Re: My ACCU 2016 keynote video available online

2016-05-16 Thread QAston via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 16 May 2016 at 13:46:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Uses D for examples, showcases Design by Introspection, and 
rediscovers a fast partition routine. It was quite well 


Funny, useful, advertises the best parts of D very well.

Re: Strange Loop Conference Call for Presentations

2016-04-13 Thread QAston via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 15:00:53 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 14:33:01 UTC, Andrei

That conference had a strange incident last year where they 
kicked a guy out for his political views, that had nothing to 
do with his technical talk:

I personally wouldn't attend any conference that applied such 
strange principles.

Speaking and unintrusively poking fun at the self-righteousness 
(by a variable name for example) would also be effective.

Re: Four new DConf 2015 videos

2015-07-08 Thread QAston via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 8 July 2015 at 13:56:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 7/8/15 6:29 AM, ZombineDev wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu
Keynote: Generic Programming Must Go
dconf link:
video link:

Found my talk on reddit already:


Looks like you've destroyed C++ concepts with this talk.

Re: DConf 2014 publishes schedule, opens registration

2014-03-04 Thread QAston
On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 00:09:50 UTC, Alessandro Stamatto 


No spoilers about the mysterious Scott Meyers talk, what is the 
last thing D needs?!?!?! Curious! 8-)

ISO Standards committee possibly.

Re: dmd 2.064.2

2013-11-06 Thread QAston

On Wednesday, 6 November 2013 at 20:46:23 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:
Is it possible to build something like wrap, so that it can be 
given a wrapping class instead of a wrapping interface?

I was trying to build something very similar to wrap, and at 
first glance it seems like wrap might suit me, except that I 
wanted to wrap the wolf in the class Sheeps clothes, not in 
an ISheep.

(typecons.d(2864): Error: class 
std.typecons.wrap!(B).wrap!(A).Impl base type must be 
interface, not main.B)

classes have implementations and state you need to initialize. 
It's possible to implement that in wrap but more problematic.

Re: Article: D Exceptions and C Callbacks

2013-08-06 Thread QAston

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 15:05:22 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Shows how I like to deal with throwing exceptions from C 
callbacks in D. Target audience is beginner-level. Uses GLFW to 

Good article, thanks.

There's one thing though. You say than relying on coder's 
discipline is error prone and I totally agree with that. But your 
sollution requires coder to remember to wrap those callbacks in 
try-catches. Maybe modifying glfwSetWindowCloseCallback and 
similar functions to only accept nothrow functions is a good idea?

Re: My first email to Walter, ever

2013-07-07 Thread QAston

On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 12:27:02 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 03:03:03 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Terrible. If you have conditionals, iteration, functions, and 
in D's straight programming support, you should have 

iteration, functions, and objects in D's metalanguage.


template allSatisfy(alias F, T...)
static if (T.length == 0)
enum allSatisfy = true;
else static if (T.length == 1)
enum allSatisfy = F!(T[0]);
enum allSatisfy =
allSatisfy!(F, T[ 0  .. $/2]) 
allSatisfy!(F, T[$/2 ..  $ ]);

Still looks like half-assed functional programming to me.

Where's the iteration? Why can't I write this?

template allSatisfy(alias F, T...) {
foreach(t; T)
if (!F!(t))
return false;
return true;

(Those are rhetorical questions btw, before anyone links me to 
a D tutorial).

We're almost there with CTFE, but CTFE can only run functions 
that could run at runtime. In a crazy world where types were 
first class objects, stuff like this would be feasible. Or 
perhaps we just need a compile-time metalanguage that allows 
things like this to be run with CTFE?

Static foreach would help, at least in my case:

Sadly, there are more important issues (shared libs, 83 PRs in 
dmd) so this will probably have to wait for better times.

Re: An idea - make a fundation

2013-06-25 Thread QAston

On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 04:34:02 UTC, QAston wrote:
This may be completely ridiculous - I'm a newcomer - please 
destroy me gently.

So, the idea is to make a fundation. Here are some 
possible benefits of doing this:
-You get more people to own the language and therefore 
seriously care about it's future development.

--Two people are not enough.
---What if someone gets hit by a bus?
---Delegate some administrative tasks to other people, so you 
can focus on improving things
--Programmers are not all what's needed(the ability to write 
xml parser doesn't make you a good webdev)

---Get a real webdesigner involved
---Someone to do proffessional PR and advertising
---An admin to maintain all these things
-You could start taking donations and hire some people to work 
on D.
--Like for example, you could pay for a proffessional 
enterprise'y webdesign for

--Companies want to donate to support tools they're using
--Funding for DSoC
-You'd get more interest from companies
--Managers run companies, not programmers, github is not a 
collaboration for managers
--Increase in trust, things are formal and transparent, not 
done behind the scenes
--They may want to put a part-time developer to work on a 
compiler for example
---Much easier with a formal institution, where the dev would 
actually have something to say and can get things done

There are obviously some issues, like the design by comitee 
problem and possibly others. Still, python, perl, haskell and 
others have foundations. That's probably why those are much 
better @ operational proffessionalism.

Note: I don't want to do a cargo-cult here - simple registering 
doesn't do magic, yet it's a valid consideration i think, 
especially if it may help solving some problems pointed out by 

An idea - make a fundation

2013-06-24 Thread QAston
This may be completely ridiculous - I'm a newcomer - please 
destroy me gently.

So, the idea is to make a fundation. Here are some 
possible benefits of doing this:
-You get more people to own the language and therefore 
seriously care about it's future development.

--Two people are not enough.
---What if someone gets hit by a bus?
---Delegate some administrative tasks to other people, so you can 
focus on improving things
--Programmers are not all what's needed(the ability to write xml 
parser doesn't make you a good webdev)

---Get a real webdesigner involved
---Someone to do proffessional PR and advertising
---An admin to maintain all these things
-You could start taking donations and hire some people to work on 
--Like for example, you could pay for a proffessional 
enterprise'y webdesign for

--Companies want to donate to support tools they're using
--Funding for DSoC
-You'd get more interest from companies
--Managers run companies, not programmers, github is not a 
collaboration for managers
--Increase in trust, things are formal and transparent, not done 
behind the scenes
--They may want to put a part-time developer to work on a 
compiler for example
---Much easier with a formal institution, where the dev would 
actually have something to say and can get things done

There are obviously some issues, like the design by comitee 
problem and possibly others. Still, python, perl, haskell and 
others have foundations. That's probably why those are much 
better @ operational proffessionalism.

DMocks-revived - a mocking framework for the D programming language

2013-06-01 Thread QAston has inspired me to 
revive DMocks project. So far I only made it work with latest dmd 
and made some cleanups. I think that's enough for anyone to try 
out the ideas from the vid, you have no excuse now not to do 
it:P. I'm waiting for opinions, since it's my first project like 
this. So, as Andrei would say: Destroy!

Re: DMocks-revived - a mocking framework for the D programming language

2013-06-01 Thread QAston

On Saturday, 1 June 2013 at 10:46:26 UTC, QAston wrote: has inspired me to 
revive DMocks project. So far I only made it work with latest 
dmd and made some cleanups. I think that's enough for anyone to 
try out the ideas from the vid, you have no excuse now not to 
do it:P. I'm waiting for opinions, since it's my first project 
like this. So, as Andrei would say: Destroy!

I forgot the link:

Re: What happened to next DConf 2013 talk: Shared libraries in D by Martin Nowak?

2013-05-29 Thread QAston

I'd understand postponing a Game of trones episode, but this?!
J/K great conference, take your time with uploading.