RE: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-07 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Because of scheduling (I haven't been in the new job long enough to take a
day or three off to work DX -- yet), I only had one shot at BS7H... Saturday
morning.  KQ3DX was kind enough to loan me his shack for about 2 hours,
which was during their opening to the East Coast (the opening might have
been longer, but I had to wait for Greg to get home from work!)

No, I didn't get him either.  Too short a window, and I just couldn't figure
out the pattern of the 20 meter op (and his annoying habit of bumping his
transmit frequency every now and then from 300 Hz to 1.5 kHz, and then
suddenly without warning moving back... accidentally hitting the VFO, or
trying to avoid the frequency cops?) until they started to fade... and then
there was a change in ops and a whole new pattern to figure out, and a band

And the catcalls (I really loved the one guy who went from screaming what
about South America on the transmit frequency who then switched to It's
Only a Bees Nest!  It's Only a Bees nest!)

So it goes.  It would have been nice; next time.  Hopefully, if there's one
good thing this team did, it was to finally break through the log jam and
get the license... so the next team, whenever it is, won't have to fight
through the bureaucracy for years!


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

At 11:23 AM 05/06/2007, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:
I had to
visit a better station to work the rare ones (my club's station, with
a Cushcraft X9 at 120' and a kW in the shack).

I've always resisted that.  Even when I was in college and we had an
X9 at the club station (K2CC), it was the rig in my dorm room and a
wire or nothing at all.  Just a personal handicap on the whole DXing
biz, but you're not going to see me whining on the cluster.  Of
course, I was dorm hamming at solar max last time so I was knocking
down new ones (T30 comes to mind) on 10m with a 12 foot wire.

heh. The club station in question for me was the Hall of Science in
Queens, WB2JSM, of which I'm a life member and past VP and station
manager. I don't restrict myself artificially when it comes to
all-time new ones, with one exception: I won't be spoon-fed on a
handicapped DX net. If I can't work from my home station I will visit
a station where I can work them from (and will let me use my own
call). I'll use full legal power, the cluster, my ears and anything
else that will give me an advantage and get my call in their logs.
Yes, I've used a DX net in the past, but would never dream of
accepting assistance from anybody on that net. If I work the guy, I
exchange signal reports and if I don't get through, so be it (this
was back in my 100W/wire days, before I knew better).

Luckily (???) I'm now at the point that anything I need will be
through DXpeditions. BS7H was number 300 in the log for me.

I read that email on ... you know, the profane guy
with atrocious spelling... and I wondered what piece of crap he was
trying to work BS7H on because I read his comments while I was hearing
them just fine here near DC on my delta loop at 25 feet, and I have
power line noise!

Yeah, another real piece ofwork.

Now AA8CH is ranting and whining on the e-ham DX forum, too. How much
you wanna bet he's a colonel or captiain in the DX Police Deptarment, too



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Re[2]: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-07 Thread Art RX9TX
 Hello Jim,

JRA Actually, they did TWO good things.  The second was to remain on 20 CW/SSB
JRA throughout the entire DXpedition, to give the best chance for everyone
JRA worldwide to work a new one.

 Agree, everyone activating those on the top of the list should follow
 that  rule.  Can't  wait  for KP1, KP5 and long anticipated FR/G. And
 can't  wait  for  the  cycle  maximum  that  would let me work 4U1UN,

 73...Art RX9TX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

I didn't really need a super-fancy antenna system either. No stacks,
no long-boom monobanders, just a Force 12 C31XR up 70' or so (3
elements for 20m on a 31 foot boom),
but  having a legal-limit amp
and diversity-receive on the Mark V really did make things go easier.

Compared to my 100W and Moxon rectangle at (maybe) 30 feet, that's big
gun stuff ;-)

I couldn't believe the cluster-crabs whining like girlie-men, and
especially one nutjob in 8-land who needs some serious couch time -
or at least a tribander, good feedline and a decent amp for next

Exactly.  This moron probably was trying to get them on a G5RV strung
North-South with 100W and had done the same with N8S and other recent
DXpeditions where propagation favored the Eastern half of the US.

I can't believe the nerve of people who think they're entitled to a
contact with the DX just because there's a DXpedition on.  It doesn't
matter that they're a poor operator, it doesn't matter that their
antenna system is garbage and they're running low power, they think
it's the DXpedition's fault.

The fact of the matter is that those of us on this coast who have
built a radio station that can be used to contact some guys running
medium power to simple verticals on some rocks 8000 miles away are the
ones who get the contact.  It's a team effort, but I think the major
monster DXpeditions who can work EVERYONE in a particular geographical
area have made some people decide that everything must be that way,
even if it's technically impossible.

I worked 3Y0X from an apartment building using a hundred watts into a
100' magnet wire doublet.  I got them on 20m and 30m CW... AND 40M
***SSB***.  I think anyone with the same setup and some persistence
could have done the same.  Given propagation and the ridiculous
conditions on BS7H, that's practically impossible, to work Eastern US
stations with similar equipment.

I'm young, I have time to wait.  I'm just happy that I was still
hearing them well enough to call on 20m after 14024 BS7H Faded Out
spots started hitting the cluster.  I made my best effort from here
given constraints of other commitments, time, and money, and my best
effort wasn't good enough.  No whining here, but you can bet I'll be
really ready for the next one.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread N2RRA
Very well said  Dan!
I agree  100%.
Gud D.X. and  73!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 10:17 AM 05/06/2007, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

I can't believe the nerve of people who think they're entitled to a
contact with the DX just because there's a DXpedition on.  It doesn't
matter that they're a poor operator, it doesn't matter that their
antenna system is garbage and they're running low power, they think
it's the DXpedition's fault.

The fact of the matter is that those of us on this coast who have
built a radio station that can be used to contact some guys running
medium power to simple verticals on some rocks 8000 miles away are the
ones who get the contact.  It's a team effort, but I think the major
monster DXpeditions who can work EVERYONE in a particular geographical
area have made some people decide that everything must be that way,
even if it's technically impossible.

Dan, you hit the nail on the head. If you fancy yourself a DXer you 
need a station to cash the cheques your mouth writes, first and 
foremost. If all you can afford is 100W and a wire, then you're a 
fair-weather DXer (solar-wise). You'll do well with sunspots, but 
will struggle at this point in the cycle. That was me from 2001 until 
2003, after which I added a little AL-811 amp (600W). I had an 
Alpha-Delta DX-EE at about 45 feet up. 225 countries, more or less, 
5B DXCC, WAZ, WAS, too. In 2004 and early 2005 it was rough, though, 
and my ability to get through the piles was a lot harder. I had to 
visit a better station to work the rare ones (my club's station, with 
a Cushcraft X9 at 120' and a kW in the shack).

When I moved out here to New Jersey I had a choice of what I could 
put up. I enjoy contesting, but I'm a DXer first and foremost. I 
could have stuck up a 3 element tribander and some RG-8 and called it 
a day, but I knew I wanted a real shot at BS7 or P5 if either would 
ever come on again, and I wanted to be in the log first-day of any 
DXpedition that came down the pike. I went with the Force-12 C31XR 
and have not regretted it for a minute. 6dB over dipole on 20, 6.8 
over a dipole on 15 and 7.4 over dipole on 10, 70 feet up, fed with 
3/8 hardline and connected to an AL-1200 legal-limit amp and a 
pretty good transceiver.

If you can't afford a good station or you've chosen to live in a 
CCR-restricted property that's fine; nobody's going to point their 
fingers at you and laugh, unless you start to whinge when you can't 
break through the piles of the bigger operations. We all have to 
start somewhere, with something, and if that setup leaves you in the 
dust for BS7, P5, 7O, etc, so be it. Ed was on in P5 when I lived at 
my old apartment with the wire and 600W. I heard him exactly once, 
and he had a pileup big enough to choke a horse that I had no hope of 
getting through. That's life. P5 will be on again, and I hope my 
station here will still be working when it does come back up.

I'm willing to wager that for most of the complainers, if they did 
two things they'd get a lot more in the log. Buy a small amp. 600W or 
800W makes a HUGE difference (difference between working an 
ultra-rare one and not), and two, if putting up a yagi - even a small 
one - isn't possible replace their 15 year old feedline with 
something that's not green and full of water on the inside. Frankly, 
though, a wire at 15 feet above the ground is really never going to 
cut it except near solar max, and even then



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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

Dan, you hit the nail on the head. If you fancy yourself a DXer you
need a station to cash the cheques your mouth writes, first and
foremost. If all you can afford is 100W and a wire, then you're a
fair-weather DXer (solar-wise).

Fortunately for me on 30m and below that wire is 60 feet long and
vertical.  I got VU7RG on Day 1 on 40m CW!  Now that I'm thinking
about it, I shoulda stuck a phasing coil in the middle of the 60
footer and used it on 20m !!

I had to
visit a better station to work the rare ones (my club's station, with
a Cushcraft X9 at 120' and a kW in the shack).

I've always resisted that.  Even when I was in college and we had an
X9 at the club station (K2CC), it was the rig in my dorm room and a
wire or nothing at all.  Just a personal handicap on the whole DXing
biz, but you're not going to see me whining on the cluster.  Of
course, I was dorm hamming at solar max last time so I was knocking
down new ones (T30 comes to mind) on 10m with a 12 foot wire.

The U of MD station, W3EAX, has the big tribander stuck north right
now but that would have been just fine.  I'd prefer to wait for the
next one...

I went with the Force-12 C31XR
and have not regretted it for a minute. 6dB over dipole on 20, 6.8
over a dipole on 15 and 7.4 over dipole on 10, 70 feet up, fed with
3/8 hardline and connected to an AL-1200 legal-limit amp and a
pretty good transceiver.

An achievable station for many hams if they're serious about the DX,
for sure.  I'm still a renter, so a 70 foot tower is really out.

If you can't afford a good station or you've chosen to live in a
CCR-restricted property that's fine; nobody's going to point their
fingers at you and laugh, unless you start to whinge when you can't
break through the piles of the bigger operations.

Exactly.  Ultimately, it all comes down to the choices you make about
your ham radio activities, and I think you can do things even on  a
shoestring budget.  Heck, if I'd dropped a few hundred bucks on a used
amp before this operation went up, and put up my $70 beam for day 1
instead of day 3, I might very well have them in the log.  I chose to
not make a huge deal of this one because I'm planning on DXing for
another 40 or 50 years... I put a little work in and built the beam
and put it up in a couple of configurations just to see if I could
squeak through.

I read that email on ... you know, the profane guy
with atrocious spelling... and I wondered what piece of crap he was
trying to work BS7H on because I read his comments while I was hearing
them just fine here near DC on my delta loop at 25 feet, and I have
power line noise!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 11:23 AM 05/06/2007, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

I had to
visit a better station to work the rare ones (my club's station, with
a Cushcraft X9 at 120' and a kW in the shack).

I've always resisted that.  Even when I was in college and we had an
X9 at the club station (K2CC), it was the rig in my dorm room and a
wire or nothing at all.  Just a personal handicap on the whole DXing
biz, but you're not going to see me whining on the cluster.  Of
course, I was dorm hamming at solar max last time so I was knocking
down new ones (T30 comes to mind) on 10m with a 12 foot wire.

heh. The club station in question for me was the Hall of Science in 
Queens, WB2JSM, of which I'm a life member and past VP and station 
manager. I don't restrict myself artificially when it comes to 
all-time new ones, with one exception: I won't be spoon-fed on a 
handicapped DX net. If I can't work from my home station I will visit 
a station where I can work them from (and will let me use my own 
call). I'll use full legal power, the cluster, my ears and anything 
else that will give me an advantage and get my call in their logs. 
Yes, I've used a DX net in the past, but would never dream of 
accepting assistance from anybody on that net. If I work the guy, I 
exchange signal reports and if I don't get through, so be it (this 
was back in my 100W/wire days, before I knew better).

Luckily (???) I'm now at the point that anything I need will be 
through DXpeditions. BS7H was number 300 in the log for me.

I read that email on ... you know, the profane guy
with atrocious spelling... and I wondered what piece of crap he was
trying to work BS7H on because I read his comments while I was hearing
them just fine here near DC on my delta loop at 25 feet, and I have
power line noise!

Yeah, another real piece ofwork.

Now AA8CH is ranting and whining on the e-ham DX forum, too. How much 
you wanna bet he's a colonel or captiain in the DX Police Deptarment, too :-)



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[DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote

2007-05-06 Thread harris_ruben
The BEST quote, as reported by the XYL, was me waking her up when I 
yelled (on the last day)...


The irony of it all is that today, 12 hours after they shut down, the 
openings from the East coast to the far East was... superb. Hong 
Hong, China, Korea ... all booming in. A day late and a dollar short.

And my station is modest (to me). An Explorer-14 at 50', a venerable 
FT-990, and a kilowatt. Oh yeah, a voice-saving digital voice keyer 
(which also kept the noise in the house down to a minimum).

Personally, I don't think this rockpile belongs on the list, and 
wouldn't be surprised if it's eventually removed.

And congratulations to all who were in there trying, whether getting 
through or not. That's DX.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote

2007-05-06 Thread Fred Stevens K2FRD
I never heard them so no contact, but that's alright. It's not the end of my 
world and just knowing they made the heroic effort to get out there is 
significant in my mind. However, I did make a small financial contribution via 
PayPal at the BS7H website and I strongly 
encourage others to donate if they have not already done so. A DXpedition such 
as this costs big bucks and if those of us who didn't work them ever want to 
see BS7 again, a little financial assistance now will go a long way to ensuring 
that another trip will happen. I sure know it takes me three to four years to 
financially recover from my own mini-DXpeditions to VO2 Labrador (Zone 2) and 
I'm just a little operation (about 6000 bucks for my 2004 trip; my anticipated 
2009 trip will be at least $9000); I have no idea what BS7H cost, but it had to 
have been in the hundreds of thousands of dollars; I understand 3Y0X cost over 
a million. DXing from the operation side is expensive!

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS

At 11:56 AM -0400 6/5/07, harris_ruben wrote:
The BEST quote, as reported by the XYL, was me waking her up when I yelled (on 
the last day)...


The irony of it all is that today, 12 hours after they shut down, the openings 
from the East coast to the far East was... superb. Hong Hong, China, Korea ... 
all booming in. A day late and a dollar short.

And my station is modest (to me). An Explorer-14 at 50', a venerable FT-990, 
and a kilowatt. Oh yeah, a voice-saving digital voice keyer (which also kept 
the noise in the house down to a minimum).

Personally, I don't think this rockpile belongs on the list, and wouldn't be 
surprised if it's eventually removed.

And congratulations to all who were in there trying, whether getting through 
or not. That's DX.


Moved from DX-News--

At 10:49 AM -0500 6/5/07, Gkcarr wrote:
I for one missed it. Only twice did I hear very weak signals. However, I am 
glad for those who did log it. And Surely I can speak for many when I say 
thank you to all the team for your persistance, vision and courage.
(EM30) SW Louisiana

73 and Yours In Scouting de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Mike(W5UC) Kathy(K5MWH)

At 10:05 AM 5/6/2007, Peter Dougherty wrote:
I'm willing to wager that for most of the complainers, if they did 
two things they'd get a lot more in the log. Buy a small amp. 600W 
or 800W makes a HUGE difference

Amen Peter.  However, I sincerely believe there are other factors 
involved that the new or relatively new DX'er doesn't have, and can't 
buy.  It's called experience, or maybe savvy. Equipment wise, I'm not 
too far from the bottom of the pecking order.  I have a 20 year old 
Cushcraft A3 at 75 feet, and a Heath Warrior struggling to get 500 
watts out, but still I don't miss anything. Am I something special? 
Absolutely not.  I have just been in enough pile-ups(and so have a 
lot of you) to know how to read the operators, and the pile-up. My 
favorite response when someone asks what you have to do to be on the 
Honor Roll is; Get Old. IMHO what is between the ears counts at 
least as much as that 1.5 KW amp and a giant antenna at 100 feet, and 
when the chips are down, that big killer signal isn't worth much if 
you don't know what to do with it.

Those jokers sitting around crying the blues will just have to do 
what the rest of us old goats did. Wait, keep chasing DX, and learn.


age  treachery will overcome youth  skill 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Charles Gallo

On 5/6/2007 Peter Dougherty wrote:

 I'm willing to wager that for most of the complainers, if they did 
 two things they'd get a lot more in the log. Buy a small amp. 600W or 
 800W makes a HUGE difference (difference between working an 
 ultra-rare one and not), and two, if putting up a yagi - even a small 
 one - isn't possible replace their 15 year old feedline with 
 something that's not green and full of water on the inside. Frankly, 
 though, a wire at 15 feet above the ground is really never going to 
 cut it except near solar max, and even then

Pete, your right - but there are 2 other options - don't complain if you don't 
work'em, and 2, make good ham friends who let you wake them up at all hours of 
the morning to use THEIR setups, while you're planning on putting up your own 
tri-bander and wires - thanks again for letting me work #180 from your place

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who 
approaches that jewel.
 Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force.
 Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined
-- Patrick Henry 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Charles Gallo
Honest answer?  I don't care what you think.  I help Pete out setting up his 
house and station, he's helped me with mine, and will be here when my antennas 
go up next month.  It's called friendship.

Frankly, I'm NOT a serious DXer - I have 6-7 all time new ones sitting here - 
haven't bothered send a card.  It's only paper

Yeah - it's nicer when you work them from home - but living in NYC, short (and 
low) wires is what you live with unless you get lucky - after 3 years, I 
figured out how to fit a small beam - or you join a club.  Question for you - 
how is a club different than a friends place?

Brag about it working BS7?  Nope - Brag about having good enough friends that 
will let me use their station?  Yep.

On 5/6/2007 W2AGN wrote:

 BTW, I happen to know that a few QRPers DID work BS7H. Now THEY can brag about
 operating procedures. The guy that has to go to someone else's rig to run a 
 has no bragginmg rights, IMHO.

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

Boycott shampoo!!! Demand REAL poo!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Zack Widup
On Sun, 6 May 2007, Peter Dougherty wrote:

 heh. The club station in question for me was the Hall of Science in 
 Queens, WB2JSM, of which I'm a life member and past VP and station 
 manager. I don't restrict myself artificially when it comes to 
 all-time new ones, with one exception: I won't be spoon-fed on a 
 handicapped DX net. If I can't work from my home station I will visit 
 a station where I can work them from (and will let me use my own 
 call). I'll use full legal power, the cluster, my ears and anything 
 else that will give me an advantage and get my call in their logs. 
 Yes, I've used a DX net in the past, but would never dream of 
 accepting assistance from anybody on that net. If I work the guy, I 
 exchange signal reports and if I don't get through, so be it (this 
 was back in my 100W/wire days, before I knew better).

Our local contest club K9CU had a QTH for a few years we called Area 
51D.  We don't have it anymore.  It was a rat-infested building out in 
the middle of nowhere that belonged to the University of Illinois.  It had 
power but no water or heat.  We did have a tribander up over 100 feet and 
a couple dipoles for 40 and 80 up that high.  But there were no rigs left 
at the station.  If you wanted to operate you were free to come out with 
your own rig and put up with the rats.

The antenna performed very well and I live about 5 minutes from the site.  
I used to go out in the daytime once in a while to see what I could work. 
I think I worked one of Baldur's operations from there.  I never could get 
up the nerve to go out there at night unless there were others out there.  

There are a few photos of it at

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

Quote W2AGN:

You know, following this thread is enough to turn one off DXing. The ones that
worked BS7H are sneeringly demeaning those who didn't, criticizing their
operating, etc

No, a mix of people who worked and didn't work BS7H are sneeringly
demeaning a few VERY, VERY vocal whiners who think the BS7H guys did
something other than the very very best they could.

They don't say it in so many words, but they chalk up their inability
to work very difficult DX to the DX station's mistakes or the actions
of the masses in the pileup.

They don't understand that to get through to a rock on the other side
of the world while there are thousands and thousands of callers takes
solid preparation, a good station, and good operating skills.  They
want to blame someone else for their lame station and operating
ability, and they want to do it on the cluster.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-06 Thread Jerry Keller
Dan N3OX wrote:  to get through to a rock on the other side of the 
world while there are thousands and thousands of callers takes solid 
preparation, a good station, and good operating skills.

It also takes a good bit of luck sometimes.

Those that didn't get BS7H this time may get another chance, if they don't 
give up.  In the meantime, they can work to improve their stations and their 
operating skills. The most impact will nearly always be from improvements to 
the antenna system... wise man says $100 spent on antenna is better than 
$1000 spent anywhere else.

There are no losers in this game of DXing only winners and those that 
have not yet won.  The only way to lose is not to play.

73, Jerry K3BZ

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Zimmerman N3OX [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

Quote W2AGN:

You know, following this thread is enough to turn one off DXing. The ones 

worked BS7H are sneeringly demeaning those who didn't, criticizing their
operating, etc

No, a mix of people who worked and didn't work BS7H are sneeringly
demeaning a few VERY, VERY vocal whiners who think the BS7H guys did
something other than the very very best they could.

They don't say it in so many words, but they chalk up their inability
to work very difficult DX to the DX station's mistakes or the actions
of the masses in the pileup.

They don't understand that to get through to a rock on the other side
of the world while there are thousands and thousands of callers takes
solid preparation, a good station, and good operating skills.  They
want to blame someone else for their lame station and operating
ability, and they want to do it on the cluster.


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[DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-05 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
From packet:

To ALL de IZ8DEO 1824Z : 10.104 the mother of the idiots is always pregnant 

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-05 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 09:17 PM 05/05/2007, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

To ALL de IZ8DEO 1824Z : 10.104 the mother of the idiots is always pregnant


BS7H a no go for me.  Gotta wait 'till next time.  I should have some
big aluminum in ten years

Heard 'em well on 20m several mornings but couldn't pull the trigger.

Very easy here in NNJ. CW and SSB on 20 on Tuesday morning. Heard on 
30 and 17 but too weak to work reliably, and I really didn't want to 
be a hog and deprive others of an all-time new one just for a 
band-fill. Never heard loud long-path or evenings, but booming 
early-mornings, before 8 am.

I didn't really need a super-fancy antenna system either. No stacks, 
no long-boom monobanders, just a Force 12 C31XR up 70' or so (3 
elements for 20m on a 31 foot boom), but  having a legal-limit amp 
and diversity-receive on the Mark V really did make things go easier.

I couldn't believe the cluster-crabs whining like girlie-men, and 
especially one nutjob in 8-land who needs some serious couch time - 
or at least a tribander, good feedline and a decent amp for next 
time. I'm laughing my @$$ off, too, because this lid was complaining 
how hard it was at solar minimum. Imagine an operation like this at 
solar max, with ten times the number of low-power/low-skill 
appliance-operators calling with their popgun stations making it a 
lot harder for the DX to hear anything out of NA.

All in all a great big-ol THANK YOU to the whole team for a job 
well-done; card and DONATION on the way. I'm really looking forward 
to seeing their presentation at Hamvention.

I still can't believe how lucky we, The Deserving, have been in just 
the last two years. KP5, VU7, VU4, Peter the First and now BS7. I 
missed Ed in P5 but someday :)  Now hoping for Bouvet, Navassa, a 
legal/accepted operation from Yemen.



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