Re: [Elecraft] Is the K3 capable of ESSB?

2007-08-11 Thread David Pratt

In a recent message, Ron D'Eau Claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...

One of the important activities we Hams participate in is experimenting with
various signal formats (or "modes" if you prefer). Fortunately, our licenses
in most countries give us a lot of latitude about what is legal. Certainly
the USA is a very lenient country in that regard.

In the UK our licence states.

"The bandwidth of emissions should be such as to ensure the most 
efficient utilisation of the spectrum. In general this requires that 
bandwidths be kept to the lowest values which technology and the nature 
of the service permits."

To me that means 2.7kHz wide ssb is more efficient that 6kHz ;-)

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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RE: [Elecraft] Is the K3 capable of ESSB?

2007-08-11 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

> If you'd like to read one of many reasonably balanced views 
> of the use of ESSB, check this web site. I don't know the 
> fellow, but from what I've read of his site, I agree with him.
> But then, I tend to agree with most who speak in terms of 
> moderation...

That site is full of misinformation and is hardly "moderation." 

Many years ago AT&T (Bell Labs) proved rather conclusively that 
an audio bandwidth of less than 3 KHz (generally about 2.4 - 2.7 
KHz) was all that was necessary for reasonable "communications 
quality" or "tool grade" voice.  Most communications services - 
including government HF voice circuits and the US amateur rules 
for 60 Meters - are based on 2.5 KHz "Channels" (2K4J3E USB with 
a slight "guard band").  That makes a very good standard against 
which to judge "minimum necessary bandwidth" - particularly on a 
crowded band.  There is no communications requirement for a 6 (or 
even 5) KHz audio bandwidth - that's equivalent to the old "remote 
broadcast lines" that Ma Bell made available only on a limited 
basis through much of the history of analog telephony.  

Anyone who makes the "AM requires 6 KHz" argument is comparing 
apples and oranges.  6 KHz AM (6K00A3E) represents a highest 
modulating frequency of 3 KHz - comparable to 2K70J3E!  Most 
amateurs will relax the minimum bandwidth a little and accept 
2.7 or 2.8 KHz vs. 2.4 KHz at the 6 dB points.  That represents 
an audio response of 200 Hz or 300 Hz to 3 KHz.  However, there 
is no intelligent reading of Part 97 that supports (justifies) 
the use of 4K00J3E, 5K00J3E or 6K00J3E any more than it will 
support 8K00A3E (8 KHz wide AM - 100 Hz  to 4 KHz audio) or 
10K00A3E (10 KHz wide AM - 100 Hz to 5 KHz audio).  
The ESSB argument is nothing more than a small group of individuals 
saying "I will do it because I have the technology to do it."  
That's the same as saying "I'm going to drive 160 MPH on the 
interstate because my car can go that fast."  It's a dangerous, 
selfish and short sighted attitude.  


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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RE: [Elecraft] Is the K3 capable of ESSB?

2007-08-11 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Oh my, I hope not 

Shades of 14178    terrible amateur 
practice, and ... at times ... patently illegal.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP


The ESSB the K3 transmits is perfectly in keeping with normal Amateur

Note that there are *NO* FCC rules about the bandwidth of an SSB (or other)
signal that say a certain bandwidth is "illegal".

ESSB, properly done as the K3 does it, uses no more spectrum than AM phone,
which is perfectly within the normal amateur practice on the phone bands.
(Actually, the last I heard, the K3 ESSB mode occupies *less* than the 6 kHz
of a normal AM phone signal). 

If you haven't listened to ESSB on a good ESSB receiver when conditions are
good, you're missing a treat. 

It's true that narrow-band SSB will get "communications" through where ESSB
won't under bad conditions but, in my mind, that does not make ESSB any less
of a mode, just as SSB isn't any less of an acceptable mode just because it
occupies many times the bandwidth of a CW signal.

This is one of those subjects that has created a great many extreme (and
impolite) claims that the practice is "illegal". Even though I'm a CW
operator, they are patiently nonsense to me. Perhaps it's because I've been
pounding brass long enough to remember absurd petitions half a century ago
to make "phone" illegal on the Ham bands because it took up too much
spectrum space! 

One of the important activities we Hams participate in is experimenting with
various signal formats (or "modes" if you prefer). Fortunately, our licenses
in most countries give us a lot of latitude about what is legal. Certainly
the USA is a very lenient country in that regard. I would hope our Hams
could be as lenient as the FCC, but there are always extremists pounding on
their pulpits about the absurdity and unfairness of it all. It's their right
in our society to say those things. 

If you'd like to read one of many reasonably balanced views of the use of
ESSB, check this web site. I don't know the fellow, but from what I've read
of his site, I agree with him.

But then, I tend to agree with most who speak in terms of moderation...


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[Elecraft] ESSB from a K3

2007-08-11 Thread Fred (FL)
Evidently, the K3 does not support ESSB, or for
sure it shouldn't.  For me, I learned the very 
edges of what ESSB supposedly is - but nothing
about it here.



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Re: [Elecraft] ESSB from a K3

2007-08-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


I really think you are phishing, but then I am not the list cop.

IMHO, if you want to transmit 'high fidelity', then you should obtain a 
commercial broadcasting license.  In the ham bands, I believe the rule 
of minimum bandwidth required for communications should prevail.  2.8 or 
less bandwidth for communications purposes is adequate in most instances 
for communications purposes IIRC.  Another opinion - in the ham bands, 
the 'be kind to your neighbor' rule applies, and excessive bandwidth 
violates that premise.


Fred (FL) wrote:

OK ...

What good is ESSB?  For good, bad, illegal - 
K3 is capable apparently of generating it, in

some mode.  If one can't transmit it, legally
or ethically - why for heavan's sake - would
I want the capability to receive it?

Are us poor hams, destined to have 2.7khz
or LESS, forever and a day?  Does SSB, as it
did in 1964 - have to sound a little limited,
a little hard to read, a little squeakier
than those good ole AM rigs?
(boy this ought to get some posts!)  :)



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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2007-08-11 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening,
   They say when one door closes another opens.  It appears I have a  
number of doors opening for me.  This is good!  I have not had a chance to  
get on the air this week because of work related spells of activity.   
However, I was on the air quite a bit today for our local airshow.  We  
used at least five different modes, three bands, and many different  
frequencies.  I worked closely with the police and fire departments along  
with the 911 team and got to know them all just a little better.  I also  
was able to work with the local ARES/RACES and CERT teams.  It was fun.   
Hopefully the Blue Angels have left me with some hearing.  It it just too  
enjoyable watching them do things with aircraft which seem to break the  
laws of physics.
   The weather has been a bit grey until today with daytime temperatures  
in the low to mid 50s.  The last couple of days I kept a fire going.  In  
town it was rather warm but by the time I climbed the mountain and got  
into the house the fire felt very nice.  Sam was sleeping next to it when  
I came in and is now eating dinner.  Mine is coming but I need to get this  
note off before I fall asleep.  I had to arise at 5 AM but awoke long  
before that dreaming of being late.  Since I was one of the folks required  
to open the place I had to be there especially early.  I was not late so I  
got to the morning briefing of the police and fire officials and learned a  
lot more about the incident command system.  We have to take the ICS 100,  
200, 700, and 800 courses but there is nothing like hands on experience to  
drive home the lessons.  I also proselytized a bit about amateur radio.


1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP  help)

   Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

 Kevin.  KD5ONS
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RE: [Elecraft] ESSB from a K3

2007-08-11 Thread Brett gazdzinski
That's why I never use ssb, it sounds nasty, even ESSB.

There is NO reason to run narrow ssb if the band is wide open,
what is that hurting?

I am glad I can still run AM, which sounds good and is easy to
build equipment for.

Some people seem to think its important to always use
the minimum bandwidth for communications, but I don't think
that would be ssb at all

I don't bother to get on when things are crowded, although
CW would be fine on a crowded band.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fred (FL)
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 9:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] ESSB from a K3
> OK ...
> What good is ESSB?  For good, bad, illegal - 
> K3 is capable apparently of generating it, in
> some mode.  If one can't transmit it, legally
> or ethically - why for heavan's sake - would
> I want the capability to receive it?
> Are us poor hams, destined to have 2.7khz
> or LESS, forever and a day?  Does SSB, as it
> did in 1964 - have to sound a little limited,
> a little hard to read, a little squeakier
> than those good ole AM rigs?
> (boy this ought to get some posts!)  :)
> Fred
> __
> __
> Got a little couch potato? 
> Check out fun summer activities for kids.
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] ESSB from a K3

2007-08-11 Thread Fred (FL)
OK ...

What good is ESSB?  For good, bad, illegal - 
K3 is capable apparently of generating it, in
some mode.  If one can't transmit it, legally
or ethically - why for heavan's sake - would
I want the capability to receive it?

Are us poor hams, destined to have 2.7khz
or LESS, forever and a day?  Does SSB, as it
did in 1964 - have to sound a little limited,
a little hard to read, a little squeakier
than those good ole AM rigs?
(boy this ought to get some posts!)  :)



Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
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[Elecraft] ESSB from a K3

2007-08-11 Thread Ken Kopp

An ignoble use for an elegant K3 ...

Ken Kopp - K0PP

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[Elecraft] Is the K3 capable of ESSB?

2007-08-11 Thread Ken Kopp

Oh my, I hope not 

Shades of 14178    terrible amateur 
practice, and ... at times ... patently illegal.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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[Elecraft] Is the K3 capable of ESSB?

2007-08-11 Thread Fred (FL)
 Is the K3 capable of ESSB? 

The K3 FAQ indicate ESSB is possible, given one
has the correct filter(s) installed.

Does ESSB refer only to RECEIVED RX audio, in
the SSB mode?  It might be a dumb question -
but does full-ESSB mean, one can TRANSMIT
higher quality audio, in some sort of ESSB
TRANSMIT mode?  In other words, in a modern
SSB transceiver, like the K3, do we have
control over the bandwidth of SSB audio
going out over the antenna - beyond
the sacred 2.7Khz 3 db points of SSB

Can I transmit 4 khz width voice SSB, with my
K3?  Splatter, distortion in Tx?

 sounds intresting!

Fred, N3CSY


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Re: [Elecraft] KPA100 bias issues...

2007-08-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


If you do not have proper removal equipment and are having ANY problems 
getting it out intact - forget trying to remove it intact - clip its 
leads off and remove them one leg at a time.

You may find it quicker to ask Elecraft for a replacement than waiting 
for shippment from another source.  A note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will 
likely have the part on its way to you Monday.


Steve Kallal wrote:


I found that I'd installed U7 backwards. U7 is at the heart of the bias
control. I can't find a cross reference for LMC6482 at a couple of local
parts stores. I don't know if removing it and reinstalling it will work. I
am having problems removing and it may have been damaged.

I am trying to find a cross reference on the interent and seeing if a couple
of parts stores might have it. They don't have a reference for it.


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RE: [Elecraft] KPA100 bias issues...

2007-08-11 Thread Steve Kallal

I found that I'd installed U7 backwards. U7 is at the heart of the bias
control. I can't find a cross reference for LMC6482 at a couple of local
parts stores. I don't know if removing it and reinstalling it will work. I
am having problems removing and it may have been damaged.

I am trying to find a cross reference on the interent and seeing if a couple
of parts stores might have it. They don't have a reference for it.


Steve N6VL

-Original Message-
From: Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 3:06 PM
To: Steve Kallal
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA100 bias issues...


Rotate the KPA100 bias pot back to its full counterclockwise position, make
certain you have a good dummy load on the KPA100, and then try the steps

First, determine if the current draw at 0.1 watts is high in the base K2 or
the KPA100.
Disconnect the ribbon cable to the KPA100 and measure the current draw -
expect 240ma to 360 ma - this will depend on how many options you have
installed - low end if you have no options and high end if your K2 has a
full house (especially the KDSP2).  If you have considerably more current
draw than that, re-look at the base K2 for the cause.

If your current draw is within range, power off and install the ribbon cable
- the KPA100 will add some to the current draw found in the above step -
expect 50 to 100 ma more..

Now turn the power up to 11 watts or higher - the current should increase
another 100 to 150 ma depending on the state of the fan.

When all the above is within range, put the K2 into CW TEST - that is very

Add 400 ma to whatever the current draw was in the above 11+ watt check
- that is your desired final bias current setting.

Now press TUNE - at first the current will not increase very much, but with
rotation of the bias pot, the current should increase.  Find the place where
the current increases about 400 ma and stop for now - you are close.

Go out of  TUNE by tapping any button - do not power off or you will lose
the CW TEST condition (that is why you received the HI REFL message).

Enter TUNE and quickly check the current draw and exit TUNE.  The current
draw will climb after a half second or so, but the initial reading on your
DMM may be too low because the gate timing on your DMM is not synchronized,
so look at the reading for the second scan - in other words wait more than a
tenth of a second and less than half a second to see the correct reading.

If the reading is too low adjust the pot slightly clockwise, but if it is
too high, adjust it a tiny bit in the counterclockwise direction.


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Re: [Elecraft] KPA100 bias issues...

2007-08-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


Rotate the KPA100 bias pot back to its full counterclockwise position, 
make certain you have a good dummy load on the KPA100, and then try the 
steps below:

First, determine if the current draw at 0.1 watts is high in the base K2 
or the KPA100.
Disconnect the ribbon cable to the KPA100 and measure the current draw - 
expect 240ma to 360 ma - this will depend on how many options you have 
installed - low end if you have no options and high end if your K2 has a 
full house (especially the KDSP2).  If you have considerably more 
current draw than that, re-look at the base K2 for the cause.

If your current draw is within range, power off and install the ribbon 
cable - the KPA100 will add some to the current draw found in the above 
step - expect 50 to 100 ma more..

Now turn the power up to 11 watts or higher - the current should 
increase another 100 to 150 ma depending on the state of the fan.

When all the above is within range, put the K2 into CW TEST - that is 
very important.

Add 400 ma to whatever the current draw was in the above 11+ watt check 
- that is your desired final bias current setting.

Now press TUNE - at first the current will not increase very much, but 
with rotation of the bias pot, the current should increase.  Find the 
place where the current increases about 400 ma and stop for now - you 
are close.

Go out of  TUNE by tapping any button - do not power off or you will 
lose the CW TEST condition

(that is why you received the HI REFL message).

Enter TUNE and quickly check the current draw and exit TUNE.  The 
current draw will climb after a half second or so, but the initial 
reading on your DMM may be too low because the gate timing on your DMM 
is not synchronized, so look at the reading for the second scan - in 
other words wait more than a tenth of a second and less than half a 
second to see the correct reading.

If the reading is too low adjust the pot slightly clockwise, but if it 
is too high, adjust it a tiny bit in the counterclockwise direction.


Steve Kallal wrote:

I have progressed through the KPA100 adjustments with NO issues until I got
to the bias adjustments on pages 49 and 50. I am unable to get any current
reading changes when adjusting R6. First of all, my current drain at 0.1
watts is about 500 mA rather than the 200 to 400 mA mentioned in the manual.
When I go into TUNE mode and set the power to 11 watts, the current drops to
about 600 mA and there is NO current change when adjusting R6. There are two
errors that pop up on the LCD display. First it displays HI REFL and then PA
HOT. I went back and double checked my TPA and SWR settings from the
previous section. All is OK.


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[Elecraft] KPA100 bias issues...

2007-08-11 Thread Steve Kallal
I have progressed through the KPA100 adjustments with NO issues until I got
to the bias adjustments on pages 49 and 50. I am unable to get any current
reading changes when adjusting R6. First of all, my current drain at 0.1
watts is about 500 mA rather than the 200 to 400 mA mentioned in the manual.
When I go into TUNE mode and set the power to 11 watts, the current drops to
about 600 mA and there is NO current change when adjusting R6. There are two
errors that pop up on the LCD display. First it displays HI REFL and then PA
HOT. I went back and double checked my TPA and SWR settings from the
previous section. All is OK.

I welcome any suggestions or hints at this point.


Steve N6VL

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Re: [Elecraft] K2: KAT2 null adjustment

2007-08-11 Thread Leigh L Klotz, Jr.

One easy check is to make sure all relay pins are soldered.  It is easy 
to miss one, especially near one of the board vias (empty through-holes0 
and a missed coil pin gives you a 50% chance of having the relay stuck 
such that an extra L or C is on the at all times.
Others will respond with a more thorough checklist, but this is a really 
easy visual check.

On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 6:27 am, Peter Wollan wrote:

According to the manual, it should be possible to adjust the null to
000, and it should be a broad null.  On mine, it was extremely sharp,
and wouldn't get lower than 010, flickering to 011.  Does this indicate
a problem?  I went ahead and finished the installation -- the voltages
were fine, and the tuner seems to work just dandy.

I'm using a homemade dummy load, which seems to test out ok at least at
the lower frequencies, and I don't have a calibrated wattmeter (yet,
will borrow one soon).

Can/should the null be recalibrated, even though the resister has been

Peter N8MHD

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Re: [Elecraft] K2: KAT2 null adjustment

2007-08-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


Yes, the KAT2 can be nulled without removing R6, and yes, obtaining a 
minimum reading of 10 or 11 is quite normal.

The reason for initially having R6 not installed has to do with checking 
for shorts - but since the manual calls for a specific voltage range for 
the check, the null procedure has to be completed first.  There is no 
need to remove R6 when rechecking the null.

If you have a good 50 ohm resistive dummy load and have an RF Probe, you 
can calibrate the forward power with those tools, and they will be more 
accurate than a run-of-the-mill wattmeter.  P=V^2/R - Power equals (RMS 
voltage squared) divided by the Resistance.  Several trials should 
result in a well calibrated wattmeter inside the KAT2.


Peter Wollan wrote:

According to the manual, it should be possible to adjust the null to
000, and it should be a broad null.  On mine, it was extremely sharp,
and wouldn't get lower than 010, flickering to 011.  Does this indicate
a problem?  I went ahead and finished the installation -- the voltages
were fine, and the tuner seems to work just dandy.  

I'm using a homemade dummy load, which seems to test out ok at least at
the lower frequencies, and I don't have a calibrated wattmeter (yet,
will borrow one soon).  

Can/should the null be recalibrated, even though the resister has been

Peter N8MHD

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[Elecraft] K2: KAT2 null adjustment

2007-08-11 Thread Peter Wollan
According to the manual, it should be possible to adjust the null to
000, and it should be a broad null.  On mine, it was extremely sharp,
and wouldn't get lower than 010, flickering to 011.  Does this indicate
a problem?  I went ahead and finished the installation -- the voltages
were fine, and the tuner seems to work just dandy.  

I'm using a homemade dummy load, which seems to test out ok at least at
the lower frequencies, and I don't have a calibrated wattmeter (yet,
will borrow one soon).  

Can/should the null be recalibrated, even though the resister has been

Peter N8MHD

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[Elecraft] RE: Next K2 Addon

2007-08-11 Thread Peter Wollan
>what is the logical next step, auto-tuner or SSB board?

Both the auto-tuner and the SSB board make the K2 much more capable, and
I think you should do both -- in whatever order you want, over whatever
time period you want.  Give yourself Christmas or Birthday presents over
the next couple of years.  

But:  before you button up the basic K2, put in the connector for the
auto-tuner.  It's trivial before the heat sink is installed, while
removing the heat sink and re-installing it is an unpleasant job.  Most
unpleasant jobs are good for you -- they improve character -- but not
this one.

If you don't buy the KAT2 along with the basic kit, at least ask for the
connector and install it, just in case.  

Peter N8MHD

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 parts identification/substitution

2007-08-11 Thread smithyg2004-k2list
For anyone searching the email list archives: Elecraft Support (who reply 
incredibly fast) have confirmed that both components are correct 
(gold-blue-gray-silver is correct for RFC6 and for Q6, 2SC5739 is a substitute 
for a 2SC2166. 

  73 de Graham G3ZOD.
  Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 23:24:51 +0100 (BST)
Subject: K2 parts identification/substitution

  Hi.  My K2 RFC6 is gold-blue-gray-silver.  Is this correct?  I.e. all my 
other RFCs have the tolerance band *after* the three bands for the value 
whereas RFC6 has it *before" them.  Just another manufacturer's quirk?
  My K2 Q6 driver transistor is marked "C5739" which doesn't match the parts 
list (says it should be a 2SC2166).  Is this a substitute or an incorrect 
  Many thanks,
  Graham G3ZOD.
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