Re: What happens if a Fellow has a holiday?

2020-06-04 Thread Daniel Chimeno
Enjoy your week off!

El jueves, 4 de junio de 2020, 12:47:57 (UTC+2), Carlton Gibson escribi贸:
> Hi all. 
> Short answer is we don't really know, since we never take holidays. 馃檪
> I though am having a much needed week off from tomorrow, to be back on the 
> 16th. 
> Mariusz will need assistance as available *Approving changes*, from 
> Claude (our third merger) and the Technical Board, who can also Approve 
> PRs. 
> Mostly that's not needed for contributor PRs, but Mariusz makes a lot of 
> his *own PRs* as he's working, and those do need approval.
> Both these points by DEP 10.
> To facilitate this I have added the Django Technical Board GitHub team to 
> the django/django repo, with the non-write "Triage" role. 
> In this context, mostly this allows Mariusz to ask the TB by team handle 
> for a review. 
> (I trust this is OK.) 
> 3.1b1 is due on the 15th. We can delay that but... 
> Please can I ask the 6 of you to be aware that you might be needed. 
> Thanks. 
> Kind Regards,
> Carlton

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Re: Idea: Allow queryset.get() and queryset.filter() to accept a positional argument for implicit primary key filtering

2018-11-06 Thread Daniel Chimeno
This is something I've also experimented while working with a shell, I 
often mislead the .get(pk), with .get(pk=pk), 
but only at the shell, not in the views or other places (not sure why).
For that, I'm -1 to to include it in the core, and possible the best place 
is a third package app like django-extensions or similar.

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Re: Django template 'if ... is' feature design

2016-04-07 Thread Daniel Chimeno
The *is* comparator is quite error prone for misunderstanding it (as we 
could observed some times)
maybe it worths to link python docs about it:

Well, that Python docs doesn't say to much (lack of examples)

>>> a = 'pub'
>>> b = ''.join(['p','u','b'])
>>> a == b
>>> a is b

a == b it's the same as 
id(a) == id(b)

I think we should give an emphasis on  this because are going to cause 
problems to some people.

Hope it helps. 

El jueves, 7 de abril de 2016, 23:43:21 (UTC+2), Stephen escribi贸:
> Hello, 
> I reviewed 
> while updating the features of Grantlee, and I have the following notes: 
>  * The unit tests added both have the same name ("template"). They should 
> have different names of the form 'if-tag-isNN' 
>  * The feature does not work the same way as django 'is' works. For 
> example: 
> In: t = e.from_string( 
>  "{% if \"True\" is \"True\" %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}") 
> In: t.render(c) 
> Out: 'no' 
> The feature 'if ... is' feature looks like it needs more design 
> consideration before it is released. 
> Thanks, 
> Steve. 

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Re: Django Integration

2016-03-05 Thread Daniel Chimeno

There are more information about the project in the doc page:

El s谩bado, 5 de marzo de 2016, 1:16:31 (UTC+1), Chad Paulson escribi贸:
> I was happy to read that part of the Mozilla Open Source Support program 
> funding that was recently awarded to the Django Software Foundation will go 
> toward integrating key components of Django REST Framework into Django.
> Since I haven't found any update since the initial announcement in 
> December, I was curious what the status of this integration is and, if 
> possible, how soon it might be available.

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Re: [Discussion] Legacy documentation / Boken docs Django v1.2

2016-02-17 Thread Daniel Chimeno
IMHO We should keep the older version of docs somewhere, ReadTheDocs it's 
But we can't only remove them. We may notice the users instead of returning 
a simple 404.
There are a lot of people still using those versions.
To keep happy search engines, we should give a 301 to somewhere, not sure 
if we should do it or not.

El jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014, 13:32:25 (UTC+2), Areski Belaid escribi贸:
> Hi Folks,
> I wanted to open a discussion regarding the following ticket 
> To summarize briefly, you may notice that we can search doc for Django 
> version 1.2 (for example 
> but the links 
> in the result won't work.
> As Baptiste (IRC bmispelon) explained on IRC, we may have 2 approach to 
> solve this problem:
> 1) Fix the docs builder for versions < 1.2 (at the moment the doc-building 
> process is broken on old branches due to different version of Sphinx)
> 2) Discontinue older Django docs version and decide a policy regarding doc 
> hosting
> What do you think?
> -- 
> //Areski

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Re: add prefered/default protocol in the sites framework #26079

2016-01-25 Thread Daniel Chimeno

I think the same in the case of:

>1. It would make data less portable between development (where SSL is 
>often not in use) and production.
> So maybe  a settings option could work.

El mi茅rcoles, 13 de enero de 2016, 14:21:14 (UTC+1), Eric Rouleau escribi贸:
> Hi
> I've created a ticket to propose adding a preferred/default protocol in 
> the "sites" framework at
> tim suggested I bring this to the mailing list and said the following:
> I'm not immediately convinced that a database field is the way to go for a 
>> couple reasons:
>>1. It would make data less portable between development (where SSL is 
>>often not in use) and production.
>>2. I'm not sure it's a common case that only some sites would use SSL 
>>but not others.
>> A third-party library called django-hosts, which uses, 
>> adds a setting called 鈥婬OSTS_SCHEME 
>>  to 
>> solve this. I think there's been some discussion about merging at least 
>> parts of this library into core since it solves common problems.
>> See also #10944  (we might 
>> close this ticket as a duplicate of that one) and #23829 
>>  (about customizing 
>> ping_google to allow https). I think the best course of action would be 
>> to consider this feedback and write to the DevelopersMailingList 
>>  with your 
>> proposal. Either solution of a new setting or a new database field need 
>> feedback from a wider audience. Thanks!
>- actually I would say it is even more portable as you 
>would probably use different databases between dev and prod , meaning you 
>can have http in dev but https in prod
>- its not just for SSL but also maybe a it could be used with other 
>protocols/schemes such as dav, webcal, feed
>- third party libraries could now have a definitive way of generating 
>a full URL 
> what do you guys think?

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Re: FYI: pip install django is failing

2015-12-26 Thread Daniel Chimeno
There was a issue with pypi from some locations, although the status page 
doesn't say anything about it.  

El viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015, 13:03:05 (UTC+1), 
> >pip install django --upgrade
> Collecting django
> Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement django (from 
> versions: )
> No matching distribution found for django
> This seems to only be an issue with django as all other packages in 
> requirements file are installing fine this morning
> Looking at:
> I see no packages... 

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Re: MOSS Award to Django

2015-12-12 Thread Daniel Chimeno
Just saying congrats to people involved and the community. Great step for 

El viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015, 19:19:00 (UTC+1), Andrew Godwin 
> Hi everyone,
> For those who haven't seen, Mozilla has awarded $150,000 to Django for 
> work on Channels and request/response improvements lifted from REST 
> Framework. More in the blog post here: 
> I'll be coordinating this effort for the most part, but we're still 
> working out who to fund and the roadmap for the project, as well as work 
> out how we can pay people for their work on a different scale to the Django 
> Fellowship, so it might take a bit of time!
> I'll be back on here with some questions for people to discuss/answer 
> about the channels design at some point soon, but a lot of the basic design 
> is already up at, so take a read over 
> that if you're interested.
> What I can say is that my intention is to both bake Channels into the next 
> major release of Django, as well as hopefully release a pluggable app 
> version that will run on 1.8 and 1.9 - I have some plans around how to do 
> that effectively, but they involve hitherto unforged paths around Django 
> and how we package dependencies, so I can't say we'll get there 100%.
> Andrew

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Documentation tool

2014-09-06 Thread Daniel Chimeno
I'm looking for a documentation tool for my django project.
Something like JavaDoc or PHPDoc, to be able to generate a HTML|PDF with the
models, views, urls..
I've used sphinx to non-related Django projects, but I've never tried with 

Any suggest?


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