Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of)exposure

2009-11-02 Thread Gretchen Anderson
You asked:
With that in mind I ask what are we, the new generation of designers,
missing from the puzzle? 

Some answers:
- I got into the game before there was a lot of formal training around
IxD/UX. That's the reason many of us oldsters have backgrounds that are
- What's missing from design education IMO is the writing and
communication skills from typical liberal arts education. The need to
communicate in writing can't be understated, even in a world of visuals.

- a solid understanding of business fundamentals can't hurt. The extent
to which you can empathize with business people and their quest for
profits will make you more peruasive.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of) exposure

2009-11-02 Thread Jack Moffett

On Nov 2, 2009, at 1:14 PM, David Farkas wrote:

Where will this trend of 'breeding
designers since youth' take the field as opposed to our educators  
who found

design after years of practicing in other disciplines?

I too come to Interaction Design from a straight, educational path.  
However, I have a different perspective on this. If you look at  
Graphic Design, there are a lot of designers that have been bread  
since youth—likely more than come to it from other disciplines,  
although I don't have anything to back that up. I wouldn't call it a  
trend. I think Gretchen is right. It is simply due to IxD being a  
young discipline, one that touches many other areas of expertise.


Jack L. Moffett
Senior Interaction Designer
412.459.0310 x219

There is no good design that is not
based on the understanding of people.

- Stefano Marzano
  CEO of Philips Design

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of) exposure

2009-11-02 Thread Gretchen Anderson
Worth pointing out @peterme's latest tweet:
I'm always disappointed 2 get a resume from designers who went from
undergrad straight 2 grad skool. The real world, ppl! Live it!

I kind of agree. You can't get design judgement experience in skool. You
can get lots of insight about the process and avoid the mistakes us
oldsters had to make in order to learn stuff, tho.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of) exposure

2009-11-02 Thread Jack Moffett

On Nov 2, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Gretchen Anderson wrote:

Worth pointing out @peterme's latest tweet:

I'm always disappointed 2 get a resume from designers who went from
undergrad straight 2 grad skool. The real world, ppl! Live it!

I kind of agree. You can't get design judgement experience in skool.  

can get lots of insight about the process and avoid the mistakes us
oldsters had to make in order to learn stuff, tho.

That's not surprising, coming from Peter. I think it is short-sighted.  
I went straight from undergrad to grad school because, with a degree  
in Graphic Design, I knew that there would be a lot more for me to  
learn to be able to practice Interaction Design (or design  
mulitmedia as I referred to it at the time). That was the right  
choice for me, and it worked out extremely well. The real-world  
experience was picked up after I graduated with my Masters. Sure, I  
could have delayed my IxD career a couple years to get work experience  
as a Graphic Designer, but I fortunately didn't have to do that.

This argument is the same as formal education vs. self-taught,  
IxDer must have strong visual design skills vs. doesn't need them,  
and several others. It comes down to your own experiences, and thus  
your own bias. There is actually not a wrong or right way to do  
it. The important thing is that however you come to design, you do it  
well. Don't completely pre-judge someone based on their path, their  
degree, their school, etc. Judge them on their work and their  
interpersonal abilities.


Jack L. Moffett
Senior Interaction Designer
412.459.0310 x219

Most people make the mistake of
thinking design is what it looks like…
People think it's this veneer—
that the designers are handed this box
and told, Make it look good!

That's not what we think design is.
It's not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.

- Steve Jobs

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of) exposure

2009-11-02 Thread j. eric townsend

David Farkas wrote:

With that in mind I ask what are we, the new generation of designers,
missing from the puzzle? 

Speaking from my experience as an engineer working with designers, 
history of the domain.  Nobody can be an expert on everything, 
obviously, but you should know something about the history of the domain 
where you want to work.   If you sell yourself as a designer in the 
PDA/smartphone space, it would behoove you to know how Palm helped 
General Magic commit business suicide or why the EO had ears that also 
held all the ports.

Speaking as a recent student of design and thinking about my classmates, 
I think it's a love of a specific field (which probably gets you history 
of the field for free).  The type nerds I met in design school spent 
their spare time reading about type, not playing sports.  The guys 
(always guys :-) I knew who were into automotive design spent their free 
time working on cars, looking at cars, driving cars, etc.

One thing I'm personally interested in is how non-designers will build 
toasters the way non-designers started being able to make posters after 
the advent of desktop publishing.   As a fan of reflect on doing, I've 
decided to do and bought a cheap 3D FDM printer 
( that I'm setting up and attempting to use as 
a normal household appliance.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The newest generation of IxDers and our (lack of) exposure

2009-11-02 Thread David Farkas
@Christian, interesting that you mentioned the Target designer lines.
That was actually subject of the conversation Saturday and how,
regardless of success they helped bring design to the mainstream a
little bit more. 

@Colleen, I agree wholeheartedly that a background in fields other
than design is essential. I have basic development skills and it
allows me to speak on level with the developers and to better
understand their constraints. I want to push back a little though
when you said that having a background in other fields prevents
engineers from talking 'down to them'. Both design and engineering
(and coding and anything else) are specialties with our own lingo. I
spend a lot of my time as a designer communicating to business
managers the processes and methods I am using on projects. I could be
short non designers and talk down to them but I try to relate terms
and methods to processes they might be more familiar with. To this
point, I think it is important that engineers and developers
understand that they have a specific skill set that not everyone else
has. Communication is key and while its helpful for everyone to have a
high level understandings of each others fields I think it is more
important for the specialist of each field to remember that they are
on a project because they have a certain toolbox at their disposal
that everyone else doesn't grasp as well. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new

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