[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-09-09 Thread Ken Springer

On 9/9/11 3:40 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

The links do not lead me to assume that top posting is expected. If the
documentation group desires bottom posting only, the user should be
informed when the register. Even then, I expect that most people will
miss it. Expecting someone to follow a link and then follow another link
seems a wee bit unlikely.

Bottom posting is great when a message is not read in context of the
other messages. When I read threaded messages, it is annoying to wade
through the message history before I arrive at the content of interest.
I might prefer, therefore, that people be prodded into seriously
shortening content from all previous posters to only contain the
portions relevant to their reply.

If you read the Learn to Quote link on the netiquette page, it gets into 
why bottom posting and interspersion is or should be the desired way.

But like you, I think the LO people need to specify it directly on the 
page, even better would be for them to actually write their own 
netiquette page.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-09-10 Thread Ken Springer

On 9/9/11 11:24 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

On 09/09/2011 06:05 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 9/9/11 3:40 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

The links do not lead me to assume that top posting is expected. If the
documentation group desires bottom posting only, the user should be
informed when the register. Even then, I expect that most people will
miss it. Expecting someone to follow a link and then follow another link
seems a wee bit unlikely.

Bottom posting is great when a message is not read in context of the
other messages. When I read threaded messages, it is annoying to wade
through the message history before I arrive at the content of interest.
I might prefer, therefore, that people be prodded into seriously
shortening content from all previous posters to only contain the
portions relevant to their reply.

If you read the Learn to Quote link on the netiquette page, it gets
into why bottom posting and interspersion is or should be the desired

Read it many times. I remain unconvinced. Their points assume a single
style of reading email.

I don't think I agree totally.  I think their points apply to reading 
newsgroups, not email. :-)  I think the two should be kept separate 
since they server different purposes.

I read my email in a threaded view. Usually, I have already read
everything but the latest reply, so, the the top portion of the message
is not required (and is therefore ignored). Unfortunately, it is common
for there to be so much of the message included, that I need to scroll
to view the new text. In other words, it is less efficient and it wastes
my time. (to put it into context, I have counted the steps required to
get to my car when I leave work by different routes)


I receive a very large volume of email. It is usually less than 1000
messages a day, but, still, the time and physical movements to scroll to
the bottom of each message is sufficient to stress my wrists and hands.
So, if I can skim the new content in less than two seconds, and it takes
me longer than that to even get to the new content, well, then I more
than double the time I spend skimming email.

The bigger concern for me is neither bottom nor top posting, it is
trimming the message if you do not top post. With a top post, I can
trivially see the response.

"I feel your pain!"  A poster in another newsgroup said that to me, and 
I've been looking for a place to use it!   LOL

I find top posted posts harder to follow the flow of the message.  My 
preference would be interspersion, since your reply is right below the 
part of a post you are replying to.  Top posting is like the old Karnak 
routine Johnny Carson had on the Tonight Show.  He'd give the answer, 
then tell you the question inside a sealed envelope.  Most of the time, 
when I read a top posted message, I end up scrolling through the message 
anyway, wondering "What the H*** is he/she talking about?":-D

So I suspect it's not going to make much difference about message length 
whether you top, bottom, or intersperse you posts, it's going to be the 
poster and the tools used (i.e. what agent you are using to read the 
posts) that will ultimately make a post easy to read or not.

Seriously, though, I checked the source for your message, and we both 
are using Thunderbird 6.

Within the last week, I learned about the QuoteCollapse add-on.  It 
takes each quoted section of a reply, and collapses it to one line. 
There's a little plus sign that will let you expand that section to full 
length.  It's great for those posts where there's been no trimming, but 
lots of replies.

At this point, this add-on would seem to eliminate the need of trimming, 

Add it to your TB, I'd like to know what you think of it.  It may do a 
lot to solve your issues and concerns.

If the author for Quote Colors would make that add-on compatible with TB 
6, then replying would be easier, IMO.

But like you, I think the LO people need to specify it directly on the
page, even better would be for them to actually write their own
netiquette page.

If they care, they should write it. Yes.

Or, given the resources they have, a dedicated netiquette page is just 
too far down the priority list, and/or no one has offered to do it.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-09-10 Thread Ken Springer

On 9/7/11 6:16 PM, NoOp wrote:

For those that continue to insist on top posting on the LO lists: please
consider bottom posting with interspersed replies.

Sadly, it won't matter what rules are in effect if there is no desire to 
enforce them.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-09-10 Thread Ken Springer

On 9/10/11 12:25 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 05:31:50AM -0600, Ken Springer wrote:


At this point, this add-on would seem to eliminate the need of
trimming, too.

Of course that would screw non-TB users.

Not all of them.  And look at the number of untrimmed posts anyway.  :-)

I wasn't necessarily saying people should stop trimming altogether, it 
can still be useful.  But it would eliminate the writer's quandary of 
should I trim this or should I not?

And, there's nothing to stop users who have software that doesn't 
collapse a quote from looking around to find software that does.  I 
would think there are dedicated newsgroup reading software that has this 


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-09-11 Thread Ken Springer

On 9/11/11 10:35 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

On 09/10/2011 07:31 AM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 9/9/11 11:24 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

On 09/09/2011 06:05 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
Read it many times. I remain unconvinced. Their points assume a single
style of reading email.

I don't think I agree totally. I think their points apply to reading
newsgroups, not email. :-) I think the two should be kept separate
since they server different purposes.

Ahh, yes indeed. You are correct sir.

Seriously, though, I checked the source for your message, and we both
are using Thunderbird 6.

Within the last week, I learned about the QuoteCollapse add-on. It
takes each quoted section of a reply, and collapses it to one line.
There's a little plus sign that will let you expand that section to
full length. It's great for those posts where there's been no
trimming, but lots of replies.

I usually avoid add-ons because I consider them a potential cause for
instability (well, it seemed true for web browsers). In this case,
however, I made an exception. Very nice indeed. That certainly helps
with all those gratuitous posters.

If they care, they should write it. Yes.

Or, given the resources they have, a dedicated netiquette page is just
too far down the priority list, and/or no one has offered to do it.

Those that feel strongly about it should push it through and do the
work. I do not want them to make the decision that only bottom posting
should be done. I have no desire for them to do this, I just want people
to play nice.

Even if they did push it through, if no one enforces the eventual rule, 
the time will be wasted.  I'd prefer interspersion, as I almost always 
have to scroll around somewhere in order to remember what was being 
replied to.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-09-13 Thread Ken Springer

On 9/12/11 2:10 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2011-09-10 7:31 AM, Ken Springer  wrote:

At this point, this add-on would seem to eliminate the need of trimming,

No, no, NO... trimming should still be required.

All QuoteCollapse does is spare me a lot of pain when I encounter morons
who refuse to trim posts...

The inherent problem with trimming is the danger of a message being 
trimmed to the point where the point of the conversation is lost, or the 
meaning of the conversation has changed.

Another problem is when a new viewer comes to the conversation somewhere 
in the middle.  Instead of having *all* of the conversation available to 
view in a single window, the new viewer now has to sort back though all 
the reference messages and try to keep track of which message comes first.

I would rather have them available in one place, rather than scattered 
all over the place.  :-)

FYI, I see no reason to call someone a moron because you don't like the 
way another person replies to a message.  :-)


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-10-18 Thread Ken Springer

On 10/17/2011 4:58 AM, Wolf Halton wrote:

What gives
anybody the right to rag about others' correspondence style, really?

If you are doing individual emails between friends, no one really, IMO, 
other than your friends.  And I do have a friend I've taken to task 
about his random method of replying to emails, especially as it pertains 
to our efforts to start a business.

But this is not email amongst friends.  This is group of individuals 
trying to communicate and share information.

In any group, you have to have a set of rules everyone must follow if 
the group is to function successfully.  It doesn't matter if the group 
is a car club, church group, management structure of a company, local 
government, examples could be almost limitless.

When folks choose not to follow those rules, the system breaks down and 
less gets accomplished.

Forums are a good example of this.  Ever read the last message in a 
forum, then spend15 minutes searching for the message the last poster 
was replying to?  Or, read a long post, and want to try to sort things 
in that post chronologically when some people have top posted, some have 
bottom posted, and others have  interspersed?   :-)  Personally, I've 
got better things to do than scroll back and forth through jumbled posts 
and long forum threads, which is why I don't use forums on a regular 
basis.  They waste my time.

Which is easier to search through, a filing cabinet where everything is 
organized by some system, or a filing cabinet where everything is just 
tossed in the drawer?  If everyone in a group, like this newsgroup, does 
whatever they want, you have example two of the filing cabinet.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Top Posting... Can we have an LO Mailing List Guidelines Page?

2011-10-19 Thread Ken Springer

On 10/18/11 11:14 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Sorry Ken, feeling grumpy.

No offense taken, Andrew.

I hate spammers!

Ditto, as well as thieves.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Just a question

2011-10-31 Thread Ken Springer

On 10/29/11 4:41 PM, Jean-Paul Ghys wrote:

But first a statement !Godammit !It is awfully difficult to get in touch with 
the LibreOffice
 Foundation !Remember:"Kiss" !This is not a claim. Just wishng to 
understand. And speaking in
 a language which is not my mother language.Can you understand this ?I 
was just saying - but this ismy fifth try using different
   email addreses- that :"I
 cannot understand how comes Sophie Gautier has no mandate
 whatsoever.To my knowledge, she has always been from the very 
beginning a
 very active member first of the OpenOffice community and, from
 its very beginning, from the LibreOfficeFoundation.Remember: I'am not 
questioning the votes, just asking a
 question.Sincerely yours,Jean-Paul Ghys"

Hi, Florian,

With all due respect, I have to agree with Jean-Paul.

I won't go into details here, I suspect such a discussion probably 
should be on the website list and/or done privately in a design discussion.

I will say this...  If I had contracted the programmers of LO's website 
for an easy to use website, the only way I would pay anything for what 
*I* see on the site, is if the payment was court ordered.

I wish I felt differently about the site.  :-(


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Just a question

2011-10-31 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Florian,

On 10/31/11 1:44 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Hi Ken,

Ken Springer wrote on 2011-10-31 17:28:

I won't go into details here, I suspect such a discussion probably
should be on the website list and/or done privately in a design discussion.

I will say this... If I had contracted the programmers of LO's website
for an easy to use website, the only way I would pay anything for what
*I* see on the site, is if the payment was court ordered.

I wish I felt differently about the site. :-(

well, I agree that the TDF website itself is a bit out of date and needs
work, no doubt. Especially the mailing lists are somehow buried in other
content. The LibO sites, however, look much better to me and also
reference to the mailing lists.

About generally getting in contact with TDF, I think that's easy:
www.documentfoundation.org ->  Contact ->  click on one of the mail addresses

This site I didn't know existed!  I wonder if the same is true for 
Jean-Paul.  Quite often, in the different mailing lists, you will see 
The Document Foundation mentioned in a message.

I have always gone here, http://www.libreoffice.org/, to get information 
about LO.  And of course, at the top of the pages, the The Document 
Foundation is listed directly below Libre Office.  Try to find a link to 
The Document Foundation here.   :-)

It was the libreoffice.org pages that my negative comments were about, 
not The Document Foundation pages you mentioned.

Any valueable feedback is welcome, of course. Regarding the TDF website,
I indeed plan on calling the website mailing list soon to rework the

I've only spent a few minutes on the TDF site, now, initial reaction is, 
very nice.  Although I may have found something not quite right.  But, 
that's for another thread/day.  :-)

The LibreOffice site should be as well done.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Just a question

2011-11-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 10/31/11 4:52 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Jean-Paul Ghys wrote on 2011-10-30 00:41:

But first a statement !Godammit !It is awfully difficult to get in touch with 
the LibreOffice
  Foundation !Remember:"Kiss" !This is not a claim. Just wishng to 
understand. And speaking in

it is not. ;-) There is a contact section on the website, and all our
mailing lists are listed in public.

Hi, Florian,

With all due respect, I have to agree with Jean-Paul.

I won't go into details here, I suspect such a discussion probably 
should be on the website list and/or done privately in a design discussion.

I will say this...  If I had contracted the programmers of LO's website 
for an easy to use website, the only way I would pay anything for what 
*I* see on the site, is if the payment was court ordered.

I wish I felt differently about the site.  :-(


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Just a question

2011-11-02 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Marc,

On 11/1/11 11:45 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

Hi Ken,

Le 2011-10-31 10:41, Ken Springer a écrit :

On 10/31/11 4:52 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Jean-Paul Ghys wrote on 2011-10-30 00:41:

But first a statement !Godammit !It is awfully difficult to get in
touch with the LibreOffice
Foundation !Remember:"Kiss" !This is not a claim. Just wishng to
understand. And speaking in

it is not. ;-) There is a contact section on the website, and all our
mailing lists are listed in public.

Hi, Florian,

With all due respect, I have to agree with Jean-Paul.

I won't go into details here, I suspect such a discussion probably
should be on the website list and/or done privately in a design discussion.

I will say this... If I had contracted the programmers of LO's website
for an easy to use website, the only way I would pay anything for what
*I* see on the site, is if the payment was court ordered.

I wish I felt differently about the site. :-(

Let's keep in mind that this is a community run project. If you have any
suggestions, please make a list and we can discuss the merits of your
suggestions along with you input. It would be nice to see a list of even
a mock-up of what you would have wanted from your "contractors". Keep in
mind though that we will collectively decide if it will be added to the
site through discussion.

Make a list and mockup?

You should also submit your mockup to the design team. If you have any
skills in web design you could even offer to help just as you are doing

Hopefully, you've read my reply to Florian about the websites and 
potential confusion if you are at the LO site and not the TDF site.

I've been watching the user forum thread in this list, most of which is 
beyond my understanding, and may post a comment of what I would like to 
see when it comes to how the whole process appears to an end user.

What would a mockup consist of?


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[tdf-discuss] Re: user forums ?

2011-11-02 Thread Ken Springer

On 10/28/11 4:16 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:


I noticed that the old users forums from OOo are not available any more.
I was not a frequent visitor, but helped a bit with questions (on the
Dutch language version) now and then. There was a mixture of questions
related to OOo and of course increasingly LibreOffice.

I've been reading this thread as it has developed, and will admit, the 
technical aspects of the discussion are well over my head.

My interest in the discussion was not the technical issues of who does 
this, how LO help areas are interfaced with others, where this or that 
is stored, but what does the average user discover when he/she comes to 
the LO or TDF website in search of help.

With all due respect to those reading this message and using the LO 
mailing lists, regardless of how they access the mailing list, you are 
*not* the average user I encounter.

IMO, when a person finally figures out what's going on with the help 
system at LO, it is the best overall system I've seen in years.  (The 
website needs a lot of help, IMO.  :-) )

What I like about LO's overall help system is any individual can access 
*all* community help efforts regardless of the method of help the user 
prefers.  Although, it's not always easy.  :-)

If you prefer your help system to be a mailing list, that's available 
directly from LO.

If you prefer your help system to be a forum, that's available through 
the Nabble interface and Gmane.

If you like the threaded type view, it's available through LO, and 
Gmane, with varying degrees of sophistication vs. ease of use.

If you prefer printed documentation, it's available via the various 
guides available on LO's website.

Regardless of the technical issues discussed in this thread, if you 
maintain the 4 above methods of obtaining help, or equivalents to those 
options, you will be ahead of everyone else's help system I've used.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Just a question

2011-11-03 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Marc,

On 11/2/11 2:57 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

Hi Ken

Le 2011-11-02 11:53, Ken Springer a écrit :

Hopefully, you've read my reply to Florian about the websites and
potential confusion if you are at the LO site and not the TDF site.

I've been watching the user forum thread in this list, most of which is
beyond my understanding, and may post a comment of what I would like to
see when it comes to how the whole process appears to an end user.

What would a mockup consist of?

We have had some discussions on revising some pages on the site and the
design team is just now getting to some design changes. It may look like
the TDF and LibreOffice sites were just thrown together and in part,
yes, they were put together in a very short amount of time due to
various reason. But, as we are ALL volunteers and help the community
with our available time, some changes may seem to come slowly. But
changes will eventually come around depending on the number o f people
who are able to make the changes.

I saw the design change discussions earlier, but simply didn't have time 
to post a thoughtful reply.  I have noticed the new 'banner" at the top 
of each main page, nicely done.

I think one of the biggest disappointment for me, on the LO pages, is 
all the basic design rules that I learned about in an introductory web 
design class I took, were not followed.  Rules, that if I didn't follow 
in class, I got marked down for.  Sadly, most pages these days don't 
follow many rules.  Guess where I rarely go   LOL

As we are a very large group, discussions about the website design were
taken up on this thread and the design thread. You will have to read
back on the different threads about this to catch up on what was
discussed so far.

More importantly, the design team has elaborated some suggested design
changes stemming from past discussions with the community. For example,
the downloads pages needs reworking and you the process is just now
getting to the point of final review. You can see this process on the
design team's whiteboard[1]. You can see some mockups on that page.

I checked out the whiteboard, I do like that look.  Much simpler, IMO, 
but gets the job done.

If you feel you could contribute with concrete suggestions, feel free to
join the design team and suggest some of these on that particular list.
It is important that if you are going to contribute, that you do not
bring objections to the discussions but rather ideas and positive
suggestions relating to design. The designers will not listen nor work
with people ranting negative statements as they are all volunteers and
offer their help through their free time. BTW, they are an awesome bunch!

I try not to rant, although my writing style may read that way to some.

And I may try to offer some observations on the design, although those 
observations may be too late.  I try to make my observation,s when 
viewing something computer related, as if I was the type of user who 
doesn't even know how the computer organizes/stores files on a hard 
drive.  To be specific, like a friend of mine who I still don't think 
understands what a web browser is or does.

Now that I know what a "mockup" is, that is way beyond my ability to 
create, without an awful lot of work at my end.  The best I could do 
would be to provide an organizational chart of how I would arrange and 
link pages, with some comments on the content of the pages.  In 
preparation for the other post I just wrote, I found a problem on the 
Nabble related pages.  I can be on Level B of the hierarchy, click a 
link to go up to Level A, but then there's no link to get back down to 
Level B.   :-)


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[tdf-discuss] Re: user forums ?

2011-11-03 Thread Ken Springer

On 11/3/11 5:19 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Ken Springer wrote on 2011-11-02 22:48:

If you prefer your help system to be a forum, that's available through
the Nabble interface and Gmane.

sadly, Nabble is not seen as forum at all. I don't know why, but many -
especially novice - users have complained and do not use Nabble. My wish
was indeed to have this forum-style gateway to have access to the same
content with two interfaces, but it obviously didn't work out, which is
why I am considering a "real" forum.

I'm not a regular forum user or fan, I only use them when there is no 
other option, and Google, Ask.com, and others have failed me.  I quit 
going to MS when they dropped official support for newsgroups.  My 
feeling is, if you have to resort to Google and others to find answers 
that should be easy to find on an official website, then there is 
something wrong with the help system on that website.  So maybe there is 
something to a forum that I'm missing.

I sure don't see the difference between Nabble and any other forum 
layout.  Are the complaints about Nabble that it's hard to use, hard to 
find, or something else?

To me, a forum is like going to a public bulletin board at your local 
store, posting a note, then coming back later to see if anyone posted an 
answer.  You leave another note, and come back later to try to find a 
reply.  After awhile, the notes you want to read are spread all over the 
bulletin board, and trying to find a previous note that relates to 
something you wrote is just time wasting.  I have other things I'd 
rather do.

Which is why I prefer the threaded view of a newsgroup.  It's like a 
well organized filing system, everything sorted and arranged to be 
easily found.  So much easier to find the relevant messages.

Whatever happens with the the Nabble/forum style of help, I think a big 
plus would be to have a way of handling images, rather than forcing the 
user/poster to put those images somewhere else on the web and then 
provide a link.  That may be something a new LO user may not understand 
how to do.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: user forums ?

2011-11-03 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Augustine,

On 11/3/11 8:12 AM, Augustine Souza wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2011, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> "sadly, Nabble is not seen as forum at all. I don't know why, but many
> - especially novice - users have complained and do not use Nabble. My
> wish was indeed to have this forum-style gateway to have access to the
> same content with two interfaces, but it obviously didn't work out,
> which is why I am considering a "real" forum."
> As a novice user, I made two posts in the Nabble "forum" under the
> login name "chimak111". The first was promptly and efficiently dealt
> with by Cor Nouys (I'm spelling from memory).
And this is a perfect example of what is truly excellent with the LO
help system.

As you stated later in your post, you prefer a forums format, but I
prefer a newsgroup style format.  Essentially, a newsgroup format is
similar to Nabble's threaded view.

What is important, IMO, to us as end users, is the ability to see
absolutely all help requests regardless of the format you prefer to use.
  You cannot do this at Apple.  You cannot do this at Microsoft.  You
cannot do this at Mozilla (Thunderbird, Firefox, and others).  At least,
I have not discovered any way to do it.  I actually just discovered
Nabble's threaded view today, researching for this post.

I do not use Nabble at all, I use Thunderbird to read the LO mailing
lists, because of the things I can do with Thunderbird, overall, that I
cannot accomplish if I used the threaded view of Nabble.

If you want to know why I use Thunderbird vs. Nabble, please start a new
thread so we are not off topic, or send an email asking the question.
> The second post may be used to illustrate the current state of the
> Nabble "forum". At issue was the functioning of the global menu bar to
> "integrate" LibreOffice with the Unity aspect of Ubuntu 11.10. A
> couple of responses by "Tom" were to the point. The rest was the type
> of thing seen when there isn't active moderation of posts. The thread
> digressed to the merits and demerits of Unity, Ubuntu, Canonical,
> Linux, and what have you.
You wrote "The rest was the type of thing seen when there isn't active
moderation of posts."  And that is the crux of the problem, as I stated
in a different thread.  LO needs to have active moderation of posts,
ensuring the posts follow the netiquette rules adopted by TDF/LO.  As I
pointed out in another thread, I think the subject was on top posting,
if you don't enforce the rules, why bother to even have them?
> The link to this second post is here:

> Nabble, not per se but for want of moderation or etiquette, shows the
> same weakness of mailing lists in that material is quoted and
> requoted, mostly unnecessarily. Then there are the unwanted headers
> and footers that just bulk up each post and make havoc in posts
> containing quotes and requotes.
I think the problem is twofold.

Problem 1:  In the case of LO, all of the support options, Nabble,
Gmane, mailing lists, etc., all access the same database in the
background (if I understand the inner workings correctly.  So the
moderation only needs to be active on the database.  But as you noted,
there is no one enforcing the netiquette rules.  IMO, the rules are
nicely done, but inadequate in some areas.  That's not meant to
criticize the author, I do not know what guidelines he was working under.

Problem 2:  Lack of knowledge on the part of the user.  How many users
of the LO help system have ever read the netiquette link at the bottom
of every posted message?

IMO, LO could do a lot to solve problem 2, but I don't know if that
subject has ever been discussed.
> I know that moderators are not a dime a dozen, but without strong
> moderation, any forum or mailing list can become quite unattractive.
> All the same, I'd prefer a forum.
> Here's wishing that LibreOffice and its volunteers all the best.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: user forums ?

2011-11-03 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Augustine,

On 11/3/11 8:12 AM, Augustine Souza wrote:

On Nov 3, 2011, Florian Effenberger wrote:
"sadly, Nabble is not seen as forum at all. I don't know why, but many
- especially novice - users have complained and do not use Nabble. My
wish was indeed to have this forum-style gateway to have access to the
same content with two interfaces, but it obviously didn't work out,
which is why I am considering a "real" forum."

As a novice user, I made two posts in the Nabble "forum" under the
login name "chimak111". The first was promptly and efficiently dealt
with by Cor Nouys (I'm spelling from memory).

And this is a perfect example of what is truly excellent with the LO 
help system.

As you stated later in your post, you prefer a forums format, but I 
prefer a newsgroup style format.  Essentially, a newsgroup format is 
similar to Nabble's threaded view.

What is important, IMO, to us as end users, is the ability to see 
absolutely all help requests regardless of the format you prefer to use. 
 You cannot do this at Apple.  You cannot do this at Microsoft.  You 
cannot do this at Mozilla (Thunderbird, Firefox, and others).  At least, 
I have not discovered any way to do it.  I actually just discovered 
Nabble's threaded view today, researching for this post.

I do not use Nabble at all, I use Thunderbird to read the LO mailing 
lists, because of the things I can do with Thunderbird, overall, that I 
cannot accomplish if I used the threaded view of Nabble.

If you want to know why I use Thunderbird vs. Nabble, please start a new 
thread so we are not off topic, or send an email asking the question.

The second post may be used to illustrate the current state of the
Nabble "forum". At issue was the functioning of the global menu bar to
"integrate" LibreOffice with the Unity aspect of Ubuntu 11.10. A
couple of responses by "Tom" were to the point. The rest was the type
of thing seen when there isn't active moderation of posts. The thread
digressed to the merits and demerits of Unity, Ubuntu, Canonical,
Linux, and what have you.

You wrote "The rest was the type of thing seen when there isn't active 
moderation of posts."  And that is the crux of the problem, as I stated 
in a different thread.  LO needs to have active moderation of posts, 
ensuring the posts follow the netiquette rules adopted by TDF/LO.  As I 
pointed out in another thread, I think the subject was on top posting, 
if you don't enforce the rules, why bother to even have them?

The link to this second post is here:

Nabble, not per se but for want of moderation or etiquette, shows the
same weakness of mailing lists in that material is quoted and
requoted, mostly unnecessarily. Then there are the unwanted headers
and footers that just bulk up each post and make havoc in posts
containing quotes and requotes.

I think the problem is twofold.

Problem 1:  In the case of LO, all of the support options, Nabble, 
Gmane, mailing lists, etc., all access the same database in the 
background (if I understand the inner workings correctly.  So the 
moderation only needs to be active on the database.  But as you noted, 
there is no one enforcing the netiquette rules.  IMO, the rules are 
nicely done, but inadequate in some areas.  That's not meant to 
criticize the author, I do not know what guidelines he was working under.

Problem 2:  Lack of knowledge on the part of the user.  How many users 
of the LO help system have ever read the netiquette link at the bottom 
of every posted message?

IMO, LO could do a lot to solve problem 2, but I don't know if that 
subject has ever been discussed.

I know that moderators are not a dime a dozen, but without strong
moderation, any forum or mailing list can become quite unattractive.
All the same, I'd prefer a forum.


Here's wishing that LibreOffice and its volunteers all the best.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 7.0.1
Thunderbird 7.0.1
LibreOffice 3.3.4

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[tdf-discuss] Re: Just a question

2011-11-04 Thread Ken Springer

On 11/3/11 10:32 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

Hi Ken

Le 2011-11-02 18:27, Ken Springer a écrit :

Now that I know what a "mockup" is, that is way beyond my ability to
create, without an awful lot of work at my end. The best I could do
would be to provide an organizational chart of how I would arrange and
link pages, with some comments on the content of the pages. In
preparation for the other post I just wrote, I found a problem on the
Nabble related pages. I can be on Level B of the hierarchy, click a link
to go up to Level A, but then there's no link to get back down to Level
B. :-)

On the contrary, you comments have added to the discussion and brought
out some good points. Being able to do mockups is a bonus for people who
can throw one together along with their arguments, but words are still
quite useful for all of us. We are still reading your recommendations.

Thank you.  It's nice to know that comments are appreciated.  I read a 
lot of comments in the Mozilla groups where users wonder if anyone even 
cares what users think.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: user forums ?

2011-11-04 Thread Ken Springer
Apologies for the double post, but the Gmane system is giving me 
fits...  Again!  :-(

I actually wrote and sent the second post before the first post even 
showed up for me.  Note the huge difference between the timestamps.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: user forums ?

2011-11-07 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Florian,

On 11/7/11 3:55 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Tom Hart wrote on 2011-11-07 02:11:

Maybe this looks more like a forum?


The key idea here is to have an etablished system newsgroup under the
hood (for the more "conserative" users) and a fancy webinterface forum
(for the "new" generation). So to enable exchange between those two user
groups (the author also writes about the ides behind this software on
his blog) - and free choice of reader for everyone.

thanks for this proposal! Indeed, an interesting approach, as in the
beginning, I was also thinking about setting up an NNTP server (which
could even interact with the mailing lists).

However, the clear feedback I got from users it that they want "a forum
they know", i.e. phpBB or something in these terms. That's why I am so
hesitant against other solutions, although technology-wise, they would
make sense.

If the look and feel of a newsgroup server is "a forum they know", does 
it make any difference what is running in the background?

How would that be any different than reading the LO mailings lists in a 
newsgroup reader using Gmane?

It's about the users and their needs, and even if we see things
different, we should follow their demands to give them a good
experience, IMHO.

Exactly, and give users the interface they are comfortable using.  For 
me, it's a newsgroup "experience".  I, and I suspect most users, care 
less what is the driving force behind what they see on their monitor. 
They just need to have something on their monitor they are used to 
using, and/or are satisfied with the way they perceive the system to work.

I know mailing lists, which I despise and find horribly wasteful for me, 
are the underpinnings of the NNTP display I see, but I don't care.  :-) 
 I can access the content of the mailing list using a format that fits 
me.   :-)

FWIW, if nothing else, I would suggest LO look at their own Gmane and 
Nabble type access to the mailing list.  Recent and ongoing experiences 
with those interfaces for a different software product indicates to me 
that using third party services to provide those types of access is not 
the way to go.  You have no control over the performance of third party 

I will once again say, that of all the open source programs I've tried 
and would like to use, LO is far and away the best organization at 
providing a help system for everyone.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: New "LibreOffice Reader" Eliminates Need for "PDF Reader"

2011-07-07 Thread Ken Springer

On 6/23/11 3:40 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
> This thread is really about proposing, to the devs, the possibility of
> creating a "LibreOffice Reader" similar to the "Adobe .pdf Reader".

I'm just an LO user, not a programmer, beta tester, proof reader, I just 
want a reliable set of programs.

I'm not trying to "rain on anyone's parade", but I have to ask... 
Wouldn't a project like this be simply "reinventing the wheel"?  (I see 
I'm not the only one with this viewpoint.)

I've just read the entire thread up to this point, and have these 

1.  Why?  As another poster noted, there are already free readers for 
PDF out there as alternatives to Adobe Reader.  As you can tell from my 
signature, I use a Mac.  OS X gives me the ability to read PDF files 
within the OS files, right out of the box.  Of what use would I need 
another reader for?  Plus, OS X gives me the option to create a PDF file 
as part of the print dialogue.

2.  Creating another program from LO means another program that needs 
support.  I'd rather see LO's resources be applied to adding new 
features, fixing bugs, and streamlining the code to make it run faster. 
 Docx file handling and Base apparently have numerous problems, at 
least that's my impression from the User mailing list.  As soon as Adobe 
or whomever changes the PDF specifications, LO would have to spend time 
and resources to fix the code in any LO reader. (And not the first to 
think of fixing bugs.  :-) )

3.  MS has a reason to produce a viewer for MS Office.  A lot of people 
don't have the product.  If you send an Office file to someone who does 
not have Office, they would have to buy it.  :-)  But, LO is free, why 
have a reader that just reads PDF and/or open document files, when you 
can download the entire product, and then edit and make changes?  Maybe 
it would be a decent idea to allow users to simply download the portion 
of LO they actually need and will use, rather than the whole package. (I 
see I'm not the first one to think of this.  :-) )  There are some 
alternative office packages for Windows that allow this.  Crystal Office 
is one, and I suspect there are others.  Papyrus and Ashampoo Office 
contain only the most used portions of a full office suite.

4.  Someone mentioned X number of LO users.  And I would say  So? 
That's no guarantee they will use the viewer.  Why would they?  They 
have the suite.  I would think the most likely group of users to 
need/use any LO reader would be users who do *not* have LO installed.

5.  LO is not the only office suite out there, especially for the 
Windows platform, that are simpler than MS Office, and cheaper.  Many of 
them read/write some version of MS Office files.

6. If exchanging files for editing is the goal, and the files are basic 
word processor files, there's always RTF.

Just this user's perspective on the idea of a reader from LO.

Size of the Adobe install has been mentioned.  On my Mac, Reader 10, 
approaches 300 MB.

Personally, if the document is important to me, I find reading the 
printed version to be easier than on screen.  And I can sit in my 
favorite chair, instead of in front of a computer.  FYI, I hate laptops. 

This is a late reply, my apologies.  But, it appears the Gmane interface 
is not working for me when I want to post.  There seems to be no issue 
with receiving.


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[tdf-discuss] Testing

2011-07-11 Thread Ken Springer

My apologies if this message appears in the mailing list.

Sending of messages to LO newsgroups has become intermittent, I'm trying 
to determine what works and what doesn't.

Ken Springer

"All progress depends upon the unreasonable person."
George Bernard Shaw

"Cheap prices make for cheap goods; cheap goods make for
cheap men; and cheap men make for a cheap country!"
President William McKinley


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[tdf-discuss] Gmane sending issues

2011-07-29 Thread Ken Springer
If Gmane was working correctly for me, sending a text only message
to the mailing list would be simple.So I hope this comes out OK.:-(I can't 
get sending of messages to any of the Document Foundation
newsgroups to work.The message are in my sent folder, but never
show up in the mailing list.I receive messages via Gmane just
fine.Where and/or to whom to I go to figure out the 
problem?Thanks.--~~~~~~~~Ken Springer"All progress 
depends upon the unreasonable person."George Bernard Shaw"Cheap prices make for 
cheap goods; cheap goods make forcheap men; and cheap men make for a cheap 
country!"President William 

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Gmane sending issues

2011-07-30 Thread Ken Springer
Hi, Florian,On 7/30/11 2:28 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:Hi,Ken Springer wrote 
on 2011-07-29 23:47:If Gmane was working correctly for me,
sending a text only message to the mailing list would be simple.So 
I hope this comes
out OK.:-(I can't get sending of messages to any of the Document
Foundation newsgroups to work.The message are in my sent folder, but
never show up in the mailing list.I receive messages via Gmane
just fine.Where and/or to whom to I go to figure out the
problem?did you send this message via GMANE, or via different 
means?FlorianOriginal message and this reply sent via Thunderbird 5.0 after
signing up for the mailing list.
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Gmane sending issues

2011-07-31 Thread Ken Springer
Hi, Florian,On 7/30/11 6:54 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:Hi,Ken Springer wrote 
on 2011-07-30 14:00:Original message and this reply sent via
Thunderbird 5.0 aftersigning up for the mailing list.do you use the 
same mail address at GMANE as you are subscribed
  with to this list?I think you've possibly found the problem.:-)The answer 
is probably... no.:-)Without explaining at my end (damaged a finger badly 
at work
yesterday, and want to keep typing to a minimum), is there a way to
determine the email address on file for my GMANE account?I'd bet
it's different than this one.I didn't easily find a way to do that on the 
web page(s).Ken
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-07-31 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Larry,

On Sun Jul 31 12:39:57 2011, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/07/31 12:18 PM Ken Springer wrote:
is there a way to determine the email address on file for my GMANE 
account? I'd bet it's different than this one.I didn't easily find a 
way to do that on the web page(s).Ken
In Thunderbird, go to "Tools/Account Settings". Select your Gmane 
account. The email address is listed under the Default Identity for your 
Gmane account.

Yea, knew that.  :-)

But, after thinking overnight about Florian's message, I realized that 
the email address there, which is this email address, may not be the 
one I originally used.  It dawned on me that originally, I had 
originally signed up with the nomail option for LO, and that original 
address may no longer exist.  :-)

In other words, I may now be receiving GMANE addresses via one email 
address, and this message thread via another email address.


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-07-31 Thread Ken Springer
Hi, Larry,On 7/31/11 1:20 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:On 2011/07/31 1:02 PM  Ken 
Springer wrote:Hi, Larry,On Sun Jul 31 12:39:57 2011, Larry Gusaas wrote:On 
2011/07/31 12:18 PM Ken Springer
  wrote:is there a way to determine the email
address on file for my GMANE account? I'd bet it's different
than this one.I didn't easily find a way to do that on the
web page(s).KenIn Thunderbird, go to "Tools/Account Settings". 
Select your
  Gmane account. The email address is listed under the Default
  Identity for your Gmane account.Yea, knew that.  :-)But, after 
thinking overnight about Florian's message, I
realized that the email address there, which is this email
address, may not be the one I originally used.  It dawned on me
that originally, I had originally signed up with the nomail
option for LO, and that original address may no longer exist. 
:-)That would explain why you couldn't post through gmane. Since the
  address listed in your gmane account is the same as the address
  used in this post you should now be able to post through gmaneBut, when I 
signed up *again* for the LO mailing list, I'll bet I
used a different email address, and that technically, I've got two
mailing list accounts at LO, and that may be part of the problem.IOW, I 
have one account that is "no email blahblah@unknown_account.net" and one 
account at
"wordworks@greeleynet.comand somehow there is confusion between
GMANE, LO, and me.So, if I could get rid of "no email 
at LO, assuming this *is* the problem, maybe the problem will go
away all on its own.  At least, it will be one address that doesn't
have to be tracked and recorded at LO.  :-)In other words, I may now be 
GMANE addresses via one email address, and this message thread
via another email address.You do not receive gmane posts through your 
email address, but
  through your NNTP newsreader. The email address is only used so
  you can also be reached by email to confirm your subscription and
  so you can be contacted privately.Granted.  But, that's not quite what 
I'm trying to say.  :-)I'm saying I'm reading and responding to this thread 
using the email
component of Thunderbird.  But, the GMANE NNTP component of
Thunderbird is using the "blah, blah, blah" account for
verification.  And "blah, blah, blah" no longer exists, so there is
no verification possible.Try posting a message through gmane to see if it 
works. If so you
  could change your account at LO to nomail.That's what I was planning, but 
I want to know the cause before I
effect a cure.  If my suspicion is correct, and I only fix the
wordworks address, I may end up receiving duplicate messages.  :-)Ken
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-07-31 Thread Ken Springer
Hi, Larry,On 7/31/11 2:28 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:Please fix your quote 
attribution. It is almost impossible to pick
  out your comments in this mess.I would if I knew how  And *if* it was 
easy to do for just the
LO messages.  I'm not happy with the way TB 5.0 works, and getting close to 
looking for something else.  I
loved TB 3.6.16.  And it worked the way I wanted.This account is set to use 
HTML, one of the reasons I want the GMANE
NNTP account to work. That's set to text only, and I've absolutely no 
interest or time to
deal with it here for atemporary situation.I'll try some manual formatting 
and see what happens.You said "But, the GMANE NNTP component of Thunderbird is 
  the "blah, blah, blah" account for verification." You previously
  stated that the address listed in you gmane account settings is
  the same as the one in this email. That is the address used for
  verification, not your "blah, blah, blah" address.Apparently not.  :-(  I 
sent a test message to this group/mailing
list via the GMANE NNTP account an hour and fifteen minutes ago.  It
hasn't shown up yet.However, using the email account works fine.  :-)  As 
does a test
send to the Mozilla newsserver.
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer
Hi, Larry,On 7/31/11 6:17 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:On 2011/07/31 5:28 PM Ken 
Springer wrote:Hi, Larry,On
  7/31/11 2:28 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:Please fix your quoteattribution. 
It is almost impossible to pick out your comments
  in thismess.I would if I
  knew how And*if*it was easy to do for just theLO messages. I'm 
not happy with the way TB 5.0 works, and
  gettingclose to looking for something else. Iloved TB 3.6.16. And it 
worked the way I wanted.This account
  is set touse HTML, one of the reasons I want the GMANENNTP account to 
work.This list only accepts plain text. If you sent in HTML only the
listprobably converted it poorly to plain text. Change the settings
inThunderbird preferences to ask what format to send in before
sending themessage. I always compose in HTML but send in plain text to
mailinglists. TB 5.0 works great for me.I didn't follow your suggestion 
above.  I don't want to turn this
  into a Thunderbird discussion, but it may be the text issue was
  being caused by a couple of extensions that I've disabled.  Both
  extensions are listed as being compatible with 5.0, but it's
  possible the two conflict with each other.I hate being a program's beta 
tester. Also, this is a cut and copy reply that I wrote, mistakenly, using
  the GMANE account, not the Wordworks account.  And I want to see
  how it looks, just out of plain curiosity now that I've disabled
  the two extensions.  :-) Have you received
an authorization email form gmane to your currentemail address? You 
have to reply to it before the post is
forwarded tothis mailing list. Since you are using a different email 
thanyou used to, I suspect you haven't. Check your spam folders.I 
honestly don't remember, but logically I did receive it and
  replied. The new email address is the wordworks one, and it's
  obviously working.  If the message has the snowshed email address,
  then that message was sent via the GMANE interface.PS: Your old
address through gmane wassnows...@dishmail.net.Thank you Larry  
That's the address I was wanting to know! 
  It's the one I thought I used originally.  Later today, I'll send
  an unsubscribe email for that address.  I just hope LO doesn't
  send an unsubscription confirmation email to the snowshed address
  as that address no longer exists.-- KenMac OS X 10.6.8Firefox 
5.0Thunderbird 5.0LibreOffice 3.3.3

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/1/11 10:18 AM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/08/01 9:44 AM  Ken Springer wrote:

Have you received
 an authorization email form gmane to your currentemail 
address? You have to reply to it before the post is
 forwarded tothis mailing list. Since you are using a 
different email address
 thanyou used to, I suspect you haven't. Check your spam 

I honestly don't remember, but logically I did receive it and
   replied. The new email address is the wordworks one, and it's
   obviously working.
The new address is working when using email to the list. You have to 
register that address at gmane as well. Since it doesn't work with 
gmane it is not working there.

I've not made any changes at GMANE as of yet.  And I've not found the 
website to be that easy to navigate and/or understand unless you are 
higher up on the technically non-challenged food chain.  This seems to 
be a common problem I find with open source products as well as 
newsgroup use in general.

PS: Your old  address through gmanewassnows...@dishmail.net.
Thank  you Larry  That's the address I was wanting to know! 
   It's the one I thought I used originally.  Later today, I'll send

   an unsubscribe email for that address.  I just hope LO doesn't
   send an unsubscription confirmation email to the snowshed address
   as that address no longer exists
I found that address from posts you made to 
gmane.comp.documentfoundation.libreoffice.user . I did not find any 
posts with that address to this list - 

I didn't sign up the wordworks address at GMANE as of yet.  Going to 
wait until I know I've got the snowshed address deleted there.

LO will send a confirmation email when you unsubscribe. Besides, that 
will not solve your problem.

Do you know if the confirmation email will require a reply from me?


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/1/11 11:20 AM, Sigrid Carrera wrote:
Yes, you will need to reply to that confirmation email. An alternative 
is, to send a message to postmas...@documentfoundation.org and ask the 
people there to unsubscribe your non-existing address

Thank you, Sigrid.  Email request sent.


Ken Springer

"All progress depends upon the unreasonable person."
George Bernard Shaw

"Cheap prices make for cheap goods; cheap goods make for
cheap men; and cheap men make for a cheap country!"
President William McKinley


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/1/11 11:14 AM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/08/01 10:47 AM  Ken Springer wrote:
I've not made any changes at GMANE as of yet.  And I've not found the 
website to be that easy to navigate and/or understand unless you are 
higher up on the technically non-challenged food chain.  This seems 
to be a common problem I find with open source products as well as 
newsgroup use in general.
You do not need to make any changes at the gmane website. Just enter 
your new email address in the gmane account settings in Thunderbird.
My info is exactly the same as your screenshot for my name and email 
address, but the sending doesn't work.

The following is from http://gmane.org/faq.php :


 * *What happens after I post to a Gmane newsgroup?*
   The Gmane auto-authorizer sends you an email.
 * *I didn't get any email.*
   Then the address you used in your From or Reply-To headers was 
invalid. Use a valid
   email address. And you can't use a "public.gmane.org" address 
when posting.

 * *But I did use a valid email address.*
   Perhaps you did in your From, but your Reply-To address pointed 
to the mailing list.

   Don't do that.
 * *I got an email from the auto-authorizer, and I answered that. 
Then I didn't hear

   anything more.*
   This means that your response didn't reach Gmane. Re-send your 
reply to the auth message.

Also check their posting page: http://gmane.org/post.php

   *Here's how it works.*

1. The first time you post something to a newsgroup, Gmane spools 
the message and sends

   you an email asking you to respond.
2. You press "reply" in your favorite mail reader, and Gmane 
registers this authorization.
3. Every five minutes, a Gmane cron job goes through the spool of 
unsent messages, and

   sends all messages that has received authorization.
4. No more than one message is sent per user per five minutes. If 
you post more than one
   message per five minutes, the messages are spooled and sent out 
later. No action is

   required from you.
5. If you authorize more than one new group per hour, the 
authorizations are spooled, and
   handled one per hour. This is to discourage mass authorizations 
of groups by diligent


I didn't sign up the wordworks address at GMANE as of yet.  Going to 
wait until I know I've got the snowshed address deleted there.
I thought you said you couldn't post with the workworks address. 
Yes and no.:-D  If I send a post using the wordworks email account 
to the mailing list, it will post.  If I send the identical post from 
the GMANE account, with the wordworks address in the account settings, 
it does *not*post.

I forgot to tell you in a previous reply, the discussion mailing list is 
the only LO list I've subscribed to directly from LO.  All my posts to 
the 3 other lists I follow were done using GMANE.  Except for the very 
earliest posts of mine in the User list.  That was before I found out 
about GMANE.

There is no need to delete the snowshed address at gmane. Just put 
your workworks address in Thunderbird's account settings for gmane.

Yes it will. Your unsubscribe email also has to be sent from the 
address you subscribed with, which you say no longer exists. So there 
is no point or need to unsubscribe.

I followed Sigrid's alternative suggestion, and sent a request.

LO unsubscribe instructions are at:

Yep, know that.  :grin:  I did that originally with the snowshed address 
and then resubscribed using the nomail option.


Ken Springer

"All progress depends upon the unreasonable person."
George Bernard Shaw

"Cheap prices make for cheap goods; cheap goods make for
cheap men; and cheap men make for a cheap country!"
President William McKinley


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/1/11 1:05 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/08/01 12:05 PM  Ken Springer wrote:

My info is exactly the same as your screenshot for my name and email 
address, but the sending doesn't work.

I didn't sign up the wordworks address at GMANE as of yet.  Going 
to wait until I know I've got the snowshed address deleted there.
I thought you said you couldn't post with the workworks address. 
Yes and no.:-D  If I send a post using the wordworks email 
account to the mailing list, it will post.  If I send the identical 
post from the GMANE account, with the wordworks address in the 
account settings, it does *not*post.

Is the Reply-To field blank?

Aye, Captain!   :-D

It would seem that you have not responded to gmane's confirmation email.
I think you are a step ahead of me.  I've not yet signed up with GMANE 
as wordworks.  Only as Snowshed.  Which makes me wonder what would 
happen if I put the snowshed address there.  I think I'll try and see 
what happens.
Check your spam folders. Does your ISP do spam filtering before you 
receive email?

The ISP for wordworks does, but not Qwest where everything else goes.  I 
get daily notifications if there is any captured email.


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/1/11 2:40 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:
I'm confused. You previously stated you could not post through gmane 
with your Snowshed address. Now you say you haven't. 
You're not wasting your time, but our wires are definitely getting 
crossed up.  And, as this is a text only method of communication, it 
surprises me not.

You're a Mac user, how far back do you go with Mac's?  Far enough to 
remember GEnie where you found Atari and Amiga support?  I've been 
watching and seeing this kind of confusion in text only communications 
since then.  I chalk it up to being part of the game.  :-)

From the beginning:

1. Signed up for LO's user mailing list with the Snowshed address. 
   Very frustrated with a mailing list help solution, and was about to

   unsubscribe when I learned about GMANE.
2. Subscribed (if that's the right word) to GMANE.  Worked fine.
3. Unsubscribed the LO user mailing list subscription.
4. Resubscribed to LO user mailing list with the no email option, and
   GMANE worked fine for the user list, and eventually added 3 more LO
   lists to the GMANE account.  All 4 lists worked fine for sending and
   receiving.  I don't remember actually signing up for the other 3
   lists using the no email option.
5. Then came all the mailing list email address changes, and GMANE
   apparently choked on some of it.  Florian was posting about trying
   to get it worked out.  At the same time period, I dropped my
   satellite internet service in favor of newly installed fiber
   optics.  (Who wouldn't??  :-D )  Somewhere in this total time
   frame, sending using GMANE quit for all 4 lists.
6. The snows...@dishmail.net went away with the satellite service.
7. wordwo...@greeleynet.com was in no way connected to the satellite
   and fiber optics changes.  Greeleynet offers dialup service, and I
   keep it for testing modems in the PC's I fix.  And, there are too
   many people, places, and things that have the Wordworks email
   address for me to want to try to make changes at this point.
8. I played around with different ideas, could not find the answer.  I
   found GMANE's site somewhat less than useful for the "unknowing in
   this area".
9. Since I could not post to any of the LO lists using GMANE, I
   subscribed to the discussion list using the Wordworks email
   address.  When using the wordworks account in TB, posts to the
   discussion list work.
10. In the GMANE account, I changed the reply to address from
   snows...@dishmail.net to wordwo...@greeleynet.com, thinking  that
   might work.  But, it didn't.  No post to any of the 4 LO lists, sent
   via GMANE, ever get posted.
11. I made no change at GMANE itself.
12. I still receive all posts made to the LO lists via GMANE, but
   anything I try to send via GMANE goes somewhere other than what I
   want.  :-)  The posts are all sitting in the appropriate sent
   folder, but they never show up in the LO list.  I don't know if the
   blockage is at GMANE, LO, or both.
13. In the end, I see all the discussion list posts in both accounts,
   but can send in only one account.

In summary:

1. I can receive LO list posts for all 4 lists in the GMANE NNTP
   account, but no messages I send for any of the lists ever get posted.
2. I can receive from and post to the discussion list via the Wordworks
   email account.  That is the only LO list I've subscribed to using
   the wordworks address.

I think I've got this written clearly.  :-)  But another thing I've 
learned over the years, never proofread your own writing!   LOL  And my 
cat's can't read.  :-D

Just ask for clarification if something sounds/read strange.

As a slight aside, off topic comment, I do wish the Mozilla group would 
produce manuals the way LO is for the office package.


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/1/11 6:03 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/08/01 3:42 PM  Ken Springer wrote:

You're a Mac user, how far back do you go with Mac's?
I switched to a Mac five years ago and will never go back to the dark 
Ditto, although I keep inching towards doing some experimenting with a 
Linux distro or two.  But, that's low on the priority list at the 
moment.  Since OS X is based on Unix/Linux, it could help me learn the 
"behind they curtains" aspects of OS X.
Mail sent from unsubscribed posters goes to the moderators and may 
then be posted. No guaranties though.

And since everyone is a volunteer...   :-(
With a new address you should receive a confirmation email from Gmane 
that you have to reply to before the post is forwarded to LO. That is 
why I suggested checking your spam folders.
There was never a thing in my spam folder in TB from GMANE, nor anything 
caught in the incoming mail filters provided by Greeleynet.com, the ISP 
for Wordworks.
I just made a test. I changed the email address listed in TB's Account 
Settings for Gmane. I then sent a message to this list. I got a reply 
from Gmane asking me to reply to confirm that I exist before the 
message would be sent to LO.

For some reason you are not seeing the messages from Gmane when 
sending from your new address.

Rather puzzling, isn't it?
It still sounds like you either haven't responded to or haven't 
received  the confirmation email from Gmane. It may have been caught 
by spam filters somewhere before it got to you.

That does assume there's no issue at GMANE itself.  See below.
Here is a suggestion. Do you have another email address you could use? 
(I use gmail addresses for all the newsgroup and email lists I follow)
I have seemingly thousands of email addresses to use!   LOL  Actually, 
the Qwest gives me as many as 10 addresses, some of which I used.  I've 
always planned on using a Qwest email address for LO/GMANE once the 
issue has been resolved.
If so subscribe to the no mail version of this list using another 

For the moment, I've subscribed to the mail version of the user list.  
LO confirmation process is done, now just waiting for someone to post 
something to make sure it works.  :-)

Then, I'll make the GMANE message, and change the mailing list to the no 
mail version.
Hopefully this would work for you. I have no more ideas why you aren't 
getting a reply from Gmane after changing to your Wordworks address.

Cross your fingers.

At least TB is now doing a reasonable job of formatting a text only 
message from the HTML replies.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-03 Thread Ken Springer

On 8/2/11 1:15 AM, Sigrid Carrera wrote:


On Mon, 01 Aug 2011 20:30:47 -0600
Ken Springer  wrote:

On 8/1/11 6:03 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/08/01 3:42 PM  Ken Springer wrote:


At least TB is now doing a reasonable job of formatting a text only
message from the HTML replies.

Thank you Ken.
Your last email is a lot easier to read and follow.


You're welcome, Sigrid.

This is a new test for GMANE, hoping the message gets posted.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 5.0
Thunderbird 5.0
LibreOffice 3.3.3

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[tdf-discuss] Re: Gmane sending issues

2011-08-04 Thread Ken Springer

Hi, Larry,

On 8/1/11 6:03 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

Hopefully this would work for you. I have no more ideas why you aren't
getting a reply from Gmane after changing to your Wordworks address.

Maybe, just maybe, things are finally sorted out.  As you probably 
noticed, I did manage to get a message posted via GMANE to Sigrid 
Carrera.  Although it took a loot longer than the 10 minutes the 
GMANE authenticator said it would!LOL

If this posts, I'll try posts in the other 3 groups I'm following, and 
see how things go.

Thanks for all the help.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 5.0
Thunderbird 5.0
LibreOffice 3.3.3

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