Re: [DX-News] usa out of the solar/geomagnetic indices business?

2003-09-26 Thread Urb LeJeune
Come on guys, this is not even dx chat.

This topic is closed.

Urb, W2DEC

At 06:26 PM 9/26/03 -0700, you wrote:
Thank you George Bush
Thank you republican congress
Thank you tax cut
Thank you war in Iraq
The chickens come home to roost!
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To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[w2agw-l] Do not reply or post.

2004-03-22 Thread Urb LeJeune
This is a test, do not reply or post.

Urb, W2DEC 

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DX-NEWS] Let the posting begin but read first.

2004-03-22 Thread Urb LeJeune
Hi Folks,

	Sorry for the delay. First a little background.

 The list was being hit with a virus. There were several complaints
registered with MCI (our upstream provider) BTW, this means this means
that a subscriber to this list was doing the complaining.
According to my Terms of Service (TOS) I must eliminate virus
transmission from anyone using my mail server or loose my connectivity.
It was ugly for a period and my mailserver was put on one major black list.
I try and provide this list as well as DX-CHAT as a service but I
cannot jeopardize my web hosting business because of these list. I did the
only thing that seamed reasonable at the time, shut the lists down.
	I've explored a lot of different options and continue to explore. I have
at least a partial solution. As of now posting to the list will require a 
Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as you normally do. However, the
subject must begin with

[:dx-news:] all lower case. That's left bracket, colon dx-news colon right 

	If a subscriber's computer is infected and a message is sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from a valid subscriber, but without the password, the 
will bounce.

	I know this is in convenient but it's the only way to get the list going 

	Thanks for your patience and post away.

Urb, W2DEC 

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DX-NEWS] Mexico City

2004-06-16 Thread Urb LeJeune
Is there anyone on the list who is in, or close to Mexico
City? If so you get me the phone number Carlos XE1AE?
Urb, W2DEC
To post a message the subject must begin with [:dx-news:]
(all lower case) and sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DX-NEWS] If it ain't news ...

2004-10-11 Thread Urb LeJeune
Hey Guy,
If it ain't news don't post it here. A response to someone else's post
is almost never news. If you have something to say to someone, do it off
the list.
Urb, W2DEC
To post a message the subject must begin with [:dx-news:]
(all lower case) and sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DX-NEWS] Password is history

2004-10-08 Thread Urb LeJeune
I have been testing a virus program for a little over a month and
it has detected every virus that Norton and McAfee found. So effective
immediately there is no longer a password requirement when posting
to the DX-News reflector.
Thanks for your patience.
Urb, W2DEC
To post a message the subject must begin with [:dx-news:]
(all lower case) and sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DX-NEWS] AOL Problem.

2004-11-21 Thread Urb LeJeune
You can delete this message if you are not receiving mail at AOL
An AOL subscriber to the DX_NEWS list is reporting mail received
from the DX_NEWS list as SPAM. I suspect it's happening out of shear
frustration with SPAM. You see a group of SPAM messages in your
inbox and report all of them as SPAM.
As understandable as than may be there are potential serious
ramifications to both NJDXA.ORG and ANY client of my using the
same mail server. At some point AOL will ban all incoming mail
received from which is the mail server
used by NJDXA.ORG. The way AOL does it is unfair but it's their
mail server.
I just cannot afford to let this happen. I have a responsibility to
my paying clients, which include close to 100 municipalities and
governmental entities,  to provide first class hosting servers and not
having the mail service jeopardized by a hobby group. If the reporting
of SPAM by one or more DX_NEWS subscribers  I will be forced to
remove all subscribers with AOL mail address and ban such
subscripts in the future.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Urb, W2DEC
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] AOL Problem.

2004-11-30 Thread Urb LeJeune

My apologies for this message, but we have a small problem here.
With all due respect to Steve, this is not a small problem.
On further investigation, it appears that at least one of the AOL /
NETSCAPE users of this email server -- that is, the host of DX NEWS,
DX CHAT and many other mailing lists, including non-amateur ones --
has accidently or otherwise classified messages from this reflector
as spam, at least once
There have been four from DX-NEWS/DX-CHAT in the past two
Suffice to say, this is not good... as Urb has mentioned in the past,
since the IP address is blocked, it affects all mail from the server,
which affects his commercial and government customers too.
This is my problem gang. doesn't get banned, my
mailserver gets banned. I cannot let that happen because I have
paying customers on the E-Government mail server.
I brought this up a few weeks ago and it stopped for a period.
If it happens again I have no choice other than to delete all AOL
Look at the From address before you report something as
Urb, W2DEC
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] AOL Problem.

2004-12-01 Thread Urb LeJeune

Don't trust the From address, many of the worms will forge these from an
infected system's address book (which is where they also get the To
Absolutely true but none of the reported spam had forged headers.
Don't loose sight of the fact that only subscribers can post.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't do a spammer any good. We get a large number
of these daily which are simply returned as unauthorized poster.
Urb, W2DEC
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] Web based alternative

2004-12-06 Thread Urb LeJeune
One thing to take into consideration while thinking about an
alternative to the current reflectors.
I think it highly likely that the spam reporting was intentional
and malicious. If the person(s) responsible find an alterative method
to continue the assault, the only alternative will be to shut down the
A web-based alternative may not be ideal but is it worse then
no list at all?
Urb, W2DEC
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] Grey Line

2005-04-14 Thread Urb LeJeune
Grey Line in real time.
Urb, W2DEC
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] Death by repeatedly shooting oneself in the foot

2005-05-24 Thread Urb LeJeune

The Dayton Hamvention has both macro and micro problem.
The macro problems, such as high gas prices and declining interest,
are universal. However, there are problems they have brought on

When they were building up the even they were great, they
would do anything humanly possible to help. They would help
find rooms, etc. When the became fat cats with 30K+ attendance,
they hired an outside firm to run the convention. They also stopped
support and discontinued free bus transportation from downtown
to the Hara Arena. In three years the attendance went from 30K+ to
under 20K.

My personal gripe has always been their requirement that
you have to be present to win a major prize. This discriminates against
people traveling long distances since they have to leave early Sunday,
AM to get home. We pay the same price as the locals but don't have a
shot at a major prize.

Couple this with the facts that there is essentially nothing to
do in Dayton and hotels are expensive. I predict that the Orlando
Hamfest will take over in a few years. They have great facilities,
ample free parking, Florida in February, and Disneyland. You
can get a nice hotel in Kissimmee - about 10 miles away - , for
about a third of what you pay in Dayton.

This past February they had over 8K people.

Urb, W2DEC

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] Bahamas

2006-01-11 Thread Urb LeJeune
Just a quick note to give you some information about an upcoming trip 
to the Bahamas. For the ARRL DX CW contest:  Bob (N4BP)-C6AKQ, Kevin 
(K4PG) - C6APG, Bruce (W4OV) - C6AOV and Pete (N8PR) - C6AHR will 
each operate single band entries 160, 80, 40, and 15 Meters.   We 
travel on Monday, Feb 13th and probably will be on the air by 
Tuesday.  We will try to operate extensively on the WARC bands before 
the contest. Plans are to leave on  Feb 20th.  QSL to home calls via

Pete Rimmel  -- N8PR

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] UTC offset

2006-08-09 Thread Urb LeJeune

This is a request, not news.

Does anyone know of a source, preferably computer readable that gives
UTC offset from local time for DXCC countries or something close?

Urb, W2DEC

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] Next sunspot cycle

2006-12-28 Thread Urb LeJeune

This via Bob, N2OO

They are predicting the second best cycle since the late 1800s.

Urb, W2DEC

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] Solar cycle 24 has arrived.

2008-01-07 Thread Urb LeJeune

Solar Cycle 24 has arrived!

The Solar Influences Data analysis Center (SIDC) at the Royal 
Observatory of Belgium

has said that Solar Cycle 24 has arrived.

In the SIDC Bulletin for 4th January they say: 

No flaring activity is expected in the coming days.
Activegeomagnetic conditions (up to K=4) are expected over the 
weekend due to the

influence of a recurrent coronal hole.

Catania solar observatory reports the presence of a high latitude 
sunspot group. MDI

images show a bipolar structure.

This bipole is however the first of the new solar cycle which 
actually develops into a

visible sunspot group.

Solar cycle 24 has arrived!

SIDC Products

Urb, W2DEC 

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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few hours for acknowledgement


2008-03-28 Thread Urb LeJeune

I'm sad to advise that NJDXA charter member Tony Colaguori, W2GUM, had become
a SK. He was 91.

Here are the details from the Asbury Park Press.

To view the contents on, go to:

Urb, W2DEC

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
To subscribe/unsubscribe, please send request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and allow a 
few hours for acknowledgement

[DX-NEWS] How to unsubscribe/subscribe

2008-06-01 Thread Urb LeJeune

In the future, there will be instructions on how to subscribe
and unsubscribe from DX-NEWS at the bottom of every message.

It has become too labor intensive to do this manually.

Individual messages about subscribing and unsubscribing
will not longer be honored.

If you are changing your email address don't forget to unsubscribe
your previous address.


Urb, W2DEC

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[DX-NEWS] Slightly off subject

2008-06-17 Thread Urb LeJeune

Does anyone know of a Russian ham, who was active in the mid 1950, who
speaks passable English. Here in this country would be ideal but even in the
former Soviet Union with an email address would be great. I'm doing research
for a DX book.

Urb, W2DEC

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[DX-NEWS] Personalized Beam Headings

2009-02-21 Thread Urb LeJeune

The Beam Headings page is now working on the redesigned
NJDXA website.

Go to:

If you're in the US you can enter your zip code and the program
generates the directions based upon the geographic center of
your zip code. You can enter the latitude and longitude of your
house it produces the listing from you house.

Don't forget to enter your name and call if you want the
listings personalized.

Urb, W2DEC

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2009-08-22 Thread Urb LeJeune

Please folks, no test messages to either DX-NEWS or DX-CHAT.

If you're having a problem, contact me directly.

Urb, W2DEC

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[DX-NEWS] Tragic news

2009-10-22 Thread Urb LeJeune

Four members of the C6APR DX team perished when their light
aircraft crashed soon after take-off in South Carolina on

Urb, W2DEC

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2009-11-20 Thread Urb LeJeune

It is with profound sadness that the NJDXA reports that Ron Levy,
K2CO, has become a SK. Ron was the W2 incoming bureau
manager for 18 years. He has always been active in NJDXA
activities and was also the Webmaster of our website

He passing is a loss to the entire DX community.

Urb, W2DEC

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2009-11-20 Thread Urb LeJeune

It is with profound sadness that the NJDXA reports that Ron Levy,
K2CO, has become a SK. Ron was the W2 incoming bureau
manager for 18 years. He has always been active in NJDXA
activities and was also the Webmaster of our website

He passing is a loss to the entire DX community.

Urb, W2DEC

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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] Help with T8UZA from July 1981

2009-11-30 Thread Urb LeJeune


Please move this discussion to DX-CHAT

From the DXCC PX cross reference: KC6 (before 1998) = T8

There were two KC6 countries, Eastern and Western Carolines.

Urb, W2DEC

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Re: [DX-NEWS] Help with T8UZA from July 1981

2009-11-30 Thread Urb LeJeune


Please move this discussion to DX-CHAT

From the DXCC PX cross reference: KC6 (before 1998) = T8

There were two KC6 countries, Eastern and Western Carolines.

Urb, W2DEC

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[DX-NEWS] Dayton room available

2010-04-02 Thread Urb LeJeune

Dayton Hamvention 2010..

One room still vacant under the No.Jersey DX Assn. Room allotment at 
Crowne-Plaza Hotel in Downtown Dayton...

Inclusive dates Thurs.13May thru Sun.16May.

Room is Single King Suite ..#1227 on 12th floor. Guest can extend 
beyond three day minimum if desired..
arrive early and/or stay later...if interested plse. contact NJDXA 
Coord.  Mr.Greg Nitkowski,
N2BSA @.973.338.1074 (H). 

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[DX-CHAT] Phone number correction

2010-04-02 Thread Urb LeJeune

N2BSA's phone number is 973.338.1974
not 973.338.1074.

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[DX-NEWS] Phone number correction

2010-04-02 Thread Urb LeJeune

N2BSA's phone number is 973.338.1974
not 973.338.1074.

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[DX-NEWS] AOL Subscribers

2010-06-23 Thread Urb LeJeune

In the past several days an AOL subscriber has tagged
posting to this reflector as SPAM. I simply cannot not
allow this to happen.

If it happens again I will have no choice other than to
delete all AOL subscribers.

73 Urb W2DEC

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Re: [DX-NEWS] Re: digest for

2011-02-22 Thread Urb LeJeune

This topic is not longer news, take it to DX chat


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Re: [DX-NEWS] The solar Katrina

2011-02-23 Thread Urb LeJeune

What topic, Urb?  You responded to the Digest.

The solar Katrina.

The first time something is posted to DX-NEWS it is news. Any
replies, other than filling in some information, is a discussion and should
be moved to DX-CHAT

Thanks for your cooperation.


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[DX-CHAT] Attention AOL subscribers

2011-02-28 Thread Urb LeJeune

Please do not report anything coming from DX-NEWS or DX-CHAT
as spam even though it obviously is. It is a black mark on the mail server which puts us in danger of being
blocked from sending mail to AOL. I cannot let that happen so
please be considerate.

73 Urb W2DEC

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[DX-NEWS] Attention AOL subscribers

2011-02-28 Thread Urb LeJeune

Please do not report anything coming from DX-NEWS or DX-CHAT
as spam even though it obviously is. It is a black mark on the mail server which puts us in danger of being
blocked from sending mail to AOL. I cannot let that happen so
please be considerate.

73 Urb W2DEC

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[DX-CHAT] Dayton Rooms Available

2011-03-17 Thread Urb LeJeune

The NJDXA has a couple of rooms available for the Dayton Hamvention.
They are at the Dayton Marriott which is the same hotel where the DX
Dinner will be held. He is the URL.

The room rate is approximately $145 per night for double
occupancy which is the NJDXA discount rate. Rooms can be
configured in a variety of ways such as two singles, two queens, etc.

Rooms are first come first serve.

If interested contact Greg, N2BSA the NJDXA Daton major domo.

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[DX-NEWS] Dayton Rooms Available

2011-03-17 Thread Urb LeJeune

The NJDXA has a couple of rooms available for the Dayton Hamvention.
They are at the Dayton Marriott which is the same hotel where the DX
Dinner will be held. He is the URL.

The room rate is approximately $145 per night for double
occupancy which is the NJDXA discount rate. Rooms can be
configured in a variety of ways such as two singles, two queens, etc.

Rooms are first come first serve.

If interested contact Greg, N2BSA the NJDXA Daton major domo.

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Re: [DX-NEWS] QSL route HJ0QGL

2011-04-11 Thread Urb LeJeune

Hi Sergio,

N0JT is SK and it was appointed WC4H next. doesn't list any 
e-mail address for WC4H..

There is a resaonably good chance that an active
ham in the US is a member of the ARRL and has an email
alias in this case

Worth a chance.

Another way is to look for a club in WE4H's area which
is in Miami FL. A google search for ham radio club Miami FL
brought up a lot of sites.

73 Urb W2DEC

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2011-05-05 Thread Urb LeJeune

It is with a heavy heart that I send this post. W2BXA became a SK
at 1:15 PM today. Ben was the first President of the NJDXA.

Details to follow.

73 Urb W2DEC

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2011-05-05 Thread Urb LeJeune

It is with a heavy heart that I send this post. W2BXA became a SK
at 1:15 PM today. Ben was the first President of the NJDXA.

Details to follow.

73 Urb W2DEC

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2012-03-06 Thread Urb LeJeune
This was one of the best ever if not the absolute best DXpedition CW op.  He 
could work
the pileups like know one else.   The below report is from a DX publication.
..Tony K2SG 
   Silent Key - Tribute to ZL1AMO, Ron Wright
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of the legendary
DXpeditioner ZL1AMO, Ron Wright.  He was 75.  Ron was admitted to
North Shore Hospital last week after he had a collapsed lung and was
in stable condition at the time.  He became a Silent Key earlier
Ron was a serious CW op and would visit the US
Novice bands late in his DXpeditions.  He had probably well over 100
DXpeditions throughout the Pacific including 3D2RW, 3D2RW/R, 5W1CW,
A35EA, C21/ZL1AMO, FW0BX, H44RW, T28RW, T28RW, T30BH, VR6HI, YJ0RW,
ZK1CQ (South), ZK1CQ, (North), ZK1MB (North), ZK2RW, ZK3RW, ZL7AMO,
ZL8AMO and ZL9AMO just to name a few!  Many of these locations he
visited multiple times between the late 70's and 2002

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[DX-CHAT] W2J Hindenburg Diaster

2012-05-06 Thread Urb LeJeune
Commemorates 75 Anniversary of Hindenburg Crash
hindenburg.jpg The NJDXA commemorates the 75 anniversary of the crash of the
Hindenburg with the special events call W2H. On May 6th, the actual date of
the disaster, we will operate two HF and one VHF stations from the Lakehurst
Naval Air Station. Our operating location is only a few yards from the
disaster site in hanger A. 
The Lakehurst NAS operation will use the call W2H. During the periods April
28 through May 5, 2012 and May 7 through May 12, 2012 individual club
members will operate as W2H/75 from their home stations. The /75 indicates
the 75 anniversary of the crash.
W2H Operating Frequencies

The operating frequencies for the W2H May 6th operation are:

HF CW 7.030 MHz, 14.030 MHz and 21.030 MHz.
HF SSB 7.185 MHz, 14.185 MHz and 21.285 MHz.
Actual operation could be a within 5 Khz either side of the above
frequencies due to band conditions and interference from other stations.
VHF FM 146.835 MHz PL 127.3 for duplex operation
VHF FM 146.52 MHz for simplex operation
During the extended periods of W2H operation add the following:
HF CW 3.530 MHz and 28.030 MHz.
HF SSB 3.805 MHz and 28.305 MHz.
HF PSK 14.071 MHz.
HF RTTY 14.081 MHz.
WARC bands may also be operational.

QSL Information
A specially designed QSL is available for contacts with W2H.
Dave WO2X is the QSL manager for this operation. His mailing address is:
Davis W. de Coons
30 Hearle Drive
Pequannock, NJ 07440-1122
Direct QSLing
Stateside (includes AK, HI, PR, VI) - SASE with first class postage (45
cents or forever stamp)
Canada and Mexico - SAE with $1 USD or 1 IRC
All other DX - SAE with $2 USD or 1IRC
If you are using IRCs, please make sure that they are properly stamped and
Bureau QSLing
All DX stations outside of USA can send their QSL requests direct to the W2
QSL bureau.
The bureau does not process stateside cards, including AK, HI, PR, VI and
all other US territories and possessions. Please send those cards direct

Hope to CU from Lakehurst today (Sunday)

73 Urb W2DEC

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attachment: image001.jpg

[DX-NEWS] W2J Hindenburg Diaster

2012-05-06 Thread Urb LeJeune
Commemorates 75 Anniversary of Hindenburg Crash
hindenburg.jpg The NJDXA commemorates the 75 anniversary of the crash of the
Hindenburg with the special events call W2H. On May 6th, the actual date of
the disaster, we will operate two HF and one VHF stations from the Lakehurst
Naval Air Station. Our operating location is only a few yards from the
disaster site in hanger A. 
The Lakehurst NAS operation will use the call W2H. During the periods April
28 through May 5, 2012 and May 7 through May 12, 2012 individual club
members will operate as W2H/75 from their home stations. The /75 indicates
the 75 anniversary of the crash.
W2H Operating Frequencies

The operating frequencies for the W2H May 6th operation are:

HF CW 7.030 MHz, 14.030 MHz and 21.030 MHz.
HF SSB 7.185 MHz, 14.185 MHz and 21.285 MHz.
Actual operation could be a within 5 Khz either side of the above
frequencies due to band conditions and interference from other stations.
VHF FM 146.835 MHz PL 127.3 for duplex operation
VHF FM 146.52 MHz for simplex operation
During the extended periods of W2H operation add the following:
HF CW 3.530 MHz and 28.030 MHz.
HF SSB 3.805 MHz and 28.305 MHz.
HF PSK 14.071 MHz.
HF RTTY 14.081 MHz.
WARC bands may also be operational.

QSL Information
A specially designed QSL is available for contacts with W2H.
Dave WO2X is the QSL manager for this operation. His mailing address is:
Davis W. de Coons
30 Hearle Drive
Pequannock, NJ 07440-1122
Direct QSLing
Stateside (includes AK, HI, PR, VI) - SASE with first class postage (45
cents or forever stamp)
Canada and Mexico - SAE with $1 USD or 1 IRC
All other DX - SAE with $2 USD or 1IRC
If you are using IRCs, please make sure that they are properly stamped and
Bureau QSLing
All DX stations outside of USA can send their QSL requests direct to the W2
QSL bureau.
The bureau does not process stateside cards, including AK, HI, PR, VI and
all other US territories and possessions. Please send those cards direct

Hope to CU from Lakehurst today (Sunday)

73 Urb W2DEC

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[DX-NEWS] Shanghai

2012-10-23 Thread Urb LeJeune

Does anyone know a ham in Shanghai who speaks conversational

73 Urb W1UL ex W2DEC

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2012-11-18 Thread Urb LeJeune
Does anyone know if Robert Ford of AC4RF fame is still alive?
He would be 89 if he is.

73 Urb W1UL (W2DEC)

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