Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-20 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 19 May 2012 at 20:35:10 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Fri, 11 May 2012 10:01:28 +0200
schrieb Roman D. Boiko

There were several discussions about the need for a D compiler 

I propose my draft implementation of lexer for community 

(I decided to comment on both my post and your reply.)

I've got *a lot* of feedback from community, which caused a 
significant redesign (but caused a delay with yet unknown 
duration). I'll write more on that later. Thanks a lot to 

Lexer is based on Brian Schott's project, but it has been 
refactored and extended (and more changes are on the way).
Looks like I'm going to replace this implementation almost 

The goal is to have source code loading, lexer, parser and 
semantic analysis available as parts of Phobos. These 
libraries should be designed to be usable in multiple 
scenarios (e.g., refactoring, code analysis, etc.).

See below.

My commitment is to have at least front end built this year 
(and conforming to the D2 specification unless explicitly 
stated otherwise for some particular aspect).
By the D specification I mean, or (when specification 
is not clear for me) one of the following:

* current DMD implementation
* community feedback.

(Note that I may assume that I understand some aspect, but later 
revisit it if needed.)

Please post any feed here. A dedicated project web-site will 
be created later.
It is going to be, but it is not usable yet 
(I have not much web-design practise). It is hosted on, pull 
requests are welcome.

A general purpose D front-end library has been discussed 
several times. So at least for some day-dreaming about better 
IDE support and code analysis tools it has a huge value. It is 
good to see that someone finally takes the time to implement 
one. My only concern is that not enough planing went into the 
Could you name a few specific concerns? The reason of this thread 
was to reflect on design early. OTOH, I didn't spend time 
documenting my design goals and tradeoffs, so discussion turned 
into a brainstorm and wasn't always productive. But now when I 
see how much value can I get even without doing my homework, I'm 
much more likely to provide better documentation and ask more 
specific questions.

I think about things like brainstorming and collecting
possible use cases from the community or looking at how some 
C++ tools do their job and what infrastructure they are built 
on. Although it is really difficult to tell from other people's 
code which decision was 'important' and what was just the 
author's way to do it.
I'm going to pick up several use cases and prioritize them 
according to my judgement. Feel free to suggest any cases that 
you think are needed (with motivation). Prioritizing is necessary 
to define what is out of scope and plan work into milestones, in 
order to ensure the project is feasible.

Inclusion into Phobos I would not see as a priority. As 
Jonathan said, there are already some clear visions of how such 
modules would look like.
Well, *considering* such inclusion seriously would help improve 
the quality of project. But it is not what necessarily will 
happen. Currently I think that my goals are close to those of use 
case 2 from Jonathan's reply. But until the project is reasonably 
complete it is not the time to argue whether to include it (or 
its part).

Also if any project seeks to replace the DMD front-end, Walter 
should be the technical advisor. Like anyone putting a lot of 
time and effort into a design, he could have strong feelings 
about certain decisions and implementing them in a seemingly 
worse way.
Not a goal currently, because that would make the project 
significantly less likely to be completed ever.

That said, you make the impression of being really dedicated to 
the project, even giving yourself a time line, which is a good 
sign. I wish you all the best for the project and hope that - 
even without any 'official' recognition - it will see a lot of 
use as the base of D tools.
Well, I hope that some more people will join the project once it 
stabilizes and delivers something useful.

By the way, is anybody *potentially* interested to join?

To learn about parsing I wrote a syntax highlighter for the 
DCPU-16 assembly of Minecraft author Markus Persson. (Which was 
a good exercise.) Interestingly I ended up with a similar 
design for the Token struct like yours:

- separate array for line # lookup
- TokenType/TokenKind enum
- Trie for matching token kinds (why do you expand it into 
nested switch-case through CTFE mixins though?)
Switch code generation is something temporary that works 
currently and helps me evaluate possible problems with future 
design, which is planned to be 

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-20 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 20 May 2012 10:09:34 +0200
schrieb Roman D. Boiko

 Could you name a few specific concerns?

Mostly my own gut feeling, that things that sound great in my head turn out to 
bite me in the end. Things that one just doesn't think of because of the 
limited horizon everyone has and probably a lack of experience in the field of 
compiler/tools writing.
On the other hand I have good experience with working by community feedback. So 
the rough edges in the design may already be ironed out by now.

 I'm going to pick up several use cases and prioritize them 
 according to my judgement. Feel free to suggest any cases that 
 you think are needed (with motivation). Prioritizing is necessary 
 to define what is out of scope and plan work into milestones, in 
 order to ensure the project is feasible.

There is one feature I remember caused some head-aches for Code::Blocks. They 
used a separate parser instance for every project in the IDE, which meant that 
all the standard include files would be parsed and kept in memory multiple 
times. When they later switched to a common parser for all projects they ran 
into stability issues. If you can arrange it, it would be great for 
multi-project IDEs to be able to add and remove projects to your parser without 
reparsing Phobos/druntime (which may have its .di files replaced by .d files, 
looking at the past discussion).

C bindings could be an option. (As in: the smallest common denominator.) They 
allow existing tools (written in Java, C#, Python, ...) to use your library.

  Since assembly code is usually small I just preallocate an 
  array of sourceCode.length tokens and realloc it to the correct 
  size when I'm done parsing. Nothing pretty, but simple and I am 
  sure it won't get any faster ;).
 I'm sure it will :) (I'm going to elaborate on this some time 

I'm curious.

 There are several EoF conditions: \0, \x1A, __EOF__ and physicas 
 EOF. And any loop would need to check for all. Preallocation 
 could eliminate the need to check for physical EoF, but would 
 make it impossible to avoid input string copying and also would 
 not allow passing a function a slice of string to be lexed.

I found that I usually either load from file into a newly allocated buffer 
(where a copy occurs, only because I forgot about assumeUnique in 
std.exception) or I am editing the file in which case I recreate the source 
string after every key stroke anyway. I can still pass slices of that string to 
functions though. Not sure what you mean.
It probably doesn't work for D as well as for ASM code, but I could also check 
for \x1A and __EOF__ in the same fashion. (By the way, is it \x1A (substitute, 
^Z) or did you mean \0x04 (end-of-transmission, ^D)?) The way it works is: 
Parser states like 'in expression' can safely peek at the next character at any 
time. If it doesn't match what they expect they emit an error and drop back to 
the surrounding parser state. When they reach the file level, that's the 
only place where an EOF (which will only occur once per file anyway) will be 
In theory one can drop all string length checks and work on char* directly with 
a known terminator char that is distinct from anything else.

  ** Errors  **
  I generally keep the start and end column, in case someone 
  wants that.

 This functionality has been the priority from the beginning. Not 
 implemented yet but designed for. Evaluation of column and line 
 only on demand is caused by the assumption that such information 
 is needed rarely (primarily to display information to the user). 
 My new design also addresses the use cases when it is needed 


 Incremental changes are the key to efficiency, and I'm going to 
 invest a lot of effort into making them. Also immutability of 
 data structures will enable many optimizations.

No more questions!


Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-20 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Sunday, 20 May 2012 at 17:42:59 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
There is one feature I remember caused some head-aches for 
Code::Blocks. They used a separate parser instance for every 
project in the IDE, which meant that all the standard include 
files would be parsed and kept in memory multiple times. When 
they later switched to a common parser for all projects they 
ran into stability issues. If you can arrange it, it would be 
great for multi-project IDEs to be able to add and remove 
projects to your parser without reparsing Phobos/druntime 
(which may have its .di files replaced by .d files, looking at 
the past discussion).

The opposite situation: I didn't think about parser per project :)
So I guess no need to worry here.

C bindings could be an option. (As in: the smallest common 
denominator.) They allow existing tools (written in Java, C#, 
Python, ...) to use your library.

Yeah, but I'm far from there yet.

 Since assembly code is usually small I just preallocate an 
 array of sourceCode.length tokens and realloc it to the 
 correct size when I'm done parsing. Nothing pretty, but 
 simple and I am sure it won't get any faster ;).
I'm sure it will :) (I'm going to elaborate on this some time 

I'm curious.

Maybe I'm don't understand your use case, but the idea is that if
you parse as you type it should be possible to avoid parsing and
allocating memory for those lines which have not changed. But
that is not compatible with storing tokens in the array, since it
would cause reallocating memory each time, so the other data
structure should be used (e.g., a linked list, or, if efficient
lookup is needed, a red-black tree). Only benchmarks can show
whether (and how much) my approach would be faster for specific
situation (input patterns like average size of data, complexity
of parsing algorithms, requirements, etc.).

I found that I usually either load from file into a newly 
allocated buffer (where a copy occurs, only because I forgot 
about assumeUnique in std.exception) or I am editing the file 
in which case I recreate the source string after every key 
stroke anyway. I can still pass slices of that string to 
functions though. Not sure what you mean.

Answered below.

It probably doesn't work for D as well as for ASM code, but I 
could also check for \x1A and __EOF__ in the same fashion.
(By the way, is it \x1A (substitute, ^Z) or did you mean \0x04 
(end-of-transmission, ^D)?)

D has the following EoF cases: \0, \x1A, physical EoF and __EOF__
special token when not inside comment or some of string literals.
^D is not in this list.

The way it works is: Parser states like 'in expression' can 
safely peek at the next character at any time. If it doesn't 
match what they expect they emit an error and drop back to the 
surrounding parser state. When they reach the file level, 
that's the only place where an EOF (which will only occur once 
per file anyway) will be consumed.
In theory one can drop all string length checks and work on 
char* directly with a known terminator char that is distinct 
from anything else.

If you want to pass a slice of input string to a function, you
cannot append \0 to it without copying data. If you don't append
some pre-defined character, you must check for length *and* all
supported terminating characters. On the contrary, your design
might not require passing slices, and if language syntax allows
deterministic parsing (when you know what to expect next), there
is no need for checking EoF.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-20 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 20 May 2012 20:37:07 +0200
schrieb Roman D. Boiko

   Since assembly code is usually small I just preallocate an 
   array of sourceCode.length tokens and realloc it to the 
   correct size when I'm done parsing. Nothing pretty, but 
   simple and I am sure it won't get any faster ;).
  I'm sure it will :) (I'm going to elaborate on this some time 
  I'm curious.
 Maybe I'm don't understand your use case, but the idea is that if
 you parse as you type it should be possible to avoid parsing and
 allocating memory for those lines which have not changed. But
 that is not compatible with storing tokens in the array, since it
 would cause reallocating memory each time, so the other data
 structure should be used (e.g., a linked list, or, if efficient
 lookup is needed, a red-black tree). Only benchmarks can show
 whether (and how much) my approach would be faster for specific
 situation (input patterns like average size of data, complexity
 of parsing algorithms, requirements, etc.).

I just only thought about the single-use situation, not the situation when 
editing files. Now the idea has evolved a bit and you probably thought about 
storing the scope hierarchy in a tree, too. It is still difficult to write a 
fast parser when someone can add/remove a '{' somewhere at the top of 
datetime.d, which changes the interpretation of the rest of the file. Mono-D 
has some hickups worse than those (several seconds even) - maybe a bug. I'll 
keep my fingers crossed.

 If you want to pass a slice of input string to a function, you
 cannot append \0 to it without copying data. If you don't append
 some pre-defined character, you must check for length *and* all
 supported terminating characters. On the contrary, your design
 might not require passing slices, and if language syntax allows
 deterministic parsing (when you know what to expect next), there
 is no need for checking EoF.

Now I get it!


Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-19 Thread Marco Leise
Am Fri, 11 May 2012 10:01:28 +0200
schrieb Roman D. Boiko

 There were several discussions about the need for a D compiler 
 I propose my draft implementation of lexer for community review:
 Lexer is based on Brian Schott's project, but it has been 
 refactored and extended (and more changes are on the way).
 The goal is to have source code loading, lexer, parser and 
 semantic analysis available as parts of Phobos. These libraries 
 should be designed to be usable in multiple scenarios (e.g., 
 refactoring, code analysis, etc.).
 My commitment is to have at least front end built this year (and 
 conforming to the D2 specification unless explicitly stated 
 otherwise for some particular aspect).
 Please post any feed here. A dedicated project web-site will be 
 created later.

A general purpose D front-end library has been discussed several times. So at 
least for some day-dreaming about better IDE support and code analysis tools it 
has a huge value. It is good to see that someone finally takes the time to 
implement one. My only concern is that not enough planing went into the design. 
I think about things like brainstorming and collecting possible use cases from 
the community or looking at how some C++ tools do their job and what 
infrastructure they are built on. Although it is really difficult to tell from 
other people's code which decision was 'important' and what was just the 
author's way to do it.

Inclusion into Phobos I would not see as a priority. As Jonathan said, there 
are already some clear visions of how such modules would look like. Also if any 
project seeks to replace the DMD front-end, Walter should be the technical 
advisor. Like anyone putting a lot of time and effort into a design, he could 
have strong feelings about certain decisions and implementing them in a 
seemingly worse way.
That said, you make the impression of being really dedicated to the project, 
even giving yourself a time line, which is a good sign. I wish you all the best 
for the project and hope that - even without any 'official' recognition - it 
will see a lot of use as the base of D tools.

To learn about parsing I wrote a syntax highlighter for the DCPU-16 assembly of 
Minecraft author Markus Persson. (Which was a good exercise.) Interestingly I 
ended up with a similar design for the Token struct like yours:
- separate array for line # lookup
- TokenType/TokenKind enum
- Trie for matching token kinds (why do you expand it into nested switch-case 
through CTFE mixins though?)
Since assembly code is usually small I just preallocate an array of 
sourceCode.length tokens and realloc it to the correct size when I'm done 
parsing. Nothing pretty, but simple and I am sure it won't get any faster ;).
One notable difference is that I only check for isEoF in one location, since I 
append \0 to the source code as a stop token (that can also serve as an 
end-of-line indicator). (The general idea is to move checks outside of loops.)

** Errors  **
I generally keep the start and end column, in case someone wants that. A real 
world example:

  ubyte x = ...;
  if (x = 0  x = 8) ...
  Line 2, warning: Comparison is always true.

At first glace you say No, a byte can become larger than 8., but the compiler 
is just complaining about the first part of the expression here, which would be 
clarified by e.g. some ASCII/Unicode art:

  Line 2, warning: Comparison is always true:
  if (x = 0  x = 8) ...

** Code highlighting **
Especially Gtk's TextView (which GtkSourceView is base on) isn't made for 
several thousand tokens. The text view will take a second per 2 tokens or 
so. The source view works around that by highlighting in chunks, but you can 
still fell the delay when you jump to the end of the file in gedit and even 
MonoDevelop suffers from the bad performance. If I understood your posts 
correctly, you are already planning for minimal change sets. It is *very* 
important to only update changed parts in a syntax highlighting editor. So for 
now I ended up writing a 'insertText' and 'deleteText' method for the parser 
that take 'start index', 'text' and 'start index', 'end index' respectively and 
return a list of removed and added tokens.
If possible, make sure that your library can be used with GtkSourceView, 
Scintilla and QSyntaxHighlighter. Unfortunately the bindings for the last two 
could use an update, but the API help should get you an idea of how to use it 
most efficiently.


Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-16 Thread deadalnix

Le 15/05/2012 21:59, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

On Tuesday, 15 May 2012 at 19:27:26 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 05/14/2012 05:00 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

Currently I think about making token a class instead of struct.

Could anybody suggest other pros and cons? Which option would you

Just use a circular buffer of value-type tokens. There is absolutely
no excuse for slow parsing.

I'd like to be able to do efficient token lookup based on its start
index in the file (e.g., for autocompletion and calculating column/line
numbers on demand). I also plan to have ability to update lexer, parser
and semantic analysis results as the user or tool makes edits
(incrementally, not by restarting), and to keep history of changes as
long as it is needed.

To achieve this, I will use Token[N][] for storing tokens, and an
immutable binary tree for efficient lookup and preserving history.

I don't worry much about keeping all tokens in memory, because
information they contain is useful and needed for most scenarios. If, on
the contrary, information is no longer used, it will be garbage collected.

This is a significant redesign of current implementation. It is based on
feedback from this thread and completely satisfies my design goals. It
is also going to be efficient.

Alpha release for community review is planned on May 21, and design
documentation in 10 days after that.

The only information that is usefull over time is the position. This is 
the one that you want to calculate lazily.

In other terms, what you want to keep in memory have no interest.

A circular buffer as Timon propose is a better idea.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-15 Thread deadalnix

Le 14/05/2012 21:21, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 19:13:39 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 19:04:20 UTC, Tove wrote:

What if there were two different lex:er modes... with different

1. For an IDE with on the fly lexing:
Assumption, the error rate is high.(need to keep much info)

2. For the compiler
Assumption, the error rate is non existent, and if there is an error
it really doesn't matter if it's slow.

So... when choosing the compiler mode... and there actually is an
error, then just lex it again, to produce a pretty error message ;)


The problem with multiple lexer implementations is that it might
become much more difficult to maintain them.

Just to clarify: different modes in lexer in my view are like two
different implementations combined in a non-trivial way (unless
the difference is minor). So complexity goes from two factors:
different implementations and how to combine them. I try to avoid

If both have the same interface, metaprograming can do the magic for you.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-15 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Tuesday, 15 May 2012 at 09:33:31 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 14/05/2012 21:21, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :
Just to clarify: different modes in lexer in my view are like 

different implementations combined in a non-trivial way (unless
the difference is minor). So complexity goes from two factors:
different implementations and how to combine them. I try to 
avoid this.

If both have the same interface, metaprograming can do the 
magic for you.

Well, I didn't state that there is no way to solve the issue.
Also I added unless the difference is minor.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-15 Thread Timon Gehr

On 05/14/2012 05:00 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 03:32:20 UTC, Ary Manzana wrote:

I think you are wasting much more memory and performance by storing
all the tokens in the lexer.

Imagine I want to implement a simple syntax highlighter: just
highlight keywords. How can I tell DCT to *not* store all tokens
because I need each one in turn? And since I'll be highlighting in the
editor I will need column and line information. That means I'll have
to do that O(log(n)) operation for every token.

So you see, for the simplest use case of a lexer the performance of
DCT is awful.

Now imagine I want to build an AST. Again, I consume the tokens one by
one, probably peeking in some cases. If I want to store line and
column information I just copy them to the AST. You say the tokens are
discarded but their data is not, and that's why their data is usually

Currently I think about making token a class instead of struct.


Could anybody suggest other pros and cons? Which option would you choose?

Just use a circular buffer of value-type tokens. There is absolutely no 
excuse for slow parsing.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-15 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Tuesday, 15 May 2012 at 19:27:26 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 05/14/2012 05:00 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

Currently I think about making token a class instead of struct.

Could anybody suggest other pros and cons? Which option would 
you choose?

Just use a circular buffer of value-type tokens. There is 
absolutely no excuse for slow parsing.
I'd like to be able to do efficient token lookup based on its 
start index in the file (e.g., for autocompletion and calculating 
column/line numbers on demand). I also plan to have ability to 
update lexer, parser and semantic analysis results as the user or 
tool makes edits (incrementally, not by restarting), and to keep 
history of changes as long as it is needed.

To achieve this, I will use Token[N][] for storing tokens, and an 
immutable binary tree for efficient lookup and preserving history.

I don't worry much about keeping all tokens in memory, because 
information they contain is useful and needed for most scenarios. 
If, on the contrary, information is no longer used, it will be 
garbage collected.

This is a significant redesign of current implementation. It is 
based on feedback from this thread and completely satisfies my 
design goals. It is also going to be efficient.

Alpha release for community review is planned on May 21, and 
design documentation in 10 days after that.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-14 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 03:32:20 UTC, Ary Manzana wrote:
I think you are wasting much more memory and performance by 
storing all the tokens in the lexer.

Imagine I want to implement a simple syntax highlighter: just 
highlight keywords. How can I tell DCT to *not* store all 
tokens because I need each one in turn? And since I'll be 
highlighting in the editor I will need column and line 
information. That means I'll have to do that O(log(n)) 
operation for every token.

So you see, for the simplest use case of a lexer the 
performance of DCT is awful.

Now imagine I want to build an AST. Again, I consume the tokens 
one by one, probably peeking in some cases. If I want to store 
line and column information I just copy them to the AST. You 
say the tokens are discarded but their data is not, and that's 
why their data is usually copied.

Currently I think about making token a class instead of struct.

A token (from is:

// Represents lexed token
struct Token
size_t startIndex; // position of the first code unit in the 
source string
string spelling; // characters from which this token has been 
TokenKind kind; // enum; each keyword and operator, have a 
dedicated kind
ubyte annotations; // meta information like whether a token 
is valid, or an integer literal is signed, long, hexadecimal, etc.


Making it a class would give several benefits:

* allow not to worry about allocating a big array of tokens. 
E.g., on 64-bit OS the largest module in Phobos (IIRC, the 
std.datetime) consumes 13.5MB in an array of almost 500K tokens. 
It would require 4 times smaller chunk of contiguous memory if it 
was an array of class objects, because each would consume only 8 
bytes instead of 32.

* allow subclassing, for example, for storing strongly typed 
literal values; this flexibility could also facilitate future 
extensibility (but it's difficult to predict which kind of 
extension may be needed)

* there would be no need to copy data from tokens into AST, 
passing an object would be enough (again, copy 8 instead of 32 
bytes); the same applies to passing into methods - no need to 
pass by ref to minimise overhead

It would incur some additional memory overhead (at least 8 bytes 
per token), but that's hardly significant. Also there is 
additional price for accessing token members because of 
indirection, and, possibly, worse cache friendliness (token 
instances may be allocated anywhere in memory, not close to each 

These considerations are mostly about performance. I think there 
is also some impact on design, but couldn't find anything 
significant (given that currently I see a token as merely a 
datastructure without associated behavior).

Could anybody suggest other pros and cons? Which option would you 

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-14 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 15:00:37 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
Could anybody suggest other pros and cons? Which option would 
you choose?
Further discussion on this topic (struct vs class) is at

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-14 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 16:30:21 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 14/05/2012 17:00, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

Making it a class would give several benefits:
* allow not to worry about allocating a big array of tokens. 
E.g., on
64-bit OS the largest module in Phobos (IIRC, the 
std.datetime) consumes
13.5MB in an array of almost 500K tokens. It would require 4 
smaller chunk of contiguous memory if it was an array of class 

because each would consume only 8 bytes instead of 32.

Why is this a benefice ?
NNTP error: 400 load at 23.60, try later prevented me from 
answering :)

Because it might be difficult to find a big chunk of available
memory (3.5M vs 14M for this particular case).

* allow subclassing, for example, for storing strongly typed 
values; this flexibility could also facilitate future 
extensibility (but
it's difficult to predict which kind of extension may be 

I'm pretty sure that D's token will not change that much. If 
the need isn't identified right know, I'd advocate for YAGNI.


* there would be no need to copy data from tokens into AST, 
passing an
object would be enough (again, copy 8 instead of 32 bytes); 
the same
applies to passing into methods - no need to pass by ref to 


Yes but now you add pressure on the GC and add indirections. 
I'm not sure it worth it. It seems to me like a premature 

It looks so. Thanks.

It would incur some additional memory overhead (at least 8 
bytes per
token), but that's hardly significant. Also there is 
additional price
for accessing token members because of indirection, and, 
possibly, worse
cache friendliness (token instances may be allocated anywhere 
in memory,

not close to each other).

These considerations are mostly about performance. I think 
there is also
some impact on design, but couldn't find anything significant 

that currently I see a token as merely a datastructure without
associated behavior).

Could anybody suggest other pros and cons? Which option would 
you choose?

You are over engineering the whole stuff.

I'm trying to solve this and other tradeoffs. I'd like to
simplify but satisfy my design goals.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-14 Thread Tove

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 16:58:42 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

You are over engineering the whole stuff.

I'm trying to solve this and other tradeoffs. I'd like to
simplify but satisfy my design goals.

What if there were two different lex:er modes... with different 

1. For an IDE with on the fly lexing:
  Assumption, the error rate is high.(need to keep much info)

2. For the compiler
Assumption, the error rate is non existent, and if there is an 
error it really doesn't matter if it's slow.

So... when choosing the compiler mode... and there actually is 
an error, then just lex it again, to produce a pretty error 
message ;)

  lex(mode.ide); // calculates column etc. what ever info it 


Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-14 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 19:04:20 UTC, Tove wrote:

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 16:58:42 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

You are over engineering the whole stuff.

I'm trying to solve this and other tradeoffs. I'd like to
simplify but satisfy my design goals.

What if there were two different lex:er modes... with different 

1. For an IDE with on the fly lexing:
  Assumption, the error rate is high.(need to keep much info)

2. For the compiler
Assumption, the error rate is non existent, and if there is an 
error it really doesn't matter if it's slow.

So... when choosing the compiler mode... and there actually 
is an error, then just lex it again, to produce a pretty error 
message ;)

  lex(mode.ide); // calculates column etc. what ever info it 


So far it doesn't seem expensive to tolerate errors and proceed.
The only thing I miss is some sort of specification when to stop
including characters into token spelling and start a new token. I
don't think I'll use backtracking for that in the nearest future.
If I did, I would really separate part of lexer and provide two
implementations for that part. Given this, accepting errors and
moving on simply requires some finite set of rules about
boundaries of invalid tokens. I also think structural code
editing concepts will help here, but I didn't do any research on
this topic yet.

The problem with multiple lexer implementations is that it might
become much more difficult to maintain them.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-14 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 19:13:39 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Monday, 14 May 2012 at 19:04:20 UTC, Tove wrote:
What if there were two different lex:er modes... with 
different struct:s.

1. For an IDE with on the fly lexing:
 Assumption, the error rate is high.(need to keep much info)

2. For the compiler
Assumption, the error rate is non existent, and if there is an 
error it really doesn't matter if it's slow.

So... when choosing the compiler mode... and there actually 
is an error, then just lex it again, to produce a pretty error 
message ;)


The problem with multiple lexer implementations is that it might
become much more difficult to maintain them.

Just to clarify: different modes in lexer in my view are like two
different implementations combined in a non-trivial way (unless
the difference is minor). So complexity goes from two factors:
different implementations and how to combine them. I try to avoid

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 05:41:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
It's great that you're working on this. We definitely need more 
of this sort of
stuff. However, I would point out that I'm not sure that it 
will be acceptable
for Phobos (it _may_ be, but it's not quite what we've been 
looking for).
There are two types of lexers/parsers that we've been looking 
to add to


1. A direct port of the lexer from dmd's C++ front-end. The API 
would be D-
ified to use ranges, but the internals would be almost 
identical to the C++
front-end so that porting changes back and forth would be very 
easy. It also
would make it easier to replace the C++ front-end with a D one 
later if the D

one is very close to the C++ one.

2. A lexer/parser generator using templates and/or CTFE to 
generate a
lexer/parser of whatever language using a BNF or EBNF grammar - 
similar to what Philippe Sigaud has done to generate a parser 
using PEGs. Such
could be used to generate a lexer/parser for D or any other 

What you seem to be doing is creating a D-specific parser from 
scratch, which
is great, but it's not quite what we've been looking to add to 
Phobos. That
doesn't necessarily mean that we can't or won't add it to 
Phobos once it's
complete (especially if nothing else gets done first), but it 
also may not be
acceptable, because it's not either #1 or #2. That would have 
to be decided
once it's done and ready to be reviewed for inclusion in 
Phobos. I'm not
trying to discourage you at all. I'm just pointing out that 
what you're doing
is quite what we're looking for. Regardless, it _would_ be 
interesting to be
able to compare implementations of #1 and #2 against what 
you're doing and

seeing which performs better.

- Jonathan M Davis
Yes, my project has different goals from #1 or #2. The primary 
need I'm trying to address is making development of tools for D 
development much easier. Tools are needed for D to become more 
widely used in practise. Secondary (a nice-to-have) would be to 
build a compiler on top of that. I plan to do both, but I don't 
intend to be backwards-compatible with DMD backend. I hope that 
at least part of my code will either influence or be reused in 
the reference D compiler (whatever that will be in the future).

It is important to have a reference frontend implementation which 
can be used in many tools, otherwise a lot of effort would be 
completely wasted and no tool would comply with the D 
specification and compilers.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread Ary Manzana

On 5/12/12 12:17 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 03:32:20 UTC, Ary Manzana wrote:

As deadalnix says, I think you are over-complicating things.

I mean, to store the column and line information it's just:

if (isNewLine(c)) {
column = 0;
} else {

(I think you need to add that to the SourceRange class. Then copy line
and column to token on the Lexer#lex() method)

Do you really think it's that costly in terms of performance?

I think you are wasting much more memory and performance by storing
all the tokens in the lexer.

Imagine I want to implement a simple syntax highlighter: just
highlight keywords. How can I tell DCT to *not* store all tokens
because I need each one in turn? And since I'll be highlighting in the
editor I will need column and line information. That means I'll have
to do that O(log(n)) operation for every token.

So you see, for the simplest use case of a lexer the performance of
DCT is awful.

Now imagine I want to build an AST. Again, I consume the tokens one by
one, probably peeking in some cases. If I want to store line and
column information I just copy them to the AST. You say the tokens are
discarded but their data is not, and that's why their data is usually

Would it be possible for you to fork my code and tweak it for
comparison? You will definitely discover more problems this way, and
such feedback would really help me. That doesn't seem to be inadequately
much work to do.

Any other volunteers for this?

Sure, I'll do it and provide some benchmarks. Thanks for creating the issue.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 13:50, Ary Manzana a écrit :

On 5/11/12 4:22 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

What about line and column information?

Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside lexer and
a function will compute Location (line number, column number, file
specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance is reduced
to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on demand,
and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by reverse walk
till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to calculate
both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
ab/c.d), or discarding them.

But then how do you do to efficiently (if reverse walk is any efficient)
compute line numbers?

Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that uses the
lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to highlight code or to
build an AST) and then discards them. So you can reuse the same Token
instance. If you want to peek the next token, or have a buffer of token,
you can use a freelist ( , one of
the many nice things I learned by looking at DMD's source code ).

So adding line and column information is not like wasting a lot of
memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

SDC uses struct Location to store such data.

Every token and AST element have a member data of type location.

As it is value type, no need for free list all thoses sort of thing. 
When the token is discarded, the location is discarded too. The same 
goes for AST nodes.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 13:24:11 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 13:50, Ary Manzana a écrit :
Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that 
uses the
lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to highlight code 
or to
build an AST) and then discards them. So you can reuse the 
same Token
instance. If you want to peek the next token, or have a buffer 
of token,
you can use a freelist ( , one of
the many nice things I learned by looking at DMD's source code 

So adding line and column information is not like wasting a 
lot of

memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

SDC uses struct Location to store such data.

Every token and AST element have a member data of type location.

As it is value type, no need for free list all thoses sort of 
thing. When the token is discarded, the location is discarded 
too. The same goes for AST nodes.

1. If a struct is a field of heap allocated object, it will be
allocated and garbage collected. Only if it only exists on stack
(i.e., in method body), GC is not used.

2. If struct which is often allocated and deallocated, free list
would allow to skip its initialization, which is especially
important if size of struct is large. This is true for both heap
and stack allocated data.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 20:28:34 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

1. If a struct is a field of heap allocated object, it will be
allocated and garbage collected. Only if it only exists on 

(i.e., in method body), GC is not used.

As far as I can tell, it won't be allocated on it's own, since 
it is stored in the garbage collected object as a value field. 
So using a freelist would actually increase the overhead. You 
have to manage the freelist and do the allocation of the 
containing object.
Sorry for confusion. In the first point I was trying to clarify 
that using a struct doesn't mean that it is stack allocated, but 
that statement was off-topic for the given context. Currently I 
consider my first point to be useless, and the second one is not 
relevant in *my* context, since I don't do many allocations of 
Location, as well as in a majority of other contexts. As it is 
often the case, performance optimization should be performed only 
when benchmarks show it is needed.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread Timon Gehr

On 05/12/2012 11:08 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 20:28:34 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

1. If a struct is a field of heap allocated object, it will be
allocated and garbage collected. Only if it only exists on stack
(i.e., in method body), GC is not used.

As far as I can tell, it won't be allocated on it's own, since it is
stored in the garbage collected object as a value field. So using a
freelist would actually increase the overhead. You have to manage the
freelist and do the allocation of the containing object.

Sorry for confusion. In the first point I was trying to clarify that
using a struct doesn't mean that it is stack allocated, but that
statement was off-topic for the given context. Currently I consider my
first point to be useless, and the second one is not relevant in *my*
context, since I don't do many allocations of Location, as well as in a
majority of other contexts. As it is often the case, performance
optimization should be performed only when benchmarks show it is needed.

Well yes, but it seems to me that you are deliberately complicating the 
design in order to make it less efficient?

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-12 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 22:19:55 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 05/12/2012 11:08 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 20:28:34 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 
1. If a struct is a field of heap allocated object, it will 
allocated and garbage collected. Only if it only exists on 

(i.e., in method body), GC is not used.

As far as I can tell, it won't be allocated on it's own, 
since it is
stored in the garbage collected object as a value field. So 
using a
freelist would actually increase the overhead. You have to 
manage the

freelist and do the allocation of the containing object.
Sorry for confusion. In the first point I was trying to 
clarify that
using a struct doesn't mean that it is stack allocated, but 
statement was off-topic for the given context. Currently I 
consider my
first point to be useless, and the second one is not relevant 
in *my*
context, since I don't do many allocations of Location, as 
well as in a
majority of other contexts. As it is often the case, 
optimization should be performed only when benchmarks show it 
is needed.

Well yes, but it seems to me that you are deliberately 
complicating the design in order to make it less efficient?

Do you mean something like what I summarized from Ary: ?
If that is the case, could you please add your concerns to the
dedicated issue: ?

Otherwise, if by overcomplicating you meant using a free list,
I'd like to clarify that I don't plan to introduce it yet because 
I see no reason to use it in my context.


Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 10:01, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

There were several discussions about the need for a D compiler library.

I propose my draft implementation of lexer for community review:

Lexer is based on Brian Schott's project, but it has been refactored and
extended (and more changes are on the way).

The goal is to have source code loading, lexer, parser and semantic
analysis available as parts of Phobos. These libraries should be
designed to be usable in multiple scenarios (e.g., refactoring, code
analysis, etc.).

My commitment is to have at least front end built this year (and
conforming to the D2 specification unless explicitly stated otherwise
for some particular aspect).

Please post any feed here. A dedicated project web-site will be created

(Re-posting here)

A couple of questions:

* What's the sate of the lexer
* Does it convert numerical literals and similar to their actual values
* Does it retain full source information
* Is there an example we can look at to see how the API is used
* Does it have a range based interface

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 08:38:36 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

(Re-posting here)
A couple of questions:

* What's the sate of the lexer

I consider it a draft state, because it has got several rewrites
recently and I plan to do more, especially based on community
feedback. However, implementation handles almost all possible
cases. Because of rewrites it is most likely broken at this
moment, I'm going to fix it ASAP (in a day or two).

Lexer will provide a random-access range of tokens (this is not
done yet).

Each token contains:
* start index (position in the original encoding, 0 corresponds
to the first code unit after BOM),
* token value encoded as UTF-8 string,
* token kind (e.g., token.kind = TokenKind.Float),
* possibly enum with annotations (e.g., token.annotations =
FloatAnnotation.Hex | FloatAnnotation.Real)

* Does it convert numerical literals and similar to their 
actual values

It is planned to add a post-processor for that as part of parser,
please see for some more details.

* Does it retain full source information

Yes, this is a design choice to preserve all information. Source
code is converted to UTF-8 and stored as token.value, even
whitespaces. Information about code unit indices in the original
encoding is preserved, too.

* Is there an example we can look at to see how the API is used

TBD soon (see Roadmap in the readme file)

* Does it have a range based interface

Yes, this is what I consider one of its strengths.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 10:01, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

There were several discussions about the need for a D compiler library.

I propose my draft implementation of lexer for community review:

Lexer is based on Brian Schott's project, but it has been refactored and
extended (and more changes are on the way).

The goal is to have source code loading, lexer, parser and semantic
analysis available as parts of Phobos. These libraries should be
designed to be usable in multiple scenarios (e.g., refactoring, code
analysis, etc.).

My commitment is to have at least front end built this year (and
conforming to the D2 specification unless explicitly stated otherwise
for some particular aspect).

Please post any feed here. A dedicated project web-site will be created

If think that the end goal of a project like this, putting a D frontend 
in Phobos, should be that the compiler should be built using this 
library. This would result in the compiler and library always being in 
sync and having the same behavior. Otherwise it's easy this would be 
just another tool that tries to lex and parse D code, always being out 
of sync with the compiler and not having the same behavior.

For this to happen, for Walter to start using this, I think there would 
be a greater change if the frontend was a port of the DMD frontend and 
not changed too much.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 10:58, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 08:38:36 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

(Re-posting here)
A couple of questions:

* What's the sate of the lexer

I consider it a draft state, because it has got several rewrites
recently and I plan to do more, especially based on community
feedback. However, implementation handles almost all possible
cases. Because of rewrites it is most likely broken at this
moment, I'm going to fix it ASAP (in a day or two).

I see.

Lexer will provide a random-access range of tokens (this is not
done yet).


Each token contains:
* start index (position in the original encoding, 0 corresponds
to the first code unit after BOM),
* token value encoded as UTF-8 string,
* token kind (e.g., token.kind = TokenKind.Float),
* possibly enum with annotations (e.g., token.annotations =
FloatAnnotation.Hex | FloatAnnotation.Real)

What about line and column information?

* Does it convert numerical literals and similar to their actual values

It is planned to add a post-processor for that as part of parser,
please see for some more details.

Isn't that a job for the lexer?

* Does it retain full source information

Yes, this is a design choice to preserve all information. Source
code is converted to UTF-8 and stored as token.value, even
whitespaces. Information about code unit indices in the original
encoding is preserved, too.

That's sounds good.

* Is there an example we can look at to see how the API is used

TBD soon (see Roadmap in the readme file)

* Does it have a range based interface

Yes, this is what I consider one of its strengths.

I see. Thanks.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread dennis luehring

Am 11.05.2012 11:02, schrieb Jacob Carlborg:

For this to happen, for Walter to start using this, I think there would
be a greater change if the frontend was a port of the DMD frontend and
not changed too much.

or a pure D version of it with the features:

-very fast in parsing/lexing - there need to be a benchmark enviroment 
from the very start

-easy to extend and fix

and think that is what walter wants from an D-ish frontend in the first 

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:08:24 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 10:58, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

Each token contains:
* start index (position in the original encoding, 0 corresponds
to the first code unit after BOM),
* token value encoded as UTF-8 string,
* token kind (e.g., token.kind = TokenKind.Float),
* possibly enum with annotations (e.g., token.annotations =
FloatAnnotation.Hex | FloatAnnotation.Real)

What about line and column information?
Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside 
lexer and a function will compute Location (line number, column 
number, file specification) for any index. This way size of Token 
instance is reduced to the minimum. It is assumed that Location 
can be computed on demand, and is not needed frequently. So 
column is calculated by reverse walk till previous end of line, 
etc. Locations will possible to calculate both taking into 
account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3 ab/c.d), or 
discarding them.

* Does it convert numerical literals and similar to their 
actual values
It is planned to add a post-processor for that as part of 

please see for some more details.

Isn't that a job for the lexer?
That might be done in lexer for efficiency reasons (to avoid 
lexing token value again). But separating this into a dedicated 
post-processing phase leads to a much cleaner design (IMO), also 
suitable for uses when such values are not needed. Also I don't 
think that performance would be improved given the ratio of 
number of literals to total number of tokens and the need to 
store additional information per token if it is done in lexer. I 
will elaborate on that later.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread dennis luehring

Am 11.05.2012 11:23, schrieb Roman D. Boiko:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:19:07 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:

 does the parser/lexer allow half-finished syntax parsing? for
 being useable in an IDE for syntax-highlighting while coding?

That's planned, but I would like to see your usage scenarios
(pseudo-code would help a lot).

try to syntaxhiglight while coding - thats the scenario, parts
of the source code isn't fully valid while writing

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:02:12 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
If think that the end goal of a project like this, putting a D 
frontend in Phobos, should be that the compiler should be built 
using this library. This would result in the compiler and 
library always being in sync and having the same behavior. 
Otherwise it's easy this would be just another tool that tries 
to lex and parse D code, always being out of sync with the 
compiler and not having the same behavior.

For this to happen, for Walter to start using this, I think 
there would be a greater change if the frontend was a port of 
the DMD frontend and not changed too much.

My plan is to create frontend that would be much better than 
existing, both in design and implementation. I decided to work on 
this full time for several months.

Front end will not produce the same data as DMD front end does, 
so most likely it will not be suitable to replace existing C++ 
implementation. But since no information will be lost I will 
consider creating a separate project which would build output 
compatible with existing (not identical, I don't think that would 
be feasible).

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:21:29 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:

Am 11.05.2012 11:02, schrieb Jacob Carlborg:
For this to happen, for Walter to start using this, I think 
there would
be a greater change if the frontend was a port of the DMD 
frontend and

not changed too much.

or a pure D version of it with the features:

-very fast in parsing/lexing - there need to be a benchmark 
enviroment from the very start

Will add that to May roadmap.

-easy to extend and fix

and think that is what walter wants from an D-ish frontend in 
the first place

I plan to go this way.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 11:22, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

What about line and column information?

Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside lexer and
a function will compute Location (line number, column number, file
specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance is reduced
to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on demand,
and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by reverse walk
till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to calculate
both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
ab/c.d), or discarding them.

Aha, clever. As long as I can get out the information I'm happy :) How 
about adding properties for this in the token struct?

* Does it convert numerical literals and similar to their actual values

It is planned to add a post-processor for that as part of parser,
please see for some more details.

Isn't that a job for the lexer?

That might be done in lexer for efficiency reasons (to avoid lexing
token value again). But separating this into a dedicated post-processing
phase leads to a much cleaner design (IMO), also suitable for uses when
such values are not needed.

That might be the case. But I don't think it belongs in the parser.

Also I don't think that performance would be
improved given the ratio of number of literals to total number of tokens
and the need to store additional information per token if it is done in
lexer. I will elaborate on that later.

Ok, fair enough. Perhaps this could be a property in the Token struct as 
well. In that case I would suggest renaming value to 
lexeme/spelling/representation, or something like that, and then name 
the new property value.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 11:31, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

My plan is to create frontend that would be much better than existing,
both in design and implementation. I decided to work on this full time
for several months.

That's good news.

Front end will not produce the same data as DMD front end does, so most
likely it will not be suitable to replace existing C++ implementation.

That's too bad.

But since no information will be lost I will consider creating a
separate project which would build output compatible with existing (not
identical, I don't think that would be feasible).


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 11:23, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:19:07 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:

does the parser/lexer allow half-finished syntax parsing? for being
useable in an IDE for syntax-highlighting while coding?

That's planned, but I would like to see your usage scenarios
(pseudo-code would help a lot).

Example from TextMate:

* void - keyword is colored
* module main - nothing colored until I type a semicolon
* module main; - keyword and main is colored (differently)
* void foo - keyword is colored
* void foo ( - keyword and foo is colored (differently)
* struct F - keyword and F is colored (differently)

* Literals are always colored.
* User-defined constants are always colored. It's basically any token 
that is all upper case

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread dennis luehring

Am 11.05.2012 11:33, schrieb Roman D. Boiko:

 -very fast in parsing/lexing - there need to be a benchmark
 enviroment from the very start

Will add that to May roadmap.

are using slices for prevent coping everything around?

the parser/lexer need to be as fast as the original one - maybe even 
faster - else it won't replace walters at any time - because speed does 
matter here very much

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:28:36 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:

Am 11.05.2012 11:23, schrieb Roman D. Boiko:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:19:07 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:

does the parser/lexer allow half-finished syntax parsing? for
being useable in an IDE for syntax-highlighting while coding?

That's planned, but I would like to see your usage scenarios
(pseudo-code would help a lot).

try to syntaxhiglight while coding - thats the scenario, parts
of the source code isn't fully valid while writing

I depends on IDE. For example, sublime-text (and most likely 
TextMate) uses regex for syntax highlighting. That makes it 
impossible to use with for D in some scenarios (like nested block 
comments). Any IDE that provides API for coloring will get 
correct information if code is valid.

If it is not valid, it is only possible to handle specific kinds 
of errors, but in general there will always be cases when 
highlighting (or some parsing / semantic analysis information) is 
incorrect. I aim to handle common errors gracefully.

In practice, I think, it is possible to handle 99% of problems, 
but this requires a lot of design / specification work.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:36:28 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 11:22, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

Locations will possible to calculate
both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
ab/c.d), or discarding them.

Aha, clever. As long as I can get out the information I'm happy 
:) How about adding properties for this in the token struct?
There is a method for that in Lexer interface, for me it looks 
like it belongth there and not to token. Version accepting token 
and producing a pair of start/end Locations will be added.

* Does it convert numerical literals and similar to their 
actual values
It is planned to add a post-processor for that as part of 

please see for some more details.

Isn't that a job for the lexer?
That might be done in lexer for efficiency reasons (to avoid 
token value again). But separating this into a dedicated 
phase leads to a much cleaner design (IMO), also suitable for 
uses when

such values are not needed.

That might be the case. But I don't think it belongs in the 
I will provide example code and a dedicated post later to 
illustrate my point.

Also I don't think that performance would be
improved given the ratio of number of literals to total number 
of tokens
and the need to store additional information per token if it 
is done in

lexer. I will elaborate on that later.

Ok, fair enough. Perhaps this could be a property in the Token 
struct as well. In that case I would suggest renaming value 
to lexeme/spelling/representation, or something like that, and 
then name the new property value.
I was going to rename value, but couldn't find a nice term. 
Thanks for your suggestions!
As for the property with strongly typed literal value, currently 
I plan to put it into AST.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread alex

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 10:40:43 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 10:01:17 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:

Am 11.05.2012 11:33, schrieb Roman D. Boiko:

-very fast in parsing/lexing - there need to be a benchmark
enviroment from the very start

Will add that to May roadmap.

are using slices for prevent coping everything around?

the parser/lexer need to be as fast as the original one - 
maybe even faster - else it won't replace walters at any time 
- because speed does matter here very much

I tried optimizing code when it didn't complicate design. And 
more optimizations will be added later.

It would be interesting to have benchmarks for comparing 
performance, but I don't plan to branch and edit DMD front end 
to prepare it for benchmarking (any time soon).

Ever thought of asking the VisualD developer to integrate your 
library into his IDE extension? Might be cool to do so because of 
extended completion abilities etc. (lol I'm the Mono-D dev -- but 
why not? ;D)

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 11:31, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:02:12 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

If think that the end goal of a project like this, putting a D
frontend in Phobos, should be that the compiler should be built using
this library. This would result in the compiler and library always
being in sync and having the same behavior. Otherwise it's easy this
would be just another tool that tries to lex and parse D code, always
being out of sync with the compiler and not having the same behavior.

For this to happen, for Walter to start using this, I think there
would be a greater change if the frontend was a port of the DMD
frontend and not changed too much.

My plan is to create frontend that would be much better than existing,
both in design and implementation. I decided to work on this full time
for several months.

I this is your plan, I'm very happy. We really should discuss to avoid 
duplicating effort as we are doing right now.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 12:01, dennis luehring a écrit :

Am 11.05.2012 11:33, schrieb Roman D. Boiko:

-very fast in parsing/lexing - there need to be a benchmark
enviroment from the very start

Will add that to May roadmap.

are using slices for prevent coping everything around?

the parser/lexer need to be as fast as the original one - maybe even
faster - else it won't replace walters at any time - because speed does
matter here very much

The best optimization is the one that bring your code from non working 
state to working state.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Ary Manzana

On 5/11/12 4:22 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

What about line and column information?

Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside lexer and
a function will compute Location (line number, column number, file
specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance is reduced
to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on demand,
and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by reverse walk
till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to calculate
both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
ab/c.d), or discarding them.

But then how do you do to efficiently (if reverse walk is any efficient) 
compute line numbers?

Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that uses the 
lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to highlight code or to 
build an AST) and then discards them. So you can reuse the same Token 
instance. If you want to peek the next token, or have a buffer of token, 
you can use a freelist ( , one of 
the many nice things I learned by looking at DMD's source code ).

So adding line and column information is not like wasting a lot of 
memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:41:34 UTC, alex wrote:
Ever thought of asking the VisualD developer to integrate your 
library into his IDE extension? Might be cool to do so because 
of extended completion abilities etc. (lol I'm the Mono-D dev 
-- but why not? ;D)

Didn't think about that yet, because I don't use VisualD.
I actually planned to analyse whether DCT could be integrated 
into Mono-D, so your feedback is welcome :)

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:50:14 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 11:31, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :
My plan is to create frontend that would be much better than 
both in design and implementation. I decided to work on this 
full time

for several months.

I this is your plan, I'm very happy. We really should discuss 
to avoid duplicating effort as we are doing right now.

I have started a similar stuff, and it is currently more 
advanced than DCT is. I kind of decapitated sdc to do it.

Maybe we should join effort instead of doing 2 separate 
projects ?

That makes sense. Is it possible to switch SDC to the Boost 
license? I'm trying to keep it for all DCT code.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:49:23 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 12:35, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 09:36:28 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Aha, clever. As long as I can get out the information I'm 
happy :) How

about adding properties for this in the token struct?
There is a method for that in Lexer interface, for me it looks 
like it
belongth there and not to token. Version accepting token and 
producing a

pair of start/end Locations will be added.

Found it now, calculateFor. It not sure if it's the most 
intuitive name though. I get the feeling: calculate what?.
calculateLocation was original name, but I don't like repeating 
return type in method names, I decided to change it so that it is 
clear that another renaming is needed ;) Any suggestions?

That might be the case. But I don't think it belongs in the 
I will provide example code and a dedicated post later to 
illustrate my


I guess I'll have to wait for that then :)

I'll try to do that ahead of roadmap, it is important.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 14:04, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

That makes sense. Is it possible to switch SDC to the Boost license? I'm
trying to keep it for all DCT code.

Let me do a clean package of my code this week end. For now it is mixed 
with SDC source code, which was enough as I was working alone, but isn't 
quite right for people to join the effort.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread dennis luehring

Am 11.05.2012 13:50, schrieb Ary Manzana:

On 5/11/12 4:22 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

 What about line and column information?

 Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside lexer and
 a function will compute Location (line number, column number, file
 specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance is reduced
 to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on demand,
 and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by reverse walk
 till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to calculate
 both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
 ab/c.d), or discarding them.

But then how do you do to efficiently (if reverse walk is any efficient)
compute line numbers?

Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that uses the
lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to highlight code or to
build an AST) and then discards them. So you can reuse the same Token
instance. If you want to peek the next token, or have a buffer of token,
you can use a freelist ( , one of
the many nice things I learned by looking at DMD's source code ).

So adding line and column information is not like wasting a lot of
memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

it would be better to add something like an ColumnLine-collector-thing - 
that if applied is able to hold this information, so no waste if its not 

i think there are several parts that can work like that

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread alex

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:55:47 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:41:34 UTC, alex wrote:
Ever thought of asking the VisualD developer to integrate your 
library into his IDE extension? Might be cool to do so because 
of extended completion abilities etc. (lol I'm the Mono-D dev 
-- but why not? ;D)

Didn't think about that yet, because I don't use VisualD.
I actually planned to analyse whether DCT could be integrated 
into Mono-D, so your feedback is welcome :)

Mono-D is written in C#, VisualD uses D -- so it actually should 
be easier to integrate into the second one :)

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:47:18 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

From the beginning, I'm think AST macro using CTFE.

Could you please elaborate?

I plan to strictly follow published D specification.
Exceptions from this rule are possible provided either of the 
following is true:
* new functionality has been implemented in DMD but is not 
included into specification yet
* specification is incorrect (has a bug) or incomplete, 
especially if DMD behavior differs from specification
* change is compatible with specification and brings some 
significant improvement (e.g., this seems to be the case for my 
decision to introduce post-processor after lexer)

Some more exceptions might be added later, but the goal is to 
minimize differences.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 12:13:53 UTC, alex wrote:
Mono-D is written in C#, VisualD uses D -- so it actually 
should be easier to integrate into the second one :)
Sorry, I meant D-IDE. But there might exist the reason to consume 
D implementation from C# also. I would happily collaborate to 
make it usable for that.

I have nothing against VisualD, just didn't think about it yet.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 14:14, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:47:18 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

From the beginning, I'm think AST macro using CTFE.

Could you please elaborate?

I plan to strictly follow published D specification.
Exceptions from this rule are possible provided either of the following
is true:
* new functionality has been implemented in DMD but is not included into
specification yet
* specification is incorrect (has a bug) or incomplete, especially if
DMD behavior differs from specification
* change is compatible with specification and brings some significant
improvement (e.g., this seems to be the case for my decision to
introduce post-processor after lexer)

Some more exceptions might be added later, but the goal is to minimize

More explicitly, the goal isn't to implement a different language than D.

Simply doing the parsing/AST building in a way that would allow AST 
macro to be introduced later.

Your 3 points seem reasonable. Mine were :
 * Implement something that can parse D as it is currently 
defined/implemented (if dmd's behavior and spec differs, it is handled 
on a per case basis).
 * Discard all deprecated features. Not even try to implement them even 
if dmd support them currently.
 * Do the parsing in several steps to allow different tools to work 
with it.

I think we both have very compatibles goals. Let me do a clean package 
of it I write about design goals. I don't have that much time right now 
to do it, I will this week end.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:50:29 UTC, Ary Manzana wrote:

On 5/11/12 4:22 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

What about line and column information?
Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside 
lexer and
a function will compute Location (line number, column number, 
specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance 
is reduced
to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on 
and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by 
reverse walk
till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to 

both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
ab/c.d), or discarding them.

But then how do you do to efficiently (if reverse walk is any 
efficient) compute line numbers?

I borrowed the trick from Brian Schott: tokens will be stored as
a sorted array. Sorting is done based on their indices in source
code (they are naturally sorted immediately, no need to run any
algorithm for that). The same is true for information about line
start indices.

Now given an index we can do a binary search in such sorted
arrays, and get corresponding line number or token (whatever we
need). Walking along utf code points starting from the index
which corresponds to beginning of line and taking into account
tab characters it is possible to calculate column reasonably fast.

My assumption is that column numbers are needed for use cases
like error reporting or other messages for a user, and thus there
is no need to pre-calculate them for each token (or character).
For such use cases efficiency should be really enough.

In general, I precalculate and store only information which is
needed frequently. Other information is evaluated lazily.

Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that 
uses the lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to 
highlight code or to build an AST) and then discards them. So 
you can reuse the same Token instance. If you want to peek the 
next token, or have a buffer of token, you can use a freelist ( , one of the many nice 
things I learned by looking at DMD's source code ).

But the information from tokens is not discarded (at least, this
is the requirement for DCT). So my choice is to keep it in tokens
instead of converting to some other form. That also implies that
Token is free from any auxiliary information which is not
necessary for common use cases.

So adding line and column information is not like wasting a lot 
of memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

It is inefficient to calculate it during lexing, scanning
algorithm become less robust and more complicated, and in most
cases we won't need it anyway. I will add a hook to plug-in such
functionality (when needed) if I will know why it is necessary.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 12:30:01 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Your 3 points seem reasonable. Mine were :
 * Implement something that can parse D as it is currently 
defined/implemented (if dmd's behavior and spec differs, it is 
handled on a per case basis).

All differences should be documented.
 * Discard all deprecated features. Not even try to implement 
them even if dmd support them currently.
Yes, I forgot this one. Actually, I didn't discard imaginary 
floats, because I don't know what exactly will be done instead 
and it is easy to keep them.

 * Do the parsing in several steps to allow different tools to 
work with it.
I was thinking about a pool of analysers each of which would add 
some information. This could be more than needed for semantic 
analysis. An analyser would be created each time when information 
(e.g., some indexing) is needed for a particular use case.

I think we both have very compatibles goals. Let me do a clean 
package of it I write about design goals. I don't have that 
much time right now to do it, I will this week end.

I saw your ast_as_lib branch of SDC, but didn't dig deeper.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 14:07, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:49:23 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Found it now, calculateFor. It not sure if it's the most intuitive
name though. I get the feeling: calculate what?.

calculateLocation was original name, but I don't like repeating return
type in method names, I decided to change it so that it is clear that
another renaming is needed ;) Any suggestions?

My original suggestion was to have the functionality in Token, which 
would have made for intuitive names: line, column and file. But since 
you didn't like that I have to give it some thought.

I guess I'll have to wait for that then :)

I'll try to do that ahead of roadmap, it is important.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 12:55:58 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 14:07, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:49:23 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Found it now, calculateFor. It not sure if it's the most 

name though. I get the feeling: calculate what?.

calculateLocation was original name, but I don't like 
repeating return
type in method names, I decided to change it so that it is 
clear that

another renaming is needed ;) Any suggestions?

My original suggestion was to have the functionality in Token, 
which would have made for intuitive names: line, column and 
file. But since you didn't like that I have to give it some 

What about the following signature: Location locate(size_t index)?
Or even better:
alias size_t CodeUnitIndex;
Location locateFor(CodeUnitIndex position);

The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not 
know anything about source as a whole.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 14:14, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:47:18 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

From the beginning, I'm think AST macro using CTFE.

Could you please elaborate?

I plan to strictly follow published D specification.

That won't be easy, nobody know what the specification is . TDPL, DMD or

Exceptions from this rule are possible provided either of the following
is true:
* new functionality has been implemented in DMD but is not included into
specification yet
* specification is incorrect (has a bug) or incomplete, especially if
DMD behavior differs from specification
* change is compatible with specification and brings some significant
improvement (e.g., this seems to be the case for my decision to
introduce post-processor after lexer)

Some more exceptions might be added later, but the goal is to minimize

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 15:01, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

What about the following signature: Location locate(size_t index)?
Or even better:
alias size_t CodeUnitIndex;
Location locateFor(CodeUnitIndex position);

That is better although I would prefer to pass in a token (assuming that 
is where index is declared). Then it would be an implementation detail 
that index is used to get the location.

Another option would be to turn it around:

sturct/class Location
Location find/locate (Token token);

The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not know
anything about source as a whole.

I see. For convenience there could be properties defined that just 
forwards the call to some other function.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 15:01, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 12:55:58 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 14:07, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:49:23 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Found it now, calculateFor. It not sure if it's the most intuitive
name though. I get the feeling: calculate what?.

calculateLocation was original name, but I don't like repeating return
type in method names, I decided to change it so that it is clear that
another renaming is needed ;) Any suggestions?

My original suggestion was to have the functionality in Token, which
would have made for intuitive names: line, column and file. But since
you didn't like that I have to give it some thought.

What about the following signature: Location locate(size_t index)?
Or even better:
alias size_t CodeUnitIndex;
Location locateFor(CodeUnitIndex position);

The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not know
anything about source as a whole.

I don't really see the benefit of this. You are trading a O(1) operation 
to an O(log(n)) . It can only be faster in specific cases, which should 
be measured.

It is likely to be slower on compiling erroneous code or used for 
something else than compiling, and likely to be insignificant to compile 
correct code (I suspect the performance win is negligible compared to 
the time required to build a fully operational executable).

You are overcomplicating things for no to little benefice.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Rory McGuire
? my guess is that the spec is TDPL + TDPL errata. should be
updated as people notice inaccuracies.
This project would be an ideal time to update as people notice
its not in sync with TDPL.
If TDPL doesn't cover it then the community should review it.

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

 On 2012-05-11 14:14, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

 On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 11:47:18 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

 From the beginning, I'm think AST macro using CTFE.

 Could you please elaborate?

 I plan to strictly follow published D specification.

 That won't be easy, nobody know what the specification is . TDPL, DMD or

  Exceptions from this rule are possible provided either of the following
 is true:
 * new functionality has been implemented in DMD but is not included into
 specification yet
 * specification is incorrect (has a bug) or incomplete, especially if
 DMD behavior differs from specification
 * change is compatible with specification and brings some significant
 improvement (e.g., this seems to be the case for my decision to
 introduce post-processor after lexer)

 Some more exceptions might be added later, but the goal is to minimize

 /Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 13:28:21 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 15:01, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :
The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not 

anything about source as a whole.

I don't really see the benefit of this. You are trading a O(1) 
operation to an O(log(n)) . It can only be faster in specific 
cases, which should be measured.
It would be interesting to see benchmarks. But anyway log(1M) is 
just 20, and I didn't see any source code with 1M lines :). The 
main point is design, not performance. I'm trying to build 
minimal design that handles common use cases very well, and 
others well enough. I don't see why Location would be needed for 
every Token.

It is likely to be slower on compiling erroneous code or used 
for something else than compiling, and likely to be 
insignificant to compile correct code (I suspect the 
performance win is negligible compared to the time required to 
build a fully operational executable).

IMO, it is unrelated.

You are overcomplicating things for no to little benefice.
Well, it depends... However, I will provide design rationale 
document this month.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 13:25:53 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 15:01, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

What about the following signature: Location locate(size_t 

Or even better:
alias size_t CodeUnitIndex;
Location locateFor(CodeUnitIndex position);

That is better although I would prefer to pass in a token 
(assuming that is where index is declared). Then it would be an 
implementation detail that index is used to get the location.
It is also what I was planning to do after I posted my last 
suggestion. Unless I will discover some conceptual problem with 
that, which is unlikely.

Another option would be to turn it around:

sturct/class Location
Location find/locate (Token token);

The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not 

anything about source as a whole.

I see. For convenience there could be properties defined that 
just forwards the call to some other function.
Both these cases would introduce circular dependency between 
Lexer and its output data (Location or Token). It is possible to 
break such dependency via complicating things even more, or live 
with it. But I don't like circular dependencies when there is no 
compelling reason to introduce them.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 13:30:49 UTC, Rory McGuire wrote:
? my guess is that the spec is TDPL + TDPL errata. 
should be

updated as people notice inaccuracies.
This project would be an ideal time to update as 
people notice

its not in sync with TDPL.
If TDPL doesn't cover it then the community should review it.
Whenever I'm in doubt, I try to analyze both TDPL and, 
and also consult DMD sources. But in general when I write 
specification I mean

I agree that it should be maintained, but I understand that it is 
difficult to do. I'll try to summarize problems which I discover 
(I already found many), but it is quite time-consuming activity.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 13:28:21 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 15:01, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :
The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not 

anything about source as a whole.

I don't really see the benefit of this. You are trading a O(1) 
operation to an O(log(n)) . It can only be faster in specific 
cases, which should be measured.
Technically, I'm trading N*0(1) operations needed to track line 
and column while consuming each character to M*0(log(n)) 
operations when calculating them on demand. N = number of 
characters, n is number of lines and M is number of actual usages 
of Location. My assumption is that M  N (M is much smaller than 

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 12:20:27 UTC, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 12:13:53 UTC, alex wrote:
Mono-D is written in C#, VisualD uses D -- so it actually 
should be easier to integrate into the second one :)
Sorry, I meant D-IDE. But there might exist the reason to 
consume D implementation from C# also. I would happily 
collaborate to make it usable for that.

Oops D-IDE is also C#...

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-05-11 15:30, Rory McGuire wrote:

? my guess is that the spec is TDPL + TDPL errata. should be updated as people notice inaccuracies.
This project would be an ideal time to update as people notice its not in sync with TDPL.
If TDPL doesn't cover it then the community should review it.

None of these are in sync.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread deadalnix

Le 11/05/2012 16:02, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 13:28:21 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 15:01, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

The problem with placing it in Token is that Token should not know
anything about source as a whole.

I don't really see the benefit of this. You are trading a O(1)
operation to an O(log(n)) . It can only be faster in specific cases,
which should be measured.

Technically, I'm trading N*0(1) operations needed to track line and
column while consuming each character to M*0(log(n)) operations when
calculating them on demand. N = number of characters, n is number of
lines and M is number of actual usages of Location. My assumption is
that M  N (M is much smaller than N).

N can easily be number of tokens.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 14:45:45 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-05-11 15:30, Rory McGuire wrote:

? my guess is that the spec is TDPL + TDPL errata. should be updated as people notice 

This project would be an ideal time to update as people notice its not in sync with TDPL.
If TDPL doesn't cover it then the community should review it.

None of these are in sync.

I suggest to choose a dedicated place where it is possible to 
discuss differences and other problems with specification. This 

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 15:05:19 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 16:02, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :
Technically, I'm trading N*0(1) operations needed to track 
line and
column while consuming each character to M*0(log(n)) 
operations when
calculating them on demand. N = number of characters, n is 
number of
lines and M is number of actual usages of Location. My 
assumption is

that M  N (M is much smaller than N).

N can easily be number of tokens.
Yes, if you are looking for the token by its index, not for 
location. E.g., for autocompletion it is needed to find the last 
token before cursor location. But that is not related to location 

Also please note that I oversimplified formula for complexity. It 
also has other components. My reply was just an additional minor 
comment. Motivation is design, not performance.

One additional reason for such separation: with my approach it is 
possible to calculate Location both taking into account 
infromation from special token sequences, or ignoring it. How 
would you do that for eager calculation? Calculate only one 
category? Or track and store both?

Unnecessary complexity will eventually find a way to shoot your 
leg :) Real-world usage (at least, anticipated scenarios) should 
be the basis for designing. Sometimes this contradicts intuition 
and requires you to look at the problem from a different side.

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Rory McGuire
yip, but TDPL still has to take precedence because that is the one that
walter + andrei + community put the most focused effort into.

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

 On 2012-05-11 15:30, Rory McGuire wrote:

 ? my guess is that the spec is TDPL + TDPL errata. should be updated as people notice inaccuracies.

 This project would be an ideal time to update as people notice its not in sync with TDPL.

 If TDPL doesn't cover it then the community should review it.

 None of these are in sync.

 /Jacob Carlborg

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, May 11, 2012 23:00:15 Rory McGuire wrote:
 yip, but TDPL still has to take precedence because that is the one that
 walter + andrei + community put the most focused effort into.

It doesn't necessarily. Each place that they differ is examined individually 
and decided on its own merits. There is no automatic TDPL says it's so, so 
it's so. There _are_ cases where things have even been explicitly changed 
after TDPL was released, making TDPL out-of-date for that particular item (e.g 
strong vs weak purity is not discussed in TDPL at all, beacuse it didn't exist 
at the time). In general, however, TDPL _is_ correct, and when there's a 
difference, it's simply a case of the documentation or compiler not having been 
updated accordingly. We try to avoid making any changes that would conflict 
with TDPL.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Ary Manzana

On 5/11/12 10:14 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 15:05:19 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Le 11/05/2012 16:02, Roman D. Boiko a écrit :

Technically, I'm trading N*0(1) operations needed to track line and
column while consuming each character to M*0(log(n)) operations when
calculating them on demand. N = number of characters, n is number of
lines and M is number of actual usages of Location. My assumption is
that M  N (M is much smaller than N).

N can easily be number of tokens.

Yes, if you are looking for the token by its index, not for location.
E.g., for autocompletion it is needed to find the last token before
cursor location. But that is not related to location search.

Also please note that I oversimplified formula for complexity. It also
has other components. My reply was just an additional minor comment.
Motivation is design, not performance.

One additional reason for such separation: with my approach it is
possible to calculate Location both taking into account infromation from
special token sequences, or ignoring it. How would you do that for eager
calculation? Calculate only one category? Or track and store both?

Unnecessary complexity will eventually find a way to shoot your leg :)
Real-world usage (at least, anticipated scenarios) should be the basis
for designing. Sometimes this contradicts intuition and requires you to
look at the problem from a different side.

As deadalnix says, I think you are over-complicating things.

I mean, to store the column and line information it's just:

if (isNewLine(c)) {
  column = 0;
} else {

(I think you need to add that to the SourceRange class. Then copy line 
and column to token on the Lexer#lex() method)

Do you really think it's that costly in terms of performance?

I think you are wasting much more memory and performance by storing all 
the tokens in the lexer.

Imagine I want to implement a simple syntax highlighter: just highlight 
keywords. How can I tell DCT to *not* store all tokens because I need 
each one in turn? And since I'll be highlighting in the editor I will 
need column and line information. That means I'll have to do that 
O(log(n)) operation for every token.

So you see, for the simplest use case of a lexer the performance of DCT 
is awful.

Now imagine I want to build an AST. Again, I consume the tokens one by 
one, probably peeking in some cases. If I want to store line and column 
information I just copy them to the AST. You say the tokens are 
discarded but their data is not, and that's why their data is usually 

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 03:32:20 UTC, Ary Manzana wrote:

As deadalnix says, I think you are over-complicating things.

I mean, to store the column and line information it's just:

if (isNewLine(c)) {
  column = 0;
} else {

(I think you need to add that to the SourceRange class. Then 
copy line and column to token on the Lexer#lex() method)

Do you really think it's that costly in terms of performance?

I think you are wasting much more memory and performance by 
storing all the tokens in the lexer.

Imagine I want to implement a simple syntax highlighter: just 
highlight keywords. How can I tell DCT to *not* store all 
tokens because I need each one in turn? And since I'll be 
highlighting in the editor I will need column and line 
information. That means I'll have to do that O(log(n)) 
operation for every token.

So you see, for the simplest use case of a lexer the 
performance of DCT is awful.

Now imagine I want to build an AST. Again, I consume the tokens 
one by one, probably peeking in some cases. If I want to store 
line and column information I just copy them to the AST. You 
say the tokens are discarded but their data is not, and that's 
why their data is usually copied.

Would it be possible for you to fork my code and tweak it for 
comparison? You will definitely discover more problems this way, 
and such feedback would really help me. That doesn't seem to be 
inadequately much work to do.

Any other volunteers for this?

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 03:32:20 UTC, Ary Manzana wrote:

As deadalnix says, I think you are over-complicating things.

I mean, to store the column and line information it's just:

if (isNewLine(c)) {
  column = 0;
} else {

(I think you need to add that to the SourceRange class. Then 
copy line and column to token on the Lexer#lex() method)

Do you really think it's that costly in terms of performance?

I think you are wasting much more memory and performance by 
storing all the tokens in the lexer.

Imagine I want to implement a simple syntax highlighter: just 
highlight keywords. How can I tell DCT to *not* store all 
tokens because I need each one in turn? And since I'll be 
highlighting in the editor I will need column and line 
information. That means I'll have to do that O(log(n)) 
operation for every token.

So you see, for the simplest use case of a lexer the 
performance of DCT is awful.

Now imagine I want to build an AST. Again, I consume the tokens 
one by one, probably peeking in some cases. If I want to store 
line and column information I just copy them to the AST. You 
say the tokens are discarded but their data is not, and that's 
why their data is usually copied.
Summary of your points (I deliberately emphasize some of them 
more than you did; please correct me if I misinterpreted 

* storing location for each token is simple and cheap
* SourceRange is needed; an instance per token; it should be a 
class, not struct

* Syntax highlighting doesn't need to keep all tokens in memory
* but it must know column and line for each token
* for this use case DCT has awful performance
* to build AST lines and columns are required
* information from tokens must be copied and possibly transformed 
in order to put it into AST; after such transformation tokens are 
not needed any more

Those all are valid points given that we don't have any 
benchmarks and usage examples. The good news is that use cases 
like highlighting, parsing, autocompletion, etc. are the core 
functionality for which DCT should be designed. So if it fails 
any of them, design needs to be revisited.

But I will need some time to thoroughly address each of this 
issues (either prove that it is not relevant, or fix the 
problem). I will definitely complete this work during May. I will 
regularly report my progress here.

In general, I tend to disagree with most of them, because I 
already thought about each and designed accordingly, but it is 
important to give them enough attention. What I fail miserably at 
this moment is providing actual usage code and benchmarks, so I'm 
going to focus on that.

Thanks for your feedback!

Re: DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

2012-05-11 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, May 11, 2012 10:01:28 Roman D. Boiko wrote:
 There were several discussions about the need for a D compiler
 I propose my draft implementation of lexer for community review:
 Lexer is based on Brian Schott's project, but it has been
 refactored and extended (and more changes are on the way).
 The goal is to have source code loading, lexer, parser and
 semantic analysis available as parts of Phobos. These libraries
 should be designed to be usable in multiple scenarios (e.g.,
 refactoring, code analysis, etc.).
 My commitment is to have at least front end built this year (and
 conforming to the D2 specification unless explicitly stated
 otherwise for some particular aspect).
 Please post any feed here. A dedicated project web-site will be
 created later.

It's great that you're working on this. We definitely need more of this sort of 
stuff. However, I would point out that I'm not sure that it will be acceptable 
for Phobos (it _may_ be, but it's not quite what we've been looking for). 
There are two types of lexers/parsers that we've been looking to add to 

1. A direct port of the lexer from dmd's C++ front-end. The API would be D-
ified to use ranges, but the internals would be almost identical to the C++ 
front-end so that porting changes back and forth would be very easy. It also 
would make it easier to replace the C++ front-end with a D one later if the D 
one is very close to the C++ one.

2. A lexer/parser generator using templates and/or CTFE to generate a 
lexer/parser of whatever language using a BNF or EBNF grammar - probably 
similar to what Philippe Sigaud has done to generate a parser using PEGs. Such 
could be used to generate a lexer/parser for D or any other language.

What you seem to be doing is creating a D-specific parser from scratch, which 
is great, but it's not quite what we've been looking to add to Phobos. That 
doesn't necessarily mean that we can't or won't add it to Phobos once it's 
complete (especially if nothing else gets done first), but it also may not be 
acceptable, because it's not either #1 or #2. That would have to be decided 
once it's done and ready to be reviewed for inclusion in Phobos. I'm not 
trying to discourage you at all. I'm just pointing out that what you're doing 
is quite what we're looking for. Regardless, it _would_ be interesting to be 
able to compare implementations of #1 and #2 against what you're doing and 
seeing which performs better.

- Jonathan M Davis