Re: fluent-asserts 0.8.0 released

2017-12-01 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce
I forgot to add a link to the library... so if you are intrested 
about this you can find it here:

fluent-asserts 0.8.0 released

2017-12-01 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


I just made some updates to fluent-asserts library. Since the 
last release I did:

* use lazy parameters to test exceptions
/// instead of:
({ foo() }).should.throwAnyException;

/// you can now use rewrite it like this:
the known issue is that you can not use this syntax for functions 
that return arrays or ranges... I'll try to fix this issue in a 
future release

* .beNull for delegates
* spaces between words are not replaced with special chars (for 
those who use trial)

* compare immutable and const values with mutable values
* .equal for objects
* improved code results

The library is starting to be more complex that I was expecting 
when I started the project, so any feedbak is appreciated.

Also I want to thank to linkrope, ohdatboi and DiddiZ for the 
submitted issues.

Trial v0.4.0 and visual-trial v0.1.0 are out

2017-09-18 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


I want to announce that I managed to release a new version of 
Trial, the DLang test runner. Since my last announcement, I made 
this changes:

 - new TAP and VisualTrial reporters
 - add -r flag to override the default reporters
 - add the describe command which prints a json with the 
discovered tests

 - the tests now vave source location
 - ars.d terminal is now part of trial... to fix some dependencies

Also, I worked on a visual studio code plugin, it works on my 
machine... I developed it on mac os, but I will test it on 
windows and linux in the following weeks:

Any feedback is appreciated!


Trial v0.3.1 is out

2017-08-20 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


I added some new improvements to `trial` which is a hackable test runner for 

This release contains:

- Support for `trial` configuration, that allows you to use 
custom dependencies for the test build

- Improved command line interface
- Spec test discovery
- Test Class test discovery with experimental support for data 

- Configurable glyphs for all reporters
- HTML Code Coverage

- XUnit reporter
- Better fluent-asserts integration

Any feedback is appreciated.


Re: covered - processes output of code coverage analysis performed by the D programming language compiler

2017-08-01 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 31 July 2017 at 15:45:18 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:

On Monday, 31 July 2017 at 15:27:42 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Monday, 31 July 2017 at 13:06:44 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:
Hello! I am glad to announce a new command-line tool which 
should make development

 a little easier.

You could add a mixin template that injects the 
"version(D_Coverage)" code.

Covered is a standalone tool, not intended to be used as a 
library. I don't think that forcing user to add it as 
dependency is a good idea, as well as messing with user's code 
(It is possible that `dmd_coverDestPath` is already overrided).

Nice work!

I would like to contribute to such a tool :) I was working at 
something similar with trial( ), 
and I would like to include your library if it's possible.

this is a sample code coverage report:

Release fluent-asserts 0.6.0

2017-07-02 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


I just made a new release of fluent-asserts:

Since my last announcement I improved the library with:
 - better error messages
 - better exception api
 - integration with ranges
 - new asserts `executionTime` for callable and `containsOnly` 
for ranges
 - a new `Assert` utility for those who don't like the BDD style 
of writing asserts

Any feedback is appreciated.


There is a new test runner in town

2017-06-11 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce
I'm pleased to announce the first release of `trial`. Trial is a 
test runner that aims for flexibility. I made this runner because 
I could not find a flexible test runner for D, to extend it with 
various features, like reporters and test discoveries.

This runner extends `dub test` command and it should work with no 
extra setup. Here is an example for vibe.d:

You can find more info about this project here:

fluent-asserts 0.5.0 released

2017-06-07 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


I just released a new version of fluent-asserts:

Since the previous announce, I improved the error messages and I 
added a new function `.because()` that allows you to add custom 

If you are interested in writing better asserts in your unit 
tests you should check this out.


Re: fluent-asserts released

2017-04-18 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 at 06:22:26 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 04/11/2017 11:01 PM, Szabo Bogdan wrote:

  throw new Exception("test");

what do you mean, they are not documented? there is a md file 
fith some

examples here:

What do you think I can do to have the exception asserts to 
fit the style?

The expression comes first in the other use cases. The 
following is not very pretty but seems to work with my proof of 
concept below:

throw new Exception("test");

I checked the syntax with the following code:

struct Should {
Should not() {
return this;

Should throwAnyException() {
return this;

Should should(E)(lazy E expr) {
return Should();

void main() {
throw new Exception("test");



I managed to make another update to the library.

Based on your feedback I updated the exception asserts and I 
added some new ones

like `Between` and `Approximately`.

Also now it works with unit-threaded.

Thanks for the feedback!

Re: fluent-asserts released

2017-04-12 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 11 April 2017 at 10:40:53 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 13:30:54 UTC, Szabo Bogdan wrote:


I just made an update to my fluent assert library. This is a 
library that allows you to write asserts in a BDD style.

Right now, it contains only asserts that I needed in my 
projects and I promise that I will add more in the future.

I would really appreciate any feedback that you can give me.


I was looking for testing exceptions. It is not documented, but 
the seems to be there. Still, it looks weird, because it does 
not fit the style:

  throw new Exception("test");

what do you mean, they are not documented? there is a md file 
fith some examples here:

What do you think I can do to have the exception asserts to fit 
the style?

Re: fluent-asserts released

2017-04-10 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 10 April 2017 at 17:38:14 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 13:30:54 UTC, Szabo Bogdan wrote:


I just made an update to my fluent assert library. This is a 
library that allows you to write asserts in a BDD style.

Right now, it contains only asserts that I needed in my 
projects and I promise that I will add more in the future.

I would really appreciate any feedback that you can give me.


I got really confused looking at the examples until I realized 
that should returns a struct.

You might add an approxEqual for ShouldNumeric. If you have 
floating point numbers, it's usually more helpful than equal is.

thanks! I added 2 issues for your sugestion. I also found some 
bugs that I will fix in the next release.

Re: fluent-asserts released

2017-04-10 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 10 April 2017 at 12:54:43 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2017-04-09 15:30, Szabo Bogdan wrote:


I just made an update to my fluent assert library. This is a 

that allows you to write asserts in a BDD style.

Right now, it contains only asserts that I needed in my 
projects and I

promise that I will add more in the future.

I would really appreciate any feedback that you can give me.

This looks awesome. Why haven't I seen that before. Can it be 
used with unit-threaded?

I did not tested it with unit-threaded, but when an assert fails 
it throws an exception so it should work with any test runner

fluent-asserts released

2017-04-09 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


I just made an update to my fluent assert library. This is a 
library that allows you to write asserts in a BDD style.

Right now, it contains only asserts that I needed in my projects 
and I promise that I will add more in the future.

I would really appreciate any feedback that you can give me.


Tested atom plugin

2015-06-16 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce


For everyone using atom, the text editor, I want to announce this 
plugin that runs and shows the tests with their status.


Re: Vibe.Dav

2015-04-10 Thread Szabo Bogdan via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 19:33:59 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 at 20:46:18 UTC, Bogdan wrote:
Right now it has good file dav support and some basic support 
for cal dav

Are you saying I can replace my Radicale server with it?

I think that with some little effort you can. I intend to add
CalDav support too, but right now I am caught with something else.