Re: [DX-CHAT] thanks for the replies

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Abercrombie
People say ARRL does this and does that.  What you are missing is the ARRL 
is the members, not a seperate entity.  You elect the directors which govern 
how the league functions, just as the US government does with it's elected 
representatives.  If you don't like the direction the directors are taking, 
elect some new directors ar at least let them know how you feel about an 
issue.  Have you ever spoken to your director? I bet most of you have never 
expressed your views to yours. I saw a post on here the other day saying 
such and such is the reason he no longer belongs to the League.  How 
unfortunate!  The League is the only organization standing up for us 
fighting BPL and other interests who want to own the frequencies we now 
have.  Only a strong voice from a united front will help us keep what we now 
have.  Look at BPL and how moneyed interests has brought the most serious 
threat we've had to our hobby.  Yes it IS money that's doing the talking 
there. It's big business and lots of money with BPL and the FCC.

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RE: [DX-CHAT] thanks for the replies

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Jim is absolutely right.

Too many people gripe about the League when they have a specific issue
with a staffer or a department in Newington.  [And some of those gripes are
very legitimate, I'm not trying to put them down].  And then you have the
induhviduals like W9WHE and W1WY and a few other trolls on eHam and QRZ and
a few other sites who seem to delight in putting down the League and
proclaiming all sorts of nasties and half-truths about the organization.

While HQ is the staff in Newington, and they do have a big job running the
organization and all of it's parts (like DXCC, QST, the QSL bureaus, the web
site, the books, and on and on and on), they are NOT the League.

WE are the League.  Without the members, the League would not exist.

Now I can't speak for the other divisions, but in all the years I've lived
here in Pittsburgh and been active or semi-active, I have personally met and
chatted many times with the various Atlantic Division Directors... including
Hugh W3ABC and Kay N3KN (or whatever her call is today! g) back in their
days... and just about all of the WPA Section Managers.  ALL of them have
been willing to talk, LISTEN, and explain.  They may have asked someone to
keep it brief because of time constraints, or others waiting, etc., but they
have ALL spent time to LISTEN and communicate.  And that's just what I saw
in person, they also have all been very active with correspondence (to this
day, I think W3ABC still groans when he gets a note from me, I used to write
him on a regular basis and probably drove him half nutz!)

I've heard stories about how aloof other Division Directors and SM's were.
Can't say, I didnt/don't know them, and outside of seeing some of them at
Dayton, haven't interacted with them.  So, as they say, YMMV, VWPBL(STn)...
and if you have an aloof DD or SM, maybe you should try and do something
about that.

Now... I do know of stories where some DD's and SM's won't talk, or talk for
long, to non-League members.  This is understandable to a point, because if
you're not in the League, they often feel you're not part of the solution.
So, if you're not a League member and this has happened to you, consider
joining so that they DO have to listen to you -- and if they don't, so that
you're in a position to do something about it.

I'm not saying that by joining the League that you have to agree with every
position, every policy, for that matter everything, that they've done.  (On
principle, I'm not too thrilled about the change of direction on Swain's
Island, for one thing -- for one example).  But if you're not a member, you
have no say in modifying or even changing those positions.  Consider that.

Jim mentioned the BPL situation.  Remember that the BPL lobbyists are very
anti-League because the League has had the audacity to question the
technical aspects... that is, ARRL has managed to remind everyone that to do
it right costs a lot more money that to do it quick, dirty  cheap, and so
what if some hams  CB'ers  cops  firemen have some noise on their radios?
Every time some troll writes the FCC with a put-down of the League
(justified or not -- and most aren't) it chips away at the League's
credibility.  We have GOT to fight the monied interests behind BPL, the ones
who are intent in pushing a flawed technology in the interests of recouping
their investments (and making a ton of money off the poor slobs who buy the
systems off of their hands).  We have GOT to get the FCC to acknowledge that
in those areas that really want BPL (with WiMax coming, how many?) it has to
be done RIGHT.  Establishing this attitude -- which is not anti-BPL, it's
anti-bad technology or anti-bad applilcation -- is what the League is best
at.  Even if you don't care for a lot of other things the League is doing or
has done (and after 40+ years, can we give the Incentive Licensing war a
rest?  please?), the BPL fight alone is reason alone to join.  (You can
always leave when it's over)

It's time to be a part of the solution.

End soapbox.  You can start throwing the tomatoes now.

73, ron w3wn

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On ARRL, BPL, Advocacy Re: [DX-CHAT] thanks for the replies

2006-10-18 Thread Fred Stevens K2FRD
At 1:49 AM + 19/10/06, Jim Abercrombie wrote:
People say ARRL does this and does that.  What you are missing is the ARRL is 
the members, not a separate entity.  You elect the directors which govern how 
the league functions, just as the US government does with it's elected 
representatives.  If you don't like the direction the directors are taking, 
elect some new directors ar at least let them know how you feel about an 
issue.  Have you ever spoken to your director? I bet most of you have never 
expressed your views to yours. I saw a post on here the other day saying such 
and such is the reason he no longer belongs to the League.  How unfortunate!  
The League is the only organization standing up for us fighting BPL and other 
interests who want to own the frequencies we now have.  Only a strong voice 
from a united front will help us keep what we now have.  Look at BPL and how 
moneyed interests has brought the most serious threat we've had to our hobby.  
Yes it IS money that's doing the talking there. It's big business and lots of 
money with BPL and the FCC.

Boy, Jim, I'll agree with you 100% and then some! I seriously doubt there isn't 
a single organization of one type or another which hasn't done something to 
alienate a few of its members at one time or another. However, that's really no 
reason to leave the organization. If one doesn't like the way one's group does 
business, especially if that group is the only one of its kind within one's 
field of interest, it is all the more important to stay inside the organization 
and fight for change instead of leaving it and complaining about it with 
absolutely no way to change it from the outside. Change in any bureaucracy 
comes from within, not from without. There's a few things about the Boy Scouts 
of America I don't like (I'm a very active and very dedicated volunteer), but 
I'm not going to quit BSA for those reasons. I'm gonna sit down and continue to 
write letters, speak up at meetings, send emails, and otherwise voice my 
sentiments to change the BSA system, not quit and badmouth it without doing 
anything to improve it while rationalizing the reasons why I left.

BPL is a good example of ham's need to support the ARRL. The League is the ONLY 
organized opposition to BPL in the US. Almost all other organizations don't 
have the technical expertise to oppose it (good example: American Red Cross 
doesn't know AC from DC, yet could be profoundly and negatively affected if BPL 
becomes widespread). Those non-government organizations with technical 
expertise have been almost completely suppressed by government agencies with 
whom they have contracts while all concerned government agencies have been 
issued gag orders or forced to become BPL advocates (FCC, NTIA, FEMA, military, 
for example). In no small sense, the ARRL represents all these organizations 
which for whatever reason are not able to defend their own spectrum against 
BPL. For an in-depth series of articles on BPL and how the BPL advocates failed 
to overcome the ARRL and other opposition, see .

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
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