[slim] Where are Favorites stored on my Mac?

2017-04-16 Thread lreinstein

Quick Question:

I use the LMS on my MacBook Pro and am running a SB2. I would like
to look at and perhaps organize my "favorites" but do not know where the
files are stored on my Mac.  I searched finder and frankly do not see
many files related.



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[slim] Any way to contro left/right balance with my iPad

2015-01-04 Thread lreinstein

I have been using SB2 controlled by my iPad for many years and it brings
us much joy.  My one wish is for a way to control L/R balance without
getting up from the sofa.  Depending on where I sit it does make a
difference, and basically I am too lazy to get up to manually adjust my



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Re: [slim] Any way to contro left/right balance with my iPad

2015-01-04 Thread lreinstein

d6jg wrote: 
 Buy a new amp that has a ithingy control app.

Good idea and it may eventually come to that.

Any other ideas?


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Re: [slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-08 Thread lreinstein

So to re-cap... I was unable to play music using the Spotify Plugin...
even though it had been working for more than a year.  It got stuck with
a Buffering 1% display on the SB2.  (I use the LMS on my MacBook
running Mavericks).

However, I also noted that I was getting increasing number of long
pauses due to buffering while playing my own Apple Lossless files.  So
now thinking maybe it is my system???

Looking at Activity Monitor I noted a Soagent not responding.   I have
no idea what this means or whether it is even relevant so decided to
Re-start my MacBook).  

And, as if by magic, the Buffering problem vanished and Spotify is
working perfectly!

So, what the heck???

(Also, no Soagent error  ).

Any thoughts.

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Re: [slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-07 Thread lreinstein

pippin wrote: 
 The plugin needs to transcode from OGG to FLAC when decoding the Spotify
 steam so if anything causes load on your server it could cause a data
 Also, the FLAC stream requires a lot more bandwidth, especially if you
 stream to several players

My problem now is that it simply has stopped working on SPOTIFY as

I can search and find an album using the LMS.   When I hit PLAY, it
shows a progress bar as if it is playing.   I hear the music for about 3
seconds.  Then I see re-buffering 30%.  Then it says Buffering 1% 
and it stays there FOREVER.

Any thoughts.  Please note.  I have been using this exact system, no
changes to network, wifi router, anything, quite successfully for the
last few years?  I wonder what has changed now?  Is it on Spotify end? 
The Triode Plugin?  



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Re: [slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-07 Thread lreinstein

pippin wrote: 
 Are you maybe using Spotify on another system? You can only use Spotify
 on e.g. An iThingy OR the Squeezeboxes

I thought of that.   So i went to the Spotify App on my MacBook, and i
was able to stream music beautifully with NO buffering.   I then stopped
the music and closed the App.   If there were another system running I
would not have been able to use it on the MB.  And then I shut the MB.

I just did the self-test on the LMS/Settings/Plugins/Triode Spotify
Plugin/Settings  on the LMS and came up with what I pasted below.   This
is strange!!

Is something wrong with the Plugin?  Is Mr. Triode around?


Self Test
Self Test - Complete
Helper App Running
Helper App Running
Logged In
Logged In
Spotify Metadata OK
Spotify Metadata OK
Streaming from Spotify Failed

Unable to start streaming from Spotify - check connectivity to Spotify

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Re: [slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-07 Thread lreinstein

So, what is strange is that it is now working.

I disconnected and then reconnected the SB2 to the Network and stopped
and started the LMS etc.  Presto Change-o ... it is now working. 
Streaming beautiful spotify music at 320kbps.

So what was the problem and why did Spotify Plugin selftest give me the
results mentioned above?  Why did Spotify stop working while Pandora
continued to work?  

A mystery.?

There are so many settings that I do not understand.  Any advice on
values that might improve my situation?


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Re: [slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-07 Thread lreinstein

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
 How's your server connected? If that's also WiFi then you've got
 multiple WiFi hops which might not help.
 Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

My server is the Logitech server installed on my MacBook.  This is of
course on WiFi (N).   

But then, my iPad is also receiving Spotify  via  WiFi connection.  I
guess your point is that is only a single wifi hop?   h.   The
problem with that explanation is that this is only a problem

I am not sure how the Triode Plugin works.  why would it cause Spotify
reception to behave differently?


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[slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-07 Thread lreinstein


I have my Squeezebox2 connected via WiFi and am using the Triode Plugin
for SPOTIFY.   Occasionally (such as this morning) the music stops with
a Rebuffering or Buffering appearing on the SB2.   Today it seemed to
stop at 1% and was stuck there.   I tried a few things including
restarting the Server but same thing.

I believe my internet speeds are quite good as is the WiFi strength. 
This does not happen all the time.

What puzzled me was that I then went to Spotify on my iPad and could
stream the exact same music at the exact same quality (EXTREME, i.e.,
320kbs) with no problem whatsoever.

More data is that the SB2 is having no problem with Pandora or even with
my AppleLossless files streaming from may MacBook.

Any ideas?   Is this a Plugin problem??



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Re: [slim] Spotify Buffering on SB2 but NOT on my iPAD. What is this about?

2014-02-07 Thread lreinstein

Same problem is occurring.

The SB2 display is now stuck again on Buffering 1%.  This is after it
successfully got through the first track of the Spotify Album.

Any ideas?


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Re: [slim] Playlist Confusion: which is which?

2011-12-18 Thread lreinstein

Is there somewhere else I can post this to get a reply?  Newbie forum? 


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[slim] Playlist Confusion: which is which?

2011-12-17 Thread lreinstein

I am a Squeezebox 3 user with SqueezePad on my iPad.  I use the Triode
Spotify Plugin and have been getting confused about playlist creation
and use.   Perhaps it is something I am doing wrong.

I should also mention that I  use iTunes to organize my music.

I seem to see different playlists on the Squeezebox Browser (I guess it
is now called the Logitech Media Server) on my MacBook Pro

1.  There is a Playlist under My Music which seems to include my
iTunes playlists as well as   playlists formed when I Save the
playlist from the right side of the Media Server or the SqueezePad App
(basically the Now Playing Playlist).  

2.  There is a completely different Playlist found on the Media Server

This playlist seems to contain ONLY those Albums which I have added
from the Left side of the Media Server from within the Spotify page.  
When I click on the M  near the Album I select Add to Playlist.  
This Playlist only contains albums I add in this way.  

Also, I do not know how to Add multiple albums to these playlists.  For
example, when i choose another album to add to this playlist and I
select add to existing playlist,  I get yet another playlist
selection.   This one is a HUGE playlist of everything including my
iTunes playlists and individual albums???  

3. Another playlist can be found under My Apps/ SPOTIFY playlist and 
is a listing named SPOTIFY PLAYLIST .   THis seems to be only
playlists formed in the SPOTIFY BROWSER APP on my MacBook Pro and NOT
the playlists formed with the MediaServer.

Can someone tell me what is going on and what I might be doing wrong. 
I would like to create spotify playlists from the Media Server and be
able to Add new Albums to these playlists.




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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2011-02-05 Thread lreinstein

I love Squeezepad on our iPad. However I am usually using my MacBook Pro
Laptop and I wonder if there is any way you can now create a Squeezepad
for the Mac? This should be especially possible now that there is an
App Store for the Mac.



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Re: [slim] Cover art only displays for first track in Album

2011-02-05 Thread lreinstein

wowo;608394 Wrote: 
 If you have an normal album then all the tracks should have the same
 album art.
 If SBS scans an album with tracks with different embedded album art,
 Squeezebox Touch shows only the album art of the first track.
 In the web interface you see for the album the album art of the first
 track but when you play an track you see the right embedded art.
 If you want to see the right embedded album art on the Squeezebox Touch
 you can choose the more button (+) and then show album art (do not
 known if this is the right name because I use another language)
 I can advise you to look at your tags with an tag-editor for instance

I am confused and do not really understand.  Let me try to explain my
problem better.

I use Squeezebox3 (SB3) and am using the Squeezebox Server on my Mac
which is also where all of my music is stored.   I Rip and manage my
CD's using iTunes in Apple Lossless format.  (I understand that there
are disadvantages to use iTunes but it is what I am most familiar
In SETTINGS in the Squeezebox Server I have checked the box use

When I use the default Squeezebox Server Browser I see that the Cover
Art is only shown for the Album as  whole, and for the first track of
the Album.   All of the other tracks show NO cover art!

In iTunes the cover art is shown for every track.   These are CD's that
I have ripped using iTunes and I believe that this is the way iTunes

SO my question is:  How can I easily fix this so that the cover art
will show up for every track using the Squeezebox Server Browser

Thanks to all.



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[slim] Cover art only displays for first track in Album

2011-02-02 Thread lreinstein

I have tried to search on this issue but am still lost.

I have SB3 and using the latest SqueezeboxServer version.   My music
collection is on the same drive as the server (on a Mac) and consists
of approximately 1400 Albums. Yes, I do use iTunes to manage my
files and have recently purchased iPeng for my iPhone and iPad.  (I
love it).

My cover art is only displayed for the first track in each album.  (I
only noticed this since using iPeng but now i see it is also true on my
Squeezeserver interface).   I understand that this is an iTunes issue
and it is how iTunes manages the cover art files. 

Is there anything I can do to fix this problem?   I am not very tech
savvy.Obviously I do not want to fix this one album at a time and
am looking for a way to do it all together. 

Thanks very much for the advice or for pointing me to other threads.


PS ... on the MAC Finder the artwork seems to show up on each track. 
How do they do this?


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[slim] Is anyone working on a plugin for Mac OS to stream youtube to the SB?

2010-09-28 Thread lreinstein

I use the Squeezebox Server on my Macbook Pro to control and send music
to my SB3.   I would like a way to stream the music on youtube and
other sources.  I understand that there is a plugin for Windows OS but
wonder if there is any for the Mac?   If not, is there another


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[slim] How to download squeezebox desktop?

2010-04-20 Thread lreinstein

I have an SB3 and would like to run the Squeezebox Desktop which I
understand replaces the Jive Squeezeplay etc.

I do not see where/how to download this.  Please Please advise.

I have had my SB3 for several years but have recently only been using
it on the MySqueezebox.com for Pandora.   I have not been using it
through the squeezeserver software on my MacBook.   Instead I have been
using iTunes with Airport Express to play my music.  But, I would like
to try using the SB3 again for this.

I did download the Squeezeserver 7.5 and it is running but I would like
the desktop interface




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Re: [slim] How to download squeezebox desktop?

2010-04-20 Thread lreinstein

But, i thought there was a desktop application that emulated the
software in Duet i believe i used to have it running.  it ran
independently of a browser.   I just cant remember where I got it.  Was
it called squeezedesktop or jive??


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Re: [slim] How to download squeezebox desktop?

2010-04-20 Thread lreinstein

and what is the latest version for the Mac OS?



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[slim] Pandora 192kbps on Squeezebox: Any hope in sight?

2010-04-02 Thread lreinstein

It has been more than a year since Pandora 1 began streaming 192kbps ...
is there any hope that this will ever happen?  

I love my SB3 and use it 100% to listen to Pandora streaming directly
from the internet.  I am trying to avoid having to connect wires from
my computer to my Audio system.

If it does not look like this will ever happen, are there are ways to
stream Pandora wirelessly at this bit rate?




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Re: [slim] Pandora one on squeezenetwork

2009-08-31 Thread lreinstein

I am confused.  Are you saying that my Pandora already streams to my SB3
at 192K, or do I have to make a change to make this happen?  Do I need
to go to Pandora one?




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Re: [slim] Pandora one on squeezenetwork

2009-08-31 Thread lreinstein

toby10;453154 Wrote: 
 Pandora One 192k streams on SB players:
 It’s coming, but it is Pandora that is holding this up, not
 SB/SD/Logitech   :)

one more thing:  how can i tell the bit rate that is actually steaming
to my SB?


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[slim] Pandora one on squeezenetwork

2009-08-30 Thread lreinstein

Does anyone know if I will eventually be able to listen to Pandora at
the 256kbps on my squeezebox on squeezenetwork?Is this planned for
the future?   It does seem a shame not to be able to get Pandora in its
higher quality mode (pandora one) using the SB3 or other Logitech
device.  I certainly would be willing to pay more for this.


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[slim] XM vs Sirius: confused

2009-06-09 Thread lreinstein

I am an XM subscriber.  Recently it seems that XM and Sirius have
combines since I now receive all the Sirius channels in my car.

My question:  Is this also true on the internet?   Will I now be able
to get Sirius-XM on the Squeezenetwork?   If not, then why not?



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Re: [slim] Pandora One

2009-05-27 Thread lreinstein

when i wrote to pandora help-support with this question, this was the

We hope to at some point, but I'm guessing it won't be in the near
future.  Thanks again!

Mike @ Pandora


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[slim] Pandora One

2009-05-26 Thread lreinstein

I just got a notice about the new Pandora One service which apparently
streams at 192kbps.As a Pandora subscriber for Squeezebox, will I
need to pay an additional amount, or will it automatically convert to
this service?

Has anyone tried this yet?



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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-04-02 Thread lreinstein

Peter Stockwell;412354 Wrote: 
 I liked using iTunes with airport express, but my airport express died. 
 I bought an SB classic as the replacement. 
 My tunes are on a Drobo attached by firewire to a mac mini. I have the
 iTunesUpdate plug in and iPeng. This gets me very close to the
 mac/itunes/ipod touch experience I had before. I like the direct
 remote control for the Squeezebox.
 What I don't like with Squeezecenter is the web interface, comparred
 with iTunes I find it clunky. I have an iTunes account so most artwork
 is found automatically (Funnily, it only displays on the first song in
 Squeezecenter), iTunes keeps the music file organised. I can find
 artists and the albums easily outside iTunes if I want. If an album
 doesn't have artwork I can use amazon, for example, for a cover photo
 and then easily add it to iTunes via iPhoto. For a mac user, all of
 this is very easy to use.
 I'm considering going back to the airport express, because of the
 overall simplicity and I cannot hear any major difference in sound
 quality, that's sisng the same DAC before my hifi system.

i agree.  i think i will leave my SB3 dedicated to Pandora and internet



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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-30 Thread lreinstein

for all the negatives of itunes, it is easy to use, and allows me to
edit file tags and play the files all in the same program.  right now i
can do it with airport express.   I am only suggesting ( and i dont mean
to step on any toes) that it would be nice for itunes users like me to
be able to do it via SB.


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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-30 Thread lreinstein

peter;411332 Wrote: 
 lreinstein wrote:
  for all the negatives of itunes, it is easy to use, and allows me to
  edit file tags and play the files all in the same program.  right now
  can do it with airport express.   I am only suggesting ( and i dont
  to step on any toes) that it would be nice for itunes users like me
  be able to do it via SB.

 I can understand that you'd like that, but in that case you really want
 a different product.

Thanks peter.   But I am trying to understand:  is it technically
impossible for someone to write an application that both manages the
music files and streams to SB  --- in an interactive manner the way the
iTunes/AE combination does?


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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-30 Thread lreinstein

simbo;411335 Wrote: 
 For Windows, there's a plugin for MediaMonkey that streams to the SB...
 ...not tried it myself though.

does this exist for the Mac OS?


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[slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-29 Thread lreinstein

No matter how hard i try, I can not get used to the web browser
interface, ie, squeezecenter.   Is there a way I can push music from
iTunes or some other software directly to the SB3 device?

In other words, is there a way to use my SB3 that is similar to Airport




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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-29 Thread lreinstein

peter;411120 Wrote: 
 lreinstein wrote:
  No matter how hard i try, I can not get used to the web browser
  interface, ie, squeezecenter.   Is there a way I can push music from
  iTunes or some other software directly to the SB3 device?
  In other words, is there a way to use my SB3 that is similar to
 Not really, there's some ugly hack, but that's probably not a good
 Put it on ebay and buy an airport express instead.

I own Airport Express and am pretty happy with it.  But, I have a
decent HiFi and get the impression that the Audio Quality from SB3 is
supposed to be far superior.  (Is this true?  Have any side by side
tests been done?)

But, I am not sure I understand why such an application would not be
doable and an attractive thing.   Direct iTunes to SB would be very
appealing considering the # of iTunes users.


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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-29 Thread lreinstein

epoch1970;411124 Wrote: 
 Before selling it you might want to try Moose (windows) or SqueezePlay
 (many platforms).

i downloaded squeezeplay for my Mac and it seems like a decent
interface.   when i went to try it ... it played music from my computer
and NOT the squeezebox.   I am a newbie and probably should have read
something about the setup.  can you help?



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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-29 Thread lreinstein

aubuti;411142 Wrote: 
 Use the Choose Player option in the Squeezeplay home menu to choose your
 SB instead of Squeezeplay.

Thanks this worked well.

2 new questions--

1. is there a way to control volume?

2.   is there a way to keep the nice icon in my Dock on the mac book?
I am confused as to whether this is an application or a web browser
and i do not know how to do this other than typing squeezeplay in the


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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-29 Thread lreinstein

epoch1970;411124 Wrote: 
 Before selling it you might want to try Moose (windows) or SqueezePlay
 (many platforms).

Maybe I am just not using the SqueezeCenter properly?The thing I
like about the iTunes interface is that I can select a Playlist, and
then within that playlist i can select a genre and see the albums in
that genre.   Can i do this with SC?


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Re: [slim] Is there non-web browser alternative to use with my SB3?

2009-03-29 Thread lreinstein

I think I am getting the hang of it.  THanks.

I am not sure I have latest SqueezePlay version.   Where can I find it
to download? (7.4?)

Also, the keyboard shortcuts do not seem to work on the MacBook (yes
the volume does).   I am looking for a way to Shuffle the playlist.



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Re: [slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2009-03-16 Thread lreinstein

recently i had to rescan my entire music library.i am using itunes
for organizing my music.i selected dont include unchecked items
from the itunes menu  but it seems to now include my checked and

this used to work.  any idea what i could be doing wrong?


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Re: [slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2008-11-17 Thread lreinstein

good idea.

how do i access other library on a MAC if i do NOT add applescript?

Also--  since the music is already ripped to this one file, both
versions (ALAC and AAC) are in the same folder.   And, I dont know how
to sort these out using MAC OSC.  It is easy in iTunes to sort on
kind  but then how is it possible to move files to another folder
from within iTunes?



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Re: [slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2008-11-17 Thread lreinstein

DaveWr;360822 Wrote: 
 Further to my last post - I used to use a single library for the family
 iPod collection plus Squeezecenter.  I used the scan for only checked
 music in iTunes feature of Squeezecenter.
 In iTunes you can sort by Size to get the AAC compressed files.  Select
 these and copy to a playlist Compressed.  Then go into the playlist and
 deselect all the tick marks (I think its column 1) by control + click
 on an entry or shift + click.  This clears of adds all check marks
 (sorry on business overseas so cannot check currently).
 This will deselect all you iPod music, then Squeezecenter will only use
 the checked items.  This is a little tedious long term, two libraries is
 slightly more time, but if you use / change iPod music frequently
 easier, keeping everything correct without full Squeezecenter rescans
 is a little tricky.


These are both clever ideas.  Thanks.   I think using the check boxes
idea might be easier for now than recopying files.  I will give it a


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[slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2008-11-16 Thread lreinstein

I am using the Apple Time Capsule as my music server and it is working
out fairly well.  I rip my music with iTunes into apple lossless (ALAC)
but also have older files, AAC files and conversions of the ALAC files
into smaller 128Kbps formats to sync my IPODS.   This seems to work
pretty well since I can sync to specific playlists I have made for the
IPOD music.  It is labor intensive but it works and I have low patience
for learning new music software other than iTunes. 

HERE IS MY PROBLEM/QUESTION:   I use SB3 as a source for my high
quality music system in my home.  I have pointed the Squeezecenter
directly to my music files and have scanned all my music on the Time
Capsule.  (I stopped using the iTunes TAB but have it scan the music
library directly each night).HOWEVER, when I select an album to
play, it has duplicate copies in the 2 formats ...the ALAC and the AAC
or MPEG.   Thus when I play an album it repeats the songs and this is

Is there any way to tell SC to only play one format, or filter out
lower bit rates?   Or even to sort by the kind of format?   

Any other ideas ?   

thanks so much.



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Re: [slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2008-11-16 Thread lreinstein

toby10;360487 Wrote: 
 When you are doing the conversion to 128k why not just set it up so
 those 128k files are saved in a different folder (not scanned by SC)? 
 SC folder = lossless
 iPod folder = 128k

i dont know if you can rip specific CDs to a different file location. 
there seems to be only 1 music folder location for the itunes i run on
my computer.



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Re: [slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2008-11-16 Thread lreinstein

MeSue;360528 Wrote: 
 I've never used it, but wouldn't this be covered by Settings  Advanced
  File Types?

i tried your idea.   i put the following comma separated list under
file types to disable.

mp3, mp4, aac 

i then rescanned the music file.

however, the AAC music files still appeared along with the duplicate
ALAC's.   the file type for these were listed as AAC or Movie File.




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Re: [slim] Unusual request? filter my music for lossless format?

2008-11-16 Thread lreinstein

I am confused.

I just looked at my music files (on the MAC) and saw that music that i
ripped as ALAC and as AAC both had files with m4a extensions, ... only
the ALAC was much larger files.  They also both say MPEG-4.  I think i
am out of my depth and do not understand this at all.


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[slim] Is there a simple way to adjust L/R balance on Squeezebox?

2008-09-26 Thread lreinstein

I use the Squeezebox3 and run Squeezecenter on my new Macbook pro. My
primary listening room requires a seating arrangement so that I am
constantly having to get up to adjust the L/R BALANCE on my amplifier
to correct for where I am sitting. 

I know there is a plug in by INGUZ that will do full equalization.  
However, is there a simpler solution or perhaps a firmware upgrade that
will solve this?   If the L/R balance control is all i need, is the
intense processing of a full EQ software plugin seems to be overkill.

Is there a simple software EQ (plugin) that will work with SB that
addresses the L/R Balance issue only?

Any suggestions on how I might solve this probelm are really

i am using a macbook pro with OSX and Time Capsule as my server



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Re: [slim] Announcement Squeezecenter 7.2

2008-09-14 Thread lreinstein

I have time capsule running as my music server with SB3 and the previous
SC.  If I upgrade to 7.2 will this still be supported?



mvalera;333425 Wrote: 
 The new SqueezeCenter 7.2 release is now available at:

  -  Added support for Squeezebox Boom
  -  Squeezebox and Transporter firmware updates to fix a number of
  -  Improved performance in web interface
  -  New and improved alarm clock
  -  Improved Rhapsody behavior
 For details, read the full 'release notes'
 Thanks for everyone in the community for contributing to this


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[slim] can not connect to my new apple TC wireless

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein

Please help
I have  just installed a new wireless router which is the Apple Time
Capsule (pretty much same as the airport extreme i think).  My
Squeezebox (logitech) says that it can not connect to this network.   I
have tried this several times.

Additional information is..
- signal strength is good.
- my computers have not problem connecting to this wireless network
- My squeezebox has no problem connecting to other wireless
networkseven my neighbors with lower strenght.
- it used to work fine with my previous Belkin wireless router

thanks so much



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Re: [slim] can not connect to my new apple TC wireless

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein

I read through the threads but do not understand if there is a fix? Do i
need to download new firmware for the SB3?


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Re: [slim] can not connect to my new apple TC wireless

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein

i dont understand the response


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Re: [slim] can not connect to my new apple TC wireless

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein

I do NOT use any encryption!

What is AFAIK?




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[slim] Loading Slimserver Cause Windows Failure?

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein

This could be a coincidence but after installing slimserver 7 I can NOT
boot my computer (windows XP) in normal mode.  only safe mode.   i now
have to install windows and everything.

is this connected?


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Re: [slim] Loading Slimserver Cause Windows Failure?

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein

It wont let me uninstall.  says uninstall not found


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Re: [slim] For Apple OS: Music Manager/Ripping Software?

2008-04-01 Thread lreinstein


i am a real novice.  where do i get and how do i use the itunes plugin

can i see both libraries from itunes on the same computer?   

My other question--- since the apple lossless is not natively
recognized by the SB3it means that the slimserver must be
converting on the fly.  does this make ANY difference in the quality
of the music delivered to my System???


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[slim] For Apple OS: Music Manager/Ripping Software?

2008-03-31 Thread lreinstein

I would like to use my new Apple Macbook Pro for ripping my CD's and
performing some basic music file management.   I will be ripping in
Lossless format (FLAC? Apple?) for the SB3.I normally use iTunes
but would like to consider a different software...if a good one exists
for the Mac OSX.   

Can you help?



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Re: [slim] For Apple OS: Music Manager/Ripping Software?

2008-03-31 Thread lreinstein

Thanks for your quick reply Eric.

The only reason I was thinking about going to FLAC is that I understand
that all other Formats have to be converted on-the-fly by the SB3...and
that FLAC is a native format.  I didn't know if this would introduce
any issues with large lossless files and the wireless network.  

Another thing---   I will be storing very large music files on a
central hard drive which will be on the network connected to the Apple
Time Capsule.  I want to keep a seperate smaller library of compressed
(MP3) files direcly on my Macbook...to synch with my IPOD through
ITUNES.  Can I use iTunes for both libraries from the same Mac?  Or
will it get confused?  THat is why i thought i should use different


Eric Seaberg;285791 Wrote: 
 If you want to stick to FLAC as your format of choice, that's OK, but
 iTunes won't know what it is if you ever want to convert to something
 else for your iPod!  As far as I'm concerned, lossless is lossless,
 whether it's Apple Lossless (ALAC) or FLAC.  I prefer to use ALAC
 because of the options I mentioned, i.e. iPod access.  
 BTW, just because they call it APPLE LOSSLESS doesn't mean they're the
 only guys that designed it!  The format has MAJOR influence from Dolby
 Labs and others, attempting to make it a universal multi-channel codec
 (capable of 5.1 surround) that will work into the future.  It's not a
 codec to skip over just because it's from Apple!!
 Now, that being said, you can use MAX (freeware available at
 http://sbooth.org/Max/) which also does FLAC and others, but the BEST
 thing about iTunes is the EASE OF USE for dealing with tags!  I've had
 NO issues ripping my library as ALAC for use with Slim and converting
 ALAC to a 'lesser format' for iPod playback.  It really keeps things


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-06 Thread lreinstein

mvalera;254681 Wrote: 
 I'm happy to announce that we have launched the all new Squeezebox™
 Squeezebox™ Duet lets you listen to the music you love in any room in
 your home. Access millions of songs — even when your computer is off.
 The multi-room controller with 2.4-inch color display makes it easy to
 browse, select, and play songs from your personal collection, Internet
 radio — even online music services.   
 Congrats...this looks amazing!
 My problem--  
 I just bought the SB3 (arrived only last week!) but LOVE the design of
 your new controller and interface.   Will I be able to return and


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-06 Thread lreinstein

dean blackketter;255088 Wrote: 
 On Jan 6, 2008, at 2:36 AM, Phil Meyer wrote:
  How long will the Controller's full battery charge last?
 That depends on the usage.  Constant usage is around 3 hours now, but 
 that's without any power management at all.   When the screen dims  
 and the wireless goes in to power-saving mode, the life goes way up.
  I assume the thing it's sitting in is a charging cradle, which  
  means it needs to be plugged in, so it would not sit well on a  
  coffee table in the center of a room.
 Probably not.  Better a side table where you can have a wire to keep  
 it charged.  When it's in the charging stand it acts as a Now Playing 
 screensaver while playing, or defaults to a clock screensaver when
  Does the device remain on all the time;
  if not, how long would it take to be functional from power-off?
 From inserting the battery, through cold-boot, wireless association  
 and connection to the server is about 40 seconds at this point, or  
 half what my cell phone takes. :)

I think this has been asked, but dont quite understand the answers...
do you think that the new controller will be sold as a stand alone to
work with my existing SB3?  For me, that would be the best combination
since I like the SB3 display but think the graphic controller would be
a great addition.  But I would rather not pay for the receiver since in
effect I already own one (and just bought it last week!)


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Re: [slim] Organizing Music --Could use some help and advice

2008-01-03 Thread lreinstein

it does not seem to help.

when i select genre/classical, the list is populated by the artists
plus album artists, another tag from itunes.   i suppose i could
delete all of those album tags, and then put the names of the
conductors, pianists, etc in the comments fields in itunes.  but this
is too bad.


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Re: [slim] Organizing Music --Could use some help and advice

2008-01-02 Thread lreinstein

ceejay;253206 Wrote: 
 You could try specifying a longer page length, though it will slow up
 the interface. Server Settings - 
 The main reason I suggested considering putting the composer name in at
 the beginning of a classical album name is that you otherwise are
 likely to see a long list of Symphony no 5s when you browse by album:
 the equivalent duplicate album name in the pop world is much rarer,
 except of course for Greatest Hits, where I do append the artist name
 for clarity.
 Thanks again
 I relabeled all of my classical as you suggest but am confused about
 how it appears in the slimserver web program/fishbone.  When I select
 GENRE Classical, it lists not only the Artists (read Composers...like
 Bach, Beethoven etc) but also includes all of the Album Artist
 fields.  Is there a way to eliminate this?  It makes it much more
 confusing to have Yo Yo Ma interspersed in the list
 I don't really understand the way in which this software sorts what it
 I am lookng for a relatively simple way to do this that is compatible
 with using an IPOD as well as my home stereo system.
 THanks for your help.


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[slim] Organizing Music --Could use some help and advice

2008-01-01 Thread lreinstein

I am using Fishbone skin on the web interface for slimserver 6.5.4

I am also using ITUNES with my Ipod.  I am trying to figure out the
best way to Tag and organize my music library.  I am planning to re-rip
all of my CD's in Apple Lossless...I understand that there are
advantages to FLAC but want to keep things simple for
myself...especially since i intend to continue synching to my IPOD.

I could use some advice... keeping in mind that I am a newbie to most
of this and want to keep it all very simple and easy.

Some of my questions---

- When I click BROWSE I get a list of Albums with an alphabetical
index.  Thus clicking B gives me all of my B albums.  IS there a way to
get a complete list that I can scroll...not just limited to a single

- The Beginner Wiki suggests for Classical music to put the name of the
artist/composer at the beginning of the Album title.  such as
Beethoven--Fifth symphony.  Is this a good idea for pop music as well? 
Would it help to have artist name before title of his/her album?  Such
as Beatles-- Abbey Road as the Album Title for Abbey Road. 

- I am not sure what to do about Genre assignments.  I do not want to
assign multiple Genre's since iTunes/Ipod i believe does not support
it.  So for example, would one put Norah Jones as Vocal, as Pop, or
   Is there some wisdom that you could share?

- And again, I am not sure about the best and simplest way to make use
of the playlist features.   

Thanks for your patience.



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[slim] Help me find iTunes playlist on my slimserver

2007-12-27 Thread lreinstein

I just set up my new SB3 and the slimserver v6.5 at home. I run iTunes
software on a QOSMIO Toshiba Laptop which has 2 hard drives. iTunes and
slimserver are installed on C: and all of my music files are stored on

I have entered appropriately the directories where the music is stored
and the playlists are store (same directory on D:) into the slimserver,
and it scanned and found all of my music.

HOWEVER, it does NOT find the iTunes playlists.

Any suggestions appreciated


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