Re: Why D isn't the next "big thing" already

2016-07-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 10:17:57 UTC, NX wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 09:28:49 UTC, chmike wrote:
4. Web server && IO performance (see: or

Please, these are terribly outdated benchmarks. There was a 
recent bug causing Vibe.D to not scale to multiple cores at all 
which has been fixed.

Yes, you are right. It's not easy to determine the version of 
vibe.d used for techempower.

From this link it seam that version 0.7.19 of vibe.d was used Oo 
unless the Readme is simply outdated.

For the other one it's vibe v0.7.26 which is more recent. The 
performance is still low.

Re: Check of point inside/outside polygon

2016-07-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 09:39:18 UTC, Suliman wrote:


Big thanks!
Ehm... Now I should add iteration on array of points in first 
and second polygon? If it's not hard for you could you show how 
it should look please.

Sorry, I may have misunderstood the initial problem. You were 
asking how to test if a point is inside a polygon. Now you are 
referring to two polygons. This sound different.

Iterating on segments of a polygon is not so difficult and is 
highly dependent of the data structure you use to represent 
points, segments and polygons.

This really looks like an assignment or a D learning exercise. 
What do you need this for ?

Do you have the data structures already defined ?

Re: Why D isn't the next "big thing" already

2016-07-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 15:11:00 UTC, llaine wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm using D since a few month now and I was wondering why 
people don't jump onto it that much and why it isn't the "big 
thing" already.

Everybody is into javascript nowadays, but IMO even for doing 
web I found Vibe.d more interesting and efficient than node.js 
for example.

I agree that you have to be pragmatic and choose the right 
tools for the right jobs but I would be interested to have 
other opinion on those questions.

I've been testing D and love many features of the language. But 
I'm now to switching to Go for my alimentary project. But I 
prefer D's syntax, ranges and the easiness of generic coding.

The reason I'm switching to Go is because
1. there is a much larger community and code base (it's easier to 
find code snippet, help or programmers)

2. go routines (fibers integrated into the language, plug & play)
3. GC performance (no stop the world hiccups)
4. Web server && IO performance (see: or

As a computer scientist I prefer D to Go and see a lot of 
potential in it. But as a software developer I feel that D still 
needs maturation to be competitive in a production environment. I 
guess this is the reason why D doesn't get much traction yet.

Re: Check of point inside/outside polygon

2016-07-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
The algorithm is to draw a horizontal (or vertical) half line 
starting at your point and count the number of polygon edges 
crossed by the line. If that number is even, the point is outside 
the polygon, if it's odd, the point is inside.

Let (x,y) be the point to test and (x1,y1)(x2,y2) the end points 
on each segment. Let n be the number of crossing that you 
initialize to 0. (x1,y1)(x2,y2) are also the corners of the 
rectangle enclosing the segment.

You then have to examine each segment one after the other. The 
nice thing is that there are only two cases to consider.
1. When the point is on the left side of the rectangle enclosing 
the segment.

2. When the point is inside the rectangle enclosing

if (y1 <= y2)
if ((y1 <= y) && (y2 >= y))
   if ((x1 < x) && (x2 < x))
  // case 1 : point on the left of the rectangle
   else if (((x1 <= x) && (x2 >= x)) || ((x1 >= x) && (x2 <= 

  // case 2 : point is inside of the rectangle
  if ((x2 - x1)*(y - y1) >= (y2 - y1)*(x - x1))
  ++n; // Increment n because point is on the segment 
or on its left

if ((y1 >= y) && (y2 <= y))
   if ((x1 < x) && (x2 < x))
  // case 1 : point on the left of the rectangle
   else if (((x1 <= x) && (x2 >= x)) || ((x1 => x) && (x2 <= 

  // case 2 : point is inside of the rectangle
  if ((x2 - x1)*(y - y2) >= (y1 - y2)*(x - x1))
  ++n; // Increment n because point is on the segment 
or on its left


This algorithm is very fast.

I didn't tested the above code. You might have to massage it a 
bit for corner cases. It should give you a good push to start.

Go’s march to low-latency GC

2016-07-06 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

In case you missed it

Re: Asynchronous Programming and Eventhandling in D

2016-07-06 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 at 11:33:53 UTC, Eugene Wissner wrote:

The only reason libev was choosen is that it is the simplest 
implementation I know about. A few C files. I had an 
educational purpose: I wanted to see how an event loop works on 
low level. Asyncio was for me no-go, since I've not written a 
lot in C++, and can only read the code a bit. So I'm not 
hanging on libev. The only another implementation would be the 
python event library. It is also pure C code and it was much 
more cleaner written than libev on the first sight.

Your project and work is valuable on many aspects. I didn't mean 
to depreciate it.

Now there are two problems with my work:
1) The first is something we all are tired to talk about: 
manual memory management. I make a proof of concept and am 
writing the code that is 100% marked as @nogc. It has side 
effects. For example I allocate exceptions and thay should be 
freed after catching - it is something, phobos doesn't do. As 
said it is an experiment; I would like to see how it works.

2) Performance. The main reason I started the writing at all is 
that the existing implementations seem to have only performance 
as criterium. Performance is super important, but not on the 
cost of design, usability and extensibility. For example in 
vibe.d (and libasync) everything possible is defined as 
structs, everything that would be interesting to extend is 
final; and after it you go to phobos and see a "workaround". 
For example Mallocator is a struct but you have to be sure, it 
is an allocator. How do you force the right interface?

That is a valid point. I know it is hard to get the best 
performance and optimal API design at the same time. The reason 
the methods are final is to avoid the overhead of virtual method 

static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "deallocate"))
   return impl.deallocate(b);
   return false;

Somethinkg like this would be ok for C. But for a language with 
interfaces, it is ugly design independent of how it performs. 
Everything I say here is IMHO.

This would mean we need a new design pattern that supports both.

Except these two points I'm interested in some kind of 
collective work aswell. It is very difficult as one man job. I 
didn't know other people are also working on similar 
implementations. Nice to know.

Are you aware of any benchmark tools in other languages that 
could be used?

The benchmark tools available are mainly testing web servers. And 
the exact operation pattern is not very clear. One of such 
benchmark tool is wrk [] that measure 
HTTP request speed. The problem is that it measure the 
performance of the I/O and HTTP handling.

Here are some benchmark results:


How can D be worse than Java ? 

My strategy would be to split the problem. First get the async 
I/O optimal. Then get HTTP handling optimal, and finally get 
database interaction optimal (the optimal async I/O should help). 
An investigation on the methods used by Java/undertow to get 
these performances could help.

I would suggest to implement a benchmark client doing some 
predefined patterns of I/O operations similar to web interactions 
or the most common types of interactions. And a server 
implemented in C using native system I/O operations. This server 
implementation would then be our reference.

What would be measured is how much slower our different D 
implementations are relative to the C reference implementation. 
This will allow us to have a benchmarking test that doesn't 
depend that much of the hardware.

Re: Asynchronous Programming and Eventhandling in D

2016-07-06 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 July 2016 at 20:38:53 UTC, Eugene Wissner wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 July 2016 at 08:24:43 UTC, O/N/S wrote:

Hi ("Grüss Gott")

I like the asynchronous events in Javascript.
Is something similar possible in D?

Found Dragos Carp's asynchronous library 
Are there any more integrated (in Phobos/in D) ways to work 

An example: One server ask a second server to calculate 
something big.
The first server continues with his work, until the answer 
come back from the second.

And so on...

Using threads or fibers would be a way, but has not the same 
elegancy like the Javascript way. (To avoid discussions: D is 
better ;-)

Greetings from Munich,


I'm currently rewriting the base skeleton of libev in D (only 
for linux for now) for web development aswell. And the next 
step would be data structures, basic server, futures and yo 
I was working with dcarp's asynchronous and i found it very 
very good. It is till now the best I've seen in D for async 
programming ( I mean its design and usability).

Can you describe what would you like to see more concretly. I 
know js but how is it supposed to work for D? Maybe you can 
give some example, kind of pseudo code? It would help me much 
to build a concept and maybe we will see someday something 
usable in this area :)

The problem I see with libev is that it isn't compatible with the 
CPIO API of windows.
The C++ boost asio library, on the contrary, is compatible with 
the select/epoll/kqueue model and the Windows CPIO model.

This is the reason I started on a D implementation of asio I 
called dasio []. Unfortunately my 
alimentary work didn't leave me any time to make progress on it. 
The only thing I manage to implement so far is asio's error code 

I'm glad to see other people see an interest to work on this. We 
definitely should find a way to combine our efforts. That is 
already a significant work made with the other libraries.

My feeling is that providing support for very efficient IO in 
Phobos might have a strong impact on D's visibility and adoption 
for backend applications (e.g. servers). Performance is a very 
strong argument for adoption is such context.

A list of requirements has been already published on the wiki.

What I think is now missing is a benchmarking tool so that we can 
get numbers for each async lib implementation that we can also 
compare with a raw C implementation using the native functions.

Re: What's the secret to static class members

2016-06-29 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 17:00:49 UTC, Guido wrote:
On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 15:40:57 UTC, Andrea Fontana 

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 15:33:58 UTC, Guido wrote:
The problem is actually much more profound. The classes need 
to be declared outside the main() scope. WTF?!?!?!

I put them in main() so they would be in scope. This seems 
like a *MAJOR* design flaw with the language, not to mention 
the compiler not giving useful feedback. This decision, if it 
is a decision, makes no sense given all the attention to 
scoping rules.

I'm not interested in trading one set of bad language 
decisions for another. Can someone fix this?

I wonder which language you usually use in your programming 


I have all this business generally working in C++. I just 
wanted to try D for a production level quick project. So, the 
language is not ready. I'm really sad about this. I had hoped 
that I could get some useful work done. C++ is painfully slow 
to write & debug, but what can you do.

As I said, why exchange one set of bad design decisions for 

On another topic, tuples seem to have a major problem as well.

Tuple!(float, float, float) test;
Tuple!(float, float, float) [] array_data;

test[0] = 1.0;  // works
array_data[i][0] = 1.0; // doesn't work. Compile-time error,

Why don't you give at least the compiler error and the full code ?
If you don't want to publish your actual code, create a very 
small program reproducing the problem and show that to us.

I understand your frustration, but understand that there are many 
people here that volunteer to help you. You have to provide them 
sufficient info for this to work.

   Tuple!(float, float, float) [] array_data;

This declares a dynamic array that is initially empty 
(array_data.length == 0).

Accessing the i'th item can't work.

I'm a bit surprised the compiler would detect this problem 
because it is usually a run time error. So I suspect there are 
other problems with your code.

You could also have written

array_data ~= test;

which appends the value test to the dynamic array that will then 
contain one element. You could then have written

array_data[0][0] = 2.0;

Or you could also have written

Tuple!(float, float, float) [10] array_data;

which would have declared array_data as a fixed sized array of 10 

In this case writing

array_data[1][0] = 1.0;

would have worked.

D is an excellent and mature language. Every language has its 
rules that needs to be learn.

Claiming the problems you encountered are due to bad design of 
the language is unfair if you don't expose clearly the problem 
and verify the problem is not your side. There is a deeply 
thought rationale for every rule of the D language.
If you don't understand the rationale or want to contest the 
choice of rules, then expose your point and arguments. People 
will helpfully answer you.

I did it myself and was always impressed by the quality of the 
responses and positive and helpful attitude of people in this 

Re: Fibers, what for?

2016-06-13 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 June 2016 at 00:57:11 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:
This is misleading. Any sort of cooperative system needs 
synchronization when two or more tasks try to access the same 
data, whether those "tasks" are OS threads, fibers, different 
machines on a network, etc.

That is true. Sorry. What I meant is that with fibers the yield 
is performed in well defined locations it could be in blocking 
calls like read() or write() or when yield is called.
For this reason it is simpler to synchronize access to shared 
ressources with fibers than with threads. It's thus POSSIBLE to 
write code that doesn't need synchronization even when shared 
ressources are used.

Note also that the synchronization mechanism can be much simpler 
and efficient than the one needed with threads.

With threads you MUST allways synchronize access to shared 
ressources and protect critical sections of your code, or use 
specially crafted none blocking data structures using atomic 

Re: Fibers, what for?

2016-06-12 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 June 2016 at 05:11:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

For convenience, here's the link:

unfortunately iPads are not supported to view the video. :(

I see two major benefits of fibers overs threads.

Fibers don't need synchronization to access shared data. This 
removes the overhead of synchronization and simplifies 
"multitheaded" programming greatly.

The second benefit is that fibers have a much lower time cost of 
context switching. When a fiber yields the processor to another 
fiber, the switch is immediate and the other fiber can immediatly 
resume its task. With threads, you have to wait that the OS give 
the processor back to your process. This can take some time when 
there are many other threads competing for the processor. The 
performance difference is the most notable when the amount of 
work to do between switches is small.

Most popular and succesfull use for fibers is for asynchronous or 
event driven processing.

Re: template with enum arg ?

2016-06-09 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

This is awesome! I added it to my D cookbook.
Thank you very much.

template with enum arg ?

2016-06-08 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

In a first implementation I defined a named enum in my class 
which I could use with my template function foo.

final class Info {
enum Value { info_1 = 1, ... }
static bar(Value e) {...}

void foo(T)(T.Value e) {; }

I could then write : foo(Info.Value.info_1);

I would prefer to write : foo(Info.info_1);

If I change the enum into an anonymous enum the template doesn't 
work anymore.

How could I solve this ?

Also, do I need a template argument filter if() ?

Passing a sting as 'in char[]' yields "immutable is not callable using argument types ()"

2016-06-08 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have an immutable final class with methods with the following 

import std.typecons;

immutable class Base{
@safe pure nothrow
final Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue") value(const string 
name) { return nameImpl(value); }

@safe pure nothrow
protected abstract Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue") 
valueImpl(const string name);


final immutable class Info: Base{
@safe pure nothrow
static Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue") value(const string 

auto p = name in name2value_; // <-- Error in this line
return (p) ? Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue")(*p,true) 
: Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue")(int.init,false);

@safe pure nothrow
protected override Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue") 
valueImpl(const string name) { return value(name); }

enum int[string] name2value_ = [ "info_1" : 1, ...];


When trying to compile this I get the following error

 Error: function Info.value (const(string) name) immutable is not 
callable using argument types ()

What is the error ? Why is argument types () ?

Re: Passing a sting as 'in char[]' yields "immutable is not callable using argument types ()"

2016-06-08 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
final Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue") value(const 
string name) { return nameImpl(value); }

Sorry, this is the error. It should have been

   final Tuple!(int,"value",bool,"hasValue") value(const
string name) { return valueImpl(name); }

Recommended coding convention for combining unix and windows code ?

2016-06-07 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm writing some code that I want to be portable across Posix and 

What is the recommended code convention for such type of code ?

80% of the class implementation is the same for both OS.

Should I write the following and copy past the 80%

version( Windows ) {
class MyInfo {...}
} else version( Posix ) {
import core.sys.posix;
class MyInfo {...}
} else {
static assert(false, "Unsupported platform");

or should I do it the C way with multiple embedded static if... ?

version( Windows ) {
} else {  //Posix
import core.sys.posix;

class MyInfo {
static if(windows) {
enum Value {...}
} static else {  //Posix
enum Value {...}

Re: Implicit conversion of struct to bool for if (s) operation ?

2016-06-06 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 15:28:35 UTC, John wrote:
Thank you John and Adam. That was a quick answer !

Re: Overriden method not detected ?

2016-06-04 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 21:04:41 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
Thank you ag0aep6g, especially for the missing shared in my 
static this !

Since I'm implementing a (hopefully useful) library, it would be 
unpleasant for users to have to cast away shared to print the 

It works with immutable at the condition that I declare the 
toString() method like this

string toString() immutable {...}

There is also no missing opEqual.

Is it possible to instantiate immutable objects by using emplace 
and modify the object in the toString() call ? This is to cache 
the resulting string to avoid creating a new string at each call.

I would have to cast away the immutable attribute of 'this'. Is 
this possible ?
Note that the objects would be instantiated by emplace in a void 
array at start up. So the memory is writable.

Re: Overriden method not detected ?

2016-06-03 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 15:23:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Thank you for your detailed explanation.

If I have a static immutable object, I don't have to declare it 
as shared because it is implicit. Right ?

Changing my __gshared into static shared raises some errors which 
I don't know how to address. Ali's chapter doesn't address shared 
classes. May I ask for your help ?

1. question
I had a __gshared Info[N] infos_; that I fill in a static this() 

How should I declare this with shared ? Is it enough to write 
static shared Info[N] infos; ? Since shared is transitive, will 
the info objects be implicitly shared ? 

2. question
As I said above, I instantiate my Info objects in a private 
static this() method. The objects are emplaced in a static shared 
void array. Since emplace only accept a void[] as argument I had 
to cast away the shared as you did in your example. The compiler 
seams happy.

However I didn't synchronized that code because I assume it is 
executed by the main thread before main starts. There is thus no 
risk of race conditions. Is this assumption correct ?

3. error

A weird error is that there is apparently no overload for 
opEquals. Do I have to define one my self ? Is this so that users 
can synchronize themselves if needed ?
source/app.d(9,13): Error: none of the overloads of 'opEquals' 
are callable using argument types (shared(Info), shared(Info)), 
candidates are:
object.opEquals(Object lhs, Object rhs)
object.opEquals(const(Object) lhs, const(Object) rhs)

I guess I have to define my own opEqual.

4. error

Another error is with writeln(info); where info is now a 

/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/format.d(2904,5): Error: static 
assert  "unable to format shared objects"
instantiated from here: formatValue!(LockingTextWriter, 
shared(Info), char)
from here: formatGeneric!(LockingTextWriter, shared(Info), char)
from here: formattedWrite!(LockingTextWriter, char, shared(Info))
from here: write!(shared(Info), char)
source/app.d(12,12):instantiated from here: 

How can I solve that error ?

Re: Overriden method not detected ?

2016-06-03 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 12:41:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On a side note, be warned that you almost certainly shouldn't 
be using __gshared like this. It's intended for interacting 
with C code not for D objects to be marked with D. As far as 
the type system is concerned, __gshared isn't part of the type, 
and the variable will be treated as thread-local by all of the 
code that uses it, which can result in really nasty, subtle 
bugs when the compiler starts doing stuff like optimizations. 
If you want to be sharing D objects across threads, you really 
should be using shared so that the compiler knows that it's 
shared across threads and will treat it that way.

Thanks to point this out. What does shared really do behind the 
scene ?

Does it add synchronization instructions ?

In my case I really don't want the compiler to add 
synchronization instructions because the objects are immutable 
from the user perspective. This is enforced by the interface. Tho 
objects are fully instantiated in a private static this() {} 
function which shouldn't be affected by multi-threading since it 
is executed at startup.

The unpleasant side effect of shared is that I then have to use 
shared(Info) instead of the shorter type name Info.

What are the subtle and nasty bugs you are referring to ?

Overriden method not detected ?

2016-06-03 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
When trying to compile the following code I get a compilation 

import std.stdio;

class Info
final string name() { return nameImpl(); }
protected abstract string nameImpl();

final class MyInfo : Info
this() { assert(__ctfe); }
private __gshared info_ = new MyInfo; // Line 12

static string name() { return "MyInfo"; }
protected override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

void main()
writeln("Hello world!");

source/app.d(12,31): Error: cannot create instance of abstract 
class MyInfo
source/app.d(12,31):function 'string nameImpl()' is not 

If I move the info_ static variable declaration after the 
nameImpl method declaration, there is no error anymore.

Is this normal ? What rule is in play here ? Or is this a 
compiler bug ?

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-31 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 06:40:31 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:

On Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 05:31:59 UTC, chmike wrote:
My conclusion is that rebindable is not a satisfying solution 
to have mutable references to immutable objects.

I don't understand the rationale of these immutable 
references. It is too constraining.

 I still don't know why you're trying to use immutable. In the 
other thread you have listed you are trying to make a global 
singleton? You needed it mutable but marked immutable (for... 
some reason?) but all the methods won't change the contents or 
spirit of the object.

 I need to wrap my head around what you're trying to do before 
i can suggest anything else. Although making all members 
private and all functions as const would give you a 
mutable/unchanging object...

The code I gave are just examples.

The reason I used immutable is because I have two types of 

I have many Info objects (~150) which are all singletons.
These Info objects have a reference to a Category objects which 
is also a singleton.

I can have mutable singleton objects. I have a public interface 
that doesn't allow to modify the object. This is not the problem.

The problem is that I would like that all these objects are 
instantiated at compile time. This is to keep the start of the 
program fast.

There is no problem to instantiate the Category object at compile 
time. The problem is to instantiate the different Info objects at 
compile time that have a reference to the Category object. Ctfe 
doesn't work when a global variable is referenced.

I noticed that it worked when the Category is declared immutable. 
I can add a reference to that Category singleton instance to the 
new call of the Info objects.

So the goal is to create and interconnect multiple objects at 
compile time. Ideally I would need to store a reference to each 
of the Info objects in an associative array so that I can 
retrieve a reference to it with some key.

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 May 2016 at 21:32:46 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

On Monday, 30 May 2016 at 10:09:19 UTC, chmike wrote:

Why can't info() return a Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) ?

What do you mean? `info` returns an `immutable(InfoImpl)`, not 
a `Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl))`. Rebindable doesn't apply 
itself to the return types of the methods of the return types 
(there's no reason to).

I mean that if I change the return type of info() into 
Rebindable!(immutable(infoImpl)) like this

Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) info() { ... return 

I get an error. I was explained privately that its because 
Rebindable... Is an lvalue and not a type.

My conclusion is that rebindable is not a satisfying solution to 
have mutable references to immutable objects.

I don't understand the rationale of these immutable references. 
It is too constraining.

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

This code compile, but array appending doesn't work

alias Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) Info;

class InfoImpl
void foo() {}
static immutable(InfoImpl) info()
__gshared immutable InfoImpl x = new immutable InfoImpl;
return x;

void main()
Info t =;
Info[] a;
//a ~=; <--  KO Compiler Error
a ~= rebindable(; // Ok

Why can't info() return a Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) ?

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Oops, the duplicate alias instruction and main are copy past 
error. It looks like the code was already too complex for me. ;) 
Here is the code I tested

import std.typecons;

Rebindable!(immutable TestImpl) Test;

class TestImpl
void foo() {}
Test test() { __gshared x = new immutable TestImpl; return 
rebindable(x); }


void main()
Test t = Test.test;

Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


here is a program stripped down to the minimum code that doesn't 

import std.typecons;

Rebindable!(immutable TestImpl) Test;

Rebindable!(immutable TestImpl) Test;

class TestImpl
void foo() {}
Test test() { __gshared x = new immutable TestImpl; return 
rebindable(x); }


void main()
Test t = Test.test;

void main()
Test t = Test.test;

source/app.d(32,10): Error: circular reference to 'app.Test'
source/app.d(32,10): Error: Test is used as a type
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/typecons.d(1616,20): Error: template 
instance std.traits.isDynamicArray!(immutable(TestImpl)) error 
source/app.d(27,1):instantiated from here: 
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/typecons.d(1625,17): Error: mixin 
std.typecons.RebindableCommon!(immutable(TestImpl), TestImpl, 
Rebindable) does not match template declaration 
RebindableCommon(T, U, alias This) if (is(T == class) || is(T == 
interface) || isAssociativeArray!T)

Re: String compare in words?

2016-05-29 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
On average there would be less than 4 bytes remaining to compare. 
So a simple straightforward byte comparison should do the job 

Re: String compare in words?

2016-05-29 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 20:40:52 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 18:15:16 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 17:38:17 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
And if you're not simply comparing for equality, what are you 
looking to figure out? Without more information about what 
you're trying to do, it's kind of hard to help you.

If I write the comparison naively, the assembly clearly shows 
a "movzbl" [0]. It loads a single byte! The other single byte 
load is encoded in the address mode of "cmp". Implementation:

bool stringcmp(string x, string y) {
  foreach(i; 0..x.length) {
if (x[i] != y[i]) // byte compare
  return false;
  return true;

It makes no sense to load single bytes here. Since we only 
want to check for equality, we could load two full words and 
compare four or eight bytes in one go.

Ok, to answer my own question, this looks good:

bool string_cmp_opt(immutable(ubyte)[] x, immutable(ubyte)[] y) 

pragma(inline, false);
if (x.length != y.length) return false;
int i=0;
// word-wise compare is faster than byte-wise
if (x.length > size_t.sizeof)
for (; i < x.length - size_t.sizeof; i+=size_t.sizeof) {
size_t* xw = cast(size_t*) [i];
size_t* yw = cast(size_t*) [i];
if (*xw != *yw) return false;
// last sub-word part
for (; i < x.length; i+=1) {
if (x[i] != y[i]) // byte compare
return false;
return true;

Any comments or recommendations?

I don't know if this would be faster, but here is my attempt.

It assumes the arrays start at an address multiple of 8.

if (x is y)
return true;
if (x.length != y.length)
return false;
size_t l = x.length;
ubyte* a = x.ptr, b = y.ptr;
for (size_t n = l>>3; n != 0; --n, a+=8, b+=8)
if (*cast(long*)a ^ *cast(long*)b)
return false;
if (l & 4)
if (*cast(int*)a ^ *cast(int*)b)
return false;
a+= 4;
b+= 4;
if (l & 2)
if (*cast(short*)a ^ *cast(short*)b)
return false;
return (l & 1) && (*a ^ *b) ? false : true;

If the pointers are not on an address multiple of 8, one has to 
inverse the trailing tests to consume the bytes in front of the 
array until the address becomes a multiple of 8.

The trailing tests could eventually be replaced by a simple 
sequential byte compare. I don't know which is faster.

Re: is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-29 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 06:49:42 UTC, chmike wrote:

What is the right way to use it ?

I answer to my self after testing so that people looking for that 
info can find it here.

The right way would be

immutable Category category_;
Rebindable!(immutable Category) instance() { return 
rebindable(category_); }

it is equivalent and shorter (for the lazy) to write

auto instance() { return rebindable(category_); }

The disadvantage of this form is that the reader of documentation 
generated automatically from the source file will only see this : 
auto instance()

and he won't know what this instance method effectively returns.

If we want a mutable reference that accept mutable and immutable 
Category objects, we should define this

  Rebindable!(const Category) x = Category.instance();
  x = new Category;

The concept of immutable and constness of D was the most 
difficult thing to learn because it is radically different from 
the const concept of C and C++. Now that I understood it and 
stopped getting hit with immutability and constness compiler 
errors, I start to like it.

So the only problem I see with Rebindable is the inefficiency of 
reference comparison in the generated assembly code with DMD64 D 
Compiler v2.071.0.

This will hopefully get fixed in next versions.

Thank you very much to everybody who took the time to help me 
learn D and answer my so many questions.

Re: is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-29 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 28 May 2016 at 21:21:34 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 05/28/2016 09:54 PM, chmike wrote:
The only inconvenience left is that we can't have mutable 

to immutable objects.

There is std.typecons.Rebindable for that.

That would be a good news. What is the right way to use it ? I 
had a hard time to understand how to use Rebindable.

Rebindable!(immutable Category) instance( return 
Rebindable!(immutable Category)(instance_); }

Or should, I do it like that ?

Rebindable!(const Category) instance( return Rebindable!(const 
Category)(instance_); }

The immutable and const concepts are really different from C and 

A problem with rebindable is that its current assembly 
translation for 'is' test does a byte per byte comparison which 
is much less efficient than a direct 64bit comparison of the 
I checked that with dmd. I don't know about gdc and ldc. This is 
something that will,be optimized soon I hope.

Re: is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-28 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 20:20:36 UTC, chmike wrote:

I need to create an app wide singleton instance for my class.
The singleton is immutable, but I want to allow mutable 
references to that singleton object so that I can do fast 'is' 

I declared this

class Category
 protected static immutable Category instance_ = new 

 Category instance() { return cast(Category)instance_; }

It compiles and the instance should be instantiated at compile 
time. I couldn't check yet.

The public interface of Category is designed so that the 
object's state can't be modified and thus remains immutable.

Is this code valid D or is the behavior undefined due to the 
cast ?

A variant implementation would have a method that modifies the 
object but only internally and in a very controlled way to 
store strings in a cache for faster access. Would it still be 
valid D code ?

I answer to myself on this question because I finally found out.

Creating an app wide singleton object is as simple as this

class Category
this() { assert __ctfe); } // Just to make sure
private __gshared instance_ = new Info;
static Category instance() { return _instance; }

It works as long as the constructor doesn't reference other 
global or static variables.

Unfortunately this is what I have in my use case. I had this

final class Info
Info(Category category, string name)
category_ = category;
name_ = name;
private string name_;
private Category category_;
string name() { return name_; }
Category category() { return category_; }

This class can't be instantiated as compile time because the 
constructor depends on the global variable Category.instance_.

Category {
__gshared Info a1 = new Info(Category.instance(), "I'm a1");
__gshared Info a2 = new Info(Category.instance(), "I'm a2");

The problem is solved by changing Category into an immutable 
class and instance. It's Ok in my case because it is immutable. 
The only inconvenience left is that we can't have mutable 
references to immutable objects.

But at least now I can write

Info x1 = Cateqory.a1, x2 = Category.a2;
Info x3 = x1, x4;

assert(x3 is x1);
assert(x3 !is x2);
assert(x1.category is x2.category);
assert(x4 is null);

And of course we can also access all the properties of the Info 
values. Objects are identified by their unique address.

Another problem left is that synchronization

Is it possible to forbid synchronization on an object ?

2016-05-28 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
In my long quest to implement a flyweight pattern with objects 
instantiated at compile time, I was indirectly notified of the 
possible problem of synchronization.

In a flyweight pattern the user has the impression there are 
distinct instances where in fact objects with the same state 
(member variable value) are the same instance.

Since with play a trick with the users assumption, there is a 
high risk that user produces logically invalid code when using 
synchronization with such a flyweight object.

In order to avoid this problem I would need a solution to make 
synchronization impossible on an object ? It is preferable if 
this could be enforced at compile time. Is this possible with D ? 

Re: is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-28 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 28 May 2016 at 08:47:48 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
For a trick of static mutable allocation see

In the following instruction of the above commit, what effect has 
the [] after init ?

 _store[0 .. __traits(classInstanceSize, T)] = typeid(T).init[];

T is a template argument that is a class derived from Error.

I couldn't find an explanation here

I saw that this is a concise implementation of what is being done 
in emplace().

Re: is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-28 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 28 May 2016 at 08:47:48 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
For a trick of static mutable allocation see

Thank you that looks promising. I'll study an experiment with the 
If I would like that the instances are not in TLS, can I use the 
following ?

private __gshared void[...] store;

I then need to be sure that the objects are instantiated at 
compile time.

Will Emplace do the trick ?

Re: is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 21:41:02 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 20:20:36 UTC, chmike wrote:
Is this code valid D or is the behavior undefined due to the 
cast ?

A mutable object can be synchronized on:
This will create and store a mutex in the object (sad but true, 
design taken from java). If the immutable object is in readonly 
memory, it will crash on write.

That is a good argument. Thanks. It would indeed be a good idea 
to put immutable objects in a read only portion of the code.

Would it be different if the object was declared const instead of 
immutable ?

I want compile time instantiation and mutable references to the 
object. Apparently only immutable and const objects can be 
instantiated at compile time. I also want an app wide singleton 
(not stored in TLS). If I use _gshared I apparently wouldn't get 
a compile time instantitation.

It's to implement the flyweight pattern. I don't want to use 
Rebindable because the assembly code generated by dmd is 
currently inefficient. Rebindable cast away the const but the non 
constant reference is not exposed.

What is the difference between a const and immutable object ? 
would a const object be allowed to modify itself by using a hash 
table or caching results inside ? Is a static const Category c 
variable a TLS variable ?

This is a bit frustrating because it is trivial to implement in C 
and C++.

is my code to get CTFE instantiated object valid D ?

2016-05-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

I need to create an app wide singleton instance for my class.
The singleton is immutable, but I want to allow mutable 
references to that singleton object so that I can do fast 'is' 

I declared this

class Category
 protected static immutable Category instance_ = new Category;
 Category instance() { return cast(Category)instance_; }

It compiles and the instance should be instantiated at compile 
time. I couldn't check yet.

The public interface of Category is designed so that the object's 
state can't be modified and thus remains immutable.

Is this code valid D or is the behavior undefined due to the cast 

A variant implementation would have a method that modifies the 
object but only internally and in a very controlled way to store 
strings in a cache for faster access. Would it still be valid D 
code ?

Effect of declaring a class immutable ?

2016-05-26 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

I couldn't find any information about this on the dlang web site.

What is the effect adding the immutable attribute to a class like 

immutable class MyClass { ... }

The compiler doesn't complain.
Will it add the immutable attribute to all members ?

Re: Problem with .debug info in program

2016-05-24 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
After closer examination it seam that the second line with 9 is a 
bogus insertion. Removing it should fix the code line table.

app.d  90x43aafb
app.d 110x43aafe
app.d  9
0x43ab08  <= to remove

app.d 130x43ab10
app.d 150x43ab24

Problem with .debug info in program

2016-05-24 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


I've notice that gdb was improperly displaying source lines with 
disassembled code.
I looked at the assembly to check what is inlined and what not 
and the difference between the use of is and == in the machine 

I then tested with objdump with a simple program and saw the same 

Here is the source code displayed with $ nl -da app.d and adding 
a white space in empty lines because it doesn't count empty lines 
even with option -ba.

 1import std.stdio;
 3void main()
 5int a = 10;
 7a += 3;
11writefln("Value: %d", a);

This is the output of $ objdump --dwarf=decodedline app.o | less

CU: app.d:
Nom fichier  Num ligne  Adresse début

app.d   11
app.d   13
app.d   15


This is the output I get with $ objdump -d -S app > app.txt for 
the function _Dmain.

0043aae8 <_Dmain>:
import std.stdio;

void main()
  43aae8:   55  push   %rbp
  43aae9:   48 8b ecmov%rsp,%rbp
  43aaec:   48 83 ec 10 sub$0x10,%rsp
int a = 10;
  43aaf0:   c7 45 f8 0a 00 00 00movl   $0xa,-0x8(%rbp)

a += 3;
  43aaf7:   83 45 f8 03 addl   $0x3,-0x8(%rbp)

  43aafb:   ff 45 f8incl   -0x8(%rbp)

writefln("Value: %d", a);
  43aafe:   ba 60 e5 46 00  mov$0x46e560,%edx
  43ab03:   be 09 00 00 00  mov$0x9,%esi
int a = 10;

a += 3;

  43ab08:   8b 7d f8mov-0x8(%rbp),%edi
  43ab0b:   e8 18 00 00 00  callq  43ab28 

writefln("Value: %d", a);

  43ab10:   ba 6a e5 46 00  mov$0x46e56a,%edx
  43ab15:   bf 0b 00 00 00  mov$0xb,%edi
  43ab1a:   48 89 d6mov%rdx,%rsi
  43ab1d:   e8 e6 9b 00 00  callq  444708 

  43ab22:   31 c0   xor%eax,%eax

  43ab24:   c9  leaveq
  43ab25:   c3  retq
  43ab26:   66 90   xchg   %ax,%ax



As you can see the source lines don't match the assembly after 
++a. I have the impression the error is in the debug line number 
table. The jump from 11 back to 9 look suspect. This is also 
where the source line display with disassembled code start to get 

I get a similar output with gdb. I can't determine if the problem 
is in libdwarf or in the .debug info in the file because it's 
beyond my competence.

Is this normal ? I guess it confuses debuggers and render them 

Re: Problem with .debug info in program

2016-05-24 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Here you have the object lines from app with the addresses.

app.d  30x43aae8
app.d  50x43aaf0
app.d  70x43aaf7
app.d  90x43aafb
app.d 110x43aafe
app.d  90x43ab08
app.d 130x43ab10
app.d 150x43ab24

Re: Is there a way to make a class variable visible but constant to outsiders, but changeable (mutable) to the class itself?

2016-05-23 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 May 2016 at 17:32:47 UTC, dan wrote:

(This effect could be simulated by making my_var into a 
function, but i don't want to do that.)

May I ask why you don't want to do that ?

In D you can call a function without args without ().

So if you write

private int my_var_ = 4; // where 4 is the default initialization 

@property int my_var1() { return my_var_; }
final int my_var2() { return my_var_; }
int my_var3() { return my_var_; }

int x = obj.my_var1;
x = obj.my_var2;
x = obj.my_var3;

my_var3 is virtual so I guess you get the overhead of a virtual 
method call which is probably not what you want.

my_var2 can't be overriden and if it doesn't itself override a 
method with a same name in a base class the compiler may optimize 
its call by inlining it. It's like a static method with 'this' 
passed as argument.

I'm not fully sure about my_var1. I'm still a beginner, but I 
think the compiler will optimize it into inlined instruction if 
it can as for my_var2.

Making the user accessing the member variables directly may look 
like it's more efficient, but it's bad API design because you 
can't change the class implementation affecting my_var_ without 
breaking the API. The D way enforces good programming and API 
design and optimizes as much as possible.

Re: mutable keyword

2016-05-22 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
There is a benefit in not allowing to get pointers to class 
members. It allows to have movable object instances and this give 
access to some faster GC algorithms like generational garbage 
collection which is in use in Java.

As an old C++ programmer and newbee in D programming, the D 
constness and immutability concepts are confusing. They are so 
strong that I hardly see any use for them with objects.

There would be a much wider use to be able to tell user that he 
may assume the object is constant from the interface point of 
view. This is a huge help in code readability and program 
validity checking. I had the impression that this is the 
principle used for the pure keyword.

I would vote against the introduction of the mutable keyword as 
it exist in C++ because it is a half backed solution. First it 
tells the compiler that this variable is modifiable at any time 
by any method of the class. This is way I always felt 
uncomfortable using mutable. It punches a big hole in the 
constness protection.

The other problem is with inheritance (I know it's old school, 
but ok). If a derived class needs to modify a member variable of 
a base class that wasn't declared mutable, you're stuck. That is 
why C++ introduced the const_cast. This is much better in that 
the hole in the constness protection is very limited, but the 
code is also less pleasant to read.

How could be the D way to solve this ? My feeling is that it 
could be by introducing a mutate{...} block. All instructions in 
that block would be allowed to modify the const object. The 
developer intent would be clear, the code readable and the hole 

The difference with the C++ model is that in C++ we switch off 
the constness flag of member variables for a persistent or short 
time, in D we would switch off constness control in a block of 

I didn't thought of all the implications yet.

I only talked about const objects. I still need to find a use 
case for immutable objects /S

Re: problems with Rebindable

2016-05-21 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 May 2016 at 13:17:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 05/21/2016 12:42 PM, chmike wrote:

 Rebindable!Info x1, x2 =;

Rebindable!(immutable Info) x1, x2 =;

Indeed. Thanks. Reading the unit tests in the source code and the 
implementation of Rebindable helped.

Note however that it doesn't work with immutable. It only works 
with constant. I guess this is because immutable is "stronger" 
than const. I determined that only const was supported by looking 
at Rebindable's code.

Here is the code that finally works as I want. The flyweight 
pattern is thus well supported with the exception that switch 
can't be used.

using static functions to get the also allow to 
implement lazy object instantiation.

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

interface IInfo {
string toString() const;

// alias Rebindable!(immutable IInfo) Info;  <-- Doesn't compile
alias Rebindable!(const IInfo) Info;

class Infos {

static class Obj : IInfo
this(string msg) { this.msg = msg; }
private string msg;
override string toString() const { return msg; }

static Info one()
static auto x = Info(new Obj("I'm one"));
return x;
static Info two()
static auto x = Info(new Obj("I'm two"));
return x;

void main()
Info x1;
Info x2 =;

assert(x1 is null);
assert(x2 !is null);
assert(x2 is;
assert(x2 ==;

x1 = x2;
assert(x1 is x2);
assert(x1 == x2);

assert(x1 is;
assert(x1 ==;


Info x3 = Info(new Infos.Obj("I'm one"));
assert(x1 !is x3);
assert(x1 != x3); // Because there is no opEqual for deep 
equality test

IInfo o1 = new Infos.Obj("I'm one"), o2 = new Infos.Obj("I'm 

assert(o1 !is o2);
assert(o1 != o2); // What I need for the flyweight pattern

/* -- Doesn't compile : x1 is not a string or integral value
case writeln("case"); break;
default: writeln("default"); break;

I wasn't indeed using Rebindable correctly and it support only 
const objects, not immutable objects.

Thank you everybody for your help.

Re: problems with Rebindable

2016-05-21 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 May 2016 at 10:42:13 UTC, chmike wrote:
source/app.d(23,27): Error: cannot implicitly convert 
expression (one) of type immutable(Obj) to app.Info

Apparently Rebindable doesn't support polymorphism. This is 
hopefully fixable.

source/app.d(43,5): Error: 'x1' must be of integral or string 
type, it is a app.Info
source/app.d(45,10): Error: cannot implicitly convert 
expression (one) of type immutable(Obj) to app.Info

A Rebindable variable can't be used as a switch argument. This 
would require a change to the language rules. However, the static 
immutable object can be used as a case argument.

The conclusion is that Rebindable doesn't cover the needs of a 
mutable object reference.

In the flyweight pattern we only need to compare object addresses 
and we also want to use the lazy pattern to instantiate the 
immutable instances.

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-21 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 May 2016 at 08:24:19 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 05/21/2016 01:07 AM, chmike wrote:
> Unfortunately it is not possible to write this
> import std.typecons;
> class Info{...}
> rebindable!Info x;

You have a capitalization typo. Rebindable is a type template, 
rebindable is a function template.

import std.typecons;
class Info{}

void main() {
auto x = rebindable(new immutable(Info)());
pragma(msg, typeof(x));

auto y = Rebindable!(immutable(Info))(new Info());
pragma(msg, typeof(y));


Thank you. I'll start a new thread with the subject "problems 
with Rebindable".

problems with Rebindable

2016-05-21 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

This thread is a followup of 
with a refocused subject and question.

I'm looking for a mutable reference to a none mutable object to 
implement the flyweight pattern. It is for a library and its user 
interface. So I'm not looking for hacks to get around the problem.

Here is a toy example showing what I try to achieve and that 
fails to compile.

The main shows what I expect users should be able to do.

The aim is to allow the user to define another sets of constants 
of base type Info in his own class (e.g. MyInfos) and with a 
different implementation that the one provided in the example 
class Infos.

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

interface Info { }

class Infos {

static class Obj : Info
this(string msg) immutable { this.msg = msg; }
private string msg;
string toString() immutable { return msg; }

static immutable one = new immutable Obj("I'm one");

void main()
Rebindable!Info x1, x2 =;

assert(x1 is null);
assert(x1 == null);

assert(x2 !is null);
assert(x2 != null);

assert(x2 is;
assert(x2 ==;

x1 = x2;
assert(x1 is x2);
assert(x1 == x2);

assert(x1 is;
assert(x1 ==;


case writeln("case"); break;
default: writeln("default"); break;

// That is enough for today

Compiling this code with dmd
$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.071.0
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

I get the following errors:
$ dub build
Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
testrebindable ~master: building configuration "application"...
source/app.d(23,27): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(one) of type immutable(Obj) to app.Info
source/app.d(26,12): Error: use 'is' instead of '==' when 
comparing with null
source/app.d(29,12): Error: use '!is' instead of '!=' when 
comparing with null
source/app.d(43,5): Error: 'x1' must be of integral or string 
type, it is a app.Info
source/app.d(45,10): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(one) of type immutable(Obj) to app.Info

dmd failed with exit code 1.

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-21 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Since I'm trying to implement a flyweight pattern, the opEqual 
need only comparision of reference in my case.

By the way, what operation is the switch performing ? OpEqual or 
is ?

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-21 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Unfortunately it is not possible to write this

import std.typecons;
class Info{...}
rebindable!Info x;

I get the following error message

source/app.d(11,3): Error: template std.typecons.rebindable 
matches more than one template declaration:
rebindable(T)(T obj) if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface) || 
isDynamicArray!T || isAssociativeArray!T)

rebindable(T)(Rebindable!T obj)

This would have been equivalent to define a mutable reference to 
an object of type Info and allow me to write this

alias rebindable!Info InfoR;
InfoR x;

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get something compiling with 
rebindable. I don't understand how I'm supposed to use it.

Note that I'm designing a library that I would like intuitive to 
use. Hacking around the problem won't cut it.

I need a type defining a mutable reference to an immutable 
object. Rebindable doesn't give me that apparently.

I need something allowing me to write this

interface Info {...}
class MyInfos {
static class Obj : Info {...}
static immutable Obj one = new immutable Obj(...);

mutableObjectRef!Info x1, x2;
assert(x1 is null);
assert(x1 == null);
x1 =;
assert(x1 is;
assert(x1 ==;
x2 = x1;

case ... ;

x1 must have the semantic of an object reference, support 
polymorphism, allowing to down or up cast and of course access 
immutable members and methods. is an object reference that I shouldn't be allowed to 
modify. I can't use a function because it needs the value 
semantic so I can use it as a case argument in a switch.

It doesn't seam that this is what rebind provides. It looks like 
mutableObjectRef should be a templated struct. But I'm not 
experienced enough in D to implement it. I don't know if its only 

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-20 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 May 2016 at 17:35:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 20 May 2016 at 16:09:54 UTC, chmike wrote:
But I now met another error in my main(). I can't assign the 
immutable object to a mutable reference.

Info x1 =;

Is it possible to define a mutable reference to an immutable 
instance ? 

Sort of possible with a library solution:

import std.typecons;
auto x1 = rebindable(;

I'm a bit surprized that the language doesn't support this. We 
have immutable strings that can be assigned to different 
variables. Why couldn't we do the same with objects ?

This rebindable is not user friendly.
I really wish the user could write this

Info x =;

I may achieve this if Info is defined as a struct with a single 
member defined as rebindable.

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-20 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 May 2016 at 15:43:28 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

It looks like your don't actually need `Obj` to be a real 
nested class. Try declaring it as `static Obj : Info { }`. This 
should work if `Obj`'s methods don't need access to `MyInfo`'s 
non-static members.

That worked great. Thank you.

The only problem left is how I can get mutable references to 
immutable objects.

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-20 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
I solved the problem by moving the class Obj definition out of 
the class MyInfo.
I still don't understand why I had to do that. In C++ this would 
work without problem.

I now have

interface Info {. . .}

class Obj : Info {. . .}

class MyInfos
. . .
static immutable Obj one = new immutable Obj(...);
static immutable Obj two = new immutable Obj(...);
. . .

This now compiles without a peep.

But I now met another error in my main(). I can't assign the 
immutable object to a mutable reference.

Info x1 =;

Is it possible to define a mutable reference to an immutable 
instance ? 

This is confusing and frustrating. In C++ we can write
MyInfos {
   . . .
   // one is a constant pointer to a constant object of type Obj
   Obj const * const one;
   . . .

And in main()

Info const * x1 =;

x1 i a modifiable pointer to a constant object of type Info.

Is this possible in D ? I couldn't find how to do that.

Re: Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-20 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
The error message is gone, but I now have another compilation 
error message I don't understand.

This is what I have in fact

interface Info { . . . }

class MyInfos {
   . . .
   class Obj : Info
   . . .

   static immutable Obj one = new immutable Obj(...);
   static immutable Obj two = new immutable Obj(...);

I get a compiler error in the two assignments to the static Obj 
member variables:

'this' is only defined in non-static member functions, not MyInfos

Is it related to the fact that the Obj class is encapsulated ?

My goal is to be able to write things like this:

void main() {
   Info x1 =, x2 = MyInfo.two, x3;
   assert(x3 is null);
   x3 = x1;
   assert(x3 is x1);
   assert(x3 is;

   // Use static immutable instance references as case arg in 

   switch(x1) {
   case ...;

Immutable objects and constructor ?

2016-05-20 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm implementing the flyweight pattern. It means that I have a 
set of object instances representing all the possible values. 
This allows me to manipulate "values" by simply manipulating 
references to the instance. Testing "value" equality boils down 
to simply compare reference value. I hope I can use these 
immutable instances as case argument of a switch, but I'm not 
there yet.

I have declared an immutable class.

immutable interface SomeInfo { ... }

immutable class Info : SomeInfo {
   @disable this();
   this(int codeValue, string codeName)
   codeValue_ = (codeValue * 10) - 113; // some random 
example computation

   codeName_ = "Info."~codeName_;
  int codeValue_;
  string codeName_;

But when I try to instantiate the class I get an dramatic 
compilation error:

"none of the overloads of '__ctor' are callable using a mutable 
object, candidates are: "

Adding immutable to the constructor doesn't help. How can I 
initialize the immutable instances of a class ?

I have seen it is possible to cast away the immutability. Does it 
also work for immutable classes ? Could I use an object factory ?

How should I do if I would like to use the lazy pattern for 
initializing some member variables of the instance ? Something 
like :

immutable class Info : SomeInfo
   string toString()
  if (!toString_)
  synchronize { // make it thread safe
 if (!toString_)
toString_ = format("bla bla %s (%d)", codeName_, 

  return toString_;
  string toString_;

Re: static member and/or @property ?

2016-05-19 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 15:33:21 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

. . .
interface AThing
final string name() { return nameImpl(); }
string nameImpl();

class OneThing : AThing
static string name() { return "OneThing"; }
override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

class OtherThing : AThing
static string name() { return "OtherThing"; }
override string nameImpl() { return name(); }

This is what I was looking fer. Thank you very much.

The fact that I used the class name is just a coincidence for 
making the example clear.

static member and/or @property ?

2016-05-19 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Sorry for the confusing subject, I couldn't find a concise 
formulation of my question.

I have a set of classes derived from the same interface so that I 
can use polymorphism.

I would like to store the name of the class as a string so that 
it can be retrieved as a static member of the class or by using 

Here is the problem expressed as an exercise where you are 
invited to replace the ??? with the appropriate text, if it is 
possible. My blind and naive attempts failed.

interface AThing { ??? string name ??? }

class OneThing : AThing { ??? string name ??? "OneThing" ??? }

class OtherThing : AThing { ??? string name ??? "OtherThing" ??? }

void main()
   // Accessing name as static information
   writeln( ??? );

   // Accessing name through polymorphism
   AThing tbl;
   tbl ~= new OneThing;
   tbl ~= new OtherThing;
   tbl ~= new OneThing;
   foreach(a; tbl) writeln(;

The only viable solution I found so far is by using distinct 
member names. In the interface we define name as a property, and 
in the class we define the static member with another name. Is it 
possible to avoid the different names ?

ErrorException thrown when errno is modified ?

2016-05-19 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm planning to call some posix functions core.sys.posix that may 
set the errno value in case of error. e.g. read() or write().

Checking the std.exception documentation I see that 
ErrnoException may be thrown when errors setting errno may occur. 
Does this affect the posix calls ?

From what I saw in the code, it doesn't seam the case. Just 
making sure I'm correct.

How to find the content of core.sys.* ?

2016-05-17 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


The nice and handy documentation of dlang doesn't provide any 
info on the core.sys. How can I find out all the things that are 
in there ?

Re: D equivalent of C++ bind ?

2016-05-17 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 May 2016 at 15:57:52 UTC, Dsby wrote:

you can remove "auto ref". and I remove the "auto ref" in my 
if used the "alias T", It can not handle all while when the T 
is a delegate.

in C++ std::bind, the arguments order you can sort by used. in 
D I do not find how to enablement.

Yes this doesn't look easy. Maybe by using a mixin. Unfortunately 
this slows down compilation. I don't know the impact on 

I'm not sure if converting a function to a delegate is a good 
thing. It is good for your use case where the bind functions are 
used as callbacks. But sometime, users may really want to create 
a function. The user should then use ToDelegate! If he wants to 
convert the function to a delegate. But from the the 
documentation, ToDelegate doesn't work with functions with the 
@safe attribute.

Re: D equivalent of C++ bind ?

2016-05-16 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 10:38:37 UTC, Dsby wrote:

I write one, bind functon to a delegate.

In here:

this is the code:

auto  bind(T,Args...)(auto ref T fun,Args args) if 

alias FUNTYPE = Parameters!(fun);
static if(is(Args == void))
static if(isDelegate!T)
return fun;
return toDelegate(fun);
else static if(FUNTYPE.length > args.length)
alias DTYPE = FUNTYPE[args.length..$];
delegate(DTYPE ars){
TypeTuple!(FUNTYPE) value;
value[0..args.length] = args[];
value[args.length..$] = ars[];
return fun(value);
return delegate(){return fun(args);};

Thank you. Would you agree to help me understand it ?

The only thing I don't understand is why the function template 
argument is defined as T and the argument as auto ref T fun. Why 
the auto ref  and not alias T in the template argument list ?

This bind is better than Partial!() from std.functional since it 
accepts any number of parameters. But the given parameters are 
passed as first arguments of fun. The std::bind of C++ allows to 
bind any parameter in any order and eventually multiple times. 
It's really as if a new function was defined with a total liberty 
degree on its signature.

Anyway thank you very much.

Re: D equivalent of C++ bind ?

2016-05-10 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks. This does the job but it's not as concise.

Re: Async or event library

2016-05-10 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

vibed uses libevent, a C library.

The discussion is regarding a possible pure D equivalent of 
libasync is an interesting proposal but it is apparently slower 
than libevent. I don't know the current status because vibed 
improved its performance in the last months.

My initial question is if there is a working group I could join 
to work on this pure D async library. I'm interested in working 
on the subject.

D equivalent of C++ bind ?

2016-05-10 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there an equivalent in D of the C++11 std.bind template class 
[] ?

Here is a blog post showing different examples of its use

A possible use case is for a callback function/delegate with the 
expected signature bool cb(int error). I would like to pass a 
function bool myCb(int error, ref int myArg) instead with the 
variable myArg being given as predefined argument.

Here is an example.

int count = 0;

bool myCb(int error, ref int myArg)
if (myArg >= 6)
return false;
return true;

void async_task(void function(int error) cb) { . . . while cb(0) 
. . . }

void main() {
. . .
async_task( ??? myCb ??? count ??? );
. . .

In C++ we would write

async_task(std::bind(myCb, std::placeholders::_1, count));

Re: Async or event library

2016-05-09 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
It seam that the scope of the event loop we are talking should be 
clarified to avoid confusions.

There is the GUI event loop which is generally single threaded 
for efficient access to the data structure representing the GUI 
content. Single thread also simplifies synchronization and make 
deadlocks impossible. GUI events incoming rates are generally 
slow because it is human driven. So a single threaded GUI event 
loop is a very reasonable choice.

The other event loop is for IO and timers. In this case the event 
rate can be very high and the speed is critical. This is where 
multithreading can play a useful role and the topic I am 
interested with.

On unix the OS provides a fast select (epoll, kevent) which tells 
the user on which fd an event occurred. epoll doesn't cover 
asynchronous file operations and timer events.
On Windows the OS provides IOCP which support queued operations 
and the user is notified of the completion.

The boost asio lib adopted the IOCP model. Users queue 
asynchronous tasks and a callback function that is executed when 
the task is completed. That is also the model of I/O or timer 
event loops (e.g. libev, libuv, libevent).

Unfortunately it seam that we don't have much liberty degree if 
we want an API that can work on Windows and unix. But the unix 
model can be more efficient.
Here is a blog post reporting that the author could implement a 
more efficient system than libuv by using epoll directly

Re: Async or event library

2016-05-06 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Excuse the naive question rikki, why does the window event loop 
have to be single threaded ? The question is just to expose the 

Is it to avoid the synchronization overhead to access the window 
data ? In this case there is indeed a lot of data. Is there 
another reason ?

In some applications and event types the synchronization overhead 
is small compared to the benefit of executing tasks in parallel 
on different cores.

It is indeed none trivial and could be an interresting phd study 

Re: Async or event library

2016-05-06 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 May 2016 at 09:21:04 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

Event loops needs to be thread local not per process.
So many API's such as WinAPI for e.g. GUI's have this 
requirement in it that its just not worth fighting over.

I don't understand. Do you mean that these event loops are single 
threaded and thus don't allow multi threaded use and parallel 
event handling ?

Single threaded model avoids the overhead of synchronization. 
That would be another strong argument in favor of single threaded 
event loop. And another one is that single threaded application 
is much easier to get right than multi threaded applications.

On the other side, WinAPI is old and the actual hardware 
evolution goes toward multi core computers and massive true 
parallelism. At CERN we use 16 core computers. Of course it's 
good to be backward compatible with existing APIs but D should be 
designed to best match the future of computing I think.

So it seam the question boils down to determine if it's possible 
to have the best in both worlds.

I agree that event loops working in isolation is the most simple 
API from the user perspective and is the most efficient since 
synchronization can be avoided. But worker thread pools has also 
its advantages when the app is running on a multicore computer.

Re: Async or event library

2016-05-05 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
I would like to add that the switchable TLS is only a half backed 
solution. It would't work in a multi core context where threads 
are truly executing in parallel. Two such threads might get the 
same TLS context which would invalidate its implicit predicate.

Another strategy would be to forbit use of TLS with threads using 
the event loop. But this might break existing code.

Async or event library

2016-05-05 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello I have seen the wiki page and would like to know the 
current status. Is there a working group for this subject ? This 
is a topic I'm interested in and did some modest work on some 
years ago.

At the bottom of the wiki page there is an innocent question 
regarding TLS which is quite devastating. A worker thread pool 
system would not support affinity between threads and callback 
context. Unfortunately, D relies on Thread Local Storage for semi 
global data. This would be error prone. I saw such error case 
with people using TLS with Corba.

One way out of this apparent deadlock is if D would provide its 
own TLS that can be switched between threads. This would allow to 
preserve affinity between threads and callback execution context. 
Unfortunately, it would introduce an overhead to access the data 
in the local storage due to the required indirection. It would 
also require that the compiler is adapted.

When fibers and multithreading support is built in the language, 
as in Go, the compiler can do the magic.

I would like to underline that the server side of software 
development is the easiset side to conquer because the client 
side as to many different GUIs and execution contexts. But it 
requieres that the performances are on par with other languages 
like C, C++, Go or Java.

Accepting function or delegate as function argument

2016-05-04 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have implemented the following class (simplified ;) )

class Foo(K,T) {
this(T delegate (K) factory) { m_factory = factory; }
T delegate (K) m_factory;
T bar(K key) { return m_factory(key); }

string dummyFactory(string key) { return "Hello "~key; }

void main()
auto foo = new Foo!(string,string)();

The compiler complains that dummyFactory is a pointer to a 
function and not a delegate.
How can I modify the class definition so that it accepts a 
function or a delegate transparently from the user perspective ?

Two constructors, one accepting a function and the other one 
accepting a delegate would do the job for the API. Is there a 
simple method to convert a function pointer into a delegate 
pointer that is also efficient ?

Re: Code example for function/delegate as template argument ?

2016-05-04 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thank you Basile and Teoh.

Re: Code example for function/delegate as template argument ?

2016-05-04 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

I think you misunderstood the second question.

Here is another attempt with an example.

// function accepting a function as argument
void foo(function void fg(int)) {

// A class with a none static method with the same signature as 
the argument function of foo

class Bar {
void fizz(int a) { writefln("Arg: %s", a); }

// An instance of class Bar
auto bar = new Bar;

// Calling foo by passing bar and the method fizz so that 
bar.fizz() is called when foo calls fg

foo( ??? );

Does the argument type need to be a delegate ?

Re: Code example for function/delegate as template argument ?

2016-05-04 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 06:59:00 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

. . .
void main(string[] args)
alias fun = (a) => a.writeln;
auto foo = Foo!fun("hello");

Is this equivalent to Foo!(a => a.writeln) or is it required to 
split this in two instructions as you did ? I also thought the 
parenthesis around the lambda arguments are not required. Is that 
right ?

Code example for function/delegate as template argument ?

2016-05-04 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


I failed to find some code example for a template class/struct 
that accept a function/delegate as template argument. All 
examples I could find use simple value types like int or double.

I piggy bag another question. Defining a function/delegate as 
function argument is shown in examples. What I could not find is 
how would I pass an object instance with a method to call ? In 
C++ we use std::bind. How do we do that in D ?

Re: struct cannot deduce function from argument types

2016-05-03 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Oops! Stupid of me. There were three bugs in the code.

Correct code is as follow:

import std.stdio;

class Data
string m = "Hello world !";

struct IdxElem(D)
bool inUse;
D data;

IdxElem!(Data)[string] idx;

void main()
idx["test1"] = IdxElem!Data(true, new Data);
idx["test2"] = IdxElem!Data(false, new Data);

writeln("Hello world!");

struct cannot deduce function from argument types

2016-05-03 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following code does not compile and I don't understand why.

import std.stdio;

class Data
string m = "Hello world !";

struct IdxElem(D)
bool inUse;
D data;
IdxElem!Data[string] idx;

void main()
idx["test1"] = IdxElem(true, new Data);
idx["test2"] = IdxElem(false, new Data);

writeln("Hello world!");

This is the error message I get with DMD64 D Compiler v2.068.2

source/app.d(20,27): Error: struct app.IdxElem cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(bool, Data), candidates are:

source/app.d(21,27): Error: struct app.IdxElem cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(bool, Data), candidates are:

dmd failed with exit code 1.

I get the same error even if I add a constructor to IdxElem that 
sets the member variables with its two arguments.

Re: Testing Return Value Optimization (RVO)

2015-09-28 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Oops found it my self.

I had to use

auto x = foo();

Re: Testing Return Value Optimization (RVO)

2015-09-28 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

I tried your code as this and it doesn't work.

#!/usr/bin/rdmd -O

import std.stdio;

struct S {
int a;
@disable this(this);

S foo() {
S v;
v.a = 1;
return v;

void main()
S x;
x = foo();

I even tried with dmd -O without success.

What am I doing wrong ?

Testing Return Value Optimization (RVO)

2015-09-27 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


Sorry if this question is a bit naive or shows a misunderstanding 
of RVO.
I was trying to see if my C compiler was doing RVO with struct, 
but after testing it at is apparently not the case.

Since I have heard that D supports RVO I wanted to give it a try 
in D. But apparently it doesn't do RVO as I expected it would do 

Here is the D code. It is very similar to the C code I tested 
with gcc and clang :

#!/usr/bin/rdmd -O

import std.stdio;

struct S { int a, b; };

S foo(S* p) {
S v = {1, 2};
writeln("foo: return value optimization: ", p == );
return v;

void main()
S x;
x = foo();

My assumption is the following. x is the target variable where to 
store the result of foo. I expected that with RVO foo() would 
receive the address where to store its result as hidden argument.

Inside foo(), the optimizer would detect that v, its returned 
value, will be stored at the location given as hidden argument. 
It may then optimize out v so that foo() uses x as storage for v.

My code is testing if this is the case and it is apparently not.

Can someone please explain me why this doesn't work as I would 
expect RVO to work ?