Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 20:56:16 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 16:31:45 UTC, Denis F wrote:
What are these sacrifices for? I do not like idea that I 
should drop some functionality of Postgres for conpatibility 
with another RDBMSes. Personally, I like specific databases 
because it have nuances of functionality that they provide to 

Nobody said or implied anything about dropping Postgres 
functionality. If you can, please take a look at the contents 
of the Psycopg docs (, the most 
popular Python Postgres adapter: after the entries for the 
connection and cursor classes, you'll see pyscopg2.extensions, 
pyscopg2.extras, psycopg2.pool and more. It even includes 
support for the recently added logical replication feature.

pyscopg2 passes request arguments as strings inside of it! This 
degrades type safety because in D we have types.

Looks like it is uses C format:

cur.execute("SELECT '%s', %s", (123,456,)) -- first arg expected 
as "%s" string

('123', 456)

You're obviously reluctant of having to rewrite dpq2 just to 
"play along with the other kids".  I can understand that, but 
who knows, maybe your design is 90% of what the others 

No, sure. dpq2 is too lowlevel for this. Users need transactions, 
prepared statements wrappers, etc. But I can't implement it in 
dpq2 because these things is depedend from other more high level 

At least, for dpk2, I clearly see that the wrapper is the best 

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 19:29:59 UTC, kdevel wrote:

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 11:46:26 UTC, Denis F wrote:
But it is impossible to convert text :names or '?' into 
Postgres's "$1": Postgres isn't knows fields names at start of 
a query processing and you can't replace '?' to "$" by 
simple 'replace' call - it will need full syntax parsing of 
Posgres SQL query because queries can contain EXECUTE 
statement (whose purpose is executing dynamic commands).

You don't have to parse the full syntax.

You must if you want to make a replacement correctly for all 
types of statements.

Quote from another language (which also supports underscore in 
integer literals):

"This language" just drops off supporting of dynamic commands by 
using prepared statements for requests with arguments:

"WARNING: DBD::Pg now (as of version 1.40) uses true prepared 
statements by sending them to the backend to be prepared by the 
Postgres server. Statements that were legal before may no longer 

It is trivial to replace any placeholders if you use only 
prepared statements, yes. But if you after that try to call 
procedure which calls EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command inside it will 
fail! How many of your users will understand why this happens?

Also I see too high level of abstraction in DBD::Pg. I am isn't 
add prepared statement wrappers into dpq2 because its 
implementation depends from async queries handling implementation.

dpq2 is "middle-level" - C calls and classes wrappers over some 
of it.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 15:34:00 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 09:07:34 UTC, Denis F wrote:
Libraries already are similar automatically because RDBMSes 
uses similar principles. But it is impossible to make 
libraries absolutely identical due to the presence of 
important significant nuances in each engine.

I don't see how making libraries compatible with each other, 
i.e., complying with some standard, will result in losing 
functionality.  What I'm talking about is standardizing the 
names of certain classes and their methods, exceptions, and 
perhaps some datatypes and the expected order of certain 
arguments.  For example, instead of having classes named 
Database (sqlite3), PGConnection (ddb) and Connection (dpq2, 
mysql-native) there's just one name, and that class is expected 
to have certain methods.

I guess this is problem too: sqlite isn't connects at all, and 
its struct represents RDBMS itself. But other should represent 
only connections because they manipulate the connection and not 
controls its server, and connection is a potential source of 
connection-related exceptions. This is a subtle but important 
difference too.

The library implementor can add others. For example, I see 
mysql-native has a connection pool and that doesn't need to be 
part of the standard. Also, some methods can be specified as 
being optional by the standard, e.g., something like callproc, 
because not all DBMSs support procedures.

This is another confirmation is that there are more differences 
than similarities  between databases. :-)

Ok, I propose to be consistent and ask for compliance with the 
Standard from the RDBMSes. For example, arguments substitution:

MySQL uses the '?'
PostgreSQL uses $1
SQLite accepts both
Oracle uses a :name

(Really, it is very important to come to an agreement here 
because, for sure, the next obvious step is writing an ORM 
generator on top of the idea what you are proposing.)

In PEP 249, this was left up to the implementors (see the 
paramstyle global), but a footnote suggests that some styles 
are supposed to be preferred over others.

For example, I would not change unobvious at first sight 
system of classes "Result" and inherited from it class 
"Answer" for the sake of similarity to other libraries. Simply 
because this is the way what Postgres client library works, 
and if this classes will be removed some significant 
functionality will be lost.

I'm sure that in other libraries there is something similar.

I'm not sure I understand your example, but perhaps this is 
getting too specific and close to the discussions that would 
need to take place betweeen existing implementors.  There has 
to be a negotiation process for a standard to be developed.  In 
my example above, suppose the sqlite3 library developer says "I 
don't want to have a class named Connection, because my users 
don't connect to a server".  It will be up to the other 
developers to convince him or to arrive at some compromise

What are these sacrifices for? I do not like idea that I should 
drop some functionality of Postgres for conpatibility with 
another RDBMSes. Personally, I like specific databases because it 
have nuances of functionality that they provide to me.

And those who wish to "crossbreeding a hedgehog with a snake", at 
first, can try to write a wrapper around existing SQL libraries. 
This is faster and more humane in relation to the developers.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 12:12:58 UTC, rikki cattermole 

Let's not go inventing a solution here, what does JDBC and do?

JDBC isn't touches this - it is just passes statement "as is". 
I.e. it isn't drops support of any type of args.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 09:23:18 UTC, rikki cattermole 

It's the same concept as the SQL (and other) Standards.

Ok, I propose to be consistent and ask for compliance with the 
Standard from the RDBMSes. For example, arguments substitution:

MySQL uses the '?'
PostgreSQL uses $1
SQLite accepts both
Oracle uses a :name

(Really, it is very important to come to an agreement here 
because, for sure, the next obvious step is writing an ORM 
generator on top of the idea what you are proposing.)

On IRC earlier today we discussed database libs a bit, we 
agreed that both "?" and "@name" needed to be supported. No 
other suggestions came up. We don't really need a third or 
fourth form I think.

...And you are planned to give up "$1" support in favor of '?' 
and ":name"?

But it is impossible to convert text :names or '?' into 
Postgres's "$1": Postgres isn't knows fields names at start of a 
query processing and you can't replace '?' to "$" by simple 
'replace' call - it will need full syntax parsing of Posgres SQL 
query because queries can contain EXECUTE statement (whose 
purpose is executing dynamic commands).

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 03:03:05 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 23:04:39 UTC, Denis F wrote:
If anyone really want to impliment your idea, at my first 
glance at the PEP 249 I had a feeling that this is work for 
time less than a 1-2 weeks. It can be a simple wrapper over 
dpq2, mysql-native, sqlite3, etc.

I'm not saying that anyone should implement something like PEP 
249, particularly *not* as a wrapper over those libraries. My 
point is that if the implementors of dpq2, mysql-native, etc., 
could "get together" (at DConf, in forums, by email) and 
discuss their interfaces, perhaps they could agree on a set of 
D database interface classes and then each would work towards 
that common set.

Libraries already are similar automatically because RDBMSes uses 
similar principles. But it is impossible to make libraries 
absolutely identical due to the presence of important significant 
nuances in each engine.

That's more or less what the Python DB-SIG did. Then every 
library would benefit because, for one, the common set can be 
documented just once. Also, if it's a sufficiently reasonable 
spec, the libraries that don't move towards it should see less 
adoption because, unless the divergent library has a 
significantly enhanced interface, developers will shy away from 
having to learn a different one.

It's the same concept as the SQL (and other) Standards.

Ok, I propose to be consistent and ask for compliance with the 
Standard from the RDBMSes. For example, arguments substitution:

MySQL uses the '?'
PostgreSQL uses $1
SQLite accepts both
Oracle uses a :name

(Really, it is very important to come to an agreement here 
because, for sure, the next obvious step is writing an ORM 
generator on top of the idea what you are proposing.)

There may be variances between implementations but no one has 
implemented a RETRIEVE or PROJECT statement in lieu of a SELECT 
statement (and note there *were* relational systems that used 
the former).

For example, I would not change unobvious at first sight system 
of classes "Result" and inherited from it class "Answer" for the 
sake of similarity to other libraries. Simply because this is the 
way what Postgres client library works, and if this classes will 
be removed some significant functionality will be lost.

I'm sure that in other libraries there is something similar.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-25 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 03:20:08 UTC, Seb wrote:

If you talk about using Travis to build the documentation and 
push to gh-pages like e.g explained here [1]. There are 

a) Use branch protection (GH offers this. No one can force push 
something to protected branches)
b) Use a dedicated bot account (if you are worried about 
leaking the credentials)

c) Use a dedicated *-docs repo to which Travis pushes
d) Push to a different location (e.g. S3, netlify


Thank! I will try to solve this

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-24 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 22:24:58 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 18:41:21 UTC, Denis F wrote:

Hi! Here is dpq2 and vibe-d-postgresql developer.

The problem is that I do not know English very well. So,I 
think it's better not to write any documentation than to write 
the wrong one.

There are still some steps you can take:

1. Put a statement on the project page encouraging people to 
create an issue if there is something not documented. Even 
better, have a Gitter community where they can post questions. 
You can create an example to show how it's done. Those examples 
can then be added to the project.


2. Decide on the common use cases for your library. Provide 
examples useful to someone getting started for each of the 
common use cases.

What is a bad with example?

3. Looking at the source code, you have already written a bunch 
of comments. Those are documentation once you turn them into 

I'm for the comments to be documentation. But I am paranoid and 
do not like that the  documentation generator should be granted 
write access to the repository.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-24 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 20:45:03 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 18:56:23 UTC, Denis F wrote:
It seems to me that this is a common misconception that it is 
possible to create a good universal tool for accessing the 
database in place of the many existing ones.

I don't think what is needed a "good universal tool" but a good 
enough common interface. Python PEP 249 is very similar to what 
I've seen in the D libraries I've looked at: there is a 
Connection class of some kind, and a Cursor (or command or 
query) class, each with a set of well-defined (and generally 
not unexpected) methods: commit/rollback on the connection, 
execute/fetch/etc. on the cursor). PEP 249 also standardizes 
the exceptions and some datatypes.

Currently in dpq2 all of these things are implemented except 
cursors (I think cursors became "unpopular" lately)

It's not perfect, or universal enough, but I believe it allowed 
db development under Python to proceed at a faster pace than 

If anyone really want to impliment your idea, at my first glance 
at the PEP 249 I had a feeling that this is work for time less 
than a 1-2 weeks. It can be a simple wrapper over dpq2, 
mysql-native, sqlite3, etc.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-24 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 18:56:23 UTC, Denis F wrote:

Postgres quarantiees that result of query will be immutable

libpq, of course, not Postgres itself.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-24 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 05:45:45 UTC, rikki cattermole 
There is plenty of desire to build a generalized SQL interface 
for Phobos.

But somebody needs to do it and it won't be all that much fun 
to do.

I want to dwell on this.

It seems to me that this is a common misconception that it is 
possible to create a good universal tool for accessing the 
database in place of the many existing ones.

SQL is something like BASIC from the 70-80s: there is no single 
standard, there are many dialects. And the differences are both 
syntactic and deep, for example, Postgres and Oracle differently 
interpret the ANSI standard concerning transactions. The same 
applies to the connection layer: some of the databases allow you 
to organize a gradual download of the results, some - feedback in 
the form of something like "events", etc. Also, Postgres 
quarantiees that result of query will be immutable and this is 
very useful, but some one another DB maybe not.

At best, such a tool will be suitable for simple trivial things.

On the other hand, needing  for this is also not obvious - 
databases in real projects isn't switched usually every 
week/month because they are not interchangeable, except for some 
very simple cases. Usually RDBMS engine should be elected based 
on your requiriments before you start to use it.

Re: Postgres and other database interfaces

2018-02-24 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 05:33:56 UTC, Joe wrote:

2. dpq2. Second most downloaded and built on top of 
derelict-pq. The "documentation" consists of a README listing 
the features and a single example, which appears to focus on 
support for JSON/BSON.

Hi! Here is dpq2 and vibe-d-postgresql developer.

The problem is that I do not know English very well. So,I think 
it's better not to write any documentation than to write the 
wrong one.

PRs are welcomed!

3. vibe-d-postgresql. Third most downloaded and built on top of 
dpq2. Docs consist of a single example program.

Re: Typedef.toString?

2018-02-23 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 23 February 2018 at 15:26:02 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Friday, 23 February 2018 at 13:56:35 UTC, Denis F wrote:

On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 20:26:17 UTC, Meta wrote:

find all this inclusions.  Maybe it is need to implement 
simple toString method inside of Typedef struct? Or just 
disable it at all?

Yes. I doubt this behaviour is intended, so it's likely an 
oversight in Typedef's implementation.

Should be disabled also:



No, Typedef just needs a custom implementation of `toString`.

I lean towards the idea to disable toString at all. Because if we 
wrap string type into it, string can leave Typedef wrapper 

Re: Typedef.toString?

2018-02-23 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 20:26:17 UTC, Meta wrote:

find all this inclusions.  Maybe it is need to implement 
simple toString method inside of Typedef struct? Or just 
disable it at all?

Yes. I doubt this behaviour is intended, so it's likely an 
oversight in Typedef's implementation.

Should be disabled also:




2018-02-22 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d


After replacing native type by std.typecons.Typedef I am faced 
with fact what all!string was silently changed 
its output to output of Typedef struct itself. It was too hard 
find all this inclusions.  Maybe it is need to implement simple 
toString method inside of Typedef struct? Or just disable it at 

Re: Dlang remote junior developer jobs

2018-01-17 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 12:39:22 UTC, Bauss wrote:

You could take a look at this list and perhaps send in your job 
application, resume etc. and perhaps they might hire you for 
remote work, but honestly it's a shot in the sky.

Also there's this thread posted by Walter which links to a site 
offering D jobs.$3cf$

This link isn't work

Re: Dlang remote junior developer jobs

2018-01-17 Thread Denis F via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 at 22:34:33 UTC, eugene wrote:

Hello, everyone,
could you share, please, your knowledge, where can i search D 
lang remote junior developer jobs?


Same problem - I am need remote Dlang job.
My Github contains my contacts:

And may be in 2018 it make sence to revert job section into this 
forum? Linkedin isn't contains any of D-related vacancy, but at 
past year I am was hired twice for per-project employment via 
Telegram chat and e-mail.