Re: [slim] How long have your SB's lasted?

2012-09-06 Thread Fozzy

Here's my purchase history:

Nov 2006 - SB3
Dec 2009 - Boom
Aug 2010 - SB3 and Boom
Oct 2010 - Boom
Aug 2011 - Boom

All of these are still working perfectly and I am obviously hoping they
do so for some years to come.

Of the SB3s one is Logitech branded and black, the other SlimDevices
branded and sliver.  The earlier purchase was from an on-line retailer
and the later one from eBay so I suspect the earlier purchase was a new
one with Logitech branding and the later purchase for a used one with
the SlimDevices branding.

Looking back over that I remember buying the first SB3 on recommendation
from someone at work because I had bought a new house and the PC was no
longer close to the HiFi.  The first boom was when our daughter first
had her own bedroom and I wanted to be able to play our music collection
in her bedroom.  2010 was buying another new house, setting up a home
office with some bookshelf speakers and one SB3 and the other Boom in
our bedroom and after that it was just putting them in rooms that did
not have one so we can now listen is any room of the house except the

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-06 Thread Fozzy

firedog wrote: 
> The whole point of the new software is to eliminate the local server. So
> features like local synch of local music files, and random play go out
> the window. I think for the future customers of Logitech this makes
> sense; it just doesn't work for the existing SB customers. If you are
> basing your architecture on the cloud and the assumption that users are
> accessing your software with a wireless device like a phone or a tablet,
> then there isn't much of an incentive to have audiophile SQ and
> features.

Indeed, and the provision of a device with digital audio out may make
some of the companies operating on-line streaming services more nervous
about agreeing to work with the new system.  Even though content owners
have relented on some aspects of DRM they would still prefer for there
to be no way to obtain a flawless digital copy of their content.

So why would Logitech develop a riskier product that has much more
limited appeal than something like the radio?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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Re: [slim] Receiver as bridge to wireless AP?

2012-09-05 Thread Fozzy

I have used the SB3 as a bridge. It was connecting to the wireless
router as a client and allowing devices connected via an Ethernet switch
to the SB3's Ethernet port to gain access to the Internet via wireless.

There is a quirk to this though because all the traffic the SB3
forwarded from the other devices connected to it's Ethernet port had the
SB3's own Ethernet MAC address on the wireless network.

This works in that any packets coming back in response to those
forwarded will be correctly sent to the SB3 which then know where to
forward them to but it does break some assumptions made in some ADSL
routers that clients who hold a DHCP address will respond to ARP
requests and thus cause the router some confusion.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Orange Squeeze 1.0 for Android Released

2012-04-14 Thread Fozzy

For some reason I suddenly remembered Orange Squeeze this evening so I
went to market and installed it.  I am just comparing with
SqueezeCommander which I have used for some time.

The first thing I like about Orange Squeeze is that it used the Android
native widgets so it looks similar to other parts of Android.  It also
looks to work in some ways like the media player on ICS.  So far it
looks good - it has done most of the things I wanted.  I am still
getting used to it - I have the relationship of the screens in
SqueezeCommander in my head and I have yet to get to that point with
Orange Squeeze.

The only drawback I have found so far is that search seems to be
offloaded to the server.  If the server is fast this may be a good thing
but if the server is not fast then local searching as done by
SqueezeCommander is faster.

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Re: [slim] Lightening!

2011-07-25 Thread Fozzy

We had a lightning incident here recently and the damage was fortunately
limited to a pair of DSL/Wireless routers connected to my DSL lines and
the Ethernet port of an Xbox360.

In the case of the wireless routers in at least one case the telephone
line interface was damaged as well as the power adaptor.

It seems the issue in this case was most likely not a high voltage
between the live and neutral wires of the mains but between the mains
wires as a pair and earth (ground).  In that case the path to earth is
through the DSL router to the phone line which has one leg grounded and
the damaged parts reflect this.

In the case of a cable line the same route is possible particularly if
the screen of the coax cable is grounded.  In this case grounding at
the customers premises probably acts more to protect the cable
company's equipment and that of neighbouring customers that it does to
protect your equipment.


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Re: [slim] Why do you continue to use your Squeezebox ?

2011-07-25 Thread Fozzy

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Why do you continue to use Squeezebox ?

- I'm satisfied with the Squeezebox system, why change something that
  works good ?
- I have already invested too much in Squeezebox devices, would cost
  too much to switch
- I have just purchased a new Squeezebox and won't switch to
  something else anytime soon
- I love the 3rd party plugin/app model and would only switch to
  something else that supports this
- I would consider switching if someone offered something with
  similar functionality
- I have already started to look for something else but haven't found
  anything interesting yet
- I have already started or completed the transition to something

I actually can't remember how long ago I bought the first Squeezebox.

At the time I already had an extensive CD collection and storage was a
problem.  I could not easily have the whole collection available near a
CD player and it was too much trouble to dig into storage boxes or even
the loft to find some of the disks.

I wanted something that would enable me to put all the music on a
server and then listen to whatever took my fancy without having to find
the physical CD.  I also wanted HiFi quality, not necessarily audiophile
but good enough that I wouldn't be distracted from the music by
noticeable distortion or extreme colouration.  I already had some HiFi
separates and speakers so something that would plug into an input on my
existing amp would be ideal.

Someone at work recommended the Squeezebox and the fact that server
would work on my Linux PC was a definite bonus.  I bought a SB Classic
(though it wasn't called that at the time) and was very pleased with it
as it fulfilled all my criteria above.  The sound quality is certainly
good enough for my ears.

After that I bought some Squeezebox booms, first for my daughter's
bedroom then for our bedroom and the kitchen.  I wasn't expecting great
sound quality though I have been surprised how good the frequency
response is.  The stereo image is limited but no worse than a normal
boom box which would typically be used in the same location.  The
advantage of the SB booms is access to the same library I have already
spent the time ripping and no arguing over who has borrowed the CD.

I have a desk with both a work PC and home PC at it and over four years
ago I bought a HiFi amp and bookshelf speakers so I could listen while I
worked.  The home PC sound card output was simply connected to one of
the amp inputs.  On one PC upgrade I found the new integrated sound
card would only do 48k sample rate.  All other rates were converted in
software and the sound quality was poor.  Forcing the use of a better
resampling algorithm only changed poor to borderline I decided to save
some power by transferring the library (and much of my other data) to a
NAS and got another SB classic to hook up to amp on my desk.  The sound
quality is much better and while I am working on the work PC I can have
the home PC turned off.

The final development is discovering SqueezeCommander for Android. 
This is an excellent application for controlling the squeezeboxes and
something I probably use more than the web interface.

So, to cut a long story short, at each stage I have chosen squeezeboxes
because they do exactly what I want and have at each stage I have been
pleased.  I chose satisfaction with the squeezebox system as the reason
I stick with it but of course I do now have a certain investment in the

I did have an issue with a particular wireless router which I have
mentioned elsewhere but changing the router concerned fixed that

It appears my NAS should should be able to support DNLA players sharing
the same library even before SB server supports this but as yet I have
not had any reason to get one.  I don't have a particular interest in
building a video library and in any event we have a satellite PVR
attached to the only TV in the house which can obviously record and
also play BBC iPlayer content and an on-demand TV box too.


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Re: [slim] New Drive - what to do with playlists?

2011-07-25 Thread Fozzy

Indeed a short piece of shell script and you can do it easily.  My
library is on a NAS that runs Linux and the playlists are in
/Qmultimedia/Music/playlists so:

cd /Qmultimedia/Music/playlists
for file in *.m3u
sed -e 's!/Qmultimedia/!/bigdisk/!' < "$file" > "$file".new && mv
"$file".new "$file"

The line beginning with sed is all one line, the next line starts with
the word done.  The example above deals with moving the library from
/Qmultimedia to /bigdisk so you'd need to subsitute your own disk names


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-05-17 Thread Fozzy

T-bird;631679 Wrote: 
> I have same phone running stock android 2.3.3
> Also same problem, no need to restart phone just toggle wifi off/on and
> I get connected.
> As long as I'm home I can quit the app and always get connected again
> without problem, leaving home so I loose my wifi I have the same
> connection problem again when I'm back

I am having the same trouble on an HTC Desire-Z running Anroid 2.2.1,
i.e. the latest official HTC ROM for that phone.

I don't have to go out of WiFi coverage for the problem to appear -
just use SqueezeCommander in the morning then go back and try to use it
later in the day and find my server is shown in the list as disconnected
and choosing "Connect" does nothing - no error message and no indication
of becoming connected.


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[slim] Using Squeezebox as Bridge - An Interesting Quirk

2011-01-06 Thread Fozzy

I have a NAS with Squeezebox Server installed on a small wired LAN with
a PC and some other stuff.  On this same LAN is Squeezebox 3 and, until
recently, I was using this not only to play music directly but to bridge
the small wired LAN to the wireless network on which the rest of the
squeezeboxes sit.  This wireless network is controlled by a combined
DSL Router/AP which provides the Internet connection and is also the
DHCP server.

I was having trouble when the devices on the wired LAN were set to use
DHCP.  These devices would usually get an address but the software in
the wireless AP/Router would then complain they were not there, would
run into trouble trying to set sticky IP - in some cases claiming an IP
address clash which did not exist etc.  Also port forwarding from the
Internet to the LAN would not work.

It seems this wireless AP/Router, like some others, keeps tabs on what
is "connected" by listening on the network and matching MAC addresses. 
It also occasionally issues ARP probes.  With the squeezebox acting as a
bridge it seems the DHCP transaction is conducted with the real MAC
addresses of the devices on the wired LAN but the normal data traffic
is subject to MAC address translation, i.e. the squeezebox sends all
the non-broadcast packets forwarded from the wired network to the
wireless network with it's own MAC address and then ensures the replies
come back correctly by acting as an ARP proxy and giving out its own MAC
address as the destination for all the IP addresses on the wired LAN
behind it.  Presumably it must then use the destination IP in the
packets received from the wireless network to route the packets either
internally or out on the wired LAN to the correct MAC address.  The net
result of this is that the wireless AP/Router sees IP addresses which it
issued to one MAC address via DHCP apparently in use with a different
MAC address (the SB3's) and gets confused.

In the end I had to replace the wireless bridging with a 200Mbit/s
powerline Ethernet solution because the wireless is so busy round here
I was getting lots of drop outs so I am not asking for a solution or
workaround for the strange bridging behavior but thought I'd at least
publish what I have discovered in case someone else runs into this


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Re: [slim] best remote?

2011-01-03 Thread Fozzy

For me I don't think there is a clear winner.  I have a selection of
older squeezeboxes (classic and boom) an Android phone with
SqueezeCommander and a couple of PCs from which I can run the
Squeezebox Server Web UI.

I probably use SqueezeCommander on the phone the most because I always
know where the phone is - either in my pocket or on charge at my
bedside so I don't need to search for it.  It seems to do most things
pretty easily.  The control of synchronisation with SqueezeCommand
seems easier than with the Web UI.

For assembling a complicated playlist the Web UI seems easier but I
don't always have a PC turned on (Squeezebox Server runs on a NAS) so
it isn't quick and easy for more trivial tasks.

For the room I often use the controls on the front for the simpler
tasks like on/off, pause/play, play the last track again.

Probably least useful is the remote that goes with the classic. 
Firstly I only have one between two classics and secondly there is the
issue that seems to apply to all remote controls - where is it when you
need it?

On that last subject my parents have taken to putting the remote
control for their TV on top of the TV so they always know where it is. 
It seems to me that rather defeats the object of having a remote control
- if you always have to go to the TV to operate the controls the buttons
may as well be on the TV in the first place.  Perhaps that is a good
idea - I wonder if any manufacterer would have the courage to make a TV
with no remote but the buttons mounted on the TV just like in the old


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Re: [slim] Elton John concert steaming in FLAC !!!!

2010-12-02 Thread Fozzy

Goodsounds;591724 Wrote: 
> I took a quick listen to one of the files, it's a bit too muddy for my
> taste. I wonder if that's how he likes himself to sound or if the
> equipment was just patched together and that's how it came out.

Are you talking about his voice?  I couldn't possibly say if that's how
Elton likes to sound but I'd hazard a guess the muddiness is due to
proximity effect.

If, like me you  like to split something like this into songs in such a
way that if played in sequence you still get the complete concert I make
the split points as follows:

Part 1


Part 2



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Re: [slim] squeezebox keeps randomly re-booting

2010-11-30 Thread Fozzy

I have two Squeezeboxes which I believe are SB3s.  One of these acts as
a wired to wireless bridge between the wired LAN that has the NAS
running Squeezebox Server on it and the wireless LAN with the other

As noted in another post I am having some trouble with the wireless
access point getting into a funny state, often triggered by using the
squeezeboxes, particularly several squeezeboxes at once, synchronised.

When the squeezebox acting as a bridge has lost contact with the
wireless access point, cycling the power on the squeezebox can cause it
to go into a kind of loop where it tries to associate with the wireless
access point, fails, and then seems to reset itself (the Logitech logo
reappears) then the whole thing repeats.

There have been other odd occasions when this squeezebox has randomly
reset though this is rare.  As I have two of these I have tried
swapping the squeezebox itself and the power supply independently and
the one that resets is always the one acting as a bridge.

I wonder if the random resets are actually due to firmware bugs with
either a software exception mechanism or a hardware watchdog timer
performing the reset.


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Re: [slim] Start on one Squeezebox; continue on another

2010-08-26 Thread Fozzy

I often using synchronisation to transfer the music from one room to
another.  There is a slight break when you first turn on
synchronisation but after that all is fine.

As an example I can be listening to something on the boom is the
bedroom and then add the classic downstairs in the lounge as a sync
slave whereupon, as long as the classic is turned on, they start
playing the same thing and either box can control playback.  If I then
turn off the boom the classic downstairs continues to play.

I don't have any of the newer squeezeboxes that can directly control
another squeezebox other than via synchronisation and I don't know the
iPhone application.  I do have the SqueezeCommander Android application
though which can control all the squeezebox including turning them on
and off, editing the playlists, managing synchronisation etc. so the
API is there on Squeezebox Server to do this which means if the iPhone
application doesn't do it already it could do with some development.


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[slim] Squeezeplay/Softsqueeze for Android

2010-08-26 Thread Fozzy

I already have Squeeze Commander for my Android smartphone (HTC Hero)
which enables me to control all the squeezeboxes in the house but at
the moment I have no way to plug headphones in to the phone and listen
to music via Squeezebox server.

It occurred to me software player could be written for Android which
would stream from Squeezebox server and play via the built-in audio.  I
am not sure if the Android screen is close to any of the other displays
but actually an application with no display at all would be fine as the
existing Squeeze Commander application would be able to control it.

Other than that I now have a squeezebox classic at my desk for
headphone listening and the sound quality is so much better than from
the PC's integrated sound card.


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[slim] Re: Change wording to suit compilation albums?

2007-01-02 Thread Fozzy

slimpy;166354 Wrote: 
> I use the following format string in Server Settings - Formatting -
> Title Format:
> This works for regular albums and compilations.
> Tracks are displayed in this format in the web interface and can also
> be used on the squeezebox display.
> -s.

Thanks, that did it.


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[slim] Change wording to suit compilation albums?

2006-12-31 Thread Fozzy

Working with SlimServer 6.5.1 and an attached Squeezebox 3, in the right
hand pane of the web interface where the playlist for the squeezebox is
display it displays songs in a format like this:

19. All Things Dull And Ugly  from Monty Python - Sings  by Monty

This is fine, except that when the album is a compilation album is
becomes silly.  For example:

36. Love Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)  from Now That's What I Call
Music 65  by David Guetta vs The Egg

The album "Now That's What I Call Music 65" is not by "David Guetta vs
The Egg" onlt that track is.

SlimServer doesn't seem to be following either the server title format
or that defined for that player so does anyone know how to change this
to be more sensible?



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