Re: [slim] Announcing iPeng 9 - Support for iPad Multitasking, iPad Pro and more

2015-10-28 Thread PRGeno

iPeng is what makes Squeezeboxen, period!

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Re: [slim] SiriusXM Support Through ickStream

2015-10-28 Thread PRGeno

Ikabob wrote: 
> Can anyone give the prognosis for getting the Sirius issue resolved? How
> close or how far away are we? If we are close to resolution, will the
> premium Sirius XM be accessible?
> My subscription renews in November and I will not renew if there's no
> hope. Thank you.

You could always just cancel in November and wait awhile if your only
use for SiriusXM is through your Squeezeboxes.  You will get inundated
with special offers from SiriusXM to come back at next to nothing for
5-6 months which you can take advantage of if/when this issue gets

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Re: [slim] SiriusXM Support Through ickStream

2015-10-21 Thread PRGeno

pippin wrote: 
> We're still talking to SiriusXM, no final results, yet.

Personally I'm not a big fan of Sirius/XM.  I think the service is way
over priced with poor sound quality and too many limitations compared to
other Internet based services.  I get why some people like it for long
car rides through areas that have poor or no cellular data coverage. 
But for me, it just isn't worth it and I long ago cancelled the
subscription for my car.  

But my wife loves it.  She will not give up her subscription for her car
even though I've shown her how she can have what I think are superior
alternatives through the very nice cell phone integration in her in car.
She is having serious withdrawals and can't understand why I can't just
"fix" our Squeezeboxes so she can continue to listen to it in any room
in our house, while managing it with iPeng on her iPhone and iPad, just
like she could before.

So here's to hoping you guys can get a deal done with SiriusXM, for the
sake of my marriage and sanity, both of which I'd like to save in the
end. It would also restore my standing as "Techno-Genius" of the
household if I could tell her that I "fixed" it.

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Re: [slim] Bose getting into it... yes THAT Bose

2013-10-10 Thread PRGeno

Also disappointing is no audio outputs so you could use an external amp
and speakers if you wish.  It's all Bose or nothing.

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Re: [slim] Any Logitech employees around to unlock a player?

2012-05-25 Thread PRGeno

I had the same problem after purchasing another unit from eBay and the
seller couldn't do anything to help.  I created a trouble ticket via the
Logitech support site and they responded and resolved it literally
within less than an hour.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] iPeng 1.1 now on the AppStore

2009-04-08 Thread PRGeno


Looks like you've been busy.  Great work!

I have one odditie that I can't quite figure out.

Some of my players have a nice slider for volume control in the now
playing screen.  Other players have an odd up down arrow with a ramp
volume display.

How can I get them all to have the same controls?



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] iPeng 1.1 now on the AppStore

2009-04-08 Thread PRGeno

Aesculus;413961 Wrote: 
 Do you, or have you ever had IRBlaster installed with any of those
 players?  Thats what causes the up/down arrows.
 I had the same problem and did not know how to flush the player
 settings for my offending player so I ended up reinstalling SC to clear
 it up. Hopefully it will be easier for your to clean it out.
 Edit: I had put in DBPoweramp instead of IRBlaster.

I may have had IRBlaser enabeld at some point in time, but not that I
remember on the couple players with this problem.

iPeng 1.05 on my iPod Touch doesn't show this problem, but iPeng 1.1 on
my iPhone does.

Very odd.  And it doesn't appear that I can control the volume on those
two players (out of my 5) that have the problem.


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Re: [slim] Preview: iSqueeze iPhone Remote

2008-12-19 Thread PRGeno

Luke Redpath;373008 Wrote: 
 That's an unfair claim to make. It was submitted to the app store but I
 had some problems getting it submitted. In that time I have been ill
 and changed jobs and have had little to do but start work on the next
 version of Squeemote, whilst waiting for it to be released. It is now
 available on the app store.


I sincerely apologize.  You are correct, it was unfair of me to make
claims about both you and Squeemote without know the facts.  I hope
things have turned around for you.

I meant to let the previous poster know there was an alternate to
waiting for Squeemote, in iPeng.  In that message I said more than I
meant, and it came across harsher than I intended.

Again, please accept my apologies.


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Re: [slim] Preview: iSqueeze iPhone Remote

2008-12-18 Thread PRGeno

Borgen;371382 Wrote: 
 When will the Squeemote (iSqueeze´s new name) be released in AppStore?

Luke seems to have disappeared.  He hasn't posted since he said the app
was submitted to the AppStore about a month ago.  That might be an
indication that Squeemote might not ever get released.  Even if it
does, it might be wise to question if it will be supported.

If you're waiting for an iPhone based remote app, I highly recommend
iPeng.  iPeng works wonderfully, and is very actively supported daily
right here by pippen.


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-10-31 Thread PRGeno

tamanaco;355346 Wrote: 
 I'm really taken by the devotion of iPhone users. This is a compliment.
 I guess my issue with the iPhone or any cell phone as a remote is
 that I get too many calls and emails. Even after hours. After I get
 home from work I put my phone on its charger and don't want to go near
 it for fear that I might end up doing some more work. Or with the
 current  downsizing trend I don't want to get the news that I'm one of
 the lucky ones selected for an extended vacation. I want to be left
 alone while I'm at home listening to my SqueezeBox. In my case, I see
 the iTouch as a better option for the Sonos solution. I agree about the
 touchscreen interface of the iPhone/iTouch... it leaves a lot to be
 desired as I compare with a traditional remotes with physical buttons.
 Call me old fashion, but I want buttons in my remote. As I said before,
 for me listening to music is more of a passive activity than an
 interactive one. I want to hold a beer (an IPA preferably) on one
 hand and the remote on the other and without looking at the remote
 lower/raise the volume or skip to the next song. I am not one of those
 folks that can handle a touchscreen with one hand without looking at
 it. Having to use two hands to use my remote forces me to put down my
 beer. That's a no, no... after a long day. I have played with the
 Phillips Pronto and with the not too popular Harmony 1000. These had
 ergonomically efficient physical buttons for certain frequently used
 functions. I don't see these in the iPhone/iTouch. Not having at least
 a comfortable volume up/down button would drive me up a wall.
 Touchscreens are the trend, but I'm afraid that it also has its
 limitations as a remote. A combination of ergonomically placed buttons
 and a touchscreen would be best.  Seeing all these iPhones  I'm
 thinking I need to go to touchscreen school.

I might not be as popular as you, but I have never gotten a phone call
on my iPod Touch grin. 

My iTouch lays around like the SB Controller would (use to), and my
iPhone is usually on my person, so it can be used at a moment's notice
as well (although there is that chance someone might call me on that

I'm not a fan of Apple's but this really is slick as a controller.  I
like physical buttons on my remotes too, but is not a remote.  It's a
controller with a view into SC, without having to look at the front
panel of my SBs, or even be in the same room.  I'm quite sure
touchscreen school would be a very short class for someone like

So if we can just get a native iPhone/Touch app, life would be truly
grand.  iPeng is nice, and pippen did a great job with it.  But being a
Safari app, it can never match the performance and smoothness of a well
done native iApp.  

There simply is no down side to this.  Those who don't get it, don't
have to get it.  Sonos, and their users, seem to have gotten it


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Re: [slim] iSqueeze for iPhone/iPod touch preview

2008-10-29 Thread PRGeno

jackaninny;354379 Wrote: 
 i'm not sure which developers you are referring to but many developers
 are finding quite a bit of profit going through the app store and very
 satisfied with the ease of distribution and payment collection. the
 developers that are unhappy with the approval process with legitimate
 reasons are a small minority. also i believe apple is loosening the
 ultra-restrictive terms ( see the removal of the NDA) as the process
 and app store mature.
 sorry if i sound like apple apologist but i think people should
 recognize that apple is working with a entirely new model of software
 distribution on a totally new platform. have they made mistakes? yes.
 have they made changes for the better? yes. is the app store as it
 stands one of the best distribution platforms out there? yes and
 probably by a fair margin.
 bottom line - jailbreaking is fine but for the author it means 1)a
 fraction if any compensation for their efforts 2)a much smaller
 audience for their software.

I agree with you.  As I stated, the AppStore is, without a doubt, the
best distribution channel for profitting from iPhone development.  I
was simply commenting that iPhone developers don't HAVE TO go through
the AppStore. 

Apple does seem to be loosening their iron fisted grip, a little.  But
they still have the most restrictive SDK and NDA rules ever seen for a
mainstream computing platform.  They also take an inordinate amount of
time to approve apps for the AppStore, and have seemingly arbitrarily
rejected some legitimately fine apps.  

It makes one wonder if this is the same Apple that released that famous
1984 ad.  If you don't remember it, you can check it out here:


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Re: [slim] iSqueeze for iPhone/iPod touch preview

2008-10-21 Thread PRGeno

pippin;350379 Wrote: 
 neither of Both. You HAVE TO go through the app store for distribution.
 So it will come...


I feel the need to respectfully correct you.  Technically you don't
HAVE TO go through the AppStore.  Apple's heavy handed tactics for
controlling the platform has many developers upset.  Waiting endlessly
to have apps approved (and often not being approved for ambiguous
reasons), together with their ultra-restrictive terms in the SDK
agreement, has many developers pretty fed up.  

The AppStore was supposed to kill the iPhone Jailbroken apps, but seems
to still be feeding the need for it.

The AppStore is obviously the best way to profit from iPhone
development. It has wide spread distribution access to potentially
every single iPhone user.  But many developers are still making money
by selling Jailbroken apps via Cydia, when Apple feels the need to
restrict their trade.  Jailbreaking is safe, easy, and opens the
iPhone's full potential.

I can only hope that if for some reason, known only by Apple, Luke's or
your apps get rejected, that you will consider going the Cydia route.

Good luck to both of you, and we all look forward to the fruits of your

P.S. A Sonos controller app just showed up in the AppStore today.


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Re: [slim] Love My Squeezebox! What's The Equivalent For Video?

2008-08-06 Thread PRGeno

The new DivX Connected devices have a great UI with customizable themes,
plays more than the DivX video format, supports user community generated
plugins (sound familiar?), and is now finally available in the USA.  

I've had a pre-release version for about 6 months, and it is the
closest thing to a video Squeezebox I've found yet (and I've tried
plenty).  It also supports viewing pictures, plays music (but I use my
Squeezeboxes for that), and has some plugins for accessing Web content.
It has a server component similar to SqueezeCenter, but requires a
little heftier hardware platform if you're planning on streaming HD
video, or on the fly trans-coding from other formats.

(I think the DivX Connected web site assumes you have the DivX web
browser plug in installed to be able to see the videos of the UI in
action.  Might be worth the install.)

This is the community site with a forum, and downloads for the latest
version of the server (not open source), plugins, and themes.

DLink has currently the only device available, but there is a promise
of more to come.

The device works very well for my purposes, and has a very easy to
navigate UI which the family loves.


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Re: [slim] Thread/Forum Read Marking Type

2008-07-09 Thread PRGeno

Millwood;318283 Wrote: 
 Just one user's opinion.
 I really liked the mode in which visiting one of the forums was
 equivalent to marking it all read.
 In the rare cases when I needed to try again, the last posted date/time
 was adequate to find things that I hadn't seen - but normally I'd open
 the forum, glance at the unread, choose which I was interested in, and
 I was done.
 I'd love to have the option to continue in that mode.

I'd have to agree.  This new mode is not my favorite way to fly.


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Re: [slim] iPod Touch vs Duet Controller

2008-06-30 Thread PRGeno

I had both, and both are far from perfect in their use as a controller.

I returned the Controller because it's screen is not good outdoors, and
is no match for the iPhone/Touch screen.  You also get far more for your
money, more than just a controller for your $299, with the iPhone/Touch
as well.

The iPhone/Touch and iPeng has it's issues too.  Most of them are due
to the shortcomings of Safari, which hopefully gets corrected with the
2.0/3G software release July 11th.

It's fully expected that both will have software improvements over
time.  But the poor screen performance of the Controller was a show
stopper for me.


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Re: [slim] Poll: Favorite Online Music Service

2008-06-17 Thread PRGeno

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Favorite Online Music Service

- Pandora
- Rhapsody
- Radio IO
- Radio Time
- Slacker
- Live 365
- Sirius
- Generic internet radio (i.e. Shoutcast)

Philip Meyer;312868 Wrote: 
 Another flawed poll - is missing, which is my favourite music
 service that I can actually use.
 Half of the other choices are unavailable outside of the USA.
 - Pandora
 - Rhapsody
 - Slacker
 - Sirius

It's a shame that those other services are not available to you.  
IMHO LastFM can't hold a candle to any of them.


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Re: [slim] Poll: Favorite Online Music Service

2008-06-16 Thread PRGeno

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Favorite Online Music Service

- Pandora
- Rhapsody
- Radio IO
- Radio Time
- Slacker
- Live 365
- Sirius
- Generic internet radio (i.e. Shoutcast)

This is a tougher choice than it seems for me.  I use several services,
with each having their own strengths and weaknesses for my use.

I've loved Pandora, using it since it first became available.  But for
some reason, they always seem to stick in some out of place piano bar
music, completely out of the blue, after playing a great set of songs
that match my criteria.  I give the song a thumbs down, and up pops
another piano bar tune.  This happens for 3-4 tracks in a row before it
gets back to what I expected.  Very odd, and sometimes very annoying.

I also love Rhapsody, for it's ability to find and play almost anything
I, or my guests can think of.  However, I'm not a big fan of their
channels, as they seem limited for a service with so much music to
choose from.

Live365 and RadioTime are good. I listen to these services to find
specific stations, but typically the audio quality is not great for the
stations I listen too.  Radio quality audio, usually worse than FM, but
better than AM.

My favorite service for just sitting and having a virtual DJ play music
for me is definitely Slacker.  The mix of popular and unique/obscure
(but good and well placed in the mix) tracks, along with good quality
sound.  The ability to add to the stations, kind of like Pandora is
very nice.

So my vote is to all services for offering more choices than we've ever
had in the past.  But if I had to vote for just one, Slacker is the one
I listen to the most.


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[slim] Rhapsody is just starter last night

2008-06-13 Thread PRGeno

I've been happily using Rhapsody on all of my SB3 units through SC7.01
for quite awhile.  It has been very reliable and has become one of my
primary sources when using my SqueezeBoxes.

All of a sudden, starting yesterday evening, I can no longer access
anything on Rhapsody.  I can look through channels, search for music,
and see all the tracks in my Rhapsody library, but whenever I try to
actually play something I get the following error:

Internal Rhapsody Error:  Unable to Authenticate user

I did a search here, and found several threads about Rhapsody issues,
but nothing recent, and nothing that helped resolve this issue for me. 

Everything else in my SB/SC system seems to be working fine, including
my local music library, all my Internet Radio and other services
(including Pandora, Slacker, Live365, RadioTime, Radio IO).  

I can access, and play all music on Rhapsody from the native Rhapsody
application on my desktop, which is the same machine running SC.  But I
cannot play anything Rhapsody related through SB/SC/SN.

The only thing new, is I installed the latest version of iTunes on that
machine (which is a powerful HP Workstation class machine running Vista
Ultimate SP1).  I can't see how this could contribute to this issue,
but I'm grasping at straws right now.

Anyone else currently having this issue?  I'd like to determine if this
is localized to my situation, or if this is a wider spread issue.


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody is just starter last night

2008-06-13 Thread PRGeno


Who typed that thread title?  

Did I do that?

What I meant to say is:

Rhapsody issue just started last night.

Sorry but I don't know how to fix the title.


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Re: [slim] To Logitech: Are there plans....

2008-06-12 Thread PRGeno

Club1820;311256 Wrote: 
 .  I guess I will be jogging in and out this summer.

Something to consider:

The Controller price is $299, and does a very good job of controlling
SqueezeStuff, except for when using it outside or in a brightly lit

The iPod Touch 8GB price is $299, and when paired with iPeng, can
control SqueezeStuff, browse the Internet, play locally stored songs,
view videos  pictures, show the weather forecast, look at maps, and
receive your email, among other things.  

I wish it could connect to my Windows network shares to access photos
and music from there verses syncing them to local storage it via
iTunes, but then again I did only buy the thing to control my
SqueezeStuff, which it is doing nicely (outdoors) so far.


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Re: [slim] To Logitech: Are there plans....

2008-06-11 Thread PRGeno

Thanks to both of you for your feedback.  

I am simply not able to overcome the limitations of the Controller's

To Logitech's credit, they processed my return request for the
Controller immediately and without question.  They also sincerly wanted
to understand the problem, to hopefully improve the product in the
future, even if I was returning it for a refund.  Logitech/SlimDevices
has very fine support in my book.

I'm still looking for the right solution for my needs.  Next up an iPod
Touch with the iPeng plugin.  I'm picking one up tonight and will give
it a go.  

As in each previous attempt at finding the right solution, I'm
cautiously optimistic, and I still love my SqueezeStuff.


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[slim] To Logitech: Are there plans....

2008-06-10 Thread PRGeno

I've been a Squeezebox 2/3 and SlimServer/SqueezeCenter user for several
years.  I've been looking for a wireless remote solution for all my
Squeezeboxes to primarily be used from my patio.

I've tried web browser based, and small client application based
options on PDAs, UMPCs, and tablet PCs.  Each one offered some good
things, but all  had some issue that I couldn't accept, to become the
ultimate solution.

When the controller arrived, I thought I finally had my answer.  I
patiently waited for it to become available without the Duet Received,
since I already have 6 Squeezeboxes covering all my required zones.  I
purchased one as soon as it became available by itself.

I am very please with the operation of the Controller, and know, as the
Squeezebox and SqueezeServer, it will only get better from a software
standpoint.  But like all previous attempts at finding a remote, the
Controller has one issue that I simply cannot get past.

The Controller's screen is basically unusable anywhere with even a
modest amount of ambient light.  There are three issues I've found with
the screen:
1. The screen is so dimly back lit, even at it's highest brightness
setting, and using a wallpaper with the most contrast, as to make it
useless in all but dark rooms.
2. The plastic covering the screen is very glossy, which causes
reflections that, together with the dim back light, make the screen
even harder to read.
3. Lately, after the short period of ownership, it appears a fog has
come over the plastic cover.  I've taken extremely good care of the
device, and yet this fog cannot be cleaned off the cover.  It appears
the plastic has a film on both sides, inside and outside, again adding
to the inability to read the screen.

I love my Squeeze system, and want to love the Controller, but the
screen is a real issue.  This issue, for me, makes my investment in the
Controller useless in it's intended purpose.  Surely I cannot be alone
in my disappointment with this screen.

So, Logitech:  Are there plans of releasing a Controller with a more
usable screen in the future?  And if so, what will you do for your
existing users, who have paid full boat for a controller that is, in my
case, unusable in the role it was intended to fill?

Thanks in advance for your reply.


P.S. I must state again: I'm not some Sonos troll.  I LOVE my Squeeze
system, including the Controller, except for this screen issue.  I hope
you take this criticism in the constructive manner in which it is
intended, from a loyal user.


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Re: [slim] Du-vorce sales

2008-05-05 Thread PRGeno

dsendecki;299013 Wrote: 
 Thought that it may be worthwhile to revisit this thread.
 Are we likely to see receivers available soon? I've just ordered two
 sets of audioengine speakers and will have no duet receivers to hook
 them up to!
 It makes me sad :( Please Slim Devices, take my money!

I'm interested in just the controller, maybe we can work together.


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Re: [slim] Brightness Display Suggestion

2008-04-06 Thread PRGeno

peter;287752 Wrote: 
 PRGeno wrote:
  Maybe there is a plugin that does this already, but I haven't found


Autodisplay looks to be perfect!  

Apparently my search criteria wasn't very good.  

Thank you for setting me straight.


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[slim] Brightness Display Suggestion

2008-04-05 Thread PRGeno

Maybe there is a plugin that does this already, but I haven't found it.

I think it would be great to be able to schedule the brightness level
of my Squeezeboxes.

I have a Squeezebox in my bedroom, and the brightness level when turned
off is normally set to 4, the highest level.  I need to turn it down
to 1 at night, otherwise it's too bright while trying to sleep. 
However, in the morning, when the sun in beaming into the room, the
display is so washed out it is invisible.  So I need to turn it back up
to the highest level to be able see it.

It would be wonderful to be able to set up a schedule, by Squeezebox,
to change the off state brightness level, at least twice per day.


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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread PRGeno

Kyle;147517 Wrote: 
 Junien, how long before we see a DJ-type remote for the Squeezebox?

I agree with a little elaboration.

A new packaged deal with a Squeezebox IV (a SqueezeBox encased in a
Transporter style enclosure), with an enhanced DJ Music System style
remote (The Harmony 1000 is way too large),  supporting not only local
Slimserver audio, but all network streams like Pandora, Rhapsody, and
other SqueezeNetwork and Internet radio sources, directly via the DJ
remote's UI, for about $500 (so long Sonos, we're hardly knew ya).  

Now we're talking!!!  I want one now and I don't care what logo they
put on the box.



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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread PRGeno

If we're really trying to come up with the Ideal Squeezebox, shouldn't
it have a bigger display?

The only advantage the Roku device has over our beloved Squeezebox, is
the larger display of the Roku M2000.

It doesn't have to be quite as big as the M2000, but something I can
read from across the room with the same, or even more information
displayed, would truly be ideal in my world.

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[slim] Re: How to control Shoutcast stations

2005-09-08 Thread PRGeno

mherger Wrote: 
  That's correct. By default only the 300 most popular streams are  
 downloaded from This can be configured in Server  
 Settings/Internet Radio (max. 2000).

Ah  now I get it.  

BellyUp4Blues seems to hover just below or just above 300 (Shoutcast
currently lists it at 385).  That's why it is available sometimes and
not others.

Thank you so much for your help.

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