Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Announcement: Call for Location global FOSS4G 2023

2022-01-12 Thread Mark Iliffe via Discuss
Hi Everyone,

I would like to start this email with the caveat, statement, and admission
that "*I am an idiot*" to ensure all are provided with the requisite
informed context.

The environmental concerns of holding a conference are immense, that we
would be reticent not to consider. I for one love this planet, as I happen
to be living on it and I quite like living. Living involves whiskey, dim
sum and chocolate. In short, I don't want to stop living because I doubt
those things will be in it.

To tell a story. I cried in an airport on 31 December. I had seen my
parents for the first time in a long time and was heading back 'home' to
NYC. I was listening to my very good friend Steven talk to my other good
friend Ivan on "The Politics of Geo
The emotion of hearing Ivan discuss the transitive relationships within the
nexus of economy, philosophy and geography provided an emotional crescendo
that I am sure made a few people quite uncomfortable. We are social beings
and we would be irresponsible not to take our community to where it can
have the maximum impact. I suspect we, in our own way, have had these
moments during these very challenging times over the past two years.

Through our work, we provide humanity with the very tools which will
provide its salvation. For example, through the efforts of FOSS4G in Dar es
Salaam (which was a privilege to co-chair with Msiliakle) from bringing the
largest (yet!) number of travel grant awardees to directly supporting an
FGM charity with resources to combat the horrid practice, we managed to
achieve something that would have simply been impossible virtually. It is
with pride that I note that one of our FOSS4G TGP awardees went on to
Keynote in Argentina. I write this as a past FOSS4G chair because of the
mentorship of our community. Others will come through our networking and
will go on to achieve more and drive more than we could have ever imagined.

We must undertake efforts to make sure that there is geographically
equitable representation to inspire and foster the next generation. We have
no choice but to do this in person, not due to exacting mental health costs
on us imposed by our current challenges, but to inspire the next and
undertake every effort to ensure that all are capable of participating. The
past two years have demonstrated the hard limit of our virtual world and we
do not have the time to wait for the next 5 billion to come and join us -
we must go out to meet them and embrace them where they are, not where we
are. To me, the question is not the environmental cost of convening a
FOSS4G, it would be the cost to humanity of not convening one.

But, then again, this is my personal opinion and I am an idiot.



On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 at 16:51, Jonathan Moules via Discuss <> wrote:

> The problem with the social interaction arguments is the massive
> environmental cost.
> It's about 22,000 km round trip from either NW USA or West Europe to
> Buenos Aires, Argentina for example.
> Depending on the calculator you use, that's about 4 tonnes of CO2 for the
> round trip. The world target by 2030 is 2.1 tonnes per capita (Page XXV -
> UN Environment Programme report -
> ). So that's about two-person years of CO2 emissions for a ~4 day
> conference.
> This is why I ask what actual benefits "networking" provides. It's not
> part of an anti-social crusade, it's because "business as usual" for us
> means "our grandparents screwed everything up for us" in a few generations.
> Jetting around the planet has a real-world cost even if it's one that's
> invisible to most of us right now.
> We take our ability to jet around the globe by air for granted but forget
> that just 90 years ago it was impossible. Literally. The (turbo) jet hadn't
> been invented. And even today, the vast vast majority (> 90%, probably much
> higher) of the world's population never fly in a given year (
> ).
> > I think if a group of individuals[1], or several groups, want to put
> forward proposals for the conference to be located in "Cyberspace"[2] then
> that should not be disallowed, and then its up to the conference committee
> to consider it fairly according to the criteria for selection.
> On the surface, this is a good idea, but unfortunately it has a
> fundamental problem:
> There are no "criteria for selection" of the conference beyond "the
> committee members voted for this proposal". There's zero transparency in
> the process.
> It strikes me that there is another advantage to the online setup, one
> that solves a very real recurring problem of the in-person conferences:
> Repeatability.
> Currently every conference starts from scratch; the 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Congratulations and Future collaborations - Board2Board

2020-12-16 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear Miriam and OSGeo Friends,

Firstly, I want to make it very clear that I offer these thoughts on a personal 
basis and hold zero position of leadership in the OSGeo apparatus, bar charter 
membership and membership of the Conference Committee :-)

That being said… Congratulations on your election!! I believe that yours and 
HOT’s success in your ‘audacious’ goals will ultimately bring a new generation 
of mappers to the fore! In the coming years, I truly hope that we collectively 
can deliver on the promise that, hopefully, we started to collectively define 
at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam. 

Your proposal to convene a "Board to Board" is a very interesting one, 
especially as we have unique challenge in front us; I hope that it is an event 
that it would be possible to participate as an observer :-). Wishing you the 
very best in your new role and really hope that we can bring the communities 
closer together :-)





> On 16 Dec 2020, at 09:07, Miriam Gonzalez  wrote:
> Dear fellow OsGeo Board Members,
> First of all I hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy. 
> On behalf of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Board I would like to 
> congratulate you for the recent elections and having a diverse Board full of 
> talented people (that personally I admire so much!!!).
> As you might know in HOT we have the goal to map during the next 5 years 1 
> billion people who live in 94 countries which face different challenges. Some 
> of the discussions we are having are related  to how we can make sure the 
> data created is linked with tools (specially Open Source) that can change 
> people's realities.
> I would like to have a first approach Board to Board to introduce ourselves 
> and find a way to collaborate together in the future. 
> If you like this idea, I would like to hear your thoughts and set up some 
> tentative dates to meet. 
> Looking forward to start a collaboration,
> Miriam González
> President Board of Directors
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap 
> @mapanauta
> ___
> Board mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Changes (and proposed changes) regarding the Code of Conduct

2018-12-10 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear María,

I'm glad to see this progressing now the dust has settled from the past
FOSS4G where the limits of a CoC were so laid bare. As before, let me know
how best to assist in developing the CoC further. I sincerely hope that we
can progress as a community in response to this call.



On Mon, 10 Dec 2018 at 03:38, María Arias de Reyna 

> Thank you Ben!
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 1:09 AM Ben Caradoc-Davies 
> wrote:
>> María,
>> thank you for taking the lead on this important issue. While in my view,
>> the majority of OSGeo participants act with consideration and in good
>> faith, a single malicious act is one too many. We get the behaviour we
>> tolerate, and a strong code of conduct helps us prevent behaviour that
>> we do not want. In addition to a code of conduct, we also need a
>> complaint procedure to enforce it.
>> Did we ever hear back from any other foundations about how they handle
>> code of conduct enforcement?
>> Note that I am not at this time available for any OSGeo roles, but I
>> have subscribed to the coc-discuss list.
>> Here are some of my opinions. In them, I will use words like "must"
>> solely because I think that these words should be used in the OSGeo
>> procedure, but please remember that these are just my opinions and I do
>> not claim to be right or an authority on these matters. I am also not a
>> lawyer. Whenever I refer to complaints, I mean CoC complaints not
>> general complaints:
>> - Everyone who is expected to handle a complaint must first be trained
>> in the complaint procedure and the OSGeo code of conduct, have access to
>> psychological and legal support, and be covered by OSGeo legal liability
>> insurance. The latter likely includes all OSGeo officers.
>> - Natural justice must apply to the complaint procedure. At some point,
>> the respondent will receive the complaint, including the identity of the
>> complainant and alleged witnesses. This must be disclosed to the
>> complainant before they submit their complaint. We cannot act on
>> anonymous complaints nor consider hearsay.
>> - Code of Conduct enforcement is a civil matter and the standard of
>> proof is balance of probability.
>> - Do we ask complainants what redress they seek? This could range from a
>> private or public apology from the respondent, private or public censure
>> of the respondent by the conduct committee, or expulsion from OSGeo.
>> - Complaints must be handled in confidence, except where the complainant
>> makes them public. Breaches of confidence must be considered a CoC
>> violation. Nothing in the procedure precludes the respondent from
>> responding in public to a public complaint, nor shall either party be
>> considered to have breached confidence if they seek redress through a
>> legal authority or the courts.
>> - María, you have already stated the need to have identified complaint
>> handlers so that a complainant knows who will receive their complaint,
>> and I agree. I think that, on receipt of a formal complaint, any
>> complaint handler or other OSGeo member must forward the complaint to
>> all complaint handlers who are not a party to the complaint (where
>> parties include witnesses). Even with a web site form, expect half of
>> complaints, especially the most serious ones, to be delivered to trusted
>> individuals. The list of complaint handlers and the policy on who will
>> receive a complaint must be prominent on the complaint submission form
>> and information pages.
>> - So, who is going to bell the cat? Consider outsourcing complaint
>> handling to an independent external investigation, mediation, and/or
>> arbitration service would remove any appearance of conflict of interest
>> or bias, reduce harm to OSGeo complaint handlers, and protect OSGeo from
>> legal liability.
>> - We need a better term for complaint handler. "Conduct officer"? This
>> would clarify their role and reduce inappropriate submission of general
>> complaints. We need more than one. Conduct officers in their role of
>> enforcing the code of conduct are acting on behalf of OSGeo and not as
>> individuals.
>> - Any complaint that may constitute a criminal offence must in the first
>> instance be reported to authorities with jurisdiction unless the
>> complainant is unwilling to do so. Local legal advice will likely be
>> required. This may cover online activities: for example, the New Zealand
>> Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015
>> <
>> <
>> prohibits online bullying and harassment and has resulted in successful
>> prosecutions by NZ Police. Criminal complaints will take priority over
>> but not supersede OSGeo CoC investigations, which can run concurrently;
>> our procedure will need rules on how to handle this situation and
>> protect the 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: signup to help with the OSGeo Booth in Dar

2018-08-21 Thread Mark Iliffe
Cheers Jeff! 

> On 21 Aug 2018, at 14:06, Jeff McKenna  wrote:
> OSGeo events summary page updated 
> (
>   - full credit to the OSGeo news team (Astrid for the initial page and Jorge 
> for tackling these fixes now) and Mark of course.  -jeff
> On 2018-08-21 12:55 PM, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>> Ha! Well, we'll all working hard to ensure that this is pulled together and 
>> the Gala Party is the right place to celebrate our best :-). I'll work with 
>> my team to ensure that this also reflected.
>> Cheers,
>> Mark
>> On 21 August 2018 at 11:38, Jeff McKenna > <>> wrote:
>>Thanks Mark!  Funny thing is that I just now sent Ragnvald a direct
>>email about this exact topic for those updates of listing the Sol
>>Katz award etc in Attendify.  I didn't want to flood the mailing
>>list and twitter with last minute requests (I am sure that you have
>>No apologies needed at all.  You're all doing great.
>>Oh during the Gala!  That is excellent!
>>I can help updating the OSGeo page
>> (
>> <>),
>>but, I'll need help to update the Attendify app's "OSGeo events"
>>section with the correct information (this is why I emailed
>>Ragnvald), as it lists the student awards as occurring Friday
>>morning, and does not list the Sol Katz at all.
>>Thanks for this clarification,
>>On 2018-08-21 12:30 PM, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>>Thanks Jeff, we're trying to tie everything together now. I'd
>>like to correct a few things here - my apologies, I was unaware
>>of the page.
>>The Student and Sol Katz Awards will be during the Gala, Golden
>>Tulip Hotel, 1700 - 2100! Transport to it is provided from the
>>conference venue for all registered conference attendees and
>>their spouses. Can you either update this/let me know who can
>>update it please?
>>On 21 August 2018 at 11:17, Guido Stein ><> <
>><>>> wrote:
>> Thanks folks for your response. I think I am going to
>>attend the
>> AGM, so that slot will be open soon for anyone who is
>>interested in
>> volunteering.
>> -Guido
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 11:00 AM Jeff McKenna
>> ><>
>> <
>><>>> wrote:
>> Great, thanks Mark (the location isn't yet listed in the
>> Attendify app),
>>         I've now updated the wiki page with this location:
>> <
>><>>   -jeff
>> On 2018-08-21 11:52 AM, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>>  > It's in the Selous main hall.
>>  >
>>  > Cheers,
>>  >
>>  > Mark
>>  >
>>  > On 21 August 2018 at 10:50, Jeff McKenna
>> ><>
>> <
>>  > <
>> <
>><>>>> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Hi Guido,
>>  >
>>  > Regarding the AGM, which is scheduled for
>>Thursday 30
>> August from
>>  > 8:00-9:00am, I am not sure of the exact location

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: signup to help with the OSGeo Booth in Dar

2018-08-21 Thread Mark Iliffe
Ha! Well, we'll all working hard to ensure that this is pulled together and
the Gala Party is the right place to celebrate our best :-). I'll work with
my team to ensure that this also reflected.



On 21 August 2018 at 11:38, Jeff McKenna 

> Thanks Mark!  Funny thing is that I just now sent Ragnvald a direct email
> about this exact topic for those updates of listing the Sol Katz award etc
> in Attendify.  I didn't want to flood the mailing list and twitter with
> last minute requests (I am sure that you have many!)
> No apologies needed at all.  You're all doing great.
> Oh during the Gala!  That is excellent!
> I can help updating the OSGeo page (
> ion-news/foss4g-2018-osgeo-events-you-should-not-miss/), but, I'll need
> help to update the Attendify app's "OSGeo events" section with the correct
> information (this is why I emailed Ragnvald), as it lists the student
> awards as occurring Friday morning, and does not list the Sol Katz at all.
> Thanks for this clarification,
> -jeff
> On 2018-08-21 12:30 PM, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>> Thanks Jeff, we're trying to tie everything together now. I'd like to
>> correct a few things here - my apologies, I was unaware of the page.
>> The Student and Sol Katz Awards will be during the Gala, Golden Tulip
>> Hotel, 1700 - 2100! Transport to it is provided from the conference venue
>> for all registered conference attendees and their spouses. Can you either
>> update this/let me know who can update it please?
>> Thanks!!
>> Mark
>> On 21 August 2018 at 11:17, Guido Stein >>> wrote:
>> Thanks folks for your response. I think I am going to attend the
>> AGM, so that slot will be open soon for anyone who is interested in
>> volunteering.
>> -Guido
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 11:00 AM Jeff McKenna
>> > <>> wrote:
>> Great, thanks Mark (the location isn't yet listed in the
>> Attendify app),
>>     I've now updated the wiki page with this location:
>> <>   -jeff
>> On 2018-08-21 11:52 AM, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>>  > It's in the Selous main hall.
>>  >
>>  > Cheers,
>>  >
>>  > Mark
>>  >
>>  > On 21 August 2018 at 10:50, Jeff McKenna
>> > <>
>>  > <
>> <>>> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Hi Guido,
>>  >
>>  > Regarding the AGM, which is scheduled for Thursday 30
>> August from
>>  > 8:00-9:00am, I am not sure of the exact location yet.
>>I'm sure
>>  > we'll know shortly though.
>>  >
>>  > In general, I find this page really helpful listing all
>> of the OSGeo
>>  > events for the week:
>>  >
>> events-you-should-not-miss/
>> <
>> events-you-should-not-miss/>
>>  > <
>> tion-news/foss4g-2018-osgeo-events-you-should-not-miss/ <
>> events-you-should-not-miss/>>
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > I'll ask about the AGM location now and get back to you.
>>  -jeff
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > On 2018-08-21 11:45 AM, Guido Stein wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Is the AGM going to be held at the booth?
>>  >
>>  > -Guido
>>  >
>>  > On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:56 AM Jeff McKenna
>>  > > <>
>>  > <
>> <>>
>>  > <
>> <mailto:jmcke...@gatew

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: signup to help with the OSGeo Booth in Dar

2018-08-21 Thread Mark Iliffe
Thanks Jeff, we're trying to tie everything together now. I'd like to
correct a few things here - my apologies, I was unaware of the page.

The Student and Sol Katz Awards will be during the Gala, Golden Tulip
Hotel, 1700 - 2100! Transport to it is provided from the conference venue
for all registered conference attendees and their spouses. Can you either
update this/let me know who can update it please?



On 21 August 2018 at 11:17, Guido Stein  wrote:

> Thanks folks for your response. I think I am going to attend the AGM, so
> that slot will be open soon for anyone who is interested in volunteering.
> -Guido
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 11:00 AM Jeff McKenna <
>> wrote:
>> Great, thanks Mark (the location isn't yet listed in the Attendify app),
>> I've now updated the wiki page with this location:
>>   -jeff
>> On 2018-08-21 11:52 AM, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>> > It's in the Selous main hall.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Mark
>> >
>> > On 21 August 2018 at 10:50, Jeff McKenna > > <>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Guido,
>> >
>> > Regarding the AGM, which is scheduled for Thursday 30 August from
>> > 8:00-9:00am, I am not sure of the exact location yet.  I'm sure
>> > we'll know shortly though.
>> >
>> > In general, I find this page really helpful listing all of the OSGeo
>> > events for the week:
>> >
>> osgeo-events-you-should-not-miss/
>> > <
>> osgeo-events-you-should-not-miss/>
>> >
>> >
>> > I'll ask about the AGM location now and get back to you.   -jeff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2018-08-21 11:45 AM, Guido Stein wrote:
>> >
>> > Is the AGM going to be held at the booth?
>> >
>> > -Guido
>> >
>> > On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:56 AM Jeff McKenna
>> > > > <>
>> > <
>> > <>>> wrote:
>> >
>> >  Please add your name to the wiki if you can help with the
>> > OSGeo booth
>> >  next week in Dar Es Salaam at FOSS4G 2018 (by answering
>> > questions at
>> >  the
>> >  booth, helping pass out materials, generally sharing the
>> > passion)
>> >
>> > <>  Thanks!
>> >   -jeff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >  On 2018-07-28 1:08 PM, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:
>> >   > Hello all,
>> >   >
>> >   > FOSS4G 2018 is coming closer and I am already excited to
>> > see you
>> >  all in
>> >   > Dar Es Salaam soon.
>> >   >
>> >   > We will have an OSGeo Booth at the conference.
>> >   >
>> >   > With the OSGeo booth we want to welcome newcomers,
>> provide
>> >  information
>> >   > by flyers, brochures, stickers, provide space to ask
>> > questions, get
>> >   > involved in OSGeo, make contacts & get connections to
>> > projects &
>> >  local
>> >   > chapter, meet friends & more.
>> >   >
>> >   > So feel invited to come to the OSGeo booth
>> >   >
>> >   >
>> > <>
>> >   >
>> >   > We need you to sign up to be at the booth for some
>> hours:
>> >   > We are looking for volunteers to be present at the
>> booth. It
>> >  would be
>> >   > great if you could add your name at the schedule so we
>> > could have
>> >  2-3
>> >   > people all t

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: signup to help with the OSGeo Booth in Dar

2018-08-21 Thread Mark Iliffe
It's in the Selous main hall.



On 21 August 2018 at 10:50, Jeff McKenna 

> Hi Guido,
> Regarding the AGM, which is scheduled for Thursday 30 August from
> 8:00-9:00am, I am not sure of the exact location yet.  I'm sure we'll know
> shortly though.
> In general, I find this page really helpful listing all of the OSGeo
> events for the week:
> on-news/foss4g-2018-osgeo-events-you-should-not-miss/
> I'll ask about the AGM location now and get back to you.   -jeff
> On 2018-08-21 11:45 AM, Guido Stein wrote:
>> Is the AGM going to be held at the booth?
>> -Guido
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:56 AM Jeff McKenna <
>> >
>> wrote:
>> Please add your name to the wiki if you can help with the OSGeo booth
>> next week in Dar Es Salaam at FOSS4G 2018 (by answering questions at
>> the
>> booth, helping pass out materials, generally sharing the passion)
>>  Thanks!   -jeff
>> On 2018-07-28 1:08 PM, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:
>>  > Hello all,
>>  >
>>  > FOSS4G 2018 is coming closer and I am already excited to see you
>> all in
>>  > Dar Es Salaam soon.
>>  >
>>  > We will have an OSGeo Booth at the conference.
>>  >
>>  > With the OSGeo booth we want to welcome newcomers,  provide
>> information
>>  > by flyers, brochures, stickers, provide space to ask questions, get
>>  > involved in OSGeo, make contacts & get connections to projects &
>> local
>>  > chapter, meet friends & more.
>>  >
>>  > So feel invited to come to the OSGeo booth
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > We need you to sign up to be at the booth for some hours:
>>  > We are looking for volunteers to be present at the booth. It
>> would be
>>  > great if you could add your name at the schedule so we could have
>> 2-3
>>  > people all the time at the booth
>>  > Everyone can make "shifts" at the booth.
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > Bring more material
>>  > The OSGeo booth should inform about OSGeo projects, OSGeo local
>> Chapters
>>  > or upcoming events.
>>  > So if you have more material you are invited to bring sticker or
>> flyer
>>  > to the booth
>>  > Please send an email to
>>  to let me know in advance.
>>  >
>>  > See you soon Astrid
>>  >
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Diversity in FOSS4G

2018-08-08 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi All,

I’ve really agonised over whether to send this email. First of which, being the 
imminent final preparations for FOSS4G taking up a lot of time, but also 
whether it’s appropriate for me in my role of chair of FOOS4G to offer public 
critique of regional events. It is in this vein that I’d like to really stress 
that I’m writing this as an OSSGeo charter member.

When I first saw this, my heart sank:

Where is the gender diversity in the line up? I know that organising a FOSS4G 
is really difficult, but we need to be reaching far and wide and that starts 
with our keynotes. Potentially I’m missing something here - and I probably am, 
if so I am sorry if this is the case! - but can we have a rethink of the line 
up to really represent our community?

Thank you,

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Suggestions for a background image for next OSGeoLive - with an African theme

2018-07-27 Thread Mark Iliffe
I would vote for the map that you'd listed, but linking in the Africa Local
Chapter :-)



On 27 July 2018 at 08:32, Cameron Shorter  wrote:

> The time has come to select a background image for our next OSGeoLive
> release, which is scheduled to be ready in time for FOSS4G Dar es Salaam,
> and we are looking for inspiration for a background image.
> Traditionally, we have drawn inspiration from the image from the
> conference location, and are hoping that someone with a mapping or artistic
> eye can suggest an interesting map, or image that we can use. The image
> needs to be available under an open license, and will likely need to be
> shaded so that icons will still stand out against it.
> I'm wondering whether a historic navigating chart of Africa would be good?
> Maybe something like this:
> Or maybe a drawing of some of the big African animals.
> Are there any people in the mapping or African communities who would be
> willing to help us out here?
> Warm regards,
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Technology Demystifier
> Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
> M +61 (0) 419 142 254Mark Iliffe 
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Improving Code-of-Conduct

2018-06-22 Thread Mark Iliffe
This would be good - learning from the Dar FOSS4G experience would be a good 
starting place for this. Unfortunately,y not many people believe that the laws 
and codes of conduct we create need to be refreshed and amended to keep in pace 
with our community.

> On 22 Jun 2018, at 18:18, María Arias de Reyna  wrote:
That's exactly what I'm trying to do. 

Massive +1

> El sáb., 23 jun. 2018 0:17, Cameron Shorter  > escribió:
> (Changed title to reflect this conversation is about Code-of-Conduct 
> improvements).
> Maria,
> I'm going to float a "wish-ware" idea here. Wishware is where someone wishes 
> for a piece of software (or CoC in this case) and some magic geek-fairies go 
> and write it for them because the idea is so good that others are attracted 
> to make it happen.
> I wish that instead of every foundation and project writing their own CoC, 
> everyone bands together and creates a "Code-of-Conduct Foundation" which 
> takes responsibility for creating a set of standard Code of Conducts, which 
> are maintained by everyone. Something like the Creative Commons licenses for 
> data, or the Open Source licenses defined by OSI.
> Then we don't need to spend huge amounts of time debating words within our 
> CoC, all we do is decide if we go with CoC-Virtual-Forums or 
> CoC-Face-Conferences, or CoC-Short-Version, or  (whatever they end up 
> being called).
> This would require one person initially, growing into a team of people, who 
> would draw together the various authors of Codes-of-Conduct, and attract a 
> commitment from a few projects to use the new Code-of-Conduct.
> Maybe this might be your calling? It would be a huge amount of effort, but 
> would also be hugely valuable and an excellent gift to humanity.
> On 23/6/18 7:58 am, María Arias de Reyna wrote:
>> El vie., 22 jun. 2018 23:35, Cameron Shorter > > escribió:
>> Maria, re the Code-of-Conduct, I agree with Christian. Rewriting it to 
>> create rules which consider all future opportunities for human conflict is 
>> utopian, impractical and ultimately unachievable.
>> I agree with that. But a static CoC is also impractical, considering that in 
>> the last years CoCs have advanced a lot and now we know what works better on 
>> each kind of organizations. 
>> What I propose is to evolve, not to throw all the work already done. As I 
>> already said on previous mails, the work done was outstanding for the time 
>> it was written. Which may seem very recently but considering how much we 
>> have advanced, is already old. 
>> There have been a huge number of person-hours which have been put into the 
>> numerous Code-Of-Conducts which our OSGeo Code-Of-Conduct was based upon. I 
>> think we keep our Code-of-Conduct as simple as possible, and rely on our 
>> underlying morals, ethics, and collective intelligence to address concerns 
>> as they arise.
>> My plan is not to complicate it, but to make it stronger. 
>> Let me give you one simple example of something that doesn't make sense 
>> right now:
>> We cannot say dirty words, but we can harass someone using beautiful words 
>> as long as we claim good intent. That doesn't make sense. 
>> So, precisely one of the things you quote above as what we should do is one 
>> of the things that are wrong. 
>> This article can explain the situation better than me: 
>> This would be the easiest thing to propose to change because once you 
>> understand it, it becomes obvious. But there's more. 
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Technology Demystifier
> Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
> M +61 (0) 419 142 254
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Free Workshop Tickets @ FOSS4G

2018-06-19 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi Jody,

Thanks for the background too - I think there needs to be more coordination
between the various OSGeo projects - especially considering the enhanced
touch that we've been working on regarding accommodation - I think this can
be something for future conferences to consider, especially if following
our model of engagement (linking accommodation, experiences together etc).

With submitting a workshop - I doubt there is an easy answer here - hence
the verbose email! At the start, we never promised a free ticket to
workshop presenters... but if there is an issue for workshop presenters,
I'd really like to stress that we'll make this right. Our mission and motto
with this FOSS4G is *"to leave no-one behind"* and we will deliver on this
mission, and that includes those that are presenting, giving workshops etc.

We've focused on the Travel Grant Programme this year as a mechanism for
increasing attendance at FOSS4G, part of this has been to extend free at
the point of provision accommodation for TGP attendees - given the right
circumstances this can include accommodation at FOSS4G - it will not be the
Ritz, but it would suffice. Part of our sponsorship raising has been to
directly support further attendance at FOSS4G through targeting underserved
communities, part of this criteria has been to focus on presenters through
this programme too. To support attendees, we need them to flag that they
need assistance!

I'd like to really pose the question to the community, regarding the
content of future workshops. In scanning our workshop content, we are
supporting some workshop presenters through the TGP, whereas most are being
supported by their companies - balancing this is going to be a question for
others - we've made our bed to an effect, and I hope that the community
at-large can work with us to mitigate any challenge that could/would arise.

Thanks all,


On 19 June 2018 at 20:02, Jody Garnett  wrote:

> Thanks for the background Mark.
> Keep in mind that that OSGeo projects and committees also have a budget,
> many indicated that they would assist their members with foss4g travel
> and/or accommodation. For context OSGeo does ask that each project officer
> attend the AGM (or send a community member to speak on their behalf).
> I am one of the individuals who submitted a workshop in the hopes of
> earning a conference ticket. I have enough notice that I will be able to
> sort out the gap. I would like to acknowledge that earlier in my career
> finding a way to earn a foss4g conference ticket was a way for me to attend
> foss4g events (run a workshop, save up half the year, sofa surf based on a
> generosity, etc...). For the FOSS4G 2013 event you mentioned I joined the
> video team.  I recognize that this was a case was I was giving up my time,
> since I had more time then money.
> Personally it takes me five days to prep a 1/2 day workshop. One reason I
> would like to continue to support instructors is so they take that prep
> time, but perhaps we could find a balance where financial support is more
> directly tied to preparation. Do something like hire an designer to help
> with diagrams if initial course milestone is met etc...
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Sun, 17 Jun 2018 at 12:31, Mark Iliffe  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Firstly… we’re super excited to be welcoming you all to Dar es Salaam
>> this August… it’s going to be amazing!!
>> Secondly, at the end of last week, there was a very good discussion on
>> Twitter about free tickets at FOSS4G [1] - there are numerous threads that
>> span from here with good comments for offering free tickets to workshop
>> presenters and keynotes and against.
>> I’d like to explain why we made the choice not to offer free tickets to
>> workshop presenters.
>> When we were putting together the workshop program, we were overwhelmed
>> by the quality and quantity of submissions received by the call. We
>> received 73 submissions and accepted 27. This was incredibly difficult as
>> we wanted to widen the scope of content within the workshop program (aka…
>> not have the same as last year) and balance new presenters with established
>> ones. Everything was a compromise to establish this program, but on balance
>> I believe (and I hope you as the community will agree), that we got the
>> balance right.
>> We have the stated aim in our proposal and since that we want to use
>> FOSS4G in Dar es Salaam to widen participation of many under-represented
>> groups within our community - as a global community, we need to be as
>> diverse as the world. Part of the economic impetus within the DLOC is to
>> widen access and participation - this means working out how to achieve
>> that. Bluntly, if 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Conf] Free Workshop Tickets @ FOSS4G

2018-06-19 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi All,

There will be an awards evening for Travel Grand Programme Awardees on the 
Thursday as sundowner cocktails. Potentially could be an awards event whereas 
the Friday meeting could be a substantive discussion?



Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Jun 2018, at 12:16, Maria Antonia Brovelli  
> wrote:
> Dear Mark
> I agree. It is a good opportunity to show practically what GeoForAll is doing.
> Best
> Maria
> Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
> Professor of GIS and Digital Mapping
> Politecnico di Milano
> P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
> Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,
> Da: Serena Coetzee 
> Inviato: martedì 19 giugno 2018 18:07:17
> A: Mark Iliffe
> Cc: Suchith Anand; ML osgeo discuss; Maria Antonia Brovelli
> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Conf] Free Workshop Tickets @ FOSS4G
> Dear Mark and all, 
> as you know, there will be a GeoForAll meeting on Friday morning. We could 
> use the meeting to present the prizes to the students? What do you think?
> Regards,
> Serena
> Serena Coetzee (GPr GISc 1245)
> University of Pretoria
> Director: Centre for Geoinformation Science
> Associate professor: Department Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology
> Geography Building 3-5, Main Campus, Lynnwood Road, Hatfield, 0083, South 
> Africa
> email: · Web: · Mobile: +27 82 464 
> 4294 · Tel: +27 12 420 3823
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 10:56 PM, Mark Iliffe  wrote:
> Hi Suchith,
> Yes - this is awesome. We're happy to provide a platform for Geo4All 
> obviously, please contact me off-list for me to intro the right people in the 
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On 18 June 2018 at 05:30, Suchith Anand  
> wrote:
> Hi Mark and DLOC Team,
> Great work you all are doing for FOSS4G 2018 . May I also bring to your 
> attention , that we have a small budget in GeoForAll  for acknowledging 
> student contributions through Student awards at key events  . Distributed as 
> follows
> First prize -250 USD ;Second prize - 150 USD; Third prize -100 USD
> The only requirement that we have is that  LOC will need to plan and 
> administer the student competition  and give them at the event with a short 
> blogpost to the community after the event.
> We are hoping the Dar es Salaam Team will take up this opportunity. We look 
> forward to successful FOSS4G 2018.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> From: Conference_dev  on behalf of 
> Mark Iliffe 
> Sent: 17 June 2018 20:31
> To: ML osgeo discuss; Conference Dev
> Subject: [OSGeo-Conf] Free Workshop Tickets @ FOSS4G
> Hi All,
> Firstly… we’re super excited to be welcoming you all to Dar es Salaam this 
> August… it’s going to be amazing!!
> Secondly, at the end of last week, there was a very good discussion on 
> Twitter about free tickets at FOSS4G [1] - there are numerous threads that 
> span from here with good comments for offering free tickets to workshop 
> presenters and keynotes and against. 
> I’d like to explain why we made the choice not to offer free tickets to 
> workshop presenters.
> When we were putting together the workshop program, we were overwhelmed by 
> the quality and quantity of submissions received by the call. We received 73 
> submissions and accepted 27. This was incredibly difficult as we wanted to 
> widen the scope of content within the workshop program (aka… not have the 
> same as last year) and balance new presenters with established ones. 
> Everything was a compromise to establish this program, but on balance I 
> believe (and I hope you as the community will agree), that we got the balance 
> right. 
> We have the stated aim in our proposal and since that we want to use FOSS4G 
> in Dar es Salaam to widen participation of many under-represented groups 
> within our community - as a global community, we need to be as diverse as the 
> world. Part of the economic impetus within the DLOC is to widen access and 
> participation - this means working out how to achieve that. Bluntly, if we 
> want to have a conference with the same content and people, we shouldn’t be 
> holding this in Dar es Salaam.
> As many, (but not all), workshop presenters are from companies sponsoring 
> their travel to FOSS4G (offering workshops that directly relate to services 
> offered by their employer), the drive to widen participation, with previous 
> conferences not offering free workshop tickets (Nottingham in 2013 for 
> example) and no sta

[OSGeo-Discuss] Free Workshop Tickets @ FOSS4G

2018-06-17 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi All,

Firstly… we’re super excited to be welcoming you all to Dar es Salaam this 
August… it’s going to be amazing!!

Secondly, at the end of last week, there was a very good discussion on Twitter 
about free tickets at FOSS4G [1] - there are numerous threads that span from 
here with good comments for offering free tickets to workshop presenters and 
keynotes and against. 

I’d like to explain why we made the choice not to offer free tickets to 
workshop presenters.

When we were putting together the workshop program, we were overwhelmed by the 
quality and quantity of submissions received by the call. We received 73 
submissions and accepted 27. This was incredibly difficult as we wanted to 
widen the scope of content within the workshop program (aka… not have the same 
as last year) and balance new presenters with established ones. Everything was 
a compromise to establish this program, but on balance I believe (and I hope 
you as the community will agree), that we got the balance right. 

We have the stated aim in our proposal and since that we want to use FOSS4G in 
Dar es Salaam to widen participation of many under-represented groups within 
our community - as a global community, we need to be as diverse as the world. 
Part of the economic impetus within the DLOC is to widen access and 
participation - this means working out how to achieve that. Bluntly, if we want 
to have a conference with the same content and people, we shouldn’t be holding 
this in Dar es Salaam.

As many, (but not all), workshop presenters are from companies sponsoring their 
travel to FOSS4G (offering workshops that directly relate to services offered 
by their employer), the drive to widen participation, with previous conferences 
not offering free workshop tickets (Nottingham in 2013 for example) and no 
stated promise to offer free tickets for presenters, I led my committee and we 
resolved to not provide free tickets to presenters. 

However, potentially this is wrong - and I’d like to stress as a volunteer(and 
unpaid!) conference chair/organiser, we’re capable of getting things wrong… but 
we/I want to ensure that it’s put right.

In effect, there is no profit from the workshop tickets, effectively, this pays 
for the conference venue and the food and drink for the workshop days. The cost 
of this is roughly $75. We’re charging $75 - this is cheaper than previous 
workshops! To offer a free ticket to workshop presenters, we would have charged 
$100 and reclaimed the cost of the workshop presenter ticket from there. We 
charged as low as we could, because we recognised that for some attending 
FOSS4G, $25 can be a very large difference… but for others... not at all (hence 
the donation button for the Travel Grant Programme!). But, to widen 
participation, we need to be as inclusive as possible and that means making 
hard choices. 

We’re being inclusive by raising the number of TGP attendees from 10 in Boston 
to 51 for Dar. As the DLOC, we’ve booked the YMCA for our TGP attendees - this 
means that the TGP this year can support micro-grants, paying $250 to support 
the bus travel, food, and drink of a community member in Uganda that ordinarily 
would not be able to get to the conference in theory on their doorstep - 
because of this, every little helps, saving $100 here, $300 there etc. This may 
sound like hyperbole, but it’s a direct and concrete way that FOSS4G is 
widening access, in both economically disadvantaged and gendered situations.

Ultimately: If you are a workshop presenter at FOSS4G this year and are unable 
to get your ticket/want a free ticket, please get in touch with me - we’ll sort 
you out and make it right. If this has given the impression that we are taking 
advantage of our workshop presenters - it is not the intention, nor the case 
and we’re sorry.

Going forward, I’d recommend there be a further discussion within the 
conference selection process on whether workshop presenters, keynotes etc are 
given free passes and clarify whether it should be one way or the other - but 
that is not for me or my committee to decide! It’s 70 days to go to the best 
FOSS4G yet… and we’ve got a conference to put on!

Thanks to all of you who make this community great :-) 



Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Foss4g Dar es Salaam - Accommodations

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi Brent,

Extra gala tickets will be available, but right now, we’re focusing on the 
early bird. You will be able to soon purchase additional gala tickets either 
online or on the door. 

This is the first time a FOSS4G is offering to book hotels centrally, instead 
of leaving people to book their own way. To do this, we are accommodating up to 
800 people. With the smaller capacity of hotels in Dar (the Ramada has roughly 
80 rooms for example) with no access to their booking systems, we have to work 
out what people have requested and then we block book accordingly.

The hotels are primed with rates agreed, but simply, we can spend $10k 
integrating our booking systems with theirs or have a slightly convoluted 
process. You have all the that you want!!! We’re trying to make coming to Dar 
es Salaam as easy as possible, but we have to work within the bounds of our 

Many thanks for your understanding and looking forward to seeing you in Dar es 



> On 3 Jun 2018, at 17:22, Brent Wood  wrote:
> On a similar issue, which may be shared by others.
> I'm looking at attending with my partner, who will not be at the conference, 
> but I hope will be at the gala dinner. We are also considering some of the 
> tourist packages offered by the conference organisers (well done for that !!!)
> Of the hotels listed, the New Africa seems to be the one best suited for us 
> both to stay at, with a pool and other leisure facilities, but unless I'm 
> able to choose which hotel the conference organisers book for me, I'll be 
> booking privately. It seems that at present we have no say in where we stay 
> if we book through the conference.
> Brent Wood
> From: Mark Iliffe 
> To: andrea antonello  
> Cc: ML osgeo discuss 
> Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 3:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Foss4g Dar es Salaam - Accommodations
> Hi Andrea,
> We’re looking at accommodating over 800 people in Dar. We have booked out the 
> Peacock hotel and that has 80 rooms, the Ramada has 120, etc! 
> Unfortunately there are no “mega” hotels in Dar es Salaam so we won’t all be 
> in the same hotel - but we will be in the same area. 
> We’ll publish the guidance for hotels for those booking separately within the 
> hour too! However, I stress to all, that you can add a hotel later in your 
> booking, or an experience, or a spousal room etc. So, nothing should stop you 
> getting your tickets!!
> Best,
> Mark
> > On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:59, andrea antonello  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Dear Mark,
> > 
> >> I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues - first of all, we have 
> >> published guidance for travelling in Dar es Salaam:
> >> This includes advice and 
> >> awareness on the local environment, first of all - please do not be 
> >> afraid! Safety is a priority for us!
> > 
> > thank you!
> > 
> > I read the guide, which is why I want to send a lonley travellng woman
> > to the accommodation in which most foss4g people are :-)
> > 
> >> To directly respond to you:
> >> 
> >> You can book additional nights on our booking system.
> >> We will be using 3* Peacock Hotel/Holiday Inn, 4* Ramada/Southern Sun, 5* 
> >> Serena/Hyatt.
> >> 
> >> The ambiguity with hotels is that we have arrangements with them for our 
> >> attendees and will assign hotels
> >> once they’ve been purchased -this is at their request. We would prefer 
> >> that you book through ourselves as we
> >> have negotiated special rates with each of the hotels - we will then fill 
> >> these accordingly.
> > 
> > Ok, still it would be good to know where most of the foss4g people
> > will go. If it is not appropriate to do it in the mailinglist, does
> > anyone have a good (and quick) idea? :-)
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Andrea
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> Other very good hotels are available in the city centre, these include the 
> >> Golden Tulip, Harbour View suites, Best Western, and the New Africa Hotel.
> >> 
> >> Best,
> >> 
> >> Mark
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:35, andrea antonello  
> >> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hi all,
> >> I am having some issues wiht the accommodations page for the foss4g:
> >>
> >> 
> >> Our company is going to send a lady to the conference and we would be
> >>

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Foss4g Dar es Salaam - Accommodations

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hello All,

Following the below requests, information on hotels is here: 

Looking forward to welcoming you all to Dar this August!!



> On 3 Jun 2018, at 11:07, Mark Iliffe  wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> We’re looking at accommodating over 800 people in Dar. We have booked out the 
> Peacock hotel and that has 80 rooms, the Ramada has 120, etc! 
> Unfortunately there are no “mega” hotels in Dar es Salaam so we won’t all be 
> in the same hotel - but we will be in the same area. 
> We’ll publish the guidance for hotels for those booking separately within the 
> hour too! However, I stress to all, that you can add a hotel later in your 
> booking, or an experience, or a spousal room etc. So, nothing should stop you 
> getting your tickets!!
> Best,
> Mark
>> On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:59, andrea antonello  wrote:
>> Dear Mark,
>>> I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues - first of all, we have 
>>> published guidance for travelling in Dar es Salaam:
>>> This includes advice and 
>>> awareness on the local environment, first of all - please do not be afraid! 
>>> Safety is a priority for us!
>> thank you!
>> I read the guide, which is why I want to send a lonley travellng woman
>> to the accommodation in which most foss4g people are :-)
>>> To directly respond to you:
>>> You can book additional nights on our booking system.
>>> We will be using 3* Peacock Hotel/Holiday Inn, 4* Ramada/Southern Sun, 5* 
>>> Serena/Hyatt.
>>> The ambiguity with hotels is that we have arrangements with them for our 
>>> attendees and will assign hotels
>>> once they’ve been purchased -this is at their request. We would prefer that 
>>> you book through ourselves as we
>>> have negotiated special rates with each of the hotels - we will then fill 
>>> these accordingly.
>> Ok, still it would be good to know where most of the foss4g people
>> will go. If it is not appropriate to do it in the mailinglist, does
>> anyone have a good (and quick) idea? :-)
>> Thanks,
>> Andrea
>>> Other very good hotels are available in the city centre, these include the 
>>> Golden Tulip, Harbour View suites, Best Western, and the New Africa Hotel.
>>> Best,
>>> Mark
>>> On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:35, andrea antonello  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am having some issues wiht the accommodations page for the foss4g:
>>> Our company is going to send a lady to the conference and we would be
>>> happy to know her safe (expecially roaming around at night) with many
>>> other foss4g-issers.
>>> Problem 1: we have a workshop at the 27th and all the packages start the 
>>> 28th
>>> Problem 2: it is not clear before registering which hotels will be used
>>> So I am sending out a help request to those that already chose: where
>>> are you staying?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Andrea
>>> ___
>>> Discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Foss4g Dar es Salaam - Accommodations

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi Andrea,

We’re looking at accommodating over 800 people in Dar. We have booked out the 
Peacock hotel and that has 80 rooms, the Ramada has 120, etc! 

Unfortunately there are no “mega” hotels in Dar es Salaam so we won’t all be in 
the same hotel - but we will be in the same area. 

We’ll publish the guidance for hotels for those booking separately within the 
hour too! However, I stress to all, that you can add a hotel later in your 
booking, or an experience, or a spousal room etc. So, nothing should stop you 
getting your tickets!!



> On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:59, andrea antonello  wrote:
> Dear Mark,
>> I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues - first of all, we have 
>> published guidance for travelling in Dar es Salaam:
>> This includes advice and 
>> awareness on the local environment, first of all - please do not be afraid! 
>> Safety is a priority for us!
> thank you!
> I read the guide, which is why I want to send a lonley travellng woman
> to the accommodation in which most foss4g people are :-)
>> To directly respond to you:
>> You can book additional nights on our booking system.
>> We will be using 3* Peacock Hotel/Holiday Inn, 4* Ramada/Southern Sun, 5* 
>> Serena/Hyatt.
>> The ambiguity with hotels is that we have arrangements with them for our 
>> attendees and will assign hotels
>> once they’ve been purchased -this is at their request. We would prefer that 
>> you book through ourselves as we
>> have negotiated special rates with each of the hotels - we will then fill 
>> these accordingly.
> Ok, still it would be good to know where most of the foss4g people
> will go. If it is not appropriate to do it in the mailinglist, does
> anyone have a good (and quick) idea? :-)
> Thanks,
> Andrea
>> Other very good hotels are available in the city centre, these include the 
>> Golden Tulip, Harbour View suites, Best Western, and the New Africa Hotel.
>> Best,
>> Mark
>> On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:35, andrea antonello  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am having some issues wiht the accommodations page for the foss4g:
>> Our company is going to send a lady to the conference and we would be
>> happy to know her safe (expecially roaming around at night) with many
>> other foss4g-issers.
>> Problem 1: we have a workshop at the 27th and all the packages start the 28th
>> Problem 2: it is not clear before registering which hotels will be used
>> So I am sending out a help request to those that already chose: where
>> are you staying?
>> Thank you!
>> Andrea
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Foss4g Dar es Salaam - Accommodations

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear Andrea,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues - first of all, we have published 
guidance for travelling in Dar es Salaam: 
. This includes advice and 
awareness on the local environment, first of all - please do not be afraid! 
Safety is a priority for us!

To directly respond to you:

You can book additional nights on our booking system.
We will be using 3* Peacock Hotel/Holiday Inn, 4* Ramada/Southern Sun, 5* 

The ambiguity with hotels is that we have arrangements with them for our 
attendees and will assign hotels once they’ve been purchased -this is at their 
request. We would prefer that you book through ourselves as we have negotiated 
special rates with each of the hotels - we will then fill these accordingly.

Other very good hotels are available in the city centre, these include the 
Golden Tulip, Harbour View suites, Best Western, and the New Africa Hotel.



> On 3 Jun 2018, at 10:35, andrea antonello  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having some issues wiht the accommodations page for the foss4g:
> Our company is going to send a lady to the conference and we would be
> happy to know her safe (expecially roaming around at night) with many
> other foss4g-issers.
> Problem 1: we have a workshop at the 27th and all the packages start the 28th
> Problem 2: it is not clear before registering which hotels will be used
> So I am sending out a help request to those that already chose: where
> are you staying?
> Thank you!
> Andrea
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 3 Days to go! FOSS4G 2018 Early Bird

2018-06-02 Thread Mark Iliffe

It is three days to go before the end of the Early Bird registration! As some 
have seen on Twitter, we’re announcing amazing keynotes, our workshop and 
conference program is published, with much more being announced soon!

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Dar es Salaam this August. Get your 
tickets now!


Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G: The Geospatial Event of the Year

2018-05-25 Thread Mark Iliffe
Publishing the program of workshops and the main conference program
has been a long road, but worth it!

This won’t just be an exciting program, but a program that we as a
DLOC think is one of the most diverse and interesting programs yet at
a FOSS4G and importantly one that we stand behind to deliver the
vision of our conference: Leave No-one Behind.

We've built collaborations with various communities, from within OSGeo
but wider than our core demographic. With Humanitarian OpenStreetMap
team, to host their annual summit as a track within the main program;
Understanding Risk: Africa, to focus on the use of OSGeo's geospatial
tools like Geoserver, Geonode, and Inasafe we'll be bringing users and
developers together at an extent not done before.

Workshop, Main Conference (and experience tickets!) are now available
at at the lowest early bird price in years - $500.
We're looking forward to welcoming you to Tanzania in the warm
Tanzanian sun!



FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] The Conference Program at FOSS4G

2018-05-20 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hello all!

It makes me very happy to write this email! After a really hard and challenging 
selection, from community voting to our final selection our main conference 
program is now published: 

Workshops have been finalised and will be uploaded shortly! Please get in touch 
with us with any questions… more communications are imminent as we get over 
this hump of publishing the program - this will include our holiday packages, 
day trips for spouses while you’re at the conference, and many more. 

It’s been really challenging to get the program in a place where we’re very 
proud of it. We believe that this is the most diverse, inclusive and exciting 
program of any FOSS4G yet. The Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee looks 
forward to receiving YOU in the Tanzanian sun this August!!



FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee___
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 Program Launch

2018-05-15 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear OSGeo,

After a very long and challenging selection process, the Dar es Salaam Local 
Organising Committee (DLOC) has released its conference program: 
<>. We are in the very 
final stages of finalising the workshop program and this will be released 
within the next few days - our apologies on this but the nature of the good 
content proposed has really been challenging for us to come up with a balanced 
workshop program - FOSS4G 2018 this year will not lack good content!! 

Early Bird tickets have been extended until the 5th of June… but get your 
tickets early!!!

Conference passes for FOSS4G Dar can be purchased here: 
 If you have any issues booking your passes, please do not hesitate to contact 
me directly at <>. 
You can book hotels through our site and will be able to add extra days and 
workshops within your conference management page. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Dar es Salaam sun this August.

Karibu Sana!! Welcome!!

Mark Iliffe
FOSS4G 2018 Co-Chair ___
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Dar es Salaam Update

2018-05-01 Thread Mark Iliffe
Fellow FOSS4Gers!

Things are getting hotter in Dar es Salaam!! The DLOC is in the process of
finalising the program, after receiving over 10,000 votes in the community
voting, the program will be out very soon - our thanks to Paul Ramsey who
helped with the running of the program.

We received 157 applications to the Travel Grant Program, the DLOC, under
the kind guidance of the Travel Grant Program committee, will be making
awards in the coming weeks. But thank you to all that have applied, the
range of applications and desire to attend FOSS4G this year is very warming.

In terms of challenges, we are working with our payment integrator,
Pesapal, to help with those that have struggled with making payments to
FOSS4G this year. Part of this is due to us being based in East Africa and
not all banks allow internet payments to Africa - this is due to your bank.
This is complicated with Paypal and other common forms of payment not being
available to us in Tanzania.

This shouldn't stop you from buying your tickets to FOSS4G - but if there
are issues, please get in touch with the DLOC or me. You can find out more
information on FOSS4G in Dar es Salaam on our website

Karibu sana!!

FOSS4G 2018 co-chair
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Conf] LGBT in OSGeo

2018-03-31 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear All,

Following these discussions, I would warmly welcome you all to contribute to 
the discussion on the CoC for this year’s FOSS4G: 

Many thanks,


> On 9 Mar 2018, at 13:44, Cameron Shorter <> wrote:
> Mark and others on this list,
> I'm seeing significant agreement here in promoting diversity within OSGeo. I 
> encourage anyone who feels strongly about this   should consider starting 
> to craft revised text for OSGeo policy documents. Until that happens, we are 
> all talk, no action, no impact.
> The process: Write draft changes to our policy documents, invite review, get 
> rough consensus on wording, get the conference committee to vote to accept 
> the proposed changes, update the official documents.
> Documents that I think need reworking are:
> <>
> <>
> Warm regards, Cameron
> On 8/3/18 1:16 am, Mark Iliffe wrote:
>> Dear María,
>> Thanks for the update on this, we as FOSS4G DLOC will follow and further 
>> participate with interest.
>> With regard to holding this conversation slowly, may I kindly counsel that 
>> we proceed as quickly and as openly as possible - to be clear, I do not view 
>> this as a point of debate for Dar es Salaam, but for our community as a 
>> whole - the ripples of this conversation go far beyond FOSS4G this year. 
>> The views and their number expressed have reinforced my (personal) view that 
>> to our credit, we have a great appetite for discussion on this within our 
>> community regarding diversity and inclusion - to proceed slowly in limited 
>> forums may provide the signal that we are not taking this seriously - we 
>> know this is not the case!! - but there is a difference between fact and 
>> perception unfortunately. 
>> I am not asking for people to come out of the closet to engage in this 
>> discussion; Personally, I am not LGBT+, however, I have a direct interest in 
>> making our community to be as inclusive and representative of our world as 
>> much as possible, this includes those in our community in relative and/or 
>> absolute poverty (ie. those that utilise QGIS to digitise their 
>> communities), or from under-represented communities - I believe that we can 
>> participate in this discussion not based on our race, creed, gender, sexual 
>> orientation but on the basis as we as a community stand weaker if one of us 
>> is disadvantaged - can we not engage independently as a member of humanity 
>> working towards inclusivity and acceptance, instead of categorising 
>> ourselves? 
>> This maybe a tone deaf view - and if so, please accept my humble apologies - 
>> but we clearly have a challenge here and while we cannot change the laws of 
>> any nation that we are working on, we can send the message to the OSGeo 
>> community that we are listening and through the CoC/diversity 
>> statement/working groups on LGBT+ etc. that YOU ARE WELCOME IN THIS 
>> This reinforces my personal view that we need to ensure that all are kept 
>> aware of these discussions - accordingly, I kindly request that we keep this 
>> in the OSGeo discuss board and make the F2F discussions in Bonn accessible 
>> for all and that the board takes appropriate action to ensure that this 
>> message is heard loud and clear throughout.
>> Many thanks,
>> Mark
>>> On 7 Mar 2018, at 02:37, María Arias de Reyna < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mark,
>>> Thank you very much for your email.
>>> I agree we should continue the discussion in the open. Now we have a
>>> clear view of the current situation from the board (and people
>>> following that list). A reason why I personally haven't moved this
>>> quicker more open is because I don't want OSGeo to be responsible of
>>> people coming out of the closet on the community and then travelling
>>> to Tanzania and having problems because of that. The risk is very low,
>>> as you have confirmed, but this is a very sensitive issue in many
>>> countries. Everyone should be aware of this before starting to point
>>> personal experiences, especially people coming from privileged
>>> countries where bein

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam Update!!

2018-03-25 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hello All!!

It’s been a hectic week for the DLOC - our inboxes have been full to bursting 
with submissions for FOSS4G in Dar es Salaam. I’d like to say thank you to all 
of you that have submitted. We’re now moving through to the community voting 
stages with a final programme being published very soon.

We’ve had over 220+ main track talks, 60+ academic papers, 90+ workshop 
proposals. This complements the curated tracks within our urban and 
humanitarian tracks. My academic committee has reviewed the academic proposals 
and have invited full papers and posters from the authors. In the main and 
workshop tracks, we now move through to the community voting process. This will 
be an exciting programme and will offer the very best that our community has to 
offer, from the latest advances in OSGeo technologies but also for our users 
and help develop and exchange knowledge of the OSGeo frontier!

While we’re working on pulling together the community voting process, we know 
that many of you can get FOMO - especially if you missed the deadline… so if 
you have that burning need to submit a talk, we’ll still receive them! 


The FOSS4G 2018 DLOC
Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Deadline CfP FOSS4G Dar es Salaam in 7 days!!

2018-03-14 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear All,

Things are heating up in Dar es Salaam for FOSS4G!! We've had a record
number of submissions within the academic track and are looking for even
more presentations, workshops, posters, and maps than ever before!

As such, we would like to remind you that only *7 days remains* to submit -
on the 21st of March!!

Also, we're looking to cover the full gamut of the OSGeo community, from
the latest advances in software, to our community itself. We've also
partnered with various institutions to augment the 'traditional' FOSS4G
approach. Accordingly, we would also request submissions around:

   - Urbanization Issues  (co-organised by Understanding Risk)
   - Coastal, Marine and the Environment
   - Widening Access and Humanitarian Mapping (co-organised by Humanitarian
   OpenStreetMap Team)
   - Drones/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

For more details on how to submit your paper/presentation please visit: Again, the deadline for sending
presentations is on March 21.

If you have any questions about the call for papers or the conference in
general, please get in touch with us!, Twitter or email us

May the FOSS be with you!!

The FOSS4G Dar es Salaam Local Organizing Team (DLOC)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [OSGeo-Conf] LGBT in OSGeo

2018-03-06 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear OSGeo Board,

On the 20th of February I wrote in response to a concern raised on LGBT+ 
concerns in Dar es Salaam. To this, set out the following four action points:

To help move forward on this, we will 1. Ensure that we provide guidance to 
those in our community on this issue; 2. Seek dialog within our community on 
this issue, I am personally contactable on this and fully welcome any and all 
people who wish to discuss this on a face-to-face (over VC) or any other medium 
that the community would feel better with; 3. Recommend that the board puts in 
place guidance for future OSGEO conferences other this issues; 4. Support the 
formation of an LGBT+ grouping within OSGEO to better support appropriate 
guidance on this issue.

To update on this:

1. We are collaborating with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team on this issue, to 
ensure that the response to our mutual communities are in lock-step on this 
issue. Guidance will be published for consultation for the conference shortly;
2. I have reached out to members of the LGBT+ community that I know personally 
on a bilateral basis. I would welcome further dialogue with the OSGeo LGBT+ 
community on a bilateral, private basis for people to voice their concerns in 

Points 3 and 4 are of specific interest, in the view of the LOC of FOSS4G 2018, 
as we can set policy direction for our conference, but have no mandate nor 
mechanism to set policy across OSGeo. To this end, I would formally request, in 
my role of Chair of FOSS4G for the OSGeo Board to provide direction to future 
FOSS4G conferences and to further support and service this community within our 
wider community. 

Clearly, there is a desire for LGBT+ to be considered further in our community 
- as noted in the transcript of the previous board meeting [1], but I think 
this needs to be communicated to our wider community - I see the discussions on 
the OSGeo board mailing list, though this may not have the widest circulation. 
I am also available to have a video conference with the board, at their 
earliest possible convenience if such an invitation was extended.

Finally, I really want to stress this for our conference in Dar es Salaam this 
year to our community: We want to have the most inclusive conference that we 
can possibly have. In the same way that previous FOSS4G events in Boston and 
North Carolina have demonstrated, our conferences have dealt with challenges 
within the wider legislative framework of their host country, we as a community 
are welcoming to any and all with open arms. We will publish guidance for those 
travelling, and if you still wish to participate but cannot come to Dar es 
Salaam, get in touch with us - we will help you get involved! Our FOSS4G will 
only be successful due to ALL the people in our OSGeo community; we are a big 
and dynamic family - we will reflect and live that this year in Dar es Salaam, 
and I hope in the many years to come.




-- Forwarded message --
From: jorge.dejesus >
Date: 21 February 2018 at 08:26
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Conf] LGBT in Tanzania

Hi to all

I was following the LGBT  in Tanzania discussion, and I am happy to see the 
question added to the next RfP.

The discussion on LGBT rights and safety requires a bit of common sense, I am 
LGBT it is one part of my live as being OsGEO member is another (one of many) 
part(s), normally these two don't intercept much, personally I think  this is  
why the LGBT community is present in OsGEO but very invisible. What?? No LGBT 
birds of the feather in FOSS4G ???

Having a code of conduct that is non discriminatory, we must take  into 
consideration the rights of minorities and safety of ALL the participants of 
and a OsGEO conference, the LOC have to do their best for the safety.  LOC 
should also informed  participants on what  are the real  problems that 
participants may have to face, then is up to the participants to decide if they 
fell comfortable to to attend the conference.

Again, nice to see this topic discussed and remember these comments are my 2 

Enjoy your day

On 21-02-18 10:30, Till Adams wrote:
> Darrell, @ohers,
> thanks for the sum up, I agree in including such a question in the next
> RfP. In order to preserve your proposal, I've added your questionTill here:
> I will add this to the next RfP-text.
> Till
> Am 20.02.2018 um 18:32 schrieb Darrell Fuhriman:
>> "FOSS4G attracts a global, diverse community. Are there any laws, or
>> social norms, in your proposed location that would make members of our
>> community feel unsafe or unwelcome? That could include, but is not
>> limited to, 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 sponsorship

2018-02-26 Thread Mark Iliffe

Personally, I'm annoyed with that response - I was halfway through
responding and you've articulated my personal thoughts in a much more
concise and good manner - thank you!! :-)


I would request people to engage as much as possible at this years (and
subsequent years!) FOSS4G. We have an exciting program and we are bringing
together as diverse a community as possible - this year's FOSS4G is in Dar
es Salaam - our mission is to raise awareness of our community and provide
the fullest opportunity of our community to geospatially enable our planet
in the future. With the future that we have, over 1 billion people in
extreme poverty, unchecked urban population growth, climate change and
other challenges, our time is now - we can all work together to deliver the
best possible outcomes for FOSS4G and OSGeo.



On 26 February 2018 at 12:23, Seven (aka Arnulf)  wrote:

> Folks,
> we have seriously discussed this over and again to the point of boredom.
> Still, I am happy that the topic comes up again and again because it shows
> that people are alert. Good.
> Having said that, we need to be as precise as possible in our terms and
> definitions. Every now and then this blurs over.
> Therefore allow me to give a quick primer: When we say "Open Source" and
> "Free Software" we basically mean the same thing: Software that is licensed
> under one of the 40+ officially respected licenses ranging from the GNU GPL
> over BSD and MIT to the WTFPL.
> Please refrain from using the term "Open Software" because it is imprecise
> and only good to confuse people. Do not say "closed Software" either
> because it may imply that it is more secure (like "locked" and "safe").
> Most evilly wrong: Never say "Commercial Software" because it connotes that
> we cannot do business with Open Source and that commercial enterprises
> cannot use it to make money which is both wrong and hurts commercial
> development of Open Source businesses. The opposite to Free and Open Source
> Software Licenses are proprietary licenses (and believe me, proprietary
> vendors hate this term).
> We should not make the impression that there is no business to be done
> with Open Source software. People have to understand that we do not charge
> fees for licenses and give the software away for free - but that we do
> charge fees for developing and maintaining it, when we actually "do"
> something. This can be maintenance, development, training, SLA-contracts,
> implementing the newest standard or whatever else may come up, you know how
> 95% of IT-revenue is done. Only a fraction of 5% really come from
> proprietary licenses, not more!
> Next: When we say "Open Source" and "Free Software" we also often "mean" a
> lot of additional things. One very dear to OSGeo is "community based" and
> "good governance". But this is not necessarily part of the license! It is
> only our interpretation of how Open Source should be done (and I totally
> believe in it).
> We should also be clear that anybody can use and support Free and Open
> Source Software for any purpose. This explicitly includes Esri and Oracle
> and Microsoft and all the other proprietary vendors. And why not?
> How do we deal with them at a conference? Like any other business. If they
> like we even invite them to a plenary talk, get a versed speaker from our
> trenches and let him or her publicly dissect all their proprietary
> arguments. This gives Open Source a much better voice than to just to ban
> them. They know we are so good at doing this that you will even have a hard
> time getting anyone on a plenary at all.
> We have also publicly invited proprietary brethren to participate in
> performance shoot-outs and the result was invariable showing how good we
> are. This is much cooler and shows much more self-efficacy than denying
> entry to anybody.
> Autodesk has tried to go Open Source and they basically failed. But they
> funded the fledgling OSGeo Foundation and now look at where we are.
> It appears that we are still not done educating folks who are still stuck
> on proprietary stacks.
> Lastly, how do we prevent an evil proprietary vendor from luring our
> conference attendees into believing that proprietary software is better
> than Open Source? Well, let them give a talk and if they say anything
> stupid or even wrong about Open Source they will be ripped to little pieces
> by the audience, believe me.
> Thanks for listening.
> Seven
> Am 26.02.2018 um 17:03 schrieb Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX):
> Sergio,
> I for one am delighted to hear your well expressed concern. In point of
> fact, ESRI certainly has no real interest in open source. They are there to
> make as much money as possible and don’t mind playing rough to get it. That
> is not to suggest we cannot find ways to live and even work together.
> Though like you said and said well “This approach should make OSGeo more
> alert.” On another but related issue, 

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Joining the Communities, FOSS4G and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

2018-02-16 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear All,

As many of you have noticed, it's been an exciting time for the FOSS4G
preparations in Dar es Salaam! We've had over 50 submissions to our
academic track and some big sponsors have already been announced... some
further news is that we're partnering with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
for FOSS4G in September!

This will bring two great communities together! Two communities which are
using each other's data, tools, and knowledge on a daily basis to improve
our world. By partnering with HOT we will add another 200+ attendees to the
mix, with many not having been to a FOSS4G before. This help us achieve our
vision of being the most inclusive FOSS4G yet, providing Geo 4 All, and
widening the scope of participation of a FOSS4G.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with myself, the Dar Local Organising
Committee (DLOC) with any questions, and our website with tickets, vision,
and further information is here: To keep in touch
with us, please subscribe to our mutual subscription lists too: FOSS4G: and for HOT: We're
looking forward to saying "Karibu Sana" to you, in August, in Dar es Salaam!

Many Thanks,

The 2018 FOSS4G Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee (DLOC)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Date: Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:01 AM
Subject: SAVE THE DATE Aug 27-Sep 2: HOT and FOSS4G Together in Tanzania

HOT and FOSS4G have joined forces to bring you the GIS and humanitarian
mapping event of the year in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. HOT will sponsor and
lead the Widening Access and Humanitarian Mapping track, giving you a
three-day summit, code sprints, field visits with the Ramani Huria mapping
project, an optional two workshop days (available as an add-on to your
registration) and much more! Enjoy the beaches of Zanzibar and beauty of
Tanzania's national parks. We look forward to welcoming you to Tanzania -
*Karibu Sana!*

*More info on discounted registration for the HOT community coming soon.*
FOSS4G 2018 Website

In partnership with:




*Copyright © 2018 Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email as an individual that has previously shown
interest in HOT's activities.

*Our mailing address is:*
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
1110 Vermont Ave NW

Suite 500


, DC 20005

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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Launching the Call for Participation at FOSS4G 2018

2017-12-19 Thread Mark Iliffe
Fellow FOSS4Gers!

We are honoured to formally launch the Call for Papers for FOSS4G 2018 in
Dar es Salaam!

Please submit your proposals for papers, workshops, maps, and academic
papers here:

The Program Committee is looking for a variety of different types of
stories across a broad range of sectors and industries. Together we can
make this the best FOSS4G yet! We’re looking for all the topics that make
FOSS4G great - and especially topics relating to: Urbanisation; Coastal,
Marine and the Environment; Widening Access and Humanitarian Mapping; and

Listening to the community, we have also extended our early bird discount
of $150 until the 15th of May! This means the early bird rate is just $500!
We are also offering comprehensive packages as part of the conference,
currently these include hotel and the conference ticket - Please register

In the coming month, we will also be releasing information on our holiday
and tours packages, in partnership with our conference organisers,
Studio19. These packages will range from a Safari Adventure to historic and
marine experiences in Zanzibar!

*We welcome you all to Dar es Salaam - Karibuni Sana!*

Please get in touch with us on the OSGEO mailing lists[1] or over Twitter
on @FOSS4G.

The FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam Local Organising Committee (DLOC).

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Updated GeoForAll budget 2018

2017-11-21 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi Suchith,

I'm looking forward to hearing from the board!

To further bolster this, I would look to use the funds exclusively on
supporting the students to attend FOSS4G - flights, subsistence, hotels
etc. This will make the money go a little bit further, and for little bit
more on our side, it can be a long way for an individual.



On 21 November 2017 at 11:32, Suchith Anand <>

> Hi Mark,
> Thank you for your mail and volunteering to administer (on behalf of LOC
> Dar)  directly the $2k from the OSGeo board for this. I leave to the OSGeo
> Board to decide this as appropriate. Personally, I believe having FOSS4G in
> Africa in 2018, is a great opportunity esp. for the students in local
> universities there to ever get the opportunity to be a Global FOSS4G  and
> learn new ideas to help them develop.
> I recently received an email from an educator in Uganda who said  “ It is
> crucially important for African students to interact with European
> professors. Books, journal articles etc., all come from Europe. Uganda for
> example has no single degree holding cartographer!” [1]. I believe FOSS4G
> Global coming to Africa is a great opportunity for many educators and
> students in Africa to meet directly colleagues from around the world and
> learn, so let us do our best to make this happen in whatever form which is
> best.
> I really liked the idea that Maria  send earlier  today on having a
> separate track for students to present their work that FOSS4G-Europe is
> planning “FOSS4G-Europe we are considering asking for 1 000€ which will be
> split among 10 students awarded. This will mean the ticket cost to attend
> FOSS4G-Eu for them (100€).We intend to have a track for them so they can
> expose their work and not only have a poster and a mention.[2]
> One option that  you and LOC  could consider is use the 2k specifically
> for arranging student track at FOSS4G 2018 and use the funding to cover
> registration fees of participating students . I am sure if we all think
> creatively, we can find a means to ensure more students get opportunity at
> FOSS4G and present their ideas.
> FOSS4G is visiting Africa  in 2018 and we thank our hosts (local
> universities and many local colleagues there who are working hard to make
> it possible), so how can we as OSGeo give back something to the local
> community there. In my humble opinion, the best gift we can give is provide
> more opportunities to some of  students there to get opportunity to
> participate and give them a platform to share their ideas.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> [1]
> [2]
> November/004570.html
> From: Mark Iliffe <>
> Sent: 21 November 2017 2:36 PM
> To: Suchith Anand
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Updated GeoForAll budget 2018
> Dear Suchith,
> Notwithstanding Till’s email regarding the separation of the TGP and
> GeoForAll, I would like to formally request that you reconsider the
> withdrawal of the $2k application to the OSGeo board. If necessary, the Dar
> LOC can administer directly the $2k from the OSGeo board - instead of the
> TGP.
> For this - we’d request that GeoForAll supports the selection of the
> appropriate candidates in collaboration with the LOC. I feel that we have a
> real chance to make our conference accessible for all, let’s do it!
> Many thanks,
> Mark
> On 21 Nov 2017, at 08:56, Suchith Anand <
> <>> wrote:
> Yes, Charlie’s idea is excellent and very strategic for future GeoForAll
> expansion ideas, so we are going to follow up this. My suggestion is that
> we will do everything first to see if we can get volunteers with the
> required skillsets that we need for this work. If there are no volunteers
> for this, then we will decide to do open call . Thankfully , I am receiving
> some volunteer offers to my call on this from our excellent colleagues, so
> I am confident that we do not need to ask OSGeo Board for any funding at
> this stage for this work.
> Based on feedbacks I received from discussions in the conference list, I
> have removed the 2k request for students TGP [1] . I understand that TGP
> committee is s run by members of LOC and OSGeo CC  and has clear
> procedures in place. I am confident they will do their best to ensure
> representation of all deserving. I thank every

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Updated GeoForAll budget 2018

2017-11-21 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear Suchith,

Notwithstanding Till’s email regarding the separation of the TGP and GeoForAll, 
I would like to formally request that you reconsider the withdrawal of the $2k 
application to the OSGeo board. If necessary, the Dar LOC can administer 
directly the $2k from the OSGeo board - instead of the TGP.

For this - we’d request that GeoForAll supports the selection of the 
appropriate candidates in collaboration with the LOC. I feel that we have a 
real chance to make our conference accessible for all, let’s do it!

Many thanks,


> On 21 Nov 2017, at 08:56, Suchith Anand  
> wrote:
> Yes, Charlie’s idea is excellent and very strategic for future GeoForAll 
> expansion ideas, so we are going to follow up this. My suggestion is that  we 
> will do everything first to see if we can get volunteers with the required 
> skillsets that we need for this work. If there are no volunteers for this, 
> then we will decide to do open call . Thankfully , I am receiving some 
> volunteer offers to my call on this from our excellent colleagues, so I am 
> confident that we do not need to ask OSGeo Board for any funding at this 
> stage for this work. 
> Based on feedbacks I received from discussions in the conference list, I have 
> removed the 2k request for students TGP [1] . I understand that TGP committee 
> is s run by members of LOC and OSGeo CC  and has clear  procedures in place. 
> I am confident they will do their best to ensure representation of all 
> deserving. I thank everyone in TGP committee for their time and efforts to 
> make the travel grants program possible.
> So currently the only one funding we will be asking is the Student Award for 
> FOSS4G conferences . Having this distributed (500 USD) each to 4 FOSS4G 
> events regionally is great. I already have FOSS4G-NA interested to  follow up 
> on this. I really hope GeoforAll South America will make use of this for a 
> FOSS4G event in South America .  Those FOSS4G LOC contacts wishing to take up 
> this please email to the GeoForAll list and we will follow up.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> [1] 
> Sent: 21 November 2017 1:03 PM
> To: Suchith Anand; 
> ; 
> ; 
> Subject: RE: Updated GeoForAll budget 2018
> What about what Charlie suggested? Regarding a way to make possible 2-4 
> concrete multi-GeoForAll lab educational content collaborations? In the 
> GeoFolrAll iberoamerica network there are many labs that will be very 
> interested in these kind of collaborations...
> Sergio Acosta y Lara
> Departamento de Geomática
> Dirección Nacional de Topografía
> Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
> (598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330
> De: GeoForAll  > en nombre de Suchith Anand 
> >
> Enviado: lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017 15:59
> Para: ; 
> ; 
> Asunto: [Geo4All] Updated GeoForAll budget 2018
> Dear all,
> Thank you for everyone for providing inputs/feedbacks. Based on this, I am 
> proposing the following for GeoForAll budget 2018
> GeoForAll Student awards for FOSS4G events will be 500 USD per event (both 
> local and global). Distributed as follows
> First prize -250 USD ;Second prize - 150 USD; Third prize -100 USD
> We will arrange for max. 4 FOSS4G events to be supported for student awards 
> per year (these will be FOSS4G regional events or other events like gvSIG 
> conference etc which have a dedicated Open source Geo Track and LOC willing 
> to run the award event. This will help us provide more global distribution 
> for supporting student excellence.
> The main deliverable for any LOC wishing to take up this is to ensure there 
> is an LOC contact responsible for running the student awards  with criteria 
> setup etc and award ceremony done at the closing ceremony and awards given to 
> winners.
> Total budget  - 2000 USD
> As 2018 FOSS4G Global event is happening in Africa, it is a great opportunity 
> for widening participation for more students in Africa, so I am also 
> requesting OSGeo Board to consider 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines extensions

2017-11-20 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi Suchith, 

I agree broadly with the below - Generally, I’d advise against large monetary 
prizes, given the current climate I think widening participation is a higher 
value for our community (this is my personal view). I think offering high value 
prizes in lieu of a travel grant isn’t the right way to go - I think some 
monetary compensation is good - but the absolute max should be $250 IMHO. 

With the figures, will this mean $2,500 for the TGP or $2,000. We’re looking at 
scrambling for as much money as possible for grants (and are currently 
discussing ways of maximising the value + sponsorship for this too!). 

Over to the lists :-)



> On 20 Nov 2017, at 08:26, Suchith Anand <> 
> wrote:
> It is good point Mark. I want to get ideas/inputs from everyone before we 
> decide the exact amount for the student prizes. May be we should aim for 1000 
> USD maximum for each global FOSS4G event for the student prizes (First , 
> second and third prize) with certificate . That way we may be able to provide 
> more for other FOSS4G events also as needed. The Travel Grant program for the 
> global FOSS4G event is important , so maybe the solution is 1000 USD for 
> student prize and 2000 USD for Student Travel grant to support widening 
> participation. Is that okay?
> For local FOSS4G events maybe the aim should be 500 USD budget for the 
> student awards. We will not be doing travel grants for local FOSS4G events as 
> the idea is to encourage more local events to happen in the future.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> From: Mark Iliffe <>
> Sent: 20 November 2017 1:10 PM
> To: Suchith Anand
> Cc: discuss osgeo;; conference
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 
> extensions
> Hi Suchith,
> Can I query the amount of money involved here? I think that $3,500 for prizes 
> is a bit too large, especially considering the environment that we’re in. Can 
> I suggest/discuss that we parcel $2k at least from the GeoForAll budget, to 
> support widening participation through the Travel Grant Program, with the 
> remainder on awards?
> This seems more equitable and would support the mission more aptly in my 
> opinion.
> Thanks!
> Mark
> ____
> From: Suchith Anand <>
> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 7:37:26 AM
> To: Mark Iliffe
> Cc: discuss osgeo;; conference
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 
> extensions
> Thanks Mark for the query. Yes, This is specifically for awarding the best 
> presentations/posters of students at FOSS4G conference. It is fully upto the 
> LOC to decide the criteria for this and plan this. It will need to be given 
> at the closing ceremony and it will be good if someone from the LOC (after 
> the event) sends us some photos and short blogpost for the OSGeo website. The 
> bigger aim is to get more students to submit the work for FOSS4G conferences 
> as well as providing recognition for the excellent work of students.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> From: Maria Antonia Brovelli <>
> Sent: 20 November 2017 12:20 PM
> To: Mark Iliffe; Suchith Anand
> Cc: discuss osgeo;; conference
> Subject: R: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 
> extensions
> Dear Mark
> These are prizes for the best presentations or posters of young authors at 
> the conference. They are given at the closing session and there will be a 
> jury at the conference evaluating posters and presentations.
> It is different from the travel grants.
> Best,
> Maria
> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>  Messaggio originale 
> Da: Mark Iliffe <>
> Data: 20/11/17 13:11 (GMT+01:00)
> A: Suchith Anand <>
> Cc: discuss osgeo <>,, 
> conference <>
> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 
> extensions
> Dear All,
> Thank you for this!
> Suchith, can you help clarify the differences between this program and the 
> Travel Grant Program please? I just want to ensure that the two differing 
> programs are coordinated and that we’re targeting different constituencies 
> with the funding - I believe that the two programs are targeting similar 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines extensions

2017-11-20 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hi Suchith,

Can I query the amount of money involved here? I think that $3,500 for prizes 
is a bit too large, especially considering the environment that we’re in. Can I 
suggest/discuss that we parcel $2k at least from the GeoForAll budget, to 
support widening participation through the Travel Grant Program, with the 
remainder on awards?

This seems more equitable and would support the mission more aptly in my 



From: Suchith Anand <>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 7:37:26 AM
To: Mark Iliffe
Cc: discuss osgeo;; conference
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 

Thanks Mark for the query. Yes, This is specifically for awarding the best 
presentations/posters of students at FOSS4G conference. It is fully upto the 
LOC to decide the criteria for this and plan this. It will need to be given at 
the closing ceremony and it will be good if someone from the LOC (after the 
event) sends us some photos and short blogpost for the OSGeo website. The 
bigger aim is to get more students to submit the work for FOSS4G conferences as 
well as providing recognition for the excellent work of students.

Best wishes,


From: Maria Antonia Brovelli <>
Sent: 20 November 2017 12:20 PM
To: Mark Iliffe; Suchith Anand
Cc: discuss osgeo;; conference
Subject: R: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 

Dear Mark
These are prizes for the best presentations or posters of young authors at the 
conference. They are given at the closing session and there will be a jury at 
the conference evaluating posters and presentations.
It is different from the travel grants.

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung

 Messaggio originale ----
Da: Mark Iliffe <>
Data: 20/11/17 13:11 (GMT+01:00)
A: Suchith Anand <>
Cc: discuss osgeo <>,, 
conference <>
Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 

Dear All,

Thank you for this!

Suchith, can you help clarify the differences between this program and the 
Travel Grant Program please? I just want to ensure that the two differing 
programs are coordinated and that we’re targeting different constituencies with 
the funding - I believe that the two programs are targeting similar 
constituencies in groups that need to have their participation widened, so 
understanding GeoForAll’s specific guidelines will help guide the LOC in the 
appropriate approach. In that respect, with the LOC, I’m happy for this to be 
ran within the LOC, as a LOC effort too.

Let us know what further information you require/want to discuss too!



> On 20 Nov 2017, at 02:44, Suchith Anand <> 
> wrote:
> Thank you Maria, Serena for your help and volunteering for this. Greatly 
> appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> From: serenacoetzee <>
> Sent: 20 November 2017 7:42 AM
> To: Maria Antonia Brovelli
> Cc: Suchith Anand;; discuss osgeo
> Subject: Re: [Geo4All] R: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 
> extensions
> Dear Maria, happy to assist if you need help.
> Regards,
> Serena
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 20 Nov 2017, at 09:39, Maria Antonia Brovelli 
> <<>> wrote:
> Dear Suchith I can lead the prizes commission and celebration for FOSS4G 2018 
> Dar, being the Chair of the Academic Track. If there is somebody else willing 
> to help me, please show you up.
> Best.
> Maria
> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>  Messaggio originale 
> Da: Suchith Anand 
> <<>>
> Data: 20/11/17 02:07 (GMT+01:00)
> A:<>, discuss osgeo 
> <<>>
> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines extensions
> Dear all,
> We are now working to put proposal for GeoForAll budget and OSGeo student 
> awards at FOSS4G conferences are important way for us to support excellent 
> students. It will be great to have these awards given at FOSS4G Dar.
> My suggestion is  that 7500 USD in the budget is kept for OSGeo student 
> awards at FOSS4G  conferences (global or local). These awards will 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] R: FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines extensions

2017-11-20 Thread Mark Iliffe
Dear All,

Thank you for this! 

Suchith, can you help clarify the differences between this program and the 
Travel Grant Program please? I just want to ensure that the two differing 
programs are coordinated and that we’re targeting different constituencies with 
the funding - I believe that the two programs are targeting similar 
constituencies in groups that need to have their participation widened, so 
understanding GeoForAll’s specific guidelines will help guide the LOC in the 
appropriate approach. In that respect, with the LOC, I’m happy for this to be 
ran within the LOC, as a LOC effort too.

Let us know what further information you require/want to discuss too!



> On 20 Nov 2017, at 02:44, Suchith Anand  
> wrote:
> Thank you Maria, Serena for your help and volunteering for this. Greatly 
> appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> From: serenacoetzee 
> Sent: 20 November 2017 7:42 AM
> To: Maria Antonia Brovelli
> Cc: Suchith Anand;; discuss osgeo
> Subject: Re: [Geo4All] R: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines 
> extensions
> Dear Maria, happy to assist if you need help.
> Regards,
> Serena
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 20 Nov 2017, at 09:39, Maria Antonia Brovelli 
> > wrote:
> Dear Suchith I can lead the prizes commission and celebration for FOSS4G 2018 
> Dar, being the Chair of the Academic Track. If there is somebody else willing 
> to help me, please show you up.
> Best.
> Maria
> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>  Messaggio originale 
> Da: Suchith Anand 
> >
> Data: 20/11/17 02:07 (GMT+01:00)
> A:, discuss osgeo 
> >
> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines extensions
> Dear all,
> We are now working to put proposal for GeoForAll budget and OSGeo student 
> awards at FOSS4G conferences are important way for us to support excellent 
> students. It will be great to have these awards given at FOSS4G Dar.
> My suggestion is  that 7500 USD in the budget is kept for OSGeo student 
> awards at FOSS4G  conferences (global or local). These awards will be decided 
> and given by the FOSS4G LoC. But before we make this request to OSGeo Board , 
> I would like to know if FOSS4G 2018 LOC  in Dar Es Salaam will like to give 
> Student awards (max 3500 USD in total for global event) and is there anyone 
> in the LOC willing to coordinate this. Unless there is someone in LOC willing 
> to do this, we cannot make this possible. If there are any other FOSS4G local 
> events happening in 2018 and wish to give student awards , the LOC can 
> contact the GeoForAll mail lists informing their interest and contact person 
> and we can plan to allocate the rest (maximum 1000 USD per local event - so 
> maximum 4 local events will be supported per year)
> My question is - Is there any one in FOSS4G 2018 LOC and local FOSS4G 
> conferences happening in 2018 interested to give student awards and willing 
> to be point of contact for this. Ideally, if the LOCs can match fund this 
> with external funding the better for expanding impact .
> Please let us know asap, so we can make an informed decision. thanks.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> From: Discuss 
> > on 
> behalf of Maria Antonia Brovelli 
> >
> Sent: 19 November 2017 4:15 PM
> To:; discuss osgeo
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Academic Track: deadlines extensions
> Sorry for my mistake. Below the correct version (Early Bird 15 May 2018)
> Dear All
> please be noticed that, due to the extension of the Early Bird Registration 
> and to the many requests, the deadlines of the FOSS4G Academic Track in Dar 
> Es Salaam have been changed in this way:
> Abstract Submission deadline is  15 February 2018
> Abstract acceptance notice is 15 March 2018
> Early Bird Registration closes  15 May 2018
> Camera ready paper for the Proceedings has to be submitted by  30 April 2018
> I recall you that the Proceedings of the Academic Track will be ready the 
> First Day of the Conference. They are published in “The International 
> Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
> Sciences”, which are open access publications, published under the Creative 
> Common Attribution 3.0 License and listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings 
> Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS, the E/I Compendex,and 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] My feelings about board elections

2017-10-29 Thread Mark Iliffe
Hello All,

Democracy isn’t the only form of governance, just the one that works for us at 

Elections are just that, elections. The voice of the whole doesn’t not always 
recognise an individual’s views, but this doesn’t mean that the views of an 
individual aren’t important. Sanghee, you’ve raised some very interesting 
points and one’s that we need to consider long into the future and especially 
not make rash decisions as a community. 

Representation from across our community is really important and the 
centralisation of our committee members in two regions is not a positive one. 
I’d call on the board to consider what measures they could take to increase 
representation from across the wider community; potentially including regional 
representation to the board with voting limited to those from that region. This 
isn’t a perfect solution, but drastic times call for drastic measures.

Just my $0.02s. 



> On 29 Oct 2017, at 19:36, Massimiliano Cannata 
>  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I think that this is democracy.
> You were the board and should have thought when in power to change the 
> election rules, but since you didn't, to me is not fare to rise concerns just 
> the day after. Asian is just a part of the world, what about missing 
> Africans, or south Americans or Oceanians in the past board? Was that more 
> fare then now?
> We are global and global is the election, we are just members: one member one 
> vote. We have no closed doors. If you like, make a proposal and ask charter 
> members to vote on that.
> I regret that Venka, a dear friend, was not elected. Just because it's Venka, 
> the history and wisdoms of OSGeo and foss4g, not because he's Asian.
> Regarding Jeff I think it's time to stop spamming his reputation. Everybody 
> should respect the person and the people that voted for him!
> He also know much more of OSGeo community than you may think...
> My 0.01 cent.
> Long life to OSGeo.
> Maxi
> Il 29 ott 2017 3:55 PM, "Maria Antonia Brovelli"  > ha scritto:
> Dear Sanghee
> Many thanks for your frank email. I also want to congratulate the new friends 
> elected but, at the same time, I share your same  considerations. I feel not 
> confortable in a Board that is only, as you correctly pointed out, European 
> and North American. That is not becasue I don't like the current Board 
> Members. On the opposite, they are wonderful and I love them. But there is 
> something wrong if we missed one part of the world which before was 
> represented and we have not added any new one.
> With respect to point 2 of your mail, I also agree with you. It seems me not 
> serious to change ideas every other day. Also in this case, I have nothing 
> against Jeff, whose activism, enthusiasm and help is so important for all of 
> us, but I can simply say that I would not behave in this way. 
> Writing this mail was a bit tough and I thank you, Sanghee, for starting this 
> discussion (I imagine how difficult it was by you). Sometimes we need also to 
> discuss about weak points in the life of the Foundation.
> Best regards and love to all of you.
> Maria
> Pay attention to this Special Issue and see if it is of interest by you:
> Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
> Professor of GIS and Remote Sensing
> Politecnico di Milano
> ISPRS WG IV/4 "Collaborative crowdsourced cloud mapping (C3M)" 
> , Board of Directors of 
> OSGeo; GeoForAll Advisory Board; NASA WorldWind Europa Challenge; SIFET 
> Advisory Board
> UN-GGIM Academic Network Deputy Chair, UN-GGIM Italy, UN OpenGIS Initiative 
> (Chair of the Capacity Building WG)
> Sol Katz Award 2015
> P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
> Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,   
> Da: Discuss  > per conto di Sanghee Shin 
> >
> Inviato: domenica 29 ottobre 2017 15:17
> A: OSGeo Discussions
> Oggetto: [OSGeo-Discuss] My feelings about board elections
> Dear All,
> First of all I'd like to give my sincere congratulations to newly elected 
> board members. Here I want to share some of my feelings around this board 
> elections.
> 1. Needless to say all new board members are deserved to win the election. 
> However as a whole, now we have all WHITE board of directors only 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] withdrawal from Board election

2017-10-22 Thread Mark Iliffe

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Oct 2017, at 17:17, Bart van den Eijnden  wrote:
> I agree with Barry that this is the only way forward, a new ballot.
> Best regards,
> Bart
>> On 22-10-17 15:33, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
>>> My proposal to the Board and the OSGeo charter members is to leave the
>>> list as it is and make sure that the people that did not vote yet are
>>> aware of Jeff's request to withdraw from the Board elections.
>> No, this is completely off. If a candidate withdraws during an election, you 
>> should declare the current ballot void and start a new one without the 
>> withdrawn candidate. 
>> Leaving the ballot running, but telling people who have not voted yet that 
>> one candidate has withdrawn is *unfair* to those who already voted. 
>> I would hope that running a ballot is low-enough cost that this doesn't have 
>> a cost impact, unlike a paper election!
>> If Jeff had been elected to the board and then resigned the day after the 
>> election then I assume there's regulations for having new by-elections for 
>> vacant seats, but this situation is not the same. 
>> Barry
>>> I can
>>> insert the information in the reminder mail that I'm planing to submit
>>> tonight/Monday morning.
>>> Best,
>>> Vasile
>>> CRO 2017
>>> [1]
>>> On 10/21/17 3:34 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>> > Dear CRO,
>>> >
>>> > Please accept my withdrawal from the Board election.  I am sorry to
>>> > cause all of the problems so clearly explained by so many here publicly
>>> > this election.
>>> >
>>> > I wish to take the time now to thank all of the candidates for
>>> > volunteering their time for the OSGeo community.
>>> >
>>> > Yours,
>>> >
>>> > -Jeff McKenna
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > Discuss mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] linux distro preferences

2014-11-17 Thread Mark Iliffe
Echoing Jo's note on Ubuntu LTS. Personally experience of Centos was just too 



 On 17 Nov 2014, at 12:32, Jo Cook wrote:
 We use Ubuntu LTS for our AWS servers. I know it wasn't part of the question, 
 but we have two under very similar load, doing the same things, one with SSD 
 and one without- and I would definitely recommend SSD.
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 12:29 PM, George Silva 
 I use Ubuntu for my servers. Some clients use CentOS.
 Never tried OpenSuse and Debian.
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Petr Suk wrote:
 Hi all,
 I need to choose one linux distro for running our geospatial applications 
 on AWS. It means running mainly GeoServer, MapServer, MapProxy, PostGIS and 
 so on . I have my hot candidate but it's always good to know others opinion.
 I know that it is not as simple, but please, can you just write your 
 favorite one?
 The shortlist is as follow:
 OpenSuse, Centos, Ubuntu, Debian
 Thanks for your tips.
 Discuss mailing list
 George R. C. Silva
 SIGMA Consultoria
 Discuss mailing list
 Jo Cook
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 7RL, UK 
 t:+44 7930 524 155
 iShare - Data integration and publishing platform
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