Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-14 Thread Ray Phillips
Well Spoken!!  Tho I have managed to make the honor roll, some that I need,
have not nearly been accessible over the years, as Mt. Athos. And, still are
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

 Urb, as always, raises some good points, and I find myself pretty much in
 agreement with his sentiments.

 However, I don't think that the issue is what is DX? so much as it is
 what is a DXCC entity?  There IS a difference.

 In other words, if Mt. Athos, SMOM, 4U1UN, 4U1ITU, M-V Island, and so on
 removed from the DXCC or WAE or whatever lists... they're still DX, just
 additional counters in our specialized little game here.

 Now, whether or not these, shall we say, unusual entities should have been
 given their separate recognition (for whatever reason based on the DXCC
 rules at the time of recognition) is academic; they have the recognition.
 That other, similar potential entities (such as 4U1VIC and 4U1WB) have not
 received similar recognition (again, for whatever reason based on the
 at the time recognition was applied for) is also academic; they ain't
 get it, and won't unless the existing rules are modified.  Should they be?
 That, as they say, is the rub.

 In other words, the system is as fair as possible considering time,
 politics, and changing rules.  But it is not and never will be 100%

 To get a little more specific for a moment:

 I do not know if the Powers That Be on SV/A would prefer not having
 recognition for Mt. Athos from Greece for DXCC purposes; but considering
 that, despite the importance of the SV/A counter in our game to us, it is
 best a distraction to them that they could do without.  And I think we all
 forget to some degree sometimes that Monk Apollo is there for many other
 purposes than giving us all a new DXCC band/mode entity.  To that extent,
 would agree with Urb that we have sometimes been spoiled by the 20/30/40K
 QSO DXpeditions of late.

 Nevertheless, Mt. Athos is a DXCC entity, and so long as it remains so,
 activity from there will be coveted.  And many won't be fortunate enough
 work it.  So it goes; it is simply something that we will have to learn to
 accept.  Otherwise, we run the risk that the Powers That Be will simply
 revoke Monk Apollo's permission to operate from SV/A, and will not permit
 anyone else to do so... and we will all be worse off for it.  (Just
 that at least one low-level bureaucrat has allegedly written the ARRL to
 have Navassa  Desecheo removed from the list so that they won't have to
 deal with all of the amateurs asking for permission to land  operate from
 there -- nice to know it's ok for the illegal fishermen, drug dealers,
 pirates, and so on to land there but those of us who follow the rules and
 ask nicely first get the proverbial bureaucratic shaft, but I digress...)

 Remember too that even if you could make a case for removing SV/A and some
 of the other oddballs from the list, under the current rules, the entity
 does NOT move to the Deleted list but disappears for all time as if it
 never were -- the one portion of the update I did not and do not agree
 You can just imagine the outcry from all of those losing that counter for
 all time -- I'd bet it would surpass the current grumbling from a few of
 those of us who haven't worked or confirmed it yet.

 Finally, to address Urb's last question, taking into consideration that
 despite the alleged waning interest in and number of licensed / active
 amateurs in the world today... DX is probably easier for most of us to
 and confirm today than it was or would have been 50 years ago.  So yes,
 of us are a little spoiled.  (But I'll tell you, I was amazed at how much
 fun it was, my first ventures onto 17 and 12 meters, to work some of the
 common DX entities for the first times on these bands -- and without
 benefit of linear, beam, net, or cluster either.)

 So, whaddya think about trying to shift our focus from arguing about the
 merits of whether or not a particular entity should or should not be on
 list to trying to help get those less active entities QRV?

 73, ron wn3vaw

 AJ:  Did you ever hear of Evel Kneival?
 Lev:  I never saw Star Wars

 -- Armageddon

 - Original Message -
 From: Urb LeJeune [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:34 AM
 Subject: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

 I totally accept the fact that I'm an old fart and that the condition
 colors (and reduces) my thinking process. Having said that I fail to
 understand some of the thinking express during the recent new country/
 Mt. Athos threads.

 There is a danger in any discussion that the definitions of  key
 terms may not be universally shared. To wit, what do we mean by DX?
 To be sure, at one time DX was defined by distance, this is still

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-13 Thread Alek Petkovic

Its FUN. That's what DX is.
The frustrations, the whining, the dx cops and the bad behaviour in the 
pile ups all mean nothing. The fun is the only part that matters.

73, Alek,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread N4KG
In a message dated 7/10/03 6:16:49 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 On another front, the new DXCC is clearly the Challenge but by not 
 starting fresh and allowing the OTs to scour their QSL files, the 
 League missed an incentive opportunity for the relatively newer DXers. 
 Not exactly a level playing field. In pushing for a fresh start, I 
 pointed out that W4DR would be the first winner and the next 10 were 
 equally easy to predict. In the Challenge  a golden opportunity was 
 73, Steve WB6RSE 

There is another 'gotcha' in the DXCC Challenge, namely the inclusion of SIX 
METERS in the totals.  

Steve is right, there are NO surprises in the DXCC Challenge Listings.  Just 
look at the I2EOW TOPBANDS List and then add in the 6M DXCC Totals and you can 
accurately predict the Top DXCC Challenge listees.  

Note that the Top Guns in the USA on 6M have around 140 'entities' on that 
band.  This means that a Top Gun HF (only) DXer will still be 140 'points' below 
W4DR, W1JR, K8MFO, and others with high 6M totals after spending hundreds of 
$$$ to have their 12, 15, 17, 20, and 30M QSL's 'verified' by ARRL.  

Unfortunately, the DXCC Challenge Listing consists ONLY of the TOTAL number 
of Band Countries, including SIX Meters.  Hopefully they will eventually come 
out with a TOPBANDS like listing that includes the number of (Current) DXCC 
Entities by BAND as well as the Total.

Using LifeTime numbers for the Single Band DXCC Listings is another 'gotcha'. 
 I grind my teeth when I look at the 40M DXCC Listing for example.  I only 
need TWO entities on that band (BS and P5) but am 16 entities behind the leader, 
W8AH because AL has another 14 DELETED entities that I will never be able to 
add to my totals.  It's WAY past time to use CURRENT ENTITIES for the DXCC 
Listings.  If the OT's want recognition for their Deleted Totals, I have no 
objection to showing LifeTime or Deleted Totals following each call in the listing, 
but lets use Current Countries for the Basis of the Listings!

Tom  N4KG  (with only 48 years of DXing under my belt)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread Bill Jackson

I hope that everyone who has an ax to grind with 
the current DXCC country criteria as it relates to Honor Roll status is also 
composing a well thought out, unemotional letter to their respective ARRL 
DX Advisory Committee members and not just "venting" here on the 

73 de Bill

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread Alan Leith
I can see that there are as many opinions about the DXCC list as there are participants
(active or not).  My question about Tom's ideas concerns the list of current countries
(entities) -- would it be composed of countries that are or could be activated?  In
other words, SV (Mt. Athos), VU7, VU4, P5 can all be activated and may or may not be in
the next decade or two.  Certainly there are others as well.

If a new entity falls under the criteria for making it to the list or one falls off
because of political changes then so be it.  DXCC is not like IOTA in terms of defined
numbers of islands that qualify because the world is ever changing.  There will,
however, always be those who will find a loophole to circumvent what was thought to be
a perfect system.

Even though I operated from CY9 and CY0, I never agreed with my friends who worked so
hard to have Sable and St. Paul accepted that their work was worth it.  Mind you, I had
the time of my life on each of those DXpeditions.  But the rules were the rules at that
time and a sharp-eyed legal beagle found a pinhole and crawled through it -- Sable and
St. Paul counted.

I do agree that an all-time total be bracketed after the callsign of the participant if
for no other reason than to indicate his/her longevity in the hobby of DXing.  That
would serve to satisfy some egos and help to correct any decisions that no longer fit
with the criteria of the day..

But again, like any government organization, the one that controls DX's supreme award
is prone to pressure from lobbyists and agitators and most of us simply sit back and
allow it all to happen.  Money, when combined with ego, talks.




 In a message dated 7/10/03 6:16:49 PM Central Daylight Time,

  On another front, the new DXCC is clearly the Challenge but by not
  starting fresh and allowing the OTs to scour their QSL files, the
  League missed an incentive opportunity for the relatively newer DXers.
  Not exactly a level playing field. In pushing for a fresh start, I
  pointed out that W4DR would be the first winner and the next 10 were
  equally easy to predict. In the Challenge  a golden opportunity was

  73, Steve WB6RSE 

 There is another 'gotcha' in the DXCC Challenge, namely the inclusion of SIX
 METERS in the totals.

 Steve is right, there are NO surprises in the DXCC Challenge Listings.  Just
 look at the I2EOW TOPBANDS List and then add in the 6M DXCC Totals and you can
 accurately predict the Top DXCC Challenge listees.

 Note that the Top Guns in the USA on 6M have around 140 'entities' on that
 band.  This means that a Top Gun HF (only) DXer will still be 140 'points' below
 W4DR, W1JR, K8MFO, and others with high 6M totals after spending hundreds of
 $$$ to have their 12, 15, 17, 20, and 30M QSL's 'verified' by ARRL.

 Unfortunately, the DXCC Challenge Listing consists ONLY of the TOTAL number
 of Band Countries, including SIX Meters.  Hopefully they will eventually come
 out with a TOPBANDS like listing that includes the number of (Current) DXCC
 Entities by BAND as well as the Total.

 Using LifeTime numbers for the Single Band DXCC Listings is another 'gotcha'.
  I grind my teeth when I look at the 40M DXCC Listing for example.  I only
 need TWO entities on that band (BS and P5) but am 16 entities behind the leader,
 W8AH because AL has another 14 DELETED entities that I will never be able to
 add to my totals.  It's WAY past time to use CURRENT ENTITIES for the DXCC
 Listings.  If the OT's want recognition for their Deleted Totals, I have no
 objection to showing LifeTime or Deleted Totals following each call in the listing,
 but lets use Current Countries for the Basis of the Listings!

 Tom  N4KG  (with only 48 years of DXing under my belt)

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RE: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread Tony Martin
Morning to all,
I've been reading all of this DX totals stuff and I guess maybe my question
is too simple, but here it is: Is it REALLY that important to any one of
you that you be NUMBER ONE?  I just don't get it I guess.there are
so many more important things in life.

Just my 2 centsno clue as to my Total Total Total...I just know I need
VU4 and VU7.  I hope I get them, but then if I don't just put this on my
Here lies Tony, he never worked VU4 and VU7  R.I.P.
Tony, W4FOA

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
 -Frank Outlaw

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

In a message dated 7/10/03 6:16:49 PM Central Daylight Time,

 On another front, the new DXCC is clearly the Challenge but by not
 starting fresh and allowing the OTs to scour their QSL files, the
 League missed an incentive opportunity for the relatively newer DXers.
 Not exactly a level playing field. In pushing for a fresh start, I
 pointed out that W4DR would be the first winner and the next 10 were
 equally easy to predict. In the Challenge  a golden opportunity was

 73, Steve WB6RSE 

There is another 'gotcha' in the DXCC Challenge, namely the inclusion of SIX
METERS in the totals.

Steve is right, there are NO surprises in the DXCC Challenge Listings.  Just
look at the I2EOW TOPBANDS List and then add in the 6M DXCC Totals and you
accurately predict the Top DXCC Challenge listees.

Note that the Top Guns in the USA on 6M have around 140 'entities' on that
band.  This means that a Top Gun HF (only) DXer will still be 140 'points'
W4DR, W1JR, K8MFO, and others with high 6M totals after spending hundreds of
$$$ to have their 12, 15, 17, 20, and 30M QSL's 'verified' by ARRL.

Unfortunately, the DXCC Challenge Listing consists ONLY of the TOTAL number
of Band Countries, including SIX Meters.  Hopefully they will eventually
out with a TOPBANDS like listing that includes the number of (Current) DXCC
Entities by BAND as well as the Total.

Using LifeTime numbers for the Single Band DXCC Listings is another
 I grind my teeth when I look at the 40M DXCC Listing for example.  I only
need TWO entities on that band (BS and P5) but am 16 entities behind the
W8AH because AL has another 14 DELETED entities that I will never be able to
add to my totals.  It's WAY past time to use CURRENT ENTITIES for the DXCC
Listings.  If the OT's want recognition for their Deleted Totals, I have no
objection to showing LifeTime or Deleted Totals following each call in the
but lets use Current Countries for the Basis of the Listings!

Tom  N4KG  (with only 48 years of DXing under my belt)

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RE: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread Mike(W5UC) Kathy(K5MWH) Watson

I also have been reading most of this thread with limited
interest, and Tony said it all. Yes, working them all is probably a
little more important to me than Tony. I need BS7, VU4, E3, and
ZL9. At almost 65, I Might have a shot at the last 2.
However, if I don't work them all, so be it. I had my chances at
the last two in 1999 and wasn't paying attention, and in my lifetime I
have had a shot at all four. Shame on me, not the system.

Quit whining and leave the system alone. It has it's problems, but
don't we all? It has served us well since I started chasing DX in
1958. Get your shorts out of a wad and wait like the rest of

Mike, W5UC

At 08:50 AM 7/11/2003 -0400, Tony Martin wrote:
Morning to all,
I've been reading all of this DX totals stuff and I guess maybe my
is too simple, but here it is: Is it REALLY that important to any
one of
you that you be NUMBER ONE? I just don't get it I
guess.there are
so many more important things in life.

Just my 2 centsno clue as to my Total Total Total...I
just know I need
VU4 and VU7. I hope I get them, but then if I don't just put this
on my
Here lies Tony, he never worked VU4 and VU7 
Tony, W4FOA

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

-Frank Outlaw

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

In a message dated 7/10/03 6:16:49 PM Central Daylight Time,

On another front, the new DXCC is clearly the
Challenge but by not
starting fresh and allowing the OTs to scour their QSL files,
League missed an incentive opportunity for the relatively newer
Not exactly a level playing field. In pushing for a fresh start,
pointed out that W4DR would be the first winner and the
next 10 were
equally easy to predict. In the Challenge a
golden opportunity was

73, Steve WB6RSE 

There is another 'gotcha' in the DXCC Challenge, namely the inclusion of
METERS in the totals.

Steve is right, there are NO surprises in the DXCC Challenge
Listings. Just
look at the I2EOW TOPBANDS List and then add in the 6M DXCC Totals and
accurately predict the Top DXCC Challenge listees.

Note that the Top Guns in the USA on 6M have around 140 'entities' on
band. This means that a Top Gun HF (only) DXer will still be 140
W4DR, W1JR, K8MFO, and others with high 6M totals after spending hundreds
$$$ to have their 12, 15, 17, 20, and 30M QSL's 'verified' by ARRL.

Unfortunately, the DXCC Challenge Listing consists ONLY of the TOTAL
of Band Countries, including SIX Meters. Hopefully they will
out with a TOPBANDS like listing that includes the number of (Current)
Entities by BAND as well as the Total.

Using LifeTime numbers for the Single Band DXCC Listings is another
I grind my teeth when I look at the 40M DXCC Listing for
example. I only
need TWO entities on that band (BS and P5) but am 16 entities behind
W8AH because AL has another 14 DELETED entities that I will never be able
add to my totals. It's WAY past time to use CURRENT ENTITIES for
the DXCC
Listings. If the OT's want recognition for their Deleted Totals, I
have no
objection to showing LifeTime or Deleted Totals following each call in
but lets use Current Countries for the Basis of the Listings!

Tom N4KG (with only 48 years of DXing under my belt)

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Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
Outbound mail checked by Norton Anti-Virus 2003

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread W0YG Charlie Summers
On 7/11/2003 Mike, W5UC, wrote:

Quit whining and leave the system alone.  It has it's problems, but don't 
we all?  It has served us well since I started chasing DX in 1958.  Get 
your shorts out of a wad and wait like the rest of us.


Well put Mike!


Charlie, W0YG..
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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread John and Mari Minke
Carl wrote:
 Monk Apollo is not going to live forever...then what  ?
 Food for thought.
 73, de Carl  K8AV

Change entity of Mount Athos to that of Monk Apollo. Then when he dies
it goes into the goodby list as the entity has ceased to exist. There!

73, de John N6JM

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[DX-CHAT] What is DX

2003-07-11 Thread ve7kb

How long is this going to go on,sure glad my 
delete key is still working

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX

2003-07-11 Thread John and Mari Minke
ve7kb wrote:

 How long is this going to go on,sure glad my delete key is still

Heck, OM, it's a DX forum. If not interested, yes do use your 
delete key. But, please let those who are interested to
continue on. de John N6JM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX

2003-07-11 Thread WX5L

My delete keyis working finebut surely 
getting a work out lately.

Getting a little tired of the same 4 or 5 guys 
always trying to explain their views no matter what the subject 
is.There must be more out there excluding this inner 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 10:32 
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] What is DX
  How long is this going to go on,sure glad my 
  delete key is still 

[DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Urb LeJeune
I totally accept the fact that I'm an old fart and that the condition
colors (and reduces) my thinking process. Having said that I fail to
understand some of the thinking express during the recent new country/
Mt. Athos threads.
There is a danger in any discussion that the definitions of  key
terms may not be universally shared. To wit, what do we mean by DX?
To be sure, at one time DX was defined by distance, this is still a valid
criterion on VHF and especially UHF bands. I don't think that defination
is valid any longer. I have a converted CB SSB rig on ten meters. There
is no question that at some point I have put a S9 signal at an point on
this planet. If someone was there, and listening for me, I could have
easily worked them. The same holds for anyone reading this message.
So the distance test fails for DX as we know it.
I would hope we would all agree that our attraction to DXing has
at it's base the element of difficulty. The difficulty can take many form,
competition, propagation, and lack of activity from a particular DX entity.
Since there is a competitive element, a measurement metric is
involved. Many of us have chosen a country count as that metric. If that's
true, why difference does it make what the countries are as long as we
all share a common list. Why should it make any difference if the
country is an office building in NYC or a small group of buildings
surrounded by Greece? Indeed, why should on-the-air activity make
any difference in the recognition of country status?
It seem to me this thread (and I contributed to a portion of it)
really is about how to create a new country and how to remove a country
that is already there.
It the first case, we already have a set of rules. If you don't like
the rules, lobby to change them but there are rules. In the later case
it would seem to me that any country not meeting the test of the current
rules should be removed. We are then left with something approaching
what we have now. An all time score and I score base on the currently
available countries. If you live long enough you may well become number
one on the first list.
I started DXing in the late 50s and things have changed. I'm not
necessarily saying the old way was better (although I really do believe
it was.) Back then few DXers ran a KW, many didn't have a beam, and
there were no packet clusters, lists, and DXpeditions (as we now know
them) were relatively rare. At gatherings of DXers that talk center on
how to work some station that show up about twice a year for about
an hour each time (AC5PN) or who would once in a while show up in
a French speaking phone net in the then DX portion on the upper end
of 20 meter phone (FW8AA.)
Can it be that we have become spoiled by high power, big
antennas, packet clusters, and DXpeditions having 40K contact in a
few day?
Urb, W2DEC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Zack Widup
Very wise statements, Urb.  I agree 100%.  

I've commented on other reflectors about DXing on VHF.  Seems the VHF+ ops
I know are a whole different breed of cat than the HF DXers.  Skill with 
and knowledge of conditions, luck and equipment are everything there.
There are usually no pileups on 2304 MHz to contend with.  It's you
against Mother Nature, not you against other ops.  And for some reason,
no one that I know ever lies about the grid square or location he's
actually in and no one questions it. Maybe that honesty comes about
because the competitiveness isn't against one another as a rule. DX does
refer to distance.  It's a LOT harder to work someone 300 miles away on
2304 MHz than to work someone 100 miles away.

As far as countries or entities go, I don't care what's added to the
list.  The only thing about withdrawing entities is that people get upset
when something gets taken away from them without their full consent.  They
feel like they are losing something.  So there are going to be some people
who complain about that, probably more so than those who would complain
about adding an entity.

I don't have a kW or big antennas but I do have what I consider a superb
rig (TS-850).  So in some ways I guess most of us have been spoiled in one
way or another by modern technology.  What would it be like using a Viking
transmitter, Hammarlund HQ-180 receiver and wire antennas, no packet, etc 
once again?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Urb LeJeune wrote:

   I totally accept the fact that I'm an old fart and that the condition
 colors (and reduces) my thinking process. Having said that I fail to
 understand some of the thinking express during the recent new country/
 Mt. Athos threads.
   There is a danger in any discussion that the definitions of  key
 terms may not be universally shared. To wit, what do we mean by DX?
 To be sure, at one time DX was defined by distance, this is still a valid
 criterion on VHF and especially UHF bands. I don't think that defination
 is valid any longer. I have a converted CB SSB rig on ten meters. There
 is no question that at some point I have put a S9 signal at an point on
 this planet. If someone was there, and listening for me, I could have
 easily worked them. The same holds for anyone reading this message.
 So the distance test fails for DX as we know it.
   I would hope we would all agree that our attraction to DXing has
 at it's base the element of difficulty. The difficulty can take many form,
 competition, propagation, and lack of activity from a particular DX entity.
   Since there is a competitive element, a measurement metric is
 involved. Many of us have chosen a country count as that metric. If that's
 true, why difference does it make what the countries are as long as we
 all share a common list. Why should it make any difference if the
 country is an office building in NYC or a small group of buildings
 surrounded by Greece? Indeed, why should on-the-air activity make
 any difference in the recognition of country status?
   It seem to me this thread (and I contributed to a portion of it)
 really is about how to create a new country and how to remove a country
 that is already there.
   It the first case, we already have a set of rules. If you don't like
 the rules, lobby to change them but there are rules. In the later case
 it would seem to me that any country not meeting the test of the current
 rules should be removed. We are then left with something approaching
 what we have now. An all time score and I score base on the currently
 available countries. If you live long enough you may well become number
 one on the first list.
   I started DXing in the late 50s and things have changed. I'm not
 necessarily saying the old way was better (although I really do believe
 it was.) Back then few DXers ran a KW, many didn't have a beam, and
 there were no packet clusters, lists, and DXpeditions (as we now know
 them) were relatively rare. At gatherings of DXers that talk center on
 how to work some station that show up about twice a year for about
 an hour each time (AC5PN) or who would once in a while show up in
 a French speaking phone net in the then DX portion on the upper end
 of 20 meter phone (FW8AA.)
   Can it be that we have become spoiled by high power, big
 antennas, packet clusters, and DXpeditions having 40K contact in a
 few day?
 Urb, W2DEC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Wt8r
In a message dated 7/10/03 5:16:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Monk Apollo is not going to live forever...then what ?

Food for thought.

73, de Carl K8AV

 How about P5 which didn't count for a long time, then counted, then ordered off the air?

Dave, WT8R

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread ATanner283
And never DID provide the documentation everyone else has to provide??? Al/W8FAX

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread N3SL

In a message dated 7/10/2003 4:44:49 PM Central Daylight Time, 
One tangential thought: If there are several 
entities that for political oradministrative reasons are off-limits for 
amateur operating, and have beenfor a significant (minimum 10 years) period of 
time, would you consider notcounting them in the Honor Roll totals? 
Think this through carefully... wehave VU4, VU7, P5, KP1, and KP5 in that 
category right now. We get a fewmore, and it becomes close to 
impossible for amateurs licensed in the last10 years or so to ever achieve HR 
unless this situation should change.

Other than in the light of the current thread, I don't consider this a 
"tangential" thought at all. But, GFL in getting anyone to listen to the 
argument - other than tangentially

I proposed this very idea a number of years ago and never got past the 
first person: the idea of a "suspended" list - or whatever word you wish to 
choose - for those countries/entities not on the air for a certain reasonable 
period of time. Perhaps 10 years is not long enough, but someone above my 
pay grade can decide those sorts of things. Your list, even minus P5, 
might be too long for a large number of people to accept. Oh sure, I 
received a polite "Thank You" letter, but that's where it died.

You'll get all sorts of people who will say things along the lines of 
"Well, that's the game." or "Look at BY and ZA. We waited 40 years, and 
they're a piece of cake now." Unfortunately, the thing these people fail 
to realize is only those people who are alive can make these comments. 
The other thing you'll find is that the group that immediately and vehemently 
disagrees with this concept generally consists of those who have their "#1" 
plaque already. (I'd reallybe curiousto know how many holders of 
that award still have them "all" worked - at least before the P5 popped 

My basic difficultyis with the concept of an unattainable goal - 
and I don't mean unattainable only by me. I'm to the point of needing 
only VU4, and there's nothing to suggest there's a snowball's chance for that to 
be active. I certainlyno longerhave my reply letter from the 
ARRL (it was probably 7-8 years ago), but the gist of the answer was, "Don't 
fret. We're coming out with a new DXCC structure, and the 'Top of the 
Honor Roll' will lose it's significance. You'll be chasing band/countries 
from now on." Hmmm. You'll have no trouble finding the application 
for your #1 plaque on the ARRL web site in July 2003.

Is this the end of the world? Hardlyof DXCC? Clearly 
not. I'm simply a bit baffled by having an award that no one can possibly 


Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Zack Widup
I proposed almost the exact same thing (even to the 10 year period of no
activity) several years ago but I wasn't taken seriously.

I still think it's a good idea.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:

 Good point.
 Another reason why it behooves us to be on our best behavior in dealing with
 the Powers That Be.
 One tangential thought:  If there are several entities that for political or
 administrative reasons are off-limits for amateur operating, and have been
 for a significant (minimum 10 years) period of time, would you consider not
 counting them in the Honor Roll totals?  Think this through carefully... we
 have VU4, VU7, P5, KP1, and KP5 in that category right now.  We get a few
 more, and it becomes close to impossible for amateurs licensed in the last
 10 years or so to ever achieve HR unless this situation should change.
 ...and I sure hope that it does, but bureaucrats have long memories, and
 it's easier to say no than to grant permission...
 73, ron wn3vaw

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Steve Lawrence
I too floated the idea of a suspended list many years ago and it met 
the same fate. Now that I revisit it: Imagine that a suspended 
country became active and worked, say, only three stations. It could 
take another 10 years or whatever the inactivity period to suspend 
before it was suspended again. This would knock the guys on the lowest 
rung of the HR off. So we'd need an activity criteria to be reinstated 
as a country from the suspended list. How many Qs would be enough? 1, 
10, 100, 1000? What if the Qs were all JAs? Clearly a no-win situation.

On another front, the new DXCC is clearly the Challenge but by not 
starting fresh and allowing the OTs to scour their QSL files, the 
League missed an incentive opportunity for the relatively newer DXers. 
Not exactly a level playing field. In pushing for a fresh start, I 
pointed out that W4DR would be the first winner and the next 10 were 
equally easy to predict. In the Challenge  a golden opportunity was 

73, Steve WB6RSE
(Self admitted OT)
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 03:22  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I proposed this very idea a number of years ago and never got past the 
first person: the idea of a suspended list - or whatever word you 
wish to choose - for those countries/entities not on the air for a 
certain reasonable period of time.  Perhaps 10 years is not long 
enough, but someone above my pay grade can decide those sorts of 
things.  Your list, even minus P5, might be too long for a large 
number of people to accept.  Oh sure, I received a polite Thank You 
letter, but that's where it died.
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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread John Warren
Steve N3SL wrote:

My basic difficulty is with the concept of an unattainable goal - 
and I don't mean unattainable only by me.  I'm to the point of 
needing only VU4, and there's nothing to suggest there's a 
snowball's chance for that to be active.
I must respectfully disagree with that thinking.

VU4 will become active. I have no idea when or how, but it will, just 
like XY and ZA. It may take 5 years, 10 years, or more - but it will. 
That's what makes DXCC so great. Eventually you'll succeed at what 
you thought was IMPOSSIBLE. That's a real high!

Early in my HF career (late-80s I think), I struggled to complete a 
QSO with VK0HI on Heard Is. I could never quite pull out my report, 
and had to give up. It wasn't too many more years during that pre-P5 
era before VK0(H) was the only one I needed for Top of Honor Roll. 
But I had to wait about 10 more years before VK0IR went there.

Top of Honor Roll at last, right? No way! Two years before the VK0IR 
DXpedition, P5 was added to the list, and that one was REALLY 

It finally took me about 13 years from missing VK0HI until I worked 
Ed P5/4L4FN to make Top of Honor Roll, but boy were those 13 years 

Relax Steve!

73, and GL with VU4,

John, NT5C.
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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Bob Nielsen
I guess I have mixed feelings, since I still need several of the
non-workable entities.  On the other hand, there was a long period when
BY and ZA were not possible to work and I don't recall any serious
movement to remove them from the list.  Maybe folks were more patient a
few years back.

Bob, N7XY
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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread W0YG Charlie Summers
Well I got news for you about VU4.  It will be active again, only a matter
of time.

Let me relate a story about VU4.  It  point out that things happen overnight
that we cannot foresee. Here is the story.

An Indian citizen, Mani, VU2ANI,  was in Port Blair on the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands within the last 7 or so years.  However there was a lot of
moaning about why he had a VU2 license instead of a VU7 (should be VU4 I
think).  However Mani was very active.  Mani had built everything in his
shack, homebrewed everything! It was a real credit to him to have built all
his own equipment, well not exactly copy book homebrewing but nevertheless
it worked and he was quite active.  However it was sometimes unreliable and
Mani would suddenly for no apparent reason disappear.

An amateur radio license in India is linked to an address.  If you move to a
new house, your license must be re-indorsed for that new location.  Mani
worked for All India Radio as a junior engineer and was posted to Port
Blair.  Once he had moved, he sent his license in for re-issue which it was
and it clearly showed his Port Blair address, Government House, Port Blair,
duly issued by the Indian WPC in New Delhi.  Government House in Port Blair
is a compound for All India Radio.  Mani's license was also endorsed by the
Senior Engineer in Charge of All India Radio, a component of the Indian

Mani enjoyed his initial posting to VU4 and subsequently decided to extend
his stay.  When that happened a sponsor came forward to donate used
equipment to him so he could perhaps enjoy a bit more reliability and work
the world.  An import license was duly issued by WPC in New Delhi and
equipment was flown into Mani post haste.  Mani was soon on the air with the
new equipment and his Indian Government approved re-issued license for Port
Blair.  However the controversy about him using a VU2 license, which was his
call, from VU4 just would not disappear.  So, Mani decided to go again to
the WPC and request a new license with VU4 as the prefix.

This apparently woke someone in WPC (I don't know what this stands
for-perhaps Wireless Postal Commission- I don't have a clue) and once that
re-issue application hit someone's desk in New Delhi, they suddenly realized
that they had issued a modification to a license that allowed someone to
operate from Port Blair without realizing it and duly canceled Mani's

The bottom line, ARRL did not allow VU2ANI contacts from VU4 to count even
though he had what certainly was a valid license, no question!  Mani had
done everything legal and above board and his contacts should have been
legal and count.  But alas, this was not the case.  Needless to say, Mani
did not extend his stay and the rest is history.

The moral of this story is that nobody can predict what will happen.  As
others have said, Mt. Athos' status will change at some point with a new
operator, new equipment, guest operator or all three.  P5 will be active
again.  The same for VU7.  In this changing world, anything is possible,
even the Israelis making peace with the Palestinians!  Who would have
thought that?

Delete a country from the DXCC list because it is inactive?  Get serious.
All us gray headed geezers need something to look at after all these years
of  climbing the ladder.  This proposal has been floated lots of times and
perhaps at some time,  it might fly.  However count me as a negative vote
when this comes up.

Lets all keep our fingers crossed these extremely rare countries come on
sooner than later.  It will happen!!!


Charlie, W0YG..

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Alan Leith
Yes, Bob, patience is what it is all about and you're right, it is in short
supply these days.  To brighten your day:

I have a QSLs from VK0HM on Heard Is. (worked on Dec. 26, 1969) and from
ZM1AAT/K on Raoul Is. in the Kermadecs (worked less than a week later on
Jan. 2, 1970).  I had only a few VK and ZL cards in my collection at the
time and was using an R4B and an FL-100B to a 20M dipole at 30 feet at the
time I worked them.

Mind you, I have lots more (well a few) with both since then but I still
basically run 100W although a tri-band beam makes a huge difference.

There's always hope.



Bob Nielsen wrote:

 I guess I have mixed feelings, since I still need several of the
 non-workable entities.  On the other hand, there was a long period when
 BY and ZA were not possible to work and I don't recall any serious
 movement to remove them from the list.  Maybe folks were more patient a
 few years back.

 Bob, N7XY
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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread N3SL

In a message dated 7/10/2003 7:36:57 PM Central Daylight Time, 
My basic difficulty is with the concept of an 
unattainable goal - and I don't mean unattainable only by me. I'm to 
the point of needing only VU4, and there's nothing to suggest there's 
a snowball's chance for that to be active.I must respectfully 
disagree with that thinking.VU4 will become active. I have no idea 
when or how, but it will, just like XY and ZA. It may take 5 years, 10 
years, or more - but it will. That's what makes DXCC so great. Eventually 
you'll succeed at what you thought was IMPOSSIBLE. That's a real 

John, et al,

I don't want to belabor the point, because nothing is going to change 
anyway, but I obviously did not make my point clearly. "It may take 5 
years, 10 years, or more ..." is precisely why I would propose the concept in the 
first place. On July 10, 2003, it is absolutely impossible - and has 
been for 10+ years - to work them all and achieve that "real high." So, 
what is the purpose? Top of the Honor Roll is no longer an operating 
achievement at this level. It is simply a matter of longevity. There's 
not a whole lot of interest- or value - in being stuck at T minus 
1. Besides, the proposal I made to the League was for a "suspended" status, 
with immediate reversion to full active statusthe minute a single (valid) 
QSO took place. So, if/when VU4 becomes active before I kick the bucket, 
I would need it.

I really don't need to relax, as my not getting that last entity 
hardlykeeps me awake. Certainly, it would be nice, and if I ever get 
there, I'm guessingit eventually would evolve to a "ho-hum, now what?" frame 
of mind. I'm simply saying it is not at all logical to me to have an 
award that cannot be achieved - or, to grant you a point, can only be achieved 
if you're aDXer 40 or 50 years. Hardly qualifies for an "instant 
gratification" label


Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread Ron Notarius WN3VAW

I see we stirred up some good thinking on this thread... 

I must agree with Steve N3SL on one point. For Honor Roll to have any 
meaning to recent DX'ers, it must be obtainable. Difficult? 
Certainly -- no argument, because in order to be worthwhile, it must be 

But impossible? That's another story.

My original point was that there are currently at least 5 entities that 
have been silent for over 10 years for various military, political, or other 
non-amateur reasons. And I'm not even counting several that became active 
only for a short time but hopefully won't be silent for long --P5 and E4 
are in this category.

Now, I am NOT suggesting nor do I mean to suggest that these entities 
should be removed from the general DXCC list. But I am suggesting that 
some consideration be given to how to consider entities for HR counts. 
Deleted entities (of which under current rules there will be no more) aren't 
counted towards HR because they are now impossible to work. Is it 
reasonable to also not consider non-deleted but long-term (10 years? 15 
years? 25 years?) inactive entities from the HR counts?

Obtaining Honor Roll as it currently stands holdsno interest for me 
at present. It's not because it's difficult (which it should be). 
Difficult doesn't scare me.I never thought I'd get Extra, but it was 
possible, I worked at it, and I got it. I never thought I'd ever approach 
5BDXCC, but earlier this year I worked the last few on 80 I needed for that (and 
now just need 10 more cards in to confirm it).Obtaining these 
goals was long, hard, and a struggle at times, but they were obtainable  I 

But Honor Roll? I just don't see it, not with the significant  
virtually insurmountable number of unworkable entities at present. Yes, 
things could change overnight, but they might not, too. Add in stinkers 
like what happened to Thor 4W6MM -- specifically, his finding out, almost a year 
after the fact, that his ticket officially expired with the UNAET, but no one 
told him, so that's a worked/confirmed entity that goes down the tubes -- and 
the legal beagles trying to find loopholes to remove entities (the 
aforementioned 4W) and re-add them so that only THEIR op will count -- and it 
just ain't worth it gang.

But let me throw this one at you: What if HR only counted entities 
worked in thelast (fill in a large but reasonable number) years? In 
other words, let's say, for the sake of argumentof the 335 odd active 
entities today, only 315 had been QRV since 1988 (15 years). So only those 
315 would count towards HR. Count changes on 1 January or some other 
arbitrary annual date. Yes, this would "force" active DX'ers to re-work 
some entities once every 10 years, but I'd bet that the active ones would have 
been doing so anyway. 

No, I don't expect it to happen, but it is a thought...
73, ron wn3vaw

AJ: "Did you ever hear of Evel Kneival?"Lev: "I never saw 
Star Wars"

-- Armageddon

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:47 
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?
  In a message dated 7/10/2003 7:36:57 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
basic difficulty is with the concept of an unattainable goal - and I 
don't mean unattainable only by me. I'm to the point of 
needing only VU4, and there's nothing to suggest there's a 
snowball's chance for that to be active.I must respectfully 
disagree with that thinking.VU4 will become active. I have no idea 
when or how, but it will, just like XY and ZA. It may take 5 years, 10 
years, or more - but it will. That's what makes DXCC so great. 
Eventually you'll succeed at what you thought was IMPOSSIBLE. That's a 
real high!
  John, et al,
  I don't want to belabor the point, because nothing is going to change 
  anyway, but I obviously did not make my point clearly. "It may take 5 
  years, 10 years, or more ..." is precisely why I would propose the concept in 
  the first place. On July 10, 2003, it is absolutely impossible - and has 
  been for 10+ years - to work them all and achieve that "real high." So, 
  what is the purpose? Top of the Honor Roll is no longer an operating 
  achievement at this level. It is simply a matter of longevity. 
  There's not a whole lot of interest- or value - in being stuck at T 
  minus 1. Besides, the proposal I made to the League was for a 
  "suspended" status, with immediate reversion to full active statusthe 
  minute a single (valid) QSO took place. So, if/when VU4 becomes active 
  before I kick the bucket, I would need it.
  I really don't need to relax, as my not getting that last entity 
  hardlykeeps me awake. Certainly, it would be nice, and if I ever 
  get there, I'm guessingit eventually would evolve to a "ho-hum, now 
  what?" frame of mind. I'm simply