[e-gold-tech] Automated Payment

2002-05-10 Thread scramer

We are establish a service and we would like to be able to initiate
automated payments via DGC's.

Currently we do either EFT or CC payments.

How can one automate payments via e-gold?

My only thought was to set up an account for each of our customers that we
would both know the passphrase.  And then they could spend gold in and out
of the account as they please.  And our system would be able to automate
spends as we needed.

Is this a bad idea or is there another way?



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[e-gold-tech] Re: Automated Payment

2002-05-10 Thread Jay W.


hi steve,

check out the e-gold automation interface specification at:


you *do not* want to share an account between yourself and your
customers. the automation interface allows you to programmatically
initiate e-metal spends from your own account.

there are various sites out there that implement automatic
e-metal payments this way - possibly list readers would be happy
to point out their own examples.

any technical questions you may have about the e-gold automation
interface (and shopping cart interface aka SCI) can be directed
via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

jay w.

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[e-gold-tech] Re: Automated Payment

2002-05-10 Thread Steven T. Cramer


Our service is a transaction based service that needs a one time
authorization.  Out client will give this authorization and fund the
account.  We will make withdrawals from the account as needed.  The
client can not authorize each spend since the users will not know the
passphrase nor should they to a company e-gold account.

What I would really like to see is dual access to a single account thus
all spends initiated by user X are distinguished from those by user Y.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-tech] Re: Automated Payment

2002-05-10 Thread Jay W.

hi steve,

there currently is not a many-user-to-one-account mode supported
by e-gold. you could certainly wrap your own operations
around one (or more) e-gold accounts and support many users
such as 1mdc/fastgrams does.

if the clients can only pay into the account and the service
will make payments out of the account, it sounds like a normal
use of a business account where you accept input payments via
the e-gold SCI from any existing e-gold account holder and
make programmatic payments whenever you'd like via the e-gold
automation interface. but maybe i'm not getting the big picture


i run a business that provides web site hosting -
lets call it BFG-Hosting. i open a BFG e-gold account - say 12345.

i use the e-gold SCI to accept payments to my 12345 account anytime
someone signs up for hosting services with me. they pay from their
own e-gold account. i use an SCI baggage field to let them specify
the person that referred them.

when my site is automatically notified by e-gold that a new customer
has signed up and paid using the e-gold SCI, i look to see if they
entered in a referring customer already using my service. if so, i use
the e-gold automation interface to programmatically spend that referrer
1 gram of gold from my 12345 account.

jay w.

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browser and address/location bar *before* submitting sensitive information like your 
e-gold passphrase.