CfP AAG Annual Conference Boston 2017

2016-09-14 Thread David Bassens
Apologies for cross-postings




European Financial Geographies in Flux: The Changing Urban Geographies of
the Advanced Producer Service Complex


Call for papers for the AAG Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, United States


Organizers: David Bassens (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), Susanne Heeg (Goete
Universität Frankfurt), Reijer Hendrikse (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), and
Michiel van Meeteren (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


Nearly a decade after the Lehman bankruptcy that set off the global
financial crisis, and the continuing waves of fiscal and regulatory crises
that followed, geographical patterns of continuity and change in finance are
slowly becoming apparent. In Europe, the financial and monetary crisis have
resulted in the reworking of the Eurozone through several new layers of EU
regulation that have rejuvenated distinctions between European cores and
peripheries. On the urban scale, this has translated into shifts in the
division of labor across European financial centers as new rounds of
'financial innovation' and regulatory arbitrage intermingle with
historically grown patterns. All the while, European financial institutions
and the wider Advanced Producer Services (APS) complex – including
accountants, auditors, lawyers, and management consultants who have been
deeply implicated in the genesis of the crisis – have seemingly resumed to
business-as-usual and now seem closer than ever to the circles of European
policymakers as the latter set out to reboot the financial system.
Nevertheless, political events such as the Brexit, or technological
advancements enmeshed with the rise of Financial Technology, promise to
upset if not revolutionize existing business models as well as the
geographical organization of the APS complex. In other words, behind the
veil of continued financial supremacy resides a world in flux on the scale
of the firm, the region and the continent– a perpetually reworking of the
organizational landscapes of finance that urgently needs further unpacking. 


Fortunately, these developments do not have to take us by surprise. The
financial crisis and its continuing aftermath has resulted in an increasing
interest across the social sciences for the world of finance. In human
geography, the field of financial geography has risen to prominence, with
ever-more scholars dedicated to unpack and theorize geographies integral to
or impacted by sprawling financial logics, motives, and practices. We
welcome papers that build upon the growing insights of financial geography
to further investigate evolutions in the post-crisis geographies of finance
in particular and APS more generally, across financial centers, and to
compare and contrast their operational, political, and investment imprints
on urban space across Europe. Our primary focus is to map out these dynamics
across the European financial center landscape, but we are open for firm- or
sector-based contributions to go beyond the purview of Europe, or that embed
European geographies in a wider global or interregional perspective.
Sessions will focus on, but are not limited to:


*Historical and contemporary geographical developments between and
within APS firms, i.e. sector-, firm- or cluster-based investigations,
touching upon policymaking, reregulation, financial center- or product
development, or related historical or conjunctural elaborations on financial
(dis) integration;

*Investigations of distinct urban geographies of APS clusters and
their “professional” workers in key cities/financial centers in Europe and
elsewhere e.g. mapping the historical and contemporary evolution of firms,
sector-, network presence in key cities/financial centers;

*Studies detailing the local consequences or variegated geographical
imprints of global finance upon urban landscapes, or financialization of
urban landscapes, e.g. tracing emerging real-estate bubbles,
offshore/absentee ownership of luxury properties in key cities, or the
financialization of relatively neglected urban domains, such as governments,
(quasi) public institutions, and the state.


Submission Procedure: Please send your proposals of 250 words to
<>, and
<> by
October, 15th, 2016.


Best wishes,



Assistant Professor @ Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research

Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 6F326
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels


t: +32 (0)2 629 33 87

e:  <>

w:  <>


2nd CfP AAG Annual Conference Boston 2017

2016-10-12 Thread David Bassens
Apologies for cross-postings




European Financial Geographies in Flux: The Changing Urban Geographies of
the Advanced Producer Service Complex


Call for papers for the AAG Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, United States


Organizers: David Bassens (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), Susanne Heeg (Goete
Universität Frankfurt), Reijer Hendrikse (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), and
Michiel van Meeteren (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


Nearly a decade after the Lehman bankruptcy that set off the global
financial crisis, and the continuing waves of fiscal and regulatory crises
that followed, geographical patterns of continuity and change in finance are
slowly becoming apparent. In Europe, the financial and monetary crisis have
resulted in the reworking of the Eurozone through several new layers of EU
regulation that have rejuvenated distinctions between European cores and
peripheries. On the urban scale, this has translated into shifts in the
division of labor across European financial centers as new rounds of
'financial innovation' and regulatory arbitrage intermingle with
historically grown patterns. All the while, European financial institutions
and the wider Advanced Producer Services (APS) complex – including
accountants, auditors, lawyers, and management consultants who have been
deeply implicated in the genesis of the crisis – have seemingly resumed to
business-as-usual and now seem closer than ever to the circles of European
policymakers as the latter set out to reboot the financial system.
Nevertheless, political events such as the Brexit, or technological
advancements enmeshed with the rise of Financial Technology, promise to
upset if not revolutionize existing business models as well as the
geographical organization of the APS complex. In other words, behind the
veil of continued financial supremacy resides a world in flux on the scale
of the firm, the region and the continent– a perpetually reworking of the
organizational landscapes of finance that urgently needs further unpacking. 


Fortunately, these developments do not have to take us by surprise. The
financial crisis and its continuing aftermath has resulted in an increasing
interest across the social sciences for the world of finance. In human
geography, the field of financial geography has risen to prominence, with
ever-more scholars dedicated to unpack and theorize geographies integral to
or impacted by sprawling financial logics, motives, and practices. We
welcome papers that build upon the growing insights of financial geography
to further investigate evolutions in the post-crisis geographies of finance
in particular and APS more generally, across financial centers, and to
compare and contrast their operational, political, and investment imprints
on urban space across Europe. Our primary focus is to map out these dynamics
across the European financial center landscape, but we are open for firm- or
sector-based contributions to go beyond the purview of Europe, or that embed
European geographies in a wider global or interregional perspective.
Sessions will focus on, but are not limited to:


*Historical and contemporary geographical developments between and
within APS firms, i.e. sector-, firm- or cluster-based investigations,
touching upon policymaking, reregulation, financial center- or product
development, or related historical or conjunctural elaborations on financial
(dis) integration;

*Investigations of distinct urban geographies of APS clusters and
their “professional” workers in key cities/financial centers in Europe and
elsewhere e.g. mapping the historical and contemporary evolution of firms,
sector-, network presence in key cities/financial centers;

*Studies detailing the local consequences or variegated geographical
imprints of global finance upon urban landscapes, or financialization of
urban landscapes, e.g. tracing emerging real-estate bubbles,
offshore/absentee ownership of luxury properties in key cities, or the
financialization of relatively neglected urban domains, such as governments,
(quasi) public institutions, and the state.


Submission Procedure: Please send your proposals of 250 words to
<>, and
<> by
October, 15th, 2016.


Best wishes,



Assistant Professor @ Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research

Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 6F326
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels


t: +32 (0)2 629 33 87

e:  <>

w:  <>


FINGEO Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2017

2017-05-04 Thread David Bassens
Apologies for X-postings – we have extended the deadline for application until 
1st June 2017; see below and 



The Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) seeks to award its 
Dissertation Prize to an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of 
financial geography.

While we want to attract dissertations with a clear spatial component, we wish 
to encourage applications from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, 
including but not restricted to anthropology, geography, history, sociology, 
political science, and economics. We welcome contributions from students in 
institutions from across the world, focusing on financial processes taking 
place anywhere on the globe. Eligible candidates should have completed and 
defended their PhD in 2016. The award consists of €500 in prize money and an 
invitation to present research at a FINGEO-sponsored event.

is an open and interdisciplinary network of academics, practitioners and other 
people interested in research on the spatiality of money and finance and its 
implications for the development of economy, society, and nature. EUFINGEO 
  is a network sponsored by Vrije Universiteit Brussels which seeks to build a 
European community of financial geographers.

Application deadline is 1st June 2017. Please send a digital copy to  
<> including a recommendation 
letter by your supervisor(s). The successful candidate will be contacted by 1 
July 2017.

Best wishes,



Assistant Professor @ Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research

Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 6F326
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels


t: +32 (0)2 629 33 87

e:  <>

w:  <>


5th FINGEO Global Seminar "European Spaces of Financialization" (28-29 May 2018) & 1st FINGEO Spring School (30 May - 2 June 2018), Vrije Universiteit Brussels

2018-01-08 Thread David Bassens
First and final reminder. Apologies for cross-postings.

Application deadline for both events is 15 January 2018.

Dear colleagues,

The Global Network on Financial Geography (FINGEO) is organizing the Fifth
Global Seminar and First Spring School at Vrije Universiteit Brussels,
respectively on 28-29 May and 30 May-2 June 2018. 

The FINGEO Global Seminar deals with the theme of “European Spaces of
Financialization” and offers keynotes by: 

·Kavita Datta (Queen Mary University of London) 

·Julie Froud (The University of Manchester) 

·Bob Jessop (Lancaster University) 

·Andreas Nölke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) 

The FINGEO Spring School offers an Early Career program aimed at advanced
methodological training and reflexive peer debate that intends to aid the
consolidation of an emerging global community of financial geographers.
Therefore, the FINGEO Spring School offers an intense engagement with the
research themes, theoretical perspectives, and methodologies that those
studying the intricate relations between finance and space may encounter. On
the programme are Methods Master Classes, Reading and Discussion Seminars,
Peer Review Sessions, Career Development Sessions, Visits & Fieldtrips, and
Social Events.

Application deadline for both events 15 January 2018. More information about
the program and application procedure in annex and via:
eminar-and-1st-fingeo-spring-school/ for the Global Seminar
chool/ for the Spring School

Hope to see you in Brussels!



Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research

Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography

Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 6F326
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels


t: +32 (0)2 629 33 87

e:  <> 

w1:  <>

w2:  <> 


FinGeo Online Workshop on 'Evolving Geographies of FinTech' (25-26 Nov 2020)

2020-11-10 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

With apologies for cross-postings.

This online workshop on FinTech might be of interest to list members. Please 
register via this 
 by 23rd November 2020.

Full details of the workshop is also available on this page:

Best regards,

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

- - -

The Global Network of Financial Geography (FinGeo) Online Workshop

25th  November 2020 (13:00-17:00 GMT) and 26th November 2020 (08:00-12:00 GMT)

Evolving Geographies of FinTech

David Bassens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Reijer Hendrikse (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Karen P.Y. Lai (Durham University)
Dariusz Wójcik (Oxford University)

This 2-day workshop aims to bring together a global audience of academics, 
industry practitioners and regulators to take stock of emerging, evolving and 
maturing geographies of financial technology (FinTech). FinTech operates at the 
intersections of the financial and technology sectors, where big technology 
(BigTech) firms and start-ups are creating new platforms, products, and 
services beyond those currently provided by the traditional finance industry. 
FinTech domains and applications cover a wide range – from blockchains, 
cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence, to robo-advising, mobile 
platforms and big data analytics. Instead of being threatened by the 
‘disruptive’ potential of FinTech as such, incumbent banks and financial 
institutions have become more aggressive in the adoption and development of 
FinTech through the acquisition of technological capabilities, partnerships 
with tech firms, and setting up FinTech platforms. Novel digital solutions are 
increasingly rolled out in ‘underbanked’ environments leading to the rapid 
financial enclosure/inclusion of populations in the Global South. Meanwhile, 
regulatory attention has shifted towards BigTech platforms and their endeavours 
into finance and even monetary policy, such as Facebook aiming to develop a 
global digital currency. Increasingly, there are geopolitical implications to 
these developments, as American BigTechs and financial regulators are 
increasingly challenged by major Chinese platforms, amidst broader trade 
tensions relating to technology and security issues. This raises the 
increasingly significant role of FinTech in the rise and evolution of 
‘surveillance capitalism’ and concerns over the rights of data ownership and 
utilisation. The relevance and potential impacts of FinTech have become all the 
more pertinent in the age of coronavirus and the accelerated shift towards 
online transactions and consumption practices.

All times listed as GMT
Day 1: Wednesday 25 November, 13:00-17:00 (GMT)
13:00 – 13:10Welcome by the Organisers
13:10 – 15:00Session 1: Economic Geographies of FinTech (Chair: Karen Lai)

How does artificial intelligence change advanced business services?
The future of accounting and law and the implications for finance
James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University

AI-related General Purpose Technology (GPT) in Advanced Services:
An Industry Space
Francisco Trincado-Munoz, Loughborough University
Tzameret H. Rubin, Loughborough University
Michiel van Meeteren, Loughborough University
Tim Vorley, Oxford Brookes University

Exploring the global dynamics of London’s FinTech labour market(s)
Ylka Hysaj, University of Bristol
Jonathan V. Beaverstock, University of Bristol
Greg Schwartz, University of Bristol

FinTechs and digital banks in Brazil: an empirical analysis (2015-2020)
Fabio Betioli Contel, University of Sao Paulo

Old Finance in New Cryptos: The Pesky Persistence of Structure in Geography
Matthew Zook, University of Kentucky
Michael Grote, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Open discussion

15:00 – 15:

Fingeo Virtual Seminar Series - Vladimir Pažitka - 16th FEB, 13h GMT -ZOOM

2021-02-10 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

The Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) is continuing its brand new 
Virtual Seminar Series. This is a 3-part series taking place this year in 
February-March, May-July, and September-November, in association with the 
Regional Studies Association. The seminars take place online, and we look 
forward to stimulating discussion with presenters and attendees from different 
parts of the world.

We have a great line-up of speakers across career stages and covering different 
topics on the geography of money and finance in the coming months.

The second seminar will be presented by Vladimir Pažitka and is titled 
Financial centres in investment banking networks: insights from five years of 
early career research (see abstract below). It will be held on the 16th Feb 
2021 at 13hGMT via ZOOM.

Please see the FINGEO website for more information 
 and refer to the website of the Regional Studies Association for fee 

Hope to see you all there!



I will discuss the insights from my research on financial centres and 
investment banking networks. This research has been published in a variety of 
journals including Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A and the 
Journal of Economic Geography. I primarily work with data on individual capital 
market transactions, which I use to build bespoke datasets covering hundreds of 
financial centres. I employ a variety of econometric and network analytical 
methods to study the impact of positioning in investment banking networks on 
the growth trajectories of individual investment banks as well as entire 
financial centres. Investment banking networks can reduce information frictions 
among countries and consequently increase both the volume and propensity for 
international trade in financial services. We have found that investment banks 
with a more central positioning in investment banking networks tend to grow 
faster and can restrict the growth opportunities of their lesser connected 
competitors. Naturally, many challenges and unanswered questions remain in this 
field of research. How will London be affected by BREXIT? Will Shanghai become 
one of the world’s leading international financial centres? Will the Covid-19 
pandemic radically reshape the spatiality of finance? I am hoping to contribute 
to answering these questions in the future and I hope that others will join.

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

P.S. I am taking partial parental leave on Fridays

16-Mar-2021 – Vincent Guermond: Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Contested Geographies of Marketisation in Senegal and Ghana

2021-03-15 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

On the 16th March 2021, 13h-14h GMT, Vincent 
 (Royal Holloway) will present to the FinGeo Virtual Seminar Series. His talk 
is entitled : “Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Contested Geographies of 
Marketisation in Senegal and Ghana” and the session will be chaired by David 

Please register (for free) at the Regional Studies Assoc. website:


Vincent Guermond is a Research Associate at Royal Holloway, University of 
London. He is involved in a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) study in 
Cambodia and India (Tamil Nadu) which is taking a gendered lens to explore the 
relationship between climate resilience, credit-taking, and nutrition. Prior to 
joining Royal Holloway, Vincent completed his PhD at Queen Mary University of 
London (QMUL). His PhD thesis explores a global migration-development agenda 
that aims to leverage remittances for development by incorporating remittance 
flows and households into global financial circuits. Based upon ten months of 
fieldwork in Senegal and Ghana, his research foregrounds a ‘hybrid’ 
understanding of uneven and contested geographies of financial incorporation in 
the global South that requires an integrative approach across economic, 
financial and development geography.

Title: Remittances and financial inclusion: contested geographies of 
Marketisation in Senegal and Ghana

Abstract: Arising from the consensus that remittances are now one of the most 
important sources to finance development, the last fifteen years have witnessed 
the emergence of a Global Remittance Agenda (GRA) that encourages the 
incorporation of remittances as well as their senders and recipients into 
global finance. Critical analyses of the GRA have emerged over the past few 
years calling into question the market-based approach to the project and its 
prioritising of the political and financial concerns of a broad coalition of 
global and national actors over the needs of migrant men and women and the 
people they send remittances to. While being sympathetic to these political 
economy takes on the ‘financialisation of remittances’, I question the extent 
to which remittances, as well as remittance senders and recipients, can be 
qualified as financialised yet. More specifically, I argue that little is said 
in the existing literature about the intricate and grounded operations that are 
required for such projects to materialise, leaving finance and the concrete 
formation of (remittance) markets black-boxed. Drawing upon research with 
institutional and private sector actors involved in the remittance, finance and 
FinTech industry as well as with remittance recipients in Senegal and Ghana, I 
make two key arguments. First, I put a light on the technical, legal, financial 
and behavioural engineering that is necessary for remittance markets to realise 
and show that these market-making processes are contingent, fragile, contested 
and always in the making. Second, I sho

30-March-2021 – Raquel Rolnik: Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below

2021-03-24 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

On the 30th March 2021, 13h-14h GMT, Raquel 
 (University of Sao Paulo) will present to the FinGeo Virtual Seminar Series. 
Raquel’s talk is entitled: “Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from 
above, from below”. The session will be chaired by Dariusz 
 (Uni Oxford).

Please register (for free) at the Regional Studies Assoc. website:

Raquel Rolnik is Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at 
the University of São Paulo. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the 
University of São Paulo (1978), Master in Architecture and Urbanism from the 
University of São Paulo (1981), PhD in Graduate School Of Arts And Science 
History Department – New York University (1995), free teaching by FAUUSP (2015) 
and Titration by FAUUSP (2017). Since 1979 she has been a university professor 
in the field of architecture and urbanism, and is currently Head of the Design 
Department at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP. Urbanist, she 
was Planning Director for the city of São Paulo and consultant for Brazilian 
and Latin American cities in urban and housing policy. She was also the 
National Secretary for Urban Programs at the Ministry of Cities between 2003 
and 2007. She was International Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing at 
the UN Human Rights Council (2008-2014). She is the author of books and 
articles on the urban issue and since 2011, she has a research productivity 
scholarship from CNPq 1C.

Title: Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below

Abstract: 2008  post-crisis global scenario is marked by market shifts and 
opportunities for investors to move their liquid capital freely across borders 
and sectors. Built space in general and housing, in particular, became again 
one of the new frontiers of speculation and rentiership. The same housing 
crisis in some cities in Europe and North America which resulted from the 
financialization of housing in the mortgage/homeownership phase became the 
basis to roll out a new asset class based on rental housing. New information 
technologies enabled investors to concentrate ownership of dispersed units, 
extract income flows and data and bundle them into capital markets, in 
operations managed by digital platforms and apps. Those changes enabled a new 
form of financialization of housing from above –  via partnerships between 
corporate landlords and the State not only in those cities, but spreading over 
the world, with the active role of States in promoting it, including by 
designing new planning and housing policies. However, those chains of 
rentiership also generated new and perverse links between labor precarity, 
informality and financial capital, generating housing financialization not only 
from above but from below, imposing new dynamics in popular economies.

To register (for free) please go to the RSA website:

Re: 30-March-2021 – Raquel Rolnik: Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below

2021-03-25 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear all,

For clarity’s sake: the below event will take place 13-14h BST (London time).

Best wishes,

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

P.S. I am taking partial parental leave on Fridays

From: David BASSENS<>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 11:14
Subject: 30-March-2021 – Raquel Rolnik: Post 2008 financialized housing 
geographies: from above, from below

Dear list members,

On the 30th March 2021, 13h-14h GMT, Raquel 
 (University of Sao Paulo) will present to the FinGeo Virtual Seminar Series. 
Raquel’s talk is entitled: “Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from 
above, from below”. The session will be chaired by Dariusz 
 (Uni Oxford).

Please register (for free) at the Regional Studies Assoc. website:

Raquel Rolnik is Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at 
the University of São Paulo. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the 
University of São Paulo (1978), Master in Architecture and Urbanism from the 
University of São Paulo (1981), PhD in Graduate School Of Arts And Science 
History Department – New York University (1995), free teaching by FAUUSP (2015) 
and Titration by FAUUSP (2017). Since 1979 she has been a university professor 
in the field of architecture and urbanism, and is currently Head of the Design 
Department at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP. Urbanist, she 
was Planning Director for the city of São Paulo and consultant for Brazilian 
and Latin American cities in urban and housing policy. She was also the 
National Secretary for Urban Programs at the Ministry of Cities between 2003 
and 2007. She was International Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing at 
the UN Human Rights Council (2008-2014). She is the author of books and 
articles on the urban issue and since 2011, she has a research productivity 
scholarship from CNPq 1C.

Title: Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below

Abstract: 2008  post-crisis global scenario is marked by market shifts and 
opportunities for investors to move their liquid capital freely across borders 
and sectors. Built space in general and housing, in particular, became again 
one of the new frontiers of speculation and rentiership. The same housing 
crisis in some cities in Europe and North America which resulted from the 
financialization of housing in the mortgage/homeownership phase became the 
basis to roll out a new asset class based on rental housing. New information 
technologies enabled investors to concentrate ownership of dispersed units, 
extract income flows and data and bundle them into 

FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2021

2021-03-31 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

The FinGeo call for submissions for the Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2021 is now 
open. Deadline 1 June 2021.

More info on eligibility and submissions here
 and below.

Best wishes,

FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2021

Sponsored by The European Financial Geography Network
EUFINGEO, Vrije Universiteit Brussels

The Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) seeks to award its 
Dissertation Prize to an outstanding dissertation in the field of financial 

While we seek to attract dissertations with a clear spatial component, we wish 
to encourage applications from a range of disciplinary backgrounds (e.g. 
anthropology, geography, history, sociology, political science, economics). We 
welcome contributions from students in institutions from across the world, 
focusing on financial processes taking place anywhere on the globe. Eligible 
candidates should have completed their PhD in the period 1 January 2020 – 31 
March 2021. The award consists of €500 in prize money.

 is an open and interdisciplinary network of academics, practitioners and other 
people interested in research on the spatiality of money and finance and its 
implications for the development of economy, society, and nature. 
 is a network sponsored by Vrije Universiteit Brussels which seeks to build a 
European community of financial geographers.

Application deadline is 1 June 2021. Please send a digital copy to including a recommendation 
letter by your supervisor(s).

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

FinGeo Second Summer School, 21-24 June 2021, online

2021-04-30 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear colleagues,

The Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) is organizing its Second 
Summer School, virtually from June 21 to June 24, 2021. The school will take 
place over four hours each day (9am-1pm EST, 2pm-6pm BST, 9pm-1am CST) with 
social time reserved before and after sessions.

The FinGeo Summer School will be focused on cutting edge themes at the 
intersection between finance and geography.  Financial geography has never been 
as important as economies around the world are being reshaped in response to 
social, economic and environmental change. The FinGeo Summer School will offer 
an Early Career program aimed at advanced methodological training and reflexive 
peer debate that intends to aid the consolidation of an emerging global 
community of financial geographers. Therefore, the attendees will be engaged 
across a wide variety of research themes, theoretical perspectives, and 
methodologies towards studying the relations between finance and space. The 
program includes Methods Master Classes, Keynotes, Reading and Discussion 
Seminars, Peer Review Sessions, Career Development Sessions, and Social Events.

The summer school is sponsored by The Regional Studies Association and 
co-organized by David Bassens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Theodor Cojoianu 
(University College Dublin), Michael Grote (Frankfurt School of Finance & 
Management), Janelle Knox-Hayes (MIT, DUSP), Dariusz Wójcik (Oxford 
University), Siqi Zheng (MIT, CRE), and  Matthew Zook (University of Kentucky). 
The Summer School’s advisory board further includes Manuel Aalbers (KU Leuven), 
Sabine Dörry (Luxembourg), Karen Lai (Durham), Fenghua Pan (Beijing Normal 
University), and Martin Sokol (Trinity College Dublin).

The application deadline is May 15, 2021. More information about the program 
can be found 

Please submit applications via this online 

Hope to see you soon!

Best wishes, The organizing team

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

reminder Second Fingeo Summer School Deadline for Applications 15 MAY

2021-05-07 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

***Apologies for cross-postings***
Dear colleagues,
The Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) is organizing its Second 
Summer School, virtually from June 21 to June 24, 2021. The school will take 
place over four hours each day (9am-1pm EST, 2pm-6pm BST, 9pm-1am CST) with 
social time reserved before and after sessions.
The FinGeo Summer School will be focused on cutting edge themes at the 
intersection between finance and geography.  Financial geography has never been 
as important as economies around the world are being reshaped in response to 
social, economic and environmental change. The FinGeo Summer School will offer 
an Early Career program aimed at advanced methodological training and reflexive 
peer debate that intends to aid the consolidation of an emerging global 
community of financial geographers. Therefore, the attendees will be engaged 
across a wide variety of research themes, theoretical perspectives, and 
methodologies towards studying the relations between finance and space. The 
program includes Methods Master Classes, Keynotes, Reading and Discussion 
Seminars, Peer Review Sessions, Career Development Sessions, and Social Events.
Confirmed speakers include:

  *   Lucia Alessi, Senior Economist, Joint Research Centre of the EU Commission
  *   David Bassens, Assistant Professor of Economic Geography, Vrije 
Universiteit Brussel
  *   Theodor Cojoianu, Assistant Professor in Finance, Queens University 
  *   Michael Grote, Professor of Corporate Finance, Frankfurt School of 
Finance and Management
  *   Matthew Kahn, Distinguished Professor of Economics and Business, John 
Hopkins University
  *   Ayesha Khanna, CEO and Cofounder of ADDO AI, Singapore
  *   Janelle Knox-Hayes, Associate Professor of Economic Geography and 
Planning, MIT
  *   Raquel Rolnik, Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning, University 
of São Palo, Brazil
  *   Dariusz Wójcik, Professor of Economic Geography, University of Oxford
  *   Siqi Zheng, Samuel Tak Lee Professor of Urban and Real Estate 
Sustainability, MIT
  *   Matthew Zook, Professor of Information and Economic Geography, University 
of Kentucky
The summer school is sponsored by The Regional Studies Association and 
co-organized by David Bassens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Theodor Cojoianu 
(University College Dublin), Fernando Toro Cano (University College London), 
Michael Grote (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), Janelle Knox-Hayes 
(MIT, DUSP), Yilka Hysaj (Bristol University), Leonardo Pataccini (Trinity 
College Dublin), Dariusz Wójcik (Oxford University), Siqi Zheng (MIT, CRE), and 
Matthew Zook (University of Kentucky). The Summer School’s advisory board 
further includes Manuel Aalbers (KU Leuven), Sabine Dörry (Luxembourg), Karen 
Lai (Durham), Fenghua Pan (Beijing Normal University), and Martin Sokol 
(Trinity College Dublin).
The application deadline is May 15, 2021. Please don’t be late with your 
application. More information about the program can be found 
Please submit applications via this online 
   If you have trouble accessing this please contact the organizers for 
alternate application procedure.
Hope to see you soon!
Best wishes,
The organizing team
David Bassens

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

Job Vacancy at Vrije Universiteit Brussels - PhD Researcher (1FTE/4 years/bursary) - The Emerging Geographies of FinTech

2021-05-31 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium) is 
seeking to attract a full-time junior researcher in the context of the project 
“Emerging Geographies of Financial Technology in Europe: Mapping 
Organizational, Institutional, and Strategic Financial Center Change in the 
Benelux” funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and coordinated by 
David Bassens (short project description below). The successful candidate will 
develop an article-based PhD within the framework of the project and 
collaborate with the project coordinator and a postdoctoral researcher to 
achieve collective research goals.

The candidate holds a master degree in geography or a related and relevant 
discipline (e.g., anthropology, business studies, economics, history, political 
science, sociology), has a clear interest in financial geography, and a proven 
talent for analysing both qualitative and quantitative data sources. A 
well-developed insight into (fin) tech developments and broader economic 
geography debates is an asset. Local knowledge of one of the case study 
contexts (i.e. Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg) is also considered a plus, but 
is not a prerequisite as such. Cosmopolis is committed to achieve diversity and 
gender equality in the research group. We strongly encourage the application of 
female candidates who will be given priority if equally qualified.

The successful candidate will be enrolled as a doctoral student at Vrije 
Universiteit Brussels and receive a standard PhD bursary for four years 
(subject to a positive evaluation at the end of year 1) which is adequate to 
cover the cost of living in Belgium. The preferred starting date is 1 October 

Application deadline is 2 July 2021 with interviews planned on 9 July 2021. 
Please submit a dossier in English consisting of an academic CV, the transcript 
of records of your bachelor and master’s degrees, a writing sample of maximum 
two pages, a motivation letter of maximum two pages, and the contact details of 
two academic references.

For inquiries and applications contact David Bassens<>. Links to the Cosmopolis 
webpage here

Best wishes,


Witnessing the rapid digitization of financial services, this project 
investigates financial center change through a comparative case study of 
Amsterdam, Brussels, and Luxembourg. A main question this project seeks to 
answer is how the traditional intermediating role of financial centers is 
changing in light of the increased use of Financial Technologies (FinTech) – 
from digital payments and currencies to the embrace of artificial intelligence. 
Is there still a need for financial centers in the age of digital finance? And 
if so, which organizations will be the key players: established financial 
institutions, or perhaps tech giants like Google or Amazon, or China’s Alibaba 
and Tencent? Although constituting pressing issues in terms of economy, society 
and geopolitics, FinTech-induced transformations in financial centers remain 
poorly understood. While a geographical research agenda on FinTech is emerging, 
the focus has thus far been mostly on relations between tech start-ups and 
banks, less on the rise of Big Tech embracing FinTech. This project seeks to 
fill these research gaps by focusing on shifts in the Benelux where established 
financial institutions and large tech firms are beginning to collaborate and 
compete. The project focuses on how these organizations change, how local and 
regional institutions accommodate digitization, and how these transformations 
and accommodations relate to wider regulatory and strategic changes enacted at 
national and European scales.

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

REMINDER Job Vacancy at Vrije Universiteit Brussels - PhD Researcher (1FTE/4 years/bursary) - The Emerging Geographies of FinTech

2021-07-01 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

REMINDER – Deadline tomorrow 2 July


Dear list members,

Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium) is 
seeking to attract a full-time junior researcher in the context of the project 
“Emerging Geographies of Financial Technology in Europe: Mapping 
Organizational, Institutional, and Strategic Financial Center Change in the 
Benelux” funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and coordinated by 
David Bassens (short project description below). The successful candidate will 
develop an article-based PhD within the framework of the project and 
collaborate with the project coordinator and a postdoctoral researcher to 
achieve collective research goals.

The candidate holds a master degree in geography or a related and relevant 
discipline (e.g., anthropology, business studies, economics, history, political 
science, sociology), has a clear interest in financial geography, and a proven 
talent for analysing both qualitative and quantitative data sources. A 
well-developed insight into (fin) tech developments and broader economic 
geography debates is an asset. Local knowledge of one of the case study 
contexts (i.e. Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg) is also considered a plus, but 
is not a prerequisite as such. Cosmopolis is committed to achieve diversity and 
gender equality in the research group. We strongly encourage the application of 
female candidates who will be given priority if equally qualified.

The successful candidate will be enrolled as a doctoral student at Vrije 
Universiteit Brussels and receive a standard PhD bursary for four years 
(subject to a positive evaluation at the end of year 1) which is adequate to 
cover the cost of living in Belgium. The preferred starting date is 1 October 

Application deadline is 2 July 2021 with interviews planned on 9 July 2021. 
Please submit a dossier in English consisting of an academic CV, the transcript 
of records of your bachelor and master’s degrees, a writing sample of maximum 
two pages, a motivation letter of maximum two pages, and the contact details of 
two academic references.

For inquiries and applications contact David Bassens<>. Links to the Cosmopolis 
webpage here

Best wishes,


Witnessing the rapid digitization of financial services, this project 
investigates financial center change through a comparative case study of 
Amsterdam, Brussels, and Luxembourg. A main question this project seeks to 
answer is how the traditional intermediating role of financial centers is 
changing in light of the increased use of Financial Technologies (FinTech) – 
from digital payments and currencies to the embrace of artificial intelligence. 
Is there still a need for financial centers in the age of digital finance? And 
if so, which organizations will be the key players: established financial 
institutions, or perhaps tech giants like Google or Amazon, or China’s Alibaba 
and Tencent? Although constituting pressing issues in terms of economy, society 
and geopolitics, FinTech-induced transformations in financial centers remain 
poorly understood. While a geographical research agenda on FinTech is emerging, 
the focus has thus far been mostly on relations between tech start-ups and 
banks, less on the rise of Big Tech embracing FinTech. This project seeks to 
fill these research gaps by focusing on shifts in the Benelux where established 
financial institutions and large tech firms are beginning to collaborate and 
compete. The project focuses on how these organizations change, how local and 
regional institutions accommodate digitization, and how these transformations 
and accommodations relate to wider regulatory and strategic changes enacted at 
national and European scales.

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Job Vacancy at Vrije Universiteit Brussels - PhD Researcher (1FTE/4 years/bursary) - The Emerging Geographies of FinTech

2021-07-09 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

Apologies for cross-postings.

In response to the ongoing pandemic conditions, the deadline for the vacancy 
below has been extended.

Deadline for applications is now 20 August 2021.

Feel free to share with potential candidates.

Best wishes,


VACANCY for a full-time PhD Researcher for 4 years

Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium) is 
seeking to attract a full-time junior researcher in the context of the project 
“Emerging Geographies of Financial Technology in Europe: Mapping 
Organizational, Institutional, and Strategic Financial Center Change in the 
Benelux” funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and coordinated by 
David Bassens (short project description below). The successful candidate will 
develop an article-based PhD within the framework of the project and 
collaborate with the project coordinator and a postdoctoral researcher to 
achieve collective research goals.

The candidate holds a master degree in geography or a related and relevant 
discipline (e.g., anthropology, business studies, economics, history, political 
science, sociology), has a clear interest in financial geography, and a proven 
talent for analysing both qualitative and quantitative data sources. A 
well-developed insight into (fin) tech developments and broader economic 
geography debates is an asset. Local knowledge of one of the case study 
contexts (i.e. Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg) is also considered a plus, but 
is not a prerequisite as such. Cosmopolis is committed to achieve diversity and 
gender equality in the research group. We strongly encourage the application of 
female candidates who will be given priority if equally qualified.

The successful candidate will be enrolled as a doctoral student at Vrije 
Universiteit Brussels and receive a standard PhD bursary for four years 
(subject to a positive evaluation at the end of year 1) which is adequate to 
cover the cost of living in Belgium. The preferred starting date is 1 October 

Application deadline is 20 August 2021 with interviews planned on 25 August 
2021. Please submit a dossier in English consisting of an academic CV, the 
transcript of records of your bachelor and master’s degrees, a writing sample 
of maximum two pages, a motivation letter of maximum two pages, and the contact 
details of two academic references.

For inquiries and applications contact David Bassens<>.


Witnessing the rapid digitization of financial services, this project 
investigates financial center change through a comparative case study of 
Amsterdam, Brussels, and Luxembourg. A main question this project seeks to 
answer is how the traditional intermediating role of financial centers is 
changing in light of the increased use of Financial Technologies (FinTech) – 
from digital payments and currencies to the embrace of artificial intelligence. 
Is there still a need for financial centers in the age of digital finance? And 
if so, which organizations will be the key players: established financial 
institutions, or perhaps tech giants like Google or Amazon, or China’s Alibaba 
and Tencent? Although constituting pressing issues in terms of economy, society 
and geopolitics, FinTech-induced transformations in financial centers remain 
poorly understood. While a geographical research agenda on FinTech is emerging, 
the focus has thus far been mostly on relations between tech start-ups and 
banks, less on the rise of Big Tech embracing FinTech. This project seeks to 
fill these research gaps by focusing on shifts in the Benelux where established 
financial institutions and large tech firms are beginning to collaborate and 
compete. The project focuses on how these organizations change, how local and 
regional institutions accommodate digitization, and how these transformations 
and accommodations relate to wider regulatory and strategic changes enacted at 
national and European scales.

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

REMINDER - DEADLINE EXTENDED - Job Vacancy at Vrije Universiteit Brussels - PhD Researcher (1FTE/4 years/bursary) - The Emerging Geographies of FinTech

2021-08-19 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear all,

A reminder that the deadline for applications is tomorrow.

Best wishes,


VACANCY for a full-time PhD Researcher for 4 years

Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium) is 
seeking to attract a full-time junior researcher in the context of the project 
“Emerging Geographies of Financial Technology in Europe: Mapping 
Organizational, Institutional, and Strategic Financial Center Change in the 
Benelux” funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and coordinated by 
David Bassens (short project description below). The successful candidate will 
develop an article-based PhD within the framework of the project and 
collaborate with the project coordinator and a postdoctoral researcher to 
achieve collective research goals.

The candidate holds a master degree in geography or a related and relevant 
discipline (e.g., anthropology, business studies, economics, history, political 
science, sociology), has a clear interest in financial geography, and a proven 
talent for analysing both qualitative and quantitative data sources. A 
well-developed insight into (fin) tech developments and broader economic 
geography debates is an asset. Local knowledge of one of the case study 
contexts (i.e. Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg) is also considered a plus, but 
is not a prerequisite as such. Cosmopolis is committed to achieve diversity and 
gender equality in the research group. We strongly encourage the application of 
female candidates who will be given priority if equally qualified.

The successful candidate will be enrolled as a doctoral student at Vrije 
Universiteit Brussels and receive a standard PhD bursary for four years 
(subject to a positive evaluation at the end of year 1) which is adequate to 
cover the cost of living in Belgium. The preferred starting date is 1 October 

Application deadline is 20 August 2021 with interviews planned on 25 August 
2021. Please submit a dossier in English consisting of an academic CV, the 
transcript of records of your bachelor and master’s degrees, a writing sample 
of maximum two pages, a motivation letter of maximum two pages, and the contact 
details of two academic references.

For inquiries and applications contact David Bassens<>.


Witnessing the rapid digitization of financial services, this project 
investigates financial center change through a comparative case study of 
Amsterdam, Brussels, and Luxembourg. A main question this project seeks to 
answer is how the traditional intermediating role of financial centers is 
changing in light of the increased use of Financial Technologies (FinTech) – 
from digital payments and currencies to the embrace of artificial intelligence. 
Is there still a need for financial centers in the age of digital finance? And 
if so, which organizations will be the key players: established financial 
institutions, or perhaps tech giants like Google or Amazon, or China’s Alibaba 
and Tencent? Although constituting pressing issues in terms of economy, society 
and geopolitics, FinTech-induced transformations in financial centers remain 
poorly understood. While a geographical research agenda on FinTech is emerging, 
the focus has thus far been mostly on relations between tech start-ups and 
banks, less on the rise of Big Tech embracing FinTech. This project seeks to 
fill these research gaps by focusing on shifts in the Benelux where established 
financial institutions and large tech firms are beginning to collaborate and 
compete. The project focuses on how these organizations change, how local and 
regional institutions accommodate digitization, and how these transformations 
and accommodations relate to wider regulatory and strategic changes enacted at 
national and European scales.

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

StadsSalonsUrbains Urban Lecture Series 2021-22: Cities for People, not for Profit. From private ownership to communal stewardship

2021-09-29 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming StadsSalonsUrbains public 
lecture series organized by the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies (Vrije 
Universiteit Brussels) in association with the Brussels Academy. Lectures take 
place on selected Fridays, 5:30-7:30 PM Brussels time. The first one is 
scheduled coming Friday 1 October.

This year’s theme is “Cities for People, not for Profit. From private ownership 
to communal stewardship” and we have a great line-up, see below and also here

  *   1/10/2021: Tine De Moor (Erasmus University Rotterdam) - Collective 
urbanism? Challenges and opportunities for commons in cities in past, present 
and future.
  *   8/10/2021: Brett Christophers (Uppsala University) - Blackstone in the 
house: Asset managers, rent, and urban housing
  *   19/11/2021: Melanie Lombard (The University of Sheffield) - Beyond 
displacement: Territorialisation in the port city of Buenaventura, Colombia
  *   10/12/2021: Platforma de Afectadas por la Hipoteca - Mobilizing against 
Foreclosures and Evictions: The Experience of the PAH in Spain
  *   25/3/2022: Kamna Patel (University College London) - Property as 
citizenship: challenges to realising an inclusive citizenship
  *   22/4/2022: Rosalba Icaza (Erasmus University Rotterdam) - Social 
Struggles and Coloniality (of gender)
  *   13/5/2022: Massimo De Angelis (University of East London) - The City as a 
commons: deep democracy, diffused governance and social reproduction
Lectures generally take place IRL behind closed doors due to the pandemic 
situation, yet there is also livestreaming in place for those joining remotely:

Just tune in!

Best wishes,

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels

JOB alert: PhD bursary "Circular Construction and the City" at Vrije Universiteit Brussels

2022-08-15 Thread David BASSENS
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members,

The Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) is hiring a PhD researcher on the 
interdisciplinary theme “Circular Construction and the City”. We offer a PhD 
bursary (1 year, renewable up to 4 years). The successful candidate will join 
Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research and the Architectural Engineering 

More info on the theme below. Info on the application procedure via

Deadline 15 September 2022.

Feel free to share in your networks!

Best wishes and thanks,


Theme: The theme of the research project is ‘‘Circular Construction and the 
City: The spatial embeddedness of the circular construction economy in 
Brussels, 1980-current”. The PhD project is embedded in the wider 
interdisciplinary research project entitled ‘Re-building Brussels (1695-2025): 
The construction sector as an engine for social inclusion and circularity’, 
which is based on a collaboration between the research groups Cosmopolis: 
Centre for Urban Research, VUB Architectural Engineering, and Historical 
Research into Urban Transformation Processes. The PhD project will be jointly 
supervised by Cosmopolis and VUB Architectural Engineering.

In addition to a reconceptualization of economic models for closed-loop 
systems, transitions to a circular economy also require rethinking how circular 
activities are spatially embedded in metropolitan areas. Currently, productive 
activities are experiencing the pressure of rising land values leading to their 
exodus, while urban labor markets remain deeply segmented. As such, circularity 
is as much about striving for environmental goals as it is about recalibrating 
urban development around circular (re)production, innovation, and the 
revalorization of material-related activities and former waste-related sites. 
For a city like Brussels, the challenge is to square the circle and create 
inclusive circular jobs, redevelop brownfields, and set up new circular 
(re)production/innovation hubs without gentrification.

Focusing on the case of the Brussels construction economy in the period 
1980-current, the proposed PhD research project studies how the circular 
economy is spatially embedded in the metropolitan area. Four analytical angles 
are proposed:

  *   Circular production: where are production sites (ateliers, storage, etc.) 
located and how are these connected to wider supply chains/sites in the region 
and beyond?
  *   Circular innovation: what are the clusters and networks of circular 
building innovation? What are the agglomerative and networked dynamics of these 
ecosystems? How does knowledge flow in these ecosystems?
  *   Circular construction employment: what are the processes that enable the 
labor market embeddedness of the circular construction economy?
  *   Circular economy hubs? To what extent is revalorization driving 
(industrial) gentrification? And what are the land-value dynamics of temporary 
use of vacant land?

During your research you collaborate closely with three other PhD researchers 
who focus on the history of (de)construction and reuse, and the history of 
labor market inclusion in the Brussels construction sector.

Associate Professor @ Cosmopolis: Centre for Urban Research
Treasurer @ FinGeo: The Global Network on Financial Geography
Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F – Room 4.63
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels