[IxDA Discuss] Specific kind of faceted search example?

2009-05-08 Thread Johan Sjöstrand


We're currently designing a faceted search / guided search with some  
very specific challanges:

- We have a big collection of filters and we can only show a few at  
the time (the most valueable / common)

- The filters affect the other filters
- The filters get's 'picked' - goes away - and then replaced by  
another filter.
- Some filters are dependent on other filters and cannot be picked  
before you pick the 'parent'
- Filters get's picked automatically if there's only one choice left  
- You can always cancel a pick and then it will come back as a filter  

The database is huge and very varied. We're not talking one kind of  
content such as digital cameras. It still make sense though to use  
faceted search. I wish I could tell you exactly what content it is.  
You just have to trust me that it makes sense ;)

We're currently thinking you need to make one big pick. Structure the  
filters on at least two levels so they're not all on the same. That  
would make things much easier. But we are still open to the suggested  
design until proven otherwise.

Have anyone of you seen an example of what is described here? I know I  

Much appreciated.

Johan Sjöstrand

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Specific kind of faceted search example?

2009-05-08 Thread Johan Sjöstrand


The more I think about the more I believe a flat structure is very  
difficult to manage. Both in technical terms and in the mental model  
of the user.

In your example, you pick hard drives and then you go on with those  
specific filters. What is proposed in our project is to manage the  
whole computer parts category as one with filters.

Another example would be to try and manage Hifi as one category with  
speakers, tvs, receivers etc. All of which have their own specific  
qualities. Even TVs would be hard to manage with just one category  
with filters. There are some big differences between LCD, Plasma and  
CRT models too..

Still interested to see if this would be possible or even good, but I  
highly doubt that it is the right way to go.


On May 8, 2009, at 9:36 AM, Adam Korman wrote:

It's hard to tell without the specifics, but this might be similar  
to your challenge: http://www.tigerdirect.com. A good example of how  
they deal with filters is to go down the path of browsing for hard  
drives. You can keep adding filters by clicking on items in the left  
rail/navigation area. As you get deeper in, they start to construct  
a breadcrumb trail of filters you've added. I wouldn't say it's a  
great experience, but they've made an attempt at handling some of  
the things it sounds like you are dealing with. I'm not sure how  
clear it is to people, but they are doing some useful things.


On May 7, 2009, at 11:46 PM, Johan Sjöstrand wrote:


We're currently designing a faceted search / guided search with  
some very specific challanges:


We're currently thinking you need to make one big pick. Structure  
the filters on at least two levels so they're not all on the same.  
That would make things much easier. But we are still open to the  
suggested design until proven otherwise.

Have anyone of you seen an example of what is described here? I  
know I haven't..

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] I'm designing in Visio for the last time

2009-03-30 Thread Johan Sjöstrand

Sound like the typical microsoft experience :-)
Get a mac and put omnigraffle on it. You will never look back.

Apple  Omnigroup, you know where to send the checks.


On Mar 30, 2009, at 1:38 AM, Michael Micheletti wrote:

I'm working on a product design, under pretty intense time/money/team
pressure, using Visio for design sketches. I picked Visio because  
I've used
it since version 1.0 (maybe I was even a beta tester, can't remember  
that far) and am fairly expert with it. I can work fast and get lots  

and redone, which is maybe even more important.

But today, when I attempted to copy/paste from one Visio drawing to  
Visio drawing, it pasted in a bunch of mystery shapes and junk  
instead of
the various dingbat font symbols and other images in my original.  
Yes, you

read it correctly, it failed copying from Viso to Visio.

They say that you can boil a frog if you put it in a pot with cold  
water and
slowly turn up the heat. Well, then I'm a frog and Visio's finally  
boiled me

over. Some other fuel on the burner:
- Visio's layers dialog is application modal. What a constant  
endless Pain

In The Butt.
- Screen and Print visibility are controlled by separate columns of
checkboxes within said PITB layers dialog. How many times have I
printed images the first time and had to go back in and uncheck  
stuff there?

Probably a couple trees' worth.
- The Pan and Zoom window retains control of the keyboard when
you reposition the cursor over your drawing. Think you're going to  
that shape with your arrow keys now that you've zoomed in? Surprise,  
zooming in and out again instead. I appear to be unable to learn  
this. And

Visio appears to be unable to learn that I want to zoom in when I use
Ctrl+Plus, and zoom out using Ctrl+Minus.
- The window and web design shapes are probably ten years old and look
really tired. Translucent windows? Ribbon controls? Galleries? 3-D  

Mobile phones? PDAs? Aero? Sorry.
- Connections never seem to connect how I want them to, and one  
false move

may reroute every one of them.
- If I ungroup a shape in order to change some component visual  

and then regroup it, the z-index changes.
- Any website big enough to require automated tools to perform a  

inventory is too big for Visio to handle the job.

Certainly the moment I go back to work after sending this I'll  
remember ten
other things that bug me, but you get the idea. Visio is no longer  

out very well as my quickie sketchpad for designing a new software

Now I'm sure that Visio can do other wonderful tasks, like layout an  
floor plan, configure equipment in a network rack, plan HVAC  
ducting, create
simple electrical schematics, maybe even do database modeling. But I  

need to do any of that stuff. I'm a user interface designer.

I have lots of alternatives for my next project. I'm good in  
Photoshop, but
don't normally like to sketch with it because I'm faster in Visio  

because I tend to try and make things pretty in Photoshop, but also
because it's a pain to resize a complex screen mockup). I've made an  
peace with Illustrator for symbol design work, but it frustrates me  
that I wouldn't want to spend any more time there than I have to.  
I've used
InDesign to create marketing slicks and brochures, but it doesn't  
strike me
as optimal for software interface design. Fireworks gets a lot of  
good press
in this group, that may be what I try next. I'm getting increasingly  
in Expression Blend, but it's a development tool. I sketch on paper  
a lot,
but mostly as quick notes to myself that no one else is expected (or  

to read.

Maybe Microsoft will surprise me with a tight Visio upgrade that fixes
everything that bugs me. But I doubt it. Instead, I expect them to  
bolt on

the ability to design staircases, or roofing tile courses, or croquet
fields, or asteroid belts, or something else equally useless to me.  
maybe that's good business if there are underserved asteroid belt  
out there. But Visio, even though we've had some good times over the  

I think it's time we break up.

Ok, I'm all screeded-out now. Time to go back to work (in, um, Visio,

Michael Micheletti

Michael Micheletti

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[IxDA Discuss] Social design: Nuanced/specific user feedback ?

2009-02-05 Thread Johan Sjöstrand


I'm looking for examples of user feedback standard beyond star ratings  
and comments.

- Ted.com let's users pick 3 out of 14 words to describe how they  
experienced the presentation. Let's say a talk is Inspiring, Funny and  
Informative. Then they present the overall user feedback as a tag cloud.

- Getsatisfaction.com let's people attach a This makes me feel users  
emotion emoticons to each comment so they can show the collective  
mood in the thread.

- The swedish debate site newsmill.se does something similar where you  
can express how the debate article made you feel - happy, sad, angry  
etc and then they present the overall feedback.

I think all these examples tell you more about a specific type of  
content than let's say a 3/5 star rating or 2 345 views or 34  
comments. They want specific feedback and then design for it.

Have you seen any other examples that might be relevant? Anyone been  
writing about this?

Johan Sjöstrand

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[IxDA Discuss] social features turnover

2008-10-10 Thread Johan Sjöstrand


I would need some help to reply to a clients request. He's asking  
veery generally how much turnover you could get on page views / time  
spent on site if you would to implement social features. What does  
social features would be is not clear. The site is very established.  
He's asking so he can prepair a business plan.

I don't even know where to begin.. maybe through examples? The site X  
improved their statistics by doing Y.

Help me help him. Thanks..


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[IxDA Discuss] Gradual Engagement / Best practices for Sign-Ups (seen in the wild)

2008-08-28 Thread Johan Sjöstrand


Currently helping a client improving their homepage and sign-up screen.

Joshua Porters Design for sign-up and LukeWs gradual engagement  
principles have gone a long way but we need more great examples for  
our upcoming workshop.

Seen any extraordinary examples out there?

Johan Sjöstrand

Johan Sjöstrand, Interaction Designer

Phone: +46-(0)8-410 352 24
Mobile: +46-(0)709-27 52 24

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[IxDA Discuss] Omnigraffle tip

2008-05-21 Thread Johan Sjöstrand

I would like to share a tip in omnigraffle.

My biggest problem with visio has always been being confined to pt  
That is one of the biggest reasons I changed to omnigraffle (among a  
lot of other reasons of course) - to be able to work in pixels so I  
can see how big it will be on the screen. I make a lot of web work so  
it makes sense to be able to work in that resolution enviroment. This  
is especially useful (to me) while doing high definition wireframes.  
You get to test your design considerations/decisions very early. Low  
definition wireframes i can do on anything - whiteboard, postits,  
napkins or even in powerpoint..

Another problem has been that you are confined to a paper format  
(standard delivarable carrier), making you try to stuff so much you  
can within that format. This is of course not ideal when working with  
the web which can have veery long pages. Omnigraffle allows pixels,  
but the pixel resolution you get on a a4/letter format is not a lot to  
work with. If you get a long page you will still have to try and stuff  
it in (not ideal design) or add another paper (bye bye forests).

So the tip goes as follows:
1. In your page setup. Choose a large paper size such as A3 or 11x17.  
(you will still be able to export/print it as A4 or letter)

2. In your work enviroment, choose pixels.
3. In the inspect/canvas/size panel. Choose 50% on print scale. This  
will now give you a pixel resolution of approx 1500x2300 (portrait)  
depending on margin settings allowing for a lot of room making long  
screens. But wait... everything got smaller! You still want your  
pixels to be actual pixels on the screen so zoom in your work space at  
200%. Voila.

Yes, this WILL be tiny on a printed a4/letter but still OK for most  
If you don't quite want that much space you can work within another  
proportional relationship such as print scale 80% and zoomed work  
space at 125%. This will get you a resolution of approx 940x1400  

With this tip you will make both Edward Tufte (resolution is the  
answer!) and the planet happy. Print on both sides of a paper and your  
paper stack deliverables will get a lot lighter.

Johan Sjöstrand

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Layered/Faceted Navigation Techniques

2008-04-30 Thread Johan Sjöstrand
I asked about this a while ago:


Apr 29, 2008 kl. 10:01 PM skrev Thomas Marks:

 I am looking for information on Layered (Faceted) Navigation
 techniques, especially in regards to e-commerce.

 I see this similar type of navigation working very differently between
 most sites out there.

 I was wondering if there were any favorites out there, or any  
 user studies that might assist in developing a best practice for this.


 Thomas Marks
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] look and feel

2008-02-11 Thread Johan Sjöstrand
I highly recommend this presentation by Stephen P Anderson.

On Feb 11, 2008, at 8:25 PM, mark schraad wrote:

 There is an interesting editorial and follow up discussion regarding  
 term 'look and feel' - at the design observer (mostly a graph design  
 I have used the term many times when speaking to clients. To me it is
 everything about the site that is visual, except for the interactions.
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[IxDA Discuss] Internal social knowledge bank - a tool to use?

2008-02-09 Thread Johan Sjöstrand

I've been trying to build up a knowledge bank for our interaction  
design dept at work. Right now it's just a few categorized folders on  
our file server which of course is dead and uninspiring. The content  
are in various format such as pdfs, ppts, word docs, blogposts (right  
now printed out as pdf files and not links) etc.

I'm looking for a tool that would support some or all of these needs:
- Multicategorizing of content. Multiple folders or tags. It would be  
nice to classify a resource in multiple ways and not just by subject  
- Posting. I rather embed a slideshare object than just a link to a  
file. Would be great if you could have comments so each resource has a  
thread. Could also be used for just asking everyone for help on a  
specific problem e.g. Is this pagination the best choice for this  
particular case etc.. We cannot always reach each other physically.
- Calendar. We have a lot of breakfasts  workshops that would be good  
to have in a shared calendar. Could also be used for archiving photos  
and results from each workshop.
- Comments / threads for everything.
- Realtime chat.
- Alerts. Email notifications when something new is posted.
- Permissions / member admin. We have freelancers that come and go  
that we would like to invite to this.
- Blogroll / rss aggregator for our reading list.
- Ease of use is crucial.

Right now I got my eyes on Basecamp but I would also want to hear your  
comments. What do you use and recommend for all or some of these  
needs. Maybe a combination/mashup of tools - any ideas or suggestions  
would be much appreciated.


*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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[IxDA Discuss] hidden (edit in place) form controls

2007-12-09 Thread Johan Sjöstrand
I'm looking for nice executed examples of this.

Think John is.. on facebook. When you hit the link, a dropdown  

I'm thinking of using this for filter controls. Options that are  
voluntary, not mandatory. I'm afraid having all filter controls out in  
the open might impose a need to fill them all out.

I will have 5-6 filter controls but I'm pretty sure users will only  
use 2-3 max.



*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
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[IxDA Discuss] Dayparting for newspaper sites

2007-11-12 Thread Johan Sjöstrand

I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share some links,  
case studies and/or insight on dayparting for online newspaper sites.

 From the google i've found what I already know:

Morning: users want to read their email and the news
Afternoon: users at work start goofing off, reading fluff new, and  
checking movie times and the like
Evening: users switch to goal driven mode and start looking for cars,  
jobs, and products

Your views?


Johan Sjöstrand

*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
Register today: http://interaction08.ixda.org/

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[IxDA Discuss] sliders sparklines combined

2007-11-04 Thread Johan Sjöstrand
Seen in action on Swedens leading price comparison site:

External harddrives

Hårddiskstorlek = Size in gb
Pris/GB = Price / GB
Lägsta pris = Lowest price

Thoughts? Examples elsewhere?

Johan Sjöstrand

*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
Register today: http://interaction08.ixda.org/

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