Re: DConf '22 Livestream Links -- Day 3 Video Links

2022-08-15 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 9 August 2022 at 18:01:13 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 


No ppt?

Re: New WIP DUB documentation

2022-08-15 Thread Ruby The Roobster via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 August 2022 at 21:32:23 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:


I like the idea, making dub easier to learn for those who are 
unfamiliar, but I have a singular request: Could you do a section 
on setting up a copy of dub-registry?

Re: New WIP DUB documentation

2022-08-15 Thread Anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 August 2022 at 21:32:23 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:


I like it!

Can anything be done about the width of the `buildOptions` table 
though? The whole page takes up about about half of my horizontal 
screen real estate, yet the "corresponding GDC flags" column is 
still partially out of view until I scroll right. I'm on a laptop 
so I can do horizontal scrolls by gesture, but I imagine a user 
with only vertical scrolling has to navigate all the way down to 
the bottom of the table to get the horizontal scroll bar to show?

(I don't know how to solve it neatly but I thought I'd mention 

Re: New WIP DUB documentation

2022-08-15 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-announce

It is pretty awesome, a lot easier to digest and get into!

New WIP DUB documentation

2022-08-15 Thread WebFreak001 via Digitalmars-d-announce
Hi all, I'm currently working on new revamped DUB documentation, 
check it out if you want, it currently contains most old 
documentation plus a big bunch of new documentation:


Instead of being based on diet templates and needing to be 
compiled using `dmd` and build all of vibe.d, it now uses 
[mkdocs]( with a customized [mkdocs 
material theme](, so 
now the documentation is Markdown based, which should be more 
familiar to a lot of people + it has a great offline search index 
and a bunch of interactive elements, that also work without JS.

The dub.json and dub.sdl documentation is now merged on the same 
page, where you can simply swap between them whenever you like. 
If you have JS enabled it will also sync it across the entire 
page and persist across page loads.

Writing the docs is really quite easy, you can have it locally be 
served by first installing the dependencies using

pip install -r requirements.txt

and then when working on it running

mkdocs serve

to have auto-updating docs in the browser. (auto refresh whenever 
you change anything)

So if you find any typos or want to complete the docs, feel free 
to open a PR on

I plan to have easily discoverable edit links linked on the page 
soon too, which should theoretically just be a simple mkdocs 
configuration thing that's probably already implemented.

Someone from the community has already contributed a dark theme 
to it. :)

[![new dub documentation preview 

Re: my d blog has idea of effect system to replace @nogc etc

2022-08-15 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 August 2022 at 16:16:35 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
The most prominent example would be something like vibe.d's 
`@blocking`, which currently just acts as documentation, but 
would be really useful if something like `@nonblocking` could 
actually be enforced at compile time - currently there is just 
a runtime solution for that.

Aye, async in general has a lot of uses of this kind of thing. In 
addition to just not hogging the worker thread, being responsive 
to a cancellation request is a nice thing.

Speaking of blocking, one of the effects I'd envision is 
something like "loops". Something blocking on a loop can more 
harmful to the event-driven i/o model than other blocks - at 
least other blocking calls can be interrupted by signals or 

On the one hand, you might think of it as madness to say 
`denies_effect!loops`. How will you get any work done? But 
there's two interesting bits: 1) you might be able to define it 
with higher order functions and 2) D's `foreach` loop is special.

See, a foreach loop can just by syntax sugar over an opApply 
function call and we could say one of those loops instead 
just has the effects of opApply (which would necessarily add the 
effects of the user-provided delegate, of course).

So you could imagine an opApply that uses the hidden effects 
escape to implement a loop, but inserts its own periodic 
`if(yield() == CANCEL) return;` logic, providing both regular 
returns to the scheduler event loop and opportunities to cancel 
the task. Indeed, the work chunks may even be auto-parallelized 
in the process too.

Of course, users could also use the trusted hidden effect, but 
the act of doing so at least reminds them that they ought to be 

Re: my d blog has idea of effect system to replace @nogc etc

2022-08-15 Thread Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d-announce

Am 15.08.2022 um 17:08 schrieb Adam D Ruppe:
In my blog this week, I described an idea I've had percolating in my 
brain for a bit about a user-defined effect system that could 
potentially move nogc, safe, pure, etc to library aliases - which would 
let you combine them as a fun bonus - among other things:

Like with other inferred attributes, the argument-dependent and virtual 
function caveats had to be mentioned, but since I talked about them in 
other posts not too long ago I didn't want to go over it all again.

That would be really nice to have. I also had a similar idea in my mind 
for a while, with lots of potential use cases that came up in the past.

The most prominent example would be something like vibe.d's `@blocking`, 
which currently just acts as documentation, but would be really useful 
if something like `@nonblocking` could actually be enforced at compile 
time - currently there is just a runtime solution for that.

my d blog has idea of effect system to replace @nogc etc

2022-08-15 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
In my blog this week, I described an idea I've had percolating in 
my brain for a bit about a user-defined effect system that could 
potentially move nogc, safe, pure, etc to library aliases - which 
would let you combine them as a fun bonus - among other things:

Like with other inferred attributes, the argument-dependent and 
virtual function caveats had to be mentioned, but since I talked 
about them in other posts not too long ago I didn't want to go 
over it all again.

Next week, I'll probably write up release notes on arsd 10.9, 
which is overdue now but has a few new features (including ico 
file support, more http timeout control, a couple more hidpi 
linux fixes, a windows input gui fix, data uri transparent 
support, terminal cursor save/restore, and others) I'll tag once 
I finish regression testing. I doubt I'll announce that here 
since it is p routine but maybe, we'll see how spammy I feel once 
it is posted.

Re: importC | Using D with Raylib directly | No bindings | [video]

2022-08-15 Thread Martin Tschierschke via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 7 August 2022 at 01:09:58 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
Testing out importC with Raylib. Here is the 

Very cool and important to show how simple this works. **Thank 