Re: [DX-NEWS] Logbook of the World (LOTW) Beta Test Tutorial

2003-07-24 Thread Jim Reid
Ok,  gave this a try --- didn't work.

1.  Hawaii is NOT in the list of United States,
seems rather odd,  so I could fill in neither State
nor County.  ARRL form would allow nothing except
a selection from the list from which Hawaii was not

2.  I prepared an ADIF file from my Logic 6 log;
however,  I had no idea how to prepare  that
I only wanted QSO's from Nov. 6,  1996 to be
selected.  So I did the entire log which goes
back to late 1991.  Then I used Notepad to
"edit" the log, which I did by deleting all QSO's
from the long, long ADIF file.  So first entry in the
EXORT.ADI file was: 

9K2GS 19961217 
042300 59 59 
SSB 20M 348 
AS 21 39 

The above seems to be one complete ADIF log entry.  There
was nothing else other than a great long list of the above
sort of entries.

So,  I proceeded to the place where you do the process
to "sign" the log;  this is where the process stopped.
I was given the message, "The data in line 21 is
outside the range specified"  or some such.  It went
away before I could respond.  Next thing I was told
was that the program was no longer responding,  hi.

Any thought on what to do now,  start over or

73,  Jim  KH7M

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[DX-NEWS] ARLD030 DX news

2003-07-24 Thread W1AW
ARLD030 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 30  ARLD030
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  July 24, 2003
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD030 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
PA5RA, RW0MM, WP4U, the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, QRZ DX,
425DXnews, DXNL, WA7BNM and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

SWAZILAND, 3DA.  Rad, ZS6RAD, Ron, ZS5ABD, Cliff, ZS6BOX and Willie,
ZS5WI will be QRV as 3DA0DX from July 29 to August 3.  They will be
active on all bands and modes from 0300 to 0700z and 1400 to 2200z
daily.  QSL via ZS5WI.

WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2.  Look for Rich, 9M2/G4ZFE/p to be active from
Pulau Pangkor, IOTA AS-072, in the IOTA contest as a Single
Op/CW/Low Power entry. QSL to home call.

CHINA, BY.  Students from Shanghai Jiaotong University station
BY4AJT are active as BI4HS from Hengsha Island, IOTA AS-136, until
July 28.  They will be QRV in the IOTA contest on 40 to 10 meters.
QSL via operators' instructions.

CEUTA AND MELILLA, EA9.  Members of the URE and the Armed Forces
Radio club are QRV as EG9IC on the HF bands and EH9IC on 6 meters
from Chafarinas Island, IOTA AF-036.  Activity is on 80 to 2 meters
using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This includes an entry in the IOTA contest.

ESTONIA, ES.  Team members ES2QH, ES2NA, ES1DW, ES2RJ, ES2EZ and
ES2TGO are QRV as ES2WX from Kihnu Island, IOTA EU-178, until August
4. This includes participation in the IOTA contest and the Estonian
Open Field Day.  Activity is on all HF bands, including 6 and 2
meters and 70 and 23 cm.  QSL V/UHF contacts via ES2RJ and HF via

JERSEY, GJ.  Rich, K2WR will be QRV as GJ2A in the IOTA contest as a
Single Op/Mixed/High Power entry.  QSL via GJ3DVC.  Also, look for
some activity before and after the contest as MJ0AWR, using mainly
CW.  QSL via K2WR.

GUERNSEY, GU.  Look for GU8D to be QRV from IOTA EU-114 during the
IOTA contest.  QSL via G3LZQ.

will be active as HI3/ON4IQ in the IOTA contest.  QSL via ON4IQ.

SARDINIA, IS0.  Massimo, IZ0EJQ is active as IM0/IZ0EJQ from San
Pietro Island, IOTA EU-165, until August 20.  This includes an entry
in the IOTA contest.  QSL to home call.

JAN MAYEN, JX.  Ove, LA2IJ is active as JX2IJ from here until July
31.  He operates mainly RTTY on 20 and 15 meters with some SSB on
20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters during his free time.  QSL to home

PUERTO RICO, KP4.  Carlos, WP4U is QRV from Mona Island, IOTA
NA-099, until July 28.  Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW and
SSB near the IOTA frequencies.  QSL to home call.

DENMARK, OZ.  Jorgen, OZ0J will be QRV from Laesoe Island, IOTA
EU-088, as OZ0J/p from July 26 to 28.  Activity will be on 80 to 10
meters, including 17 and 12 meters, using CW and SSB.  This includes
an entry in the IOTA contest.  QSL to home call.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  Jelmer, PA5RA will be QRV as PA6Z from Goeree
Overflakkee Island, IOTA EU-146, during the IOTA contest.  Activity
will be on 80 to 10 meters using SSB.  QSL via PA1KW.

SWEDEN, SM.  Look for SK0HS/5 to participate in the IOTA contest
from Vassaro Island, IOTA EU-084.  QSL via SM0MPV.

POLAND, SP.  SP6FZM, SP6NIC, G0DVJ, SQ6MS and SQ6NEU are active as
3Z0I/1 from Uznam Island, IOTA EU-129, until July 30.  This includes
an entry in the IOTA contest.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters,
including some 6 meters, using CW and SSB with some RTTY as well.

ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0.  Team RK0LWW/p is QRV until July 28 from
Reineke Island, IOTA AS-066.  This includes an entry in the IOTA
contest.  Depending on local conditions, they may also be QRV from
Verkhovskogo Island Lighthouse, ARLHS ASR-116.  QSL via bureau.

PITCAIRN ISLAND, VP6.  Lyle, VP6LJ is expected to be here for at
least one year.  He has been active on 20 meters SSB around 0500z.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Hugo, LA5YJ is QRV as XU7ACW for about a year.
Activity is on all bands, including possibly 30 meters.  QSL to home

VENEZUELA, YV.  Station YV5JBI/p is QRV from Piritu Afuera Island,
IOTA SA-090, until July 26.  QSL via YV5JBI.  Meanwhile, during the
IOTA contest look for YW6P to be QRV on 80 to 6 meters, including
satellite UO-14, using all modes.  QSL via EA7JX.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The RSGB Islands-On-The-Air Contest,
Kentucky QSO Party, Venezuelan Independence Day CW Contest, Black
Sea 2-meter FM Contest and the Russian RTTY WW Contest are all
scheduled for this weekend.  Please see July QST, page 94, and the
ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


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[DX-NEWS] Behind the scenes

2003-07-24 Thread Steve-KF2TI
Due to the HUGE number of unkwown user bounces, I am going to be 
going through and unsubscribing those accounts that bounce back to 

In the event you receive an unsubscribe message, DO NOT PANIC. It's 
probably because you address appeared on my list some how.  Since you 
did receive the message, it means you account is getting postings.  
Simply drop me a line with a copy of the unsubscribe post and I will 
correct everything.

Of course, if you haven't been getting the 1000's of posts every day 
that are sent, something is wrong on your end of the cable line.

And as always, those that let their mailboxes overflowth, become 
unsubscribeth verily and forsooth.

Until then, as Mr(s) Bartells and James once said. "We than you for 
your support"

Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2003

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