Re: Ddb needs a maintainer

2016-02-15 Thread Piotr Szturmaj via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2016-02-14 20:48, Eugene Wissner wrote:

I think may be we should discuss if we can/should change something in
ddb. I think there were some interesting and promising ideas in this
discussion. Maybe split the PostgreSQL driver and develop it seperately
and use an interface more similar to JDBC. Maybe some kind of coworking
with ddbc is possible to get more developers together; maybe Suliman has
some thoughts on it.

I added you and Jacob as collaborators. Please do what you think is 
right. Thanks.

Ddb needs a maintainer

2016-02-12 Thread Piotr Szturmaj via Digitalmars-d-announce
Ddb is a relational database client for D [1]. Currently it only 
supports PostgreSQL but is not limited to it. It could be extended to 
support other backends.

Built-in postgres client is a native implementation, that is it does not 
depend on libpq. Instead it communicates directly with the server 
avoiding text serialization and parsing overhead (PostgreSQL protocol is 
stable and well documented).

I don't use it and I don't work on it anymore. Simply because I'm busy 
with other things and that things don't involve any RDBMS support.

It has some user base, few contributors and 22 forks on github. 
Unfortunately, I could not handle pull requests and issues in a 
reasonable time and that's why I'm posting this here. I hope someone 
could take over this project and improve it.

If you are interested, please either respond here or email me.


Re: gchunt v0.1.0 is out!

2014-11-20 Thread Piotr Szturmaj via Digitalmars-d-announce

W dniu 2014-11-11 o 23:38, Dmitry Olshansky pisze:

gchunt is a tool is to help D developers identify and keep in check the
usage of GC in their projects.

So far it just postprocesses D compiler's -vgc output into a nice Wiki
table. Results looks like this (Phobos):

Nice :)

I think I found a -vgc bug: 
- this line doesn't allocate, unlike the one below.

Re: GDC ARM beta #1 (with binary releases!)

2014-03-17 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 2014-03-17 15:05, Johannes Pfau pisze:

I'm happy to announce the first GDC ARM beta on behalf of the GDC
team :)

ARM support is now at a point where the automated tests (test suite,
unit tests) pass and we're ready for feedback from real world usage.
All changes have been fully integrated into the standard GDC sources
which also means we're currently using the 2.064 frontend. ARM support
is currently limited to ARM/GNU Linux, i.e. GlibC. (This especially
means Android and bare metal programming are not officially supported).

Please report all bugs to

If you're sure that the bug is a bug in phobos/druntime/DMD frontend
and not GDC specific please report it to

Many thanks for Johannes, GDC team and others involved. You did a great 
job! I'm already using GDC ARM compiler with good results.

Btw. to anyone interested: To ensure stability of further development, 
we need an ARM/Linux auto tester. If anyone is willing to host an ARM 
box, please contact me by email (my Internet connection is not 100% 

Re: DUB 0.9.20

2013-12-02 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Jordi Sayol wrote:

El 30/11/13 02:08, Piotr Szturmaj ha escrit:

Sönke Ludwig wrote:

A fresh DUB release is out. Apart from the usual bug fixes, there are a
few considerable changes:

Thanks! Have you considered adding a version number to dub help and/or a 
--version option?

$ dub help

prints version on last line:

DUB version v0.9.20

This is my dub help output (Windows):

Re: DUB 0.9.20

2013-11-29 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Sönke Ludwig wrote:

A fresh DUB release is out. Apart from the usual bug fixes, there are a
few considerable changes:

Thanks! Have you considered adding a version number to dub help and/or a 
--version option?

Re: DDT 0.7.0 released

2013-08-16 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 16.08.2013 15:32, Bruno Medeiros pisze:

On 15/08/2013 22:07, Piotr Szturmaj wrote:

W dniu 15.08.2013 21:20, Bruno Medeiros pisze:

A new version of DDT - D Development tools is out.
The major change is the new parser which is updated to the latest
version of D, and is much more robust than the previous one.

Full changelog/info here:

Note that Juno and Kepler versions of Eclipse are not supported if they
contain DLTK. If you wanna use Juno/Kepler, download a package without
DLTK. Supported for the latest versions of DLTK will be added in the

Cool! It doesn't work with nodeclipse so it must be uninstalled (this
may be done after installing DDT). Then it seems to be working, but user
should setup DMD paths manually if he's on Linux like me (I'm on Ubuntu
12.10). Paths for DMD should be set up to /usr/bin/dmd for executable
and /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import,
/usr/include/dmd/phobos for libraries.

What do you mean manually? If you add a compiler installation by
pointing to the DMD compiler executable at /usr/bin/dmd then the library
paths should be filled automatically.

I've pointed path to the DMD compiler executable but the library paths 
weren't filled automatically. Maybe it's a bug? (eclipse CDT Kepler)

You still have to manually add the compiler installation by pointing to
the DMD compiler executable, yes. I guess that step could be automated
too, in Linux.

Re: DDT 0.7.0 released

2013-08-15 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 15.08.2013 21:20, Bruno Medeiros pisze:

A new version of DDT - D Development tools is out.
The major change is the new parser which is updated to the latest
version of D, and is much more robust than the previous one.

Full changelog/info here:

Note that Juno and Kepler versions of Eclipse are not supported if they
contain DLTK. If you wanna use Juno/Kepler, download a package without
DLTK. Supported for the latest versions of DLTK will be added in the

Cool! It doesn't work with nodeclipse so it must be uninstalled (this 
may be done after installing DDT). Then it seems to be working, but user 
should setup DMD paths manually if he's on Linux like me (I'm on Ubuntu 
12.10). Paths for DMD should be set up to /usr/bin/dmd for executable 
and /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import,

/usr/include/dmd/phobos for libraries.

Re: simpledisplay.d now works on as 64 bit on X

2013-06-09 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 10.06.2013 00:09, bearophile pisze:

Delphi has a large and efficient GUI toolkit in the standard library,
but I think it's not a good idea to put a GUI toolkit in Phobos. But a
little library as simpledisplay is OK.

Hmm... What if Lazarus GUI code and/or LCL could be ported to D? I've 
seen full featured Object Pascal parser in their repository. Maybe it's 
possible to transcode the source to D ;) Just thinking loud.

Re: simpledisplay.d now works on as 64 bit on X

2013-06-09 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 10.06.2013 00:29, bearophile pisze:

Piotr Szturmaj:

Hmm... What if Lazarus GUI code and/or LCL could be ported to D? I've
seen full featured Object Pascal parser in their repository. Maybe
it's possible to transcode the source to D ;) Just thinking loud.

Even if that's possible, I think it's not a good idea to put the
resulting large library in Phobos, because everyone has different needs
and tastes regarding GUI toolkits.

Yes, I was just suggesting to not write such library from scratch.

Re: DConf 2013 Day 2 Talk 3: C# to D by Adam Wilson

2013-05-31 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 31.05.2013 19:05, Jonathan M Davis pisze:

On Friday, May 31, 2013 13:59:24 Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:

About streams: there is some phobos support for streams, though
it seems not finalized.

Everything stream-related which is currently in Phobos is outdated and
unacceptable, so it will be replaced. A replacement is in the works, but it's
not ready yet.

Do you know any timespans, when it probably will happen? I will be very 

Re: dmd 2.063 released with 260 bugfixes and enhancements

2013-05-30 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 30.05.2013 19:16, Simen Kjaeraas pisze:

On 2013-05-30, 17:16, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

For the full story, mosey to the redesigned changelog:

Kudos to Andrej for this. *This* is how a great changelog looks.

This is a very pleasant surprise to see such detailed changelog!

Re: Shameless autopromotion : type safe tagged union in D

2013-05-10 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

W dniu 10.05.2013 14:32, deadalnix pisze:

A trick that I used to use more and more, so I ended up creating a
generic solution and wrote an article about it.

Here's my try on this: 
lines 111-184. It supports Self notation, so it's possible to create 
recursive unions given that Self is accessible through some indirection. 
TypeTag should be an enum with increasing values starting with 0. I just 
noticed, opAssign is prepended with underscore, I probably forgot to 
remove it after debugging:)

Re: Component Programming in D

2012-10-03 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Nice article!

There, I found an interesting way of writing ranges that are not 
explicitly initialized:

private import core.stdc.stdio;

struct StdinByChar {

@property bool empty() {
if (hasChar)
return false;
auto c = fgetc(stdin);
if (c == EOF)
return true;
ch = cast(char)c;
hasChar = true;
return false;

@property char front() {
return ch;

void popFront() {
hasChar = false;

char ch;
bool hasChar;

This is unusual to me that popFront() code is shifted to empty(), but I 
guess that's necessary because structs doesn't have () ctors.

Re: Component Programming in D

2012-10-03 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Piotr Szturmaj wrote:

guess that's necessary because structs doesn't have () ctors.

should be don't

Re: GC vs. Manual Memory Management Real World Comparison

2012-09-05 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I do object pooling in both versions, as in game developement you
usually don't allocate during the frame. But still in the GC version you
have the problem that way to many parts of the language allocate and you
don't event notice it when using the GC.

There's one proposed solution to this problem:$19du$

Re: Mono-D v0.4.1.2 - Heavily improved performance + Completion bugs removed

2012-08-23 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

alex wrote:

Then I fixed several issues with template parameter deduction - and
figured out several bugs or a kinda undefined behaviour of dmd:

class A(T) {
 class SubClass {}
class C(U: A!W.SubClass, W){}
class D : C!(A!int.SubClass) { } // is not allowed, but A!int is -- why?

try marking SubClass with static keyword.

Re: Mono-D v0.4.1.2 - Heavily improved performance + Completion bugs removed

2012-08-23 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

F i L wrote:

Great work as always, Alex :D

Yes! This is really good project! :)

Re: dmd 1.075 and 2.060 release

2012-08-02 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

Another big pile of bug fixes. More contributors than ever!

It's nice to see it's getting better and better. Good work!

Re: dmd 1.074 and 2.059 release

2012-04-14 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

Another big pile of bug fixes. More contributors than ever!

Note that the changelogs on haven't been updated yet. Hope to
get that done soon.

Thanks for the whole D team for your great work!

Btw. Is it possible to tag new releases with respective git commit 
hashes? This is for those who compile DMD, druntime and Phobos manually.

Re: dmd 1.074 and 2.059 release

2012-04-14 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Piotr  wrote in message

Btw. Is it possible to tag new releases with respective git commit hashes?
This is for those who compile DMD, druntime and Phobos manually.

Aren't they tagged *in* git? If not, they should be. Git hashes aren't
realistically human-usable anyway.

Gah... I forgot about tags... it must be a temporary brain malfunction.

Re: UFCS for D

2012-03-30 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/29/2012 5:09 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

The reason being, if you change anything in class A, you do not have
to worry
about the implementation of getXSquared, because it simply has no
access to the
private implementation. You only have to worry about internal methods,
friend functions.

Ok, I see what you're talking about. It has nothing to do with UFCS, it
is D's design decision to not have explicit friends, but to make
everything in a module implicitly a friend.

I think it's far superior to the explicit friend thing in C++.

Just curious. Did you take it from Delphi? :-)

Re: UFCS for D

2012-03-30 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/30/2012 4:24 AM, Piotr Szturmaj wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

I think it's far superior to the explicit friend thing in C++.

Just curious. Did you take it from Delphi? :-)

No. I've never looked at Delphi in detail.

But in any case, for any language feature, there's always another
language that had done it before, or something like it, or something
that if you stand on one leg and touch your nose it resembles it, or

It's also true that good ideas tend to be reinvented over and over.

Yes, I agree.

There have been many module systems before Delphi, too. I even have dim
memories of reading about modules in the 1980 Ada spec :-)

Actually, I meant allowing access to private fields within the same 
module. It really helped me to avoid writing boilerplate code for these 
fields. And I'm thinking about lots of correlated classes.

I asked because Delphi and D are the only ones I know that make friend 
classes implicit :-)

Re: Visual D 0.3.31 features GDC support

2012-03-14 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Rainer Schuetze wrote:


the new version of Visual D includes support for building and debugging
D projects with GDC, both Win32 and x64.

Cool! Keep up the good work!

I can't wait to test my projects with GDC-win...

Re: Mono-D 0.3.0

2012-02-29 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

alex wrote:

A couple of new completion features + several bugfixes

- [Internal] Refactored and re-organized code structures, hopefully
easier to maintain  understand; Removal of unnecessary code
- [Resolver] Implemented selective imports  scoped importing
- [Resolver] Foreach iterator resolution implemented; opApply technique
also accepted in most cases!
- [Parser] dmd v2.058 support + several improvements + less workaround
- [Resolver] Rudimentary resolution of template instance arguments --
comparing parameters with arguments still todo
- [Parser] No Expression to TypeDeclaration workaround anymore
- [Formatting] Fixed policy serialization problem
- [Options] Fixed library browsing in the project options


Great! It has the best D code completion I have seen so far.

Re: GoingNative 6: The D Episode with Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu

2012-02-21 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

Great talk!

Re: dmd 1.073 and 2.058 release

2012-02-15 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

Anyone care to count up the number of bug fixes here?

Great! Keep up good work!

One note thought: I see that there are some new features borrowed from 
2.057 log. Is this on purpose or an oversight?

Re: dmd 1.073 and 2.058 release

2012-02-15 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Bill Baxter wrote:

On Tuesday, February 14, 2012 20:47:27 Walter Bright wrote:

* Allow 1.userproperty syntax

Where is this odd-sounding beast documented?

And what is UFCS?

Ultimate Fighting Championship of Syntaxes g

Re: D forums now live!

2012-02-14 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Walter Bright wrote:

On 2/14/2012 2:12 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

You should probably add a note to the description for
digitalmars.D.bugs that
bugs should be reported to the bug tracker and _not_ that list.

I agree.

Could it be disabled at the server side?


2012-01-22 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

We just put together a page that counts the bugs per category. It's
linked from Bug tracker in the navigation panel.

The format is sketchy. Looking forward to your suggestions for


In FF there are blank spaces between rows due to iframe's default height.

Please change DISPLAY macro to the following:

DISPLAY=$(TR $(TD font color=$3$(LINK2$2, $1)/font) $(TD iframe 
scrolling=no frameborder=0 width=4.8em height=1.4em 
style=width:4.8em;height:1.4em; vspace=0 hspace=0 marginwidth=0 

Re: Visual D 0.3.24 released

2011-05-08 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Rainer Schuetze wrote:

as the newest version of Visual D includes some major improvements, I'd
like to announce its release here.

Cool! I'm using VisualD since version 0.3.22.

Thank you for your great work!