Make New Autocomplete form field

2007-12-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


i'm trying to do a AutoCompleteField. I'm creating a new widget
(AutoCompleteWidget) to generate the code and AutoCompleteField with
is a form field.

The value of my field should be a tuple with (key, value). Can someone
please help me.

Bellow if the code i've already done. I don't understand how the field
interacts with the widget.

Thanks in advance. With best regards,


class AutoCompleteWidget(Widget):
url = ''

def __init__(self, attrs=None, url=None):
self.attrs = attrs or {}
self.url = url

def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
output = []
output.append( TextInput().render('%(name)s_edit'%
{'name':name}, '') )
output.append( HiddenInput().render('%(name)s_key'%
{'name':name}, '') )

html ='''
'url' : self.url,
'id': '%s_edit'%name

return mark_safe(u'\n'.join(output))

def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
data = data.get('%(name)s_edit'%{'name':name})
if data:
return data

class AutoCompleteField(forms.MultiValueField):
widget = AutoCompleteWidget

def __init__(self, url=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.url = url
super(AutoCompleteField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

def clean(self, value):
Validates that the input can be converted to a tuple
super(AutoCompleteField, self).clean(value)

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Re: Choices from table vs. Foreign Key relationship.

2007-12-18 Thread John M

Seems like you'd want a many-to-many relationship, no?

Each student gets multiple teachers, and each teacher has multiple
students, unless all my years in school were for nothing :).

Or am I missing something?

Does delete remove FK's with M2M?


On Dec 17, 4:05 pm, radioflyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So the recommendation seems to be when your selection choices are not
> static you should go ahead and use a Foreign Key relationship. You get
> the automatic loading of the table into a select widget etc.
> But there's this issue of the cascade on delete.
> I have a Student model with a Foreign Key relationship to Teacher.
> When a teacher is removed, so go the students. Too dangerous for my
> particular scenario. There doesn't seem to be a Django feature that
> allows for adjusting the cascade.
> I thought to uncouple the relationship and use the Teacher model
> strictly as a 'lookup table.'
> What are best practices on this? What will I be losing if I just load
> the teachers as 'choices' on the student forms? Is it worth creating
> my own cascade protection to keep the Foreign Key relationship?
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Re: Template text are not being escaped when used with textile

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 09:39 -0800, shabda wrote:
> So should not {{text|escape|textile}} remove html tags first, and then
> apply the textile-markup to generate html?

The "escape" filter does not remove HTML tags, that's done by the
"striptags" filter. "Escape" converts five special characters to their
corresponding HTML entities. It also applies *last* in the sequence,
regardless of where you specify it (and only applies once to avoid
accidental double-escaping). Read the documentation for "escape" and
"force_escape" carefully (and probably the backwards incompatible
changes page's entry for autoescaping, since you are making assumptions
about "escape" that are based on its old behaviour). This is all
explained there.


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Re: get to named url pattern from request.path

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 02:40 -0800, frank h. wrote:
> hello,
> in a contextprocessor i am writing, i would like to use the "named
> url" of the current view instead of request.path.
> I toyd with django.core.urlresolvers.resolve() but that just returns
> the function configured in and not the name it was configured
> with
> to give an example: my contains this pattern
> urlpatterns += patterns('mcc.log.status',
> url(r'ftpqueue/$', 'ftpqueue', name='mcc-ftpqueue'),
> )
> in my contextprocessor, request.path is '/ftpqueue/'
> now I want to get to the name: 'mcc-ftpqueue'
> how to do that?

There's not built in way to do this.

If you really wanted to do this in an automated way, you would need to
write something like the current URL resolving code that ran through the
patterns until it found a match (following include() calls as well) and
then returned the pattern name. Not impossible and you could probably
follow the code in initially, but not something that
you'll get just by calling a single function in core().


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Re: Returning a Queryset

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 00:16 -0800, Rufman wrote:
> Hey guys
> Is there a way to return a QuerySet object, when I make my own custom
> sql?

No. Part of the reason is that it's not particularly useful in the
general case and very easy to get into trouble. A QuerySet has a lot of
methods that can be called on it that modify the eventual query. These
methods are almost useless after custom SQL has been run, because we
don't want to have to try and work out what your custom SQL was doing.

What I suspect you are needing (since you don't explain your use-case,
I'm obviously guessing a little bit) is something that has a few of the
QuerySet methods -- primarily being an iterator that returns some kind
of Python object instances and maybe supports the caching that QuerySets
do. There are (low-priority) plans to write something like that so you
can run custom SQL and pass it a dictionary or some functions that will
map result rows to a Python object and support the iterator and cache.
Anything beyond that is probably not useful, but I'd be interested in
hearing the use-case you're wanting to solve.


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Re: determining newforms field type in a template

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 22:10 -0800, MrJogo wrote:
> If I pass a form into my template as a variable, is there a way to
> tell what input type a field is in the template? My template creates
> pretty boxes for the form fields, but I don't want them around hidden
> inputs. I was hoping for something like {% ifequal field.type "hidden"
> %} but I can't seem to find an equivalent of field.type.

Each form field that the template sees is a
django.newforms.forms.BoundField instance. That class has a "is_hidden"
property that does what you want. So test field.is_hidden at the
template level.


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Re: Changing sort order of admin select object

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 15:23 -0800, borntonetwork wrote:
> Thank you Malcom.
> Could you tell me: when the functionality is available, do you know
> what the steps to create the sort order will be?

Yes. :-)

Or were you actually asking if I could tell you what they were? In that
case, see


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Re: templating javascript code

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 09:47 -0800, msoulier wrote:
> On Dec 2, 8:27 pm, Darryl Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've done this is CSS files before, so it should work just fine. Just
> > make sure you set the correct Content-Type header in your JS view.
> FTR, this works fine. I couldn't use render_to_response() as I had to
> supply the mimetype, but otherwise it works fine.

render_to_response() can be passed "mimetype=".


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Re: django requires db access to dump sql that it would use in syncdb

2007-12-18 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 09:45 -0800, msoulier wrote:
> I'm trying to write db initialization code for an existing db
> framework on a product that I work on. To do this I'm "asking" django
> to show SQL that it would use to create its db, so I can copy it into
> the initialization code.
> I can't though, as I haven't created the db yet, and for some reason
> it requires access to the db, even though it's not actually performing
> any operations on the db.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] servermanager]# python sql main
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 12, in ?
> execute_manager(settings)
>   File "/var/tmp/django-0.96-root/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> django/core/", line 1672, in execute_manager
>   File "/var/tmp/django-0.96-root/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> django/core/", line 1632, in execute_from_command_line
>   File "/var/tmp/django-0.96-root/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> django/core/", line 123, in get_sql_create
>   File "/var/tmp/django-0.96-root/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> django/core/", line 68, in _get_table_list
>   File "/var/tmp/django-0.96-root/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/", line 48, in cursor
> psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL:  Password authentication failed for
> user "smeserver"
> Seems like a bit of a chicken and egg problem. I'll create the db and
> user now, but I don't see why it should be required when it's not
> being used by the command. I suppose it might not be fixable, as it
> may be in the psycopg2 module.

Unfortunate, but not really worth worrying about. This is such an
edge-case that this isn't really worth putting in any significant extra
code to work around. Just create the database and you won't have the

It's so rare as to be effectively non-existent that you'll be wanting to
view the SQL and never, ever connect to the database.


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Re: Allowing downloads for only certain users

2007-12-18 Thread Ryan K

It would be great if the apache_auth module had a user passes test
function instead of using permissions. Here is a good article on using
lighttpd w/ mod_secdownload:

On Dec 18, 7:12 pm, Jonathan Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ryan K wrote:
> > What is the best way to serve static media and only letting certain
> > users (using django.contrib.auth) download that data?
> > Thanks,
> > Ryan Kaskel
> Jonathan.
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Re: Allowing downloads for only certain users

2007-12-18 Thread Jonathan Buchanan

Ryan K wrote:
> What is the best way to serve static media and only letting certain
> users (using django.contrib.auth) download that data?
> Thanks,
> Ryan Kaskel


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Re: completely escaping an included template

2007-12-18 Thread Jan Rademaker

On Dec 18, 8:12 pm, Bram - Smartelectronix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello everyone,
> trying to upgrade to the latest trunk, I'm wrestling a bit with the
> autoescape function. Talking about embed-code for an enduser, I used to
> write:
> {% include embedded_player.html %}
> Copy-paste this: 
> The first part shows to the end-user how the embeddable player will look
> like, the second shows the user the code he can copy-paste. Now with
> autoembed this no longer works as "escape" doesn't exist anymore as a
> filter.

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syncdb problem: ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

2007-12-18 Thread crybaby

I have django dev version 6941.

There seems to be a problem with line when I do python syncdb:

It creates the tables and but fails to populate initial data.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from import execute_manager

# This is for Dos Prompt Start up
import  settings
except ImportError:
import sys
sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the
directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll
have to run, passing it your settings module.\n(If the
file does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError
somehow.)\n" % __file__)

if __name__ == "__main__":

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysite]$ python syncdb
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 272, in execute_manager
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 219, in execute
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 72, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 86, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 168, in handle
return self.handle_noargs(**options)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/
commands/", line 95, in handle_noargs
emit_post_sync_signal(created_models, verbosity, interactive)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 489, in emit_post_sync_signal
verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/dispatch/", line 358, in send
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/dispatch/", line 47, in robustApply
return receiver(*arguments, **named)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/contenttypes/", line 21, in update_contenttypes
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

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Re: Allowing downloads for only certain users

2007-12-18 Thread James Bennett

On Dec 18, 2007 3:50 PM, Ryan K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the best way to serve static media and only letting certain
> users (using django.contrib.auth) download that data?

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Allowing downloads for only certain users

2007-12-18 Thread Ryan K

What is the best way to serve static media and only letting certain
users (using django.contrib.auth) download that data?

Ryan Kaskel
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sending >500 emails using send_email in a for loop

2007-12-18 Thread Peter Baumgartner

I've built a newsletter app that currently cycles through 500+ emails
and I'd like to have it scale to handle more.

Currently I just have code like this in my view:

for recipient in email_list:
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(email.subject, email.message_text,
email.sender, [recipient])
msg.attach_alternative(email.message_html, 'text/html')

it seems to hang up the browser for quite a while with even just a few
emails. What is the best way to do this and give the user confirmation
that the email has been sent to everyone?

Should I fork off a new process? If so, how can I be sure it finishes


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2007-12-18 Thread mike de man!!

On Dec 18, 1:20 pm, "Marty Alchin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like you've configured the built-in admin at "/admin/", and
> you're defining your custom URLs *later* in the list of URL patterns.
> This means that the admin's URL configuration will see
> "/admin/display/12/" and assume it's supposed to route to its view for
> an app named "display" and a model named "12". This clearly doesn't
> exist, which is why you're getting that error.
> You have three options:
> * Change the URL you'd like "show_ticket" to use, so that it doesn't
> start with "/admin/"
> * Change the prefix you're using for the admin
> * Move your "show_ticket" pattern *above* the admin configuration, so
> that yours will be found before the admin's
> -Gul
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2007-12-18 Thread Marty Alchin

It looks like you've configured the built-in admin at "/admin/", and
you're defining your custom URLs *later* in the list of URL patterns.
This means that the admin's URL configuration will see
"/admin/display/12/" and assume it's supposed to route to its view for
an app named "display" and a model named "12". This clearly doesn't
exist, which is why you're getting that error.

You have three options:
* Change the URL you'd like "show_ticket" to use, so that it doesn't
start with "/admin/"
* Change the prefix you're using for the admin
* Move your "show_ticket" pattern *above* the admin configuration, so
that yours will be found before the admin's


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completely escaping an included template

2007-12-18 Thread Bram - Smartelectronix

Hello everyone,

trying to upgrade to the latest trunk, I'm wrestling a bit with the 
autoescape function. Talking about embed-code for an enduser, I used to 

{% include embedded_player.html %}
Copy-paste this: 

The first part shows to the end-user how the embeddable player will look 
like, the second shows the user the code he can copy-paste. Now with 
autoembed this no longer works as "escape" doesn't exist anymore as a 

Any ideas welcome :)


  - bram

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Re: FileField and

2007-12-18 Thread Ryan K

Thanks a lot. Missed save_FOO_file in the docs.

On Dec 18, 12:52 pm, "Marty Alchin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 12:08 PM, Ryan K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > def save(self, user):
> > if user != self.scheduled_product.teacher:
> > return False
> > media = Media(name=self.cleaned_data['media'].filename,
> >   media=self.cleaned_data['media'].content,
> >   uploader=user, scope='STC', accessed=0,
> >   description=self.cleaned_data['description'])
> >
> You don't pass in the contents of the file to the model's constructor
> like this. Instead, you instantiate the object, *then* save the file.
> Saving a file also saves the object, by default, so you can do it all
> in one pass. Try something like this instead:
> def save(self, user):
> if user!= self.schedule_product.teacher:
> return False
> media = Media(name=self.cleaned_data['media'].filename,
>   uploader=user, scope='STC', accessed=0,
>   description=self.cleaned_data['description'])
> media.save_media_file(self.cleaned_data['media'].filename,
> self.cleaned_data['media'].content)
> Here, media.save_media_file() will actually write the file where it
> needs to go, update the model to reflect that location, and save the
> record to the database, all at once.
> -Gul
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2007-12-18 Thread mike

I am trying to get the to display my template based on the
'id'  of my model, but I cannot get this to work, any help would be
appreciated. I have tried the url below and also my view is below, I
would like to be able to visit /admin/display//id-number and see the
ticket corresponding to that id.   All i am getting is 'App not found'

(r'^admin/display/$', show_ticket),
 (r'^admin/display/(\d{2})/$', show_ticket),
 (r'^admin/display/(?P\d+)/$', show_ticket),
 (r'^admin/display/(\d+)/$', show_ticket),
 (r'^admin/display/(\d+)/$', show_ticket),

I have tried
def show_ticket(request):
return HttpResponse("You're looking at poll")

#def show_ticket(request, id):
#   ticket = Ticket.objects.get(pk=id)
#   return render_to_response('ticket_all.html', {'ticket':

#from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
## ...
#def show_ticket(request, id):
#p = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=id)
#return render_to_response('ticket_all.html', {'ticket': p})

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Re: Weird problem with request.POST, correct data not coming out from request.POST

2007-12-18 Thread Jan Rademaker

On Dec 18, 7:14 pm, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to get a value from request.POST. After form submit,
> request.POST contains the values of the ids from the checkbox
> selected. I want the list of those ids. SO I am doing something like,
> entry_ids = request.POST['delete'] , but this doesnot pick the list,
> but instead gets me the last value in the list!



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Weird problem with request.POST, correct data not coming out from request.POST

2007-12-18 Thread shabda

I am trying to get a value from request.POST. After form submit,
request.POST contains the values of the ids from the checkbox
selected. I want the list of those ids. SO I am doing something like,
entry_ids = request.POST['delete'] , but this doesnot pick the list,
but instead gets me the last value in the list!

This is my code snippet.

elif request.POST.has_key("del"):
   entry_ids = request.POST['delete']
   print request.POST
   print entry_ids

And this is the output.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Problem trying to configure Django with FastCGI and Lighttpd

2007-12-18 Thread Rajesh Dhawan

Also, make sure you are using a recent release of flup (either the
latest 0.5 update or the 1.0 release):
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Re: Problem trying to configure Django with FastCGI and Lighttpd

2007-12-18 Thread Rajesh Dhawan


> Interesting, I've changed my fcgi script to prefork, and updated the
> lighttpd conf to have the edternal IP address of the machine and now
> I'm getting a  403 - Forbidden error when I go to the site URL.
> I think one area of confusion (for me) is how and when to start
> Django's fcgi process.

You start it one of two ways:

- Let lighttpd spawn it for you using the "bin-path" parameter. From
your first post, this is what you were originally using.

- Start the FCGI process manually or through a script that's
independent of lighttpd. That's the "python runfcgi"

> Currently what I'm doing is starting lighttpd (/etc/init.d/lighttpd
> restatr) then starting Django's FCGI process as follows:
> $ python runfcgi protocol=fcgi host= port=3303

You need to listen on host= since that's where your
lighttpd.conf is sending FCGI requests. Also, since you don't need
Lighttpd to spawn your FCGI process, in lighttpd.conf, remove the bin-
path, max-procs, etc. and leave only the host, port, and check-local

Since you're running your FCGI listener process on the same server as
your lighttpd, you should communicate via the internal loopback IP


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Re: FileField and

2007-12-18 Thread Marty Alchin

On Dec 18, 2007 12:08 PM, Ryan K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> def save(self, user):
> if user != self.scheduled_product.teacher:
> return False
> media = Media(name=self.cleaned_data['media'].filename,
>   media=self.cleaned_data['media'].content,
>   uploader=user, scope='STC', accessed=0,
>   description=self.cleaned_data['description'])

You don't pass in the contents of the file to the model's constructor
like this. Instead, you instantiate the object, *then* save the file.
Saving a file also saves the object, by default, so you can do it all
in one pass. Try something like this instead:

def save(self, user):
if user!= self.schedule_product.teacher:
return False
media = Media(name=self.cleaned_data['media'].filename,
  uploader=user, scope='STC', accessed=0,

Here, media.save_media_file() will actually write the file where it
needs to go, update the model to reflect that location, and save the
record to the database, all at once.


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Re: Template text are not being escaped when used with textile

2007-12-18 Thread shabda

And is there some setting which allows markdown to convert linebreaks
to  for all line breaks? Askin users to add two spaces when they
want a line break in comment seems strange to me.

On Dec 18, 10:39 pm, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So should not {{text|escape|textile}} remove html tags first, and then
> apply the textile-markup to generate html?
> On your weblog, b-list, you allow comments in markdown, but strip
> HTML, are you using something like "safe mode?" How can I enable that?
> BTW, that site is acting a bit strange from some days, I can not see
> the styling on some pages, :( .
> On Dec 18, 9:03 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Dec 18, 2007 8:56 AM, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am using textile markup filter. When I am using a variable in the
> > > template without any filter they are being auto escaped, as they
> > > should. However, if I use any markup filter like textile or markdown,
> > > the text is not being auto escaped. Even using the escape filter
> > > manually does not help. (as in  {{comment.text|escape|markdown}}   ).
> > > Is there any combination of filters which can,
> > > 1. Escape html tags.
> > > 2. Apply textile/markdown?
> > The point of Textile/Markdown/etc. is to produce HTML, so the bundled
> > filters do not escape their output (otherwise they'd escape the HTML
> > they produce).
> > Your best bet is probably the Markdown filter, which allows you to
> > enable python-markdown's "safe mode" -- this will have Markdown itself
> > remove any "raw" HTML before doing Markdown processing. Note that
> > *all* "raw" HTML which goes into Markdown with this mode enabled will
> > be removed, regardless of whether you wanted it to be or not.
> > --
> > "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of 
> > correct."
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Re: Template text are not being escaped when used with textile

2007-12-18 Thread shabda

So should not {{text|escape|textile}} remove html tags first, and then
apply the textile-markup to generate html?
On your weblog, b-list, you allow comments in markdown, but strip
HTML, are you using something like "safe mode?" How can I enable that?
BTW, that site is acting a bit strange from some days, I can not see
the styling on some pages, :( .

On Dec 18, 9:03 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 8:56 AM, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am using textile markup filter. When I am using a variable in the
> > template without any filter they are being auto escaped, as they
> > should. However, if I use any markup filter like textile or markdown,
> > the text is not being auto escaped. Even using the escape filter
> > manually does not help. (as in  {{comment.text|escape|markdown}}   ).
> > Is there any combination of filters which can,
> > 1. Escape html tags.
> > 2. Apply textile/markdown?
> The point of Textile/Markdown/etc. is to produce HTML, so the bundled
> filters do not escape their output (otherwise they'd escape the HTML
> they produce).
> Your best bet is probably the Markdown filter, which allows you to
> enable python-markdown's "safe mode" -- this will have Markdown itself
> remove any "raw" HTML before doing Markdown processing. Note that
> *all* "raw" HTML which goes into Markdown with this mode enabled will
> be removed, regardless of whether you wanted it to be or not.
> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
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Re: FileField and

2007-12-18 Thread Ryan K

Just to make the question a little more clear:

What type of object does model.FileType expect to get?

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FileField and

2007-12-18 Thread Ryan K

I am trying to allow certain users to upload media and then "attach"
it via the contenttypes framework. The code posted below just puts the
contents of the file in the media field. How do I make this work with
the model.FileField? (putting it in the settings.MEDIA_ROOT+upload_to
directory?) This is the code

I have the following model:

class Media(models.Model):
('PUB', 'Public'),
('ALL', 'All users'),
('TEA', 'All teachers'),
('STU', 'All students'),
('STC', 'Only Students in class'),
name = models.CharField(max_length=96)
media = models.FileField(upload_to='upload/%y/%m/%d')
uploader = models.ForeignKey(User)
scope = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=SCOPE_CHOICES)
accessed = models.PositiveIntegerField()
description = models.TextField()

and this form:

class MediaUploadForm(forms.Form):
media = forms.FileField()
description = forms.CharField(max_length=1024,
sp_id = forms.CharField(max_length=32, widget=forms.HiddenInput)

def clean_sp_id(self):
sp_id = int(self.cleaned_data['sp_id'])
self.scheduled_product =
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid scheduled product.')
return self.cleaned_data['sp_id']

def save(self, user):
if user != self.scheduled_product.teacher:
return False
media = Media(name=self.cleaned_data['media'].filename,
  uploader=user, scope='STC', accessed=0,

content_type =
content_media = ContentMedia(content_type=content_type,,

return True
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Re: Templates, filesystem, caching?

2007-12-18 Thread Rob Hudson

On 12/18/07, Michael Elsdörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Bennett schrieb:
> > Manually call get_template() or select_template(), and stuff the
> > resulting Template object into a module-global variable somewhere.
> > Then just re-use it, calling render() with different contexts, each
> > time you need it.
> Is there anything speaking against building that behaviour directly into
> Django?

I was curious of the same thing.  The only downside I see is that
templates wouldn't "reload" automatically if you changed them.  But
you could disable this when DEBUG=True.  And most people are used to
the idea of reloading Apache if there is a change in a .py file.


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How generate thumbail with png transparency

2007-12-18 Thread mamcxyz


I'm using the thumbail field for autogenerate thumbails. I have my
graphics in png with transparency. However, the transparency is not
saved, I try:


def pngsave(im, file):
# these can be automatically added to
# they are not user-added metadata
reserved = ('interlace', 'gamma', 'dpi', 'transparency', 'aspect')

# undocumented class
from PIL import PngImagePlugin
meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

# copy metadata into new object
for k,v in
if k in reserved: continue
meta.add_text(k, v, 0)

# and save, "PNG", pnginfo=meta)

But with not look.

How do this trick with PIL?
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Re: Using CheckboxSelectMultiple

2007-12-18 Thread Tim

Try this:

credentials =

On Dec 17, 9:14 pm, "Alex Ezell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have several fields define in my models like this:
> ('LM', "Commercial Driver's License"),
> ('IN', 'Insured'),
> ('DR', 'DOT Registered (Interstate)'),
> ('FI', 'Fragile Item Qualified'),
> )
> credentials = models.CharField(max_length=2, blank=True,
> Then, I have them described in my form class as this:
> credentials = forms.ChoiceField(choices=Truckshare.CREDENTIALS_CHOICES)
> What I would like to do is use a CheckboxSelectMultiple for this field.
> However, when I do that like this:
> credentials = forms.ChoiceField(choices=Truckshare.CREDENTIALS_CHOICES
> ,widget=CheckboxSelectMultiple)
> but that will fail because it will submit multiple values to the model and
> since it's ChoiceField, it will complain.
> How can I set this up so that I can use choices in my model and use a
> CheckboxSelectMultiple field via newforms?
> Thanks!
> /alex
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Re: Simple Database Import Memory Problems

2007-12-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That indeed did the trick.  I new it would be something embarrassingly

Thank you very much, James.  Much obliged.


On Dec 18, 11:06 am, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 9:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That's really all it does.  If you watch it in top, however, python's
> > memory consumption rises steadily as the file is processed (f is very
> > large, so there are many iterations of the loop).  I was wondering if
> > anyone knew where all this memory was going?  Is django spawning
> > objects under the hood somewhere that I need to explicitly delete?
> > Forgive me if this is a too-simple question, but I have been unable to
> > figure it out thus far.
> You have DEBUG=True in your settings file, which means that, for
> debugging purposes, Django is keeping an in-memory list of database
> queries it has performed. This list naturally grows in size with each
> successive query. To disable this, set DEBUG=False.
> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
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Re: Simple Database Import Memory Problems

2007-12-18 Thread James Bennett

On Dec 18, 2007 9:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> That's really all it does.  If you watch it in top, however, python's
> memory consumption rises steadily as the file is processed (f is very
> large, so there are many iterations of the loop).  I was wondering if
> anyone knew where all this memory was going?  Is django spawning
> objects under the hood somewhere that I need to explicitly delete?
> Forgive me if this is a too-simple question, but I have been unable to
> figure it out thus far.

You have DEBUG=True in your settings file, which means that, for
debugging purposes, Django is keeping an in-memory list of database
queries it has performed. This list naturally grows in size with each
successive query. To disable this, set DEBUG=False.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: Template text are not being escaped when used with textile

2007-12-18 Thread James Bennett

On Dec 18, 2007 8:56 AM, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using textile markup filter. When I am using a variable in the
> template without any filter they are being auto escaped, as they
> should. However, if I use any markup filter like textile or markdown,
> the text is not being auto escaped. Even using the escape filter
> manually does not help. (as in  {{comment.text|escape|markdown}}   ).
> Is there any combination of filters which can,
> 1. Escape html tags.
> 2. Apply textile/markdown?

The point of Textile/Markdown/etc. is to produce HTML, so the bundled
filters do not escape their output (otherwise they'd escape the HTML
they produce).

Your best bet is probably the Markdown filter, which allows you to
enable python-markdown's "safe mode" -- this will have Markdown itself
remove any "raw" HTML before doing Markdown processing. Note that
*all* "raw" HTML which goes into Markdown with this mode enabled will
be removed, regardless of whether you wanted it to be or not.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Simple Database Import Memory Problems

2007-12-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I was hoping I could cajole someone into helping me out.  I've created
a test project that essentially reads records from a large flat file,
assigns the contents of each line in said file to a pair of models,
and saves the model (that's really all it does).  The code reads
something like this:


def asl_import():
from asl.models import Model1 as A
from asl.models import Model2 as P
f = open_as_list('data/A.full', 'r')

while f.readline():
p = P()
a = A()

#assign model attributes to the appropriate
p.first = f[0]
p.second = f[1]
p.last = f[n]

a.first = f[n+1]
a.second = f[n+2]
a.last = f[m]
p.a.add(a) #there is a many-to-many between p and a

del(p) #I know I shouldn't have to explicitly delete these,
but I did this in order to
del(a) #try to resolve the memory problems


That's really all it does.  If you watch it in top, however, python's
memory consumption rises steadily as the file is processed (f is very
large, so there are many iterations of the loop).  I was wondering if
anyone knew where all this memory was going?  Is django spawning
objects under the hood somewhere that I need to explicitly delete?
Forgive me if this is a too-simple question, but I have been unable to
figure it out thus far.


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User behaviour: Rating + Comments or Rating OR comments?

2007-12-18 Thread mamcxyz

I'm debating myself what could be best for the upcoming redesing of in the area of rating & comments.

I know the comments framework have both, but I wonder for a site with
blogs & places related to enterteinment for 16-30 years old people
what could provide the best return (ie: enchance participation):

- Let rating & comment in one step or
- Comment & rating apart.

I think is best the second, maybe because people that hate writing
perhaps could rate. In the other hand, if simply rate but not say why,
the content get less valuable

What do you think? Exist any emprirical proof?
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Re: Choices from table vs. Foreign Key relationship.

2007-12-18 Thread Marty Alchin

On Dec 17, 2007 7:05 PM, radioflyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a Student model with a Foreign Key relationship to Teacher.
> When a teacher is removed, so go the students. Too dangerous for my
> particular scenario. There doesn't seem to be a Django feature that
> allows for adjusting the cascade.

Personally, I'd keep the ForeignKey relationship, but just override
Teacher.delete() so that removes itself from all of its Students
before being deleted. Something like this should do it:

class Teacher(models.Model):
# ... Fields here
def delete(self):
for student in self.student_set.all():
student.teacher = None
super(Teacher, self).delete()

This, of course, assumes that you created your students include a
field looking something like this:

teacher = ForeignKey(Teacher, null=True)

Would that work for you?


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Template text are not being escaped when used with textile

2007-12-18 Thread shabda

I am using textile markup filter. When I am using a variable in the
template without any filter they are being auto escaped, as they
should. However, if I use any markup filter like textile or markdown,
the text is not being auto escaped. Even using the escape filter
manually does not help. (as in  {{comment.text|escape|markdown}}   ).
Is there any combination of filters which can,
1. Escape html tags.
2. Apply textile/markdown?
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Re: Templates, filesystem, caching?

2007-12-18 Thread Michael Elsdörfer

James Bennett schrieb:
> Manually call get_template() or select_template(), and stuff the
> resulting Template object into a module-global variable somewhere.
> Then just re-use it, calling render() with different contexts, each
> time you need it.

Is there anything speaking against building that behaviour directly into 


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Re: How to get the urls defined in

2007-12-18 Thread Rajesh Dhawan

On Dec 18, 9:10 am, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have my defined as
> urlpatterns = patterns('app.views',
>  (r'^foo/$', 'foo'),
>  (r'^bar/$', 'bar'),)
> Now from a template i need to access these urls. So inside the
> template we can refer them as /foo/, /bar/. However later when I
> change the, these urls defined in would break. What
> would be a good way around this?

You can name your URL patterns and then use the "url" templatetag in
your templates. Start here:
and follow on to the "url" templatetag description.

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Re: Are paginators lazy?

2007-12-18 Thread Alex Koshelev

Paginator is lazy. It loads only needed page. It uses slice
syntax( [:] ) of query set

On 18 дек, 16:26, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using the paginators(django.core.paginator) as describes 
> at
> Are paginators lazy, like .filter and related method are? If I use
> paginator = ObjectPaginator(Article.objects.all(), 5)
> and then paginator.get_page(0)
> would the first 5 pages be loaded or all of the objects returned
> by .all be loaded?
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Re: How to get the urls defined in

2007-12-18 Thread James Bennett

On Dec 18, 2007 8:10 AM, shabda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now from a template i need to access these urls. So inside the
> template we can refer them as /foo/, /bar/. However later when I
> change the, these urls defined in would break. What
> would be a good way around this?

You most likely want to look at the documentation on Django's built-in
template tags.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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How to get the urls defined in

2007-12-18 Thread shabda

I have my defined as
urlpatterns = patterns('app.views',
 (r'^foo/$', 'foo'),
 (r'^bar/$', 'bar'),)

Now from a template i need to access these urls. So inside the
template we can refer them as /foo/, /bar/. However later when I
change the, these urls defined in would break. What
would be a good way around this?
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Are paginators lazy?

2007-12-18 Thread shabda

I am using the paginators(django.core.paginator) as describes at .
Are paginators lazy, like .filter and related method are? If I use
paginator = ObjectPaginator(Article.objects.all(), 5)
and then paginator.get_page(0)
would the first 5 pages be loaded or all of the objects returned
by .all be loaded?

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get to named url pattern from request.path

2007-12-18 Thread frank h.

in a contextprocessor i am writing, i would like to use the "named
url" of the current view instead of request.path.

I toyd with django.core.urlresolvers.resolve() but that just returns
the function configured in and not the name it was configured

to give an example: my contains this pattern

urlpatterns += patterns('mcc.log.status',
url(r'ftpqueue/$', 'ftpqueue', name='mcc-ftpqueue'),

in my contextprocessor, request.path is '/ftpqueue/'
now I want to get to the name: 'mcc-ftpqueue'

how to do that?
thanks for any insight you might have

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FREE Web Hosting...

2007-12-18 Thread kemoba


250 MB of Disk Space
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Re: Choices from table vs. Foreign Key relationship.

2007-12-18 Thread Christian Joergensen

radioflyer wrote:
> So the recommendation seems to be when your selection choices are not
> static you should go ahead and use a Foreign Key relationship. You get
> the automatic loading of the table into a select widget etc.
> But there's this issue of the cascade on delete.
> I have a Student model with a Foreign Key relationship to Teacher.
> When a teacher is removed, so go the students. Too dangerous for my
> particular scenario. There doesn't seem to be a Django feature that
> allows for adjusting the cascade.
> I thought to uncouple the relationship and use the Teacher model
> strictly as a 'lookup table.'
> What are best practices on this? What will I be losing if I just load
> the teachers as 'choices' on the student forms? Is it worth creating
> my own cascade protection to keep the Foreign Key relationship?

Don't delete the Teacher.

Instead, I would add a boolean field 'active' to the model and change 
the value on delete.

Christian Joergensen | Linux, programming or web consultancy  | Visit us at:

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Bio Technology seacrat

2007-12-18 Thread d

  Bio  Technology  seacrat
Bio  Technology  seacrat

Bio  Technology  seacrat
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Re: Problem trying to configure Django with FastCGI and Lighttpd

2007-12-18 Thread simonjwoolf

Interesting, I've changed my fcgi script to prefork, and updated the
lighttpd conf to have the edternal IP address of the machine and now
I'm getting a  403 - Forbidden error when I go to the site URL.
I think one area of confusion (for me) is how and when to start
Django's fcgi process.

Currently what I'm doing is starting lighttpd (/etc/init.d/lighttpd
restatr) then starting Django's FCGI process as follows:
$ python runfcgi protocol=fcgi host= port=3303

Am I doing something wrong?

On Dec 17, 9:00 pm, "Chris Moffitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In your mysite.fcgi script, just pass in the variable "prefork" instead of
> threaded.
> The other thing you could try is to use the ip address instead of
> -Chris
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Hi to ALL. I just join this group.

2007-12-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Greetings to all
japanese anime lesbian sex japanese anime art anime
japanese robot toys
japanese school girl anime sex japanese anime
mp3 mp3

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Re: Performance of a django website

2007-12-18 Thread Artiom Diomin

have you tried mod_wsgi ?

Nic пишет:
> "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Dec 11, 2007 1:49 PM, Richard Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> 1. Static content and dynamic are on the same server (that will change
>>> on production).  But they are on different apache virtual.  Mod_python
>>> is turned off for the static stuff.  Hitting only a static page is very
>>> fast (6500 requests per second).  Hitting the dynamic side is slow (300
>>> requests per second).
>>> 2. It's gigE between the web server and mysql server, on a dedicated
>>> switch.  The database is working pretty hard (7000 selects per second),
>>> but doesn't seem to be the bottleneck.  The webserver is hammered
>>> (typing any command takes a long time).
>> DB handling 7000 selects/sec while web server is serving 300 pages/sec
>> implies each page request is generating >20 select requests.  Does that seem
>> reasonable to you based on the content of the page you are serving?  (It
>> seems high to me.)  Brian Morton provided a pointer to the doc for
>> select_related, which could help to reduce the number of selects.  Even if
>> the database is keeping up, so many round-trips talking to it for a single
>> page request is going to add up.
> Have you tried a connection pool?

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Returning a Queryset

2007-12-18 Thread Rufman

Hey guys

Is there a way to return a QuerySet object, when I make my own custom

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