and opt-out for developer builds (pass -no-warnings-are-errors).

 2) -Werror is enabled only for certain compiler versions. I'll update the
 whitelist to have an upper range too. For example, right now it enables -
 Werror for GCC 4.6 and above. I'm going to introduce an upper limit because we
 don't know what new warnings our code triggers with newer versions of GCC.
 That means we'll need to first clean up the warnings before expanding the

How is this clean up to be managed? The scenario I'm envisioning is
that warnings are cleaned up inside qtbase, allowing the change to
pass CI, while a new warning appears in another module which is then
broken by the qtbase change. We might need to integrate qt5.git
merging into the whitelist expansion test somehow, or provide another
solution so that all modules are checked before updating the

Other than this future concern, setting -Werror like this sounds good
to me. Some people build with it already so I've received bugs before
when public headers don't compile with -Werror.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] AplicationWindow, QQuickWindow, contentRotation and setting width and height of contentItem

2013-08-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Tomasz Olszak wrote:
 You should also be able to work around it inside your
 ApplicationWindow by hiding the parent property on your content item.
 Something like property Item parent: null should make it look like
 the root of the tree. It's not great, but you actually want to pretend
 to be the root of the tree (it's not just a ModalPopupBehavior hack).

 Right it solves more issues, but modals are most common. Unfortunately i
 will not work. When I declared such property I got:
 Cannot override FINAL property

 The other workaround that comes to mind is to define your
 ApplicationWindow in C++ by subclassing QQuickWindow.h and
 implementing your own contentItem which does include the rotation

 I very would like to use ApplicationWindow from QtQuick.Controls module so I
 would rather not to do that.

 Would either approach be sufficient for your needs?

 Because of above, either ApplicationWindow will be moved to C++ or another
 solution will be found or idea of reusing ApplicationWindow dropped.

 Didn't you consider such case that certain Item could be declared as quasi
 root of the tree?

From the QtQuick.Window side, no. Root items don't really matter from
QML because they shouldn't be traversing the tree and there's no point
otherwise (because children can go outside their parent, you can't
properly use the bounding box for example). So if the controls want to
have a quasi-root item, they should probably provide it and make it

It sounds to me like ApplicationWindow would benefit from a
configurable Item topLevelItem property for stuff like modal dialogs
or other content which needs to be on a different layer to the 'main
scene'. This could then be used like its own contentItem, but a little
more customizable.

Another possibility would be to drop the FINAL from contentItem, While
parent is used enough that FINAL is very valuable, contentItem is just
for workarounds so dropping FINAL should be fine. Then the controls
ApplicationWindow could use the contentItem property directly for
modals and such, and you'd be able to intercept it.

Alan Alpert

PS: Sorry for the delay, I forgot about this draft :(
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Enabling -Werror developer builds

2013-08-19 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013 15:40:06, Alan Alpert wrote:
  2) -Werror is enabled only for certain compiler versions. I'll update the
  whitelist to have an upper range too. For example, right now it enables -
  Werror for GCC 4.6 and above. I'm going to introduce an upper limit
  because we don't know what new warnings our code triggers with newer
  versions of GCC. That means we'll need to first clean up the warnings
  before expanding the whitelist.

 How is this clean up to be managed? The scenario I'm envisioning is
 that warnings are cleaned up inside qtbase, allowing the change to
 pass CI, while a new warning appears in another module which is then
 broken by the qtbase change. We might need to integrate qt5.git
 merging into the whitelist expansion test somehow, or provide another
 solution so that all modules are checked before updating the

 Someone or a group of people fixes all the warnings with a given new compiler
 version in all modules. Once all changes are in, past the CI and possibly past
 a qt5.git integration, we expand the whitelist in qtbase.

 Worst case scenario, there's a race condition with new code that introduces a
 new warning.

Given how long CI integrations can take I would not be surprised to
see such a race condition occur. But so long as all modules is
explicitly in the process (and we can't think of a good automated test
for it) I can accept that risk.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Controlling a QtQuick ListView using its contentY shall be supported or not?

2013-05-21 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
 TLDR: Controlling a ListView using its contentY doesn't work and we have a use
 case that needs it. I am volunteering to code the solution to make it work but
 the question is what solution the Qt project wants :-)

What I want to see is a better abstraction. ListView is complicated
enough already, and doesn't fit in well with the primitives goal of
QtQuick. So given infinite time, I'd go back to researching a better
abstraction so that you can just create your own ListView for custom
behavior - as easily as you'd create your own Button. Practically, I
think we'll have to compromise on that right now :( .

 Our design team wants a ListView with Header that behaves in a different way
 than the current Header component of ListView does. They want that if you
 scroll up when the Header is hidden the first thing that happens is that the
 header shows and then when the Header has been totally shown the list
 scrolling happens.

 A Flickable that controls the contentY of a ListView and the height of the
 And it works :-) but...

 We want to have section headers in that listview and adding section headers
 makes lots of things go weird, you can see the problem in
 either by scrolling up when the list is at the top or by scrolling to the
 bottom and then pressing 1 to scroll up. The contentY of the list will not be
 at its expected location.

 I can workaround this by doing crazy things like on the listview
 onContentYChanged check if it is changing to the value I set it and if not
 fixing it (fixes the jittering going up from the top)
 and by remembering the last originY when pressing the 1 to go to the top
 I consider the changes between flickable_control_listview_workaround.qml and
 flickable_control_listview.qml a huge hack and something that should not be
 needed, but we could live with that

 We also want to have items with different sizes in the listview
 If you go to the end and then press 1 to scrol to the top you'll see that my
 workaround for the baseOriginY fails

 We also want to have problems if the list view contains complex loaders,
 haven't had time to create a simple test case for it

 We would like the code from flickable_control_listview_without_sections.qml to
 work on all the cases (sections, differently sized items, loader, etc) but we
 have been told that Using contentY to control a listview is unsupported

 We are hoping that this use case may make you change your opinion on that
 statement and accept patches that makes the code in
 flickable_control_listview_without_sections.qml (or something along the lines)
 work in all the other situations.

 In case you keep the statement that noone should use contentY to control
 listviews (why not make it read-only?) we see two solutions:

It's not read-only because it's known to be needed to hack things
together. It's what I'd call sub-optimal. Even if we add better
support for dealing with contentX/Y manipulations, it would sill be
unsupported because that's not how ListView is supposed to be used.
It's supposed to just work the right way already, and you don't mess
with it (not a good answer for platform components, I know).

 1) Add to ListView a enum that switches between the current Header
 hiding/showing behaviour and the one we want. Would you guys be interested in
 that feature to be merged upstream?

My concern here is the maintenance burden on an already massive class.
Conceptually I don't think adding this feature is an issue, but the
class is already hard-to-maintain so we need to keep a firm hand on
feature creep. I'd be happy to see a patch merged adding this if it's
really good quality and doesn't require major changes to ListView
internals. If you've got a patch already, I'd like to see it.

 2) Reimplement our own ListView based on a Flickable so that it has the
 features we need. This is the solution we prefer the least since it would
 involve a lot of code duplication

This is supposed to be the correct solution for custom components with
QtQuick. You reimplement your own item with the behavior you want,
there's a little code duplication but it's all in QML and so easy that
it doesn't really matter.  But I can see how that approach just isn't
working with the view classes just yet.

 So what's your opinion, how should we implement the wanted behaviour with the
 current QtQuick items?

Don't stick to the current ones. Add new QtQuick items that are better
at this ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

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