Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-02-07 Thread akaihola

Isn't there a broader problem than just django.forms? Now that Django
1.0 seems to stand on the XHTML side, it encourages re-usable app
authors to generate XHTML instead of HTML in their default templates
as well as in any markup their apps might be generating

I have to admit that I've been ignorant re the HTML/XHTML debate, and
only now I skimmed through a pile of arguments on both sides. It
doesn't look like there will be a consensus any time soon (although
the HTML side convinced me better today).

To make sure most re-usable apps can serve both standards, too, Django
probably needs to provide appropriate tools for developers, right?
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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-30 Thread Rob Hudson

Here's some food for thought on the subject of HTML 4.01 in Django (as
it's been discussed a lot before):

James Bennet brought up the HTML4 argument on the Django developers
list some time ago:

and later blogged about why he chose HTML4 for his personal blog:

> I have not suggested such thing though. From a brief look at the source
> code, it appeared to me that it would be easy to create a setting that
> specifies whether to include the slash or not, and based on that setting
> write either " />" or ">" at the end of input tags (and ).

This has been written some time ago and shot down by Jacob:

In the comment of the wontfix change he mentions he'd support a
template filter for this, along the lines of what django-html is doing

I personally believe, if Django should choose only one doctype as its
default, it should choose HTML 4.01 and provide a filter for XHTML.
But I think I'm in the minority on that.  :)

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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-29 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 15:18 +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> >On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 14:33 +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
> >> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> >> 
> >> I disagree. When I develop web pages (using Django or otherwise) I use
> >> the Firefox HTML validator extension. This helps me write
> >> standards-compliant HTML -- a big red cross indicates a problem in my
> >> page. It is annoying if that big red cross no longer indicates anything
> >> (there might be problems *I* caused, or it might just be Django stuff).
> >
> >You realise that you're effectively confirming what I said, right?. The
> >big red cross is a cosmetic issue. The fact that it makes precisely zero
> >difference to the practical matter of how a real-world web browser
> >processes the page means it's not fatal/tragic.
> No, I think you may have misunderstood me. The XHTML slash is cosmetic;
> to my knowledge, all current browsers are capable of dealing with that
> (thus deviating from what the standard dictates them to do, but
> practicality beats purity, I guess ;)).

XHTML, being XML, is consumed by much more than just web browsers and
should be targeted at being correctly parsed and rejected by any
conforming XML library (feed readers being one example). Conformance to
the XML requirement that errors are fatal is therefore important. HTML
is sufficiently screwed up that it's not really possible to level that
requirement against it.

> However, *my* HTML (as opposed to Django's generated HTML) may contain
> errors as well, and regularly does. The big red cross in an invaluable
> indicator that I messed something up, and losing that functionality is
> annoying.

In other words, there is a slight, but annoying, problem with such
tools, in that they don't differentiate between errors that are going to
cause real problems and those which aren't. That happens to interact
with a slight, but annoying, problem in Django. No harm, no foul. Things
could be better on both sides and one day people might change them.

I'm completely in favour of 100% valid HTML code wherever possible. But
I'm more in favour of knowing why that isn't compulsory and not always
possible, and why there does need to be some differentiation.

>  Now, when using HTML as opposed to XHTML, I can no longer see
> if I did something wrong, as the page is *always* in error (from a
> standards compliance POV).
> >Then you'll have no trouble creating a parallel set of form widgets or a
> >form framework that can handle this and everybody will be happy. :-)
> No, I have no desire to do such a thing. As I stated before, the
> practical solution for me was to switch to XHTML.
> >Or look at the django-html project on Google Code, where various ideas
> >are being tried out.
> I did, briefly, and didn't like what I saw. They overcomplicate things,
> IMHO. I don't want DOCTYPE management, for example.

Which shows why it's a harder problem than it looks on the surface, once
you start looking at the details. Explains why it isn't in Django yet.

> >(you're certainly paid just as much to work on Django as me, for
> >example).
> This payment thing comes up regularly here, and pollutes the discussion.
> I have been using Django for a while, and found it to have good things
> and downsides (both IMHO). I have not even critisized Django here (yet
> ;)), just expressed mild curiousity. I don't think I've given you reason
> to bring up that you're not payed for your work on Django.

Take it in the spirit it was offered, dude. Exactly the same tone as you
used. It was part of a broader explanation about why this
feature/enhancement isn't in Django and was only mentioned as part of a
sentence in the second or third response because you kept going on about
how the cosmetic thing was much more important to you. Let's keep some
perspective, please. I wasn't intending to cause offence. If you're
going to go on about something, I'm going to give you the full list of
reasons why the state of play is as it is and how it can be made better.
If you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.

> >Maintaining two copies of everything certainly adds to the workload.
> I have not suggested such thing though. From a brief look at the source
> code, it appeared to me that it would be easy to create a setting that
> specifies whether to include the slash or not, and based on that setting
> write either " />" or ">" at the end of input tags (and ).

It's a question of which compromises should be made and where. You've
indicated you'd be happy without that, for others, it would still be a
hack if they don't have the DOCTYPE control (for the record, I have
precisely no opinion on that yet). That's the fun of working with this
stuff: never able to please everybody immediately.

I think we should probably move on now.


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-29 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 06:36 -0800, Andrew Ingram wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2:18 pm, Gertjan Klein  wrote:
> > This payment thing comes up regularly here, and pollutes the discussion.
> > I have been using Django for a while, and found it to have good things
> > and downsides (both IMHO). I have not even critisized Django here (yet
> > ;)), just expressed mild curiousity. I don't think I've given you reason
> > to bring up that you're not payed for your work on Django.
> Off-topic:
> For what it's worth I agree with you. I've lost track of the number of
> times i've found bugs in open source software and been not-so-subtly
> told to contribute the fix myself. Or asked about something that I
> think should be included and been told to write it myself.
> As a consumer of software libraries it is not my job to fix them,

It's rarely anybody's job to fix them, in the greater scheme of things.
That's the whole point and why I think Gertjan's comment above is an
over-reaction. We are *all* on a level playing field here. If somebody
says something like "I wondered why it isn't in; it doesn't seem like a
lot of work" in a light-hearted manner, they will often get a reply in
the same tone, pointing out one of the many reasons why it isn't in
there is that the person in question hasn't contributed a patch to add
it. Itches get scratched by the people who have them, particularly
enhancement requests.

Sure, sometimes you can't fix the things, but then that's life. You made
that risk evaluation going in.


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-29 Thread Andrew Ingram

On Jan 29, 2:18 pm, Gertjan Klein  wrote:
> This payment thing comes up regularly here, and pollutes the discussion.
> I have been using Django for a while, and found it to have good things
> and downsides (both IMHO). I have not even critisized Django here (yet
> ;)), just expressed mild curiousity. I don't think I've given you reason
> to bring up that you're not payed for your work on Django.


For what it's worth I agree with you. I've lost track of the number of
times i've found bugs in open source software and been not-so-subtly
told to contribute the fix myself. Or asked about something that I
think should be included and been told to write it myself.

As a consumer of software libraries it is not my job to fix them,
maybe there will come a time when I choose to spend some time
contributing back to the projects, but there is a lot of overhead
involve in learning enough of how a library works to write patches and
not everyone can spare this.  Additionally some of us simply aren't
smart enough to fix/add features we want.

Your reasoning for wanting this functionality is reasonable, as is
Malcom's explanation for why it has yet to be done (nobody has agreed
on the best way to do it)

Andrew Ingram
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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-29 Thread Gertjan Klein

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

>On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 14:33 +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
>> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
>> I disagree. When I develop web pages (using Django or otherwise) I use
>> the Firefox HTML validator extension. This helps me write
>> standards-compliant HTML -- a big red cross indicates a problem in my
>> page. It is annoying if that big red cross no longer indicates anything
>> (there might be problems *I* caused, or it might just be Django stuff).
>You realise that you're effectively confirming what I said, right?. The
>big red cross is a cosmetic issue. The fact that it makes precisely zero
>difference to the practical matter of how a real-world web browser
>processes the page means it's not fatal/tragic.

No, I think you may have misunderstood me. The XHTML slash is cosmetic;
to my knowledge, all current browsers are capable of dealing with that
(thus deviating from what the standard dictates them to do, but
practicality beats purity, I guess ;)).

However, *my* HTML (as opposed to Django's generated HTML) may contain
errors as well, and regularly does. The big red cross in an invaluable
indicator that I messed something up, and losing that functionality is
annoying. Now, when using HTML as opposed to XHTML, I can no longer see
if I did something wrong, as the page is *always* in error (from a
standards compliance POV).

>Then you'll have no trouble creating a parallel set of form widgets or a
>form framework that can handle this and everybody will be happy. :-)

No, I have no desire to do such a thing. As I stated before, the
practical solution for me was to switch to XHTML.

>Or look at the django-html project on Google Code, where various ideas
>are being tried out.

I did, briefly, and didn't like what I saw. They overcomplicate things,
IMHO. I don't want DOCTYPE management, for example.

>(you're certainly paid just as much to work on Django as me, for

This payment thing comes up regularly here, and pollutes the discussion.
I have been using Django for a while, and found it to have good things
and downsides (both IMHO). I have not even critisized Django here (yet
;)), just expressed mild curiousity. I don't think I've given you reason
to bring up that you're not payed for your work on Django.

>Maintaining two copies of everything certainly adds to the workload.

I have not suggested such thing though. From a brief look at the source
code, it appeared to me that it would be easy to create a setting that
specifies whether to include the slash or not, and based on that setting
write either " />" or ">" at the end of input tags (and ). However,
like I said, I have not researched this thouroughly, and I most
certainly have not requested the Django developers to implement this. I
may have overlooked more complicated things, and besides, if I wanted
this badly I'd try and write it myself and if successfull, attempt to
get it included in Django.


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-28 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 14:33 +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> >In HTML, the requirement for errors of this form ( instead of
> >), is that the parser *must* recover in a way that forces it to
> >treat it as "" -- it has to ignore the invalid characters and
> >recover in a particular, well-defined fashion.
> Do you have a reference for that? It is my understanding that there is,
> indeed, a well-defined meaning the SGML specification for HTML: the
> slash inside a tag introduces a so-called "shorttag". This treats
> everything up until the next slash as the element's contents. Browsers
> don't treat it as such, but that is a deviation of what the standard
> asks them to do, not error recovery per se.

I don't have a reference to hand, since the SGML spec is proprietary
(yay for ISO... not) and it's been a while since I looked up chapter and
verse. However, you may well be correct and I may be confusing the
lexer/parser error recovery with something more semantic. Net effect is
the same, though: that's how HTML browsers have to behave to work in
this reality.

> >That's why non-validity for HTML, when it's this kind of non-validity
> >isn't a really big deal. It's cosmetic, rather than tragic.
> I disagree. When I develop web pages (using Django or otherwise) I use
> the Firefox HTML validator extension. This helps me write
> standards-compliant HTML -- a big red cross indicates a problem in my
> page. It is annoying if that big red cross no longer indicates anything
> (there might be problems *I* caused, or it might just be Django stuff).

You realise that you're effectively confirming what I said, right?. The
big red cross is a cosmetic issue. The fact that it makes precisely zero
difference to the practical matter of how a real-world web browser
processes the page means it's not fatal/tragic.

Note, that at no point did I say it was perfect or ideal. But there's a
difference in the severity. If we're going to implement only one side of
the equation, it has to be the XHTML side, since XML parsers require
that and HTML parsers can handle it. Seeing a big red cross every now
and again is less than ideal, but only an inconvenience.

> As a result, I decided to switch to XHTML when developing with Django --
> also not fully standards compliant (the doctype is wrong), but at least
> when I see a big red cross I know *I* did something wrong...
> Before I decided to switch and stop worrying about it, I also wondered
> why Django didn't make this configurable. It didn't seem like a lot of
> work, 

Then you'll have no trouble creating a parallel set of form widgets or a
form framework that can handle this and everybody will be happy. :-)

Or look at the django-html project on Google Code, where various ideas
are being tried out. I'm sure they look forward to your patches to help
improve the situation, since you're just as involved in this as the rest
of us (you're certainly paid just as much to work on Django as me, for

> but I haven't really researched it.

Maintaining two copies of everything certainly adds to the workload. I
feel like a broken record here a bit, but pragmatism is a very important
part of software maintenance, even in the Open Source world. As long as
we're aware (and we are) of the trade-offs, it's sometimes deemed

Whilst I fully appreciate it can be frustrating for some people to not
see the big green tick of "HTML validity", it's also important for the
same people to see the bigger picture, which is why I take the time to
reply in these types of threads. There's no functionality loss with the
current choices, which is significant in drivintg the priorities of
those us donating time to work on general stuff that doesn't scratch any
of our own itches. If you want things to be better, contribute and come
up with a solution that adds minimal (preferably zero) overhead to the


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-28 Thread Gertjan Klein

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

>In HTML, the requirement for errors of this form ( instead of
>), is that the parser *must* recover in a way that forces it to
>treat it as "" -- it has to ignore the invalid characters and
>recover in a particular, well-defined fashion.

Do you have a reference for that? It is my understanding that there is,
indeed, a well-defined meaning the SGML specification for HTML: the
slash inside a tag introduces a so-called "shorttag". This treats
everything up until the next slash as the element's contents. Browsers
don't treat it as such, but that is a deviation of what the standard
asks them to do, not error recovery per se.

>That's why non-validity for HTML, when it's this kind of non-validity
>isn't a really big deal. It's cosmetic, rather than tragic.

I disagree. When I develop web pages (using Django or otherwise) I use
the Firefox HTML validator extension. This helps me write
standards-compliant HTML -- a big red cross indicates a problem in my
page. It is annoying if that big red cross no longer indicates anything
(there might be problems *I* caused, or it might just be Django stuff).

As a result, I decided to switch to XHTML when developing with Django --
also not fully standards compliant (the doctype is wrong), but at least
when I see a big red cross I know *I* did something wrong...

Before I decided to switch and stop worrying about it, I also wondered
why Django didn't make this configurable. It didn't seem like a lot of
work, but I haven't really researched it.


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-26 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 10:35 -0800, Ty wrote:
> Thanks for the link.
> I'm supprised there nothing "built-in" to allow this. Django's
> essentally pushing you to use XHTML over HTML.
> Not really a big deal though, I suppose.


In XHTML, validity errors must be handled by not parsing the remainder
of the page, and hence, not rendering (XML's required error handling

In HTML, the requirement for errors of this form ( instead of
), is that the parser *must* recover in a way that forces it to
treat it as "" -- it has to ignore the invalid characters and
recover in a particular, well-defined fashion. That's a requirement of
the SGML specification (on which HTML is based). So HTML parsers
interpret what Django produces correctly, even though it isn't strictly

That's why non-validity for HTML, when it's this kind of non-validity
isn't a really big deal. It's cosmetic, rather than tragic. It's also
why the django-html project exists and why, maybe, one day, such an
option will exist in Django. But the right API and how much parallel
maintenance it will require is, as yet, highly unclear. So an external
project or two experimenting with the possibilities is absolutely the
right way to go about things.


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-26 Thread Ty

Thanks for the link.
I'm supprised there nothing "built-in" to allow this. Django's
essentally pushing you to use XHTML over HTML.

Not really a big deal though, I suppose. I'm just starting the project
out so it won't take much to convert the whole page to XHTML. I'll
probably just go that route.

On Jan 26, 1:28 pm, "Eduardo O. Padoan" 
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Ty  wrote:
> > I write HTML 4.01 strict documents and I'm using the django.forms form-
> > handling library.
> > Currently when printing input fields on the template, the output
> > includes the ending slash: "".
> > Is there any way, other then manually writing the input field to the
> > template, to get these variables to output in an HTML 4.01 strict
> > compliance mode?
> Django-html[1] provides a {% doctype %} and a {% field %} tag. You
> declare your doctype and the field output will be always correct.
> [1]
> --
>     Eduardo de Oliveira Padoan
> "Distrust those in whom the desire to punish is strong." -- Goethe,
> Nietzsche, Dostoevsky
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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-26 Thread Eduardo O. Padoan

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Ty  wrote:
> I write HTML 4.01 strict documents and I'm using the django.forms form-
> handling library.
> Currently when printing input fields on the template, the output
> includes the ending slash: "".
> Is there any way, other then manually writing the input field to the
> template, to get these variables to output in an HTML 4.01 strict
> compliance mode?

Django-html[1] provides a {% doctype %} and a {% field %} tag. You
declare your doctype and the field output will be always correct.


Eduardo de Oliveira Padoan
"Distrust those in whom the desire to punish is strong." -- Goethe,
Nietzsche, Dostoevsky

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Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-26 Thread Ty

I write HTML 4.01 strict documents and I'm using the django.forms form-
handling library.

Currently when printing input fields on the template, the output
includes the ending slash: "".

Is there any way, other then manually writing the input field to the
template, to get these variables to output in an HTML 4.01 strict
compliance mode?
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