Trailing commas in constructor arguments?

2014-05-04 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
In the following snippet is the line marked WOAH legal? The 
compiler doesn't complain about the trailing comma in the 
constructor arguments.

import std.stdio;

class Foo
public this(string foo)

void main(string[] args)
auto foo = new Foo(bar, ); // -- WOAH

How to make sure GC allocated resources stay around when used in C functions?

2014-05-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
Based on this conversation in another thread: 
I've realised i may have a nasty bug lurking in the code. Now i 
want to completely understand what is happening.

Take the following code:

struct Args
Element element;
string uniqueData;
Callback callback;

class Element
void foo(Callback callback, string uniqueData = null)
auto handler = function(ClientData data)
// Use data.

auto cleanup = function(ClientData data)

Args* args = cast(Args*)malloc(Args.sizeof);

(*args)= Args.init;
(*args).element= this;
(*args).uniqueData = uniqueData;
(*args).callback   = callback;

c_function(handler, args, cleanup);

I want to make sure that `callback` and `uniqueData` are never 
cleaned up by the GC until i wish to allow them to be freed. A 
comment was made that in the above scenario `callback` and 
`uniqueData` allow the potential of being cleaned up and that a 
call to `GC.addRoot` might fix this problem.

Would it be as simple to just add:

GC.setAttr(cast(void*)args, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);

to the above example? Would this not allow collection until a 
call to GC.removeRoot(). Or do i have to handle `callback` and 
`uniqueData` individually? If so how do you stop a delegate and 
string from being cleaned up by the GC?

Any help or explanations are very much appreciated.

This is the actual production code:

Re: How to make sure GC allocated resources stay around when used in C functions?

2014-05-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 May 2014 at 19:13:28 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
AFAIK, addRoot is for memory allocated in GC heap, and addRange 
is for other types of memory, so you can't add non-gc memory as 
root (just a guess, see docs). I would allocate whole Args in 
GC heap and add is as root, yes, it would prevent collection 
until the root is removed. A better way would be to store Args 
in a linked list in the widget, this way it will be fully 
managed, and Args will live as long as the widget class 
instance references them without additional tinkering with GC.

Ah yeah, i never thought, i could allocate Args on the GC heap.

I have to allocate it on the fly and not store it in the widget 
because there could be many. I'll have a fiddle.

Re: How to make sure GC allocated resources stay around when used in C functions?

2014-05-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 May 2014 at 20:03:46 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Why many? I'd say, you typically have 0 subscriptions (label, 
textbox) per widget, seldom - 1 (button, combobox, checkbox).

There are many events that can be bound to on any widget.

Re: How to make sure GC allocated resources stay around when used in C functions?

2014-05-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 06:27:14 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

Do you always bind all of them?

They are not bound automatically but may be bound later. You can 
bind to events such as mouse-enter, mouse-click, keypresses, etc. 
In fact this is how keyboard shortcuts are handled.

I've added a potential fix to remove the allocation from the 
unmanaged heap and let the GC handle it. See what you think:

Re: DFL is the best UIcontrols for D,compare it to dwt, tkd,dtk,dlangui,anchovy......

2014-05-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 20:42:11 UTC, jack death wrote:
It would be cool if somebody will handle developing of DFL. 

better to have one such toolkit, than tons of complex and not
finished toolkits.

Tkd is finished.
Gtk-D is finished.

You aren't going to get very far unless you actually learn to use
your tools, complex or not. Tkd is about as simple as it gets for
GUI programming. Tkd-D is more complex but that's the price you
pay for needing to create something more complex.

isn't that the truth. as much as i like D, i find it unusable 
for me, since i do not have a ui-/db-toolkit. i want to use the 
language, not invent everything every step or fight for it.

You've obviously never looked.

Re: How to make sure GC allocated resources stay around when used in C functions?

2014-05-14 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 07:11:45 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
It must be scanned, so you shouldn't specify NO_SCAN attribute, 
it's for memory blocks, which are guaranteed to not hold 
pointers to GC memory, like ubyte[] buffers for i/o, so managed 
blocks can be safely collected without looking at content of 
NO_SCAN blocks.

Ah yes. I've completed the changes and that has cured the 
problems i was experiencing and fixed a nasty bug. Thanks.

They are not bound automatically but may be bound later.

So they will be allocated on demand - only if it's bound, Args 
will be allocated,


so widget will have only one Args allocated, or as many as were 
actually bound. Or do you want to save on one pointer per 

By default most widget have none bound until a command or binding 
is added. Only one command can be added to widgets that support 
it (e.g. buttons) but all can have many events bound if the 
developer so wishes.

Keyboard shortcuts are probably rare too, widgets should handle 
most common shortcuts like text editing or copying on their own 
without special handling by the user program, right?

They do but you are free to bind actions to more events if you 

Re: TKD set focus on window?

2014-05-14 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 17:08:21 UTC, Joakim wrote:


Quick question regarding TKD (tkinter):

Is there a way to set focus on the application window 
automatically on run? I'm on Mac OS X if that's of any 

I have tried to grep the documentation but I can't find 
anything relevant.


class App : TkdApplication
this.mainWindow.raise();  // -- in UiElement
this.mainWindow.focus();  // -- in UiElement

Window inherits from UiElement. Remember to look at the methods 
in the parents of each class.

Re: TKD AddProtocolCommand example

2014-05-15 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 21:41:04 UTC, DaveG wrote:

Hopefully better formatting of code here:

import tkd.tkdapplication;

class Application : TkdApplication

private void exitCommand(CommandArgs args)

private void saveMeCommand(CommandArgs args)
new MessageDialog(this.mainWindow,Saving...)

override protected void initInterface()


auto frame = new Frame(2, ReliefStyle.groove)

auto label = new Label(frame, Hello World!)

auto exitButton = new Button(frame, Exit)


void main(string[] args)
auto app = new Application();;

I'm at work at the minute I'll take a look later on.

Re: TKD AddProtocolCommand example

2014-05-15 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 21:23:02 UTC, DaveG wrote:
tkd\window\window.d(426): Error: undefined identifier 

Added the missing import and now all works fine. Fixed in 
v1.0.5-beta. Any more issues open them up in github and i'll deal 
with them there. :)

Re: TKD AddProtocolCommand example

2014-05-15 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 19:02:58 UTC, Mengu wrote:

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 17:30:22 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 21:23:02 UTC, DaveG wrote:
tkd\window\window.d(426): Error: undefined identifier 

Added the missing import and now all works fine. Fixed in 
v1.0.5-beta. Any more issues open them up in github and i'll 
deal with them there. :)

i just was about to send a PR :(

he he, too slow. ;)

If you see anything else feel free to make another.

Re: D Newbie Trying to Use D with Major C Libraries

2014-05-16 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 22:25:47 UTC, Tom Browder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I am a volunteer developer with the well-known 3D CAD FOSS 
project BRL-CAD:

I have wanted to use D for a long time but I hadn't taken the 
Yesterday I advertised to the BRL-CAD community my new project 
attempt to create D bindings for BRL-CAD's C libraries, and I 

a branch for the project.

I have been looking for specific information on creating D 
from C headers for which there seems to be sufficient 

available, but I would appreciate recommendations as to the best
method.  I have successfully built my first pure D program but 

need to test the feasibility of my project.

What I have not seen yet is the exact way to build a D program 
uses D bindings and its matching C library.  I have just 
created a
Cookbook page on the D Wiki where I show my first attempt for a 
GNU Makefile as an example for the project.  The page link is 

I would appreciate it if an experienced D user would correct 

recipe so it should compile the desired binary source correctly
(assuming no errors in the  input files).

Thanks for any help.

Best regards,


For a start use dub to build D projects, it's becoming the 
de-facto build tool.

Then take a look at one of my projects in which i've ported C 
headers to D.

In that repo i've included all the C headers as well as their D 
counterparts for reference. Converting headers is not 
straightforward when you first start but once you understand the 
rules it gets easier. Here's some helpful links:

Once the D file is created and imported into your program you 
just need to link the necessary library and you're good to go. 
See the `package.json` file in the above repository for how i do 
it for Posix and Windows. Windows DLL's are supplied in the 
`dist` directory.

Re: D Newbie Trying to Use D with Major C Libraries

2014-05-16 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 16 May 2014 at 20:28:31 UTC, Tom Browder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Gary Willoughby via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Friday, 16 May 2014 at 19:17:05 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Using .di is more idiomatic as those are supposed to denote
declaration-only interface files (with no implementation). In 
practice it
makes almost no difference though so many people use plain .d 
by habit.

That's right. I always use .d files when porting C headers 
because i just
see them as regular D code. I like to classify .di files as D 
generated from pure D libraries (using the -H compiler 
switch). That's just

my opinion though and to be honest i don't think it matters. :)

Okay, Dicebot and Gary, that makes good sense I think, thanks.

So I should use the .d for the binding source files since 
there will

almost certainly be implementation code in them.



Yeah , I do and Deimos does too:

Re: Programming a Game in D? :D

2014-05-22 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 15:39:36 UTC, David wrote:
Hey, I'm really new to D, and pretty new to programming overall 
But I want to make a 3d Game, (just sth. small). I really like 
D and want to do it in D, but in the Internet there is no shit 
about programming a game in D ^^

Is there any engine written in D?
For example the CryEngine is for C++, so I would have to write 
a wrapper?
So, how do I write a wrapper? I would need a wrapper for 
DirectX too right?

Are there any wrappers ore Engines for D i can use?
btw. I know I dont write that in 1 day ^^
Are there any tutorials or sth. on Programming a Game in D?
S I just wanna come as far to have a little Cube where 
i can run around on with a few phisics :) so just the startup 
to load a world and so on

Thanks in advance :)
And sry my english sucks :D

First, read this:

Re: Passing a function as an argument to another function : what is this sorcery ?

2014-05-25 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 May 2014 at 09:37:46 UTC, Derix wrote:

Hello everyone,

So I'm Getting Started With Gtkd [1] and the tuto includes 

piece of code :


   DrawingArea da = new DrawingArea(590, 200);
   layout.put(da, 5, 30);

   add(layout);  // Add the layout to our main window

bool onDraw(Context c, Widget w)
   //draw things
   return true;

and I'm a bit puzzled by the line

I'm pretty sure I've met this construct before along with
relevant explainations, but I find myself a bit forgetful and in
need of a refresher. Hence questions :

1) What is the generic name for this kind construct ?

2) Any hint to some reading about the supporting theory or
rationale ?

It's basically passing an existing function via a pointer. Notice 
the ampersand ()? That gets the underlying memory location (i.e. 
pointer). Normal procedural type functions can be passed like 
this as can methods of classes (if you have access to them). When 
passing a class method like this it can be referred to as passing 
a delegate. Delegates internally store another pointer to it's 
surrounding context.

For example, a function can be passed like this:

void foo()
// Do something.


Then in the addFoo method foo can be called as if it was a normal 
function. You can also write the above like this:

// Do something.

As function literals are passed via a pointer by default so no 
ampersand needed.

The problem is that normal functions can not refer to anything 
outside of their scope. For this you need a delegate which 
contains a context pointer (which is a reference to it's 
surroundings). Here is an example if using a class method.

class Foo
public void bar()
// Do something.

public void baz()
// Refers to bar outside of this method's scope.;

auto foo = new Foo();

// baz can refer to the instance of Foo (it's context)
// so it can call bar.

You can also use the literal notation too:

// I can now use things outside this scope.

Like function literals, delegates are also passed by their 
pointer by default.

3) When the onDraw function is actually called, whence does it
takes its arguments from ? What is that Context ? Does it float
around as some sort of implicit global object ? When was it
instanciated ?

When passing functions or methods like this they need to be typed 
just like anything else you would pass as an argument. Like this:

alias void delegate(string) MyCallback;

Here we define the signature of a delegate using an alias. Once a 
method is defined taking this alias as a type then it will only 
accept a delegate with this signature.

class Foo
// Only accept 'void delegate(string)'
void bar(MyCallback baz)
// call conforming to the MyCallback signature.
baz(hello world); --

auto foo = new Foo();

// Passed delegate conforms to the MyCallback signature. x){

Functions are typed the same way:

alias void function(string) MyCallback;

4) Is onDraw a predefined event belonging to the class
DrawingArea ? Is the name of the onDraw function thus 


onDraw will just be a method that accepts a delegate (or standard 

5) What is the chain of events leading to the onDraw event
occuring ? I'd guess it's the 'showAll()' line, but by the way
where does this 'showAll()' come from ? In the documentation

I've no idea you'll have to read the source to find that out.

I don't see it as a method belonging to the class DrawingArea. 

it inherited from a superclass ?


Re: TDPL - Andrei Alexandrescu

2014-05-25 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 May 2014 at 15:07:56 UTC, DLearner wrote:
Does the current D specification differ from that used in the 
book (and, if it does, is there a link to the changes)?

Re: floating point conversion

2014-06-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a couple of functions that you may find useful for 
comparing floats.

Re: '!' and naming conventions

2014-06-18 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 20:55:36 UTC, cym13 wrote:


I see a lot of functions and other stuff with a '!' in the name
such as 'bitfields!' or 'ctRegex!'. What does it mean exactly?

I think this will be helpful:

Re: dub --annotate option

2014-06-19 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 19 June 2014 at 17:45:56 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:

Dub has option called --annotate. It's described like this:

Do not perform any action, just print what would be done

I supposed it's something similar to -n option of Jam build 
system (I really like this feature). But dub's annotate 
prints nothing. So what is that? I have DUB version 0.9.21

I would raise an issue here:

Sönke is very prompt at replying to issues. :)

Help to find crash in simple stack type?

2014-07-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've created a simple stack type using calloc/free which seems to 
work nicely. Then instead of using C functions i've tried to 
implement the same type using the GC. However i'm experiencing a 
crash. I've been staring at this snippet for hours now any help 
would be appreciated. This is a simplified snippet showing the 

import std.stdio;
import core.memory;

class Stack(T)
private T* _data;
private T* _pointer;
private immutable size_t _minimumSize;
private size_t _size;
private size_t _count;

public this()
this._minimumSize = 32_000;
this._size = this._minimumSize;
this._data = cast(T*)GC.calloc(this._size, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);
this._pointer = this._data;

public void push(T value)

if ((this._size / T.sizeof)  (this._count + 1))
this._size *= 2;
writefln(realloc to %s bytes, this._size);
			this._data = cast(T*)GC.realloc(this._data, this._size, 

this._pointer = (this._data + this._count);

*this._pointer = value;

auto stack = new Stack!(int);

for (int x = 1; x = 300_000 ; x++)

It seems to crash when the loop iteration is at about 260,000 and 
i've no idea why. I'm using Ubuntu 64bit latest DMD.

Re: Help to find crash in simple stack type?

2014-07-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 17:11:00 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 12.07.2014 19:05, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

Thanks for the reduction. GC.realloc seems broken for 
reallocations to

sizes larger than the current GC pool.

Please file a bug report.

Actually done that myself:

Thanks a lot guys!

Re: DStyle: Braces on same line

2014-07-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 19:01:56 UTC, Danyal Zia wrote:


I noticed that in Andrei's talks and his book, he used braces 
on the same line of delcaration, however Phobos and other D 
libraries I know use braces on their own line. Now I'm in a 
position where I need to take decision on coding style of my 
library and I get accustomed to use braces on same line but I'm 
worried if that would make my library less readable to other D 

Should I worry about it? Or is that's just a debatable style 
that won't really matter if it's persistent throughout library?


Here is the 'official' style that is followed by most people 
including me.

Re: Implement Interface dynamically

2014-07-14 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 14:45:01 UTC, Frustrated wrote:
Is there a way to take an interface and implement it 
generically? e.g., All functions are implemented either as 
throw and/or return defaults and properties are implemented as 

This is for mocking up so I a simple way to create a class 
based off only the interface.

Essentially something similar to whitehole and blackhole except 
properties are useable.

In fact, I suppose it would be nice to have something analogous 
to them except properties are implemented. Then one could do


where Bluehole implements properties as getters and setters.

You can maybe get some ideas from this mocking code i wrote:

Re: Implement Interface dynamically

2014-07-14 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

There's some handy refection stuff in there too:

Re: Really nooB question - @property

2014-07-21 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 20 July 2014 at 16:35:52 UTC, Eric wrote:

There are a lot of discussions in the forums about how @property
should or could be implemented.  But I can't seem to find 
that explains why or when I should use @property with the 
compiler.  Can anyone explain why and when I should use the 
@property tag?


I wondered the same:

How to copy an object to separate allocated memory?

2014-07-24 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was reading Ali's book ( 
and saw this piece of code on how to get the true size of an 

MyClass* buffer = 
cast(MyClass*)GC.calloc(__traits(classInstanceSize, MyClass) * 

That got me thinking, how would i actually 'fill' this memory 
with instances of that class?

Re: How to detect current executable file name?

2014-08-01 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 February 2013 at 03:28:59 UTC, eGust wrote:
I need to locate the directory of current executable file, but 
I can't find how to do that in Phobos. I tried 
core.runtime.Runtime.args[0], but failed. Is there a standard 
method of Phobos to do that? I only know the way of Windows 
(GetModuleFileName), but I think as a common task there should 
be a platform-independent way to get it in the standard library.

import std.stdio;
import std.file : thisExePath;
import std.path : dirName;

void main(string[] args)

Preferred program config file format and parsing library?

2014-08-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
What is the preferred format people here use for program config 
files? Json, Xml, ini, etc?

Also what libraries exist to parse the preferred format?

Re: Preferred program config file format and parsing library?

2014-08-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 09:31:20 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Saturday, 2 August 2014 at 12:42:00 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
What is the preferred format people here use for program 
config files? Json, Xml, ini, etc?

JSON is nice for data exchange, but I dislike it for 
configuration. It doesn't even support comments, or disabling 
sections of the file. YML is friendlier in this regard.

DUB is considering switching from JSON to SDL:

Interesting, are there D libs available to parse yaml and sdl?

Re: Preferred program config file format and parsing library?

2014-08-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 11:38:47 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 10:54:10 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 09:31:20 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Saturday, 2 August 2014 at 12:42:00 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
What is the preferred format people here use for program 
config files? Json, Xml, ini, etc?

JSON is nice for data exchange, but I dislike it for 
configuration. It doesn't even support comments, or disabling 
sections of the file. YML is friendlier in this regard.

DUB is considering switching from JSON to SDL:

Interesting, are there D libs available to parse yaml and sdl?

Great, ta.

Re: building a D app with multiple source files

2014-08-05 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 August 2014 at 07:29:46 UTC, nikki wrote:
edit : btw, I understand how to build an app that conscists out 
of a few source files, I'd just do 'dmd file1.d file2.d' I 
amtalking here about the situation where that's unpractical 
because of the amount and folder structure.

You can take a look at the dub build tool to automate all this 
(as mentioned above). Dub works by compiling and linking 
everything together in your source folder. You specify the main 
entry point in a dub.json file. It's pretty easy to use and good 
for handling dependencies over the internet.

To compile things manually you can use rdmd to automatically 
parse the files that need compiling. When using rdmd you only 
need to specify the file that contains the main function to build 
everything around it. for example:

rdmd program.d

This will pull in all imports inside program.d and compile and 
link them too.

Re: building a D app with multiple source files

2014-08-05 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 August 2014 at 08:06:57 UTC, nikki wrote:
edit: couldn't find that flag in dmd --help (only -Ipath), 
atleast I know what it does now, hope I'll remember..

thanks a lot though @ great helpful community

Remember rdmd is just a program to help collect and organise 
parameters. It still passes everything to dmd. In fact if you use 
the --chatty option with rdmd it will show you everything it is 
doing including what it is passing to dmd.

Re: private selective imports

2014-08-06 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 18:33:23 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Most voted DMD bug :

Yeah this is a famous bug that seems to catch everyone out at 
some stage.

What hashing algorithm is used for the D implementation of associative arrays?

2014-08-09 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
What hashing algorithm is used for the D implementation of 
associative arrays? Where in the D source does the AA code live?

Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-11 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
Just for a bit a fun i've implemented a simple doubly linked list 
and trying out some range based stuff. Whilst doing so i have 
some questions which you guys might be able to answer.

1. In your opinion when accessing the elements of a linked list 
should they yield the data stored within the nodes or the entire 
nodes themselves? Different languages do this differently. For 
example, C# yields nodes[1], Java yields data[2].

2. Suppose when accessing my linked list, it yields data and not 
nodes, how do iterate in reverse? I don't want to add unnecessary 
methods or properties.

3. How would you implement the 'save' method of a forward range 
in the context of a linked list? If my understanding is correct 
the 'saved' range is iterated and discard, so cannot use any 
references to the underlying range. This might also solve 
question 2.


Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-11 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 18:20:51 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

If you make your linked list container the same thing as a
range over it, then iterating over the range will empty the 
container as

well, which generally isn't what you want.

Yes but only if it's been implemented purely as an input range. I 
was wondering if it was implemented as a forward range. Forward 
ranges allow iteration without destroying the contents. I was 
wondering how the 'save' method of the forward range could be 
implemented with a linked list. If my understanding is correct 
this method yields a copy to iterate over and discard.

It's much better to separate the container itself from ranges 
over the
container. This then allows you to have separate container 
methods that

return ranges of different types.

That does answer it partially. This abstraction could return 
ranges over the nodes or items. but ultimately these have to 
expose the underlying data or provide a copy. (i.e. the 'save' 
method of forward ranges.)

Also iterating in reverse (which should be possible with a doubly 
linked list) such ranges will have to be bidirectional ranges.

These questions are all kind of inter-linked. I want to iterate 
forward and back through the list and if possible provide a nice 
public interface. It doesn't seem right to expose the nodes as 
that smells of a leaking abstraction. Hiding the nodes make it 
harder to iterate without a nice interface i.e. bidirectional 

Ranges are nice but the (forward range's) 'save' method needs 
careful consideration. opApply is nice but i can't see a way to 
overload it for reverse iteration.

Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-11 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 20:02:38 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 07:35:04PM +, Gary Willoughby via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 18:20:51 UTC, H. S. Teoh via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
If you make your linked list container the same thing as a 
range over
it, then iterating over the range will empty the container as 

which generally isn't what you want.

Yes but only if it's been implemented purely as an input 
range. I was
wondering if it was implemented as a forward range. Forward 
allow iteration without destroying the contents. I was 
wondering how
the 'save' method of the forward range could be implemented 
with a
linked list. If my understanding is correct this method yields 
a copy

to iterate over and discard.

Only if you explicitly call .save when you iterate over it. The
following code does NOT preserve the original range:

auto fwdRange = LinkedList(...);
foreach (e; fwdRange) {

while the following does:

auto fwdRange = LinkedList(...);
foreach (e; {

which is uglier.

It's much better to separate the container itself from ranges 

the container. This then allows you to have separate container
methods that return ranges of different types.

That does answer it partially. This abstraction could return 
over the nodes or items. but ultimately these have to expose 
underlying data or provide a copy. (i.e. the 'save' method of 


I don't understand your objection here. You just implement your 

method to return the appropriate type. The dirty details of how
iteration is implemented need not be exposed.

Also iterating in reverse (which should be possible with a 

linked list) such ranges will have to be bidirectional ranges.

You could do that, but it's not necessary. Nothing stops you 
implementing, say, a byDataReverse() method that returns a 
forward range
that just happens to return items from the original list in 


These questions are all kind of inter-linked. I want to iterate
forward and back through the list and if possible provide a 
public interface. It doesn't seem right to expose the nodes as 
smells of a leaking abstraction. Hiding the nodes make it 
harder to

iterate without a nice interface i.e. bidirectional range.

Your original question asked for a range that iterates over 
either data
items or nodes, so what's the problem with exposing the 
nodes? If you
didn't want the range to iterate over the nodes in the first 
place, then

don't implement byNodes(), that's all.

Ranges are nice but the (forward range's) 'save' method needs 


All you have to do in .save is to return a copy of the range, 
which is
*not* the same thing as a copy of the container. (Again, this 
shows that

it's a bad idea to conflate the container with a range over its

opApply is nice but i can't see a way to overload it for 



Anyway, clearly we're not understanding each other, so let me 
some concrete code so that we aren't just talking past each 

// This is the container. It is NOT a range of any sort.
class LinkedList(T) {
private class Node {
T data;
Node next, prev;
Node head, tail;

 * Returns: A range over the data in the container in
 * forward order.
auto byData() {
// This is the range that the user will use to
// iterate over the container's contents.
struct Result {
Node current;
@property ref T front() {
// N.B.: no Node object is
// exposed to the public, they
// only see the data.
@property bool empty() {
return current is null;
void popFront() {
current =;
@property Result save() {
// N.B.: no copying of data
// needed; no container
// duplication needed.
return Result(current);

Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 20:02:38 UTC, H. S. Teoh via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


Was that a joke or does opApplyReverse exist?

Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 August 2014 at 17:00:26 UTC, ketmar via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:50:33 +
Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Was that a joke or does opApplyReverse exist?

it's not a joke.
ctrl+f, opApplyReverse

Ha, awesome!

Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 20:02:38 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Anyway, clearly we're not understanding each other, so let me 
some concrete code so that we aren't just talking past each 

I've used your advice and implemented a range over the list as 
suggested, the problem being i cannot get it to pass the 
isForwardRange check.


You'll notice the assert on line 220 fails. Any idea what i'm 
doing wrong?

Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 13 August 2014 at 18:58:59 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 06:31:32PM +, Gary Willoughby via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 20:02:38 UTC, H. S. Teoh via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Anyway, clearly we're not understanding each other, so let me 
some concrete code so that we aren't just talking past each 

I've used your advice and implemented a range over the list as
suggested, the problem being i cannot get it to pass the
isForwardRange check.


You'll notice the assert on line 220 fails. Any idea what i'm 


You need to put @property on .save.


Gah! Thanks, i need sleep. :)

Re: Linked list as a bidirectional range? I have some questions...

2014-08-13 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 13 August 2014 at 19:43:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 07:37:09PM +, Gary Willoughby via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 August 2014 at 18:58:59 UTC, H. S. Teoh via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 06:31:32PM +, Gary Willoughby via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I've used your advice and implemented a range over the list 

suggested, the problem being i cannot get it to pass the
isForwardRange check.


You'll notice the assert on line 220 fails. Any idea what 
i'm doing


You need to put @property on .save.


Gah! Thanks, i need sleep. :)

No worries, the only reason I could pinpoint this almost 
immediately was
because I got bitten by exactly the same problem before, and it 
took me

*hours* to figure out what was wrong. :-/


Thinking about it why should that matter when not compiled using 
-property? I'm guessing the template enforces it should be a 

In the new D release why use free functions instead of properties?

2014-08-18 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
In the new D release there have been some changes regarding 
built-in types.

I would like to learn why this has been done like this and why it 
is desired to be free functions rather than properties?

Re: In the new D release why use free functions instead of properties?

2014-08-19 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 August 2014 at 00:55:24 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:

On Tuesday, 19 August 2014 at 00:54:25 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:
On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 21:17:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 21:02:09 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
In the new D release there have been some changes regarding 
built-in types.

I would like to learn why this has been done like this and 
why it is desired to be free functions rather than 

Probably because they never should have been properties in 
the first place. Properties are supposed to emulate 
variables, whereas something like dup is clearly an action. 
So, it's clearly not supposed to be a property. However, 
because D doesn't require parens on a function with no 
arguments, you can still call it without parens. Some of the 
changes probably also help with cleaning up the AA internals, 
which is sorely needed.

- Jonathan M Davis

Also std.algorithm's heavy usage of passing delegates as 
template arguments makes it more elegant to use free functions:

   import std.algorithm;
   import std.compiler;

   void main()
   int[][] arr=[[1,2],[3,4]];
   static if (version_minor=65){
   auto!(a = a.dup)();
   assert(arr2[0][0] == 1);

Sorry - that should have been:

 import std.algorithm;
 import std.compiler;

 void main()
 int[][] arr=[[1,2],[3,4]];
 static if (version_minor=65){
 auto!(a = a.dup)();
 assert(arr2[0][0] == 1);

This kind of makes sense for `dup` because that could be applied 
across types but what about rehash, byKey, byValue, keys, values, 
etc of AA's? Surely these will only be used by AA's? Is this more 
about speed optimisation?

Re: How I can iterate data in structure

2014-08-22 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 August 2014 at 10:44:31 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Friday, 22 August 2014 at 08:44:51 UTC, Suliman wrote:

foreach (field; result.tupleof)

Why I should here specify type of iterable element, but not 
first element that I use for iteration?

I mean:
foreach (_some_type_possible_enum_ field; result)


You mustn't, because your struct could have fields of different 
types. When you `foreach()` over a tuple, the compiler unrolls 
the loop body, which allows it to use a (potentially) different 
type on each iteration.

If you don't want this, and all the fields have the same type, 
you can iterate over an array made from the fields:

foreach (field; [result.tupleof]) {

Or you could implement opApply or range primitives in the struct.

Re: Is this RDMD bug ?

2014-08-23 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 August 2014 at 16:28:46 UTC, novice2 wrote:
I have 2 reduced files, wich i can't compile with new (DMD 
2.066) rdmd.exe under Windows 7 32-bit.

Command: rdmd --force --build-only aaa.d
Message Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3etc3bbb3fooFZi

But command: dmd aaa.d etc\bbb.d
Compile without errors.
And then i replace rdmd.exe by old (from DMD 2.065) compile OK 

Can anybody reproduce this?

/*** begin of file aaa.d ***/
import etc.bbb;

void main()
  int i = foo();

/*** begin of file etc\bbb.d ***/
module etc.bbb;

public int foo()
  return 1;

Confirmed. If you change the module name everything works. i.e. 
change `etc` to something else.

Re: Is this RDMD bug ?

2014-08-23 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 August 2014 at 17:29:15 UTC, sigod wrote:

PR that introduced regression:


Is this a bug when creating proxies in classes?

2014-08-25 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

Compiling the following code:

import std.typecons;

class Foo
private int foo;

mixin Proxy!(foo);

this(int x)
{ = x;

void main()

Produces this error:

:!rdmd --force -de -debug -w test.d
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/typecons.d(4043): Error: template 
instance isArray!(typeof(a)) template 'isArray' is not defined

test.d(7): Error: mixin test.Foo.Proxy!(foo) error instantiating
Failed: [dmd, -de, -debug, -w, -v, -o-, test.d, 

Can anyone else confirm or am i doing something wrong. I'm using 
DMD 2.066.0 64bit Ubuntu 14.04.

Re: Is this a bug when creating proxies in classes?

2014-08-26 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 21:14:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 08/25/2014 12:17 PM, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 19:12:48 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 18:44:36 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
It can be explained if the mixed-in template is evaluated at 
mixin context without bringing in the imported modules to 
context. I don't know whether it is true or whether it is a 


You're right, that's it! It works when I import std.traits 

So... the fix is to import std.traits inside template Proxy. 
Going to

submit a PR.

Thanks! And I learned from you in the pull request the 
following fact:

Quoting :
Unlike a template instantiation, a template mixin's body is 
evaluated within the scope where the mixin appears, not where 
the template declaration is defined. It is analogous to cutting 
and pasting the body of the template into the location of the 



With that in mind what is strange is that if in my example you 
change the class for a struct everything works as expected. Why 
is that?

Re: DIP64 - Regarding 'pure' and 'nothrow'

2014-08-27 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 13:49:48 UTC, Aerolite wrote:

Hey all,

I just read the wiki article on DIP64 -

The discrepancy between the annotation-style attributes such as
'@safe', '@property', etc and the keyword attributes 'pure' and
'nothrow' has always really bugged me ever since I started using

How likely is it that DIP64 will be accepted and implemented? 

more specifically, how much does this discrepancy bother others,
including Walter and Andrei? Or is the author of this DIP wrong
in his assessment that 'pure' and 'nothrow' are in fact standard

I bothers the heck outta my OCD. :)

Does D provide automatic dereferencing for accessing members through pointers?

2014-08-27 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
This is something that has been on my mind since i discovered 
this the other day. Does D provide automatic dereferencing for 
accessing members through pointers?

Here's an example:

import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;

struct Foo
public int bar;

void main(string[] args)
auto foo = cast(Foo*)malloc(Foo.sizeof); = 42;

// Dereference the struct before accessing members.
assert((*foo).bar == 42);

// No dereferencing! eh?
assert( == 42);


I've taken a look in the std lib and the second form is used a 
lot. Why don't you need to dereference the pointer 'foo' to reach 
its member 'bar'?

Re: Does D provide automatic dereferencing for accessing members through pointers?

2014-08-27 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 19:36:08 UTC, Brian Schott wrote:
On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 19:25:42 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
Why don't you need to dereference the pointer 'foo' to reach 
its member 'bar'?

The compiler inserts the dereference for you. (It knows which 
types are references and which are values and can do this 
correctly) This makes the syntax consistent between value and 
reference types.

Awesome. Ta.

Re: Is this a bug when creating proxies in classes?

2014-08-28 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 20:41:47 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 18:13:52 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
With that in mind what is strange is that if in my example you 
change the class for a struct everything works as expected. 
Why is that?

This is bizarre... I tried a few things, but I have no idea. At 
first I thought the `static if` that calls `isArray` is inside 
another `static if`, but this is not the case.

Might be a compiler bug?

Anyone else know or can reduce this if it's a bug?

Re: Is this a bug when creating proxies in classes?

2014-08-28 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 August 2014 at 16:23:48 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 18:13:52 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
With that in mind what is strange is that if in my example you 
change the class for a struct everything works as expected. 
Why is that?

That's because when not mixed into a class, Proxy did import

 static if (!is(typeof(this) == class))
 private import std.traits;

Ah right, yes. ta.

Re: D daemon GC?

2014-08-31 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 09:02:55 UTC, JD wrote:

Last snippet works for me, dots get printed to the logfile as 

Ok, it works now. Using the recommended _Exit() function with 
DMD 2.066 on Linux.

Thanks you all for your help!

Best regards,

On a side note, i've created daemons like this before but then i 
found a rather nice posix system call to do it all for me:

extern (C)
	 * The daemon() function is for programs wishing to detach 
	 * from the controlling terminal and run in the background as 

 * daemons.
	 * (This function forks, and if the fork(2) succeeds, the parent 
	 * _exit(2), so that further errors are seen by the child only.) 
	 * success daemon() returns zero. If an error occurs, daemon() 
	 * -1 and sets errno to any of the errors specified for the 
fork(2) and

 * setsid(2).
 * Params:
	 * nochdir = If nochdir is zero, daemon() changes the 
calling process's
	 * current working directory to the root directory (/); 

 * the current working directory is left unchanged.
	 * noclose = If noclose is zero, daemon() redirects standard 
	 * standard output and standard error to /dev/null; 
otherwise, no

 * changes are made to these file descriptors.
int daemon(int nochdir, int noclose);

This is a lot easier to use. :)

Re: basic question about adresses and values in structs

2014-09-01 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 18:08:48 UTC, nikki wrote:
so I am still very new to structs and  and * adress and 
pointer stuff, I have this basic code :

struct S {
int value = 0;

void func(S thing){
writeln(thing); //BFC52B44
thing.value = 100;

S guy = {value:200};
writeln(guy); //BFC52CCC
writeln(guy.value);// this prints 200, because the adress 
was not the same

I think I see whats going on but I don't know how to fix it?

void func(ref S thing){
thing.value = 100;

The ref keyword passes the variable into the function by 
reference, so that it is not copied.

Re: Query Parser Callstack

2014-09-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 September 2014 at 21:00:46 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Are there some nice traits or internals to query the current 
call stack for address or perhaps even their (mangled) names. 
I'm mostly interested in using this to detect infinite 
recursions in my recursive descent parser. This provided that 
my parser slice hasn't changed since last call to the same 

I've no idea how it is used but '_d_traceContext' might be of use:

import std.stdio;

int foo(int n)
writefln(foo: 0x%X, foo);
writefln(%s, _d_traceContext(foo));

return n;

extern(C) Throwable.TraceInfo _d_traceContext(void* ptr = null);

void main(string[] args)
auto x = foo(100);

Found in object_.d in the druntime repo.

Re: dub github dependencies?

2014-09-04 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 4 September 2014 at 16:43:13 UTC, evilrat wrote:
how i can specify github repo  branch? i've already tried 
adding everything i have in mind but no luck so far.

so in theory it should be like this:
-- dub.json
dependencies: {
cairod: {version: ~ReworkWin32, path:}


but it says missing package description, while it obviuosly 
any suggestions? i know i could use local clone but what if 
someone else need to use it?

Packages have to exist on

Re: Novice web developer trying to learn D

2014-09-08 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 7 September 2014 at 21:06:48 UTC, zuzuleinen wrote:


First, here is my Linkedin profile in order to make an image 
of my professional background. I do realise here are really 
good programmers for which this background might sound like a 
joke, but this is what I did so far.

After watching some presentantions from DConf, and trying the 
language I decided to give it a try in the future.

Currrently I'm reading the Programming in D book by Ali 
Çehreli, and then The D Programming Language by Andrei 
Alexandrescu in order to learn more.

The reason I post this is to ask you what other books do you 
think I should try in order to become hireable in the next 2 

As a web developer I know I lack a lot of information, but I'm 
willing to do the hard work. So if anyone has any other 
books/things I need to know and is willing to make me like a 
small roadmap to become a good D developer I would really 

Thanks a lot,

Hi and welcome.

I find it great that you want to learn and grow as a developer, 
many web devs don't and yet still think they're awesome. Using a 
language like D is a complete departure from what you've been 
doing so far because it compiles to native code and with that 
brings quite a few things to learn.

So where to start. First, i would take time to learn about 
pointers. These are pretty fundamental when dealing with native 
code and there's no real way of getting around that. Here's a 
five minute guide:

After that i would probably familiarise myself with the compiler 
and linker:

You're already reading Ali's and Andrei's books so that's good.

Try reading the phobos documentation to familiarise yourself with 
the library:

Maybe controversial but i would also consider reading the C book 
for a good grounding in pointers and memory allocation, etc. A 
lot of this is relevant in D.

It's nice to know these basics and you'll appreciate D a whole 
lot more coming from C. ;)

Remember to ask questions here as you go.

Re: Novice web developer trying to learn D

2014-09-08 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 20:58:20 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:47:19 +
AsmMan via Digitalmars-d-learn


Before go to D I recomend you to take a look at the C 
programming language (as Gary Willoughby already mentioned). I 
think it's really fundamental.
do you really want him to drop programming? there is no need to 
with Ford Model T to drive Lamborghini Estoque. 
*conceptions* are
fundamental, not languages. and D is much better starting point 
than C.

i know it, i have almost two decades of C expirience.

I would agree but that little C book is an amazing read and full 
of valuable lessons.

Re: dub can't read files from cache

2014-09-17 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 17 September 2014 at 12:08:51 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Looks like an error from the compiler, non-ascii characters in 
file path can affect it.

Try raising an issue here:

How does GC.addRange work?

2014-09-20 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
How does GC.addRange work? i.e. what is it doing? I'm assuming 
reading the docs that it adds a range for the GC to scan but what 
actually happens? Does the GC look into this range and check for 
the existence of pointers it's currently managing?

For example, if i nulled a pointer in the range i added would 
that trigger the GC to collect that resource on the next sweep? 
(assuming it was the last reference.)

Re: How does GC.addRange work?

2014-09-21 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 23:08:08 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:21:13 +
Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

So zeroing values will inform the GC the reference has gone?


Thanks, i just wanted to make it clear in my mind.

Re: New changes to DDOC where is the u tag coming from in parent classes?

2014-09-23 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 20:44:25 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
Below is a change that results from re-generating my 
documentation using ddoc. I wonder where the new u tags are 
coming from that wrap the parent class name.

-div class=module-membersh2a name=Button/aclass 
span class=symbolButton/span: 
+div class=module-membersh2a name=Button/aclass 
span class=symbolButton/span: 

Has there been a new ddoc symbol defined and not mentioned in: I've redefined most of these in my 
own .ddoc file and can't seem to get rid of the new tag. Is 
there a master ddoc file being read from somewhere?

Any help?

This has started to occur with the latest compiler release.

Re: New changes to DDOC where is the u tag coming from in parent classes?

2014-09-23 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 10:54:35 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 20:44:25 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

Is there a master ddoc file being read from somewhere?

Thanks! I'd bet my arse it's DDOC_PSUPER_SYMBOL! I haven't seen 
that one before, i'll try it later.

A few questions regarding GC.malloc

2014-09-25 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

A few questions regarding GC.malloc.

When requesting a chunk of memory from GC.malloc am i right in 
assuming that this chunk is scanned for pointers to other GC 
resources in order to make decisions whether to collect them or 

What does BlkAttr.FINALIZE do when used in the GC.malloc call?

Re: Can I make a variable public and readonly (outside where was declared) at same time?

2014-09-26 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 September 2014 at 17:16:04 UTC, AsmMan wrote:
I know I can combine it by making an extra variable plus a 
property like this:

class Foo
  private int a_;

  void do_something1()
a_ = baa();

  void do_something2()
if(cond) a_ = baa2();

  @property int a()
  return a;

This is the C#'s to do which I'm translated to D within my 
limited knowledge. I don't do much OOP, maybe it's possible and 
I don't know. I'm using @property to make 'a' accessible and 
readonly at same time but I wanted to do that without this a_ 
extra variable, i.e, only the methods within the Foo class can 
assign a new value to a but a instance of Foo can't. An 
imaginary code example:

class Foo
  public MAGIC_HERE int a;

  void do_something1()
a = baa();

  void do_something2()
if(cond) a = baa2();

And then:

Foo f = new Foo();
writeln(f.a); // output value of a
f.a = 10; // compile error: a is readonly outside Foo's methods.

I hope it's clear (sorry for por English)

I think the extra variable and the properties are the way to go 
and it's the idiomatic way. In fact that's the reason properties 
are there.

Saying that though, you can achieve what you want implementing a 
little more code using opDispatch. opDispatch intercepts calls to 
undefined members and deals with them, in this case forwarding to 
a private variable.

What is a sink delegate?

2014-09-30 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

What is a sink delegate?

Discussed here:$1t7j$

Re: How do I check if a function got CTFE?

2014-10-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 17:56:29 UTC, AsmMan wrote:
I'd like to check if a function got CTFE, ie, the compiler was 
able to replace my foo(s); by the computed value at 

I'm trying to convert the binary executable to assembly by 
using objconv tool but I'm finding it very diffucult to find 
anything in there, since some converters I've used which does 
ELF to ASM keep the function name, e.g, foo() function is a foo 
label somewhere in the file but this convert doesn't and use 
some numbers instead of. I don't know if it's related how is 
the windows object file format designed.

You could use __ctfe

Hunting down rogue memory allocations?

2014-10-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
Say i have created a program written in D, what tools are 
available for me to track memory allocations?

If you write a program and its performance is slow because you 
suspect too many allocations are taking place in unrecognised 
areas, what tools or techniques do you use to find where they are 
and eliminate them?

Re: Hunting down rogue memory allocations?

2014-10-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 20:31:29 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 20:16:56 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
Say i have created a program written in D, what tools are 
available for me to track memory allocations?

If you write a program and its performance is slow because you 
suspect too many allocations are taking place in unrecognised 
areas, what tools or techniques do you use to find where they 
are and eliminate them?

If *time* spent by allocations is a problem, profile with `perf 
top` (assuming you have Linux): Look for 'gc', 'malloc', 
'calloc', etc.
(Plain perf record will also work, but not be as 
quick/interactive. CodeXL works too.)

See - you 
probably need some specific arguments to get caller info, 
didn't use it for a while so I don't remember.

If e.g. the GC is an issue, it should be immediately evident 
with some GC function taking e.g. over 5% of time. Usually the 
actual overhead will be much higher but divided into multiple 
smaller functions that will take little time individually. 
Drill down into one of these and look at its callers. Eliminate 
the most common source of calls, look again, repeat. Usually 
removing a source of alloc calls will result in better speedup 
than the profiler suggests.

If *space* is a problem, Valgrind doesn't work with most D 
programs for some reason (probably D's fault), so, good luck 
with that. But eliminating the biggest time wasters usually 
helps space as well (or rather, it makes it more controllable 
as you know better where you allocate memory).

Great thanks, I'll look into those.

Is there a current version of rdmd for gdc?

2014-10-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a current version of rdmd for gdc?

Re: coding practices: include whole module or only the needed function

2014-10-07 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 21:24:56 UTC, AsmMan wrote:
Which practice do you use: if you need only one or two 
functions from a module:

import myModule : func, func2;

or (import whole module, assuming no function name conflits of 

import myModule;

any words why one over the other are welcome.

I like the first one why it explicitly show why I'm importing 
such a module and I think (personally) it make code more easy 
to read/understand/maitain. Also it's very useful inside 
functions (local imports) where we can overload the function 
like in:

int f(int arg)
   import foo : f;

   return f(somethingElse, arg);

I used it recently.

Be mindful of this classic bug:

Re: 'write' crashes without extra window

2014-10-08 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 03:33:38 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
You could just wrap the write function in a try/catch to 
explicitly ignore the error.

Or if the write function is there only for debug purposes you 
could wrap it in a debug/version block.

Method signature differences in core modules on dmd and gdc?

2014-10-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've been recently trying GDC out to compile some D code and i'm 
running into the problem of differing function signatures in core 

For example:

stack.d:79: error: function core.memory.GC.calloc (ulong sz, uint 
ba = 0u) is not callable using argument types (ulong, BlkAttr, 
stack.d:110: error: function core.memory.GC.realloc (void* p, 
ulong sz, uint ba = 0u) is not callable using argument types 
(string*, ulong, BlkAttr, TypeInfo_Array)


These compile fine using DMD. Anybody know what the issue is here?

Re: Method signature differences in core modules on dmd and gdc?

2014-10-12 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 October 2014 at 19:34:30 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On Sunday, 12 October 2014 at 19:20:49 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I've been recently trying GDC out to compile some D code and 
i'm running into the problem of differing function signatures 
in core modules.

For example:

stack.d:79: error: function core.memory.GC.calloc (ulong sz, 
uint ba = 0u) is not callable using argument types (ulong, 
BlkAttr, TypeInfo_Array)
stack.d:110: error: function core.memory.GC.realloc (void* p, 
ulong sz, uint ba = 0u) is not callable using argument types 
(string*, ulong, BlkAttr, TypeInfo_Array)


These compile fine using DMD. Anybody know what the issue is 

GDC is still on version 2.065.

Ah right, so these methods changed recently?

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2014-10-17 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 16:34:04 UTC, K.K. wrote:

I'm looking for suggestions for a GUI library, to create a
somewhat light GUI that can also be created without too much
fuss, and support for Windows  Linux.

The GUI I'm looking to make would be one that is just one 

with support for tabs (just like the ones in the properties page
for items on Windows), and support for opening up file browsing
(just normal system one is good).
Then pretty much each of the tabs are just gonna be for setting
up info to send to a bunch of smaller programs.

Ive used Tcl/Tk with Python before, and I briefly tried out a D
version, with choppy results.
So what library would anyone suggest for what I'm looking to do,
or which library have you taken a liking to?

Thanks, for any suggestions!

If you want something small and simple you could try this:

Re: DDoc module description?

2014-10-19 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 01:11:39 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
Although perhaps unnecessary, I added DDoc documentation to my 
module for a short description of the body. This showed up in 
the place I wanted it to be in when I built the html 
documentation, so I was pretty happy. (below the module name 
and before any module members)

I then went to override the DDOC macro to set it up with the 
correct formatting with the rest of the site I'll be putting 
the documentation on. The single line documentation I had 
written for the module apparently does not reside in BODY, and 
with the new formatting, it just casts it to the bottom of the 
page. It now resides below the footer.

Is there anything I can do to correct this? If not then I'll 
just say screw it and not bother, but I thought it looked 
pretty nice. Especially for modules that have more than one 
class in them.

It's hard to tell what's gone wrong but i'm guessing something 
has been missed in your macro. For reference this is my ddoc file 
that i use for generating html and it works great:

		meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; 
charset=utf-8 /
		link type=text/css 
href=; rel=stylesheet 
media=all /
		script type=text/javascript 
		script type=text/javascript 
		script type=text/javascript 

H2 = h2$0/h2
H3 = h3$0/h3
STRONG = strong$0/strong
EM = em$0/em
PRE = pre$0/pre

PARAM_TABLE = table class=parameter-list$0/table
PARAM_ROW = $(TR $(TD $1)$(TD $2))

DDOC_DECL = $(H2 $0)
DDOC_DECL_DD = div class=declaration-description$0/div

DDOC_CLASS_MEMBERS = div class=class-members$0/div

DDOC_MEMBERS = div class=members$0/div
DDOC_ENUM_MEMBERS = div class=enum-members$0/div
DDOC_MODULE_MEMBERS = div class=module-members$0/div
DDOC_STRUCT_MEMBERS = div class=struct-members$0/div
DDOC_TEMPLATE_MEMBERS = div class=template-members$0/div

DDOC_SECTIONS = div class=sections$0/div

DDOC_PARAMS = $(H3 Parameters)$(PARAM_TABLE $0)

DDOC_AUTHORS = $(H3 Authors)$(P $0)
DDOC_BUGS = $(H3 Bugs)$(P $0)
DDOC_COPYRIGHT = $(H3 Copyright)$(P $0)
DDOC_DATE = $(H3 Date)$(P $0)
DDOC_DEPRECATED = $(H3 Deprecation Information)$(P $0)
DDOC_EXAMPLES = $(H3 Examples)$(P $0)
DDOC_HISTORY = $(H3 History)$(P $0)
DDOC_LICENSE = $(H3 License)$(P $0)
DDOC_RETURNS = $(H3 Return Value)$(P $0)
DDOC_SEE_ALSO = $(H3 See Also)$(P $0)
DDOC_STANDARDS = $(H3 Standards)$(P $0)
DDOC_THROWS = $(H3 Exceptions Thrown)$(P $0)
DDOC_VERSION = $(H3 Version Information)$(P $0)

DDOC_PSYMBOL = span class=symbol$0/span
DDOC_PSUPER_SYMBOL = span class=super-symbol$0/span

D_CODE = $(PRE $0)
D_COMMENT = span class=comment$0/span
D_STRING = span class=string$0/span
D_KEYWORD = span class=keyword$0/span
D_PSYMBOL = span class=symbol$0/span
D_PARAM = span class=parameter$0/span

Re: DDoc module description?

2014-10-19 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 16:44:25 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:

The problem seems to be when I do something like this.


///A module that contains blahblahblah.
module something.blah;

//Stuff goes here

What will end up happening is the generated html file turns out 
like this:

!-- All the generated stuff here --
A module that contains blahblahblah.

Try it using a normal comment style like this:

 * A module that contains blahblahblah.
module something.blah;

See if that compiles differently, it may be a bug with triple 
slash comments.

Re: DDoc module description?

2014-10-19 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 17:43:51 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
That's ok though. I can live with out it. I'll look through the 
bugzilla site and see if I can find a bug report for this or 
open up a new one.

On a side note, is there any way that I can redefine the DDOC 
macro (or any other macro) once and have it be used for every 
file? That was the only thing I couldn't seem to find in the 
documentation for it.

Just add the following line to your dmd.conf file (on GNU/Linux) 
or sc.ini file (on Windows):


Re: DDoc module description?

2014-10-20 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 01:58:27 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:

Is there no way to specify one at compile time?

Also, if I were to set the DDoc file like you suggest, does it 
look for one locally to dmd.conf/sc.ini or to the source code?

See here for full information:
The compiler checks in various places for a valid ddoc file.

Re: Why do some language-defined attributes have @ and some not?

2014-10-23 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 23 October 2014 at 00:59:26 UTC, Shriramana Sharma 
via Digitalmars-d-
I submit that the syntax for attributes should be streamlined. 
Shall I

go and open a Bugzilla item?

No need:

Re: Why do some language-defined attributes have @ and some not?

2014-10-24 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 24 October 2014 at 15:06:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
I agree that @-stuff is trivial, but I don't think Python 
sets a good example. The codebase is basically divided in two, 
libraries have to support both, and I think they should have 
changed more if going to the trouble.

Yes, Python has a real problem with this.

I would like to see a proper deprecation path implemented in D. I 
don't want my code breaking but i'm willing to accept *informed* 
deprecation, followed by removal. Even if this process takes 
place over a few years.

Re: Tagged enums why reserved words are not permitted ?

2014-10-28 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 00:51:17 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 

thing that's been done in Phobos in this type of situation is 
to put an

underscore on the end of the keyword, so you'd get

enum CrudOps { read, write, delete_ }

and while that may not be what you want, it's pretty much the 
best that you

can do.

- Jonathan M Davis

This is also mentioned in the style guide too.

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-02 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 12:11:23 UTC, Jack wrote:

Whole error is:

That's not the true error. That's dub throwing an exception when 
trying to run the built executable. As shown here:

I would suggest building the application without using dub then 
run the program through a debugger to find the location in the 
source where it's actually seg-faulting. I personally use this 

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 23:05:05 UTC, Jack wrote:
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 17:39:46 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 12:11:23 UTC, Jack wrote:

Whole error is:

That's not the true error. That's dub throwing an exception 
when trying to run the built executable. As shown here:

I would suggest building the application without using dub 
then run the program through a debugger to find the location 
in the source where it's actually seg-faulting. I personally 
use this one:

Thank you. I built the program using the compiler and debugged 

with the C::B gui version of gdb, and it spewed out information
about call stacks and things that, I confess, I have no idea 

the hell it is:

and it seems to point to line 123 in tcl.d as shown here:

And now, as I said before, don't know what this is exactly.

Looks like a threading error somewhere. What version of Tcl/Tk 
are you linking against? Are you using threads in your program? 
Tcl/Tk can be a pain with threading as i've read. There exists 
thread-friendly versions as seen here: Notice the 
--enable-threads switch.

I don't really know what to suggest. Try reducing the program 
down until you've found where the issue stops happening. It may 
be an incompatibility with SDL?

Re: Reading unicode string with readf (%s)

2014-11-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 19:47:17 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
So, if there is an idiomatic way to read the whole file into a 
string which is Unicode-compatible, it would be great to learn 
that, too.

Maybe something like this:

import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.conv;

string text = stdin

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-04 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 22:26:14 UTC, Jack wrote:

I'll try and think about this for a while
Thanks for the help sir.

No worries. I don't really know what else to suggest without 
seeing a little code. Do you have a simple full program that 
shows the error happening?

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-04 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 10:34:19 UTC, Jack wrote:
No worries. I don't really know what else to suggest without 
seeing a little code. Do you have a simple full program that 
shows the error happening?

Here's the main file:

and Here's the module:

Dependencies are DerelictSDL and Tkd.

It's the most simple one I got that reproduces the error.

Have you got a copy of the dub.json file you use?

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-04 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 18:22:49 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 10:34:19 UTC, Jack wrote:
No worries. I don't really know what else to suggest without 
seeing a little code. Do you have a simple full program that 
shows the error happening?

Here's the main file:

and Here's the module:

Dependencies are DerelictSDL and Tkd.

It's the most simple one I got that reproduces the error.

Have you got a copy of the dub.json file you use?

Ah, no matter, i've got all the libs installed and linking now.

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-04 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 10:34:19 UTC, Jack wrote:

Here's the main file:

and Here's the module:

Dependencies are DerelictSDL and Tkd.

It's the most simple one I got that reproduces the error.

If you change the way SDL is initialised it works. Instead of 




Initialising the following exhibits the crash.

// SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);

So there must be an incompatibility with the video subsystem and 

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-05 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 23:09:33 UTC, Jack wrote:
So there must be an incompatibility with the video subsystem 
and tcl/tk.

So it seems. Thank you very much for helping me.
You were a big help.

Sorry i can't do more. I'm the author of Tkd and would like to 
get to the bottom of it.

Re: scope exception do not rise

2014-11-05 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 14:04:26 UTC, MadProgressor 
The scope(failure) is translated to a try catch after the 
satement you wann monitor.

So put it before

That shouldn't matter. See:

Re: Delegates and C function pointers

2014-11-08 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 8 November 2014 at 12:23:45 UTC, Nicolas Sicard 

I would like to register a D delegate to a C API that takes a
function pointer as a callback and a void* pointer to pass data
to this callback.

My solution is in

Is this code correct? Is there something simpler or already in
Phobos that I have overlooked?

-- Nicolas

It looks very similar to what i'm doing here:

I think you can simplify it though by just using a delegate 
member in the data struct. Like this (untested):

static struct Data
void delegate() callback;

static extern(C) void adapter(void* ptr)
auto d = *(cast(Data*) ptr);

Re: Live without debugger?

2014-11-09 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 November 2014 at 08:26:59 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I know that a lot of people are using for programming tools 
like Sublime. I am one of them. But if for very simple code 
it's ok, how to write hard code?

Do you often need debugger when you are writing code? For which 
tasks debugger are more needed for you?

I mainly use Vim for writing D code and rarely rely on a debugger 
nowadays because to be frank none really worked in the past with 
D. Recently however, D has made strides forward in GDB 
compatibility (thanks to Iain Buclaw, et al) and i find it works 
really well using a nice GUI frontend. I personally use Affinic 
Debugger GUI[1].

Like you say sometimes you need to use a debugger when writing 
'hard' code to find where that crash is or just to follow the 
logic. To be honest it is a shock using any language without a 
debugger as i've been spoilt rotten by Visual Studio in the past 
but with D i manage with what i've got just fine.


Re: How to use Linux message queues?

2014-11-14 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 14 November 2014 at 16:45:45 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
Sounds like a module that should be in core.sys.linux.  Care to 
submit a pull request?

Yes, these are usually added when someone requires them.

Neven, if you're able, submitting a pull request to druntime of 
the complete module would be awesome. You can see how the others 
are structure here:

Re: How to use Linux message queues?

2014-11-15 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 November 2014 at 00:33:02 UTC, Neven wrote:

On Friday, 14 November 2014 at 16:45:45 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
Sounds like a module that should be in core.sys.linux.  Care 
to submit a pull request?

Ok, I've tried to make a module, though since I'm a D beginner 
(also a student who fiddles with D for Operating system 
classes) could you first feedback my code? I'm unsure in few 
parts which I commented on.

I spent some time reading manuals, reading through ipc.d for 
info how to do it, and reading msg.h in my distro (Linux Mint 
x86-64 17) includes.

Not a bad start. A little tip, use c_long and c_ulong from 
core.stdc.config instead of long/ulong when interfacing with C. 
This is because its size changes when compiled on different 

Re: How to use Linux message queues?

2014-11-15 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 November 2014 at 00:33:02 UTC, Neven wrote:
Ok, I've tried to make a module, though since I'm a D beginner 
(also a student who fiddles with D for Operating system classes)

Incidentally, where are you studying? It would be nice to know 
where D is being taught.

Re: TKd handling of custom events

2014-11-20 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 23:44:00 UTC, univacc wrote:


I am using TKd to dray my linux/windows app which works very 

I would like to add a global Hotkey to my program via the Win32 
API function RegisterGlobalHotkey.
Is there a possibility to access Tk's event loop so that you 
can Handle the WM_HOTKEY message, the WinAPI sends you?


I don't think this is possible in Tcl/Tk without installing an 
extension as discussed here:

Tkd doesn't rely on any extensions and is just using vanilla 

Re: [dub] Size of executable

2014-11-27 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 November 2014 at 09:33:49 UTC, Chris wrote:
I usually use dub to create and build projects. I built one of 
the projects with dub and then by hand with dmd[1] passing all 
the files etc. Turned out that the executable built with dub 
was 1.4 MB whereas the one built by hand was only 807 kB. Why 
is that?

dub compiles and links every file in the source folder whether 
it's used or not. Whereas with dmd or rdmd you only compile and 
link the files you actually use.

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